#madam secretary imagine
stevetonyweekly · 26 days
SteveTony Weekly - September 1 - Week 35
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Hello, friends, welcome to September! I’ll share what podfic I listened to last month tomorrow, but for today--here’s my reads from last week. Enjoy and feel free to share with me what you’re reading! 
Overexposure by shetlandowl
A story written in the style of a 'who done it?' - except it's how and not a who, and the it is Steve and Tony's engagement.
(Or is it?)
From the Ground Up by ohjustpeachy 
Tony and Steve broke up years ago and Tony never quite got over it. When they finally see each other again at Pepper's wedding, Rhodey convinces Tony this might just be his second chance.
my thoughts: they’re just so perfect and sweet together, I love them. 
Paint the Town Blue by ohjustpeachy 
Ten years since he’d seen or spoken to Tony Stark, ten years since they’d broken up to go away to school. And now this email. It could be his only chance to see Tony again.
my thoughts: breaking up and getting back together is just so sweet
A Thousand Rainy Days Since We First Met by Carsonian
Following the unfortunate death of her Secretary of State, Peggy Carter, Steve's former mentor and current POTUS, convinces him to accept the role. Five months later, Steve finds himself juggling an already impossible role with newfound feelings for the grumpy, intelligent and impossible White House Chief of Staff, Tony Stark.
(A.K.A. Madam Secretary!AU where Steve's Secretary of State, Tony's White House Chief of Staff, and every time they butt heads, pining!Steve is convinced they're getting closer to kissing.)
my thoughts: i am such a sucker for political aus, and competency kink, and this is kinda the perfect merge of both. 
And Their Hearts Are Guarded By Dragons by runningondreams 
After an ambush by an unknown dragon and rider pair, T’ny searches for his dragon partner, Ferroth. In a desperate flight to prove Ferroth still lives he finds S’teve and Libereth adrift and injured from a battle he can hardly imagine existing: dragons fighting dragons. Together, S’teve and T’ny navigate tangles of time travel, villainy that challenges their most dearly-held truths, and the budding of new love.
A getting-together Marvel 616/Dragonriders of Pern AU (no prior Pern knowledge necessary).
my thoughts: i love dragons and I love Pern AND I love Stevetony so this was just all around delightful. I can’t imagine reading this without knowledge of Pern, but I def think you should try. 
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josefavomjaaga · 5 months
Hortense about Duroc's love letter
This is translated from Hortense's memoirs, Tome 1, for @sillybumblebeegirl. I'll add the usual disclaimer: I'm personally very suspicious about anything she writes that cannot be backed up by a second source. It's known that Hortense reworked her memoirs several times and that she was an excellent writer who knew how to captivate an audience.
That being said, here we go 😁:
Of all the young men around me, only one dared to aspire to my hand in marriage: Colonel Duroc. The recollection of the Consul's plan to have him marry his sister [Caroline] gave him the idea that he would not oppose a union with me. I had noticed that he was more embarrassed than others when talking to me, more frequent at Malmaison, but never a word had betrayed his impressions. Murat extracted his secret from him and set about making the marriage a success.
"She is a romantic young person," he said, "with whom you have to sigh for a long time before you can please. However, you also have to declare yourself and tell her that you love her."
Indeed, one day when I came back to fetch a book I had forgotten in the salon, Duroc approached me looking rather shaky, and gave me the book himself. When I got home, I opened it and found a letter. What should I do now? To read it seemed a great mistake. I went back down to return it. Duroc was no longer there: the Consul had just sent him on a mission. It was at the moment of his departure that he had dared to declare himself. I put the letter in my desk, which I did not close, as was my custom, and left my room.
As chance would have it, at dinnertime the Consul, who often took pleasure in intimidating me, entered the living room with my mother and finding me already there, said to me: "We've come from your room. We've been through all your things and read all your sweet notes. Ah, it's lovely to receive such beautiful declarations." I blushed, stammered and forgot that the joke was nothing new. I thought I was guilty: it was enough to make me look guilty. Uncertain of my answer, I rushed out and ran to the secretary: the letter was still sealed. I came back down more calmly. My emotion had not escaped the Consul and my mother. They told me with surprise when I returned: "Could it be true? Do you have secrets? You fled quite quickly to your room". Fortunately, dinner put an end to my embarrassment. That same evening, my mother was informed of everything. Duroc had left a letter with Murat to await my reply. I told Caroline that I would never make up my mind without knowing my mother's opinion, and I asked her to send back this famous letter. "I don't know," I added, "whom fate has destined for me, but I won't have to reproach myself for having read a love letter from someone other than the man who is to be my husband." I must confess that before handing it in, I had a good mind to try and read it without opening it to see how a declaration was written, but I resisted and thought I had deserved some credit for it. Duroc, though not the man my imagination pictured as worthy of all my affections, did not displease me. I recognised many qualities in him. His great respect for me made me believe in his feelings. Yet so often, when I listened to him, I would say: "That's not it yet".
Well, perhaps I would have married him had it not been for my mother's formal opposition. The Consul did not object, but she only thought about it with sorrow. Brought up with the ideas generally held by the nobility, in her eyes it was a misalignment to enter a family that did not belong to it. Prejudice lurked beneath the care she took to welcome everyone equally. It had no influence whatsoever on her kindness, which extended equally to everyone, but nothing seemed to her distinguished enough for her daughter. Although Duroc was a gentleman, she would have liked to have seen greater distinction in him or in his ancestors. "I never could get used to hearing you called Madame Duroc," she would say to me. "'Would you love him? I would despair of it." I reassured my mother. I repeated that my heart was calm, my position happy and that I had no desire to change that.
This all takes place a short time after Murat's marriage, and I like how Murat is included in this. It's to be noted that at this point, Hortense and Caroline were besties, so Hortense could confide in Caroline without problems, Caroline then in Murat, and Murat could inform Duroc (who probably was on his way to Saint-Petersburg? Would that fit the timeline?).
As to historical events, I kinda doubt Hortense was really that clueless about Duroc's feelings for her. If I'm not completely mistaken I remember a letter by Eugène that mentioned Duroc wanting Hortense to come visit the army camp (before the Marengo campaign?). Which then had old Madame Campan throw an epistolary hissy fit about how unseemly this would be for an unmarried young lady.
In any case, Hortense clearly was not heartbroken over this event. If she had married Duroc, it would not have been out of love but out of lack for "better" options.
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meduarts · 2 years
Managing Life (Part 4/?)
Summary: Marinette has been Audrey Bourgeois' secretary ever since she voiced out her dream of having her own business. Audrey thinks that she should learn more about the nooks and crannies of running a fashion business. However, fate has other plans for her, and honestly, what can our resident guardian could do to counter fate?
Disclaimer: I do not own MLB or DCU.
Pairings: Dick Grayson/Marinette Dupain-Cheng
A/n: Well, here we are with another update. Special thanks to @mysnis for giving me the idea for this chapter in particular!
<Previous Chapter> <Next Chapter>
Marinette had just finished the online meeting about the progress report from the main Style Queen branch in Paris. She huffed tiredly as she began to relax her overly stiffed body, a result from sitting for 5 hours straight for the meeting. She was going to lay on her bed when her phone started to ring.
She checked on who was calling her and to her surprise, it was Audrey. Curious, she picks up the call. "Madame? Do you need me to bake you more baked goods?" She asked in concern.
"Non non! Everything is perfect as usual! I'm just here to inform you that you have an interview with Brucie, tomorrow morning! I already made sure that your morning schedule is clear!"
"W-wait, What?" Marinette replied dumbly.
"Do I need to spell it out for you, Marinette? Tomorrow morning, you have an interview with Bruce Wayne. He was looking for a new secretary and you are currently looking for a new mentor! Fate, non?"
"F-fate?? Wait! That dinner! I knew you were planning something! Did you pimp me out to him???" Marinette accused while ruffling her hair nervously.
She could hear Audrey's signature shrill laugh from the other side of the connection, "Oh please, Pimping sounds so crude! I merely just help out my darling protege to find a mentor! Anyways, be ready tomorrow morning, Brucie kindly told me that his Butler shall pick you up at 8 A.M sharp! Wear one of your designs and don't bother getting your portfolio and resume together because I already sent a copy to him! Entendue? Good! Have a good night's rest, my dear! Ta~' Then she hung up.
Marinette looked at her phone in disbelief, she was utterly speechless. She has an interview with Bruce Wayne. She has an interview with Bruce Wayne. INTERVIEW! BRUCE WAYNE!
The young secretary's mind went overdrive and crashed immediately. Negative thoughts about the things that would happen and imaginative scenarios about how she would fail the interview, making a mockery of herself in front of one of the most powerful men in Gotham began to pop into her mind. She didn't even notice that she was hyperventilating were it not for the kwamis shouts around her.
"Breathe, Marinette!" Exclaimed Tikki in her ear.
Marinette began rebooting and she made sure to do the breathing exercise that her therapist had mentioned. Once she is calm enough, the fact that she has an interview tomorrow morning made her anxious again. She bolted out from her bed and began pacing.
"Oh, this is a disaster! Completely a disaster! I-i'm nowhere ready! Merde, what if I fall, what if I accidentally spill water on his expensive suit?! WHAT IF I MADE HIM UNCOMFORTABLE???!!" She panics.
The kwamis looked at each other, exasperated at their silly Guardian. They watched in amusement at Marinette's tirade.
"What if I made him hate me?! I might have to fake my death, change my identity and move somewhere remote! To bora-bora or somewhere in Southeast Asia?! Perhaps, Indonesia?! Yeah, that sounds like a good failsafe, I could even change my name, dyed my hair, and even get cosmetic surgery to alter my look! Maybe I should become a hermit in Tibet instead! YES! That's a good idea!"
Plagg sighed frustratedly at his kitten, and he decided to put a stop to this ridiculous rant. He zoomed in front of Marinette and slap her nose, "Get a hold of yourself, kitten. It's getting ridiculous.".
It worked instantly, the girl sucked a deep breath before letting out a huge sigh. "Sorry..." She mumbled softly. "I spiralled again, didn't I?" She meekly asked Plagg with a sheepish smile.
Plagg gave her a droll look, "Ya think? You even talked about getting plastic surgery and becoming a hermit in Tibet."
Marinette blushed in embarrassment, "Yeah, I don't know where that came from."
The other kwamis floated around Marinette, some were giggling and some were looking at her with an exasperated smile. Duusu flew forward and hugged Marinette's cheek. "It's going to be alright, peafowl! You are good at your job and I'm sure that the Wayne man was impressed with your achievements!"
"That's right, Marinette! I'm sure that you'll do fine in your interview! Besides, we're always there for you so you're never alone!" Tikki agreed.
Nooroo shyly floats forward, "I-if it made you feel better. I-i'll be honored to accompany you! P-perhaps my calmness could help!" He offered meekly.
Marinette smiled warmly and reached forward so that Nooro could perch on her palm. She brought him closer and gave the butterfly kwami a gentle kiss. "Thank you, Nooroo. You're such a dear." She complimented which made the said kwami blush.
Marinette then looks at the assembled kwami and smiles brightly at them. "Thank you, all of you. I don't know where would I be without you all."
"Crash and Burn?" Plagg snarks. "A complete mess?" Trixx added. "Rich but not as elegant!" pipes Kaalki. Tikki and Wayzz moved to them and gave all three a whack.
"Don't listen to them, Guardian. I'm sure without us you would be okay." Wayzz argued.
"But I'd be lonely. Either way, I'm glad that we could meet. I'm glad that fate brought me to you. I love you guys." Marinette said and they all share a big hug.
She doesn't know what will happen tomorrow, but with the kwami around, she felt like she could do anything. With her resolve set, she started to form a plan on how to tackle the interview tomorrow.
She can do this!
"I can't do this~" She whined miserably while hiding her face behind her hands. Currently, she's on her way to the Wayne Enterprise HQ. As Audrey had said Bruce's Butler, Alfred Pennyworth, picked her up at exactly 8 A.M. She wasn't late which was a good sign, she even made sure that she wore her best-designed dress! But after a few minutes sitting in Bruce Wayne's car, her anxiety had come back with gusto.
Alfred clears his throat to catch Marinette's attention. When the nervous girl looks up he gave her a warm smile. "What seems to be the problem, Ms Dupain-Cheng?" He asked kindly.
Marinette chewed her lips while her hands were fiddling together trying to keep herself grounded. "I-it's nothing, Mr Pennyworth. I'm just being silly, that's all."
Alfred hummed thoughtfully, "It must not be that silly since it's making you so nervous. Perhaps, I could give you a bit of advice if you want to talk about it?" he offered kindly.
The girl shrinks but then she felt an encouraging pat from her breast pocket. She looked downwards and was greeted by Nooro's encouraging smile. She let out a shaky sigh, "Well...I'm just nervous about this interview. Mme Bourgeois told me last night and I haven't prepared anything yet! I'm afraid of giving M Wayne the wrong impression. Not to mention, I had coincidentally met him at the park before and I did this stupid thing where I get to be this ridiculous know-it-all! Maybe I shouldn't do this interview." She whined to herself. Alfred smiled softly as he briefly glance at the ruffled-looking girl from the rearview mirror.
"Ms Dupain-Cheng, I think it is best if you take a deep breath and think about your next step and only the next step. You will never know whether you'll succeed or fail, right? Just one step, Ms Dupain-Cheng. Only one step." Advised the old butler while giving a knowing smile from the mirror. Marinette replied with a sheepish smile of her own.
She looks at her hands again and took a peek at Nooroo who was giving her a wide smile. She nodded to herself, took a deep breath, closes her eyes, and tries to clear her mind. Taking Alfred's words to heart she plans in her mind. She was going to do her best in the interview, she plans on what she was going to speak as an introduction and then she opened her eyes with renewed vigour.
She looks at Alfred and smiled brightly, "Thank you for your advice, sir. It definitely works." Her hands raised to her chest to cup the butterfly pendant that she had worn that day. "Just one step..." She whispered again for courage, then a whisper of a familiar voice added.
Do the next right thing.
She could feel her eyes beginning to water, somehow she could feel Master Fu's encouraging pat on her shoulder. A strange but familiar warmth surged to her whole body and she could feel her nerve starting to lessen. She will do the interview to her best ability. After all what's the worst thing that could happen?
The worst thing did kind of happened.
So, after thanking Alfred for driving her to Wayne Enterprise and for the advice Marinette walked bravely to the huge building. Everything was going well so far, she told the receptionist about her appointment and the nice lady showed her the way to Mr Wayne's office.
The worst thing happened when she walked out of the elevator and ran into someone, hard. Her nerve came again during the elevator ride and once the door opened she bolted out from the confined space, and barreled into someone, sending them both to the ground with a loud thud.
"O-oh my gosh! I-I'm so sorry! I-i wasn't looking." She stuttered apologetically as she moved away from the person.
The one whom she stumbled to turns out to be a man who seemed to be the same age as she was. The man shook his head and held out a hand to stop Marinette's stuttering. "It's...fine." He said politely with a smile. He picked himself up and look at Marinette with a calculating gaze. "Who are you?" He asked politely.
"I-i'm Marinette. I-i was here f-for the interview? W-with Mr Wayne?" She said unsurely. She could feel herself being judged under those scrutinizing eyes of his and Marinette unconsciously flinched.
The man hummed noncommittally. "The office is just down the hall. Good luck, I think you'll need it." He said with a bored tone.
That set Marinette off from her previous nervous self. "And what makes you think I'll need it?" A hint of sass bleeds through in her tone. The man blinked, clearly unexpected to see a change of tone from Marinette.
"Oh, I'm not implying anything! It's just..." The man trailed off his words, his eyes darting around the room trying to think of a more polite way to voice his 'concerns'. "Look, I'm sure you are a very competent person, it's just I know Bruce and I don't think he's looking for someone like...you?" He finished unsurely.
Marinette was appalled, no she was furious, sure she had sent the guy flying with her nervous stumble but she couldn't help it. Her nerves got the better of her! However, that doesn't give him any right to judge her so lowly!
Before she could even give a seething remark the man pats her shoulder and gave an empathetic smile, which to Marinette looked so condescending that she wants to punch that smile off his face. "Anyways, good luck and I'm sure that there'll be another path for you." He 'advised' helpfully and leave Marinette seething and glaring murderously on his disappearing back.
Oh, she'll show him. If before she just wants to give her best for this interview and just leave everything to fate, now she's determined to get that job. She'll show him how much of a terrifying secretary she could be.
Dick couldn't believe his odds to stumble upon the girl that he had met as Nightwing. The one that had confused his mind with the way the reports told how she had handled the Riddler and his goons. When the girl had sent him to the ground with her powerful stumble and had stuttered out her apology he was ready to believe that what happened with the Riddler had been a fluke.
There was no way that someone like her could do what the reports had stated. Yep, Dick now has a firm belief that what she had done was certainly a fluke. When she introduced herself and told him that she was here for the Secretary/PA interview with Bruce he winced inwardly.
The girl will be eaten by the wolves, where in this case the wolf is Bruce, but he digresses. So he wished the girl good luck and it seems that she had taken it wrongly. Dick had to find the right words to not hurt Marinette's feelings and after saying his piece he thought that he had done a pretty decent job to shoot down any hope for working as Bruce's PA.
He knows his adopted father and he knows that Bruce doesn't appreciate a scatterbrain of a secretary, even if she's quite pretty. He left the girl in the hallway thinking that it'll be the last time he'll ever see her again.
Short answer from the universe? He was wrong. He was so wrong.,
Marinette waits outside of the CEO's office, still stewing from that guy's condescending attitude. Not even Nooroo's gentle pat could calm down her rage. She hopes that she won't see that guy soon because as much as she prides her ability to control her emotions she wouldn't count herself to not slap the guy silly.
"Ms Dupain-Cheng, Mr Wayne is ready for your interview." Called the lovely secretary who gave her an encouraging smile.
Marinette shoot out from her seat and nodded excitedly. "Thank you! I'm ready now." She said as she pats down her skirt to smooth any wrinkles away. She marched confidently to the office and greet the familiar man with a bright smile.
"M Wayne! We meet again!"
"Ah, Marinette. I can call you that right?"
She nodded with a confident smile as she approach his desk and waited next to the chair in front of him waiting for his permission.
"Oh! Please, sit-sit! I'm sure you already know what we're going to do today?" He asked with a pleasant smile. Marinette took a seat and gave a small shrug.
"I have to say, M Wayne. Madame Bourgeois informed me on such short notice that I'm afraid my preparation would not be as much as I wanted." She explained elegantly.
"Really? Audrey gave you such short notice? Do you want to reschedule the interview?" Bruce offered fully expecting her to accept the new agreement, instead, Marinette shook her head.
"Oh, no. I'm ready." She confidently declined. "I have a point to prove." She added with a smirk. Bruce chuckled and with that, the interview starts.
Marinette didn't know how they even moved to this topic but right now, instead of interviewing, Marinette is eagerly pointing out the flaws of Batman's hero costume as well as the early Robins costume. Thankfully, Bruce didn't seem put off instead he was listening very intently and even took some notes from her rant. It was pretty surrealistic.
The interview had started out great and it didn't feel like she was being interviewed for a job position, to be honest. They talk about her ability to plan on her feet and anticipate unexpected occurrences. They talk about how she manages Audrey's schedule and made sure the company runs smoothly if one of the others is not present in HQ. Bruce even asked about how she handles difficult business partners or clients and considering the pleased smile on his face she felt like she nailed this interview. At one point, Bruce had asked about her fashion business and Marinette had excitedly explained how she started the business when she was thirteen during the heights of Hawkmoth's reign of terror. All in all, she would consider this a success!
While she was going to move on to talk about the atrocious colour shade that the first Robin had, Bruce Wayne's secretary had come inside the office to inform them about the fitting appointment that they had in one of the reserved meeting rooms. So, they ended the interview there and leave the office while discussing a new topic which is about capes.
"I'm just saying M Wayne, I just think that they should invest in an easily removed cape system. Imagine if the enemy manages to get their hands on the cape? Disaster!" She rants as Bruce frowned thoughtfully.
"You may have a point. Anyways, perhaps we should shelve this conversation for another time. We're here." He said as he opened the meeting room to show that there was already someone inside. "Ah! You're here, perfect. Marinette, I'd like to introduce you to my son. Richard Grayson."
Before either person could introduce themself they both gasped dramatically and pointed at each other with a different variety of shock.
Taglist: @timinette-is-bestbest, @peach-blueberry-pie, @tinybrie, @taewinterbear95, @its-maemain, @flyhighdreamer, @kokoroluna @kitsun3699 @lilfuturescarss @kaimodius @sinoffalsejudgement @night-ngale @laydeekrayzee @fauxnormal @stella17luna @plz-excuse-my-inner-gay @ae-vixrose @toodaloo-kangaroo @ascetic-orange @l-of-the-gbt @lex-am @hemeraandnyxx @tbehartoo @babylovebug18 @allis-sun @wheredoesonegetnameideas @coolspidermanmusicflower @ascetic-orange @th3crypt1d @kamarallil @0anodite0 @talafairy(Tell me if you want to be a part of the taglist!)
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phoeebsbuffay · 1 year
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Imagine “Star Wars” special edition: movies.
• Black, Red, Royal•
Imagine you and General Skywalker don’t get along at all, but for the sake of the Republic, you are forced to appear to work well together…Part I.
Warnings: based on “Red Blue Royal” movie.
Warnings 2: light/comfort reading…
Anakin’s POV.
He’s just landed to Coruscant, proud of his success in the recent mission that Obi-Wan delivered him. According to his perspective, there were not so many losses to count on, which means the war remains balanced… but favorably towards the Republic.
If he’s not being overly optimistic, as Obi-Wan often remarks, war might come to an end soon. An unnecessary conflict that every day seems to linger, but who is he if not a soldier fighting for peace?
Trying not to get himself too lost in his thoughts, specially when these seem to caught him in a complex web of contradictions where the Jedi Order is concerned, he rather focuses on the present. Overall because Obi-Wan is waiting for him.
“Ah, Anakin! I’ve been looking forward to seeing you again”, so the Master greets his former Padawan friendly.
Anakin smiles when placing a hand over his Master’s shoulder.
“So you’ve heard we won this battle?”, he speaks with a smug on his face.
“Yes, I have. How could I not? But don’t let success get to your head too soon for another mission waits”, so tells Obi-Wan in advance. “Do you remember princess Y/N of the planet Y/C?”
Not too soon his smile is wiped out of his face and a frown is seen forming over his eyebrows.
“…Yes. What about it?”
Ignoring the look on his pupil’s face, Obi-Wan proceeds to explain:
“Her planet is in great danger. It has come to our knowledge that Dooku is interested in getting that region’s resources to build a secret weapon we have yet to discover. The attacks have started and she has pledged help from Senate.”
“Couldn’t you send somebody else?”, he groans. “I’ve just returned from…”
“No, Anakin”, Obi-Wan heavily sighs as he cuts the other off. “You are the most experienced here and Ahsoka is in Mandalore. Besides, whatever has Lady H/N done to you to deserve such a swift of mood?”
“She is cocky, arrogant and…” Anakin shrugs her shoulders.
“And? And she didn’t flirt you back like Senator Padmé Amidala did?”, the redhaired Master raises his eyebrows, struggling to keep his amusement behind his eyes.
“It’s not about that”, Anakin retorts. “And whoever said Senator Padmé flirted back with me? Haven’t you heard she’s back together with that Senator Clovis?”
All of Obi-Wan’s efforts have no avail as he eventually chuckles.
“You seem to forget that we must not form any romantic attachments. Let them be and your broken heart will heal”, he smiles. “Can I count on you in safeguarding Lady Y/N?”
Anakin is not looking the happiest when he responds:
“Yes, Master. When have I ever refused you anything?”
• Your POV.
You look through the window, back to your colleagues in order to keep your displeasure away from their faces. Your eyes are glued in the landscape your planet provides: such a beautiful mixture of light purple skies with the green of fields and blue rivers cutting them in half, with different shapes of houses inhabited by your subjects.
Beneath the simplicity with which you and your ancestors have conducted the planet over centuries, there is a lot of richness that you try to protect, using it only for the common good. However, with the Clonic Wars, neutrality—once a wise move that had everyone agreed to for the sake of the planet—is twisted to aggression.
Count Dooku has been launching attacks since he found out by a spy—a traitor that you opted to exile instead of hang—that there are resources he could use to help the Separatists. But your army is not enough powerful to stop him. And now you wait for the Jedis.
“Madame, they are here”, your secretary’s voice breaks you from your thoughts.
“Who?”, you inquired, sounding distant from yourself, trying not to sound so defeated.
“The Jedi Master and his men”, so you are informed.
“Good”, you tell him. “Send them in.”
You straight the skirt of your dress, change your posture and turn around, gathering your ladies in waiting as the protocol dictates. Few members of the Privy Council are left at your presence before others are dismissed.
But when the doors open, you try not to show some disappointment when seeing Anakin Skywalker… next to General Rex.
“Greetings, my lords”, you welcome them once they are announced by a local herald. “I pray you have done a safe journey to planet Y/C?”
“Princess Y/N Y/LN”, the Jedi bows, a gesture followed by his general. “It was an easy journey, thank you for inquiring.”
“It took some time for the Senate to answer my appeals”, you cannot help yourself. “Dooku sent a few men and droids to take what’s not theirs by right.”
“Well, with all due respect, Madame, but we cannot be in two places at the same time”, Anakin responds with a scoff.
“Of course not, I don’t expect the Jedis bear such a trick”, you retort. “But doesn’t the Chancellor hold sufficient power and men to send aid to my planet? As far as I know we live in the same galaxy.”
Anakin narrows his eyes. Suddenly, tension is felt. But before he has the opportunity to respond, your prime-minister clears his throat and says:
“We all appreciate your efforts, General Skywalker. This war is wearing us out, do excuse us for looking tired. We just don’t know what to do anymore.”
“You are excused”, he says in greeted teeth. “But we are doing the best we can. I hope the princess can see that in long term.”
You glare at him. Of all the Jedis, should have been Anakin Skywalker the one sent by the Senate? Could things get any worse?!
•Anakin’s POV.
“How was it?”, Obi-Wan’s voice is heard throughout the hologram.
“Terrible, how else should it be? She’s proud and annoying, that’s what she is”, complains Anakin. “Has Ahsoka returned yet? Maybe she’s doing a better work here.”
“Anakin, I’ve expressively told you not to depart before the mission is complete. May I remind you that it’s your duty to the Jedi and an obligation to the Senate to help planet Y/C to stay safe from Dooku’s attack?”
“Yes, you may, Master.”
And Anakin turns off the hologram, hardly patient to hear any more scowls of Obi-Wan. Not too far from there, Rex clears his throat.
“Permission to speak, sir?”
“Permission granted, Rex. As if you need one”, Anakin chuckles.
“Well, as much as you might think the princess is difficult to deal with, she is doing what she can to keep it safe.” He hesitates, and Anakin knows there is more. Seeing the encouragement in his general’s face, he adds. “She’s growing unpopular in the planet because of it. If Lady Y/N doesn’t marry and produce children, she might lose the control of the crown her family has been holding for centuries.”
“That does seem a lot of pressure to be put on her arms”, Anakin concedes, albeit unwillingly. “But what am I supposed to do? I am a soldier, Rex. Obi-Wan should have come if diplomacy is what Lady Y/N desires.”
“We are in the middle of a war as you said yourself, sir. She needs thus a warrior”, adds Rex. “For the sake of Galaxy, we must not let her lose the crown… or else every effort to keep it from Dooku’s hands is going to be useless.”
“Very well”, grumbles the Jedi. “I’ll see what I can do.”
Rex nods his head respectfully, but Anakin swears he saw a small smile on his general’s lips.
• Your POV.
It’s earlier than usual. The palace is quiet, an indicator there is no one awake at such an hour. You don’t wait for your ladies, eager to dissipate the anxiety that has been growing in your heart. You dress a red gown this day and opt to leave your hair down for a while.
But what you don’t expect is to meet him too, already breaking his fast by himself at the kitchen table.
“Oh”, you exclaim, getting the Jedi out of your thoughts. “Up so soon, General?”
“I hope you don’t mind”, he says rather awkwardly when standing abruptly to bow.
“I don’t. And you don’t have to bow”, you tell him as you start looking for something to eat.
“You are the princess. I might get arrested for not following the protocol”, Anakin remarks grumpily.
You laugh sarcastically.
“Looks like you take me for a vixen that needs to be tamed”.
Something about how you speak it seems to make him quiet. Noticing it so, you turn and raise an eyebrow:
“What? Did I frighten you, General?”
“No. I am in no position for being rude.”
“On that we can agree.”
Another tension comes to scene, falling in awkward silence that hangs between the two of you. Not willing this to continue, though, you say:
“I think we didn’t start well.”
“Definitely not”, Anakin agrees. “I should have understood your position better.”
You raise your eyes and as you meet his, it seems for the first time you notice his irises are painted in a very deep shade of blue.
“Is that how a Jedi apologizes or Jedis don’t usually apologize?”, you tease him, pleased to see he’s actually able to smile.
Sitting in front of him as you begin to eat a bowl of cereals with milk, you act as his presence doesn’t affect you. Why should it? He’s just a man, a cocky, bold and arrogant man. It’s what you tell yourself.
Anakin reclines back in his chair, arms folded as he studies you.
“That depends to whom you ask this question. But you are not entirely different, are you, princess?”
You take a napkin carefully from your lips and wipe the bits of milk out of your mouth. As the confusion is stamped in you face, for you don’t seem to get where his grudge comes from, Anakin cannot help himself when saying:
“Well, let me refresh your memory: the day we dined together with other Senators and you snubbed me because I was not yet a Master.”
You glance at him, surprised. Is this why he’s been acting so pompously?
“Oh? This happened a few years ago!”
“So you don’t deny this happened?” Anakin asks you, rather impatiently.
At least you blush.
“Look… I had no idea… I…” You clear your throat, trying to get some time. The occasion he mentioned happened when your father was still alive and you were being presented to other diplomats, politicians and some Jedis. You may have been immature and behaved unkindly to some Padawans, as was the case with Anakin. “Nothing excuses my behavior, but I had no patience with that dinner. You may not believe in me, but I don’t like these festivities. I don’t belong in them.”
Anakin seems to weight your words and you find yourself anxious to have him believing in you.
“I mean it.”
“I know you do”, he softens. “But you are a princess. Wouldn’t you like to have all the attention?”
You smile at the male Jedi.
“There is only so little you know about me, General Skywalker.”
And that is how it starts.
• Anakin’s POV.
Princess Y/N is not as terrible as he’d come to think after the bad experience you both lived years ago in your late teens. Now he’s spending more time protecting you—all the whilst his men are fighting battles here and there at your planet—, he can see a side of you he never thought he’d see.
“Your jokes are terrible!”, he’s managed to be brought to laughters in one of these days you are at garden and you tell him a pun that came out of the blue. “My Maker, Lady Y/N! I’ve always thought you were a serious princess.”
As you, in turn, laugh at his remark, Anakin smiles. He notices your y/c hair, appreciating how braided your locks are in the fashion of your planet; not to mention the y/c that paints your eyes, seemingly sparkling every time they meet his blue ones.
His gaze lingers at your lips, when they open in a warm smile. What else is there to say? Oh yes, he’s always noticing the gowns you are wearing, particularly preferring the red with details in black that reinforce your curves.
But today you are dressing a silk blue gown with embroidery in white whose long sleeves exhibit your shoulders and some cleavage. Some part of the general’s thought leaves him to wonder what’s like to explore your skin with his hungry lips.
A thought that he naturally dissipates when you bring him back to life.
“You are staring too much, General”, you giggle. “What’s in your mind? My bad jokes or my bad temper?”
“Your bad temper is just an excuse to hide your bad jokes”, he teases you, before having the idea of lifting you up and tossing you over his shoulder, earning you some screams.
“Put me down, Anakin!”, you laugh out loud. “Come on!”
“So it’s Anakin now? Whatever happened to “General”? No titles?”, Anakin laughs back as he finally does what you ask him.
You two are surrounded by a long complex garden where privacy is yours. Anakin twirls you around as you suddenly dance with no music, eyes interlocked in a long gaze.
“There is no need to use titles now”, you smile at him, all the whilst a summer breeze threatens to mess with your curls. “We are friends, aren’t we?”
If this scene was told Anakin two months earlier, he’d laugh away. But the more he gets to know you, the real you, not the princess you ought to public display, the more he realizes he’d been wrong about you.
“I suppose we are now”, he chuckles lightly. “You are not entirely bad, Y/N Y/LN.”
You smirk at him.
“Neither are you, Anakin Skywalker.”
Getting lost in your eyes, Anakin seems to have found something in you…
• Your POV.
You don’t know how it happened. It just did. In one day you judged Anakin Skywalker as the proudest man of the galaxy, unbearable to stand. Now you cannot enjoy the idea of standing far from him.
“I was wondering if Master Skywalker may accompany me for a horseback riding”, you ask him nonchalantly after the usual meeting of a Wednesday morning. “It’s really sunny and we need a time to break.”
Anakin side smirks at you. You wish to understand more of the Jedi ways, but before you speak it loud, the prime ministers clears his throat and breaks the spell:
“With all due respect, my lady, but today we are expecting the arrival of the princes of our kingdoms. Though we may be in war, it is unwise to forget your duties.”
Your smile is wiped out of face, but you do not lose your composure as you retort:
“Don’t forget your place, prime minister. There is only one mistress here and no master. I too can command a planet like my ancestors!”
And just like that you storm out of the quarters, with Anakin not too far from you. The idea of being pressed to behave like a mare is irritating. Has someone pressed Duchess Satine of Mandalore to get married and produce sons? Certainly not. Why with you things would be different?
“Princess”, you hear the voice of Anakin calling you back, chilly. “Come here.”
You turn and he’s there for you. You could just throw yourself in his arms, but thinking to be inappropriate, you don’t.
“I’m sorry for my outburst”, you apologize as you take his hand and interlock with you.
“There is no need to apologize. I think what you did was the most correct. You are the mistress of your life. Never let anyone think you otherwise”, he tells you. “Come, let us get away from this palace for a moment.”
After a while riding in silence, enjoying the sun high in sky and listening to the birds singing, you turn your head. Before you open your mouth, Anakin speaks:
“I see you have a question to ask. Ask away.”
You put a grimace.
“You and your Jedi tricks. Why even doing so?”
He turns at you with those blue eyes.
“Because I want to hear it from you.”
You blush, but you cannot look away.
“It’s something I feel I need to know”, you apologize, somewhat disconcerted by your curiosity. “Did you love her?”
You don’t know why you feel the need to ask him such a personal question. Less so the fear of his answer. All so suddenly you wish you didn’t ask, but you must know.
An urge of your heart, silly it is, leads you to discover that one you fears the most. Before Anakin could find a way to tell you the truth, though, you panic.
You run away.
(To be continue)
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princesssarcastia · 24 days
the season 1 finale of Madam Secretary is so rich on so many levels. obviously blockbuster congressional hearings are fun, but all the flashback stuff just has emotional teeth in a way that's hypnotizing.
it is the one moment in the series where i feel a keen hatred for henry mccord. you, mr.-fighter-pilot, want to kick up a fuss about your wife going away to a war zone for a year and change for her job? her very important job, for which she was hand-picked, which would have helped her implement a massive policy shift THAT SHE DESIGNED to eliminate the CIA's use of torture? are you kidding me? hypocrite much! gah! i really just want to whack him over the head.
because really, we see elizabeth sacrifice her whole career for her husband, in that moment. her husband throws a fit about her taking exactly the kind of job he used to have, and she caves. she quits. obviously i hate the CIA and everything it stands for, but from a character perspective, through a feminist lens, it is galling.
on the other end of the flashback zone, we have that final scene where they have juliet reminiscing about a time when they were all friends. it is just picture perfect. the camera spins around the table, and you see juliet, who will spend the rest of her life in prison; and munsey, who will blow his own brains out; and george, who will be murdered by the former two; and elizabeth, who will unravel it all and be emotionally destroyed by it.
all this horror and intrigue and death you've spent watching all season, in perfect tension with the real joy and friendship they're all experiencing. it's the best kind of dramatic irony. helped, of course, by a tonally excellent soundtrack, which somehow manages to sound exactly like what you'd imagine ironic nostalgia sounds like.
"i guess there was a time when we were all friends," Juliet says, looking lost instead of righteous for the very first time. not because she regrets what she's done—not because she regrets murdering george, a man who was once her friend. but because she's honestly forgotten. hmm. fantastic. love it.
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viatrixtravels-a · 1 year
More Genshin High School AU
The students
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Noelle is repeating her first year. She overworked herself to the point of falling ill on the day of the final exams and was held back as a result.
Everyone thinks Dori is an elementary schooler who wandered into high school. She claims not to be, but nobody knows the truth.
People often mistake Kaveh for being a second year student and Alhaitham for a third year, but it is actually the other way around. (Which very much upsets Kaveh)
Venti has been a 3rd year student forever. Nobody even remembers when he first enrolled at Teyvat High. If you ask him, he will simply respond with 'ehe~'
Albedo skipped a grade because he is too big brained.
The class presidents for each class are Ayaka (1st year), Yanfei (2nd year) and Ninguang (3rd year). Keqing volunteered to be class president but it would be too much to combine with her responsiblity on the disciplinary committee.
Student council
President - Furina
Vice president - Neuvilette
Treasurer - Zhongli
Secretary - Ganyu
Library committee
President - Alhaitham
Vice president - Xingqiu
Health committee
President - Kokomi
Vice president - Barbara
Student Disciplinary committee
President - Jean
Vice president - Keqing
School principal
School counselor
Madame Ping
School doctor
Dottore (I had to)
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Lynette would be in the 'cannot be bothered' category but Lyney forced to join with him.
Similar situation with Chongyun who did not know which club to join so he followed his best friend Xingqiu to the literature club. He likes to read supernatural stories about demons and evil spirits.
Ganyu might eventually convince Xiao to join the gardening club with her. He finds being surrounded by plants and flowers strangely soothing. His favorite is the Qingxin flower.
Mona tried to make her own astrology club but there were no other members, so she eventually joined the art club instead.
Sara joined the cooking club with Ei so she can be there to stop Ei from setting the school kitchen on fire.
Cyno joined the debate club with the sole intention of making bad jokes for all of his arguments and annoying the heck out of his clubmates.
Wanderer is in the drama club because he's a DRAMA QUEEN.
There's several sports clubs so I'll leave it up to you guys' imagination which specific sport these characters would choose. uwu
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10, 13, 24 for the writer asks, please!
Thank you for the asks! im sorry it took a while to write a response to these!
From these asks
10. What is the longest amount of time you’ve let a draft rest before you finished it?
This is not hard to answer, but it is embarassing.
8 years and still going.
I started writing Age of Aquarius Part 2, the second in my "holy god i didnt anticipate how long this would be" post-canon series in.... 2016. it ran right into the Americorps and grad school years of my 20s, when i was working and studying so much that i wrote the least of any other time in my life. and then in that time I rediscovered Star Trek, discovered Trek fandom for the first time, and the sheer amount of engagement i found there really inspired so much fic that i had to follow that impulse. it has been amazing. i have gotten so so so much better as a writer thanks to the range of writing ideas ive been driven and challenged to attempt, and have found such a robust community too. Al that writing experience and experimentarion made the work i have been able to put in on Age of Aquarius (and Sailor Moon H) so so much better.
but Aquarius has languished for it. and my small but amazing community of Sailor Moon friends is the only reason ive kept writing it - for them, because theyve been with me so long through everything and I know how much they love it.
I entered the WIP Big Bang with Aquarius this year. im not sure if i will finish it in time for the end of the challenge but i know what happens in every chapter and slowly but surely im making progress. That is nice to feel 🥰
13. a fandom you’re thinking about writing for
I've never written for Star Trek Strange New Worlds or for RWBY. And I only wrote a little for Madam Secretary. All three have really compelling characters I'd love to sink my teeth into given the right time and the right idea. Especially RWBY if it never gets a new season, I have been yearning to see what happens in Vacuo and after the Wonderland arc and if the canon doesn't continue now that Rooster Teeth has folded, i would feel really motivated to try to imagine an ending for myself
24. how do you recharge when you’re not feeling creative?
Books and Video games. Both ways i can enjoy a story i didnt have to create myself. or doing something physical instead that lets the creative part of my brain rest. I'd also travel more if i could. it's a great way to find new things that inspire you!
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shammers86 · 6 months
I took a shower, played with my cat 🐈‍⬛ and scrambled some coherent thoughts together.
I cannot emphasize how much that kiss and the arc that Buck is about to have means to people struggling with their own sexual identity. This is on network tv and now after 7 years, we get this. But Oliver and Tim (and Lou) took great care to show that you can in fact question who you are inside even in your 30’s.
I’ve been settled in my sexuality for about 8 years now. But I remember having Callie on Grey’s Anatomy come out as bisexual and me going “Really that’s a thing? I can like boys and girls?” While they didn’t handle it all that well, it still meant the world for 20 something year old me to hear this and be validated.
Then Rosa Diaz came along and my God, that also meant to world to me as someone starting to settle into their skin. There are some others (Madam Secretary is one) that also show bisexuality.
I thought I was gonna be mad but I realized how happy I am that we are getting Bi Buck. I cannot imagine people watching this episode who are struggling with who they are, who they are attracted to and seeing this play out, and what it means to them.
Tim, Oliver and ABC wanted to show this. Want to explore what it means to explore something you buried deep inside. And I cannot thank them enough because the LGBTQ+ community is being attacked and rights taken away in this country. To me, it shows you can’t take away who we are at our core.
This is one of the most important storylines the show will ever do. Yes we saw this in Michael but we have a character who thought he was straight and suddenly, he’s free. He can finally explore the deepest parts of who he is. The crumbs were there and now we can pick them up and make something amazing out of it.
I don’t care about the Buddie of it all. I care about how Tim threw caution to the wind and asked Oliver is he was okay with this. And ABC went hell yes!
As a proud pansexual, I thank you 9-1-1 for giving us this. Thank you Tim for wanting Buck to get off his hamster wheel and to Oliver for portraying a beloved character who can now finally explore who he is. And thank you ABC for picking up our show and giving it new life. Without you, we probably wouldn't get this.
To those of you struggling with who you are, please know there are people out here willing to support and love you exactly the way you are.
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sweetteaandpie · 2 months
Hi! A, K, O, and V please for the ask game : )
Thank youuuuu.
A - Helen Magnus/Nikola Tesla, Laura Roslin/Bill Adama, Sharon Raydor/Andy Flynn, C.C. Babcock/Niles, Ava/Deborah Vance, Crowley/Naomi, Imelda Rivera/Hector Rivera....there are so many but those are my current faves.
K - I think Laura Roslin had my favourite character arc. I love flawed characters, especially characters who are good but make questionable decisions. Seeing here going from the dying Madam Secretary whosr hands were shaking as she took the oath of office to the last scene where she peacefully slipped away was a roller coaster ride.
O - "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons reminds me of Nikola Tesla from Sanctuary. Every time it comes on I see his scenes in my head like a music video.
V - Right now, it's Deborah Vance from Hacks.
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welcometoteyvat · 9 months
no mere stone addendum: extras/easter eggs/long thoughts
thanks to everyone who's voted in the poll! it was made so i could decide which quote to add onto the 2nd poster <3
thanks to @laurellleaf and @zhongscara for commenting on my liyue film crew post <3 your input was v helpful :D
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[transcription: a mock movie credit box that reads: "Qixing Films presents, in association with Guili Assembly, a Glazed Moon Studios film No Mere Stone starring Zhongli Kun Jun Jiu. Costume designer Menogias, music by Madame Ping, edited by Ganyu, production designer Xianyun, screenplay by Yun Jin, story by Xingqiu & Hu Tao, produced by Ningguang & Keqing. Directed by Guizhong & Rex Lapis". there are several logos below and a PG 13 rating. The film is released on April 28. end transcription]
crew casting: it ended up being about a 50/50 split between liyue adepti and mortal characters—this was mostly a happy coincidence though! I remembered that Menogias canonically likes designing intricate outfits and also made Zhongli's clothes, so he's the costume designer instead of cloud retainer. since she's handy w mechanical things and inventions + has a sense of the arts and style (eg ganyu + shenhe), I put her on production designer instead. she'd probably be able to come up w some pretty inventive set designs I think. I was between madame ping, guizhong, xinyan, and yun jin for music—originally I intended to make the cast most/all adepti, so i'd decided against yun jin + xinyan. in the exquisite night chimes cutscene with madame ping and guizhong, ping was stated to value music's human expressiveness and emotion—and I thought that was more fitting for a movie composer!
originally i was going to have yanfei be editor LOL, since she's probably pretty detail oriented as a lawyer and able to do the fine tuning and editing of cuts/scenes—went for ganyu in the end, partly because she feels more connected to the rest of the crew, and also because the vibes of secretary and editor just fit together better lol. they're both one of those mostly under the radar jobs that don't get much attention but are really important to something's success. I added in xingqiu and hu tao as story writers pretty late; originally yun jin was going to do both story and screenplay, but I split it up and put them both on story after seeing the vision (below).
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xingqiu's legend of sword flop combined with hu tao's reputation gives this hypothetical movie a greatly increased chance of absolutely tanking in liyue's box office!!!
keqing and ningguang are producers just because they're members of the qixing—originally guizhong was going to be a third producer but I bumped her to director later on (for a rather mundane reason: i was running out of space on that line). ok finally we've come to the directors. I thought it would be funny if rex lapis was listed as a director, given Zhongli has too many names and outfits. you can use your imagination to make this make sense in a real au :) guizhong getting added as co-director was also a nice thing that happened coincidentally—I found it neat to have the two founders of liyue as directors and kept it.
logos: I decided to go all in and slapped some designs together for qixing films and glazed moon studios! these were lowkey fun and they turned out pretty well honestly! quality is bad tho, i didn't make them full size or svg RIP
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2 versions of the glazed moon studios logo—the 1st one is unused bc i decided against the way the m and o are joined together. tbh I don't know whether this looks enough like a logo for a movie studio instead of say, a perfume brand or high end pastry bakery, but it's good enough
the website is a fake but there is a real page at that link about ancient history school presentations
april 28 was the release date of the no mere stone quest! and pg13 is. idk warnings for character death i guess. and genshin is supposedly rated for people 12 and up so i went with that
concepts/process: originally I was going to have the entire thing be one poster:
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the white stuff behind kun jun is supposed to resemble the white wisps of energy that he had near the end of the quest when he's close to disappearing. and I struck out his eyes because of the huge huge thing the quest had about Morax's gift of sight—his glasses, Zhongli as the sun to a blind dragon, I thought it was a fitting nod to that whole theme. overall tho this version was too cluttered, had no focus, and also didn't have enough room for a potential credits block. so i split it into two—one with the background, and added the small retuo in front, and another w kun jun and the credits. i think it worked pretty well!
and. 1 final version of the kun jun poster, with the alternate quote "if it is fated, Morax, we will meet again." you can see some of the old crew choices and logo designs—and Qixing Films was originally Celestial Films haha
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oh! one last thing: take this transparent kun jun (and several others) for the road :)
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20 questions for fic writers:
ty for the tag, @somewhereapart 🥰
this is very long, so answers go under the cut!!
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
62 as epigraphs
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
i do not actually know! i wrote single chapters in a fic collection years ago, so that messes with my stats and i don't know how long what i wrote was anymore, so i can't do the math. but 2023 was 54,372 words, and 2022 was 113,431!
3. what fandoms do you write for?
currently: the gilded age, technically still svu but uh, let's not talk about that one fic i fully abandoned (at least until that question comes up lolol).
past lives: madam secretary, the west wing, the newsroom, scrubs, sound of music (i'm as confused as you are, don't worry), the good wife, grey's, stranger things, bones, fleabag.
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
as epigraphs:
the stillness of remembering, svu the legend of how you disappeared, svu come and untangle me (one of these days), svu let it all unfurl, into broken remnants, svu rather be sad with you (than anywhere away from you), svu
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
i do! i like the concept of having a conversation with readers (though i rarely get into an actual multi-comment convo). also i'm very type-a and pro-inbox zero, so i clear it out in batches to do replies.
6. what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
for you i'd bleed myself dry, for the good wife. it's a post-5.16 fix-it fakeout, and every comment on it is just yelling at me hahaha
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i think most of mine have a happy ending, even if it's not a true hea. my friend and i coined the term "milk and cookies ending," because even if we throw angst at you, we will give you your milk and cookies as a treat lol
8. do you get hate on fics?
thankfully, no.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
incredibly rarely, and if so, very vaguely and (if you ask anyone who knows me), fairly "limb-free."
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
i've written exactly one (1), imagining what a friendship between cam saroyan from bones and olivia benson from svu would look like!
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
sort of. i never called them out on it, so i shan't be doing that here.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
yep! for two fandoms. for one, we split up the povs and alternated, which was very fun. for the other one, i (see the answer to 9. lol) handed off the smut.
14. what's your all-time favourite ship?
elizabeth/henry from madam secretary was my first real ship and the first fandom i ever participated in and wrote fic for, so they're the ride-or-dies forever.
15. what's the wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
looking at you, eo talks about god fic.
16. what are your writing strengths?
clarity and economy of words? i think? if you know me irl, this makes sense considering my day job. also, keeping things in-character, when it comes to dialogue and internal monologue.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
getting away from vignette structure, writing plot. i hate plot. i suck at plot.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for fic?
hoo boy, as a bilingual person (german and english) i have very strong feelings about this, but generally: okay if done incredibly sparingly, and in a way that sounds natural. harder to pull off than you'd think!
19. first fandom you wrote for?
madam secretary.
20. favourite fic you've ever written?
tell you my sins, and you can sharpen your knife, svu.
tagging: @sinkingsidewalks, @idontneedtobeforgiven, @idoltina, @msharmonycobel, @soshedances18, @sam-loves-seb, @rahleeyah, @morethanwords229 and whoever else wants to do this!
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writingmccord · 2 months
✍🛒🙋‍♀️ thanks!
✍ Do you have a beta reader?
Nope! All me. I beta read for a little while years ago. All mistakes are my own haha.
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Hmmm this is hard. Most of my work for Madam Secretary plays with different themes, but the main one I think I try to employ often is love. Same goes for feels. I have written some pretty heartbreaking stuff but it all comes back to love in the end. As for scenes and imagery? Whew. I (laughing as I write this) write a lot of saucy scenes, and I also write a lot of scenes in which vulnerability of some sort is shown and where it takes the other character to help pull them along. My favorite imagery to write is tactile and visual—a lot of times I try to put myself in the scene and imagine what I feel or see. Particularly big on the feel.
🙋‍♀️ Do any irl people know you write fanfic?
I actually have no idea because I keep my fanfiction SO private from the rest of my life. Really living a Hannah Montana life out here. I’m sure I probably do though because I have a lot of Masters of Fine Arts who I hang out with who are into a lot of fandoms, but they’re usually fandoms I don’t know anything about like anime and fantasy.
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josefavomjaaga · 11 months
Bessières's correspondence
This is for @flowwochair: the index of the documents in the "Fonds Maréchal Bessières" in the French National Archives. Not much about the content, unfortunately. I summarised some points that I imagined were not all that interesting to you. Please let me know if there is something you'd want to have more details on and I will look if there is more.
1) Letters and orders by Napoleon to Bessières, dating from 1796 to 1813. It’s organized by the different armies and contains mostly »official« stuff of some importance, like documents related to the double abdication of the two Spanish Bourbon kings in 1808. Murat’s name is mentioned once, in connection with one document:
copies of Napoleon's instructions to Murat on how to deal with the Spanish, 17 and 28 April 1808
Maybe also of interest: some of the documents concern the reorganisation of the troops after the Russian campaign and date as late as mid and end-April 1813, so only days before his death
2) Letters from princes of the imperial family to Bessières
Mostly interesting because a large chunk seems to be labeled »a.s.«, which I believe to mean »autographe signée«, i.e., handwritten and signed. Most correspondence of important people would have been in the hands of secretaries, with the sender merely signing them. Bessières being worthy of receiving letters that these imperial princes had written themselves hints at a special position of trust.
41 letters from Joseph Bonaparte, related to events in Spain (1808 – 1811)
2 letters (not written by Jerome himself) about uprisings in Kassel in 1813
And here you go: 29 letters by Murat, in his own handwriting, relating to the daily report on the Guard, the policy to be followed, and to military events in Spain (dated 5 August 1805 to 5 June 1808)
Followed by some stuff for me: 22 letters from Eugène de Beauharnais, in his own handwriting and »d’un caractère surtout personnel« (of primarily private nature), dated 27 January 1805 - 5 June 1808
Other than that, there are letters from Josephine, Lebrun, Hortense, Stéphanie de Beauharnais, Méneval and the secretary of Madame Mère.
The rest of this section are documents related to Bessières’s military career, decorations etc.
3) Some personal letters. The connection between them escapes me
from Bessières to his sister-in-law (?), 22 February 1808.
from Bessières to a marshal on the reorganisation of the Guard, 27 January 1813.
from Madame la Maréchale concerning her financial distress, 12 December 1813 and 12 December 1814.
Facsimile of a letter from the Marshal to his wife, after his departure for the 1813 campaign
4) Certificates, letters of service and appointment, decorations
Some documents as early as 1792 among them, but mostly bits and bobs that seem unrelated
5) Letters adressed to Bessières – Army of Italy and Army of Egypt. 55 pieces
6) Ministers' reports to the Emperor and various letters. Plenty of documents and letters among them that are neither written by or adressed at Bessières
7) Imperial Guard I (Organisation, financial reports etc.)
8) Imperial Guard II (contains one more letter by Eugène!)
9) Imperial Guard III (Holland in 1810)
10) Legion of Honour and pay. 73 pieces, 1804 to 1813
11) Russia. Letters adressed to Bessières, situation reports, mostly from before the campaign started
12) Letters from Napoleon, the imperial family, the royal family and several famous personalities. A lot of them obviously from after Bessières’s death, among them (condolation) letters to Madame la Maréchale from
Napoleon - 6 May 1813
Madame Mère – 7 May 1813
Marie Louise – 5 May 1813
Caroline Murat – 25 May 1813
Eugène Beauharnais – 2 June 1813
Joachim Murat – 8 June 1813
Also contains 18 letters from Hortense de Beauharnais to Madame la Maréchale, dated 1809 to 1813, letters from Madame la Maréchale Oudinot, from Laure Junot, from Wellington (handwritten!) and plenty more
And on a happier note: a letter by Joachim Murat dated 1 Germinal year VIII (22 March 1800)
13) Related to Bessières’s city house
14) Correspondence between Marshal Bessières and Madame la Maréchale I
3 letters from Bessières to his wife, 2 prairial-15 vendémiaire an XIV (22 January-7 October 1805)
75 letters of Madame la Maréchale to Bessières, found in the cassette of the marshal after his death, 5 January 1806-1 May 1807
29 letters of Bessières to his wife, 26 March-13 December 1808
15) Correspondence between Marshal Bessières and Madame la Maréchale II. Continuation from above
72 (? I’m not sure about the numbering here) letters from Bessières to his wife, 5 January 1809, 28 September and ... 1811
48 (?) letters from Madame la Maréchale to the Marshal, January-9 December 1811
16) Correspondence between Marshal Bessières and Madame la Maréchale III. Continuation from above
9 letters from the Maréchale Bessières to her husband, 19 March - 16 December 1812
40 letters from Bessières to his wife, 13 January 1812 - 24 April 1813
17) Related to the electoral college of département Haute-Garonne
18) Personal papers, financial documents, real estate etc.
19) Letters to Madame la Maréchale during Restauration and July Monarchy
20) Collection of autographed letters unrelated to Bessières
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rydiaroads · 10 months
Fiiiine, I'll type my thoughts out as I watch my demon episode 5. I keep thinking I should do this.
Are they showing the whole tango again? Kinda annoying but I also love it
I absolutely love the bad guys swaying their hips
Why doesn't he just kill all these guys? Like, is that a rule, only kill the contract people?
That felt shorter but I was also less in awe since it was the second time
Guwons head: zomg feelings RUN!!
She's been crushing on the demon for 20 years? How old is she?
Did guwon fuck? Like, has he never gotten laid this whole time?
Dohee is so chill. Look at her talking to herself about being so chill still.
Oop nevermind no chill.
The demon is wearing a cross necklace. Huh.
Does she have a matching purse for each outfit?
His secret clock room with the contract things is open?! Lock the door or something when you're in there
Lol at the wolf howl
I hate all these family assholes. Jesus.
I don't get the wife imagining the madam ju (yu?I already forgot her name...) dying. Is she sad about it, reveling in it? Not sure.
Omg that's awesome. When people are annoying, literally roll them away.
Lololol fuck you is a great Korean name
That is so much blood on his neck, damn
The cousin guy who is nice to dohee is too nice, it's sus
That's all you have to do to override someone's will?I thought it was harder. Is it cuz she isn't married?I thought she had a month to do that
Awwww that little smile when she compliments him, cuuuuuute
This blind date guy is such a dork, it's great
Dramatic moments like this when they 'break up' are touching, but he still needs his tattoo back. Is he giving up on that?
I want to trust the secretary lady but it's still too early in the show, anyone could be a twist villain still
Wait, so the bad guy said he'd go after her when she was away from guwon. But he attacked her at home, so guwon would never have been a factor anyway
Wait where'd the bad guy go in the middle of this romantic save
Ooooh next episode has more jelly. Excellent!
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irenethewoman · 11 months
Mrs. Shelby - Chapter 14 - Churchill
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February 1922 London Tommy and his brothers stayed at my house for one night and then left. After I got up, I took care of some trivial matters and then left To Churchill's office. His appointment was at the Ritz, but I wanted to try my luck at his office. "Wow."
Seeing the woman taking off her clothes in his office, I just raised my eyebrows and closed the door. "Please take a seat, Madam Baroness. Although if I remember correctly, I remember that our meeting should be at the Ritz Hotel." I sat aside and calmly took a sip of the tea brought by the secretary. "The tea is very fragrant." In front of this old man like him, I'm too lazy to pretend.
He sketched his nude and I drank my tea. I also randomly picked out a book from his bookshelf and flipped through it. random The ground was just like it had been in my father's office. I've been waiting for a long time, but today's trip did not disappoint me. "Oh, God!" It's Campbell.
Hearing the familiar voice, I raised my head, supported my chin with one hand, and looked at him. Campbell saw Mr Churchill naked After taking the mannequin, he immediately lowered his head and didn't even see me sitting on the side. "Forgive me, sir, but your secretary doesn't seem to be here." In front of Mr. Churchill, Campbell's words sounded like
Like a complaining child. Thinking of this, I laughed out loud. Mr. Churchill looked over. "Sorry, sir." I said, but still with a smile on my face, "But it's funny, isn't it?
Everyone wants to have lunch. " Campbell visibly stiffened when he heard my voice. He wanted to turn around to confirm my identity, but was afraid of seeing the model's appearance. It looks very funny. I smiled even brighter. It wasn't until he found the right spot, one where he could see Mr. Churchill but avoid the model, that he saw Me on the side.
I looked at his surprised expression. He would never have imagined that I was negotiating a deal with him in a garage in Birmingham. After winning the inheritance, he became the biggest winner and qualified to appear in the office of his immediate boss. To be honest, I really wanted to show off my power and make myself look like a temptress in troubled times, so as to relieve my anger. "This is Baroness Turner."
I stood up and gave him my hand. Before he could react, he withdrew his hand and sat back gracefully. "Ireland It’s not a land of etiquette, is it? " Churchill glanced at me and told me not to go too far, but I just smiled. I am one of the important patrons of the Conservative Party One, he would not make me unhappy, at most he would give me a small warning like just now. Although Churchill appeared on the surface, he still
He is from the Liberal Party, but I know his little calculations - after all, he has also betrayed the Conservative Party. "What's so urgent? It's more important than lunch." Churchill spoke up to help Campbell. Campbell looked at me, and I stared back at him, not to be outdone. Very good, even if Churchill immediately asks me to leave now, with his look, I have already confirmed my guess. Unfortunately, we are in big trouble.
"Baroness Turner is an important patron of ours. As you can see, she is a young, wealthy, single woman who is looking for A husband worthy of her. " I frowned as I listened to Churchill's words. What does he mean? His wife is not worthy of his lordship! I They are indeed considered in-laws, but that is also the business of George I. When will my wedding turn get this eight pole? Are you worried about your relatives who can’t even afford a wife? "Sir, our manpower in Birmingham has passed the first round of testing with flying colors."
Campbell looked at me, and I took a sip of tea with a normal expression, pretending that I knew nothing. They talked openly about killing donkeys in front of me, as if they thought women should not understand these things. "To put pressure on a guy on a mission like this, you have to know his weaknesses. And I know this guy's weaknesses very well. What is it. "Campbell looked at me maliciously. As it happened, I also knew Tommy's weaknesses: his family, and me as his fiancée.
The next lunch, I faced Churchill and braced myself, pretending to be my true feelings. They just talked for a long time without mentioning the name Thomas Shelby, and Churchill never mentioned that I had been to Birmingham.
John, met Campbell, and my relationship with Tommy. I think I understand what he means. He will help me hide my past, and I can use this to choose a husband from the upper class; but as a In exchange, he asked me to give up Tommy and let them use my lover as a knife.
I was worried about Tommy and furious. Even when I got home, I was still thinking about countermeasures. This is simply a dead end! We can get around Campbell and get a little bit of life. But if you can get around that hypocrite Campbell, you have to deal with Shangqiu. Gill is such a villain, no one is good at all. If Churchill could have chosen Tommy for If we get rid of Campbell, he can get rid of us for another guy. I kept thinking about it until around two o'clock in the morning before I slowly fell asleep… "You can't come in! This is Baroness Turner's mansion! I'm calling the police!"
I was woken up by the sound downstairs. Since returning to London - apart from sleeping with Tommy yesterday - I've often suffered from insomnia; I sleep very lightly, and the slightest disturbance can wake me up. What's more, now, the sound of breaking porcelain, fighting Sounds, screams… I took out the pistol hidden under the pillow, put a coat on myself and walked out of the bedroom. I stood on the second floor and watched Sabili leading his men to do evil in my house. My concierge lies in the garden and stirs My maid was being pulled by her hair, my housekeeper and other servants were being beaten. On the floor are porcelain and The shards of glass left two more holes in my door. I know this is revenge for Tommy. But I never regret falling in love with him. "Bang!" The pistol was no longer fit for purpose, so I took the shotgun off the wall and fired at one of his men. That person was shot by me , immediately lying on the ground, blood flowing like a river. When they heard the gunshot, they immediately drew their guns and aimed at the direction of the sound.
"You forced your way into my house…and you dared to point a gun at me!" I held the shotgun and yelled at them angrily. "You must make Opposite? ah? ! A group of Italians dared to hold a gun against the baroness whom he personally named in front of the King of England's eyes! war
The war has just ended, are you declaring war with Britain? " The group of people visibly flinched when they heard me carrying out the king. They glanced at Sabi, who was unwilling to give in The ground moved its mouth and spat on my ground. "You are Diana Turner, the gypsy bastard's mistress."
I stood on the second floor, looking down at him with my head held high. "You are that Dago with the big pizza nose." (Note: Dago means Italians and Spaniards are derogatory names, just like Chinaman to us and Nigger to black people. Appear here Only for plot needs) I saw the gunman next to him move, "Shoot! If you dare, shoot in my house! Come on!"
He dares? ! As long as he hits me with this shot tonight, I will be able to seriously injure Sabi tomorrow. a gun In exchange for half of Sabi's property, it was worth it! Although Sabili didn't know that I had set fire to my hands, he also knew the danger of attacking me at this moment. risk. He raised his hand to signal the close guard not to be impulsive, and then threw something at me. "This is a gold tooth dug out of his mouth. I think you must have seen it many times. You must be more familiar with its appearance than I am."
Son, after all he must lick your pussy for many times. " Tommy… I don't have time to care about what nasty things Sabi said to me, I just feel sorry for my Tommy. That must be him living it from Tommy's mouth Digging it up alive…how dare he! But if Sabili thinks that this can make me cower in fear, then he is totally wrong. Maybe he should go to hell and the old bus Let’s have a chat and see the consequences of underestimating me. "I will use your finger to exchange for my fiancé's tooth. We'll see." Sabili just twitched the corner of his mouth in disdain. I felt like my eyes were breathing fire. He may think that Thomas Shelby is an aristocratic lady who is lucky enough to sleep in London, and that I am just a ruthless person. A talkative, incompetent lady. I do what I say. "Now, get out of my house right now! Don't let me say it a second time!"
I raised the gun again, this time I aimed it at Sabi's head. I looked at the mess in silence. "Fortunately, the portraits of my ancestors are fine." I said to myself. "Thankfully I didn't leave dad hanging outside…" "Aunt Dai Ni…" I heard Maria's voice and turned around. She must have been woken up by us. She was only wearing a thin nightgown at the moment. He stood upstairs with bare feet, his hands and feet trembling helplessly. "Did something happen at home…" "It's okay, my dear, go back to sleep." I tried my best to soothe my frozen face and coaxed her gently.
she. "Juana, go and stay with Miss Maria." When Juana came back and told me that Maria had fallen asleep, I turned around. "No need to clean up." I waved my hand and asked the servants to go back and rest. “Jenny, go to the refrigerator and get some ice packs to apply on Face, go to the pharmacy to get some medicine for everyone. Everyone, go and have a rest. Don’t talk about today’s affairs everywhere, you know? this Everyone will receive additional bonuses every month. Okay, let's all go and have a rest. "
I first called Attorney Collins and asked him to come to my house tomorrow morning to discuss important matters. Then I held it from The booklet taken out of the warehouse, compared with the furnishings broken by Sabi, calculated my losses tonight, and the hired secret agents. money from the people who protect Ada. The wool comes from the sheep, and I will ask Sabi to compensate for all these losses! I looked at my hand which had returned to its original state. The hands had recovered from past burns, and the fingers were long and beautiful. The skin is tender and fair.
"Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!" I looked at the extra handprints on my face with satisfaction. The left half of my face has become swollen. My fair face turned red from my own beating It was swollen, and the corners of the mouth were slightly bloody. I was very worried about Tommy's situation. I didn't sleep all night. I just kept looking at the dark circles under my eyes and the wounds on my face, with my hair hanging down. Sitting on the sofa, watching the dawn sun emerge little by little from the wide open door.
Attorney Collins is probably arriving soon. When Edward Collins saw the mess at Turner House, even though he and I had been through a lot together, he was still struck by the sight. I was shocked by the scene in front of me. "Is there a burglar in the house?" "Thieves are looking for money. It's best to keep silent. How can there be blood? Please write a few complaints and lawsuits for me. One copy for "Thailand" Times, one copy to Mr. Brown and Mr. Stuart, and one to Scotland Yard. With a job provided by taxpayers Capital, all the police on King's Road went on strike last night, leaving law-abiding taxpayers to be bullied by London gangsters. Ling. " "…Madam Baroness…"
I raised my head, exposing the clear handprints on my face to his sight, and Edward swallowed the persuasion that came to his lips. He has always been like a relative to me. As long as he sees me being hurt, he will choose to help me. I knew he would give in. Baroness Turner's private residence was forcibly broken into, leaving a mess in front of the entrance door. The handprints on the baroness' haggard handsome face were clear. It can be seen that… this is news that is enough to cause a sensation in London. So what if Sabili controls the police? I am Baroness Turner, the most popular of the social season, and an important figure in the Conservative Party. As one of the patrons, I could change the tide of public opinion in London. Those who either rely on my support or want to become a baroness My husband's politicians are my marionettes, quarreling fiercely in the House of Commons and telling the electorate big questions. lie. They have gained their own interests, and they must protect the interests of their sponsors. This is the law of the jungle in London. Even when facing the police chief, I was still wearing a nightgown, with my hair disheveled, and my face bare, but I slapped my own hand on my face. The seal has long since disappeared. Anyway, they are all Sabili's people, at least they received the benefits from him last night. To them, I'm too lazy to act like a reporter and I Like that in front of funded politicians. Not to mention acting, I didn't even bother to show off, I just turned my back to them and lay down On the sofa, I listened to the policemen's nonsensical nonsense. Just ask, from time to time, “Where were you last night? Why did you fail to protect taxpayer safety?” Complete? ” can be exchanged for a moment of tranquility. They would be silent, and then after a while they would continue to tell me the same nonsense in a condescending tone. talk. Although it made me upset, I just didn't ask them to leave my house. Of course I don't accept their queen. Pao apologizes, but since you have accepted Sabi's money, then come to me and beg for mercy.
In this way they can President, remember, if you see Sapele's pounds in the future, you won't act like a dog that has never seen money. Their masters don't dare to touch me at all, let alone these people. In London, I am still the baroness who controls everything and no one dares to mess with her. Like last year's gossip, I'm Everything was settled quickly. I saw Sabi's public apology letter published in The Times and received the Compensation in pounds sterling. But what about Tommy?
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eadanga · 1 year
The Press Secretary Part 7 (NSFW)
Summary: Chris the mayor of town is married to his wife Becca. When he hires a new press secretary who happens to be his lost love old feelings resurface and Chris finds it hard to resist the desire he once had for her
Parings: ChrisxMC
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Chris waited at the baggage claim and grabbed the last of his luggage he walks over to Emily and smiles “That’s all my stuff shall we go?”
Emily nods as the walk outside the airport she pulls out her phone “Hey Abbie we’re here”
“Awesome Tyler and I are pulling up right now!”
A car pulls up to them and Abbie and Tyler jump out “Emily!” Abbie rushes to hug her
“Hi Abbie”
Abbie smiles at Chris “And how are you Mr. Mayor?”
Chris chuckles “I’m good Abbie”
Tyler smirks as he grabs the bags “Hope your not making ridiculous traffic laws”
Chris rolls his eyes “Hilarious”
Tyler laughs as he closes the trunk “Let’s head over to the hotel”
They all get into the car and head over to the hotel Emily’s eyes go wide at the sight of it “This place is nice”
Abbie grins “Perks of the many deals we got from Tyler’s game”
Tyler wraps an arm around her waist and kisses her cheek “It’s our game Abbie”
Abbie blushes “Yes our game”
Tyler walks to the hotel reception and returns with keys in his hand “Here are your room keys”
Chris smiles as he takes them “Thanks man we’ll get settled in”
“We’ll see you all for the rehearsal and dinner” Abbie and Tyler waves as they head off
Chris waves then turns to Emily “Your room key madam”
Emily giggles as she takes it “Thanks Chris” She looks at the room numbers “Oh”
“What is it?”
“Looks like we’re next to each other”
Chris smirks “Is that a problem?”
Emily blushes “Nope not a problem at all”
Chris chuckles at seeing her blushing face he tilts her chin upwards to look at him “Don’t hide those beautiful eyes Em” He takes her hand “Now let’s go to our rooms”
Emily nods still looking down at the floor as Chris gets a baggage cart and load up their luggage. They head toward the elevator and push the button to their floor. Soon as the elevator comes to their floor. They walk to their rooms getting all the bags off the cart.
Chris heads into his room and flops on the bed “What a long flight I can’t wait to get to this dinner but first sleep” Chris smiles at the thought of Emily being right next door to him he imagines her next to him her scent intoxicating he could inhale it all day he pulls out his phone
Hey Chris
You sleep yet?
Was about to and take a shower
Can I join you?
Chris stop it!
Oh come on Em It’s not like I’ve haven’t seen you naked before
Chris laughs as he imagines her red as a tomato. Chris smirks as he slowly slides off the bed “There’s no way I’m missing this”
Chris walks out the door and he heads to her room he chuckles as he pulls out her spare room key “She should have known I would take this” He puts the key in the lock and opens the door slowly. He hears the shower water running and slowly locks the door. He undresses himself then quietly opens the bathroom door.
He tiptoes in the bathroom and peaks into the shower. Emily stands in the shower washing her hair. Chris reaches between his legs and strokes himself as he watches her then gets in behind her. He wraps his arms around her body as she lets out sigh
“Miss me?” Chris places soft kisses on her neck
Emily turns in his arms “You were supposed to rest”
“Yeah but you’re all on my mind Em and the thought of you being in the shower I couldn’t control myself” He kisses her deeply tangling his fingers in her hair as one arm come around his neck and the other goes between his legs. Chris groans as she strokes him “Fuck Em that feels so good”
“You were all ready weren’t you?”
“Only for you Em” He grabs her hand and bring it around his neck and pins her against the shower wall “Keep doing that and I’ll come in your hand” He lifts up her leg teasing her entrance
“Chris stop that”
Chris smirks “Stop what?”
Emily groans as he continues to tease her “Oh come” Emily moans as Chris goes deep inside her
He presses his forehead to hers “You feel so good Emily”
He thrust slowly as she moans “Oh Chris”
“Fuck Em you’re so hot”
“Mmm Chris don’t stop”
“Wasn’t planning on it”
He continues to thrust till the both find their release Chris kisses “Amazing Em”
“Yes Chris” He kisses her again and she giggles “Let’s get out of the shower before the water goes cold”
Chris chuckles as he nods he sets her down and she quickly turns off the shower. Chris grabs the towels and hands one to her they dry themselves off and wrap a towel around their bodies. Chris smiles as he pulls her closer “I wanna sleep with you in arms till the dinner”
Emily grins “Of course Chris”
They leave the bathroom and get into bed together they cuddle as Chris kisses her forehead holding her tightly against his body Emily drifts off and he sighs as he plays with her hair I can’t deny my feelings for her I need a way out of this marriage to Becca I want to be with Emily
Tags: @indiacater @mfackenthal @the-soot-sprite​​ @jared2612​​ @darley1101​​
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