#magi fan comic
morimakesfanart · 2 years
Sindria's Prophet #30
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[AO3] [wattpad]
~POV Mori~ Being neurodivergent can be very inconvenient, but because of it I'm able to find joy in things that neurotypicals might only give a glance to. Sure, I had things to worry about, but nothing else matters in the face of learning more about something I love. There were only a few detail shots in the anime and even less panels in the manga to define the items in the Treasury. ((And I didn't draw backgrounds for most of the art for this chapter either oops XD)) I was definitely going to enjoy being able to look at everything. I recognized that room with guards at its entrance before we got close enough for me to see into it. Once we were close enough for the view to match the framing in the anime I commented, "It's just like my 'visions.'"
King Sinbad gave me a confident smile, and led us inside the Treasury. There was something I had to see in person before anything else. I b-lined to the right side to start my search. When I found it I looked back at Sinbad. "Can I pick things up to get a better look?"
The King was standing a few paces back -just watching me with his arms crossed. "Go ahead."
I was allowed to look with my hands! I immediately picked up and put on the clawed gauntlets that Morgiana tries on while looking for something to be her metal vessel. They didn't have the best articulation and were heavy, but they weren't uncomfortable. I couldn't hold in my giggles as I examined them.
"You like things like that?" Sinbad's voice asked from behind me.
"Yes!" Ever since I was little I've wanted a suit of armor. I've never been able to decide what time period or country's style I wanted, and pricing replicas immediately removed it from a possibility.
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Sinbad watched me for a moment before asking, "Do you want those?"
'Oh right! I'm supposed to be picking something out.' I took them off, and put them back where I found them. "Not really. They're just a part of a moment I found charming so I wanted to try them on once."
"I see."
As I made my way around the room I found the group of jewelry shown in both the manga and anime versions. These pieces were in the close up shots to help establish the location. The bracelet and ring with purple stones were obviously my favorite color, but it was different actually seeing the way light bounces through them. "They're prettier in person." I picked up the bracelet, and turned it in the light a few times. Maybe amethyst? I had seem amethyst that looked like this. That would make this a bit cheap considering Sinbad's level of opulence. Maybe tanzanite? I don't know much about identifying gem stones. I was pretty sure Topaz, sapphire, and diamond could make this color too.
I heard Sinbad's steps on the stone floor behind me, so I wasn't too surprised when his voice came from right next to me. "Are you considering that one?"
If it's really okay then, "Definitely." I slipped it onto my right wrist. "It's violet so I want it on me." It was a bit heavy, but I didn't think it would be a problem. I was left handed so it wouldn't get in the way of my writing as long as I wore it on my right arm.
Sinbad's chuckle set off an alarm in my head but I couldn't place why. He asked, "Is that so?"
He smiled and nodded like he was agreeing with something profound. "It looks good on you." Even though I understood the flow of our conversations, his compliment felt like it had little to do with me wearing the color purple.
"Thanks?" He was making a pass at me, but I couldn't tell what started it.
My response only seemed to amuse Sinbad more. He looked down at the ring in front of me that also had a violet stone. "You're welcome to choose another piece if you find anything else you like." Two pieces of jewelry was nice as a bonus for my work, but I couldn't shake the feeling that I was walking into a honey trap. I watched him for some type of explanation. Sinbad read my expression and added, "Consider this next one payment towards the Fate Scrolls you've been making."
As long as all of this was payment and not a bribe masquerading as a present, then it should be okay... right? I had been making the Fate scrolls for myself, so it didn't occur to me I might get paid for them. What would they even be worth? They contained things that already happened. If everyone talked about their past experiences with each other then there'd be nothing to gain from the scrolls. That level of transparency between people isn't really something viable, so it's definitely worth more than the materials and time it took to make it. I left that spot to look around more.
Sinbad questioned, "You don't want the ring?"
I looked back at it. "It's nice, but I'd like to see if there is anything else I'd like better."
He laughed.
I followed the waves since they seemed to want me to go to a specific spot. There were many rings of different shapes and designs with a just as wide variety of gem stones -same with necklaces and bracelets, of course. None of them stood out to me until the sight of a specific necklace made me freeze.
Sinbad watched me and when I didn't explain, he asked, "Does that necklace have some special significance?"
"Yes and no." I couldn't look away from the golden choker. It only existed as a scribble in some Magi concept art; there was no official final depiction; yet I recognized it instantly. "I'm surprised to see it because there's no reason for it to exist in this version of Fate."
"Oh?" His voice rose with genuine interest.
"It would have been a Djinn's metal vessel, but it's Capturer has a different metal vessel for it in this path." The sky light made the large ruby hanging off the front of the choker sparkle. It was perfect for a Queen.
I didn't look at Sinbad's reaction but I could tell that surprised him. "It was a metal vessel? Is there a reason that Dungeon Capturer won't need this as a replacement vessel in the future?"
That made me laugh. I looked up at him; I didn't want to miss his shock. "She's not a woman in this version of Fate, and he's not the type to wear something like this." Male Sinbad did look good in chokers, so it might not be the worse look, but he didn't seem the type to wear something like this unless it was a part of his Djinn Equip.
Sinbad's dumbfounded expression was cute, and easily my favorite. He blinked a few times before responding. "Wait- You're saying that a woman in one Fate is a man in this one?"
"Yup." I smiled and kept the fact that I was talking about him to myself.
The King crossed his arms and starred down at the necklace.
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After a few moments of watching his expression I looked back at the choker. There really wasn't any reason for it to exist in this world since Sinbad was a man. I got the feeling that the writer of this fanfiction put this here for me to see -that it was here for my benefit. Why else would the waves lead me right to it? A greedy voice in the back of my mind whispered that it was here so it could be mine. '...Sin did say I could pick one more item.'
Sinbad asked a question I should have seen coming, "Which Dungeon Capturer is it?" I smiled up at him. His eyes held excitement with curiosity. It took a few moments for Sinbad to realize I wasn't going to answer. "You're not going to tell me?" His mild surprise made me want to tease him more.
It didn't matter if he knew the answer or not, so why not tease him? "Why do you want to know? Do you want to try to picture what he looked like as woman? Who knows, maybe she was your type." I laughed. "I know she's my type as both a woman and a man."
Sinbad stared down at me. He opened his mouth but then closed it as he continued thinking. He looked back at the necklace and hummed. I didn't know what questions he was forming or what conclusions he was coming to, but his growing concern made him start pouting. I couldn't help finding it cute. He brought a fist up to his face and coughed into it at whatever thoughts he was having. Without looking at me he asked, "Was I a woman in any of the Fates you've seen?"
"Yes!" I said it with probably too much enthusiasm. He flinched but didn't say anything, so I couldn't hold back, "You were a woman in the first version of this world. It was only in later versions of Fate that you were a man." Sinbad and Aladdin were originally planned to be women, but their cisgenders changed after picking their namesakes and probably by demand of the publisher.
The conqueror of seven Djinns finally looked back at me dumbstruck. "You're serious?"
"Yes." I answered again.
"I can't imagine it."
"You weren't much different than you are now." I picked up the choker to examine it while I talked. "You were still over confident, and lucky enough to get away with your antics." It was a little lighter than I expected considering it was gold with a large stone. "You were still a master of seven Djinns, and leader of the Seven Seas Alliance."
We both went silent as I continued examining the necklace. Chokers had a few common ways that they were handled way back when. Many were open in the back, overlapped itself, or had something tied; clasps, the way we think of them, weren't really a thing until around the industrial age. This one had cloth cables that ended with tassels like some traditional Indian jewelry I read about.
Sinbad's voice had a slightly playful warmth to it. "It would pair well with the earrings I gave you." I became aware of his gaze on my neck where my earring dangled.
Looking at the design closer I could see he was right. "They are both gold with rubies, and this motif is similar." The choker had a similar petal motif as the gold feathers in my earrings. This was definitely here for me. The waves raised as if to agree with me.
"Would you like to have it?" Sinbad's question went exactly where I was thinking -he had asked that no matter what I picked up though. He pushed, "You said yourself that its original owner won't need it."
I didn't have to think about my answer. "Yes. I want it."
He smiled. "Then it's yours."
"Thank you." I smiled down at the choker. True or not, Sinbad had written that I was his biggest simp and that would be most people's first impression of me, so what did it matter if I indulged in self marking? Ja'far had even said the rumors would solve themselves eventually so I didn't need to worry. And it's not like anyone other than myself would know the significance of this item.
I had a delicious thought that would make this even more of a self indulgent fanfiction. My face warmed as I faced Sinbad. "Would you tie it on for me, my King?" I offered the choker to him and the waves rose around us. Since he wore this in the concept art, it would be poetic if he was the one to put it on me now. Besides, Sinbad clearly enjoyed flirting with me; there was no way he would say 'no.'
Sinbad leaned towards me clearly amused with my request. "I'd be honored." His warm hand covered mine exactly where his waves said it would, and took the choker from me slowly. The rising waves made it feel like the world outside this room no longer existed. Instead of marking myself, I had gotten him to mark me directly. If he was anyone else, I'd feel like I was taking advantage of him. Instead I just felt like I was beating him at his own game. --- ~POV Sinbad~ There was no way Mori was going to be able to refrain from falling into Sinbad's hands for long. He had wondered what was holding her back all this time, and he finally had his answer: her their gender. Now that Sinbad had quelled their fears, there was nothing blocking their heart from him. His Beautiful Prophet was going to dedicate their life to him fully. Mori said that he couldn't seduce their loyalty but there was no way that was true when they looked at him like this.
"Thank you." Mori's smile made the waves swirl.
They looked slightly away and reached for the bow tied at the base of their collar. They pulled out the bow with a deliberate slowness that built anticipation. The view of the nape of their neck, and cleavage stood out extra thanks to the angle they were facing. Mori looked up at him with knowing eyes while flattening their collar out of the way. They closed their eyes with an amused hum and turned their back to him. That show of undoing their collar was absolutely on purpose! Mori had read his Fate so, of course, she would know how to get under his skin like no one else. Sinbad's heart started pounding.
The gold branch decoration stood out strongly against Mori's nearly black hair. It was secured into a bun at the base of their ponytail. He had thought they cut their hair at first, but no, this was a style where the hair was tied in a knot close to the skull to form a ponytail and secured with pins. Sinbad wouldn't have known if he hadn't undone this exact hairstyle on women he had taken to bed back in Reim. Mori's hair would still reach their hips if he had the opportunity to take those pins out later.
Sinbad brought the choker around in front of his Beautiful Prophet. Should he hold her from behind when he was done? He was in the perfect position to do so. Since Mori was riling him up on purpose, he'd at least return the favor. As Sinbad wrapped the choker around her neck, he let his knuckles lightly graze her exposed skin. Mori tensed momentarily under his touch, and he watched as goosebumps made a wave on her neck. The bottom of Mori's ponytail tickled his hands as he tied a bow. Sinbad had technically finished the job, but he didn't want to remove his hands from her skin yet. A part of him lamented not kissing her neck before tying the bow. It wasn't like him to hold back when it was just him and his conquest. If it wasn't for their height difference he would have went for it already. He had other ways to move things along. He wouldn't have been nicknamed 'the Womanizer of the Seven Seas' if he didn't.
"Don't." Mori's words made him pause. "I said I was only comfortable with flirting."
Sinbad let go of the choker, took a few steps back and crossed his arms. "Of course. Do you think I won't respect your boundaries?" How did she figure it out? What had he missed? Did he take too long? Move too quickly?
The Prophet turned back towards him with a frown. "You can't hide it; your waves gave you away." After noticing his pose, they crossed their arms as well.
"Ah." The Womanizer of Seven Seas was not used to being turned down before he even asked. Even so, she was obviously intentionally turning him on. She wouldn't be a tease on purpose, would she? "Do you really expect me to believe you don't want more from me with that display of yours?"
Mori's expression reminded him of Jafar's usual reaction until Sinbad's words sunk in. Her eyes went wide. "Oh my gosh! You can't handle a taste of your own medicine." They covered their mouth with one hand as they chuckled into it.
"I told you the other night: I'm doing the same things you do to woman all the time," they broke into more laughter, "I know you'll never fall in love so I'm seducing your body instead of your heart!" Mori cupped their own face with both hands and closed their eyes. "To think, the Womanizer of the Seven Seas can't handle a widdle ol' tease like me."
That- "You were being a tease on purpose??"
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Mori opened their eyes ecstatic that he was finally on the same page. "Yes! Just like you are!" How was he supposed to respond to that? "Only unlike you I already told you where I would draw the line -twice!"
This was the wake up call he needed. "You did." It hadn't even been an hour since Mori reaffirmed their boundaries. Sinbad pressed his fingers into his closed eyes. Something was definitely wrong with him. It wasn't like him to be this impatient.
Their voice calmed but didn't lose the amused tones. "If it's too much for you, just say so, and I won't tease you like that any more."
Sinbad removed his hand from his eyes. Mori held their hands behind their back as they looked up at him with a charming smile. He finally responded, "That won't be necessary." It wasn't like he didn't have options to relieve that tension. "Now that I better understand this game of yours, I'm looking forward to seeing how you'll try to seduce me next time." There was no way this wouldn't go beyond the game eventually.
She hummed before responding. "Understood." After a moment the Prophet added, "Actually, I'd like to clarify some rules to the game."
"Go on."
Mori nodded. "Neither of us can verbally lie about our intentions either directly or by obviously assumed intent." They put up one finger. "I won't say anything that comes across as willingness to sleep with you, and you won't imply you have genuine romantic feelings for me." They put up a 2nd finger. "This is a bit obvious, but both of us can call off the game or add rules whenever. If you ever realize there's something I do that makes you uncomfortable, don't hesitate to tell me."
Sinbad couldn't imagine Mori would do anything like that. "Of course." As long as his partner felt comfortable, she might become more daring with him. --- When King Sinbad had exited the scribe's building and saw Mori a ways off it had spurred a strange feeling in him. Now that Mori walked ahead of him again as they left the Treasury he was feeling it again. There was no way he was disappointed at the idea of parting ways for the day. There were things waiting for his approval.
The Prophet stopped and looked back at him. "Was there anything else you needed me for? I made sure to keep the rest of today clear, but that doesn't mean you aren't busy."
Exactly, he was a King with responsibilities to get back to. "That's true," he laughed.
"I see." Mori took a half step towards the courtyard. "In that case, good luck with the rest of your day, my King." He really liked the way she said that.
If only he could bottle that excited and content feeling Mori gave him. If it was an alcohol, it would easily become his favorite. "Actually, Mori," a little longer wouldn't hurt, "I was thinking it's about time I give you a tour of the Palace."
((OMGOSH so much happened while I was making this chapter. The biggest being: my computer crashed and wouldn't turn back on. My friend who built it figured out what happened and was able to save all of the data and get me a new drive for it. I wanted get this chapter out before the end of the year, and somehow I did it.
I really wanted to draw more of this chapter but 1. I ran out of time, and 2. Tumblr only allows for 10 images per post. I tried to narrow it down to the moments with the biggest impact. There were a few I thought were really funny and could be better than what I ended up choosing, but when I looked at how close those moments were to each other, I'd either make more longer comics or have breaks between them that the text might get lost in. I had really wanted to draw the moment when Sin asks about him being a woman in another reality, and the rest of Mori teasing him, but that was when I'm computer died. I only had time left to do the last & longest comic which I still had to cut shorter than I originally planned. ;-;
*edit- I thought tumblr only allowed 10 images, but apparently it's been raised. I found out because one of the images wasn't posting right and test splitting it into 2 and it worked...
Anyway, thanks for being with me this past year and reading my fanfiction. I really enjoy reading and rereading everyone's comments :3 Also, thank you to everyone who made fanart and fan edits :D You all have no idea how much of a boost it all is. When I'm feeling down I look at them to feel better. Thanks for being one of my favorite parts of 2022.
I wish you all a Happy New Year, Mori))
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spencer-is-dead · 8 days
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For those who haven’t noticed, this comic was born or out my hypefixation over a version of Madoka I call Moldoka, which happened after a conversation with my friend. This is mostly a crack fic, considering how stupid the premise is. I won’t really be paying attention to the canon Walpurgis no Kaiten has presented because its not out yet, and im the artist and I can do what I want :)
I’ll try to update this at least once a week, maybe on Saturdays lol, I’ll figure out a schedule.
hope you enjoy this stupid au
UPDATE: you can read the first part of chapter 1 here
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tart-miano · 1 year
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Alternate timeline where Sayaka became a magical girl earlier on, and she and Kyosuke talked about things. Which made the situation worse.
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garr9988 · 2 years
I'd love to do or organize a PMMM project (webcomic, visual novel like MagiReco, fanfic, etc.) about the Witches from the original series as Magical Girls... but so much of their lore is locked behind the language barrier of all the production notes that, after about a decade now, still aren't translated.
I think a group project like this would be fun to do as a fandom collective, but to even get a beginning understanding of these characters, we'd need translators.
If anyone would be interested in being involved in a project like this, or wants to help find a Japanese translator(s), reblogs would be appreciated.
(Alternatively, the ideas I have could be done with an entirely original cast, which opens the door for people to make or offer their OCs to use!)
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I'm actually working on a comic!! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
Hi guys!! I'm actually working on a comic thats inspired in:
Aotu World
Glitter Force
Madoka Magica
I hope I receive some support.
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epplebloom-blog · 2 years
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Lil madoka fancomic colored finally.
Mirai Magica
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starmahgalaxies · 1 year
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I was working on Koumei's color palette (it's typically the first thing I do for characters), and at one point while playing with colors I was like, "wait, am I making the bi flag?" Not the final colors I went with exactly but still XD.
Thus, I did some quick bi Koumei sketches. Plus a bonus Alibaba, who is very embarrassed (be nice to the poor lad, let people get around to it when they want!)
I've never had strong inclination or hc on Mei's sexuality but I may stick with it because it amused me and made me smile working on this.
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petalandleafcomics · 4 months
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"this is all that there is," A Puella Magi Madoka Magica fan comic by @kelszzles
View this comic and more on Petal & Leaf
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ewingstan · 11 months
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Halloween and cringetober may be behind us, yet I remain, coughing this up onto your back porch. Alec Lisa and Aisha were the only ones who enjoyed the costume party. Individuals and costume explanations below the cut:
Aisha and Brian: Power and Aki Hayakawa Chainsaw Man
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This one goes out to the nine-year old I work with who wore a Denji costume for the school Halloween parade. Shoutout to you guy I don't know how you're allowed to watch that its the blood and sexual fantasies show.
I feel like miss suiciding-baiting-people-on-4chan would like Power. Aki works for Brian as they carry the "supposedly normal responsible one of their batshit group who very clearly has something wrong with him" niche of their series.
I feel like CSM is something that Brian and Alec would put on in the background when they were hanging out together. It's not really either of their thing, but it good pizza night fodder. Brian freaks out when Aisha mentions watching it.
Brian agreed to be Aki after he learned he could just wear a suit instead of making a real costume. Brian obviously likes objectively ridiculous costumes but it has to be something strained through 5 layers of machismo and a 17-year-old's idea of professionalism. He'll dress like something that gets painted onto a van but if there's too much whimsy or fun he'll start to freak. So halloween costumes would be weird for him. Aki just wearing a suit and a sword seemed like a good solution for this right up until the point where he had to explain what it was. Its from, hm, y'know, uhhhh this anime that my sister likes I'm just here to match with her.
Whenever he pulls the "I'm just in costume for my sister" thing Aisha makes everyone forget she exists. No escaping the weeb allegations for you Brian.
Taylor and Lisa: Madoka Kaname and Homura Akemi, Puella Magi Madoka Magica
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Don't know if I need to explain this one, Worm/Madoka comparisons are almost cliche at this point
The costumes were Lisa's idea. Obviously.
The costumes were also Lisa's purchases, and enough was spent on them to make a veteran cosplayer weep. Her refusal to die her hair black would also make them weep but for different reasons.
After taking a look at herself Taylor enveloped herself in a particularly dense bug swarm for the whole night.
She eventually retreated to some side-room she found Brian hiding in and chatted with him for the rest of the party. On the condition that he make a darkness cloud for her.
She started choking on a prawn half an hour in after remembering he could see through his darkness clouds.
Rachel and Alec: Jade Harley and Dirk Strider, Homestuck
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They are not going as a matching pair. Rachel does not know that she and Alec are wearing costumes from the same comic. She does not know what Homestuck is. This is one of the many ways she's better than us.
Rachel thinks she should've just been able to wear her usual dog mask for this party. Its a costume. What do you mean it doesn't count.
And why is her usual mask not enough, but the dog ears Cassie was really excited to loan her are fine? Aren't ears less costume than a full mask?
Admittedly apart from the pseudo-mind-control Alec and Dirk don't have a lot in common. Alec probably thinks he's more like Dirk than he actually is.
Dirk is if the concept of being in your own head was a guy, nay several guys, while Alec literally has to outsource getting in touch with his emotions to other bodies. Honestly the closest worm character to Dirk would probably be Krouse, considering the whole "chessmaster-manipulator who puts everything on himself and overmanages all his relationships while self-identifying as the person who can handle being the bad guy" thing, which Alec doesn't have going on at all. However:
It let me put Alec in a silly little fancylad outfit.
(Also they're both SB&HJ fans, so honestly I think its the perfect choice).
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muffinrecord · 3 months
Fair enough, it’s normal to eventually get tired of particular fandoms after a while and begin to think about other fun concepts
But asking as someone who’s been mainly floating on the surface of the Puella fandom since last year, mainly from passing conversations with friends and making characters for an original magical girl story, where would you suggest that I should start to get more familiar with the series overall?
The original anime is the best place to start, but I'm assuming you've already watched it (and Rebellion).
I'd start with the spinoff manga next. Honestly a lot of them are a mixed bag-- but there are a few golden standouts. "The Different Story" is the best spinoff manga imo and expands on Mami and Kyoko's previous friendship before the the start of the anime, as well as exploring their characters. It's not just a kyomami fest though, it does a good job at looking at everyone else as well.
The next spinoff manga would include stuff like Kazumi, Oriko, Tart, and Suzune. They're all... hmm.. They're not to the same standard as the anime. Some of them are pretty poor actually. I think they have value if you want to learn more about the other puella magi properties though, and some of them explore things interestingly.
There's a psp game that also did some interesting stuff with the original PMMM gals, but I've never played/watched/read it, so I can't speak to it too much.
MagiReco is a long beast of a game, but it's chock full of exploration of the franchise and makes tons of new original characters. There's also the anime, which most fans aren't fond of lol-- you can skip it if you want, but the first season is decent enough if you want to watch just a little. There is also a manga which is pretty good and a much better adaptation of the game with some very pretty art.
On my Links Masterpost Page, I have a section dedicated to different viewing order guides. @scarfanon also made a giant-ass playlist of everything of the game in order. But if you just wanna dip your toes into it without drowning in videos, sticking with arc 1 main story and arc 1 another story won't be such a bad idea.
There is one last spinoff story that should also be linked in the above links masterpost: Null Magical Girl. It's not a comic and is very decisive-- people tend to either love or hate this story. I haven't finished reading it because of personal stuff but it seems interesting at least-- credit where credit is due, I think it's better to write something people have strong opinions about than to write something no one remembers.
Anyways-- as this is a magireco blog-- I hope you enjoy your stay in the fandom. This game has a wide range of stories, from simple fluff to pure depression, to edgefest, to catharsis, to funny af. I hope you find some stories in here that resonate :)
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silvermoon424 · 1 year
My manga collection (October 2023)
I did a post detailing my manga collection back in 2021, but it's grown a lot since then so I figured I'd make a new post! It was also a good time to do so because we're repainting my room and while there's usually a ton of anime merch in front of the books on my shelves, now it's all been packed up. So there's a clear look at the books without me having to move anything, lol.
Anyway, without further adieu, here we go! My manga collection is largely shoujo (specifically magical girls) and horror manga.
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Pet Shop of Horrors by Matsuri Akino
Pet Shop of Horrors: Tokyo by Matsuri Akino
The Clique by Yishan Li
Frozen II manga by Arina Tanemura
Dark Metro by Tokyo Calen and Yoshiken
Yokai Rental Shop by Shin Mashiba
Confidential Confessions by Reiko Momochi
Pichi Pichi Pitch (aka Mermaid Melody) by Michiko Yokote and Pink Hanamori
Magical Girl Site by Kentaro Sato
Reiko the Zombie Shop by Rei Mikamoto
Les Miserables (manga adaptation) by TszMei Lee
Nightmares for Sale by Kaoru Ohashi
Presents by Kanako Inuki
Mail by Housui Yamazaki
Dark Water by Meimu
Tale of a White Night by Tooko Miyagi
Goth by Otsuichi and Kendi Oiwa
Beautiful People by Mitsukazu Mihara
Attack on Titan: No Regrets by Gun Snark and Hikaru Suruga
In Clothes Called Fat by Moyoco Anno
A Girl on the Shore by Inio Asano
Bride of Deimos by Etsuko Ikeda and Yuuho Ashibe
Limit by Keiko Suenobu
Helter Skelter by Kyoko Okazaki
Dolls omnibus (in Japanese) by Yumiko Kawahara
Ibitsu by Haruto Ryo
A God Somewhere (Western comic) by John Arcudi and Peter Snejbjerg
Beauty (Western comic) by Hubert and Kerascoët
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Ah! My Goddess by Kōsuke Fujishima
Only One Wish by Mia Ikumi
Higurashi When They Cry: Festival Accompanying Arc by Karin Suzuragi
Chronicles of the Grim Peddler by Lee Jeoun-A
PTSD Radio by Masaaki Nakayama
Elfen Lied by Lynn Okamoto
Ikigami: The Ultimate Limit by Motoro Mase
Happy Sugar Life by Tomiyaki Kagisora
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood by Hirohiko Araki
An Ojamajo Doremi artbook (in Japanese)
Mermaid Saga by Rumiko Takahashi
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Dolls by Yumiko Kawahara
Maid-sama by Hiro Fujiwara
Franken Fran by Katsuhisa Kigitsu
Hell Girl by Miyuki Eto
Gurren Lagann by Kotaro Mori
Doll by Mitsukazu Mihara
Mantis Woman by Senno Knife
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Various Sailor Moon artbooks from the anime, manga illustrations by Naoko Takeuchi, and fan artbooks
Sailor Moon Eternal Edition by Naoko Takeuchi
Sailor V Eternal Edition by Naoko Takeuchi
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Puella Magi Madoka Magica by Hanokage
Puella Magi Madoka Magica: The Different Story by Hanokage
Puella Magi Madoka Magica: The Wraith Arc by Hanokage
Puella Magi Madoka Magica: The Rebellion Story by Hanokage
Puella Magi Oriko Magica by Kuroe Mura
Puella Magi Oriko Magica: Sadness Prayer by Kuroe Mura
Puella Magi Tart Magica by Golden Pe Done
Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story by Fuji Fujino
Assorted PMMM and Magia Record artbooks
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Pokemon Adventures (aka Pokemon Special) by Hidenori Kusaka and Mato/Satoshi Yamamoto. I own the complete set of the RBG, Yellow, GSC, FRLG, Emerald and HGSS arcs as well as a few volumes from the RS, DP, and Black/White arcs.
Various Pokemon 4koma (in Japanese)
Pokemon: I Choose You by Ryo Takamisaki
Phantom Thief Pokemon 7 by Miho Asada
The Rise of Darkrai by Ryo Takamisaki
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Adventure by Shigekatsu Ihara
The Electric Tale of Pikachu by Toshihiro Ono
The Art of Pokemon Adventures by Satoshi Yamamoto (both English and Japanese versions)
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Ginji's Rescue Team by Makoto Mizobuchi
Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea by Makoto Mizobuchi
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Various Junji Ito Manga:
Dissolving Classroom
Fragments of Horror
The Liminal Zone
Black Paradox
Venus in the Blind Spot
No Longer Human
Twisted Visions (artbook)
Uzumaki coloring book
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Uzumaki (original printing) by Junji Ito
Museum of Terror by Junji Ito
Soichi by Junji Ito
The Drifting Classroom by Kazuo Umezu
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency by Hirohiko Araki
Orochi by Kazuo Umezu
Be Very Afraid of Kanoko Inuki! by Kanoko Inuki
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Wonderland by Yugo Ishikawa
Shadows House by Somato
I Had That Sane Dream Again by Yoru Sumino
Is Love the Answer? by Uta Isaki
Nightmare Inspector by Shin Mashiba
The Ring by Misao Inagaki
Wonder House of Horrors by Miyako Cojima
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Puella Magi Suzune Magica by GAN
Puella Magi Kazumi Magica by Masaki Hiramatsu and Takashi Tensugi
Magia Record: Another Story by U35
I also have some manga in storage like Inuyasha and Kitchen Princess, but that's about it!
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spencer-is-dead · 5 days
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rotten god, chapter one, part one
read the prologue here
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ghaniblue · 1 year
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A few Drarry fics and fanart I enjoyed recently.
🛶🏆 Our Objective Remains Unchanged by @citrusses (WIP 6/9, 28k, E)
Harry Potter, returning member of the Oxford University Boat Club, has two goals for the spring of 2005: beat Cambridge, and beat Draco Malfoy. Perhaps not in that order.
@unleashed-fest entries:
🐦🏖 Birds Behaving Badly by @peachpety (fic, 10k, E)
For eight years, Draco has been content living a quiet life of anonymity in Brighton, dodging pesky seagulls and enjoying the ephemeral boys of summer. And if these summer blokes just happen to resemble Harry Potter, it’s a mere coincidence—despite what his friends say.
But when a repeat one-night stand challenges him to face his desires, Draco thinks he’s finally over his years-long crush.
A seagull named Kevin thinks otherwise.
🏚🐾 With Love in Her Luminous Eyes by @starquestingfordrarry (fic, 30k, T)
The Demiguise lived in Grimmauld Place, and she lived all alone.
@hd-fan-fair entries:
🎨🖼 "H. J. Potter", (2019) oil on canvas, Draco Malfoy by @creeeee (digital comic, G)
After building quite an illustrious career as a magical portrait artist, Draco Malfoy is commissioned to paint the official portrait for retired Head Auror and current pastry shop owner, Harry Potter, who must come to Draco's studio to sit for his portrait.
🦋🦆 Close Observation by @pato-roldnart (digital art, G)
Draco has received news of a rare magical creature sighting and has been called in to illustrate the animal and it’s natural habitat/den. Only problem is: he can’t find anyone to pet sit his beloved animals and seeks outsider help by hiring a pet sitter through a wizarding company.
Enter: Harry James Potter, pet sitter extraordinaire and living his best life hanging out with animals all over Britain, enjoying the vast and interesting towns and houses he finds himself in.
Draco, loves his animals so much and asks to have regular contact through letters.
🇮🇳🚯 Connecting Lines, Connecting Crimes by @sleepstxtic (fic, 15k, M)
Magic is going haywire after ley lines all over the world are mysteriously failing. A cross-border Task Force is set up by the League of Wixen Nations with Expert Cartologist Draco Malfoy and Ley Line Specialist Pansy Parkinson being called in from Britain to work with Magi-Geographers Harry Potter and Parvati Patil in India. But can they get to the root of the issue before it's too late?
Featuring: an excessive use of holograms, numerous references to food, and lots and lots (and lots!) of travel.
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minas-linkverse · 1 year
Oh just all the Zonai stuff and how it changes things. Also the fact Zelda and Link are definitely more truanatized by this event and well... Link was a literal amputee throughout the game
Oh, the comic is set before totk, so that's for future Link and Zelda to worry about.
Aand, I don't see the Zonai changing things at all, really... 🤔 Sure they're a very sudden addition but they're fine, they fit, they're chilling.
This series contradicts itself all the time, I like to just assume the characters speak of what they know, and not the ultimate truthsTM Whoever founded Hyrule is whoever says they did at any given time. The place gets destroyed and rebuilt often enough that I bet theres like 20 people who've claimed the title.
Maybe the Zonai founded Hyrule, maybe not, who knows! I dont know if Hylia knows either! Nobody in this godforsaken fictional universe knows how to keep a hecking history book
The entire series is an unreliable narrator and that's wonderful because it leaves endless possibilities for the games to try new things and for us fans to make up our own! Theorising and lore stuff is super fun but it's important to recognise that there is no hidden truth where suddenly everything makes sense. I doubt Nintendo knows where in the timeline botw and totk are.
So uuh... I guess my point is that the totk lore could be read as a contradiction to what I have established, but it also could not be, so...
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(Image descrption: A screenshot of a 4chan post with a low resolution screenshot of Kyoko Sakura from Puella Magi Madoka Magica, with the text "my city now" next to it.)
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havendance · 3 months
birds of prey :]
8. Terry Moore -- He only wrote like a three issue story for birds of prey, so perhaps it is petty of me to for one, include him on this list, and two, put him at the bottom, but I am still sore that the moment Dixon left the title this guy gave a story where Barbara gets temporarily magi-cured. Like, come on.
7. Gilbert Hernandez -- The other fill in author between Dixon and Simone. Also clearly suffers from thinking Batgirl is cooler than Oracle. Also metamopho is there for some reason.
6. Duane Swierczynski -- His birds of prey run is just mediocre to the extreme. Yeah, it's the new 52 and the Birds of Prey don't even really feel like the Birds of Prey and whatever, but also it's just too mid to rank lower. Also Strix was kind of interesting at the end of the run.
5. Julie and Shawna Benson -- Okay, here me out. I feel like this is my controversial one ranking them so high, but this is with the context that I've only read the first 6 issues and the rebirth issue. Yes, I'm not a fan of Helena's mom being alive and the amount of contempt they have towards Oracle!Babs fans is not great, but also I feel like they failed in a spectacular way that makes them more interesting than the blah that is Swierczynski's run, I'm willing to give them more ground than Moore and Hernandez who I am just pettily biased against, and also I'm a sucker for legacy characters and I keep thinking about how Gus could've been cool if it weren't for the everything.
4. Kelly Thompson and
3. Tony Bedard
There's a big jump between 5 and 4 and then Thompson and Bedard are really neck in neck for me so I want to talk about them together. Bedard's run I felt was honestly kind of mid. I'd honestly compare it to Swierczynski's in that way. But what it has that Swierczynski's lacks is a) helena b) oracle c) manhunter, d) misfit, and e) it actually feels like a birds of prey run. It also has all of those points on Thompson's run. Now Thompson's run has both Cass and Barda and the art consistently really slaps, but I think that D is the deciding point here. Thompson's run is fun, and it's still ongoing so my opinion on it will probably change over time, but it's also dinged by the fact that the issue 10 was pretty weak and I am susceptible to regency bias.
2. Gail Simone -- The reason that Simone is ranked at number two is honestly because she was cursed with having so many bad artists. She did not get a good artist until Nicola Scott and I was suffering for it. I like that she brought in Helena and I like the ideas behind a lot of her plots though sometimes they feel like they lose something in execution (the art probably does not help there). Her Helena characterization also feels off to me, but there's also a lot of enjoyable comics and moments in there and I did really like the spy smasher arc.
1. Chuck Dixon -- I'm sorry but I just really have a soft spot for Dixon's run. Were there misses? Yes. (eyes that dinosaur island arc he closed off on) but the Dinah and Barbara of it all was just so good. I have a soft spot for Manhunt, and also the art did not consistently burn my eyes.
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felassan · 1 year
its that time again! 🍵 
Thoughts/wonderings on Dragon Age: The Missing #4, under a cut due to spoilers for The Missing -
I'm probably becoming a lil unhealthily obsessed with this building. what do we think it is? the Archon's Palace is the highest building in Minrathous (tho I guess not, as it has sewers and this is floating). A Circle? it has a similar shape to the logo for the Circle of Magi. the meeting place for the Magisterium senate, lording over everyone below from high above? whatever it is it looks cool and it must be important to be featured on the map. I wanna go there (๑*ᗜ*)
I love Neve Gallus' design. it's fresh and cool, and she just looks so cute and neat okay. also full of detail - the snake pattern on the headpiece, shoulder 'scales' and scales elsewhere, collar & jacket like one of those hooded snakes, snake-'tailcapped' footwear (rather than steel toe-capped), the serpent belt and of course most of all the beautiful snake design of her prosthetic limb. 10/10 character/costume design
this page had me on my knees basically. my heart.
surely this panel is a new meme format hh? same goes for the one where Varric is saying "Then perhaps all this is linked" and Harding says "And we've led them here"
you walked into the wrong neighborhood bro
I also liked this pair of illustrations, they had a nice 'bookend' feel and reminded me a lot of Lord of the Rings.
Other thoughts:
Minrathous looks kinda cyberpunk and (despite what Harding says in the opening panels) feels quite clean in this comic
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Is that the person tailing them lurking in the doorway that Harding is catching sight of here?
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These holes in Varric's ear seem to be new. What happened? Injury from the leopard attack?
confused a bit by the perspective flip in this issue. In issue 1, Varric was more like 'stop', and Harding was more like 'talk to him'. it's flipped around a bit here.
Varric smiled when he thought about Neve and then lit up when he saw her. she calls him an "old friend". I wonder how they met and how long they've known each other. something to do with varric's spy network?
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This panel felt a bit meta hh.
When Neve says "Your friend is quite intense" is she referring to Solas or Harding?
Then we come to the two main things we learn in this issue:
We learn that Solas has been in Minrathous causing trouble. He's been attacking Venatori locations in the city, stealing artifacts from them and freeing elven slaves in the process, which has greatly angered the Venatori. The Venatori now want revenge and a "bunch of rebellious elves" are "causing trouble throughout the city, presumably in the name of the one who freed them". I wonder if the artifacts weaken the Veil, are connected to the idol somehow, or are simply sources of great power that Solas either needs for himself/his plans or that he simply thinks should be taken away from the Venatori so that they don't cause harm using them? Tevinter Nights showed agents of Fen'Harel seeking artifacts and referenced rumors of elven artifacts that strengthen the Veil, like the ones from DA:I. freeing folks also makes sense, "I am not a monster" and it's something he has a history of doing
In this issue we also learn that Neve works with a group called the Shadow Dragons, who have been trying to help the former slaves. indeed they're trying to help anyone who is held as slaves in Minrathous. this is our first time hearing about this new group. they make it their business to help those in need and Neve makes it her business to help them. I'm a bit ¿ about their name, just due to how it sounds, but it's exciting to learn about a new group/faction. Each issue of this DA:D prequel comic has shone a spotlight on a faction - Grey Wardens, Antivan Crows, the Veil Jumpers and the Shadow Dragons. two new, two old. it's a nice balance. and it brings to mind the common fan theory/speculation about the PC of DA:D having a different faction background depending on the player's choice. at the very least it feels like a way of saying 'these four groups [or characters from them] will feature in a significant way/be 'players on the board' in DA:D".
thinking about the Shadow Dragons' name in an in-world context, like thinking about why they may have chosen their name: dragons are emblematic of Tevinter. dragon imagery is everywhere there, dragons are a symbol of power and Tevinter heraldry shows a dragon. the Tevinter Imperium is a 'dragon', or several (metaphorically) - Magisters, ruling over the classes below. the "shadow dragons" feel like "the other side" of Tevinter, the side in shadow, the underside, the 'anti-Tevinter'. I'd guess that they are the "Tevinter you forgot", i.e. the Viper's faction. (and if you look at Tevinter heraldry, there is also a snake 'in opposition' to the dragon.) before Missing #4 I wondered if “the Tevinter you forgot” "means they are a group of folks who have fallen through the cracks in Tevinter society or who are the downtrodden in Tevinter society. is it some sort of uprising or anti-Magisterium movement?" - here we learn they're trying to help people Tevinter 'forgot' like slaves and former slaves. I also commented "from the story it sounds like the dark-clad card dealer is the Viper. the magister in the story is afraid of him and tries to claim that the Viper is just a tale, implying that the Viper’s name has become known as a sort of shadowy, stealthy urban legend in Minrathous and that it has a sort of bogeyman effect on magisters." Shadow indeed. Neve later comments that the Shadow Dragons are trying to "help anyone held as slaves in Minrathous". I think it was in the Dorian short story in Tevinter Nights that there's a reference to how there's now an anti-slavery movement in Tevinter. Is that the Shadow Dragons? you can see possible echoes of "the Tevinter you forgot" in later comic dialogue "The Shadow Dragons have vowed to help us restore our dignity. To get back the lives that were stolen from us by the Venatori. To make sure we don't have to scrabble in the dirt for food and warm", imo.
I wonder if Dorian, Mae and the Lucerni know anything about the Shadow Dragons? maybe they've done some work together?
and while the Viper/Viper's faction/the Shadow Dragons themselves didn't appear in issue 4, issue 4 still highlighted them, continuing the pattern I speculated about, of the DA Day short stories (Evka/Antoine/Wardens, Teia/Viago/Crows, Strife/Irelin/Veil Jumpers and Viper's faction/Shadow Dragons), one from each of those short stories per issue.
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Varric is still having a bad time. also he was born in 9:1, and so if DA:D is set in 9:52, he's now over 50. from these comics, he's feeling old and tired. I don't expect that he'll be a companion in DA:D. more like an advisor (off-field), a contact or quest-giver, or the person that recruits us.
"But why? What did he get out of it? Surely, he wanted something in return" was an interesting line. because like on one hand "I am not a monster", he has a history of freeing people who were enslaved and he's shown as valuing freedom and not enjoying needless suffering. setting people free definitely is the only decent thing. but he's also smart and does things with purpose, always playing 4-D chess, and has been outwitting Varric and Harding at every turn throughout these comic issues, always one step ahead. it seems like a 'it's both' situation. like two birds, one stone. he would free people and it's the right thing to do, and he also gains from it strategically. Varric lampshades this in the final page: and it's three stones, actually. Solas freed people, dealt with the Venatori on his tail and slowed Varric/Harding down long enough to escape all in one move.
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Also, at first I wondered if the brown-haired elf was sort've projecting his own perceptions on Solas (with the "his kin" lines). but look here. the leader of these Venatori has a pouch round their neck. the others don't, it's prominently placed and it's consistent on this Venatori in every panel they're in here. and where have we seen that before? around the neck of the Venatori stalker that saved Varric from the leopard in Issue 3. I think we're supposed to conclude that the ringleader of the Venatori that attack the elves in this issue is the Venatori person that's been tailing Varric and Harding all throughout these comic issues. the Venatori ringleader seems to recognize Varric in a later panel, with the "You!". They fight and Varric starts demanding answers from the Venatori leader. but then, just as he's about to get answers, the brown-haired elf intervenes and kills them at that very moment. they won't hurt their people anymore, and conveniently also (more than one purpose to things again..), now Varric and Harding won't get any answers. and also this:
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another - not two, but - three stones. when the brown-haired elf kills the Venatori ringleader, A) preventing them from further harming his people and B) preventing them from giving any answers to Varric and Harding, C) the killing blow also cuts that pouch from their neck. a very specific thing to depict. presumably in the chaos of the Venatori leader's death (you can't see the elf's hands in the very next panel) the brown-haired elf has grabbed the pouch, and part of his goal all along was to take it. I think we're supposed to conclude that the pouch contained the crucious stone and that the brown-haired elf works for Solas. so the "You're too late, I already have the crucious stone" letter from issue 3 was a Solas fakeout, the Venatori at that point in time did in fact have the stone (having beaten Solas to the vault, and as-shown by the Venatori who saved Varric from the leopard having the pouch around their neck), and the events of issue 4 were part of Solas' plan to steal it/steal it back from them (and going by Neve's earlier dialogue, it's not the first artifact he's stolen from them). so two things here: one, Solas' 'three stones' are actually-actually four (free the slaves, deal with the Venatori on his tail, delay Varric/Harding long enough to escape, and steal the crucious stone artifact from the Venatori [my head hurts]). and two, the brown-haired elf was working for Solas after all. he'll give the pouch (and the contents, the stone) to Solas, "he set us, his kin, free" wasn't projection considering that he does work for him, and him being there in the alleyway when he was, with the information that he had, was part of Solas' plan to escape and get the stone. otherwise, it's pretty convenient that one of the former slaves at the place Neve's aware of where former slaves have been eating scraps, at the time when she takes Varric/Harding there, just happened to have helpful info about the meeting that Varric/Harding needed and also happened to kill the Venatori leader and in the process cut the pouch from their neck. idk if it means all the elves here were working for Solas or just the brownhaired one or the brownhaired one & the blond one, but yea. definitely the brownhaired elf is I think.
Neve fighting was cool: staff-less magic and then as a mage using a dagger or shortsword.
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party combo-kill! ice spell + finishing blow - a comic depiction of Shattering :)
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Brown-haired elf missing his elven ear here.
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A cool panel. Also, you can't see his other hand..
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just really liked these two panels :) also, they missed their chance, they missed this chance, in this, a comic called The Missing... is that why it's called that?
[clenches fist] vowing to protect Neve and her good heart at all costs
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and he stole the crucious stone artifact from the Venatori.
I am not sure that I agree with the premise of this article that BioWare retweeted, that The Missing is required reading before DA:D. I enjoyed issues 2 & 3 a lot! I was hoping for a bit more from the end of issue 4, perhaps a small Solas appearance like at the end of Dark Fortress or just a bit more insight into his plans or things in/the setup for DA:D. finishing on the Dread Wolf mural from the DA:D TGA 2020 trailer as a reminder was neat but the highlight reveal from these comics as a whole was definitely the new mural depicted in issue 3.
"He knows us too well, we need to find/use people he doesn't know" is the same conclusion that was reached at the end of Trespasser (and Harding was present for that conversation). I guess the meta irl reasons for The Missing are: A] since it'll be almost 10 years irl between games, to refresh folks about that conclusion and the fact that it will be a new PC and why it has to be 'someone he doesn't know', since most new players to the franchise at DA:D aren't going to buy years old DA:I and DLC and play til it the end of Trespasser B] fill some irl time C] do some marketing/advertizing and D] highlight these four groups/factions and introduce the two new ones (Veil Jumpers and Shadow Dragons) in advance of DA:D, and possibly highlight these specific characters (Strife, Teia, Evka etc) the same way (though I speculate those characters are more like DA:D 'contact' cameos rather than that they will be companions themselves). Certainly if I was Varric at the moment when Harding asks "So who are you thinking?" at the end here, after the events I had experienced and people & groups I had met in recent weeks, with those being fresh in my mind, I would be thinking about the Grey Wardens, the Antivan Crows, the Veil Jumpers and the Shadow Dragons, both as groups and terms of the mental list of people that I had recently met who Solas doesn't know. again it makes you think about the popular speculation that the DA:D PC will have the background of being from one of these groups. also, those 4 groups aren't ones which were referenced in Tevinter Nights as keeping an eye on Solas/as Solas having some info on them in turn (unlike some other groups like the Mortalitasi, the Executors, the Ben-Hassrath etc).
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