#mafia sid
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Sid looks like he brought bodyguards to the children’s hospital 😂
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absurdumsid · 4 months
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u may have the dustard too actually
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lexisnotasimp · 3 months
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Forget Mafia AU Wally. We now have Mafia AU Peter!!
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Sparrow (OG Verse) || Endymion (Eldritch Terror/Sparrows lovely head guest!) Juniper Valentine, Pre Attollo (Attollo IF) || Juniper Valentine, Post Attollo Kat "Kitty" Bennett (OG Verse) || Sidra Navros, embracing her demon side
Tagged by @inafieldofdaisies @detectivelokis @direwombat to do this picrew, thank you lovelies!
Tagging anyone else who wants to do this and hasn't gotten a chance to! (Feel free to tag me in it!)
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yewstronaut · 2 years
Steam is having a massive 2k sale rn so if you've ever wanted to check out/complete your collection of Borderlands, Sid Meier's Civilization, Bioshock, or any of their classics I'd advise checking it out.
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akutasoda · 7 months
Yay! Requests are open!
Can I please request BSD men with an eerie fem! s/o? Not gn.
Like, breathing is always very light, footsteps are silent and even the sounds of her internal organs (heartbeat, blood flowing through her veins) is very faint, she's always smiling and is almost mechanical in her movements and actions. She's her most genuine when giving them affection, is a very pleasant and sweet person but there's just something....off..about her. Like a subconscious feeling they can't quite place but ignore because they love her.
-Sincerely, 💋
mechanical affection
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synopsis - how are they when they s/o is eerie and rather ominous
includes - dazai, ranpo, fyodor, jouno
warnings - fem!reader (no pronouns mentioned however), fluff, wc - 900
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osamu dazai ★↷
↪dazai had met his fair sharre of 'creepy' people throughout his youth, but none of them ever actually scared him or made him slightly uncomfortable. you were the first.
↪what scared him the most was how mechanical you seemed. your actions and expressions seemed too robotic to be your genuine feelings and movements. no part of it seemed biological.
↪he cared little for how quiet your heartbeat and such was. he normally couldn't hear people's heartbeats and he could control his own so that probably was the least eerie part about you.
↪ however the lack of sound when you moved or breathed did put him on edge to begin with. it was too silent for him to let his guard down but when he got used to your presence - and your more sweeter side - he didn't mind too much.
↪ speaking of sweeter side, it did surprise him at first but he loved it. a weird sort of happiness surged through him when you gave him genuine affection for two reasons. one, the fact that only he recieved this sid eof you and two, he'd never recieved this level of affection before and getting it from you? it became a great comfort.
↪if the mafia raught him anything, it was that he should always be on guard around suspicious people. whenever you were around he couldn't help but want to apply that to you.
↪a constant nagging voice telling him to run or be careful was around when you were near. but maybe this one time he'd ignore it.
ranpo edogawa ★↷
↪the world's greatest detective was known for solving cases and everything to do with his work. a part of that would make him great at reading people and so he barely feared anyone. but when it came down to you and the nagging fear you implanted in the back of his head, he felt helpless.
↪your presence made him uncomfortable to be simple. it was a nagging put of dread that he couldn't get rid of because he couldn't read you. your silence to eerie for him to be comfortable anyway. he sometimes compared you to a ghost or some sort of spectre because of this.
↪he also hated the fact that you acted so unnatural and mechanical. everything about you from your expressions to your movements was so eerie. but weirdly enough he became accustomed to it.
↪he started veiwing it as a challenge. he became motivated to be able to finally understand you and rid himself of thsi dread you installed in him. and a good starting place was when you showed him genuine affection.
↪yes it did catch him off guard, but he quickly became accustomed to a more genuine and affectionate you behind closed doors. you became not so eerie and instead rather sweet. he still didn't fail to notice the fight or flight in his brain around you still.
fyodor dostoevsky ★↷
↪it took a vey long time for fyodor to come to trust you even a tiny bit. it would be the first time somebody's presence would cause him to be on edge, to think something was wrong and that made him distance himself from you.
↪but eventually that fear turned into a weird, sort of morbid curiosity. why did you cause him to fear you? was it the mechanical actions you would show. or was it how every part of you was eerie and too irregular.
↪fyodor only liked people he could read. they were predictable per say, easy to understand and therefore caused him no threat but from time to time some people could change that. your seemingly mechanical actions made you impossible to read and he wanted to know why.
↪he became even more curious when he gave him genuine care. your once eerie aura seemingly melted away as you showed him a sweeter side that he weirdly loved. but even when you showed affection that nagging fear still lurked.
saigiku jouno ★↷
↪ it's safe to say he barely knew you existed to begin with. he couldn't hear your heartbeat and such unless he really focused on the faint sound - leasing to him sometimes having the uncomfortable feeling someone was with him if you were around.
↪he hates it really, he can't hear your breathing or footsteps either so he truly has no idea where you could be at any given time. it really threw him off guard as it made him feel vulnerable around you.
↪he had heard from others how they'd complain about how mechanical you looked and some twisted part of him found some joy in knowing how some people feared you for this. sometimes he'd actually wish he could see it.
↪ however he did still indulge himself in your more sweeter side - the side he felt pride in knowing only he recieved. your genuine kindness did throw him a bit at first but he accustomed to it and enjoyed it.
↪he even ignored the constant nagging pit of dread in the back of his mind telling him to run, to fight, to get away from you just so he could indulge himself in your kindness.
↪the only time he could ever hear your heartbeat was when you two were hugging. and so this made the action treasured and all the more endearing for him.
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simphornies · 7 months
Vox with an overlord s/o hmngg. He’d get such an ego boost from having another overlord submit to him, especially if they’re close in power but also… he’d never admit it but he’d fucking love to get dommed SO hard
A/N: He's giving switch/service top honestly. Maybe a hint of power bottom. (definitely adding this to my lengthy headcanon list). Bonus points if you can guess who the first unnamed character is
Word count: 1.1k (1,152) Warnings: suggestive content, implied sex, dominant reader
Power Hungry - [ Vox x Overlord!Reader ]
“And stay out.” Your voice was stern, laced with anger. You glared at the mafia head that disrespected your meeting. “Your business is no longer needed with us, imp.”
He hissed, “Whatever bitch. Your loss. You’ll soon realize this decision of yours was a mistake.” He got up, dusting himself off as he glared at you. You glared at him back, your demon form on the verge of exploding out.
“Get out of my sight before I take your head. You better hope I never see you again because next time, I’m displaying your skull on my wall. And that’s a promise.” Your voice distorted as you pointed your angelic spear to his throat, cutting him slightly. He backed down, shaking slightly as he ran off. You pulled your spear aside and huffed. “The nerve of that little shit.”
Vox put his hand on your shoulder, the touch immediately calming you down. “I’ll keep eyes on him, make sure he doesn’t try to put a hit on you.” He beamed with pride at your display of power, “Come on, let’s go back in.”
Your spear vanished as well as your demon form, reverting back to your usual self. “I will squish him the next time I see him I swear to god!” You screamed. Vox held your waist, pulling you close as you two walked over to his office.
“If he’s in the area, I’ll make sure to get him up here for you babe.” He grinned at you.
You smiled at him, “You know exactly how to make me happy, Vox.” You gave him a quick peck on his lips.
“That was hot as fuck though.” He winked.
“Oh hush it! You say that every time you see me in my demon form. Remember when I almost killed you?” You laughed, “You faced a second death and what did you say?”
He laughed with you, “I think I said ‘Holy shit you’re hot.’ or something along those lines.”
“Insane. Threw me off guard and saved your life. Glad you said it though.”
The two of you entered his office. He sat on his chair and you sat on top of him with no hesitation. “You really gotta get me my own chair here.”
“Hmm…No. You have a seat right here.” He flirted to which you rolled your eyes.
“I guess that’s true.” You rest your head on his chest as you watch him tap away at his computer. “So what’s the agenda?”
“Nothing. That was the last one for the day and it looks like he already left.” He sent a message out to block any future business with him and you sent a message to Carmilla to make sure he can’t get any weapons from her either, completely blacklisting him from her company. She happily obliged considering you were a close friend of hers and helped her greatly during her rise in power.
“And I just blacklisted him from Carmilla’s company. That little shit isn’t getting any angelic weapons anytime soon.” You laughed.
“That’s my girl.” He smiled at you. You two share a passionate kiss before getting interrupted by Valentino slamming his door open.
“Vox! You won’t fucking believe wh-Oh! Am I interrupting something?” He grinned and leaned up against the doorway. “Can I stay and watch?” He winked.
You glare at him even though he probably couldn’t see your expression. You threw a stapler at him which Valentino dodged last minute. “Fuck off! We’re having a moment! Come back later!” He ran out, slamming the door behind him. “And no you can’t watch! Gross.”
“Oh the headaches you save me from.” He held you close to him, his arms wrapped around your waist.
“Anything for you, baby.” You grabbed his hand to kiss it, “I’ll kill for you, you just say the word.”
His ego was filled to the brim knowing he had you by his side, willing to do anything he asked of you with no hesitation. You and him were on par with each other in power but in terms of fighting, you had the advantage. You had more experience fighting considering you had to work hard and kill anyone in your way to become an overlord, even almost killing Vox when he met you. He came to save Valentino from getting killed because he tried to force you into becoming one of his girls. Your patience already ran thin so when he asked you more than 3 times, you nearly squashed him. Vox came to save him of course and your love blossomed from thereon out.
He loves watching your angry fits, even sitting back with some popcorn as you killed an entire gang of sharks that tried to force themselves on you once. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t intimidated by your power. You weren’t afraid of speaking up for yourself and you most certainly will do anything to have people listen to you. Any demon would be doomed to die if they ever looked down upon you for anything. There were times that he spoke back to you and he found it attractive whenever you’d assert yourself on him. He was as power hungry as you were. But if you were the power? He was starving. He craved you more when you showed power but he never wanted to admit it in the bedroom.
“You know I love it when you’re assertive. It’s so hot.” He whispered into your ear. Shivers went down your spine at his deep voice, triggering something inside of you.
“Yeah?” You turned, straddling him, “I bet you’d love it if I did that to you in private, hm?” You smiled, slightly grinding on the tent in his pants.
“Mmm. I don’t know, baby. Would I?” He smiled up at you, a teasing tone evident in his voice.
You kissed him, tongues intertwining and curling around each other. You were both out of breath by the time the two of you pulled away. He was about to get up to take you to his room but you stopped him. “No.” You said, your hand on his chest, “Stay. And lock the door while you’re at it.” You smirked at him. He nodded and with a flick of his finger, his door was locked. Before you two could get it on in his office, you both heard something behind the door.
“Fuck! You guys didn’t have to fucking lock it!” Valentino yelled, his voice muffled behind the door. The two of you laughed in response before averting your attention back to each other.
“Now. I think I have some…anger to let out.” You grabbed him by his collar and dragged him over to the couch, pushing him down on it. “And record this for yourself, baby.” You winked.
“Yes ma’am.”
He’d be lying if he wasn’t going to beg for you to dominate him more after that night.
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The Tiniest Age Guide
This is a guide for my personal use but I'm posting it in case it could help some of you all too!
0 - 2
-Cries a lot
-Lots of naps
-Always wants dada
-Doesn't know what's wrong (hungry, cold, thirsty, in pain) just wants dada to fix it
-"Ddaddyyyyy" "Dadadadadaaa"
-Has accidents if not reminded to go to the potty/has very limited bladder control
-Scared easily
-Wants paci
-Always wants a baba over a sippy cup
-Will accidentally spit out paci
-Prefers to crawl and lay and roll over walking
-Wants cg to do diapy changes
-Mostly dependent on cg for help
-Oversized footie onesies and snappy onesies with shorts overtop, neutral colors (light browns, light yellows, whites and creams)
Shows and movies to watch
-Winnie the pooh
-Berenstain bears
-Sid the science kid
The foods
-Doesnt want solid foods
-Apple sauce
-Baby foods
-Wants to be fed by cg
The fun stuffs
-likes to cuddle lots
-watching cartoons
-likes to play stuffies
-likes to babble at you
3 - 5
-"I dood it 😠"
-More prone to temper tantrums
-"Leave me alone! 😡"
-"M sorry, dada"
-Baby voice
-Can find a way to communicate needs
-Sweet most of the time
-Tries to be independent
-Does their own pullup and diapy changes mostly, but sometimes needs help
-Sippy cup over baba
-Clingy and feels bad for being clingy
-Very emotional
-Wants paci
-Likes and wants cg's help but can be mostly independent
-Oversized hoodies and shorts, likes long sockies and darker colors
Shows and movies to watch
-Wild Kratz
-Ruby Gloom
-A Series Of Unfortunate Events
-Kidden and Hoshi (YouTube)
-Barbie's life in the dream house
-Bee and Puppycat
-Cookie swirl c (YouTube)
-Most disney movies
The foods
-Yogurt bites
-Pb and j
-Mac and cheese
The fun stuffs
-likes to color
-Play in the water
-Likes to cuddle
-Likes to play with barbies
-Play pretend
6 - 9
-Likes shorts with pockets and zip up jackets, funky socks, converse
-"Let's play outsiiiddeee!"
-Needs a nap by 1-2pm
-Wakes up early
-"Can you read me a story?"
-Likes hanging out with dada and sibbies equally much
-"Let's build a fort!"
-Big boy undies
-Rubber band bracelets
-Better at regulating emotions
-Usually denies being regressed
-Insecure in their regression
Shows and movies to watch
-Dantdm (youtube)
-Stampy cat (youtube)
-Cookie swirl c (youtube)
-Creeped out
-A series of unfortunate events
-The good dino
-The croods
The foods
-Dino nuggies
-Green bean casserole
-Pizza rolls
-Not picky
The fun stuffs
-Watching tv
-Playing pretend
-Hide and seek
-Card games and board games
-Likes to cook together
-Video games like Minecraft and Animal Crossing
I'm gonna stop the guide here because I really haven't clocked myself and figured my regressed self out that well past 9 years old. I don't regress 9+ very often so it's hard to know what changes from my normal self and my regressed self bit either way, I hope this helps even though it's for my personal use and to help my cg/partner/caretaker person
Child safe interaction Only. I do not consent to kink/nsfw interaction.
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andydrysdalerogers · 8 months
Presley ~ A Curtis Everett AU ~ Part Seven
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Curtis Everett x OFC Presley Adams
Curtis Everett is a hard working man. As the head of the mob of Concord, he does everything he can to provide for his wife and children. His life is perfect. Until it's not.
After a devastating accident, Curtis is alone with his children and needs some serious help.
Presley Adams needs to find work and fast. Running from her past she just wants to lay low and earn enough to get her out of town. Until she starts working for Curtis as his live in nanny.
As she falls in love with this family, can she stop her past from finding her? Or will her past be the end of the Everett reign in Concord?
Book two of the Five Kings of Boston series
Warning: themes of a mafia lifestyle; SMUT; possessive tendencies; murder; death; age gap;
A/N: taglist is open!
Banners by me! Dividers by @firefly-graphics
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
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Previous: Part Six
Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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Chapter Seven - Mine
Third Person POV 
Everything had been calm in Concord. The Everett family had no other interaction with the Giovannis but Curtis refused to let his guard down.  The security protocols for everyone remained tight but Presley refused to complain.  Seeing Charles, the menacing look in his eye was enough for her to accept the protection.  Yes it was annoying but since she was either by herself or with the children, she couldn’t take the chance.  
Curtis, after confessing his love to Presley, decided he wanted to have a meeting with her father and Blackwood.   This is where we find ourselves three months after Blackwood made himself known. 
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I was going over the paperwork at my desk with Clint when Presley stormed in. “You are meeting with my father and his minion!?!” 
Oh boy, my kitten has her claws out. “Kitten, let me explain...” 
“Are you sending me back?” Her blue green eyes were laced with fear.  
“For fuck’s sake, no Presley!” I stood up.  “How many more times am I going to have to promise you that you aren’t going anywhere!” I took her head in my hands.  “Baby, I am negotiating your freedom.  I want you here forever and I need to do this in a diplomatic way so that everyone stays alive and safe.” I kiss her forehead.  “Stop, please, with the assumption that I want you gone.  That can’t be further from the truth.”  
Her eyes sparkled with unshed tears.  “I’m sorry.  I just hear my father’s name and I panic.” She leans into my check and I hug her tightly. I kiss the top of her head as she calms.  When I feel her relax I pull back.  
“Please, trust me. Clint and I are going to go there and negotiate with Giovanni and Blackwood.  If they don’t agree, well, we have a backup plan as well. I want you to stay here for the day.  No shopping, no lunch, nothing.  Adam and Sid will be here as well.” 
She looked into my eyes and I knew she was trying to see any fear.  “I trust you, my love.” The words she used were so important to my heart. I took her hands and kissed her palms.  She smiled and walked back out, nodding to Clint as she went.  
“She’s going to be our new queen, isn’t she?” Clint asked with a smile.  
“I hope so.”  
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Giovanni was ameniable at best with my request. We, the Five Kings of Boston, are a very powerful organization to begin with.  When I had told my plans to the Don and the other kings, they were in agreement that the Giovannis needed to be eliminated.  They had ran their family into the ground and were surviving on threats, drugs and prostitution. I wanted to install one of our own to take over.  
But I needed to guarentee Presley’s safety first.  
Two days later, I found myself in New Jersey, seated across from my love’s father. “Thank you for having me, Mr. Giovanni.”  
“Please call me Mario.”  He smiled and I cringed internally. “I understand that you have a proposition for me.”  
I looked at him and then at Blackwood.  So this is the motherfucker who tried to rape my girl.  He is good looking, fine, but he has a slimy demeaner about him. Dark hair, blue eyes, if Presley was a different girl, I could see how he could have her wrapped around his finger. But Presley isn’t that girl. She’s special, beautiful, loving, the light in my life.
She’s mine.  
He smiled at me like he knew I wasn’t going to get what I wanted. Suprise, I knew exactly how I was going to get my girl.  “Yes, Mario, I wanted to negotiate Presley’s hand in marriage.”  
I don’t think Giovanni or Blackwood were ready for this particular proposal. “Amelia is already promised to Charles here. He is my successor, and my daughter is my natural heir.” He kept using her birth name, like a show of power. But my Kitten is really a lioness and doesn’t want his name any longer. I wanted it to be my name instead.  
“I understand. I’m willing to pay whatever price you name for her.  She and I have a connection.” I pulled out the box in my pocket holding the ring I wanted to give Presley. “Presley and I...” 
“Her name is Amelia!” Giovanni shouted, slamming a fist into the table. Some of the men jumped at his action.  But I didn’t.  I continued to stare the man down. He took a breath and cleared his throat. “Amelia is not for sale.  She needs to come home and complete her duty.”  
I clenched my jaw. “So, you are ok with her being with a rapist?” 
Blackwood laughed.  “I am not a rapist.”  
“Really?” I extended my hand for Clint to press the file we got from Jensen into my hands. “Proof, Mario, that Mr. Blackwood is not what he seems.”  I slid the file across the table to Giovanni.  He opened the file and flipped through the pictures and medical records.  “The last two were his cousins, by the way.  He was also present during the kidnapping of Mrs. Aurora Barber.”  
I love it when I catch the enemy surprised.  
Giovanni turned to Charles. “I thought that was all Hansen. Did you touch Mrs. Barber?” 
“She wasn’t Mrs. Barber at the time.” Charles paled as he explained.  
“But she was Barber’s girl at the time,” I said. “And among the Kings, you mess with one of our girls, you mess with all of us.” I gave a menacing look to Blackwood before I turned back to Giovanni. “I am willing to pay a million for Presley. No more contact, no more surprise visits. She becomes my wife, I leave your family alone to be run as you see fit.  Anything happens to her, she cries one tear, one hair is out of place, I burn this family to the ground. Do we have a deal?” 
“Why are you out of your state and negotiating with me?” Giovanni is a smart man.  He knows I wouldn’t be able to offer anything since I was not the Don. Clint placed the evenvlope in front to me. I slid it towards him. 
“A letter, signed by my Don, allowing me to negotiate.”  He opened it an paled.  
To Mr. Mario Giovanni,   Please use this as confirmation that I am allowing one of my Kings, Curtis everett, to negoiate outside of my territory on my behalf.   Sincerely,   The Don of Boston.   
It was signed, that much I knew. I could tell by the sheer terror that Giovanni now had on his face. He looked at Blackwood, then back at me.  “I want assurances that my successor is not to be harmed. As I am giving up my heir, I will have enough problems without losing him too.”  
“So long as my future bride is safe, I will allow him to breathe. He steps one foot into our territory, I will end him.” I stared him down. I wanted Blackwood to know that I would kill him if anything happened to Presley after I transferred the money. I had Clint walk over a contract.  
“We have a deal, Mr. Everett.” Giovanni motioned for someone to hand him something. “Please wire the funds to this account.  Once it is received, I will consider my daughter engaged to you and no longer my problem.”  
“I’ll transfer it tomorrow.  I will be in town tonight, enjoying your casino and make sure that the contract is signed.”  Everyone stood in the room as I walk over to Giovanni.  “Your daughter is well taken care of and will become a Queen in Concord.  She joins four other fine women who lead us to peace. I know you don’t care, i just thought you should know.”  
Giovanni reached into his pocket and retrieved a letter. “I know you assume that I don’t care about my daughter, but I do. Please see that she gets this. This will be my last communication with her.”  
I took the letter and put it into my pocket. “I will see that she does.  Have a good evening, Mr. Giovanni.” I looked at Blackwood and didn’t bother to hide my disdane for the man. He had the balls to smirk at me. “What?” 
“You have what’s mine. I will get what’s mine,” he seethed, stepping up to me.  
“You have fuck. Presley is my queen, ring or no ring. In twenty four hours, a war will break if you touch my queen," I growled. "Stay away from my family, fuckface, or I will make sure they never find you.” I smiled sadistically. “Give me a reason, Blackwood, I fucking dare you.”  
He stepped back. He didn’t seem worried about it and that put me on guard.  We walked out of Giovanni’s place and I looked back to make sure no one was around.  “Get security at the house on phone.”  
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Twenty Four Hours.  
He really thinks I’m going to let this go. Moron. Amelia is mine. I don’t report to Giovanni anymore. He my be the “head” of the family but I don’t respect him.  He’s been getting soft about his daughter.  He now just wanted her to come home. And he’s made it known that it wouldn’t be a requirement for me to take over to marry Amelia. Fuck that.  
I was going to make her my wife, whether she liked it or not.  
I had twenty-four hours. 
Just enough time for my plan to be complete.  
Unfortunately for Everett, it was already in motion as soon as I was alerted that he had left his compound.  What a fucking idiot. He has no clue that I’ve had a mole in his house for the last six months. I knew about everyone and everything going on in his home. I knew the schedules and cars. I knew it better than he did. I could have infiltrated his home anytime I wanted. But today is the day. As soon as I was told of this meeting, I knew this would be my chance to claim my girl once again. I smirked as I watched Everett and his men walk away. I could see a call being placed.  My phone buzzed. 
One step closer.  
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I’m nervous.  
The thought of my love in the city with my father has my anxiety up.  Fortunately, we are still planning Josh’s birthday in a couple of days so I’m distracted. Nat had stepped out to shop for a present so I was alone at home with the kids and Adam. I was scared to leave the compound. I had a feeling that leaving would be a bad thing.  Curtis told me to trust my instincts. It had been what had kept me alive while I was running.  
“Pres, can you get me the sugar please?”  Adam pulled her out of her thoughts. “You ok?” 
“Just nervous,” I smiled at him.  “The thought of Curtis...” 
“He’s gonna be fine.” Adam took my hand and squeezed. “Clint said that the Don had given permission and was going to let your father know that this meeting is being done with his blessing. Don’t worry. Help me make this red velvet cookies. I know you fed this information to Josh.”  
I giggled and went to the pantry. I loved this. The normalcy. I love my children. Doing stuff for them brings me joy. I don’t want it to end.  
My thoughts turned to the future. My future. The future that I kept seeing in my dreams. The life I could have with Curtis. My Curtis, my heart, the love of my life. I want him.  I want all of him. I want to be a real mother to his kids, my kids. I would always respect and keep Anna’s memory alive. But I wanted my own place in their world as a step mother or just a mom to them.  
I love having them in our bed in the morning, cuddling and whispering about their dreams. I love cooking with them when Adam would let us. I love playing games with them and working on their homework.  
I love Josh and Evie with my entire heart.  
And I know I love Curtis. I want my world to begin and end with him. But I don’t know where his head is at. I assume he wants to keep this going because of all of the steps that he’s taking to make sure I am safe. But, I can’t think about that now.  Right now I need to focus on my boy’s ninth birthday. 
“Adam, do you know where the icing sugar is?” Adam didn’t response. “Adam!” 
I walked back into the kitchen and stopped.  My body froze, my mind whirling. This couldn’t be happening.  “What are you doing?” 
Sid looked from where his gun was pointed at Adam to me and smiled. “Did you really think you could get away from him Amelia?” 
My heart dropped. “You’re one of his?” 
“From day one,” he gloated.  And my worst fear came true as Josh, Evie and Laura walked into the kitchen.  
“Adam, do you have any...” Josh spoke and then froze at the scene in front of him. He looked at me and then back at Sid. Laura gasped and pulled Josh back towards her. “Presley!” He struggled away from Laura and ran towards me.  He wrapped his arms around my middle but I pushed him behind me.  
“What are you doing Sid? What do you want?” I could feel my boy trembling behind me and I held him tighter to me.  Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Laura holding Everly the same way. I needed Sid to tell me what he wanted and then I could decide how to protect the kids.  
“It’s simple, really, Amelia. I want you, all of you, to come with me. Your fiancee is waiting for you.”  
“Why is he calling you Amelia?” Josh whispered. “Presley, what’s going on?” 
“My name is Presley,” I told Sid. “And we are not leaving with you.”  
Sid rolled his eyes at me. “Fine.”  And he fired the gun, making all of us scream.  Adam grabbed his leg and hit the ground, yelling in agony, blood billowing over his jeans. “Look at what you made me do, Presley.” He sneered my name. “Who will it be next? Laura, one of the kids? Yourself? Or maybe I should place another one in Adam?  This one, between his eyes.” 
“No!” I held up my hands. “No, just leave everyone alone. Just let me check on Adam and say goodbye and I will leave. I will leave with you.”  I could hear my throat hold back the sob and my voice crack a little.  “Please, don’t hurt my children.”  
Sid must have had a little compassion for me. “Fine.”  
I took it and ran. Laura moved towards Josh with Everly as I pulled the belt from my waistband and wrapped it around Adam’s leg. “Adam, Adam, look at me. You’re gonna be ok.”  
“Presley, don’t do this.” He grasped my hand. “Don’t leave with him.”  
“I have to. I need to protect my kids. Laura will call and you’ll be ok.” I pressed my forehead to his.  “Tell Curtis that I kept my promise.  That I would do anything to protect those kids.” I kissed his forehead. “Take care of him, when I’m gone.”  
“No, Pres, no!” I let go of him as the bleeding slowed.  I walked over to Laura.  
“Presley, you can’t let him win.” Laura has tears down her face. “You can’t.”  
“Please take care of my kids and Adam.  Call Clint as soon as you can.” I took a deep breath. “Please help Curtis.  He’ll be...” the sob escaped. “He’ll be broken but remind him that I did this for his loves. Please Laura.” She nodded and I turned to my kids.  
Everly was in my arms in a flash. I held her tight as I played with her blonde ringlets.  “You listen to your brother and Laura ok? Your daddy will be home very soon.” I kissed her head.  “I love you Princess.”  
“Don’t leave, momma.”  
I swallowed and I turned to Josh. “Protect your sister and everyting will be fine.  You tell your dad what Sid did and that he works for Charles.”  
“Don’t go.” He never cries. But as I watch two fat tears roll down his cheek, I almost break. He buries his head in my neck as he cries.  “Please don’t leave me, momma.”  
“Oh baby, I’m sorry. I have to make sure you’re ok. I love you ok? I love you so much, Joshie. My boy.” I kissed his head and stood up. I looked at Sid. “Ok.”  
“Move,” he said, waving the gun around. I went to the back door and looked at my family.  I walked out of the kitchen as my son’s scream reached my ears and I felt my heart break. And my eyes found a photo of the four of us at a carnival that was right by the entry. We were so happy, the kids looking at the camera, while Curtis and I looked at each other. So in love. But I had to do this for them, for him.  
Forgive me, my love.  
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“What do you mean no one is answering?” 
“Boss, no one, not even my wife is answering.” Clint drove as fast as he could towards the jet.  
“Fuck!” I pulled my phone and called Presley. It went straight to voicemail 
Hi, its Pres! Leave me a message! 
“Presley, it’s Curtis. Kitten, I need you to call me as soon as you can. I’m worried.  I love you.” I ended the call right as we got to the plane.  Robert, the pilot was waiting.  “We need to be in Concord within the hour.”  
“Yes, sir.  Plane is ready to depart.”  As soon as the cabin door was closed, we were in the air. My foot kept bouncing. I needed to hear her voice. To know she was ok. I just negotiated her freedom and now I can ask her to be my wife.  I didn’t want to ask before because it didn’t seem right to ask without her father’s blessing. I’m old fashioned like that.  
Thinking of her and my children, I lost myself in the photos that were on my phone when Clint’s phone rang.  He raises it up, “Laura?” His face betrayed him. “Slow down sweetheart. Tell me what happened.” Clint put her on speaker.  
“Presley was taken. Adam’s been shot and the kids are crying and I don’t know what to do Clint!” We could hear the sobs in her voice.  
“What do you mean Presley was taken?” I asked.  
“Sid... he... took her...” Laura cried. 
My Kitten was gone? 
“Mr. Everett, we touch down in five minutes. The cars are waiting,” the pilot said. 
But I was numb. My Presley, my kitten, was taken from me. Rage began to build in my blood. “My children?” 
“Laura said they were safe,” Clint said. “Boss, we’ll find her.”  
I managed to keep my rage in as we disembarked and drove to the compound. First thing I noticed was our doc was here. “Doc!” 
“Mr. Everett,” he says as he pulls off his gloves. “Adam sustained a gun shot wound to the thigh. Someone placed a turnaquette to stop the bleeding.  It saved his life.  We need to get him into surgury to make repairs but that would mean involving the authorities.”  
“Fuck,” I growled. I pick up the phone and placed a call.  “Rogers, it’s Everett. There has been an incident at my house and my chef was shot... Thanks.” I hung up.  “An ambulance is on its way. Can you keep him alive for 10 more minutes?” 
“Yes, sir. Excuse me.”  He left and I finally made it inisde.  
“Where? Where are they?” 
I took the stairs two at a time and headed to the playroom.  I threw open the door and heard a “Dad!” Josh rushed me and I fell to my knees to catch him. Everly followed and I breathed in my children.  “Dad, I tried to protect her, I did, I promise.”  
Immediately I looked over Everly.  Joshua protected his sister with everything he had. She didn’t look harmed.  I looked at my son. “Joshua...” 
“She left. She left us. Momma left us and I told her not to but she said she made a promise and that she loves us.” Josh buried his face into my chest.  
My kitten sacraficed herself to keep them safe. She promised to always protect them and she did. I held them for a few more minutes. “Josh, you were so brave and took really good care of your sister. You did everyting just right.” I kissed the top of his head. “Stay here with Laura and I’m going to find your momma ok?”  He nodded and took Evie hand.  
“I didn’t want Momma to leave.” He lower lip trembled.  
“I know Bud, its ok. I’ll find her and bring her back.” I kissed Evie and stood up. “Thank you Laura.” She nodded and took the kids back.  I headed downstairs and saw Adam being loaded onto a stretcher.  “Adam. How are you feeling?” 
“Like I got shot boss.” He grimised as they raised the stretcher and jostled him. “She was brave. She made the deal to save the kids without hesitation. Bravest woman I know.”  
“Who did this Adam?” I know he’s injured but I needed answers.  I needed to know which way to look.  
“It was Sid. Said he had been here under orders.  Called her Amelia.”   
Fuck, this was not good.  “Ok, concentrate on yourself.  I’ll find her.” I patted his shoulder and watched as he was uploaded to the ambulance. I watched them leave and then turned to Clint. “Track his phone, the plates of the car, anything.” Something popped in my brain.  “I need Josh.”  
“Josh? Sir...” 
“I just need a detail.”  I ran back to his room.  
“Buddy, was Presley wearing her necklace?  Do you remember if she’s wearing her necklace?”  
Josh looked at me with curiosity. “The one you gave her for Christmas?” I nodded. “Yes, she was wearing it. She always wears it. She plays with it when she misses you. Says it had magic in it so she feels closer to you.”  
I can feel the tears building but I need to be strong for my son. “That’s good bud. Thank you.”  
“Is momma going to be ok?” His eyes were big and shiny. He looked like he did the day I had to explain to my five year old that his mother was done. I never wanted to be here again. I never wanted to tell my son that he lost someone he loved again.  
“Yes, she’s going to be fine.” I gave him a hug and held him, trying to calm myself at the thought that I may have just lied to my son.  
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I stormed back into my office, where my men were on computers. I took a seat at my desk and looked at the pictures. One stood out. The picture was from my birthday. Josh had ask that Presley and I posed for it and my mind went back.  
“I love this picture, Joshie. I’m going to print it out,” Presley declared.   Two days later, Presley came in to have lunch with me and she had a wrapped box with her. After we ate, I wiped my mouth with a napkin and then asked, “what is that Kitten?”  “A gift. For you,” she said with a bite to her bottom lip.   I took it and opened it. A beautiful frame came out with the picture Josh took. “Presley, I love this.” I don’t usually keep pictures on my desk. I have two, one of each of my kids. But it felt right and I put our picture in the middle. “Perfect,” I said, looking at my girl. She was beautiful in a white sun dress. “Fuck,” I murmured. I pulled her to stand in between my legs and I pressed my face into her abdomen. “Did you lock the door Kitten?”   “Yes,” she whispered.   “Good.” I made her straddle me and I kissed her hard and deep. I needed her like air. I pulled away for a second. “I need you Kitten.” I ran my hands up her legs and under her dress and I was pleasently surprised that she had no panties on.  “What a bad Kitten. No panties.”   “Its too hot for them,” she smirked as i lifted her onto my desk.    “Even better for me, since you didn’t bring me dessert.” I licked my lips as I pushed her dress up, exposing her gorgoeus pussy to me. I ran the tip of my finger through her slit, listening to her keen at the sensation.  “Already so wet Kitten.”    “Yes,” she moaned. “You’ve been busy and I’ve missed you.” Her glistening pussy pulsed, ready to accept me.   “I missed you too. Let me make it up to you.” I latched onto her clit and suckled. She arched her back at cried out.  I ate her like a man starved. I would never get over her taste. It was pure heaven. I made her give me two orgasms before I let go of her from my mouth. I kissed her so she could taste herself. “Bend over Kitten.”   She smiled at me shyly. I helped her down and she turned over and bend down, cheek to desk.   “Hang on Kitten.” I undid my belt and pants and let them drop along with my boxer briefs.  I pumped my cock a couple of times before I gently kicked her legs apart.  I ran the tip through her soaked pussy lips, listening to her mewl at the sensation. I pushed into her, groaning at how tight she was.   “Oh, fuck, Curtis.” Her head lifted as I pushed in.  I wraped my hand around her throat to lift her up to my lips. As we kissed I withdrew my hips and pushed into her again, just a little bit harder. She pulled away to cry out. I pushed her head back down and began to pound into her. “Curtis, Curtis, shit, so good,” she cried.   “Yeah, you like that don’t you Kitten?  Love having my cock into this tight, wet pussy.” I grabbed her hips to pounf into her harder. “Fuck, you’re squeezing tight.” I couldn’t stop. She felt so good and I wasn’t sure how much more I could last.  “Tell me you’re close, sweetheart.” I reached between us to stroke her clit.   “Ah, Curtis, baby, right there, right there, I’m going to cum,” she screamed.  And then bliss. She pulsed around me, squeezing my cock and I exploded, filling her. I pumped a couple more times, before I stopped and leaned over her, kissing her neck.   “Are you ok?”  “I’m perfect,” she said with a smile. “I’m in heaven.”  
Someone dropped a notebook and pulled me out of my memories. I went back to boss mode.  “Update now!” 
“Sir, we have the plate of the car that was used. I confirmed that it was Sid Johnson that took Presley from the house.  He has just his gun on him and that’s it. It took 12 minutes for him to take her.”  
“I want his file,” I ordered. Clint had it on his desk and handed it to me.  “How did he get past? How did this motherfucker gain my trust? He should have never been invited to interview let alone be assigned to the house or my family. I want a fucking answer!” 
Clint cleared his throat. “I think they created an alias for him.  He was clean boss.  We had asked Mr. Barber for Jensen’s help with the checks when we up’d security.”  
“Son of a bitch. We need to find her now! Clint, she had her necklace on her. Trace it.”  
Please let her necklace be the way to bring her home.  
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My driver is going as fast as he can from Giovanni’s compound to the house we had set up. It was risky, setting up a house in one of the Kings’s territory but it was neccessary.  I needed time to get Presley and time to change the plates for the cars so we can leave and no one would be the wiser. It took three hours but we finally arrived in Camden.  
Everest’s people are morons. I was able to slip people into his house and take his prized possession from under him.  It was time. It was time to take my place in our world and run New Jersey. The first part of my plane was to take my princess and make her a queen.  
Walking into the house, he saw his man and smiled. “Where is she?” 
“Locked in the master sir. I made sure the windows were locked from the outside as well.  She’s known for being squirrly and resourseful, sir.”  
“Good job, Sid.” Charles patted his back before heading down the hall.  He stopped and took a breath and opened the door. 
“Hello Amelia.”  
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galaxyshine24-7 · 11 months
Yuu going to save the mafia boys, especially the first years- Hey let them go right now before I make you regret it, are they idiots? Yes, Are they imbeciles for falling for such a cheap trick? Absolutely, but they're my stupid idiots
Just Sid's scene from Ice Age with the Tyrannosaurus rex babies fighting with their mommy dinosaur
That is basically Yuu with the first years they might be reckless and get into trouble too many times, but they have been there for Yuu through thick and thin, and Yuu will always do the same.
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curiositasmundi · 4 months
Tutto accade nella settimana del 23 maggio quando il paese ricorda il sacrificio del giudice Giovanni Falcone, di Francesca Morvillo, degli agenti di scorta, uccisi dal tritolo mafioso a Capaci.
Ribadiamo un fatto non trascurabile, l’ex direttore del Sisde è stato processato nell’indagine trattativa stato-mafia, per la mancata cattura di Bernardo Provenzano e la perquisizione mai avvenuta del covo di Totò Riina, ma è sempre stato assolto. Alcuni elementi contenuti nell’invito a comparire erano già emersi negli altri procedimenti, ma nell’indagine fiorentina ce n’è sono di nuovi che saranno oggetto dell’interrogatorio di Mori, per ora rinviato. Secondo i pm Mori era al corrente del rischio stragista avendo avuto plurime anticipazioni, ma non ha fatto niente per evitarlo.
Lo avrebbe saputo «dal maresciallo Roberto Tempesta, del proposito di cosa nostra, veicolatogli dalla fonte Paolo Bellini, di attentare al patrimonio storico, artistico e monumentale della Nazione e, in particolare, alla torre di Pisa e, successivamente, da Angelo Siino, che lo aveva appreso da Antonino Gioè, da Gaetano Sangiorgi e da Massimo Berruti (ex manager berlusconiano e poi parlamentare di Forza Italia, morto nel 2018, ndr), durante il colloquio investigativo intercorso a Carinola il 25 giugno 1993, il quale gli aveva espressamente comunicato che vi sarebbero stati attentati al Nord», si legge nell’invito a comparire.
Quello che è chiaro in maniera esplicita e sarà oggetto dell’interrogatorio, Mori è già sentito un anno fa come persona informata sui fatti, è che i pm si sono rimessi a cercare riscontri intorno alla cosiddetta pista nera che vede convergere nella strategia stragista la mafia, l’eversione neofascista, i servizi deviati e la massoneria di Licio Gelli. Una pista già battuta, ma che non ha portato giudiziariamente a nulla di accertato.
Cosa c’è nel passato che unisce i mondi e incrocia Mori? Lo dettaglia il magistrato Roberto Tartaglia (dal 2022 distaccato a palazzo Chigi), nel 2018, durante il processo sulla trattativa stato-mafia (poi naufragato con l’assoluzione) descrivendo la carriera di Mori come costantemente contro le regole.
«I risultati “inimmaginabili” ai quali siamo arrivati su vicende, risalenti, ma importanti del passato di Mori servono a definire in maniera chiara e forte la geometria di un personaggio che poteva e può compiere di tutto». Il magistrato ricordava poi la carriera di Mori al Sid allora guidato da Vito Miceli, descritto come un servizio deviato e parallelo. Con il suo brusco allontanamento da Roma che, per il pm, era da ricondurre alla vicinanza di Mori, poi scoperta, con le azioni dell’organizzazione eversiva di destra Rosa dei Venti. Una ricostruzione che resta curriculum parallelo dell’ex generale, il quale, al contrario, ha sempre rivendicato la correttezza delle sue condotte.
C’è un ultimo incrocio, un’altra coincidenza che ci porta sempre a Firenze. I magistrati vogliono capire chi c’era dietro la fuga di notizie sulle rivelazioni del pentito Salvatore Cancemi che «parlava di quelli di sopra», chiaro riferimento a Silvio Berlusconi. Lo scoop fu pubblicato da Attilio Bolzoni e Giuseppe D’Avanzo su Repubblica nel 1994.
L’allora magistrata Ilda Boccassini, ora indagata per false informazioni ai pm, perché non ha rivelato quella fonte, aveva delegato l’indagine ai Ros, al comandante, Mario Nunzella, e al suo numero due, Mario Mori. Certi nomi, come i misteri, non passano mai.
Via - Infosannio
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demon-blood-youths · 1 month
Hi DBT! Do you guys have game night at times with the cursed vixens and maybe the other fractions? If so, what do you guys do?
@the-silver-peahen-residence "Yep! We play lots of board games. Our favorite ones are Uno, Monopoly, Cards Against Humanity, Scrabble, Jenga and oh! Quiplash!" Ink grins. "We play with some of the fractions and we seen the games between other fraction's members. It's pretty nice to see them having fun!" Ink smiles.
---- Scrabble -----
"Hm...I see." Ethan nods while he puts the word spelling, FEATHER. Rex nods, and since the scrabble pieces has braille into them at the back of pieces and with the help of Kali, tells him the words as he is blind. He enjoy this games as he whispers to Kali. Kali grins and puts down the word. RADIANT Willow hums. "Not bad." She smiles as she puts down the word, DAZZLE. "Hmmm..." Agtha is there as well. She puts down, "AMAZE" where on taking advantage of the Z. The four players like scrabble since they can put down big words as a way to challenge themselves and outsmarting the others.
It's their favorite game. ---- Uno ---- "Damn it! I gotta draw six?!" Fin said as he can't believe this. Winter chuckles, seeing this while the other Seasoned Demon warriors were playing Uno with the Lupins.
Bernard join in the game as well with Zed.
"Ha!" Zed grins.
Autumn giggles, "Hehehe."
Spring chuckles while Pierce pats him on the head and Ahmed hums.
But then Fin smirks, "PSYCHE!" He puts down a draw 2+ switching to a different color. Winter gasped and looks at Fin. "How could you?" She puts a hand over her mouth feigning shock.
"Sorry! Nothing personal! I just wanted to win." Fin grins. Winter narrows her eyes and smirks, "Here's another 2 then."
To which Summer gasps, "YOU TWO!!!"
Winter and Fin high-five each other with a smile.
"Ugh! Now I got to pick up 10 cards?!" Summer cries.
----- Jenga ----
"Come on, you got this, Ashely!" Joshua said as Ashely is slowly pulling out a piece out of the structure. Eyes from the Knights and Butterflies are focused on the Jenga as Ashely is pulling a piece out.
And then...
She pulls a piece.
And tower has not fallen. "DAMN IT!" Vanessa shouted.
"DUDE! SHE'S OUR OPPONENT!" Vanessa yelled making Joshua yelp. "Oh right sorry! Also! Good one, Ashely!" Joshua said quickly.
Angel is laughing while Vanessa shakes her head. Ashely is blushing while T-Bone and Hex are praising her for a good job she has done.
"T-thank you, Joshua. It's your turn!"
--- "Also! Matt told me that he played some board games with Port Mafia. He asked to borrow some and I let him!" Ink grinned.
----- Cards Against Humanity ------
"I swear...something is wrong with you guys..." Chuuya shakes his head at this, holding the card. Ryunosuke and Matt smirks while Gin giggles while Jason is laughing.
"Dude...I'm likeing these Horror guys!" Motojirō Kajii is laughing his ass off seeing the card in Chuuya's had. Yumeno is also giggling.
Matt grins, "Not me."
Ryunosuke shakes his head, "Not me either." He said, sipping a glass of water.
"Seriously...what the fuck is this!" Chuuya puts his head on his hand while waving the card in this hand. "Who come up with this??? WHOSE CARD IS THIS?!"
"That was Sid..." Michizō Tachihara answers.
"Sorry..I read a lot of macabre novels." Sid said. "However..that wasn't me." Sid waves his hand. Charlie giggles along with Shrika and Willie, laughing at the cards they put down.
"That was me." Pete answered.
"OF COURSE! Why am I not freaking surprised!" Chuuya rolls his eyes. "Bug boy."
"At least you admit that I won this round."
"Yeah, yeah!"
"So yeah! The fractions love the board games and it all depends which board game they like!" Said Ink.
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quackquackcey · 1 year
Rumpled sheets, smoke-tinged kisses, and sea salted lightning
Rated E, 13k words. Tags: A/B/O, mafia boss Derek x FBI agent Stiles, established relationship, case fic, porn w/ plot. Read on AO3.
(yes, I wrote this gif scene in the fic, it’s a need 😩)
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(shoutout to @renmackree for this graphic—if you see this, you’re amazing! 💛)
FBI agent Stiles and mafia boss Derek pair up to take down an elusive killer targeting both humans and supernaturals, but will they make it through the storm unscathed?~ 🚬⚡️
The canteen quieted from carefree chatter to hushed whispers, as it did everytime Stiles and Derek walked in.
“I heard he’s a dirty cop, but because of his connections with mafia, they just transferred him to the SID,” whispered Stiles’ fellow coworkers today. “And I guess that’s his handler?”
“Someone told me he’s from the main branch, top of the field,” others whispered, “temporarily helping out the SID. I feel bad that he got stuck working with a dirty cop. I’d rather deal with a criminal than a dirty cop, y’know what I mean?”
Stiles rolled his eyes.
The same old rumors, yet somehow, they just got further and further from the truth everyday. He shot a glare at Derek as they sat down at an empty table.
“Don’t look at me like that, detective.” Far too much amusement for Stiles’ liking shone in Derek’s silver green eyes. “I have better things to do than bribe some government dogs to up my reputation. Clearly, I don’t look like a lowlife criminal like a certain someone.”
Stiles rolled his eyes and stabbed his meatloaf. “This is all your fault, I hope you know.”
“If it makes you feel better to shift the blame, then go ahead,” said Derek, sipping his coffee without a care.
“I’m not talking about our deal—”
“Relationship,” Derek cut in.
“Okay, fine, our deal-turned-relationship-thing, I’m talking about your insistence to eat here for lunch!” hissed Stiles. “Why can’t we just go out to eat? There’re cafés and shops all along this street!”
“I never said we had to eat here.”
Stiles’ brows shot up. “Yeah? So you’re fine with getting the fuck out of here right now?”
“Sure,” drawled Derek.
The plastic fork in Stiles’ fist bent in half. “I will shoot you.”
“You have before,” Derek reminded him. “I just like the coffee here. We can eat elsewhere. The food is not great.”
“You couldn’t have said this two weeks ago?!”
“And miss out on the increasingly ridiculous rumors every time we walk in? Who’d have guessed that the FBI headquarters is worse than high school? It’s amusing that the nation’s so-called top law enforcement is full of shallow idiots.”
Stiles pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. “Here we go again.”
“I’m just saying that you’d expect FBI employees of all people to look beyond appearances.”
“They do,” Stiles told him, “for cases. Not for random distant coworkers they don’t give a shit about.”
“Cases, hm? You’re saying they separate their work from personal life?”
“Uh, yeah? Who the hell is gonna analyze the shit out of every person they see in passing?”
“I do,” said Derek, “or else I wouldn’t be alive.”
Stiles grimaced. “Yeah, but that’s you. Your life sucks.”
“And you, because the entire reason everyone thinks you’re a dirty cop and I’m your handler leads back to you not separating your work and personal life.”
“No, I separate them.”
Derek raised an eyebrow.
“I just don’t have much of a personal one,” said Stiles, and Derek let out a rare chuckle. “Who knew that trying to catch「Hunter」would fuck my life up so bad?”
“I’m hurt.”
Stiles rolled his eyes again, a regular occurrence around Derek. “I didn’t say I regretted it.” He let out a huff. “It’s been interesting, to say the least, learning about the supernatural.”
“Just that?” asked Derek with a knowing smirk and bedroom eyes.
Stiles swallowed. “What else is there that’s so interesting?”
“Hm—” Derek’s phone vibrated in his suit jacket pocket and he picked up the call for five seconds, then hung up. “Family calls,” he told Stiles. “I have to punish someone.”
“You mean kill someone?” muttered Stiles.
“Now, now, that’s not much of a punishment, is it? More importantly”—Derek leaned in closer, placing a leather-gloved hand on Stiles’ thigh—“your heat’s coming up soon, isn’t it?” he murmured. “How about we take the edge off tonight, my place?”
Stiles’ breaths stuttered, but he managed to glance cooly at Derek. “My first time to a mafia boss’s place,” he murmured back. “How exciting.”
“It’s quite boring, really.” Derek squeezed his thigh then stood up with his untouched food and cup of coffee. “Call me if you find anything new about 「Sentiero」.”
And with that, he strode off, walking like he owned the place as he usually did, and Stiles sighed watching the gazes inevitably drawn towards Derek’s exit.
Appearances really could be deceiving.
Continue on AO3!
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bsideheart · 2 months
youre not actually into f1 but i need you to know how good an aftg f1 au would be. theres so many ways it could go (right now my mind is on mercedes surprise-signing random kid jean moreau after one of their two golden drivers kevin day drops the bombshell that hes leaving for another team [in my mind its ferrari because ferrari kevin day would go sooooo hard] [also i could make the riko kevin mercedes lore so fucked up. way worse than irl lore for sure]) (but like. you could also play so hard into the near-religious significance of ferrari and how everyone wants to be the driver to bring glory back to ferrari. neil kevin mismatched rival ferrari teammates who share a dream and want to steal it from each other?)
i like your funny words magic man ^_^ in all seriousness tho thay sounds super cool and i can for sure picture all of them in the f1 uniforms like ?!!?!? keeping all the mafia stuff would make it cool too,……. omg sid your MIND. YOUR MIND
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sobbingdistantnoises · 7 months
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
HM, I had to think for this one, but probably hanahaki sickness stuff. I don't think I've ever read one of these where I found it memorable and enjoyable, and especially when they have happy endings, it just seems a bit silly to me that one of the people involved is like...deathly sick before they decide to confess. Not for me
📚 Would you ever want to turn writing into a career?
I do think it'll be cool to turn storytelling into a career one day, but I don't think writing itself is the way for me. It's fun, but there are SO many ways that I want to be able to tell stories in (notably. GAMES), and I think writing by itself is a tad limited for my purposes. Plus I do not write nearly enough to make it a career </3
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
This DEPENDS HEAVILY on criteria.
Sid Is Dead And Cupcake Killed Him. Paul McCartney of the Beatles murders Sid Vicious! Johnny Rotten is framed for Sid's death because he discovers that he can talk to ghost!Sid while Sid is near his corpse and thus carries it from town to town as they try to figure out what the frick happened! They meet Paul McCartney on some random intersection! Find out what happens possibly never because the last thing I wrote was them taking an ILLEGAL LEFT TURN, which I now realize is extremely dangerous, but when I wrote that, I did not know how to drive!
But even knowing that, he never expected to be framed for Sid Vicious’—his bandmate and best friend’s—murder. What he expected even less was to be able to see and speak to Sid’s ghost, because, hello? that’s not normal, and what was even less normal than even that was to be required to be in the vicinity of Sid’s corpse to do so and therefore end up, with Sid’s enthusiastic consent, escaping from the law who came to arrest Johnny with his friend’s corpse in tow. In all fairness, he could see why the officials thought he was guilty.
4AM Ramones Cult. Message sent at 4:02am in my private server containing the satanic summoning of the Ramones (or just Dee Dee, who says goodnight to the first person narrator who I think was me in a disguise). I told him I liked his hair.
You know, I really need to work on how I act when tired. It's not professional, and it would probably get me taken to several professionals if word got out.
Volcano Sacrifice Ramones Fic. There is planned out logic for bacteria in this one somewhere! The Ramones don't know each other but are deemed "saviors" by the local cult. They get sacrificed to volcano. Everything inside volcano underworld is based off of the Ramones' music in a meta-way, not necessarily known by Ramones. The first area they end up in is jungle train place based off their album for Subterranean Jungle. They have to start the train on the tracks as if it's the game Siberia! The jungle is on an infinite loop on the inside with wall boundaries that are a plus sign so that you can't even go straight forever.
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
YES INDEED, I am constantly listening to music forever <3 Currently, obsession is Doom music, both original games and modern :D I'm currently actually listening to Mick Gordon's Vega Core (modern doom), which OHHHH, I love, Mick Gordon is a god <3
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
I pretty much NEVER have a proper outline, so pants it is by default! I always sort of want to have an outline so that I can finish a longer thing some day, but I've yet to find motivation to do that
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
I do not really have readers for most of my things since I don't publish the vast majority of what I write, so not really? I will indeed likely do many mean things when it comes time for me to run the mafia game(s) I am in the midst of planning though. Returning to my roots of writing out the brutal murders of my friends! <- command game murders
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
GHOSTS, I have so much to say on that. Like...probably most of the stories I've actually been invested in for a while involved ghosts, and AHHHH, I love doing ghost logic because it's like, rules, but then you make the rules... <3
Stream of consciousness is a more recent thing I've put into my writing, but it's SO fun to do, and it's also EASY which is great. I get to give my little guys patterns of thought and think about how their thinking overlaps itself and eeee, it's so fun :)
Currently in the mafia game I'm in (Pumpkin Nights my beloved), I have a character named Ivory, and her thing when I roleplay her is that her thoughts are really...unevenly spaced? and it gets even more unstable when she's not well mentally (which she very much was not until this morning <3) She is also currently a ghost because she was executed (for killing people because her warrior cats book was messed with), so that ties in :D
(Did Ihurt...it...my...belovedyoudon't...deservethis...whyNebbie mistake...youresobloody...whereare...you?) (They...started ittheystartedittheir...fault it'stheir fault) (Emptyemptenter...tainmentarebooks...pl...ease...I want back...backbackback...they gave me...osomuchplease...I wasted...it...)
And then PEARL stream of consciousness. Basically, if you've heard of what Evolution SMP/Hermitcraft related/Grian related Watchers are, they were basically...sort of gods who are actually implied the viewers but people sort of leave that last part out a lot because of what it's been turned into by fanon. Essentially, I have very differing headcanons from most of fanon, and in there Pearl(escentmoon) was a Watcher during the start of Evo that was cast down because she got too attached to doing "player stuff" and stopped acting according to Watcher principals (which are actually fairly justified in a POV, I disagree HEAVILY with "Watchers are bad" most of the time). She has a lot of repetition and parallel structure in her SoC thoughts alongside an mostly-lack of punctuation and stopping because a lot of her thing is that her views on stuff are, say, very difficult to change. She believes, and she believes heavily (the Watchers are fair). I also use the same italics and brackets for her thoughts as I do for some early exposition stuff that references her in third person which I think is neat
(I was a good Watcher I helped I built I made ou all them all angels I gifted I loved I punished forgave guided loved loved loved I loved them I love you please keep me with you I love you I love you I love you) (Grian? Grian Grian it's Grian he's here he's next to me) (They decided for me I love you I love you please take me back) (Angels angels I built you all angels)
ONE MORE THING FOR THIS QUESTION. THE DOOM PLAYER. This is a little fella who is part oc, part canon, part rpf of everybody who has ever played Doom. Basically, the premise is "what if the character you play is real" except they weren't aware of their consciousness 2 seconds ago, still adhere to video game logic except they're irl now but in the game's version of irl, and now they get to have a crisis. It's like the opposite of those fics that make poorly planned canon believable. There's rules, just strange rules, and now the 2 sets of rules get to fight. What I try for the Doom Player's thoughts is a lot of inconsistency. Their thoughts are in both 3rd person and in first, and a lot of sentences overlap and become mixed together
(The pain the pain the pain it's everywhere everything's ending they're dying they're all dying at once) (I’m one I’m whole feel quiet do more think think don’t move don’t alert what happened a bug maybe weird bug never happened WHO before AM I remember lots I want to go back no intermission why not it’s a bug but why how did it happen it was normal this isn’t how am I thinking WHO AM I thinking can think but never as one though I remember so much never like this bugs head so full too much think help ing don’t move okay WHO AM I feel weird can feel taking damage I think full health never felt pain WHO bug AM I can think) (Deep in the code deep out of the code there is no code why can I breath think WHO AM I ing I can't think think breathe think what is thinking so scared what is scared not breathing?)
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
There are 2 types of funnies in my writing. Intentional and "HELP"
Ghost Clive. I wanna redo this fic but make it better because I actually really like the concept of the Iron Maiden guys hanging out together dead but don't like where the idea came from anymore and am more interested in the concept of Eddie doing a thing. The following may be scrapped because I don't think the way I portrayed Clive is all that great, but I do think it's funny to read
"No!" Clive flinched at the raise in volume, "You're sitting a few meters away from your fucking dead body while your former bandmate—who's been dead for a year!—is talking to you! Are we on tour?!" "Um...probably not." Clive decided with a shake of his head. The other person let out an exasperated sigh, "Good god, Clive. I'm glad you finally noticed." Clive nodded seriously, "Me too."
Ghost Cliff.
"Then- how..?" Jason vaguely gestured his hand at Cliff's ghostly figure, unable to find the proper words to describe what he meant. "No idea, man. Guess this is the afterlife or whatever." Cliff shrugged, "Got to say though, you're the first person who's shown any signs of seeing me." "Wait, really?" Jason's eyebrows raised, surprised, "Just me?" "Yep." "Is that why you're...here now, I'm guessing?" Cliff snorted, "No, that's because I follow random guys to their hotel rooms all the time. It's a hobby of mine." "Ah, that explains it." Jason shook his head, a smile tugging itself onto his face despite the absurdity of the situation.
Frantic Fanfic. The best my writing has ever been.
I've written more in this ask than I did for my writing recently. Ooooops. Thank you for the ask <3
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zappedbyzabka · 2 years
Sometimes I think a lot about a mafia/mob AU. Sid's got a lot of money, a type of power, and the idea of him using Johnny as a way to make a deal with some LaRusso crime family and maybe Daniel is the one who went to make the deal and says something like he'll take the blonde if they want a deal and Johnny's actually more than happy to escape Sid and the mansion, he just doesn't realize what he's agreed to. But being pretty arm candy for a mob boss ends up being a lot nicer once he gets used to it. Or also maybe Johnny is just an unwitting civilian, maybe visiting Newark because he got lost on a trip to New York and catching the eye of Daniel, maybe getting into a fight but you know karate doesn't always seem like a great idea when there's a knife or a gun and our favorite California boy is definitely not in LA anymore. And Daniel doesn't seem dangerous, he's just a little punk, but then he realizes all the danger that can be hidden in an unassuming guy but that it's absolutely thrilling and maybe doesn't want to go back to LA.
Sid was 100% involved in a lot of sketchy business and wouldn’t hesitate to sell his pretty stepson for even just a dollar, so being able to get a good deal and get rid of Johnny? He’d have been crazy to pass that up. Johnny is happy to finally be away from his abusive stepfather, but he was terrified at the time when he realized Sid was giving him away to some (cute) stranger, a dangerous one at that, but he soon realized that Daniel meant no harm to him. He’s nice to Johnny; buys him presents and keeps him fed, even lets him walk around the city alone as long as he brings the knife Daniel bought him (it has "Johnny" written on the blade in pretty, cursive letters.) Daniel takes care of him like no one else has; Daniel looks at him like no one else has, like he’s beautiful and prized; of course, he finds himself in the mobster's bed and getting fucked stupid by him. which, of course, leads to Daniel buying an engagement ring (Johnny says yes just about a million times.)
Ooo and that second scenario. Johnny wasn’t at all threatened when Daniel approached him; he’s just some short, handsome guy, right? Wrong. Two men were standing behind Daniel while he flirted with Johnny under the guise of helping him figure out how to get where he needs to go, pressing up against Johnny’s side, almost against his back, and pointing at places on the map where he can find a phone or transport, rasping right in Johnny’s ear that he thinks Johnny is really pretty and that he could come have some fun with Daniel instead if he wanted, and sublty pushing his (big, really big, from what Johnny can feel) bulge against his hip, an abundantly clear message. Johnny pushed Daniel away roughly, assuming that Daniel was just making fun of him, and was briefly panicked when one of the men hovering around Daniel gave a warning peek of the gun on his hip to him, but thankfully, Daniel motioned for the men to walk away and was obeyed without question.
“Sorry, sweetheart, that wasn’t very gentlemanly of me—my mother would kill me.”
Johnny hates (loves*) this guy’s dumb, hot accent and his stupid, cute face. What the hell could someone that looks so innocent be doing to need some dude with a gun to protect him?
“What wasn’t? Getting your bodyguard to flash a gun at me?”
Daniel laughs. "I didn't order him to do that, and I'm really sorry for that too, but I meant I'm sorry for being so crass with you." He grins, handing Johnny a paper with his number on it. "I should take you on a proper date first."
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