#mabey ill do a relationship chart later who knows
harbors-heart · 1 year
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with the power of ms paint i have drawn my versions of the sluggies!
some notes about each of them:
Monk: his floppy ear absoulutely slaps her in the face if she turns to quickly
Survivor: he has several minor scars over their body
Hunter: isnt blind in her scarred eye, but vision *is* worse in that one
Gourmand: *so* smart, biggest brain, smartest sluggy, *so* good at sluggying
???/Enot/Inv: *very* one track minded
Artificer: quiet n stares at nothing/through people if theres nothing to direct its anger at
Rivulet: either has No Scars becaus hes *too fast* or has scars on their lower half only from going *too fast* n scratching himself on the enviroment
Spearmaster: tallest sluggy, if you count their ears (if you dont then tallest slug is gourmand)
Saint: short n stocky for retaing body heat, sooo scraggly and weary
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