#made florencia wonder if she could love them more
dorkousloris · 2 years
flo in both universes is essentially...
a sweet woman who put others before herself, and doesn't like to be in the spotlight. she hated it, and just merely want to enjoy hanging out with friends and families. shes smart and very aware of her surroundings but doesn't let it get it to her. just a sweetheart!
but when u put flo in HUSKLESS, she is weighted by various things that happened to her childhood, making her more quieter than her Connected by Strings counterpart, and unlike her counterpart, Flo always always uses defensive moves as someone whose power is controlling vines.
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emeraldtawny · 5 years
Blanc x OC [Florencia]: Honesty
A Ko-Fi fic for the wonderful @carmelomon (with their permission, of course) who commissioned a semi-angst mutual pining fic with her OC Florencia and our favourite bunny man.
Thank you for your patience on this, and I hope you all enjoy~! ^w^
“Listen well, Florencia. If you want to make it home, there’s one kind of magic you must not fall under the spell of. It’s the strongest, oldest magic in this land--
Such an innocent reaction crossed her face as she took in the White Rabbit’s words that day. The sight was incredibly endearing, so sweetly naive that he couldn’t help but smile.
Now though…
“Only tragedy awaits those who fall in love with someone from a different world.”
Now, his smile is touched with a hint of chagrin at the thought. It leaves a bitter taste in his mouth despite the unavoidable sweetness of the sensation overcoming him, like a cookie burnt around its edge. He let them sit too long in the heat, unaware of the consequences they would bring as a result.
Such delicate flavours. Ruined. Yet, here he was, still wanting a taste of the girl from the Land of Reason - his own reason long since compromised.
The month flew by so quickly, he barely registered the days that passed. One week felt like the blink of an eye, yet any time spent with her left him floating in a timeless state, the concept of seconds ticking by now forgotten, the laws of the universe no longer applying. He treasured every moment he saw her smiling face, the sparkle in her eyes with her visits to his quaint abode. And, of course, the sweet way she would lower her eyes from him at his words, as smooth and sweet as honey.
The sweet blush that would light up her face, highlighting her cheekbones and occasionally caressing her ears; it was a sight Blanc realised he grew to seek. He found it...addicting, for lack of a better word. A silent challenge to bless her face with a new red hue with each interaction. That was the moment he realised his error; how he realised his own hypocrisy and how it dusted the sweet tone his thoughts played of her with a pungent sour note.
(No. This isn’t what I think it is. I haven’t fallen under this spell. I’m forbidden from even entertaining the thought.)
Desperate is not a word one would use for the White Rabbit and that was a fact he was well aware of. Luckily for him, the cascade of torrential thoughts thrashing and flailing within his mind never translates through his demeanour, his eyes calm and still like pools of rose gold, the truth of his strife never revealed to the world.
The sun hangs low in the sky as the familiar sound of three gentle knocks announces itself at Blanc’s and Oliver’s cottage door. Blanc barely notices the subtle spring in his step as he makes his way to the door, opening it wide. She greets him with a smile so serene it could chase away the shadows of the night about to come, the lingering sunlight framing her delicate form. Blanc’s thoughts of how its heavenly glow surrounds her like an angelic halo are quickly banished.
Her hair is secured into a simple side-braid while her bangs are left to frame her face. She wears a white lace shawl, its ribbon tied into a perfect bow sitting pretty on her collarbone, the simple pastel blue dress underneath hugging her waist and flowing down to just above her knees, with brown ankle-cut boots completing her look.
Blanc smiles at the sight before him, knowing little of the radiance shining in his own eyes as he gazes at her.
“Welcome, my dear Florencia. Do come in, I’ve just finished the tea.”
“Thank you, Blanc!”
(She sounds happy today, that’s good.)
An innocent thought, he tells himself, as she steps past him and into the house, the perfume she wears capturing his attention as he takes in a breath. Her eyes dart up to his before quickly averting her gaze and making her way to the lounge, Blanc following close behind.
Unbeknownst to them, Oliver’s eyebrow twitches watching the two of them enter, the frown marring his face hidden behind the teacup he sips from.
“Good evening, Oliver. You seem well today.” She greets him with a smile.
“And you seem like more of an optimistic goofball than usual.” His reply is a characteristically curt comment, yet it dims her shining light none.
“Now now, Oliver. Have I not stressed enough the importance of being kind to beautiful ladies?”
The young boy rolls his eyes, huffing an aggravated sigh, “You never shut up about it. I’ve learned to tune it out.”
She shakes her head with a laugh, the sound musical to Blanc’s ears. He reaches out to rest his hand reservedly on her shoulder, the gesture making her turn her head to meet his eye, slight surprise brightening her hues further.
“Allow me, my lady.”
Moving to stand behind her, he reaches his long, slender arms around her, letting his fingers find the ribbon of her shawl. His face rests next to hers as he peers over her shoulder to assess his work, but he doesn’t fail to notice the sweet blush donning her cheeks in his peripherals. With a satisfied smile and a simple tug of his fingers, the ribbon comes undone, the shawl loosening from her form. Blanc pulls back and elegantly slides his gloved hands over her shoulders, taking the shawl into his own hands.
Her mumbled “thank you” and the way she attempts to hide her face by hunching her shoulders pulls a laugh from Blanc despite himself, and he breezes past her to drape her shawl over the back of the chair. Wood scraping against wood disrupts the air as Oliver stands from his seat, his expression less than amused.
“I’m going to bed if that’s the preview of what’s to come tonight. Goodnight.”
“Oh, alright. Goodnight, Oliver.”
He doesn’t respond to her, already turning away to head to his room. He cuts Blanc a pointed glare over his shoulder before he disappears up the stairs, one clear in its message of disapproval and unresolved business. With an acknowledging nod from Blanc, he disappears, leaving the two of them alone in the lounge, the sunlight in the room quickly fading with the retreating sun.
Compared to previous visits, the sun fell behind the horizon and the moon rose into the sky far too quickly for Blanc’s liking. All too soon, she was to leave back home to the Black Army headquarters. Their time together was pleasant enough; tea and cakes were shared, simple yet heartwarming conversations of recent events and how each other have been were exchanged. Blanc couldn’t ask for more, but his rogue thoughts had other ideas. Telling him to touch her, to caress her cheek, to run his thumb over her lip with the excuse of wiping away a dab of cream as his cover for a chance to feel her plump lips on his skin.
He blinks at the ungentlemanly thoughts whirling around his head. Since when did he let these thoughts free from their cage?
“Are you finally going to start accepting it now, you mangy rabbit?”
His amber hues meet those of a shimmering grey as he turns towards the source of the deep voice. The man standing at the bottom of the stairs stands arms crossed, the creases in his forehead telling of his discontent as he glares at Blanc.
“Why, I’m afraid I’m not sure what you’re alluding to, young Oliver.” He turns away, busying himself with clearing the table. The sigh Oliver huffs radiates annoyance.
“Don’t try to keep denying it. Do I need to spell it out for you, since you seem so insistent on avoiding what’s staring you right in the face?”
The clinking of plates ceases as Blanc sets the tray down on the countertop, his back turned to avoid Oliver’s judging eyes. Silence screams out in the room, neither man moving to silence it. The grip Blanc has on the tray’s handles tightens, causing a teacup to clink against the saucer below it. The tension heightens, the atmosphere heavy.
“I know...”
Blanc doesn’t see Oliver’s eyes soften with melancholy at his strangled words, too focused on the swarming thoughts chipping away at the armour around his heart.
“There’s nothing I can do about it, Oliver. You know that.” A resigned sigh escapes him, one hand moving to adjust his glasses.
Then, a deep thrumming laugh. Blanc’s eyes widen and he turns around, surprise overcoming him at the sight of Oliver’s lips stretched wide in a smile, his laughter making his broad shoulders shake. After a moment, he meets Blanc’s wide-eyed stare, the amused smile on his face unyielding.
“Never thought I’d see the day where you’d be left like this, and it had to be by some dimwitted girl, too.��� He exhales through his nose, eyes closing momentarily before looking back with a serious gaze, “There is something you can do about this.”
Blanc blinks, his mind reeling.
(Is there something I can do? No, of course there isn’t. The magic of love is too strong, nothing can dispel it. I can’t--)
“Accept it.”
Oliver looks at his friend like he’s just grown two heads. “You seriously didn’t consider that possibility? She must be rubbing off on you.”
Pursing his lips, Blanc stares back at Oliver with a steely coldness, an almost unrecognisable look on his usually warm face, “I thought you were giving me a serious suggestion, Oliver.”
“It is a serious suggestion.”
“She can’t stay here in Cradle when she has her own home to return to. It would hurt her and me both if I stopped her returning to where she wanted to be, just because of my selfish desires.”
A look of exasperation dominates Oliver’s face as he sighs. Loudly.
“Seriously? You think she wants to go home? Just how blind are you?”
Blanc’s blank stare is the only answer Oliver needs.
“She’s always coming here to see you. She looks like there’s nothing wrong with the world when she’s with you. If seeing you two together makes me physically sick to my stomach to watch, then I know you’re a match made in heaven.”
Blanc searches for his voice to rebut, but finds only air. Would letting himself entertain these dreams as more than that not be as bad as he thinks? The thought is a dangerous one, but it’s one quickly solidifying itself into his mind.
“Just-” He looks up at the sound of Oliver’s voice, “-give it a chance. Maybe ask Florencia what she wants. You ever considered the fact that she actually wants to stay here?”
He never did. The thought strikes him like lightning, shocking his senses into a new light. Not once did he ever ponder what she was thinking, himself too wrapped up in his warring thoughts to spare one for her. He chides himself silently, his delicate eyebrows pulling together, while Oliver huffs a sigh, this one of a more satisfied tone.
“I swear, you two are perfect for each other with how dense you both are…” He mutters quietly to himself before retreating back up the stairs, the wood creaking softly beneath his steps.
Alone in the lounge, Blanc pulls out the nearest seat and sits down, proceeding to fold his arms together on the wood before letting his head fall on top of them.
(What she wants…)
He pulls his head up so he can remove his glasses, setting them neatly on the table before burying his face into his arms again.
(Would she...want to stay here? I hope so. Oh, I desperately hope so.)
Each hope-filled thought he kept locked away frees itself from its shackles with each passing minute, the warmth of each splendid thought settling the churning of his stomach and easing the storm in his mind.
Blanc clicks open his pocket watch to check the time, internally cursing himself for his tardiness.
(I’m late. For a very important date!)
The night before left him restless and unsure, but as the sun greeted Cradle’s new day, he came to a decision. He had to be honest - with himself and with her.
He runs as fast as his legs can carry him, crossing over the bridge into Black Territory. As the sun reaches its apex in the sky, he comes to a halt outside the Black Army gates, his breaths heavy and ragged. As if fate is smiling down upon him, there she is, walking up to the gate at a leisurely pace.
(As I thought. She always leaves for the Central Quarter at around midday on Sundays to go shopping.)
A smile curls his lips at the thought of her schedule being so ingrained into his mind and he scolds himself for denying it for so long. Through his gasps for air, he picks up on her sweet voice calling his name.
He meets her eyes just as she stops before him, the gate the only barrier between them.
“What are you doing here? You look exhausted, are you okay?”
The concern shining in her eyes touches his heart and it quivers in his chest.
“Yes, I...I’m fine. I just...I had to see you as soon as possible.”
“So you ran here? You could have taken a carriage.”
He laughs breathlessly, “So I could’ve.”
Her eyebrows pinch together in worry watching him gulp for air, but all he feels is unbridled affection, the sensation working together with his exertion to restrict his airways. As his breathing levels and his composure returns, he steps closer to the gate between them, reaching out through it.
With a single finger, he traces the contours of her cheek. She freezes but doesn’t pull away, letting his finger trail further down to follow the natural line of her jaw before hooking under her chin and tilting it up so she can’t escape his gaze. The way her cheeks pinken under his stare, the subtle heat exuding from her eyes; at last, he can see it.
(You can feel it too, Florencia? This burning sensation, gripping your heart like a vice yet you crave its hold? Please, tell me you do.)
With a gentle, charming smile, he leans in as close as the gate lets him, cupping her face and feeling the warmth of her skin through his gloves.
“Would you mind accompanying me for today, my lady? There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you for a long time.”
The way her eyes glisten, with heat and with hope, is a sight that Blanc knows he will never forget. Caressing her soft cheek with his thumb, they stare into each other’s eyes, the clarity of his thoughts daunting yet freeing all at once as he lets her look into his soul; as he lets her see what his honest feelings are.
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cordyherondale · 7 years
83 Questions
Tagged by the lovely @asexualmarauder (I am so sorry this took so long)
1. Drink: Coffee
2. Phone call: I don’t have a phone
3. Text message:  ↑ ↑ ↑
4. Song you listened to: Secret Base (it’s the Anohana op (-ω-、)
5. Time you cried: Today.

6. Dated someone twice: Like breaking up and then coming back together? Nop.
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Yes.... many times (/-\)
8. Been cheated on: No that I know about..........
9. Lost someone special: Yes
10. Been depressed: Yes
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Yes, it’s awful
12. Green
13. Pink
14. Black
15. Made new friends: I’ve met wonderful people here on tumblr so yes :)
16. Fallen out of love: I have never been actually in love
17. Laughed until you cried: Probably
18. Found out someone was talking about you: Yes
19. Met someone who changed you: Idk
20. Found out who your friends are: Yes
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Idk
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: idk XD
23. Do you have any pets: Yep, a dog and two cats.
24. Do you want to change your name: No, I like my name
25. What did you do for your last birthday: Got drunked
26. What time did you wake up: Usually? Like 10am.
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Reading fanfiction
28. Name something you can’t wait for: Ammm QUEEN OF AIR AND DARKNESS???? CHAIN OF GOLD???? THE LOST BOOK OF THE WHITE??? TWP??? IM???? (Cassie you are killing me)
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: like an hour ago
30. What are you listening to right now: Nothing
31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Weird... I guess, not Tom but Tomi or Tomás, we don’t say Tom here
32. Something that is getting on your nerves: My classmate Yamila
33. Most visited website: Tumblr?
34. Hair colour: Currently green
35. Long or short hair: Long I think
36. Do you have a crush on someone: I am not sure
37. What do you like about yourself: I am reliable and friendly (I think)
38. Piercings: Just the two normal, I would’t want more
39. Blood type: I have no idea
40. Nickname: Isa, Belu, Mel and Mulan
41. Relationship status: Thre’s someone but idk single
42. Zodiac: Taurus.
43. Pronouns: She/Her.
44. Favourite TV show: TWD, TVD and Shadowhunters.
45. Tattoos: I’m gonna get one soon.
46. Right or left handed: Left handed
47. Surgery: Nop
48. Sport: What? Could you repeat that?
49. Vacation: I have only went to Entre Rios.
50. Pair of trainers: Nope, I use sneaker of boots.
51. Eating: Vegeterian
52. Drinking: Coffee and Mate/Mate cocido and Fernet or Vodka for parties ;)
53. I’m about to: Read Shigeki no Kyojin
54. Waiting for: December so that I finally finish highschool!!
55. Want: To know what on the basement (¬‿  ¬ )
56. Get married: NO. NEVER. Someon please kill me if I ever comeup with the idea.
57. Career: I’m on my last year of highschool but I want to study Literature
58. Hugs or kisses: Depeds on the person but hugs
59. Lips or eyes: Eyes
60. Shorter or taller: Both
61. Older or younger: ......
62. Nice arms or nice stomach: Weird... arms I guess?
63. Hook up or relationship: At the moment, neither
64. Troublemaker or hesitant: Ummm idk

65. Kissed a stranger: Yes
66. Drank hard liquor: Yes..............
67. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Yes, but I got them back
68. Turned someone down: Yes, but we are really good friends now
69. Sex on the first date: No
70. Broken someone’s heart: This questio right now... I hope no
71. Had your heart broken: Not romantically
72. Been arrested: No.
73. Cried when someone died: Yes
74. Fallen for a friend: Yes, we even dated, it didn’t go well....
75. Yourself: I like to think I do
76. Miracles: Maybe
77. Love at first sight: Not really
78. Santa Claus: What? No
79. Kiss on the first date: Yes
80. Angels: Idk

81. Current best friend’s name: Florencia (we have been bff since we were 6!)
82. Eye colour: Dark Brown
83. Favourite movie: Don’t have one
Tagging anyone who wants to do it I guess....
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atomic-r0x · 8 years
Florencia attends Maite’s birthday party
The headboard was hitting the wall like a metronome, keeping count of the things happening between its silk sheets, while the rest of the mansion was in complete, unperturbed silence, an innocent witness to the dirty things behind the bedroom’s closed doors. Good thing Oscar was out for his weekly golf round with his business partners, and the maids were all coming in little before noon, because there really was no way you could muffle the sounds Florencia and Julio were making, regardless of the closed doors and shut windows.
She was gripping at the edge of the bed for dear life, her back arched like a feline, body shivering with sensation. Did Florencia ever feel bad about using Julio as his boy toy? Never. Besides, poor soul was so innocent he could have sworn they were having a cliché, Romeo and Juliet sort of affair, because she couldn’t elope without staining her reputation. Her fame was his fame, that’s what he kept repeating, as a sign of reassurance their romance would never surface, though they were almost never seen together in the same place.
She was convinced any other with a husband like Oscar would have done the same, find herself a man ready to adore and fuck the sense out of her, to compensate for the sickening dullness of a marriage she never desired. He might have been a good man to her, treating her like the queen she was, making her lavish in expensive gifts and plane tickets, but this was far from love, and every once in a while, she even wondered why they were still playing pretend. Despite Oscar’s deep, honest feelings, she could have divorced him anytime, filing up some scandalous papers that would affect little but his image as the trophy husband.
They came loudly, like they always did. Fumbling between the sheets with Julio often felt like war, but then again, it was part of the agreement, Florencia’s conditions for the affair – she had enough tender, supposedly romantic intercourse with her husband, she didn’t need any of that outside her marriage too. Like he always did, Julio finished by placing hot kisses on her chest and stomach, before rolling over to the side, his chest rapidly raising up and down. Flo didn’t wait a second longer before rolling out of bed to pull on the thin silk garment she wore in bed and head straight to the shower.
“What are you doing?” she startled at the sight of Julio stepping inside the spacious bathroom with that doltish look on his face she thought so characteristic of him.
“I just… Thought I’d keep you company” he replied, almost unsure whether he should dare to in the first place. “While you’re showering, I mean.”
Florencia turned her back at him and carried on washing herself the white foam covering her body like a shield. “Well I really don’t have that much time left, and the maids are coming soon, so you’d better be going” she spoke without hesitation, like he’d asked to be filled in on her schedule that day. She turned to look over her shoulder in his direction only when he straightened his back and headed back to the door, lingering in front of it a bit. “I’ll call you tonight, Oscar’s leaving tomorrow for a few days…” Her words had an unbelievable effect on Julio, his face brightening up like a child’s. She was fueling him with hope and Florencia knew that all too well – this was, after all, her first weapon of choice.
“Alright, I’ll be waiting” he replied cheerfully, before placing his hand on the door knob. “Have fun tonight, you’re going to be the most beautiful of all women there” he added before leaving, and Florencia couldn’t help but smile at herself in satisfaction. ‘I know’ she thought, her petty heart fluttering at the mere thought of Maite seeing her dress.
. . .
Even Florencia’s driver couldn’t believe that he was actually taking them to Maite’s birthday party, but her husband had asked him not to comment on the matter, so they drove in complete silence, with the radio turned off, the sound of traffic being the only thing filling the air. Between checking emails, Oscar kept stealing glances at Florencia, whose jaw was clenched as she looked out the window, mouth shut and hands in her lap, a position so tense he wondered if they were going to survive the night in El Sol.
“Flo…” he began, but just as the last vowel escaped his lips, she pierced him with her ice-cold eyes, as if threatening him not to say anything, if he didn’t want to be a dead man walking. “Just, go easy on her, okay? It’s not her fault.”
Florencia let out a loud groan and further clenched her jaw, so tight her teeth might have broken. She took a deep breath and was about to give a comeback when the driver stopped the car. “We’re here” he spoke shyly, afraid he might have been caught in the middle of one of their fights again. Poor him, the things he’d heard in that car between Florencia and Oscar could badly stain their power-couple reputation, but he knew better than to spill the beans.
Oscar nodded and thanked him, then got out of the car to open Florencia’s door, helping her step out of the car. After checking herself out in the reflection of the immaculate black car, Florencia turned to face her husband, sighing only barely before she placed her hand in the hook of his arm, proceeding to head towards the club’s entrance.
There weren’t many people there yet, but then again, they were only thirty minutes left, so she couldn’t really rejoice at the idea of people boycotting Maite’s birthday. She did a quick scan of the people who had arrived, and was unimpressed by the majority of them, apart from a very special couple she’d had her eyes on for quite a bit: Marco and Lisa.
“Florencia, Oscar!” Maite’s fake I’m-playing-the-good-girl-now voice rang over the music, and Flo was brought back to reality. She hugged her step-sister only because the photographer had suddenly popped up, quick to shoot a candid with the two Alvarez daughters, a half-hearted hug that could have won a record for the world’s quickest embrace, but it seemed to have been good enough for the guy with the camera, since he left immediately after the blitz lit the entry hall for a second. Too bad he left exactly when Florencia wanted him so badly to be there, to capture the look on her step-sister’s face when she saw her outfit, how obviously underdressed she was compared to Flo. “I’m so glad you’ve made it” Maite finally added, her hand in Oscar’s as he bowed a little to kiss it, his chivalry something that had won Francisco Alvarez’s heart from day one.
“Of course, we couldn’t miss this” Oscar spoke and took the other handle of the giftbag in his hand, so that both Florencia and himself would have the huge ‘honor’ of handing her the present. A collective ‘happy birthday followed’, and then they separated, as if relieved they’d done their part and could now carry on with whatever it was the preferred doing. “Don’t you think, maybe this one time, you’ve sort of overdone it with the outfit?” Oscar asked hesitantly, almost afraid of what this reaction might cause in his wife, but Florencia didn’t bother replying, settling for another death stare before heading off to the bar, on her own.
“Well, well, well, are you ever anything else than a prom queen?” she hear a familiar voice coming from behind her, and Flo could have sworn her heart stopped once she turned around to see who it was.
“Marco, you’ve known me for quite a bit, you shouldn’t be expecting anything else” she replied with the most satisfied of smiles, placing her hand on the crook of her waist as if posing, before letting out a small smile.
“Let me order your drink, what do you say?” he spoke, his characteristic left corner of his mouth smile steady on his perfectly neat five o’clock shadow. Leaning over the bar counter on his right elbow, her ordered in the easiest, calmest way possible a classic Martini for her, and a glass of whiskey on the rocks for himself, before turning his eyes back to her. They stood like that for a while, and if time stopped right then and there, Florencia would have never regretted being frozen in this position, endlessly staring into the beautiful orbs of a man she had loved so dearly as a teenager.
“It’s good to see you back” she finally spoke, a soft smile settled on her lips as she continued looking at him, though he was now preoccupied by taking the two glasses from the counter and handing her the Martini.
“I’m not gonna lie, it’s pretty good to be back. America tends to get boring at times, but San Cristobal? Never” he joked, of course letting out that majestic laugh of his, that glorious string of sounds that complimented his hoarse voice more than anything else. “You have met Lisa, haven’t you?” Marco asked after they clicked their drinks and took a sip, nodding his head in his wife’s direction.
It took real strength for Florencia to keep a casual, bright face at the sound of that… woman. Lisa was one of the worst news she’d ever received in her life, after finding out that she was pregnant and hearing about Marco being forced by his parents to leave for America. She gulped really hard, all the while displaying a characteristic smiled, the type Lupe could have called bullshit from miles away. “Yeah, I actually did meet Lisa at my birthday party!” she spoke matter-of-factly, nursing the tall stem in her hand.
And then, Florencia thought she might just die. They were about to head in Lisa’s direction when a much younger voice called from behind. “Oh my God, that is the most beautiful dress in the entire world!” It was Alejandra. Out of all people on the whole invitations list, she out of any other citizen in San Cristobal had to compliment Florencia’s dress exactly when she was talking to Marco, the man of her dreams and the father of her daughter. Alejandra had just walked in on one of the few moments of privacy Marco and Florencia, her unbeknownst parents, had managed to squeeze in ever since his return in Spain. Karma, what a bitch.
“Oh, you’re so sweet. I’m glad you like it” Florencia finally turned around to reply, doing a little twirl to show the dress’s movement, to her delight Marco clapping his hands at the small show she was putting up. “You’re not looking bad yourself either” she spoke, although really, it was hard to imagine Alejandra had not inherited even the tiniest bit of wardrobe extravaganza from her mother, being dressed up in a nice but tame outfit, something that she probably thought wouldn’t outshine the birthday girl. Such a polite kid, ugh.
“I… I don’t think we’ve met before?” Marco spoke, his smiling confused face making Florencia’s knees melt, but at the same time wonder when, in her thirty-one years, had she ever signed up for this masquerade. For fuck sake, he was Alejandra’s father. Of course, they hadn’t met before, but this was just too ridiculous to bear. “I am Marco Delgado” he then added, extending his hand to shake hers. “So, how did you two meet?” He asked after Alejandra introduced herself, and Florencia wanted to puke or to burst into hysteric laughter.
“I’m actually an intern at Mrs. Alvarez’s design studio” Alejandra spoke with pride, flashing a big smile at Marco, but especially at Florencia.
“Oh, I’ve told you to call me Flo” she spoke with an amused smile on her face, although she really hadn’t told that, she was Florencia, or Mrs. Florencia to the newer staff members, but never in her life had she allowed Alejandra to call her Flo, which only made her cringe now internally, thinking of all the wrong situations where her daughter might be calling her that.
Maybe someone out there really did love and care for her, because just as Marco showed interest in the internship, asking further questions about the job and such, Florencia caught sight of Lupe. This was her salvation, and god only knows she was in urgent need of it. She excused herself and left with a small pat on Marco’s shoulder, involuntarily making him watch her go for a few more moments before turning back to the conversation, and made her way straight to her best friend. The grateful grin on her face slowly faded once she got up close to Lupe, seeing her actual outfit. “I thought we agreed on outshining Maite, why the hell are you wearing… this?” she asked, analyzing her best friend for head to toe before crossing her arms, sighing a little in disagreement.
“Babe, you are literally wearing a dress that could as well as be a wedding gown. I think you’re doing a good enough job for the both of us.” Lupe replied, and Florencia just couldn’t help but smile at her words – this woman knew her all too well, had a vocabulary specifically designed for Flo. It was a matter of seconds before her attention moved from the disappointing yet undeniably pretty dress to the bag Lupe was holding, shamelessly shoving her fingers inside it to see what was inside.
“What’s that?” she asked, a curiosity mixed with extreme pettiness flooding her all of a sudden.
“It’s my gift for Maite” the woman before her replied, but to the insistencies of her best friend’s unsatisfied frown, she carried on. “I didn’t have time to buy her one so I just took some of the products from our up-coming collection.”
“The ones that haven't been tested yet!?” Florencia’s eyes began to shine pettily before adding enthusiastically, “Will it leave a big rash on her face and destroy it completely so she will be forced to live a life in seclusion away from the public eye and not bother me or my family ever again!?”
“Sadly… no.” Lupe replied, causing the large smile on Florencia’s face to suddenly disappear and be replaced by a childlike pout. “But, it might leave her an allergic reaction.”
“Well, I guess that’s fine too” Flo simply shrugged, and was about to take her best friend towards the bar when Ana Vega approached them, though she seemed to be literally ignoring Lupe, and focus on Florencia instead.
“What is your problem? Like… What’s your problem?” she tried to speak fluently but boy, was she tipsy from her drink, the way her mouth and hands moved spoiling her alcohol resistance. Too perplexed to speak, she just frowned at Ana in disgust and shock until she walked away, as if filled up with her shit, and Florence would have died to pull her by the hair and make her understand – once and for all, that she was the head bitch in charge, and that she was going to be the one laughing when Maite fucks everyone up with her demented vengeful game.
“Oh. My. God” was the only thing Lupe could say, both still stunned by the disrespectful approach. “Well, that was something” she shrugged, chuckling lightly as if announcing that she was going to change the subject, or do something to life Florencia’s mood, but to be honest, it was far too late for that.
“I need to make a phone call” she spoke and stormed outside, not without passing by the cloakroom to get her coat, leaving the party without even bothering to give Oscar a head’s up, simply texting him ‘I am out of here’ as soon as she got inside the car and told the driver where she was going.
“Hello?” Antonia finally picked up the phone, and Florencia could hear the reality show she was watching at one of the full HD televisions in the house.
“Mom, you’re not going to believe what just happened. I’m on my way, get a bottle of whiskey and some ice, the most impossible thing happened to me just now and I might kill someone” Florencia spoke, her voice angry and seriously raging, her pride itching her skin in the need for revenge.
“Is it that little bitch Maite and her clan?” Antonia replied, muting the television, her attention suddenly caught by her daughter’s words.
“Yes, and it’s insane, mom. I don’t know how these people can even stand themselves, it’s ridiculous” Flo replied, her other hand forming a tight fist that she gently hit the car seat beside her with.
“Poor thing. Okay, I got you, let me go get the ice” Antonia spoke and hung up, leaving Florencia to spend the rest of her car ride biting at her lips furiously, keeping herself really hard from not crying in anger and frustration. Oh, Ana, what a fool you were to ally with Maite. Just wait and see.
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