#lyra nystrom
mistborn-bastard · 16 days
Character List!
Alphabetical order so I manage to remember them all oops
Aeddan Salehi - Human Daredevil | He/Him | Spine fulla rocks
Aethus Dekarios - Sylvari Virtuoso | He/Him| an escaped bg3 guy
Agorix The Fallen - Charr Deadeye | It/She | Abandoned cat :(
Alvida Folkedottir - Norn Virtuoso | She/Her | Not quite a ghost
Artain Caoimh - Sylvari Willbender | They/He | A creature :)
Ateius Forgeheart - Charr Scrapper | He/Him | Gay old man
Brawler Kytex - Asura Warrior | No Pronouns | A criminal (dumbass)
Bwifax - Asura Ranger | They/It | Burnt out icon
Ceinwen Vaughan - Sylvari Revenant | She/They | Mallyx is her bestie
Chunky Pepsi Drinker - ??? Harbinger | He/Him | THATS MEEEE
Comhghall The Bound - Sylvari Beserker | He/It | One of the podtwats
Crown Of Fools - ??? ??? | They/She/He | *steals ur pronouns*
Damai Vespati - Sylvari Druid | They/Them | My Commander <3
DYMP - Charr Untamed | Any | Absolute menace
Dulcis The Golden - Sylvari Scourge | They/Them | Sad :(
Erika Tirbjorn - Norn Beserker | She/Her | Bear hug :D
Explorer Brónach - Sylvari Thief | She/They | No mounts allowed
Firstborn Talfryn - Sylvari Mesmer | He/They | Invented horny for sylvari
Ghil Taibhse - Sylvari Vindicator | He/Him | bites u bites u bites u
Indras Vespati - Sylvari Soulbeast | He/Him | Angry dog boy
Jax Voidstalker - Charr Revenant | He/It | A magical mess
Kestrel Atropa - Sylvari Chronomancer | She/Her | studies u like a bug
Lassa Nerium - Sylvari Scourge | She/Her | Meanest plant alive
Liliyana Nyx - Human Reaper | She/Her | Goth milf
Lyra Plushbelly - Charr Dragonhunter | She/Her | My cat <3
Magitechnician Khol - Asura Mechanist | She/Her | Weapon enjoyer
Mao The Magpie King - Norn Specter | It/Its | hands u a shiny rock
Midnight Acolyte - Norn Elementalist | She/It | What if Kronk was a lady
Myrddn Sinensis - Sylvari Mirage | He/Him | Hot pink binch
Nerius Llyr - Human Willbender | He/Him | Pirate captain turned vamp
Ophelia Cordylata - Sylvari Harbinger | She/They | Mind control spores :)
Ormar Thodrekson - Norn Firebrand | He/Him | Werewolf Wolfborn
Peacemaker Xot - Asura Spellbreaker | He/Him | The worst™
Rossana Emris - Human Deadeye | She/Her | Babygiiiiiiirl
Technician Nioza - Asura Weaver | She/They | Roborat <3
Thwayya Nystrom - Norn Engineer | She/Her | YEEEEHAAAWW
Totally Not Eggman - Norn Mechanist | hey wait a minute whats he doing here
Vesila Stonecrusher - Charr Warrior | She/Her | hates her dad
Voletta Amante - Human Bladesworn | She/Any | A ghost butch AND a trans mech
Vulso Blightsmoke - Charr Elementalist | He/Him | Gay old man.....2!
Wanderer Wrillo - Asura Chronomancer | He/Him | Worlds saddest smallest cowboy
Zyttara Wildstrike - Charr Elementalist | He/She | WILL punch you
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critical-quoter · 10 months
October Books
(Look at that... Just a few short massive posts and I'm all caught up with my monthly books read.)
Twisted Game - Eva Ashwood ⭐⭐ Temptation - Ivy Smoak ⭐ Broken Souls - Ariana Cane ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Kenna's Dragon - Leigh Miller ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Chasing Your Ghost - Maggie Fields ⭐⭐⭐ Of Deathless Shadows - K. M. Moronova ⭐⭐ Bittersweet Memories - Catharina Maura ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Silver or Lead - Darcy Halifax ⭐⭐⭐⭐ One-Way Ride - Darcy Halifax ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Tempted - Zoe Ashwood ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Ensnared - Zoe Ashwood ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Seduced - Zoe Ashwood ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Screwed - Torri Heat ⭐⭐⭐⭐ When She Unravels - Gabrielle Sands ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Return to Us - Corinne Michaels ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Consolation - Corinne Michaels ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Conviction - Corinne Michaels ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ The Warrior Midwife - E. P. Bali ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ The Warrior Priestess - E. P. Bali ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ The Warrior Queen - E. P. Bali ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Fated Crossing - Michelle Rose ⭐⭐ The Society #StalkerProblems - Ivy Smoak ⭐ Hookah Smoking Caterpillar - Beatrix Hollow ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Fire and Ice - Victoria Paige ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Truth and Other Lies - Lyra Wolf ⭐⭐⭐⭐ The Order of Chaos - Lyra Wolf ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Eat Your Heart Out - Eden O'Neill ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Grumpy Romance - Nia Arthurs ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Sweet Venom - L. A. Ferro ⭐⭐⭐ Crooked Paradise - Eva Chase and Harlow King ⭐⭐ Hopeless - Elsie Silver ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Best Laid Plans - L. K. Farlow ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Cruel Deception - Monica Kayne ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Summer's Snow - Carly H. Mannon ⭐⭐⭐⭐ The Payback - Julie Weaver ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Man Possessed - Haley Tyler ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Carter's Flame - Tiffany Patterson ⭐⭐⭐⭐ King's Bride - Beck Michaels ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Ascend - Swati M. H. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Scandalous Games - Simran ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Flow - Kennedy Ryan ⭐⭐⭐ Divine Wickedness - Lexes L. Saia ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Ranger - Dr. Rebecca Sharp ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ The Ever King - L. J. Andrews ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ The Devil's Reward - Emily Rose ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Captured Light - Raya Morris Edwards ⭐⭐⭐ Curse of Shadows and Thorns - L. J. Andrews ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Court of Ice and Ash - L. J. Andrews ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Academy of Protectors - Gray Holbern ⭐ Icebreaker - Hannah Grace ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Bait - Jade West ⭐ Triple Threat - K. Webster ⭐⭐⭐ Faux Beau - Marina Adair ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Den of Vipers - K. A. Knight ⭐ Animus - Ophelia Bell ⭐⭐⭐ The Hating Game - Sally Thorne ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ A Broken Throne of Bronze - Renna Ashley ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Star-Crossed Letters - Sarah Deeham ⭐⭐⭐⭐ A Bond of Broken Glass - T. A. Lawrence ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ A Throne of Blood and Ice - T. A. Lawrence ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ A Voice Without Reason - Irene Bahrd ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ The Call of the Sea - Kate Schumacher ⭐⭐⭐ Hate You Later - Ciara Blume ⭐⭐ Mute - M. L. Nystrom ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Escaping Liam - H. L. Swan ⭐⭐⭐ House of Earth and Blood - Sarah J. Maas ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
66 total books read for October 2023
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ancientechos · 4 years
The Island Adventure [P1?]
For @meepsthemiqo ‘s Castaway WoL AU!
Mentions of @windup-dragoon​
Brigid & Lyra ♡ 1016 words ♡ no spoilers/indeterminate timeframe
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“Mama! Mama?! Mama!”
Alarm causes the viera’s blood to seize into ice as she bolts up. The small hands shaking at her shoulder vanish as the girl peering above her scoots back to avoid collision. Brigid tastes sand when she opens her mouth to speak; turning to the side, she coughs violently, spitting out grit. Grimacing, she turns back to stare at the pale-haired girl sitting in the sand next to her. Sand...?
Brigid can’t remember anything past the pounding in her head. But she’s certain that this isn’t where they’re supposed to be...or what they’re supposed to be doing. Her daughter’s face has a sizable, dark bruise on her cheek, and her clothes are dark from water, but, strangely, relatively dry. Just how long have they been like this?
“Lyra.” She lifts a sand-blotted hand to touch against the girl’s face. Lyra’s reddish, almost pink-hued eyes, well up with tears.
“Mama,” she sobs, throwing herself into the woman’s arms. “I was afraid you weren’t gonna wake up...”
Brigid’s arms close tightly around the girl, pulling her into her lap. A pang of guilt stabs deeply at her chest, though the expression doesn’t manage to surface on her face. Instead, she presses her mouth to the top of the girl’s flaxen hair in a gentle kiss.
“I’m sorry. I’m all right. You don’t...you don’t need to worry about me.” For some reason, it’s difficult to get the words out. Too difficult. Her tongue feels too large for her mouth. It’s -- it’s hot. She must be thirsty. And while there is certainly plenty of water within reach now...she is all too aware that it isn’t drinkable. If she just had her pack...but right now she needs to focus on Lyra. The girl is still sobbing, rubbing her tearful eyes against Brigid’s torn shirt.
“A-at first I was o-okay,” she mumbles, wrapping her arms tight around Brigid’s middle. “I-I even made a f-friend!” The woman’s jaw clenches with this new revelation, though for the moment she refrains from asking. It appears, however, that there was never any need -- Lyra lifts her head and twists slightly in her arms to point somewhere to the left.
Looking up, her heart sinking into her stomach, Brigid squints against the beaming sun to look where she had been bade. Sitting upon a rock in the sand is...some sort of...small bird? It peers at her with large black eyes, ruffling its multicoloured feathers with a squeak. Though mostly green, it also sports black, red, and blue plumage -- most notably its red neck and blue crown.
She has to resist the urge to sigh in relief. At least it isn’t some sort of godsforsaken creature. -- Or so it appears.
“But then...then a long time passed...and I couldn’t find anyone...and then I got scared of leaving you, b-because you didn’t wake up...” The girl breaks off into sobs again as she presses her face against her. Brigid rubs a hand soothingly up and down her back, smoothing her rumpled shirt as she does so.
“But I’m all right now,” Brigid rasps gently. “We’re both okay. Right?” The viera girl looks up at her with large eyes and nods. “Do you know how long we’ve been here?”
“No...but it feels like hours and hours.”
Of course. With a final groan, Brigid heaves to her feet, lifting Lyra with her, before settling her down once more. To her vague amazement, the bird flutters up from its rock to perch upon her shoulder. Well then.
“You said you couldn’t find others...there were...others?” Brigid asks, as she inconspicuously pats herself down, squinting across the sand for...anything. Her pack, her tools, her weapon -- anything she might be able to use.
“You don’t remember?” Lyra asks, stumbling back a little as she watches her. “We were on the ship...we were supposed to be having fun. And then...then something happened...and Kirishimi told us all to jump off...it was scary...”
She can’t remember -- any of this. Brigid feels as if a large chunk of her mind had simply been scooped out and done away with. The sensation is -- disconcerting. She suspects the pounding in her head has something to do with it.
Frowning severely, the woman gives nothing more than a nod as she continues surveying her surroundings. Suddenly, among the wreckage of wooden crates and waves, she sees something glinting.
There’s fruits, she notes, as she approaches. Seawater-soaked, but perhaps better than nothing. She hopes. But more importantly...there’s an axe. While it is most certainly not her axe, it is an axe, and for her purposes, it will be enough. Picking it up with a grunt, she swings it up to heft it onto her shoulder. She grips Lyra’s hand with her free one.
Things would be different if...she weren’t here. The girl is a liability, no matter how much she adores her. And --
“Lyra.” Her name grinds out between her teeth as she looks down at the young viera. One of her ankles is swollen -- rather nastily. “Your ankle -- “
“Oh, this? It’s okay, it doesn’t hurt too bad. I was walking around just fine.” The smile her daughter gives her is far too bright for the circumstances. Brigid wants to curse herself for not noticing sooner.
“No,” she snaps, dropping both her hand and tossing the axe into the sand. She scoops the girl up bringing her onto dry land, and sets her down. Kneeling, she gently touches the injured limb with her fingers. Though Lyra doesn’t make a sound, Brigid doesn’t miss the way her lips scrunch. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because it doesn’t hurt!” The girl is now absolutely glaring at her. “I was walking around just fine earlier! It doesn’t hurt at all!”
The older viera closes her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose as she exhales loudly. She has no idea where she is...or where anyone else is. And, as her luck would have it, Lyra is injured.
-- They’d need to find help.
But first thing’s first.
“Did you eat anything while I was...out?”
“Yeah! The birdie showed me some pretty berries.”
“Of course...”
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ancientechos · 5 years
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Brigid’s daughter isn’t an NPC ship kid but she’s Brigid’s kid and I love her.
Her name is Lyra! Her full name is Lyra Nystrom. She is half hyur and takes some physical features from her father – namely, his blonde hair.
As an adult she is a little bit shorter than Brigid.
Fun fact, I created her and Brigid when I was still in Stormblood…I was kind of shocked to find a viera named Lyna on the First…
At the start of ARR, she’s about five to six years old!
For most of the canon storyline, she stays with her mother’s tribe. Occasionally, Brigid and the other WoL come to visit her.
Like her mother, she’s pretty handy with a lot of weapons and also physically fit and athletic.
However, she thinks her older sort-of-brother E’lija is pretty cool and tends to favour bows as a result. Sadly she isn’t as musically inclined as he is though :<
She is a lot more outgoing than Brigid! Some might even call her a little hyperactive as a child, though she mellowed out as she got older.
She loves helping out however she can and isn’t one to turn away those in need.
Due to her tribe’s newfound mistrust of outsiders, however, she can be quite cautious at first. However she’s typically the first to warm up to someone new. Some consider her rather naive.
She dreams of going on her own adventures just like her mom, though maybe not as dangerous. Not that she’s scared, but she’d like to think the world will be a better place!
With those younger than her, she tends to fall into an older sister type role really easily. She really enjoys explaining things to others and being nurturing (though “motherly” isn’t quite the right word to describe her, she’s far more lax and teasing).
She doesn’t shy away from physically demanding work and typically tries to take on responsibility for most things to give others the least amount of trouble possible.
Like her mother, she’s not a fan of flimsy insubstantial things and prefers to keep herself grounded. However if she’s been proven something is fact or simply works, she’ll accept it without thinking too much about it. No point in stressing over something needlessly after all.
Also like her mother, she’s not afraid of stepping up and voicing her opinion, especially if there’s something she dislikes or has a problem with. She’s assertive, not shy.
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ancientechos · 4 years
FFXIVwrite2020 | Masterlist
No ships, character-centric: Brigid Nystrom [WoL]
Expac/Verse: Pre-ARR
Words: 362 words
They are fast, but she is faster, ripping through the trees at a pace that would make most wild predators flinch. This is her forest, and they are all the more fools for thinking they could best her here.
The sack slung over one of the men’s shoulders writhes like a fish, stoking the viera’s curdling rage.
The day had begun like any other, until they’d let the children alone for a few minutes. It wasn’t anything unusual, merely preparing a meal while the girls and boys played together. But apparently such actions had been frowned upon today.
There had been kidnappers lurking in the woods, after all.
With a practised fury, Brigid pulls an arrow from her quiver, knocks the bow in her hands. The arrow flies, pinning the first — empty-handed — man to one of the trees. Her sisters will deal with him.
The man with the sack flinches for a moment, looks back at his partner’s pleading, but even he is aware there is no going back. He simply shakes his head and continues on, though he will not get very far.
She wants nothing more than to ruin him, though she knows so long as he has that bag — now concerningly still — such a thing is unadvisable lest she accidentally hurt the young girl within. So she musters her patience; waits until the man pauses, hesitating, at the bank of a shallow river.
Bursting from the foliage, Brigid gives him no time to react. She shoves a shoulder against his back, unbalancing him, and rips his cargo from his shoulders. Tearing the sack open, she reveals Lyra to the open, her head lolling backward even as she takes in a deep breath of fresh air.
The girl is taken from her hands by another of her sisters, and without hesitation Brigid rounds upon the man, still floundering in the water.
Filthy hyur, they’re all the same, aren’t they?
Fisting her hand in his shirt, she reels him up as she looms above him.
“Now,” she snarls through gnashed teeth, red eyes burning like twin flames, “what have you done with my daughter?”
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