#luke cage request
chvoswxtch · 4 months
Congrats on 4K!!!! Thats incredible!! You’re so talented and deserve for your work to be seen! ❤️
I’d like to order an americano from either Frank or Matt or Luke. (let’s be real, while I’m a Frankie girl at heart, sometimes it’s hard to choose between those men) and the song lyric is “Cause I'm no prophet or messiah/You should go looking somewhere higher/I’m only human after all” from Human by Rag’n’Bone Man.
Can’t wait to see the full celebration!
thank you so much honey!! 🖤
it is absolutely hard to choose, I mean look at them. that lyric totally fits luke though & as usual I got carried away but I don't think you mind so here you go :)
blurb below the cut
order for luke with a shot of human
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you should go looking somewhere higher / i’m only human after all
“So that’s it then?”
Luke couldn’t even look at you. His guilty gaze flickered around your small apartment, dancing phantoms of memories appearing, memories that he’d miss when he walked out that front door for the last time. He couldn’t look at you. If he did, he’d see the treachery. He’d see the sadness and the disappointment woven into your irises. His skin was impenetrable, but his heart wasn’t.
“It’s what’s best-”
Dragging his large palm down his face, Luke let out a ragged breath. He’d only met one other person in his life that could be as stubborn as you. He could hear the challenge in your voice, and he didn’t need to look at you to see the defiance in your stance. He could feel it. You wanted an explanation, but what was he supposed to say? That your life was safer without him in it? He'd rather eat a bullet than speak those words out loud, even if he knew they were true. All his life, all Luke had tried to do was the right thing, but somehow he kept fucking it up. The more good he tried to do, the more harm seemed to come to everyone around him. He couldn’t do that to you.
He wouldn’t.
“Someday…you’ll thank me for this.”
Luke turned to walk towards your front door with determined steps, feeling like a coward for not even being able to look you in the eye. But the pain he heard in your voice made him freeze in place.
“You really think I’d ever thank you for breaking my heart? For doing the one thing you promised me you’d never do?”
The raw emotion in your tear soaked words made him physically flinch. The night he first told you he loved you, Luke had made you a promise as sacred as a vow, sealing it with the juvenile ritual of crossing his finger over his heart. He swore to you he’d never leave. He never wanted to, especially not like this. You deserved more than he could give.
Anger and resentment seared in his bloodstream, not at you, but at himself. Luke had once thought being powered was a gift, something that he could use to help change the world for the better. But instead it had proven to be more of a curse that plagued anyone that got too close to him.
“I am not the hero you think I am!”
The look in your eyes was worse than he anticipated. Intermingled with the melancholy was the shock of his loud selfish outrage echoing in the small space. He’d never lost his temper with you, and it was just one more thing he added to his ever growing list of indefinite regrets. Lowering his head in shame, his features contorted in affliction. His voice was quieter when he spoke, laced with remorse and self condemnation.
“I’m not…I’m not what you think I am.”
“No, you’re not what you think you are.”
Luke lifted his head, staring down at you in a mixture of confusion and distress, his dark brown eyes searching yours desperately. Giving a small shake of your head, you took a few steps closer towards him, reaching for one of his hands to hold.
“You put too much on your own shoulders. I know you can do extraordinary things, and you can’t physically be hurt, but you’re still human underneath that bulletproof skin. You’re allowed to make mistakes, and those mistakes don’t erase all the good you’ve done.”
“You go out of your way to help people that really need it. And you don’t do it for money or fame or any of that. You do it because it’s who you are, and who you are is a good man, Luke Cage.”
Feeling your hands travel from his forearms up his biceps, caressing over his broad shoulders, and finding their home on either side of his face, Luke dipped his head and gave into your embrace, circling his arms around your waist to pull you in close. He could do a million good deeds, save a million lives, and he’d still never deserve you.
“There is nothing you could do that would ever change how I feel about you. I don’t care if you’re a hero. I love you.”
Closing his eyes, Luke let out a deep breath, feeling the tension in his body physically dissipate.
“I don’t ever want anything to happen to you because of me.”
“It won’t.”
“How do you know that?”
“Because if it does, I’ll just stand behind you.”
Letting out a deep chuckle, Luke pulled back slightly to look down at you, arching one of his ebony brows as an amused grin split across his lips.
“Oh you got jokes tonight, huh?”
“For now. But the next time you try to break up with me instead of talking to me, I’m not going to be so forgiving.”
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Imagine showering with Luke Cage.
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“All I’m asking is that you don’t block the shampoo, one of us actually needs it,” You said, trying to reach around your boyfriend’s large frame to grab the bottle from the shelf.
You loved taking showers with Luke - though the logistics of the small shower and his very built body didn’t always work to your benefit.
“What - you want this bottle?” Luke asked, putting an arm behind him and took hold of the shampoo bottle. He made it look so tiny as he held it up, to tease you into reaching for it.. In your defense - he made everything look tiny compared to him.
“Luke,” You pouted, reaching up for it, barely being able to touch the smooth bottom of the plastic container. “You can’t hog the hot water AND my shampoo. I’m dirty and freezing down here.”
“I don’t know if I want to help with the first thing,” He smirked down at you.
But what he did do was maneuver around you so he was in the cold spot, and you were getting the nice warm water against your body.
With a grin, he pumped some of the shampoo onto his hand and started to massage it in for you, really working it into the scalp. He was taking care of you, making a comforting moan slip out from your lips as it felt like a massage against your head. You lost all complaints that you once had now, just getting lost in this world of warmth, your hand on his strong chest to keep yourself steady.
It was evident that he liked taking care of you, especially in ways like this, with a little bit of teasing first because it was so cute to watch you pout. It was a really fun dynamic that kept the both of you on your toes - never actual fighting or hurt feelings, especially never somewhere as intimate a place as your apartment, which you both treated as sacred ground. He even helped you to wash it out, holding you under the water, making sure that all of the product was out so that you could continue on with your hair routine. “Mmm - forgive me for my snarky comment?” You asked.
“About how one of us actually needs shampoo?” He asked, a bushy eyebrow raised. “Already forgiven.”
Requested by: @roguerambles​
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cloudwisp · 2 months
✮ sylus x wife!reader
contents: fluff, suggestive. arranged marriage au. hints of slow burn. you like playing hard to get and he loves calling you his wife. 1.4k wc.
꒰ note ᰔ I had to deposit my messy thoughts somewhere and this headcanon post was the result.
part two here. ꒱
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⭒ Arranged marriage with Sylus where he prefers to call it a “strategic partnership” as a means of appearances to flaunt that he has it all—an empire, riches, strength, influence and now a darling wife who waits for him at home. You’re not so much as a random choice, Sylus had been watching you from afar for a while and in exchange for his protection in the N109 zone he strikes a deal with you to play a simple role. You have every reason to be wary of him and know to keep your wits about yourself, but even you acknowledge that your chances are better with him. Though, if you asked him how he was so certain you’d agree to his proposal he’d admit that he wasn’t but he knew you’d consider it if he had an advantage over you.
⭒ He sets his terms and conditions—you reside in his humble abode, wedding ring always worn on your finger, and attend events with him as a pretty accessory on his arm to contribute to his image. But he’ll never admit that he actually enjoys your company at business functions that often feel dull to him. You are more than welcome to spend your days as you please so long you don’t cause him trouble, and that also means you have his black card privileges to spoil yourself rotten. Of course, he accommodates most requests you may have like sleeping in separate rooms if that’s what you wish (and redecorating because his furnishing decisions are quite bleak).
⭒ Luke and Kieran can sense that their boss feels something for you despite his nonchalance toward this little arrangement. It starts off small, it always does—Sylus takes note of your morning and night routine, your picky eating habits and has the chef make adjustments to your preference, how he sees you out in the gardens and come back with spring tulips to brighten the space and the next week he already replaced the slowly withering flowers with fresh ones. The twins whisper among themselves that he’s often less annoyed and irritated when you’re around, and their boss wouldn’t go through the trouble of being considerate unless he cares for you. It’s almost exciting for them both to witness a budding romance unfold before their very eyes and they do offer a helping hand here and there to keep things interesting.
⭒ Sylus thinks it’s adorable how you keep trying to resist him and that’s precisely the reason he loves seeking you out just to watch your resolve crumble under his touch. He finds you in the kitchen preparing a snack and cages you from behind with his hands planted on either side of you against the counter. “Hey kitten, I thought I’d find you in here.” You feel his hot breath down your neck as he pushes your hair aside just enough to lay a soft kiss on your shoulder. He chuckles when you comment that he’s being awfully touchy with you, and he purposely moves closer so that his chest is pressing against your back. “Perhaps I just can’t keep my hands to myself where you’re involved. Besides, you’re my wife now. I think I have the right to touch you whenever I like.”
⭒ You remind him that you’re his wife in title only, but that doesn’t discourage his flirtation and teasing as he allows you to nudge past him. He follows you into the common area and takes a seat on the couch, spreading his legs wide and taking up a lot of space. His gaze is settled on you as he pats his thigh and his lips curl into a smirk. “Come here, wife.” You naturally scoff meanwhile you place the plate of seasonal fruits on the side table and situate yourself closest to the armrest, taking a bite into a juicy red strawberry as you ignore his piercing stare.
⭒ For someone who always gets what he wants, Sylus isn’t used to being defied like this. And had it been anyone else his patience would wear dangerously thin, but he supposes that you’re a special exception because he seems to enjoy the chase and claiming its reward. With one small gesture, he drags you across the couch by a gravitational pull and you squeal when the swirling red easily turn and maneuver you so you’re forced to straddle him and your hands prop on his shoulders for support. “There, much better. Comfy? This is the best seat in the house.” His gaze locks with yours, and he thinks you huffing and frowning at him is simply cute. He firmly grabs your wrist with the bitten strawberry in your hand and lifts it to his mouth for a sweet taste.
⭒ “No fair… using your Evol against me like this.” You grumble under your breath as you gently trail your thumb from his chin to the corner of his mouth where the strawberry juices began to spill. Then an impulsive thought takes over and you pinch his cheek between your fingers, creating a sticky mess on his face. “I hope you’re enjoying yourself. That’s for treating me like a sack of potatoes.” He chuckles once more, his hand falling on your hip and he gives you a light squeeze. “Oh, I do have every intention of fully enjoying my wife tonight.” And by that, he means taking you out for a joyride on his motorbike and feeling your arms wrapped around him tightly as the engine roars through the streets under the night sky and sinking moon. Sylus would never engage in any intimate acts you weren’t ready for, but he loves seeing you fluster at his suggestive remarks.
⭒ As the weeks cross over into months, you never imagined that you’d be spending so much time with Sylus outside of your agreed terms. He’s everywhere in every waking moment of your life even when he’s not there physically. You’re learning new things about him each day and you (begrudgingly) like being around him—even when he can sometimes be a playful bully toward you. When he’s gone for long stretches of time to deal with negotiations and other important matters in the N109 zone, you can feel your heart yearning for him but you’d never say that you miss him out loud when you think he's still toying with you. But with the way he cares for you like you’re both in a real and genuine relationship, it’s hard to know his true intentions and keep your feelings buried deep inside your chest for long.
⭒ You accidentally confirm that Sylus does harbor romantic feelings for you when you carelessly bring up your replacement in a lighthearted joke. You’ve never seen his face falter so quickly at your words as he averts his gaze for a moment to collect himself—a hint of vulnerability in his crimson hues. “I wouldn’t have found a new wife.” He shakes his head and tells you, his voice a little rougher than before. You don’t know what to say, but you manage a soft “No?” that reaches his ears. “No. I wouldn’t have been able to replace you, kitten. You’re it for me. The only one. No one could fill the void you’d leave behind.”
⭒ You and Sylus have kissed before, but this is the first time you’re initiating it. As you brush your lips against his, there’s a softness you never noticed. His hand slips around the small of your back and he pulls you close against him, returning your kiss with the same tenderness as though savoring the taste of you. You lean back after a moment, your palm meeting his cheek in a sweet embrace. “You know, I'm still getting used to the idea that I’ve fallen for you.” You can see him returning back to normal when he offers you a cocky smirk. “And yet here you are. In my arms, with your lips on mine. I think you’re not being entirely honest, my beautiful wife.” Sylus has waited a long time to hear those words from you but you don’t need to know that right now.
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syefiles · 2 months
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: sylus : midnight stealth, but what should've happened. 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: really sadistic sylus. not accurate scene (rewritten some parts) fingering, the reader is seen as a female and has a pussy, dom! sylus, kissing. lmk if i missed anything. 𝐚/𝐧: requests/suggestions open in my ask-box [] hiyaa ! i missed writing on here. lately sylus has had me in a choke hold T_T here's me coping with my obsession with a new fic. thank you, and enjoy :)
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You were home alone with the bird twins, Sylus' most important and capable helpers whose posts are his house. You were almost going to shake your head to get more ideas on how to invade the vampire and get the brooch.
It wasn't fair. A ruler of a nation against a pitiful hunter who just happened to waltz straight into his own personal hell. "Stop worrying your pretty little head. Boss might be scary and sophisticated, but if you play your cards right, you can achieve your goal." Luke spoke from the dinner table, while Kieran was sat on it. "But then again, you only have an hour left in your deal. Make it count."
You sat up from the couch, finally picking yourself up with enough confidence to face the final boss. Luke and Kieran put up two signs, one with tiger claws and another with a peace sign. "Good luck, you stray." Kieran remarks.
The moon was beautiful. Although the sun never shined in this dimension, it was still a sight for sore eyes. You approach the heavy door decorated with expensive vintage handles, that might cost a few thousand back at home.
You tightly grip the evol-sealing handcuffs and a tranquilizer gun, giving yourself a few imaginary pats on the back. You open the door, seeing the smoke-headed crow resting on his headboard, as vulnerable as a dove. His breathing was steady, hands remained warm atop his covers. He could've just asked me to tuck him in.
You approach his figure quietly, as if cautious of a landmine on the wooden floors. Your leg climbs on his mattress, sitting down gently. Your mouth whispers his name, "Sylus, Sylus?" When you saw his chest still remained steady, you successfully cuffed his heavy hand on his headboard.
"This is what you get for toying with me." You muttered under your breath and the same volume you did when you whispered his name. You set the gun down, while you inspect his red and black robe, He must have hidden it here.
Your hands barely touched the fabric, his free hand successfully trapping your wrist. His eyes furrow, failing to recognize your features at first. You stare at his face in shock, like a cat trapped in a glass box.
"Showing up uninvited at this hour, want me to tell you a bedtime story?" He asks, clearly sarcastic and angry. Your shocked expression drops, "Actually..." Your two hands cage him in, closing the space between you. You could see his face so distinctly from here.
"You should be able to figure out what's going on here." His eyes stare at you, almost burning holes into yours. "These handcuffs have you helpless. No matter how powerful you are, you can't do anything for an hour." You taunt, successfully catching your hunt.
"Really? What do you intend to do now that I've become your prey?" He asks, intrigued. Your right hand detaches from the plush of his headboard, putting out your hand. "Where's the brooch?"
He smirks, "Help yourself." fully offering his semi-naked body to you. While patting down his sides and pockets, you list all of the things he had done to you once you stepped foot into the N109 Zone. "No ordinary person would do that. So..." Your hands stopped their advancements, completely staring at him now, he stares back.
"Don't tell me you're doing all of this because you like me."
Sylus laughs at your misunderstanding. He did all of this for his own benefit, he only desired to resonate with you and nothing else. Yet, fate chose the hard path for you two. "Clearly, you read too many fairy tales." You ignored his words and resumed back to searching.
Your hands search under the collar of his robe, "Does my answer really matter to you?" He asked. "That doesn't matter now. I won!" You exclaim, using your thumb to flip the coin up into the air, and catching it with your hand.
Sylus let a few moments of silence pass, trying to savor what little feeling of triumph you have left. "Don't tell me..." Your expression changes into a frown, "I won't go back on what I promised you." Sylus sits up, his back no longer leaning on the bed. "This was quite the thrilling experience for you huh, sweetie?" His evol submerged the metal of the handcuffs, causing it to deteriorate.
Your eyes widen, and you quickly try to get up from the bed, but he flips you over by your thighs, completely laid down. You try to retaliate with your hand, but he catches it almost immediately with his. "You're pretty good at running away."
He takes the gun by your side and inspects it himself. "You were gonna use this on me?" He almost laughs, staring at your shocked and vulnerable expression. "Yes, just like that." He says, aligning the gun on your cheek, running it down and up your soft skin. "You're so beautiful when your face contorts in fear, kitty."
He lets out a low laugh. "And disobedient kittens get punished," He lightly slaps the gun on your cheek. He traces it down to your chin, lifting it up to level his eyes with yours. "I-I won fair and square!" You respond, only receiving a heavier slap with the gun on your cheek.
"Bad girls don't talk back." His left eye glows but quickly settles down once your hands reach into his robe, feeling his hard abs and warm skin. Sylus raises an eyebrow, curious at your moves. You slip one side of his robe off, exposing his neck. You grab onto his shoulders, licking and nipping at his neck.
He lets out a groan, while a hand slips up from your inner thighs and into your panties. They're soaked, he thought. A finger hooks on your panties, sliding them to the side, his middle and ring fingers toying with your clit, rubbing circular motions on it. Your tongue slows down, letting out exasperated moans here and there. "Sylus-"
His hand slaps your clit, making you jolt in response. "Try that again, sweetheart." He stops his fingers from moving, waiting for your reply. "Sir..." You mutter, two fingers entering you. Your arms shake on his shoulders from his lengthy fingers bullying themselves into your sopping cunny.
"Good-fucking-girl." Each word came with a curl and a thrust from his fingers, making you go ballistic. He was nimble and skilled with his hand, while two were inside, his thumb was working magic on your puffy clit. Your mouth didn't stop leaving love bites all over his neck, while he kisses all over your boobs and collarbones.
"Such a pretty face." He says, admiring your sweat and small tears collecting at your waterline. You let out small moans and whimpers from the pace his fingers were jolting in and out inside of you. "Gonna cum for me?"
He asks, your cunt pulsates around his fingers and they grow tighter each curl at your g-spot. "Mmhm-mhp!" Your hand covers your mouth, cautious of all of the noise you're making. Sylus' head lowers, "Come on, be loud for me, darling." he whispers in your ear, his hot breath tickling the shell of your ear, that action alone was enough to send you over the edge.
"S-Sir, 'm cumming- oh fuck!" You exclaim, finally letting go of your hand on your mouth, Sylus quickly kisses you while you make a mess of his fingers. He didn't slow down, letting you ride out your orgasm.
He pulls away, a string of saliva connecting you two. You lay there, disheveled. "Look so pretty f'me, hm?" He grabs a towel from beside the bed and wipes off the residue and your essence. Your eyes close, you were too tired to even process anything at this point.
Sylus sets down the towel and grabs the blanket, wrapping you two in it, spooning you from behind. "B-but Sylus, what about you?" He smirks, grateful you asked him that question.
"You can pay me back at the banquet tomorrow."
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©syefiles 7/19/2024 - do not copy, translate, modify my works.
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homestylehughes · 5 months
boyfriend luke headcanons
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pairing(s): luke hughes x fem!reader
summary: headcanons of bf!luke!
wc: 568
warnings: fluff!! cute luke, smut 18+. sfw and nsfw!
authors note: hiii guys!! guess whos back...me! i just finished my last final WOOOOHOOO! but i still have to write a 10 page paper final... gulp anyways!! i love writing headcanons recently... they're so fun so write. i wrote for luke, luke might be my fav hughes brother... he's been looking a little too good recently NO SURPRISE! anyways im working on more fics tonight so more things will be coming!! im currently working on a long quinn fic, super excited for that to come out. omg this is so long im so sorry, okay im done yapping now!! like and reblog if you enjoyed it<3 much love as always <3
OH!! my requests are open, send something in or just talk to me:)
happy reading<3
Bf!luke: luke loves having his hands on you at all times. Cuddling you when you guys are home alone and having an arm and hand on you when you guys are out in public. Always making sure you know that he's always there.
Bf!luke: luke loves to plan cute little dates for you guys, always changing it up. If it's a picnic in the park or dinner at a fancy restaurant. Your favorite dates are the random ones, just getting in the car and doing something, those always make the best memories. 
Bf!luke: Luke is a quiet but attentive boyfriend. He's always there when you need a shoulder to cry on, he always listens to you about everything you want to talk about. Luke is quiet in some momentents but you don't mind it, you love how soft and quiet he is, showing how he cares for you in intimate ways.
Bf!luke: He's such a competitive game player. He hates losing, especially to you. Your favorite moment with him is when guys were playing scrabble and he lost in the last round, flipping the scrabble board with a dramatic sign. Lets just say he was picking up scrabble pieces for 2 hours straight. 
Bf!luke: It's no secret that Luke can't cook, but he tries for you. Waking up before you, his mind set on making you breakfast. Trying to be as quiet as he can in the kitchen, trying to pull something together to impress you with. He always ends up going with things that don't involve him using the stove, as a safe bet. The cereal and yogurt bowls never fail to make your heart burst whenever you see them. Knowing it's not much, but it means so much to you because luke made it for you. 
Bf!luke: people wouldn't expect it but luke is one kinky guy. He loves trying new things in the bedroom. Tying you up, trailing ice cubes down your body, you name it he’ll do it.
Bf!luke: shower sex. Luke loves shower sex. Watching the water run down your body, has to be one of his favorite sights. Kissing your neck from behind you, guiding his hands along your waist pulling your body back towards him. He’ll slowly push your body against the shower wall, trapping you body with his arms caging you in as he works his way down you body, as your moans fill up the shower walls. 
Bf!luke: luke loves it when you praise him, he definitely has a praise kink. Pulling on his hair while he eats you out. Looking down at him as he's between your legs, moaning at how good he looks from down there. Urging him on saying “fuck right there” “yes luke oh my god” “you look so pretty between my legs”, and his personal favorite is when you call him “good boy”. 
Bf!luke: luke loves ur thighs, kissing them, laying on them, anything that has to do with your thighs he loves. He loves gripping them while your on top riding him, his large hands gripping your thighs with such force that will definitely leave a bruise the next day. 
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ma1dita · 6 months
now that we're older
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a 'partners in crime' installment - luke castellan x dionysus!reader
words: 3.5k
summary: (established relationship) The one where he asks if you can stay the night even if all of cabin 11 makes fun of him. Luke is tired of the routine. He just needs his girl. (Luke Castellan x fem!Dionysus!reader)
a/n: its really something about me always posting at 4am.... listened to three songs on a loop while writing and they were all called ‘older’. 5sos-> gracie abrams-> lizzy mcalpine—this works for the trajectory of trouble & luke if you give it a listen; anyways you guys deserve the fluff. PLEASE TELL ME THIS IS HAPPY (ignore the...tinge of angst) BUT THIS IS HAPPY RIGHT? RIGHT? scream at me in the comments & enjoy <3
(posted 3/26/24, semi-edited)
Luke lets you love him in the nighttime. 
It’s not to say that you don’t love him every second of the day and then some, but he’s much softer at night, weathered down and stripped of the many roles he carries. Maybe it’s the weight from the responsibility of being an all-star cabin counselor or the bone-deep ache of being camp’s best swordsman, perhaps even the ailment of being Hermes’ favorite forgotten son—but he endures until the night where he can lay it all down and be nothing but yours. 
And you let him. 
The mask usually starts to fall apart during dinner when he comes to sit at your table— besides the extra space, Luke likes intentionally knocking his knees against yours, the hand not holding his fork squeezing the inside of your thigh. He’s more open and receptive to your doting by the time the sun sets, fiddling with the hem of your camp shirt on the walks to the bonfire, letting you hang off his arm as you sidestep each other’s feet, hip to hip in hushed giggles. Whether it be chatty campers running through attempts at kisses, Chiron and Mr. D accidentally interrupting your loving glances, or occasional interference from the gods above, there’s only so many ways to be together in the in-between.
Tonight he’s yawning as he places his head on yours from behind, the both of you watching all your campers file out towards the amphitheater. A gentle smile graces your face and he’s warm all over, arms caging around your chest as you lightly sway against the summer breeze.
“You okay, angelface?”
Humming in response, he lowers his cheek to yours and whispers a proposition.
“Wanna skip the bonfire? Like how we used to…”
Turning to face him, your nose bumps against the scar on his cheek, and he feels the teeth of your smile on his skin as you mumble, “That was before cabin 7 needed an understudy for special requests, babe.”
“You could still sing for me. I’ll even clap if you want,” he muses before warbling out a few off-key notes to your favorite song until you’re a mess of giggles under him, fingers reaching up to cover his lips.
“That’s terrible,” you say between fits of laughter, until your eyes meet Percy and Grover’s wandering ones, “Hey! You two ready for your quest tomorrow?” Luke’s hold on you falters into an afterthought, fingers playing with your belt loops as the boys walk to the center of the clearing to meet you two.
He thinks about his little sister going on a quest to prove herself to her mother, even if it’s not her own cross to bear. He thinks about the satyr risking his life to protect another demigod who follows in his footsteps, and finally his dark eyes land on the sandy-haired boy destined to get caught in the crossfire. Luke’s feet feel heavy as if they’re cemented to the ground, and when you step away to greet the boys, he stays where he is. You misinterpret it for his fatigue, which is only part of what’s weighing on his mind.
“Luke? Go on ahead, I’ll cover for you. Get some rest.” But he can’t sleep without you; the times he’s tried are met with a touch of darkness only you can will away. He wants to hold on to you for as long as he can— Luke’s always been more vulnerable in the nighttime, with or without you.
Later he finds himself staring at the ceiling of his cabin, thrashing in the twin bed against the back wall as he rests his eyes and tries to get comfortable. There are reminders of you wherever he looks, gauzy white curtains strung up around his bed like swirling clouds, pictures of the both of you pinned to the worn walls of Hermes’ refuge for the unclaimed, and though he’s always known his heritage—the way he can pick out your voice through the sound of all the others that file in reminds him who his heart belongs to. Luke shuts his eyes until he feels your lips on his forehead, balmy from your berry chapstick with a hint of your smile. He murmurs your name sleepily, but your hands tickle his torso as you lift the hem of his shirt up.
“Woah there, keep it PG. There are children here!” Travis says mockingly, and the sound of giggles and shuffling sheets fills the room as everyone gets ready for bed. There’s a resounding thud that follows and that makes him open his eyes.
“Mind out of the gutter, Stoll! You know your brother overheats at night,” you mutter, and his hands are already ghosting your hip in silent confirmation. Tearing your lavender gaze from Travis who’s spitting out feathers from across the way, you look down at him and mumble, “Sleepy, angelface? They’ll do cabin checks soon and then it’s lights out.” 
“Don’t wanna sleep without you. I can wait,” he slurs, saying your name slowly like he’s spelling it out. Luke looks at you blearily when he sits up, rubbing the drowsiness from his eyes as he pulls his shirt off from the nape of his neck. When the orange fibers lift from his vision, he sees you in sleepwear (all stolen from his closet, just the way he likes it) and your face shiny with skincare. 
“Was gonna get you ready for bed, babe. Got Lee to cover for me tonight and Beck and Katie are on morning shift. Wanna go to mine?”
He knows he should. The both of you never play hooky, not since taking up your counselor positions 3 years ago. Luke doesn’t remember the last time either of you were in bed before midnight and up before 6 the next morning. Never on purpose at least—the surprise jolts him awake a little as he cocks his head at you curiously. 
“Got off the hook, Trouble?”
The question makes you bite your lip, “You’re acting surprised. Something told me you needed it.” He flops back down on the worn mattress, far too soft with age that his back tweaks a little when he moves over for you and pats the space you’ll take up. It’s his though—even if it doesn’t have his name on it, and for once he just wants to sleep in here with his girl like everything is right in the world (and ignore that he’s about to tear it all up). He thinks he might actually miss this cabin, the sound of his scuffling siblings, the way things quickly disappear and reappear at the change of hands in this community of outcasts, but most of all, he’s going to miss you and how you can settle them down with a single hush.
“Can we stay here tonight? Too comfy. Never get to admire the little setup you made for me here since we’re in 12 so often.”
“M’not going anywhere, my love,” you whisper as you push back the curtains, climbing into his bed to cuddle against him, but he shifts so that his head is on your chest. Luke’s hugging you like he’s a weighted blanket, and he strings a garland of kisses along your collarbone leading up to the space over your heart. Running your hands through his hair, you sing to him quietly until lights out, not even noticing the change while you’re looking at each other eye to eye. No one laughs at your lullaby, the sound of your voice tucking the rest of the cabin to sleep.
Almost losing consciousness again, his cheek shakes with the giggle that rises from your chest as you whisper, “Didn’t know you put our camp prom photo up on your wall. We look like we hate each other.”
“You were so mad because I kept stepping on the bottom of your dress. Had to get your attention somehow,” he chuckles, before tightening his hold on you, “I knew I liked you already by then, too. Wasted too much time trying to get Chiron in a prom dress with the boys that I didn’t get the chance to ask you to dance.”
“Ended up on a bead though. Is that what that memory tells you, angelface?”
“You’re my favorite memory, Trouble,” he sighs, muscles relaxing at the feeling of your fingertips tracing stars into the planes of his back. Then hearts. A squiggle of something you tell him is obviously a centaur, which makes his brows furrow, before he kisses your chin when you spell out your name. Slowly, like you want him to remember it. He does.
“I’m still here, silly—pretty sure to be a memory, time has to take me away first. Not letting that happen. Me and you forever if I can help it,” you say breathily, voice tinged with sleep and so much love for him that feels like it chokes you, but that might just be the angle of your neck as you try to look down at him again. Dopamine lines your system at his words, and you let out a strained sigh—lovesick and heady with the feeling.
“I know but you’re in all my favorite ones too. When I think of you, everything’s better. Like I didn’t eternally fuck up my fate before I even turned 20,” he jokes, and like a lot of them, they fall flat. You hope that by wrapping your legs around him Luke will know how much you want to crawl into his skin and hold his heart to protect it. That with you, he won’t ever have to be alone. Words are never enough, after all. Even if you have nothing you need to prove, it won’t stop you from trying to show him.
“Still a few weeks off, so don’t try your luck. There are worse fates than falling in love with you, Luke Castellan.”
He turns from the wall at the sound of that, wanting to disagree, but you kiss him before he can protest.
“I’m the lucky one. Sometimes I think loving you was the only thing I did right,” he murmurs, before drifting off. You’re the last thing he looks at before he goes to sleep, the way he likes it—like a longstanding memory he gets to keep before he’s vulnerable again in his dreamstate. He’s the strongest when you’re with him, and his brain goes quiet. No one dares to break him when he’s with you like this. 
Not a dream, nor a titan.
You can't imagine sleeping another night without this crick in your neck with his name on it, the shape of him pressed into your body. With only the moon as your witness, you whisper words of devotion, sneak featherlight kisses wherever you can reach, and hope that they get to your love, wherever his mind is right now.
“I love you, I love you, I love you…”
You let him love you in the mornings.
Even unknowingly, it seems. On a normal day, your alarm would ring and you’d sleepily pat Luke (his face, chest, whatever part of him you could reach with your eyes closed) so he could shut it off. He’d let you sleep in a couple extra minutes (somewhere between 5-10) before pulling you from unconsciousness with a hug. 
This morning, with no alarms ringing in his ears Luke finds that he wakes up a little before you anyway. Down to his circadian rhythm, you’ve affected him, and he takes it with an upwards quirk of his lip as he squints at the sunlight through the sheer curtains that brush against your arms. He watches you delicately, even with the sounds of a lively morning filling the cabin—everyone up and ready for the day while you two are wrapped in your little bubble. It’s a stupid thought that crosses his mind, but a coherent one nonetheless; jealousy fills his chest at the sight of sunlight kissing every inch of your skin that he can only try to reach. He runs his hands from where they’re tucked underneath your waistband to the expanse of your back, and over your shoulders until you’re humming under your breath, midway out of a dream. 
Luke takes an extra moment to admire the way you latch onto him and he finds it almost frustrating how everyone from the gods above to the demigods at Camp Half-Blood down to the powers that damn him to Tartarus know you’re his biggest weakness. It’s almost unfair how you’re his strength too— the sheath that reminds him not to cut, the control behind his unbridled rage that heats up the back of his neck like a brand but instead of feeling fire, he feels sunlight.
You search for him in every sunrise, light refracting through your irises until a smile settles on your cheeks like you want to say, “Yes, I’m here with you. ” 
“Good morning, pretty girl.”
The both of you shifted during the night, almost as if in a dance of limbs and dreams, and somehow you’re nestled against his side and using his bicep as a pillow. It flexes as Luke raises his arm to brush the hair away from your face, when you kiss his scar and mumble, “Did we miss breakfast?”
“Almost over, but we can just grab something from the kitchens. Surprised everyone left us alone, actually,” he says thoughtfully, “the kids might’ve already left for their quest.” He likes watching you reorient yourself into the land of the living, before you step into your boots of being head counselor, before you put on the facade of being the perfect demigod—the protector and glue of Camp Half-Blood.
“Mmhm… was gonna offer my lighter to Percy and them last night for protection, but he was wearing your shoes. You gave them to him?”
Luke wipes drool from the side of your lip, watching you kiss his thumb in thanks with no thought as it was as easy as breathing. A half smile splits through the scar on his face as he says, “He’s gonna need them. For luck.” You lift your upper body up and look at him, hair forming a halo around your face and you sniff, “But you loved those shoes. Gift from your dad aside, I know they’re one of your prized possessions.”
He coaxes you back into his arms as he shifts up and leans against the wall. Prying eyes would think you’re hugging, sitting heart to heart on the small mattress.
“Annie didn’t take your lighter?”
He knows you’re rolling your eyes against his shoulder, feeling your fingers clutch at his curls to pull him away to look at you. You look at him knowingly and say, “Stop trying to change the subject. Anyways, Annie said if we help them anymore she’ll think we don’t trust them enough to come back alive.”  
“I mean it when I say you’re all I care about. Shoes… None of it matters.”
“What I care about is how you used to love flying around in those things. Even if you pissed me off a lot with them too,” you say, and the both of you laugh. They were a consolation from his dad after his quest, probably the closest thing to an apology (or even a “hello, glad you’re alive!”) he’d ever gotten from Hermes. Though the scar on his cheek was more than enough of a reminder of that—he didn’t touch the shoes until a few months after, when you taught him how to drive. Luke propositioned you promising to take you out on a spin once, and you thought he meant the car…
“You loved them more than I did,” he grins, and you recoil and slap his chest.
“You flung me onto the roof of the dining pavilion, Luke.”
“It was an accident! Plus it did make cabin checks go faster…Once I got the hang of them,” he snorts, deciding to pull you to stand. Batting away the curtain, he’s sliding into his slippers and Luke helps you step onto his feet and you groan into his chest, “What are you doing? M’gonna break your toes, Lu—”
“Shhh…I’m the strongest guy you know. Can handle anything for ya.”
He backs the both of you up to the center of the cabin, spinning you in slow circles to an imaginary beat. One hand around your waist and the other interlaced with yours as your smile feels like sun beaming through a window as you ask, “How did I ever get so lucky to fall in love with you, Luke Castellan?” 
You’ll never tell him, but that’s the only thing you’ll be ever grateful to Hermes for.
He shakes his head in astonishment as he whispers, “I love you, you know that?” It hurts his head if he thinks too hard—how does a love so intoxicating manifest as something so gentle? How can he be powered by your love but still fueled by hate? How can he be both damned and saved by you? Luke wonders if his thoughts even break the surface of how busy the mind of a daughter of Dionysus is—to know insanity in love, and still be able to welcome it with open arms.
“Beats prom, huh? Am I a good dance partner?” 
You tilt your head, tongue in cheek as you gaze at your boy like he’s said something stupid, and though it’s been a year and change, you hope the fluttery feeling Luke gives you will never go away. With him, you never have to pretend—never needing to mince your words or soften the blow. You’ve never felt more yourself than how you feel hand in hand with him.
“We’ve always been good partners, me and you.”
He sways you in the momentary quiet of cabin 11 as you step away and hold the bottom of your (his) shirt out like the frills of a skirt, and Luke raises your arm overhead and then you’re spinning, spinning, spinning…
The front door swivels open, and Chris peeks his head in.
“Hey lovebirds, sorry to interrupt but Sword and Shield is starting soon, and Clarisse still has your names on the roster…”
You both sigh.
“You signed up for offense?”
“And you signed up for defense, so don’t look at me like that, Trouble…”
Instantly the two of you harden your stances, parrying at each other’s torsos with hands as your swords until you try to make a run for it and drag Chris behind you to use him as a human shield.
“Hey! Oof—”
Moving as quick as a bullet, Luke accidentally knocks the wind out of his brother who’s now hunched over as you laugh at him like a madwoman.
“You two are going to have weirdly violent children one day,” Chris huffs, before stepping back towards the door, “See ya in 30!”
Cheeks reddening at his brother’s comment, Luke crosses his arms and takes a good look at you, bathing in the light of the open doorway and looking like the rest of his life.
“Well, back to work. Bit too good to be true, huh babe?”
“For now,” he says thoughtfully, “Summer will be over soon though. Gonna get quieter around here for sure…”
You’re already stepping off the front porch walking backwards as you grin, throwing your arms up in the air as you make your way across the path to your cabin to get ready for the day. You’d hate to leave camp—it's as true as your love for performing, caring for others, and most especially, him. He knows it because he knows you, and unlike most things, that’s never going to change.
Not if he can help it.
“Summer doesn’t last forever. But we’ll still have the fall, the winter, and whatever’s next…me and you.”
You’re yelling to him over the railing of your porch and he nods his head at you, turning away before you speak again, “Maybe one day when we’re older!”
“What was that baby?”
Looking at Luke like you already have it all planned out in your head, you say softer, “Kids. If that’s what’s in the cards for us. Though I do like practicing…”
Instantly he cracks up but nods, because there’s no future he can conceive without you being in it. There’s a serious turn in his response and it makes your heart beat out of your chest.
“Anything you want. You know I don’t leave anything up to fate. Not glory, not you.”
Everything you touch turns into gold, and he hopes somehow he would too. Two sides of the same coin, striving for a good ending, one worth remembering—one to last forever.
You get to love each other in the in-between, when time can’t get in the way. The clock is always ticking though, rattling against his brain as a reminder. 
Luke just wants to make sure there’ll come a day where there’ll be no more interruptions.
“When is a monster not a monster? Oh, when you love it. Oh, when you used to sing it to sleep.” Caitlyn Siehl
 ½ luke taglist: @kissingyourgrl @dorcas4meadowes @lorarri @andrewgarfldsgf @noodlesketchbook @10ava01@poppysrin@ashisabitgay @timhalamet @liv1104 @leeknows-wife @mxtokko @bugcuti3 @luvvfromme @midmourn @2hiigh2cry @yuminako @niktwazny303  @lukecastellandefender @intergalactic-padawan @iliketopgun @annybah @dangelnleif @thegrinningghost @alyssajunelle @obxstiles @m00ng4z3r@visndcaitswhore @b0ok-lover @elegant-face-tree @this-barbie-is-having-breakdowns @amortencjja @idonevenknow1359 @maliaaaa @targaryenluvs @sakyira @dhdjdjjdhsjdiri
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sc0tters · 11 months
Play Ball | Jack Hughes & Trevor Zegras
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summary: when quinn leaves his best friend with his brother and his best friend what’s the worst that could happen?
request: yes/no
warnings: sexual themes, threesome, p in v (unprotected), oral (both fem and m receiving), swearing, degradation.
word count: 2.55k
authors note: truly this is the first time I am taking the blame for the chaos that ensued in this piece. Truly I have no words but, enjoy.
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It seemed like the boys were oblivious to the fact that you what they were doing.
Jack and Trevor watched as you soaked in the sun.
Your little bikini that honestly made it seem like you may as well have not been wearing anything. Headphones plugged into your ears playing Taylor Swift as you tapped your fingers on the grass beside you.
The boys had been playing football and all of a sudden the game got a whole lot less interesting when they saw you laying on that towel.
Trevor had noticed you first but it was Jack who made the move. The football landed up at your side causing you to open your eyes “pass the ball.” Jack smiled as you looked at him.
His hands angled to catch the ball “I don’t play J,” you had tried playing with Quinn before and it always ended up wrong.
Your words made Jack laugh “c’mon I’ll teach you.” He held his hand out to help you up.
Quinn and Luke had gone into town leaving you three at the house “how hard could this be?” You sighed taking the ball from his hand.
For the first twelve minutes you actually held your own ground. But of course that was only going to last for so long.
Before you knew it you were brought down to the grass with Jack caging his arms around you “I should get back to Trev.” He mumbled as his chain hit your chin.
Your breath wavered as he stared down at you “don’t-” you mumbled trying to stop him as you ran your fingers up his torso. The two of you stayed still until you eventually made the move.
It seemed that years of him pining over you was finally going to pay off as your lips locked with his “did I walk in on something?” Trevor cleared his throat as Jack turned his head.
Your cheeks turned pink as you two had been caught “n-no you didn’t.” You gasped as Jacks lips dropped to your neck ever so lightly teasing the skin.
Trevor smirked as he walked closer to you both “I’m starting to feel a little left out.” The Ducks player watched his friend get up leaving you on the grass as they stared at you.
Eyes so strong it pressed into your soul as you propped yourself up onto your elbows “it’s not like that.” You shook your head “so you don’t think about us like that?” Jack smirked as they watched your thighs clench.
Trevor added on to what he had said “like you don’t get off to us in the shower?” His tongue ran over his lip as your face dropped “yeah we’ve heard that.” Being in the house with the boys at the end of three weeks without any sexual interaction you were at your wits end with it all.
So the hot and steamy shower was your place to get some pleasure “it was a one time thing.” You were quiet as your voice was barely a whisper “so if I felt your pretty little swim bottoms they wouldn’t be wet?” Jack helped you up yet you still weren’t looking at them.
Trevor’s fingers ran up your arm “answer the question.” His tone were soft but his words were serious.
All you could do was nod “Quinn can’t-” you shook your head as Jack’s thumb dragged along your jaw forcing you to look up at him “he won’t.” His lips kissed your lips again “we won’t say a word.” Trevor added as Jack let his hands rest on your cheeks.
Jack smiled “say the word and we’ll move this inside.” His offer was one that had you moving your legs quicker than either boy could imagine.
The three of you stood in the room that the two boys were sharing “I need you.” You whined as Trevor let his fingers pull at the string of your bikini bottoms “been waiting to get you of these.” He groaned as he threw them to the floor leaving you in your bikini top.
The middle Hughes boy wrapped his hand around his cock as he watched you with his friend “what do you think Quinn would say about this?” Your long time best friend who thought you were busy sunbathing would have lost it if he knew you were instead with his brother and friend.
You groaned seeing Jack “I want your cock.” You blurted out making him smirk “you’re gonna have to wait for it baby.” Trevor spun you around causing your face to land in the comforter beneath you.
Your hands pushed your upper body off of the duvet “god you are soaked.” He groaned licking a line up your slit “shit!” As your mouth went open Jack let his cock slide into it giving you what you wanted.
His hands locked into your hair as both boys made themselves comfortable with Trevor now settling between your thighs “this what you been thinking bout in the shower?” Jack smirked as your head bobbed when your tongue swirled around his cock.
You nodded as your hands grabbed at Jack’s sides steadying you “so good.” Your whine came out muffled as most of it was swallowed by his opportunity to let his cock slide deeper into your mouth.
Trevor’s tongue was focusing on your cunt but his nose continued to hit your clit as your rode his face “such a sweet cunt.” His words sent shivers up your spine making you moan around Jack’s cock.
The room felt dirty as it soaked in the sounds of a secret that would make memories of a life time. Your throat occasionally constricted around the boy sending him into a plethora of pleasure making him look down at you through hooded eyes “you’re so good my girl.” He cooed causing your cunt to clench around his best friends tongue.
The ducks player form beneath you smirked “she likes it when your praise her like that.” Trevor confessed shifting his attention up to your clit for a bit making your thighs shake from around his head.
Despite how vulnerable you were sitting there riding one guys face as his hands wrapped around your thighs whilst his best friend had his cock shoved down your throat. Yet you felt exhilarating “used to think you were such an innocent girl.” Jack’s words pulled you out of your thoughts as you looked up at him through your wet eyes with now gloopy mascara.
He smiled, not one that you had seen before but rather one that held a hidden meaning behind it so of course you didn’t know how Jack was picturing his cock in your cunt instead of Trevor’s tongue.
That it was he who was making you moan like that “but here you are as a dirty little slut for us both.” Jack was close and he could tell that the way you were driving your hips against Trevor’s face were not just for your own amusement as you now made the effort to hit your clit with his nose more frequently.
As the younger boys hands tightened around your hair like you didn’t think possible you cried out in pleasure as Trevor made you feel a mind numbing orgasm “don’t stop baby.” Jack groaned watching as you stuck your tongue out flat when he pulled his cock out of your mouth.
The gesture as small as it seemed made him smirk “god you’re so dirty.” He cooed as his release landed on your tongue with only a few drops landing on the sides of your face “let me clean that up.” Jack offered with a smile as his thumb dragged over your skin capturing every last drop before he brought the digit to your mouth.
“Suck on it like a good girl f’me.”
His order rang through your ears as you obliged letting his finger replace where his cock once was less than a minute ago. You sucked just the same as you had with the previous item and it made Jack weak in the knees “I need her pussy.” Now that comment was clearly directed to Trevor but it made you smirk as you let go of Jacks finger with a pop “come and get it.” You knew you were playing with fire there.
And that was why you weren’t surprised when you landed up with Jack behind you gracefully lining his cock up with your soaked cunt as Trevor was in front of you pressing his lips against your skin “please Jack.” You whined feeling only the tip of his dick slide in.
It made the Ducks player nip at your collarbone “somehow you’re still so fucking needy after all we’ve given you.” His words were condescending as his attention focused on your neck.
Jack however was there to soothe your nerves “we make her like that Z, let’s enjoy it.” Jack managed to turn your head so you could kiss him and in that moment he took the opportunity to bottom you out.
His cock was different to what you were used to, thicker yet it still managed to keep its length “holy shit J.” You swore as your torso would have fallen forward if it wasn’t for Trevor being there to stop you.
The older boy smirked as you locked eyes with him “I would usually want to tease you.” Trevor’s voice filled you with anticipation as his breath fanned against your skin letting him kiss the shell of your ear.
Jack watched on as he felt himself grow green with envy at how you soaked up Trevor’s words “but right now I need those pretty little lips around my cock.” You could spend hours with Trevor arguing about the ins and outs of society, yet here was one argument you were willing to let him win.
So you nodded lowering your head also giving both boys a moment to finally look at each other. What was originally meant to be a moment between to bros or shall I say fellas.
Had now turned into a competition of who could make you feel the best. Yet with the whimpers coming out of Trevor’s mouth as he watched you drag your tongue across his chiseled abs made it seem like you had joined in on this competition too.
But Jacks hand that was swiftly brought down to your ass reminded you of where you stood in this “don’t go teasing him now princess.” Jack clicked his tongue “not when you wouldn’t want me to do that to you.” Those words made you turn your head to him “sorry Jacky.” Your lips formed a pout.
Yet that wasn’t enough for him “say it to him.” Jack motioned to his friend who looked at you with a smile “sorry Z.” Your words were soft yet clearly heard as his hand caressed your cheek “‘ts okay.” Trevor nodded watching to praise the heavens as you finally wrapped your swollen lips around his achingly sore cock.
The Devils player had already established a comfortable pace as your cunt had adjusted to his size meaning that your were able to focus on the boy in front of you “this cunt was made for me.” Jack’s words made you purr sending vibrations through Trevor.
The Hughes boy let his hand find its place on your already swollen clit “think the boys might be home soon.” The truth was that they had been gone for a while now so as much as both of these boys loved the sound of you gagging on Trevor. And your cunt squelching as Jack forced his bare cock deeper into your pussy making you both enjoy the intimate moment, you all knew you would have to get a move on if you didn’t want to get caught.
Whilst the idea would have formed a pool in your panties, this was no sight for your best friend to walk in on “dude this mouth is-” Trevor cut himself off with a groan as he realised that all of his ideas of you being innocent were thrown out of the window with how skilled your mouth was.
How it was warm and wet enough that it could as well have been your cunt with the way you sucked his cock dry “perfect place for a guy to finish.” Jack’s words were in agreement as he tried to act like he wasn’t in a state of bliss “keep clenching that pretty pussy of yours around me.” The sounds of slapping skin echoed from the walls acting like an enforcement to maintain the level of pleasure that you were all feeling.
Trevor had began fucking your face at one point as he knew that he was close to coming and it was clearly meant to leave your throat raw tomorrow “I’m going to fucking-shit baby!” His hands pulled at your hair as he kept your nose flushed against his torso as he felt your throat swallow his release.
From behind you the scene wasn’t nearly as calm “play with those pretty breasts of hers.” Jack ordered bringing his friend back down from his orgasm as Jack used his free hand to bring your back to his chest.
Your clit was puffy as his fingers hadn’t let up on the sensitive nub “please.” You cried out feeling the coil in your stomach.
Trevor ran his finger over your lip “look at our pretty little baby.” He cooed bringing his lips to your nipple.
The peaked bud hardened as it felt his tongue come into contact with it “she isn’t far now.” Jack could sense you were about to go but neither boy would let you.
Not yet.
Your brain grew clouded as Trevor used his other hand in your free nipple to apply for both sides to feel pleasure “I’m gonna come.” You announced feeling your eyes flutter as Jacks cock throbbed from between your legs.
It made him click his tongue “not so fast.” He licked the shell of your ear “beg for it.” His words carried into your ear and down to your cunt.
You whined in response “try again.” Jack shook his head “please Jack, let me come.” You pleaded as your legs began to shake.
Trevor’s curls raked through your fingers “I’ll be here just for you two however you want if you let me come.” It was clear you only had so much in you.
Finally Jack gave you the words that you wanted to hear “go milk my cock with that pretty little pussy of yours so I can full you with my come.” The kiss he pressed against your neck sent you into overdrive.
Your eyes screwed shut as stars covered your eye lights “god don’t stop!” You cried out making Jack come too “wasn’t planning on it princess.” He let out a grunt as his cock release it’s hot sticky ropes into your cunt making it mix with your previous release when Jack fucked you through your orgasm “enough please.” You begged shaking your head as Trevor moved his lips to your other nipple.
It made the boy laugh “look at you thinking you had a say.” Jack smirked until you heard a noise echo upstairs “we’re home!”
“get her clothes.”
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novaursa · 16 days
Hi there,
Is that possible to have a Jace x twin sister.
Where contrary to him she had the Targaryen look 100%. Because of that the green kinda accept her and even engaged her to Aemond?
After Aemond looses his eyes, she stayed at king’s landing but when Luc died, Jace can left her there, and had to take what is his back. thank u
A Flight For Freedom
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Requests are closed!
- Summary: The Greens chained your fate to Aemond, but after your brother's death, your twin comes to take you back.
- Paring: twin!reader/Jacaerys Targaryen
- Note: Some things are left unmentioned in the story to smooth out the plot. I hope you don't mind.
- Rating: Mild 13+
- Tag(s): @sachaa-ff @alyssa-dayne
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The air is thick with tension as you stand on the balcony of your chambers, the flickering flames of torches casting long shadows across the stone walls. The wind blows cold from the bay, chilling your skin, but it does little to compare with the cold that has settled into your bones since the death of Luke. Since that terrible night at Storm’s End, you’ve felt trapped in this castle, in the life they’ve forced upon you—a prisoner in a golden cage.
Your betrothal to Aemond, once a promise to secure peace, now feels like a death sentence. The man who took Luke’s life now claims you as his. You’ve barely seen him since that night, the anomasity between you and your one-eyed fiancé unbearable, but the walls of King’s Landing close around you, just as surely as his shadow looms.
You rest your hands on the cold stone of the balcony railing, staring out into the night, when a sound catches your ear. A low, distant rumble. At first, you think it’s a storm—King’s Landing has always been subject to the whims of the elements—but no, this is different. The hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. You know this sound.
It’s the beating of wings.
Suddenly, the night sky is filled with the powerful silhouette of a dragon. Vermax. And on his back, Jace.
Your heart leaps into your throat as the dragon descends, latching onto the side of the Red Keep with a ferocious strength, its claws scraping against stone, sending tremors through the entire castle. Vermax clings to the side of the tower, his massive form blocking out the stars, his yellow eyes glowing like molten gold as they lock onto you.
And then there is Jacaerys. His face is a storm of rage and sorrow, a fury you’ve never seen before. His dark eyes burn as they meet your violet ones, his expression one of pure determination. You feel your breath catch in your chest, the weight of everything between you—the distance, the grief, the love��colliding in this single, charged moment.
“Y/N!” His voice calls out to you, rough and desperate.
You don’t need to be told twice. Without hesitation, you rush to the edge of the balcony, your hand clutching the railing as you look down at him. He’s so close, yet so far, and for a moment, you feel like that’s been the story of your lives. Always together, yet pulled apart by the very world around you.
Jace stretches out his hand, eyes locked on yours. “Come with me. Now.”
Your heart pounds in your chest. You hesitate, glancing over your shoulder at the Red Keep, at the life you’ve been forced into, the chains that bind you to this place. And then you look back at Jace—your twin, your love, the only person who has ever truly understood you.
“I... I can’t—” you begin, but the words feel hollow, weak.
“You can,” Jace cuts you off, his voice hoarse with emotion. “You don’t belong here, with them. You’re mine. You always have been. I won’t let them take you, not after everything they’ve done.”
The truth of his words hits you harder than you expect. You’ve always been his. In every way that mattered, Jacaerys has been your other half, the one constant in your life. You’re no longer the girl they took from Dragonstone, from your family. You’re not the future bride of Aemond Targaryen, the Greens’ perfect pawn. You are Y/N Velaryon, sister to the true heir, and your heart has always belonged to Jacaerys.
Without another thought, you climb up onto the railing, your bare feet precarious on the stone ledge. Your fingers tremble as you reach out for Jace’s hand, your breath catching as his fingers intertwine with yours. The warmth of his touch sends a jolt of relief through you, grounding you in this moment, in this choice.
As Jace pulls you up onto Vermax’s back, you feel the dragon shift beneath you, his powerful muscles coiling with the promise of flight. You cling to Jace, your arms wrapping around his waist as Vermax lets out a mighty roar, the sound reverberating through your very bones.
“Hold on,” Jace whispers, his voice low and thick with emotion. “We’re leaving this place behind. Forever.”
You nod against his back, pressing your cheek against the rough leather of his armor. You can feel the tension in his body, the barely contained fury simmering beneath the surface, but there’s also something else—a fierce protectiveness, a promise that he will never let anyone take you from him again.
Vermax launches himself from the tower with a powerful beat of his wings, the air rushing around you as you rise higher and higher above the Red Keep, above King’s Landing. You glance down at the city below, the fires burning in the streets, the small figures of soldiers running, shouting, as they realize too late what has happened.
For the first time in what feels like an eternity, you feel free.
Jace’s hand tightens over yours as Vermax cuts through the night sky, flying northward, away from the Green’s grasp, away from the nightmare you’ve been living. You press yourself closer to him, your heart racing with a mixture of fear and exhilaration, knowing that this is only the beginning of the battle to come.
But whatever lies ahead, you know one thing for certain: you’re with him now. Your twin. Your love. Your Jace.
“I’ll never let you go again,” Jace says softly, his voice barely audible over the wind. You can hear the raw emotion in his words, the pain of losing Luke, the anger that burns in him like wildfire, but also the love—the love that has always been there, no matter how far apart you’ve been.
“I’m yours,” you whisper back, your voice full of a quiet, unwavering truth.
Together, you soar into the night, leaving the chains of King’s Landing far behind
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lafleshlumpeater · 7 months
please do a part 2 of the luke enemies to lovers story ♥️
thanks for requesting<3
warnings: fem!reader, flirting (r both flirting and being flirted with), nicknames (babe), teasing, enemies to lovers, lmk if there's any i missed
luke castellan masterlist         part one
You honestly don’t remember how you got into this incredibly compromising situation.
The taller boy who you hated (or so you told yourself) with his arms either side of your shoulders and flat against the wall, caging you in. You try to duck under his arm; he just swerves straight in front of you, broad, orange- clad chest once again blocking your way. He simpers, mock- sympathetic in the small twitch of the corner of his mouth. “Nice try, princess.”
You scoff, a dismissive noise from the back of your throat. Stupid him with his stupid nicknames. “Literally just get the message. Leave me alone.”
Luke’s lips curve more prominently upwards, and if smug satisfaction was a person it would be him in that precise moment in time. “You want me, babe.” Unsurprisingly, he ignores the grimace your features are twisted into at the new nickname. “No need to hide it.”
You exhale, having had enough. Babe? Really?
“You can do better than that.” Arms crossed, stance unwavering. “Babe,” you mock, a constant habit of yours around him, loud and unabashed and determined.
His full lips part slightly in a silent ‘oh’; you curse your eyes for noticing, for even looking at his lips in the first place- even more so when you feel your heart give an unexpected squeeze at the way his tongue flicks at his lower lip for the merest fraction of a second.
Luke brings his hand up to your face, thumb brushing your chin. You turn away resolutely, and he tuts. “Oh, come on. Don’t be like that.”
“I’m not being like anything.” He almost laughs; your reaction reminds him of a petulant child- frankly, it’s adorable.
“Just go out with me.”
“‘Ew’? I ask you out and you say ‘ew?’ ”
You raise an eyebrow, challenging. “Yes.”
“One date.”
“You’re so desperate it’s funny.”
For once in his life, he seems stunned into silence, slightly flushed and stunned and out of witty comebacks. “Desperate?”
You jut your chin up at him, triumphant.
“You are going low enough to constantly pester at your best friend’s older sister to go out with you… so, yes.”
Luke scrutinises you carefully. “Percy… doesn’t have to know.”
You give him a cruelly patronising smile. “Of course not. It would be a shame if someone… told him.”
He freezes. “You wouldn’t.”
You tilt your head to the side, and he swore you were trying to kill him, looking up into his eyes through your eyelashes. “Wouldn’t I?”
Before he realises what’s happening, you successfully duck under his arm and hastily begin to make your way to your shared cabin. Luke calls your name, cursing under his breath as he hurries after you, a ghost of a smirk on his face as his mind begins to conjure up ways to bribe you out of telling your brother.
taglist: @doyouknowwhoyouare13 @explosiongamora @brutal-out-here @absolutely-existing @quickslvxrr @bibliophile-dendrophile
others who requested this: @rosieandthethorns @hyukachuu
READ: this account stands with palestine, and so— i require everyone who interacts to educate themselves, and support/donate. READ THESE; 1 and 2, HELP HERE, BOYCOTT. silence is complicity, do not scroll past this.
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heavenlyhischier · 10 months
Congratulations on 2K, Abby!
Can I request 6&43 for Luke from the fluff list?
thank you!!🥰
#6 - “Stop simping for me you simp.”
#43 - “I can’t reach the top shelf… Can you help me?”
The apartment was still quiet as you tiptoed across the floor, both boys still asleep in their perspective rooms. You all had a fairly late night last night full of lots of drinking and whatever shenanigans they got up to when you went looking, so you knew they needed the sleep. Although, you’re fairly certain Luke was going to stir awake soon. He was never far behind you when you would carefully slip out of his hold and out of bed. It was as if he unconsciously knew you were gone and he knew he needed to be around you. 
You began searching through the fridge for something to eat for breakfast, but you decided that you weren’t entirely in the mood for cooking. The fridge door suctioned shut behind you as you rummaged through the cabinets, but the sounds of footsteps caught your attention. The way they were heavy and far apart told you that they belonged to Luke, and you couldn’t help but let a small smile grace your features.
You pretended not to hear him and continued to look for an easy meal. You had grabbed at the box of cereal when you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist and pull you into their chest. Eyes fluttering closed, you leaned your head back as you embraced the feeling of warmth and comfort his touch brought you.
“Good morning, baby,” He mumbled, placing a small kiss to your temple, “You left me alone this morning.”
You didn’t need to open your eyes to know that his lips were pulled down into a pout. You let out a quiet hum in response as you opened your eyes, spinning on your heels to wrap your arms around his neck. His curls were a mess around his head and his eyes were still tired. You loved the way he looked when he was still groggy and tired; it made your heart swell and your chest warm.
Pressing a gentle kiss to his lips, “You were sleeping. I didn’t want to wake you.”
“But I missed my pretty girl,” He groaned, his hold on you tightening a bit, “I don’t like waking up without you beside me.”
“Stop simping for me you simp,” You playfully roll your eyes, gently stepping away from him and out of his arms.
“Fine,” He threw his hands up in mock surrender with a playful smile on his face, “I’ll just act like I don’t like you.”
You mumble something about how dramatic he was before turning back to the counter. Luke watched as you opened the fridge to grab the milk before turning back to the cabinet that had the plates and bowls. He watched as you stared up at the shelf that had the bowls on it, and he couldn’t help but smile as you faltered. Typically, he would’ve gotten it for you without being asked, but he didn’t want to be too much of a simp.
You stood on your toes, fingers stretched as far as they could go as you tried to reach the bowls. You were cursing both boys in your mind as you refused to relent, because who the fuck puts bowls on the top shelf? After doing your best to do it in your own, you dropped back flat on your feet in defeat.
“Luke,” You groaned, throwing your head back in annoyance, “I can’t reach the top shelf.. Can you help me?
“Sorry, I don’t want to seem too simpy,” He shrugged, a playful glint in his eye as he slowly stepped towards you.
“Please be simpy. You’re my simp and I love you,” You stuck your bottom lip out as you faced him, “Please, baby?”
It wasn’t but a second later that he was caging you against the counter and reaching for the bowl, placing it on the counter before pressing his lips to your own. Breakfast pushed the back of your mind, you pulled him closer by the neck and fell in the moment head first. Luke might be a simp, but he was yours and that was all that mattered.
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darkeralmond · 1 year
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Dance With Me
Luke Hughes x Reader
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song: dance with me - beabadoobee
synopsis: luke and you dated all through sophomore, junior, and part of senior year. luke had his hands tied with hockey, so the both of you decide to break up. now, you’re alone at prom and luke is back to make things right
warnings: fluff, high school au!, exes to lovers, second chance romance, luke being the cutest ever, dance with me lyrics literally everywhere
word count: 1.6k
a/n: i’ve been posting a lot of conrad stuff so i would like to post something luke hughes related bc i just love him so much! i have a lot more conrad stuff coming don’t worry!! ALSO I LOVE BEABADOOBEE SHE IS THE CUTEST I SWEARR!!
masterlist | request info
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You would’ve preferred spending the night hanging out with Luke instead of sitting alone on your couch eating rocky road ice cream while watching Scream 2. Luke was busy preparing to go to Team USA for hockey. You wanted to be supportive and have him stay focused on that instead of you. He’s always wanted to go to the national hockey league, which is why playing on a national team was super important. You knew that.
Someone knocked on the front door which interrupted you from your movie. You looked back as your eyebrows knitted together. You placed down the quart of ice cream and paused your movie before heading up to the door. What if you were about to get killed? This was the start of every horror movie. Someone alone in their house while watching a scary movie.
‘Whatever,’ you thought. You opened it up to see Luke standing in the doorway, a frown on his face. Something was wrong. “Hey, baby. What’s the matter?” you asked.
He flashed a false smile, “Hey… can we sit for a bit?” That was never a good sign. You nodded your head as you listened to the beat of your heart as it pulsed. You invited him in and he sat down on the couch. “Look, Y/N…”
Instantly, you knew. The hanging of his head, the lack of eye contact, his anxiously toying with his thumbs. “You wanna break up,” you cut in. His brown eyes were full of sorrow as he met yours.
You nodded your head and looked at the tub of ice cream melting in the container. The lump in your throat grew, but you didn’t want to crack in front of him.
Luke placed his hand in yours, “It’s not because of you, I promise. It’s not that I don’t love you anymore. It’s just..”
“You’ll be gone for hockey,” you finished. He nodded his head, now looking down at his knees again. You watched him in your peripheral vision because you knew if you met his eyes, he would know how much it truly hurt you.
It didn’t take a look for your face to scrunch up as tears escaped your eyes. You took in a sniffled inhale through your nostrils and let out a shaky exhale through your mouth. “It’s okay, I understand.” You grabbed his hand and squeezed it tight.
He looked up and smiled sadly at you before leaning forward and kissing your forehead. You reached for the tissue box on the coffee table and retrieved a tissue. You dabbed at the salty tears staining your cheeks.
His lips met yours gently before he said, “I love you so much.” You stared into his brown eyes that were now red from holding back tears.
“I love you too,” you whispered. Holding back the sobs stuck in your throat felt impossible, but you had to stay strong for him.
His hand then slipped out of yours as he got up from his spot on the couch. He used the back of his hand to wipe away the few tears that seemed to escape. “Good bye, Y/N…”
“Bye, Luke…” With that, he left out the front door. You watched from the window in the living room as the headlights to his car turned on and pulled out of your driveway.
You hysterically cried on the couch, now letting all your emotions free. Your chest hurt and your body burned, it felt like your heart could explode right out of your rib cage. You hated the feeling that you were selfish for reacting this way. Luke was only following his dreams like you told him to, it was your job as your girlfriend to let him go when a bigger opportunity came. It’s just that no one warned you that letting go would hurt so bad…
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“Who’s having fun tonight?!” The DJ shouted over the mic. It was finally prom night and your first prom without Luke.
You had a date, Jason Porter. He was someone who showed an interest in you near the beginning of senior year, but you were with Luke. It wasn’t like you wanted to go to prom with Jason in a romantic way, but all your friends had dates, so it felt mandatory to ask someone.
When you all finally arrived at the dance, he immediately ditched you to go hang out with his baseball buddies instead of you. He stuck with his friends while you stuck with yours.
Your friend, Andrea, wrapped her arm around you and pulled you into a side hug. “He’s an idiot. He doesn’t know what he’s missing.”
Prom finally transitioned to the slow dancing period which is what you dreaded. The instrumental for Perfect by Ed Sheeran began playing, so your friends and their dates went onto the dance floor after you insisted you’d be good chilling by yourself.
You looked down at your hands and fiddled with your thumbs, something Luke would do when he’s nervous or upset. Just last year, you were dancing with him out there to this exact song. Now here you were, alone and miserable. You couldn’t help but feel pathetic.
You assumed Luke wouldn’t be back for prom, but you didn’t want to call or text him for confirmation. You figured he was too busy to talk to you which is why you didn’t make an effort to contact him.
“Y/N,” a voice spoke.
Guess you were wrong. You looked up and there he was standing right in front of you. Your heart skipped a beat as you stared at him in disbelief. “Luke?” You stood up and grabbed his face. It was him. You pulled him into a hug, laughing as you did so.
When you pulled back you rested your forehead against his. His hand was behind your head, resting on your neck. “Oh my God, Luke. I missed you so much!”
He kissed the top of your head and smiled widely, “I missed you too, Y/N. How have you been?”
You giggled, “Well at the moment, not too good. All my friends are out dancing with their dates, so I’m kind of lonely.”
“Well, where’s yours?” he asked, looking around.
“Um,” you mumbled. “He kind of ditched me, but it’s fine. Just sucks that there’s really no one to dance with.” You were obviously hinting that you wanted to dance with him.
He looked behind him at the people dancing and then back at you. “If you wanna dance… then dance with me.” Your mouth became too dry to speak. The fact he was here and the fact he wanted to dance. “It’s pretty fast, but this is what you do at prom, right?”
You cracked a smile and said, “Of course I want to dance.”
He led you toward the dance floor where you both started swaying with the music. He lifted your hand and rested it against his hip, he grabbed the other with his own hand as they moved to the beat. You looked up at his face to see his smile widening. “You look beautiful tonight,” he said.
You giggled and looked down at his suit. “Thank you, you look handsome.” You met his gaze again. “How’s Team USA?”
“Really fucking time consuming,” he laughed. You laughed with him as he continued his answer. “We’re always playing, and when we’re not playing we’re busting our asses on the ice.”
You felt unfamiliar with him holding you so close, you took a couple deep breaths. ‘Just take it slow and move your feet,’ you thought as you held onto the brunet. He held your waist and your eyes trailed along every feature of his face, memorizing each detail.
When you glanced up, his eyes were already trained on yours. He leaned towards you, capturing your lips in his. The kiss wasn’t long or passionate, instead it was sweet and comforting.
When you broke apart, he said, “I’m sorry about how things ended.” He ran his fingers through your hair to get the baby strands out of your face. “I’m sorry it ended at all.”
“I’m sorry for not reaching out,” you admitted. You bit down on your bottom lip as you stared into his gorgeous eyes. They held something else, some sort of pain and guilt.
“I’ve been miserable without you and I just really want to make things work. I don’t care about the distance, I only care about you.” His voice lowered to a whisper.
“Luke,” you frowned. “Are you sure you can handle a relationship while you’re gone?”
“You’re more than just a relationship, Y/N,” he said. “I know it’s kind of hard to tell, but I really like you.”
A small smile appeared on your face. “And I really like you too, Luke.”
He grinned at you, causing your heart to skip a beat. He brought a finger to your chin, raising it up. “Then will you give me another chance? I promise you won’t regret it.”
You nodded your head, trying to keep the tear that threatened to fall from falling. You didn’t want your makeup running down your face or to get mascara on your dress, so you quickly wiped away the escaping tears with your thumb. “Yeah…” You nodded once more. “I want that.”
Luke placed his forehead against yours again and held you closer. “So does that mean we can try again?” His words caused your heart to flutter once more.
“Of course it does, dummy,” you teased before kissing him gently.
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Imagine having heating powers, and using that to your advantage when Luke Cage, comes over.
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Second date, and god almighty, you were ready to go all the way. When you had your first one in a restaurant, you were thinking that Luke looked more delicious than anything that had been on the menu. So you took that leap and you invited him over for dinner, at your apartment. Just the two of you. Alone. And wasn’t he just acting like the perfect gentleman? He ate every bite of what you made. He offered to help with the dishes, rinsing off his plate before putting it in the dishwasher. He said that the movie choice was up to you, but he’d still give opinions, and options, and not just grumbled ‘whatever you want’ unenthusiastically like other guys. And most chivalrous of all - his hands weren’t wandering. Which was a damn disappointment.
There could be something that could be done about that though.
Mutants. They got a bad reputation. People with powers always messing things up. Luke knew all about that, which was why you hadn’t yet let him in on the fact that you were one. That was a third date conversation. It wasn’t an obvious one, not one that you wore on your skin. But one that you could exude. A heat. A fire, if you wanted, but burning down your building was not your intention. You started letting off that heat, letting it fill the apartment. “Sorry, my air conditioner broke,” You said as innocently as possible.
“You want any help fixing it?” He asked, being the perfect guy that he was. Damn. That was too smooth. You were thinking of an excuse now - one that didn’t have to do with you destroying your air conditioner - when he stood up and started to remove his shirt. His jacket had already been on the back of the dining room chair for an hour now, and there was nothing left under this last layer. Nothing but that dark skin, the wide chest, the tone in his belly, those biceps, thank you lord above for all of this man. “You don’t mind, do you?” He asked.
“Not at all,” You said, admiring what you saw. This was exactly what you wanted. He was delivering. “You can uhh - take off those pants too. If you get too hot, I mean. I don’t mind at all.”
He smirked a little at that. White teeth between a perfectly groomed goatee. “Yeah? We’ll just have to see how hot it can get.”
“Oh, I bring the fire baby,” You promised. “I bring the heat.”
Requested by: Anonymous
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heartsforhavik · 5 months
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MORTAL KOMBAT 1 (ashrah, baraka, havik, johnny cage, kitana, kuai liang, kung lao, liu kang, mileena, raiden, rain, reiko, syzoth, shang tsung, smoke, sub-zero)
UNTIL DAWN (sam, josh, ashley, chris, emily, mike, jessica, matt)
THE QUARRY (laura, max, nick, dylan, ryan, kaitlyn, jacob, emma, abigail)
THE WALKING DEAD (lee, katjaa, kenny, omid, christa, ben, carley, luke, jane, nick, gabe, javier, clementine, louis)
GENSHIN IMPACT (aether, kazuha, kokomi, itto, shenhe, diluc, zhongli, yanfei, raiden shogun/ei, xiangling, navia, ayato, yoimiya, bennett, barbara, ganyu, gorou, yun jin, beidou, kuki shinobu, hu tao, thoma, amber, jean, razor, chongyun, childe, kaeya)
ATTACK ON TITAN (eren, armin, mikasa, connie, sasha, marco, jean, levi, ymir)
please remember to read the rules before requesting!
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chvoswxtch · 5 months
court's cafe ☕️
join me for a 4k followers friends celebration!
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my freaky little darlings. you've gone and done it again. it is absolutely mind blowing to me to have over 4k of you as followers friends. whether you're new here, or you've been around for awhile, I love you and I thank you for hanging out with me. let's get this caffeinated celebration started. ✨
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cafe hours: please place your orders from april 19th to the 30th! the cafe will be open from may 1st to the 31st.
cafe baristas: matt murdock | karen page | foggy nelson | elektra natchios | frank castle | billy russo | dinah madani | jessica jones | luke cage | dean winchester | aaron hotchner | derek morgan | spencer reid | emily prentiss | jennifer jareau | penelope garcia
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☾ espresso- drabble (less than 100 words) based on a lyric, book, tv/movie quote (request over ice to make it spicy)
☾ macchiato- headcannons (request over ice to make it spicy)
☾ americano- blurb (less than 500 words) based on a lyric, book, tv/movie quote (request over ice to make it spicy)
☾ latte- tell me something about you & i’ll ship you with one of the baristas
☾ cold brew- games! (cym, fmk, etc.)
☾ black coffee- tell me your drink order & i’ll give you a song (substitute a barista’s drink order for their song)
☾ iced coffee- ask me about any of my previous work, something i’m currently working on, or anything you wanna know about me
you must be 18+ to request a drink over ice.
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these will all be posted on a separate masterlist to come.
hope to see y'all at the cafe!
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fluffyprettykitty · 5 months
Spring Drabble Sleepover!!!
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running from may 14th to may 19th
*time indicates when requests will be accepted, asks will be rolling through according to inspiration and time allowed!
Hello and welcome to me not having written anything since January???? Let's rectify this by celebrating a little as summer might have officially started but true summer doesn't start till late June here!
Onto the main thing now!
What will you do is mix and match a character or several with one or several of the following categories provided. As usual, you know!
⋆ Polyamorous ships are always encouraged. No platonic or daughter! reader though.
⋆ Darker themes are welcomed at my discretion. Check my requests page for what I'm comfortable with.
⋆ Please only use a character from the ones already provided.
⋆ I will either turn them into blurbs or drabbles depending on my inspiration but you can suggest to me what it should be.
⋆ I will do female reader for smut prompts and gender-neutral for fluff prompts. All will be written vague and over 21.
⋆ You have to be strictly 18+ to participate.
•❀.•❤•.¸✿¸.•❤•.❀• •❀.•❤•.¸✿¸.•❤•.❀• •❀.•❤•.¸✿¸.•❤•.❀•
Sons of Anarchy: Chibs Telford, Juice Ortiz, Jax Teller
Star Wars: Cassian Andor, Poe Dameron
Marvel: Sam Wilson, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Billy Russo, Thor Odinson, Brock Rumlow, Layla El Faouly, Elektra Natchios, Bruce Banner, Marc Spector, Brunnhilde, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Joaquin Torres, Bucky Barnes
Triple Frontier: Benny Miller, Will Miller, Santiago Garcia
aus: bakery, book store, celebrity, detective, ghost, restaurant, porn star, tutor, maid, mechanic, mermaid, neighbour, stripper, werewolf, vampire.
kinks: breath play, cockwarming, phone sex, gloves, choking, strip tease, uniform/suit, titty fucking, dirty talk, sex toys, accidental stimulation, shower, sensory deprivation, somnophilia, lingerie, object insertion, lap dance, lactation, spanking, exhibitionism, handcuffs, clothes on, moresomes.
date ideas: day trip, road trip, library, museum, restaurant, camping, beach, drinks/bar, concert, walking, sightseeing, boat ride, dancing, spa, errands, shopping spree, cinema, coffee.
domestic situations: trying new recipes, painting nails, reading, cuddling, clothes shopping, packing for a trip, laundry, repairing things, changing bedsheets, ordering takeout, falling asleep, complaining about family, movie nights, doing dishes.
☆ Just combine as many as you want however you see fit! And of course, when it comes to domestic situations and date ideas you can think of other things or be more specific on one situation! ☆
•❀.•❤•.¸✿¸.•❤•.❀• •❀.•❤•.¸✿¸.•❤•.❀• •❀.•❤•.¸✿¸.•❤•.❀•
no pressure tagging: @that-sarcastic-writer @sunflowersteves @jen-with-a-pen @eulalielatibule @moonlight-prose @e-dubbc11 @soulores @targaryenvampireslayer
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skywalkerslvt · 4 months
Anakin Skywalker:
Work Call
Training With Anakin
Switch Anakin Drabble
Doggy Style With Anakin Drabble
Sub Anakin Request
Anakin's Mommy Kink Request
Overstim Request
Mommy Kink Request
Chastity Cage Request
Puppy Anakin Request
Somno request
Pegging Request
Dry humping virgin Anakin
Luke Skywalker:
coming soon...
Din Djarin:
coming soon...
Leon Kennedy:
Phone Sex With Leon
Leon Fucking You In A Sketchy Alleyway
Cockwarming Leon
Rough Ride
Sub Leon + Public Sex Request
Ellie Williams:
Bra Shopping With Ellie
Campfire Secrets
Camp Counsellor Ellie HCs
Pitching Tents (Camp Counsellor Ellie pt 2)
Logan Howlett
Truth Serum
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