reye-chan · 3 years
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a disney date for the otp
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r-hamlin · 9 years
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Anyone who knows me well enough knows I have a thing for 50s aesthetic, and I was in a strange mood last night so I decided to combine it with Madloveshipping.
Long story short, this is R. Hamlin porn.  Indulge me.
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Ripley’s smile eased a bit, propping her chin in her hands.  “My mama’s really fun too but I think, because she’s less active than daddy, all of my really nice memories of her happened inside the bookstore.
“I remember this one time when I was smaller – daddy was running late with Christopher one night, so we sat up to wait for him and roasted marshmallows at the fireplace.  I always have trouble figuring out just what mama is thinking about, but it was especially hard that night.”  She closed her eyes.  “I remember eating my marshmallow and leaning my head against her chest, hearing her heartbeat and thinking my daddy sure was lucky to have mama, who always waited up for him no matter how late it got.”
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swattiewritesstuff · 10 years
A Thrall of Wine and Embers [4/?]-Christopher
Last one for today!
Original characters (c) jingle-king, reye-chan, themastereddo , ryiosnaps
"Hear, Lord Noel has arrived!" the call was given, it was time for Chris to act as if he was truly safe. He was doing this for the good of the Robinsong name and for support in the North, his true home.
"Noel! I hoped you’d make it before nightfall!" the young man greeted. Dressed in silk and wolf pelts, with a crown made of blessed glass and a white dapple, Lord Noel’s steed trotted to the entrance.
"I would’ve broken time to see my baby cousin again…" the man spoke in a bellowing hush before embracing Chris.
Michael snarled from his room, “Great…the whelp’s family’s here. I’ll be in the hunting grounds if there’s need for me.” He hated the people from the North, from Winterfell, and to have someone like Christopher in his home to torment was a delight.
Renata rolled her eyes, “Greet him first. House Stark is fragmented, but House Greyjoy isn’t. Lord Nordwind still holds some power over the reaches of the Wall. Be sweet.”
"I’d rather run around naked in the Sacred Forest."
"We don’t need a repeat of that, husband dear," Morvay huffed, "Scared my mother back to the coast, go."
Michael groaned as he saw Lord Noel’s consort come off her steed. Dressed in lavender and rose, with a breastplate of Wall Steel, Lady Anne was a small reckoning to anyone who cross her lands, her forest.
"Anne, are you still wearing your armor?" Lord Noel chuckled at this, "We’re in allied lands."
"I don’t trust Baratheon lands, even if your family resides here," Anne shot back before curtseying Christopher, "Though it looks like the man’s been hardened by some of the happenings of the State. Pity he’s here with the stormy wrenches or I would ask his hand to accompany me in a hunt."
"My love, Christopher is a kind, meek soul," Noel remarked as two of his bannermen led their horses to the stable, "He’d rather see harm to himself than take the life of someone. So how’s your ward?"
Chris smiled genuinely at that, “My ward, the Younger Michael, he’s fine. Napping now, he had a long day dancing with iron. He’s become quite strong for a boy his age.” If there was any saving graces of Stormvalley, it was Michael the Younger, Mikai for short. Though he was the spitting image of his brother and Lord Regent Mikhail, Mikai carried himself with a sweetness that hid his ruthless nature. As a child of eight years, he was in no shape to leave his mother’s bosom or the hearth of his father’s home. And yet, he was allowed to partake in the council meetings.
"Good, at least one of us is having better fortunes," Noel admitted when he saw the acting Lord of Stormvalley and his woman, "You finally come out of your shelter, have you?"
Michael ignored the jab and grabbed his crossbow, “You’re welcome to make this your home, mother and father are on their way to King’s Landing and I’m going to hunt. Christopher, you lead them into the rooms and make sure the servants tend their every need.”
"You seem awfully proud of yourself for being in a lesser House," Anne immediately shot back, "Or might I remind you that last tourney? Your men were soundly defeated and your father owed House Nordwind 30 deer heads."
Michael was not his father or his little brother; he was the impulsive to their relaxed states. He dropped his weapon and seized the knife in his boot, “My family owes nothing to the likes of you beasts!”
Before fighting could break out, Chris stepped in with a hand on the hilt, “My liege, she’s merely riling you up. She’s a trickster and taunts those she deems worthy.”
"I know an insult when I see it, Robinsong, and you dare order me?" Michael forgot who was visiting and raised his hand to Chris’ face.
"N-no Ser but-"
"Enough," Noel’s voice boomed, having spotted the fear in his relative’s body. Chris hadn’t seen any battles, he didn’t need to, "Anne, stand down."
Anne growled at Michael before she straightened up and fixed her belt to join her lord, “Expect no apology from me, was merely stating the truth.”
The rage inside the young lord was palpable as he and his Castellan, Morgan Godswin, galloped away. Truly this was a House full of strife barely under the surface.
Lady Renata stood silent in all this, already storing the day’s events in her mind. She liked to keep important information about her allies, just in case. She then put her best smile and opened the oak doors, “Come, we have an exquisite boar for your welcome. I hope you enjoy wine. My lady-in-waiting, Miss Madelyn, has arranged for some entertainment as well!”
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reye-chan · 6 years
A Meeting
i wrote a thing about how Ripley’s parents met, here you go
(not confirmed canon all the way but probably?)
'Well, this wasn't how I was expecting the night to go.'
Five university students sat in a malformed circle around a ouija board, all giggling like the buzzed morons they were save for one.  Setting down her beer, the redhead leaned backward.
"Can't we just watch a movie or something, this is stupid." she groaned.  "These things don't actually work, y'know."
Another student gave her an appraising look.  "You don't have to play then!  What's wrong, you're not scared are you?"
And there it was.  The reason so many stupid people got murdered in horror movies.  Instead of taking the bait, however, she rose to her feet, swiping up her beer can.  "Nah, these things are just boring." she replied.  "You guys have fun, think I'll crash for the night."
There was a chorus of disappointed 'aww's and a few 'good night's as she made her way upstairs to the bedroom.  Despite her best nature to stick with everyone else (even if they wanted to involve themselves in some all-American stupidity), the lone student really did want to just wind down with a good movie as she could feel her eyes growing heavy behind her glasses.
Once getting to the top of the stairs, however, the feeling that she was being watched skittered up her back like a spider.  Chewing lightly at the inside of her cheek, she rounded the corner and opened the bedroom door.  Two bunkbeds and a sleeping bag greeted her on the other side -- they hadn't been able to secure a vacation house with five beds, sadly -- but she knew better than to breathe a sigh of relief.  The student flopped onto one of the lower bunks, closing her eyes and pretending to sleep as her leg dangled idly down to the floor.
'This is stupid, but...'
That thought was cut short as a cold hand wrapped around her ankle.  Biting back a scream and steadying her voice, she reminded herself not to say anything stupid and murmured, "Hi."
A moment of silence passed between herself and whatever was under her bed.  Part of her prayed it was one of her stupid friends, though she seriously doubted it.  All chances of that were dashed as the thing spoke, it's voice more like the sound of wind in the beginning before becoming more clear as it continued,
"That's it?  Not even a scream?"
Chuckling weakly, she shrugged and shoved her glasses up her nose bridge.  "I'm not very shriek-y." she said, sitting up and placing her other foot down on the floor as well.  "You comin' out?"
More silence met her from the other end of the conversation, then a beleaguered sigh.  "Fine."  A dark mist seeped up from under the bed frame and formed into the figure of a man scratching nearly six feet with a dark coat and a wide brimmed hat.  His form shifted and sputtered for a bit before snapping into focus.
"Impressive." the student said in a teasingly playful way to mask the five levels of freaked out she was at the moment.  "Are you here because of, uh," she motioned to the lower level of the house, to which the man grunted noncommittally.
"It's fun to mess with kids who play with those toys, but I was kind of just waiting in the wings for them to pass out.  Drunk teens are easy targets."
She clucked in mock offense, placing a palm to her chest.  "I'll have you know, we're all getting plastered completely legally."  Her eyes flicked to an open bag of cheetos propped against the leg of the bed frame and then to the television in the corner of the room before returning back to him.  "Hey, so, I'm actually probably gonna be up for a bit longer," because you scared me awake, "Wanna watch a movie or something, unless weird shadow creatures run a strict schedule?"
Under the brim of his hat, she could just make out his eyes widening.  "Uh, sure I guess." he grumbled.  "I make my own hours, so a bit of slacking off would hardly matter."
"Ooh, nice.  You some kind of monster-under-the-bed bigwig?"
"Something like that." he snorted, removing his hat and plopping down on the bed beside her.
Standing only to pop a tape in the player, the student tried her luck by snatching up his hat before taking a seat once more.  "You dress pretty nice, for a spook." she said, placing the hat on her head.  "How do I look?"
Hazel eyes under messy brown hair flicked toward her, at first narrowed in irritation but then softening in amusement.  "It suits you."
She grinned back at him before fiddling with the remote.  He grabbed the bag of cheetos and took a handful.  "So, what's playing?" he asked, popping one into his mouth.
"Alien.  It's a good movie if you haven't gotten the chance to catch it." she replied, swiping a cheeto from him.
"I haven't."
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reye-chan · 6 years
madloveshipping more like bighairshipping amirite?
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reye-chan · 8 years
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tfw when your undead ass be complaining about how corporate valentine’s day is for ten years straight but then end up wanting to do something nice for the one you’ve been complaining to
renata ends up loving the flowers and decides against asking how michael got them when nothing fucking grows in wonderland
happy valentine’s day, chucklefucks
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reye-chan · 6 years
whats better than madloveshipping but ANGSTY MADLOVESHIPPING (smiles as tears run down my face)
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reye-chan · 6 years
beyond the madness that is this night i also really wanna draw some madloveshipping hnggghh
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reye-chan · 8 years
time to listen to disney music and kick michael and renata a lot
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reye-chan · 9 years
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look at them
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reye-chan · 9 years
madloveshipping will be the ship that ends me someday
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reye-chan · 9 years
meanwhile i be over here with the first complete draft of the JOKeR script like
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renatamorvay · 9 years
Michael shoved a small, somewhat crunched-up box into Renata's hands. "Here. I know it's a few days late, but, take it." He wasn't used to giving gifts and it had taken him a while to come up with swiping the heart-shaped necklace from the grocery store--and another day to work up the guts to do it, even if Mary and Joseph weren't there.
/blinks in surprise before opening the box and grinning/ Wow, how pretty~ /takes the necklace out of the box and fastens it around her neck/ Thanks a lot, Michael.
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reye-chan · 9 years
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