#luke bagley
comicbooksaregood · 1 year
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Volume: 1
Issue: 25
Purple (Part 2 of 5)
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Penciler: Michael Gaydos, Mark Bagley
Inker: Michael Gaydos, Mark Bagley
Colourist: Matt Hollingsworth, Dean White
Cover: David Mack
Marvel Max
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paulaguedes · 1 year
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THUNDERBOLTS (2009) #150, art by Mark Bagley. Page 16. Flat colors by me.
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metalandmagi · 7 months
I'm re-watching High School Musical the Musical The Series (again) and even though I love this silly show so much, I'm compiling a list of things I would change for my own sanity. Get ready for some of the most niche nitpicks you can imagine!
Give the poor background kid who plays Ryan in HSM during season 1 his part back. We only ever see this kid during the "Status Quo" dance. He's not even in "Bop to the Top." I love Seb, but dang it, Sharpay and Ryan are an iconic duo.😞
Figure out what to do with EJ from the beginning. He is such a good character at his core, but the writers fumbled the bag with him so many times.
Ashlyn or Seb should have gotten offered a spot at the Youth Actors Conservatory instead of Nini. You know they carried that musical, and then we could have avoided the entire YAC arc.
More Natalie Bagley (the stage manager). She's hilarious and has a good voice.
More Kaden (background guy with bleached blond hair). Idk I just like him for some reason 😅
Make Seb the Beast in season 2. Justice for Seb!!!!!
The award that they want to win in season 2 not only has a cash prize, but a scholarship too! If the wildcats won, that scholarship could have seriously changed someone's life!
Lily seems like the type of person who would let the Wildcats perform The Rose Song and let them get disqualified without telling them about the rule. Just saying...
Why are the Wildcats ordered to stop production on Beauty and the Beast for going to North High and literally not doing anything, while a North High teacher stole their property and yet doesn't get punished? Also, why do they just drop this plot point later? I don't remember seeing it get resolved.
Ditch Ashlyn's "make way for Belle" attitude at the beginning of season 3. Seriously, what's up with that? Do the writers know her at all?
We never find out what Carlos was aiming to do by changing the Frozen cast list. Who did he want to play?🤔
This is going to be an unpopular opinion, but I didn't need Maddox and Ashlyn to get together. We could keep the arc about Ashlyn (and Big Red) discovering she's bi at camp, but I just don't feel the same chemistry as I do between her and Big Red. They're fine together; there's nothing really wrong with the ship. I just didn't like the way Ashlyn and Big Red broke up. And it felt a little like both Ashlyn and Big Red had to end up with people of the same gender to somehow "validate" the fact that they're both bi. (Yes it's a funny reveal at the end with the fake French kid revealing that he likes Big Red, but the point still stands). Again, Ashlyn and Maddox isn't a bad ship at all, I just feel like everything between these 3 could have been handled better.
Get rid of Dani is season 4. I'm sorry, but she doesn't add anything to the show (even though she gets chiller by the end). Nothing against her, she's just a nothing character.
BRING BIG RED AND SEB BACK FOR THE ENTIRE LAST SEASON! And scrap the cheating plotline. I don't have the patience for this nonsense.
I love Miss Jenn and Mr. Mazzara being end game (they're just like Luke and Lorelai from Gilmore Girls!!!!!), but there has to be a better reason to break up with Ricky's dad. It felt so rushed.
Where the hell were all the extras that end up in the musical when Miss Jenn needed eight people to show up to the rehearsal? The main characters ditching that important rehearsal already annoyed me, but you'd think she'd get some of the ensemble to show up. Even if they said that most of them are doing the movie, some of them could have showed up, considering how big the ensemble is in the end.
Also in season 4, they talk about Miss Jenn and Mr. Mazzara's first meeting, but don't we see their first meeting back in season 1? Like...isn't it completely different?
As much as I love Miss Jenn wanting to continue teaching, I feel like she should have gotten her Broadway moment, at least for a little while. She was born to play Glinda.
I need to see Emmy become Natalie Bagley's protégé. They deserve to rule the world.
We needed an Olivia cameo at the end of the series. It could have been her face-timing the Wildcats. It could have been the camera zooming out when the rest of them were singing "Born to be Brave" to have her watching the video. Something! Anything!
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tathrin · 6 months
Writer Truth Or Dare asks.
🎲 ⇢ what stops you from writing more in your free time? 
tumblr XD
That's a joke, but also not. Distractions is the biggest issue, for me. Which includes tumblr, video games, discord, chores, etc. Everything that can involve sitting down to write, and then not doing that. (Including re-reading fic, both other people's and my own shit.)
Also, tiredness. Fuck capitalism, and fuck this trashfire of a country. We should all have more free time, and thus more energy both physical and mental. But everything is so exhausting sometimes, that it's easier to just start scrolling through tumblr or meandering through Tamriel or Taris or Henford-on-Bagley than it is to do anything, even the things you really want to do.
🐚 ⇢ do you like or dislike surprises?
I like them, in the sense of I'm someone who prefers not to be "spoiled" on a story ahead of time, so that I can have the experience of discovering its contents and emotions for myself; and I like them, in the sense of I don't tend to scour around for clues and hints, because I enjoy discovering the story as it happens to me more than I do the potential "smugness" of knowing it all ahead of time, and so I deliberately don't look for stuff that might give-away things ahead of time. I'd rather be surprised...but on the other hand:
I loathe them, in the sense of the "hide all spoilers at all costs! shock value, shock value! never let the audience guess what's coming! if the audience can guess something ahead of time, the story is ruined! if the audience guesses something ahead of time, you change it!" nonsense that has pervaded so much of the media landscape of late.
I'm pretty good at picking-up on little clues and I'm familiar enough with stories as a "thing" that I tend to be able to tell where a story is going faster than most people I know (especially movies, which are by nature more limited in scope than a novel) due to both experience with narrative as a concept and a good memory for details, so I'm quite used to not being shocked by the bulk of the things I read/watch; but I've never found this a bad thing, like so many of the big corporate media entities these days seem to have made it into.
That's just called noticing what's happening, and extrapolating. I mostly tend to figure out something shortly before it happens, which adds a delightful flavor of "omg will it...?" anticipation to the story, without detracting from the experience of having the story unfold, even when it unfolds as I thus expect it to. That doesn't mean the story is bad; it means that narrative often follows a cause-effect format, and stories echo, and foreshadowing is a thing, and you should have a plot that makes fucking sense, etc etc. And because a good story should be entertaining even after you know the twist, it's not a big deal either way!
How many times have I watched The Empire Strikes Back? Far more than I can keep count of! And it remains my favorite Star Wars movie to this day...even though I've known the "twist reveal" since I was six. (I do wish I could remember my reaction from the first time I watched it, though! Just for fun!) But the emotional weight of the reveal to Luke remains just as potent now, even when the audience's shock is gone. Because the story doesn't hinge upon the twist.
I think everybody should have the opportunity to experience things like that for themselves unspoiled, so they can have the emotional impact hit the to its full extent (hence I will never ever tell anyone what The Thing in Mastiff is ahead of time, no matter how many times my roommate begs me to; because as we suffered, so shall ye!) but I don't think that knowing those things ahead of time ruins a story, either.
If a "spoiler" can ruin your story, your story isn't actually much of a story; it's just a gimmick. And I'm interested above all in stories. Whether they surprise me or not.
(Sorry, that one turned into more of a Rant About Modern Media than an actual answer, whoops!)
But to try and get a little more back on track for a summarizing conclusion here: I like being able to shock my audience, but I like even more than that having them catch-on to what's probably going to happen beforehand so that they can start to go oh no oh fuck is it...? before it does. That's my favorite kind of surprise to experience in fiction, and my favorite kind of one to write too: the anticipated one. Not known; but guessed.
And that works for both excited anticipation, and dreaded!
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simlishaccent · 2 years
Hello Rita! I was wondering if you have any plans to play with xami when the infant update or the ep (if you decide to get it) comes out! Your gameplay is my favorite! 🤍 
omg amelie! stop being so sweet or else i'll start thinking we're besties 😌💌
(i had a lot to say oops)
uhm so the thing is.. 👉🏻👈🏻 i completely scrapped xami being pregnant and she's curenly living in san myshuno and has no idea who the f luke is lmaoo i was planning to replay her life and start a bit earlier in the timeline before she comes to henford-on-bagley and meets her future man. and she's such a great sim to have a family gameplay with but i don't think i wanna rush all that neither, so i've been breaking my brain over this pretty much because there's not much time at all to play through all that till it comes out. what would you do?
so far i'm choosing between:
play with another sim/fam to experience the pack so later i can come back to xami and have my fun time with her without any rush
keep xami's old storyline and just continue (but i kinda want better quality gameplay pics and videos for her because she deserves it 😞 idk about the old ones, i was just starting out and the quality bothers me). the storyline turned out hella fun tho, ngl
play with little xami as an infant and experience her life from the very beginning? haha or any other sim that i have. the little baby girl in a pink romper from the trailer reminded me of my simi and i got so emotional thinking about simi being this smol 🥺😂
what would you do/do you have any other ideas? (i definitely need some help with brainstorming, i'd be super thankful)
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makeminebronze · 2 years
Sweet Christmas in June! This month marks 50 years of Luke Cage, Hero For Hire! We are down to celebrate the erstwhile Power Man here with some Marvel Masters!
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onlylonelylatino · 4 years
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Giant-Man and the Avengers by Mark Bagley
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ansonbagleymyhero · 5 years
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just a friendly reminder that for those who forgot our ginger king is finally coming back from the dead this week :)))) and IM LITERALLY QUACKING WE MISSED YOU GUS
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draconian62 · 5 years
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Spider-Man: Life Story #5
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hometvse · 4 years
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Saving Christmas Premiär 24 november, 20202 Original title: K-9 Adventures: A Christmas Medan hon hjälper barnkören att samla in pengar till fattiga barn, räddar Kassie den tidigare polishunden Scoot.
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comicbooksaregood · 1 year
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Volume: 1
Issue: 26
Purple (Part 3 of 5)
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Penciler: Michael Gaydos, Mark Bagley, Art Thibert
Inker: Michael Gaydos, Mark Bagley, Art Thibert
Colourist: Matt Hollingsworth, Dean White
Cover: David Mack
Marvel Max
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thebetterbear · 2 years
Post Modern Art
Escaping Confines of Museum
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City, Michael Heizer. Located in Garden Valley, a desert valley in rural Lincoln County in the U.S. state of Nevada. land art sculpture. 1970-2022
Collapsing Boundaries Between High and Low
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Curious Kitten watercolor painting is a painting by Svetlana Novikova which was uploaded on February 23rd, 2013.
Rejecting Originality
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Andy Warhol 1928–1987. Silkscreen ink and acrylic paint on 2 canvases. 1982
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Fred Tomaselli, 2014, 60″ x 84″, photo-collage, leaves, acrylic and resin on wood panel, © 2014, courtesy of James Cohan Gallery and the artist
Working Collaboratively
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Meow Wolf. Sept. 13, 2021.
Adam Christopher
Andi Todaro
Ashley Frazier, Michael Sperandeo
Brandan Styles "Bzurk”, Ellie Rusinova
Brian Corrigan
Cal Duran, David Ocelotl Garcia
Cami Galofre
Chris Bagley
Christopher Owen Nelson
Christopher Short
Collin Parson
Corrina Espinosa
Dan Taro
David Farquharson
Dice 51
Douglas A. Schenck “DAS”
Dylan Gebbia-Richards
Frankie Toan
Ian McKenna
Jaime Molina, Pedro Barrios
Jennifer Pettus
Jess Webb
Jodi Stuart, Libby Barbee
Joseph Lamar
Joshua Goss
Justin Camilli
Justin Gitlin aka Cacheflowe
Kalyn Heffernan, Gregg Ziemba
Katy Zimmerman, Erika Wurth
Kia Neill
Kristin Stransky
Laaiaim Mayer
Lauri Lynnxe Murphy
Marjorie Lair, Kyle Vincent Singer
Maya Linke
Myah Sarles
Nicole Banowetz
Nolan Tredway
Ramón Bonilla
Reed Fox, Ben Weirich
Sabin Aell, Randy Rushton
Scott Hildebrandt
Sean Peuquet
Shayna Cohn
Sigrid Sarda
Sofie Birkin
Thomas Scharfenberg
Viviane Le Courtois
Wynn Earl Buzzell Jr.
Andrew Novick, Pamela Webb, Robert Ayala
Chad Colby, Lexis Loeb, Hayley Kirkman
Charles Kern, Ty Holter, Ben Jackson, Rachel Bilys, Brett Sasine
Demiurge LLC: Joe Riche and Wynn Buzzell
Eriko Tsogo, Jennifer Tsogo, Tsogo Mijid, Batochir Batkhishig
F. Ria Khan, Armon Naein, Blake Gambel, Calvin Logan, Charles Candon, Harrison Bolin, Luke Collier, Maria Deslis, Sky Johnson, Sofia Rubio-Topete
Ladies Fancywork Society
Merhia Wiese, Annabelle Wiese, Maggie Wiese, Eunseo Zoey Kim, Dan Griner
Mike Lustig, Mitch Hoffman, Tim Omspach, Nathan Koral, Evan Beloni, Ryan Elmendorf, Scott Wilson, Charlis Robbins
Molina Speaks, Stevon Lucero, DJ Icewater, Felix "Fast4ward" Ayodele, Diles, Emily Swank
Oren Lomena, Alaine "Skeena" Rodriguez, Alius Hu
Peniel Apantenco, Kim Shively, Colin Richard Ferguson Ward,  (In memoriam)
Sam Caudill, Sean Louis Rove, Juancristobal Hernández
Secret Love Collective: Katy Batsel, Lares Feliciano, Colby Graham, Piper Rose, Frankie Toan, Katy Zimmerman, Lauren Zwicky, Genevieve Waller
The Church of Many: Andrea Thurber, Elsa Carenbauer, Anna Goss, Maddi Waneka and Emily Merlin
Waffle Cone Club: Kyle Vincent Singer, Scott Kreider, Marjorie Lair
Everything is Terrible!
Kevin Bourland
Michael Lujan
Moment Factory
Nina Mastrangelo
Scott Geary, Wayne Geary, Gary Ashkin
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Paneel "Rehearsal for an Icon 2001 - Mona Lisa" von Olbinski, Grafikdruck. Digital Print
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Untitled (Studio)2014
Kerry James Marshall
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Andy Warhol (American, 1928–1987) 1962. Synthetic polymer paint on thirty-two canvases, Each canvas 20 x 16" (50.8 x 40.6 cm). Overall installation with 3" between each panel is 97" high x 163" wide
Mixing Media
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Mama, Mummy and Mamma (Predecessors #2)
Njideka Akunyili Crosby. 2014
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Zephyrus Rising, 2022. Acrylic on Acrylic. 32 × 16 × 22 in Duncan McDaniel
Mixing Codes
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 Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, 1503-6; On Winnie: Denis Colomb stoles (worn as a headdress, top and sleeves) 
Confronting the Gaze
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Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad David Ayer 2016 (left), Harley Quinn in Birds of Prey Cathy Yann 2021 (right)
Facing Abject
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Jane Alexander, Butcher Boys, 1985/86, mixed media (Iziko South African National Gallery, Cape Town, photo: Goggins World, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Constructing Identities
Creating Metaphors
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Martin Puryear. Ladder for Booker T. Washington, detail, 1996. Installation view at the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Texas. 2003
Using Narratives
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Damien Hirst The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living, 2013 Lentikulardruck80 x 120 cm
Irony, Parody, Parody Dissonance
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A Subtlety, or the Marvelous Sugar Baby (2014). Kara Walker Photo: Andrew Burton/Getty Images
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foxsimthings · 3 years
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Luke Graves for @wastelandwhisperer ‘s Sense of Home (HIGHLY BELATED HUEHUHEUHE I’M TRASH)
Young adult | Heterosexual Bouncer | Boxer | Single Dad Hot-headed | Active | Glutton
ft. his daughter Kyra Seven | Social Butterfly | Vegetarian (Grandma Rose can also be included if you like just lmk~)
(mention of drug and alcohol use and abuse, violence and general shittiness)
Luke Graves was always the fuckup of the family. Born with an identical twin sister who could do no wrong in their parents’ eyes, it was hard not to fall into the role he seemed born to play. She was the favourite, and Lucas very much just wasn’t. To watch them love her like an outsider in his own family was more than a boy could take some days.
Lacy excelled in school and had plenty of friends, Lucas fought so much he was expelled from two high schools and one middle school. Lacy graduated with honours, Lucas was lucky they let him walk across the stage. All their lives the two were polar opposites, as far from one another as they could be. And as Lacy’s life seemed to get more and more rosy, Luke’s seemed to worsen steadily. 
Both he and her mother were eighteen when Kyra was born. Too young, far too young, but when the time came to put her up for adoption her mother couldn’t do it. Luke, Perpetual Fuck-Up, balked at the thought of having a vulnerable creature rely on him and promptly bolted. 
A few years were spent engaging in general scumbaggery; he fought, drank, worked the bars, slept around, partied like his life depended on it. Some of those deep dark nights, his life truly did depend on it. 
It wouldn’t be quite right to say boxing saved his life, but it did give him an outlet that didn’t involve tossing drunks out of the club or getting into bareknuckle brawls out back over something stupid - women, usually. It felt good to fight, freeing. Every hit given like a blow to all the hands that ever held him back, every hit taken a smack for the choices he made himself, all the gutters he had only himself to blame for winding up in. 
It’s been two years that he’s been clean, a year that he’s been sober-ish. His grandmother Rose on his mom’s side was his only cheerleader all his life, and when he got out of rehab for the last time she invited him to come live with her in Henford on Bagley - a risky maneuver, but it meant he’d be out of the city and someplace a little quieter.
That, and having a clean, stable home meant Kyra could visit him, having come back into his life around the same time that he got clean. 
Luke would never try to say he’s perfect, or anything close to it. Maybe he always will be the Graves fuck-up, maybe that’s all he was ever meant to be. But he’s trying to be better for his daughter, he’s trying to make sure that his grandmother - the only person to believe in him - didn’t go before she saw him make something of himself.
All he can do now is try, and hope that it’s enough.
Personality - Luke:
Luke is a hothead by nature, a sore loser if there ever was one. He’s spent so long giving in to the demoralizing, denigrating pressure put on him, he keeps expectations low and tends to let people think what they want of him. He tends to keep to himself -- most of the gossipers in Henford know his name, of course, know that he’s Rose’s boxer grandson, that he’s trouble from the city. Far be it from Luke to tell them otherwise, only to disappoint them.
Turning his life around is easier said than done. He’s still bouncing in the nearest city out, which means long commutes, and the bulk of his free time beyond is spent either training or with Kyra, of whom he has joint custody with his ex. His current dream is to go to Mt. Komorebi for a shot at a boxing championship, and the combination of a real goal and the presence of his grandmother and his daughter in his life has been crucial to keeping him on track and focused. 
At the end of the day, Luke isn’t a bad man. He’s a sad man, a lonely man, fighting the truth he’d been told all his life that he wasn’t good enough. He’s deeply flawed and always will be, but there is hope there, if one can find it under the bruises.
Personality - Kyra:
At seven, Kyra is an inquisitive young girl and a nature enthusiast. She has a passion for all things nature, from bugs and bees to plants and the environment. Clever beyond her years - she always has been - she spends the majority of her time at Luke’s place outside, hanging with various animals, pressing leaves in her Nature Journal or helping Nana Rosie can the vegetables from her garden.
Her relationship with Luke is a surprisingly good one. Her mother never spoke ill of him, and he never spoke poorly of her. He was so young when Kyra was born, when she started to get older it was like they were both just kids - so the pair always had fun together, giggling and joking. While not always a good dad, Luke never failed to be a good friend.
Kyra visits as often as she can. Henford is so much nicer than the city, so she heads over with her satchel full of books, ready to chide Luke about recycling cans and see if she can’t get a few strands of horse hair to put in her Nature Journal.
Including a couple more pics of the man bc I love him, please enjoy
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wwprice1 · 7 years
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Some fantastic covers coming from Marvel in September!
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happysimmer · 3 years
The Originals Legacy S1.22-26
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So this is where I lose all of my screenshots that correlate with my parts 22-26. My game was going through it and I deleted the Sims 4 application, forgetting to move my screenshots over to another folder. I’ve now learned from my mistakes. This part will just be a summary of everything that was supposed to be shown in each part with some pictures that I manage to get. 
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22: Kora decides to Change up her look a little bit now that she’s an adult and finally ready to focus on her future! She works on her next novel Secrets of Strangerville! Jayson comes over and she asks him if they could be just friends which makes her happy! She heads to Henford on Bagley and decides to invite each man at a time to ask to just be friends! She becomes good friends with Sara from Henford on Bagley and she gives her the confidence she needs to break it off with everyone! She finds out that Erika is pregnant and Halle got married! She’s happy that her friends are starting their lives! ◦ 23: Kora works on her charisma skill and gets it up to level 9! She works on her next novel! She feels drawn to Glimmerbrook and just wants to know more about spellcaster so she goes back and sees Luke again! She learns more about spellcaster a from him and they spend all night talking and getting to know each other! They end up kissing for the first time and Kora has never felt this connection with anyone before! They spend all night together and Kora goes home feeling giddy! She’s so happy! The next day, she starts working on her next novel and finishes it! Geoffrey calls her and tells her that she’ll get money if she gets married in 7 days! Luke comes over and spends some time together! They end up woohooing autonomously! They become girlfriend and boyfriend and he ends up proposing to her which was so cute!
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◦ 24: Kora decide that they want to start their new life together in Glimmerbrook! They are so in love and cute! They decide to adopt a little kitty named Lilah! They woohoo to celebrate this moment in their lives! She ends up being pregnant and Luke is so excited to be a dad! Kora starts working on her Evergreen Harbor novel in her new home, she can’t believe how happy she is! Farrah comes to visit! Kora and Luke have a photo shoot for their engagement!
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◦ 25: It’s Luke and Kora’s wedding day! They invite their closest friends! They have a beautiful ceremony! Kora is happier than she ever thought she would be! They have a fun time filled with love and friendship! They decide to head to Selvadorada for their honeymoon! They have a great time together! Kora gets to know some of the people who live there! They are just so cute!
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◦ 26: kora goes to the gynecologist and finds out that she’s going to be having twin girls! She’s so excited! She has breakfast with her cute little family! She starts working on her novel about Glimmerbrook and completes it! She goes into labor and heads to the hospital to give birth to her baby girls! She names them Davina and Danni Mikaelson! They are so happy to have the babies in the house with them! Kora reads a book on mischief before bed! Luke practiced practical magic to improve his status! Kora ends up working on her Mt Komorebi novel! Lilah isn’t feeling well so Kora heads to the vet with her to get her some treatment!
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I’m sad that I lost these screenshots, especially all of the pregnancy, engagement and wedding photos but at least I have these photos to remember it by! 
Beginning |
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