opscurus · 1 year
Doris is here to hug her birthday buddy! She had no idea that they had the same birthday.
" my birthday was actually yesterday but I'm complaining about it today because yesterday sucked. " He's very accepting of the hug, squeezing her back, leaning as he's very tall.
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xamassed · 1 year
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⟬ @magicalshe ⟭
“Are you still working on that? What are you struggling with,” Lilim asked seeing that Beelzebub was still stewing over homework she had finished nearly forty minutes ago. The archdevil put her phone down and snatched the paper out of his hand. Replacing it with the bag of mini muffins she had been snacking on, she looked over the work sheet. He was welcome to finish them if he wanted. // Lilim to Beel
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"Yeah. . ." The behemoth demon let out a despondent groan and slumped forward, the paper she grabbed for almost caught under the arms he folded atop the table. Before it could tear, he eased up on his slouching, but he was back at it again once the sheet was free.
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"I don't get math. I asked Mammon to help me, but he said I had to pay him for every question he helps me with. I don't want to do that, and Lucifer told me to ignore him when he starts asking for money." He scooped up the bag of miniature muffins and popped two into his mouth, not caring in the least that they tasted processed and wouldn't satisfy his hunger. "Do you think you could explain it to me?"
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strebcrarchivess · 1 year
↕ Doris is 5 feet 2 inches!!
» send me ↕ + your muse’s height
I will compare your muse’s height to mine using this website.
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demonsofdevildom · 1 year
“I can’t believe you’re this innocent…” // from Lilim to Levi
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Not sure of how to take that given the fact he rarely do such acts with someone but then again this made him flustered, "W-Well... what do you think that a shut in like me can do? Sure... toys can do some relief, though dah-!" jumpy as hell when not used to this while he looks too funny with his eyes shut and making flustered noises there, "A-Ahh... pretend you don't know that, p-please... this is bad. You teasing me again aren't you? Seriously... what's with that? I-Innocent?? W-What even... awauah..." finally opening his eyes but trying to hide his face with a blanket when he was looking at her and utterly embarrassed of how he seemed innocent in such a way to her.
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At least his demon form wasn't out yet from his flustered state but it was a matter of time before it eventually came out and cursing himself mentally of such details being known to her, by devil this woman was just a bit much when it came to him and making him wonder what the heck went through that head of hers.
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tctartarus-a · 1 year
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It's not often that a witch draws the attention of Night herself but as time continues to crawl on the Chthonic Goddess comes to humanity more. Spurred on by her children to revisit the mortal realms and see just how the mortals had changed.
This night she had found the witch drawing her eyes as the magic was prominent enough for her to catch on. So long had it been since she had seen a true witch thinking that mortals had since forgotten the craft. Which is what drew the woman in, appearing within the room without a sound and simply observing her. No doubt the woman could feel the change in the air as Night Herself revealed her form as she was not trying to hide this time but simply observe.
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cursedfortune · 1 year
💞 // from Doris
Soft II. @magicalshe
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When she awoke to find her fellow witch already staring back, that threw Mortem for a loop. She had felt Doris's presence prior to even opening her eyes, having determined the young woman was close by. Which was no surprise, she had invited her to stay over - they must have fallen asleep by the fireplace after a late eve of wonderful tea and conversation. What she hadn't expected was this.
That wasn't to say this was the first time Mortem had awoken to being stared at. Witch hunters surely loved to employ it regardless of the era, as though she could be intimidated so easily-- please. Infatuated lovers came and went over the years, as well. Feelings they thought were sincere but she never stayed long enough to see if they had the potential to blossom. Liked well enough but really not that much, actually. No. What Doris shared with her here and now was of a sincerity her fellow witch only knew the truth of. Though the adoration was clear and evident, Mortem wasn't sure what to make beyond that acknowledgement. A curious thing, this one.
Black eyes held hers for a long moment, watching the blue hues and all the speckles within reflect the morning light. Admiring how her hair welcomed the sun, colors dancing together. Mortem couldn't help but hum softly, slow blinking before her head met the pillow once more. "Mm... you look exceptionally pretty in the morning, Doris. It's as though the light cannot help but seek you out." The witch complimented, sleep still in her voice as she draped an arm over her eyes. Quick to awaken she often was but her eyes so often took a moment to lag behind, far more useful in the dark than they were first thing in the morning when the light was at its brightest.
What an unusual witch. The kindest Mortem had ever known amongst their people, in truth. It was almost funny, the last redhead she had known was a woman that shook the world with her flames. Yet Doris's hair burned all the same and just as passionately; warmth emitted from her, a beacon of light that danced so beautifully - but unlike that mage, if welcomed into her embrace one would not feel a lick of pain. Mortem had only ever known the cruelty of fire but this was a nice exception, she liked to think.
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zorkaya-moved · 1 year
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"Say, Doris," Zarina leans against the table and tilting her head to the side while looking at the other. The witch before her is someone unique. Just how many of them are hiding in plain sight? Then again, it could be that majority of witches would avoid her for the sole reason of how powerful her aura was while being an elemental. Even if her accessories were on, it only repressed the power, but Zarina didn't think that other magical or supernatural creatures would be able easily fooled. Well, that's just her thought process. There's much to learn. "What's your hometown like? Were there many like you there? I'm curious."
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solivcgant · 1 year
@magicalshe: “bro, you look so cute right now. dude, you are so fucking adorable.” // Doris trying to hype him up 😂😂
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somehow he changed from being a frequent customer who hogged the wifi to something like a friend. did she consider him a FRIEND? either way-- they were comfortable enough with each other for him to ask her for advice on things like what to wear or what gifts to buy for the FAILED gōkons he would attend. "i.. wanted to look manly though.." he admitted softly, glancing at his image in the mirror. as always she worked WONDERS on his fashion-- or lack of. but at this age, he didn't want to be called adorable. "what can we do.. to give it a more 'edgy' look?"
text post sentence starters 
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clvric · 1 year
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@magicalshe asked: “Did you burn yourself?“ // from Doris
Shredded & Bruised || Accepting !!
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❝ Don't be silly, as if I could burn myself. ❞
It's true her body is infernal, so she isn't susceptible to flammable injuries a majority of the time. But, she did... This time. But the other didn't need to know that.
❝ It's just a mark, it'll go away on its own. ❞
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opscurus · 1 year
(( UNPROMPTED -- @magicalshe said: [ Doris is gonna run up and hip-check Ichigo cause she is feeling playful today. She has also brought dark chocolates to share if he wants any! ]
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Totally caught off guard, he fell over; due to poor posture, and groaned. "Please be more careful. I know only you can see me but this is silly." Reaching from his place on the ground, he wanted a chocolate please.
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xamassed · 1 year
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⟬ @magicalshe ⟭
“Time flies like an arrow,” Doris agrees with Sanji as she refills his tea cup. Her lips pursed like she hand just bitten into a lemon as she tried to keep herself from laughing. “Fruit flies like a banana though.” // Doris to Sanji
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". . ."
He didn't know how to react. Half of him wanted to roll his eyes and cringe because he was notorious for disliking puns, but the half of him that adored her didn't want to hurt her feelings. There had to be a middle ground, and Sanji was determined to find it.
"You're proud of yourself, aren't you?" A soft sigh of resignation followed, and with it his shoulders drooped. "I've got a friend that's told me so many, I don't know how you manage to find more."
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strebcrarchivess · 1 year
Doris is so jealous of that Evilstick it’s not funny. Cardcaptors is one of her favorite anime.
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"I payed a bit more for this then I'd like to admit, but it was worth it! Having a peice of bootleg history is an honor."
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demonsofdevildom · 1 year
📌   //   pin  my  muse’s  wrists  above  their  head . // from Lilim to Levi
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Barely getting a word out when feeling his wrists pinned above his head while looking nervous, sweating somewhat when looking at her while a flustered squeak left him and holding his breath just about. Unsure of what may happen next or if it was just plain teasing again, considering why bother with a yucky otaku like him?
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tctartarus-a · 1 year
“You snore in your sleep. But… it’s adorable, okay?” // Doris to Hypnos
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" So long as it isn't too much trouble! I would hate to snore too loud that other people couldn't sleep. Just let me know if it does get too much! I don't mind a nudge or two so you can sleep good! "
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thuganomxcs · 1 year
fear not all the tall folk, yusuke. doris is only 5 feet 2 inches tall.
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"Great height, nice ass..I say you're the definition of a perfect woman."
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historias-multorum · 9 months
Happy 2024 (Part 3)🥂
Tumblr making me split up my posts like smh, but still I do it cause I love all 290+ of you and you all deserve the love.💕💓💗
I just think they're great:
@bottomstolove @hopesprung @alcoholtm @heroesburden @metamorphxxhero @kauma-kardia @daedaluscried @paririeofmxses @veloursnoirs @mythunderlegion @nouvomond @loyaltyloved @mistytown @viciousbite @1a-villains @sinners-inc @asimplemulti @myfrillspaythebills @cupforbrains @annienne @magicalshe @mirroredworlds @theladymuses @themxtleycrew @sphaeraaa @hxzelwallflower @nightshade-stories @trattcria @charaisuke @rainbowxfmuses @hakkouname @buddharagnarok @strengthwilled @oncforallxbroccoli @deidakatsu @naturesbeat @rcharsals @mamismultimuse @h3artsablaze
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