#lyrics: ''puppe'' by rammstein
morgana-lefay · 6 months
I've been reading Till's poetry book, "In Stillen Nächten" ("Nas Noites Tranquilas") and I'm actually enjoying most of the poems. Some seem to make no sense or I just don't think I understand them (many times I catch myself commenting in the end "What the fuck did I just read?"😅). Others make me laugh. My favourites, so far, are the most depressive and fatalist, I'm reckoning (guess it's the Portuguese in me). And there are others that make me a bit more uncomfortable (although I think this book is "lighter" on that matter compared to what I've read about Messer). But, in the end, they all make me feel something.
This means, I will, most likely, be sharing some of my favourites, particularly in Portuguese.
Right now, I feel like talking about one called "Wenn Mutti spät zur Arbeit geht" ("When Mother goes to work late"/"Quando a Mãe vai trabalhar tarde").
Wenn Mutti spät zur Arbeit geht Wenn Mutti spät zur Arbeit geht Dann bleibe ich allein Sie wirft mir Zwieback auf den Mund Schließt mich im Zimmer ein Wenn Mutti spät zur Arbeit muß Fährt nicht mit Bus noch Bahn Ihr Arbeitsplatz ist gar nicht weit Ist das Zimmer nebenan Sie kommen und sie gehen Manchmal auch zu zweit Die späten Vögel singen Und wenn die Mutti schreit Wenn sie mich früh zu Bette schickt Sagt ich soll nicht traurig sein Weint mir ein bißchen ins Gesicht Schließt mich im Zimmer ein Sie kommen und sie gehen Das Licht im Fenster rot Ich sehe zu durchs Schlüsselloch Und einer schlug sie tot Traurig war ich vorher schon Die Mutter fehlt mir nicht Ich riech an ihren Schlüpfern Und mal mir ihr Gesicht
During my searches, I ended up on RammWiki (bless them) and was linked to MusikGuru, to find that there's a GDR children's song called "Wenn Mutti Früh Zur Arbeit Geht". Well, I'm assuming (and then, after reading the RammWiki page, confirmed) this poem takes inspiration from said song, which was interesting to learn.
As we know, Till adapts some of his poems into Rammstein songs and Lindemann/his solo work (we can read some more familiar lines in this book, that I might bring up too) and for those of you who get the language, you might have already noticed he made this one darker and it became "Puppe".
The GDR song talks about Mom having to go to work early and how the child engages in all these age appropriate chores while, also, having time to play with her "child doll" ("puppenkind"), certainly training her to be a good mother one day.
Till's poem and lyrics twist it around, setting the time in darker hours and giving it a darker meaning. In the poem, the child is on his own, after Mom feeds him a biscuit and shuts him in his room. Mother seems to be a prostitute and her work place is the room next door. He peeps through the lock and sees her getting killed by one of her clients. There's, then, a final verse where he adds how he's been sad before and won't miss her.
In "Puppe", he filled the text more and upped the weird/dark scale. This time, the story goes around a sister and no longer a mother. Same line of work, same working place [from what translation gives me, he gets a bit ironic and goes on a little word play here, changing from work place ("Arbeitsplatz") to creative place ("Schaffensplatz")] and same fate in the end. He picks the doll part from the GDR song, as the sister leaves it with him and it keeps him company (and they take it up a notch live). There's also a change to what he's feeding on - from biscuits to medicine. Contrary to the child in the poem, who wasn't sad anymore, the child in Puppe gets increasingly upset and angry, until, putting all these emotions out in the doll, ends up making him feel better.
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Flake's podcast - Crying /Weinen
podcast on 2023-05-09, the YT link also has the songlist in the description 🌺
'Weinen' this time, translated into english as Crying, but as Flake mentions, Crying can be both the kind with tears and 'shouting'. But he too would translate it as Crying, like at the very start where Flake starts a long 'Cryyyyy Baby' (tee dum dum) 😊 as an introduction by the song by Janis Joplin, he even sings along with Janis's intro for a few notes 😊
Right at the very beginning also an offhand remark, which has nothing to do with the topic, about his friend Paulo back in the old days singing a song in the schoolyard that Flake didn't know (Paulo had all kinds of different albums) and only years later found it which song it was. When they play and record a new song with the band, Flake heard the music so often that he doesn't even need to hear it anymore, because he's got it all in his head, but with Paulo's song he didn't know the musicand couldn't make sense of the song 🌺
Flake's playlist today feels a little shorter than usual, but i think it's because there are several longer songs on it, including, from 0h08 two Rolling Stones songs, and at 0h58, almost traditionally for Flake's podcast, a song by Die Ärzte 'Und ich weine' (Flake mentioned in an earlier podcast that Die Ärzte seem to have a song for every topic he comes up with 😊).
A very untranslatable phrase at 1h24 when he mentions he would like some German artist would make an album with songs just for kids (just like Johnny Cash did, who he plays right before), and says he already has a great bit of potential lyric from his daughter who told him "Sitzt ein Kuckuck auf ein Baum, kommt ein Hai forbei. Der sagt 'Kuckuck' zu dem Kuckuck, der sagt 'Hi' zum Hai" (which indeed has a great ring to it to use in a kid's song). Right after, Flake follows with a quote from 'our guitarist Paul' who said "Ich hab dich so lieb, aus Zeitungsvertrieb" (which i guess might have been 'Zeitvertrieb' (passtime), because now it translates to "I love you a lot as newspaper distribution" 🤔), which Flake thinks is 'Total Geil' as a poem, but he thinks Paul might just have reading an advertising slogan on a truck 😄 (by the way, i can confirm that German trucks often have great slogans on them 😊). And friend Paulo (another mention for him) made a short poem "Mein Name ist 'Na und'. Ich bin nicht ganz gesund" (it sounds weird in translation, so i'll skip it 😄), which Flake thinks it's so great he could almost cry. And so we are back on topic 😊
The duality in the word 'Cry' is shown best through the song by german singer-songwriter Bettina Wegner 'No woman no cry' (at 0h32), and because i really liked it, i found you a version of it on YT
Now i hear you thinking "uhm... notafraidofetcetc...did Flake maybe mention Rammstein a little bit somewhere?" 😊 why yes, he did 😊 After abt 0h23) the song 'Marmor, Stein und Eisen bricht' by Drafi Deutscher (in Germany a very well known song), which has the words 'Dam, Dam' as a sort of countervocal, well those words were considered as the title for 'our last album that didn't get a name' (which is obviously the Untitled album, i think Flake forgot for a minute that they published another album after that 🌺 'Letzte' (which is the phrase he uses) can mean Latest and Last, but as we know now it was neither...but i digress). They did use the 'Dam dam' quote in the song 'Puppe' as in 'I tear the head off the doll, dam dam' because they thought it sounded perverse in the Marmor Stein und Eisen song, the used it for the perversion in Puppe. But in the end 'Dam Dam' wasn't used as album title, Flake muses "when i like something, it's a sure sign that 4 or 5 of the others won't like it".
This leads to the next song, which is 'a song by us' that has to do with 'Weinen', namely 'Wilder Wein' (which is interesting that he uses this, usually the translation of 'Wein' in this case is 'Wine', so either he's taking some liberty with the topic, or we've all been translating it wrong) (my guess is the former 😊). This is a song that Till pretty much came up with, as Flake tells us at 0h24, Till mainly makes music to impress women 😄 With 'First Arsch' he played drums, which is fine for concerts, but at parties you rarely have a drumkit at hand. However a piano often is there, so he came up with a small melody played with the left hand (not that Flake means this in a derogatory way, he really likes the song) and just with the white keys, which basically plays itself "you just have to let your fingers twitch a bit". So this is pretty much an 'impress women' song 😄. (The 'pan flute' sound in it, Flake borrowed from the Stephan Remmler song 'Vogel der Nacht', because he liked it and figured, he'd put it in 😊). Little glimpses behind the scenes of how Rammstein songs are made 🥰
more of my takes on Flake's podcasts
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derwahnsinn · 2 years
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31 Days Rammstein Challenge - Day 14: Favourite Vocals
Another difficult challenge. There are so many songs I could have picked. I've already mentioned how powerful I think the start of the third verse of Roter Sand is, Nebel is my favourite song, and I am always amazed at how Till manages to sing Puppe's choruses with a different emotion each time.
I also thought about picking Oliver Riedel's background vocals (eheh), but that would be kind of cheesy, so I decided to go for the vocals by Till Lindemann in Feuer und Wasser.
This gem from the Rosenrot album starts softly, but gets more and more intense, at times almost desperate. It merges Till's at this time so much more melodious speak-singing with actual singing in such a beautiful way.
Illustration: Till Lindemann by Kasskara Agentur/Mat Hennek, promo shoot for Rosenrot 2005.
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Day 1: Favourite Song Day 2: Favourite Era Day 3: Favourite Single Day 4: Favourite Album Day 5: Favourite Music Video Day 6: Favourite Member Day 7: Favourite Lyrics Day 8: Favourite B-side or Unreleased Track Day 9: Favourite Remix Day 10: Favourite Live Photo Day 11: Favourite Live Video Day 12: Favourite Making of Day 13: Favourite Picture Official or Unofficial
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anwiel13 · 2 years
31 days Rammstein challenge
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Day twenty-five favorite Untitled album song
Ten years! Ten years we had to wait for this album. How crazy it is?! In that ten years I graduated in university, started my first full time job, left, had another one and then again another one. Ten years is terribly long time.
But when the album came, it came in big style. I can not imagine better first single and video then Deutschland. I remember to see it for the first time. After the video was over, I was just siting, mouth fully, I tried to understand what I just saw. It was big, it was amazing and so many things were going on there. I had to see it for many more times to get all the details, all the scenes.
My favorite part of the making this album is why it has no name and why they use matchstick as album cover.
In his podcast Die Sendung, Flake revealed that the band couldn't decide the album's title. Rammstein usually used one of the song titles from the album, but this time, none of the song titles really fit. At one point, the band considered adding all song titles as the album name like Ausländer, Deutschland, Hallomann. Then it was decided, that the album won't have any title. That didn't work, because of the distribution system. If the album's title is empty, the system just picks the band's name as its title. Flake said that was "unimaginative", and the band used the simplest album cover.
To me, this album is epic. Deutschland, Zeig Dich, Radio, Hallomenn, Ausländer, Tattoo... So much great songs! And so much great videos. Too bad that we will probably never see the Zeig Dich video 🥺
My favorite song from this album? Definitely Puppe! I feel it is little underrated song, but I love it. I LOVE the beginning, the guitar riff, than second guitar, it could almost sound like romantic song, if I would not know the lyrics. Lyrics are sinister dark. And then the whole song make big turn, Till goes crazy with his voice, drums hit hard.
Puppe is also my favorite live song. The whole stage act is amazing. The big baby carriage, headcam, baby in flames, black confetti, Paul's and Richard's dance... I enjoy this song so much. I hope it will be part of the setlist this year too. I would be so sad if not.
Und dann reiß' ich der Puppe den Kopf ab
Dann reiß' ich der Puppe den Kopf ab
Ja, ich beiß' der Puppe den Hals ab
Es geht mir nicht gut
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blackgirl666 · 3 months
Rammstein - Puppe (Official Lyric Video)
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googlekromer · 4 months
guys, i have a confession to make.
i have a shark familiar. yeah. her name is khels (pronounced 'kells') and whenever i summon her, she bites the heads off whoever we're fighting and lets the blood ooze. she's one of my best friends, and we've killed a lot of people together. i also frequently explore this place called the deep down. it's like a dark and spiritually eerie version of the world we know inhabited by shadow people. i'm so well known, i basically run the place.
i'm sorry this is how you guys found out. i hope you'll all forgive me. 😔
hi. that was all a lie. i don't have a shark familiar (though that'd be cool), and i don't explore the deep down (it doesn't even exist)
but my oc does!
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this is aria. she stars in a series i'm creating named puppe. khels is her familiar and she's so well known she basically runs this alternate world. she fights a lot of people, and enjoys every moment of it.
her last name is lindemann, and she was created with till lindemann in mind and he inspired her look, hence the black face paint (to resemble his in adieu), and while her own character is still pretty light despite her enjoyment of violence, applying the logic of "if someone writes about abuse they're probably an abuser" to aria and by extension me would mean that i'm also a murderer who takes pleasure in fighting and causing carnage with a shark as my familiar.
i'm not, btw. i don't condone violence or murder. but that doesn't mean i don't enjoy writing about it.
my point is, it's a bit shitty to hold till to this standard when so much other stuff exists that touches on the same topics. if you think till's an abuser or a rapist because of the poems and lyrics he writes, there's a lot of stuff you should probably stop consuming. here's a good list by theelliotsmiths. (scroll to the bottom)
till, you'll never read this, but i love you, and i'm so glad i gave you a chance. i'm no longer feel guilty or afraid to be a rammstein fan. we all love you so much, and i just wanna give you a huge hug. you'll be my muse for ages to come, along with the other boys. you can rest now.
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flavor-aid-sekt · 1 year
Rammstein Concert Chorzów
Rammstein is one of my favorite bands. I know their entire discography, they have a great style and even though metal is not my favorite music genre, I like their songs a lot. I am also learning German, and in my opinion Till Lindemann is a great lyricist, and the lyrics in their songs can be once subtle and romantic, and once shocking and provocative. I was at one of their concerts about three years ago and it was fantastic. Visually, their performances are second to none: huge fireballs, shooting foam, confetti shot at the audience by the musicians. The sky above the arena was red from the fire and even though I was sitting in the stands it was extremely hot. Therefore, when they announced another tour, it was obvious to me that I had to see them again and I bought tickets for the concert. Last time I went with a friend, and this time I'm going with my boyfriend. I'm sure it will be great, and I'm sure Rammstein will also make a huge impression on my concert companion.
The concert took place in Chorzow at the Silesian Stadium and we went to this city with my boyfriend by car. In general, my companion is not a fan of Rammstein and is not very familiar with their work, but he liked the concert so much that for several days he has been sending me favorite songs and asking about the history of the musicians.  Before the performance itself, I still managed to buy a T-shirt from the official merch, and the queue for the booth was huge. During this time Jarek bought us French fries and Pepsi in cups with the band. I must admit that we had very good seats and a pretty cool view of the stage. Admittedly, we couldn't see the faces of the musicians, but we could still see what was happening on stage. The concert started with "Rammlied," the lyrics are about being worth waiting for, and all in all it's the perfect song to rock the audience. Rammstein played old songs, but also those from their latest album. I was very happy that they played "Bestrafe Mich" ii "Sehnsucht", these are some of my favorites and I didn't expect to hear them live. In addition to the music, there were a lot of special effects that could not be missed. Lots of flames, fireballs shooting into the air, black confetti thrown at the audience. During "Engel," which was played on the piano, they sailed on inflatable boats on the hands of the audience. Playing "Puppe," a huge metal cradle was wheeled onto the stage and smoked on stage. But the best was "Mein Teil," the keyboardist entered a large pot, and the singer smoked it and shot it with a fire cannon. Dressed in a butcher's outfit, he changed the ammunition every now and then to make the flames more and more powerful. During the remix of "Deutschland," everyone had glowing outfits and looked like dancing sticks in the dark. When I tell you about it, it doesn't sound so exciting, but it's a definite must-see. The concert ended with the song "Adieu," with people making a wave of their hands. The musicians traditionally knelt in front of the audience and thanked them for the concert, after which, they rode the elevator up on stage.
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servin-up-surveys · 2 years
survey #051
“her place of work is not that far away: it’s the room next door”
Describe your hometown. What's it like there? It was a crappy and dangerous place. What's your favorite memory with your last ex? Probably this one night during my first stay at her house where we just stayed up listening to music and talking about totally random and pointless shit. What is the oldest online account that you still use? Uhhhh... maybe my Facebook? What country does your favorite band hail from? Ozzy is from England and Rammstein is German. Ever wondered what it would be like dating the same gender as you? I've dated the same gender as myself. When was the last time you smoked pot? Never. Have you ever jumped off a high dive into a pool? No. Do you use one towel when you shower or two? (one for hair, one for body) I use one ON me, but three are on the floor nowadays because the shower door stays cracked and I also dry off mostly on the toilet because I need to sit. Do your mothering instincts come out easily? No, honestly. It's weird but I literally feel more maternal towards s/os than kids. I HAVE however noticed the longer I've been helping Mom babysit the kids, the more "I need to protect/make them feel better" sort of upset I get if one of the kids are crying because they're hurt or something. Tampons or pads? I really don't like either, but I prefer tampons regardless. Who in your opinion is the hottest male celebrity? Markiplier, sobs. Who did you last fall asleep with? My boyfriend. Who were you last in a car with? My mom. Are you embarrassed/uncomfortable dancing in front of other people? Yes. Would you ever consider styling your hair as a mohawk? No. Of all the pets you have had throughout your life, which one has meant the most to you? Is there a reason why? My dog Teddy. I felt connected to that dog on a spiritual level. Roman is like, RIGHT behind him. Do you think that fake plants are tacky? Have you ever seen any that looked real? I mean, not really. I really just don't care. How many friends do you have on Facebook? 109. When was the last time you made out with somebody? No one needs to know that. What tv show(s) have you been watching currently? OH MY GOD Girt and I started Extraordinary Attorney Woo the other day AND I. AM. OBSESSED. I have not been this into a show in SO FUCKING LONG and omg I absolutely adore it, you should 100% check it out if you don't mind reading subtitles if you're unfamiliar with Korean. What pet names do you use with your significant other? A lot, really. I probably say "hunny" more than anything though. Have you ever dated a smoker? If not, would you? I haven't and I probably wouldn't. Can you hear anything right now? Yeah; I have "Moskau" by Rammstein on rn. Do you share a middle name with any of your siblings? Yes. Can you cry on command? If so, have you ever used it to your advantage? No, I can't. Have you ever missed a flight? I sure did, and I was MEGA fucking upset; I was making a surprise visit to Sara on her bday, and I was supposed to be there before she even woke up, but thank god I still got there without the secret slipping out. Her parents were great with making things seem normal and her dad slipping off to pick me up under the guise of doing something else. Do your neighbours have any pets? Have you ever met them? Idk about our immediate neighbors, but I know there are dogs in the neighborhood because at least one never shuts up. Do you know your significant other's passwords? No, they're not my business. Would you rather be a panda or grizzly bear? Probably a panda. Do you like BBQ sauce? No, I actually hate it. Do you hang out with your siblings' friends? No. Have you ever kept anything wild as a pet? As a child, yes, and I thoroughly implore others NOT to do it unless it is a rescue mission by an educated professional. Taylor Swift or Carrie Underwood? I honestly like Carrie. Think about your ex, your crush, or the person you’re currently dating. Were you attracted to that person as soon as you met them, or did the attraction develop over time? I wasn't immediately physically attracted to Girt, but I'm pretty certain I was drawn to him emotionally very quickly. What is the sexual orientation of the last person you talked to? Straight. Did you get ice cream from the ice cream truck when you were little? Do they still have an ice cream truck where you live? Yes, every now and again. There's not one around here. What has been the most traumatic experience of your life? Does it still bother you? My boyfriend that I practically worshiped leaving me very abruptly, and yes. I worry all the goddamn time Girt will eventually have enough and leave. Your last ex finds out you’ve fallen in love with another person? She already knows this. How long was your longest make out? lmao bro this question makes me think of someone keeping track of time like a goddamn high score, which isn't something I do. Idk, idc. In your opinion, which hurts more: physical or emotional pain? Emotional. Is there a certain song or band who remind you of specific people? Motionless In White and Black Veil Brides will absolutely always make me think of Jason because those were his favorites. My mom is also WILDLY obsessed with Metallica, so they make me think of her without fail, too. Can you recall the last time you bought flowers for someone? What kind? Uh, I don't think I've given someone flowers since I dated Jason, probably for Valentine's Day one year. They woulda been roses. I'm planning on getting Girt at least a rose or two this year as well for our anniversary, coming up real soon. And when was the last time someone sent flowers to you? What kind? Tyler got me an unnecessarily large bouquet of roses one time when he visited my house while we were dating for like two weeks. Are there any books that you own more than one copy of? I don't believe so, no. As a child, what was a trait or habit you had that annoyed your parents? Ummm... idk. Besides always wanting to be on the computer. Does your best friend get along with their parents? I don't know how Girt got on with his dad, but he and his mom are great. Is there anything in you room your parents would be pissed about? What? No. Are you welcome at the last person you kissed's house? Yes. Have you ever gotten anything racist about you yelled at you? No. Does the last person whose house you were at like anyone? I was at my sister's place, and she's married with three kids, so. Have you ever watched someone being carried into an ambulance? My mother, yes. Have you ever showered with a member of the opposite sex? No. Has a boyfriend/girlfriend ever given you a stuffed animal? Yes. I still have all of them. Do you put clothes on your animals? Cookie rarely has a fuzzy jacket on, but I mean, she's a tiny chihuahua so it's for when she could get cold going out somewhere. She LOVES going on car rides. Who do you feel most comfortable talking about your feelings with? Probably Mom. Have you ever walked on the beach at night? Yes, it's a stunning thing. What would you do if you walked in on your best friend having sex? My best friend is my boyfriend so I'd be pretty fuckin upset. Could you forgive your best friend for sleeping with your bf/gf? They're the same people, but in the hypothetical situation my bf WASN'T my best friend, I would absolutely forgive neither of them. I'd never speak to their asses again, quite frankly. Are you mad at your significant other? No, I have no reason to be. Have you ever had a UFO sighting or a sighting of strange lights in the sky? A strange light, absolutely. I'm not saying it was extraterrestrial in origin, but it was absolutely weird and I don't have an explanation for it after researching. What by your definition is the naughtiest thing you have done? Done "things" on furniture we shouldn't have. What is one thing you’d never want your parents to find out? HA, that ^ Would you rather have big or small dogs? I'm usually more drawn to big (or medium-sized) dogs, but I don't really want a dog, period. Do you like your first name? Yeah. Do you wear glasses? Yes, I FINALLY have glasses again. I don't like wearing them, but god is it good to see. Who is the boy you trust most? Calling a nearly 30 y/o man "boy" is weird to me, but w/e, Girt. Which girl do you trust the most? Mom. How many times have you been engaged (if any at all)? None. What do you think of the United States? Lol we fucking suck, and I say that with great confidence. It feels disgusting to even be an American. Is the United States really the best country in the world? HELL no. I don't know which country is, but it sure as hell isn't here. Have you ever been called something and you didn’t know what it meant? I sure have; at the time I didn't know "martyr" had a modernized definition when I was called this by one of Jason's friends, and I AGREED with him because I thought he meant it in (I believe) the original way, where I'd die for what I believe in. It's humiliating to remember with how it must've made me look. It was actually after this event that Jason full-on deleted and blocked me there on Facebook. Do you have a picture of you and your lover kissing? No, actually. I think like two pictures exist of us both in the frame, and that's not one of 'em. Do you think you will/did you cry at your graduation? I shed a couple tears. What’s your second favorite color? Maroon or coral, idk. Do ever wish you lived in a different country? Oh yes. Have you ever been involved in an affair? No. Are you a parent? No. What about an uncle or an aunt? I am. How many jobs have you had? Technically three, but two were so short-lived I barely even count them. Hell, saying I've even had a single job is hardly accurate. Do you remember when you first went on the internet? No. What was the last music video you watched? Did you like it? "Ausländer" by Rammstein, and I did enjoy it. All of their videos are always great. Have you ever had a pet turtle before? So as a kid, a red-eared slider (an invasive species, just to make this worse) wandered into our yard... aaaaand I kept it in our kiddy pool. I did eventually let it go where the turtle most likely did come from (a pond down the road), but that whole situation is something to NEVER repeat. Have you ever met someone with two different color eyes? Yes, a doctor recently! It was even cooler because he was African American, straight outta Gambia actually, and one was this GORGEOUS, deep blue, and the other the traditional brown. He was awesome. Have you ever felt like someone was following you? YES. I have an EXTREME phobia of people standing behind me, I don't care how far away they are. DO NOT fucking stand behind me because I start panicking that you're going to grab me. Have you ever made out with more than one person in one night? No, that's not something I'd be okay with doing. Do you think there is a soulmate out there for everyone? I don't believe in the concept of soulmates, no. If you have any piercings, who did them? I know Claire's did my earlobes the first time and probably the second, then everything else I ever had were done by actual professionals at tattoo parlors. Please do not get your kid's ears pierced at Claire's for a number of reasons. Are you on your period? No; I'm actually like over a month late, but it has to be because I, first off, fucked up my birth control, but my meds have also been changing a lot and stuff and that can really affect your cycle. I'm not worried because Girt and I still haven't gone ~that far~ yet so being late literally can't mean anything that bad. Have you made out with anyone in the last 2 weeks? Yeah. Has a boy ever called you babe/baby? Yeah; I know Jason said one of them once, but I'd asked him to not call me it again and he never did again. I know Tyler did too, and once again, told him not to. Girt is the only one that has where it didn't REALLY make me uncomfortable, but neither to this day is my preference, so I'm thankful he doesn't use either a lot at all. Have you given anything up for Lent? I know I'd tried as a kid, but that was the extent of it. I don't think I ever succeeded any year. Have you ever gotten kicked out of a class for being disruptive? No. Do you have a good friend of the opposite sex that is not a boy/girlfriend? Yes, Sam. If the last person you kissed saw you kissing someone else would they be mad? Well yeah, and he'd have the right to be. Who was the last person you knew to have a baby? Uhhh... idk, I know so many people having kids around this time. Hell, most are onto their second. Has anyone ever cheated on their significant other for you? What Joel did was absolutely cheating, yes. What’s the age difference between your parents? Two years and a few months. What’s the nicest thing your best friend has ever said to you? Just that he loves me, ig would be the top. He's said a lot of sweet things. Name one of your favourite foods that starts with the letter "s." Shrimp. Ever had surgery? Yes, twice. Can you handle blood? Yeah. What’s your best friend’s middle name? He doesn't have a middle name. What color do you want your wedding suit/dress to be? It's very likely gonna be black. Would you have a party at your parent's house without their permission? I'd do that to neither parent, I respect them too much for that.
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ayamari-no-goshi · 2 years
Part 2 of Puppe by Rammstein.
Yes, the carriage is on fire. Flash warning
Confetti came from everywhere.
@gilbirda @brokeitwiththepowerofmathamatics
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hannahavastein · 5 years
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Und dann reiß' ich der Puppe den Kopf ab...
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endlich-allein · 2 years
What are some of your favorite lyrics from their songs? ^^
There is at least one song per album whose lyrics I like or speak to me.
💔 For the album Herzeleid it is the eponymous song that I appreciate. It's a very short song but it condenses all of Till's talent. I like this song because it speaks to me, it speaks to all of us because everyone has experienced love disappointments and because it is a song for which Till had written part of the lyrics long before Rammstein was born.
Bewahret einander vor Herzeleid
Denn kurz ist die Zeit die ihr beisammen seid
Denn wenn euch auch viele Jahre vereinen
Einst werden sie wie Minuten euch scheinen
Bewahret einander vor der Zweisamkeit
🫦 For the album Sehnsucht, I love the song Klavier ! My god what a song ! There's so much anger and dark emotions in this song, it's really, really strong. I particularly like this verset :
Sie sagte zu mir
Ich bleib immer bei dir
Doch es hatte nur den Schein
Sie spielte für mich allein
Ich goss ihr Blut
Ins Feuer meiner Wut
Ich verschloss die Tür
Man fragte nach ihr
🧓 For Mutter, I really like Mein Herz Brennt but it's more for the interpretation of Till than for the lyrics. If I have to choose the best lyrics of the album I would say it's the song Nebel. It's a very difficult song to interpret, there's a lot of mystery behind this song and it's partly due to a line in the song :
Will sie ihm die Wahrheit sagen
Doch ihre Worte frisst der Wind
✈️ Reise Reise is one of the most underrated albums in Rammstein's discography. There are so many fantastic songs : Dalai Lama, Morgenstern, Stein Um Stein, Ohne Dich, Amour. (I love Stein Um Stein, this song is in my top 10).
🌹My favorite song and lyrics of all are on the album Rosenrot, it's Spring. I made a post about it a few years ago that you can find here. I also like Wo Bist Du and Ein Lied.
💕 On the album LIFAD, I find the lyrics of the song Wiener Blut absolutely fantastic and perfectly transcribing the horrible story of Josef Fritzl :
Leise leise wollen wir sein
Den Augenblick von Zeit befreien
Ja das Paradies liegt unterm Haus
Die Tür fällt zu das Licht geht aus
❓I'm not a big fan of the album Untitled, apart from Deutschland, Zeig Dich and Puppe, there is no song that particularly touched me.
⏳ The album Zeit on the other hand is becoming one of my favorites. I find it very good, I was pleasantly surprised by the songs. I love the song Zeit, it touched my heart, I find it magnificent. I also really like the song Meine Tränen with the following verse in particular:
Auch den Vater konnte sie nicht lieben
Hat ihn aus der Welt getrieben
Dann und wann ein stummer Schrei
Und eine kleine Litanei
Viel Liebe gab ihm Mutter nicht
Doch schlug sie oft in sein Gesicht
Ab und zu hat er geweint
Da hat sie lächelnd nur gemeint
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asdfghjklmpff · 2 years
Thank you kindly for the tag @lelephantsnail <3 however you’re about to realise i'm not much of an interesting person. I'm literally just going on autopilot between two jobs 6 days a week and numbing myself with music, sorry in advance.
NAME: idk
SIGN: virgo
HEIGHT: 1,7m
TIME: past 1:30pm
BIRTHDAY: sept 6th
FAVORITE ARTIST/BAND: a FUCKTON, top of the top would be (roughly sorted by genres/languages):
-Five Fingers Death Punch, Disturbed, Korn, Smash Into Pieces, Bad Omens, Blind Channel, Motionless in White, From Ashes to New, Like a Storm, BMTH, BFMV;
-Rammstein, Hamatom;
-Starset, The Score, Unlike Pluto, Missio, Grandson, Adam Jensen;
-Nocturnal Bloodlust, the Gazette, Miyavi, Girugamesh, Back-on, Man With a Mission, lynch., D’espairsRay;
-Dxrk, Kodo;
-Bobby, Bloo, punchnello, Mushvenom, Justhis, Kid Milli, Woodz, Yongguk, Epik High, Corbyn, ph1, Stray Kids, Monsta X, A.C.E, P1Harmony, OnlyOneOf, CIX;
LAST MOVIE: the Old Guard (for like the 5th time, very much looking forward to the sequel);
LAST SHOW: last ep of My Secret Love yesterday, but binged one would be the Sandman (bc i saw so many gifsets on here, never heard of it before, very much loved it);
WHEN I CREATED THIS BLOG: i had to check, august 2012 apparently, tho i was inactive for awhile. oh god the first post is dated august 31st, that means it's going to be a decade in a little over a week;
WHAT I POST: text posts,  movies/tv shows i watched, nature and people? idk, pictures i find ~aesthetically pleasing~;
DO I GET ASKS: nope;
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 6/7 (my brian wakes me up at 4:45 every goddamn day no matter week or weekend) (brian is the pet name of my brain, no spelling errors there);
WHAT I'M WEARING: black tshirt with the Frankenstein on it and black boxers;
DREAM JOB: none, as i said i'm on autopilot waiting for death;
DREAM TRIP: as above;
FAVOURITE SONGS (and quotes from them, just for some spice):
no quotes from me sorry, i shall do fav songs of the artists i mentioned in case anyones interested. a disclamer: i dont care about the lyrics just the vibe, also most of the time i couldn't choose just one song:
-Five Fingers Death Punch - Afterlife, Cold, The Way of the Fist, Cradle to the Grave, Jekyl and Hyde, Will the Sun Ever Rise, A Little Bit Off, Judgment Day; Disturbed - Meaning of life, Stupify, Perfect Insanity, Warrior, The Animal, Run, Legion of Monsters; Korn - The Darkness is Revealing, Freak on a Leash, Twisted Transistor, Seen it All, Somebody Someone, Let the Guilt Go, Right Now, Spike in my Veins; Smash Into Pieces - Broken Parts, Higher, The Game; Bad Omens - Dethrone, Blood, Mercy, Feral, Malice, Hedonist, Artificial Suicide; Blind Channel - Gun, Fever, Timebomb, Snake, Unforgiving, Autopsy, Out of Town; Motionless in White - Slaughterhouse, Legacy; Like a Storm - Death Defying, Black Rain Hurricane, Chaos; BMTH - Blasphemy, Hospital For Souls, And the Snakes Start to Sing, ?; BFMV - Knives;
-Rammstein - Enger, Tier, Spiel mit Mir, Mein Herz Brennt, Los, Stein um Stein, Feur und Wasser, Asche zu Asche, Puppe; Hamatom - Kids, Bilder im Kopf, Wir sind Gott, Teufelsweib, Dagegen;
-Starset - Carnivore, Monster; The Score - Legend, The Fear, The Heat; Unlike Pluto - Everything Black, Riptide, Oh Raven, Revenge and a little bit more, Let it Bleed, No Rainbows in the Desert; Missio - Black Roses; Grandson - Oh No!!!, Stigmata, Fallin, Maria, Identity, Despicable; Adam Jensen - Im a sucker for a liar in a red dress, Mercy;
-Nocturnal Bloodlust - Thank You, hPa, Only Human; the Gazette - Coda, Headache man, 13 stairs, Babylon’s Taboo; Miyavi - Horizon, Justice, The Others, Steal the Sun, Stars, Butterfly, Dumb; Girugamesh - Break Down, Chimera, Resolution, Suiren, Asking Why, Ishtar, Barricade, Engrave; Back-on - Clown, Rebirth, Tokyo Be-Bop, Kill The Beat; Man With a Mission - Broken People, Dead end in Tokyo; lynch. - creature, devil, oblivion; D’espairsRay - Garnet, Reddish, Death Point;
-Dxrk - Rave, Heaven, Dead, Kodo - O-daiko;
-Danheim - Domadagr, Grima, Faldne;
-Bobby - Holup, Devil, U mad; Mushvenom & Justhis - Take it; Kid Milli - Bittersweet; Woodz -  Kiss of Fire, Lullaby; Yongguk - Xie Xie, Up, Hikikomori; Epik High - Acceptance Speach, End of the World, Here Come the Regrets, Bleed; Corbyn - Criminal, Dante’s Valley, Odsee; pH1 - Okay, Morago, Aint no MF; Stray Kids - Victory Song, Boxer, NS, Easy, Any, Muddy Water; Monsta X - Hero, Beastmode, Wildfire; A.C.E - Golden Goose, Atlantis, Jindo Arirang; P1Harmony - Siren, Breakthrough, End it, Mirror Mirror; OnlyOneOf - dora maar, sage, gaslighting; CIX - Jungle, Black Out.
Well that just took me 2h, that was fun. If it's alright i'd love for @nope-astrology-nope to do it, but if not no worries! <3 If anyone else would like to as well go for it!
Have a lovely day/night <3
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zombiechoir · 2 years
Rammstein Stadium Tour 4th July 22 (Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
I saw someone on here say ‘please share your Rammstein concert stories’ so I want to contribute to that. At first I wasn’t planning to because mine are boring since I always stand in the back of the crowd. But at the same time, how can I not write about it here!
This was my 4th time seeing them live. I went with my bf who had never in his life been to a concert (or festival in general). I don’t know about other stadium tour experiences but ours had a festival vibe to it. (I will spare you the traffic chaos before and after the show because holy shit!!). I’m a person who likes to stand way in the back because I’m not one for big crowds, let alone stand in the middle of them. I like to have some space. 
I don’t know the order of the setlist anymore but I think they started with Armee Der Tristen, followed by Mein Herz Brennt. With that song they had little pauses right before the chorus, which they did twice and they fooled me both times. So Till sang the line ‘mein herz brennt’ and instead of the music continuing, they stopped so everyone headbanged for nothing lmao. I think Zick Zack was next but after that I don’t remember the order. They played Sehnsucht, Link 234, Ich Will, Zeit, Rammstein, Puppe, Mein Teil, Du Hast, Zeig Dich, P*ssy...and more but excuse my memory here. I do remember after the show when we went to get food I heard a girl next to me say ‘I really wanted them to play the big titties’ song. Which made me laugh a bit because I would have loved to see that one too.
I got a little emotional during Ich Will because that was one of the first songs I ever heard from them when I was a 9 year-old girl. And realizing that now I was there as a (almost) 30 year-old woman, them still being my favorite band after all these years, hearing that song and that lyrics, Till asking to show our hands in dutch, that was a moment for me. I felt really thankful to once again be there, even though I’m way at the back and they can’t see me raising my hands, it’s special either way.
My bf said he wanted to ‘dress for the occasion’ but I assured him multiple times that Rammstein’s audience is super diverse and it doesn’t matter what you wear. Which is also something I love about this fanbase and what I notice everytime I go to a Rammstein concert. It doesn’t matter your sex or gender, your age, the way you dress, if you stand still or headbang your ass off. Every fan is respected in their own way. I don’t know if other people feel the same way about that but for me that’s always something that I notice and I love it.
I had a blast and my only ‘critique’ is that I wished it was longer, haha. My bf also really enjoyed the concert even though it’s not really a genre he listens to. He made pictures (which I will post later) and a few videos aswell. I know for sure he made one during Richard’s solo during Rammstein and the awesome firework part during Du Hast. If anyone is interested I could post those on here aswell, let me know!
So far my contribution to the Stadium Tour stories!  ✌️
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theelliottsmiths · 4 years
What are 5 things that make Rammstein special for you?
1. The empathy in the lyrics. Almost every song oozes empathy and understanding, somehow. More than any other music I listen to, and I'm a person who mostly listens to music for the lyrics. The more upsetting or evocative the better. The thing about Till as a writer and person, especially when the band is vetting the lyrics, is that he's able to channel so much emotion into everything regardless of whether or not he's experienced it himself. Hyperempathy seems to be his thing, maybe even something he purposefully cultivates now.
Somehow he manages to make a song like Tier, which many bands would end up sexualising or making far too crass or just not taking the right amount of seriously as it needed to be, and work it into something that countless people who have been abused can find genuine comfort in it (and have told him as much). It's strange because it's not that it's not gross or anything because it is very up front and confronting with no sugar coating to make it more palatable, it's more that he shows a much more human aspect, which I find pretty rare. He... Zooms in closer? He puts himself much further into the person.
That's just one example, nowhere near even the best one for that since the first person songs tend to do that even more effectively, but really he manages to treat all kinds of complex situations and emotions perfectly, no matter how gruesome or upsetting. I mean, he wrote a song about child on child abuse, something rarely properly takes about, and despite it being provoking and uncomfortable it's still comforting because it's understanding? He can pretend to be a murderer and say the vilest shit and still somehow have it feel respectful. He doesn't punch down.
I genuinely don't know who could have written Mein Teil, which I absolutely consider to be a love song, so effectively. There is full acknowledgement of the gruesomeness and depravity that somehow doesn't sully the romance, which is very much true to the real story it's based on (Bernd Brandes consenting to being killed and eaten by his lover, Armin Meiwes). It was such a good choice to write from the victims point of view and also? Super interesting that he plays cannibal on stage whilst singing as the "victim". I don't know if it's intentional but Meiwes had this thing about eating someone so they'd be with him forever, so the idea of the victim speaking from inside the cannibal is fascinating.
2. Their solidarity as a group. I fully believe it's because of their personal and cultural upbringings, they just slot together and are willing to work on their relationships; Despite all disagreements and personal problems they chose to stay together and work it out because they love each other and they love their band. They fully believe that they need every member and they're correct. I'm endlessly glad that emigrate exists because otherwise who knows what would have happened?
3. Their dedication to their work. They mercilessly edit the lyrics over and over again until they're perfect. Schneider practices for several hours a day, often in front of a mirror so he can keep an eye in his posture. He's practiced so well that there are other professionals who can't even tell which is his dominant hand, which they seem to think is impressive. Richard spends god knows how long writing music, so much so that he had to form a second band to relieve the pressure that created. Till subjects himself to the raw agony of having his lyrics dissected over and over again. They're all so committed to their work and each other.
4. This overlaps with 2 but their ability to compromise despite all being very opinionated and pretty stubborn. It's a hard skill to master. I'm mostly thinking right now about Schneider saying he doesn't like the amount of pyro they use but very much in an accepting and not upset way? More just like someone saying they'd prefer their curry a little less spicy. They all disagree somewhat about the importance and inclusion of the pyro but they work out middle ground that everyone seems to accept as good enough, if not exactly what they'd prefer. Every opinion matters.
5. It has to be said, their shows are pretty unique. I completely agree with them when they compare it to an opera. For the most part they know their strengths and limits and focus on making it the best show they can.
I sometimes see people complaining about Till using playback for songs like Puppe and I get it, I like it when singers fuck themselves up too (Amanda Palmer used to lose her voice after every show, I love that, she did have to have surgery because it's a terrible idea), but he's saving his voice so the shows can be consistent? He still has good and bad voice days but he manages himself better, seems to plan things out. Seems like that's probably something he learned from the opera singer to some extent. It's the responsible thing to do and I appreciate that for them specifically, it being a Production more than just a show, consistency seems to be a priority. Quality is more important that it being as real as can be (Zoran take note).
Bonus: the love. The tenderness. The adoration.
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mjrtaurus · 4 years
I just watched the whole rammstein show from their last tour and it made me extremely emotional. Am i weird? Also, Till is very cute with that huge stroller
I think they would be flattered by the emotion. The lyrics are always so near and dear to Till, as they are very much stream of consciousness sort of things.
The lyrics and the poems he writes are how he copes. With Till's level of empathy, he can see the world through the eyes of the nastiest, most horrifying of people, and I think it scares him.
So he takes inspiration from the environment he grew up in. His father was an author, his mother was a journalist (I think). He learned to use written words to better process the things that frighten him, to better be able to draw the line between himself and the person or persons he is empathizing with. The words help him maintain his sense of self.
The fact that you grew emotional would be... Validating to him, I think.
And also yes. The whole stroller act in Puppe is quite adorable in a very unnerving, yet innocent way.
The stage act is just that, an act. But when he wrote the original poem, I feel he was living through the horrible events alongside the boy.
There's a reason he sounds inconsolable when he sings Puppe.
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Song ask : 2, 7, 8, 18, 23 please !
2. A song to sleep to?
Behind the Gates to Midnight World By Edguy
7. A song that you love from a genre you don’t usually like?
Give me your money by Little big
8. A song that you liked when you where 10 that still slaps?
Amm, my music taste when I was ten was sooooo bad. And tbh I can't remember when I was listening to, like i know it was the shitty Lithuanian pop which I hate rn.
18. A song that you like that the lyrics are just so beautiful they’re practically poetry?
Puppe by Rammstein. I mean, there is beauty in dark things and I loooove the lyrics of this song even though I know what they mean.
23. A song that when you listen to it you’re transported to a liminal space, time is pointless and you must sit and wallow in the void that remains?
Antithesis of Light by Evoken
Thank you!
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