#luke castellan hc
celestialbackbiter · 6 months
there is ground to break
luke x apollo!reader
nsfw under the split
it still amazed you, even after four years, just how mystical camp half-blood truly was. from the rolling green of half-blood hill, to the vicious reds of the strawberry fields, to the vastness of the amphitheatre. everything in camp half-blood screamed 'blessed by the gods'.
you often found yourself thinking of the colours of the camp, especially on a day like today - when the sun shone high and hot in the sky, when there was little wind to pick the hair up off your neck and cool you, when you felt as though your own father was trying to smite you down for your wrongdoings with the intensity of the sun's rays.
it possibly didn't help that you were stood alone in the amphitheatre - which was rarely, if ever, used by other campers at this time of day because of the heat the dipped down stage brought - practice sword in hand, thrashing and jabbing and slicing your way through the air. you tried to remember what luke castellan, the camps lead teacher of sword fighting, had said to do in battle. this was, of course, in vain. you never knew what luke was saying, you never could concentrate on his lessons.
you never could draw yourself away from the way his eyes gleamed as he waxed poetic about the importance of a demigod's sword. you never could stop yourself from focusing more on the way his lips formed the words than what the words actually meant. you never could draw yourself away from how backbiter - his own dual-metal sword - glinted in the beaming sunlight and cast a golden glow on his face. like apollo had blessed him, a sign from your father that he was for you. you never could tear yourself from catching how that golden glint teetered at the edge of the scar that ran the length of the right side of his face and made it look startlingly smooth.
you never could draw yourself away from the feeling you got when luke's eyes dragged across his campmates faces, looking for any sign of recognition or life, and skimmed over your own - the way you convinced yourself he hesitated just a moment too long on you.
the practice sword glidded over your head in a twirl.
of course there was a reason for him to hesitate on you. at least in your head there was (whether that thought translated to luke's is a different question).
last winter, when camp half-blood was at the typical bare bones capacity and the campfire singalongs were seeming more and more tedious as the months to summer stretched before you; when the new year had been rang in almost a month prior; when the weather outside the invisible bubble of camp turned the weather inside to almost subzero; when all you wanted was to climb into your warm bed in your golden cabin; luke had kissed you.
your sword sliced through the air with a violent whirl that left your shoulder socket feeling a little worse for wear.
now, this kiss was not out of the blue or completely unexpected to an extent. you and luke had been skirting around the subject of relationships for a while now. not because either of you particularly had romantic feelings for each other, gods no, but because yourself and luke, in a friendly late night talk by the lake when neither of you could sleep because of the bad dreams and the lack of noise at camp that time of year, had realised you were both almost-20-year-old virgins. and this depressed you.
you had drifted toward the edge of the amphitheatre now, feet dancing along the edge of the grass in your sword play with an invisible force, almost touching the first stone step. you decided you'd had enough and sat down heavily on the hot rock, discarding the wooden sword at your feet.
you sat for a while catching your breath with your face tilted upward, sending a silent prayer to your father - apollo - to ease off with the blaring sun a little, when you glanced down at the watch on your left wrist. 12:40. you'd missed lunch. you heaved a sigh, and slumped forward in your seat, bracing your elbows on your knees and closing your eyes. blood rushed in your ears, your heart beat fast.
the sweltering summer heat on your neck suddenly lessened and you thought for a millisecond that apollo had listened, so you whispered a small "thank you" in ancient greek.
"I'm not sure what I did but you're welcome."
you started. eyes open suddenly and on your feet in a second. luke.
he stood tall in front of you, now sitting a good 6 or 7 inches taller than you since the great growth spurt of his 16th year, broad and smiling, casting a shadow on where you lept from. his dark curls were beginning to stick to his forehead at his hairline, you assumed due to the walk over to the amphitheatre.
"gods, luke," you huffed out with relief "you scared me."
he laughed and sounded heavenly, " yeah I noticed." you reached out and swatted his chest with the back of your hand, bending and picking the sword up from the ground and beginning to push past him. "you missed lunch."
you repeated his previous words back to him with a smile as you began the walk back to the main camp grounds, climbing the steps of the amphitheatre. "how long have you been out here?" he asked.
you glanced at your watch again. your stomach grumbled. "almost 2 hours apparently."
he hummed appreciatively and sarcastically stated "you looked good. almost strong." you stopped walking and stared.
"how long were you watching me, you stalker?"
"long enough to see you don't really pay attention to what I teach."
"maybe you should be better at it then." he hummed again and raised his eyebrows, looked up at you from 2 steps below.
"I brought you lunch, if you want it." he lifted his right hand to you palm side up, with an orange paper napkin parcelling something in his outstretched hand. you reached out to get it. luke snatched it back, throwing it lightly into his left hand. you scowled. "tell me I'm a good teacher."
now it was your turn to raise your eyebrows. "sorry?"
"tell me I'm a good teacher. then you can eat." you shook your head and moved towards luke on the step to take the sandwich from his hands, but he held it above his head, causing you to stumble in your feeble attempt to get it. your hand came up to his chest to steady yourself against him.
"that is a human rights violation, you can't starve me to get your way." you put your hands on your hips and luke followed them for a split second, tracing your arms back up to your face.
"good job you're not a human then, huh?" he said with a tilt of his head, another quick eyebrow raise, and a hint of arrogance, the orange napkin still in his hand.
your stomach growled again and you huffed, stomping your foot like a tantrum-riddled toddler. "fine! you're a good teacher. can I have my lunch now?" he laughed again and it sounded even better than before. he sat down on the stone next to you and pulled you down with him by your back belt loop, handing you the parcel. you blushed at the ease in which he moved you.
it was a simple ham and lettuce sandwich, a little mayo on the bread. you noticed he'd already torn a corner inch off as an offering and you smiled. "thanks." you smiled up at him.
you ate in relative silence. every couple minutes luke would say something as you chewed and you would respond brightly, half eaten sandwich shoved into your cheek with the distant memory of your grandmother chastising you for talking with food in your mouth. you finished your sandwich and suddenly luke stopped talking mid-sentence. you looked up at him with wide eyes, swallowed your last bite of food and opened your mouth to say something. you didn't know what you were going to say, any thought you had left was lost when you fully took in lukes expression, and so you closed your mouth again.
his eyes were wide and dark, the brown almost entirely swallowed by black, and his lips were slightly parted. his eyebrows were lifted in an almost shocked expression.
"what?" you asked. he sputtered a little.
"uh-" his hand flicked up like he was going to gesture and quickly retracted again back to his side. "you have-" he swallowed. "you have a little-" he did gesture this time, he pointed to your mouth. "you have a little mayo, just there." you felt the redness of a blush hit your face again.
"oh! oh!" you wiped the corner of your mouth, "is it gone?" luke laughed a little.
"no." you wiped the other side.
"is it gone now?" you turned your head slightly from side to side, your hair tickling your face where it shook a little, a smile tugging at your mouth. luke laughed again.
"no." you rolled your eyes.
"well could you help a little? I'll look like an idiot!" you faked being irate, your voice starting to rise with a faint giggle. luke's laughter started to die, and he reached out towards you.
you froze with a smile on your face, eyes wide. as his hand came closer, lukes own smile dropped completely and your eyes felt heavier and heavier with the intensity of his whole being directed at you. you closed them. you felt his fingers curl against your chin and his thumb grace the very corner of your mouth. your eyes snapped open. luke paused, a deer in headlights.
your eyes locked and it felt as though time stood still, a beat went past. two. three. lukes gaze flickered down to your lips and back up again, your heart rate picking up with it. luke mumbled something but you didn't catch it, you were too focused on him. his eyes. his hair. his mouth. his adams apple. his shoulders. everything about him made you feel exposed, more so when he began to move towards you.
luke leaned into you, hand still on your chin with his thumb having found its seemingly rightful place in the middle of your lower lip. he tugged it down a little. just enough to pull your lips apart from one another. his hand moved from your chin, sliding up your face. his palm rested on your cheek, his thumb sliding left to right on your cheekbone, his fingers spread along the side of your neck. you felt vulnerable. you felt small in lukes hand. you nuzzled your head a little further into him.
he leaned closer.
he swallowed as he entered your atmosphere, his path sure and strong, and he stopped suddenly an inch from your face. "is this okay?" he asked, now unsure of himself - it made you wonder if he thought the winters night kiss wasn't okay. you swallowed too and nodded.
"mhm, yeah-" you blinked repeatedly, too scared to close your eyes for too long in case you missed the sight of luke so close to your face, but his gaze was so intense that you couldnt quite keep your eyes open. you'd dreamt of this. literally dreamt of this, almost every day since that fateful night by the lake in late january. "yeah."
"I've never forgotten, you know." he was whispering now, searching your face for something. "I've not forgotten the night at the lake."
"the lake?" you whispered back. you kicked yourself. what was that? why had you asked that? you knew what he meant, but you wanted to know what he thought of it. of-
"the kiss." he cut off your thoughts, replaced your voice with his own. "I think about it sometimes." he stroked your cheek and then moved his hand toward the back of your head, spreading his hand out in your hair.
"you do?" your voice sounded small. he nodded slightly. "when?"
he smiled. "everyday. mainly at night." he swallowed. you followed suit. the sun felt so hot, or maybe the situation you were in - sat next to luke; thigh to thigh; foreheads almost touching; lips an inch away from each other; memories that normally only invaded your dreams or kept you in the shower too long coming to surface; memories of luke hovering above you with one hand on your hip, fingers slipped under the waistband of your pants, and the other clutching the blanket next to your head, his camp necklace swinging and landing on your throat - maybe that was what had you feeling hot under the collar.
it was that memory that made you surge forward and close the gap between you. lips meeting lips. his hands in your hair and cradling your face, yours snaking up from your side and beginning to ball his tshirt in a fist.
you felt hot all over, your heart rate raised, blood rushing in your ears for the second time today. you felt breathless and weak, his mouth moving gracefully and with precision. his hands dropped from your hair and you began to panic suddenly, starting to open your eyes, but they returned to your waist in a second and calmed you. luke pulled you impossibly closer and closer, not stopping until you got the hint and climbed onto his lap. you bracketed him to the stone step with your thighs, and he shifted in his seat to accommodate for the sudden height difference. his head tilted backwards so the connection between you didn't break. his hands stayed on your waist for a couple minutes, your right hand on his face and your left in his hair, before he moved them. he moved them down. he slid his hands into your back pockets and tugged.
he moved you closer to him once again, and your body rocked with the movement into him. your chest pushed into lukes, your hand tightened in his hair pulling a low whine out of his throat and you moaned with him. but that wasn't all you felt.
beside the stifling heat of the day, beside the feeling of yours and lukes quickening heartbeats mingling into one, beside the hands on your ass and the moan in your throat. you felt luke. you felt the one part of him you'd never felt or seen before, the part he always hid when you would accidentally walk in on him changing, tge part you would imagine touching - feeling - when the lakeside memories surfaced, and it pulled another moan from deep in your chest.
you felt him beneath you. he was hardening fast, thickening fast, and you moved to feel him again.
you moaned in tandem. luke breathed out your name, breaking the kiss.
"we should stop." you shook your head. you didn't want to stop. luke groaned in agreement.
"we-" he moved you again and contradicted his own words, you could feel him more now and it made you want him so much you could barely breathe. you moved from his lips, if he insisted on talking you should at least give him the space to do so, and moved to his neck instead. he groaned again. "we should really stop."
you broke away from his adams apple to crane your head back and look at him, mainly to see if he was serious but partly to just look at him. you enjoyed just looking at him. he didn't seem that serious.
"you really wanna stop?" you trail a hand from the back of his neck to front of him, tracing his clavicle with your fingertips and placing your hand on his chest. you didn't break eye contact with him. he just stared at you, his eyes looking a little drowsy, and nodded. you didn't believe him. "okay.
you went to lift off his lap, pushing on his chest for leverage, but his hands still in your back pockets made it hard for you to move from him.
luke pulled you back to him just as your toes touched the step below you. "don't move." he kissed you again.
you hands dug once again into the cloth of his shirt, and pulled you even further into him. luke broke the kiss again. "please don't move." he was almost begging now as he began to kiss down your throat - pleading words of "please stay" and "gods you're so good, just stay" in-between kisses to your neck and shoulders and face and lips and everywhere but where you wanted him at that moment, were making you feel dizzy with the sweet praise tumbling from lukes lips and the sinful feeling of him against you.
in the back of your mind you were thinking of the cabins, of where you could find a bed to continue this, of where luke could lay you down and use his mouth on you in more ways. but the forefront of your mind was full of luke himself. he was almost too much, the heat making things so much worse. so much more hyper-aware of every touch.
one hand had just snaked from behind you, just unzipped your shorts, fingers had just began to dip into the front of them over your underwear, when you heard voices.
you both stilled and looked at one another, you thought maybe you'd heard wrong.
you hadn't. you started to hear the distinct voices of campers coming toward the amphitheatre. "fuck." luke said, sounding what you thought was disappointed, though his hand remained so close.
"fuck." you agreed as the voices came closer.
"we should move now," luke whispered like he would be heard if he talked at full volume. "definitely."
"yeah." you breathed back.
neither of you moved.
his eyes flickered from your eyes to your lips and back again, and you felt yourself doing the same. he kissed you again as he removed his hand from your shorts and pulled the zipper back up, cupping your crotch when it reached the top and making you groan. you moved against him in retaliation.
you felt his cock pulse underneath you and luke moaned. loud and clear in the summer sun, and finally - reluctantly - pushed you gently off him.
you left his lap with ease and stood over him, for probably the first time in four years you towered over him, your hands still resting on his shoulders.
he looked up at you with wide shining eyes, his hair dishevelled and knotted, his hands on your hips. the voices got closer. luke stood.
he towered over you now, and looked down at you with an intensity that made you look away from his eyes. "hey," he said softly. "are you okay?"
you nodded, still not being able to look him in the eyes and staring instead at his camp beads. "you sure?"
you nodded again and mustered the courage to look at him properly. he looked concerned. you were fine, you felt more than fine, you felt alive. you could feel your heartbeat still hammering away in your chest, the hot air still making your hair stick to the back of your neck, your shorts feeling warmer than before. you felt like you were vibrating.
footsteps and voices had now reached the amphitheatre, it sounded like the ares cabin - you could hear clarisse arguing away with one of her brothers.
you smiled at luke, "I'm sure." and just to prove your point, you craned your neck and pulled luke down by his shoulders, kissing him quickly before pulling away again. you turned from him in a blink, and began marching your way up the steps to the top of the amphitheatre.
when you reached three steps above luke, you could see what was definitely the ares cabin venturing down the steps clad in armour with swords, spears, bows, and more weapons strapped to them. you turned back to luke - who was still stood there, looking slightly shell shocked - "are you coming or not?"
luke began to scramble up to you, tripping a little on his way. "shit!" he swore quickly. he looked at you and smiled sheepishly. you just laughed.
you both made your way back to camp, walking side by side and chatting as if nothing happened, deciding to go your separate ways with a promise to meet up for dinner.
you decided to shower, having been too warm for too long, and told luke in passing. "can I join?" he asked jokingly, beaming down at you with stars in his eyes.
you hit his chest with enough force to knock him backwards a little. "no!" you laughed. "you cannot join, you pervert!"
luke laughed too and caught his balance. "I'll just go back and be lonely then. It's fine." he turned to go to the hermes cabin. you knew he wouldn't be lonely. no one in the hermes cabin was ever lonely, there was too many of them in there.
"good." you said with a smile and disappeared into the apollo cabin.
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initialchains · 9 months
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a new york christmas | luke castellan.
pairing: luke castellan x fem!reader
summary: spending christmas walking around the city with luke. (hc’s)
a/n: MERRY CHRISTMAS !! here's another luke work as a small gift <33 i hope you all have/had a good one with your loved ones. 🎄☃️
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Luke would fake an excuse to get permission from Mr. D to leave camp with you.
“Mr. D we need to get some uh.. more ornaments for the Aphrodite Cabin!”
“No, Lucas. You can’t leave camp with your girlfriend to buy—“
“We’ll bring wine.”
“A taxi should be here in ten minutes.”
He’d hold your hand the entire ride, looking excitedly through the window.
The two of you would walk through a crowded Times Square but it’s all worth it because you have each other.
“Baby, look! Pose next to Santa, I want a new picture to have next to my bunk.”
“I’ll only pose with him if you do too, Castellan.”
He’d roll his eyes but Luke can’t ever say no to you, so he’d end up posing next to you, pressing a kiss to your cheek and throwing a peace sign for the camera.
The two of you would walk hand in hand, whenever you dropped his to look at the stuff some street vendors were selling he would look for any dumb excuse to hold it again.
“Angel, your hands are getting cold. Here, I’ll help.”
You’d buy matching christmas ugly sweaters that say “Mr. Claus” and “Mrs. Claus” on the back.
The two of you would buy some coffee and walk around the city, finally reaching Central Park.
There’s a man with a speaker playing Christmas songs and fairy lights adoring the trees.
Luke would guide you closer to the speaker, slow dancing with you to Frank Sinatra’s “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.”
His arms finding a home in your waist and yours around his neck, slowly swaying to the music.
He’d hum when you lay your head on his chest, closing your eyes and taking the moment in.
Luke slowly taps his fingers on your waist, making you look up before pulling you into a kiss.
“Merry Christmas, baby.”
You’d get back to camp in the middle of night, where you’re greeted with a very angry Mr. D and an even angrier Aphrodite Cabin.
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hxmocrastic · 9 months
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐋𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧 | HCS
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Pairing ; {📺+📖} Luke Castellan x GN!Reader
Warnings ; Yandere, Stalking, Gaslighting, Fear of Abandonment, Imminent Kidnapping, Manipulation, Inferiority Complex, Emotional Abuse. ALL CHARACTERS AGED UP 18+
A/N ; Sorry I didn't respond directly to you anon, I accidentally posted this before it was finished and couldn't edit it 💀 But Enjoy!!
Luke is a Gaslighting, Guilt tripping, Boyfailure personified.
At first he takes up his signature friendly act and introduces himself to you first. He even offers to show you around camp !
To him, you're just so adorable. He loves how docile & compliant you are, how your sweet little chin nod's at his every word. You're just so fucking addicting, As soon as he saw you he knew he had to have you.
In order to get you alone & helpless, He'll start spreading false rumors of your parentage, Just to swoop in and shoo those pesky campers away. See? He's such a good boyfriend ! Why won't you look at him?
He'll even get you into some weaving classes, After all a sword is way too dangerous for someone like you. Don't worry about it! He knows what's best for you !
Luke will gladly take his time in wooing you. Slowly implanting little seeds in that cute little head of yours, Whispering things underneath his breath, Increasing physical contact, Even sending you gifts.
The last encounter he had with his father was a scar that will never heal, and a reminder that the gods see him and his siblings as nothing but cattle awaiting the slaughter.
Underestimated, Undermined, Luke always feels he has to go the extra mile prove himself. He thinks that in the eyes of his father he's worthless but in yours he has a purpose, He's a hero.
He'll do anything to keep up that facade, As he only wishes for you to see him in a glorified light. Isn't that what demigods fight for?? Glory,? It only makes sense that you'd love him too !
But truth is, Although he may sustain his benevolent friendly facade, He sees other's as emerging rivals. Whether it be in 'love' or Competition, He views them as competition.
All his life he'd felt powerless & helpless to the evils that robbed him of his childhood. Like his life wasn't his own, How he was always at the mercy of others whether it be the fates, monsters, or the gods themselves. He's never felt real control.
But at camp he feels like he has some control, some authority of his own. And not just of his own life but of other's too. He's finally at the other end of the stick.
Luke loves the power he has over the camp, how the girls & boys of Aphrodite cabin silently fawn at the slightest glance of his figure.
How his stare alone can send clarisse and her cabin trudging to the steps of their cabin like wet dogs. The power excites him.
But your arrival was different. He would've thought it'd be enough to constantly receive the admiration from camp but he desires more from you.
Luke doesn't just want you to favor him, He wants you to obey him. To hang on his every word. He wants you to worship him, To give him the adoration he would never receive from his bastard father.
This is where it gets dangerous. Once the Luke you knew to be a sweet and protective head counselor, He starts becoming a lot more domineering and unreasonably aggressive. And whenever you asks about, He slips back into his loving demeanor and reassures you softly that everything's alright, You're just seeing things that's all!
But you could've sworn you saw him scowling at your friends. Maybe you were just going crazy, it'd be the only reasonable explanation right? Who'd believe you if you said you heard Luke castellan speaking with another voice, right?
For your own safety, You stay quiet. You abide him and start slipping on a facade of your own. Just play along and you will be fine...
He's your hero, your knight in golden armor, Depend on him and solely on him why would you need anybody else?? Love him and only him, and just maybe your cabin mates will be safe. (Not)
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yawneon · 20 hours
hcs for
percy jackson hcs for hogwarts color houses? (if you wanted to - maybe for reader too?)
(this has been marinating in my drafts for MONTHS)
- im a firm believer in percy being harry in another universe
- if harry wasnt a BBBBBITCH
- gryffindor prefect whether you like it or not. (turned head boy, lily and james situation over here.)
- 1/3 star trio (somehow percy’s in it)
- would and could beat the shit out of harry potter
- probably a seeker or a chaser but im getting off topic
- hes a prefect that all the first years look up to yk
- like those cool older students that you want to be when your fresh in high school.
- “percy is so cool!“ “i wanna be a prefect like percy!”
- loves the attention ngl
- sneaks around to ravenclaw table to sit with annabeth (or you) and then when he gets caught he goes “i was just asking her something!” when he knows damn well he was flirting with her.
- you can tell by the shit-eating grin on his face. ^
- definitely is in a organised wand fighting club
- most likely is a pain in the ass for the teachers but he gets good grades (thanks to his girlfriend) and he probably has saved the school from some sort of magical monster once or twice
- secretly avada kadavra’d a fly once (felt bad afterwards and held a funeral for the fly)
- ravenclaw head girl.
- 2/3 of the star trio
- everyone loves annabeth, shes like the star student.
- “ask annabeth she knows.” “annabeth can you help me with this question?”
- gods shes smart but shes more than that.
- she likes to hide away in one of the towers and she makes castles ans structures out of toothpicks she steals from the tables at breakfast, lunch and dinners.
- also a student alot of the first years look up to.
- but mainly the girls like annabeth.
- the ones who felt they weren’t ever going to be smart enough or were never going to amount to enough.
- annabeth would smile sweetly at them and remind them to believe in themselves.
- is the only person percy really listens to.
- percy could be messing around and not listening in a class and the moment annabeth even mutters a word starting with p hes sat on a chair, hands in his lap, posture straight and mouth SHUT.
- now i don’t want to stereotype… im not that type of girl.
- hufflepuff prefect
- he loves his house and takes so much pride in it
- i don’t think he’d like playing quidditch but he would be in the front row seats cheering on hufflepuff
- and if his house wasn’t playing he’s there cheering for percy
- 3/3 of the star trio.
- grover “my bf” underwood is a hufflepuff.
- alot of the younger kids look out for grover in a crowd
- especially the misbehaving gryffindor kids that are running away from clarrise
- if they can’t find percy they cower behind grover
- and grover being the big hearted boy he is he stands guard of the kids despite shitting his pants himself
- he loves his house.
- he loves comb care of magical beasts class
- all the new hufflepuff kids IN GENERAL always go to him for directions which makes him 1 too many times late to class. but im like so sure the teachers know and love him so they let him off with just a soft warning.
- “i’m so sorry professor! i was helping a first-“ “just sit down underwood.”
- to all those fans that watched fantastic beasts, grover is 100% using a tower like newt did with new beasts he finds.
- has probably accidentally wandered into the forbidden forest with annabeth and percy by chance. (he wanted to find a unicorn)
- some random slytherin kid picked on a hufflepuff first year and grover ripped the kid a new one. hes loyal to his house 💔
- he had to get a new wand once or twice because he used to chew on it in exams (when he got especially anxious)
- despite her being sometimes rude
- i do think she’d also be in gryffindor 😭
- kinda like an arrogant, “im better than you” gryffindor
- like how she is in the show and most of the books towards percy
- but underneath her hard exterior shes soft towards the ones she loves and is close to
- also a quidditch GOD
- the most exhilirating beater to watch in quidditch.
- alot of first year girls also admire clarrise
- more so the ones that want to be strong and join quidditch.
- “i think slytherin is co-“ “GRYFFINDOR IS THE BEST HOUSE SHUT UP”
- extremely prideful of her colours and her house
- a little bit too much sometimes
- when someone loses house points you better pack it up and run because miss girl is hunting for you (looking at you percy)
- erm
- slytherin head boy
- “luke is so cool!” “and hes hot..” “but percy’s better!”
- theres luke people and then theres percy people
- luke is alot more cunning in the sense that he openly does things to capture more hearts and beat percy in this ongoing war (he will be the hottest prefect.)
- probably descended from a line of gryffindors but then he popped out
- seeker in qudditch but also is a good chaser due to his build
- THE slytherin boy.
- he is so unbelievably good at quidditch and leads slytherin to most of their wins.
- another star student here
- “why can’t you be more like luke?”
- maybe has possibly been an inside spy for he who can not be named. (voldymort)
- definetly in that chamber of secrets fucking shit up
- such a helpful head boy.
- like he loves his house and will die in green
- this guy probably has every single passage in hogwarts mapped out perfectly like dimensions and all.
- may or may not be plotting something in the forbidden forest.
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thestarstoasun · 4 months
This entire fluff of Will being an adorable child was written as emotional compensation (mainly) for @actual-gremlin. Anyone else can take it as emotional compensation for my normal posts though!
Quick Note: Because timelines are actual torture this is at least a year before The Lightning Thief, mainly bc for the sake of plot I needed Luke to not be entirely evil & he really turns after his own quest/when Percy arrives/is claimed.
When Will was younger, he found a tabby cat in the woods near camp while following Connor to find flowers for their older sisters. The cat was missing half of her tail, but was surprisingly affectionate towards them. Will fell in love immediately, and while he wasn't a vet, his vitalkinesis told him that more than just her tail was injured. She was malnourished and dehydrated with a sprain in her front paw.
"Do you think your siblings will let you keep her? Do you even plan on keeping her?" Connor asked with his arms full of flowers.
"It really depends on what she wants. Poor angel. I would like her, but I wanna make sure she's okay first." Will's small arms held the cat and he pet the underside of her jaw, grinning when she started to purr.
"I didn't even know you liked cats. How could you hide this from me?"
"Ma used to take me to the pet shelters before she would play her concerts at night when touring. And I didn't hide anything. You're just a bad friend for never asking. Hmph."
"Wha? Hey!" The two boys laughed as they approached the Big House. Will's face grew determined seeing as his biggest challenge would be inside.
"Good luck, soldier. If they don't let you keep her, I'll sneak her into Hermes for you. Luke wants us family to be happy, so I can figure something out." Connor did his best to move the flowers around so he could give a salute.
"I lied earlier. You're a great friend...when you aren't playing the pranks of the century." Will nodded his head, took a deep breath, and walked inside the chamber.
Will was happy to note that the infirmary was mostly empty save for, surprisingly, Luke and Lee. What was even stranger though was Luke wasn't in a cot. He was sitting on top of Lee's desk, something that Will had be reprimanded for several times.
"Why doesn't Luke get scolded for sitting on your desk?" Will pouted walking towards his big brother and the Hermes counselor.
Both of the older boys jumped, but Lee just looked over at Will and smiled kindly. "He already was. You know how Hermes kids are."
Luke turned his body around to face Will as well with a mischievous grin. "Lee has tried to kick me off of the desk several times, but I outsmarted him."
Lee's face flushed, but Will completely missed the interaction between them, looking at Luke with amazement. "You managed to outsmart Lee!? But he's smart, but also a little dumb-"
"-so I can also understand."
"William. Why is there a cat in your arms?" Lee asked, out of curiosity and to redirect the conversation away from his dating life. Will was, perhaps, his only sibling who remained mostly spared from growing up too fast, and Lee was determined to keep it that was for just a little longer. Romance just went over his head, which was the innocence a child should have.
"Oh yeah! I found her when Connor and I were...-" Will pursed his lips and thought about how to say they snuck into the woods without getting into trouble. He had never met their dad, Apollo, so Lee was really the closest to one he felt like he had. And Lee had perfected the disappointed parent look- Will blamed Michael for that. "...taking a stroll through some trees to look for flowers and I found her! She's injured and I wanna help her."
Will was determined to at least be able to nurse the cat back to health, even if Lee wouldn't let him keep her. His arms were wrapped protectively around the cat and she relaxed onto Will's shoulder.
"A stroll through some trees?" Lee raised his eyebrow as if he was questioning whether or not to let the deceit go. Apparently, Will was very lucky, because his big brother just sighed. "You know we aren't vets. How can you be sure you can help her? How do you know its a her?"
"I'm a healer." Will said it with so much pride that Lee couldn't help but smile just a little bit. "And vitalkinesis, dummy."
"Michael is such a bad influence on you. He's got you insulting me in my own infirmary."
"Isn't he also the only one of your siblings, other than this one - but he's gotta only be a fourth of a person -("Hey!") who can get your stubborn ass to take a break?" Luke spoke up with an amused smirk.
"Language. There is a small and impressionable child here."
"Mikey says bad words all the time," Will spoke up, looking between the two counselors extremely confused.
"I'll have a talk with him about it. If you want to try to help the cat.." Lee noticed Will's puppy dog eyes and let out a swear of his own in Ancient Greek. "You can try to help her, but we don't have any cat food so you'll have to see if she'll eat tuna. And we aren't keeping her." Will nodded along with a small pout.
Instead of giving confirmation, Will walked to a cot and set the cat down before humming a soft healing hymn.
"We're gonna end up with a cat, aren't we?"
"You guys most definitely are. That kid has you wrapped around his fingers."
"It's the eyes! You'd think he was an Aphrodite kid, but he just pulls the puppy dog eyes and I give in."
"Lee, that's just you being a sucker."
"I'm just a better brother than you. All of the poor, sweet children that have their ears tainted by the horrors spoken of in the Hermes cabin tell me so."
"I'm going to go tell Castor and Pollux to start awful rumors about you. Overdramatic, absolute pushover, workaho-ouch!"
"Don't be mean. I'm going to go help Will. If you would be so kind, could you possibly sneak Cabin 7 some stuff for our new cat? I really don't think I'm getting out of this one."
"Yeah, sure. Good luck with being 'Cabin Mom'. I have my own rats to gather up soon; Connor and Travis should probably be first."
Will had healed the sprain and gotten the cat water and a can of tuna which she was currently happily drinking and eating away at. He sat in a chair by the bed watching her with a wide grin. Seeing her eating made him really happy and when she would look up, he reassured her with a "It's fine. There is plenty." before she went back to eating.
Lee ruffled Will's hair when he made it over. "Things going good, Sunshine?"
"Mmmmhm! She likes tuna, I think. Or maybe just really hungry."
"We can try a few things coming up to see what she likes. Overeating can also make her sick. Sometimes cats, and people, do it when they're malnourished for so long and have, for instance, they're favorite food for the first time."
"Yeah. It's why when you say you're not hungry, I always say eat two bites and you don't have to eat anymore if you still don't want any."
"That makes sense! Its much nicer than back in Texas when I would stay with my Granma and Gramps. They had dumb rules." His nose scrunched up as he recalled the nights he just really didn't feel good, the very few times he got sick, and was forced to sit at the table for hours.
"Those rules are the worst." Lee agreed and pulled his little brother in for a hug. "There are some rules that are good though."
"Like what?"
"Rules you have to follow for us to take in your new friend."
Will's eyes sparkled with excitement as he listened to the rules carefully, curls bouncing as he nodded along. The small lecture ended in a sacred oath, even more sacred than a promise on the Styx, a pinkie promise.
Bear, as Will had named her - though no one knew why since she didn't look much like one, grew healthier each week. She gained more weight, especially when she realized she could get extra treats by going to multiple Cabin 7 kids. Her fur grew fluffier (giving her a bath had been Michael's job - the punishment for swearing around children.) which Will absolutely loved, because she cuddled with him at night.
She had almost gotten herself caught multiple times because she tried to follow Will out of the Cabin. (Lee was going to get gray hairs by the time he turned 20, though he'd be ancient then. He was sure of it.)
By the time Chiron did find out about Bear, Lee had gotten the other head counselors on his side if this came to a debate. Luckily, many of them liked Will and seeing him being a kid with a cat probably helped sway the tides, or maybe some God was looking out for them. Either way, Chiron agreed to let her stay since they had clearly taken care of her this long.
Will went to sleep that night holding Bear a little closer, while she simply curled up to the boy. In a few years, he would lose so much, and she would stay through some of the hardest moments in his life, but right now he was just a boy with his big siblings and their cat.
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pain-is-too-tired · 4 months
Leeluke to me is less "aw they be cute together" and more "Idk if they were married but they are definitely divorced" fgxdc
Like Krisnix in Ace Attorney
Lee being a very bitter ex who's so done with Luke and Luke just not getting it is so funny to me.
Lee had to help care for a nearly dead 12 year old boy that Luke just left to deal with a pit scorpion on his own for and immediately filed the divorce papers.
Luke @ Kronos: my wife's leaving me and he's taking the kids :(
Kronos: What kids??? What wife???
Cut to Lee with the Stolls dhdh
Lee also took the brain cell in the divorce/j
Reason of divorce in the papers is just "He tried to kill one kid three fucking times in one summer. Wtf." Dhdhh
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iamrizaka · 2 months
Will, when he was a short boi, was once mistaken for Lee and Luke’s child.
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littlesilentrebel · 7 months
au where poseidon just straight up adopts everyone
luke? adopted. he now has a dad that actually tries
annabeth? adopted. her moms shit and poseidon hates her anyway so now shes his kid
thalia? adopted. 13+ reasons poseidon should (not) have adopted thalia grace
everyone else in camp who is unhappy with their parental situation??? adopted.
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thel1ghtningthief · 1 month
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bugwolfsstuff · 1 month
I will never like or forgive Luke mostly because he is the reason Castor is never gonna see their dad again
Like its assumed that Dionysus had a good relationship with his kids.
And yeah Castor will have Pollux in the future but they're never gonna see their dad again.
They're dead and Dionysus is deathless
They're dead and never gets to see the parent they loved because Luke hated his parent
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celestialbackbiter · 4 months
there is ground to break
- part 2 -
part 1 - there is ground to break
luke x apollo!reader nsfw under the split this took so much longer than i wanted it to take honestly, but i've been so busy so please forgive me it's also so much longer than i thought it would turn out
the shower’s at camp were, as you expected, busy. you had to wait for one to be free, and by the time you were under the lukewarm water there was only one other girl in the shower block. the water ran over you and you sighed.
the camp showers were one of the only places on the whole site that had complete privacy. the door went ceiling to floor, you could barely hear anything outside of the confines of your own cubicle, and the near deafening silence often led to your mind wandering. 
it often wandered to luke, but normally it was in a friendly way. normally, it was in a i could have done better in luke’s class today or that thing luke said earlier was funny. but today wasn’t like that. 
the thoughts of luke today were warmer, more intense. you thought back to that winter and the lakeside kiss, how it made you feel, how it made you want him in a way you’d never wanted anyone before. you thought of the kiss today in the amphitheatre and you started feeling hotter and hotter. 
you turned the temperature of the shower down. a cold shower would help.
showering at camp was never a particularly glamorous thing to do. the water wasn’t as scorching as you’d like it to be, the tiles were a little too rough under your feet, and the water pressure was nothing to be desired. there wasn’t even a shelf for your things to sit on. the only decent thing about them was their privacy. 
you washed your hair as you thought of luke. you thought of how he had looked today; his hair beginning to stick to his forehead, his shirt tighter to his chest than normal - it must have been an old one - and his eyes. luke’s eyes had always been nice. they were dark, bright and beautiful - but today they were different. they looked hungry, almost primal, something deep within them making them feel so intense when they looked at you. 
that made you feel hot, on fire almost. you thought of luke hovering over you on the sand at the lake, how much better it would feel if you had carried on. if the kiss hadn’t stopped. if luke made you feel like you were making yourself feel right now, with a hand below your stomach and the cool water running over your back. 
you had one hand on the wall, and one hand cupping yourself, much like luke had earlier, your fingers working increasingly faster over your clit to make you reach the precipice. 
you thought of luke’s camp beads, how they hung around his neck and landed just right at his collarbones, how they swang when he held himself above you with a hand down your pants. 
you thought of luke’s shoulders, how they had broadened and filled out now. how they made you feel smaller now that they were so much bigger than yourself. 
you thought of luke’s voice, how it made you weak in the knees when he stood behind you in his classes and whispered small praises to you as he corrected your stance. a soft ‘that’s good, you’re doing so well today’ so no one else heard and thought he was playing favourites. 
you thought of how he had felt underneath you today, hard and ready to be touched. how the mere thought of being able to touch him had made you feel like you belonged, like you were desired and capable of pleasing him in so many ways.
you were so close to finishing, so close to being content, when the water suddenly went freezing cold. you gasped, your hands coming away from the wall - and from yourself - to turn the water off quickly. you hadn’t realised how long you’d been in the shower, the water only went cold when it was running for a minute too long. 
you stood there breathing heavily for a moment, before you stepped back and decided to get dressed and head back to your cabin. 
at dinner, you were sitting at the apollo table waiting for food when he walked in. your eyes trailed away from your sister you were talking to, automatically, to look at him. he was wearing a looser shirt now, his hair looked curlier - you figured he’d showered and this made your face warm. had he been in the shower block at the same time you were thinking about him?
you tingled all over.
he didn’t look at you at first, just carried on talking to connor, but as soon as he’d sat down and said a quick hello to everyone at the hermes table (which was full and loud), he looked at you. his eyes found yours fast, like he already knew you were looking at him, and he smiled brightly and winked. your heart flipped a little. 
dinner went on without a hitch, no more winks or smiles exchanged between you and luke, no more small glances that made you feel like throwing up a little. you ate your food and chatted to your brothers and sisters, all the while having the niggling feeling that you were being watched.
by the time that dinner had ended and everyone started to filter out of the dining pavilion into the courtyard outside, you hadn’t looked back in luke’s direction. you were laughing at something the newest apollo cabin recruit beside you had said, when the 13-year-old looked past you and you felt a heavy hand on your shoulder. you took a deep breath in, already knowing who the hand belonged to, and smiled at your newest brother before saying a quiet ‘bye’ and turning to face luke.
“can we talk?” luke asked, eyes pleading, “please?” 
you heaved a sigh, “sure.” you were nervous to be alone with him after that afternoon, you weren't sure what would happen and you were dreading the inevitable.
the two of you walked behind the cabins to the shower blocks, checking no one was paying attention to either of you as you walked in and went to the end-most stall. luke had just walked in behind you and shut the door when you heard what sounded like the entirety of the aphrodite cabin walking in behind you to get ready for the singalong that night.
an empty shower stall may have seemed like the wrong place to have a conversation, especially at the age you were and the point of your friendship you had found yourself at, but you and luke had been doing this since the two of you had started at camp. the shower block was the only place for privacy, the only place to have a heart-to-heart without being interrupted.
you sat on the bench in the shower’s cloak room and looked up at luke. you didn’t know what to say so you waited for luke to begin. 
luke didn’t begin.
he chewed on his lip and looked at you nervously, tapping his fingers against his leg. he paced the small stall, stepping past the shower curtain to your right and into the shower, pausing momentarily, before turning and pacing back to you. you watched him the whole time, not knowing what he was thinking, and it made you feel nervous. he looked at you, bringing his hand up to push his hair back, and heaved a large sigh.
“what is it, luke?” you asked, getting increasingly annoyed. “what do you want?” 
“what do i want?” his voice rose. “what do i- you wouldn’t look at me during dinner. why?”
“i didn’t know that i had to, i was talking, you know we have new campers.” he looked at you from where he stood above you, eyebrows furrowed.
“you didn’t know you had to? really?”
“really?” you hummed in agreement, making luke’s eyes widen. “you-” he took a deep shaking breath. “you kissed me and then didn’t think you had to look me in the eyes?” 
you stood in a flash, making him step back a little. “i did not kiss you!” 
he raised his eyebrows. “oh, you didn’t?” he stepped towards you again, so there was only a couple of inches between you now. “you didn’t kiss me first?”
you stared at him, eyes searching his face. you could hear the aphrodite cabin outside the locked door, arguing and shouting at each other. “no.” you crossed your arms. “why would i kiss you? huh?”
he scoffed, “i don’t know, maybe because you wanted to carry on from last winter?”
your eyes widened, “last winter was you kissing me, i didn’t start that shit.” your voice rose higher. “and the fact that you think i did, luke, is on you. you kissed me first that day-”
“oh, that day? so you admit that you kissed me first today?” his voice rose with your own.
“no!” you all but yelled. “i am not admitting that, because it didn’t happen!” you waved your finger in his face, and he batted it away. “you came on to me. you started flirting with me.” you poked him in the chest with every you. “you kissed me. you dragged me into your lap.”
luke gaped at you with bulging eyes, and looked down at his chest where your index finger rested. “i cannot believe that you really think that! you’re insane! you are an insane woman!” he was basically yelling now.
“don’t you dare, luke.”
“or what? what are you going to do? wha-” there was a knock on the door.
“is someone in there?” a girl from the aphrodite cabin, you didn’t recognise the voice straight away.  you went to say something in response, you weren’t sure what honestly, and you didn't get a chance to think what before you were spun around by your waist, luke’s hand over your mouth, and your back pressed against the opposite wall. luke looked at you with hard eyes.
“yeah, it’s just me drew.” he looked at the door, like he was hoping she wouldn’t come in.
“oh my god, luke! what are you doing?” you heard a slight thud, like drew had leant on the door.
“i’m just showering.” he looked at you. “what else would i be doing?” 
“ugh.” drew scoffed. “whatever.” there was another slight thud as she came away from the door. “well hurry up, it’s almost time for the singalong, and i’m sure you don’t want to miss me looking pretty.” you could hear the smugness in her voice. it was no secret that most of the aphrodite cabin had a crush on luke, they flirted with him at any given opportunity that they could. he never reciprocated, thankfully. you thought you might die a little inside for some reason if he did. 
“yeah, okay.” luke looked back at you. his hands were still on you, on your waist and your mouth. you wiggled to get free of him. he didn’t let you go, he was looking at you with his eyes wide and wondering. “i just dont want this to change anything.”
you scrunched your eyebrows together. change anything? “i don’t want,” luke was whispering now, “i don’t want what happened, at the lake and-” he took a deep breath in, “and today to change anything between us, you know?”
he looked at you like he wanted a response, and you wiggled your head to rid yourself of his hand over your mouth. “it’s not going to change anything, luke.”
“are you sure?” his eyes were still wide and bright, searching your own face and glancing at your mouth - almost like he was waiting to see the words come out. 
“yeah.” you breathed out. luke surged forwards and kissed you. 
the kiss was heated from the start, luke’s hand that had once been over your mouth now rested on the back of your neck, pulling you closer to him. his hand on your waist did the same, causing his legs to part slightly to allow for one of your own to slot between them. your hands snaked up from your side to luke’s face, resting on his cheek. he hadn’t had a haircut since may and the curls were starting to be massively overgrown, twisting and curling around your fingers as you buried them in the back of his head.
your fingers got caught on a curl and you tugged slightly to loosen it, it made luke groan and tighten his hold on you - it sounded like the groan came from his feet, it was guttural and raw. luke pulled away from you for a moment before kissing your cheek and kissing a line down your neck. you still held onto his hair. he stopped when he got to your collarbone, lifted his head and looked at you.
you’d never seen this look before, luke looked as though he was almost pleading, begging you to do something. you hadn't seen luke look anything close to this since the time you’d managed to beat him at capture the flag, when you had pinned him down with your sword to his neck and your weight on him. (you were both 15, luke was weak from the flu he was still getting over, and you’d never managed to do it again.)  but this look was softer, almost, his eyes rounder. you just nodded your head at him, swallowing. 
he kissed you again and your head cleared, he was good at this. it made you wonder if he had kissed anyone else before you, or if he was just naturally good at this as well as battle. luke pulled away again after a couple of blissful minutes, one hand moving from the side of your face to the column of your throat, pushing up a little causing your head to tip back. his lips followed the newly-exposed skin, leaving a trail of light kisses down your throat. your upper body fell back to hit the wooden wall of the shower block as his kisses continued down. 
luke kissed down the valley of your chest as your eyes slipped closed, down your stomach, and you suddenly realised what he was pleading for before. you gasped, feeling lightheaded with the realisation, and tugged once again at the curls on the top of his head to get luke’s attention. he just groaned again, not getting the hint. “luke.” you choked out. all movements halted as his head pulled away from your stomach. you opened your eyes.
when you looked down, luke was looking up at you. you weren’t entirely sure when luke had sunk to his knees, you didn’t feel it happen. but here he was, staring up at you with wide eyes and his hands in your waistband. “what’s wrong?” 
you swallowed again, breathing heavier. “i’m just nervous, i guess.” 
luke tilted his head and smiled at you. “you don’t need to be nervous, baby, it’s just me.” you scoffed lightly, luke was never just anything. he chuckled, and kissed just below your belly button where his hands had pulled your pants down to expose bare skin.
you moaned lightly, and luke continued on his path down. you closed your eyes again, feeling him unbutton and unzip your pants, untie and slip off your shoes, pull your pants down and off your legs. luke pulled away from you, his hands resting on your hips. you opened your eyes.
luke was looking at your underwear with a far-off look, like his head was spacey, and so you brought a head down to his cheek, stroking it with your thumb. you felt the bump of his scar. the movement of your thumb seemed to kick-start his brain again, and he looked at you. his hands rested on the front of your thighs, his thumbs rubbing dangerously close to where you really wanted them.
he looked up at you as he allowed his thumb to grace the front of your underwear, just over where you felt an aching, and he watched as your eyes fluttered shut and your breath shuddered. he continued rubbing across the front of them lightly, until the aching got too much for you to handle anymore, and you muttered out a begging luke. 
he surged forward, his lips suddenly on you over the soft cotton, and you gasped. your hands were on the back of his head in an instant and you moaned. you felt luke smile against you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care much. it was all too much but not enough at the same time. you felt as though you needed him. you felt his hands move from the front of your thighs to the back of them, travelling up as he continued his gentle assault on you with his mouth. he was now licking up your slit before it found it’s home on your clit and circled, before venturing back down. 
his hands rested on your lower back, just above the waistband of your underwear, and you mewled at the feeling of him encompassing you. he did something that made your hips buck toward him, you weren’t sure what it was - too lost in the feeling of how it all felt - and the action made his hands ball in the band of your underwear.
you shrieked a little at the fabric tightening on your hips so suddenly, and luke pulled away from you. your eyes shot open.
“did i hurt you?” he looked concerned. you shook your head in a violent no, and he realised what had happened. “shall i take them off?” his eyes moved from yours down to your underwear. 
your head fell back against the wall once more. “gods, luke.” he chuckled.
“is that a yes?” you didn’t answer, instead you reached behind you and moved his hands away - to which he whined - and pulled your underwear down yourself. luke’s eyes bulged from his head slightly, fixated on your movements.
he sat back on his heels, his hands hovering an inch from the front of your thighs like he didn’t dare touch you right now. he still wasn’t looking at your face, his eyes had glazed over, pupils blown wide, the dark chocolate of them fixated where your legs met one another. “it’s a yes.” your voice came out as a whisper, too scared that if you spoke too loud you would break this moment. 
luke swallowed, glanced at your face quickly, and surged forwards. a gasp was torn from your throat as luke’s hands clamped themselves onto your thighs, his lips landing just below your belly button and travelling slowly but surely downwards.
it was your turn to swallow. your hands found themselves, once again, in luke’s hair, twisting with his curls as his lips got closer and closer to where you wanted him. you were throbbing now, the ache between your legs had grown to be almost unbearable, and you groaned. luke’s head backed away to look at you. your hands did something you never expected - it felt as though you weren’t controlling them, like there was an external source moving them - and you pulled luke’s head towards you.
luke muttered something under his breath as soon as his mouth was on you, the cool air brushing over your clit and making you squirm. luke’s large hands stroked up and down your thighs as he started to suck, his tongue swept over you as he worked on your undoing. his hands still moving and one began to move its way to the back of your leg, pulling you almost impossibly closer to him, as the other made its way down. 
you were lost in his motions, lost in this foreign feeling, lost in the way he was making you sound. his hand had reached your ankle now, and his fingers closed around it, you felt them circle it entirely and it made you tingle. luke made you feel small in a way that no one else had, like he could easily protect you. 
with a particularly good swipe of his tongue, luke started to pull your leg up by the ankle and you started. your head lifted from the wall, and looked at luke. 
his eyes were closed and his eyebrows raised, like he was concentrating on doing everything at once. you could see his thumb on the side of your left thigh, digging in so hard and so lovingly that the skin around it was paler than the rest. you wondered if there would be marks from his hands, and your hips jerked with the thought. luke moaned. 
his hand on your ankle had led your leg to drape over his shoulder, causing you to open up to him more than you already had. the new angle allowed him to go deeper and further, work you faster and harder. the hand came from your ankle, up your leg, and landed at the top of your inner thigh - fingers just skirting along your opening. you swallowed a lump in your throat, you knew where this was going and you adjusted your hips in the hopes that luke would get the hint. you wanted this. you really wanted this. 
his mouth was still working you for a minute before his hand began to touch you. one was still gripping the back of your thigh, but the other hand was now replacing his mouth, moving in rhythmic circles over your clit. the new sensation tore another long moan from your throat, and luke’s head appeared from its hidden view beneath you. his eyes and lips were shining as he swallowed, he was heaving slightly like he was out of breath. “am i doing okay?”
you glared at him like he had grown a second head, “you’re kidding?” his hand was still working away at you, making you closer and closer to the edge. luke’s eyebrows knitted once again.
“am i not-” luke looked nervous, his hand was slowing. “shall i stop?” 
your hips tried to chase the sensation that luke was pulling away. “no!” it came out louder than you had intended it to, and luke looked at you curiously. you grabbed luke’s wrist to pull his hand back to you, his fingers ghosting over your clit. “please don’t stop.” 
“fuck, gods.” luke kissed your inner thigh, the one over his shoulder, “i’m gonna be in danger if you keep talking to me like that.” his hand had started to move again, circling you.
“like what?” 
“like that. like you don’t know what you’re doing to me.” his fingers were back to circling you, his mouth was back on your inner thigh, and you were so so close. 
luke smiled up at you, a glint in his eyes that wasn’t there before, and that sent you over the edge. your eyes closed, your head tilted back, your thighs closed around luke’s head, your body jolted.
when you opened your eyes again, luke had placed your foot back on the ground and was now standing in front of you. his hands came up to cup your face, and he kissed you. this kiss was different to every other kiss you and luke had shared, it was tender and loving, and you could taste yourself on his lips.
you broke the kiss, your eyes darting around luke’s face. you suddenly remembered that luke had been hard and ready earlier, thinking that he might be now - because surely no one could do what luke had just done without something happening to their own biology. “are you okay?” you asked, eyes shifting down to catch a glance of luke’s cargos but your chest against luke’s blocked your view.
“should i not be asking you that?” he replied with a giggle.
you rolled your eyes and sighed, “i mean down there?” you whispered that last part like it was a secret, your hand wandering down to land on his waistband.
his eyes widened and moved away from you, embarrassed. “oh!”
“do you want me to-”
“no.” luke cut you off, and your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “I mean, no, i’m- i’m good.” luke cleared his throat and backed away from you slightly. you began to panic. had something happened? did you do something?
“you’re good?” luke must have heard the slight panic in your voice because he came straight back to your side, his hands finding your face once again. he looked you in the eyes, his thumbs stroking your cheeks.
luke’s eyes flitted around your face, one of his hands left your cheek and ventured down to your hand on his waistband. he grabbed your wrist and pulled your hand round to the front of his cargos. you felt his cock there, still slightly hard, but there was something else. a wet patch laid under your palm, small but noticeable. “i’m good.” 
you smiled up at him. “luke castellan,” he nodded. “did you cum in your pants?”
luke choked out a laugh, and dipped his head to rest on your left shoulder. his hand came off your face and landed on the wall next to your head, you laughed along with him. “what are you, 14?” you took your hand off his cock and placed it on the side of his face. 
you laughed together for a while, making jabs at one another, before he helped you redress and leave the shower stall. you looked at your watch as you left the showers and realised you were late to the campfire. 
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clarissesmaimer · 5 months
Chris Rodriguez is a RAGING bisexual.
Just like Percy Jackson? Yes.
Just like Annabeth Chase? Yes.
Just like every Half-Blood camper? 
……………..Obviously, Yes.
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summonademon · 2 months
I know Luke is the big bad guy in the series, but as a demigod, wouldn't he also have ADHD and dyslexia just like everyone else at CHB?
For all we know, Luke could be sitting at a fancy restaurant, but he gets stuck reading the menu because it's all in cursive.
Has he ever made post-it reminders? Misplaced his items only to find them several days later? Does he get food hyperfixations?
We may never know...
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deadwhiterosesstuff · 4 months
Genderfluid4genderfluid and bi4bi percabeth gives me life
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the-gods-dam-snack-bar · 10 months
okay, we've decided as a fandom that Percy's bi awaking would be Luke, but what would annabeth's be? My votes on Clarisse.
Your telling me 12 year old annabeth wouldn't see Clarisse beating the shit out of some camper and be like woah
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scarletsapphic · 6 months
PJO piercing hcs
Based on personal opinions pls don't come at me
Tell me your opinions!!!!
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Percy has one ear piercing each, he wears one slightly dangly earring and one stud.
Annabeth has one, and gets one more after each war.
Nico has 2 in one ear, 3 in the other. Most of them are infected because he did them himself and didn't bother to take care of them. Will has yelled at him about this everyday and he doesn't attempt it anymore. He got his nose pierced (safely) with Will.
Will has one piercing in each ear and a nose piercing.
Piper has 4 or 5 piercings in each ear and wears random mismatched earrings, probably changes them almost everyday. She also has a nose pirecing and she wears a small diamond stud in it. And she has a belly button ring.
Jason had no piercings except when he got impaled. Rip bestie.
Hazel had no piercings but after the war she got some. 2 in each ear and i think she would consider a belly button ring, only to back out last minute. She wears precious stones in each ear piercing.
Frank has no piercings I think he wouldn't want them and would also be a little scared.
Grover would also be scared, and not interested.
Leo had one in each ear as a child, but they closed up eventually. He would get them re-pierced after the war with Gaia (or try to do it himself), and I think one more after Jason dies, and he would go with Piper to get it done. He wears a tiny hoop in the top one and a stud in the bottom one. He would look hot with a nose piercing but idk if he would get one.
Thalia has a bajillion + 2 piercings. Like 5 in one ear 6 in the other, a septum ring, a nose ring, an eyebrow piercing, and I'm pretty sure she would get nipple piercings impulsively after she realizes she likes them on other people.
Reyna has two piercing in each ear and permanent small hoops in them, I think one would be gold and one silver for Aurum and Argentum.
Rachel also has a bunch of mismatched piercings and I think she would keep misplacing her earrings. But she has 3-4 in each ear.
Luke Castellan (canon traitor version) wouldn't have any piercings because when and how.
BUT hc version (aka my delulu version) would get one on each ear eventually either with Annabeth and Percy or with his partner whoever that ends up being (I volunteer as tribute Luke hmu).
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