Hello!!! I just wanted to say I really like the fire emblem stuff you write!!! Truly doing gods work by giving us tiny bits of food 🥺
May I request some friends to lovers style headcannons with Seliph and the Summoner? I picture them bonding over there shared circumstances of being on a pedestal
i know you said hcs but i've got a lil scenario here for you
Seliph tries his best. He might not be as skilled or as confident as some of the other heroes, but he's always determined to ensure no harm befalls you. But he does wonder, why you picked him. "I must confess to you Summoner, I'm not sure I understand why you continue to take me into battle with you." You seem confused by his words but he continues nonetheless. "There are so many great warriors among your army that better fit the title of hero. I feel as though I don't even come close to that label."
"I wouldn't be able to tell the difference, frankly." You pause, a frown forming on your features before continuing. "I don't know anything about war, I never have. I came from a world that was well and truly in peace times. A world where I was just a normal person living from day to day." And at your confession, Seliph is stunned. He knew you were from a different world, it's what many bring up when they sing your praise. Summoner, the great tactician from another world, almost destined to win Askr's wars for them. But no one mentions what your world was like.
"My apologies, I wasn't aware what your world was like." Your frown eases into a sympathetic smile.
"Not many people do. It's a bit hard to tell people that when they place all their hopes on your shoulders." He nods in understanding. He's been in a similar position more times then he can count, and even here, he still feels as though he's living behind an ideal of himself.
"There isn't quite a struggle out there like attempting to be yourself to people who have managed to convince themselves what you already are."
"You sound like you're speaking from experience."
"Even now people here look at me so strangely, speak of me so highly. I have yet to do anything so praise worthy. I wonder if you feel similarly?" You nod at his question. And it troubles him, knowing that there isn't much he can do to help. "If you require someone to share your woes with, I am here." It feels like a trivial consolation, but your expression seems to brighten at his offer.
"Thank you, Seliph." There's a brief silence, before you speak again. "For what it's worth, in my eyes you're a hero and that's why I'll always depend on you." And at that he feels his own expression brighten, the smile that appears on his lips impossible to fight back.
"...thank you, Summoner."
Even if he isn't the strongest, or the most skilled. For as long as you depend on him, he'll do his best to protect you. And in the end that's all you ever ask of him.
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digitalresorts · 1 year
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some art trade stuff i did from january to march. there’s way more but these are the ones i like best ^^
in order, the characters belong to:
1 - lukrio99990 (discord/toyhouse/insta/)
2 - vixenart (discord/toyhouse)
3 - hachise (discord/toyhouse)
4 - wyvoren (insta/tiktok)
5 - starshin3 (discord/toyhouse)
6 - lukrio99990 (discord/toyhouse/insta)
btw art trades are still open!! message me on discord if you’re interested
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Beryll is that u
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feheroestips · 6 years
Is a -attack +hp takumi salavagable? I finally managed to summon him (hes my favourite hero but i havent been able to on him til now) but idk if i can still use him,,,,
Yeah he’s still usable! Plus it won’t really matter as in a few days you’ll get a free neutral Iv takumi!
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bboongobbang · 8 years
Heyo! If your still doing them, a hc about rfa and what they think of an mc who draws? Thanks! Btw your hcs are great~
hehe;; thanks for putting up with my slow replies, second semester is biting back with a vengeance…
Is that person that is always asking to see your sketchbook
“Did you draw that?”
In all seriousness though he is so supportive of you and loves looking at your work
Encourages you to open commissions and refuses to let you undercharge
Of course when you finally cave he’s your first customer
He commissions a full-body color of his LOLOL character
And is ready to pay the $100+
But of course you give him a discount
$20 plus 80 kisses
He’s more than happy to take the deal but is sure to tell you not to give a discount to anyone else
Your sketchbooks are all over the penthouse
After all, there’s not much else to do while Jumin is away
But once he comes home he loves looking at what you’ve worked on during the day
He buys you all the art supplies you could ever ask for
And he surprises you on your birthday with blueprints for converting the spare bedroom into a studio
It’s the dream life, being able to paint to your heart’s content with whatever supplies you want
You have enough creative time that when the RFA party comes around again you can add your works to the auction
And Jumin loves coming home to you with a smock covered in paint, deep into the flow of your work
When she first sees your sketches she is very impressed
Especially as someone with very little artistic talent
She asks you why you didn’t pursue art as a career, and you don’t really have an answer for her beyond needing money
That’s a situation she understands very well
So once the cafe opens up she encourages you to start drawing more
You go out and get some new supplies, doing real ART for the first time in a long time
She never told you the second part of her plan, which was to decorate the cafe with your work and have it all up for sale
You’re pleasantly shocked, but also embarrassed
But all that quickly dissipates when customers actually start BUYING YOUR WORK
And there’s a demand for more
You spend your evenings making more art, and it helps support the cost of running the cafe
More importantly you’re making money off of your dream
It pleases Jaehee to no end to see your dream realized
“Ooh, can you draw me?”
this boy i swear
He thinks your sketches are beautiful
He could look at them all day
There’s something almost magical in the way that you capture poses, in the way you manage to convey movement and emotion
He realizes that it’s a performance all in itself
When he asks you why you didn’t go to art school, you tell him you didn’t have the money and your parents didn’t support it
His heart sinks, because he knows that situation all too well
He secretly starts saving up money to send you to art school
Because HE supports you, damn it, and he wants you to be able to follow your passion just like he did
He encourages you again to apply
“Zen, I still don’t have the money”
He takes your hands in his and stares deeply into your eyes
“Don’t worry about the money, babe.”
“Is that anime?”
Saeyoung knows that pisses you off, but he really doesn’t realize how much
He reads your anger as bemused annoyance until he notices you wiping at your eye
He immediately goes into panic mode
Apologizes over and over again and berates himself for taking it too far
You explain that you want to take your art seriously and that it’s hard to do when Saeyoung doesn’t
“Baby, I do take your art seriously and I think it’s beautiful. I only make fun of it because I thought you were confident in it”
He promises not to joke around anymore but that’s not what you want
You tell him he can joke around but just not to make fun of you
He gets that wicked smile on his face and reclines on the couch in a mockingly sexy pose
His voice drops almost an octave
“Draw me like one of your French girls, MC”
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mythsofunova · 7 years
I just binge read all of ur comic and, my name is Jordan???? I ded???
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Wait no we cant have you melt your dorm, kuiper! Quick! Your medicine!
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Beryll: “Who knew being a sentient star was so difficult”
(M!A 4/5)
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if you don't think you reach beryll's standards, why don't you try doing something you think would appeal to those standards? be bold! put on a nice outfit and go after him!
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Kuiper: “He’s been in the dorm too long anyway, he deserves a break.”
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Do i even need to add a caption (ps sorry for cropping your art)
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