#lyon's depiction of their character fascinates me
muozu · 11 months
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cena316aa · 7 years
Turns out I have a formula for my favorite characters
Okay, bear with me and keep in mind that this is MY formula so obviously it may not (or it may, who knows) apply to you.
So, I tend to like characters who have characteristics of an asshole, ie they torment the “nice” character, (A) but their actions are usually helpful and kind (B); there’s a formulaic structure to this.
This means that their total Asshole Ratio (AR) depends on how much of A and B they do. If throughout the series, their actions tend to be more helpful and kind to the “nice” character (usually the protagonist) more than attacking (either verbally or physically), their ratio will be little a and big B because they are more helpful (B) than they are an asshole (a), hence Asshole Ratio (AR)=a/B (keep in mind that a is always over b)
Example: Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter)
He is a bit of an asshole to Harry. He bullies him and belittles him. Then again, as we are still learning, he has aided him so much. Therefore, he was more helpful (B) than an asshole (a) so his AR would be a/B
And, these are my favorite characters: a/B
Another example: Levi (Attack on Titan)
He is a pretty cold character and rarely tries to soothe anybody (plus he’s a vicious titan slayer), so his personality has a few asshole traits; however, he’s saved the main trio many times and has shown to be protective of them. Hence, his asshole traits are nothing compared to his actions depicting kindness. So, he’s an a/B
Now, if the character is more of an asshole than he is helpful the ratio would be A/b (capital A, lowercase b).
Example: Hannibal Lecter (Hannibal)
Yes. Killing and eating people makes him a “bit” of an asshole. Not only that but he messed Will up badly. But, he did help him out (in his own way). His helpfulness, though, was based off of selfishness (he wanted to see what happened) and does not make up for how much of an asshole he was so his AR would be A/b
But, just because they're the opposite of my favorite character ratio does not mean I hate them. They’re more of my “you piss me off so much but you are such a fascinating character so I kinda like you” list, but that’s too long of a name so I’ll just call it my “not my favorite” list. I like Hannibal, but he’s not my favorite. Will Graham is (a/B)
Now, obviously it’s all based on your opinion which is why I said this is MY formula for MY favorite characters. Let’s continue, though
 So, if a/B is my favorite and A/b is “not my favorite,” what’s my hate formula?
Easy. It’s this. Let’s do Kilgrave from Jessica Jones.
He abused Jess. He destroyed her. He is definitely a big A....What about his helpfulness? HAHAHA! NONfuckingExistent! So his AR=A And I fucking HATE HIM
Negan from the Walking Dead....AR=A. HATE HIM
Okay so you got a/B (my favorite) and A/b (not my favorite) and A (HATE) but what about B?
These characters are the sweet ones. The ones that do no harm. They are my “I love you so much even though you’re not my favorite” list, or, to shorten it out, “my sons” list. (I use “son” as a gender neutral term, btw). 
Steven Universe is a great example. He’s a B. He is in no way an asshole but his helpfulness and kindness level is so high. And, I love him so much, but my favorite character would probably be Amethyst who is kinda of an a/B.
So, to summarize, my favorite characters are a/B where a is equal to how much they torment the “nice” character (usually protagonist) and b is equal to how kind and helpful they are to said character (their actions must be selfless, though). If a character possesses more helpful traits than asshole traits their ratio would be AR=a/B
If the character is more of a tormentor than a helper their AR=A/b
If a character is just a straight up asshole their AR=A
And, if a character is too pure for this world their AR=B
To me: 
A/b=not my fave
To you: 
Idk, whatever. My FAVE might be your HATE. Maybe your faves are B’s. Idk. But, I had fun with this. 
Also, this is all based on your point of view, and it’s not exactly perf even for me cuz I’d consider Jamal Lyon (Empire) a B, yet he’s my fave, but for the most part most of my faves fall under a/B (like Cookie, who’s my second fave in that show). And, yes...it is possible for an A/b to become an a/B and a B to turn into an A and whatever. Nothing’s concrete.
Haha sorry for all the math
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