upstartcrow1564 · 6 years
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The seasons are ever-turning and the world is ever-turning as we all fly through space together on this magical ride of life. Go boldly and proudly into the new year, raising your voice and celebrating in whatever way seems best for you. The future is bright, but the present is bright too, sometimes too bold to look at directly so we turn away in fear. Sometimes the world is terrible and the people in it even worse, so we turn away in disgust and horror. Whatever your view, be clear of your motivations. Summon courage and face it all if you can, both good and ill, because it’s coming whether we watch for it or not (so best to see it coming if possible so we can prepare for it). If things are bad where you are, hang on; the Great Chariot never stops moving and you will be someplace new soon. If things are wonderful where you are, share and celebrate as much as you can because who knows what the next turn of the Wheel will bring? Leave 2018 in the past. Let it go, face 2019 with whatever energy you have, and let’s rock and roll! Blessings to everyone and happy new year! (Special thanks to Julie Cuccia-Watts @juliejcw for her Maat Tarot, the deck I’ve been using this year. It’s been a wonderful, insightful guide for 2018!) #tarot #oracle #runes #charms #vitki #seer #tarotreadersofinstagram #divinersofinstagram #divination #maattarot #themusesdarling #witchesofinstagram #witchlife #priestess #roar https://www.instagram.com/p/BsD6fQXn93N/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=80hp63xfqtip
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chelachristina · 4 years
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Belastendes in die Stille der Natur tragen, beten, bitten... der Naturkraft vertrauen, ihr all das überlassen, was zu schwer wiegt. #orakelschamanismuschela #irakel#schamanismus#schamanismuslüneburg#chela#tarot#kartenlegen#reiki#besprechen#gebetsrituale#thefoolsdogtarotapp #maattarot #natur#naturkraft (hier: Ochtmissen, Niedersachsen, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIdHGVesQ22/?igshid=t6wxa6wcordq
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yenifertarot-blog · 7 years
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Beltaine theme from MAAT Tarot. Плодитесь и размножайтесь, товарисЧи )))
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angelasagesilver · 6 years
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My card of the day from the Tarot Sampler app by Fool's Dog, which shows you several versions of your daily card from different decks: April 10 is the 5 of Cups and I had this card 4 days ago too. 🌟🌟 #bonefiretarot #maattarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #dailydraw #tarot #tarotreader #tarotspread #tarotcards #tarotdeck #witch #witchesofinstagram #pagan #pagans #paganwitch #pagansofinstagram
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wyrdweavings · 7 years
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#FridayFreedom #MAATTarot #AnimalTotemTarot #FoolsDogTarotSampler #KingofSwords #QueenofSwords
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upstartcrow1564 · 6 years
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Old friends are the best friends, they say, and today it’s important to let that energy flow. Be with people, places, tasks, projects, and ideas from your past that know you and are familiar to you, and let yourself remember what brought you pleasure and joy. This is a part of who you are that will never leave you (although relationships do need to be cultivated and tended with care, so remember that). Be careful of setting down roots in the past, though — bring the energy and dreams of the past forward into the future and let them fuel your way forward as you head into a new year. Dream big! Let your imagination work. Those old dreams have wound themselves into your new self more thoroughly than you know, so if you would know why you act or believe in a certain way, follow the threads back and back to see where they come from. But don’t keep moving forward: that’s where all the good stuff is! Trust that your Ancestors have your back and are guiding you, even if you can’t see them. #tarot #oracle #runes #charms #vitki #seer #divination #divinersofinstagram #maattarot #themusesdarling #witchesofinstagram #priestess #witchlife #remember https://www.instagram.com/p/BsBcpyCHcAE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bckb3mfhynco
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upstartcrow1564 · 6 years
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Good morning, friends! So here’s a question for you: how much does your sorrow cost you? What are you paying to experience lack? Now I know nobody goes out into the world and says, “Hey, I think I’m going to experience impoverishment today yay!” But maybe there are times (and the times we are in are hard times and no mistake) when we are so focused on what we are missing that we completely miss the riches we already have. And another thing: we know that everything is connected to everything else, so it might be useful to ask where your wealth, your stuff, your home comforts come from, and if they’re at the expense of somebody else’s comfort. You are in charge of how you experience the world, kings and queens of your own lives, so you get to decide how you will be in your situation. Will you bring joy even if things suck? Will you moan and groan when everything around you is full of light and life? It’s up to you. (See the chess king charm down at the bottom of the card, and the royal Fleur de Lys in the center? They both speak of personal sovereignty and a regal character no matter what the circumstance.) Take this time to plan out how you will be in the coming year: attitude goals, if you will, that can change everything. And pay attention for news and messages coming in from far away that may be able to help. #tarot #oracle #runes #charms #vitki #seer #tarotreadersofinstagram #divination #divinersofinstagram #maattarot #themusesdarling #witchesofinstagram #witchlife #priestess #whereareyouwealthy https://www.instagram.com/p/Br-wKbnnErg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1wuqjci2akib2
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upstartcrow1564 · 6 years
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And we’re back! Your Oracle has been down due to surgery last week (all is very well), and now she’s back up and reading again. Today we have a return of Yr energy (the rune upper right is Yr, the rune of the Great Archer). Now is the time to work some magic with what’s around you. The Great Wheel has just turned. Let go what is gone and be present and engage as fully as you can with what is here and now. Your ancestors are with you helping you in ways you are perhaps not aware of. You’ve got everything you need to create new pathways during this phase or season we’re in, so give yourself some credit and some room to play. Try new things, or if it feels right to you if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, use this time to plan and dream and save action for Omielc and later. Float, rest, and let your energy regenerate. If it feels right, though, let those creative juices stir, spark, and come to life! Feel the Yule magic! #tarot #oracle #runes #charms #vitki #seer #tarotreadersofinstagram #divination #divinersofinstagram #maattarot #themusesdarling #witchesofinstagram #witchlife #priestess #focusoncreation https://www.instagram.com/p/Brx3CU-HRnp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=afki2s37gvdx
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upstartcrow1564 · 6 years
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Just keep moving forward. Things are flowing, albeit slowly perhaps and below the surface, so have faith that change is happening even if you can’t see it. Trust in the long arc of Justice, friends. Trust that what’s happening now is for the best, that any movement or changes will bring in needed fresh energy and fresh opportunities, and that right now just enjoy the silence as much as possible. Enjoy the breathing space. Let yourself be held in the quiet pause. #tarot #oracle #runes #charms #vitki #seer #tarotreadersofinstagram #divination #divinersofinstagram #maattarot #themusesdarling #witchesofinstagram #priestess #changeiscoming https://www.instagram.com/p/BrDKAn-HoxN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1g61tjd20k5fz
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upstartcrow1564 · 6 years
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As we head into the Winter Solstice, we need to shelter our own precious light against all the forces of darkness that would overwhelm it. The swirl of energies is significant right now, both light and dark, positive and negative, and everything in between. Discernment is required to know what will be helpful and what won’t and space for careful reflection is needed for discernment, so peel away that which is taking up space without providing benefit or value. It’s no use trying to be strong right now; it’s not a time for strength, it’s a time for vulnerability (which may be a new experience for you). So withdraw to safety where you can and keep those shields up. Let your silence guard what’s precious. Keep still and quiet within. It’s coming. #tarot #oracle #runes #charms #vitki #seer #tarotreadersofinstagram #divination #divinersofinstagram #maattarot #themusesdarling #witchesofinstagram #priestess #witchlife #backoff https://www.instagram.com/p/BrXxayUnFIf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xs1aytticm8w
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upstartcrow1564 · 6 years
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This is definitely a festive season, with parties, dinners, meetings and suchlike happening often enough to keep us busy and bustling all the time. But today’s draw is a reminder to come back to the home fires: tend to what’s closest to you. Focus closely on your surroundings both inner and outer. What’s floating around in your consciousness? What are you giving attention to? Maybe do a walk-around of your living space too. Is there something there that shouldn’t be, maybe hiding out in a forgotten corner? Events have slowed down a bit in the wider world so now is a perfect time to take a breath and look around you, at least until the wild whirl starts back up again. You will need to be protected in the future, so shore up those home defenses now. Build up and out where they are weak. You’ll be glad later that you did the work now. #tarot #oracle #runes #charms #vitki #seer #tarotreadersofinstagram #divination #divinersofinstagram #maattarot #themusesdarling #witchesofinstagram #priestess #witchlife #lockthedoor https://www.instagram.com/p/BrVQrdkHOu_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ytnttyyntxq6
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upstartcrow1564 · 6 years
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There is a LOT going on in the deep flow of things, friends, so it’s ok to let yourself be quiet and peaceful and just practice breathing and the sacred art of waiting today. Keep those you trust close to you and maybe stay close to home if you’re able to, or perhaps don’t navigate too far away from your regular routines, in any case — or if you’re heading out on a grand adventure today, maybe bring a little piece of home with you to help you stay sheltered and grounded, as needed. Keep your focus on your growth and on what you need, and go slowly and carefully to make sure you’re seeing your ends clearly. Dream big, think big, plan big, but hold off on implementation for now. Let now be a safe time to imagine with all your heart. And who knows? As you’re imagining in the quiet pathways of everyday, the voices of the goddesses and gods might make their way through to you, bringing inspiration and ideas for all those plans and dreams and imaginings. #tarot #oracle #runes #charms #vitki #seer #tarotreadersofinstagram #divination #divinersofinstagram #maattarot #themusesdarling #witchesofinstagram #priestess #witchlife #faithinwaiting https://www.instagram.com/p/Br5dWp2HlEh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=gnhr3ls8uuoo
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upstartcrow1564 · 6 years
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Well, so. “Earth-Shattering Kaboom,” table for one? Today something huge happens and it may be one of those big, obvious things that everybody can see, or it may be something in your own heart shifting quiet and unseen. For your Oracle over here it’s actually both, and this here reading might be more for me than for all y’all so feel free to take it with a grain of salt if it doesn’t resonate with you much (and that’s actually good advice for each day’s draws). Things are changing — no, it’s more like they’ve _already_ changed. The ground beneath our feet today isn’t the ground that was beneath our feet yesterday, and it’s still shifting so be like our light-footed friend The Monkey there as She dances down the side of the exploding volcano that is The Tower. I can hear Her shouting, “WHEE!!” Don’t be scared. Or go ahead and be scared (it’s not for me to tell you how to manage your feelings), but Do The Thing Anyway. You’re on a quest for a reason, and it wouldn’t be much of a quest if it were going to be comfortable and easy all the time. Let yourself laugh at the difficulties. You are strong and flexible (the rune Ac says so), and you have so much more help than you realize. You can do this. Hang on to your goals and stay true to yourself. But most of all, laugh! Let it all fall apart. The glorious joke is that you, we, will recreate, rebuild, renew. This is our legacy as humans. Our hearts are indomitable. So go for it! WHEE! #tarot #oracle #runes #charms #vitki #seer #divination #divinersofinstagram #maattarot #themusesdarling #tarotreadersofinstagram #witchesofinstagram #witchlife #rollwithit https://www.instagram.com/p/BqiCy9BH8zs/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15paftlej4734
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upstartcrow1564 · 6 years
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Where have you held yourself back when envisioning how you want it to be? Have you stepped into the shoes of the Divine to base your dreams on how you think it all should work out? Yeah, stop doing that. Your ideas of what is fair and just are limited by your perception — it’s true for all of us — and as Gandalf said, “Even the wise cannot see all ends.” Give yourself permission to visualize what you want to create in the world and then believe in it, and leave the fairness or justness of it to other Powers who can perceive farther and deeper than you can. Remember that as you see or perceive both what you want and what you’ve already created in life, leave the judgment of it for later. Something that seems to have failed from the perspective of today will have a different aspect in a decade. Seeds are being planted now from our failures as well as our successes, and we won’t (we can’t) know what will grow from them until it grows. So leave the past alone and go ahead and dream big for the future, as big as you want. Let the Sacred speak through you as you plan. And keep your fidgety judgy hands to yourself! #tarot #oracle #runes #charms #seer #vitki #tarotreadersofinstagram #divination #divinersofinstagram #maattarot #themusesdarling #witchesofinstagram #priestess #witchlife #newmoonvibes https://www.instagram.com/p/BrAl7nNn1oQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10j7fw9ycdrko
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upstartcrow1564 · 6 years
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Pay attention to your space, your boundaries, and how you exist in the world today. Can you lock the door and be alone for a little while? How can you set up (or refresh) your boundaries? You are in charge of yourself and how you react to the world around you. It’s on you to decide how to be, and then to do what you need to do to implement and hold those positions. Be strong in who you are. Take charge and own your responsibilities. But also own when and how to draw the line between you and the outer world. Nobody is going to do that for you. Root yourself in the real today. What is your story telling you, and telling the world? #tarot #oracle #runes #charms #seer #vitki #tarotreadersofinstagram #divination #divinersofinstagram #maattarot #themusesdarling #witchesofinstagram #witchlife #bestrong https://www.instagram.com/p/BqxJa_pn16c/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1cb8hszcwd9qj
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upstartcrow1564 · 6 years
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What is your heart telling you right now? It’s ok to listen to it, you know. It might actually be a good thing to end up doing! But be careful; the wolves are out (and not the good kind of wolves who live in the world’s forests and exude wild protector energy that many of us are lucky to enjoy in our domesticated doggos). No, the wolves I’m talking about are the assholes who sneak and take without giving and who lie a LOT to separate you from your resources. Guard your energy, your ideas, and even your health. Keep those you trust close, and trust yourself to make the right decisions for you. You know your own self better than you think, and you know how you react to disaster better than anyone else. You can do this. Relax. You’re on the path to good things. #tarot #oracle #runes #charms #vitki #seer #tarotreadersofinstagram #divination #divinersofinstagram #maattarot #themusesdarling #witchesofinstagram #witchlife #fearnot https://www.instagram.com/p/BqpZgXCn2Mo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=103h2p6upce99
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