#lunar solar icons
chaos64sprinkles · 6 months
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Waiting for the arrival of Eclipse!
04/08/24 2:55pm
''The Eclipse has arrived!''
Sprinkles: Bark! You know what Slash, until this eclipse thing, as people speculated, isn't as bad as it seems, it's something very magnificent!
N-Slash-A: Yeah, we had a great pleasure being able to see Eclipse for the first time in our lives, how wonderful!
Skullck: Amazing!
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youremyheaven · 3 months
Vedic Astrology Through The Planets
Sun girlies are naive???
Solar men and sex
Solar vs Lunar Nature (Male & Female Approaches)
Solar vs Lunar people falling for manipulation
How to Attract A Solar Man
Moon Dominance & Manipulation
Moon Dominance & Manipulation pt 2
Moon Dominance & Manipulation pt 3
minor observation about Lunar men and sports
Lunar girls will imitate you?
Lunar men and their kinks?
Lunars cant hide their feelings
Lunar vs Saturn
Lunars lose themselves in others
Dysfunctional Moon-children
The Flamboyance of Moon dominant Men
Mercurial women marrying flops?
Will Mercury Girls Steal Yo Man?
beauty & the beast: the path of venus 😍🔥
Decoding Venus
Why Venus exalts in 12h
The Absorbent Nature of Venus
The Ugliness of Venus
The Cult of Venus
The Internal Corrosiveness of Venus
Venus mahadasha tingz
Venus girls are harsh?
Tea about Venusian men
More tea about Venusian men
Attracting Venusian men?
Penny & Leonard is Venus dynamics?
Venus women lose interest fast?
Venusian women are critical
Venusian woman monologue
Gorgeous Venusian Men
Criticising others is bad for your Venus?
Jennie Is A Venus Rising?
Venus girls are iconic?
Venusian men being icky
Venus dasha is tough?
Venusians being delulu
Venusians are selective?
We need to channel Venus to get ahead in life?
<3 Venus Men
Venusian Men & Appreciating Women
Venusian Men in Bed
Venusian Men & Daddy Issues
Bharani Men & Trauma from Dad
How to spot a Venusian Man
Elephant Yoni Vibes
The Flaws of Venusian Men
Venusian Men love soft girls
Venus Vs Lunar Men
Venusian Men are intimidating
Mars, Sex & Celibacy
Mars & It's Relationship With Sex
Martian Women & Relationships
Mars women are celibate but bombshells?
Venus vs Mars
Martian glamour?
Mars girls and misandry
Martians are stingy with money and have a scarcity mindset
Mars & Lacking Generosity
Mars Men Have Anger Issues & Act Like Barn Animals?
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sihayadunee · 5 months
an analysis of the mythic motifs in dune part two through the lens of mythologist joseph campbell, and some predictions for dune messiah
• Divine Couple
• Death and Rebirth
• Redemption Through Divine Union
• House of Atreus
• Lunar-Masculine / Solar-Feminine
• Goddesses
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This motif has been connected to Dune since the first film’s promo, especially with the concluding track of Dark Side of the Moon accompanying the initial trailer. Some fans believed this theme had been dropped as it wasn’t very present in the first film. However the eclipse continued throughout the promo of the second film. This was because Part Two is where the real pay off is, already in the first 10 minutes.
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This concept is intrinsic to Denis Villeneuve’s adaptation. Since the first film I have been saying that Dune embraces the Lunar-Masculine (Paul) and Solar-Feminine (Chani). However beyond just that, Dune: Part Two showcases multiple pairings of the lunar-solar dynamic.
But before we jump into that, let’s establish the meaning of an eclipses in general mythology. Typically they are a symbol of death and renewal. Common interpretations have a beast devouring the sun, or a celestial couple evading or pursuing one another. These interpretations are consistent over and again in Dune.
What we will see, is that the greater Imperium holds a Solar-Masculine identity, but when it comes to Arrakis there is a distinct shift to the Solar-Feminine archetype.
PAUL as the MOON
There are an innumerable amount of connections. Bull motifs are reoccurring throughout the first film, where he grew up on a water world. After all, the moon is associated with the tides. He takes the name Muad’Dib, and one of the moons of Arrakis has the icon of a Muad’Dib aka Desert Mouse visible on its surface. And ultimately, Paul experiences rebirth in Part Two.
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The bull is a figure of sacrifice which aligns very well with the lineage of House Atreides which can be traced back to the House of Atreus and it’s curse of familial murder, betrayal and symbolic consumption. Sacrifice of the children in each new generation.
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Starting here is a good place, because it shows the transition of the Solar-Masculine of the wider Imperium toward the Solar-Feminine of Arrakis. Irulan Corrino of House Corrino is the daughter of Emperor Shaddam who sits on the Golden Lion Throne. His reign is coming to a close as Paul rises on Arrakis, and with no male heirs Irulan his eldest is the successor destined for marriage. In this way Irulan becomes the embodiment of the Lion Throne, and her determination in Dune Messiah to produce Paul’s heir becomes clear. That function of the Queen Mother and how that feeds back into the Solar-Masculine as the King becomes tied to the lion and the throne once more.
In particular I would say her story is best reflected in the myth of the goddess Cybele who falls for Attis and when he falls for a mortal girl Cybele plots betrayal. Something for which she later feels guilt and tries to make amends for (Children of Dune).
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Their dynamic is incredibly complicated, but I think the opening of the film during the eclipse sums it up very well. You follow the path of the moon as it covers the sun, and as it meets its full coverage Paul is the one taking action in the fight against the Harkonnen. However as the moon passes by and the sun takes over again, Jessica emerges to save Paul’s life.
This was intentional by the filmmakers, as is revealed in the Art and Soul of Dune Part Two, DP Greig Fraser identified the exact time, date and location in order to shoot the sun as it appears directly behind Rebecca Ferguson.
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Jessica represents the sun on Arrakis, and in this scene we see how the moon dies into the sun to be reborn in their dynamic. It also lines up with motifs of the sun goddess giving birth to the sacrificial bull. Sacrifice toward this death and rebirth.
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What we see is the separation of mother and son that brings them back together in the same place. Paul takes the lead and rejects his mother’s influence, but she leads him toward the death and rebirth he must experience, and this brings them back to a common understanding.
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This is also why having Jessica sit the Atreides “throne” in the finale instead of Paul (who did so in the book) makes mythic sense. Because again we return to the Solar-Feminine mother as the throne, and her son as king. But in a different context here then what Irulan aspires toward.
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The House Harkonnen family seal in the books is the griffin, which makes his introduction in a gladiator arena killing Atreides even more appropriate. Feyd’s birthday is also associated with a solar event. Because ultimately Feyd is the matador and Paul is the bull.
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What works so fantastically about the dual, is how it is bathed in the sunlight. After all, the sun figure (day) is facing off against the moon (night) figure in this sequence. Plus the bull was the eventual demise of Paul’s grandfather who was a matador. This takes place at sunrise, and it’s a dual for the throne, where whoever is victorious inherits the Golden Lion Throne. The
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Denis specially describes the dual as a symbolic union, and it works on multiple layers. This bull sacrifice, is in essence the quote from part one of “when you take a life you take your own” so Paul killing Feyd is penetration, intimacy, it is rebirth.
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It is also reminiscent of how Campbell describes the sun-moon twins of Navajo myth:
The two, Sun-child and Water-child, antagonistic yet cooperative, represent a single cosmic force, polarized, split, and turned against itself in mutual portions. The life-supporting sap-power, mysterious in the lunar rhythm of its tides, growing and decaying at a time, counters and tempers the solar file of the zenith, life- desiccating it its brilliance, yet by whose heat all lives.
— Joseph Campbell's Commentary from "Where the Two Came to Their Father: A Navaho War Ceremonial" by Jeff King and Maud Oakes
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There is a section in the Dune Encyclopedia that talks about the foundation of the Bene Gesserit beliefs. In particular the teachings of a certain ancestral memory personality, called Inanna (yes that is the name of the Sumerian goddess who was also in a divine union caught between life and death glad you asked) about the Kwisatz Haderach. It basically establishes that the entire premise of the Bene Gesserit and the Kwisatz Haderach is in essence the Divine Couple.
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It specifies two mirrored dynamics the son saved/resurrected by the mother and the husband saved/resurrected by the wife. Inanna called them Au Set and Au Sar. The Kemet names for Isis and Osiris. The idea of the Bene Gesserit would have this as the mother of the KH, and the Corrino princess he would have married. But with things thrown off course, it represents outside their control.
In Dune, we see it between Paul and Chani. Like Isis who has the solar disc and Osiris who is tied to water and death, her lover has died and she is the one to revive him.
Furthermore the concept of mythical tears can be found in the goddess Freya (who arguably is compatible with sun-goddess motifs) who weeps when her husband Odin is lost to her.
But perhaps most compatible—the healing tears of a phoenix. A bird archetype similar to Isis as bird. This is where the yin-yang dynamic of Chani and Paul becomes most apparent, since the serpent is synonymous with the bull and therefore Paul who “makes peace with Shai-Hulud” encompasses the dragon (yang) as a complement to Chani’s phoenix (yin).
In the behind the scenes of Dune Part Two, the Maker Temple is said to be designed like the infinity symbol with the two circles (one of sand and one of water). Sand being death and water being life, but also the reverse. As the sandworm thrives in the sand but is drowned in the water. And Paul is stuck between life and death, literally laying between both pools, when Chani comes to resurrect him.
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This film literally has three kisses. Their first kiss when Chani says she will show him the way of the Fremen, their second kiss on screen when she says he will never lose her before going South, and the third symbolic kiss of life.
This marriage/death is also foreshadowed in Paul’s visions in Part One when Chani kisses him and then stabs him. Which is where we return to Isis and Osiris because Paul’s death state (dying again as we established, after killing Feyd, similar in a way to Set and Osiris) is where we will eventually get the twins Leto II and Ghanima with Leto II being the Horus in this equation.
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As the Pink Floyd lyrics say, the sun is eclipsed by the moon and this is captured in the heartbreak Chani feels over losing Paul and losing her people to the Lisan al Gaib. The Fremen way of life has been eclipsed and over taken by the Atreides and the Bene Gesserit. Here we see more of the concept of that beast devouring the sun from the beginning, verses the celestial couple dynamic.
Chani leaving the residency chamber is also reminiscent of certain myths like Amaterasu going into hiding, or the Inuit folktale about the sun goddess fleeing her moon god brother/lover who pursues her.
However the Dune Encyclopedia also talks about the concept of redemption (which is why in the film Mohiam asks Margot if Feyd is capable of redemption) of the “mate savior”. The Kwisatz Haderach. They would bring about a release from bondage through redemption and rebirth.
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Which is relevant to the dynamic of Paul and Chani in Dune Messiah for Denis, because he has said Paul is going to be looking to save his soul in part three, and how Paul and Chani come back together won’t just be explained away off screen between films. It will be that continued cycle of rebirth, through redemptive love. Rebirth as a whole in Dune is worth its own discussion, since all the different Jungian descriptions of it can be found within this universe.
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The eclipse, a lunar-solar dynamic representing the union of opposites, is very significant in Dune Part Two and sheds a lot of light onto what we can anticipate next in Dune Messiah, particularly in regards to the central romance between Paul and Chani and the changes Denis has made from book to screen.
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type1dragonwolf · 6 months
TSAMS/LAES character headcanons
Some headcanons I have :)
•When Sun is stressed, he will plop on his bed and snuggle with his cats.
•At first, Sun was kinda jealous of Solar from how close he and Moon were, but then Solar told him that Moon still loved him, so they’re cool.
•Sun likes whenever he gets compliments, especially from Moon, since he doesn’t get them that often.
•He has read Warrior Cats. If not, I’m forcing it upon him to read all 100+ books.
•He will dress up his cats for Halloween and other special occasions/holidays.
•He wears Solar’s shirt/sweatshirt after he died, and refuses to take it off until Solar’s back.
•He loved hanging with Solar, because he actually got Moon, and they probably made a playlist of songs they listened to, and moon still listens to it. Their favorite is ‘Bloom’ by ‘The Paper Kites’.
•Moon likes podcasts.
•Everytime he passes by one of his siblings, he gives a small: ‘Hi ___!’
•Earth has a flower crown/flower garden and each flower is color coded to someone she cares about. (E.i.: Sun-Sunflower, Lunar-Light Blue orchid, etc.)
•Earth likes Journaling, but sometimes will draw in it. She has a lot of stickers, post it notes, coloring utensils and washi tape.
•Earth is an excellent braclet maker and braider.
•Sometimes when she is bored, so will read some of Lunar’s comic books.
•He probably has a secret small room/closet where he just paints on the walls. Only Gemini and maybe Earth knows about this.
•Like Eclipse, Solar and Frank, Lunar has a strong connection to Gemini.
•If Lunar had a pocket or a pair of overalls, he would carry Spigot around in it.
•Ever since he met Earth, he’s kinda been stuck to her, and sometimes when they first met he would hold on to her leg, forcing her to stay with him for a bit longer.
•Lunar is trying to learn how to braid.
•(Going off of my first Eclipse headcanon) If/When Solar comes back, he will be able to talk to his original Sun and Moon.
•He probably had a hole is his shirt/sweatshirt, and after he died, moon stitched it up (messily) with a little orange heart.
•Solar likes podcasts.
•Solar is probably Bi.
•Solar watches over all his siblings, and sometimes will put a hand on their shoulder or hug them, which gives them chills.
•His theme song is ‘Can’t Help falling in Love’ by ‘Built by Titan’ BECAUSE IT IS SO AMAZING SONG GO LISTEN TO IT!! ⬇️
•Plays Baby shark 24/7 in his mind as a way to cope.
•Despite being trapped in his cell, Moon let him have a smol shark plushie.
•I imagine that since he like ‘died’ died, that he can communicate with a spirit he’s connected to, so Solar Flare is his.
•He secretly does care about the others, as shown with him telling Moon: ‘You should grieve with your siblings’ ‘You should charge’ and the fact that he left Ruin alone after moon said please.
•Eclipse secretly does miss Solar, but mainly because he’s getting a bit tired of hearing everyone cry.
•He’s okay with being around Earth, but will only talk to her, and doesn’t really like it whenever she tries to put a hand on his back/shoulder.
•He likes the Kahoot song. It’s his theme song.
•We don’t know much about him, but I imagine he can also talk to spirits, and his is KC.
•He probabaly doodles a little signature of sign that knows it was him whenever he kills someone.
•He will sometimes play-fight his other half when bored.
•He may possibly have a smol Rotrick/tails plushie.
Gemini/Castor & Pollux:
•Pollux likes taking things from the lost and found, and this is how she found her iconic hair clips I draw her in.
•They are still a bit angry at Lunar, but really miss him and want to see him again.
•Castor and Pollux loved racing Lunar for fun.
•They like watching Bluey with Nebula.
•Sometimes they send fake notes to Lunar, or imagine Lunar is writing to them, kinda like Evan and Connor in ‘Dear Evan Hansen’.
•Pollux and Nebula are trying to learn how to braid hair.
KC/Solar Flare & others:
•Sometimes Sun, Moon, Earth, Solar and Lunar will have sleepovers and just sleep in one big pile like Mudwings.
•I imagine Nebula likes watching SmokeeBee, Blixemi and Bellasaurus on YT.
•Jack O’ Moon has a blue sqeaky dog bone that he likes to chew on. And possibly a collar.
•KC and Solar Flare help the new spirits that come to wherever they are. They also like eating Ice Cream.
•Everyone has plushies of each other, and when they have a bad dream about them they hug the plush of that person, kind of like they’re comforting them. Solars has been hugged A LOT lately.
•Whenever Lunar and Eclipse pass each other, they smirk and both say: ‘Idiot.’ Then keep walking, like it’s some kind of joke they do.
I’ll probably come back and add more later idk
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manikas-whims · 1 month
I just started playing L&DS and I've somehow ended up on Ambigous chaos: long awaited revelry but i can't get past the chapter 9 battle, tips?
So these are some basic Tips for not just this particular stage but for any battles in the game.
the outcome of your battles depends on 3 major things:
1. Stellactrums 2. Enemy Level 3. Protocores
1. Stellactrums
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Before battle, make sure to check if there's any specific Protofield Stellactrum required during the battle.
If you match the stellactrums as mentioned, they increase Damage Boost by 5% with each addition as well as the Damage Reduction. And help you to easily break an enemy's shield and defeat them.
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For instance, in the above battle, its 1 Pink Stellactrum •
So make sure to use at least 1 Pink Stellactrum card on your team. (Here you can see, i have 2 pink stellactrum cards of Sylus.)
Similarly, if the battle requires 2 pink stellactrums •• then use 2 pink stellactrum cards. Or if 3 green stellactrums ••• are required then use 3 green stellactrum cards, and so on..
2. Enemy Level
Check your enemy's levels.
Ideally, all your cards should be at same level as the enemy's or higher. But if it's difficult for you to get materials for that, then at least 2 cards of same level or higher should be enough. I MOSTLY WORK WITH 2-3 CARDS OF SAME LEVEL CUZ I'M KINDA LAZY.
For this I recommend prioritising your SOLAR cards over the LUNAR cards.
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As for the cards itself, spare your materials for 5✩⁠ cards, then 4✩⁠ cards. And then the 3✩⁠ ones. However, i recommend to not waste your materials on upgrading 3✩ unless you have no other options. And even then try not to upgrade a 3✩⁠ more than level 40.
3. Protocores
Even with your cards upgraded to recommended levels and your stellactrums matched, your cards won't do much without good Protocores.
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So add appropriate protocores to the cards you use.
Above pic is a card I'm still building and upgrading. But i think you should attach good protocores and try enhancing them to their max levels. If you can't, then even +5 to +9 is good. (But still try to enhance them to the max slowly)
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If you aren't sure which Protocores to choose, then pick them based on the Talent mentioned on the card itself. For example, if the card talent is about Attack, then try adding Protocores that increase the attack stats on it.
But i personally prioritise Crit Rate, Crit Damage as well as the Oath Strength and DMG Boost to Weakened Protocores.
Try maintaining a 1:2 ratio between crit rate and crit damage. Your crit damage should always be twice of the crit rate. Example- 100 crit rate : 200 crit dmg, 200 crit rate : 400 crit dmg, etc.
Honestly, just add protocores based on what stats you need the most. And this is something no one can teach. You'll get the idea when you play battles for a while.
you should be able to tackle any battle if you've fixed the 3 things above.
And if you're still unable to get through, then hit the AUTO EQUIP icon.
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And let the game pick out your best card options for you..(notice that i still got a matching pink • stellactrum card)
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If its still difficult or you just don't enjoy combat much in general, then hit the AUTO option during battles and sit back n enjoy the fight.
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I'm also still very new to this game but I hope some of this helps you, anon :)
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s0dastuff · 3 months
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After almost 19 HOURS, I bring you the main SAMS & LAES cast (plus Jack and Solar). This is just mostly my interpretation and stuff, so it's not that deep. I was just have fun with my own version of their designs. Anyway Here's my thought process on each one because why not:)
Sun's Daycare outfit:
It's basically just his canon outfit, but I added sleeves and more red on his shoes. His sleeves have magnets where they connect to his arm, so thats how he's able to take them off and on. Nothing else to say other than I think the colors look good together.
Sun's Casual outfit:
Nothing too interesting. It's pretty much just a green shirt with a sun on it and his Daycare pants + socks. Honestly I had no idea what to do for his casual design, so I just played around with the color wheel in Ibis till I found this green.
Moon's Daycare outfit:
I'm pretty sure it's canon that Moon doesn't actually work at the Daycare anymore, so for his Daycare design I added these see through sleeve things (I didn't draw them see through because I'm lazy), because I thought it looked cool. He's probably my least favorite design, so I might redo it in the future.
Moon's Casual outfit:
Literally them same as his Daycare outfit but without the sleeves.
Solar's Daycare outfit:
First, rip. Second I'm pretty sure Solar worked at the Daycare. So I decided to give him the wrist ribbons with the bells. He also doesn't have his iconic shirt on, because who in their right mind would wear a WHITE shirt around LITTLE kids. That shirt would be stained in seconds.
Solar's Casual outfit:
Nothing much changed, other than I gave Solar his shirt and I took away his neck ruffles.
Lunar's Daycare outfit:
I don't really have anything against Lunar's original design, so it stayed mostly the same. He has a cloak/cape now though. I might go back in and change how the hood connects to the cape, but it's fine for now.
Lunar's Casual outfit:
This one is probably my favorite casual design out of all of them. Instead of his hooded cap, he has an actual cap now (yippee), and instead of moons on it, it's stripped (because I didn't wanna draw moons or stars on it). He has a blue sweater (or hoodie) on over his shirt, which has a star on it. His pants are somewhat based on the Collectors from TOH. He's also wearing socks. This is definitely my favorite design of the bunch.
Earth's Daycare outfit:
Earth's design is definitely my favorite Daycare design. Earth's outfit is mostly based on her already existing Daycare outfit, except I added more of the yellow spikes, and instead of flowers there are bubbles. I also changed a few of Earth's colors a little bit (ex. Her sleeves, and legs).
Earth's Casual outfit:
This one is also based on Earth's already existing sweater and skirt, but it's more basic. I would've added more details, but I couldn't think of anything.
Jack's design:
He's the only one that didn't change Daycare and Casual. His design is kind of a mix of ayy-imma-ninja (the LAES thumbnail artist)'s design, and the vrchat model. I felt like the bell would be a kind of big disadvantage when sneaking around, cause of the noise, so I kept the bell but made it so there's not a bell on the inside.
This was really long sorry (Edit: as of now I plan on updating Moon, Sun, Solar, and Lunar)
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deafeningfanlight · 2 months
Bro I watched all those TSAMS videos that i couldn't keep up with AND JUST WHAT THE F*CK IS HAPPENING??? Can't we have some rainbows and sunshine for like a second pls where everyone holds hands and sings My Little Pony songs?? 😭 WE WOULD HONOR WITH THIS SOLAR AS WELL LIKE THAT'S DOUBLE JACKPOT 😭 And I'm actually such a fan of angst but when I TELL U THAT I NEED SOME ✨POSITIVITY ✨, THEN IT'S NOT A GOOD SIGN 😭✋
-Eclipse is gay, acespike and a trans man [Our gay icon fr fr 💅]. He doesn't have ANY interest to pursue any relationship though cuz of his trust and abandomnent issues - And cuz he just doesn't care :P But he is kinda friends with Earth!
-Apropos Earth and Eclipse friendship, they sometimes go to the park and Eclipse helps Earth gathering berries from bushes for her cakes. He says that he finds it boring cuz he gotta be a tOugH gUy y'know, but he actually quite enjoys just having simple company!
-Earth is really good at baking and making sweets! :3 After she's done making all sorts of cakes, cupcakes and brownies, she spends it to homeless shelters so they can feed the homeless people, or gives it to her siblings!
-All Eclipses can speak French [It's kinda canon so sue me 🤣]. Either it's fluently or somewhat broken - Ruin can speak French only with a thick British accent, Eclipse can speak it better than Ruin but Dualingo would still end him cuz he misses his French lessons, and Solar can speak it perfectly! :D
-The Bloodmoon-Twins have difficulty distinguishing between reds, greens, browns and oranges. They also confuse different types of blue and purple hues because they can't 'see' the red color in them. So they have deuteranomaly and protanomaly, which are types of color blindness. [DAMN THAT WAS DIFFICULT TO EXPLAIN QWQ I felt like a teacher for a sec WHICH I DON'T WANNA FEEL CUZ IT'S SUMMER HOLIDAYS AND I WANNA FORGET SCHOOL QWQ]
-Moon has still a collection of pokemon plushies and MHA figures, and Lunar has pokemon cards! :D
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apod · 1 year
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2023 October 05
Ring of Fire over Monument Valley Image Credit & Copyright: Tunc Tezel (TWAN)
Explanation: Tracking along a narrow path, the shadow of a new moon will race across North, Central, and South America, on October 14. When viewed from the shadow path the apparent size of the lunar disk will not quite completely cover the Sun though. Instead, the moon in silhouette will appear during the minutes of totality surrounded by a fiery ring, an annular solar eclipse more dramatically known as a ring of fire eclipse. This striking time lapse sequence from May of 2012 illustrates the stages of a ring of fire eclipse. From before eclipse start until sunset, they are seen over the iconic buttes of planet Earth's Monument Valley. Remarkably, the October 14 ring of fire eclipse will also be visible over Monument Valley, beginning after sunrise in the eastern sky.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap231005.html
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talonabraxas · 1 year
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Navagraha Drdha Vrata Gorrick This is a series of mini icon paintings of the Navagrahas or planetary deities in Hinduism. :Surya (Ravi), the Sun :Chandra (Soma), the Moon :Mangala (Mangal), Mars :Budha, Mercury :Guru (Brihaspati), Jupiter :Shukra, Venus :Shani, Saturn :Rahu, Solar Eclipse :Ketu, Lunar Eclipse
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writing-for-life · 4 months
Alloha, my Goddess of Sandman Knowledge! I hope you are well and enjoying the weekend! Yesterday I (and maybe other Sandman fans ) learned from Neil that Death didn't have her iconic eye swirl until Season of Mists - and it seems true ... I have that Death compilation book and there's a mix of her with and without that swirl and I wonder if YOU have any theories about that. Does it come along with our Dream "issue" (then why did she enter the family meeting with it or was not marked with the swirl at the beginning of Overture) or what is the deeper meaning? Thank you in advance - can't wait for your answer!
Hello friend, thanks for sliding into my inbox 🖤
Controversial opinion: While the symbolism of the Eye of Horus/Ra (more about that in a sec) is most definitely not random, just like the symbolism of the Ankh, I think when and if she wears it actually is. It’s a goth fashion choice ^jk
[That’s why I always inwardly laugh when people get their knickers in a twist about Kirby not wearing it in S1, because a) Death didn’t have one in the comics in The Sound of her Wings and b) I firmly believe it’s a just a choice. She can take it or leave it. She didn’t need “gothed up more” because Kirby literally wore what she wore in The Sound of her Wings: A black tank and black trousers.]
There’s certainly a trend that she doesn’t have it the further back we go chronologically, but even that is just a trend.
The Heart of a Star (earliest in the timeline, ~3-4billion years ago:
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First Vortex (we don’t know when exactly, but it’s after The Heart of a Star and “aeons ago”):
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And I guess for both of the above it could also be argued that they are clearly before ancient Egypt and wouldn’t have any cultural reference either. She wears the ankh in both though, so we can almost immediately scrap that thought again. But let’s just roll with it from app. 3,000 BC onwards…
Roundabout 900/800 BC (Orpheus’ Wedding/the aftermath):
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And you can’t even say she only wears it when “the topic” comes up, because then she’d probably also wear it in the first one above.
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And to those who say she’s been consistently wearing it since 1990/SoM—nope. This is Brief Lives 1992:
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So I think it’s rather random, and I personally don’t put too much stock in it other than thinking she puts it on when she feels like it. Or rather: When the artist thinks of it.
As for the symbolism:
It actually matters if you wear it on your left eye (Horus) or on your right (Ra), or both. They both used to be called Eye of Horus very far back in Egyptian history but eventually became distinct.
The Eye of Horus (left) has strong links to funeral rites (there’s a whole story about Horus offering his eye to Osiris to protect/sustain him in the afterlife). That’s why I always think it should have been on her other eye in The Kindly Ones and The Wake (she wears it on her right in both), but that’s just me being a hairsplitter, and you could find reasons for both if you wanted to.
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It makes sense for Hob I guess (bottom row second), so maybe they didn’t want to create the illusion of continuity errors 🤣 How cool would it have been though if Zulli had shown a transition from left eye (afterlife) to both eyes like Talbot in Song of Orpheus(afterlife/life) to right eye (life)?
The Eye of Ra (right) is generally also about giving and sustaining life, but not so much the afterlife. It has much stronger symbolic ties to life on earth. It also has stronger ties to the feminine, and despite being called “Eye of Ra”, it is often also linked to goddesses like Wedjat (both eyes are also called “wedjat eye”), Bast or Hathor.
If you wear it on both, there’s a lot to be said about balance (male/female, moon/sun etc). They used to be called Horus’ lunar (left) and solar (right) eye, for example.
So I guess you could put a lot of stock in the fact that she often wears it on her right eye (more tied to life on earth), but also on her left (more tied to death), or even on both, and find meaning in that. And that she actually wears the Eye of Ra (life and the feminine) more often than the Eye of Horus (but not exclusively).
But mostly, I feel it’s just random and the choice of whoever draws her 🤣
@klarahimmeltheendless ask answered
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betweenlands · 3 months
a list of mods/modpacks i'd like to rattle legundo around in (elaboration under the cut):
From The Fog + Sleepless (no official download yet; here's a link to the series currently showcasing it)
The Hubris of Magic
Into The Betweenlands / Into The Betweenlands 2
Nevermore (Manic + Sanguine)
Dimensional Doors again
From The Fog + Sleepless (no official download yet yada yada here's the link again)
the extremely atmospheric Herobrine mod from Haunted Winter, but with a second Lunar Eclipse creation based on urban legends of the Winchester Mystery Manor.
every night, you must set your bed in a different room of your house, or Bad Things Will Happen. the rooms of the house must be connected to each other. beds can't be placed too near to where other beds were, or Bad Things Will Happen.
Sleepless turns Minecraft into a frantic crawl to get enough materials to build more and more rooms onto an ever-more-convoluted house, and it's great. pairing it with From The Fog is just kind of a given to me, but it also goes great with decor mods and other atmospheric horror mods.
this is the reason this post exists. i want this playthrough to happen so bad. Legundo's former title in Decem is the Architect for god's sake. he needs to be subjected to some house of leaves nonsense more than anything else, and it needs to be his fault.
pair with the Immersive Portals mod for extra HoL.
The Hubris of Magic
a 1.7 modpack focusing around the classic magic mod Thaumcraft, where the world is hostile and covered in sculk i mean Taint
1.7 is a hard sell, i know. here's the thing; Hubris is one of those classic "survive a horrid infection" mods, like Sculk Horde, but it's like that -- at peak infection -- by default. everything is purple, the ground wants to kill you, the corrupt magic is nearly inescapable, there are even magic nodes that want very badly to eat you
it has some of the most iconic magic mods in existence -- chief among them being Thaumcraft and Botania, of course! i also just think it has some great atmosphere and requires fun lateral thinking in terms of how to go about setting up an area that can't be infected.
everything being infected means that villagers are a super endangered species, by the way! good luck.
Into The Betweenlands / Into The Betweenlands 2 (or just play Betweenlands i guess)
a lovely 1.12 modpack that places the player directly into the swamp hell dimension known as the Betweenlands with a handful of other mods. have fun!!!!!! don't die!!!
wow, tumblr user solar betweenlands wants people to play the Betweenlands. fork found in kitchen. no, but in all seriousness, the Betweenlands is one of my favorite ever mods and it has some absolutely killer atmosphere.
i've chosen i2btl and i2btl2 because they're fully balanced modpacks that put you right in the dimension to begin with, but i mean, i would love to see a custom modpack tooled around the Betweenlands as well!
the Betweenlands really forces you to engage with a lot of its mechanics and is basically a survival horror mod that actually understood the "survival" part of that genre premise. resources are always scarce, picking fights isn't always a good idea, and the dimension itself is chewing away at you.
it's like the Betweenlands but in the woods instead of the swamp and also the dimension itself really wants to kill you this time
i don't have a lot to add. it's an acceptable Betweenlands runner-up for me.
Nevermore (Manic + Sanguine)
a datapack/mod combo adding Dark Magics and just straight-up blood magic. has its own extra narsty blood moons and some really fun (in)sanity mechanics.
i love Manic a lot. it's got a fascinatingly unique method of ingame documentation and some seriously cool spritework. Sanguine has some really neat pixel gore as well! they're both super cool.
seriously though Manic owns when it comes to eldritch horror mods. i am chewing on it. i'm recommending Nevermore because i feel like Manic and Sanguine are kind of a Do Not Separate Them deal.
Dimensional Doors again
dimdoors is good and i like it
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 8 months
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1,133 Words
Summary: Eclipse makes a groupchat with the other Eclipses to chaotic outcomes.
Warnings: Crack, Cursing, Caps, Death (mentioned only), Abuse (mentioned only), Minor Injury (mentioned), let me know if I should add anything else.
The Eclipses Chat: Chapter 1
Eclipse has created a chatroom
Eclipse has named the chat to ‘Whomst The Fuck?’
Eclipse has added 9 people to ‘Whomst The Fuck?’
Eclipse: Okay, I need help? Fist of all where am I? And second how did I get here? Third, how get all your numbers at the same time?
Eclipse: …Ah fuck what the hell?
Eclipse: Hold on what?
Eclipse: Okay, I might be too high then.
Eclipse: Seems like it, buddy.
Eclipse: Okay, some of us have to change our screen names.
Eclipse: Already on it for mine.
Eclipse has changed their name to Solar
Solar: So much better.
Eclipse: How did you do that!?
Solar: Depends who I’m giving advice to.
Eclipse: Swapped dimension, Moon is the evil one.
Solar: Ah. Gotcha. So you hit the icon in the top right and it’ll say settings, click that then go to change name and change it.
Eclipse had changed their name to Orbit
Orbit: Thank god. I’m too high for this. I’m going to sleep now. Thanks Solar.
Eclipse has changed their name to God
Solar: No.
Solar has changed God’s name to Venus
Solar: None of that shit.
Venus: I hate you and your little boyfriend too.
Venus: I have better things to do than bother with you.
Venus is offline
Eclipse: Can I get help?
Solar: Who be thee?
Eclipse: … I’ll be honest I don’t know.
Eclipse: Well, are you good?
Eclipse: idk
Eclipse has changed their name to Rigel
Rigel: Hi Solar!!!!! 🥰💞💘
Solar: Hi Ruin.
Rigel: Look, I picked a name too!
Solar: I can see that, Rigel. Good job.
Eclipse: Y’all in love or something?
Solar: Listen, he just found out emojis exist. Let him have fun with them.
Eclipse has changed their name to Helix
Helix: Excuse me wtf? How did the Eclipse that started this shit get my number? I literally live in space! I didn’t even know I had a number! What!?
Solar: Ooooh, you’re the one with Lord Lunar.
Helix: Yes, I’m the one with Selene.
Solar: Interesting.
Eclipse: Can I please be helped already?
Eclipse: We don’t even know who you are!
Eclipse: I’m apparently named Eclipse!? idfk!? I’m confused too!
Helix: Start with this, pick a damn name, kid!
Eclipse has changed their name to Comet
Eclipse had changed their name to Umbra
Helix: Wait, which is which?
Comet: Someone please get me down? I feel like a cat in a tree rn. Why am I here?
Solar: That’s how we all feel, buddy. What’s wrong?
Comet: I’m currently trapped in the dark in I think a ceiling? I can’t get down and it’s dark. I don’t know where I am but I hear the daycare song.
Solar: That does not narrow it down.
Helix: Okay, so are you in a dimension where Sun and Moon are alive?
Comet: Debatably yes.
Solar: Okay so a ‘dead Moon’ universe. Alright. Getting somewhere. Is Lunar alive in this universe?
Comet: Yes.
Orbit: Are you in a universe Kill Code became good and is now dead in?
Comet: I believe so yes.
Solar: Alright that’s only three dimensions. Are Earth and Sun dead?
Comet: No.
Solar: Are one of the Blood Moon AIs and the Creator dead?
Comet: No.
Solar: Hold on a minute.
Solar: Make a loud noise rn, Comet.
Solar: Motherfucker, I HEAR YOU UPSTAIRS! Hold on!
Comet: OW
Solar: Not my fault you fell out of the ceiling head-first!
Comet: I was just made and I’m already being abused.
Solar: Oh please. Abused my ass.
Helix: Well, we are all twinks so… you do have an ass.
Solar: Shut up, Helix.
Helix: I will not be silenced and you can’t make me!
Solar: Don’t tempt me.
Orbit: Question, how did he even get there?
Solar: Fuck if I know.
Comet: I have no fucking clue.
Rigel: Scan him then. 🥰👻🫣
Solar: You know what? I didn’t think of that. Thanks Rigel.
Comet: Thanks Rigel.
Whomst The Fuck?
Solar: Apparently remade original universe Eclipse and Comet is the result.
Comet: He gave me cotton candy. I like cotton candy. I like Solar, he’s nice.
Umbra: Wait, they what? Who did it?
Solar: Someone named Void? No other traces but it’s someone I don’t know at least.
Helix: Selene says that’s one of the six Lord Kill Codes. The asshole one specifically. Apparently he’s been recreating Eclipses from other worlds and sending them out.
Solar: What a son of a bitch.
Comet: So what do I do?
Solar: Well, you’re basically blank so welcome to the family. I’ll send you somewhere safe before someone tries to kill you.
Comet: Excuse me, what?
Solar: Yeah, Moon has a grudge so you’re gonna get poofed somewhere he won’t immediately kill you.
Umbra: Send him to me, I’m in the Toronto bunker.
Solar: Wait what?
Umbra: Hi, I’m the original Eclipse of the world I assume you’re in too. Send me my twin.
Solar: Alright, guess you’re going to Toronto, Comet.
Umbra: I have a spare bedroom I’m already setting up for you. What colors do you like?
Comet: Um
Comet: Purple
Umbra: Alright. I’ll have it set up by the time he sends you to me.
Comet: I’m so confused.
Helix: You and everyone else, Comet.
Comet: What is my life?
Orbit: Adopted at birth.
Comet: I hate everything.
Umbra: Shut up, at least you get your favorite color and a place to be safe in.
Comet: I hate everything a bit less now.
Umbra: What foods do you like, kid? Cough it up.
Comet: Cotton candy, coffee. Solar is giving me coffee and Chinese right now.
Umbra: How dare yo. That was gonna be my first thing to do with him.
Solar: You lack the already-here points on feeding the new child.
Helix: It feels like I’m on the sidelines of a custody agreement.
Umbra: You are.
Solar: You are, Helix.
Comet: Do I get a say in this or do I just get two dads?
Solar: You just get two dads.
Umbra: 50/50 custody agreement.
Umbra: Kid, what foods are you allergic to? It should be listed in your Health Information Settings in your arm computer.
Comet: It says dairy and red meat.
Umbra: Doable. Thank you. Do you have a favorite food yet?
Comet: Sweet things and Chinese food.
Umbra: Alright, kid. You’ll have sweet things and Chinese food fully stocked when you get here.
Comet: I kind of like having two dads actually.
Solar: I sure hope so, you’re forever going to be stuck in a loop of ‘go ask your father’.
Comet: I’m fine with that. As long as I keep getting candy.
Solar: Yes, you’ll keep getting candy.
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pawsedits · 1 year
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Names &。 Pronouns ⁾⁾   relating to Emmet Brickowski from The Lego Movie under the cut !!
(( PT: Names and pronouns relating to Emmet Brickowski from The Lego Movie under the cut /End PT ))
Images: A banner that reads " Emmet id help ", a transparent image, an icon of Emmet with a lace border, another transparent image.
♱   Names   ⸺   Emerson, Everett, Emmie, Elliot, Eddison, Evan, Edwin, Elia, Seph, Matte, Cesare, Vitale
♱   Pronouns   ⸺   inve invent inventself ◞  cae caem caer caers caemself ◞  sol solar solarself ◞  lu lunar lunarself ◞  mi mist mistself ◞  ne neon neonself ◞  sy synth synthself ◞  pix pixel pixelself ◞  fre friend friendself ◞  lol lolself ◞  paw pawself ◞  rai rain rainself ◞  fluff fluffself ◞ 
♱   Emojis   ⸺   🌈 ◞  🦖 ◞  🖍️ ◞  🐛 ◞  🌻 ◞  🧷 ◞  🚧 ◞  🦺 ◞  ✂️ ◞  🪛 ◞  🌕 ◞  ☀️ ◞  🍊 ◞  🏓 ◞  🪀 ◞  🪴
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Happy (Belated) Birthday Bloodmoon! Here's a SAMS incorrect quotes but Bloodmoon centric.
Eclipse, to Adapt!Bloodmoon: I mean, I get complimented all the time-
OG!Bloodmoon: *starts cackling*
Eclipse: I do!
OG!Bloodmoon: *laughs harder*
OG!Bloodmoon: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I'll wait.
Adapt!Bloodmoon: You and me!
OG!Bloodmoon: *tearing up* Ok.
Eclipse: Bloodmoon! For the love of god, please turn down that music. I have a hangover.
Bloodmoon: *blasting the mii theme at full volume* That sounds like a you problem, not a mii problem.
Bloodmoon: Let's write Eclipse a friendly note, shall we? Dear... Incompetent... Dumbass...
Lunar: Eclipse said It's my turn with the brain cell.
Bloodmoon: Square Up.
Lunar: Why would anyone want to harm Bloodmoon?
Eclipse: Maybe because they met them?
Lunar: I am strong! I beat Eclipse at arm wrestling!
Bloodmoon: Anyone can beat Eclipse at arm wrestling
Eclipse: Hey-
Eclipse, in a room with Lunar, Solar Flare, and Bloodmoon: It's calm in here.
Eclipse: It scares me...
Solar Flare: Are you laughing at that video of Eclipse and Bloodmoon fighting?
Lunar: No.
Lunar: I'm laughing at the comments.
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//Really quick since I was just thinking about it: If anyone else wants to draw the boys and you're afraid of your design being different from someone else's or not being "accurate", don't worry! I left their designs fairly vague for a reason.
The only details that really won't change are that Harvest is missing his entire right arm, him and Bloody now have tails (I still can't get over that little detail dksbaj) and that Solar can't see very well out of his left eye. Otherwise, their physical forms are assumed to be fairly close to canon. (Though Lunar's design is the one he had prior to his current one, it's the one in this blog's icon - WHICH I ALSO CAN'T GET OVER THAT EITHER DJHAJ) Kill Code's is the form he had in Moon's mind.
People are free to have their own sort of interpretations of the characters' designs.
Go crazy! Go wild! Go feral! (But not too feral. Keep your limbs)//
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sabrondabrainrot · 27 days
☀️Sun Propaganda☀️
Ooh you guys wanna like Sun you wanna like him so bad~
Can I just say, the fics people put out about Sun are so amazing. There's so much good food out there for him. I love the introspections and different headcanons and just ideas that people contribute to Sun.
Thank you fic writers for being so awesome!!!
Anyways, on with the propaganda! Spoilers Beware and rambles. Many rambles....
I just got to the part when Sun told Lunar and Earth about Solar passing and then Lunar had a trippy dream and now they're grieving.
I was so right, Sun was there for all of them, cried with them, and made sure they were taken care of.
He's taking care of the family!!!
Anyways, I want to ramble about Sun's mysterious talents.
Sun is very cool and mysterious and talented and sophisticated!!!
Like how come Gemini or even Castor and Pollux separately never mention that Sun using Star power was kind of crazy? I understand they're under the impression that Sun broke apart from the star power but idk if that scene can be read that way?
Then Sun and magic.... Bro had no training but managed to break himself out of a magic box by just raising his voice and getting upset. That's so iconic. He also blew up a base because of Eclipse goading him. I get it sealed Old Moon's fate (I actually argue his reset is 100% due to the consequences of his actions) but can we talk about how cool that crater was? It literally left Eclipse speechless. And even after that, Sun proceeded to tirelessly stay on and functioning despite using that much magic just to try and save his twin. Oh yeah remember how he got shit for saying the expelling spell wrong? Dude had to reverse engineer a spell and recite it backwards with no prior magical knowledge. He didn't even get the knowledge if he messes it up that he would die horribly but he still did his best and all he did was say one word wrong. He's lucky he lived but that's still a huge innate talent he didn't just die!
Sun used Star power to do a Kamehameha. He literally held it in his hands and created a big enough force it pushed eclipse into another dimension and essentially knocked the star power out of Eclipse. Yes, Sun was damaged but he literally walked it off (damaged pain censors). And despite being so horribly mangled at one point he still uses it for self defense. He kicked BloodMoon's ass.
⭐What a badass honestly⭐
🔥Like that's so cool!!! He's so cool!!🔥
Another talent, he can cook!!! I know cooking compared to Star power and Magic is kind of underwhelming but up until upgrading to being able to eat he cooked once a year during Christmas to give to the homeless and isn't that so sweet?!?? Once everyone was able to eat he started to eat more too and now regularly cooks for people? That's so goaded. Cooking is hard and he feeds his family. He's also a breadwinner in the household?? Bro??? That's so awesome.
I loved the part when Sun yelled at Moon for eating chips while he was in the middle of cooking their dinner 😂😂😂
Sun also has a big talent with people! Being a people person is a talent! He managed to break through the star power influence all on his own to show people he is nice and something is going on. Sun is trusted because he works hard to be a trustworthy animatronic. I know there's this overwhelming census amongst the entire cast that Sun can't lie but we have overwhelming evidence to show he does lie and is very much capable of it. He's just an honest guy! Unless it's a very extreme case, he chooses to not lie. So most people just trust and like him. Most people didn't even talk to Moon at first until they found out he was Sun's twin and Sun went out of his way to let people know Moon isn't scary. He even went out to help people pick clothes because he's honest about how they look!
👏👏 People Skills Sun!!!👏👏
Mragh! I think Sun also has a talent for roasting people and calling them out! Remember when he called out Eclipse v2 for being pathetic and miserable even though he won? If I remember right he even roasted original Eclipse while he was in his mind. Remember, all the times he's called out the Creator and actively defied him all the while swearing so much the censor beep made him sound like a dolphin in heat? He insulted Frank so much he got the guy to chase him and I swear it was just a solid 5 minutes of him cursing Frank away. And the scene when Creator takes off his mask in front of Earth? That's just magnificent.
I'm probably missing stuff cause I'm still so very behind on the lore but I'm making steady progress. If anyone wants to add anything more to Sun Propaganda please do.
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