#luffy is a turd
pixelhotsauce · 5 months
I gotta let you niggas know
I am not impressed with One Piece
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mugiwara-lucy · 11 months
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I've said this in passing but Momonosuke has to be the BEST DEVELOPED CHARACTER in the Wano Arc!
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gumpistol · 9 months
Luffy owes him for cleaning out his pantry.
He is going to eat his reindeer.
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❝ i was doing you a favor!! i made room for more food! ❞ it seems like sound logic to the straw hat captain. why wouldn't someone want to get even more food??
@ferromagnetiic / unprompted
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Head Over Heels (Law X TomBoyF!Reader)
(A little dabble I thought while taking a piss 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 like 3 minutes ago)
Warnings⚠: None
[Part 1/?]
Law meets Luffys older (by like a year) sister who honestly the type of girl he’d imagine being the big sister to the Straw Hat and BOY is she just fiiiiiiiine!
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3 brothers!
Imagine growing up with 3 idiot brothers with only one of them being less stupid. Fist fights, rolling around in mud and dirt, covered in blood from hunting, needing a bath every night to not get sick. Haha God I love those idiots!
Law doesn’t know why he’s here, walking down a random street on a random island with the idiot Straw Hat Luffy. As the two walk, Luffy lets out a loud yell as he sees a familiar older girl walking down the street. “HEEEEEEY! (YYYYY/NNN)!”. He calls way too loudly, drawing the attention of everyone including the girl. She turns in confusion, the gasps as she looks over with wide eyes and a bright smile.
Luffy jolts off over to the girl, the Captain of the Heart Pirates groaning as he slowly walks to catch up. He sees her wearing baggy long pants and a bikini, saddles and a small pack bag through the belt parts of her pants. Luffy jumps and hugs her, who hugs him back. “No way! It’s so good to see you again little dude!”. She greets him. “I’ve missed you so much!”. Luffy cries. (Y/n) pulls off the younger kid, putting him in a headlock as she ruffles his hair with his knuckles.
“You little fuck! I thought your ass was dead you little shit! Scared me half to death! I swore I saw the light!”. She snaps at him angrily, tightening her hold as he starts to choke. “I-I’m sorry! Please don’t kill me!”. Luffy breathes out, spazzing in her hold.
The Heart Pirate Captain finally catches up, looking at the two with a raised eyebrow. “The hell are you?”. (Y/n) asks the taller man, looking up at him. A thump goes through his whole body, strange. “Th-this is my friend!”. Luffy chokes out, now trying to pull her arm away. “No shit! Can’t believing you made a friend that isn’t some 30 year old guy!”. She says happily.
Law looks at his now turning blue friend, his cheeks reddening at the sign of his face so squished against her boob. “Hope this little turd hasn’t been too much of a pain in the ass”. She tells him, finally letting go of Luffy to let him fall to the ground. ‘Yes, he has been a giant pain in my fucking ass’. “No, not at all”. He responds. ‘Damn it!’.
She then hums, getting on her tippy toes and leans right up into his face. “Holy crap! You’re that Law guy! I heard about you! Your bounty is like crazy high at like 3,000,000,000 berries!”. She points out in shock. “Yeah! Isn’t he awesome!”. Luffy cheers, now back on his feet. “It is quite impressive, I must say”. She hums, holding her chin with her hand as she nods.
“Uh…th-thanks”. He mutters, gripping the brim of his hat to lower it to hide his slowly growing blush. ‘What’s with this woman? Why am I like this? Damn it!’. “So, whatchu up to these days?”. Luffy asks his older sister, the two turning to each other. “Oh ya know, just traveling around looking for anything to do! Probably doing the least to piss off the old man out of us kids”. She answers, leaning with her hand on her hip.
“How bout you? I’ve seen that your bounty has only been goin up so ya still trying to be King of the Pirates?”. She asks. “Yep! And it’s only gonna go up and I’m gonna be king!”. He responds happily. She chuckles at her little brother. “I believe it! Remember I’ve been your number one supporter since day one”. She reminds him, nudging his arms with her elbow.
She then turns back to the other captain, feeling an arrow go through his heart when her eyes meet his. “Mind if I hang with you guys for a while? Just for a bit, I wanna catch up with my baby brother”. She asks him oh so kindly. Law felt as if his heart stopped, chocking and spitting out his own spit. Luffy laughs at his reaction while his sister just stares.
She reaches into her bag and pulls out a handkerchief, holding it out to him. “Do you…need this?”. She asks nervously, never really seeing a guy act like this before in her life. “Uh…”. He takes the handkerchief from her, feeling the soft fabric on his fingers. “Thanks”. He thanks, raising it to clean his face. “Oh man! You should have seen your face!”. Luffy laughs at his older friend.
He holds the handkerchief back to her, her hand grazing his as she takes it back. Her finger tips are as soft as silk, her fingers smoothly sliding off his. Laws nose suddenly bursts, blood gushing out his nose like a hose. “Holy crap!”. The girl yelps, jumping back while Luffy bursts out laughing again. “Hahaha! Now you’re like Sanji!”. He laughs, holding his stomach from all his laughing.
(Y/n) looks at her brother with a concerned expression. “Is he uh…usually like this?”. She asks him. “Hehehe, nope!”. He simply answers. All Law can do it turn away from the two, his face a dark beet red. Never in his life has he been this embarrassed just because of some girl. (Y/n) leans over so she can whisper in Luffys ear. “Should I leave and we catch up a different time?”. She whisper asks him, causing the younger boy to turn and look at her.
“No no it’s fiiiine! Just give him a minute”. He reassures her. She hums as she leans away from her baby brother, then just to lean back over. “He said he acts like a friend of yours, what’s he like?”. She asks him. “Oh you mean Sanji? He usually acts like that around girls, he really likes girls”. Luffy answer. Oh…OH!!! Oh~. “Oh I see~”. She coos, leaning away from her little brother again.
“Huh? Get what?”. Luffy questions. (Y/n) then grabs Laws hand, gaining his attention and causing him to freeze in place. “So Law, are you here for long? Perhaps we can meet up and you can tell me some stories of dumb shit my baby brother has done?”. She asks him, sending him a little wink. His nose starts to bleed again, but he’s able to muster out a nod. “Cool! Now why don’t we go somewhere nice and chat!?”. She says happily, linking arms with her brother and dragging the two down the street.
Trafalgar Law, Died Age 26
Death By Blood Loss & Heart Attack Caused By Luffys Hot Older Sister
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bottlepiecemuses · 10 months
Pro-Palestinian Turds Don't Wave Luffy's Flag If You Shitheads Are Also Going To Ignore Shit Like This
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A month or two ago you selectively oblivious asshats had the nerve to put up the Strawhat flag as if the Strawhats without question would support the Palestinian side. You guys wanted to make it seem like this was a black and white situation where the Palesintian side were complete angels while the Israeli side were one dimensional oppressive villains.
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Here is one of the victims who cam home. She came back mute and traumatized from the experience of being kidnapped after you shitheads tried to downplay the atrocities that Hamas did and tried to make it seem like Israel was the oppressor and needed to ceasefire. Her reaction after being kidnapped reminds me too much of a scene from One Piece and it involves another little girl who was also traumatized from a horrible situation of being kidnapped and abused.
You people want to say Free Palestine, but what are you doing in the name of that so-called liberation which is shown to include hurting children who probably did nothing you consider wrong. And in other words, maybe just maybe the Palestinian side isn't the side Luffy would go with because despite you hypocritical shitheads saying that Israel does collective punishment that's been a feature of the Palestinian side and more. I currently don't see anyone comforting this girl after what she did or outright ignore her and say her pain means nothing compared to a Palestinian child because I know and have seen you dumbasses downplay their drama because you have a narrow minded view of what privilege and oppression is. In other words, you people have no right to put up the Strawhat Jolly Roger because you guys aren't the good guys, so stfu.
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dizzydennis · 2 years
Dizzydennis Twitch Command List
!food !guns !garfield !scapelli !goodtogo !bikkuri !sad !sorry !physical !fireworks !didwegetem !butter !splash !jerkyballs !toshi !good !hi !oh !grave !sexymole !koopas !shot !howdoyoufeel !dammit !overlord !knuxhog !cheapskate !quack !mommy !hat !wth !hug !ohayo !youwhat !scream !redorb !fool !knowledge !f22raptor !luffy !garfield2 !pizza !pizzatime !giveup !volcano !marketman !rubbitz !kerfubeeoh !gilbert !seabass !perfect !drink !birthday !phantom !forward !credits !stupid !jump !oscar !minute !died !welcome !enjoyingthis !pizzazz !oyasumi !hustle !puffpuff !scream2 !thought !gremlin !wtf !empirebay !miserable !thereheis !balanced !keikaku !idkhow !broccoli !300bananas !holyshit !bingo !ow !betrayed !doneit !igetit !oink !cry !nomore !thankyou !ronnie !relax !turd !getthroughthis !happy !pottymouth !eat !yes !no !sickened !hey !easy !wth2 !sensible !adopted !house !kiryu !fraud !fanfiction !meatsweats !eachother !homer !help !yabbadabbadoo !friends !pants !waiting !space !kangaroojack !dennis !barney !canopener !spoon !stfu !dontwant !beherelong !finally !gun2 !bandage !genre !mymom !writing !peels !yogi !booboo !underwear !granddad !flintstones
Sonic the Hedgehog
!robotnik!otp !slipped !manners !power !eggsack !popcorn !sneeze (only if somebody sneezes on stream) !back !friend !focus !tactic !latte !token !digits !meow !outtahere !lurk !quit!whatawoman !tails !butt !hangtight !supreme !werehog !overkill !fun !imhere !myeyes !damn !bigman !charm !thanks !takeitback !moving !reason !nouse !gun !whoa !espio !herewego !hurt !egghead !kidding !naturally !levelup !yeah !victory !pretty !best !allout !rail !late !theend !partysover !proud !ghost !ohno !la !where !job !wrapitup !detours !robotnik2 !habit !daddy2 !wrong !mustache !crab !whatdo !hopes !asleep !topbanana !basic !soexciting !doing !cop !rouge !username !tatut !onpurpose !beans !again !forreal !imback !boobs !gottagofast !ban !scream3 !scream4 !bigplans !awhile !youdo !hype !go !ready !creation !rescue !bacon !humans !broken !ballsaved !snooze !gotthis !myday !disc !cool !windows !stalling !almost !doritos !unfortunate !grunt1 !grunt2 !please !popquiz !classicline !treasure !bunch !fight !dude !69 !fod !sonic? !x !mephiles G.U.N. !givememen !givemesonic !givemegun !gunbike !guncharlie !gundonefor !gunforgive !gunfriends !gungetaway !gunhold !gunhq !gunmonsters !gunnobody !gunplan !gunposition !gunsonic !gunspareme !gununderestimate !gunyujinaka !arkfall Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) !love !shrink !father !butter2 !babies !thirsty !die !deepref !pizzapower !cowabunga !revenge !wrap !vibe !mollywhop !3D !gangster !yeh !turtles !goodmove !raphael !microchip !lastone !pepperoni !goahead !lesson !radical !whatsgoingon !oldshred !goodnight !booyakasha !stupidlittlegirl !punch !throwup !vibing !cat Godzilla !roar !roar2 !godzilla !godzillasonic !scream2 !givemegodzilla !daddy !splat !zoo !sick !crap !twothings !gojira !minuscolor !dinosaur !courage !language !goose !g2g !godzillano !secret !destroy !fish !godzooky !kiss !swear Hello! Project (J-pop)
!typhoon !crazy1 !crazy2 !crazy3 !crazy4 !crazy5 !crazy6 !crazy7 !crazy8 !supercrazy !yesterday !taxi !party !prettygirl !cheese !gu !refrigeeta !banana !typhoontellyou !bikkuri2 !kitty !ohmygod !puke !lame !onceuponatime !ba !what !horse !ass !hello !moved !support !longtimenosee !iloveyou !bagel !necessary !hungry !ohayou !ohayou2 !byebye !support2 !genki !elevator !sugoi !kinasai !spacevenus !alive !counter !sexybeam !choice !test !yuhan !howmuch !positive !iikanji !duck !pen !cheerup !moveon !ten !junjun !bananaplease !yoshi !happybirthday !wakeupcall !handincheese !sunny !helloeveryone !bus !liar !bigsize !arigatou !stupid2 !delicious !idts
-------------------------------------------------- Redeemable Commands !cutiebeam !tv !hates !dino !sage !great !corn !bash !macaroniman !cow !launch !booty !silver !lookout !dragon !bomb1 !bomb2 !hopper Dizzydennis Exclusive Commands
!start !end !bye !solaris !poll !yliml !music1 (Godzilla Minus One - Montage) !music2 (Morning Musume - EDM) !music3 (Devil May Cry 4 - Total Result) !music4 (SatBK - It Doesn’t Matter) !music5 (The Flintstones - SNES Options) !freeze !kitten
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dandunn · 4 years
I really wish more zolu fics would remember how often Luffy is a complete turd and makes jabs at Zoro cause like... why wouldn’t you it’s so funny
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prince-luffy replied to your post: reminder to self: pretend to be white on vidja...
What fucking server is this. What the hell.
a bunch of turds. r/oblivion. i have to be able to prove white washing in a court of law. and i can’t say anything about “stupid political stuff” (only applies to race, apparently).
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deathshiva · 8 years
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☠️ #LOL ! So I got this #onepiece #luffy #figure out of my February #lootanime & my friend Alex says it looks like he's taking a #powerdeuce ! 😂 I had to add the little #turd #emoji underneath. ☠️
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fuckishimoto · 7 years
I'm a Sasuke fan and don't really care if he's an asshole, but the people pointing it out are ALWAYS the ones crying about how he treats Sakura, Naruto and Kakashi. Sakura is a fucking crazy bitch who harass him, Naruto is an emotionally inept turd who harass him, Kakashi is a hypocrite asshole who lecture him about shit he doesn't even understand. It's always these people. And all the characters do morally questionable things in Naruto so how is Sasuke worse than others? Stupid fandom.
why do people think team 7 have meaningful friendship? 
When Luffy tried get Sanji back to the crew, he’s like “give me straight answer, do you want to come back to the crew?” Sanji said yes, but he needed to save his shitty family first. And Luffy’s like “Ok, we’ll crash the wedding. It’s done.”
The rest of team 7 do not care about what sasuke wants. They don’t have mutual understanding or meaningful relationship.
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sanjiafsincedayone · 8 years
One Piece 856 - Review/Thoughts
Now I’ve been waiting for this chapter since this arc started and mostly I enjoyed it a lot... However I have some mixed feelings.
Haven’t written a review for like 10 chapters... ^^’‘‘ But I felt like I really really had to with this one! ;) I hope you enjoy my review of chapter 856 “Liar”!
SPOILERS under the cut.
We start in the mirror world, and I must say that I’m curious to see what Oda is up to, because right now it seems like Nami is about to lead them to where Luffy and Sanji are?
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But my guess is that Oda perhaps only used Nami mentioning it as a segway into the others learning that they fought? Chopper’s reaction is so cute though it���s also kinda ugly. ^^’‘‘
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And though Jinbei is right about Sanji not being easy to convince, we’re obviously getting past that part of the story now. I’m glad, because honestly I need Sanji to be properly happy again.
It’s kinda interesting to see Nami’s reaction to Jinbei’s words though...
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I mean, she obviously knows first hand how difficult it will be (was) to convince Sanji to come back so I’m sure she’s considering that. I also think she’s thinking back to the fight and possibly feels a little remoreseful about that slap now when things have “settled down“ a bit. I’m not sure. But either way she looks pretty upset about the prospect of Sanji not returning. So, not sure what Oda wants to convey, but it’s interesting. And yeah, it will be no mere ceremony. Again, Oda keeps hyping it up, so the wedding kind of has to happen.
It also seems like Jinbei might have some plan? Or at least he knows something we don’t know. Pekom’s might get back into the story soon, and with him the storyline of Capone. I wonder what they’re up to. Also, will Vito being a huge Vinsmoke fanboy come into play plotwise? Because I kinda feel like that would be an Oda-thing to do... We also see Bobbins getting shot (thank you Oda), and that feels even more like it would be Capone getting back into the story.
We then jump to the male Vinsmokes.
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The way they talk about Nami... Feels like they’re about to r*pe her!? O_o
Ignoring Oda making us all hate them even more, this feels like build up from when they all saw Nami and made heart-eyes. I kinda wonder where Oda is actually planning to go with this, because this facination with Nami in combination with how the brothers treated Cosette kinda scares me. It’s also possible this will lead up to some Sanji x Nami, but in what way I can’t say. I personally don’t really want Nami to be made into a damsel in distress, but I’d love for some good SaNami to come out of this.
Also, I wonder if the Vinsmoke are as dense as to trust Big Mom this much? Or if they’re just playing it up because of all the present homies? Also they keep on calling Sanji a dud and all kinds of horrible things and I don’t know how Oda plans to redeeem the Vinsmokes. Or more like I hope he doesn’t. I want to see Sanji kick their asses, at least one of them! I mean, we didn’t even get to see the fight between Sanji and Yonji.
Then everyone sleeps (except Reiju), and it seems we’re finally getting into the last day of this story. Also, what’s up with that dark shadow over Judge’s head?
Then we jump to the part I’ve been waiting for since Luffy and Sanji fought! And I thought Luffy looked funny in the last panel from the chapter before... But no, Oda goes and draws this:
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Actually the humor in this chapter and the previous one has been so good. I thought Luffy’s starved faces were as funny as they were horrible. He honestly looks like a monkey here... A two thousand year old monkey. Oda combining a heartfelt moment with some of the ugliest Luffy’s we’ve ever seen. ^^’‘‘
Sanji still tries to put up a front while offering Luffy the food. It was so cute to see Luffy though, who’s just happy to see Sanji, and then Oda also recreated the scene with Sanji as a child getting food to his mother in the rain. Cute, if perhaps a little cliche.
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I think this page and the two following it are my favorite part in this chapter... It just capture’s the whole situation and their two different personalities so well. It also looked really great. I also really like Luffy’s comment about all their favorite foods. :) I feel like this whole scene in the rain will just be so great to watch in anime form (please don’t mess it up Toei).
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Of course Sanji still tries to make Luffy leave... His reasons for not leaving were also really good to read, though I’m still not sure how Oda will manage the Vinsmoke part. Luffy of course gets angry at him and hits him (please spare Sanji’s face, it’s been through enough). Luffy screams at Sanji to tell the truth and BAM! The wall has finally been broken. We get to see some Sanji flashbacks and he starts crying. The “Luffy... I wanna go home to Sunny.“ Is such a nice moment, and finally we have reached the turning point of this arc.
I thought Oda did this rather nicely, and personally this was the best part for me:
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It truly highlights Sanji’s kindness, even though his “family“ doesn’t deserve it at all. But Luffy just going “yeah, that’s who you are” just knowing about Sanji’s kindness and completely rendering Sanji speechless was just great! I loved it, one of the most heartfelt moments in this whole arc so far. I love Luffy’s strong bonds to his nakama, and I can’t say it enough how great this is! As a Sanji fan it’s also nice to get confirmed how much Oda too loves Sanji, and that Sanji truly is a wonderful person.
Then Luffy says they’ll go wreck the wedding together. No big deal...
AAAAAHHH~~! No surpise there’s a break, but that’s fine, I can wait for what’s ahead. Thank you Oda for such a wonderful scene. :) <3
All in all, I loved the Sanji and Luffy parts in this chapter, but I am very curious to see how Oda will resolve the “Vinsmoke problem“. Because right now Oda is making us believe Sanji and Co will go and save them, while making them look like even bigger turds than they already are at the same time. Perhaps we’ll get something in between?
Let me know what you think. I  hope you enjoyed reading this reaview. I haven’t written one in a long time... Sorry? ^^’‘‘ But yeah, this chapter deserved a review. Thanks for reading. <3
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pixelhotsauce · 4 months
I really don't get why y'all like Luffy, he's a bratty turd
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mugiwara-lucy · 8 years
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Way to ruin the mood Zoro :O
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