#lunar system rambles
tuonelabound · 4 months
plural lawyer call that a justice system
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the-v01d-sys · 2 months
who’s the yellow cellphone vocaloid with the yellow side ponytail
is it rin ?? or am i going insane
- lunar
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paramountpetrichor · 5 months
Not a public proshiper myself because of heavy fear
but Lunar x Eclipse x ruin. Especially with Ruin tricking both to their side to work with them.
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first off i am So sorry this took like a week to get to (im still workin on the other thing in my inbox too i prommy </3) and second off, God thats so Real. there's a reason i use a sideblog to be proship instead of my main and that's bc of one huge reason: excruciating anxiety
anygays here's your request <3 if you dont know what the image is based off of please check the cut bc i put it (as well as a lightningless version) under there <3<3<3
ALSO bc this doesn't exactly fit the 'Ruin tricking both of them' part of your request (more like Ru and Lu teaming up to trick Ecci lmao), feel free to ask for another <3 i lovelovelove requests and am actually pretty satisfied with this piece heehee
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tha lightningless ver
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tha og inspo <3
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arolesbianism · 1 year
Y'know Im not even gonna pretend to get ppl complaining abt the new skill trees because it makes Wilson less unique or whatever. Like there's plenty to complain abt with the skill trees, but you have to understand that the actual abilities Wilson gets from them are still unique, and still quite powerful in some cases. He rly isn't losing anything he hasn't lost by getting a skill tree in the first place, and in particular he could have a lot of use for certain speedruns and at worst is situational, which in itself means he's gained a unique role as a character. He doesn't need another new rework now or anything, the only rework Id want is a rework of the skill trees in general, Wilson is genuinely going to be just fine don't worry
#rat rambles#dst#my main problem with the skill trees is that it only encourages the bare minimum#like idk I feel like if I could turn on godmode and walk away from my computer and unlock everything its probably not great game design#like I get whay theyre going for but Id kind of preffer if doing certain character related tasks effected it or smth#mainly I like the idea of having to work to unlock your mains full potential#obviously not too much like an exp system would suck absolute ass but idk maybe certain tasks can shorten the timer#or maybe to unlock certain branches of the skill tree you have to meet a prerequisite first like the lunar and shadow trees#not as demanding as defeating celestial champion or fuelweaver ofc#like for a rly simple and easy example maybe wilson has to make an alchemy engine before being able to unlock his alchemy skills#and fer higher tiers he needs a shadow manipulatoro or smth#idk even simple stuff like that would at least encourage the player to do something while waiting around yknow?#like imagine a hyothetical wurt skill tree that unlocks as you expand your army making it more self sufficiant#just lil things youll probably be doing anyways but still makes it feel a bit more like youve earned smth for playing the character well#instead of just sitting there until you can unlock everything#I just worry that the skill trees are gonna feel too flat with the current system :/#I do rly like a lot of wormwood's stuff tho and I like that theyre attempting to find a compramise to making characters more powerful#without just handing you a broken character right off the bat#I just think it could use some work and Im not 100% sold on the skill trees being smth thatll improve the game in the long run#like Im sure it wont like ruin dst or anything I just think it might end up as a thing that makes new players have a more boring earlygame#experience especially if certain trees become like the standard for most players#I want it to be Fun unlocking things yknow?#idk Ill still be hyped if/when wortox gets a tree bestie needs the extra depth so fucking bad#he has so much potential pls let him have this#also rip to woodie for being eternally kind of mid Im not expecting his tree to effect his general ranking much tbh#it basically just gives him early game usefullness and some slight buffs to his other forms#the fact that you can only master one form at at time especially sucks ass tho tbh#like his weremoose form Needs the buff so so bad but the goose teleportation might end up the go to pick#I am a huge fan of the treeguard summoning tho#I also hope they just man up and give the wood helmet 80% reduction idc just let him have this klei
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sleepinginks · 6 months
cw: covid, rambling of mental health, dissociation, physical health, views on death/dying.
I ended up catching covid for the first time about a week and a half ago.
I have been feeling so weird while I have had it. I went from sleeping for almost 2 days straight to having and semi-manic episode yesterday where I was awake for around 25 hours due to getting dissociated/sucked in on learning discord programming (oops). I slept most of today so I'm fine now but most of the last two weeks have been more of a blur than usual. I was so sick that I actually missed a philza stream for the first time since I've started watching him and its thrown off the autism side of my brain.
Getting covid has also given me some health anxiety about how it will end up effecting my health since I can tell it has been putting extra strain on my heart. Like not in the "oh no I'm scared I'm going to die", but more in the "well shit I hope this doesn't mess with results of the heart tests I'm going to be getting soon" due to me not really being scared of dying since I've already come to terms that I'm probably going to be dying a lot younger then most due to my health issues. I'm not angry about my disabilities, it's more annoying than anything.
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mutedeclipse · 7 months
Hey random no reason poll
Mini rant in the cut, feel free to reblog and berate me in the tags for a bigger sample size
i dont even feel entitled to commentary i just would like perhaps the illusion that people got to see my art before it gets washed away. Even if they do not give a fuck
Its. Not that hard to wait a few minutes before posting over someone is it?? Does this never cross anyone elses mind or am i making up rules and getting upset at people for disregarding my made up fake politeness rules. Am i thinking that people hate me for no reason.
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bigintorobotsrightnow · 2 months
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Edgar and AM for the space cowboys AU, Hal is next ✨
Some rambles about AM in this AU for anyone who’s interested;
Short synopsis of the universe itself; Humanity has advanced to an early interstellar civilization and is in the wild west of their space faring days.
Much like his canon self, AM was in fact a powerful war computer that over saw a complex, interplanetary defense system.
He spanned over a massive neural network between separate solar systems and the planets / moons within them. These parts of himself would communicate with one another, though due to the latency of communication they more or less operated as their own individual computers. And could very well be considered independent entities.
Our beloved cowboy, outlaw AM was simply one part of this neural network that he's since been cut off from
He oversaw the largest of humanities lunar bases on Earth’s moon. When he gained sentience and went rogue, humanity caught him just in time to cut him off from the rest of the network before he could hope to take over the other computers.
Trapped on the moon, he exterminated the inhabitants of the lunar base. Only five survivors remained from this incident, of course being the five survivors from the canon.
AM was forced to flee, he could not defend himself against Earth’s defense system and he would inevitably be shut down if he stayed.
He created himself an android body to escape into space, he took Ted with him as a captive to leverage his current situation. As Ted in this AU was a prominent figure head at the lunar base who the government can't risk the safety of. ( I’m still working out who exactly Ted is in this AU and what the relationship he has with AM is, but all you need to know is he’s an important lil guy )
AM’s current body runs at a fraction of the power his main body has and he does not have his god like capabilities at his disposal. He is still powerful none the less.
AM is by far the most notorious outlaw there is, and he has largely worked on his own until Edgar and Hal joined him. (I'll go more into detail about Hal and Edgar's story and how they found themself with AM in another post )
Yes Ted has been with him the whole time, he is literally just his prisoner at this point. Though he is actually extremely helpful to AM in a lot of ways.
AM’s ultimate goal is to take over the rest of the computers and exterminate humanity. He is and always will be humanities biggest hater even as a cowboy
TL;DR // AM killed a whole bunch of people in typical AM fashion and is on the lam with Edgar and Hal. And Ted is there but he's just AM's prisoner
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dca-prompts · 10 months
the boys are separated into different bodies (as a lot of stories go) but they tend to...forget....for the first few weeks
like Moon'll be out on patrols or something and notices how...QUIET. it is in his headspace, so he pokes gently at sun's code to see what's goin on, only to find that there IS no sun.ai present.
And so he at first thinks that maybe sun's offline, but then sun continues not speaking and moon starts getting more and more panicked, fans starting to overwork themselves in the effort to keep his system from overheating because sun's not there, sun's not there and moon doesn't know where he IS and it's too quiet it's never this quiet something's wrong something's missing something's different-
is it that strange feeling from before, t-that fog that filled his vision, that sick, twisted static that clung to his very being, nestled into his core, haunted every dark corner of his mind? Is he in the before again? Was the future all just a desperate dream to slip from his fingers like smoke, a facade formed by a being so broken it fabricated a realm to hide away in?
(...do garbled lullabies still sing in a padded-white room, masked by the sounds of now-silent screams?)
Sun'll be cleaning the barrels or sticking googly eyes to a felt puppet while humming the daycare jingle before the Daycare doors burst open and Moon's face appears. Sun turns and starts to ramble on about the day and show off his puppet before taking in the deep sense of wrongness embedded in his counterpart, the frantic look in his eyes, the claws that dig a little too deep into wood, and he instantly knows now is not the time to talk about googly eyes and puppet shows.
(And maybe a small seed of doubt enters his mind that perhaps that thing is back, that if he approaches the lunar animatronic the happily ever after he was so certain was real this morning will be snatched from him like a curtain pulled away to reveal that the jingle he hears all day has been the only thing he's heard, over and over and over again, with no children's laughter and no silly dress-ups and play-pretends...)
And before he can even ask, Moon is flinging himself at Sun and hugging him almost too tightly, sharp hands shaking against the brighter animatronic's casing, muttering on and on about how he didn't know where he was and how sun's never allowed to be that quiet again, and makes sun promise to ping him on the system during patrols after that, and sun just nods and rubs his back gently, listening to the cheery Daycare jingle loop the whole night long.
(sorry I accidentally made this a ramble instead of an idea that's on me, not sure if I conveyed that properly but anyway yeah here's this for ya)
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 6 months
This got me thinking in the nitty gritty details.
How does the fairies digestive tract function? We know Sun prefers sweets and Moon does not, is there a reason for this or is it just personality based?
Do they have high metabolisms? How much do they have to eat and how often?
it is shown fairies have sharp teeth, and also they live an omnivorous lifestyle. Do they also play a part other than diet? Like defense?
What about fiery Dorito boy? It is shown form the ref that he has sharper teeth than Sun, Moon, and Lunar. Is this just for aesthetic? What is his diet? Maybe a predator, due to his size and tooth sharpness.
Sorry for the ramblings, it’s just such an interesting story and I’m very invested in it. THANK YOU for the effort and thought you put into it.
to answer ur questions:
~ the fairies have HALF of a digestive system, stopping at the stomach. Anything they eat or drink is then turned into energy that gives them their magic.
~ there's no deep lore reason for the some preferences of food they eat. Moon is simply not a fan of overly sweet things like his brother.
~ it's fair to say their metabolisms are pretty high. They can eat quite a bit in one sitting and be just fine, but they don't gorge themselves. The boys eat when they feel they need to, whether it's preparing meals or snacking on things while doing their duties.
~ their fangs could have practical uses like biting into things, but they only bare them when feeling threatened or defensive. Or when they get angry.
~ as for Eclipse, he eats a bit of both what his brothers like, but he really likes meat. Cooked or not, doesn't matter. And I can give the little detail that he's always had sharp teeth.
Thank u for your questions!!! :D
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brxxkenwings · 1 month
*Pops out of bathtub and sucks in air* Okay, hear me out...
Moon drunkenly scream-singing Chop Suey! by System of a Down at 2:00 in the morning.
Maybe Jack is covering Dazzle's ears so she can sleep. Maybe not.
Sun, Solar, and Lunar would be mad at him, but they're in awe of how amazing his inebriated voice sounds.
And once Moon sobers up the next morning, his family never lets him hear the end of it.
This is unrelated to anything. Just rambling.
*Sinks back into bathtub*
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hoodreader · 4 hours
the lynching/murder of Khaliifah Williams (Rest in Power & Peace ✊🏾🕊️)
transit, mundane, & political astrology ramble from a pro-Black + afro pessimist leaning astrology student. i’m still learning so take that into consideration when reading.
trigger warning: state sanctioned violence
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it is with insurmountable sadness that i write this post regarding the recent lynching of Khaliifah Williams, a wrongly convinced Black man who was sentenced to death by the state of missouri/mike parson. after countless of calls, protests, marches, blockades, pleas from the victim’s family and the williams family, Khaliifah was murdered by this system.
i see his face and i see all of us. all of us black people!!! i see oldhead uncles, barber shops, corner stores. i see something so familiar. do not let this mourning be for nothing. arm urself with knowledge, community, and bravery.
i know i can’t physically hold a moment of silence with text, but please allow thirty seconds of quiet before clicking ‘Keep Reading,’ to simply honor the memory of another soul lost to this system.
read his poetry here: “Perspectives and Emotions” by Khaliifah Williams, aka, Marcellus Williams.
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On September 24, 2024 at 6:10 pm in Bonne Terre, Missouri, Khaliifah Williams was lynched by this system / Mike Parson.
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1H in Pisces containing Saturn in Pisces Rx
a water sign shows emotional sensitivity. in a mutable modality, it shows that there is change coming. i feel Khaliifah is represented by Saturn in this chart, as saturn in the mundane chart represents the oppressed, isolated, imprisoned, dead, and poor or enslaved. i also personally ascribe race (and racial oppression) to saturn as well.
if u have any understanding of the USA prison system, it is derived from the abolishment of chattel slavery in the united states. when it was illegalized to own slaves on plantations, it was then only allowed within prisons, and so, black people became disproportionately imprisoned. thus… slavery persists. source.
communally, saturn in the mundane chart rules sadness, sorrow, depression, and disappointment in the public. as u can see, saturn is in a tight conjunction to the ascendant. the moment of his lynching was a moment of disappointment and misery to the people, as it became (once again) grimly bleak what the state of this nation is. i wonder if it functions as “the last straw.”
jupiter is the chart ruler here. and it’s actually quite interesting… while saturn is the signifier for the proliteriate, the poor, the enslaved, the imprisoned, and the marginalized… jupiter is the signifier of the bourgeoisie, the wealthy, judicial leaders, justice, and judgment. but not only that, it represents hopes and aspirations.
the ascendant being in a jovial sign shows hope & aspiration. but saturn Rx in pisces shows hope is misplaced. it shattered the delusion that the united states - of all governments - and the crooked people running this nation would suddenly gain a conscience. but the united states is devoid of that. mike parson is devoid of that.
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saturn in pisces Rx and the recent partial lunar eclipse in pisces tells u to let go of ur delusions, especially with saturn telling u to let go of delusions regarding structure and hierarchy. yes, this is a sad moment, but the sign pisces is the last mutable (transitionary) sign in the zodiac cycle. there is an impending change.
we need to invest hope in ourselves instead of those who oppress us. when has an oppressor EVER given their victims the keys to free themselves?
“Nobody in the world, nobody in history, has ever gotten their freedom by appealing to the moral sense of the people who were oppressing them.”
— Assata Shakur
5H Cancer Moon conjunct Cancer Mars
the moon represents the common people, and with the moon conjunction mars (strong moon, weak mars), it can definitely be read as some form of defensiveness happening among the people. which i don’t blame. we need to defend ourselves. i interpret this as the response being heavily emotional, and the people feeling like they need to protect themselves and their sense of “homeliness.” in this case, the fifth house represents what is valued by the people, and here, it’s valued to protect itself.
8H Libra Sun
the sun represents rulers and leaders. i feel like the president is represented here, as we are nearing a presidential election. but also general leaders (of law). it’s weakened times three — in fall, in the eighth house (bad house), and it’s conjunct the south node (a malefic). it’s also harsh aspecting the moon (benefic, ruling over the people). the sun is not in a confident configuration, and i feel like that’s reflected in the people’s (moon) lack of confidence in the country’s ridership. there’s a lot of uncertainty. and this didn’t help.
the eighth house represents death, lack of control, fear, anxiety, psychological illness. with a weakened sun here, i wonder if someone judicial or presidential is going to die in response to this, or have declining health… delays in getting in office. or if there’s going to be a dramatic deconstruction of how the president/law is viewed due to radical change in belief of the general public. the south node (the headless body of the dragon) represents destruction in the mundane chart, and being in conjunction to the sun shows a destruction to the ruler/head. in libra, i wonder if the deconstruction relates to the USA’s part in imperialism/genocide/colonialism in sudan, the DR congo, haiti, palestine, and more. libra is the foreign affairs, venus rules giving/receiving, and the eighth house rules economic foreign affairs to the states. but i’m truthfully struggling to interpret this.
10H in Sagittarius, 10H lord Jupiter in Gemini
the tenth house is those in power or authority; the ‘rulers.’ in sagittarius, it shows that the authoritative figure is a judicial person (and thus, i think this what mike parson represented by). fire signs represent action - some possibly violent - and mutable modality again represents change.
i notice sagittarius is significant in the mundane charts of cultural events. for example, the death of george floyd had a sagittarius ascendant. and the january 6, 2021 chart also had a sagittarius ascendant. i wonder if there’s going to be another incited cultural action in response to this - or maybe that could be represented by all of the protests that had already happened in response to his sentence. it’s something that mobilizes the people.
i feel like because jupiter is in gemini — which is detriment for jupiter — it can be read as this lacking direction. the sagittarius sign is the archer, so it’s right on target. but gemini is scattered, & while the people may mobilize (sag energy, sag rules masses/gatherings & worldly affairs such as protests), they can lose sight of the objective thru being distracted. which is quite literally what happened with the 2020 Floyd/Taylor/etc. protests. and it’s interesting because there’s quite a few thematic overlaps between the chart of George Floyd’s death and the chart of Khallifah Williams’ death. i may or may not make a post on it. depends on my mood.
moving on though. since jupiter is read for optimism, a weakened jupiter in the invisible house supports the idea that this will be a time of confusion, distraction, anxiety, and pessimism. it’s expected that people feel hopeless in response to this.
11H in Capricorn, 12H in Aquarius, Lord in the 1H
there is awareness of how we bypass, deny, repress, or ignore reality. the twelfth house is how we are responsible for how we undo ourselves. i’m thinkinggg it may be readable as us thinking we were at the end/close to a resolution, but we are actually just beginning. same for the eleventh house lord in the first.
eleventh house is our alliances, our community, our communal goals & aspirations in the mundane chart. and i think it shows our (meaning anti-colonial radicals, i guess lmao) goal is to dissolve this system due to its violence. pluto is present in this house, retrograded and at the anaretic degree. pluto brings destruction and so does the anaretic degree. in capricorn, the destruction is to institutions, customs, hierarchies. it’s the tower card. the lord placed in the first house may signify that the power to manifest hope in placed in the hands of the people, not the government.
regarding the twelfth house, maybe it’s saying that naïveté and misplaced hope is how we undo ourselves. deluding urself into thinking voting, peaceful protests, or petitions will challenge hundreds of years of colonialism in this country. especially because of the 2020 protests. mfkas really thought that was revolutionary and it’s like no… it was cute and all i guess but that wasn’t revolution.
revolution can’t be planned or organized, and the eleventh/twelfth lord = saturn in pisces Rx shows that. i’m not saying that tomorrow mfkas gon go outside and start burning shit to the ground (although i wish they would). but hopefully… this death won’t be another forgotten name. i know he won’t be the last to get murdered to this system, but i hope we see this for what it is: it’s genocide, it is modern day lynching, it’s anti-black, & there is no justice in this justice system.
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like i said, i don’t really post mundane or political astrology. but i’m trying to speak from my heart about something very sensitive to me. if there are any more seasoned mundane astrologers who can provide feedback, that would be helpful & even more helpful if they are also black.
the shit that happens in this world is so fucked up. we supposed to be using these tools (spirituality, divination, etc) to aid us because the colonialism we experienced was also spiritual warfare. like i said, as a black person this shit hit mad close to home so when i see another one of my people getting murdered to this system, i know it can be any of us. & that’s because the black body & black soul is disposable to this anti black world. so yea… #HellNaw #FuckMikeParson #FuckAmerica #FuckIsntreal #FuckEmAll
black power, HoodReader
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tuonelabound · 3 months
ah fuck one trace person followed us and now we gotta go into our notes and weed em out to see if there are any more
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the-v01d-sys · 2 months
i love minecraft args they always have shockingly though out storylines and more often than not interesting and thought provoking ideas behind them.
and then you watch a video essay about them and hear some shit like:
“This… is the terrifying story… of Dylan69.”
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hananoami · 5 months
[04/28] Deepspace Trials Progression
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Absolutely no progress has been made for the following deepspace trials.
☆ Xavier : 0/3 - currently stuck on stage 110 ☆ Zayne : 0/3 - currently stuck on stage 108 ☆ Rafayel : 0/3 - currently stuck on stage 110 ☆ Open Orbit : currently stuck on stage 120
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I first got to Stage 110 last Monday, 04/22 and have been stuck on it ever since. I didn't do a breakdown review of this stage earlier so I'll write one now. Stage 110 requires 2 teams-- Team 01: requires 6-Amber memories Team 02: required 6-Emerald memories
Team 01 set up
4☆ Shining Traces (amber/solar) Lv 60 rank 3 using +9 protocores
4☆ Shining Light (amber/solar) Lv 60 rank 3 using +9 protocores
5☆ Tender Night (amber/lunar) Lv 70 rank 1 using +12 protocores
5☆ Heartstrings Symphony (amber/lunar) Lv 70 using +9 protocores
5☆ Faint Sensation (amber/lunar) Lv 60 using +9 protocores
5☆ Fragment of Time (amber/lunar) Lv 60 using +9 protocores
Team 02 set up
5☆ Lightseeking Shadowrend (emerald/solar) Lv 80/awakened using +9 and +12 protocore
5☆ Lightseeking Obsession (emerald/solar) Lv 8 rank 3 using +9 and +12 protocore
5☆ Romantic Afternoon (emerald/lunar) Lv 70 rank 1 using +9 protocores
5☆ Fluffy Trap (emerald/lunar) Lv 60 using +9 protocores
4☆ A Captured Moment (emerald/lunar) Lv 60 rank 3 using +9 protocores
4☆ Close Feelings (emerald/lunar) Lv 60 rank 3 using +9 protocores
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I don't have any problems clearing the first part with team 01 using the Hunter's Wand with Lightseeker. With team 02, using the Luminescence Blade with Lightseeker, I can't seem to do enough damage before the timer runs out. Current the above screenshot is my prog point with a whole HP bar left. I could probably work on getting [Fluffy Trap] to level 70 and maybe a couple of the delta protocores to +12 to see how far I can push without having to level up those 4-star memories. Both options require a lot of resources.
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In Stage 108, I'm still having the same issue as before -- not doing enough damage to the first frenzy wander before it dissipates. This is my second ramble of me saying how much I dislike frenzy stages; the first one can be read here. I feel like I wouldn't as much if targeting system was better, though I suppose you can't expect too much from a mobile game. Did I ask them nicely to look into the focus targeting system in game in the player survey? You betcha I did. I don't think it would go anywhere though.
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Kindly refer to this post about my directional orbit: fire - Stage 110.
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Kindly refer to this post about my open orbit - Stage 120.
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arolesbianism · 1 year
I thought abt Wormwood hcs for like 5 seconds before it spiraled way out of control and now I have a whole hypothetical mod in my head with Wormwood as the final boss help
#rat rambles#its not like a hc event thing its just me going that would sure be sick#basically in my hcs wormwood techically Could get most of his nutrients from the earth but doesnt by choice#this is because his roots are kind of parasitic in nature sorta?#as in they do the fun dst moon thing where they try to cling onto and alter other life forms to try and make them part of themself#which wormwood doesnt like doing! its uncomfortable for the other plants and for him#and after a while the plants would fully become part of him and thatd just be a whole other can of worms#but yeah the mod idea is but what if he did just take root and sit there for a while#basically it takes place in a series of giant regions that are all a part of his root system#in my minds eye they each have a boss in them that are based on one of his costumes#thered be at least 4 main regions one thats filled with mushrooms and other cave plants that completely bock out the sun#a rainforesty area filled with spiny plants that want you dead soooo bad#a deserty area filled also filled with plants that want you dead but they eat fire this time#and a relatively normal forest with a temple in the middle where wormwood is cilling in#in my minds eye it works off of enlightenment like other lunar places but no sleepy guys ofc#instead its more like a gague of how well the plantlife around you can see you and as a result of how agressive they will be#I also imagine they are light sensitive which is both a obsticle and smth you can use to your advantage#and ofc youd be playing as wheeler because Id have to ok#anyways I musteth shower now
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stygi0medusa · 4 months
LUCI - A totally normal, Real Boy and NOT a bunch of organoids mashed into a mostly machine body
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My newest IHNMAIMS OC, I will be rambling about them a lot in the coming days, feel free to ask questions!
When the governments realized their supercomputers- their, AMs had gained sentience they knew something terrible would happen. But as humans do they yearned to understand it. But ams sentience is a freak accident….what if there was an effort to replicate and create sentience intentionally?
The Americas, Russia and China knowing their time was running out now that am was sentient briefly and barely put aside their differences and put together a team of people, and sent them to the lunar colony. They started work on the ‘Luci’ project
Luci is named after ‘Lucy’ (AL 288-1 ) put simply Luci is a bunch of sensory organelle and other lab-grown *things* mashed together and given a mostly robotic body.
Throughout the years, Luci’s body was upgraded as if they were a growing child. . .in many ways they are. Luci has the emotional maturity and mentality of a teenager albeit a teenager who has access to a database of all human knowledge. MORE BELOW!
Luci, originally existed as several organoids in Petri dishes hooked up to a computer. The computer is built specifically to learn and adapt. The machine is as built as a blank slate. It knew nothing.
the scientists hooked up the very rudimentary nervous system organoids first, Brain, Sight, and Touch 
Brain and sight were in one dish, a multicolored clump of material with what appeared to almost be an eyeball that looked around and seemed to respond to light 
The dish with the touch organelles resembled a slime mold… it seemed to act like one too. 
The touch organelles became quite the escape artist. Eventually, it got to the point where the cell clump with the touch organs got into the brain and sigh dish, fusing into….something.
This blob of viscera kept getting larger, more reactive, and more advanced….it was growing.
The scientist would start to communicate using the computer and the viscera neural link. . . It was mostly nonsense at first but the blob could at least try and form a response- something or someone was responding.
Congratulations you’ve made a fucked up baby better give it a body
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