#machon meir
torais-life · 1 year
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Family Torah study time by Zoom with Rab. Natan Menashe of Machon Meir yeshiva and midrasha(Jerusalem, Israel)📜✨
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
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Barack Mandela, in the United States Army holding an Israeli flag, at Sheppard Air Force Base in Texas. (Personal Collection)
I am an African American who converted to Judaism in 1995, then I became a citizen of Israel in 1996. I served in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), the United States Air Force, and the United States Army. I am a member of the American Legion veterans’ organization.
While living in Israel, I studied at Aish HaTorah Yeshiva in Jerusalem for 5 months and Machon Meir Yeshiva in Jerusalem for 8 months. I studied with Rabbi Noach Weinberg at Aish and Rabbi Dov Begon at Machon.
Inspired by the Jewish faith and the land of Israel, I have written this prayer called “Dear God” for African American and black communities:
Dear God,
May the peace of black families always stay
And may the racist voice in our heads go away
Dear God,
Please bless the father who is thinking of leaving
As the mother and kids remain poor and grieving
Dear God,
Empower the jobless and the houseless
Bring hope to those black women who are spouseless
Dear God,
Please protect all the black children down on our Southern border
Who are the victims of crushing law and order
Dear God,
Please help the parents of black sons
Who live in a society surrounded by guns
Dear God,
Touch the soul of the black child who is hidin’
Let our communities be helped by President Joe Biden
Dear God,
Please protect our kids in school being bullied
Restore the black family completely and fully
Dear God,
Bless our hearts that are hurt and annoyed
Let no one die like our martyr George Floyd
Dear God,
You are our father and mother
Bless every black sister and brother
Dear God,
You are the holy one of Israel
Make our hurt hearts instantly heal
Dear God,
Bring peace to our friends who are angry
Nurture all those abandoned by their family
Dear God,
Let black communities raise their hands in victory
Our community may live in serenity
Dear God,
We pray to be healed by your divine plan
Together, as a people, we will stand
Dear God,
Our black community is faithful and brave
We pray that our souls you will save
Dear God,
Bring together the pieces that were scattered
Teach everyone that black lives matter
The End
The purpose of this prayer is to uplift, empower, and heal African American and black communities worldwide. Please read this prayer in your houses of worship including synagogues, mosques, churches, and temples.
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infosisraelnews · 2 years
Le rav franco Israélien du Machon Meir réagit apres que son fils annonce qu'il est gay : " Je lui souhaite de faire techouva"
Rav Oury Cherki est le rabbin de la communauté “Bet Yéhouda” dans le quartier hiérosolomytain de Kyriat Moshe. Il est le directeur de la section israélienne du Machon Meir où il enseigne en français et en hébreu, ainsi qu’à la synagogue du Technion de Haïfa. Il quitte l’Algérie avec sa famille en 1961 et séjourne en France quelques années. Il monte en Israël en 1972. En Israël, il est scolarisé à…
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eretzyisrael · 2 years
Parshat K’doshim
by Meir Anolick
Written for Shabbat Parshat K’doshim, כ”ו בניסן תשע”ד:
For the Refuah Shelaymah of Yosef Menachem ben Sara. May Hashem grant him a cure for his illness and return him to his family.
Sefer Chofetz Chaim is well known as the book of Hilchot Lashon Hara. The primary commandment prohibiting Lashon Hara comes from the verse in this week’s Parsha, 19:16, “You shall not be a gossip-monger among your people”. This constitutes both the prohibition of Lashon Hara and Rechilut. These both are Torah prohibitions, no less severe than breaking Shabbat or eating non-Kosher, and yet they are treated with significantly less importance than they deserve. Most people you ask will freely admit that it is, in fact, a severe prohibition and that they do not speak (or try not to speak) Lashon Hara, and yet they have never studied Sefer Chofetz Chaim, so how would they know whether or not they are avoiding it?
The Talmud teaches us in Masechet Megilla 15. not to take the blessing or curse of a simpleton lightly, and brings examples of when such blessings/curses were fulfilled. With such power given over to us in the form of our speech, that even an average person could affect those around them with mere words, you would think we would be exceedingly careful with how we spoke.
Yet that is not the case, most do not even stop to think about what they are saying before they say it, and freely toss around insults and threats as jokes, to the point where even severe words like “death” and “kill” because naught but a point of humor. Yet these words hold power, and to use them without thinking is like taking a loaded gun and firing it in random directions, for you never know who will be injured by the power in your words.
I heard a story from Rabbi Frankenthal1 about two kids that attended a high school he used to teach at.
The two of them hated each other, and one was constantly saying to the other, “You should just drop dead.” The other boy did not live out to the end of his senior year. Each of us was given this power, and in this case it was used carelessly, with devastating results. If this is the power of improper speech, and this is not even the worst it can do, then surely the good that can come of proper speech is equally as powerful.
The laws of Shmirat HaLashon, guarding one’s speech, as set down by the Sefer Chofetz Chaim all are based on the same baseline concept: think about what you say before you say it.
Before you say how crazy your friend is, consider that fact that not everyone takes that as a compliment. Before you point out that someone else is a terrible person because they are speaking in shul, consider the fact that you probably speak in shul sometimes, too.
Before you start berating a person for embarrassing a fellow, consider the fact that your public rebuke is also a violation of the prohibition against embarrassment.
In all cases, think first, then only speak if you really should. If we can focus our power of speech instead on judging favorably, on compliments and blessings, then our requests are more likely to be heeded, our requests to see the Mashiach speedily in our days.
1Rav Kehilati of the Tiferet Yaakov shul in Kochav Yaakov and teacher at Machon Meir. You can listen to his shiurim here: http://torahforme.org/
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mounadiloun · 6 years
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Le nazi qui avait voulu se convertir au judaïsme Les médias anglophones mainstream parlent bien de cette histoire d'un couple anglais qui a baptisé son fils…
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jewishbookworld · 3 years
Israel Redeemed: Inspiration for the Jewish Festivals by Rabbi Dov Begon
Israel Redeemed: Inspiration for the Jewish Festivals by Rabbi Dov Begon
Editor: Rabbi Menachem Weinberg These short Torah insights on the festivals address the unique challenges and opportunities that emerged with the historic return of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel. The author, Rabbi Dov Begon, student of Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda Kook zt”l and founder of the flagship religious Zionist kiruv yeshiva Machon Meir, penned these educational and inspirational messages…
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salixj · 6 years
abbi Avichai Rontzki, the former Chief Rabbi of the Israel Defense Forces, passed away on Sunday in Itamar, Samaria. He served as IDF Chief Rabbi from 2006 to 2010, at the rank of Brigadier General.
Rabbi Rontzki was born to a non-religious family and became religious during his service in IDF special forces. He did T’shuva together with his wife Ronit, whom he met in the army. Rontzki studied at the religious-Zionist Machon Meir and Mercaz HaRav. In 1980, he established the Hesder Yeshiva in Elon Moreh. In 1984, he was part of the group that established the settlement Itamar near Shechem and founded the local yeshiva which he ran until July 2016.
Rabbi Rontzki wrote the well-known four-volume IDF halakhic guide K’Chitzim B’yad Gibor. As IDF Chief Rabbi, Rontzki expanded the mandate of his unit from supervising kashrut and providing religious services to a much more active role in the army, including increasing the number of battalion rabbis.
Rabbi Rontzki expanded the IDF Jewish Awareness Department which conducts educational activities in IDF combat units. He taught Torah classes in jails and conducted a tour of Hebron for Military Intelligence soldiers, who got to meet then Hebron Chief Rabbi Dov Lior. He issued a letter to officers in the Military Rabbinate in October, 2008, saying “there is a crucial need to connect soldiers with their roots and Jewish values,” stressing that IDF Rabbis must be involved in instilling Jewish values.
He even attempted to force the Army Radio to stop broadcasting on Shabbat, in keeping with the standard army order permitting only operational duty on the holy day of rest.
He passed away on April 1, 2018, after a long struggle with colorectal cancer, leaving behind his wife, six children, and grandchildren.
May his memory be blessed.
Rabbi Rontzky’s funeral will depart the Beit Midrash of the high yeshiva in Itamar at 5 PM Sunday and proceed to the Itamar cemetery.
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osobypostacieludzie · 6 years
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Rabbi Yisrael Ariel ( Yisrael Ariel, Yisrael Stieglitz ) - główny rabin ewakuowanej izraelskiej osady Yamit na półwyspie Synaj w latach, kiedy Synaj był kontrolowany przez Izrael, a także założyciel Instytutu Świątyni (Machon HaMikdash). Jego brat, rabin Yaakov Ariel, służył jako jesziwa Rosz w jesziwie w Yamit i jest obecnie głównym rabinem Ramat Gan. Ariel jest absolwentem jesziwy Mercaz HaRav. Jako młody człowiek Ariel służył w jednostce Brygady Spadochroniarzy, która zdobyła Ścianę Zachodnią (kotel) w wojnie sześciodniowej. W wyborach do Knessetu w 1981 r., Ariel prowadził jako numer dwa na liście Kacha, w miejscu numer jeden jako rabin Meir Kahane. W roku 2006, oprócz bycia szefem Temple Institute, jest również zaangażowany w próbę ożywienia Sanhedrynu. Ariel nalega, aby wznowić służbę ofiarną na Pesach na Wzgórzu Świątynnym i aby Świątynia została odbudowana tak szybko, jak to możliwe. W grudniu 2006 r. został krótko aresztowany i przesłuchany przez izraelską policję po konfrontacji z generałem Elazarem Sternem, zanim został zwolniony. W 2015 r. opisał podejrzanych o żydowski terroryzm religijny, którym zakazano wstępu na Zachodni Brzeg z powodu wandalizmu, jako chwalebnego. 
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f3nd1musdotcom · 7 years
Mass prayer to be held for leading Religious Zionist rabbi
A public prayer session will be held on Saturday night for leading Religious Zionist rabbi Rabbi Elisha Vishlitzky, a rabbi at Machon Meir yeshiva in Jerusalem, the head of the “Mahut” Beit Midrash, and among the founders of the Religious Zionist “seed group” movement. Earlier this month, the 63-year-old rabbi underwent a medical procedure at Shaare… (more…)
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torais-life · 1 year
"The purpose of chokma is irat Hashem"
-Rab. Rafael Spagenthal
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shelyad · 13 years
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torais-life · 1 year
Parasha Vaetjanan by Rab. Menashe from Majón Meir
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torais-life · 1 year
Rav. Natan Menashe - Parasha Matot Maase en YouTube
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torais-life · 1 year
El respeto a lo sagrado- Parashat Emor- Rab. Kalmus & Rab. Kornblit en YouTube
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torais-life · 1 year
"Eating taref (not kosher) makes us worldly and when we are worldly we see the world only as something mechanical and that is how we return to Mitzraim (Egypt)". -Rab. Guidon Mendoza
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torais-life · 1 year
Shabat Shalom!. I recommend you the YouTube channels in spanish, english, portuguese, francais and russian by Machon Meir the yeshiva and midrasha in Israel wich I'm studying (but from Ar). The Rabbis are amazing ☺️📜
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