#lurex [a dnd character of mine]
Character Files: Lurex
Photo: N/A
Age: 200 (in human years) [roughly translates to about 25 in dragon years]
Gender: Female
Species: Dragon
Reality of origin: a DnD dimension
Description: Lurex is a white bipedal dragon. Despite being a full dragon she stands no taller than a average human. Apart from that her eyes if you stare into like look almost galactic in a sense. Other than her physical appearance you will most like see her luging around a messenger bag and a sword
Power: ???
Relations: ???
Job: Archival assistant
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A spooky start to October (pt. 1)
Core: Okay lets get this show on the road Wanderer knows its October and I haven't been able to contact him for a bit all he told me was to send a email to his assistant to prepare a meeting. So I am just as much in the dark as you dear viewers and those working under the Wanderer
*in one of the meeting rooms with in the walls of where ever The Wanderer works sits Lily Todd, Guinevere, Lurex and on a wall is a screen with the Ever Ticking Clock*
Lurex: So... are we here?
Guinevere: Girl your guess is as good as mine. I hate how the Wanderer tells us nothing at times
Ever Ticking Clock: He could be messing with us it wouldn't be too odd for him
*Lily Todd smiles fingers neatly interlaced before her*
Guinevere: There is something you aren't telling us
*Lily Todd's eyes glow green*
Lily Todd: in due time, Guinevere in due time besides the others should be here soon...
*at that very moment the door opens as a small waddle dee with glasses comes in with a clipboard. He is followed by Capt. Hope and Lacey, as well as a small pastel pink kobold with motor oil on their skin and overalls, a teenager in a black bicker jacket, black cargo pants and skull t-shirt, and a meek looking doctor or researcher with thick round glasses.
Lilly Todd: ah perfect timing Joey you are right on time
Joey: Just as always, now other than The Wanderer everyone should be here so everyone take your seats and the meeting will begin soon
{End of part 1}
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the-omndell-chronicles · 11 months
A spooky start to October (pt. 3)
*as the group sits there they hear the a distinct sound of music playing down the hall*
[hi mod here I just want to say that I am using this song as I loved this movie as a kid and I still do I really need to find sometime to watch it this month actually but lets get back to the story]
Joey: Ah that should be The Wanderer
Noland: oh just end my suffering now
*at that moment The Wanderer walks in placing a box at the center of the meeting table as the music continues playing in the background*
The Wanderer: Hello everyone as you all know it is Halloween and well I just really wanted to announce I do have some notes but none of you really need to be here
*Noland, and Capt. Hope just stare at him with indignation*
Capt. Hope: your kidding me
The Wanderer: no
Noland: I...I had a meeting and you were late to this meeting making me late to that meeting.
The Wanderer: Noland... I doesn't matter remember time is non linear in Omndell. you are still on time
*Noland roles his eyes*
Noland: well I need to go remind my sister that our work is going to get extremely busy in the coming weeks
*Noland leaves after saying this. Not but a few seconds later Capt. Hope just silently and angerly gets up to leaves followed by a slightly annoyed but amused Guinevere and Dr. Good who is trying to calm Capt. Hope*
Scitta: Come on Lurex we have to plan what to do for halloween
Lurex: sorry Scitta I think I have work to d-
The Wanderer: don't worry you have all of October off
Lurex: thanks Wanderer!
*Lurex and Scitta both run off*
The Wanderer: Lacey-
Lacey: already activating the witches brew production line
The Wanderer: and Lily Todd... she is already gone just gone never even left anyways with that I think I can say let the chaos commence
[Hi everyone Mod Wanderer here and oh good god this has been brewing for a while. I meant to have this done shortly after Part 2 but then life hit me like a train and well... yeah haven't had much time for tumblr anyways I'm probably going to be fully back by week's end or beginning of next week]
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A spooky start to October (pt. 2)
*Everyone sits around the table*
Capt. Hope: so does anyone want to mention the elephant in the room.
Lurex: you mean the fact that none of us other than maybe Joey and Lily know what exactly this meeting is about.
Capt. Hope: exactly so you two... spill.
Joey: my hands are tied. I am under strict rules to not say anything until The Wanderer arrives.
Lily Todd: well I would but if I did that would make it less fun.
Capt. Hope: Why did I expect a straight answer from you.
Lacey: You expect a lot from us Hope and we try to meet said expectations.
*the teenager in the black bicker jacket, black cargo pants and skull t-shirt is the next to speak*
Noland: I don't .
*the meek looking doctor or researcher with thick round glasses speaks*
Dr. Good: Not helping Noland. Anyways Lily just give us a hint as to what is going on.
Lily Todd: your all forgetting something.
Capt. Hope: No I did all my assignments.
Dr. Good: All high priority research is still on going and I'm scheduel.
Lacey: Did I restock the bar? *checks clipboard* Huh I did what else could I have forgotten.
Lurex: I did all my assigned work.
Guinevere: our team is on break for a bit so I have no work to do.
Noland: I needed to visit some of cryptid friends then run some food over to Chie up at her mountain shrine.
*then the small pastel pink kobold with motor oil on their skin and overalls speaks*
Scitta: well I got some projects coming up in October actually speaking of that Ever Ticking Clock what day is today.
Ever Ticking Clock: Well Scitta today is October 1st.
*silence hangs in the air as they all realize what that means. Scitta and Lurex face each other looking so excited as if they were going to explode. Lacey, Joey and Lily all seemed indifferent. But Guinevere, Dr. Good, Capt. Hope and Noland all look worried*
Guinevere: oh no...
Dr. Good: Already! we aren't prepared for this I thought we had a few more days.
Capt. Hope: I swear if find any Halloween props anywhere in my house that I didn't put there I will out who did it.
Noland: Is it already too late to cash in my paid time off.
Joey: One, yes. Two, we don't get paid for this meeting it was mandatory.
Noland: this is going to be a nightmare.
{End of part 2}
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For the residents of Omdell, are you familiar with the TBD, the Time Balance Department?
The Wanderer: well I mean you should know my answer but let's shift things over to the other I think some of them have something interesting to say
*a screen glows before The Wanderer on it is the others who have been introduced. The Wanderer presses a button and a note appears before each of them.
Core: What do I know about the TBD well everything The Wanderer knows after all what am I but the digital versions of the archives of Omndell and assistant to The Wanderer
Ever Ticking Clock: The Time Balance Department? no I have no clue about who the are but based on their name, they many not be too happy with me as I cause temporal distortions around me. The clocktower isn't just for show, it has a physical effect on time and how those inside perceive it.
Guinevere: The Time Balance Department? I am sorry but I don't think I have heard of such a group. *she frowns a bit* I don't think my universe ever had anything like that
Lily Todd: Huh how funny. *her eyes glow green* Hello Wanderer and others watching us. While no I have never encountered The Time Balance Department. I have seen them in my visions of the future.
Lurex: I am not exactly familiar with them but again as The Wanderer's personal archivist I am familiar with the Time Balance Department. Weirdly enough for something that sounds so important The Wanderer barely put redactions on any of those files.
Lacey: *Lacey flips some bottles before starting to mix some drinks* The Time Balance Department...ummm? Nope sorry it doesn't ring any bells sorry but I will keep my ears out for any stories from patrons.
Capt. Hope: *she stares at the paper indignantly* ...WANDERER! Fine anyways to answer your question, maybe, maybe not, working as the The Wanderer's personal body guard, despite me thinking he is too powerful to require a bodyguard but that is besides the point. After being loaned out to him by the Foundation alongside Dr. Good, I have barely had time to do any reading on stuff in the archives he talks about. Usually when I have tasks to do The Wanderer hands me the files that are important to the mission.
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*a boy is walking around, he looks unsettled.*
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*the boy sees a white bipedal dragon. After a few seconds her head turns around and she notices him*
Lurex: oh hello there small child you look unsettled is their any way I can help you. I'm Lurex by the way
*she digs around her bag and pulls out a apple*
Lurex: here have a bite to eat
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The Wanderer: I think maybe I should take a look at this mafia situation more closely Lurex: I mean given everything else going on, if this were to leak out anywhere else things could get messy Lacey: and it seems that my brews don't work the laws of their universe deny it The Wanderer: I think its time to bring in the big guns but first I need to make a call
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*Lacey walks into the wanderers office* The Wanderer: ...okay Lurex...thank you for letting me know...yep ill be sending someone else out...yup...okay...bye Lacey: so what was that just now The Wanderer: seems like shits going sideways in the Omori universe we were watching, pack your bags with some drinks, Doctor's Orders and royal revivals are going to be helpful Lacey: of course sir *Lacey walks out of the wanderers office* The Wanderer: things are only gonna go down from here
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Lacey: Alright I am here what did you want Wanderer The Wanderer: Just waiting on Lurex Lacey: Okay but she is usually on ti... Lurex: SHOOT I AM SO SORRY GUYS...ugh I am so late The Wanderer: hey you two I need your help Lurex: yes, what is it sir Lacey: I'm all ears wanderer The Wanderer: Well maybe introduce yourselves Lacey: to who?
*Lily Todd appears out of nowhere*
Lily Todd: The askers the one's watching us Lacey: christ sakes Lily... you don't just pop out like that Lily Todd: Apologies Lacey: Well I guess I'll start I'm Lacey owner and operator of the crossroads bar. come to me me with your problems and I'll listen Lurex: and I am Lurex and despite my draconic features I am not a dragonborn but a full blooded dragon. I act as The wanderers' personal archival assistant The Wanderer: now Lurex I need you two to help with some things. Lurex I need you to use your info gathering skill things are starting to become dark Lurex: Of course sir The Wanderer: Lacey as for you open the crossroads we have visitors coming soon the bar might be helpful for your advice specially Lacey: will do
Lacey & Lurex are now open for asks The Crossroads will be opening soon
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