#made of peepaw material
mrcspectr · 2 years
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: as a society, we don’t talk about Steven’s sweater in the The Goldfish Problem enough.
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cuddlebugmonster · 10 months
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I present to you Luna Mikey ! From my apocalyptic AU Butterfly Effect !
This has been a little side project that i have been wanting to draw for so long !!!
Whenever i would see others draw peepaw apocalyptic Mikey, they would usually associate his magic with butterflies, materializing them for Casey or just in general
I wanted to play with that concept and make my own ! So yeah ! Born from love and in 2hours with AJR Inertia blasting on loop, this sketch and now full blown mystic warrior was born !
I have a whole story i would love to make, i already have the ending fully ready in my head.
When I was making this design i didn’t initially think about a specific butterfly, but when I drew the dread tails and it made me think of the Luna moth ! So I got curious and did some research, and HOLY SHIT i have never been so happy with results in my life !
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YOU CANNOT TELL ME THAT THIS DOESN’T JUST SCREAM MIKEY !! it’s so perfect ! It fits so perfectly ! I swear I’m not crazy !!! It’s just AH ! It JUST.MAKES.SENSE !
I rest my case
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achillean-knight · 10 months
Honestly, I did this just for the fun of it because of a theory video I watched detailing the OP's thoughts on why Scraptrap... looks like he does. I like Scraptrap, he's goofy but I saw potential, so I gave a crack at it :3! This took me roughly 4 days? maybe 3, to complete, Not 100% satisfied with the result but it was a blast to draw! Oh, and little theories and extras for why I did what I did with this design under the cut.
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(Also, Tumblr quality is ABYSMEL OH MY GOD)
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The text reads as follows: "Because of similarities, I used aspects of Golden Freddy in my design. Importantly, the more "Golden" parts are Golden Freddy, while the dark green is Spring Bonnie. (Look at Springtrap.)"
That's basically all you need to know! But other things I wanna go into more about:
The Muzzle is a weird shape that scarily resembles that of Withered Golden Freddy. We haven't seen a rabbit like Animatronic with a square-shape like that, reserved only for withered G.Freddy & withered Freddy. I wanted to emphasize the colour of the muzzle to be more golden like Scrap-traps muzzle, to both highlight its drastic change from Springtrap (where he didn't even have a different muzzle colour) and to further bring home the idea it's Golden Freddy. Also he has buck teeth probably bc Peepaw wanted it to be more rabbit like lmao
It'd make sense for Golden Freddy to be used for the repairment of the suit due to the character being from the same restaurant as Spring Bonnie, so they'd be made of the same materials and would probably be easiest to use for repairs. I also believe that Golden Freddy would be at the same location as Springtrap in FNAF 3, due to the easter egg of either shadow or golden Freddy appearing by your side in the office (idk what one it is). If that's Golden Freddy, then if the Spring Bonnie suit could survive the fire of Fazbears Fright, then why can't the Golden Freddy suit?
My last point to make about G. Freddy being used in my design, is that apparently people theorise Cassidy is the one tormenting Will in hell. After the crying child moved on in the Happiest Day minigame, Cassidy remained. IDK if it's possible, but if Will merged some of the golden Freddy suit with his own, could the soul follow suit? (Kinda a stretch but it'd explain why William is haunted by G.Freddy and also has weirdly similar design elements from Golden Freddy in his Scrap Trap design.)
Nonetheless, this was just to test my skills. Happy but not with the design overall, I like the more withered look with random pops of colour here and there to differentiate from the original Springtrap. Admittedly, I rushed the rest at the end (the legs) and it shows. Not happy with that choice, but I wanted to move on from this project, honestly.
I think the main thing I wanted to keep was the bones tbh, hence why you see more than just his skull and fingers this time around. Also yes! Goofy arm returns due to the overwhelming "Yes" on my poll JHGFDSH
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spicy-vent-central · 2 months
Also, the fact that "younger generations have no common sense or practical skills" is so fucking intentional. It is such a capitalist oppression thing, for literally every person.
TL;DR: PLEASE understand that there's a really good chance that it's capitalism's fault that young people "have no common sense or practical skills" not your meemaws fault or your grandkids fault, y'know?
For example in the US, people who became adults during the great depression (the great grandparents of Millennials/Gen Z), knew how to do a huge amount of practical, everyday things. They could farm, do household repairs, many of them had carpentry skills and automotive/equipment repair skills. They made many of their own clothes, grew and preserved most of their own food, etcetera. This meant they held little need for the larger capitalist system and had very little motivation to uphold it if it mistreated them. They did not have many material assets but they had valuable knowledge that made them more independent from capitalism.
Now look at Gen Z, we are becoming adults in a time in America where we have EVEN LESS purchasing power than our Great Depression counterparts. On top of that, factually, we have exponentially less individuals with this large variety of everyday skills. So for many of us, when our car breaks down, we have no knowledge on how to fix it and we own no assets. All we can do is sell our time in order to pay someone else to do it. When we are hungry, we have minimal access to land, many of us don't have the knowledge and skills to grow our own food, we have to sell our time in order to go to a grocery store so that we can eat. Unfortunately, we as a generation "need" capitalism for this because we do not have the skills to do these things on our own anymore.
Now the question is why don't we have these skills? Well, I've seen a couple schools of thought but I think both of them are at least partially incorrect.
1) Kids today just don't care about stuff like that and don't want to learn! Kids have never wanted to learn "boring" adult skills. Kids have and always will be kids, but as adults we appreciate these skills and understand the value of knowing them and passing them on to your kids (even if they find it boring). PLUS, many kids do have interest in these things if they're encouraged to give it a chance. I don't think this is truly the issue.
2) Boomers didn't care to teach us! They were lazy and now we are suffering!! They likely didn't believe these skills were necessary for young people anymore. From their perspective the economy had been flourishing for as long as they could remember, why believe that would change? I'm not saying the lack of foresight isn't detrimental, but the viewpoint can be explained. I don't think this is a notable part of the overall issue either.
These two schools of thought lead us as the working class to blame each other for the deficit. It divides us. I propose a third theory on the matter: these skills were systematically stomped out in younger generations to make us more reliant on capitalism. Through assorted methods:
- removal of hands-on classes from school through budget cutting, etc (wood shop, agriculture, home ec, automotive, etc) (PS: this is isn't a "bring back gender roles" take just because I included home ec in the list, every gender should learn home skills like cooking, mending and cleaning, as well as skills such as automotive and carpentry.)
- distraction via the promotion of unhealthy overconsumption of media (video game/TV/social media addiction) (PS: this is not a "technology bad" take, tech is fine but OVERconsumption of media is unhealthy and is even a problem in older generations now.)
- devaluation of these skills via the conflation of them with an archaic and backward social period (Yes, people in older generations were and largely still are racist, sexist, homophobic, and that's fucked. That doesn't mean growing and canning your own food or learning from peepaw how to fix a carburetor makes you any of those things.)
- the manufactured institution of lawns, "landscape" and HOA's preventing us from growing our own food at home on the land we DO have access to
- many others I don't feel like unpacking here as I'm already writing a novel in this post apparently, but you get my meaning
So I guess my point is that we need to unpack our feelings on this and understand that there's a really good chance that it's capitalism's fault that young people "have no common sense or practical skills" not your meemaws fault or your grandkids fault, y'know? As the working class we have to stop punching left and right and start punching up. Also, since I already hear "but boomers own all the stuff and bought their house for $5 in 1970!" (which is a valid sentiment) I share with you an important (paraphrased) quote I heard the other day:
"When the lord of the land commands the people to go out and work his lands in the sun, your enemy is not the man who is wearing a hat."
Other generations aren't the real enemy here y'all, it's the capitalist billionaires. Please see that.
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
Hiii it's me again 💙💙
Sooo I'm tipsy and not being doted on by peepaw nihil which is a hate crime imo. If you don't mind, could you write something really cute with old nihil and his slightly drunk so? All sfw 💙💙
I love your writing btw😭😭❤️ you deserve an award for giving the peepaw simps all the simp material they need 😭😭😭❤️
Fun fact, I almost finished it, but then Tumblr crashed on me and I had to re-write the whole thing, but more poetically. Don't ask why that's how I dealt with the frustration - Jez
Old Papa Nihil with a tipsy s/o
He had no need for alcohol. It was enough if you were around. Seeing you, your smile, it was all he needed. If he fell, he fell hard, and he fell for you completely, with all he had. Your smile lights up not only the room, but the whole world in his eyes. He can hear the love songs when you giggle, all of them playing in a perfect harmony with each sound, each word you said.
He was a fool if he thought he knew how much he loved you. Because right now, seeing you tipsy from a few wine glasses you both drank on your little date (what was the occasion again? Do occasions even matter anymore, if he gets to see your smile?), seeing you cling to his shoulder, lost in your little fit of laughter after you made another bad pun with the lyrics of one of his songs, it would seem he discovered his own paradise.
You were a true blessing from the Dark Lord. He was sure of that. The way you clinged to him, the way you would always smile at him, even the worried look you had on your face when he had trouble breathing... It was like his own sweet little sin, a secret hiding in plain sight, yet only his to know. Something only he got to enjoy. Only he got to feel.
"Paaaapaaaa~" you called out in a sing-song voice, laying your head on his shoulder, looking up at him. Your lips held a small smile covered by his face paint. Some of it got on you when a wave of drunk need to give affection hit you and you kissed his cheeks more times than he bothered counting. "Can I tell you a secret?"
He chuckled at your voice when you asked your question. You sounded like a small child telling their parent something they didn't want anyone else knowing. A little conspiracy for the two of you, shared with nobody else, only him. It gave him a sense of pride, honestly. That he was your confidant.
"Of course." He lowered his voice to match your tone, leaning in closer as you straightened yourself on the couch, your arms still loosely around his shoulders. "What's the secret?"
You giggled, delighted that he played along with your little scheme. You watched you, a grin on his face. A love-struck, foolish grin only a man completely lost in the moment could have. A smitten, warm smile that only a man lost in his own feelings for his beloved one could have.
"Well, you see, Paaapaaa..." Oh, how his heart went out to you when you sang out his title once more. If he could, he'd rip out the organ and present it to you with a vow that it could only still beat because of you and that if he was to ever stop loving you, he'd wish his heart your stop beating and rot immediately, how he desired to show you his love...
"Yes, my dear?" He urged you, growing impatient. He wasn't irritated, oh no, he could never be irritated when it came to you. But he ached to know your secrets. He yearned to hear every word, every whisper, every sound that came out of your lips. He craved you, you gave meaning to his life. Who cares if he had lived over a century by now? A century, a millennium... It was nothing, compared to a second with you.
You giggled again, allowing him to experience the sound of your joy once more, before you leaned in just a little bit closer. Just close enough for him to smell the aroma of the wine you to had, mixing in with your perfume. He knew very little about flowers, he had no idea what the smell was supposed to be, but he loved it, associating it with your scent.
"My secret is that..." You kissed his cheek. Then his other cheek, the tip of his nose, his forehead and chin, before leaning in even closer, your lips nearly touching. "I love you."
You whispered the last three words in an almost painfully genuine tone, your love for him falling out like a waterfall, like a river that stole him with it's current and drowned him in delight as you gave him a sweet kiss on the lips, stroking his cheek with your thumb affectionately.
"And what a secret it is..." He hummed playfully, grinning at you. "Perhaps I should tell you a secret of mine, as well?"
"What's your secret, Papa?" You looked at him curiously, your eyes sparkling brighter than the starry sky at night.
"I love you too, my dearest."
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da-rulah · 11 months
Hewo dear!!! How you doing? I hope you got a bit of rest after the absolute MASTERPIECE that you wrote ;)
I have a few questions for you, so answer whichever you want or the ones you feel comfortable with (I'm curious):
- Who is your fav papa? (I don't think I know this)
- If you were part of the Ministry what role would you have?
- What kind of Ghoul would you be (air, fire, water...)?
- Fav Ghost song at the moment.
- Fav Ghost meme or piece of lore.
- Is there any fic from the fandom that you would recommend right now? I need reading material🙃
(Sorry if it is a bit long but I hope it is entertaining at least)
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Hello, my darling!! I'm doing okay, just exhausted... Long work day today but a wholesome afternoon at a dog and cat rescue shelter filming a little video with them 🥹 I have had some rest after Rituale Septem, but i do find myself itching to write the next thing... Or at least, to give myself the chance to sit down and plan my next big fic!
But onto the questions...
Fav Papa: I'd like to say i don't have one, but I would be lying. And as much as I do adore them all, Copia has a special place in my heart. Most likely because he's the first Papa I've known as a new fan. He's my comfort character. 🥹
My Ministry Job: If I had a choice... Social Media Manager. Because let's be real, Copia doesn't know shit about social media. And it's pretty close to my current job in marketing anyway. I'd be making the most hilarious tiktoks and memes for the consumption of all Ghesties.
Type of Ghoul: I'm a fire sign (Leo, hi 👋🦁), and probably would be a fire Ghoul. I look confident, but I'm not. I look feisty, and i can be, but I'm a softie. None of the other elements speak to me quite so much...
Fav Ghost Song rn: Twenties. Find me twerking in my room to it at midnight, every night.
Fav Ghost Lore or Meme: The canon that our dearest Peepaw is in fact.. a peepaw and would piss on his least favourite Ghoul before a ritual. Hilarious. I cannot believe TOBIAS made that CANON.
My Fic Rec: ALL OF @her-satanic-wiles' Kinktober fics, for starters... but also: The Cardinal's Bride by @ramblingoak
Camellia by @molly-ghuleh
Banchetto and Face Down in Décolletage by @angellayercake
You're Losing Me by @portaltothevoid
Stunning. I can't, in good conscience, only recommend one. They're all spectacular.
ask me something I'm bored
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jetsandflowers · 1 year
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HELLO THERE! I'M JET/FLOWERS! 🌼 Consistently losing my sanity over the giant space robots (as you do), I'm over-enthused and over-caffeinated and have a brain that wanders like a little fish. Sometimes I write! Sometimes I art. Most times I just stare into The Void.
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🛫MY TF FANDOMS🛫 🌼 Transformers Animated 🌼 Transformers Prime 🌼 G1 Transformers 🌼 Transformers Earthspark 🌼 Transformers Cyberverse 🌼 Bumblebee Movie 🌼 Rescue Bots
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🛫UNMENTIONED🛫 🌼 Bay movies (nah. thanks. the fanfics I've read go hard though) 🌼 Comics (may start reading 'em soon!)
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🛫FAVORITE BOTS🛫 🌼 Blitzwing (TFA): EVERYBODY APPLAUD THAT COURT JESTER RIGHT NOW he's the funniest MF here. Wife material??? Brain says yes. 🌼 Ratchet(TFA, TFP): That's Peepaw!!! 🌼 Wasp/Waspinator (TFA): I am a hard-core Wasp apologist. He was a big meanie but he didn't deserve That. Wishing hugs and therapy on that dude! 🌼 Bumblebee (TFA, Earthspark): That's The Guy. Homie who you could kiss material. 🌼 Swindle (TFA): Baddie. I love him. 🌼 Blurr (TFA): That's Zippy!! 🌼 Starscream: I love him in every iteration 🌼 Shockwave: I love him in every iteration 🌼 Soundwave (every iteration): He's the only one with brain cells! Prime has the most Shaped design to me and I love the idea about his vow of silence, but G1 will always be my true fave. 🌼 Hound (G1): no real reason. He's my little guy, a true blorbo. 🌼 Blades (Rescue Bots): just the most blorbo!!! 🌼 Nightshade (Earthspark): They're actually perfect.
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🛫MY SHIPS (I collect Blitzwing ships like cool coins at this point) 🛫 🌼 Blitzwing X Bumblebee (TFA): Ma'am, why are you shipping those two clowns together, I hear you ask. Well, maybe because they're silly goofy, and I think they should exchange clown noses. Real talk though? Vibes. Also together they could get away with murder - Actually, SIKE, no they couldn't, and that's precisely why I'm shipping them. 🌼 Blitzwing X Wasp/Waspinator (TFA): I know it’s weird but it’s like dark timeline Blitzbee for me and I dig it. I'm the only one that ships this as far as I know but it rocks anyways. 🌼 Blitzwing X Blackarachnia (TFA): Think about the body horror discussions they could have, man. Additionally, she made him Like That according to the Allspark Almanac. Like HELLO. Someone had to suggest it at least. It'll be me I'm chill with that. Also, can we talk about the actual Stein and Madusa energy they give o- aight, I'll stop now before I go on forever. Side note for persuasion purposes: they're also mostly dressed in the asexual colors. Hell yeah!!!
🌼 Charlie x Bumblebee (BB movie): HUMANS AND ROBOTS LOVING EACH OTHER: THE SHIP. YAAAAAYYY!!!! 🌼 Optimus X Megatron: When I tell you that any love story between these two is so Pride and Prejudice coded... UGH-the DRAMA. Disgusting! Give me more!!! 🌼 Starscream X Megatron (TFA, G1, Earthspark: oh I ship them, sure, but like, in the way where it's like they're in the middle of a nasty divorce. Horrible. Beautiful. Mwah!
🌼 Thundercracker X Skywarp (G1): Wholesome. Adorable. 🌼 Swindle X Lockdown (TFA) they slay and it’s everyone’s problem. 🌼 Shockwave X Soundwave (TFP & G1): I don’t gotta say anything more than they’re just top tier. They get shit done. The end, amen. 🌼 Slipstream X Blackaracknia (TFA): now this? This is beautiful.
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🛫TAGS🛫 🌼 Art Tag: #Jet's art
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Crown of Dreams:
The Duck Team races back to the Crick to track down the missing members of the Old Folks’ Circle!
Glen made his escape from the Time Out Tree with assistance from a grenade, which Callie assumed was the one she gifted to Cooter (Glen’s father).
After some investigating at Eloise’s (member of the OFC) stump, they see some suspicious tracks that lead them to Cooter’s stump at the edge of town.
In Cooter’s stump Frogson and Holmes find Glen’s old room, and his various journals. He had wanted to be a ranger captain by 50 and Peepaw of the crick by 100. [Fool.] He had books on Moonshine and Marabelle, and he idolized them. He had a note from Meemaw saying “we will not rain arrows down from our towers. we will always shine a light.” in response to him suggesting they go to war. They also discovered letters to Eloise and determined that she walked from her stump and was a co-conspirator.
The Duck Team was then met outside by Cooter, apologizing. He sent them into a trap, where Glen was waiting with the trapped Old Folks, the Evil Old Folks, and Meemaw (also trapped). After attempts that incapacitated most of the Duck Team, Glen attempted to wrench Ultrus from the helm while Calder was unconscious. Calder resisted.
Sol fell unconscious, and rolled a nat 1 on a death save (very on brand for caldwell). Callie got polymorphed into a nannerfly. Seeing this through a vision in his helm, Calder offered his body to Ultrus in exchange for the giant saving Callie and Sol. Calder never just wanted to be useful.
After slamming Glen against a wall, Ultrus caused the corrupt Old Folks to flee, and he, Callie, and Sol stood at an impasse. Calder apologized to his friends and Ultrus took him away, into the woods.
Glen then revealed that the only being that might be able to help with their problem of the trapped Old Folks was Mawmaw, but that was impossible, as he had sent his mind-controlled father to kill her.
But Cooter, ever the berry boy, used a goodberry to save Mawmaw, resisting the geas spell, causing him to go unconscious. Callie and Sol helped revive him, and both he and Mawmaw were safe.
[I do apologize for the excessive detail there, a lot happens and I have listened to that one very recently, so it’s on top of my mind.]
The Nannerfly Effect:
After being kidnapped by the Dragon Turtle, the Boobs arrive at the Magnificent Mansion of The Sea Crone Alanis.
They enter her chambers and learn that she’s been watching them and their adventures for a while. She reveals that she attempted to defeat Thiala many other times, and has traveled to the past will powerful wish stones when things went wrong. On her 3rd attempt, she found Hardwon, Moonshine, and Beverly and tried to help them save the Crick. She succeeded, but the Chosen attacked and they died.
On her next attempt she observed them, and they died in Smuggler’s Bounty. Without Balnor. She then waited and watched, hoping for the best. After Thiala and Akarot destroyed the world, she found a secret halfling village in the Feywild. There she met Balnor, but he liked his life and elected to stay where he was.
Then his village was attacked. He wasn’t home, everyone else was killed, and he started training. When Alanis returned, he accepted her offer, and she wiped his memory and put him in a card. He was the missing piece.
Balnor is sad upon learning his past. He goes for a walk, and the rest of the Boobs have a quiet evening with their new book, Ulfgar Goes Punch.
The next day, they head to Alanis’ lab and offload some of their cursed items and get some cool new items.
They then get a message from Bev’s dad, who says that the Chosen are attacking the Summer Court. Alanis teleports the Boobs there, and they arrive into a large-scale battle of Chosen knights. They make quick work of forty Chosen knights
Alanis then jumps into a portal to the material plane to distract Thiala while the Boobs head into the Summer Court to find Bev IV and save the queen.
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nani-nonny · 1 year
Another adorable hc (i gotta keep you wrapped in my little shenanigans/lh) where turtle tot made a dish for their peepaws but it was either bad or just messy (ad yeah they may had burn their little fingers while making it), but they made it just for their " Dad ".
They’ve got stomachs made of steel, it’s easy eats. Can you imagine the other things they could have eaten? Casey Jr already said they had to eat rats, just imagine
But DMD would eat it in a heartbeat. There’s nothing his stomach can’t hold down. He’d even ask for seconds. He doesn’t even have to lie hahaha! (This would make the teen turtles question what is wrong with his body.)
Reunion’s stomach is made of weaker material than the other peepaws because he had the luxury to live in a world where the krang was beaten early on, so he definitely would have to lie a little bit. He’d chew it and gulp it down as quick as possible so he wouldn’t have to taste it, then praise the little tot for making something so extraordinary.
LCD is hard enough to catch as is, so they’d probably leave it somewhere in sight with a note addressed to him. He’d take it to his temporary home for the night and save it for dinner. He’d eat it, question why it’s so hard to chew or something like that, then leave a note saying something simple like “thanks”.
WDS would eat it happily, no complaints, and if so much as showed an sprinkle of any type of negative reaction, he’d hear it from his ghosty bros. Not like he would ever actually do it. He loves the tot too much. He’d praise the little tot, ask for seconds, then ask if Mikey could join in to cook together (a very sneaky way to get the tot to learn how to cook).
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the-13th-rose · 3 years
Yeah we all know parental f/os and sibling f/os and "this is my kid" f/os but what about grandparent f/os. What about aunt/uncle f/os. What about cousin f/os. What about niece/nephew f/os.
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campyvillain · 2 years
i will alwayssss resent the early days of the tsp fan base back when ppl saw the narrator and thought he was twink material. Do you hear how that guy talks . that’s a santa claus esque individual . that’s peepaw and he’s so sad at you because he made his game and nobody showed up to play it. ok am i making sense
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alec-saywer · 3 years
Fuck it, my first ever writing of my Y/N w/ slashers headcanons
GN Y/N arc.
Including: Michael Myers [OG], Jason Voorhees, Brahms heelshire, Vincent Sinclair, and Billy Lenz/Loomis
Michael Myers
Definitely irritated and quiet at first
Jason forced him to meet you
He warmed up to you in 2 months.
He loves his personal space, sadly so does everyone else.
And you are the only exception.
If you draw him he will hang it up. On. The. Wall. And. Keep. It. There.
Poor peepaw just wants peace and quiet in his life and you btw-
Jason Voorhees
Definitely quiet and shy when first meeting you
He slowly warmed up to you in 3 long weeks.
Mama's boy but mommy issues.
Golden Retriever Boyfriend material.
If you draw jason- or doodle him he will melt and put it up on the fridge.
He tried to draw you, and it may look like a child drew it but he was so happy and called it ,,His best piece"
He taught you ASL-
Out doors? Sign him up!
Slight fear of drowning.
Brahms Heelshire
Fancy boio loved on you immediately.
He literally hugged you the whole day you to met
He lovess forehead kisses and nose kisses
He also is Golden Retriever Boyfriend material.
He loves to watch you do the stuff you like and/or love to draw.
If you make him breakfast he will cling on to you.
If you draw him he will draw you too!
When you see his drawing you just fall 20x more in love with him.
It may look more realistic than he wanted it to be... but he drew it and it was so cute you couldn't stop staring and smiling warmly-
He loves you to the moon and back
Baby just loves you so much he doesn't know what to do when stressed bc you always comfort him.
Vincent Sinclair
He saw you and was like.. ,,I'm gonna make that into wax without killing them."
When you saw it half way done he kinda sat there- no stood there like ,,IT WAS A SUPRISE!!"
You were shocked, to say the least.
Btw after that it took him a whole 2-4 months to warm up to you.
He still made you a sculpture, he showed after he warmed up to you again
Loves his hair being played with.
Taught you ASL sign language, too!
He also hates being touched when stressed btw-
If you can draw that's a plus!
He loves your lil' drawing!
If you draw him, he will mentally scream so loud that you might be able to hear it.
But it's out of pure live don't worry, Y/N!
He loves you so much to the point where if you were hurt he would blame himself and then get stressed.
Billy Lenz/Loomis
Someone say horny
Took him a 3-6 months to warm up to you.
You were soo pretty/handsome, give him a break!
When he finally calmed down and wasn't horny around you he was fluffy as fuck!
He hugs you all the time! And kisses your cheek
He loves to call you just to tell you a sex/cock joke
If you love his little jokes he will just warm up to you faster btw [2-3 months.]
If you play with his hair, he can, and will, just silently fall asleep [how else was he not found in the attic?!]
If you draw him, he will melt right in front of you and hug you so tightly you have to tell him you can't breath.. kinda
He tried to draw you but scrapped it.
You found it anyway
You loved it so much, that he was shocked and slightly annoyed.
He loves you so much that he will stop being a horny little shit just to talk to you calmly, and kill the woman normally.
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undeaddevildom · 3 years
The Brothers Playing Minecraft
I don't know what this is i just zoned out for two hours and this is the aftermath. Sorry this is borderline incomprehensible I am sick in the head 👍
Unedited rip
ps I named them with their usernames :)
aw hell nah who got peepaw on the minecraft server
Only plays when asked and even then its not certain that he will join.
Probably takes all his brothers begging to get him online.
Not as fast a learner of the mechanics as his brothers and refuses to admit that he needs help figuring some things out.
But in the rare moments that everyone is playing together WITHOUT trying to tear each other apart? Hes soft </3
Nice house. Likes building more than anything else.
Probably considered getting the soundtrack vinyl but it doesn't come pre cursed… hm...
Has three dogs and they're all named Cerberus.
Was given good armor and gear by Levi specifically because Mammon figured out where he lived.
Well who else is gonna have some big fancy gothic mansion -_-
Secretly wishes he could play with his brothers more… he'd rather die than admit that though.
The only reason he has any deaths is because at the start Satan beat him to death with a stick a few times.
Achievement hunter. Him and Levi team up to complete them all.
His skin is of himself (Asmo made it) he thinks its cute… also will never admit that either.
wither rose stan. enjoyed when the wither blew up some of Beels farms because the mobs dropped a lot of them.
He loves his brothers and if playing with them for just a little while will make them happy and he has spare time? He'll be there.
Songs I think he'd like: Strad, Blind Spots, Ballad of the Cats
Biome(s) I think he'd like: Mountains
Dimension I think he'd like: End
???are you a fucking mole?????
This mans strip mines WILL collide with yours. and he WILL find his way to your base with them.
Say goodbye to your valuables.
Went through four bases before going underground.
NOT to hide from anyone! Just because uhh its nice down here! Yeah!
Lives in a terraformed cave. Its for the best because his previous bases were EYESORES.
The concepts were great yeah sure.
But he cant choose good blocks to build with for shit.
Why is one part of the wall sponge and the other part is dirt and BLUE GLASS are you kidding me.
Is really into grinding for resources. 
"Theres gonna be something good right behind THIS BLOCK- okay no what about THIS ONE- or THIS ONE- THIS ONE- and it goes on and on until its been an hour, his pickaxe broke, and his inventory is full of stone. 
Will sell materials that he grinds for gold, which is worth more to him than diamonds for some reason.
This absolute lunatic will craft gold blocks and instead of putting them in a chest he will place them all in a pile in the center of his base
Asmo, the interior designer he is, decorated the cave to look like a dragon lair. Mammon loves it sm <3
Has the most deaths
Grinds for valuable items like music discs and mob heads (fails 70% of the time)
Prefers parkour over PvP. He doesn't like losing his stuff.
Thinks he's good at PvP either way. He is not.
[xX_Mam0ney_Xx was slain by L3v1ach4n.]
Always keeps a totem of undying that he borrowed in his offhand incase Levi catches him lacking.
Mains an Infinity, Flame bow and he named it Tax Collector
If he manages to kill someone they are NOT getting their stuff back and just to rub salt in their wounds he'll sort through their stuff too.
Accidentally killed Asmos sheep and went on a wild goose chase to replace it before he noticed.
Songs: Blocks, Aria Math, Pigstep
Dimension: Overworld
Biome: Lush caves, Mesa
This big fucking NERD
Thinks he knows everything because he played Devilcraft. Its DIFFERENT!
Is a speedrunner.
But he waits for his brothers to catch up because he sees that they're genuinely having fun and they need his help and he feels really important :((
Had an axolotl named Henry until he finds an orange tropical fish. Then he has Henry 1.0 and Henry 2.0!
Until he learned the hard way that axolotls eat tropical fish :))
[Henry 2.0 was slain by Henry 1.0]
[Asm0baby: uh oh]
[belphiesnooze: oh??]
[s4t4n: oh havent you heard? :)]
Has an ocean monument base that hes drained. Conduits for decoration and everything. The whole thing is a flex even if he didn't originally mean for it to be.
Decked out armor stands as decoration- yeah sure he's not trying to flex. Sure. 
Spam kills Mammon. Premeditated, unprompted, goes to Mammons house and breaks his bed and kills him.
Also griefs him. A lot.
Actively hunts him down for sport.
Is the reason why Mammon has the most deaths.
Doesn't tell Mammon where he lives so nothing goes missing. 
Sets traps similar to satans just in case.
Is ready to kill the dragon by day 2.
Accidentally brings the wither fight too close to Beels base so they kill it together.
He lets Beel keep the star as an apology for the damage it did.
Probably has deviltube streams for when he plays.
Names one of the monument guardians Lotan.
Recreates the entire HOL at some point.
Favorite biome: warm ocean or lush cave
Songs: Taswell, Shuniji - C148, Wait
As soon as he realizes PvP is on he's punching the shit out of Lucifer
Then runs as far away from spawn as he can and finds a village and ends up staying there.
Its only when he finally settles in foes he realize that hes not as far away from spawn as he thought
God damn it.
Sets up redstone traps around his base.
Also revamps the village and sets up a nice trading hall that he shares with Levi.
Lives relatively close to Asmo but not really. They travel to each others houses via nether hub.
Best at PvP on the server. Fear him.
Max enchants on his armor from his trading hall. He's set.
Virtually impossible to steal from. If you can manage to get past all of his elaborate traps and manage to get into his house you will be greeted with an ungodly amount of cats.
They sit on his chests to lock them.
But thats not even half of them.
You can hear him coming because he has 50+ cats following him meowing loud af. The sound of impending doom.
Him and Lucifer will PvP and the fight will just go on and on because they're both too stacked to die but neither of them will give up.
Bullied Mammon into giving him the Cat music disc.
His chests are so unorganized oh my god
Keeps all his essentials in shulker boxes and ender chests and whatever's in the regular, cat guarded chests at his house has just been sitting there since day one.
But he knows exactly whats in there.
His base is over a stronghold (only Levi and Asmo know) and they all decorated it together <3
His favorite dimension is the nether.
He loves the aesthetic and contrast to the other dimensions.
Biome: jungle edge or shattered savannah.
Songs: Haunt Muskie, Dreiton, Pigstep, and (obligatory) Cat.
Hang on he'll join in a second he has to finish making his skin
And downloading texture packs
And shaders
At this rate his pc is going to explode and he hasn't even joined yet-
Finds a pink sheep!! Its the highlight of his base
His builds are… there alright.
He can never get the shapes down or build roofs or figure out slab work and windows BUT HE HAS A VISION.
It looks better in his head...
However, he IS good at making block palettes and decorating.
Teams up with Mammon to make these JAW DROPPING builds its super cute.
They only argue 80% of the time :)
Gets paid in gear/tools/food to decorate his brothers houses too
Very good at paying attention to detail and keeping themes consistent.
Lives near Beel and has the crop farms smoothly morph into flower fields
RARELY Wears Armor. Has the 3rd most deaths solely because he keeps accidentally getting killed in his brothers crossfires. 
Says he doesn't want to cover his skin because he really liked it (it's him)
Is surprisingly good at PvP. Would be even better if he had more protection than just a shield.
Mains a high Power, Flame, and Infinity enchanted bow that he got from fishing with Satan. 
He and Satan have the most pets on the server. He was fishing so he could breed his cats.
Doesn't play all that much and has a bunch of unfinished projects laying around the server
But catch him in the club pulling a Levi and playing pocket edition, completely absorbed in it
Avid acacia appreciater. Insists that no one knows how to use it right.
Favorite Dimension: overworld (or aether if hes playing modded)
Favorite biome: flower fields or dark oak forest
Songs: Aria Math, Biome Fest, Cat, Approaches (Aether Soundtrack - Emile Van Krieken)
please for the love of god stop growing wheat
minecraft more like farmcraft because this man is absolutely lost in the sauce.
Has a farm for every edible ingame item and they're all HUGE.
Feeds the whole server.
None of his farms are automated. Hes doing all the work by hand.
As long as he has some irl snacks he will be fine, he actually really likes the game once he gets the hang of it.
Loves to explore above ground but doesn't like to stray too far away from home (or whoever he's exploring with)
His house is just a box. Maybe some windows. Asmo decorated it in exchange for food.
Runs out of storage space quickly because all his chests are full of seeds and food.
Didn't start mining until a week and a half in.
Levi noticed all the farms and then saw how he only had stone tools STILL and took him mining :)
Has crazy high xp levels because he doesn't enchant (he asks Satan to do it) 
"Are… are these baked beans??"
[Beely_bub tried to swim in lava.]
Is planning to build Belphie a cow ranch themed house. He's working on it- he just has to harvest this crop first hang on-
Has max defense armor (gifts from Levi and Satan for food trades) and mains a max sharpness axe.
Always keeps a shield in his offhand.
Wasted his diamonds on a hoe 😔
Whenever Levi and Mammon are spamming the chat with each others death messages he goes and breaks them up (more like gives Mammon a chance to run away)
Will eat when his hunger bar is missing half a point and it drives Levi crazy because he's wasting saturation Beel please-
Kills the wither with Levi
Also does a lot of damage in the dragon fight
Dimension: Overworld
Biome: plains or mountains
Songs: Oxyene, Approaches (Aether Soundtrack - Emile Van Krieken), Sweden.
...is this he afk or just ignoring me?
This mf CANNOT play with the soundtrack on. He'll fall asleep within the first 30 seconds.
Also doesn't care to build a nice house half the time.
His chests and stuff are all spread out around his bed and he doesn't even build walls around it. He's just raw dogging the wilderness like a freak.
In multiplayer he's probably basing with Satan or Beel.
Or crawling around inside Lucifer or Mammons walls like a rat.
Will go in your chests and spread everything out and make a MESS.
Mains a sword with a low level unbreaking enchant and max knockback.
Doesn't play too often because if theres not a lot going on he loses interest and might start napping.
Mostly plays with Beel, Levi, or Satan.
Sat in wide-eyed silence for 10 minutes straight when he tried to sleep in the nether and promptly exploded.
Beel had to console him.
He lost all his stuff :(
Despite keeping a bed in his hotbar like a maniac he almost never sleeps ingame.
He has a fleet for 80 phantoms chasing him down as hes trying to get into someones base for protection.
He leaves the door open and a bunch get in
Do NOT take him mining oh my god
He will bring: half broken pickaxe, Food that Beel gave him, maybe like 12 torches, and the bed that he NEVER USES. 
Has the second most deaths on the server.
Likes PvP even though he loses most of the time. Challenges Lucifer (full maxxed armor) with his wooden sword and iron boots.
Despite all of this he's the first person to get an elytra and absolutely keeps it away from everyone else. he doesn't even use it and hes SO smug about it.
Mammon is seething.
His favorite dimension is the End.
His favorite biome is a snowy taiga.
Songs from the soundtrack that reminds me of him: Key, Living Mice, Flake.
Bonus: most to least deaths.
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