#luis serra x fem!Reader
alessiathepirate · 1 year
Resident Evil 4
JEALOUSY: Luis Serra x fem!reader
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Summary: She always thought her lover was the most confident man she's ever met, she never thought Luis Serra'd be able to feel jealous.
Notes: English isn't my first language. I apologize for any mistake I made while I wrote this short story.
Man, writer's block hit me hard again. Sorry for disappearing.
Warnings: nothing, just some fluff because we all need it
She always thought her lover was the most confident man she's ever met. She surely never met anyone who was more open, more extroverted or even flirty than Luis Serra - and she never thought that his charm would work on her that easily. But it did, and now as she did her best to find Ashley Graham, the reason why she was in Spain and the reason why that accidental encounter with Luis happened, she was too distracted to only think about the U.S. or about her obligations and duty. She often found herself thinking about what is going on with his lover when they weren't exploring the grounds together, about where he is, how he is and about what will happen to them after they leave this cursed place behind.
He was a distraction sometimes, but a very handsome and sweet one. One she couldn't be mad at.
And now as she sat on top of a barrel, trying to enjoy the music what was playing in the background, while she patiently waited for Leon to finish at the shooting range, she was once again thinking about Luis Serra, who was right next to her with his hand on top of hers, but he seemed less lively than usual.
"Are you okay?" she asked quietly as she changed their hands' position and put hers on top of his instead.
"Of course I'm okay, cariño. You are right here with me."
"You sure?" she tilted her head, making him know she is serious.
"I am." he took her hand in his and pressed a kiss on it.
She looked back at Leon, who was reloading and then shooting again, seemingly not hearing their conversation.
Leon arrived a few days after she did, mostly as a back up after Hunnigan lost contact with her because of an unfortunate encounter with Mendez. Meeting him again after they spent so much time far away from the other was like meeting a family member. Her favourite family member. It was still awkward though, because the circumstances weren't the best for hugging and being happy. They had a girl to find.
She let out a small chuckle when her friend missed one of the targets.
"Great aim, Leon!" she said teasingly and laughed when she saw his expression.
"You would've never missed that one, cariño." Luis said as his hold on her hand tightened, making her look at his face, observing his gestures.
Compliments from him weren't unusual, God he complimented her ninty-nine percet of the time about everything: her aim, her body, her voice, the very horrible Spanish she spoke; but his eyes were full of love and flirty glint - not like in this moment. Now he just seemed empty. His voice didn't have that silvery tone what was always there when they were alone.
"Luis Serra Navarro," she started, doing her best to sound as serious as possible "don't lie to me. Something is bothering you and you don't want to tell me what it is."
His hold on her hand tightened again and for a moment she thought he will actually look at her and tell her what's wrong. But that wasn't the case. He just wrapped an arm around her waist while he put the other on top of the barrel, trapping her, not wanting to let her go, then he kissed her, successfully clouding her mind. Luis was a passionate lover, that was a fact and it was proven to her multiple times since they met. But she knew this sudden passion and the overwhelming emotions the kiss held were coming from a deeper source. It was rare his kisses were this rough, full of tension.
She put her hands on his shoulders as she gently pulled away, her lips trembling a little. She could feel her cheeks turning red from the realization - where they are, who they are with.
"Nothing is bothering me, cariño. I just wish we could be far away from here so I can finally take you out on the date I promised."
She stared at him for a long time, trying to get her thoughts straight.
Something is bothering him, that's for sure, but what could it be...
And then the realization hit her - dear God how could she be this blind? She let out a chuckle as she brushed her lover's hair and pressed a kiss to his forehead. She would've never thought that someone as confident as Luis Serra could feel jealous. It just wasn't possible in her mind.
But there were those moments... Calling Leon names, touching her more than usual, calling her on the radio almost every five minutes when they weren't together, the attention seeking...
"Luis Serra, you are jealous, aren't you?"
And then for the first time since they met, she saw him blush - and it was the cutest sight she's ever seen.
"Listen here, corazón, Leon is like a brother to me. I know him since Raccoon City and I never had any romantic feelings for him." she said slowly, making sure he understands and believes it without any doubt. "You on the other hand... Your flirting was working on me since the beginning." she smiled at him lovingly. "I love you."
They were looking at the other in silence for a few short seconds, while she let go of his hair and decided to draw some invisible shapes into his skin right under his jawline.
"I love you too, querida." and just like that the confident smile she loved so much was back. "And after we find the missing señorita we'll finally go on that date."
"I know we will." she returned the smile.
She was about to lean back and finally enjoy the music what was playing in the background, but Luis was having none of that. He took her hand and made her jump off of the barrel, landing close to him. She looked up at him, feeling a bit confused, but then he playfully twirled her around, making her laugh when she almost lost her balance.
"How about a dance before we go?"
"Oh, now you want to dance, huh?"
"Why, you don't want to?"
"Of course I want to, as long as I'm dancing with you."
And Leon, being the friend he is made sure he took his time at the shooting range, letting her have some fun before they have to get out and fight their way through enemies again.
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darling-i-read-it · 1 year
My Dulcinea
Luis Serra Navarro x fem!reader
Word Count: 4,3k
Warnings: re4 remake spoilers, lil bit of angst, canon level violence/zombies, talk of science being used for evil motives 
Author’s Note: hello my love I hope this is what you had in mind! I really wanted to write for Luis and I’m soooo happy I got to. I would be totally open to doing more with him <3 he’s such a sweetie <3 that being SAID i do not speak spanish, my high school teachers were not the greatest. Apologizes if the parts I attempted to do were laughably bad. I hope you enjoy love! 
Requested: by @astupidlover, Luis and the reader are two former scientists at umbrella, their relationship is a little complicated I mean the reader is a quiet and hardworking person while Luis is talkative and persistent, but he is in love with her, after the reader found out about the biological weapon manufactured by the company she quit and worked as a spy in multiple companies, she kept hearing the news of Luis because she could not leave him, but the thunder of the Raccoon City incident disappeared him, but she kept looking for him...She allied with agent Leon Kennedy between rescuing the president's daughter and finding him in the last refuge she has to look for him or surrender...she found him and they had to fix a troubled past between them(if you have a question I'm open to answering):)
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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Your lab coat was stained. You noticed it as you looked at yourself in the mirror with bags under your eyes. You had haphazardly tossed it off when you went to bed the night before. Sometimes your hours were neverending, akin to that of a doctor even though you didn’t have any patients. Well, you didn’t have any living patients that is. All of the ones you passed by you were dead or soon to be undead. 
There was a red stain on the wrist of your left arm. Proof of the night before, of the experiments that continued relentlessly. Umbrella’s Europe facility was vast and you often wondered why you had landed there. You were among people who didn’t know what they were researching any more than you did. 
You folded your sleeve up, hoping to ignore it until you had the brain power to deal with it. You left the bathroom and returned to the sterile work area. You made sure your hair was pulled out of your face as you entered your normal work space. It was a medium sized room, housed by you and your colleague Luis. Your personalities complimented each other, despite the severity of them. You tended to quietly work, your head doing all your talking. Luis, while brilliant, wanted to talk through everything. He would ask your opinion and then the banter would begin, even when you didn’t intend for it to. 
“You’re late,” Luis said in a sing-song voice. He was already sitting at his desk. There was a half-drunk cup of coffee there beside him. More than once he’s mixed that cup up with other substances. Today he had the caffeine in a bright red mug so that he could tell the difference. “Sleep finally catch up to you Dulcinea?” You smiled a bit at the nickname. It was apparently one of the characters from Don Quixote. He had told you the story of it as though he wrote it himself but truth be told, you weren’t always paying attention. 
“My bed was just so comfortable,” you promised. He leaned forward, taking off his protective glasses so you could see his eyes. You stood across the table from him. 
“I would love to second that statement. Do you think I could create my own experiment to verify?” You rolled your eyes, though your smile remained. Working with Luis was like this. You were glad not to be stuck with some of the other people in the building, stoic and all business. You wondered what you would look like beside them, if you would meld into their bland personalities. 
Luis kept you interesting. 
“Maybe someday Luis.” 
“I didn’t hear a no.” You narrowed your eyes at him. He had the lovesick puppy look again, the one you adored so much. You saw it at work frequently when you both avoided actually working. These days, the cause didn’t seem so exciting. It never seemed clear. Who were you making this for? 
“Back down dog,” you teased. He chuckled lowly and leaned back down in his chair. He put his glasses back down, looking back at what he was doing. You opened up some of your files and what you were working on the day before. In an instant the mood shifted. Luis could only bring so much light into a room with so much dread. 
The pictures alone sent a chill down your spine. 
The nagging at the back of your head returned. 
What was this worth? 
“Progress was made yesterday,” you said, dryly. You weren’t sure why you were talking about it. It was a Luis move, to talk yourself through something. But you said it anyway. He raised his head. 
“Good progress or bad progress?” When he met your eyes he knew the answer. He nodded solemnly. There wasn’t much Luis Serra couldn’t make a joke of but this was one of those rare instances he was silent. “We could always run away princesa.” He had been nagging at you about it. He was nearing the end of his rope too. 
You thought about the other people in the other rooms. Did they feel the same?
“Yeah,” you muttered. You looked back down to the pictures. “Do you ever just want to go home?”
“Use your vacation days, no?” You shook your head. 
“Just go back home and stay there.” There was something comforting about a place you could return to that had to accept you. The more you starred at the parasite the more you craved something more familiar. What would it have been like if Luis and you had met in a bar instead, careless and free? 
“Valdelobos has never been that forgiving to me,” he admitted. 
“There was nothing good about it?” There was a short pause as you imagined he remembered the good things. He had told you about the death of his grandfather and how much he enjoyed spending time with him. 
“It was too small,” he said. He shook his head and smiled softly, reminiscing. “I used to hunt with my abuelo. He would tell me stories, the most hermosas historias…” He shook his head. “He died when I was young. He would’ve liked you, he liked beautiful women.” You laughed a bit. “I’ll go back eventually.” 
“Good.” You nodded, thinking of your own home. There was a future out there for both of you that wasn’t stuck within these white walls. “Me too.” 
Umbrella’s European Facility was no longer the place you had hoped it would be. You were stuck in the neverending worry of dying for a cause you didn’t understand, let alone believe in. 
When you wiggled your way out you did it silently. You did it by slowly packing your bags, by keeping the boxes random, by moving them without suspicion. The last day you went to work you gave no indication that you would never be coming back. 
You felt bad. 
Luis’s eyes were the same as the day you had met him and you didn’t want to leave him behind. His alluring promises of leaving had gotten to your head and you only hoped they would get to his as well. You left him with nothing except a note in your files, all the things you left with loose ends, a small apology note and the imprint of your lipstick on a napkin. You thought he might appreciate it. Hopefully it would curb his frustration to know that you felt the same way about him that he felt about you. 
You worked quietly after that. In silence as you followed Umbrella’s otherwise inconspicuous work. You told people what you knew without leaving your name behind. You promised that you had never meant for it to get that bad, that you never wanted to use science like that. You never wanted to use your brain like that. 
You thought of Luis often. You thought of him when you heard a particularly funny joke. You thought of him when you saw a charming smile or when someone made a pass at you. There was never going to be another Luis Serra. 
Then Raccoon City happened and everything was put under a magnifying glass. Amongst those who had been subpoenaed publicly, Luis was not one of them. You could only hope he made it out of there alive before everything went down. You grappled with your work being done in such a violent manner. 
“You ready?” 
Leon’s voice was low. You were looking at the village home in front of you, wondering who had lived in it. It wasn’t the first time you had been swept up in something you hadn’t meant to. You sought out to save the world with science and now you were standing with a gun in the middle of Spain. 
“Yeah. Yeah sorry.” A gun had never been your forte. Your friendship with Leon blossomed as he lived through the Raccoon City incident and you offered insider information on Umbrella. The government sent the both of you through training. You would be physically dealing with your consequences and help Leon make sense of the world around him as you did so. 
He had hardened throughout the years you had known him. This wasn’t your first time you were together on something dangerous and it would likely not be the last. 
“I can’t believe you got roped into this,” he grumbled, leading. He had his hand on his gun, though he hadn’t pulled it out of the holster yet. “This was supposed to be a one man job. Limit as much reaction from the locals as you can.” 
“Guess they just wanted me to keep you in check,” you offered. You found your own voice had lost some of its life as well. How long would you and Leon be doing this? 
Though this time, you weren’t being truthful with him. You had heard him talking about it, briefly, and how he would be going to Spain to find something. You had no idea it was the President’s daughter when you insisted on tagging along. 
A place you had only heard of before, one that you had barely been able to find on a map. Luis’s home was a place you had only imagined through his words. You didn’t actually think you would find him here but you would be lying if you said your own agenda had nothing to do with coming here with Leon. 
Your conversation had been scarce leading up to where you currently were. There was so much to talk about but little to actually say about all of it. It just was. Leon opened the door with his flashlight. 
It was black inside. Your eyes adjusted to the large objects within. 
“Where’d the lights go?” he questioned dryly. 
“Power must’ve blown with everyone’s sanity,” you suggested. You pushed past him to see what was inside. There was no obvious movement. Leon moved around behind you. You had grown accustomed to his footsteps, knowing how they sound on different types of ground. You would never mistake Leon for someone coming to kill you.
As you entered another room, lighter from the sunlight, you saw different science equipment on the table. You squinted as you looked over it. Viles and a microscope had been discarded on the table. Beside it was a picture frame that was face down. You picked it up.
A little boy and his grandfather, from the looks of it. You didn’t want to think it was him but that’s where your brain went. The guitar hanging from the fireplace didn’t help your case. What if this had been Luis’s home? What if this had been the places he told you stories about, the place where he was raised? 
“Hey,” he called. You turned back around, shaking your thoughts. You had to focus. Leon had moved a bookshelf out of the way and was kneeling down. There was a hatch just next to the stairs. He undid it, opening it up. With it came a cloud of dust, as well as the smell of decay. He looked up at you. 
“Ladies first,” you joked as you approached. He kept his expression straight as he stood up. 
“I got your six,” he promised. 
“Always!” you said as you jumped down. You landed with a huff. It was dark, even more consumed with the black now that there were no windows. You could hear a soft movement further down the hallway. Could you even call it that? It was more like a long crypt. You raised your flashlight. A body was moving at the other end, though it was completely wrapped up in some kind of bag. 
“See anything?” Leon called. 
“Yeah. Just one person, tied up. Gimme a sec.” 
“Want me to come down?”
“I’m okay.” 
You approached slowly and with caution. You knelt beside the wiggling person and undid the top rope. A face emerged from the bag, tape over his mouth. 
You recognized each other at the same time as he stopped his muffled scream for help and became uncharacteristically quiet. You ripped off the tape. He groaned out of pain but quickly got over it. 
“Luis,” you breathed. You were right. You knew he would be here. 
“What are you doing here?” he questioned. Words stumbled out of your mouth. 
“Looking for you,” you said honestly. His eyes clouded over with some adoration mixed with anger. He opened his mouth to speak again but this time his eyes floated behind you. “Joder, not this guy!” You followed his gaze but was quickly taken out of your senses by a larger than life man. He picked you up by the waist and threw you across the room. 
Pain shot across from you like it was individually searching through your veins. You weren’t able to raise your head. Where was Leon? Your worry became overwhelming and you passed out.
Your senses took over before your brain had caught up. You were disoriented, desperately trying to search for the last memory you had. Your eyes opened slowly. Your vision was blurry. You were sitting down, against a hard surface. 
It took you about ten seconds to start to panic. Unable to move your hands was the last straw in realizing what had happened. You surveyed the room in front of you, happy to see that the only people there were Leon and Luis. They were both standing, hands above their heads, connected by some sort of chain mechanism. 
Luis was moving his hands down. Leon was still limp on the other side. You were tied to a support beam with rope. Luis turned to look at you, his face tight with concentration. 
You got a good look at him. 
He didn’t look all that different from what you remembered. You had lunch a couple times when you worked together but you usually saw him in his lab coat. Seeing him in jeans and a leather jacket was a nice change of pace. 
Seeing him at all was a breath of fresh air. You were still reeling that he was alive, in front of you, back home. 
“Welcome to mi casa,” he groaned. He turned his head, a sly smile on his face. “Sorry I didn’t clean, I wasn't expecting visitors.” You shook your head. For a moment you forgot you were tied to a beam and tried to move forward to him. He titled his head. There was something solemn about it. 
“How long have you been here?” 
“Is that all you want to ask me?” 
“Are you okay?” you asked instead. 
“Could be better.” He glanced forward, his eyes shifting. His eyes then remained on yours. “I can’t believe you’re here,” he whispered. “I never thought I’d see you again, Dulcinea.” 
“I’ve been looking,” you promised. “This isn’t exactly the easiest place to find on the map.” 
“You need a magnifying glass,” he said, quietly. Leon stood up straight, waking up with a start. He looked up at his hands and pulled them down. 
“Oh, what the fuck?” he muttered. Luis’s arms pulled above his head. 
“Hey, stop it!” Leon looked around and moved his arms so that he was facing Luis. 
“This yanqui got a name?” Luis questioned, turning around. 
“Leon,” you said. Leon turned to look at you as he started to weigh the options he had with the chain. 
“Why didn’t you get attached to this guy?” Leon questioned as he walked around, surveying his options. 
“Leon, this is Luis.” He stopped, only briefly. He looked between the two of you. 
“You two know each other?” he grumbled. 
“One could say that,” Luis said. “So did we pick the wrong spot to vacation, eh?” Leon moved quickly to the side. “Hey, stop it! You move, I move and I’m beat up enough as it is.” Leon looked up at the wheel keeping them together. Luis raised an eyebrow. “I see you’re thinking. Bet you’ve been in spots like this before, eh?” 
Your natural instinct was to roll your eyes but you couldn’t explain the warmth his sly voice gave you. 
“Lemme guess. You’re here looking for someone?” 
“Luis,” you warned.
“Me perhaps? Or maybe some missing senorita?” Leon stopped pulling. “A young girl?” He turned, ears perked up. He pulled down on the chain, pulling Luis towards him. 
“Talk. Now.” 
“See, heard chatter about moving a senorita.”
“Moving her. Where?” Leon questioned. He let Luis go. 
“Who knows? But later, saw some men dragging someone…to the old church.” They moved to even out the chain. They pulled down together with a grunt. Luis fell but Leon kept his balance. “Mierda.” 
“Woah!” you called, moving towards the incoming violent villager. 
Leon pulled Luis forward and they evened out the chain so that it was wrapped around the slashing villain. You watched, helplessly, as they pulled tightly to break the man's neck. The force knocked Luis and the limp man down beside you. Luis sat up, reaching for the key. You put your foot on it, making eye contact with him. 
“You’re not going anyway,” you argued. “I just found you.” Luis pressed his lips together. 
“Try not to be so eager,” he said. 
“Untie me.” 
“Why, when we could have so much fun with you tied?” You rolled your eyes. His sarcasm dissipated. “Oh my Dulcinea,” he whispered. Leon groaned, moving your foot over to grab the key. Luis moved forward, hands still bound, and untied you. 
“Where’s the old church?” Leon questioned. 
“We’re trying to have a heartfelt reunion yanqui,” Luis argued. You clenched your hands to get the blood flowing again. 
“You can be heartfelt as we walk.” 
“Leon,” you said, sternly. You weren’t often hard with him. He was in charge here, you were reserved to the job you were required to do. This was Luis. 
“We’re on a time crunch,” he retorted. You shook your head and Luis helped you up. He eyed the two of you, wondering why you were truly here. The last he had seen you, you were a quiet scientist, doing what you thought was good from behind closed doors. You were never one to grab a gun and march out into the fight. He imagined your friend was that type though. How close of friends were you?
“Can you take us there?” you asked. 
“It would usually cost a pretty penny, but for you princesa, I’ll waive the fee.” You nodded once, glad to have him back. You had emotions to work through but right now you were taking a page out of Leon’s book. Ignore it until you had a minute to breathe. 
The abandoned factory was unforgiving and tortuous. You followed Luis as he led, never quietly, trying to find the safest way to the church. He had gotten good with a gun. Maybe he had always been good. You couldn’t decide. 
Eventually you came to a fork in the road. A key was needed to move further on and that key was quite safely guarded behind an army of infected villagers. Luis was ready for another fight, always excited to be part of the action, but Leon insisted on scoping it out on his own while the two of you stayed back to see if there was another way around. 
If there was, you’d go get him. Easy as that. 
You thought he was just getting fed up with Luis but didn’t want to leave him alone. You couldn’t blame him. Luis would leave the second he could, you could feel it. 
You backtracked to the factory itself as Leon trudged forward. 
It smelled of rats and dried blood. Iron hung in the air from the disregarded projects. It had been forgotten long ago, perhaps longer than the village had been infected. 
“I take it Leon wanted us to have a moment to catch up, no?”
“I think Leon got annoyed with us,” you offered instead. You had been waiting for a moment alone this whole time. You wanted to beg for forgiveness but you weren’t sure where to start. The guilt of leaving him behind was strong. 
You came to a stop in the middle of a larger room. Luis almost ran into you. 
“I’m sorry,” you said. Your voice was hard. 
“Lo siento, what are you sorry for?” He took a step back but you were still so close. 
You never thought you would see him again. The desire to touch him was fueled by the delusions you held in your memories. How life could’ve been different if you had met in different circumstances. If you had just met when you were still young and free, without being tied to a traumatic future.
“For leaving you without saying anything. I thought about coming and getting you so many times,” you admitted. As you started you found that your words just continued. They had been wanting to come out since you left him the imprint of your lipstick. “I wanted you to come with me but I couldn’t risk it. I couldn’t shake that we were doing something wrong.” You remembered what it was like to be optimistic and young, to pretend that the world was better than it was.  
“No, please let me finish.” You took a deep breath and straightened your shoulders. “I’ve been looking for you ever since. I was so scared to find you in the rubble of Raccoon City. Leon survived that, as a police officer. I thought helping him and whoever he was receiving orders from, would help you in the end. I just wanted to make it back to you, to make sure you were okay. I’m so sorry.” 
His face had softened. 
There was a deep understanding in his eyes, mixed with something else. Guilt or pain\. You couldn’t put your finger on it. 
“You don’t have to feel sorry for that,” he offered. “Though, you should feel sorry that you only left me with a paper kiss.” You couldn’t help but smile slyly. 
“It’s never too late to fix that one.” He met your eyes, that smug smirk on his face. He was the man you had talked to about your life and your future. How had you two gotten stuck in the middle of doom like this? You could’ve been scientists in a little suburban home, chasing around little ones and the dog in the backyard. 
That was the life Luis Serra deserved. 
He leaned in, kissing you with precision. He had no reserves and didn’t hold back. His head tilted, hand on your cheeks as he held you close to him. The kiss felt like it was a desperate attempt to bring back that life you could’ve had. You threw your arm around his neck and gripped his jacket with the other. 
“I’m sorry I let you go,” he whispered against your lips. An apology that had been hanging on his tongue for years. He should’ve been there with you the entire way. 
“I’m sorry that this has happened to your home,” you countered. He shook his head. 
“I told you Valdelobos was never that forgiving.” He brushed your hair out of your face, just happy to now have permission to touch you. He held your face. He was so handsome, staring at you like you were the world. “You saw my home. Not too shabby, eh?” You smiled. 
“I’m sure it was beautiful once upon a time.”
“What, you don’t like what I’ve done with the place?” 
“I’ve got the key!” 
Leon’s voice carried through the small buildings' rooms. They echoed off the forgotten walls and found their way back to you. 
“So you and Senor Kennedy are amigos yeah? Nada mas?” You rolled your eyes. 
“Nada mas,” you repeated. Hearing you speak Spanish made him want to kiss you silly. You grabbed Luis’s hand and kissed the back of it before heading back. He brushed the back of your hair as you walked before letting you go. 
It took him a few steps to continue on. 
This deal with Ada had to work. 
It had to. 
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thewritersaddictions · 10 months
Day Twelve: Luis Serra + Elf
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This year was Luis's turn to pick your Halloween costumes. He had yet to tell you what he had chosen for the both of you, but that mischievous grin really gave him all away.
Your friends were hosting a Halloween party in just a few days. Luis being in charge was never a good idea. Without worrying about it, Luis would do what he was thinking. If that meant he was searching the web for a couple's outfit for the party, and when he did find what he was looking for, he paid without a single blink as the change left his bank account. Luis had even paid for a faster delivery.
The next afternoon, there was a knock on your apartment door. Your brows furrowed together, but you were knocked to the floor when your boyfriend slid down the hardwood floor in his socks to get to the door first. "What the hell, Luis?" You groaned as you got yourself up from the floor.
Luis turned quickly with two boxes in his arms and kicked the door shut. He dropped the packages onto the kitchen table and walked over to you. "Oh amor, I didn't mean… I'm sorry. I'm just excited about this Halloween party." Your boyfriend says. He looks down at you like a puppy, just who's been yelled at for chewing.
You reach for his hand, and he helps you up from the floor. The two of you are silent as Luis doesn't release your hand. Rubbing his thumb gently over your knuckles.
"So, do you plan to show me the outfits you got us?" You ask him, a brow arched up. He rolls his eyes and drags you towards the boxes on the kitchen table.
"You'll need to close those beautiful eyes for me." He tells you. "You aren't going to prank me or something, right?" You ask him, and he shakes his head. "No, mi amor, I just want to have you be surprised." He promises you.
You sit down and close your eyes as you hear him shuffle off to get the kitchen scissors. You hear the tear of tape and the cardboard. More shuffling happens after a few moments. "Open your eyes, yeah," Luis says, thick accent. Still a little freaked out, you're slow to open your eyes.
Yet when you do finally get your eyes on the outfit that Luis is holding up in his hand, you cock your head to the side. I do not really understand what the outfit is supposed to be. "Oh, come on, princesa. You know this one for sure." Luis says with a smile on his face. "I don't… these are supposed to be couples outfits, Luis." You say, looking up at him.
"Really, you don't get it; maybe I should bring the other one out," Luis mutters mostly to himself. So he rips into that box, caring not about the possible resistance from the tape. He pulls out another outfit. "We're going as elves." Luis sounds rather excited about his choice, but still, you're lost.
"You said you liked that elf movie. So I thought we could go as elves, and I know you like Christmas a little… a bit more than Halloween." Luis's thought towards you warms your heart, even if you have to wear that horrible outfit. "Do you like it, mi amor?" Luis asks, you sounding shy. Awaiting your answer. "I'll wear it, baby. I like it, but I'll wear it because I love Christmas much more than Halloween." "It's because of the thought?" You hum at his words.
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Completed on: 11/22/23
Posted on: 12/12/23
Resident Evil Master List // Resident Evil 4 Master List //Christmas Stories Master List
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thepunkranger · 3 months
Resident Evil Men: Would They Let You Peg Them?
(18+ only. Shared from my Reddit because Tumblr deserves these headcanons too)
Chris Redfield: No. Chris strikes me as a stone top. Even if he were to agree to bottoming, I doubt it would involve anything going inside of him.
Albert Wesker: 100% no. Might just disintegrate you for even thinking of asking. Despite his leather daddy aesthetic, I think actual penetrative sex with Wesker would be missionary and nothing more.
Billy Coen: Yes. Owns multiple Bad Dragon toys and can take them all. Has lost his taste for the Cuttlefish after the mansion incident, though.
Leon S. Kennedy: 100% yes. Might even buy you the strap-on for it. Super into it. Secretly likes it even more than traditional PiV sex, but you didn’t hear it from him.
Carlos Oliveira: Yes, but he takes a bit of warming up. Didn’t even realize it was an option until he saw a harness at a sex shop. Winds up absolutely loving it, though.
Luis Serra Navarro: 100% yes. Is already bent over for it. Did you want the J Lube or the Gun Oil this time?
Piers Nivans: Yes, but he’s super shy about it. Can’t even handle you mentioning it while out of the house. Also gets super flustered when you grab his ass.
Jake Muller: Surprisingly yes, and is a size queen about it. Will boast that he can take the gaper toys and actually can. If he doesn’t have a belly bulge he doesn’t want it.
Ethan Winters: Yes, but it takes a while. Starts out super uncomfortable with the idea of having anything “up there” but eventually gets curious enough to try. Winds up loving it for the intimacy.
Karl Heisenberg: Yes. Brings it up first and winds up basically heckling you the entire time. Probably makes increasingly improbable dildos out of metal as well.
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A/N: Another Leon and Luis blurb, cause I love making them. ❤️
Pairing: Leon x Reader x Luis
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“I’ll make it cheap for you.” Luis said, as Leon and I got out of the rickety elevator. Luis gave me a subtle wink, and I shook my head with small smile taking the box from him.
I took out one of the needles and looked at it before handing it to Leon, “Ready?”
I nod and pulling up my sleeve, Leon does a countdown in his head before injecting my arm.
He watched at the liquid in the needle began to disappear and once it did he put it down and massaged the place where the injection was.
After some time we all noticed that the virus, that was in my system, was gone.
“Feeling better?”
I nod my head in response, looking at my hands and arms. “Yeah. I think it worked.”
“Bad news, señorita? All we’ve done is buy you some time. The suppressant’s effects will wear off all too soon.” I felt myself get a little sad hearing that news, but I figured it wouldn’t be that easy.
“You ready to go?” Leon asked and I nodded my head.
He put the other needle in his back pocket, standing up and followed me.
“In that case, we know what we have to do.” He closed his zippo lighter and grabbed the half broken metal pipe, that was sitting next to him and held it out like it was spear. “Then come, Sancho Panza! Let us rescue the Princes Dulcinea!” He said, walking in front of me as to try and protect me.
Leon rolled his eyes, walking past me to grab the pipe from him. “You’re gonna hurt yourself!”
“Hey! That was my lance! Okay, we hurry! I get it!” He exclaimed, but paused to let me walk ahead of him. “After you, señorita..”
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alespov · 1 year
Anti-hero -.L.Kennedy 18+
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Tw : Ada flirts with muse, no hate to Ada, I love her banter with Leon in this one . Leon just gets a bit jealous. Loved her separate ways <3 mentions of bar, Luis is alive!
A/N : hope you enjoy, feedback is appreciated! 🫶🏻Requests are open (for Leon and Wesker) also last call for Halloween themed requests!
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You, Luis, Ashley, and your boyfriend Leon decided to explore a trendy new bar in town. The entire ambiance of the venue was a nostalgic nod to the early 2000s. Although bars were not typically your preferred hangout, this occasion merited a little celebration. Leon had triumphantly accomplished his daunting mission: rescuing Ashley from peril and even managing to secure Luis's safety as well. (It’s canon, I said so)
During a brief intermission from the dj, Luis ventured off to fetch some drinks, leaving you and Ashley to engage in a lively conversation. She emanated an effervescent demeanor, clearly elated to be back home, giving off the impression that she never met a stranger. Unwavering in his resolve, Leon sought to alter that perception; dedicating his weekends to coaching her in the art of self-defense. Which wasn’t going as smoothly as he thought it would.
Each of you had dressed impeccably to suit the special event, apart from Leon. He opted for a minimalist attire, as he occasionally did. You knew he was tired and wanted to relax, but you wanted to get him out of the house. So going out, to dinner was the originally plan. Until Luis and Ashley came trotting up your driveway, wanting to try out a new bar they found. You knew Leon wouldn’t be in the mood, but you pleaded and he finally agreed.
Moreover, he struggled to recover from his recent challenging mission. Therefore, you endeavored to support him in any way possible, a gesture he greatly cherished. You knew this mission had affected him differently. He ran into someone he used to know and it set in a terrible mood, you tried to pry. Hoping to ease his mind, but Leon wasn’t telling you anything yet.
“Hey sweetheart, I need to step into the bathroom for a moment," he expressed softly, planting a tender kiss upon your cheek. "Also, Ash, refrain from talking with strangers, please," Leon advised her firmly. She responded with a disapproving glare but ultimately acquiesced with a nod. She let out a huff and you giggled
“Who does he think he is?” She scoffed, then took a sip of her drink.
“The man who saved your life.” You butted in and she rolled her eyes.
“I guess he did, but still. I’m responsible.” She pouted and you nudged her arm.
“It’s alright ash, it happens to the best of us.” The both of you shared a look and saw Luis returning with drinks.
Luis triumphantly returned, carrying your beverages in hand. "Cheers ladies!" He bellowed, as the three of you raised your glasses for shots. Gently placing your glass back down, you couldn't help but release a light-hearted giggle. Engrossed in lively conversation with one another, you suddenly sensed an unrelenting gaze fixed upon you.
Your gaze swept across the colorful lit bar, landing on a captivating woman adorned with a chic ebony pixie cut, ensconced in a ravishing scarlet dress. As she caught your eye, she sent an enticing wave in your direction, to which you responded with a warm, reassuring grin. Anxiously, you yearned for Leon's swift return. You had a gut feeling, but tried to downplay your nerves, you were probably overthinking it.
Captivating your attention, Ashley humorously recounted a funny story. As your gaze returned to the mysterious woman, she had vanished without a trace. Confusion washed over you, yet you brushed aside the perplexing thoughts. That is, until her hand unexpectedly came to rest upon your shoulder.
As you shifted your gaze towards her, she beamed with the same radiant smile. Glancing subtly from the corner of your eye, you observed Luis wearing an expression of disdain on his visage. Even Ashley appeared less than enthusiastic.
“Hey sorry guys, there was a line at the bathr-“
Leon strode towards the table, briefly pausing before continuing. Relief washed over you upon his arrival; yet, his unenthusiastic demeanor dampened the mood.
“Why are you here? And get your hands off of her.” You could tell Leon was angry, you met the woman’s eye and they sparkled with mischief. “Oh leon calm down, I just wanted to get the pretty girls number.” She mocked him while faking a giggle.
"With a hint of pride, Leon shouted , "Well, that's MY GIRLFRIEND," as Luis gently placed a reassuring hand on Leon's shoulder to calm his rising temper. The provocative woman responded playfully, "Oh, really?Lucky boy.”With a flirtatious wink in your direction, she sensuously slid her phone number to you, adding enticingly, "In case you're ever in the mood to unwind for a bit." With that, she shifted her stance gracefully and sauntered toward the exit with an air of mystery lingering behind her.
Leon's fury had reached its peak. You swiftly slid off your stool and grasped his hand, gently pulling him along with you.
"Apologies, everyone, but it seems we must take our leave for the night."
Luis and Ashley had understood and you and Leon left. You walked to his motorcycle and were ready to hop on when he stopped.
“Listen… i made an ass of myself. Ada.. she’s know to do that. He began. “ I just wanted to tell you that I love and trust you.” You felt the blush rise and you caressed his cheek. “ I know hun. I love you too. Besides she’s not my type.” You replied with a playful wink. “
Leon smirked “well then who is your type?”
You thought for a moment before sliding your arms around his neck. “
You silly.”
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kisses-for-you · 5 months
Preference: You're injured
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Resident Evil Characters X Fem!Reader
Characters: Leon Kennedy, Luis Serra, Jill Valentine, Carlos Oliveira & Chris Redfield.
Requested ✅
Leon Kennedy:
Leon glances over at you, his expression tense as he assesses the situation. "Just stay close," he says. "Stick together, and watch each other's backs." He brandishes his knife, ready to fend off the Ganados.
"I don't think we'll be able to kill them all-" You're about to finish your sentence when a Ganado comes up from behind you, to which you have barely any time to react. "Y/N!" Leon calls out. You spin around just in time to see the Ganado lunging at you. Acting quickly, Leon pushes you out of harm's way and swings his knife, severing the Ganado's arm.
"Let's get out of here before more of them show up," you suggest, to which Leon nods and the two of you start to make a break for it.
After narrowly escaping the horde of Ganados, you and Leon find an abandoned building. As both of you catch your breath, you suddenly wince in pain, clutching your arm where a deep gash is bleeding profusely.
Leon notices and rushes to your side. "You're injured," Leon observes, concern evident in his voice as he gently examines your wound. Leon quickly rummages through his pack, pulling out a first aid kit. "Hold still," he instructs. You nod, grimacing against the pain.
His hands work carefully as he cleans and bandages your wound, his touch gentle yet firm. Leon's focused expression softens as he tends to your injury, his touch bringing some form of comfort to you.
"Thanks, Leon," you say, offering him a weak smile as he finishes dressing your wound. He returns the smile, albeit a bit strained. His gaze lingers on you for just a moment longer, making sure you're not injured anywhere else.
As the adrenaline begins to fade away, you feel a wave of exhaustion wash over you. Leon sees this and silently offers you a shoulder to lean on. You gratefully accept, leaning your head against his shoulder. "Are you okay?" Leon asks softly, his voice filled with genuine concern as he looks down at you. "Yeah, I think so," you reply.
Luis Serra:
Your heart races as you find yourself surrounded by a group of snarling Ganados in the abandoned house. You fumble for your gun but the sheer number overwhelms you. Fear grips you as you realise you probably won't make it out.
But you hear a familiar voice call out, "Y/N!" Luis comes into view and with steady hands, he aims his gun and fires, each shot hitting another Ganado.
You feel relieved but that joy is short-lived because as the last Ganado collapses to the ground, it lunges at you; its claws tear through your flesh. You cry out in pain, feeling hot blood trickle down your leg.
Luis reacts swiftly, putting down the creature with one final shot. He rushes to your side, concern etched on his face as he assesses your injuries. "Cariña, are you alright?" he asks, voice filled with worry.
You nod weakly, trying to stand up. Luis gently supports you, his strong arms steadying you as you struggle to stand. "Easy now," he murmurs, his gaze soft and caring. With his support, you manage to rise to your feet. Luis keeps a close eye on you, his concern evident as he guides you out of the house to a safer spot.
As you both make your way out of the abandoned house, Luis keeps a protective arm around you. The adrenaline begins to fade, and the reality of your injuries sets in. You wince with each step, but Luis supports your weight with his body.
You find a relatively safe spot to rest, away from any potential threats. Luis carefully inspects your wound, his brow furrowing with concern as he assesses the damage. "I'm going to have to patch you up, okay?" he says, his voice firm but gentle. He starts rummaging through his pack, searching for supplies to tend to your injury.
As he begins to dress your wound, his touch is surprisingly gentle, his focus unwavering. Nothing is said between you two, but you don't feel the need to speak - it's a comfortable silence. When he finishes dressing your wound, he meets your gaze with a reassuring smile.
"Thank you," you whisper softly, your voice barely above a breath. Without a word, he pulls you into a tender embrace, his arms wrapping around you protectively. You lean in, closing the gap between you, and press your lips against his in a gentle kiss.
Jill Valentine:
Jill instinctively steps forward, hiding your body behind hers. "Stay behind me," Jill whispers, her voice remaining steady despite the current situation.
You have no time to even respond as the B.O.W from earlier - Nemesis - lunges forward, coming right at you both. Without thinking, you push Jill to the side and you both fall to the ground - out of the creature's reach.
Jill quickly rises to her feet, grabbing your hand and pulling you up with her. "We need to find a way out of here," you say, scanning the area for any possible escape routes. Jill nods, her expression determined as she grips her weapon tightly. Together, you make a dash for the nearest alley.
When you can no longer see or hear the B.O.W, you and Jill stop to catch your breath, leaning against the wall of a building that appeared to have been some sort of restaurant before this whole mess.
"Are you alright, darling?" Jill asks, concern etched in her voice as she checks you for any injuries.
"Yeah, I'm fine," you reply, though the close encounter with Nemesis has left you quite shaken.
Jill pulls a slight face, as if not believing your words. She takes a closer look at you and as she looks at your shirt, she realises, "Y/N, you're bleeding."
"I am?" You glance down at your shirt, noticing the stain spreading across the fabric. "That thing must've got me earlier." You shrug, trying to downplay the injury but as the adrenaline fades, the pain worsens.
Jill's expression softens, her concern deepening. "Let me see," she insists, gently lifting the edge of your shirt to look at the wound.
Jill carefully inspects the wound, her brows furrowing in concern. "It's not too deep, but we need to clean and bandage it quickly," she says, her voice firm, leaving no room to argue. She reaches into her bag and pulls out a first aid kit, efficiently cleaning the wound and applying antiseptic before carefully bandaging it up.
Not long after, she's done. "Thanks, Jill," you say softly. She looks down at you, her eyes softening with a small smile. "Of course, darling," she replies.
Gently, she reaches out and cups your cheek, drawing you closer to her. And without another word, you lean in, closing the distance between you, and press your lips against hers in a lingering kiss.
Carlos Oliveira:
In your cozy kitchen, Carlos and you are cooking together, getting ready for a fun night. You joke around as you chop some vegetables, but as you laugh at another one of Carlos' stupid jokes, you fail to pay attention to what you're supposed to be cutting.
Looking away from the vegetables for a split second, you manage to accidentally cut your palm with the knife. Pain shoots through you and you wince, dropping the knife with a clatter.
"Fuck!" you exclaim, clutching your hand to your chest as blood begins to seep from the wound. Carlos's laughter dies away instantly, replaced by a look of concern as he rushes to your side. "Hey, are you okay? Let me see."
You wince as he takes your hand in his, examining the cut with furrowed brows. "It's not too bad," he says, his voice gentle yet reassuring. "But we should clean it up so it doesn't get infected."
He gets you some paper towel to try to stop the bleeding and while you try to stem the bleeding, he goes to grab the first aid kit. With his steady hands, he cleans the wound carefully, his touch surprisingly gentle.
"Thanks, Carlos," you murmur, feeling a mix of embarrassment and relief.
He smiles warmly, his brown eyes softening. "No problem, mi amor. Just be more careful next time, okay?"
Chris Redfield:
You and Chris are on holiday in a small cabin in the middle of the woods, a place for you to get away from your busy, demanding life. This was the perfect place as it was quiet and a way for you to just relax.
Next to you, Chris is fast asleep but you find yourself restless and unable to fall asleep. With a sigh, you slip out of bed, deciding to go for a quick walk to clear your head.
After what felt like a couple minutes, you start going back towards the cabin but lost in thought, you fail to notice the tree roots in front of you. With a sudden jolt, you stumble, pain shooting from your ankle and up your leg as you crash to the ground. You struggle to stand as the pain overwhelms you.
You manage to lean against a nearby tree and start thinking about how you're going to get back now. Just as you're about to rise and start limping the rest of the way back, you see what looks like a flashlight in the distance and a familiar voice call out, "Y/N!" It's Chris.
"Here!" you call back.
You hear his pace quicken, coming in your direction. As Chris approaches, concern etched on his face, he looks at you and notices something is wrong. "What are you doing out here so late? Are you hurt?" he asks, crouching down beside you.
You wince, trying to hide the pain in your ankle. "I... I tripped over some roots," you admit sheepishly, trying to brush it off as nothing serious.
Chris's expression softens as he gently examines your ankle. "Let me take a look," he says, his voice calm and reassuring. "It's swollen," he observes, his brows furrowing slightly with concern. "Let me help you back to the cabin and then we can ice that ankle," he offers, gently lifting you up and supporting you as you hobble back. He wraps an arm around you protectively, guiding you every step of the way.
As you reach the cabin, Chris helps you settle onto the couch before disappearing into the kitchen. Moments later, he returns with a bag of ice and a makeshift wrap.
"Here, let's get this on your ankle," Chris says, kneeling beside you and carefully placing the ice pack on the injured area. His touch is gentle yet firm, comforting you despite the pain.
"Thank you, Chris," you say, to which he smiles warmly.
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postersofleon · 10 months
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leon kennedy x fem!reader x luis serra
notes: i am convinced they are one of the best people to have a threesome, small intro with smut immediately following. minors dni. not prove read.
the idiot duo that leon had to deal with wasn't fun like they wanted to claim. luis and his partner (not romantic like they always claim) aren't annoying him, but what bothers him is that they have each other despite the horrible circumstances. in leon's first forced adventure, he was stuck with ada, and originally, he was stuck protecting ashley until they took her away. now, he had dumb and dumber. luis had the worst chaotic thoughts of making all the infected people round up and throw dynamite in the middle of them. while his friend was smacking them with a crowbar. sometimes, they share their ideas and survive in the worst situations.
leon was in awe in parts of they survived. luis said it was secret while his partner mostly dodged the question from leon.
but in parts, leon had to give credit where it was due. they knew how to survive despite their dumb ideas. every time leon or luis would get hurt, she got immediately patched the boys up. leon would mutter a thanks, and luis would kiss her in the cheek. every time, leon or she needed extra bullets, luis would throw it them and they would thank him.
leon was growing used to their way of being. leon isn't exactly perfect to judge when he adapted pretty quickly to them. leon is pretty sure that these were the type of people who he would've been friends in college.
but he didn't exactly see himself getting a blow by luis as he flicked his tongue on her folds. leon's hands were holding her thighs open. she was whimpering softly as she moaned weakly leon's name. his mind was rotted. leon hadn't been able to properly fuck around since he was in military training. he would give himself a quick hand job and back to work he went.
leon felt luis' tongue drag on his length. leon didn't mean to tremble so much, but his hips moved a bit on luis's mouth. luis pulled away, "vamos, sancho," luis scolded leon, "can't forget about la señorita." leon looked weakly at luis's partner, her pretty cunt was covered by his spit and her wetness.
her thighs were trembling, but her breathing was relaxing. leon had forgotten to eat her pussy because he was enjoying too much luis's mouth.
"she's going to dry up." luis whispered. he sat up and flicked his fingers gently in her folds; luis's fingers opened her pretty cunt with his index and middle. "she is rather picky." he spit on her pussy, "lick it up, sancho." he whispered. leon hated how he wanted this so badly, leon listened to luis. he licked the spit. she whined softly, a low growl escaped her lips, "luis, fuck you." she whispered.
leon flatten his tongue, his nose exhaled sharply. he needed this damn pussy so badly. leon grabbed her legs to lift her a bit. he sucked on her clit, he was breathing weakly as his tongue flicked over and over.
luis took off his pants, he began to pump his cock at the sounds of leon and his partner. luis put his fingers on her mouth. she immediately sucked on his fingers. luis and her had been alone for goodness, how long. leon once again couldn't judge.
leon gently pulled away from her pussy, he kissed her hip bones and saw how luis pumped his cock over and over. he saw how his partner had her mouth open, her warm wet mouth spilling a bit a drool. she cursed softly in spanish begging for luis to put it in her mouth. luis put his cock's tip around her lips, "so needy." his pre cum was making a mess on lips.
when leon saw her lick her lips, leon licked her clit in the same motion.
she looked weakly at both men, "i hate this." she whispered softly. she could tell luis was excited to share her, he was grinning ear to ear. "vamos, you don't really hate it." luis laughed softly.
leon looked so pretty, his eyes were dilated. he was gasping weakly, begging for something. luis's cock was the only one that has been inside of her for many years, but now it will be leon's turn. "fine, i don't hate it," she played with leon's hair, "it's fun." she muttered. luis clapped his hands excitedly, "leon," luis fixes his cock around her mouth, "you know what to do."
leon nodded his head silently. he went on his knees. leon needed her pussy. it was embarrassing that he fell into the caveman brain when he was told he was allowed to fuck her. he grabbed his hard cock, his stomach was feeling the familiar butterflies he felt when he had sex. he gently rubbed the tip of his cock on her hole. a soft groan escaped his lips.
luis did the same. he gently put his cock in her mouth, he cursed softly in spanish. luis's hips gently moved his hips against her, and luis was allowed to move properly because she was used to his girth and length. leon, however, knew he had to be gentle.
leon was smaller in length of luis, but it was thicker. leon gently pushed his cock inside of her, her warm gummy walls clenched around him. leon chewed on his bottom lip, "f-fuck." he whispered.
she was whining weakly. she felt luis going a bit faster, he knew her limits so she wasn't worried about him. however, leon began to worry her a bit. she could feel his desperate pushes. leon gasped weakly, he grinded himself deeper into her.
a low whine escaped her lips. luis pulled out his cock from her mouth, he hissed weakly, but his eyes were focused on leon's desperate ruts. one. two. leon was focused to not hurt her. luis looked at his girl, who was whining weakly, but it wasn't enough for luis. "goodness, mi amigo, it's been a while, hasn't it?"
leon growled softly, he moved a bit faster inside of her. luis nodded his head with a smile, his hand pumped his cock in the pace of leon. it was getting messy. leon lifted her leg and rested it on his shoulder. luis gently rubbed his partner's neck gently. his knuckles caressed her collarbone while his other hand continued to pump it.
"vamos, tu puedes," luis muttered to her, "leon is a friend now. your pussy is his cure right now."
leon whined softly, hearing luis's words made him slow down a bit. luis put his cock back into her lips, she immediately began to suck him properly. luis tilted his head back. he let out a large moan.
the room was starting to smell like pure sex. the smell of sweat, gun powder, and the smell of cum. she was basically pinned down by these men. leon fucking her pussy, he was quite quiet but small noises still escaped. his eyes were closed. he was focused on keeping himself steady. he didn't want to just cum inside of her and end to job. luis, on the other hand, had his hand on the back of her head. he was just slightly meaner because he knew she could take it. she gagged a bit on his cock and her pussy was pulsating around leon's.
leon's hips began to move his hips a bit faster. he immediately began to rub her clit. her pretty clit was sensitive, the cunt clenched to his cock. leon moaned weakly, "fuck-" leon moved faster.
luis wasn't paying attention to leon. a shaky moan escaped, luis felt his entire body needing this.
first, her cunt clenched on leon's cock and squirted from simulation. the stress of surviving made her cry out as she came. then, it was leon's turn. he groaned weakly as he came inside of her pussy. finally, luis's turn. luis yelped softly as he fucked her throat one last time.
they definitely felt better. leon exhaled deeply, gently pulled out his cock from her, his cum leaked out. leon grabbed a cloth and attempted to clean her bit. he cleaned a bit of her thighs. luis immediately zipped himself up, he licked his own cum from her lips, "thank you." luis grinned. leon nodded his own head, "yeah, thanks."
she was breathing weakly, "yeah, sure." she laid on the couch for a second, trying to focus on her thoughts. she put her hand on her forehead, luis kissed her cheek gently. "hiceste bien." he whispered to her. leon nodded her head. leon still felt awkward in this situation, but not like the beginning, at least. leon helped her sit up. "thanks." leon repeated.
she smiled. leon felt himself blush like a fool. she gently touched his jaw and kissed his lips, "gracias." she whispered. leon smiled. luis snickered, "bueno, sancho, back to saving your señorita."
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porcelainseashore · 5 months
Into the Ether - Series Masterlist
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Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14 ... more to be added!
Pairing: Vampire! Toreador! Leon x Fem! Reader
Summary: At the all-night events cafe you run, you’ve become acquainted with an elusive patron, Leon, though you can never remember the last moments of your interactions together. After a harrowing encounter, a love-hate relationship develops between the two of you as you grapple with your newfound status in a world of darkness and investigate the reasons behind the untimely attacks.
Content & Warnings: 18+ Resident Evil x Vampire: The Masquerade crossover, horror, mystery, romance, slow burn, strangers to enemies to lovers, angst, fluff, eventual smut, swearing, smoking, alcohol, drug references, non consensual blood drinking, blood bond, vampire turning, violence, injury, mild gore, torture, religious themes, minor character death
RE ensemble: Chris Redfield, Claire Redfield, Ada Wong, Albert Wesker, Jill Valentine, Sherry Birkin, Ingrid Hunnigan, Rebecca Chambers, Baker Family, Merchant, Patrick (Infinite Darkness), Luis Serra, Glenn Arias, Kevin Ryman, Karl Heisenberg
VtM concepts: Camarilla, Anarch, Sabbat, Second Inquisition, Toreador, Ventrue, Brujah, Gangrel, Nosferatu, Malkavian, Tremere, Ghouls
navigation 🧭 | leon's masterlist 🔮 | ao3 💖
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itzkirav · 1 year
Luis Serra x fem-reader
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Summary: Instead of Leon being chained up with Luis, it was you.
You opened your eyes and frantically looked around the room. Where the hell were you? Then you felt the coldness wrapped around you. You looked up and saw you were in chains. Then a male voice spoke out, “So, the Princesa is awake?” You turn around and see an attractive man. “Names Luis, and yours princesa?” while smirking looking into your eyes. “Why should I tell you my name, I don't even know you,” you said backing up while looking at him. “You know my name, is that not enough?”. “That still doesn't mean anything” “Fine then Princesa, what do I have to do to tell me your name hm?” “Well….. how about this, I’ll tell you my name if you help me get out of these chains” you implied. “Then we can help each other right, Princesa?.”uhm... I'll think about it, just help me get out of these chains I need to go somewhere”. “ I see you're in a rush Princesa, no worries I will find a way out of these chains” he pulls down his chains which made your chained wrist go up above your head. “Hey watch it” “Sorry Princesa, ......You know I say you've been in a situation like this before no?” You gave him an annoyed look but ignored his comment. Which made him smirk. It got a little quiet as Luis was observing the room until he looked up.“Princesa I think we may have to pull on our chains.” “yea I agree, it doesn't look that stable.” while looking up and seeing the spot where you and Luis were chained up. You both start pulling down hard until it eventually came off. “So princess about that deal”. Right as he said that a man came into the room ready to charge right at Luis, so you pulled on your chain which made Luis fall forward to you. which made the man miss. Eventually, Luis got up, you realized the man was holding a hatchet, So you hit the man with your chain, which caused him to stumble back. you and Luis eventually had the chains around the man's neck, the man still kept swinging his hatchet around. So you pick up your leg and put all your force on your knee on the chain, and you snapped the man's neck. “Wow princess, didn't know you were dangerous” Luis went to pick up the key from the man's body to uncuff himself. “new deal Princesa, I’ll let you go if you tell me your name, Deal?” “Why do you want to know my name so bad?” “Well, Princesa I'll regret not knowing a beautiful Senorita name like you” “Fine my name is Y/n, happy?” he smiled, and he uncuffed you. “So Princesa where are you off to?” “I told you my name didn't I, why are you still calling me princess?” “Because princesa, I like calling you that, It suits you, you know?” He smirks. You rolled your eyes at him “Well Luis it was nice meeting you, I have to go now” You start walking away “WAIT princesa, I thought we were partners?” “What made you think of that?” you turn around to look at him ”Well princesa we both saved each other's asses no?” He implied “Well Luis I hate to break it to you but I already have a partner” “What? Are you serious princesa?” “Yes, Luis I'm serious, Now I'm in a rush I need to meet up with him” “How about I go with you? you know as a temporary partner?” He suggested, “Fine come on Luis”...
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mattey-stu · 9 months
Fandoms i write for:
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Mortal Kombat
Johnny Cage
Kenshi Takahashi
Liu Kang
Kung Lao
Shang Tsung
Tomas Vrbada
When requesting a fanfic with any of these characters please specify which version of them you had in mind! (Plus i write the movie versions too :) )
Resident Evil
Leon Scott Kennedy
Luis Serra
Carlos Oliveira
Agent Patrick (from Resident evil: infinite darkness)
Ethan Winters
Chris Redfield
Albert Wesker
Devil May Cry
Dante Sparda
Vergil Sparda
Nero Sparda
American Horror Story
Tate Langdon
Kit Walker
Kyle Spencer
Jimmy Darling
Jujutsu Kaisen
Yuji Itadori
Megumi Fushiguro
Satoru Gojo
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid
Rodrick Heffley
Other people I'll write for:
Eddievr, Ronnieaintavampire, Juicyfruitsnacks, Chico Lachowski, Joost Klein, Ski Aggu, Tyler Teramagi
(you can also request other people, and ill see if im gonna write about them:) /pos btw)
What i WILL write (as in smut):
Choking, degrading, petplay, ftm reader + T4T, C4C (cis for cis), hair pulling, blood kink, younger reader + older character, himbo,
ONLY if requested
Step-incest teacher x student (both 18+), incest, noncon, dubcon, breeding kink
What i WONT write:
P3dophilia , pregnancy smut, sa, scat kink corpse fucking, foot kink, fem reader, fem character
What i WILL write (as in platonic fluff):
Dad x son, brother x brother, uncle x nephew and allat shit
This is a male reader only blog.Females aligned please DNI.
When writing smut i will make any possible 18- characters 18+.
Whatevers not on here i might write. :P also i dont kinkshame🫶🏼
I do not condone any of the acts i write about.
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alessiathepirate · 2 years
Resident Evil 4
CIGARETTES IN THE MORNING: Luis Serra x fem!reader
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Summary: Just some soft morning moments with Luis Serra - including some cigarettes -, because we all need some soft Luis Serra moments in our lives.
Notes: English isn't my first language. I apologize for any mistakes I made while I wrote this short story.
As I wrote before, my Spanish isn't the best so I'm sorry if I made any mistakes in the Spanish words I used. With that I'd like to say a special thank you to @angi-writes-filth for the kind words and the reassurance that my Spanish isn't as bad as I thought it was :)
Also I'd like to say thank you for all the positive feedback and responses I've got. I really appreciate it :)
Luis Serra makes me go weak these days, so have some soft moments with him as proof to that.
Warnings: smoking
The room was painted in a shade of orange mixed with some gold and red as the sunrise found its way inside the apartment. Waking up to that sight was truly breathtaking and after all the hard, physically demanding work she had to do, it gave her a peace of mind. Eyes only slightly open, looking at her own hands where all the colours the sunrise brought were mixed together, she finally felt at ease.
Her eyes slowly, but surely examined her environment, this time being sure that it's a safe place. It's not some shack in Spain, it's not some big hallway in a castle - it's her home. It's her home where she isn't lonely anymore.
She turned around in the bed, kicking the duvet back to its place when it got tangled with her legs. She was about to reach for a bare chest or the soft, dark brown locks of hair, when she realized that her lover's side of the bed was empty. She let out a long breath in annoyance - no cuddling this time.
Sitting up and pulling the duvet off of her body, she looked around the room, this time being more observant, checking the side what she didn't examine a few seconds ago. There he was, at an open window with his back to her, elbows resting on the windowsill. He was smoking, she was sure of it, because she could see some small clouds of smoke running up in the air, even if his body was hiding the cigarette in his hand.
She laid back down, hugging a pillow to her chest, while she kept her gaze on him. She had to admit that Luis Serra was attractive even in the mornings - more than attractive, beautiful; damn the people who say that word can't be used for men.
She wouldn't use that word for anyone who wasn't special, but Luis truly deserved that compliment. His physique, his dark brown hair - what she liked to play with at night - and those eyes most of the time shining from something flirty yet clever, made him irresistible. And she didn't even think about the way he talks or acts yet.
She got out of bed as quietly as she could and walked towards him slowly, not wanting to disturb him and also wanting to surprise him with a hug. When she was right behind him, she gently put one arm around his torso, while she touched the scar on his back with the other.
Luis seemed surprised, making her chest swell with pride. He didn't neccessary jump, but his shoulders became tense and his hands started to shake slightly, almost dropping the lighter he was even now playing with. She loved the trick he could do with it - it was a Luis-thing, and the fact that he could make that seem attractive was also a Luis-thing.
"You got a smoke?" she asked teasingly, making him giggle. God, she loved to hear him laugh.
"Good morning, cariño." was the first thing he said as he put the lighter down and tenderly took the hand she was keeping on his abdome to press a gentle kiss on it.
"Good morning to you too."
She drew an invisible circle around his scar with her thumb, then drew through the whole, rough line where once the deep wound was. She pressed a kiss to his right shoulder as an I love you. When she felt his grip on her hand tighten, she knew the message got through.
"You didn't stay to cuddle." she said, doing her best to sound angry, but in reality both of them knew she wasn't upset about it.
"I'm sorry, querida. I didn't think you'd wake up so early." he kissed her palm this time as a sorry. "But I'm sure we can still make some time for it."
Next thing she knew she was standing in front of him, with her back to him, while one of his arm was around her torso. He also did his best to keep the cigarette far away from her face and hair, not wanting to burn her.
"Yeah, this is much better."
Luis threw the cigarette into an ashtray, now being able to fully concentrate on his lover. He put his head on her shoulder, while his free hand was playing with her hair.
"Your bedhead is really cute, cariño."
She felt her cheeks become slightly pinker at the compliment. "Thank you."
"You know, for someone who went to Spain to find the missing señorita, you can get pretty shy sometimes, querida."
There was no way she could hide her face from him, so she did her best to ignore the feeling that her cheeks are red. "Yeah, I bet you're really happy that this shy señorita was there to find your flirting attractive."
"Of course I am."
"Of course you are. You should be." she said teasingly.
They were standing there for a while as the first few people started to appear on the streets, most likely going to work to start the day early. For the first time since forever she wasn't jealous of them for having a normal life. No, this time she was happy that she can stay in with someone she loves, with someone who loves her.
After a while they changed the position as Luis started to smoke again.
"Do you want to go back to bed, querida?"
"We can if you want to. But only after a coffee." she answered as she looked him in the eye, liking the way his eyes lit up when he looked at her.
"Of course, I can make you one."
"And you called Leon Prince Charming, when you offer to help a señorita?" she teased, while she took his cigarette to take a puff from it.
"I only offer to help one certain señorita and you know it." her grip on the cigarette almost failed her at the compliment. Luckily Luis took it from her in time.
She didn't answer, not knowing what to say to that. Teasing or joking with Luis was always a loosing game. There was no way she could say anything to him to make him flustered or shy - even if only for a second. Or even if she succeeded in it, he'd always have a clever, either cute or flirty comeback what always made her blush.
His second cigarette landed in the ashtray as well after he kissed her. He tasted like the thing he was smoking, not like it bothered her. It was also a Luis-thing, something what couldn't just disappear without leaving an empty space behind.
"Let's go and make that coffee."
This time she kissed him - as a thank you.
The days with Luis Serra definitely started off happily.
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woodle-isbae · 3 months
Would you be open to write request for resident evil? I'd beg to see a smutshot for Luis Serra x fem reader 🙏🙏
Bar date
Luis Serra x fem!reader
Warnings : smut , Modern-ish AU , alcohol mentioned ❗️, rough sex? , not proofread
A/n: I don't know anything abt RE , I am so sorry if this doesn't match him at all 😖🙏🏾
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"Here you go."
The bartender slid the thick glass filled with whisky his way , not a second of hesitation he grabbed it and gulped the warm drink down
"Are you planning of finishing the whole bottle?"
A voice comming up behind the somewhat sober man , turning his head to be faced with you .
"Yeah , why? You wanna beat me to it.?"
"I'm not one to indulge in whisky , I prefer something stronger."
Pulling the barstool next to him , you sat down , ordering a rum and coke , nothing too much?
"What's a pretty thing like you doing here anyways?"
"I was just checking the area , then saw your miserable self"
"Ah , so your blessing me with your presence?"
A cocky smile across your face as you downed your drink , letting out a sigh before you gave him an even larger smile , more relaxed from the drink
"Wanna head back to my place?"
~ ♡ ~
Hands gripping onto the sheets as your ankles sat next to his face , long and hard strokes being delivered to your poor cunt
Grunts and cusses flying around the heated room , your sweaty bodies making contact with a loud slap , hips locking to eachother at each thrust
"Your taking me so well.."
His words full of praise yet demeaning , his large hand around your throat. His stubbled chin brushing against your breast before he locked his lips on them , teeth grazing your nipples
"F-fuckk , I'm so close!"
As those words left your lips , his movements became dangerously faster, almost as if he wants you fucked out dumb. Every muscle in your body suddenly tensing as you began to see white , pleasing basically drowning you as you came all over him
"That's it , fucking take me."
Thrusts becoming sloppy and loose , face buried in the crook of your neck before he halted his hips in you , spurts of cum filling you up
Pulling out and rolling to the space next to you , catching yalls breaths. The room filled with a stilled silence , besides the light pants.
"You smoke?"
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thewritersaddictions · 11 months
(RE4) Leon S. Kenndy- The Spaniard & The American
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Pairing: Leon S. Kennedy x Reader x Luis Sera
Pov: Reader's
Warnings: Smut, drinking, threesome, dancing at the bar, Gentleman vibes from both Leon and Luis,making out, kissing in public, touchy and feely. AU, (no use of y/n), cum eating, BJ's, 18+, adult content.
Summary: Luis, Leon, and You all make it our of another governemnt assignment. With that Luis suggests drinks to celebrate your success, things most definatly don't get out of hand.
A/n- @ firefly-graphics for dividers
WC- 5k
Resident Evil Master List // Resident Evil 4 Master List
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July 2007 
“Come on, just let’s go to the bar and drink the sorrows of the past two weeks away.” Luis is trying desperately to convince Leon that taking a few minutes to drive down to the local pub wouldn’t end with someone getting punched or someone throwing up in someone else’s lap on the way back home. “Luis, please, let’s just go home and relax. That mission was shit, and the both of you know that for a fact.” Leon sits in the driver’s seat of the car. 
He’s wearing civilian clothes, looking rather handsome from the back seat. Luis sits in the passenger seat. Puppy dog eyeing Leon. Begging to get a few drinks, Luis believes there’s always a need for a celebration. Whether everyone made it out alive or we lost a few team members, Luis is adamant about going out after. 
“Luis, you’re pushing my buttons.” I can hear the aggravation in his voice. The strained part of him wants to yell and be furious for how nonchalant Luis is. Luis had come to work as a private agent with Leon after getting Ahsley Graham back home safely to her father. He had been just an asset then, but Luis showed up and off as a genuine member when it came to justice and all, and it sat well with Leon. 
The government, at first, wasn’t happy with the idea of having an ex-Umbrella employee on the payroll. Still, they were quickly turned around, or instead, the president was when he heard that not only had Luis’s medical expertise saved his daughter’s life but that he had also saved Leon’s life. 
I came in just a few months later. Leon and Luis didn’t need another partner. Regardless, Leon and Luis welcomed me with open arms. “What do you think back there?” Luis asked, pulling me from my distanced thoughts. “Well, I could go for some food, so if you want to stop, we can,” I answered. Leon sighed heavily from the front seat as Luis looked proud of himself for ‘getting’ me on his side. “Leon, if you don’t want to stop you… you aren’t obligated to stop for any of us.” I say, looking at Leon through the rear-view mirror. 
He looks at me with those blue eyes. Then looks over at Luis. “Fine, but only a few drinks and food. I’m tired enough as it is.” Leon gives in, and smugly, Luis puts the new direction into the GPS, and Leon turns the car around. The drive isn’t too far off the highway, and the sky is just setting by the time we all pile out of the car. 
The music can be heard as Leon opens the door, letting himself in. Ever the gentleman Luis stands there holding the door open for me. It’s a bar, so we pick our table and settle into everyday life. I plunge myself into a round booth in the corner of the bar. Leon slides in on my left and Luis on my right. I’m snug between the two men, but I’m not thinking of that. Instead, I’m looking at the food that passes by. Leaving my mouth wide open, Leon softly touches my chin, closing my mouth. “You’ll get flies in your mouth.” His voice has at least lowered an octave or two. I shake the way his hands feel on my skin away as I look at the menu first. The server comes by in a matter of seconds. 
When I look up, the woman smiles back at me. Her hair is in a slick pony, and everything about her screams that she’s confident and a flirt. The buttons on her shirt give nothing to the imagination at all. “What can I get you three started with?” A country drawl swings from her words as her attention leaves me and towards the two men I’m sitting between. Leon asks without even looking at her, and Luis, in his ever so charming self, gives her a sparkling smile and asks for his drink. Last of the line, I ask for a fruity drink that will wash away the dead bodies and the crazy trip we had just returned from. 
“You always get a fruity drink, cariño?” I nod as I look at Luis from the corner of my eye. He looks like he’s never realized that, “But you drink beer when we’re with everyone else? Why?” He asks; I want to shrug my shoulders and say I don’t know. Before I can even get the chance to lie to Luis. Leon is answering my question for me. “Because let’s be honest here, Luis if she didn’t drink with the guys like she were a guy, they’d out her.” Leon, always the knight in shining armor, saves me even when I don’t need his help. 
Luis’s face contorted, and then I couldn’t read his emotions. The moment is completely taken away from me when the server returns to serving Leon and Luis, her whole chest now on view. “Would you you’ll like anything else? Food, god, do we have the best home fries.” I sigh heavily, and Leon orders something for the table—fries and something else that the server wiggles into the check. 
The night goes on nicely after that. The sky dims by the minute, and night falls in through the door when a set of people come in through the door cracks. It isn’t until the second or fourth fruity drink that my bones have relaxed, and everything around me is cloudy but in the best way. Leon and Luis are arguing about the best way to get a girl. “Leon, can I get out? I need to go to the bathroom?” I ask. He hums and moves out of the way. I sway between drunken men and women to get to the bathroom. 
My cheeks are hotter than ever before, and when I press my hands into the cold porcelain, it sends a shiver down my spine. My eyes are blown out from the liquor, but I could take another drink to forget the week before. I take only a few seconds to reset myself in the bathroom before heading back out. When I finally managed to get through the waves of people on the floor and at the bar. Leon and Luis are still arguing. “Leon, you don’t know how to get a girl, do you?” Leon scoffs at Luis’s rather hurtful question. “It’s not a matter of if I can. It’s about the fact that you aren’t a gentleman about it, Luis.” Leon counters. Whatever I walk into feels like a heated battle. It’s nice to watch the banter between the two men. “I am a gentleman!” The octave of Luis’s voice hits high as he tries to argue with Leon about who’s more gentlemanly than the other. 
“Can I get back into my seat?” I ask, interrupting their conversation, but I am ignored. “Who do you think is more the gentleman?” Luis asks, “Don’t ask her that it’s unfair.” Leon looks over at Luis before looking at me. I shrug my shoulders, “I don’t wanna be a part of this, Luis.” I try but am quickly told that if I want my seat, I’ve got to answer the question. I sigh heavily before looking between the two men. “Okay, fine, Leon is sweet, and that’s attractive all on its own, but you, Luis, are attractive differently. cockiness put aside, you’re brave, and so is Leon…” My words are not enough to convince either one of them. 
I groan. “Fine, you are both great men; hell, you’re both my type. But you must let go of the cockiness, and Leon, you’ve got to let some sort of girl in that’s not Ada. She doesn’t need you to save her because she can save her ass.” I say, hoping that my ticket will be back in the booth. 
Instead, the both of them are staring at me. Mouth left open, and eye blown out. “Hello?” Luis licks his lips and gets up from his seat. He is letting me in, finally. Even with the littering amount of conversation all around us, the silence that takes over the booth is growing too uncomfortable to stand. There’s this silent conversation happening between Luis and Leon that I just can’t read. The two of them eyeing each other and then looking at me. “Would you like to go dance?” Leon asks. The smile is naughty, sending a shiver down my spine that I’ve never felt before.
If you were to work with these two men, you’d be just as suck in your feelings as I. The type of feelings that wrap around your heart and mind and make everything clouded. “And I’ll get you another drink,” Luis says. I nod, and Luis gets up from the booth. Leon quickly takes my hand, pulling me from the sticky booth and dragging me towards the dancing floor. 
At first, it’s a slow swaying motion with Leon dancing to the side of me, and the music changes, the tempo changes, and so does everything else. Leon’s large hand is cupping my hips, pulling me into his front. Everything feels so fucking dizzy but in the best of ways. “Did you mean what you said at the table?” Leon whispers into my ear. “About the two of us being your type?” He clarifies. I take a huge breath before nodding, waiting for the rejection of the fall of the crescendo. “Good because we, Luis and I, enjoy having you around,” Leon whispers. Before I know it, Luis is pressed into my chest. 
I am sandwiched between the two prominent men. The two men that just a few hours ago had blood smeared across those perfect bones and skin. The same men that would bicker like an old married couple. “You should have told us sooner that you like us,” Luis says. He presses the cold, fruity drink into my hand. I swallow hard as my senses are on the fritz. “I didn’t…I was worried…” “Shh, don’t worry about it now, love.” Leon shushes, and I fall against his chest. “We’ve liked you for some time now. Haven’t we, Luis?” Even though we’re in a bar, with the music and people bumping around us, I can’t help but feel that we are utterly alone in this moment. Luis nods, agreeing with Leon. “For so fucking long, cariño.” 
I can’t tell if the heat of their bodies pressed against me or the liquor in my system makes me fall apart off the edges of my core. “Will you show me?” I ask. Luis’s brow perks up, and then he looks over my shoulder at Leon. “Of course, baby. Let’s settle our bill, and then we can show you how much we want to play with you.” Leon’s words make my legs shake and my thighs clench. “Luis, go settle the tab, and you can drive us home while we get settled in the back seat,” Leon says to Luis. I can’t help but feel that there’s a unique dynamic there. Luis leaves the two of us quickly and takes my drink with him. 
Leon’s hands leave my hips, and one takes my hand while the other settles on my side, walking me out of the bar. All of us are just a little drunk and a little sober. “Can we wait for Luis?” I ask Leon, and there is a hesitance in my voice, like I’m not ready to walk out of the doors just yet. Leon can sense it before the tone even manages to hit his ears. He hums, and the two of you stand there swaying together. 
I rest your head on Leon’s chest and let his hands fall lower on your hips. The music should be loud and head-banging, but the things that happen in front of you cause the music to be silenced, and the fighting voices start to soar through the bar. “Where’s Luis?” I ask Leon, eyes still closed. I can feel the rumble of his words against my back, but I don’t need his answer when I hear his distinct accent, Luis—defending something or someone. “Leon,” I warn him, he’s already on the target. “I’ll be right back,” Leon whispers before kissing my forehead and letting me go. 
In a matter of a few seconds, I lost Leon in the crowd of people surrounding Luis and the other customer. “I told you, you fucker, to stop talkin’ about her like that.” His voice carries around the entire bar, gathering unwanted attention from all. “Like you’d even know how to fuck her.” The other man is drunk and clearly off his rails. “You keep her out of your dirty mouth,” Luis yells back to the other man, pushing him away when he gets too close. 
“Luis, come on, let’s go. You’re starting a scene.” Leon calls over to Luis. Yet when Luis looks over at Leon, there’s a look that he very rarely sees. Anger is written all over his face—blood, red, hot, pumping anger. Leon gives Luis a look he’s given a time before. “Luis, it’s time to go. She’s waiting for us.” Leon mumbles to Luis. The anger has Luis shaking at his hands. Leon reaches his hand out for Luis to grab. Luis takes a moment to think before looking at the drunken man and then back to Leon. Luis gives up eventually, holding onto the outreached hand, and has the two of them walk over to me. Luis’s fits of anger fade out quickly. Being replaced with a warm, inviting smile. 
The walk out to the car is silent in a good way; Leon’s hand tangled with mine, and his other wrapped around Luis’s neck to pull him close to his side. “What happened, Luis?” I ask, “Nothin’ for you to worry about amor.” Luis says, shutting down my questioning. I hum and get into the opened door of the back seat. The slam of the door makes me realize that, for a brief moment, I’m alone in the car. 
“What was that all about Luis?” Leon asks the older man. Luis still has a hard time being open with anyone other than himself. “Are you trying to be Don Quixote?” Leon asks him—two questions Luis has to answer. “I’m not trying to be the knight and shin’ armor, Leon. Just don’t like dicks like that is all.” Luis says, trying to get out of answering Leon’s other question. “Luis, look at me,” Leon says, returning his attention to his face. A rough hand forced Luis’s head with his chin. A thumb pressing into Luis’s lower lip. “Did the guy say something about her?” Leon asks Luis. They two stare intensely at each other. Blue and brown staring at each other.
While waiting in the car, I can see the two of them through the front window. Everything about their interaction is softer than I’m used to seeing in the field. A few moments later, the back door reveals a dirty blonde smiling sweetly at me. “Are you sure you are okay with this?” Leon asks before even getting into the back seat with me. Another car door opening causes me to get out of my thoughts for only a moment. It’s Luis on the other side of me. Both men stare at me as if I’m the only treasure in the world.
 Awaiting my approval. 
“Yes, I’m sure. I’m fucking sure now can we go!” I say, biting down on my bottom lip. “So impatient. As always.” Leon mutters before sliding into the back seat with me and shutting the door behind him. Luis is quick to get into the driver’s seat. “Don’t start being a brat now, cariño.” I hear Luis say as the engine starts to life. 
The touches start slow and soft. Gentle but rough fingers glide down my arms, sending shivers and goosebumps. “You are so beautiful; you know that sweetheart.” Leon’s stats are a matter of fact. I swallow hard. I’m already so out of touch and so desperately touched-deprived from working in the line I work in with Leon and Luis that the simple words make my thighs clench, and my chest burn with burning tears. 
The rest of the car ride is a blur between sweet nothings whispered into my ear and Leon’s hands touching any part of me exposed to him. I catch Luis’s eyes at least during the drive, and the heat bubbles in my belly along with my cheeks. He winks and returns his attention to the road. Leon is like a broken record next to me, telling me how beautiful I am, what they’re doing to me, how much they care about me. It had my head dizzy in a fuzzy way. In a good way. “You’ll be good for us, right, love?” Leon asks as the car comes to another slow for a stop light. I whine and shake my head, not yet trusting my voice. “Words, love, words,” Leon says, calming as his hand racks over the tops of my thigh. 
I squeeze my thighs together, hating and loving that Leon’s light and slight touch has over me. I see the quick smirk that falls over Leon’s handsome face before uttering a soft and quiet ‘yes.’ Leon graciously accepts and smiles at me before leaning down and kissing the tip of my nose. 
Moving from the car to the front door of Leon and Luis’s apartment is a tangle of limbs and hands on my body. Luis fumbles with the key to get in through the apartment door. The second the door is unlocked and open for the three of us to enter, Leon’s lips are mine. A little chap and bitten at but all the welcoming. He’s warm and so close to me, but still, I want to be closer to him. I graze my tongue against his bottom lip, and he grants me entrance. Our tongues don’t fight; instead, they explore each other’s mouths. Leon groaned into the deep kiss. 
Leon’s hands hold me close to his large and fit frame. A broad chest with an easy beating heart pressed into my own chasing heart. “Sharing is caring, you know.” I hear a frustrated Luis mutter from off in the distance of the apartment. Leon groans, his lips leaving mine. For a moment, I get accustomed to the new surroundings. The apartment isn’t tiny by any means, but that’s what happens when you save the former president’s daughter. Leon hasn’t left my side. “Well, come over here then, Lui.” The nickname makes me giggle. The unprofessionality of it all makes me smile even wider. 
Luis takes a giant step over to the two of us. Standing in the living room, it almost feels awkward for a second, and then Luis’s hands are cupping my cheek. He winked at me before he dips down to grab at my lips. He’s rougher than Leon like there’s an aching burning in him that’s forcing him to take all that he wants. I moan as he bites down my bottom lip, dragging as he releases from the kiss. His eyes are blown out, and so are Leons as they both stare at me. “Take a seat for us, cariño.” Luis points down to the couch at the back of my knees. 
I plop down with no grace, but neither seem to care as they both get a chuckle out of it. Leon takes a seat on my left, and Luis is on my right. I fidget with my hands for a moment as the silence fills the apartment. My mind drifts off, thoughts of Luis and Leon. How they interact, being in their apartment is the way Leon speaks to Luis in such a calm but dominant manner. I’m pulled out of my thought by Leon, “What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” He asks. I look at him and then towards Luis. Then back once more. “Just… it’s nothing, just was thinking, is all.” I manage to mutter out. Leon has a great read on people, so nothing I say will work unless it’s true. “Come on, you can tell us.” He says softly, placing a hot hand on my left knee, “Yeah, we won’t judge, mi amor.” Luis says as he puts his hand on my right knee.
 It grounds me for an unknown reason, and I give in. “I was just wondering… you and Leon. The two of you have, you guys live together, but I sense there’s something else there. Like are you…” The words die in my throat as I look over from Luis to Leon, who is having a whole conversation with their eyes. No words pass between us for a long moment. “Yes, sweetheart, Luis and I are together. We have been for a while now.” Leon says proudly. “But that isn’t what this is about.” Luis adds, looking back at Leon, “It’s about you and us showing you how much we wanna get to know your body in all the right ways.” Leon adds. 
“Okay,” I say timidly as I watch Leon looking over at Luis before grabbing the back of his neck with a large, strong hand and pulling him in for a deep kiss. I stare, my gaze unwilling to move from the mashing of teeth and the sweet, wet noises from their kiss. Luis looks like he’s in heaven, and when they pull apart, Leon couldn’t be more proud. The following words come from me: rapid fire and shock me. “You are so fucking hot!” Luis chuckles, and licks his lips. “You know it, honey.” He mutters mostly to himself. 
The longer I look at them standing together, the hotter I get. The clothes wrapped tightly around my skin burn on my skin as I ache to pull them off and be bare infront of these handsome men. “Will one of you touch me so I can stop aching so much!” I whine. Luis drops to his knees almost immediately. “I’ll go first, baby, makin’ you cum real good.” Luis’s accent is somehow thicker now that he’s lower. Leon disappears from my whole world as Luis’s hands run. From my outer to inner thigh, Luis ran his large hands up and down in the most mind-blowing, teasing manner. His hands come up to my hips and grab at the meat of my hips, pulling me slightly forward. “Let’s just get these fucking jeans off you.” I nod along with him. His fingers are nimble as they undo each jean button and then tediously pull the zipper down. 
I pick up my hips and let him drag the rough and hot-inducing fabric down my legs until they’re flung over his shoulder and land in a pile on the floor. There you are, sitting half-naked in front of Luis. Your work partner, the guy that has both equally saved your ass as many as you have saved his. “Aww, look at these panties. Naughty little thing.” He whispers as his hands come back to touch me. His hands are rough, just like Leon’s, but so fucking grounding that I don’t even notice that he’s right back to my covered pussy until he flicks the little black bow on my lace panties. He slides them down with grace as my ass comes into contact with the cold leather of the couch underneath me. 
“Spread your legs, baby,” Luis demands as he nudges my knees apart. I feel no embarrassment when Luis practically coos at the source of my aching. I think the couch dip, and when I look over, it’s Leon, boxers, and that’s it. His hair is pulled back and wet from a recent shower. “Hello, pretty girl.” I smile, and like whiplash, I’m back to Luis between my legs. Cold fingertips playing with my sensitive clit. Nudging it before blowing cold air onto my wet pussy. I moan on the spot and buck forward ever so slightly. “Look at our girl so sensitive,” Luis mutters, looking up at Leon. “I wonder if anything else is just as touchy?” Leon asks as if I’m not even there. I can feel that tingle that makes my nipples happen under my layers of clothes. I desperately want to pull off my shirt and lay there for them. “I think I’ll have to find out,” Leon says, looking back at me. “You okay with me taking off your shirt, birdie?” He asks. I inch up just enough to give him enough room to grab at the free edge of my shirt and rip it over my head. 
That piece of clothing tripped over his head and landed on the ground in a heap. My panties match my bra that covers my tits. Both of them groan at the sight. The blush creeps on my cheeks. Luis continues to tease at my clit, before passing two fingers over my slick aching hole. Collecting slick on his fingers. “Fuck she’s so wet, Leon!” he exclaims as he presses his fingers and shows them to Leon. “Such a dirty girl, fuck, we haven’t done shit to you yet,” Leon mutters as he rubs at the aching bludge in his boxers. I don’t care about anything anymore except getting his hands on me, getting both of their hands on me. Luis goes back to playing with my sensitive pussy, all while making it harder for me to unlatch my bra from behind. 
“Leon, if you don’t pull down your boxers right now and let me suck that cock of yours, I think I might just die,” I yell as I throw the bra off into the distance. He chuckles, “Anything for you, birdie.” He pulls his boxers down with ease, his cock hitting his lower belly. Red, angry, and aching to be in my mouth. The gasps that leave my mouth catch his attention, “What? Scared it won’t fit?” I looked up at him with an open mouth, “Don’t worry, Luis thought the same thing.” I reach out and grab my hand around it. Leon is girthy, my thumb and pointer finger parley touching. 
I use his pre-cum as lube at first, getting a feel for his cock in my hand. Heavy on my hand. The second I get his cock on my tongue, Luis’s mouth is on my pussy. Tonguing my wet hole. His bread scratching at my inner thighs caused me to moan around Leon’s cock. He groans at the feeling and leans to place a hand on the back of the couch’s edge. I’m not able to take all of his, so I bring another hand to the base of his cock, using it to jerk the rest of his cock as I suck on his cock like a lollipop. 
Luis attacks my pussy, sucking as his life depends on it. Nimlbing at my clit with the edge of his teeth. I clench around nothing and moan around Leon again. Causing him to jerk forward even further into my mouth. The stretch that his cock causes burns but isn’t unwelcomed. One finger presses into my hole, making me stop breathing for a second, and then Luis is pumping it in and out with ease. Lewd noises fill the room; Leon moans, the slick sound of my hole getting fucked, my gagging on Leon’s cock. It nearly burns my ears right off. 
But then the pace is set, and Leon is fucking my drooling mouth. The grip on his couch moves to the back of my head to keep me in palace. 
But my eyes never leave his, blue iris staring deep into my soul, coarse hairs tickly at my nose. The bumps and ridges of his cock are welcomed against my tongue, and just when I think, everything is feeling normal. Luis sticks another more extended finger in. He is stretching me out. I moan around Leon’s cock, bucking forward on Luis’s fingers. “Oh fuck Birdie, gonna make me’…” Leon’s thrust goes erratic, and his hands only grip my hair even harder—blunt fingernails leaving half-moon crescent shapes on my scalp. 
“OH- Fuck!” Leon screams out, his cum filling my throat and mouth as he rides his high out before releasing my head from his death grip. Luis is still eating my pussy like a starving man. Sucking at my clit, and giving me kitten licks. With one curl of his fingers and one hard suck on my clit I clench around his fingers and have no time to warn him that I’m going to cum. My eyes roll back, and my chest feels on fire. When I do come back, my thighs are wet, everything is fucking wet. The leather couch soaked under my ass. 
“Oh fuck, you squirted all over me, carnio. Did you know you could do that?” Luis asks as he looks up at me from between my thighs. Face soaked, beard wet. Still in a daze, I barely get a shake out. “Well, there’s always a first.” Luis chuckles, leaning back on his knees. I try to move, “What about you?” My voice is a little hoarse. “Oh, don’t worry, beauty, I came in my pants just from listenin’ to the two of you. I lean forward. The wet patch on Luis’s pants is visible; a prideful bubble grows in my chest. “Of course he did. He such a subby little boy.” Leon mutters, coming back with three glasses of much-needed water, which we all down in a matter of seconds. 
“But we aren’t done with you, Birdie, are we baby boy?” Leon asks, looking down at Luis as he sits next to me. Luis shakes his head. “Well, what are we waitin’ for? Get your asses up and get to showin’ your girl just how good you are at fucking me.” Brows rise, and a chase begins. 
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Completed on: 10/30/23
Posted on: 11/08/23
Resi 4-
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quigonswife8 · 1 year
[Resident evil 4 remake spoilers] Help: Luis Serra x fem reader
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You go with Luis to his lab so he can remove the plaga that infects you.
gif creds: @aphex-toast
You'd been infected with the Plaga before you met Luis.
This was before Leon had been infected, but after Ashley. It had happened while you were escaping from a group of villagers, when this man had come out of nowhere and knocked you out.
When you'd woken, you'd felt different. Though it wasn't until you grew weaker, and coughed up blood, that you had realized something was wrong.
When you met Luis, you'd been with Leon and Ashley. An unfamiliar man to you had opened a door to an abandoned shack, waving you three over- Leon seemed like he knew this man from the looks of it, while Ashley was just as clueless as you.
Then, you met.
"I am Luis Serra. It is nice to meet you beautiful." though his flirting was cut short when those villagers grew closer, and you'd been ushered to a hiding spot with Ashley. Luis's concerned face was the last thing you saw, before you stayed in that hiding spot for a while.
Thankfully being able to help the guys out before they were killed, you'd escape from the villagers, and ended up someplace else. Great timing as you'd passed out from this illness you'd picked up sometime earlier, and when you'd woken, Luis had been the only one there.
He'd waited until you were awake enough to explain what you were suffering from as you'd told him about this illness you've been suffering from which resulted in you passing out. He didn't want to leave you, as Ashley and Leon had to leave.
Though he was honest and let you know he needed to be somewhere to. Which he offered you to go with him- and since you would be alone, but also enjoyed his company, you decided to tag along.
This leads you to many hours later, when you go with him to his lab- the only place to remove the parasite.
"This is it."
Luis opens the doors, giving you a nod so you walk inside muttering a 'thank you' in reply. The sound of the doors closing indicates his arrival inside, and then he looks around.
You follow what he's doing. This lab is different- it definitely has a few hints of Luis such as an empty packet of cigarettes in a bin nearby. Though what catches your eye is the chair in the middle of the room- different tools and what-not connected up to it.
A computer sits nearby and if you're being honest, you're not sure how it will even function. "that's where I will remove the plaga" he pulls you from your thoughts, so you look at him, and he looks concerned.
Luis knows how painful the procedure is, and with the plaga having you earlier than Leon, he's worried something will happen. Plus this procedure isn't painless, like at all.
"Come on." he ushers you over to the chair, but waits until you start following. Taking a deep breath you start walking over mentally preparing yourself at the same time, while Luis matches your speed;
"I am sorry this is the only way I have to remove the plaga." when you stop next to the chair, Luis moves over to the computer to boot it up.
"...that it isn't painless."
He taps away at the computer, but glances over at you every so often. The whirring of the instruments and the machine setting into place, doesn't ease your nerves. Having Luis there does help though, as well as being the reason that you are able to get this thing out of you.
"You don't have to apologize Luis. Hell you're the reason I'm not going to turn out like those people out there."
He finishes, and then turns back to face you. You smile softly at the man in front of you, then you look down at the chair.
"...well, guess I should lay down..."
This is it. When this is over, the plaga will be gone, you'll be okay. The pain isn't what you're ready for, though no one would be. Based on Luis's words, it's extremely painful and you might pass out.
Hopping on the chair after a minute, you lay down, looking up at the instruments. They're more intimidating up close. Then you look over at Luis, but he's already looking at you. He's leaning cross-armed against the machine, head tilted down slightly so some of his hair falls in front of his face.
"...I'm ready, Luis."
"Okay." he replies, moving in front of the machine. "Are you sure?"
"No." you reply, chuckling softly. "...but...this has to happen. So let's do this."
He admires your braveness. Admires that you are able to go through this, when he was scared himself to go through the procedure.
"This is going to hurt."
You lay there as the pain soon hits you. The room begins to spin fast from the amount of pain, and despite trying to force yourself to stay awake, you end up passing out from the pain.
The room isn't spinning anymore which is a good thing. Though your body hurts like hell and you can already feel a headache coming on. As least you're alive, though.
Though your hand feels weird, so you look down to see what's wrong...and you realise why.
His head is down- he must be resting- but he's holding your hand. Unable to stop the warmth from creeping to your cheeks you almost don't want to wake him from his slumber, but you also don't want him worrying later.
Pushing away the feelings that rise to the surface, you use your other hand to gently shake him awake. "Luis?" he must be a pretty light sleeper, as he wakes up barely a second later. His eyes wide, and then moving to you.
It's like he can finally breathe after half an hour now that you're awake.
"You're awake..."
Luis sits up more not even aware he's still holding onto your hand.
"...gracias a dios."
He'd woken up a few minutes after his procedure, but for you to be asleep for half an hour? Luis had monitored you, up until he fell asleep himself. Your vitals were fine, you hadn't died but that still didn't leave him less worried.
He's just glad that you're okay.
"...so it's out?"
"Thank god." you reply, sighing in relief. "...thank you, Luis."
It's not over yet. You still need to find the others again and escape with them. At least the plaga is gone though and you are more of mind. You don't have to worry about becoming a 'mindless zombie' a mindless follower of that Saddler. Or have to watch as Luis or anyone else, are forced to kill you.
"Thank you."
slipping your hand out of Luis's, which lets him know he was still holding your hand, you sit up. The chair is as uncomfortable as it was when you laid down, but at least you won't have to lay on it any longer.
"You're welcome. Are you okay, though?"
You get onto the ground, while Luis holds your arms to prevent you from falling over. It's a nice gesture, and one that doesn't go unnoticed, as you mutter a 'thank you.'.
"Everything hurts." you answer, honestly. "...but at least i''m alive."
He holds your arms until you're good enough to walk, then you turn to him.
"Well..." you glance around the lab, before looking at Luis again. "We should get out of here, huh?" Luis can't help but smile at you. He's happy that you're still alive, and even happier that you'll be escaping together.
"Perfect idea." he replies, so you leave the lab with him.
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lostamongthestarz · 11 months
guess who’s back, back again /lyr
how would you feel if i requested luis serra x trans male reader… lots of fluff, maybe reader dresses really cutesy/fem or has like a plushy collection IDK i’m just throwing ideas out there because it’s 1 am and i didn’t plan this out at all😭 obvi u don’t have to do this so just leave it in ur inbox if u don’t wanna ♥️
Finally going to post more - died for a bit but here you go friend <3. ≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺ Luis Serra x trans male reader
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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ 
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
Luis does not mind if you have a plushie collection, will sit and listen if you want to sit and tell him all their names, He will remember every single one of them. 
He wants you to feel comfortable when showing him your plushies and will never make fun of you for it. 
As for your clothing? He is not judging. You want to wear something more feminine? He’s 100% supportive. 
Loves pointing out dresses you might like. Just enjoy shopping with you in general to see your face light up when you see something you like. 
Bonus fluff and Basic head canons for you 
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
Luis is a huge flirt but that’s it - he would never push your boundaries, He would never want to make you uncomfortable. 
Play with his hair, will melt the second you run your hands through it. 
Beware of this Mfs puppy dog eyes, will not hesitate to use them on you wherever and whenever. 
Love language I feel is either words of words of affirmation or just spending time with him.
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
My inbox is open 💌 Request open <3
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