#lutino pearl
fishandchirps · 7 months
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The birds are protesting your offensive lack of millet! Give it up now or suffer the consequences!!
Buy the stickers here!
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freneticfloetry · 7 months
Hi Courtney! for the weird writer asks please:
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
36. They say to Write What You Know. Setting aside for a moment the fact that this is terrible advice...what do you Know?
Hi Rae! Thanks for the ask. These are fun!
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
Ooof. Irregardless. Like, setting aside the “sounds fake but okay” of it all… While it is technically an actual word, this clumsy, ridiculous double-negative mess means the exact same thing without the discordant “ir-”. Which is nonsensical! Just say “regardless”! But wait, what’s that? Most people who use this word actually think it means the opposite?
I just, I can’t.
36. They say to Write What You Know. Setting aside for a moment the fact that this is terrible advice...what do you Know?
I don’t actually think it’s always terrible advice! You certainly shouldn’t be constricted to writing what you know, or let it limit the stories you tell. But I think there’s a lot to be said for bringing some aspect of your own knowledge or history or experience into what you write, as long as it’s used as a tool to strengthen characters and serve the story.
But to actually answer the question… I know birds. African and South American parrots, specifically. Is that weird? My dad was a breeder for my whole childhood, and I basically grew up in an aviary. He specialized in Congo and Timneh Greys (and for a long time was the go-to Grey breeder in the country), but Meyers, Senegals, Caiques, Capes, Indian and African Ringnecks, Amazons, whatever. You name it, we raised it. We belonged to a regional bird club that had meetings and shows. I learned how to handfeed baby birds at 11. We all had our own pets — my mom had Poncho, who was exactly like every African Grey you’ve ever seen a special on, my sister had a peachface lovebird, Romeo, and I had my childhood cockatiel, Tango (who was a Lutino, a big sweetheart, and a pretty good talker but loved to sing). It’s been years, but I can still tell you what dominant and recessive genes you need to pair to get a whiteface pearl pied cockatiel or an albino ringneck.
I have no idea when any of that would ever be helpful in terms of writing, but there it is.
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just curious if anyone here knows a lot of about bird breeds specifically cockatiels but I’m trying to figure out what type of cockatiels my birds are but it got a bit confusing
doo doo (pictured below) is just the normal average cockatiel,grey bit of white on the wings yellow face but when he was a baby he was more pearl , they place I got him from said he was a pearl but after his first molt his feathers could change. Do grey cockatiels just start off as pearl sometimes? He still has a tint of little white feathers on him so is he a pearl or just a regular grey cockatiel??(baby photo of the right)
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As for Craig i thought he was a Lutino but he had grey feathers on his wings with a pearl design
those grey feathers where there when he was a baby but stayed the same even after he molted
Could he possibly be a pied cockatiel the place where I got him from never told me specifically (same place I got doo doo)
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(Baby Craig on the right)
TLDR: unsure what specific breed of cockatiels my birds are
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roseate-felidae · 2 years
Hi, @leslapinscretins
In reference to these merged images:
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Here are the colours for you. I have included the regular name, rex name and images of them in the mini rex rabbit.
All blue box mini rex photos are from The British Mini Rex Club.
Agouti series
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Agouti, chestnut in America. sometimes called Chestnut agouti. This is the wild rabbit colour.
Used to be called Brown grey in the old days, still is used for old breeds like Flemish Giant and Dutch.
Official name is Castor in rex, meaning "beaver". Rex used to be called Castorex until more colours were added.
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Opal, this is dilute Agouti, aka. Blue Agouti
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Cinnamon, this is Chocolate Agouti, most people don't know this name. Sometimes called Amber in rex.
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Lynx, this is dilute Chocolate Agouti, basically dilute Cinnamon or lilac Agouti.
Otter series
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Otter, comes in black, blue, chocolate and lilac.
Tan is basically otter with rufous gene, sometimes called Black and tan. But it does come in blue, chocolate and lilac aswell.
Tan is allowed in few breeds like Tan rabbit and Belgian hare. It is usually a disqualification in otter colour rabbit breeds, nicknamed "fire belly".
One of my favourite colours (I love tri and Lutino more though).
Self series
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black self, called Smoke in angora rabbits.
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blue self, the dilute of black.
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Chocolate self, in the past was called brown. Rex is named Havana, after the original chocolate rabbit breed, who in turn is named after the cigar.
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lilac self, the dilute of chocolate
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Red eyes white (REW), colloquially called White, in rex is called Ermine after the winter coat of stoats (which were used in fur industries). Is actually not a self breed but a chinchilla series. any rabbit will become this if carrying double Red eyes white. it works like a blanket, masking the other colours.
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Blue eyed white (BEW), the double form of vienna. Single version is called Vienna.
Vienna sometimes shows up as random white patches. Not all have white patches, if your rabbit has one, two or partial blue eyes, it is still carrying a vienna gene.
Blue eyed white is not related to the chinchilla series Red eyed white.
Chinchilla series
The chinchilla series removes yellow pigment. Below is chinchilla series on Agouti.
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The chinchilla or Chinrex when rex. was named after the rodent. It is Agouti and Chinchilla series.
Dilute is called Squirrel, aka. Blue chinchilla.
Chocolate and lilac chinchilla exist but are disqualified and rare.
The chinchilla series Otter rabbits
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Marten, sometimes called Silver Martin or fox. Named after the animal used in fur industry. Comes in black, blue, chocolate and lilac.
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Sable agouti (right), mostly forgotten colour, comes in black, blue, chocolate and lilac.
Actually darker and bigger face marking then image. Image is juvenile.
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Seal, comes in Marten seal, and a self version, called Siamese seal. Marten seal is double dose of shaded gene on a marten, Siamese seal is double Siamese sable..
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Martin sable, the sable gene on an otter rabbit. Needs to carry Himalayan or red eyed white to not be seal. Comes in dark, light and medium shades. Has a chocolate variant.
Kits have no pattern, develops with age.
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Martin smoke pearl, the dilute of Martin sable. Needs to carry Himalayan or red eyed white to not be seal. Comes in dark, light and medium shades.
Kits have no pattern, develops with age.
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Siamese sable, the self version of sable marten. Needs to carry Himalayan or red eyed white to not be seal. Comes in dark, light and medium shades.
Kits have no pattern, develops with age.
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Siamese smoke pearl, sometimes shortened to smoke pearl. The dilute of Siamese sable. Needs to carry Himalayan or red eyed white to not be seal. Comes in dark, light and medium shades.
Kits have no pattern, develops with age.
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Himilayan, a temperature based albinism. Named after the cat. Also called Californian and pointed white. Comes in black, blue, chocolate and lilac.I
A self breed. Agouti or otter is called martenized Himalayan and is disqualified.
Born white, pattern develops with age.
non extension-
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Orange. used to be called yellow, old breeds like Dutch are still called Yellow. Called Fawn in Angora. Becomes red when paired with rufous gene. not a self rabbit but actually an Agouti based rabbit.
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Fawn, dilute orange. Sometimes called Beige. Not a self rabbit but Agouti based.
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harlequin, sometimes called Japanese harlequin or Japanese. It is a Agouti breed. Self versions are faded and called tort based harlequins. Tort based harlequins are disqualified.
Comes in Black-orange, blue-fawn, chocolate -Orange and lilac-fawn
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magpie. Pairing of harlequin and Chinchilla series
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Sooty fawn, sometimes called tort. Is named tortoiseshell in rex. a self shaded breed that is non extension. The dilute of sooty fawn is called Beige.
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Sable point. Is a Tort mixed with chinchilla series.I
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Broken. Called Dalmatian in Rex. Shown above is Dalmation Bi. It is also called English, spotted and butterfly. Needs to be blanket version on most. Spotted version is allowed on rex. spotted required on English spot, rhinelander, giant papillion and dwarf papillon.
In its double form it's white with head markings and Herringbone on back. The double is called "Charlie " after the incomplete nose marking resembling Charlie Chaplin moustache.
Booted- broken is only shown as white feet on solid rabbit. Disqualified.
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Tri colour. Called dalmatian tri in rex, tri in others. It's similar to Tri-colour Dutch (except that's harlequin and dutch, not harlequin and broken.) The English also comes in tri colour. It is not excepted in most breeds. One of my favourite colours!!!!!!
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Lutino. A new mutation. While albinism removes melanin, if it removes yellow it makes albino, if it keeps yellow it's a lutino.
All Lutino have red eyes. On an agouti rabbit it is called Shadow Lutino (it has grey fur closer to skin), on Orange it is just Lutino and on self it is called Dove (Beige in America).
On the left is lutino and the right is Dove.
Unstandardized in most breeds, has been recently allowed in Netherland dwarf rabbits.
This is my favourite rabbit (and bird) colour mutation!!!!
Colours without images-
I hit my image limit on this post. :(
these are some other colours below.
Dutch - only allowed in Dutch rabbits. Used to be called belted. There was a "new style" that had four boots and thin blaze and collar. Thankfully the old style is what stayed. has a white "belt" that covers the front legs, a "blaze" and two white back feet called "stops". Some mini lops call it split.
Steel- sometimes called steel grey. In double form is nearly black and called super steel.
Frosty- a white rabbit with very faint points. Made by mixing sooty fawn and chinchilla series. Unstandarised in every breed.
Sallander- rare variety breed, "Base colour pearl with blackish brown guard hairs giving a veil of pale charcoal". Made from shaded and sooty fawn.
Thuringer- rare variety breed. "buff to deep yellow ochre with blue-black ticking"
Well I'm finished, it took all night and my hands cramped, but it's done!
You didn't ask but I was enslaved by some otherworldly autistic forces took the opportunity.
* updated, removed spelling mistakes basically*
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cetrouz · 1 year
I was researching a bit about cockatiels and I ended up discovering the given names for different cockatiel colors. I like looking through genetics so I'm going over the genetics of all the cockatiels I had, here we go!
(this is very fucking long my apologies)
My very first cockatiel Nina (female) was a lutino (full yellow cockatiel with red eyes). Not sure if she was a pure lutino because it has been so long, but a prominent feature she had was red eyes which is exclusive to lutino cockatiels. No pictures of her because I had her ages ago. Rest in peace Nina.
Lutino is a sex-linked mutation.
Chico (male) is a normal cinnamon (light grey/brownish gray cockatiel with normal yellow face). And Lady (female) is a cinnamon pied (light grey/brownish gray cockatiel with yellow splotches around body).
Cinnamon is a sex-linked mutation while pied is recessive mutation. Because both parents are cinnamon, all the babies will be cinnamon! But for the babies to be pied, Chico needs to have a split for the mutation (aka have one recessive gene). We don't know Chico's parents for sure, all we can expect is that either there's a 50% chance that the offspring will be pied if Chico has a split for pied. If Chico doesn't have the split, then all babies will be normal like Chico (though they will be split).
TLDR: There's either a 50% chance the babies will look like Lady, or 100% chance the babies will look like Chico. It all depends on Chico's unknown genetics
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For the couple I had before, the unnamed male is a normal gray (gray cockatiel with normal yellow face). Pipoca (female) is likely a pearl lutino (yellow cockatiel with lighter specks at the tip of the feathers and red eyes).
I have a suspicion that the male is also pearl gray, but it's difficult to notice on male adults because their coats tend to return to normal as they grow. I got Chico when he was 4-5 months old and I'm sure he is not pearled. As for the unnamed male, I had him when he was already an adult, so maybe he could have the gene or not.
Anyways, Lutino and pearl are both sex-linked mutations. The normal gray is a dominant mutation. Because I ALSO don't know the male's genetics, he could have a split for her genetics too. Because there's a lot of genetic variety between the two, I'll put the possibilities down here like a thread (I'm not 100% sure if it's correct!):
- If the father is not a lutino split, all babies will be grays, all the males containing a split for the gene because it's a sex-linked gene.
- If the father is a split for lutino, there's a 50% chance the babies will come out lutino, no matter the gender. The gray males will all have a split for the gene.
- If the father is not a pearl split, all babies will be normal, all the males containing a split for the gene because it's a sex-linked gene.
- If the father is a split for pearl, there's a 50% chance the babies will come out pearled, no matter the gender. The normal males will all have a split for the gene.
- If the father is pearled, all babies will be pearled.
I'm not measuring all the possibilities for the two traits together because that would be a FUCKTON of work! Sex-linked genes are a little more complex to work with.
Fun fact! While in human biology the female sex is indicated by XX and the male sex is indicated by XY, on most birds it's the opposite! The female sex is indicated by ZW and the male sex is indicated by ZZ! So their sex-linked mutations work the opposite way from humans.
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I think after making this thread I can become a biologist.
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harkthorn · 1 year
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Zooming in on his feathers and pretending he's a super rare male pearl lutino cockatiel
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mohe · 1 year
Cockatiel Genetics
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rosilement · 6 years
Azriel everybody
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cuckariki · 5 years
another minecraft mod post.
you guys got cockatiels? they got mutations?
reblog this post or dm me with their name and a picture of them. 
i want to add easter egg color morphs (with a couple names for each morph) and i think the best way to do it is use actual birds with actual names.
if you want, once the mod is released, you can name your cockatiel mob with a name tag and have it show up with your bird’s colors.
thanks in advance.
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birdlebird · 5 years
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Trying to beat the heat!
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lune-room · 5 years
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she’s trying to teach him how to pet. he has yet to learn but she’s trying
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skidar · 7 years
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Long overdue art for a friend who lost her precious girl Gracie a while ago. Its so hard to lose a companion, but Gracie had an amazing life with my friend and I’m sure she couldn’t have been loved more by anyone else.
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pasbaantm · 3 years
Male is cheery and female is lutino. Confirm pair. Price: 4200
Age: 4.5 months.
Cocktail pair ;
Male is charcoal and female is pearl. Confirm breedor pair. Or you can exchange charcoal male with female
because I have 3 male and 1 female. Price: 5200
Peach face male:
click here for more details
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bonito-benito-blog · 7 years
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furblrwurblr · 4 years
Atlas, Medusa, Odysseus
Atlas- Favourite myth?
My absolute favorite myth is how peacocks got the eyes on their tails:) shoutout to my man argus
Medusa- Do you have any pets? 
Three! A pied cinnamon pearl lutino cockatiel and 2 sugar gliders! Names are Kira Cai-cai, Kili, and Fili as the gliders are twins!
Odysseus- Do you finish tasks quicker, or does it take time for you to get through them? 
Fuck I take so long doing stuff
I am not able at all to focus on one task for an extended amount of time
Games and music? Np
Anything of consequence? I'm fucked
But it's alright, I'm working thru it still
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submitted by @perceus123
Recently my brother decided to split two of his cockatiels from his flock of 4 and asked me to take them, so I spent the last few days in a rush trying to get my old rat cage cleaned and put together for them.
Currently they have two ropes, a corner rack made out of wrapped wood, a fake branch, and some miscellaneous toys. They’re on a mix of seeds and pellets, as that’s what they were on previously.
Their cage is a double critternation, but the bottom half is pretty barren right now. Neither bird is particularly tame, but they will step up with some coaxing.
They’ve only been in the cage for a couple days, and they’ve been around most of the cage, but haven’t touched the toys much.
Their cage is still very much a WIP, but do you know any good ideas for the bottom half of the cage, or anywhere else? In the future, when they’re more tame, I’d like to try and give them flight time in the room and give them novel fruits and veggies.
I’m unsure how old they are, but the lutino bird was in his care for about a year, and the pearl for a few years. The two had been taking turns sitting on eggs, so he believes they bonded.
I think the key to having an enriching environment for birds is having enough things that you can rotate toys, perches, etc. in and out to keep it new and interesting. It’d probably be good to start stocking up on new items when you can find/afford them, even if you’re not planning to put them in the cage right now. And don’t be afraid to get creative! It doesn’t necessarily have to be marketed for birds to make a good bird item, just make sure the materials are bird safe. You can also use a lot of cardboard and paper crafts to make fun shred-able foraging toys for them. 
As for cage ideas, my Bird Tag isn’t super extensive, but there’s some good stuff in there that might help inspire you. There’s also a few really great bird blogs on tumblr you could check out. @flock-talk comes to mind, but I know there’s more.
Anyone who has ideas or other great blogs they love is welcome to comment!
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