#macaela marley
inkedwolf-archive · 6 years
More Character Art
@theruneslayer Challenged me to draw Mac’s ear because he wanted to know what manner of piercings she had. Couldn’t just do the ear, so this is the result.
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theruneslayer · 6 years
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A homecoming, of sorts... to claim what is rightfully hers.
The Shattered Glass Storyline
Follow along @inked-wolf for more.
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kyuusei-shadowleaf · 3 years
Kyuu Who?
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[art by Yuxing Art (aka Hvitkanen) and Saltmatey]
Name: Kyuusei Shadowleaf
Alias/Nicknames: Kyuu
Gender: Female
Age: 915
Western Zodiac: Taurus-Gemini cusp. Eastern Zodiac: year of the Dog, influenced by Fire.
Abilities/Talents: hand to hand (or claw) combat, tracking/stalking, affinity with plants, baking (particularly pastries and cookies).
Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
Religion: Reverent of Ashamane
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
Languages: Common, Darnassian, a few phrases of Thalassian and Draenic
Family: Shan'da (adoptive grandfather) | Mother, a Sentinel (deceased) | Kedreath Shadowleaf (father, deceased) | No siblings
Friends: Kyuu has a small handful of close friends within a broader circle of more casual friends. Close friends include Macaela Marley, Merellia Hallewell, and Tallissan Riftstrider (although the last is somewhat lapsed). The broader circle includes Alex, Wes, Tyra, Mun-Li, and several members of Foxrun, Autumnhearth and the Dragoons (too many to name). Not to mention all the friendly acquaintances...
Sexuality: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other
Relationship Status: single / partnered / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating / it’s complicated (Kyuu has a more-than-friends relationship with Alania, a druid of the branch stationed in Bashal'aran, but neither are entirely certain yet what that means)
Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent (Kyuu is physically affectionate to very close friends and lovers, but intimacy is rarer - no matter how much she teases Mere)
Build: Lean, feline (think swimmer or track & field)
Hair: Green and shoulder-length. A bit wavy and often worn tied back.
Eyes: Silvered, luminous, and alert.
Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / dark / other (lavender)
Height: 7′1″
Scars: On her left side, along her arm, hip, and leg, are swirled marking that seem almost embossed into her skin; they seem to change slowly over time, the patterns not quite the same from one day to the next. High on her back, between her shoulder blades, a rough scar as though her flesh were twisted like clay. Three fading claw marks along her right ribcage.
dogs or cats || birds or bugs || snakes or spiders || coffee or tea || ice cream or cake || fruits and vegetables || sandwich or soup || magic or melee || sword dagger or bow || summer or winter || spring or autumn || past or future
Five songs that remind you of them:
Time's Scar - Chrono Cross OST
Theme from Defiance - Bear McCreary
Giants - Silverberg
Vor í Vaglaskógi - KALEO
Trees - twenty one pilots
Tagged by: @elaianna (thanks!)
Tagging: @raya-shadowmane, @a-broken-bough, @cerusaniduskbinder, @auggieparkhurst
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Three Characters
Three Characters That Evoke Macaela E. Marley
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Octavia Blake, The 100
This should come as no surprise given her original face claim and continued appearance aesthetic. For those familiar with Mac’s Beauty and the Bitch arc, it was very much the same feel to Octavia’s story going from Skairippa to Blodreina. (Granted Mac’s story was around even before that Season and the Dark Year was introduced.)
The guilt Mal feels (from several tragedies), and the burden she has always felt she must bear alone, falls in line with what Octavia has lived by these past few seasons. She bears the guilt so that others don’t have to. Her people. Her responsibility.
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Polgara the Sorceress, David & Leigh Eddings
First, of you haven’t read the book(s), you should. There is so much about Pol that resonates deep with Mac’s character. From the shapeshifting, to using her (vast) magic only when necessary. Her duty to family and how throughout the ages she has put it above all else. Her longevity and the deep sense of loss that comes with it. The loss of a sibling and twin and the void it left behind, something she can never hope to fill. Her connection to nature, her impatience with the gods, her sass, her wit...
The list goes on.
Needless to say, I adored the books she was in and her personal story. I read these books long ago and I didn’t realize the symmetry between Pol and Mac until I reread the series, finding the similarities to my liking. She was, and still is, one of my favorite literary figures. It doesn’t surprise me that I subconsciously made Mac very similar.
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Aislinn, Dragonheart (1996)
Few know that Mac was not only a mother but was married twice. She had no love for either of her husbands, the first especially. He was cruel to his people and to her. She hated him but loved the son he gave her with all her heart.
When illness befell her child, much like Aislinn, Mac called on powers beyond her to save him. Both Mac and Aislinn paid heavy prices for what they did, unwilling to accept the death of their sons. An unending burden to bear for a few more precious years with their children.
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Tagged By: @longveil​
Tagging: @abighail-atwater​ @arrows-and-cigars​ @quinn-varden​ @casswell-hartford​ @lady-rian​ @waroftwowolves​ @huntersden​ @merelliahallewell​
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the-outliers-blog1 · 6 years
Guild Member Blog List
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Macaela Marley
Kari Charbonneau
Sal Nightbane
Tryndan Fawkes
Andoleros Rosemourne
Lerino Morningsorrow
Thurian Elswick
Natalie Vaughn
Victor Luciano
Kyuusei Shadowleaf
A shout out to all the wonderful blogs our members have created. More to come in the future. Also, for those members who do not have a blog, a shout out the the amazing creations you share with us in game. 
Octavious Everflare
Seahn o’Sullivan
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Macaela E. Marley
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✖ FINANCIAL – wealthy  / moderate / poor(ish) / in poverty
✖ MEDICAL – fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / deceased
✖ CLASS OR CASTE – upper / lower / middle / working / unsure / doesn’t follow general societal class systems 
✖ EDUCATION – qualified / unqualified / studying
✖ MARITAL STATUS – married, happily / married, unhappily / engaged  / partnered / divorced / widow or widower / separated / single / it’s complicated
✖ CHILDREN – has children / no children / wants (more) children / adopted children / deceased children
✖ FAMILY – close with sibling / not close with siblings / has no siblings  / siblings are deceased  / it’s complicated
✖ AFFILIATION – orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by both parents / other
✖ disorganized / organized / in between
✖ close-minded / open-minded / in between
✖ cautious / reckless / in between
✖ patient / impatient / in between
✖ outspoken / reserved / in between
✖ leader / follower / in between
✖ sympathetic / unsympathetic / in between
✖ optimistic / pessimistic / in between / a fucking realist
✖ hardworking / lazy / in between
✖ cultured / uncultured / in between
✖ loyal / disloyal / in between
✖ faithful / unfaithful / in between
✖ SEXUALITY – heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pan-sexual / omni-sexual / demi-sexual
✖ SEX – sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable
✖ ROMANCE – romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable
✖ SEXUALLY – sexually adventurous / sex experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious / uninterested
✖ COMBAT SKILLS – excellent /good / moderate / poor / none
✖ LITERACY SKILLS –excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✖ ARTISTIC SKILLS –excellent/ good / moderate / poor / none
✖ TECHNICAL SKILLS – excellent / good /moderate/ poor / none
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Saw this all over my scrolling adventures and thought, “Why not?”
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do it.
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Negotiating with the Storm
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"Sorry, miss. You'll have to come back another time. Commander Kellam is still busy."  The young man posted outside the commander's door, barring her way, gave her the same speech he had the last three days.
The man who had invited her out was rescheduling again. Another wasted trip to Fort Daelin.
Macaela stood there, chewing on the corner of her lower lip. "Mm. I see. This makes, what? The third time I've been out here by your commander's invitation only for him to suddenly be too busy to see me?" A hum of amusement slipped past her lips. "I think I'm done waiting. Step aside, love. I'm getting this sorted today."
Mac watched as blue eyes widened and a hand moved to the pommel of a sword, uncertain if there was an actual threat or not.
Underestimated for being a woman. She sighed inwardly and took a step forward, watching the man tense but still refuse to draw a weapon. The fool. 
"Easy..." Macaela whispered as she took another step in, invading the man's personal space. "Perhaps, I can just... wait. All I need is a few minutes with the commander. We can... wait together, maybe? I can think of several things to keep us entertained."
She heard the gulp and watched the man's throat shudder as she pressed in, getting rather familiar with his groin. Or so he thought at first. Sadly, however, it wasn't a warm hand but cold hard metal pressed against his jewels. That realization likely came crashing down around him when he heard the telltale click of a hammer being eased back.
With a free hand snaked in the man's hair and the other holding a flintlock against his softer bits, Mac smirked. 
"Then again, I think I've waited long enough. Now open the fucking door or I'll entertain myself by pulling the trigger, love."
There was a mad scrambling for keys and the office was opened clumsily, the door pushed open to a short hall and office beyond.
"Not now!" She heard barked down the corridor. Mac, of course, ignored it. Waving the man she had at gunpoint away, she stepped into the poorly lit entryway and closed the door behind her, taking a moment to give the poor violated lad a suggestion.
"The commander truly is busy now. His other appointments will have to wait."
The man was leaning over, nodding as he huffed out a sigh of relief. Soldiers braved war day in and day out, fearlessly, however... a gun to the dick was often more terrifying than being slain in battle.
Men always had strange priorities.
With the door closed, Mac walked in like she owned the place, watching Commander Kellam push up from his desk with a look of shock and indignation.
"What is the mea--"
Mac cut him off as she clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. "We had an appointment. I was tired of being disrespected. I thought I would even the playing field, love. We have things to discuss." 
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An hour or so later...
“Look, Miss. I understand you have a business you want to run but I have bigger concerns than dealing with property management for a damn bar. Not sure if you know this but Boralus has about three dozen bars...”
There was that damn word again. Miss this... Miss that. She didn’t know if she hated being called ‘miss’ or ‘ma’am’ more. Both grated on her nerves, to be honest, mostly because they always came with a condescending tone. He was talking down to her. 
“It’s Lady, commander. Lady Macaela Marley. Since as you would rather speak down to me like I’m some trembling waif, I think it is time you realize just who you are talking to. I’m not some meek little girl who is coming here for scraps or charity. I want the land, you have a war to wage... Both take money, which I have. Now I could go directly through The Admiralty, but if I did that you wouldn’t see a single copper from that exchange.” 
She took a step closer to Commander Kellam’s desk, sliding over the leather bound sleeve with the collected documents and deeds for the isle of Vagrants Rest. 
“The paper pushers and accountants with The Admiralty are my next stop and I will throw an obscene amount of money at them. I was practically robbed with the rates I paid to insure my tavern in Boralus... And then my bar burned down, thanks to the Forsaken, leaving me enough to line someone’s pockets quite nicely. Now it’s going to be you and this fort... or some greedy bastard who lives behind a desk. You... have the authority, here and now, to allocate lands seized from Lord Stormsong’s Holdings.” 
She stood up taller, giving the man a playful smirk. “So... what is it going to be, commander?”
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Character Skills: Macaela E. Marley
bold - things that your character can do
italicized - things that need some work
bake a cake from scratch | ride a horse | drive a submarine | speak a second language (several) | dance | catch a fish | play an instrument | throw a punch | build a deck | ice skate | program a computer | change a flat tire wagon wheel | fire a gun | sew | juggle | play poker | paint | fly a kite | sculpt | write poetry | change a diaper | sing | shoot a bow and arrow | ride a bike | swim | sail a boat | do a backflip | play chess | give CPR | pitch a tent | flirt | stitch a wound | read palms | use chopsticks | write in cursive/calligraphy | use an electric drill | braid hair | make a campfire | make a mixed drink | do sudoku puzzles | wrap a gift | give a good massage | jump-start a machine | roll their tongue | magic tricks | yoga | tie a tie | skip a rock | shuffle a deck of cards | read Gnorse code | pick a lock
Mac actually has several skills that go unnoticed and/or unmentioned. Save for being a sassy barkeep, she is a skilled healer and midwife. She is also a tattoo artist. And for the cherry on top, she is fluent in several languages including sign language. Things that she is terrible at? Cooking. Seriously, don't eat anything that comes off her stove.
Tagged by: @merelliahallewell
Tagging: @theruneslayer @the-real-arcanist-val @wildname @salt-water-siren @hildiraphillips @ranekvilmas
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the-outliers-blog1 · 6 years
We Are Recruiting!
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Guild Overview
Outliers is a medium/heavy roleplay guild based out of Boralus where a collective of individuals have joined together as allies to build and develop the ‘business ventures’ they participate in. This is both for those who operate purely within the legal restrictions of the Kingdom and those who very much don’t.
This is a sophisticated, business-oriented, CRIME guild. While Criminal activity is not a requirement for your character, know that those who are leading this community are in fact morally compromised individuals. That said, there is a moral code for those who run this collective of people. There are some “business ventures” that will not be entertained or permitted.  Crime is a business, a lucrative one. There is good business… and there is bad business. We leave the bad business to the gangs and petty thugs.
Guild Perks Unique To Us
Guild Ranks are based on reputation/participation with the guild.
As many are aware, when you join a guild, the ranking system is set up as a ladder to climb. You start at the very bottom and through roleplay, favoritism, or sometimes just based off of a skillset, you’re put into some manner of low-level grunt role. In the Outliers, we base the member ranking system off of reputation. This is a criminal organization. Your reputation is your meal-ticket. The more you do, the more reputation you have and trust you’ve earned.
Guild NPC’s
As events and jobs are announced for sign up, the “Contacts” will be there to outfit your crew with supplies as well as Guild NPC’s. These are a very limited resource. However, they work very much like the “Followers” that are available in game. These are NPC’s that you can incorporate into your event, writing challenges and more.
Weekly Roleplaying Opportunities.     
Each week, Outliers, will be hosting Micro-Events. These are events that will be based on a roll type playstyle, and each roll will provide a random scenario and difficulty level that is ICly taking place within community/city. These events will vary, and we hope that with them, we can create an immersive and evolving storyline, for not only the guild, its allies, and its members, but also for the community setting as well.
The “Bosses” are a mystery.
That’s right. In-Character, when you come into the guild, you don’t know who your “Contacts” are working for. It could be anyone. This is a criminal organization. Coming in, you aren’t going to get a pamphlet on all the dirty little secrets of the guild. You’ll be directed to someone akin to a middleman who will give you the basics, offer you a job, and pull back the curtain just enough to draw you in. As you interact and grow with the organization, earning trust, more and more of the mystery will be revealed. These are well guarded IC secrets. So, bear in mind, if your character is found spilling information to those who don’t have the clearance to hear them, consequences will be severe.
Our Ranking System
The Leadership Roles
The Shadow - Tryndan Fawkes - Our Out of Character GM. 
This role heads up a wide variety of tasks such as guild NPC creation, some of the grueling tasks that are the OOC mechanics of the guild, and mediation. 
Taskmaster -  Macaela “Mac” Marley- An In Character GM. 
This role is the people person for “the business”. This person in charge of interviewing people and providing them with jobs and a myriad of connections. 
Quartermaster - Karoselah “Kari” Charbonneau - An In Character GM.
This role is the head of “merchandise”. The person in charge of Supplies, Inventory, Buying, Trading, and Selling. This role is the very fuel that keeps the fires of lucrative profits burning brightly. 
Harbormaster - Salvador “Sal” Nightbane - An In Character GM. 
This role is the head of “safe passage”. This is the person in charge of transport or smuggling payloads, assets, or cargo. They are also in charge of a network of safe-houses for when law enforcement or competition becomes a danger to our people. 
Our Member Roles     
An officer rank. This rank is earned through consistent participation, job creation, as well as the initiative to lead by example. With great rank comes great responsibility. This means that those who reach this rank will know the secrets behind the curtain. The “GMs” are secret, and as you raise up through the ranks, a little more of that secret is revealed. Reached Exalted is a difficult climb and once there you know the mystery behind The Outliers. You are among the most trusted of the group, and it is your responsibility to bring in fresh faces to work, mediate dramatics that arise, put out fires from jobs that don’t go well, etc.
Revered is the final “member” rank and it is obtained through actively participating as well as consistently putting out job an/or roleplay opportunities. This is also the rank where those who maintain a revered status that we will pull and condition people to fulfill the exalted rank which is an officer position. To obtain this rank, you not only have to maintain active participation as you have with honored, as well as putting out jobs. This also requires you to bring in at least 2 members that stay a minimum of 60 days and achieve at least the Friendly Rank. Keep in mind, recruitment is open for anyone. If you bring someone in as a friendly, and they stay, this will count towards your recruitment. Secret arc continues. More of the mystery is revealed.
Honored is a rank that is earned not only through job/assignment completion. It is also a rank to show you are actively putting jobs/assignments up on the board. This rank is something that is mostly participation but also showing the initiative to take the lead for events of your own making. Secret arc continues. More of the mystery is revealed.
After you have successfully completed your first few assignments/jobs with the guild, you will be elevated to the friendly rank. With this rank, comes a piece of the puzzle, a hint to whom you’re actually working for. This rank shows that you are actively involved with the business dealings of The Outliers and bringing in a profit.
After an IC interview, your character becomes neutral with the guild. This is neither a positive or negative position. It is merely a rank that states you’ve made contact with the guild and intent to participate in business with them.
This is the OOC rank for characters who are in the guild such as alts who are not actively IC participating or affiliated with the guild.
In-Character Rules
Throughout the world, there is a hidden 'code' among thieves, criminals, scoundrels, and those who would rebel against and set themselves aside from society. Unlawful as we are are, we do have standards and a way of governing behavior. These are generally understood, and specifics can vary within any unlawful organization. Those who uphold the 'Code' are protecting the very foundation of Criminal Network we are building.
Outliers Code
No member should cooperate with the authorities, be it The Guard, The Admiralty, or The SI:7 when detained. If another member is under investigation or arrest, no member will testify against them.  This code also protects the keeping of secret information in regards to the whereabouts of accomplices, dens, districts, hideouts, safe houses, aliases, etc. No member should ever share this information with the authorities. (Don’t be a rat.)
Make good on promises given to other members. This includes participation in an event, funds for a cause, or individual employment for task completion. If you are hired on or brought in as a partner, you must uphold your end of the deal. (Keep your word.)
Never gamble without being able to cover losses, unless these losses were to those who do not uphold the code. Being caught unable to pay your debts is unacceptable. (Pay your debts.)
Should a member lose their reasoning, while intoxicated or otherwise, it is not an excuse for breaking the code. (Drunk/High/Stupid is not an excuse.)
In the event of a conflict between oneself and other members, an individual should demand an inquiry and judgment by Officers Council. If necessary, a member will be required to participate in these inquiries. This code should be utilized if both parties cannot agree upon a settlement and bloodshed and violence are likely without a resolution. (Don’t stab your friends.)
Any member who breaks the code will be punished according to the decided judgment of the officer's council. No member will resist carrying out the decision of punishment for the offending member if found guilty of violating the code. (Accept the consequences.)
OOC Info
Outliers is a business centered criminal guild.   We focus on opportunist/merchant style of RP.  We are seeking active RPers and characters who are interested in rich storytelling through many different styles of RP.  From freeform, to writing challenges, to D20 events.  Application to apply is on our website listed below.   Contacts provided in game, discord, and tumblr.   Feel free to contact any of us for information, questions, comments or concerns.   
In Game Name - Macaelam/Macognito 
Discord - shatteredglasstavern#1426 
Tumblr - inkedwolf-compendium.tumblr.com
In Game Name - Karoselah
Discord - Charbonneau#3113 
Tumblr - karicharbonneau.tumblr.com
In Game Name - Salvador 
Discord - Trollerblade#0335
In Game Name - Tryndan/Twynn, 
Discord - TheMystikCelt#7696
Tumblr - theruneslayer.tumblr.com
@karicharbonneau @theruneslayer @inkedwolf-compendium @salvador-nightbane
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inkedwolf-archive · 6 years
Part One: The Shattered Glass
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“Tighter. If I can breathe like a normal human being, it's too loose.” Mac said with a rather stern voice. She was standing in a private room, in naught but her knickers, letting some woman lace her into a corset for the dress she had made.
As she stood there, with hands on a large pillar to brace herself, she realized the woman didn’t possess enough strength to get the job done. Huffing out a sigh, she called for a halt. “Drop the laces, love.” Those words were the only warning before Mac began to walk away with the woman in tow, her petite form trying to keep up with Mac’s long-legged stride.
Mac walked straight to the door and flung it open, her modesty be damned as she looked across the rather busy shop. The tailor had been in high demand, a waiting list in place. Mac’s demands, however, were paired with an obscene amount of money. She wanted a dress, she wanted it soon, and so the tailor obliged.
Looking across the shop, Mac let her pale gaze inspect the customers, looking for one who had what she wanted. When her gaze fell upon a young man with broad shoulders, she grinned wickedly and walked over. The woman beside him looked as if someone had just pissed in her porridge when Mac strode over and laced her arm through the young man’s, feeling his bicep.
Her myriad of tattoos was on display, the corset doing little to cover them. Garters and stockings, lace and far too much leg for civilized folks, Mac was a beacon of defiance against modest behaviors. When she spoke, it only added to that perception. “Mm. Just what a lady needs. A man with a strong arm. Come with me, love. I require your assistance.”
Letting him go, Mac began to walk back to the private changing room, pausing halfway between the man and the door to look over her shoulder. She could see the hesitance in the man’s step as well as the livid look from his lady. Mac couldn’t help but further provoke the situation. With a playful grin and a wicked glint in her eyes, she addressed the woman. “Don’t worry, love. I’ll have him back before you know it. Unless… Would you like to watch? I always did love an audience.” 
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Hours later, Mac was walking the bustling streets of Kul’Tiras with a pair of gentleman in tow. One was a simple courier and a young boy, likely no only than thirteen. The other, an older man in his fifties, weather worn, with his hand resting on the pommel of his sword. Protection and a messenger. Just the thing a Lady of Gilneas would need in a new city.
It was a tiring façade. While she possessed noble blood, title, and held the birth right to her lands and fortune, Nobility was dreadfully uncomfortable. It wasn’t even the corset that dug into her ribs, but rather that air of superiority. Jeweled, primped, preened, squeezed. Just getting her into this dress had taken a small army and she didn’t even want to remember how many people had worked on her hair, twisting and curling it, adorning it with pearls and roses.
She told herself it was all necessary. A mask she must wear in order to get what she wanted. Still, her scalp ached, and she knew her ribs would be bruised from her attire once she shed the beautiful monstrosity. For now, she would suffer through it. Tonight she would dine with her family under the image of Lady Macaela Marley. Tomorrow, she would go back to being Mac and drink sailors under the table at a seedy dive bar. 
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Dinner carried on for far too long. Course after course, something the Nouveau riche often did to show off in front of those who actually held title. It was exhausting, carrying on with pleasantries. Her cousin, Nathan Vaughn, would not shut up. He was older, balding, and pockmarked. Not at all attractive. It could have only been his wealth that landed him a young and beautiful ginger wife. Nathan had, at the very least, two decades on his bride, and while she was now in her fifties, she carried her age beautifully.
There was mention of a daughter who had taken over the family business, one Macaela herself had invested in decades and decades ago. Long before the wall was ever closed and even before Kul’Tiras secluded themselves away like their Gilnean brethren. She was the reason Mac was here. Not this pompous retiree and his wife.
All she could do is wait, course after course, explaining again and again that she didn’t partake in meat. Plate after plate of food and she was still positively ravenous. Part of her wondered if it would be poor manners to accidentally eat her cousin. Surely with as rotund as he was, he would make a fine meal for a half starved wolf. 
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There was enough wine in the world to convince Mac to stay as dinner wrapped up. Natalie hadn’t arrived, only word that should would be working late, so at her earliest opportunity, Mac feigned women troubles and, by the grace of the gods, was able to leave her cousin’s table.
Her feet simply couldn’t carry her fast enough, not without breaking into a run. She wanted to put as much distance between that balding man and herself before she had to pretend to be naïve enough not to understand the lecherous looks he was aiming at her less than modest bust line. She had hoped to be a lovely distraction, sadly in this, she was successful. It made her skin crawl.
Once she was out of sight, she dismissed her courier and the man she hired to look like a bodyguard. They were irrelevant now. The fewer people to watch her venture into the more disreputable parts of the city, the better. The woman she wanted to meet was working… so Mac would do what she should have done in the first place. Rather than risk scheduling another house call, she would simply go to the office instead. Business discussion in a business setting. 
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Mac was not disappointed when she found her cousin. While the woman was a talented scribe, she also seemed to thrive amidst the chaos that was her company. Packages coming and going, the buzz of business in the air, and all the while, the red headed lass remained focused on her task until the need arose for her to assert herself.
She handled the men with a quiet authority. She didn’t need to shriek above the cacophony of voices, but rather the whole office quieted when she issued a command. Mac stood in the shadow of the doorway, watching and waiting until the last of the men saw their way out of the office with parcels in hand.
It became the quiet before the storm. That sudden peace before Mac’s heeled boots began to click against the wooden floor. The noise brought attention to her immediately, pale blue eyes rising up to meet Mac. “Hello, cousin. Missed you at dinner.” Mac said with a slow grin curling across her lips. “Let’s talk business….”
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inkedwolf-archive · 6 years
Part Three: The Shattered Glass
Missed Parts One and Two? Feel free to check them out on my blog! Just follow the links below!  
Part One 
Part Two
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Natalie didn't announce herself as she stormed into her father's study, everything about her a maelstrom of emotions, anger being the driving force of the storm. Confident steps carried her over to the desk where she slammed down the stack of papers she had pulled from the business archives.
“Did you even read this when you signed those papers all those years ago? Does she know?” Her voice was quiet but the softness did little to hide her fury.
There was a low hum of annoyance as her father rose from his seat, arthritic hands reaching across the desk to fan the papers across the mahogany desktop. Picking through the pages one by one he found document her was looking for and pulled it to the top for his daughter to see. “Look at the signature. Compare it to the one you received in the letter.”
Natalie didn't need to look. She has watched the woman sign several documents, so much so, that she was creating a stamp for her to spare her hand from the onslaught of paperwork that came with new business. 
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“She writes like her mother?” Natalie asked, confused by the similarity.
Shaking his balding head, her father sat back down with a loud huff. “She is the same woman who invested all those years back. Her mother, I knew as a boy. Brutally murdered. Macaela actually looks more like her father. I was there when she was wed. Same woman, untouched by time. So yes, she knows. Truth be told, I never thought I would see her again. Now that’s she’s here, give her what she wants. Don’t give her a reason to take control.” 
“Don--” Natalie reached up to pinch the bridge of her nose, forcing herself to take a moment and count to ten before she spoke. She was rarely like this. More often than not she was calm and collected about everything. This, however, was her future and her livelihood. “She owns us. It’s all hers. You took her money and used every last copper to open our business.”
Natalie then pulled out the document she had flipped to initially. “And you agreed to pay her back after the first year in monthly installments. In the event payment wasn’t received on time, you agreed to a twenty percent interest rate. Signed and sealed by several as witnesses… And you never paid. This was four decades ago! Do you know how much money we owe this woman? I couldn’t buy myself out of this debt if I tried!” 
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“Oh, we won’t be paying her back. I fully intend to make sure we appease her… for now. And when I’m assured that we are her last living relatives, Lady Marley will have an unfortunate accident. There are a great many dangerous people in Boralus. One wrong turn here can have a tragic end. We will mourn her, and as her only living heirs, our future will be secured for years and years to come.”
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inkedwolf-archive · 6 years
Origin Story: Macaela E. Marley
Here is a short story for how Macaela became one of the first few afflicted before Gilneas was overrun by the worgen threat. 
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Part One
The sun looked as though it had set the forest ablaze. Bright beams of light shone down on the canopy, making the autumn colors all the more vibrant. The entire forest was an explosion of hues no artist could ever hope to catalog or capture in its entirety. It was breathtaking to behold, especially when the breeze rustled through the trees, making the sun glint and gleam of the brightly colored leaves, turning the world into a sea of glittering jewels.
The breeze was crisp, carrying with it the cold as well as the scents of autumn;  the slightly acrid smell smoke from a nearby fire, the musk of dead leaves that had littered the forest floor, the dusty hint of the rain yet to come. She couldn’t explain why the smells wafting through the air were so damn appealing. But they were. She loved autumn.
Even here, on the edge of the ancient wood that many feared, the beauty of the season had taken hold. The Blackwald was known for its dark gnarled and twisted trees. Myths of beasts lurking in those sinister looking trees, waiting to swoop down and claim their prey. Stories passed down from one generation to the next. Tales children know, like the boogeyman.
Macaela sat on the edge of the forest on a large blanket, watching her son play with her Grand Daughter Rose. It was such a sweet sight, she wished she could capture it for all time. Like so many other memories, however, she knew they would fade with the march of time.
Her son was already silver-haired and looking rather distinguished. How long before he with would wither and fade away as well? It was a sad thought. One she pulled herself from as he came trodding back up to her, looking winded, while Rose still played at the edge of the forest.
She offered him a smile. “Feeling your age, darling?” Her son laughed softly, nodding to her.
“That and then some. I shouldn’t have waited so long to have children. At this rate, they’ll be pushing me in a pram instead of the other way around. She’s growing up like a weed.”
The little girl, no more than five was still squealing happily as she plays, her doll in hand as she bounced and ran. Her vibrant copper-colored locks put the autumn hues to shame.
Mac nodded to her son and offered him a sad smile. “They all do. You did.”
There was a comfortable silence that grew between them before her son broke it. “I don’t know how you do it. Sit around and watch the world around you age. Doesn’t it bother you that you’ll outlive your children… your grandchildren… and their children?”
Macaela watched her son, her pale hazel eyes on him. “It’s the price I must pay, darling. It bothers me, yes. No parent should have to outlive their child. That said, I don’t regret for a moment the sacrifice I made. I knew going in that there would be a heavy price. A life saved, a life owed, love. I couldn’t lose you then, so I made the deal, I cast the spell. I saved your life and the price is what it is. It’s ironic that I couldn’t lose you then and the cost was that I will watch you grow old and still one day… have to say goodbye. The gods are clever.”
Her son looked rather unsatisfied with the answer, however, before he could voice as much hoof beats could be heard. Both he and Macaela turned their attention from Rose and one another to the rider coming up fast.
“Lord Marley, there is another one. She was brought into town much like the other two. Bitten by a beast. Fever.”
As he was addressed, Macaela’s son rose to his feet and nodded. “I will be back to town shortly. Since healers cannot find a solution, perhaps someone of the Old Ways can manage. Head back. I’ll be right behind you.”
Macaela was watching him carefully. She could see the burden weighing on his shoulders. These weren’t even his lands, they were far from their home, yet his allies required aid. “Third one this year. Bitten, fever, and then they vanish…” She pointed out the obvious, trying to get his view on the matter.
“Aye.” Was all he said before he turned back towards the forest. Macaela could see the tension suddenly build tenfold, the look of panic in her son’s eyes. “Where is Rose?”
Macaela’s eyes shot to where the girl had just been playing moments before. She was gone and then through the trees, Macaela spotted a flash of those copper curls. “Rose! We told you… No forest.”
“You see her?”
Macaela pointed straight ahead. “Pack up. I’ll go get her. She’s just there.” She didn’t wait for an answer, she just picked up the hem of her skirts and started making her way towards the wayward child with a smile on her face. It didn’t take her long to reach the young girl and when she did, she bent down and scooped her up in her arms, blowing a raspberry on her neck. “You shouldn’t run off like that my little fox. You scared your father.” Macaela was smiling, however, Rose seemed distracted by something else. Furrowing her brow, Macaela looked around. “What is it, love?”
“There was a doggy. I can’t see it anymore.” She explained. “It was really big.”
Macaela chuckled, assuming it was one of the mastiffs wandering through the woods, hoping to snag a hare. “Well, I’m sure he’ll run home. You have playful mutts of your own. Come on, back to your father we go.”
No sooner than Macaela turned her back there was a thunderous howl behind her. Foolishly, her eyes shot to her granddaughter, her scream pulling her attention for a fraction of a second. That delay was all the beast needed. Macaela turned just in time to see a flash of dark fur and a mouth full of fangs. She acted on instinct along as she saw that gaping maw coming towards her. Looking back to Rose frozen in terror in her arms, she called upon her gifts, tossing her granddaughter with all of her strength and calling on the wind to carry her quickly back to the edge of the forest where her father would be.
The moment Rose left her arms, Macaela felt those hideous fangs lockdown over her shoulder, digging deep as claws raked down her side. The pain was beyond exquisite, like nothing she had ever felt before. Burning heat and the feeling of torn flesh was beyond anything her senses had ever known. She was frozen in shock at first, but then, as it was wont to happen, her screams found a way to escape, echoing out through the forest in a wail of utter agony. It was too much. The world went black. 
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Part Two
Macaela woke up feeling as if she’d been beaten. Her arm ached, throbbing with pain, and she could feel the heat of her blood as it oozed from her wounds. Looking around while groaning, she realized she was being carried, the world bouncing slightly and the warmth of the body she was being held against. Letting her head loll backward, she saw her son, worry etched across his face.
She suddenly tensed in his arms, panic beating back her exhaustion. “Rose?!”
Her son shushed her as she started to wiggle. “She’s fine. She came blowing out of the forest just as I reached the edge. I heard screams and I thought…” He cleared his throat, trying to keep his composure. “You’re both going to be fine. “Rose won’t speak save for saying wolf. I’m guessing that’s what bit you. We’ll get you mended. Don’t worry.”
Her granddaughter was safe. That was all that mattered. She passed back out in her son's arms, letting exhaustion take her. She woke up a day and a half later, feeling like her mouth was full of sand. Her wounds had been seen to, bandaged rather than healed for some reason. Her head was pounding, feeling as if it would split open.
She sat up slowly, spotting her son sleeping in a chair awkwardly and Rose playing nearby on the floor with her doll and coloring on a piece of paper. The moment Rose saw movement, she squealed with delight. “Mac! Mac! You’re awake!” The little girl was leaping onto the bed a moment later to hug her grandmother from the side carefully.
Macaela chuckles hoarsely. Her throat felt like she had gargled glass. “Yes, my darling. I’m awake. I just needed a nap.”
Her son started to stir and the moment he locked eyes on Macaela sitting up on her own, he breathed out a sigh of relief. “Thank the Light.”
At the turn of phrase, Macaela wrinkled her nose. “The gods, more like it. I feel awful. Infection?”
As she looked at her son, he saw the sorrow in his eyes as he pulled from her gaze, looking away. Macaela blinked and then looked down at her arm and back to her son. “Bitten… and a fever.”
Her son only nodded before he cleared his throat. “I need to go let the healers know that you’re up. They’re tending to others in town.” He saw himself out quickly, leaving Rose behind with Macaela.
“Papa’s sad,” Rose said as the door closed. “He cried all night, Mac.”
Macaela pulled the girl into her lap with her good arm and squeezed her in a half hug before she kissed the top of her head. “He’s just worried, love. He’ll be okay, you’ll see. Here…” She set her down back on the floor. “Why don’t you go back and color.”
Macaela watched as Rose bounced back over to her art project. She didn’t want to worry the child, but she felt awful. Her bones ached, her stomach felt as if it hadn’t seen a meal in ages. Her skin itched, yet, when she scratched, it felt as if the touch would tear it open. Even breathing was becoming labored. She felt as if she couldn’t take a deep breath and each time she managed, she could hear a raspy wheeze that sounded almost like a low growl.
Scents suddenly overwhelmed her. She could smell the oil in the lamps, the wilted flowers next to the door, and more than that… even the meal being cooked in the kitchens below. Sound was deafening, even the sound of Rose’s crayon being dragged across the paper. Everything has hypersensitive. It was overwhelming. Her head truly felt like it would split open.
She tried to ignore it all but then Rose was bouncing up to her proudly, her paper in hand. “Look Mac! I drew the monster!”
“That’s nice, love.” Macaela’s eyes were closed and the little girl called her out on it.
“Mac, you have to see! Lookit!”
Macaela opened her eyes just enough to see the dark creature on the page. There it was in black crayon with glowing yellow eyes. Not a wolf, but the beast of the stories that were passed down from generation to generation. Half man, half wolf… the hybrid that everyone feared. Mac just sat there and stared, horror seeping into the depths of her mind.
Rose was suddenly giggling. “Mac, lookit! Your arm is all fuzzy where you itched!”
The words didn’t register at first and when Macaela looked down, she could see her ruined flesh and blood coated fur along the length of her good arm. Her heart sank and her stomach lurched as she pushed Rose onto the floor. “Rose… ru—”
Macaela choked on her words, gagging on her own tongue as her body began to convulse. She felt like she as being torn apart. Her world turning red. The last thing she saw was Rose running towards her with her doll, kneeling down to comfort her. 
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