#magnolia lacus
This is the team from my Emerald Arc au
Laghan Brunswick:
His first name is derived from the Irish god of light. His last name is a shade of greenHe’s based on the story of Cu Chulainn
He has warm eyes like honey, tanned skin, auburn air, and wears warm greens and dark yellows
His weapon is a spear that has fire dust infused into it
His symbol is a spear with a wolfs head behind it
He’s a dog fanus with dog ears that are a little droopy
His family comes from the agricultural district in Vale. It’s just him and his mum because his father died shortly after Laghan’s birth
His father was a hunter before his death, hearing stories about all the people he protected is what pushed Laghan to attend Beacon
He has a strong desire to protect people and is very loyal to his allies
But he holds a strong grudge against anyone who crosses him or his friends
He likes to goof around a lot and has a general disregard for rules and this gets him in trouble with Ms. Goodwitch
His semblance allows him to see his opponents move before they act, however, he’s still training it and often misinterprets what he sees
Emerald Arc:
She is the adoptive sister of Jaune Arc and often acts as his defender or ward
She is thought to be based on Alladin or Cleopatra
We all know what Em looks like right?
She wears a lot of white and gold to match with the Arc family, but she has some deep greens here and there to add her own personal flair
Her weapon is two daggers on chains
Not a gun or infused with dust
She’s often questioned over her use of such a simple weapon
She’ll still kick most peoples asses
Her symbol is the same as in the original show
She’s loyal to Jaune to a fault but also her friends
She has a patent and understanding personality 
She’s a good student despite not having the best grades, her favorite class it is Professor Oobleck’s because she finds history interesting
Her semblance is empath, she is able to see what someone is feeling by touching them
Magnolia Lacus
Her first name is a cream shade as well as a flower that is white and sometimes has some pink in it. Her last name is the Latin version of the word lake
She is based on the Lady of the Lake in the legend of King Arthur 
She has very pale skin and dark blue hair that falls to her mid back. Her eyes are a beautiful crystal blue
Her clothes are mainly white with shades of blue, she wears a necklace around her neck that is a simple pink flower. It was a gift from her mother. She also wears heels all the time
Devil shoes!
She comes from the upper class in Vale. Her mother came from a wealthy family who made jewelry, and her father came from a well-known hunter family. The two met when they attended Beacon together and Magnolia has similar hopes for her time here
Magnolia is normally level-headed and calm, much like the calm water of a lake. However, many people seem to forget how destructive a lake can be. When needed she can be very violent and harm any who get in her way
Her weapon is a sword that uses mainly water dust, however, she has also been known to use the secondary types of steam and ice
Her symbol looks a lot like ripples in water along with a flower blossom in the middle
She’s a hopeless romantic at heart and dreams of meeting her prince charming
Her sentence is the ability to see peoples potential. This is useful when deciding who to fight, making her the main strategist of her team
 Based on Enkidu from the Epic of Gilgamesh
He has dark skin and hair, and his eyes are a warm brown-red color much like terracotta clay.
He is a lion fanus and has the tail of a lion
He comes from Vacuo
While most view Nickle as they type of person to be brutish, immature, and an idiot due carefree and often rash nature he can actually be quite intelligent and gentlemanly when he wants to be
When Magnolia first discovered this she began to have a crush on him until he revealed he was already in a relationship
They’re soulmates
They’re based on Gilgamesh so they have to be
While he has a weapon, a spear that doubles as a gun, he prefers hand to hand combat and enjoys getting in his opponents personal space to mess with their head
His symbol is a pot with water flowing from it
His semblance is the ability to mimic anyone’s movements given he’s seen them for at least ten minutes
Team LEMN:
Emerald and Nickle are partners and Laghan and Magnolia are partners
When Emerald and Nickle bumped into each other she groaned because it means she’s not guaranteed to be with Jaune
Nickle was not amused by this reaction
“I’m not that horrible to look at am I?!”
Magnolia and Laghan’s first meeting was less annoyance filled as they helped each other not die to a grim, they had each other’s backs and have been closed since
Although Magnolia doesn’t view him as a possible love interest due to his disregard for rules
They are all very loyal people so if you hurt one of them they’re all coming for you!
Nickel’s partner attends Haven academy and he introduced his team to them when they came for the Vytal festival
During the festival Emerald experienced her first ever crush, that being on a boy called Mercury from haven
They danced together at the party in Vol2 and she was over the moon
Someone help her she’s got it bad. She’ll stay up all night thinking about him
Then the fall of Beacon happens and she’s heartbroken over his involvement
Her team is pissed
Magnolia likes to drag Emerald shopping with her, Emerald looks good in a lot of colors so she likes to try out different styles on her for reference
Magnolia has an interest in fashion design and uses Emerald as her muse
Nickle and Laghan like to cause trouble together. They pull pranks a lot and the girls have to get them out of trouble
That’s it for now. I might do some more but I’m not sure on what.
anyone got any ideas on what romances could happen, or just ideas hit me up
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Team LEMN fighting styles
His weapon is a long spear that can be used with fire dust. When the dust is used the spear is engulfed by a flame in the air as it is thrown
He has a tunnel-vision style of fighting, focusing on one enemy at once. This is common among the users of spears due to the weapon requiring a deep focus
This makes him an easy opponent when he is alone as someone can easily sneak up on him
He sometimes uses tactics that aren’t considered fair, using trickery and deception in order to gain the upper hand
Using her daggers and chain she has a large area of attack
She’s very aware of her surroundings and is not easily snuck up on
However, her weapons are easy to doge if you learn to read her as they are hard to change the direction of when they are thrown
She is excellent at reading body language and uses this in battle where she can
Magnolia’s weapon is a sword infused with dust, water being her main focus and steam and ice being used as a secondary
While she is normally very honorable in battle, using her own ability over anything else, her teammates use of deception has rubbed off on her and she has been known to use sexuality and beauty to gain an upper hand in the direst situations. If ever confronted she will deny it
She is the slowest in the group due to her determination to wear heels during battle, causing her to have trouble running
But her balance is amazing because of this
While he also uses a spear he is far less tunnel-visioned than the group’s leader. His spear doubles as a gun but is often carried on his back due to his preference for hand to hand combat
He is highly intelligent and very aware of how people view him due to his large size and uses this to his advantage. He will get close to his opponent and study their movements with the use of his semblence before using their own movements against them. He has also been known to coordinate with his team and distract their opponents in battle while Magnolia or Emerald sneak up on them from behind
He enjoys diverting peoples attention and can be very cunning when a situation calls for it
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