#lumi pokemon reborn
meshumo · 9 months
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been in a reborn mood lately...... happy holidays!!
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jazz-kitty · 1 year
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zel doodles
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pokefangamebrainrot · 16 days
Hi Meteors I like you a lot you are very nice. Y’know who else is nice? Lumi. Do you have any Lumi headcanons? They're a very cute character.
best way i’ve ever received an ask ever lmao. ur very nice too noctor we like you a lot as well, ofc u can have some lumi headcanons
Lumi Seijaya headcanons!
-she’s much smarter than people give her credit for and she could absolutely be a scientist like eve if she had been nurtured to do so and had the passion for it
-she makes both her and eve’s clothes
-that’s one of the reasons she loves to train ice types! they help her figure out if somethings too warm or cold
-her and shelly become BEST friends in the post game
-she’s a better battler than eve is, though you wouldn’t guess it
-she also made zero a new outfit after he left team meteor
-she’s fiercely passionate about sticking up for the people she loves. anyone insults her friends or family they will get SCREAMED at
-along with adrienn, she helped start a rehabilitation programme for ex team meteor members like her
-her favourite food is ice cream! she makes it with her glaceon
-probably has a tamagotchi or virtual pet she takes care of religiously
-very emotionally mature
-wears lots of layers even in hot weather (she likes how cozy it makes her feel. that’s why she likes living in ametrine and stays there even after the post game)
-even when she gets older, she holds on to her childhood. she chases the dream to reclaim the life stolen from her, and as such, maintains her whimsy even when she grows up
-she will only use the cutest accessories she can find for her phone and pokémon
these were surprisingly easy to come up with!! hope you enjoy reading as much as i enjoy writing
thank you for the ask!
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gree-gon · 1 year
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picky cat
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rozetheeuwu · 1 year
I know that it's strange to look back with such devotion
Rating: T
Fandom: Pokemon Reborn
Category: Gen
Characters: Original Character(s), Ace Featherstone, (Min)Taka Alcantara, Zero (Pokemon Reborn), Lumina Seijaya, Evelynn Seijaya, Solaris | Phoenix Alcantara, Blake Whitaker, Elias Hazel, Luna Hazel
Relations: Original Character(s) & characters mentioned above
Additional: Hurt/Comfort, Hurt No Comfort, Swearing, Reunions, Angst, Not Beta Read, Title from Answer (eng cover)
Word count: 4200+
“It’s me! Heh, I suppose you wouldn’t recognize me?”
The magician frowned and looked down confused at the trainer who smiled at them. The trainer seemed very excited to see them much to the dismay of their green-haired companion.
They had no idea who this stranger was, clearly they had met because he knew their name before they were able to introduce themselves. They also didn’t know anyone with his name, Ordell according the the shorter trainer next to him.
They looked the trainer up and down. The black hair and the strong build weren’t something they remember seeing in anyone they knew, yet his ruby red eyes were familiar. They were the same color as their friend and coworker Divers. Now that they think about it, he looks a lot like the bishop. 
Their eyes widened as they made a realization.
“...Sunshine is that you?!” They gripped the rails of the platform they were on tightly, the boy grinned and nodded. The Meteor gasped and finally returned the trainer’s smile with the same excitement.
“Nice to see you again, Ace! I uh, went through a few chances as you can see, hehe!” The trainer joked. Of course they weren’t able to recognize him. The last time they saw him he was a scrawny looking teen girl, now he’s a buff looking young man. 
“Look at you!” Ace exclaimed “You’ve grown so much Sunshine!” He had changed a lot it seems, and not just his appearance. Before Ordell had fled the region he was angry, insecure, distant and on guard constantly, now he seems more relaxed, happy and social.
“Thanks! You look great as always!” The ex-bishop said with a wink earning a small laugh from Ace. 
They hadn’t seen him in around 8 years. He ran away leaving his twin and uncle, Elias,  heartbroken and in disarray. Ordell’s father, Hiram, was upset as well but seemed to had expected it.
There is so much Ace wanted to ask Ordell, wanted to tell him, unfortunately they simply didn’t have the time to do so. They were on a mission after all.
And Ordell was there to put a stop to that mission.
“No way… [Deadname]?”
Ordell cringed as he turned to the voice, there he was, his old ‘friend’. “Taka.” Ordell Greeted as he walked towards him with a frown, he made brief eye contact with the person standing next to his ex-master. 
Divers, his twin who he abandoned. He felt his stomach turn as Divers glared at him with a disappointed look. He turned to Taka again as he stopped in front of the taller man. “It’s Ordell now, by the way.”
“Right…” Taka smiled at him awkwardly, the man knew about Ordell’s contempt for him. He knows how much Ordell hated being a servant and live the way his family decided for him. How much Ordell fought back against it and eventually ran away from.
Yet, that is what made the admin admire his ex-servant so much. The bravery to fight back, the bravery to leave.
Taka knew he could never do either of those things.
“I like your name, it fits.” Taka started, " It's good to see you again, how have you been?” leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets. The trainer shrugged “Just kind of chilling really.” Ordell said, completely forgetting the entire plant situation that was going on outside.
“Hmm… Well you look like you’re doing better, so that’s good.” He looked over at Divers who stuck to his side like glue despite begging them to give him space. “So, I’m sure you two have a lot to talk about.”
Ordell silently gulped, he was afraid of this reunion. His twin glared at him a bit longer which sent a chill down his spine. “...” Divers then smiled at him, a familiar warm smile “I knew you couldn’t stay away, you always were dependent on your big sibling.”
Ordell blinked in surprise before letting out a laugh. “Two hours! You're only two hours older !” Divers pinched their brother’s cheek “But you certainly act like you’re younger.” the older twin teased.
Ordell felt relieved, he was worried Divers would despise him after he ran away. Although it’s clear there is some disappointment and annoyance here he’s glad Divers still seems to be happy to see their twin.
A small earthquake brought them back to reality. “Right… Well I suppose this is all your doing?” Ordell asked while his arms were crossed. Taka and Divers looked at each other and then back at Ordell “What do you think?” Divers asked. The trainer sighed and ran a hand through his hair “Well… I’m gonna be honest, you both understand I’m not here to help you guys out, right?”
Divers looked down at their feet while Taka smiled at him and said “Honestly, would be disappointed if you were.” Ordell huffed but smiled at him “Good.” He then looked seriously at him “Right now I’m happily having a conversation with you, but next time we might be at odds with each other, do you understand?”
Taka nodded, Divers didn’t say or do anything. “Good… Now before I go… How are Zero and Father?” Divers huffed “Don’t pretend you care about your father.” Ordell frowned and looked at Taka “Hiram is fine, he misses you of course.” He explained “As for Zero… Well… Something happened, but…” Ordell’s eyes widened in worry “... He’s here on this mission as well, you’ll understand when you see him.” Taka finished, Ordell frowned but nodded. “...How about uncle and Luk-” “Na. Luna.” Taka interrupted. Ordell raised an eyebrow, the gears in his head slowly turning before realizing “Oh! I see… Well how are they?”
Ordell nodded “Good to know… Well, I uh, should get going. See ya, I guess.” 
“Uncle is disappointed in you, as am I.” Divers explained, Ordell sighed “No surprise there.” Taka continued “But he does miss you, even if he wouldn’t admit it.” Ordell had a faith smile on his face. “As for Luna, much like you she strayed from the light and ran away.” Divers explained, Ordell’s eyes widened “Really…? Luna did…?” Taka nodded “If you meet her on your journey, you might find she’s a bit… Uh-” “Delusional?” Divers interrupted, “...Yeah sure, but it’s because of me she’s like that.” Taka said in defense of her. Divers shook their heads “She shouldn’t have faltered at your command. She should’ve stayed as it’s her duty.”
Both Taka and Ordell sighed, Ordell then asked one last thing “I’ve already met up with Ace… How’s Blake? Oh and your dad I guess.” He asked. Taka answered “Chillin. Er- Pun not intended." Ordell snorted “My dad’s- Well he’s still the same so, you know.” 
“See ya around, Ordell.” Taka said.
“...Thank you for saying goodbye this time.” Ordell flinched “...Sorry.” The younger twin turned to leave, but Taka stopped him “Here, for on the road.” He handed Ordell a few potions, pokeballs and a premier ball.
“...Thank you.” With that, the crusader left.
The black cloaked rogue turned away from the Pulse powered Tangrowth to the person calling out his name with a glare.
Suddenly he froze.
Despite being gone for 8 years and going through a lot of changes he recognized his brother instantly. “...[Deadname]?”
Ordell smiled softly at him despite the horrors happening around him “Hey Zero… How have you been?”
“Who’s [Deadname]?” Zero asked, causing Ordell to look confused. “...Right, if I recall that would be agent Mekbuda. agent Mebsuta’s twin sister- Or brother now by the looks of it. Sibling?” Zero said, answering his own question. “...Zero? What’s the matter-”
“Oh- Is that why he’s uh, so quiet that we can’t hear him?” Zero said, his voice softer than Ordell’s ever heard his voice be.
Ordell looked with a worried frown at his brother. “Oh, right he doesn’t know… Uhm, I’m Lumi!”
“It seems so, he must be surprised by Mekbuda’s return… As is Mekbuda by the looks of it…” his voice was more confident but he sounded more calculated than usual.
Ordell walked closer, but didn’t say anything. “I’m Eve, together with your brother we are ZEL.”
Ordell, still confused, stopped in front of what he thinks is his brother. He looked softly at them.
Suddenly his brother reached out and gripped his see through shirt pulling him closer.
“...He’s back.” Eve said, although it were her words coming out of his mouth his expression was 100% his. He was glaring at him and his eyes were filled with anger.
“I told you not to come back!” Zero exclaimed, gripping the shirt tighter. “You have some nerve coming back here after abandoning us!”
Ordell looked devastated “Zero please-” “No!” His older brother interrupted “You don’t know how hard things have been after you left! You can’t just come crawling back after all that! You-”
Ordell reached up and cupped his brother’s face causing the other to freeze up. After what felt like forever their expression softened, then a shaky sigh was let out as the hold on Ordell was released.
“What happened to you…?” Ordell asked, the tone of voice changed signaling Ordell someone else was talking. “Much like the pulse- the machine behind me I created the Pulse Magnezone. There was an accident involving me, my little sister Lumi and your brother Zero causing our minds to fuse into one.” 
Ordell listened as he looked at the Tangrowth behind them, the pokemon looked like it was suffering.
“Your minds… Fused? So it’s not just my brother in there?” Ordell asked, they nodded. “And… The Pulse behind you is what’s causing all these plants to attack the city?” Another nod.
“Eve built it all by herself!” The tone changed again. “...You’re… Lumi then?” Another nod, as well as a small smile “Nice to meet you! What’s your name?” 
The trainer smiled back “Ordell, nice to meet you too.” He greeted, voice shaken up. “Lumi, I know you’re just trying to be polite, but this isn’t the time…” Eve said, “Oh, sorry.”
This was Zero, Ordell knew it.
They moved again, their gaze went to the ground and they held their left arm with their right hand.
“...You’re not back here to join us, are you?” He asked. Ordell shook his head “I came to stop whatever it is you guys are doing…” Zero looked at him, heartbroken “I figured you’d say that… Then you know I have to stop you, right?”
Ordell nodded.
No other words were spoken as a battle commenced. 
After the battle ended the plants started to disappear and everything slowly started to turn back normal.
“...” Zel said nothing as they were ready to run off, only to be stopped by Ordell who grabbed them by the arm “Zero-” 
They were pulled into a tight hug, causing their eyes to widen in surprise.
“I’m sorry…” Ordell whispered “I’m sorry for leaving… And I’m sorry for whatever is gonna happen to us after this…”
His voice was soft like Zero remembered it, it was also filled with regret and sadness.
Zero let out a sigh and slowly hugged back. “I know…” He whispered back “I’m sorry too.” 
Eve and Lumi stayed quiet, Zero could barely even hear them in his head.
They pulled away and Zero gave a soft kiss on his little brother’s forehead. “Bye Ordell…” There was more he wanted to say, but he didn’t. 
He turned and ran off, leaving Ordell behind as he watched his older sibling run off.
“...That was a nice hug… It made me feel all warm and safe…”
“I know Lumi…” Zero said as he held himself “I know.”
Ordell traversed through the Rhodochrine Jungle. He had defeated Taka and freed two of the officers that went missing. 
“Pika pi…” the Pikachu on top of his head mumbled “I know Pineapple, I know.” Ordell answered.
He stopped in his tracks as he saw some team Meteor members sitting around a campfire ahead. “Shit…” he mumbled to himself as he hid in the tall grass. 
He had to get passed them without getting caught, easy enough.
That’s what he told himself as he snuck through the grass, only to step on a branch causing the grunts to look over at his direction. “Shit…”
“C-Circinus, sir?!” 
Ordell’s eyes widened, he noticed the grunts looking slightly away from him. His gaze followed and his eyes widened as he saw a familiar man.
Hiram Hazel, his father.
“Greetings.” His father started, he walked a bit closer to Ordell and stood in front of his covering him from the grunt’s sight. “H-hello sir, why are you here?” One of the grunts asked. “I’ve been told my-...” Hiram trailed off “...There’s someone here that I wish to talk to, that’s all. Is everything going alright?” 
“Of course! Haha!” The grunts then looked at each other and scrambled to get up “Uh we weren’t slacking!” 
Hiram let out a soft chuckle “Do not worry, everyone needs a break every now and then.” He then looked around a little “Have you seen anyone suspicious walking around?”
“Yeah, some purple haired kid but we caught him and threw him in one of those Nuzleaf cages!” One of the grunts explained.
“Cain!”  Ordell thought to himself. “I see, well good work then. Stay on guard and don’t let anyone else catch you slacking.” Hiram said with a wink. “R-Right! Let’s go guys…” The grunts then scattered.
“...You can come out now.” Hiram said as he walked to the spot the grunts were resting and sat down.
“...” Ordell got up, his Pikachu’s ears droopy with worry. “Come.” Hiram said as he motioned over at a log “Sit down.” 
Without saying anything Ordell walked over and sat across from his father, they finally looked each other in the eyes. Hiram smiled warmly at his son, “Ordell, it brings me great joy to see you again.”
Ordell’s gaze drifted off “Yeah… I’m happy to see you too.” Although he meant it his voice had some bitterness to it, but Hiram understood and payed it no mind “How have you been? It couldn’t have been easy living alone as a teen…” He asked worried. Ordell shrugged “Someone took me in, he’s been like a father to me.”
“...Good.” He sighed with relief “I’m glad you weren’t all alone.” After hearing that Ordell looked at his father again “I- I don’t hate you!” Ordell explained “I just- I couldn’t stay here…”
Hiram stared at him surprised for a moment before smiling again “I know my love, I’m not disappointed nor do I harbor any resentment.”
Ordell felt guilty “I love you, and I love my siblings and Luna and Uncle- I don’t want to hurt you or work against you but-” He bit his lip and he fiddled with his hands, his Pikachu rubbing its face against trainer to calm him down a bit. “Father please…! You’ve got to stop this madness!” Ordell exclaimed as he stood up, he looked pleadingly at his father. 
The first physical contact in 8 years, a tight and reassuring grip. “I understand if you cannot take this path and wish to stop us. If you believe in fighting against us for this city and her people then I’ll support your decision.”
Hiram frowned and sighed “I know it is… But I wish to stay by my master’s and brother’s side.” He stood up and walked over to Ordell, he gently put his hand on his son’s shoulder.
Tears welled up in Ordell’s eyes “Father…” Hiram’s hand moved from his shoulder to his hand “Don’t. Don’t start regretting now, don’t falter. You made your choice, now live with it.”
“...” Ordell wiped his tears and nodded “Right… Thank you father and.. Farewell, next time we meet we’ll…” The trainer looked at his father and stared at him with a stern and expecting expression “...We’ll be enemies.”
Hiram smiled and nodded “So be it, go forth my son. I wish you the best.”
Ordell nodded before running off and not looking back.
“...If only I were as determined and brave as you are, my child.”
Ordell stared at Solars who was standing in front of the sealed door.
“Come closer, Ordell.”
This man always managed to instill fear into him. Not anymore.
He hoped.
He took a deep shaky breath and walked up to his old commander.
“Master Solaris.”
Despite being gone for 8 years the damned way he was raised was programmed into his brain.
Solaris looked the boy up and down “You caused quite a stir when you left.” Ordell simply nodded “Why have you returned, young bishop?” He stared Solaris into his eyes, he couldn’t be afraid anymore “I can’t allow you to terrorize this city and her people anymore. I’ve decided to put a stop to it.”
Solaris stayed silent as he looked back at the gate “Young bishop, do you know what we’re looking at?”
Ordell looked at the sealed door “...This is the gate where the meteor is hidden, right?”
Solaris nods “So you do remember your lessons, and what do you remember of the gate and its keys”
“...Ruby, the seal of pain, Saphira, the seal of love, Emerald, the seal of faith and Amethyst, the seal of the beyond. When the four keys come together this gate will open.”
Solaris nods again “Indeed, so how selfish and utterly foolish does someone have to be to build a city on top of it? For THAT is Reborn.”
Solaris once again turned to Ordell, this time glaring down at him “And how utterly foolish do you have to be to wish to protect it, and how utterly obtuse do you have to be to think you can stop us?”
Ordell glared back “I think you’re the foolish one. The people of Reborn have done nothing to deserve this. Sure, there are some bad apples… But that doesn’t mean all have to suffer for it.”
A deep breath, exhale.
“And perhaps I’m an idiot for trying to take you on… But I know that if I don’t at least try then… Then I’ll feel guilt. Guilt that I didn’t at least try to stop your horrid ways.”
The two glared at each other a little longer.
“...You’ve grown. Good. You might survive a little longer.” Solaris said “You can go, so can your friend. She’s being held up father ahead.”
Ordell nodded “Thank you, Solaris.”
Ordell waited for the footsteps to be fully gone before heading over to save Victoria.
Solaris walked passed him “Farewell, young crusader.”
“Well well if it isn’t Ordell. That is your name now, right?”
The crusader’s eyes widened as he came face to face with his old babysitter.
The blue haired trainer stood there with his hands in his pocket as he watched the trainer chase the rampaging Beartic off “Good job on that pokemon by the way. I was planning on putting a stop on it myself, but you were ahead off- OOF!”
Blake got stopped mid sentence as Ordell hugged him and lifted him off the ground in a tight bear hug. He had a child-like grin on his face.
“Ugh- Yeah yeah- You’re killing me.” The agent said as he patted Ordell’s back signaling him to put him down. “Oops, sorry.” the crusader put Blake down and looked at Blake with bright eyes.
“...You look like a little puppy…” Blake murmured.  “Anyway, damn- I remember you being a  scrawny little shit, what happened?” the bluenette grabbed one of Ordell’s biceps and squeezed “I mean I know you used to love working out but like, you’ve never been this buff.”
Ordell flexed "I worked out ten times as hard! And uh, T helped me out as well."
A snort came from Blake as he unconsciously reached out to ruffle Ordell's hair.
"Hey! Hehe~ Missed me too, huh?" Ordell asked. Blake pulled away "Whaaat? Pff, nah." Blake said "You leaving made my job easier, honestly."
Ordell pouted "Aw… Not even a little…?" Blake hummed and looked away "I guess I did miss your antics."
Ordell grins again “I missed you too!” Blake huffed “I didn’t miss you, anyway… We both know what side we’re on, yeah?” Now the trainer frowned and simply nodded. “Then make sure you’re not so happy to see me, got it?”
Ordell nodded again, clearly upset now. Blake simply shrugged at that “Listen, you either hesitate and get pwned or you take your shot and win.” The crusader sighed “I know… I won’t hesitate.” Then once again a soft smile “Better watch out then, because I will kick your ass.”
Blake sighs before grinning “Yeah yeah, whatever. Stay righteous, champ.”
Ordell watched him walk off, both pushing away any regret they were feeling.
“Prosperitas, Pax Pacis, Obsequium. Blessings of the Lord Arceus upon your house.”
Ordell felt panic settle in as he heard his uncle’s voice, and accompanying him was Ordell’s twin.
Of course they were here. If they weren’t stuck by Taka’s side they were with their father, uncle or with Solaris.
“Oh, you’re here too.” Divers said with disappointment in their voice, Elias looked over and his eyes widened “Ordell… There you are.”
Ordell awkwardly waved “Uncle, Divers.”
“Oh?” the ice leader, Serra stated “Family huh?” 
Ordell sighed and nodded. “I wouldn’t quite call him family seeing as he betrayed and left us.” Divers spat out creating an awkward tension.
“Please Divers, much like my daughter I believe he can still be returned to the light.” Ordell cringed, “...Of course uncle, forgive me.”
Elias explained about his situation and that he was looking for Luna, who just so happened to have lived here in the estate for a little while. Luckily enough she wasn’t here anymore.
Unfortunately his uncle and sibling weren’t leaving quite yet.
“You know your nephew is looking to challenge me, I’m sure it would be interesting entertainment for you.” Serra explained. Elias turned to his nephew “Is that so? I’d love to see how much you’ve grown in your absence young Ordell.”
“...Yeah sure, I have no issue with it.”
He did, but it didn’t matter. As long as they weren’t harming anyone it was fine. Besides… It was nice to be in the same place as his family again without fighting.
He went through the gym easily, he defeated Bennett and El claimed that he should aim higher than simply being a gym leader. 
Just before El left with Bennett and Divers his uncle stopped in front of him “You’ve grown quite a bit, both as a person and a trainer. It’s not too late to return to the light.”
Ordell shook his head “Thank you for having faith in me, Uncle… But I won’t be going back.”
He walked off leaving his uncle behind.
He was so busy thinking about his past that he didn’t realize that his uncle was manipulating Bennett.
“Greetings trainer-” “Luna!”
Ordell smiled happily at his cousin, finally seeing her again after 8 years. She frowned and looked him up and down “...” Her eyes widened “[Deadname]...?”
He nodded eagerly “Ordell now, but yeah!” He held out his arms “Can I…?” She blinked but smiled happily before walking into his arms.
The two shared a tight hug.
Not just a hug that says that they’ve missed each other and loved each other.
But a hug of understanding and a mutual feeling.
They pulled away and they smiled “You look beautiful, Luna. I wish I could’ve been there during your transition.” Ordell explained “Same here, Ordell. You look wonderful.”
Ordell put his hand on her shoulder “Are you alright…? Running away couldn’t have been easy… Don’t worry, I’ll make sure Uncle and the others don’t get to you.”
Her eyes widened “Uncle…?” Ordell frowned “Uncle Elias?” he saidm Luna’s gaze faltered and she started to fidget “I don’t know anyone by that name…”
Ordell opened his mouth to say something when Taka’s and Serra’s words rang through his mind.
“...Well nevermind then, still, I’m happy to see you.” Luna smiled again “I’m happy to see you too, feel free to heal your pokemon and then meet me in the next room. Father will be with us shortly”
Ordell nodded and watched his cousin walk off before sighing. His Vaporeon, Pancake and his Primarina, Star, looked at him curiously. “Father, huh…? We’ve got a lot in common, trans, running away and finding safety in parents that aren’t blood related ....” He grabbed a picture from his bag. It was his adoptive father Hal, a fisherman that took him in when he arrived in Alola.
He healed his team and joined Luna “Chesire!” He scratched the Umbreon behind his ears “Heh, he hasn’t changed one bit, has he?” Luna giggled “No, but don’t fret. He’s very happy to see you.”
Before the two could continue to talk a man with a funny looking hat and a Gardevoir walked in.
“And who have we got here, Luna?” The man, Radomus, asked. Luna giggled “What do you mean father? This is my older brother, Ordell!”
There was silence in the room. Then in the order of Ordell, Gardevoir and Radomus was said:
She grabbed Ordell’s arm “What’s the matter, father, Gardevoir?” The two looked at each other before looking back “Nothing at all, dear.” 
After a moment Radomus send Luna and Gardevoir out of the room to speak with Ordell alone.
They talked about El and how things came to be until Cain arrived.
“Brother? Ordell, I didn’t know you also had a sister?” The purple haired trainer asked, Ordell shrugged and sighed “Me neither…”
“Pardon?” Luna asked, “Don’t worry about it, Lunnie.” 
“Things are a shitshow, Star.”
“Tell me about it…”
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pinkdreamscape1 · 1 year
I like that the only friends Cal really has are 2 kids, mc and Victoria. One of the kids is only friends with him because of the other kid.
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garlic-bread-oven · 2 years
Lumi!!!!! :D
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I'm really happy with how this one came out!! Shes just having a good time :]
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amethystblack · 1 month
who from reborn and starlight would get along?
if i overpromise anything again i will implode, so i'm going to focus on characters in the demo.
karus and adrienn share a positive, person-first attitude. adrienn is more optimistic about it, but i think xe would envy karus' ability to slow down and work for people individually.
depending on circumstances, titania and star would either murder each other or be besties.
sephany and laura are on the same wavelength.
glasya doesn't like people so much. i see him focusing more on the pokemon. someone who's equally and sensitive shy might work out, like shelly.
nova doesn't know how to get along with anyone. she'd probably end up with team meteor. maybe lumi would try to be friends?
veivax and serra could talk fashion. zagan and saphira can talk family-overprotectivism. exxeix will talk dirty with anyone who listens.
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gamergirlshelby · 1 year
Heyo whats up! The other day I stumbled across this post by @jazz-kitty which pitched a possible Swap AU for Pokemon Reborn, which this small comic in of itself inspired. so many ideas for more swaps for.
So after getting the go ahead from Jazz, I thought it could be fun to ramble about some more possible swaps for some of the other swaps for this au :3
Its a good bit so I'm gonna put it under a read more because I have many ideas that I am happy to explain!
Ok first off are the swaps already present in the original post by Jazz, which I will be using as a baseline for my ideas! The most notable swap is Cal and Blake Whitaker being the focus of the original comic, and already I think that is just. a really neat concept all things considered. Already both of their arcs would be very different, with Cal never going to Apophyll, likely still having a lot of that pent up frustration and anger issues, and Blake mellowing out a bit, but probably still being a bit of a jerk since he doesn't really give a shit about a lot of whats going on. If anything I'd still say that Blake probably still kicked Cal's ass when they first meet like in canon which makes Cal even more mad at him in swap au,
Next is Lin swapping with the protagonist. Honestly I'd still need to think about which protagonist would take canon Lin's place since I don't really have a definitive favorite among them, and I feel like they all would be pretty interesting to switch around. I just know that it'd probably end up being one of them.
Then last of the swaps shown in the comic is Bennett taking the place of Shelly. To be honest Bennett ending up more like an anxious bookworm might be better for him in the long run versus how he is base game. Don't get me wrong Bennett probably has one of my favorite arcs throughout main game and post game, but I'm doing a playthrough rn and I just got to Iollia valley and. C'mon man.
First off is a big swap between Julia and Florinia with Amaria and Titania respectively (as well as Fern and Hardy but I'll get to them in the next section). Julia taking the place of Amaria, with Amaria being in charge of the water treatment center/gym and Julia living with Florinia in the Fiore Mansion. Titania would be a teacher at the Onyx school in Florinia's stead, writing as a side hobby, while Florinia maybe works out in the field studying pokemon strategy in the wild to better understand them? Her gym being out in the desert would also fit with her theme of being a grass type sand team.
Next is Fern and Hardy swapping. Hardy loses his connection with Titania as she gets absorbed in her work at the school, falling more into his rock star persona, although he ends up more arrogant due to his fame around the school and city. Then there's Fern, who I'd say is probably more like he is post game? Definitely the kind of guy who'd make someone smile (although still probably a little misguided).
My next swap is a bit simpler being Cain and Aya, with Aya being the recurring rival and Cain being the poison type gym leader, Cain not being able to runaway while Aya does.
Another somewhat big swap is Solaris and Elias as well as Taka and Luna, with Elias being the founder of Team Meteor, Luna being the unwilling heir, Solaris is the third member of the elite four and Taka is on the run from his father, carrying the emerald brooch.
To round out the ideas I had for Team Meteor is Sirius and Connal. They both have connections to the Belroses and also they are both huge pieces of shit. Sorry to be blunt but its true.
Another swap that I think would be interesting is Noel and Anna with Eve and Lumi respectively. Honestly I don't really have much of an explanation I just think they would be interesting pairs to switch.
And thats all the swaps I was able to come up with. There are probably more I could come up with and honestly knowing me I could probably come up with swaps for the whole game if you give me like. a week. but also that would take me forever and I am tired-- i might end up doing some doodles for these ideas at some point to cause swap aus are fun. anyways thanks for reading my rambles :3
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zetalial · 5 years
Another quick Pokemon Reborn post as I finally made it to the end of Episode 18 content. I actually tried doing some Ev training which was less tedious than I’d feared, though kind of pricy to get all the power lens/bracer/belt etc. It made a difference though and really helped me get through that triple fight. Almost as much as my bag full of revival herbs and other healing items. (Yeah I’m completely willing to spam healing items to win.)
It’s a grass monotype still so my team was:
 Whimsicott (Prankster ability, used for setting up light screens and paralysing the enemy mostly.)
Cradily (Just a good tank with its nice Grass/Rock typing)
Breloom (Only recently caught actually but awesome physical attack and technician is nice for strengthening his mach punches.)
Ludicolo (Such a useful Grass/water typing...)
Ferrothorn (this thing’s a monster with Gyro ball especially as its boosted by the field in this fight. Avoiding fire is troublesome but otherwise so good at surviving.)
And my Starter, Serperior (Contrary ability plus leaf storm plus its high speed. I equipped him with a life orb for extra damage.)
They were all trained to level 80 (Except whimsi because I don’t really mind if she’s a little weaker. And Ludicolo was also only on 78 because I got bored of training.)
Nice to finally get to the end of the story. It was pretty cool (though the cutscene was long!) The other battle in agate wasn’t too much trouble and I can at least manage a rock gym leader after several tries. 
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the-aonuma-luca · 7 years
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Yes, I do traditional artwork too. ~ Anilines (type of aquarell), black liner and white gel pen.
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jazz-kitty · 2 years
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my sketchbook pages smear so bad
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batplushies · 7 years
everyone reacts to Lin like "whomst are you and why do i feel like I know you" Im betting right now shes an old champion
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3, 14, and 15 for your pokemon reborn s/i? :o
Sure thing, Mordie! Thank you very much for these questions!!
(question source: "ask game: self-insert lore" by inserthaven)
3. how do the other characters generally feel about your self-insert? - I like to think that Adriana is fairly well-liked overall! She is naturally quite quiet and is definitely very much an introvert, but at the same time she is not someone who can be pushed around or who just goes along with what everyone else is doing. So, I like to think that those two sorts of traits together mean that she is able to get on amicably with almost everyone, even if she isn’t particularly similar to most people (for example, Julia or Cain). You could maybe say she’s easy for others around her to like?
14. what hobbies does your self-insert have? - Other than caring for and training with her Pokémon, Adriana also enjoys reading and listening to music. After the events of Reborn are over, when she and Luna go on holiday to Hoenn, she also tries out Pokémon Contests - specifically entering Cuteness Contests with her shiny Pumpkaboo Lumi - and finds them to be quite fun! I like to think she can bake Poké Puffs as well and will give them to her Pokémon as treats, given that she’s from Kalos.
15. how does your self-insert play a role in the plot of the story? does she help directly defeat the villain, support the heroes, etc.? - Adriana is one of the main protagonists of the story, and completely replaced the player character’s actions in the second timeline. In the timeline the game takes place in, which is the third one, she is not completely a player replacement due to not being Nostra’s chosen hero - she was instead brought forward from the previous (barely-failed) attempt at stopping the antagonist, due to Anna’s guilt at being unable to save her life in that attempt. However, she still obtains all eighteen Gym Badges (and is the first person to get through the postgame Elite Four after Anna disappears, allowing her to become a Champion), and she is present for almost all of the same events as the player encounters in the game - the main one she misses is in the Belly of the Beast, though some such as the Glass Workstation are changed in my version of events. Adriana is also the one who does some of the postgame legendary quests, including but not limited to Cresselia’s, Darkrai’s, Marshadow’s, Dialga and Palkia’s, Giratina’s, Necrozma’s, and possibly also Arceus’ although she’s not the one who catches that (with the others, and the rest of the plot, being taken on in my version of events by my friend Clara’s self-insert, who is the “main character” in this timeline). So, for all intents and purposes, Adri is essentially my version of the player character in the game.
I hope that those answers were alright, Mordie! Thank you very much again for sending the questions~
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rozetheeuwu · 2 years
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The memories are as fresh in my mind as the scars and wounds are in my heart.
[Scene based on a fanfic I'm currently writing.]
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apophyll-sands · 8 years
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back to this question.. guess I should explain a little character arc stuff to start i'll leave the long under the cut (cause i got seriously extensive) and give a brief summary. No pokemon specifications because Gen 7 is next and new team *cries* 
Haha. But seriously, most of the events before didn't actively have an affect on her, but after the events of E15 she's less okay with everything happening. In E16 a lot of things that happened in such a short period of time so she lost her calm some moments. 
 Aria's a teenage (between 16-18 I think?) girl who pretty much stumbled upon the first few plot points and went like, "This could be amusing if I acquiesce.." before deciding to continue by virtue of involvement and her sense of justice. That being said she herself isn't a hero in person. For simplicity sake, we'll compare her person to a mix of Terra and Florinia: She only demonstrates/feels only certain emotions and is more concerned with her own matters and not of the people and world around her, unless they pique her interest or could result in some fun things. Other exceptions included but basics you know? 
 Even when she's an asocial venomoth(?) she was fond of/admired Florinia/Saphira/Titania, sinced they aligned with her values.... Which I mention because after Ep15 Aria's seen all of them starting to crack, especially Florinia who's emotionaless persona was challenged by Titania and almost shattered in the argument with Fern. Doesn't help when Aria was already feeling that she was also succumbing a pressure she wasn't expecting to have. 
 Chapter 16 she enters Reborn quietly, taking a walk and a breather before meeting up with Ame and the others. A stroll around definitely didn't do much to mentally prepare for the mission though. She personally told Ame about the situation with Laura but it was an issue to be dealt with after the mission was over. 
 Step by step: Start of the mission? Just a low key adrenaline rush, Victoria and Arclight and some easy run through of New World Cultists, no problem. The first whiff of trouble was concerning but it was still nothing she wasn't used to putting aside. Also I need to research hearing aids, but I don't think getting electrocuted with them on is a good idea so was she running around practically deaf. Fortunately she has a safe carrying case for them.
 Trap: She noticed the electric panel and tried to jump it but she's can't remember what happened after. Waking up followed by extreme fear and desperation. Were she okay she'd likely be irritated but not let her emotions get in the way of figuring a way out. She yelled out to Victoria before freaking out the bit before Lyn snapped her out of it. She doesn't leave before telling Victoria that she'll get her out as fast as she can. Arclight? She was more prepared, and agreed with him on the matter of battling. She left the room immediately, out of sight out of mind right? But maybe her getting electrocuted several times after says otherwise. 
 Ame: So she can watch as Kiki beheaded by a garchomp without flinching but right now she definitely isn't in the headspace to see a hydreigon chomp one off. She's convinced Lyn wanted her to witness this to break spirit and Aria wishes it wasn't so effective. By now she's somewhat beating herself up about not being able to surpress the current situation like she normally does. Fortunately since Ame /is/ dead, she can redirect her faults to taking the Benett/Laura matter into her own hands. 
ZEL: Seeing PULSE Magnezone in the room brought a shiver down her spine. She didn't intend to defeat it, since she wasn't actually sure what it actually did besides make them. Her idea battle them and threaten them to shut their intended use down, if they didn't there would be no mercy after. But once ZEL (probably Zero) sent it out, she couldn't hesitate to destroy it. Aria was left in shock of the explosion about to stop Zero. She's feels that she may have killed Eve/Lumi, but doesn't know how she feels about it. 
 After events: By the time Aria gets to the others she's extremely exhausted. Though once they appear she puts on her usual unfazed expression. she doesn't show it she is relieved Victoria is okay meanwhile Arclight's gruesome brought a bit of a knot to her stomach.
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