#madcom bandit
orderly-anon · 2 years
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Prescription: Chapter Five
Side Affects: Canon-typical violence
Doctor's Notes: MAG Bandit time!
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"Howdy chat! So glad to be back in MADNESS: PROJECT NEXUS! Wahoo! Yippie!"
Your chat exploded into "wahoo"s and "yippie"s as you chuckled. "Happy to see me, eh fellas?"
A friend piped up through a donation. "BESTIE! THE! THE MAG BANBIT. . . WHATCHU GONNA DO ABOUT THAT?"
You hummed thoughtfully. "Okay, hear me out. We get him on our side."
The chat went wild at the proposition. One half rooting for you, the other half demanding you reconsider. You grunted. "Don't worry, if I die I'll just come back. Y'all fellas know this, yeah?"
Reluctantly, your chat agreed (Well, most of your chat agreed) to let you go ahead with your plan. With one final "Wahoo!", you started the game.
Instantly you were flung into the heat of battle, the loud thumping of the MAG bandit's footsteps growing ever closer. "Skunk!" you cried, "hide behind me!"
Skunk, rather than hiding, shouted up to the MAG. "Hi Baby!"
You raised a brow. "Baby? That's their name?"
The MAG bandit, Baby, scurried up to Skunk and crouched down. He sniffed at her loudly. "SKUNKIE!" he exclaimed, nuzzling her intensely as she giggled.
Cautiously, you approached, hand on the pistol at your side. "Hi, Baby. . ." you cooed softly. "Hiiii. . ."
Baby perked up quickly and sniffed at you, pushing his face right up against you. "FOOD?" he bellowed.
"Ah- um-" you looked to Skunk nervously.
Skunk chuckled. "Hey Baby, that's not food! He's our pal!"
Baby gently headbutted you. "OKAY!" he exclaimed. He got up and waddled past you, changing his focus from you to the AAHW. He began to throw things at them-- cars, metal scraps, chunks of concrete. . .
You grabbed Skunk's hand. "He can handle himself. Let's go."
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originalmadcom · 1 year
Survivor: We deserve this!
Bandit: Maybe you do, I didn’t do anything.
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half-a-life-left · 2 months
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MADNESS MEGADUMP 2: the reckoning (2bmag, hank cebando mate, and a whole lotta memes)
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corsomondo · 2 years
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My favorite girls !
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ero-heart · 1 year
There is barely any fanfics about the bandits from project nexus, which is a shame because I adore them, so I made one myself!
Reminder that all of my stories’s readers are gender neutral unless specifically stated,, same goes to this one! Hope you like it!
Cw: Violence, food burn 😔
(Bandit x Reader)
You tried your best to succeed in life, it was hard. Slaving away at your customer service job, fighting rowdy clients, long walks through the dark streets to your tiny run down apartment. Without counting the randos that try to take over your home, those you had to fight to the death for the right to it. It’s not like your landlord cared if someone killed you and took over your living space (if they payed rent), that was how you got your apartment in the first place and it will be yours until some bastard manages to get lucky. It was hard, but you were strong, you were still standing and you did not intend to get less tougher. You were still a softie tho, all tough guys have a soft side. And this soft side was what brought you to this situation.
He was looking up at you with bright eyes, you stood tall and imposing. You won another fight, you got him on his back. This bandit jumped on you on your way home, most likely due to the bag of mini hotdogs you got from your work on the convenience store. Looking down at him, his dazed expression send a pang to your heart. He was fighting for food just like you were. You knew bandits, it was not your first encounter with one of them, they were hungry folk like everyone else but it’s significantly harder of them being able to get a job to get money for food, their communication skills were not great (most being non verbal) and employers had preference towards stronger grunts, which they were not. That also made it harder for them to fight for food when they were alone. Life was entirely harder for these guys. You sighed and threw the bag of hotdogs towards them, you could go one day without dinner.
“Enjoy it, next time I wont be as merciful..”
You left, walking on the dark sidewalks. The man on the floor trembly got their hands on the bag, sitting up to look at the contents inside it, the smell of food hit him, actual food, he might as well cry. The bandit immediately dug into it, wolfing down the hotdogs like it would be his last meal. That person beat him up and still gave him the price, he was astonished. Sharing was rare for bandits, everyone only knew how to take care for themselves and never think of someone else. When a bandit SHARES with another one, it was a sign of great trust and affection towards them. No one ever shared with him, and he never shared with anyone. But now their head was spinning. A strong grunt just shared, GAVE him all of their food. The bandit was blushing thinking about it, this grunt really knew how to fight, it was so impressive, they looked so cool during battle. His heart was melting, he didn’t knew what was happening, he wanted that grunt close, he wanted to share with them.
About three days later, when your shift ended, you came across that same bandit. You immediately got defensive at the man, but he simply handed you a piece of candy wrapper. He looked at you expectantly, almost bashful, seeming more and more excited as your hand got closer to his. You didn’t know if it was a trap, but when you rapidly took the wrapper away from him, the bandit beamed and ran away with his hands covering his mask cheeks. You were definitely confused, was this a gift? You didn’t have the heart to throw it away, so you kept it on your bedroom’s shelf. The same happened on the day after, he gave you a tomato sauce can and ran away. You washed it before putting on the shelf. The next day he gave you a crumpled coffee stained document, again to the shelf. It kept going until it came down on you that he was sharing you his food. You face palmed so hard to not have come to the realization sooner, you couldn’t believe it. Looking at your ceiling, you took a deep breath as you held your teddy tighter, you could regret everything you are about to make, but hopefully it would be worth it.
On the next night, the bandit was about to hand you a glass shard before you spoke.
“Look don’t, I- look you don’t have to. Just.. follow me please.”
You made a motion for him to follow you as you start walking. He jogged right by your side, nervous and curious about what you would show him. Soon you arrived at your apartment complex, passing the sleeping concierge, you were now holding his hand as you two got up the flight of stairs, the bandit was completely overjoyed by the physical contact and just followed through to where you were guiding him. You were not aware of his blissfulness however, upon finally arriving on your floor, you take the keys off your pockets and unlock the door of your apartment. You immediately guide him to your kitchen table before going to close the door, then march right to the fridge. The bandit looks around this new place with big curiosity, was this were you lived? It was noticeably tidier than the place he took shelter in. Your place had a couch, did you sleep in there? Did you have an actual mattress? He had one, they were super proud of finding it, his sleep had never been better. The bandit immediately noticed the smell of cooking meat, quickly getting off the chair and following it to glue themselves behind you, he looks over your shoulder to see you frying two patties on a pan. You jumped upon contact, turning around to face them and gently pushing them away, since they were too close and could get burned by the sizzling grease.
“It’s not over yet wait a bit.”
This didn’t made him go away tho, hovering you hovering the stove through all of the cooking process. When it was done, you shook the burgers from the pan to a plate. The bandit wasted no time and quickly took and brought a burger to their mouth under the mask, which caused on a half eaten patty being dropped back on the plate and the bandit blowing his own mouth while they tried to chew the hot meat inside it. You freaked out, unsure what to do you held their cheeks and told them to spit it out, they refused and successfully gulped down the food as tears streamed down his cheeks to your hands. You decided to go grab some tab water to help with the bandit’s insides. Bringing the glass to his mouth, they take it and tilts to drink it, rapidly. Soon when the glass is empty,
He got hiccups.
You stay quiet for a bit before bursting out laughing over the absurdity of the situation as your guest continued hiccuping. You brought a stranger home to eat only for a burn freak out and now hiccups. Through sorries you guide the boy again to sit on the table and place the burger plate in font of him, rubbing his back as you continue laughing. You soon take a sit across them, watching him now safely munch on the warm food. You knew he was your problem now. He came in every day for more food and to share his food with you. You had to work extra hours for the new mouth you had been feeding, you also had to eventually eat the trash he has been bringing you every day for his gifts to not go unappreciated, but everything was worth it, this dude had grown on you and you adored him, as much as he adored you.
And that’s it! I hope it wasn’t messy haha! This will definitely have a part two,, I am thinking on giving a name for our Bandit friend! Mosher maybe? I hope everyone here is having a good day, if not,, I hope this story could help! Stay safe everyone 💝
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poryphoria · 2 years
i know very little about cult of the lamb but i know juuust enough about it to exploit the concept for my own amusement 💖
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mimichine · 2 years
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some doodles of my madcom oc's interacting together i figured out i could post
( the two bandit boyo aren't short shine is just very tall x( )
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arisunakayama · 2 years
Pandora’s Box
Agency Founder!Reader Meeting the Main Three + 2BDamned
May be a little long, sorry there’s a lot for reader considering they are in the place of my OC. So instead if your name being “Pandora” you’ll have it as your Alias while keeping (Y/n) as well. Reader will have gender neutral pronouns, but still will be fem presenting.
Before meeting the main four along with building your own agency you used to work at the AAHW as a drill instructor. And a really good and brutal one at that.
This was also before the AAHW had even decided to clone soldats. Every month you’d rotate about a platoon worth of newer grunts that had been cloned, and turn them into the Soldats you see in the MadCom series or Project Nexus.
Those who failed the requirements of becoming a soldat would either become the regular agents, or if they failed really bad, they’d become a janitor or whatever the agency does with them. You honestly couldn’t care less about them. In this world, it’s either you kill someone, or you end up being a bandit’s next meal.
You had a knack for drilling them deep into the ground with learning the basics of shooting, handling, cleaning, disassemble and reassemble their weapons along with moving tactically and reading each other efficiently. After that, you’d move onto the next rotation. Repeating the same thing over and over again. Until you quit that was.
The reason why you quit was because of the really horrid pay the agency would give you for producing high functioning and dangerous soldats. That and the sexual harassment you’d constantly face. Unlucky for them, you’d make an example out of them. Though it seems that some of the grunts in that god awful agency wouldn’t learn.
So as a big fuck you, you left the AAHW and created a new one with the soldats you knew thought about going AWOL. You were just that push. Of course you’d have them dress differently, they were their own people now that they were gone from the place they were created from. Still it you could tell that the GO4s had a harder time adjusting considering they would just stare at you and wait for your orders of a new job that was given to you. But hey, they made great mercenaries for your company anyways. So why not put it to use?
Though this one grunt, Charlie is what they called themselves, seemed to have a knack a cyber security and attacks. So you ended up making them your agency’s CyberSecurity and Hacker. You two ended up bonding pretty well actually
Though your company ended growing more than you expected with people who were out on the streets struggling willing to do anything. Plus they heard that your agency pays well too along with housing and feeding them. They heard about the job openings of your newly formed agency and took the risk. Now you and the GO4s act as Drill Instuctors for the new recruits who come in before sending them off to their first job. Of course there’d be some that don’t make it back, but that was also why you sent them in teams.
There’d be times you’d take in the bigger fish yourself considering your skill was much more honed than the others. You didn’t want to put your own lower enlisted mercs through that anyways. Though you’d take in the ones who you knew were able to handle it.
There was a time out of pure boredom you decided to open up a nightclub, called “Eden’s Gate” to your surprise it ended up doing well. But that’s for something later.
Your agency ended up growing bigger than you expected to where your agency, which was now called Pandora’s Box, ended up having to expand to different parts of the city. Of course you had the trusted GO4s run those parts of the agency. Though for extra precautions, you had Charlie keep an eye on them.
You sat in your office, filling out paperwork for one of the mercenaries who had finished their job and was now having some time to recover considering how wounded they were coming back. As an extra, you ended up paying them a little more along with covering their medical expenses. You sighed, leaning back into your chair before hearing the familiar tune that would play whenever Charlie would call you. It cane from your earpiece.
They explain to you that someone was here to see you. Of course, you were confused. You hadn’t schedule a meeting with someone. Grabbing your gun that rested on top of your desk and putting it into the holster that was on your hip, you go down to the lobby of you HQ only to be faced with the one and only 2BDamned
2BDamned would probably be the one who would’ve caught wind of you first before the other three. He had heard of the AAHW soldats were becoming more sloppy than the usual trouble they used to be. Though he just chalked it up to all that cloning the AAHW would do. Deimos had mentioned about the cloning process not being perfect so there’d be things the next gen wouldn’t have that the previous one did. But right now he was focused on another thing.
He had heard of a new agency coming up and thriving really well. A little too well to where they had to expand to different parts of the Nexus city. Apparently, its name was Pandora’s Box. But that wasn’t what caught his interest, if anything it was that your agency was rapidly growing that was what caught his interest.
He would to attempt pull up information on your agency, let along you, only to find out that your information was heavily secured. Of course, he’d have Deimos decrypt it. Though Deimos was pretty damn frustrated with how complicated the encryption was, he was able get it through in the end.
His interest in you would peak even high after reading what information he had gotten on you. Apparently you had used to work at the AAHW as a Drill Instructor for the Soldats. And a pretty harsh one too at that. He watched the videos that were put up from the security cams from the AAHW, watching you smother a soldat’s face into the ground with your boot after he had said something snarky about you. Like you said, you’d make an example out of him.
Other videos would include your marksmanship and how agile you were. It almost rivaled to Hank’s. Though your strength on the other hand, Hank easily outshines you on that. But you had your technique to make up for that, seeing as you had brought a G0L3M onto their knees. 2B would also read the reports of several soldats going AWOL as soon as you left. Ones that were on the watchlist of the AAHW. Apparently they had all left with you. And considering that you left, he had found the reason to why the quality in the soldats in the AAHW had declined.
He made it his priority to seek you out, it’d probably be best their best interest to have someone like you to become an ally to the Anti-AAHW. Let alone help snuff out the AAHW. He told the main three that he would be out in a couple of days. Sanford was the only one to have questioned him, only to be told that it would be something that would help them out in the long run.
Now this is where you are standing right in front of him, arms crossed as you look at him with your guard up. Of course the other mercenaries were out in the lobby, watching you two making sure nothing ends up going haywire while doing what they were doing before 2B had entered into the HQ building.
“I assume you must be who they, Pandora?” His red goggles shining in the light as his voice was lightly muffled from his mask. 2B looks up from his holopad and straight into yours.
“Your assumptions would be correct, Mr. 2BDamned… May I ask, of all other people, why you are here?” You let out long exhale through your nostril. It was obvious you were careful around this man, considering he was also working with that Hank guy and his friends. Or could you even call them that?
“I’d like to talk to you about a possible partnership with the Anti-AAHW” That was what had peaked your interest along with the others who were inside the room at the time. You raise your eyebrow, the corner of your lips cocked upwards giving 2B a crooked smile.
“I’m listening…”
From there the two of you would talk about your agencies’ partnership, what the two of you would be giving to each other and what you’d be receiving back.
2BDamned thought of you as someone who was serious and cooperative. Let alone professional enough to where he finds you pleasant to work with and be around. Unlike the other three. Aside from Sanford, but even he sometimes had his moments.
2B would give you a couple of jobs, ones where you knew that you only had to do it. He’d pay of course, let alone exchange enough info with you for you to carry out and complete it. Anything to get whatever he needed you to do. He also made sure to guarantee that he would have tour back as long as you have theirs.
In exchange, you carried out the job and shipped weapon crates to them, provided extra mercenaries and had Charlie given them back info on whatever place they needed to be scouted.
2BDamned did think about when the other three may have to meet you soon. And honestly, he wondered how fast you and the others would clear. Though considering Hank doesn’t like to work with people, it may take a minute�� At least for him anyways. Too bad, he needed to suck it up anyways.
Hank had met you when 2B had set him up with a partner, despite him knowing how he hates working with people. Let alone random strangers. He tolerated the other two, but still prefers going on solos. He didn’t really talk to you, only staring at you through his red goggles before giving an irritated grunt.
2BDamned scolded him for it, saying how rude for him to act the way he was. But he didn’t care. Especially after he knows he could complete a whole raid on the AAHW himself. Still 2B didn’t let up and forces him to go on a raid with you.
The ride there was silent between the two of you, the only time the two of you had talk was when the two of you had spoke about what this raid was even for. Well more of you than him. Apparently it was for intel, why couldn’t 2B just send Deimos with him instead of this random grunt? You say nothing as it didn’t pertain to the job prior. Other than that, you both said nothing to each other.
When you two get to the agency building you were assigned to, you could imagine Hank’s relief when you said the two of you will split for this. And that he was going to be the main focus of all the chaos that would be ensured in the building. Meaning he will be the one providing a good distraction for you.
Good, he preferred having more things to slaughter anyways. Plus he didn’t have to deal with you if you had gotten shot. Not like he would’ve left you for dead anyways if you ever did.
When the two of you split, Hank had wasted no time kicking up the genocide that happens every time he raids an AAHW building. How the rush of adrenaline and bloodlust ran through his veins as he would pop one of the agent’s head open, scattering blood and brain matter all over the floor and his fellow co-workers before going to the next one.
He didn’t know how long it was, all he knew was that he had gone through multiple rooms already. But what caught him off guard the most was when he had entered a room and saw the same carnage he had brought to those behind him. Except this time he wasn’t the one who had done this.
Not only that, Hank notices the clean cuts to the neck of the agents and soldats that were lying in their own pool of blood, both red and yellow creating that muddy looking orange. Hell even the shots they had taken were straight to the dome. 
Then he remembered you were still on this mission with him.
He wasn’t going to lie, he was honestly impressed to find someone who can deal this much damage and was efficient enough to know what they were doing with a blade. 
That was until he had walked into the room where you were located in. That being the east wing of the building where you had pinged him.
When he reaches to your location, you walk through the door from the room you had pinged him from. You were unscathed other than the yellow and crimson blood that coated your hands. You only gave Hank a side glance before brushing past him. 
He looks inside the room. It was nothing but broken bodies everywhere. Tables broken with soldats who lay on top of it, unmoving. Gunshot holes littering the entire room. Hell he had seen an agent who was impaled through the bottom of his chin from the broken glass of the window, the faint gurgling noises coming from him before silence.
You called out to Hank, ushering him to hurry up so the two of you can finally go home. He only stares at the room before looking back at you. You raise an eyebrow before clicking your tongue against the roof of your mouth as you grew more and more impatient with him.
When Hank had gotten back from the raid 2B had sent him, he had gone to his office and mentioned something about you.
“What of them? They got what I needed you two to get me. Leave them be, Hank.” 2BDamned didn’t even bother looking up from his laptop.
He asks 2B where he’s found them only to be met with a sigh.
That was when 2B had explained to Hank who the reader was to the agency and why they were working with them. But all in all, Hank still didn’t care. He was intrigued, yes. But this also meant he had to tolerate another person when working with them.
Deimos and Sanford would probably be next to meet you, but at the HQ of your agency. Something about grabbing a hard drive that contained intel from the previous raid that you had gone to with Hank.
If anything Doc would be the one to send them if he was too busy to even come visit you due to other affairs that needed to be taken care of.
The two of them would probably be skeptical around you, especially Sanford considering he was the more cautious one out of the two. If anything it was what probably kept him and Deimos alive. Though he would have to trust you just enough if Doc was willing to put this much effort in creating an alliance with you and your agency. 
Deimos on the other hand would be more intrigued with you, asking probing questions while trying to get more information out of you. He also seemed to like seeing what made you tick. Not only that, he never got to see what was inside whatever contents Doc wanted him to decrypt. Surely you had something to do with it. 
Though the two would probably warm up to you after a while of coming back and forth to pick up intel and weaponry shipments that were to be made to 2BDamned as per deal for the Anti-AAHW. They’d still warm up to you faster than Hank would considering he still doesn’t trust you nor does he like going on clear out raids with someone.
Deimos would still keep trying to poke and prod at getting more information. 
There was a time he tried to hack into your system only to be met with an error along with the message “Nice try loser :)” 
His pride was definitely hurt along with stringing out a few curse words
Sanford found it hilarious, especially when he had told you right in front of him.
You flash both of them a smile before giving them a shrug and a wink.
“I just have a really good security system.”
Deimos would curse under his breath as Sanford chuckled before patting his back.
“If you guys are actually serious about knowing where I came from, just ask nicely instead of asking invasive ones. Let alone try to hack in my shit…”
Deimos took no hesitation on asking where you came from. Let alone what you did before you ended up becoming a founder for your agency.
“I used to work as a Drill Instructor for the AAHW. Left cause the pay was utter dog shit.” You shrugged.
“Wait wait wait, you worked as a Drill Instructor for the AAHW? How the fuck did I not see you during my time there?!”
“Wait, you were the reason why the Soldats were a pain in the ass before they starting getting sloppy? Holy fuckin shit.”
Least to say the two of them were baffled to find out you of all people were one who trained the Soldats to be inconveniences before the sudden drop in discipline.
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heyimapersonsblog · 1 month
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Yes I do actually, tho I had played around with his story a bit, guess I could try explaining it..tho I have no experience on writing good back stories.. but I'll try to make it fun to read and you can learn more about my lil lad
Name: Dan Burns
Age: 25 yrs old
Gender: Male
Species: Grunt, specifically, the more softer ones, being that most vulnerable to getting hurt yet can heal quite quickly as well
Height: 5 ft and 10 inch tall / 5'10 / 177.80 cm
More about him: He has joined many groups of bandits yet in most cases, they would suddenly die from a raid of another group, and he would be the only survivor, he would also be the medic or the support of a group or team, as he isn't good at offense fighting so he tries to defend instead and get those injured to recover quickly, and over the years he has develop a natural quick reflex like instinct and dodge most attacks like from bullets to swinging objects.. maybe even thrown objects, but if he does get hit, it oddly won't hit his vital spots, and so he is able to get away quite quickly, and let his quick healing do most of the job in recovering such deep wounds, which will range from hours to a few days.. that is if he is still living of course, he carries a med kit with him at all times, containing various healing equipment like bandages, patches, alcohol(not the drink), and other items, but he also use it to store some ammo for his revolver which he also carried at all times, tho not good at fighting, he is good at using his revolver to shoot enemies in their vital spots..unless he is surrounded.. he has a friend that he visits quite often, and he is slowly developing a crush on her but he is too nervous to say that, he just visits her often to forget what kind of a messed up world he is in
Dan Burns, or Dan, is a grunt who lives in a small town.. who will get constantly be raided by MAG bandits..or just bandits but giants, idk, heard it was from a madcom game.. so I used that idea.. anyway, they raid the town every week but in order to not have them literally destroy their homes, they have to offer something valuable, but in a town that is on the poor side of the scale, all they could offer are tons of food, hand crafted items like an axe or a shovel, and a few jewelry they could find just anyway, just so they could keep themselves and their homes safe.. if not, they will be killed and their homes be left to nothing but destroyed debris, and in order to try and get some valuable items to give, Dan decides to join several gangs and groups to do raid missions and rob places and give some to the offerings, but they done usually last long.. until he came across a poster looking to hire new grunts in the A.A.H.W, Dan has never heard of it and decide to apply, at this time, he never know who the auditor is, being in a small town you don't really know anything in the outside world as much, and so he applied and got in.. and he finds it odd their first day is to track a guy name Hank J. Wimbledon, and thought it won't be so bad.... and oh no.. it was not, days of being in the A.A.H.W was stressful as hell, alright pay but the pressure about this Hank guy? They have gone nuts..... Should have left there and then but the reason he didn't was that he assume they were just another random group he could rely on keeping him safe... And oh boy it was not, joining meetings about killing the most wanted criminal in all of Nevada.. and having a boss who could just use your corpse for their undead army....this is not what he thought he signed up for, and so, he fled out of there, not wanting to get involved in that chaos, but he was still registered as a agent in the A.A.H.W, now they are looking for him to return him, so he is constantly on the run, despite that, the auditor likes to toy with him and let's him flee every now and then whenever he can, even if he knows where his heading, this leads Dan to become so paranoid whenever he sees a group of agents nearby or even approaching, thinking he will be force to return to the A.A.H.W, even if the agents don't even recognize him... But at the moment, he sort of works as a part time doctor in a small hospital in Nevada, not full time in case the A.A.H.W tries looking for him there, but he is quite known there in the area for his great healing capabilities...even if it's as severe as getting run over by a truck and body split in half- don't ask how either, he either gives a vague answer or drops the subject immediately, and at well, that's so far most of the things I got for dan
So uh, yeah, that's all I have for dan, as I have not build lots of lore into him, this is just majority of the thought I gave him... Tho I think the backstory for this fellow is.. all wonky and janky... But not my fault, my writing is not that great as I'm not a writer..but hope this sums most of the stuff and lore I got for Dan, any further questions I'll happily answer in either the comments of this post, or you can ask me through the ask box, thanks for reading? Sorry if it's so janky...hehe..
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saltymongoose · 2 years
🔊 M:PN 2 Official Voiceline Masterlist 🔊
Hey, so I just realized that not everybody has heard the official voicelines for the Madcom characters, so I made a masterlist of them for everyone's listening pleasure lol. Here ya go!
[Main Characters & Enemies]
Hank J. Wimbleton
Dr. Jebediah Christoff
Tricky the Clown
Dr. Hofnarr
Dr. Crackpot
Burger Gil
[Arena Mode]
Q-Bert (The Quartermaster)
Chopper Dave (The Pilot)
Magiturge AC
Regular Grunt (& Noob AC?)
VendeVice Syndicate
[General Enemy Voices]
AAHW Agent
Asylum Patient
Nexus Support
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originalmadcom · 1 year
Bandit: Hank said a BAAAAD WOOOORD!
Hank: Wrong. “Hell” isn’t a curse word. It’s a place.
*They approach the Bandit.*
Hank: And you’re going there.
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cosmica-galaxy · 2 years
Madcom Bandits are feral garbage idiots
But God, I love em. They need love, idc if they commit cannibalism to the player.
It's the Player's feral babies now, Have badly drawn doodle of it (Tricky is a different kind of Feral baby. The really rabid chihuhua kind)
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YESSSS!! YESSS! LOOK AT THE BANDIT BABIES! Honestly, the Player is probably so uncaring (or doesn't notice the damage they're taking) when the bandits are nibbling on their limbs. Maybe they even just let them take bites out of their flesh when they can just instant heal anyway. Tasty player flesh. lol We give love to SQ, AAHW, MERC, and NEXUS. But what if player was just a wanderer and didn't really side with anybody but finds a bandit clan that they eventually become the leader of? It would be so interesting!
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Fellas.... is it gay to sit on your homie like this?
Fuckin,,,,,, Madcom OC sketches.
I don't think I've ever posted them but I have mentioned them in tags. Their names are Worm and Pyrite, Worm being the one in the suit and Pyrite being the one with the mask :)
(More info about them under the cut)
Pyrite is an ex bandit, except he's worse than just a cannibal because he picked up a weird book one day that turned out to be some sort of religious text from a cult, which he took quite a liking to. The cult worships a supposed god of death, and he misread a section in the book so badly that he ended up believing that eating rotted corpses was something he should be doing. This SURELY will have no negative side effects!!!!! Either way, he became obsessed with this religion, and has been as heavily involved as he can possibly be while remaining with his community of bandits.
Worm is based off of the Offering origin in Project Nexus, though with a few creative liberties taken. He was kidnapped off the streets and used as a cult's sacrifice to what they believe to be a god of death, but said "god" was upset that the cultists had been too cowardly to sacrifice one of themselves, so they made the decision to resurrect Worm and make him kill the cultists. Unfortunately, after that was done, he realized he had no memories of his life prior to being sacrificed, and there seemed to be radio silence from the "god" that brought him back. That wasn't the main issue, though. Apparently, the "god" didn't take the time to make sure that he'd actually be able to last very long after the work was done, so while his soul was still alive, the rest of his body was left in a state of very slow decay. Kinda an issue he'd like to solve.
The two met one day via Pyrite trying to kill Worm, only to realize that something was very odd about this guy. He realized that this guy was basically a walking corpse, but not like the Zeds he'd seen before. Something immediately clicked in his mind, and he suddenly felt as though he were in the presence of somebody closer to his own god than he had ever been. The two didn't hit it off immediately, Worm only letting Pyrite tag along because 1. He wouldn't leave and 2. It might be useful to have another person by his side, but eventually, they found out that they had a lot more in common than they originally thought, and from there, things changed.
I've had a lot of time to think about their story, and I'm not gonna put everything here on this one post. That might be for a later time lol. There's a lot. They're on my mind pretty often.
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voregrunt · 11 months
For Halloween uhh..which of your oc’s or Madcom character is best as Bob velsub?
I'd say a good contender is probably Bandit (bro's literally meant to be a bandit from the project n3xus game who are a bunch of cannibals, so it makes sense)
it's funny to imagine him saying those random meat related facts like him tho lol
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poryphoria · 1 year
HIHIHI I wouldd love 2 see the Mag Bandit in ur arstyle !!
certainly one of the most women of all time
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enrgyx6 · 2 years
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madcom oc because its taking up space in my brain again hes a tinkerer who keeps getting confused for a bandit
his greatest possession is a mosin with an under barrel grenade launcher on it. nobody knows how he did it or why it even works.
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