eirian-houpe · 1 year
What do you do when you read a fic and the author continuously uses a word wrong? How do you tell them nicely without sounding condescending about the mistake? Also, does that kind of thing drive you nuts when it happens or can you ignore it?
Hi there, and thanks for the ask. Sorry it took a while to answer. Haven't really done much on Tumblr for a week or so. Stuff.
Anyway, yeah, that's a tricky one. On the one hand you want to help the author out and point out the mistake - maybe they are writing on their phones (I know a couple of fic authors that do), and their "autocorrect" changed their intended word for some reason, or maybe they just had a moment and typed the wrong one, or... maybe... just maybe, they weren't aware that the word they used was one other that they intended to use. On the other hand, as you said, you don't want to appear to be condescending or superior, and either way you don't want the author to suffer the several dozen* messages, notes, reviews that point out the mistake because maybe other people don't care about upsetting authors the way we do, right?
I usually (especially if I know the author) just send a DM with something like, "Hey, did you mean (word) in this sentence? (copy sentence). It kind of threw me for a second." and then just let it be.
Does it drive me nuts? Sometimes, if it's the same word over and over, but then.. most of the time I can just ignore it.
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ao3feed-tolkien · 2 years
Of Worcestershire and Rabbits
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/N4uARsK
by Nobody Tosses a Dwarf (Madhattarproductions)
In which Harry approaches Óin first to inquire about the Shire and Hobbits instead of Ori like any sensible person would.
Words: 1075, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Óin (Tolkien), Harry Potter
Relationships: Oin & Harry Potter
Additional Tags: Crossover, Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings crossover, Comedy, Misunderstanding, Miscommunication, Attempt at Humor, selective hearing, Óin's possible selective hearing
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/N4uARsK
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norrington-hell · 4 years
madhattarproductions mentioned you on a post “I loved this scene and wouldn’t it have been interesting if that was...”
@norrington-hell can I have the link to the fic you wrote it in?
Absolutely! It’s called Redemption’s Promise, and it’s one of my proudest accomplishments! The deleted/botched scene in question doesn’t come into play until about halfway through the fic, but I loved it too much not to include it. And since I was the one writing the AU, why not?
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top 9 comfort movies
@madhattarproductions tagged me but the original post was super long so i made a new one
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I tag @mademoiselle-princesse @melody-fox @thecaptainbriarrose
@books-andbiscuits @robins-treasure and@twoclaws (oh and anyone that wants 😊)
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eirian-houpe · 1 year
What was your very first fanfic you wrote? It didn't have to be posted/published. Just something you could have just written and tossed or still in a notebook somewhere.
Long story... LOL I'll try to make it short, but it will need some context for my American friends to understand.
Back in the late 70s and into the early 80s there was a British Sci-Fi TV show called Blake's 7. The basic premise of which was (as quoted on IMDB):
In the third century of the second calendar, a corrupt galactic federation, with Earth at its center, Narcotizes its billions of citizens into placid submission. A rebel named Roj Blake, who once tried to organize a resistance group to overthrow the regime, was caught and his memories wiped. But Blake's revolutionary spirit is revived when he witnesses a mass slaughter by police which is covered up by officials. He escapes on-board a prison ship, and together with a lovable band of outlaws, takes over a vacant alien space cruiser of awesome drive capability. Christening their ship, "The Liberator", Blake and his group travel the Milky Way to seek any opportunity to undermine the corrupt regime. —Kevin McCorry (IMDB)
I loved that show. I was 11 when it first aired.
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The characters, left to right, Gan, Avon, Cally, Blake, Jenna, Vila.
Though the term hadn't been coined back then, I was among a ground of fans who firmly shipped Avon and Cally. Cally was from a planet called Auron, and was telepathic. That in itself was problematic in earlier seasons of the show because they fell into the 'alien takes over Cally' trap quite often, anyway, I digress.
(Spoilers follow in case anyone wants to search for and watch the show - Major Character Death).
In the final episode of the third season, there was a massive explosion that destroyed the ship, forcing the crew to take refuge on a the artificial planet in which they were in orbit. In the first episode of the fourth season, at the very beginning of the show, the underground complex in which the heroes were sheltering was destroyed in an explosion caused by devices left behind by the villain. Among the survivors of the crew, Avon was the one to confirm Cally's death in the explosion.
This was in 1981. I was 14, and being such a massive shipper, was not about to stand for that. I wrote a script (sadly, I don't have it any longer), in which the crew later found Cally, and during the course of the 'episode' Cally revealed how she had survived. There was angst, hurt/comfort and eventual romance. (No smut... I was 14 for goodness sakes!).
To make a very long story even longer, the school Drama teacher was my form tutor at the time, and gave him the script to read. Unknown to me, he sent the script to the show's producers. Not long after the show had ended, I received a very nice letter from Vere Lorrimer, commending the creativity, but of course the show was done by then. LOL
Thank you for the ask - and the trip down memory lane.
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norrington-hell · 4 years
Not so much an ask as a compliment? Just wanted to say that I think your fic is lovely so far what I have read. I only had to stop because my migraine wasn't liking the white background for such a long period. I think you are a very talented story teller.
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Well, aren’t you sweet! I’m very glad that you’re enjoying reading Redemption’s Promise, and I am simply chuffed to bits that you stopped over here to let me know! Thank you, my dear! ~
(ps: I hope you feel better soon! ♡)
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