#maddy perez x brother!reader
infernalodie · 2 years
𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐄 || 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐳
“𝘖𝘩, 𝘐 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 𝘞𝘩𝘰 𝘸𝘦 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦, 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘸𝘦 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦'𝘴 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘰𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯'𝘵 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘰𝘧𝘧 𝘉𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦“
Inspo: Ruel - END SCENE
Pairing: Maddy Perez x Perez!Male!reader x Cassie Howard
Summary: The two of you watched it fall apart, yet one of you couldn’t stay for long...
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Warnings: Angst and character death
Words: 1836
From the day you were born, you and Maddy were joined at the hip. There wasn’t a day that went by that neither of you was separated from one other. So many experiences the two of you shared had made the inseparability strong. The two of you saw destruction with your friends take place and you were there through the traumatizing experience Maddy experienced with Nate. Promising her that if things were going downhill from there, the two of you would be by one another's side. The two of you would just watch the world fall apart around you and enjoy every second of it until your guys’ last breaths.
And you? What was your traumatizing experience? Well, you had your heart shattered when finding out your girlfriend was hooking up with Nate behind your back. Not even sparing you by ending things before doing so. You didn’t know if it was the fear of what might happen. But you did know that her doing so made your mind fracture. Morals you held high now seemed to dim with you trying to understand how things turned out the way they did.
Why did she cheat? Was it you? Did you not give enough?
All these questions with not so little as an answer for any of them.
But maybe you should’ve understood and expected the worse when things first started. Because they were great for a time, but McKay did warn you of the troubles. Of the possibility of things turning out different from what you may have expected. But being lovestruck, you dismissed them.
And it ended up with you drinking a fifth bottle of Rum. Hoping that the recent events that had transcribed with you and your ex may be forgotten. Maybe you could be happy. Maybe you could just lose your mind a little and be plunged into the warmth of darkness.
It didn’t seem fair in the grander scheme of things. You had to stand there, watching the foundation the two of you built come crumbling to the ground. Levels of the structure being core memories you had of the blonde that had solidified your love for her. And now, it was rubble surrounding your fractured existence in a world that didn’t seem real to you at this point.
Maddy had to stand on the outside and watch what was left of her brother, you, slowly crack and fade. The closure you maybe expected in return for Cassie’s harsh breakup was dismissed with weed and alcohol. She watched you run. Try and escape the pain that reality had placed in your path. And it scared the shit out of her seeing you so broken. So incomplete without Cassie.
But she thought bringing you to this party might allow you to reconnect with people. Hoping that an attempt to heal might be made. She was sadly mistaken. She should’ve known that when she remembered that most parties involved the addition of alcohol. Leaving her to submit to her mistake and try and take care of your drunken state that could barely stand up on its own.
She was scared. Fearful of how long you were going to put yourself through this.
You had managed to get away from your sister. Sitting on the edge of the couch and smoking some dude’s joint that he offered. But your gaze and mind were set on Cassie, who coincidentally was standing in the kitchen with Lexi. And you should’ve stayed sat down. Kept your mouth shut and enjoy this feeling of freedom for a little longer. But the growing knowledge of the fact that she was here built until you couldn’t handle it. Standing on your two untrustworthy legs and stumbling toward the kitchen.
And when you entered, even with the pounding music, it seemed everyone around you quietened down. Not out of some romanticizing way that all these kids try to describe. But like a bad joke in a bar. An awkwardness that was physically painful to be succumbed to. That’s what you got when you entered the kitchen to grab a drink. Feeling the gaze from the sister’s eyes as you poured the Rum into a red solo cup.
Things weren’t supposed to be like this.
Glancing over your shoulder, you found that Lexi had slipped away. Cassie is left to stare down at her feet and sip from her cup. Not daring to make eye contact with you for whatever she may be feeling. Either out of respect or fear of what you might do or say if she says anything or looks at you.
“Night been good?” Your question shook her from her forced gaze. Lifting it for a moment to find you facing her now, a tired look on your face. Circles under your eyes with a casual and slow flow to what you did. If it was blinking, licking your lips, or taking a sip of your drink.
Cassie exhaled heavily. “As much as I like parties, this one is not my taste,” she said, flashing a tiny smile. One that you missed. “Hard to feel welcomed or relaxed when almost everyone hates me.”
You sighed, shrugging as you glanced around. “Yea’, that’s part of it. But half of these people aren’t even going to remember you or me when we all go on with our lives.” You hiccuped, running a hand through your hair. “We will all just be ghosts that won't be thought upon in ten years.”
Something about that made Cassie purse her lips. Tilting her head slightly to stare at you softly with a concerned look taking its place on her face.
No matter the time that may pass, you knew you belonged to her. To the time she made for you. To the way she saw you. Or to how she saw the world. Maybe it was still the pain that made you think this. But you knew that when you tried to place a different girl in her place, you could only see her in their place. Leaving you to pick apart the imperfections of the girl compared to Cassie. And it always left you in a shittier situation.
“Please, Cassie,” you drunkenly pleaded. It was a weak murmur. A pitiful one. Maybe it was the fear that you had for anyone to see you like this. But this was the girl of your dreams you were thinking about- Who was standing in front of you! You couldn’t act like none of this didn’t hurt you. “I need you. We can forget what happened. You are the only thing that makes me care about this life.”
Cassie, being sober and clearly worried about your state, sadly shook her head. “Y/n, we can’t. I’m with Nate now,” she told you. “And I can’t act like I didn’t hurt you. I’m saving you from getting together with me.”
You shook your head, hands grasping hers desperately. “I can’t do this without you-”
“Get your hands off her, Y/n!” Nate appeared, shoving you back, making you stumble back. “Get the fuck out of here before I kick your head in.”
“Fuck off, Nate,” you spat, wiping your eyes. “You being here ruined my relationship. I deserve to talk to her if you decided to take everything away from me.”
“You clearly weren’t giving enough to her, Y/n,” he said. “So, grow the fuck up and move on.”
His words were harsh and a painful reality check. Even through the drunken, wobbling haze resting over your senses, you understood and agreed to a certain extent. But it didn’t alleviate the pain in your chest, unable to restrain the shaky weep that sounded from your trembling lips.
And in an extension of that, you couldn’t stop yourself from shoving Nate back. Having enough strength that moved him back a few steps. “You are a fucking joke, Nate!” You spat. “You put a gun to my sister’s head! You blackmail people to get what you want-”
“Y/n, I suggest shutting up-”
But you interjected the warning. “Or what? Hmm? You gonna beat the shit out of me, Nate?” You barked. “I bet your father would be really proud of you-”
And no one was able to react in time when Nate punched you across the face. The pure strength knocked you on your ass, bashing your head off something in the process.
“What the fuck, Nate?” Maddy exclaimed, running to your aid. Kneeling down and holding your face that twisted and turned in agony. Looking up at her ex and yelling, “You are a real fucking piece of shit Nate, you know that? He’s too fucking drunk to even defend himself!”
“I told him to stop, Maddy. He’s too drunk to even fuckin’ listen!” The boy defended. “Keep your brother in check or I’ll fully beat his ass- What the fuck?”
Maddy frowned upon seeing Nate’s eyes flicker to you. But when she looked down, she saw you start to seize. Body shaking violently, eyes rolled to the back of your head. A pool of blood begins to build around the back of your head making everyone start to freak out.
“No. No, no, no. Y/n? Hey, Y/n! Wake up- Wake up, Y/n!” Maddy’s trembling body managed to pull yours onto her lap. Whimpers that had fallen from her lips were now evolving to uncontrolled sobs as foam pooled from the corners of your mouth. “Hey, hey, hey! You’re alright! You’re gonna be fine!” She wiped desperately, hoping you might come back to reality.
“Maddy, is there anything-” Cassie, who was just as worried as Maddy, tried to speak up. But when she looked down at you, she found you still. Far too still. At that point people
But her words were halted when she received a glare that sent a chill down her spine. The complete hatred and wrath that sat in front of her eyes scared her. “Yeah.” Maddy pulled your lifeless figure into her chest, inhaling your scent. “Save everyone the trouble and go fucking kill yourself, Cass.”
Cassie stared at her friend, unable to hide the tears and hurt that she felt. She should allow to hold you just like Maddy was. She should be allowed to mourn you. But from the way Maddy held you so protectively, so desperately, she wasn’t given the privilege.
As everyone filtered out of the house, Maddy still stayed sat on that dirty kitchen floor. Legs feeling the warm touch of your blood with her thumbs stroking over your cheeks. Her bottom lip caught between her teeth as she stared softly down at your lifeless features. The hollowness in your eyes. She used to wonder what rested beyond them.
She guessed she would have to continue to speculate…
Her hand softly held your face, smiling brokenly down at you. A harsh stutter of a inhale racked her chest. Her warm breath fanning your cold features. “We were supposed to lose our minds together.”
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bumblesimagines · 1 year
“it doesn’t have to mean anything.”
“just one kiss and i’ll never ask again.”
- Cassie Howard
“just one kiss and i’ll never ask again.”
“it doesn’t have to mean anything.”
Pronouns: He/Him, Male
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The car ride home from the party had been filled with the smell of beer and the sound of Kat and Maddy's quiet snores mixing together. Cassie sat in the passenger seat, nodding off every few seconds only to jerk her head back upright when she went to doze off. The exhaustion was heavy in the air from the hours spent dancing and drinking.
Glancing in the rearview mirror, you spotted the smudged makeup on Maddy and Kat's faces and the way strands of their hair stuck out in different directions. Cassie looked similar with her wavy blonde locks all frizzy and her mascara mixing in with her eyeshadow from tired eye rubs. But she'd been less intoxicated than Maddy and Kat. With Kat slowly falling out of love with Ethan and Maddy trying to get over Nate, the two girls had cups in their hands for most of the night. Cassie, on the other hand, had promptly sworn off love during the winter dance and she stuck to it by avoiding drinking and ignoring her exes.
"We're here!" You called as you pulled into the driveway, drawing the girls out from their slumber. Shutting off the engine and stepping out of the car, you slung open the back door and scooped your twin out from her seat. Maddy whined and her head lolled back, the moonlight shining down on her cherry-colored cheeks. Cassie and Kat leaned against each other, fingers tiredly typing away on their phones to inform their parents where they'd be spending the night.
"Come on, Mads." You murmured softly, helping her plant her heels on the ground and walking up to the porch with the girls trailing behind. You opened the door and helped Maddy inside, pausing to let her kick off her shoes and leading her toward the couch. The brunette flopped down on the cushions, purse slipping from her shoulder and landing on the floor with a soft thud. Kat collapsed on the loveseat beside the couch, similarly tossing aside her shoes and purse before curling up and dozing off.
"You'd think they ran a marathon." Cassie giggled softly, gingerly setting aside her small purse on the coffee table.
"Dramatic is Maddy's middle name." You grinned back at the blonde and turned on your heel, entering the kitchen and fetching a bottle of water. Discarding her heels and releasing a yawn, Cassie followed after you and took the bottle offered to her.
Taking a swing of the water and wiping her bottom lip, Cassie rubbed her thumb against the label of the water with slightly knitted brows. "Have..." She began and stopped abruptly, her already slightly flushed cheeks darkening. "Have you ever thought about... getting with one of Maddy's friends?"
You blinked at her, eyes flickering over to the sleeping brunette. "Maddy wouldn't like that."
"But have you thought about it?" She tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, a meek smile spreading across her face. Her free hand toyed with the bracelet on her wrist, hair bobbing as she tilted her head.
"You promised yourself you wouldn't have anything to do with guys again, Cass." You reminded her. The night of the winter dance had been a sobering night for the girls. Kat entered her relationship with Ethan, Maddy accepted her relationship with Nate and saw it as it was, Lexi realized her own feelings, and Cassie made a vow after her complicated relationship with McKay.
"But you're different, and- and it doesn't have to be serious. It doesn’t have to mean anything.” She blabbered, an all too familiar song you heard her foolishly sing to others.
"We can give it a shot! Just one kiss and I’ll never ask again. One kiss and if you don't like it, I'll drop it.”
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thebisexualdogdad · 2 years
Can you do he were Maddie is secretly hooking up with Nate’s older brother ( kind of like Aaron but younger and their dad likes him)
Maddy Perez x Male!reader
Warning: mentions of abuse
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● you always had a thing for Maddy
● you're two years older than her and your brother Nate and were attending the nearby college only half an hour drive away
● even when Maddy and Nate were dating you two were secretly sleeping together behind Nate's back
● but it was much easier to do so once you moved out and had your own dorm room to hook up in
● your roommate was barely there spending most of his time in his own girlfriends dorm but he promised not to tell anyone about you and Maddy
● you were always trying to convince her to break up with Nate
● "why do you care so much, do you love me or something?"
● "no its just Nate is a fucking asshole and I don't want you getting hurt because of him"
● truth was you did love her but you weren't going to tell her that and ruin the amazing sex you were having when you had previously agreed that all this would be was sex
● until she showed up at your dorm one night crying with bruises on her neck
● she didn't even have to tell you, you knew it was Nate who did that to her
● she had asked you to come to the carnival that night to hang out as "friends" but you bailed knowing you wouldn't be able to handle seeing the two of them together
● part of you felt guilty like maybe you could have stopped it if you had been there
● you went home a few days later and beat the shit out of Nate
● your dad had to pull you off of him
● "it's all accusations Y/N calm down he didn't do shit"
● "Please, we all know what he's capable of"
● now that Maddy and Nate were officially over for good she was spending every weekend in your dorm room
● she had a bag of clothes and make up stashed in your closet
● and a toothbrush in your bathroom
● sometimes she shows up in the middle of the week just because she's horny and needs you
● she doesn't even care when she misses a couple classes the next day because you guys overslept (or were having morning sex)
● her parents never notice she's gone either
● if she could live in your dorm with you she would
● she'd much rather fall asleep next to you every night than be at home
● she was already planning on going to school with you next year knowing Nate would never want to go to the same school as you even before the incident
● Maddy wasn't ready to have the relationship talk yet after what Nate put her through
● so until then you were just friends with really great benefits
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fl3shm4id3n · 1 year
Jake with a younger sister reader that went with him to pandora who’s the cool aunt and they love to show her off 💞 I kinda imagine her as Maddy Perez from euphoria
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬, 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬 𝐛𝐞��𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫.
ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴜʟʟʏ'ꜱ x ᴀᴜɴᴛ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ (ᴘʟᴀᴛᴏɴɪᴄ)
Tw: nothing really bad, just reader cursing like a sailor.
A/N: I'm not a fan of Euphoria, but Maddy is my favorite character.
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You were living in Pandora with your older brother Jake, due to your age you had to go with him and do some mission after Tommy's death. During the time, things went to shit. Jake fell in love with a na'vi along with the people and the forest of Pandora, then everything went straight to a war. After the battle was won by the na'vi the humans left except for you, and a few others.
Then your brother fully became a na'vi and a the next leader of the Omaticaya. Even though Neytiri didn't like humans, she liked you, since you were her sister in law and she just liked your nature. You and Her were like best friends, even better since you were both in-laws. Then the kids came in, you had become an aunt. You weren't a huge fan of kids, but when you saw your first nephew Neteyam, it all changed. Then Kiri was adopted into the family, as a result of Grace's avatar mysteriously being pregnant. She was now your niece, later came Lo'ak and Tuk. You loved your nieces and nephews with a passion. They were your family, even though they were blue kittens.
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They grew and so did you, the older they got the more you grew to love them. You'd spend most of the time hanging out with them, along with Spider, even though he wasn't part of the family, you considered him your other nephew. Since they knew you were from earth like their father, you told them stories about when you lived on earth.
The kids really liked being around you, they'd drag you all over the forest with them, you didn't really mind. You told them about the pageants you used to do, even showed the some pictures that you brought with you. You'd also tell them some embarrassing stories involving both Jake and Tommy. Your brother hated it when you'd expose him like that to his kids. It was funny. You also taught them some slang, like bro, sis, cuz and so one. The thing that they've also picked up was cursing.
It was no secret you cursed like a sailor, you didn't think much of it, until Lo'ak had began to say 'Cunt' at his young age, Jake was not happy about hearing his son saying that word. You'd often tell him that it wasn't a big deal it's just a word, but Jake did not want you to swear around them anymore, specially Tuk who was beginning to speak. You really tried not swear, when you were about to say a bad word, you'd switch it into something else.
You'd also be the type to give them candy before dinner, you had introduced the kids to human candy and they loved them. Jake would tell them no candy before dinner, but you'd always sneakily give them a piece and tell them to eat it quickly.
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Neteyam, Kiri and Lo'ak were now in their teens, ready to complete their rites to passage, you didn't really understand the process, but you were still supporting them. When they got their Ikran, you were the most happy for them, you'd basically be telling everyone around you that those kids are your niece and nephew.
Since you showed them off, they'd show you off too, you didn't really get why since you were just a human, but that didn't stop them for doing it. They'd brag to other na'vi kids about how cool you where and other silly things they'd say.
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noimnotmae · 8 months
I legit needs someone's help. I can't find a fanfic I once read about Maddy Perez from Euphoria. It's a Maddy Perez x Male OC/Reader (i can't remember) and the OC/Reader is the brother of Lexi and Cassie Howard.
I want to reread it so badly but I can't fucking find it. 😭 Someone please help me! It's a fanfic on wattpad btw. PLEASE HELP ME.
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Girls do it best | Maddy Perez x Reader
Summary: Nate is shit at something you're good at. Or, Maddy is tired of having to fake orgasms so you give her a real one
Pairing: Maddy Perez x Reader
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: cheating (it's on Nate, though. who cares), sexual activities
Request: hii ! could i request a maddy x masc fem reader? maybe a friends to lovers or fwb to lovers
Note: I don’t know if that’s what you meant. I’m really sorry if I got your request wrong
Also, this is pure smut. You’ve been warned
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You and Maddy were opposites. She was very girly and loved to spend hours getting ready for the smallest occasions while your closet resembled your younger brother's. She was the type of girl who did beauty pageants when she was younger and you were the kind who climbed trees and learned to skateboard.
Given your differences, it was surprising you didn't grow apart.
''Everyone vents about how Nate is this god in bed, but he's honestly not that great,'' Maddy said, browsing through her closet to find something to wear to tonight's party. ''He's got a good dick, but when he goes down on me...there's place to improvement.''
You snickered, playing with the beads on one of her pink pillows.
Since getting with Nate, Maddy spilled a lot of tea to you about the popular jock. Especially sex tea. That was your favorite. Hearing that Nate Jacobs was bad at something was very satisfying.
She plucked a blue dress from the rod, wrinkled her nose and put it back. ''I bet it's easier with a girl. At least they know what feels good and how the female body is made.''
''Yes and no. They might know the anatomy better, but not everyone likes the same thing. I've had sex with girls who were no better than boys.''
Maddy cocked an eyebrow at you. ''You've had sex with boys?!''
It was shocking for the both of you.
You've known for a long time that you liked girls. While everyone was gawking at Ryan Gosling and the One Direction members, you were watching Jennifer's Body on repeat, wishing Jennifer Check would make out with you on your bed - or make you her next victim.
Why did you have sex with a guy, you may ask? Solely to see what the hype was about. It didn't live up to the expectation and confirmed that you were 100% gay.
You nodded, cringing at the memory. ''Once. Lasted a mind-blowing five seconds. Needless to say, I did not finish.''
Maddy laughed. ''Does this dress looks good on me?'' she asked, holding up a tight black dress with a cut-out shape at the front.
Everything looked good on her. Even sweatpants.
You hummed.
''Last night, Nate went all washing machine on me,'' Maddy continued, going to her en-suite bathroom and trying on the dress.
Hearing this gave you secondhand embarrassment. You didn't think he was that level of terrible.
''Oh my god... I'm sorry you had to go through this.''
''I think you should give Nate lessons on how to eat pussy better. I'm tired of having to fake orgasms.''
That had you bark out a laugh.
If Nate heard her, his whole body would be fuming with anger. Not only she was criticizing his sexual skills, but she was implying that he should get lessons from a lesbian. For an arrogant homophobic and misogynist like Nate Jacobs, none of that slid right.
Maddy came out of her bathroom with the dress on, looking like a fucking goddess. It was hugging her petite body in all the right places. You couldn't help yourself and bit down your bottom lip. Who gave her the right to look this hot?
''I think you looking smoking hot, Mads.''
She went to her foot-length mirror, checking herself in all angles. ''Right?''
''I've been thinking, perhaps I should give you an orgasm to make up for the ones you had to fake,'' you blurted out, raising an eyebrow suggestively. You held your Maddy's gaze intently and smirked.
You meant it as a joke. It wasn't a serious offer.
But Maddy didn't see it that way.
''I-I was kidding,'' you stammered.
The raven haired girl crossed the distance to her bed, climbing on the mattress to sit before you. ''Were you? Because I was not.'' She stared right at you with her big eyes and full lips.
Suddenly, your mouth was dry and you felt your core tightening, forcing you to close your legs shut. Fuck.
You watched as she crawled over to you, her legs settling on each side of your hips. She leaned over to you, her face a few centimeters from yours and kissed you gently.
One thing about Maddy was that she breathed self-confidence. She wasn't afraid to take what she wanted or make the first move. Even if it was only a kiss.
''Don't be shy. I'm not going to bite.''
She pressed her lips against yours again and you stumbled back a bit, falling against her soft pillows and pulling her down with you. Her lips tasted like chemical cherries, likely from one of her many lip products, and were very soft. Your hands slid up to her hips, guiding her closer.
You would never say it out loud, but you had thought about this moment for a long time. Kissing Maddy. There was no denying that she was beautiful and fucking sexy, but you would've never told her about your secret attraction to her at the risk of jeopardizing your friendship. Better keep your mouth shut than lose her.
You cleared your throat, a nervous feeling budding in your stomach. "Nate's gonna kill me," you mumbled, breaking the kiss.
Maddy shook her head slowly. ''He won't ever know.''
The moment her tongue slipped into your mouth, you forgot about the existence of Nate Jacobs. Nate who?
Her hands traveled up your chest, slipping under your shirt as she grinded down and rolled her hips, causing a moan to slip. She giggled at your reaction, the little noise turning you on times ten.
Two could play this game though. Your hands moved down and hoisted the bottom of her dress over her thighs, reaching between them. This might be your only chance at touching her, might as well make the most of it. Your fingers pushed her panties aside, finding her wet center and dragging the pad of your thumb over her swollen clit. She whimpers when you began to rub it in slow circles.
You switched position, rolling her over onto the mattress, kissing some more before pressing two fingers inside her without any warnings.
"Fuck," Maddy gasped out, throwing her head back, her mouth detaching from yours.
A smug smile spread on your face as she rolled her hips against your fingers, silently begging for more. Her nails dug into your back as you kept going. It was a blessing you still had your shirt on. The damage she'd do with those claws.
You propped yourself up on one elbow, watching her expression go hazier and hazier as you played with her pussy. This was a sight you never wanted to forget.
Feeling her clamp even tighter around you, you withdrew your fingers, making her frown. ''Why did you stop?'' she asked, her breath a little saccaded.
''I thought you wanted my mouth.''
''I do. Get to it.''
You laughed softly, shaking your head at how bossy she was even in the bedroom. You trailed your kisses down her neck, kissing down her chest and stomach until you reached her underwear - which quickly got discarded.
You placed wet kisses along her thigh sucking marks onto the skin without really thinking of the consequences. All that was on your mind was making Maddy feel on top of the fucking world.
When your tongue came out for a taste, she made a strangled noise. A loud one. You dragged your tongue through her folds, humming at her taste. Her hips jerked up as moans rippled from her, but you held her down.
You gave her clit a long, languid lick and her hips jerked up, moans rippling from her.
''Fuck, Y/N I'm gonna come," she warned.
On the vanity, right as she came, Maddy's phone buzzed with an incoming call. Nate.
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lowkeyerror · 2 years
Her First & Her Future
Maddy Perez x Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: Angst, slight substance abuse (weed), Nate Jacobs, physical assault
Summary: Y/n Jacobs and Maddy Perez had something special. It wasn't long before Nate noticed and decided he wanted what Y/n had. Though Maddy ends up with Nate it seems like she can't get Y/n off her mind.
An: Someone said a Maddy series and I am a lady of the people so buckle up. I will say I intentionally changed some of the timeline of the series to fit better, hope yall still enjoy it.
Pt. 2 Pt.3 Pt.4
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Y/n knew Maddy more than she was supposed to. They had been friends before Maddy started dating her brother. The beginning of her relationship with Nate was the end of the friendship between the two.
It wasn't the obvious betrayal it seemed to be. There was probably something in the code of friendship about dating each other's siblings. However this was deeper.
Y/n had held Maddy through cold nights. She had consoled her whenever she was going through it with her parents. Y/n loved Maddy.
Maddy loved Y/n too. She would make sure the girl ate because she always forgot. She made Y/n smile through the tears Nate had caused her. Maddy even held Y/n through the hot summer days.
They were young lovers. They had been each other's first. Y/n was familiar with every inch of Maddy's body. She knew things about it that even the other girl didn't. Y/n knew how to get Maddy's body to sing three part harmonies with a single touch.
Nate couldn't do that, Y/n was certain. There were only two things Nate had that Y/n didn't; a penis and an ego.
His ego wasn't even real. It came from a place of insecurity. Yet he was the one that Maddy had chosen to be with. He was the one holding her now. He got to be her future whereas Y/n was stuck being her first.
It wasn't fair. Nate already had everything. He was the favorite child, the popular boy, the star quarterback. He could've had any girl, but he chose the one he'd known would hurt Y/n.
Maddy never told Y/n that she and Nate were dating. The girl found out with every other person at the school. As soon as she saw the pair walking down the hallway, she left the premises. She skipped the rest of that school day.
She began to softly spiral. Y/n didn't like hard drugs. She didn't like pills or coke or anything too dangerous. The girl did like to get high on occasion.
Seeing Nate with Maddy was unbearable unless Y/n was high. She became a regular pothead. She smoked every day, working overtime to make sure the smell didn't stick around her too much.
Her friends began taking notice. They were worried for the girl. The only one who knew about why the girl had suddenly become so dependent on cannabis was Lexi.
" Have you guys seen Y/n?"
" Not since earlier when we were all together, why?"
Lexi shook her head and continued searching for her friend. She ended up accidentally bumping into Nate on her way outside.
" Have you seen your sister?"
He shook his head," She's been ditching a lot lately. No idea where."
" Since when does Y/n ditch?" Maddy asked from beside her boyfriend.
Lexi rolled her eyes," I think you can piece it together."
She continued walking past the couple. Maddy's posture dropped for a second before Nate squeezed her hand. She held her head high and continued walking the halls.
Lexi found Y/n under the bleachers by the football field. The girl was laying flat on her back with her arms and legs stretched out.
" Jesus Christ, Y/n."
Slowly the girl's head turned to Lexi, her eyes an unnatural hue of red. " I think my heart is going to explode."
" You're missing class again."
" Who cares?"
Lexi sat on the grass next to Y/n. " I care because now I'm missing class too."
" I'm sorry." Y/n did her best to sit up, her breathing was extremely shallow.
" I hate seeing you like this." She places her hand on top of Y/n's.
Y/n looks straight ahead," I just don't want to feel anything anymore."
" Don't say that," Lexi squeezes Y/n's hand.
Y/n head hangs," It's the truth. Nothing feels good, Lexi. I'm not safe at school, I'm not safe at home, she's going to be there, with him, wherever I go."
Lexi looks at her friend, thinking of her next move very carefully. The hand that rests on Y/n's moves. It trails up the girl's arm to her face, lightly cupping her cheek.
This catches Y/n's attention. She leans into Lexi's touch, her intoxication leading her.
" You don't need her to feel good," Lexi pauses, her thumbs swiping over Y/n's bottom lip," Anyone can make you feel good."
" Lexi-"
The brunette kisses Y/n. Her lips move experimentally against her friend's. The young Howard straddles Y/n as they continue to kiss.
It's easy for Y/n to get caught up in her high state. The sensation of Lexi's warm lips on hers enough to silence the alarms going off in the back of her mind. It's not until Lexi's hips roll on Y/n, that the alarms start ringing loudly.
Y/n pulls back," What're we doing?"
Lexi's face is flushed, her chest heaves up and down," I don't know."
Her thumbs swipes at Y/n's lip again, trying to remove the trace of lipstick that she left there.
" So this is why you were looking for her."
Lexi tries to remove herself from Y/n, but the pothead locks her arms around Lexi's waist. In this state she could care less about her brother and Maddy's reaction.
" It's not really any of your business is it?" Y/n responds to the girl.
Maddy looks furious while Nate seems indifferent. The look the Latina has on her face is enough to scare Lexi, but Y/n stays unphased.
Y/n unhooks her arms from around Lexi, to get to her feet. Her vision is a little blurry and her footing isn't the best, but all that matters to her is that she is standing.
" You can barely stand," Nate points out.
" I'm fine," Y/n shoots back at him.
Nate glances at Lexi and then back at Y/n," It's fine that you're spaced out, but she's not."
Y/n scoffed," Lexi isn't like that. She wouldn't take advantage of me just because I'm not sober."
Before anyone could say anything else, Y/n is walking away from the bleachers." Let's go, Lex."
Lexi doesn't look at the couple, instead follows after Y/n.
" I'm going to take you home, there's no way you can go to class like this." Lexi takes Y/n's hand and drags her to the parking lot.
She struggles, but eventually gets Y/n into the car. The drive to Y/n's is quick and quiet. Lexi went to get out of the car but Y/n grabbed her wrist.
" Why'd you kiss me?"
" Because," she let out a sigh, " words are never enough for you."
Y/n nodded, she slowly leaned over to the driver's side of the car," It felt pretty good Lex."
Lexi took that as her sign to hop out of the car. Y/n's passenger door opened soon after. The Jacobs girl walked around the car to meet Lexi face to face.
" Y/n, you're my best friend and I love you, but I can't."
Y/n brought her chin down to rest on Lexi's shoulder," I'm sorry, I'm all fucked up."
Lexi wraps her arms around the girl," It's ok, let's just get you inside."
Lexi helped Y/n get inside and took her to her room. Y/n face planted on the bed, her body still tingling from the weed.
" You can go back to school, Lex. I'll be fine," she mumbled against her bedsheets.
" Are you sure?"
" Ya I'll be fine."
Lex looked at her friend, face down on the bed. She was hesitant to leave her in this state. This reminded her of her other friend. For a moment she was scared of addiction taking over another person she cared about.
" Y/n, be careful ok?"
The girl on the bed nodded. She felt herself drifting into a deep sleep.
Lexi looked at her one more time, before returning to school.
It had only been an hour since Lexi left when Y/n awoke to a pounding on her front door. The doorbell was ringing obsessively to accompany the banging. She was still groggy from her nap as she went to get the door.
When she opened it, she found Maddy standing on her porch.
" Nate is at school, " she tried to shut the door in Maddy's face, but the Latina wasn't having it. She pushed past Y/n and made her way into the house.
" What, trying to kick me out because your bitch is here?"
" What are you talking about? "
Maddy glares at the girl, " Lexi. Lexi Howard, my best friend's sister. You think you're funny, don't you?"
Y/n's mind begins to clear, " There's nothing going on between me and Lexi."
Maddy's hand lays on her hip," Oh really? Then what was that under the bleachers"
Y/n glared back at the girl, " Are you really doing this right now? Maddy it's none of your business. You're my brother's girlfriend. That's it. I don't care if you saw me fucking her in my room, it doesn't have shit to do with you."
" You know that's a fucking lie. I'm more than just your brother's girlfriend."
" No, you're not. You made your choice Maddy, and it wasn't me, " Y/n told her making her way back to her room.
Maddy was hot on her trail." Y/n, you know I care about you."
Y/n began to laugh," Yes, of course because everyone who cares about me fucks my brother behind my back. "
" It wasn't like that. "
" Then what was it like Madeleine," she cringed when Y/n used her full name," All I know is that we had something. Then all of a sudden we didn't because you wanted Nate."
" Y/n-"
Y/n chuckled as she sat on her bed, " I loved you. So much and... my fucking brother. Out of all the people."
Maddy doesn't know how to respond. There's nothing really she can say to fix this. " It just happened Y/n, please. I would never hurt you like this. You know me."
" I thought I did, but I was wrong. You don't get how fucked up this is Maddy. After you're done fucking my brother, you call me. You blow up my phone because you feel guilty. You want me to sit here and take all of this disrespect, but I just can't."
Maddy has tears pricking at her eyes, but Y/n won't look at her.
" Y/n, I love you."
Y/n shut her eyes tight. " You can't possibly love me. Not after all you put me through, Maddy."
Maddy makes her way over to Y/n. She gently cups the other girl's face. Y/n keeps her eyes closed.
" Baby, please."
Y/n began to shake her head," I just can't Maddy."
Y/n placed her hand over Maddy's and removed it from her face.
It was over then. Maddy walked out of the room. Y/n's back hit the mattress and tears slid down her face.
Months pass and Y/n has a front row seat to just how toxic Nate and Maddy are for each other. Most of the time she's too high to see all of the details.
What she does notice is the obnoxious gifts that Nate is always buying for Maddy. The way the girl always wears his gifts out to school the next day. Y/n thinks of her as his barbie doll in that sense. He gets to dress her up like he wants and she gets a new wardrobe.
She keeps her distance from them, as much as she can. However, they live in a small town and she can't avoid them forever.
" No weed tonight, you promised," Lexi is quick to rip the joint out of Y/n's hand.
Y/n didn't fret, just sighed as they walked through the carnival.
" Fine, but you owe me the time of my life tonight ."
Lexi nudges Y/n's shoulder, "When have I ever let you down?"
Y/n smiles at the brunette, "Never, you're a ride or die."
The night is fun for the most part, but it takes a turn when Y/n and Lexi meet up with Cassie and the other's. The weird energy had made Y/n want to take a smoke break.
Lexi might've taken a joint, but Y/n had more than one on her. With the excuse of a bathroom break, she breaks away from the strange group.
She looks for a secluded place to smoke. That's when she sees them. Nate stalks towards Maddy, who was cowering in fear. It wasn't her business, but when Nate's hands wrapped around Maddy's throat it became her business.
With adrenaline running through her veins Y/n quickly approached the pair. Her hands quickly closed around Nate's waist and she threw the boy to the ground. He was quickly on his feet.
" What the fuck is wrong with you, Nathaniel?"
Y/n saw her brother's fists clenching by his sides. His eyes shifted over to Maddy's as he expected her to defend him.
" I don't care what she says, I know what I saw. I know the type of person you are. So go cool off Nate," Y/n's eyes never left his as she spoke.
He took one more glance at Maddy, but then stalked off. As soon as he was out of sight Y/n was quick to turn her attention to Maddy.
Y/n's eyes shot straight for the bruises forming around Maddy's neck. She wanted to be in disbelief, but she knew her brother. He'd always been violent.
" He'll keep hurting you if you let him," it was a whisper.
" I know," she says back softly.
Y/n offers her hand," Let me take you home."
Maddy shakes her head," I'm good."
Y/n takes Maddy's hand in her's, " Maddy, you're not good."
At those words, Maddy collapses in the other girl's arms. Her body shakes with sobs. Y/n holds her tightly, only now fully grasping what happened.
She keeps Maddy's hand in hers and guides her out of the secluded area. Against Maddy's previous wishes, Y/n ends up taking her home.
Maddy's house is empty when they arrive. They went straight up to her room. Maddy tries to pull herself together, wiping the tears from her eyes. Y/n fidgets as she waits for the girl to say something. The need to smoke quickly returned to her system.
" You're scratching like an addict," Maddy breaks the silence.
" I'm nervous."
" And you want to smoke."
Y/n meets the girl's eyes," Maddy is now really the time? He choked you, what would have happened if I wasn't there?"
" It doesn't matter, I'm fine."
Y/n raised her voice," That's bullshit! He put his hands on you, Maddy. That's something he could go to jail for. It's assault."
" I'm not pressing charges."
Y/n's mouth drops open," I don't know how to help you. I just don't understand what you see in him. He's just toxic."
" And you aren't? "
Y/n voice dangerously falters," What did you just say to me?"
" There's that famous Jacob's temper, I know so well."
Y/n blinks at the girl a few times. " Nate is my brother by blood, not by choice. Maybe we're more similar than I'd like to admit, but I'd never put my hands on you. I'd never gaslight you into thinking you owe me something after buying you luxury coats. I would never break your heart like he has."
" He loves me."
Y/n snorts after Maddy says that. " No, he loves having control over you. He loves that you are his possession."
" That's not true."
" I know him better than you do. It's funny I actually know both of you better than you know each other. When he breaks your heart for the last time, I want an apology."
Y/n exits with those being her last words to Maddy. What happened between Maddy and Nate was no longer her business. She tried to get through to the girl, but it was no use.
Nate had her under his spell and there was nothing Y/n could do about it. 
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sl-ut · 3 years
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pairing: maddy perez x fem!reader
description: maddy loves her babysitting gig, but there’s always one thing threatening to take it all away; y/n. (MODIFIED REQUEST)
warnings: swearing, SMUT (pls be nice, this is a first for me), masturbation, voyeurism, maddy is slightly ooc for a sec but oh well
words: 1.5K
date posted: 01/02/22
next part
Maddy loved her job.
The house was just big enough for her imagination to run wild, and she liked the domesticity that came with babysitting for such a rich family; It allowed her to picture herself living in a similar house when she was older. It was also a nice break from everything that had happened with Nate that year, and it gave her a proper excuse for ignoring his texts and calls. But nothing, not even a simple babysitting job could go without some sort of issue.
Theo was a nice kid who was easy to get along with, and most importantly, he liked Maddy enough that she could trust him not to snitch on her to his parents about some of the things she did while they were gone. Maddy genuinely liked the young boy, and would consider him to be her second favourite part of the job. The real issue was his older sister, who constantly antagonised the Perez girl for using the pool while she was supposed to be working or wearing such skimpy clothes around her brother. Luckily, Y/n wasn’t usually around that much while Maddy was there, and that was when Maddy would take the opportunity to take a peek into that closet that she loved so much. 
The smooth velvets and thick, soft furs felt right against Maddy’s skin. From a young age, she knew that she was meant to live like this, the epitome of luxury. Nothing made her feel more alive than the thrill of tugging a large white fur coat over her body, and twirling in front of the mirror to admire the contrast of the long string of rubies that hung from each of her earlobes. Then, within a moment, that glee turned to dread as she met a familiar gaze through the reflection of the mirror. 
“What are you doing?”
Maddy whirled around to face the girl, eyes wide as her grip on the coat loosened. Her mouth moved to make an excuse, but no words came out, leaving her gaping at the other girl, exasperated.
“I was,” Maddy stammered, “I mean–”
“Because it looks like you’re snooping around in Samantha’s closet.”
“No, I wasn’t–”
“Oh, please enlighten me, then.”
Maddy shifted slightly, lost for words for what seemed like the first time in forever. She glanced up as Y/n crossed the room, leaning her hip against the counter in the centre of the room, arms crossing over her chest as one of her perfectly-arched eyebrows raised in suspicion.
“Relax,” Y/n sniggered at the panic that crossed her face, “I’m not gonna snitch.”
“You’re not?” Maddy asked incredulously.
“Uh-huh. For a price.”
Maddy rolled her eyes, quickly growing impatient with the mischievous grin that appeared on Y/n’s face, “What kind of price?”
Y/n placed a palm flat against the counter top as she stepped closer, manicured fingers of her other hand curling around the collar of the coat, gently. Maddy’s breath caught in her throat for a moment, and she internally cursed. Such behaviour was so unlike her, but something about her employer’s daughter was bringing her to this state. She found herself pursing her lips and tilting her face as Y/n face grew closer to her own.
“I don’t know yet,” She smirked, leaning closer, their lips only millimetres apart, “But I’ll let you know once I’ve decided.”
Y/n didn’t leave Maddy’s mind for the rest of the night, or for the next week. She scarcely saw the girl over those seven days, but when she did, she was left renderless. Y/n would appear in the kitchen after she’d returned home early in the evening, smirking at Maddy as she greeted her, no doubt catching her gaze as it wandered the length of her body, then she would be gone again.
The next time Maddy really saw her was on a Friday, and not surprisingly, Y/n followed her normal routine of arriving home around dinner time, not that their family had many dinners together, wearing the same preppy school uniform that she returned in everyday. She briefly acknowledged both Maddy and Theo before she disappeared into her room, scarcely to be seen for the rest of the evening.
Maddy, too, followed her routine; Spent some time around the pool, made dinner for Theo, and sent him off to bed. She had been a bit on edge around Y/n since she had caught her digging around in Samantha’s closet, but after taking extra precautions and avoiding the glorious room as much as possible, Maddy was itching to feel the luxurious fabrics against her skin once more. Once she was sure that Theo was tucked in and wouldn’t be back up for the rest of the night, Maddy made a beeline towards the large, walk-in closet, not even noticing that the light was flicked on.
“Shit,” She swore, freezing as her eyes met with Y/n’s through the mirror, their positions swapped from the last time they’d been in the predicament, “What are you doing in here?”
“Looking for a bikini top to borrow,” Y/n turned, and only then did Maddy catch sight of her bare chest as she stood before her in only skimpy thong-cut bathing suit bottoms, “All of mine are too small.” A smirk appeared on her glossy lips, “I would ask you the same question, but I think I already know the answer. Unless, of course, you knew I’d be in here and you wanted a peek.”
Maddy snorted, “Please, as if I’m that desperate.”
Y/n tilted her head curiously, crossing her arms over her chest as she shifted her weight onto one leg, “Gee, that’s pretty ballsy considering that I could easily get you fired.”
“Yeah?” Maddy snarked, “And what if I told your parents that you come home stoned almost everyday, huh?”
Y/n laughed, dropping her hands to land on her hips and she pushed forward to stand only inches from the Perez girl, grinning as she watched her eyes flickered down to her exposed chest for a moment before returning up to Y/n’s mean stare, “And are they gonna believe the babysitter with sticky fingers over me? I don’t think so. Let me know when you get desperate, yeah?”
Maddy exhaled sharply as Y/n’s shoulder slammed into her own as she shoved passed her, releasing the breath that she hadn’t been totally aware that she was holding in to begin with. She stood there for a few moments, eyes darting around the brightly-lit closet before huffing out a deep sigh, and turned on her heel, flicking the light off as she stormed out of the closet.
“Oh, yeah.”
Maddy froze in her place as the sound filled her ears. Tip-toeing across the clean, marble floors of the kitchen, peeking around the doorway that led out into the pool deck. Her eyes blinked a few times to adjust to the sight, resisting her instinct to back away as quietly as possible as her gaze trailed over the rumpled fabric that was Y/n’s bottoms laying flat on the deck, then over to the lounge chair along the side of the infinity pool.
“Fuck,” Y/n’s hips thrusted forward in rhythm with her own fingers, toes curling into the soft cusion as her thighs parted even farther, leaving her entire nude figure exposed to Maddy’s watchful eyes. Her breasts heaved with every deep pant and moan that escaped her parted lips, one of her perkily erect nipples caught between the forefinger and thumb of the hand that hadn’t been pleasuring her in a way that seemed too natural for it to not be a regular practice for her.
A squeal left her lips, one so similar to those that Maddy had practised so often, though instead of putting on a show for someone else, Y/n’s sounds were the product of the pleasurable movements she had been enacting on herself, massaging her sensitive nub as her hips lifted from the chair, brows scrunching as she grew closer and closer to her climax.
Then, without warning, her eyes snapped open, capturing Maddy’s own as a small smirk appeared on her lips as she released an exaggerated moan, fingers speeding up at the sight of the other girl watching her as she came undone, hips stuttering as a small gush of liquid escaped from between her lower lips as she finally slowed her motions to a stop.
Maddy’s mind screamed at her to flee, to escape the confrontation that was to come, but her feet refused to move from their position as Y/n sauntered across the deck, nude figure shining from both pool water and sweat in the dim lighting, pausing only to snatch her dry bottoms off of the deck as she came face to face with her.
“Desperate yet?"
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infernalodie · 2 years
Hi, I wanted to make a request for a Maddy x male reader story. The reader is Cassie's and Lexi's younger brother (he a year and a half younger than Lexi) and he's not a popular guy. He's really kind, sweet, sensitive and really shy, but he's never had a girlfriend and his only friends are Rue, Fezco and Lexi. His face is really similar to Cassie's, but he's tall (like 6 feet), really skinny and has a deep but soft voice. He loves music and he's a great guitarist and singer, and he plays the guitar in a grunge band.
Anyway, back on topic, he's been really in love with Maddy for a long time and he decides to confess his feelings writing a song for her. Maddy feels the same, so they kiss (by the way, it's the reader's first kiss) and then he loses his virginity with her. Maddy would be the dom here, but really careful and loving with him. It will end with the reader falling asleep cuddling to Maddy.
I can already feel the fluff potential reading this!
𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐫 || 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐳
“𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘚𝘩𝘦'𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘵 𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘬𝘪𝘯 𝘔𝘺 𝘳𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘮 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘯𝘰 𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶“
Inspo: JVKE - golden hour
Pairing: Maddy Perez x Howard!Male!reader
Summary: She was your golden hour...
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Warnings: teeth rotting fluff and passionate smut. Dom!Maddy Perez, Sub!Reader, and petnames.
Words: 2689
“Do we know when he’s done signing stuff with fans?” Maddy inquired rather impatiently. She along with Cassie, Lexi, Rue, Jules, and Elliot were in the back hallway of the venue you and your band had somehow managed to secure. A rather impossible possibility having come true after taking a chunk of your savings and renting the venue out for the night. Practically pleading with your friends to attend as you hadn’t wanted your money to go to waste. “If you guys come, my money was well spent,” were your words to be exact.
Your two sisters, sporting your band’s merch, and makeup done for the vibe of the night, looked at their friend. “He’ll be done in a few, then we can go back and drink,” Cassie reassured, lips twitching into an amused smirk. “And it’s starting to sound like you just want to see him after drooling the entire time watching him sing.”
Maddy’s cheek had unintentionally flushed at the comment. Her attention was directed down to her hands where a few of the rings that you had given her were cuffed around each digit. Deciding to have worn them tonight as some sort of support to you. Her entire outfit was all of your band's merch from the baseball cap on her head down to the socks she wore. But these rings were personal, so she wanted to wear them for the last show of your mini tour.
For most of Maddy’s junior years, she had been friends with Cassie. That had then extended to Lexi and finally to you. But out of the three of you, something about you seemed far more interesting. Maybe it was the fact that you were a stuttering and quiet mess whenever you talked to her. Or the fact that she had walked in on you wrapped up in your blankets listening to music and staring up at her with the most innocent eyes she had ever seen be worn by a guy. Such a cute thing you are.
“I just want to get out of here and he promised me some food after the show,” Maddy stated half-heartedly, not all denying your sister’s previous observation. Because, in all honesty, Cassie was completely right. Maddy had indeed been drooling as she watched you perform on stage with such elegance and some sort of twist of sexy bravado. She couldn’t explain it down to a T. But what she did know was that seeing you grinning wickedly with your hair soaked from water and your shirt long discarded, left your body to be on show with each curve of each muscle being defined. It was enough to turn her brain to mush. And the fact that you shredded every ounce of anxiety she had seen when you were up there only improved the experience.
A set of footsteps could be heard down the hall, everyone turning to see you. Leather jacket on with no shirt beneath. A cigarette hung lazily out the corner of your lips as you rubbed your eyes tiredly. But the sight of you sent a warm and electrifying feeling through Maddy. She’s had feelings for you since she first heard your voice and has truly loved you since your eyes met hers without any anxiety.
“Good show tonight, Y/n,” Rue yawned. “But I will say, I am about ready to home and sleep.”
That comment caused you to laugh as Jules slapped her girlfriend's stomach. “I’m beat as well. But thank you all for coming out tonight. It means a ton.”
“Okay, what’s happening with vehicle transportation? Are we taking Rue and Jules whilst Maddy takes you and Elliot?” Lexi inquired.
But as your lips parted, Maddy cleared her throat. “Umm, how about you guys take everyone and I’ll take Y/n?” She suggested, looking to her friends, hoping they would catch the hint. It took them a minute, as they saw your body visibly tense up as your once long-forgotten nerves had returned, but Elliot was the first to speak.
“Oh, yeah, totally,” he dragged the words on with a large grin, waving them to follow. “C’mon, kiddos. It’s bedtime.”
The rest of the group grumbled curses towards the boy as Maddy and you followed slowly in tow. Maddy had noticed how your gaze frequently fell onto her, cigarette having been crushed under your air forces as you stuffed your hands in your jeans. Trying to not make it obvious that your nerves were shot.
But she noticed.
Stepping out into the rather warm night, the group bid farewell to you and Maddy before all huddling into multiple vehicles. You followed Maddy to her vehicle, catching her gaze when she looked over her shoulder. “You were really good tonight,” she praised, causing a warm flush to appear on your cheeks. An involuntary smile, meek and sweet, appeared on your lips.
Maddy couldn’t help but huff with a bashful look on her face. You may have never intended it, but you looked adorable. Whenever she saw you, the way your eyes scrunched up with a smile, the dimples in your cheeks, you looked so cute, and it frustrated her. Constantly wondering where you have been all her life and how someone could be so innocent.
Because you really were. The innocence you kept from your childhood still carried on into your teen years. Leaving you sheltered from the horrors (for you at least) that kids your age did. You never did drugs, you never drank alcohol, you had dated but they were merely innocent and never divulged into anything, and you’d never had sex. The last one Maddy wanted to expose to you and show you exactly what you were missing out on.
“I’m glad you could come,” you told her softly. “Although, I don't see why you had to buy every piece of our merch.”
She looked down at herself, smile falling slightly as she looked back up at you. “Do I not look good?”
That caused your heart to stutter as your lips parted in shock at the question. “I- What?! Y-You always look good! I was just surprised that you decided to dress up as much as you did. I mean, I’m grateful-” Your rambling was stopped when Maddy placed one of her hands over your mouth. A laugh fell from her lips as you stared down at her with saucers.
“I was only joking, Y/n,” she reassured, pulling her hand back and shrugging as she continued walking to her car. “But you look so fucking cute when you’re flustered. I almost let you keep going.”
You grumbled, hands stuffed into your pockets as the two of you got into her car. Maddy’s keys jingled as she started the vehicle and began to pull out of the parking lot. But although you were flustered and nervous, you reached into your pocket and pulled out your phone. Maddy noticed but didn’t say anything, allowing you to connect the Bluetooth.
“I- Um, I made a song I wanted you to hear,” you managed to get out, slightly stumbling over your words. Maddy glanced at you, lips widening into a soft smile.
“Am I getting the exclusive first listen ever?” She inquired, teasing you. You laughed, nodding as you went into your audio files and opened the mp3. Breathing in deeply and holding it for a second.
Just do it. Do it. Worst that happens, she kicks you out of the car while it’s moving.
Pressing play, you placed your phone down and clasped your hands together tightly to hide the faintest shake. Yet the repetitive keys of a piano did ease you, slightly. It wasn’t enough to hide the nervous look you had on your face as Maddy glanced at the stereo system and at you for a moment.
“It was just two lovers. Sittin' in the car, listening to Blonde. Fallin' for each other,” you muttered the lyrics, eyes still shut. “Pink and orange skies, feelin' super childish. No Donald Glover. Missed call from my mother. Like, "Where you at tonight?" Got no alibi. I was all alone with the love of my life. She's got glitter for skin. My radiant beam in the night. I don't need no light to see you.”
The progression of the song built up into a pause before the chorus came in. Shine. It's your golden hour. You slow down time. In your golden hour.” You held a soft smile on your lips, becoming lost in the keys and adlibs. Becoming transported into a makeshift world that held you and Maddy only. A possibility that you had dreamt of before making this song. “We were just two lovers. Feet up on the dash, drivin' nowhere fast. Burnin' through the summer. Radio on blast, make the moment last. She got solar power. Minutes feel like hours. She knew she was the baddest, can you even imagine. Fallin' like I did? For the love of my life. She's got glow on her face. A glorious look in her eyes.My angel of light.”
You hadn’t noticed, but as the song winded down, the car had come to a slow stop on the side of a random street in Highland. With your eyes closed and still lost in the song, you had not known what Maddy was doing. But when the song finally came to an end, your eyes flickered open. Looking to Maddy about to speak, but was stopped when her lips pressed against yours suddenly. It knocked the wind out of you, body tensed up in shock at such an abrupt action.
Her hands held your face, sighing softly against your lips. As shocked as you were, you soon melted into the kiss, holding her wrists gently. It was awkward for a kiss as this was your first time, but Maddy was taking her time. Slowly guiding and showing as to what to do. Good thing you were a quick learner because you were soon replicating her actions, tongue clashing against hers. She parted just a breath away, a soft chuckle falling from her lips as she looked up at your closed eyes.
“I love you to the moon and back.”
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“Maddy, I-” You groaned, head rolling back onto the plush pillows supporting your head. You weren’t even sure how things had escalated at the rate they did. They had seemed sweet, you and Maddy holding hands the entire way back to your place. But as the two of you burst through the door, she was leading you up the stairs and towards your room. And now, you were lost and rather nervous.
Nervous might not be the right word, but it was somewhere in that realm. Especially with Maddy kneeling between your legs with her lips wrapped around your cock. Head slowly bobbing to a rhythm that she had set the moment she took you into her mouth. But since then, you’ve been battling your deepest desires of just letting go. Now, you would if it didn’t result in you looking like an idiot. So, you were balling handfuls of your sheets and eyes clenched shut in an attempt to fight off the knot that was tightening each lap of her tongue over your crown.
“Y/n, relax, baby,” Maddy’s quiet and soft voice comforted, making you take a daring glance up at the girl. She had one hand propped beside your head with her other hand stroking you. It may not have felt the same as being inside her mouth, but it still sent shivers down your spine.
You couldn’t help but think of how many other guys she had done this to. How much practice she had before you were now part of her body count. Or how many times she’d had sex with Nate Jacobs. Judging by how long she had dated him and hooked up with other guys, she must’ve had way more experience than you realized-
Maddy’s hand cupped your chin and shook you from your thoughts. The once comforting gaze was now stern, hardened like the grip she had on the tip of your chin. “Baby, focus.”
“I-I am,” you replied shakily, swallowing the lump in your throat. Maddy hummed, leaning down and kissing your neck. Smiling against your flesh when she felt you twitch in her grasp. Tongue peeked out from between her plump lips and licked a short stripe before laying a gentle kiss on the wet patch.
“No, you aren’t,” she finally said. “I need you to focus on me, sweetheart.” Her words were softer now, lifting from her position and finally letting go of your cock. Snickering in amusement as she heard you whine in protest. “Just lay there, puppy. I got you.”
Although you were a nervous and flustered mess, you believed her and trusted her. Allowing your eyes to take in the glory of Maddy shedding her shirt that had no bra underneath. Her pebbled nipples make your mouth salivate with the whole idea that her breast being in your hands could be enough to make you finish.
Reaching behind her, she softly grasped your cock and angled it with her dripping heat. As much as you were flustered, Maddy was double that. She had been waiting too long to do this with you. To slowly guide you through the motions and make you hers. And all the fantasies she had dreamed up never lived up to reality. Because you laid out beneath her, face flushed with those sweet little whimpers falling from her lips made her heart palpitate.
Slowly, she sank down onto your cock with a cat-like growl. Her eyes shut with her lips pulled into a large grin when hearing you moan. “So fucking good,” she moaned. “So much better than my fingers.” Hearing that caused your face to go beat red as you avoided the girl’s lustful gaze.
Holding her hands out, you hesitantly took them just as she interlocked them. Leaning forward, planting your hands above your head and just enough that her breasts were in your face as her hips rocked back onto your cock. Sending shockwaves of bliss through your body as you choked on a moan, eyes rolling back.
“There we go,” she muttered, eyes flickering shut when your lips needily wrapped around her nipple. Sucking on the bud with your other hand squeezing her neglected breast. She was in bliss. A mindless, ethereal, lewd, and salacious state that caused her mind to turn to mush. Only focused on the way your cock felt inside her and your tongue flicking over her sensitive bud. “Just focus on me, baby.”
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Maddy sat against your headboard, staring down at your sleeping form that was curled in blankets. Arms curled tightly around her waist with your head resting on her stomach. Her fingers curled into your hair where she scratched at your scalp gently. A resting smile on her stomach as she felt like every little dream she had for you was slowly becoming true.
She didn’t deserve you, honestly. From all her past exes, notably Nate, she never thought true love ever existed. Whatever she thought she had with them never compared to this. The butterflies you gave her when finally bringing the passion out of you during sex. Or your warm touch to her skin, goosebumps erupting across her body. The way her heart skipped a beat when you whispered her name. It all felt real and not something forced or taken for granted.
Yet, you brought her closer and closer and made her feel like she was worthy of your time. Worthy of your love. You should’ve been suspicious of her intentions or maybe rejected her for her dating history. She would’ve understood and let herself live with the pain of not receiving your love. But here you, naked and pressed against her body in hopes of receiving her warmth. It was strange how things had turned out, but Maddy wouldn’t have changed it.
Leaning down, she placed a kiss on the crown of your head, smiling when you shifted and pulled her closer. “Love you, baby.”
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bumblesimagines · 1 year
I've spent days trying to figure out what to do first so....
I've been flipflopping between all of these unable to choose which one to complete and post for you all. Some of these will be longer than others (such as the SE one) while others will likely be decently short (FAF one until a new movie comes out).
The Last Of Us - Our Flickering Light
Joel Miller x M!Reader (TW/CW: Violence, zombies, big age gap in a romantic relationship (Y/N is in his late twenties fyi))
Following the adoptive son of Frank and Bill, (Y/N) will set off to help Joel on his mission to get Ellie to the fireflies and find a cure to save the world. Along this journey, (Y/N) will develop a good friendship with Ellie and eventually a romantic relationship with Joel. Depending on how they approach season 2, this fic may be contained to just season 1 and a part or two that take place between seasons.
Daisy Jones and The Six - Money and Glory
Camila Dunne/Alvarez x M!Reader (TW/CW: Infidelity, mentions of addictions, drug mention)
Following Teddy Price's adoptive-but-not-adopted son, (Y/N) is a rockstar at the peak of his career. With adoring fans and undeniable talent, his producer and father figure, Teddy Price, wants him to take a chance on a fresh band named The Six. However, turbulent friendships and rivalries are formed, and it isn't long before he finds himself in a sticky and complicated love square between a married couple and a certain impulsive redhead.
Sex Education - As You Like It
Maeve Wiley x M!Reader (TW/CW: Vulgar language, sex talk obviously, drug mention, SA mention, mature topics, teenage angst)
After being forced to leave America and follow his mother to the United Kingdom, (Y/N) enrolls in Moordale Secondary School where he quickly becomes acquainted with the school's 'bad girl', Maeve Wiley. Similar humor and opinions lead them to forming a close friendship, but platonic feelings soon become romantic and they're forced to navigate the unknown world of love and trust.
Bridgerton - Peonies and Camellias
Daphne Bridgerton x M!Reader (TW/CW: Enforced traditional gender roles/opinions, men being men, missed signals and mixed signals)
Nobody's surprised when the known hopeless romantic, Daphne Bridgerton, falls in love with her childhood friend, (Y/N). After years of quietly pining and envisioning a future together, Daphne finally sees her dream come close enough to touch when she finally enters the social season as a proper woman. But, it seems destiny's playing tricks on her and she's left frustrated when her friend can't seem to take the hint. So, she enlists the help of the Duke to help win the heart of her beloved.
Fast and Furious - Thicker Than Water
Fast Crew x M!Reader (TW/CW: Gun mention, war crimes being done ngl, lotta cars, familial issues, angst)
When Jakob Toretto emerges from the shadows and puts himself on the radar of the Fast Crew, Dom is forced to join the fight and put an end to his brother's mayhem. But Jakob's not alone. Working with him is a younger, quicker, and equally as ruthless young man and the two become a formidable duo. Amidst the chaos and fighting, Letty is forced to confront a secret she'd long buried: the son she abandoned who's back and on the side of the enemy.
I have other fic series in mind but their lengths are unknown thus I can't add them to this poll as I don't want to accidentally do a really long fic without doing the promised Sansa Stark one first. This list includes Alicent Hightower x M!Targaryen!Reader (HOTD), a Artemis Crock x M!Reader (Young Justice), a Rosalie Hale x M!Reader x Emmett Cullen (Twilight), Tommy Shelby x M!Reader (Peaky Blinders), Cassie Howard x M!Reader x Maddy Perez (Euphoria, Double Trouble remake), and Hargreeves x M!Hargreeve!Reader (The Umbrella Academy).
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thebisexualdogdad · 2 years
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I posted 2,320 times in 2022
1,336 posts created (58%)
984 posts reblogged (42%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,966 of my posts in 2022
Only 15% of my posts had no tags
#x male reader - 120 posts
#ask - 117 posts
#legacies ask - 110 posts
#fic - 103 posts
#men - 100 posts
#911 ask - 65 posts
#headcanons - 58 posts
#stargirl ask - 52 posts
#nancy drew ask - 50 posts
#911 lone star ask - 49 posts
Longest Tag: 109 characters
#not my grandfather who i havent spoken to in 3 years showing up unannounced with a misgendering birthday gift
My Top Posts in 2022:
Jason Todd x gn reader (WFA edition) - meeting the family
710 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
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Happy pride 🌈
714 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
Yeiiii Im so glad you are taking request
I was wondering if you could write a maddy perez x male reader where maddy is scared of saying no to sex and ends really fluffy?
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Maddy liked you, of course she did or else she wouldn't be making out with you right now but something felt off. 
You were on your bed, her shirt gone with one hand on her bare waist and the other cupping her through her bra.
Her body reacted positively to your touch but she didn't seem quite as into it as you would hope.
"Maddy," you say pulling away from her lips. 
"What's wrong?" She questions.
"I should be asking you that," you say. 
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know, you just seem… less into this than I am," you state. 
"Y/N I want to fuck," she tells you.
"This isn't just about getting laid, I want you to want this as much as I do," you say, placing your hand on her cheek and rubbing your thumb to comfort her. 
Maddy's never said no to sex before, if she tried the guy would make up some excuse as to why it wasn't fair to them to stop. 
It was always, "but my dick is so hard it hurts" or "we're already half naked so why not just go all the way" or her least favorite "you spent all night teasing me and now you're really going to leave me high and dry?"
She had a great time on your date tonight and you were such a nice guy she thought sex was the only way to show you that even though she didn't necessarily feel like having sex in this moment.
"I don't want you to be mad," she says shyly. 
"Maddy, I won't be mad I promise," you assure her.
"Okay…I don't want have sex tonight," she confesses. 
You kiss her sweetly and smile at her, "it's okay, we can watch a movie instead." 
You find her shirt and hand it to her, she puts it back on slowly, still hesitant.
"Are you sure you're okay with this?" She asks. 
"Absolutely," you say, looking for your laptop and booting it up. 
You put a movie on and cuddle with Maddy, her head on your chest while you hold her close. 
"Thank you Y/N," she says with a sigh of relief.
"Don't thank me, I'm sorry you felt like you couldn't say no in the first place," you say kissing the top of her head. 
The movie plays and Maddy feels more comfortable with you than she ever has with a guy before. 
740 notes - Posted March 10, 2022
instead of nate and cassie fucking in the bathroom it’s male reader and maddy. male reader is cassie and lexis little bit older brother. maybe nate is the one banging on the door and they could care less and still make the most of it. and they both leave the bathroom not trying to hide it. thanks this is a request
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"Fuck yes baby fuck me just like that," Maddy moans as you rail her on top of the bathroom sink. 
Her dress is tugged up around her thighs, your hand palming at her chest as the mirror gets foggy. 
You and Maddy had regulary hooked up over the years whenever her and Nate were 'on a break' so you already knew exactly how she liked to get fucked. 
While you you were home from college on winter break your sister Cassie invited you to come to a new year's party with her and Lexi, you had heard Maddy and Nate broke up for good this time and once you saw her in that dress you wanted her. 
Maddy's nails are scratching at the back of your neck and you're kissing her jaw as she's sighing and gasping in the best way. 
There's a banging on the door with a familiar voice yelling through it. 
"Whoever is in there get the fuck out!" Nate shouts. 
You and Maddy grin not giving a damn so you grab hold of her waist and start thrusting even faster. 
"I'm fucking serious, if you don't get out I'm gonna kick your ass!" Nate continues to yell and bang on the door. 
"Oh fuck I'm gonna cum," Maddy groans as she's nearing the edge. 
Her hands grasp at your shirt and her pussy clenches around your cock as she reaches her climax. 
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," she's moaning loudly purposely wanting Nate to hear her ride out her orgasm. 
As an extra fuck you to Nate you pull out of Maddy, stepping over to the toilet and cumming all over it which makes Maddy laugh. 
"Oh my God you're an evil genius," she giggles jumping off the counter, kissing you deeply. 
You get yourselves back in order and casually walk out of the bathroom. 
Nate is fuming and gets even more mad when he realizes it was you and Maddy in there the whole time. 
Maddy winks at Nate as you guys head back to the party while you have a huge smirk on your face from the group of other people in the hallway in shock because Nate Jacobs just saw his ex post hook up with another guy. 
Nate angrily enters the bathroom, slamming the door behind him and smelling sex in the air, he's mumbling to himself until he sees what you left behind on the toilet specifically for him. 
"What the fuck?!" You hear him yell and it was the best night Maddy had in months.  
1,066 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I don’t know if you’re still taking requests, but if you are could you do Maddy Perez with an s/o who is 100% a giver, like he will happily spend hours between her legs without expecting anything in return
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● if there's one thing Maddy loves its a guy who will go down on a girl without being asked 
● and the first time you did so for her she knew she would be keeping you around
● you can expertly make her cum only using your tongue 
● but when you're fingers are deep inside her and you're sucking on her clit Maddy is in heaven 
● and there are plenty of toys you use for her pleasure 
● your tongue will be lavishing her while you have a vibrator on her clit
● or if she is in the mood for penetration you have a dildo pumping inside her while you work her clit with your mouth 
● you have a rabbit vibrator for when you want to give her chest attention 
● there have been times you made her cum without even having to touch her pussy when you are playing with her tits
● Maddy brags to all her friends how amazing you are at oral 
● her panties get soaked just talking about your head between her legs 
● one day some guys overheard her and in the locker room after gym cracked that you were a little bitch for Maddy 
● "what kind of pussy doesn't have his girl on her knees to suck his dick" 
● "what kind of man doesn't put his woman's needs ahead of his own? Maybe that's why you can't get a girlfriend Daniel because you're too selfish and by the way, being called a pussy isn't an insult when you know how beautiful they are and the ecstasy you feel when a girl is cumming because of you" 
● all the guys are quiet after that
● when you and Maddy have either one of your houses to yourselves you spend literal hours between her legs 
● your parents will come home and your bedsheets are in the wash 
● "what happened to your sheets?" 
● "nothing just felt like having some clean sheets" 
● Maddy usually offers to suck you off in return but most of the time you decline
● "babe I just made you cum four times in a row, rest and let me get you some water"
● you and Maddy will watch porn of girls getting their pussy ate
● and Maddy is dripping by the time you take her clothes off 
● you have her screaming your name all because of your tongue 
1,178 notes - Posted January 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lovecanyon · 3 years
dealer!harry x jacobs!reader
A/N: harrison and rose are harry and y/n's name in lexi's play! also rue narrating in italics
part one of lexi’s play
Now, Nate didn't know what happened with Cassie and Maddy because when he exercises he puts his phone on silent.
The irony was Nate woke up that morning feeling fantastic. Because after an 18-year-dick-swinging contest with his dad...Nate had finally won.
His mom seemed to be handling it well, his sister and brother on the other hand...not so much.
Y/N was sat next to Aaron glaring at her brother who just walked in the kitchen. Nate swiftly pulls out the chair next to Y/N's and sits down next to her.
"Fuck is she so happy about?"
The three siblings stared at their mother who was smoking, drinking and cooking at the same time. With a scoff the Jacobs girl stands up from her chair and leaves the kitchen, going upstairs.
It wasn't the 38 missed called from Cassie that concerned him. It was the fact that there were zero calls from Maddy.
Part of the reason Nate loved Maddy as much as he did is because she was loyal. But it's also what scared the living shit out of him. If anyone crossed her she'd bury them.
And he had now really fucking crossed her.
There was no doubt in Nate's mind what Maddy was about to do.
"You know when a kid shoots up a school and they go to interview the parents, and the parents are like 'We had no idea. He seemed, like, totally normal.' And everyone watching is like 'You're a fucking idiot.' That's how I feel with Cassie." Maddy says on the phone with Kat and Y/N.
"Look, we never trusted her." Kat speaks making Maddy furrow her brows.
"What? Why?"
"Because she seems like the kind of person who would fuck your boyfriend." Y/N replies as Maddy sighs.
"I think I actually wanna murder her." The Perez girl tells her friends who agree.
"I get it." Kat says understanding what situation her friend was in.
"Yeah you should." Y/N murmurs.
"No, like actually plan a murder and carry it out." Maddy shares making Y/N hum in agreement.
"I get it." Kat says once agian.
"Like a grisly murder. One that shocks the nation."
"I think that's more than understandable." Kat sighs before speaking up. "What about Nate?"
"I have a few ideas."
You see after Y/N left the kitchen that one morning she packed a bag and left her house. She hated how Nate and her mom were acting like nothing happened.
Nate had wanted to tell her countless times about their father and Jules so she could be on his side. But Cal had begged him not to say anything to her about it because he knew she would freak out.
Growing up he hated the way his father and sister were close. They had a natural bond, not forced like his and Nate’s.
She grew up normal not fucked up like he was.
"To the rushing water, speak: I am."
Everyone in the crowd watched Lexi blow powder off a book and collect a few pill bottles from a jackets pocket.
Soon she walks out of the stage.
“I knew Jade had been doing drugs, but it wasn’t until that one day at her dad's memorial, that I realized they were a greater comfort than I ever could be. Maybe that's a silly observation but I was only thirteen."
"It was the summer before I started ninth grade....back when we thought we'd all be friends forever."
Suddenly the lights go off and a drum starts to be heard.
"Move. Move. Move."
Y/N quickly dodges everyone backstage to change into a white dress, a dress that she was wearing in her freshman yearbook photo.
Soon she gets called onstage by Bobbi who was holding a clipboard looking slightly stressed. With a nod of her head she hurriedly goes to sit on the chair that was set onstage.
"There were six of us.
There was me, Grace.
My sister, Hallie.
Her best friend, Marta.
Marta's best friend, Rose.
Rose's best friend, Luna.
And my best friend, Jade."
Harry and Maddy look at each other dumbfounded as the drums start to play again. Shortly all the people working on the play begin to trail in including Lexi.
"And this is life. Not everyones life...but our life!" Lexi excitedly shouts as her head pops out of the letter O.
Everybody in the audience stays silent until a few claps were heard making one of the theater kids on stage drop a letter. Swiftly Lexi hurries off the stage heading backstage.
Maddy furrows her brows as she looks at the scene in front of her.
"Wait, is this fucking play about us?" Maddy questions making both Kat and Harry exchange worried looks.
"Okay this might kinda be, a weird and embarrassing thing to admit, but I think the most defining moment of my adolescence was when my sister went through puberty."
In the corner of Harry's eye he sees his girlfriend crouching down as she make her way to him. Quickly she slips into the empty seat that was in between Maddy and Harry.
The dealer gives her a kiss on the cheek before wrapping his arm around her shoulder bringing her to his chest.
"Who's playing you?" Harry whispers into Y/N's ear making her shrug.
"This sophomore."
With a nod of his head he goes back paying attention to the play in front of him.
"Uck, I look disgusting."
"Hey Hallie I'm in the middle of something." Lexi tells her sister's character who just ignores her.
"It's just this dress is so not flattering." Hallie says as she spins around.
"Hallie, I'm kind of putting on a play right now." Lexi slightly laughs.
"Like there's an entire audience waiting for me to continue talking." Lexi announces.
"Where?" Hallie questions making the audience burst out laughing.
"Right here." Lexi whispers pointing at the people sitting down making Hallie notice them.
"Oh! Hi, wow." Hallie chuckles before waving and throwing kisses to the audience. Her actions made Harry and Y/N laugh loudly catching Cassie's attention who was in a couple of rows behind them.
The blonde glares at the back of Y/N's head as she continues to giggle.
"Whatever. The point is I couldn't wait to go through puberty—" Lexi gets cut off by the bedroom door slamming open.
"Wow, wow, wow!"
Everyone begins to laugh loudly at Ethan dressed like Cassie and Lexi's mother.
"Look at you!" The mother praises Hallie who quickly gets shy.
"I feel like a big baby." Hallie pouts.
"Hallie. I've been on this planet for 38 goddamn years, and I have never seen a baby with knockers like yours."
"Mom, that was like the grossest thing I've ever heard you say." Hallie groans in disgust.
Y/N feels Harry nudge her shoulder making her look up from her locker to see Cassie and her brother walking down the hallway together. Maddy who was next to her gives her a look.
As the blonde makes her way down the hall she felt someone glaring at her. She turned her head thinking it was Maddy, but instead it was Y/N glaring at her.
Swiftly she darts her eyes anywhere but the Jacobs girl, slightly scared.
"Well, she certainly looks the part." Maddy shakes her head making Y/N and Kat laugh.
"Okay, okay I'm not running a brothel here. All right girls? Time for bed. Good night, sugar pops." Suze's character bids goodnight and turns off the lights.
Once the door closes Hallie speaks up.
"You can sleep in my bed if you want."
Marta gets up from the bed that was made for her and goes in Hallie's bed.
"My parents used to fight all the time, too, so I get it." Hallie tells Marta who begins to cry. "You can stay here as long as you want." She reassures her best friend.
Marta continues to cry making Hallie snuggle into her for comfort.
Y/N slightly turns her head to see Cassie looking down at the floor with tears in her eyes. In a hurry Cassie rushes out of the auditorium making Maddy turn around to see her pushing the door open.
"Open the fucking door Cassie. Open the door and tell me it was worth it. You owe me that." Maddy tells Cassie who locked herself in the bathroom.
Soon the doorknob starts rattling making the blonde flinch and begin crying.
"Open the fucking door Cassie!" Maddy begs the girl. "What kind of fucking friend are you? What the fuck?" She cries.
Cassie just stays silent as she leans back into the door.
"This isn't about Nate. This is about you and me, and our friendship, and if you wanna throw it away, then fine. Cause I don't want to be fucking friends with you." Maddy curses making Y/N grab her arm softly.
"Come on Mads. Let's go." Y/N whispers as Maddy leans her forehead against the door crying.
"I'm just sick of it. I'm sick of it. He put me through hell and now he's with my best fucking friend. Like what the fuck?" Maddy sobs.
"It's fucked up." Kat mumbles agreeing with her friend.
"When is it gonna end?"
Soon Maddy begins to rattle the doorknob once again wanting to face Cassie
"Open the fucking door Cassie! Open the fucking door!" Maddy cries as she hits the door over and over.
"She's not going to open it. Let's just go—"
"Open the door!" Maddy ignores Kat and continues to bang on the door.
"Maddy let's go." Y/N says softly.
"You're a fucking coward. You're a fucking coward, and I would've never done this to you. I would've never done this to you."
Right after Cassie gets back into her seat another scene from the play starts. For comfort Nate grabs her hand making her give him a small smile.
"Hallie had many interests in guys but this specific guy on the football team sophomore year caught her attention. He was sweet, caring, British and tall."
Y/N furrows her brows as she slowly turns her head to look at Harry who looked nervous.
"Hallie stop!" Harrison laughs as Hallie tickled his neck. They were both sat in the cafeteria with books surrounding them.
The blonde was about to connect their lips but a phone ringing stops her. In a hurry Harrison jumps up and grabs the phone that was in his flannel pocket.
Quickly the blonde stops him connecting their lips.
Y/N whimpers standing up quickly from her seat dropping Harry's arm that was in her lap. Everyone in the audience turned to look at the Jacobs girl who had tears streaming down her face.
Harry tries to follow after his girlfriend but is stopped by Maddy shoving him back into the seat.
"Stay here. We are watching the rest." Kat scoffs glaring at Harry sat next to her.
Lexi pops her head out to the audience to see Y/N running out with Maddy following her. With a frown the younger Howard sibling pulls out her phone.
“Look Hallie I don’t like you like that. I’m dating Rose!" Harrison tells Hallie who tries to kiss him once again.
“What no? You love me!” Hallie cries grabbing onto him but is just shrugged off. "Please Harrison!" She begs the boy.
“No! I don't like you like that. Now please leave me alone.” Harrison shakes his head before walking out of the empty cafeteria leaving Hallie sobbing.
"Do you think he cheated? I mean he had to cheat right?" Y/N asks Maddy who was wiping her tear stained cheeks with a paper towel.
"I don't think Harry would cheat. He loves you too much." Maddy softly whispers continuing to wipe her best friends skin that was stained with mascara.
It was silent after that, only Y/N's sniffles were heard.
"Well he didn't cheat! But Cassie tried to get him too." Kat says as she throws the bathroom door open.
"Seriously what the fuck is wrong with her." Maddy curses as she roughly throws the paper towel in the trash. "She's such a cunt!" She groans.
Suddenly multiple knocks on the bathroom door were heard.
"It's Harry!"
"Suck a dick!" Maddy shouts making Kat laugh into her hand trying to silence her giggles.
"Y/N baby. Can we please talk? I'll explain everything." Harry begs.
Harry and Cassie's "relationship" wasn't even a relationship. But Cassie thought otherwise.
They met when Cassie's father left. She filled the void with texting or calling Harry because he made her feel better. She really thought he was the one.
Yet once he met Y/N Jacobs everything changed.
Cassie started to get more obsessive with Harry once she found out he was in a relationship with Y/N.
She constantly sent him unauthorized nudes of her during school hours, flirted with him in front of his friends and the worse of all she told McKay about his and Y/N's private relationship which made Nate and him get into fight.
And him also almost get expelled.
"Why would you fucking do that!" Harry shouts at Cassie who looked scared. "I almost got fucking expelled, I can't get kicked out Cassie! If I do I go back to England!" He curses.
"I don't know what you mean—"
"Your dating McKay! He told Nate about me and Y/N. Who knows about us? Oh! You!" Harry cuts the blonde off who begins stuttering.
"Harry. I'm sorry but maybe this means we can finally be together." Cassie smiles as she tries to hug Harry.
"You are fucking insane." Harry scoffs before walking back inside the shop. Cassie was about to follow him but Ashtray glaring at her makes her stop and turn around.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Y/N asks Harry who was sat on the sidewalk smoking a cigarette. He had just told her about his and Cassie's past which made her want to go inside and drag her out by her hair. "And she's with my brother now!" She laughs shaking her head baffled.
"I think she needs reality check." Harry says making Y/N nod.
"Let's go back inside. I'm cold." Y/N tells Harry making him stand up and shrug his flannel off his shoulders. Swiftly he slides it on her shoulders giving her a kiss on the head.
"I'm sorry for not telling you about Cassie earlier. I just didn't want to ruin your relationships with the girls." Harry full honestly tells her as tears well up in his eyes.
He felt like shit. He should've told her about Cassie's actions but he decided to stay quiet about it.
"It's fine H, now I know." Y/N smiles before she pecks his lips. As she pulls back his phone begins to ring making him pull it out of his back pocket.
"It's Fez." Harry tells Y/N who nods and turns around to give him his privacy but she soon turns around when she hears him curse under his breath. "Shit. Uh baby, I have to go. It's an emergency." He kisses her cheek.
"O-Okay. Is everything fine—“
"Yes everything's fine pet, I got to go. I'll pick you up when the play’s done. Text me."
tag list: @harrysmatcha @harryspinkpillow @helen-with-an-a @florencepughily @needyghosts @peterparkerbae @deadass1011 @toji-dabi-wife @fallonx @cherriesrae @alienorknight @valluvsu @drphilssoulmate @ivegotparticulartaste @ayeshathestyles @hazgoldenstyles @eiffelmezarry @tsukishimawhore @renatavieira @michellekstyles @eleanordaisy @shawnsblue @academiaghosts @evanjh @samaraaaaa @agustdpeach @hannahnikohl @hrryscherrys @whoscamila @ch3rryrry @msolbesg @newyorker14 @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @youusunshineyoutemptress @galacticharrys @eunoiamaa @kaitieskidmore1 @gublerscherry @twilightrry @cherryfragrancx @ssuziess @milkiane @diorsitgirl
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fict1onallyobsessed · 3 years
Heyy! I loved your maddy perez x fem reader and wanted to ask if you could do a maddy perez x Nates sister (reader). That would be great <3
He Doesn’t Even Have To Know
Maddy Perez x Nate’ssister!Reader
A/N - there were so many possibilities with this so I combined them as much as I could. It’s a little long lmao
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You felt bad for Maddy when you heard your brother had cheated on her. Well, he didn’t really. Her best friend had broken Girl Code, sleeping with Nate multiple times after they’d broken up.
You’d established a good friendship with her, so now that everything was compromised, you weren’t sure on where the both of you were at. You’d understand if she never wanted to talk to you again, being related to Nate and all, but it would suck.
“Has she spoken to you at all?”
You shook your head, looking down at the drink in your hand before swallowing the liquid you had in your mouth. The purple lights flashed rapidly around you, music so loud that the floor was vibrating beneath you.
Kat just joined you, waiting to see if her boyfriend was going to show up. When it seemed like a futile attempt at hope, she started ranting about how much she hated school. You listened, but your mind was occupied looking for a certain person you wanted to apologise to for your brothers actions.
Jules and Rue joined you a second later, the blonde clearly already drunk out of her mind.
Like that, they were gone.
It didn’t take long for the rest of the group to gather. You all were still on good terms with Cassie’s sister, so you had nothing against her joining. Cassie herself wouldn’t show up unless Nate did, and that seemed like an unlikely event.
You froze when someone grabbed a hold on your bicep, booze flowing through your body even stronger.
“Dance with me.” Her voice was so smooth, just like you remembered it last time you spoke. You said nothing as her hand slid down your arm and onto your wrist. Pulling you towards the dance floor, everyone looked at each other with a little smirk.
“Ten bucks they’ll kiss.”
You let yourself be pulled into the crowd, the smell of alcohol was even stronger within the people who danced. When she finally stopped in the middle of the dance floor, she turned to stand in front of you and started moving her body to the rhythm.
It took you by surprise, but fuck it, why not. You joined her a moment later, dancing u til you felt like your limbs could fall off. It wasn’t like dancing with anyone, she gave off a comforting vibe. One that not many people had given you.
Once the music turned into its fifth song, she turned to face you, her arms landing on your shoulders while yours ended up around her waist.
“Are you drunk? Or just want to get back at my brother?” You jokingly said, watching as the smile on her lips turned into a smirk.
“Maybe I just like you?”
You scoffed playfully, shaking your head. You didn’t want to be used to get back at Nate, but being with Maddy just felt…right.
“Let me show you.” She leaned in, lips almost touching. You could basically feel the multiple pairs of eyes if you from the table you’d been drinking at 15 minutes ago.
Whether it was the alcohol in your system or your own stupidity, you pressed your lips into hers. You heard Kat “woo” loudly through the music, making both of you smile into the kiss. It wasn’t rushed, just a slow and gentle kiss before you pulled away.
“You owe me twenty bucks.” Kat laughed at Lexi. She just groaned and threw the money at Kat, who was smiling ear to ear.
Maddy was smirking when you pulled away, her arms still around your shoulders. You knew tomorrow would be a blur, but something told you that once Kat reminded you of your actions, you wouldn’t regret it.
Upon waking up your brain played the last few scenes of your dream, that was of course until you opened your eyes. The world was spinning and nausea overcame all of your senses as fragments of memories from last night flooded your thoughts. They were still fuzzy and incoherent, but it was enough to guess what had happened.
You got drunk.
The headache grounded into your temples as you stretched your sore muscles. They felt as if you spent hours working out the pervious day, straining every nerve inside of your body specifically designed for them burn. You winced, brows furrowed with pain as you attempted to sit up and closed your eyes tightly, fighting off nausea that bubbled deep inside of you. 
The aching in your skull flowed like a cold tide, yet the pain was evident. You understood at once why they call it a hangover, for it feels as if the blackest of clouds have been placed over your head with no intention of clearing until late afternoon. Your brain felt like it would swell beyond the capacity of its skull and the dehydration was too obvious to ignore. 
Slowly, you got up only to heard a knock on your door. Nate, a smile on his face at your state made you attempt to get up more motivating. Still, you groaned as you’d stood to walk to your closet.
“Tough night?”
You groaned again. You didn’t have a close relationship with either of your brothers, but out of the two, Nate was always there, protecting you from dickheads on the street and men trying to get with you.
He thought you didn’t know. But your dads secret hadn’t exactly been hidden. You found out at a young age, and it completely broke your bond with your father.
Rummaging through your drawers for some comfy clothes, he leaned against the door frame and watched as you stumbled around your room.
“Your phones on the desk.”
You hummed in thanks, walking to your desk and turning your phone on. Multiple messages came through from Kat, a couple from your mum you forgot to respond to at the party and a missed call from drunk Jules.
You furrowed your brows when you clicked on a photo Kat sent you, the screen lighting up to show you and Maddy, kissing in the middle of the dance floor holding each other without a care in the world.
You slammed your phone down, trying to remember what the fuck happened last night.
“Was…Maddy at the party?”
You turned to face him, yet your eyes couldn’t meet his. With a nod, you leaned your body on your desk.
“Was she there with someone else?”
“I didn’t care to look.”
He fucked her best friend, so why couldn’t she dance with someone else? Even if that someone was you?
He nodded with a sigh, eventually leaving after closing your door.
Finally having the space to breathe out, you sat down on your floor with your head in your hands. Only small parts of yesterday came back, so you decided to call Kat to get the full picture.
“I kissed her?!”
“Sure did.” Kat laughed from the other side of the phone. You groaned again, knowing your brother would absolutely kill you if he found out.
“Delete the photos and don’t let anyone see them, please.”
She giggled again, explaining how she already did knowing your brothers reaction. You bet Maddy didn’t remember either so the both of you could pretend it didn’t happen.
“Fuck, okay. Have fun on your date. Thanks.”
You said your goodbyes and hung up. Getting dressed felt like exercise, especially with the headache still growing in your head. Deciding painkillers would be the best option, you headed downstairs where you knew you mother and brother would be.
Standing up on your toes to reach the medical cabinet, you finally found the drugs and swallowed two. They’d kick in in about 30 minutes, so for now all you could do it lay down.
Regardless of your relationship with your family, your mother has always been the closest to you. You felt most loved by her, she took care of you the best.
You walked towards the living room, laying down on the sofa with your head in her lap. She didn’t say anything, but continued watching the news on the TV. Her hands gently stroked your hair up u til there was a knock on the door.
Aaron opened it, freezing once he saw who was outside.
Maddy herself was standing there, smiling at your brother innocently before she spoke up.
“Nate’s up in his roo-”
“I’m not here for Nate. Is (Y/N) here?”
Aaron turned his head to you, brows furrowed as he nodded and stood to the side to let her in. She looked no different from yesterday, her makeup flawless as always. It was as if she didn’t have a hangover at all. Maybe she wasn’t as drunk as you thought she was.
You looked much worse than her, eye bags and all. You managed to take of your makeup before going downstairs, so you didn’t look like a total idiot with makeup smudges all over your face.
You stood up and led her to your room, making sure to lock your door so that your brother, who was still unaware of his ex-girlfriends arrival, didn’t randomly walk in.
“I thought you were the drunk one yesterday.” You laughed, looking down at yourself then back at her.
“I’m just better at hiding my hangover.”
You huffed a laugh. Going to sit in your bed next to where she had sat herself. You were still wondering what she wanted from you. After all, she didn’t come here for Nate, but for you. Maybe she just wanted to tell you it was a mistake and she was too drunk to know what she was doing.
Whatever it was, you could take it.
“About yesterday…”
“Yeah.” You sighed, playing with your fingers in response. You wanted her to out whatever she wanted to say before you reacted. You tried to keep calm, but your jumping leg gave your nerves away.
“…I came here to tell you I genuinely do like you.”
Your eyebrows shot up before your head snapped into her direction. She did? It didn’t make sense to you.
“I don’t want you to think yesterday was me using you to get back at Nate. He wasn’t even there to see it, I just thought maybe it would be my chance to tell you before your family completely cut me off.”
“We wouldn’t cut you off. Nate’s still obsessed with you, you know? He asked me if you were someone at the party yesterday.”
“What did you say?”
“That I wasn’t sure.”
She hummed, nodding her head a little before looking back at the door. There was an awkward silence as she waited for you to say something, but to be fair you couldn’t find the words.
So, you didn’t say anything. Instead, you moved the short distance between you so you were close enough to connect your lips with hers. It must of taken her by surprise, but either way she kissed back without a care in the world.
Her hands reached out to your waist, pulling you so you could straddle her thighs. The loud knock to your door made the both of you pull away. Thank God you locked it before because you were sure he’d kill you if he found out.
“Fuck off.” You groaned, climbing off her lap and walking closer to the door just in case he somehow found a way to open it. You looked over your shoulder at Maddy while Nate was ranting about breaking the door down.
“I think your house would be a much safer bet.”
She agreed with a smile, taking her things and getting ready to open the door. Before you did though, she grabbed your hand and intertwined your fingers with hers.
“We run in 3. Ready?”
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Mobile Masterlist
Triad — An ongoing series of extended Cazriel x Reader headcanons.
Second Choices — Cassian x Reader, angst, friends/fuck buddies to lovers.
Second Chances — Part 2 of Second Choices.
Harry Styles:
One/Two Shots
It’s None of Your Business — Harry loves to tease the audience at his shows, so it’s no surprise that’s what happens when he has some big news to share.
Secret Little Rendezvous — He was a popstar, you were a music reporter, could I make it any more obvious?
Hometown Shows Part 1 — A blast from the past at Love on Tour, Chicago Night 1.
Hometown Shows Part 2 — Your family comes to the show, and Harry has a surprise for you.
Merch Girl — Flirting, jealousy, and M&Ms.
Merch Girl Part 2 — Harry shows you around Nashville on a day off.
Merch Girl Part 3 — One of the tour busses breaks down and…????
Snow Bunny — Teaching Harry to ski in St. Moritz.
Causing Trouble up in Hotel Rooms — Opening for One Direction’s Take Me Home Tour, you get close to Harry and he tries to tell you how he feels.
Enchanted — You attend the 2019 Met Gala and end up next to Harry throughout the night.
We Have to Stop Meeting Like This — You and Harry have maybe too much chemistry when you interview him at the My Policeman premier.
Story of Our Life — What it was like growing up with the world's biggest boyband.
Fine Line Series — COMPLETE!
The moments in your relationship with Harry that inspired each song on Fine Line. New chapter every Thursday!
1. She
1.5. She Instagram Blurb
2. Treat People With Kindness
2.5. TPWK Instagram Blurb
3. Sunflower
3.5 Sunflower Instagram Blurb
4. Canyon Moon
4.5. Canyon Moon Instagram Blurb
5. To Be So Lonely
5.5. To Be So Lonely Instagram Blurb
6. Golden
6.5. Golden Instagram Blurb
7. Fine Line
7.5. Fine Line Instagram Blurb
8. Cherry
8.5 Cherry Instagram Blurb
9. Falling
9.5. Falling Instagram Blurb
10. Adore You
10.5 Adore You Instagram Blurb
11. Watermelon Sugar
11.5 Watermelon Sugar Instagram Blurb
12. Lights Up
12.5 Lights Up Instagram Blurb
Bonus Instagram Blurb! As It Was: Part 1 Part 2
Painted Nails — Or, the history behind Harry Styles’ nail polish obsession.
Fezco’s House Series — COMPLETE!
A mini-series of Fez imagines based on some of the songs from Harry’s House.
Part 1 — Little Freak
Part 2 — Satellite
Part 3 — Matilda
she calls me daddy — NSFW!!! You’re new to East Highland and Maddy Perez takes you under her wing.
Outer Banks:
Taylor Swift Album Headcanons — What dating the OBX crew would be like, as told through Taylor Swift albums. Featuring John B, JJ, Pope, Rafe, Topper, Kiara, and Sarah.
Sisters — John B's older sister introduces her brother and his best friend to a few of her favorite things. Alludes to future JJ x Reader.
JJ Maybank
Switzerland — Big John has been missing for months, and tensions are high between John B and his older sister, so she finds comfort in the arms of her brother's best friend.
Summer in July — JJ goes to pick up a friend in need and gets more than he bargained for.
Night Changes — Past, present, and future collide in a conversation with your childhood best friend.
Live While We're Young — No phones, your sneaky link, and a party.
Bejeweled — After mourning the end of a two-and-a-half-year relationship, you're finally ready to get back out there. You get more than you bargained for with some guy.
Attention — In which JJ wants your attention.
Topper Thornton
Vigilante Shit — You're hired to investigate a rich pretty boy and team up with his wife to nail him for his crimes.
Stranger Things:
Robin Buckley
Ice Cream — Scoops Ahoy has a new regular, and somehow Robin keeps finding herself alone with the girl.
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usetheeauthor · 2 years
We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes Pt. 1 of 2
Incel!Perv!Jonathan Byers x Dark!Latina!Reader
Angst/Smut : Dark Fic : Enemies to Lovers : College AU
Summary: You ask for Jonathan’s to embark on a road trip with you to terrorize a girl you’re seeking revenge on. Meanwhile, Jonathan has plans to blackmail you to assert ‘his power’ over you via the advice of his incel community. Things go south in his plan, once he meets your enemy who happens to be a familiar someone.
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Word Count: 4.8k+
A/N: I wrote this fic because I was inspired by a post in the Jonathan Byers smut tag and it gave me this idea that I thought could be fun. This will is a End of The Fucking World-esque Plotline. It’ll be somewhat modern with modern language. It’s a 2 parter and part 2 will be posted pretty quickly because I’ve written a bunch of fics that I’ve been pushing out. I intended the Reader to have a similar personality to Maddy Perez from Euphoria. This will have dark humor mixed in with some hot content. This has Jonathan’s POV (darkened/italic are his thoughts) throughout the story but it’s mostly in 2nd POV. Part 2 Here
Warnings: this is fucked up, perv!reader, yandere!reader, reader and Jonathan are both batshit insane, incel community and toxic language, bi!reader, pining, sexual tension, misogyny, gatekeeping, dark humor, cheerleader!reader, dom!reader, sub!jonathan, use of ‘papi’, handjob, oral sex (f receiving), bonded hands (via scrunchie), ass worship, anal play/sex, degradation kink, fingering, cumming in pants, minor praise kink, dry humping, kissing, all characters over 18, jonathan is a virgin until he isn’t 😉😉, reader is given the alias ‘Babydoll’ which is used throughout the fic instead of Y/N
*Jonathan’s POV*
Morning, readers. This is Jonathan’s daily words. I just wanted start off by saying…When I graduated, I thought the days of social cliques, petty rumors, and caring for reputations were all over. I felt that all were left behind when I stepped into the ‘real world’ . I was so wrong. College was no different. It wasn’t only a place for the intelligent. You had your jocks and cheerleaders who were lucky enough to obtain sports scholarships, rich brats with parents that paid their way in, and then the worse of them all…attention whores. The ones that swear they’re intelligent and top of the class.
This girl at my university is the perfect example of all 3. Cheerleader, rich, and whore. I call her “Babydoll” because she’s just as plastic and fake as one. I hate her with my every brain cell. Girls like her were only trouble. They use people to get what they want. It works in her favor every fucking time because she’s “pretty”. She’s average at best. Yet, people always fall for her. The weak-minded ones, anyway.
Us, though, we see through the shit. That’s what makes us better than anyone in this godforsaken planet. That’s what’ll make us rule this earth someday. Before I go, I challenge you all today. Do something that you believe’ll make a difference. That way we’ll be one step closer to that future molded by us.
Jonathan signs off, preparing to head to his first class of the day. The one he shared with you. Although, he despised you, he also found you quite fascinating. You were great writing material for his journals and his followers seemed to be a fan of you as well.
Jonathan enters the classroom, noticing a frat brother sat right in his seat. He stares at the burly man. The man staring back.
“That’s my seat.” Jonathan says. His voice so monotone it was hard to tell he was angry.
“There aren’t any assigned seats, dork. Find another.” The frat boy dismisses him.
Jonathan clenches his jaw, seething and staring at the man one last time before choosing another seat. He can hear his fellow peers whispering behind his back calling him ‘sociopathic’ and ‘psychotic’.
“Did you see his eyes? He looked like he was gonna kill you?” One peer says.
“Maybe he’s killed before.” The other would say.
He tunes them out. This is the kind of insufferable shit I’ve got to deal with every day. He growls to himself. Jonathan’s thoughts cease to exist the moment you finally walk into the classroom. His eyes following your every move. You sat in the row beside him, two seat up so that you were in front of the class. Attention whores loved to sit in the front to be teacher’s pet. Clearly, she’s teacher’s pet. Each day of class, the professor won’t keep his eyes off of her, staring down her shirt she wore to show off her body. I’m sure they’re fucking each others brains out. He was considered a ‘Chad’ and that’s exactly the type she’d prey after. Jonathan thoughts are once again interrupted when he sees you whip your head around in his direction. In fact, the entire class was looking directly at him.
“Jonathan Byers.” The professor calls out.
Jonathan recognizing that his name was being called for attendance but he’d been so distracted by you. The professor has already called his name twice by now. Redness creeped up on his cheeks. “Here.” He says.
The students stifled chuckles as they turned their attention back to the front of the room. His eyes shift back to you. You were still looking at him, smirking then turning away. It was as if you knew your effect on him.
After class, Jonathan stopped by for some lunch at the food court area. He sat to himself, reading his manga and occasionally taking bites of his food. He didn’t have much friends or friends at all. The nerds in his photography club didn’t count as true friends. His friends were online. A community of them that shared his belief.
He found himself so immersed in the story, he hadn’t recognized you standing there for at least 10 seconds, looking down at him. His eyes dart up at you, lowering the manga.
You point at the single, empty chair at his table. “This seat taken?” You smile.
There was that sickeningly evil smile you loved to shoot others to get what you wanted. It was brain rotting. Jonathan worried if he stared at you any longer that he’s burst to ash.
Nonetheless, Jonathan shook his head as a ‘no’, giving you the permission to sit. You plopped your tray on the table and took a seat, eyes squinting at the book he held in his hand.
“I love that manga. Great taste.” You complimented him but in Jonathan’s eyes you might as well have called him an idiot.
He scoffed. “You read manga?”
“Name three.”
“Are you really gonna quiz me on this?” You’re the one to scoff now, crossing your arms.
Jonathan remains quiet but his expression lets you know that he meant it.
You sighed. “Banana Fish, Akira, Parasyte.”
Shit. All the ones I like, too. No way did she learn that on her own. Some nerd probably taught her that so she can pick up more nerds to do her homework. She only sat here to seduce me for just that reason.
You study Jonathan’s face noticing the inner conflict within himself, you smirked. “Are you realizing that you like the mangas that most manga readers already know? How does it feel being basic?”
“You came here to pick on me? Take a number.” Jonathan bites hard into the baby carrot, underlining his creeping anger.
“No,” Your voice soft and sweet. “I genuinely would like to get to know you. I’m Y/N, by the way.”
“I know.”
Jonathan gazes at her, incredulously. “We have History together.”
“I know I’m just teasing, Jonathan.”
His body freezes at the sound of his name on your lips. It was the first time he’d heard you say it. It sent blood flowing to an area that he really wished wouldn’t awaken at this moment.
“I just wanted to formally introduce myself,” You continued. “We haven’t talked once and this semester’s almost over. I didn’t want it to end before we could speak since i don’t think anyone will be in town for winter break.���
“What could we possibly talk about that we’d have in common?”
You shot him a bored look, picking up his manga as an answer. “And I’m sure there is so much more. Hey, why don’t we study for that final together? It could be fun.”
“I’m fine. Thank you.”
You lean in, breath tickling his lips and eyes locked on one another’s. “Trust me. It’ll be fun.”
Jonathan swallowed hard. He should say no. He declined perfectly fine before but with your apple-scented shampoo wafting in the air, he couldn’t think clearly.
“O-okay, but we’re not doing anything.”
You threw your head back in laughter, leaning back in your chair. You cocked your head to the side. “What kind of girl do you take me for?” You hold a hand up as if held under oath. “Estaré en mi mejor conducta.”
He hoped that meant that you promising to leave him be. He couldn’t imagine you coming over to his place. You were clearly teasing.
“Tonight at 8. At your dorm?” You asked.
“Why not yours?”
“My roommate’s asked for some privacy for tonight. The ‘sock on the door’ thing, ya know. I walked in on her one time. Saw some really freaky ass shit. Never again. So I’m pretty much out of my door from 8-9. I figure maybe that would be my opportunity to study with a new buddy.” You nudged him with your elbow before checking the time on your watch. “Well, gotta go to my next class. I’ll see you tonight.”
Waving, you gathered your things and left him alone once again. He was surprised that you were comfortable enough to even approach him to behin with and now you two had a study date. Had she been replaced by an alien?
Evening, fellas. So the Babydoll decided to approach me while I was peacefully reading my favorite manga and she’s all, “I’d like to come over to your place to… ‘study’.” And like a fucking simp I said “Yes.” You see that’s the thing with venomous women like Babydoll, you let ‘em too close and you’re suddenly not thinking straight. They’re like fucking witches. So, I come before you as humbled as can be. As a fellow member of this community. How should I stop this brainwashing from continuing any further? How do I give myself the strength to pry myself from her hex?
Brosbeforehoes67 actually this could be good.
HeManWomanHaters yea maybe you can finally get some from that slut
Nice_guysfinishlast all in favor for Johnny to take the bitch by her reigns, say I 🙋‍♂️
Allwhoresarewitches just say yes to anything she says now maybe it’ll work in your favor
Jonathan smiles wickedly at the responses, amused by the suggestions. Most ranging from silly to outright violent. He hears a knock at his front door. That was weird. He wasn’t expecting a visitor so soon.
Answering the door, you stood right in his doorway wearing your skimpy cheer costume. Jonathan could feel the front of his pants begin to tighten, heart pounding at an alarmingly dangerous rate. He need to sit down soon or he could faint.
“What are you doing here?” He asks as unfazed as he could.
“I know I’m like an hour and a half early but I did try to change before I got here from practice. Roommate decided to start the fun early so no access to decent clothes. I had nowhere else to go and knowing you don’t take night classes on Thursdays so I came here.”
“How do you know my schedule?” He inquires.
“U-um…well, I saw your planner opened up on the table during lunch. I’m a little perceptive you could say. Let me in? Por favor.”
He shakes a hand through his hair, frizzing it up in frustration then reluctantly moves to the side and lets you in.
Your eyes surveyed up and down the room. “You have a dorm to yourself?”
“For now,” Jonathan answered. “They haven’t found me a roommate yet.”
“Lucky you.” You lead yourself to his bedroom much to his chagrin.
“Hey, that’s off limits. We could study out here in the living room.”
You ignore his protests, taking him by his hand and leading him into the bedroom. You have him sit on the edge of his bed along with you, throwing your backpack down between you.
“Shall we begin?” You say, rummaging through your bag.
“B-begin what?”
“Studying, mi amor.”
Did she just call me her ‘love’? This could just be another one of her temptress tactics.
He takes the textbook on the shelf beside him, opening it to the chapter you both were meant to study.
“First question is…Who was the first president of the United States?” You read.
“What? No way. That’s too easy. Is that really one of the questions?” Jonathan skims his notes.
You burst out laughing at his confusion. “Kidding. Boy, you really can’t pick up a joke.”
“It’s hard to do so when your a girl. I don’t understand girl humor.”
“The hell is ‘girl humor’? It’s just a joke.”
“That’s subjective.” He retorts.
“Maybe,” You shrug. Then all of a sudden, you began to violently cough into the long sleeve of your cheer crop top. “You think you could make me some tea. It could really help my throat. It’s sooo sore.”
Probably from blowing the teacher. Jonathan rolls his eyes. The quicker he follows your command, the faster he’d get through this study session and report back to the guys. “Fine. Wait here.” He grumbles, leaving the room.
Little did Jonathan know that this was all a ploy to buy you some time to look through his accessible computer. The tabs were still open. You knew this would be fun.
Jonathan walks back into the room and he nearly dropped the hot tea cup onto the ground. He stood there paralyzed but he had to make a move or else you’d see too much.
“Look, I can explain.”
“Babydoll? That’s the best you could come up with,” Your sickeningly sweet voice now low and sultry. “By the way, this…” You gestures to your boobs and body. “Is all real. No plastic here, mi amor. And ‘average at best’? In your fucking dreams, maybe.”
“I-I…” Jonathan can barely form a sentence.
You stood up slowly from the computer chair, eye contact not breaking from his. Every step forward you took, he took backward until he ended up hitting a wall, a drop of hot tea splashing out its cup onto the carpet.
You looked down at it then up at him again with a wicked smile. “I’ll just take this from your hands. Wouldn’t want you making anymore of a mess?”
You placed the cup on the shelf beside you, pressing your body against his and he gasps. “Look at you. You’re trembling,” Her fingertips glide down his flannel shirt. “Haven’t had a touch from a woman before, have you? Such a shame. You are quite handsome.”
“You’re strange.” He says, trying to gain his confidence but his wavering tone couldn’t fool you.
“I’m strange? You’re the one who pretended like you hated me when you secretly want to fuck me,” You wrapped a hand around his throat. “You can’t stop thinking about me. It makes you so mad that I’m fucking the teacher and not taking your cock instead.”
“You’re wrong. I don’t want to fuck you. I know you’re just trying to use me and hurt me.”
“That’s exactly…” You cupped his erection for emphasis eliciting a small yelp from him. “…what I want to do to you.”
“I didn’t mean it that way.”
“Does it matter?” You rolled your eyes.
“What do you want from me? Why are you suddenly interested in me? Then, you invade my privacy and your touching me like this. We said nothing will happen.”
“Nothing will happen. But if you wish for me to let you go. I can, papi.”
You were trying to kill him. That was it.
“Ask me to let you go and I will.” You rephrased.
“I c-can’t.”
“Why?” Your voice returns to its saccharine state.
“Because I…I—”
“Like it?” You suggested.
“I don’t know.” He whimpers as you begin to palm him through his pants. He stares up at the ceiling, relishing in the feeling of you pressed against him taking up his oxygen with your intoxicating scent.
“You’re smart,” You yank yourself away. Hands no longer wrapped around his throat and his hardness. “Figure it out. Until then, I won’t touch you any further. But I did have a method to my madness.”
Jonathan lowers his eyes, back to reality. “What?”
“You have all this hatred towards women, right? Maybe I can give you your first victim to practice this out.”
“What do you mean?”
You exhaled deeply, dropping yourself on his bed again. “There’s this girl. We used to be…close. But then she fucking left me high and dry and betrayed me. I hadn’t seen her on a year. We went to different universities but, winter break, I’ll be able to see her again. She’s lives in Hawkins. I once lived there, too. And you as well, right?”
“Yeah?” He says in a confused tone.
“You’re wondering how I know that. Well, I guess I should come clean about myself, too. That way we have no more secrets between us. I’ve been watching you reeeaal close.”
“So, in other words, you’ve been stalking me.” Jonathan teases only to be surprised by your answer.
“Yes. I have.”
“Well, let’s just say that I get kind of intense when there’s someone I really like.”
“Y-you like me?”
“I do. I thought fucking the teacher would get you jealous enough to do something but I guess I must accept that you just aren’t the assertive type. That’s okay. I can be that for the both of us.”
Jonathan’s world felt like it was spiraling. This felt like a fever dream. No way could this be real.
“Anyway, I’m going to Hawkins for the break and I want us to travel together. We’re going to break into that puta’s house and we’re going to fuck with her mind.”
“And why would I help you?”
“Because I know you want to,” Her voice becomes menacing. “Also, I may like you, but I will take you down. I have pictures of your disgusting posts. I will share them with the entire college population and end you.”
Jonathan is speechless.
“Shall we resume our studies?”
Hey, readers. Let me tell you a story. Stop me if this sounds familiar. Ice Queen reveals herself to be infatuated with an invisible misfit. Then, she asks you to join her on a trip to attack her lesbian lover as retaliation for breaking her heart. There’s a possible chance of violence maybe even…murder.
redchevy1972 all girls are either sluts or lesbians
mangaover_comics is that the plot to jennifer’s body? never seen it but that megan fox is surely a 10
incelsarelaw86 *mangaover_comics she’s about an 8. too hairy for me. if this is about Babydoll, Johnny boy, you’ve gotta make her your personal sex slave
luigiisunderrated *incelsarelaw86 yea or he could expose her for the crazy whore she is maybe blackmail her into doing sexual favors for you
Maybe there was some way he could turn the situation around so that he’s have the power over you. This winter break trip was just what Jonathan needed. This would be his big break. In his eyes, he’ll go down in the history books of man.
Finals had come and gone. Jonathan found out you’d passed with a grade higher than his. That pissed him off so badly that he knew that he had to control his power on you soon or he just might focus his rage in more harmful outlets.
His rage was silent but you’d caught onto it, glancing at him as he drove. It was finally winter break now so your plans for Hawkins was in full motion. You wanted to enjoy the trip with your new love but you were getting irritated at his behavior towards you.
“Qué pasa? What’s got your knots in twists?”
“Nothing. I’d like to have a peaceful drive to Hawkins. It’s going to be a long one and I don’t wish to argue.”
“You’re such a child,” You groaned. “Is it because you caught me speaking with the teacher today? I promise it was innocent.”
“No. For the last time, I don’t care if you sleep with the teacher. You and I are not even friends.” Jonathan feels as if the air has been sucked out of the car. You grow quiet in a bubbling rage.
“You…” You say through clenched. Jonathan awaits an explosion of fury instead there’s an explosion of tears. “You are such a dickhead.”
Jonathan darts his eyes between the road and you in a panic. “Hey, wait, don’t cry. I’m sorry, okay.”
You continued to sob in your hands, your words muffled by them but Jonathan can hear things like ‘why won’t you love me’ and ‘asshole’.
“I’ll seriously give you anything you want if you please stop crying.”
“Anything?” Her head pops up.
It was all an act! The fuck is wrong with this girl?
“Yes. Anything reasonable.” He adds.
“Well, we have been driving for nearly 3 whole hours. We’ve got to get some rest.” You advised.
“We agree on rest stops on every 6th hour.”
“6 hours is kind outrageous, dude. We need a break,” You point. “There’s motel right there. We can check in.”
“Fine.” He enters the parking lot of the motel and positions his car in a space. You both made your way to the front counter.
“How can I help you?” The man asks.
“One room please. The one with a king bed.”
“Anything, remember?”
Jonathan crosses his arms. She was obviously not letting him live that down for the remainder of the trip.
When you got to your room, you immediately dropped your bag and dropped your whole body on the bed, shoes kicked off. You pretended to make snow angels, sinking deeper into the soft mattress.
“Ahhh, this will be nice.”
Just as Jonathan began to remove his jacket, you pull him by the hand and yanked him up onto the mattress, too.
“Jump with me.” You jumps and circles around Jonathan.
“So, I’m the child, was it?” He asks, referring to your comment earlier.
“Will you stop having a stick up your ass and join me?” You continued to bounce taking his hands to urge him with you. Soon, he found himself jumping forcefully and then involuntarily.
It felt lighthearted and fun, spinning, bouncing, and laughing with one another. You’d almost forgotten that you were here for anything but wholesome actions. Then, some damning evidence falls out of his pockets and your mind is back on its goal.
You scrambled for the items that fell onto the mattress, hearing him stammering above you. It was candid polaroid photos of you in comprising positions. You look up at him, seeing his adam’s apple bobbing.
“You little pervert.”
“I’m sorry.” He says, head lowered as he sat himself next to you.
“What were you gonna do with these? Sell them off to your incel fuckers?”
“It’s not like that.” He shakes his head, looking defiantly into your eyes.
“You’re trying to make a power move over me. Are you? You think leaking little photos of me slipping into my cheer uniform is going to make me submit to you,” You chuckled. “Mi amor, I used to get paid for shit like that. That’s nothing.”
“It’s not what these are for?”
“So you’re just carrying these in your pocket to jack off to or something?”
“M-maybe. Is that so wrong? You’ve always known that I’ve wanted you for so long. What’s so surprising about me carrying them? You’re just trying to humiliate me at this point. It’s all you women do.”
You stood up from the bed, standing in front him. “Kneel before me.”
Jonathan wanted to stand his ground but the look on your face told him to do as you said. He sinks to his knees in front you, watching you with a glint of wonder in his eyes.
You take the scrunchie from your hair letting your hair flow down from it’s ponytail. You asked for his hands and he releases them to you, stretching the scrunchie over his wrists then letting his hands drop to the front of his lap.
“You better not break it or I’ll break you.”
Psychotic witch.
Pulling your underwear off, his face was in level with your glistening core. His mouth suddenly began to salivate. You run your fingers through his hair.
“You’re virgin. Aren’t you, papi?”
You tug his hair when he doesn’t answer, he groans. “Yes. I am.”
“I can tell. You get sensitive from every little touch. I bet you’ll cum before I have you in my mouth tonight.”
He shivers at your words.
“See? Look at you. Trembling the way you did the night I touched you in your room,” Your fingers began to rub at you clit. You close your thick thighs around your hand. He can hardly see you touching the nub. He needed you to spread your legs. “I wanted to fuck you so badly that night. I didn’t because I wanted to make sure you liked me. You have a hard time showing a girl you care, ya know?”
“Can I taste?” He pants, cock hard against his jeans.
“You wanna taste me? You wanna know what I feel like riding your thick tongue.”
“Mhm. But I want you to ride my face from behind.” He’d seen it in a porn before. The guy would have access to the girl’s anus as well as her pussy so he can lick both with no issue. He’d always imagined eating your ass especially since it was so beautiful shaped and ample.
You turned around bending over in a 90 degree and back yourself against his mouth, grabbing the front of his hair for support. He laps away at your core finding himself lost in the globes of your ass whenever he’d lick there. All you could do was moan and writhe against him.
He was a man starved. He’d never tasted anything like it but he was addicted. He was sure the members of his community would freak out and possibly turn on him if they knew how well he worship you.
He needed his hands free if he was going to make you cum super hard for him. Expertly slipping his hands from the scrunchie one hand at a time, his large hands grip your hips and you’re caught by surprise.
He makes it so that you are bent over the bed, him still on his knees. You laid out on your stomach gave him the support he needed to thoroughly taste you. He dives back in sucking your labia into his mouth hard, collecting all your juices on your tongue. He groans, the vibrations going straight to your core. You rock back and forth against his tongue before he dips it back to tease the anal hole.
You were crying out like you were in pain. In a way you were because the pleasure felt so good it was borderline painful. He pulls his mouth away from you and just about when you were going to protest, he sinks two thick finger into you.
“Oohhh fuck yes.” You mewled, thrusting back against his fingers. Kneeling onto the bed next to you, his fingers never leave your core. You’re on all fours now, riding back against his fingers, and he presses his hardened cock against the side of your thigh. He’s humping your leg and the delicious feeling of him throbbing warm against you makes you feral.
You push his back against the mattress, climbing on top of him. Rubbing your slick core back and forth right of his clothed cock. He can feel your wet heat staining and pulsating against his jeans. He kisses you first and you moan into it. You were happy to feel his lips and tongue on you for the first time. Getting so greedy that you could practically swallow his tongue.
You rut feverishly against him, him thrusting up into your core.
“I’m gonna cum.” You whispered against his mouth.
“Me too.”
He says, digging his fingertips into the flesh of your ass.
“Cum with me, papi. Let me feel it.”
That was all the permission he needed. He releases in his pants spurts of hot cum seeping through his black jeans. You can hardly tell the difference between the patch of your wetness and his but the thought of your mixed juices turned you on and soon you’d follow right after him, mouth on his once again to ground you while you went through that earth shattering experience.
When you’d both come down, you slid of his lap lying by his side and panting. Your breaths matching each other’s.
“I can’t believe I did that.”
“Me neither. Where did you learn to do oral like that?” You say in complete disbelief at how well he did. “You were fucking incredible.”
Jonathan felt a pride in his chest at your praise. “Porn.”
“No way. Porn is terrible at teaching people how to fuck. Must’ve been one hell of a video.” You joked.
“Are we going to have sex?” Part of Jonathan was excited the other was worried about what that meant for his reputation in his community.
You must’ve sensed this because you say, “Nah. That’ll be when your ready to let go of those losers you call your community.”
“They’re really not so bad.”
“They are terrible to women.”
“And you’re not?” Jonathan says raising his head to face you.
“No. I’m going after my ex only and that’s because she knows what she did to me.”
“What is it?”
“Not ready to talk about it now. Okay. Maybe in due time.”
“So I’m not ready to give up my virginity and you’re not ready to open up.”
You nod. “Who knows? Maybe we’ll come to our decisions at the same time. That’d be romantic.” You curled up to his side.
In the back of his mind, Jonathan worried that this was all just a plan to further corrupt him until you’d eventually get bored and toss him aside. Maybe he wanted you but he’ll definitely keep an eye out for anything suspicious.
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Estaré en mi mejor conducta = I’ll be on my best behavior
Qué pasa = what’s wrong
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withlovewriting · 2 years
Mixed Drinks and Smoke Rings 6: Downfalls
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Chapter Six: Downfalls
I found the Devil, I found him in a lover, And his lips like tangerines,  and his color coded speak, Now we’re lost somewhere in outer space, In a hotel room where demons play, They run around beneath our feet, We roll around beneath these sheets
Summary: New to town, you didn’t need a friend, you needed a dealer. Thankfully, a girl from your Narcotics Anonymous meetings knew just the guy.
Characters: Fezco (euphoria) x Non-descriptive Reader
Words: 2,001
Chapter Warnings: Comments referring to drug use, comments referring to dub-con, comments referring to violence/abuse
Series Warnings: Addiction, sexual themes, cursing, abuse (various), smut, drug use, teenagers being fucking idiots. 18+ only, minors DNI
Previous Chapter:
Next Chapter: 
taglist: @iamasimpingh0e @chelseagirl77​ @zeida
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Well shit, this was the last thing you needed.
After your weekend come down from the molly Aaron Jacob's had bought for you, you really, really didn't need to be sat in principal Hayes's office, repeating your weekend fun to him.
"So you understand why you were called in here?"
Fiddling with your backpack strap you shrugged.
"It's come to my attention you were seen at the Jacob's chili tent when an incident between Miss Perez and Mr. Jacobs occurred. Now, do you know why Maddy and Nate were fighting?"
"I barely saw either of them all night."
"But you did see them at the chili tent, correct?"
"Uh, yeah."
"And what happened?"
You exhaled deeply before rubbing your palm over your clammy forehead. You hadn't moved from bed on Sunday, and you were really feeling your come down, even now.
"I dunno, OK? She pushed over some chili, Nate grabbed her and pulled her away. That's all I saw."
"And his brother, Aaron Jacobs; you were spotted with him that night. He didn't say anything about-"
You almost laughed, "I barely know him. We went our separate ways right after Maddy and Nate left." 
Either Principal Hayes was satisfied by your answer, or he'd realized you weren't much help, and he dismissed you from his office.
In truth, you hadn't even seen Maddy or Nate today. You were right in the ass-end of withdrawal to be able to pay attention to either. You were barely aware of what lessons you'd attended, let alone who else was there. Pulling out your phone, you could've cried.
It wasn't even lunch.
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Heavy footsteps alerted Fez to someone's arrival in the store, his head turning from where he sat at the register.
Eyebrows raising, he watched your tired body as it slumped next to him, all but ready to push him off the table and curl up like a cat.
"Ain't you got a class to be at?"
Barely mumbling out a cohesive reply, you scooted yourself up next to him, resting your hoody-covered head on his shoulder, "I think I'm dying."
"Dying, really?"
"Yeah. Really, really slowly."
Fez rolled his eyes, before grabbing the joint he kept behind his ear, placing it in his mouth and lighting up, "You just crashin'. You'll be fine. When was the last time you ate?"
He hopped off the table, causing you to send him a glare -- you were barely able to keep yourself upright without his assistance -- whilst he made his way towards the fridges. Grabbing a can of soda and a bag of chips as he passed them, he handed them to you before sitting back down, allowing you to replace your head.
"Take them, you'll feel better."
It may seem dramatic, but you could've cried, "The last thing I want to do right now is eat."
"I ain't giving you more-"
"Calm down, I don't need anymore. I still have some at home."
You could feel Fez's blue eyes watching you from his peripheral, and almost feel his judgment from where you were sat, "Chill out, I can't exactly turn up to my NA meeting rolling."
"What time you gotta be there?"
"Uh, Monday nights are earlier, 6.30 I think."
Fez took the soda from you, cracking it open and taking a sip whilst you fished out your beeping phone from your backpack. Opening the message, you read and reread it a few times before sighing and throwing it back into the bag.
"Lemme guess, not the guy from the carnival?"
Taking the can of coke from him, you sent him a small, half-hearted glare, "Actually, it was."
"Oh yeah, what he want?"
Swallowing down a few sugary gulps, you watched Fez as he watched you, unblinking. 
Handing him back the can, you sighed, "It's not really your business, Dad."
"It is my business when I'm told someone buys my drugs, gives it to a girl, stays totally sober, and then I find them fallin' outta an alleyway."
"What's that supposed to mean?" You didn't intend to get so annoyed but shit, the drop in serotonin was playing fucking havoc with you right now. Forget the ‘Terrible Tuesday' you were experiencing 'Moody-Bitch Monday'. 
"All I know is ain't nothin' good coming from a one-sided-sober hookup."
"Oh my god, are you really going to try to slut-shame me-"
"Ain't you I'm shamin'."
Fez pushed himself off the table, opening the bag of chips and handing them to you once more before quietly reshuffling the shelves.
Realizing it wasn't a battle you were going to win, you cautiously nibbled at a potato chip as you watched him silently work. After taking another sip of the coke, you finally broke the silence,
"He was just asking about whether the police asked to speak to me."
That got his attention.
"What the police wanna speak to you 'bout?"
"Nothing drug-related, god, don't have a fucking coronary. They didn't even speak to me, just thought I might've witnessed something at the carnival. But I didn't so... end of story."
As you sat and continued to nibble at the snack, you watched Fez work wordlessly. You had to think; was your working here really paying him back?
Sure, he didn't pay you, there was no exchange of money on either side, so you couldn't be certain, but the store was never exactly busy, it almost seemed stupid to have two staff on, as Fez was always at the store when you were, and failing that; Ash was.
Did it really take two of you to stack a couple shelves and restock some cans of soda? It barely took 5 minutes to sweep and mop the floors. Surely, Fez was at best level on the money, and at worst; Still down a couple hundred bucks from whatever he paid Mouse.
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4 days later, you were still feeling the comedown from the molly as you slouched in your chair watching as Rue stood proud -- and probably mildly embarrassed -- as she told the rest of the group about her lies. By now though, she was 13 days sober, and she was certain that was because of Jules. 
Even though you sent her a timid smile, you couldn't help but think that her sobriety shouldn't, and more importantly couldn't rely on someone else. You had to forcefully swallow the lump that had formed in your throat as you watched her from your own seat of deceits.
Sure, you hadn't technically lied to any of the group. You'd never told them your sob story, nor how long you had -- or hadn't -- been sober. Didn't want them prying into your relapses. If they could even be called that, anymore. 
But you still dutifully collected your 'X days sober' chips. Thanked the group with a shy smile as they congratulated you. Shit, for a bunch of ex-addicts you were almost astonished that they hadn't been able to see you were in the vast stages of a comedown.
And if they did notice, nobody had the balls to call you out on it. Nobody, except Ali, at least.
He was yet to straight-up call you a bullshitter, but he knew. And he knew that you knew. 
Which was exactly why -- still bundled in an over-sized jumper that may, or may not, have been the one Fez had lent to you weeks prior -- you avoided his dark, all-knowing eyes and darted from the hall before he could hook his talons in.
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Since Friday meetings were later, you had originally planned to just head home, check in on your father and then crash for the rest of the night, but a speeding black car halted your plans when it nearly ran you over, the breaks screeching as the car came to a sudden halt.
You were all but ready to scream out at the asshole when you recognized who the driver actually was. You made your way closer to the now stationary car and knocked on the passenger window.
It only took a few seconds, but Maddy pressed the button to wind it down.
"Uh, You know you almost killed me back there, right?"
"You were the one on the road." She huffed, only at half her usual level of sass.
Sighing, you took a moment to really look at her. Eyes red and puffy from crying, tear stains not even dry on her cheeks, "You look like shit."
She turned her attention towards you, her sad eyes peering over your frame just the same, "Yeah, well so do you."
"Touche. So, what were you doing that was so captivating that you almost turned me into roadkill?"
Sighing, Maddy returned her attention to her phone that she'd shoved back on her lap, "I was calling Kat. I just... Shit, I don't know. She's busy, and Cassie is like, 30 fucking minutes away at McKay's and I don't have anyone else that I can talk to."
You watched her as she started to cry, her chest heaving as sobs forced their way up her throat. Unsure of what to do, you opened the passenger door and slid in. Once you were close enough, you pulled Maddy into your arms, rubbing her back as her body racked in pain.
It didn't take her long to calm herself down, and even though her whimpers had ceased, her tears seemed almost endless, a constant on her waterline, ready to escape at any given chance.
She was quietly driving back to your house, her cheeks feeling like they were on fire from embarrassment. It wasn't like you two were friends; you barely even knew each other. Yet here you were, sat in her car that was parked outside of your house as she tried to keep herself composed.
You fiddled with the cuffs of the jumper for a moment, eyes unfocused as your forced yourself to remain present, "Listen, Maddy. I know you've probably heard from everyone and their fuckin' mother about how Nate isn't a good guy or whatever. 
I don't really know him, shit, I don't really know you either. But I know that whatever happened to you, is fuckin' traumatizing, especially if it's done by someone you love, and nobody is doubting how much you love him. But if he put his hands on you then... He needs help. Like real, psychiatric help, because you don't do that shit to someone you love. That isn't passion, it's abuse. If he did put his hands on you, then it's only the beginning, and it's all downhill from here, Maddy."
Your eyes darted towards your house, grateful that the lights were off and your father was seemingly asleep and hopefully sober.
When you returned your attention back to Maddy, her eyes were flitting between yourself, and your house. She didn't utter a word but sent a tremulous smile your way instead.
Getting out of the car, you leaned over the rolled-down window, "You can stay the night, you know if you don't wanna go home."
Maddy was about to respond before a text from Cassie came through. Scanning the message, she couldn't help the broad smile that tugged at her lips. She quickly downloaded the app Cassie had mentioned before replying, "Oh uh, that's OK. But thank you. Really. It was nice to just talk and you know... not be judged or told what to do."
You nodded, before standing and patting the roof of her car, "See you later, Maddy."
You knew she was most likely driving somewhere to meet Nate, and you just hoped she'd be OK. You knew first-hand how much people trying to force your hand only made you dig your heels in deeper.
High school boyfriends weren't the be-all and end-all of toxic relationships. But as you peeked your head into your father's room, watching as his chest rose and fell, you realized you and Maddy were both loyal to the people you loved.
And maybe, that would be your downfall.
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