daily-spooky · 2 days
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danskjavlarna · 23 hours
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Source details and larger version.
Hellfire and damnation: my collection of vintage depictions of life in hell.
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wizardsaur · 2 days
Health Potion (for the chronically pained and/or ill)
Hello, yes, this will not cure anything. I am not claiming a miraculous fix all potion for those with chronic issues. What I AM claiming is that I'm pretty sure I have POTS and a few other things, and that making my Health Potion helps ME.
What to do & How to do it:
You will need
Drinking water. Can be tap, can be filtered. Can even be moon or crystal charged if you have the spoons.
Frozen fruit. I use frozen berries and cherries mix. You could use fresh, too, but let's be real - everything goes bad so quickly.
A little salt
A little natural sweetener, such as honey or agave. I skip this sometimes because my fruit is higher in sugar.
A very large cup with a lid and a straw, that's easy to wash.
Optionals: ice, lemon or lime juice, turmeric and herbal additives.
Salt to ground and balance, fruit for its health sustaining properties, water for its life Creating properties, sweetener to make things easier.
Mix together. Use your own internal correspondences for extra magical juice.
I do this to balance my electrolytes and keep up on my water intake - since I'm pretty much chronically dizzy and dehydrated. Plus, there's fruit in the end. I love me some fruit at the bottom of a drink.
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helveticablanc · 2 days
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Sigil 11 (The Only Way Out is Through) — 12" x 12" Casein, Collage, Gold Leaf Wood Panel
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ed13d1 · 1 day
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imaginal-ai · 1 day
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"Elven Shaman" (0002)
(More of The Ice Magic Series)
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thrashkink-coven · 2 days
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The chalice extends from the masculine and feminine, male and female, sitting between the two poles without conflict, and connecting all the elements with intellect. The magician sits in the centre, keeping all things balanced around them. When all of these things sit in their perfect position, we see the God of Enlightenment, Lord Lucifer, the champion of Venus, who connects our psyche with our reality, enabling us to influence the world around us as it has influenced us. The Morning Star is the result of natural forces existing in harmony with divine intellect, one never over powering the other. Lord Lucifer is the God who exists between chaos and order. Lord Eosphoros rises, Lord Hesperus falls. In order to walk in his light we must be willing to accept the relationship between these things. We must know that he is love and he is light, even in times of darkness.
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voraciouskingdom · 2 days
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Don’t let naysayers dim your inner light, even if they’re among your closest kin. Rise from ashes and break free from toxicity. You have the power to rebuild and thrive, no matter what or who tries to hold you back.
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dark-longings · 3 days
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iamwinklebottom · 20 hours
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THEME: “Random Ass Messages?”
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1. If this resonates with you, consider getting a personal reading here @ https://www.iamwinklebottom.com/shop/advice-psychic-mediumship-divination/32
•I’m hearing the Boondocks closing theme song: https://youtu.be/Ixl38PCQTS8?si=1HNHP3eixySjm92Y
You may resonate with one of the main characters, Huey Freeman. There are other main characters, of course, but Huey is indeed the most developed and evolved character. He is smart and free-minded. He always prioritized harsh truths, but no one really took him seriously.
I’ve come to understand that people like Huey are a walking a blessings and test. If you listen to him, that’s amazing, but if you don’t… you just failed a test of the cosmos.
Remember, just because someone degrades your wisdom or doesn’t listen, doesn’t mean you do not hold value.
Those people taking part in the degradation of genuine knowledge are NOT high vibrational enough to perceive a prophet or prophetess; this is them failing their test of experiencing “YOU.”
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2. If this resonates with you, consider getting a personal reading here @ https://www.iamwinklebottom.com/shop/advice-psychic-mediumship-divination/32
• I’m seeing Benson from Regular show. I’m hearing Summer Time Loving from the show as well: https://youtu.be/ohHHCzb7Hko?si=9LWzoBxcYp2zOZp
You have to understand that you do not know what love really is. Your ideas of love are misconstrued and unbalanced. Pray about this and manifest clarity, wisdom, and knowledge about this subject.
Love isn’t all like the movies. Everyone’s love is not all the same. Love is not a monolith and it’s not all sunshine and rainbows, although we should never settle for “low vibrational lessers.” Your ideas and perceptions of sunshine and rainbows are even all wrong.
Take a deep breath, really adjust your focus, and be open to your ideology of love changing. You think you’re a free-spirited and flowy person, but you’re actually very rigid, narrow-minded, and stiff. You have so many potential paths of greatness you’re ignoring because all you care about is this odd brainwashed version of “love.”
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3. If this resonates with you, consider getting a personal reading here @ https://www.iamwinklebottom.com/shop/advice-psychic-mediumship-divination/32
•I’m seeing Frank Ocean and I’m hearing the song Lost by him: https://youtu.be/J3DWAJGaf7o?si=y2XzXYWGHjeypqoI
You’re meant to travel, but please understand you must validate the truth that not every place is meant for everyone. Not every energy of a certain location is meant to be experienced by you. Maybe you’re meant to get into Astrocartography. My astrology services are private currently and quite expensive because it covers a full year of assistance, phone calls, readings, magick, etc. If youre interested in that, let me know.
Do not just jump on the hype of “I haveee to move to this place,” just because someone else said it was “fun” or “lit.” Maybe it was very enjoyable for them, but it could actually be a place where YOU experience bad luck and even danger.
Plan for travel properly and try not to get influenced by “low vibrational hype” or hype that simply has nothing to do with you and where you’re meant to go and be.
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ad-caelestia · 20 hours
Spell Casting - Time of Day
Dawn - renewal, rebirth, new beginnings, new ideas, creativity, cleansing, healing 
Morning - achieving goals, brewing potions, intellect,
intelligence, love, relationships, companionship 
Noon - solar magick, confidence, success, attainment, wealth, courage, strength, protection
Dusk - release, letting go, peace, reflection, breaking bad habits, transformation, banishing
Evening - cursing, banishing, binding, dream magick, celestial or planetary magick
Midnight - lunar magick, psychic awareness, intuition, spirituality, divination, peace, relaxation 
Twilight - liminal space; transitions, change, transformation, astral travel, traveling to other realms, spirit communication
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rosieandthemoon · 2 months
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oil on canvas, by Rebecca Rebouché
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magick-memes · 11 months
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thecupidwitch · 1 month
Simple Ways to Practice Magick Everyday
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Say a small prayer or do a short meditation before you get out of bed in the morning.
Write down dreams or visions you had.
Stir your first cup of coffee or tea counterclockwise to banish negativity and bad luck or clockwise to bring positive energy.
Draw daily tarot or oracle cards (you can also use a pendulum) for guidance.
Cleansing yourself and home using sound or smoke.
Ancestor or spirit offerings
Pick out your clothes, shoes, jewelry... ect with intention.
Write a sigil or petition paper and burn it.
Take a ritual shower. You can spice it up with candles, herbs, and crystals, or you can simply step under the water and imagine all the negativity and bad energy washing off you. You can also recite a chant.
Every time you look into the mirror, say an affirmation
Take a walk outside and ground yourself to Mother Earth.
Dance!! Dancing is an excellent way to rise the energy, and it helps with opening the sacral and solar plexus chakra and getting in touch with the inner child.
tip jar
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vile-lithium3 · 2 months
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daily-spooky · 9 days
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