#maharishi mahesh
perfectquote · 18 days
Don't fight darkness. Bring the light, and darkness will disappear.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
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harrisonarchive · 2 months
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Photo from The Beatles Monthly.
“Well, again I’ll quote Maharishi, which is as good as quoting anybody else, and he says ‘For a forest to be green, each tree must be green,’ and so if people want revolutions, and you want to change the world and you want to make it better, it’s the same. They can only make it good if they themselves have made it — and if each individual makes it himself then automatically everything’s alright. There is no problem if each individual doesn’t have any problems. ‘Cause we create the problems — Christ said ‘Put your own house in order,’ and Elvis said ‘Clean up your own backyard,’ so that’s the thing. If everybody just fixes themselves up first, instead of everybody going around trying to fix everybody else up like the Lone Ranger, then there isn’t any problem. The problems are created more, sometimes by people going around trying to fix up the government, or trying to do something — I mean most of the revolutionaries, who try to change the outward physical structure when really that automatically changes if the internal structure is straight. Time is relative. […] Personally, I’d like the world to be Utopia right at this minute, or even last week, but it doesn’t do that. The Utopia you find is an inner thing.” - George Harrison, International Times, September 11, 1969 (x)
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youcanlearnfrombooks · 6 months
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This image of Pattie Boyd is in the new Beatles book by Peter Brown and Steven Gaines. The authors of "The Love You Make: An Insider’s Story of the Beatles," published in 1983, follow up 41 years later with "All You Need Is Love: The Beatles in Their Own Words."
Photo credit: Balden for Transworld
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Via Something About the Beatles’ Girls FB🪴🍂🍀
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thoughtkick · 1 year
Don't fight darkness. Bring the light, and darkness will disappear.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
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some 60s Nederland newsletter clippings I found on Delpher.nl
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babsi-and-stella · 11 months
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Rare photos of Marianne Faithfull, Mick Jagger and Brian Jones, August 1967.
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stay-close · 1 year
Don't fight darkness. Bring the light, and darkness will disappear.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
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surqrised · 1 year
Don't fight darkness. Bring the light, and darkness will disappear.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
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winstonhenderson · 2 months
𝓝𝓸𝓽 𝓐 𝓛𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓚𝓲𝓭 𝓐𝓷𝔂𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮
George’s Notes
We were in India. Another place. Far from home. Enjoying meditation. Having fun. 
This was my passion! In 1966. I brought the sitar and Julia loved it! Or John. Whatever. She used it in her “Norwegian Wood”. I always liked to talk about Ravi to them whenever I got the chance and all of them knew how much I liked Indian culture. So this getaway to our “ideological savior” seemed like a great way to relax ourselves. And for me, a great way to attract the writing pair’s attention! They always put Ringo and me down, even when they don’t necessarily mean it.
But the most important thing to me is that we all cleared our heads. Ritch left first. I felt sad, he and I hang out a lot, so the fact of him leaving first hit hard. Also, I understood why he did, he had bad allergies and the food here was upsetting for him. 
The two that were left gave me a hard time, each in their own way. They talked to each other from time to time. Haven’t seen them talk normally for a while. Paul would be prissy and make stupid comments, while John was unbearlably fucking around with the idea of the religion. Paul was a bit too conservative for this so he left next. He tried out all the things this place had to offer, and I must say, maybe he explored this place the best. Linda was fine too… She is a nice gal. Like Cynthia, who I had the biggest crush on for a very long time. She fit in fine, and only seemed to care about two things; relaxing and John. John decided to stay however long I wanted to stay. Of course, we are quite similar, she was starry eyed too. Pattie and I had a lot of fun together, just hanging about and talking about the most basic stuff. It became a lot quieter since Paul left. John made some jokes but her-or his-or goddamn it, I’ve known this for six years and still can’t get it right! John’s attention was elsewhere. 
What I didn’t expect was that Cynthia and Pattie became close and started to hang out on their own leaving us two behind. This was the chance to sell to John my idea for songs. Although, John looked more spaced out than usual. Offhanded comments here and there. Something about the sun, or nature, or the feel of the wind. John got poetic fast. And now, John and I are sitting here, on the beach. “Geo, do you really believe this small guru?”, oh… This is serious. It’s not really John when it’s serious.
“Yes, why?”
“Hum.”, she took a biscuit.
“Julia, why do you say that?”
“I think he is doing some fraudulent activities. Paul found something while he was scavenging.”
“And you still trust Paul?”, oh no, she is mad. Or no… Dissapointed.
She chuckled.
“Geo, he is still my songwriting partner. And here you are.”
She handed me the paper. It had a complete description of some customers' orders and the amount they charge. There was the order and then a tipping mechanism where they took 50% from people.
“I felt like Maharishi was a good little guru. Always setting up people. Making you bite.”, what the fuck are you saying Lennon!
“Me? We all bit it!”
“You bit it first.”
“Lord, Jules… Could be fake for all I know, or could be I dunno repurposed.”
“George. I’m not exaggerating aaaaand I’m not letting you spend any more money on this SCUM.”
“I know how to handle money! Sometimes better than you! Always better than John!”
“You don’t involve John in this! This is about you!”, Julia.
“Jules, I am not that fifteen year old anymore! I’m twenty five! I can make the right decisions on my own!”
Julia was distraught. But I told her the truth!
“Look, I know you are responsible, sometimes even more responsible than I am, but you are naive! You think everything can be resolved-”
“OF COURSE IT CAN! Julia, you could’ve made it known at any moment that you are a woman and it wouldn’t matter! We are on the toppermost of the poppermost Jules! You wanted to be there, remember!”, think woman, think!
Julia got angry, but not Julia angry but John angry, which was much scarier.
“We are there because people presume we are all men! And you never know what problems would arise should I do that! What if I put myself in danger? No, you in danger! I still don’t know why we’re on top. I know people dislike some of our music and want to see us fail! Half of the time I think our music is pure shite that won’t last a fucking day after if we hadn’t had such good marketing!”
“You must really hate yourself, Julia, if this trip couldn’t get you out of your mindset.”
“Georgie. Was it ever a secret?”, Jules laughed.
That woman drives me insane. I… This whole trip, the reason John was spaced out was because Julia was monitoring what I do! Lord, John or Jules always kept tabs on me! And I wonder how sometimes I could be lucky that Brian didn’t find out something or that Paul didn’t shout at me. Julia had my back! 
“Jules! You should let me fight for myself! Goddamn it! Fuck you! I… Can’t stand you sometimes. I can’t stand that you…”
Push me and want me to write more, sing more, play more? Then as John put me down and snuff out my confidence.
“I cannot let you fuck yourself up because of some unimprotant man and his cult! I can’t let anyone scream at you because of something stupid that happened. George, I do that for Ritch also, though Ritch doesn’t get into sticky situations that much.”
“Stop helping me in the worst possible way. I have to face the consequences! I have to see it for myself.”
“But what if you never figure it out?”, Julia hugged me, “What if you continue believing in your delusion and it costs you everything?”
“JULIA, that is the thing I’M TRYING TO TELL YOU!”, I hugged her.
“You have to stop! Paul gave up on you. He married Linda, because he couldn’t marry you! You destroy yourself with drugs. You drift away more often.”
She was speechless.
“You hurt Cynthia, Ritch and I as John because of the stress and misuse of drugs! You are not yourself anymore.”
“You can’t say that you don’t use drugs too…”
“I don’t use them as much as you do. Our mommy’s death broke us. It broke you two the most.”
“Shut up, George.”
And here is John.
“John is becoming his own thing and I don’t think you can even see when you are the one or the-”
“JOHN ISN’T A REAL PERSON!”, he covered his mouth.
“He isn’t a person, he is just a device, an idea!”, he flailed his hands around.
“I can do everything and I don’t need your stupid advice. I came here to tell you and try to get you out of this cult, not to be lectured by some pussy.”
I sighed.
“George, I am going. Enjoy the view. I cannot anymore. I don’t even see properly without me glasses, so what did I even see in this place? Don’t think I didn’t get hopeful when I got here! I did. I was hopeful I would relax. I didn’t. I was scared half of the time someone would fuck up and with any interaction with Paul and other half of the time I was questioning this place. I am restless, and suppose I will be, for the rest of my life.”
“John, I told you what I meant. I am direct. Unlike you, just like Julia. I cannot watch you suffer any longer! I can’t watch people around me suffer! Just think about it! Just think!”
“I feel. I have to feel it’s right.”, John looked at me with teary eyes. Never seen Julia cry as John.
“Alright… I didn’t want to make you cry… Now it looks weird because you are still in that John getup of yours.”
Julia laughed.
“Getup, haha! Geo, you are getting more creative by the day.”
Julia lit up.
“Okay, if you want me to relax so much, I have an idea, juuuust look away for a… Couple of minutes.”
“Oh no, I have encouraged Julia Victoria Lennon to do something.”
She smiled and I turned away. I heard the sound of clothes moving around. Then bandages being taken down. Maybe even a hair tie being let down.
“Turn around!”
Oh, now it’s just Julia.
“Ta-da! Now I can relax.”, she spread herself on the sand.
“Wait- Don’t relax too much! I want to tell you about my songs!”
“Alright, Geo, what do you have in mind?”
I told her every minute detail about the songs I wrote. She listened to me! Yay! And she even approved some! And gave me some tips and tricks to work on my songs. It was really such a nice session of writing. I missed when she would give me some song attention instead of treating me like a little kid who can barely write and play.
“That’s great, I’m so proud of you!”, Julia scratched my head, “Baby George!”
“Augh, I thought you said you’ll stop calling me that!”
“Well, John said that, I didn’t.”
“You can’t get away with this!”
She calmed down.
“But seriously, continue working on this, it will sound better and better. Maybe I could get Paul to approve it-”
“No, I’ll show it to him just like I’ve shown you! Don’t do anything Lennon, I beg of ya!”
“I won’t then.”, she wistfully smiled.
You could sense the feeling of satisfaction coming from her.
“Maybe you aren’t so fragile and small like you were Georgie. But enough about that, I’m going for a swim!”
“Not without me!”
We jumped into the ocean and played around. Julia loved to swim, she was fast on foot, and she was a fast swimmer. She swam almost half a kilometer away in just 12 minutes. How does she do that with our clunky clothes? I followed her but I didn't like the chance of getting an ache and I went back to the shore. I was happy for her. This is the first time she looked naturally relaxed during this entire trip! She swam back after 20 minutes.
“I wonder how you can swim so far and not get scared? Or any aches?”
“I got aches. I just ignore them and paddle my way back, simple as that!”
“You are so weird sometimes!”, I chuckled, “And capable!”
“Um, that’s my job as your leader, dummy!”, she knocked my head.
I laughed.
“I wish I could relax like this everyday!”
“Well, that isn’t happening. But, I have a mystery to debunk, and that is Maharishi’s history. I’ll have fun.”
“You are still on about what Paul said? How about you stop thinking about him and just think about hm…”
“No, I’m doing more as a fuck you to cultists then because of Paul. I’m angry at Paul. I’m miserable because of him.”
“Glad you understand basic human emotions.”
She giggled.
“Okay, Harrison. Tell ya if I find more evidence, but knowing these kinds of trickster buggers, you won't be waiting much!”
The sun was setting and we were gazing at the view. Until I heard some movement in the trees.
“Where did we end up? Are you sure both of them are here! Oh, look, there is George!”, Pattie! Darling!
“Come here! Missed you so much!”, I hugged her.
“Where’s John?”, Cynthia wondered. 
Oh my Lord, where is Julia?
“Um, I dunno, he was just here with me.”
I searched with my eyes and found Julia hiding behind a rock all panic ridden.
“Why are there bandages on the floor?”, Pattie asked.
Cynthia realized what had happened.
“Just some trash we encountered, how awfully dirty the tourists here must be!”
“I’ll then find a rubbish bin suitable for them.”, Cynthia, thank you for taking care of John. I’m glad Julia chose to be with you and pretend than anyone else.
Julia looked at me. Her look was basically telling me: “What do we do? Should I go out or not? No, tell them to leave! Give Cynthia a sign to make them leave. I don’t want anyone else finding out.”
I scoffed.
“Where did you scoff at.”, Pattie said, “At that rock!”
Julia came out with her hands crossed.
Cyn was shocked but relieved to see her. She was waiting for what Julia would do.
“OH, it’s John, see Cyn we found him! Though I must say you look more frail than usual.”
“What can I say? This sun eats ya!”
We chuckled.
“And I had to see what Cyn’s relief looked like. Never expected such a big reaction from ya.”
“How can I not react that way when I love you so much!”, she ran towards Julia and hugged her as hard as possible, “I was already thinking I had to call the search party to search all over!”
“Don’t worry Cyn, I can handle a little labyrinth!”
“I don’t think so!”
“Alriiight.”, Julia sighed, smiling.
“Glad we are all here then! Let’s all go back together to our houses!”, Pattie was happy.
“Nah, I’d like to stay here a bit longer with Cyn.”, Julia disappointed me yet again.
“Oh- Oh, well have fun!”, Pattie waved them goodbye and I took her hand.
I sent another look to Julia. It meant “When are you going to stop lying!”
I figured Cyn helped Julia get bandaged up, because it was going to be dinner time soon. The rest of the day went normally. And the rest of the vacation was great, though it was cut short because of John’s investigation! He found out that Maharishi is a fraud, and really a fraud! So I dug deeper, and found the same, with more evidence! We united the evidence and presented it to the man, who said we were exaggerating and not understanding what it said!
“Look, you can’t deny your eyes and there are two of us claiming this against you! You lied to me!”, I began, “You lied to me that money wasn’t that important!”
“Well, I didn’t say that it was not necessary, you got to make a living!”
“By scamming others, not such a little good guru afterall! With this kind of behavior, I would’ve thought you would also pay flying carpet lessons!”
Maharishi chuckled.
“You know, this proves you’ll be absolutely the same as before if you leave. You, Lennon, have something to hide. Always look like that. You think you are clever, but you are not. You are empty, surrounded by enlightening remarks. But what is their purpose, you don’t know. For you, George Harrison, you will still be that insecure and childish egoist I met. Direct and naive; curious too. No wonder you dragged the whole group of you to-”
John was angry.
“You are not going to talk that way about us UNLESS I say what I think about you first! You are a snide, privacy breaking, yellow bellied, ass licking, greedy son of a bitch who likes to think he is so high and mighty! So it is just right to take away people’s hard earned cash like that!”
“The Beatles are basically the same thing!”
“We make good music.”, John replied.
“And we make good points? Explain the difference, Lennon, explain it! Oh, and haven’t seen this much emotion from you during your whole stay, I’m glad-”
“Because I didn’t get mad!”
“I’ll answer instead. We follow the regulations. We are not some other outside organization. We aren’t money grubbing. Maybe our producers are. And I know we will fix that when we find some inconsistencies.”, I jumped in to help.
“Maybe we are materialistic, but we aren’t putting other people in DEBT you whore! I checked multiple times.”, John continued.
“To check isn’t in character for John Lennon.”, Maharishi chuckled.
“It is if I think so. I don’t con people.”, John answered feeling confused on why Maharishi would say that. Then the guru scammer smiled.
“I’ll figure you out, Lennon. You have something to hide.”
John chuckled, “To hide is to survive? Isn’t that the principle of not getting caught in your scam?”
Maharishi got serious.
“You are feeling guilty of your scamming and blaming others, meanwhile I don’t have anything to declare.”, John stated with confidence.
“I know a deviant when I see them.”
“Oh, and now it’s John’s fault I have turned against you, isn’t it!”, I figured it out, “Trying to blame him for my complaint!”
Maharishi looked at me with some kind of disgust.
“Of course. Of course, we are leaving now. This instant.”, I got mad.
“Don’t go mad Georgie, this mister right here can use it against ya. You have to be relaxed and fulfilled, like he said. That’s how you get happiness, right?”, John joked.
I chuckled and calmed down.
“Yer right.”
“Well, mister, we loved the island and all, but you're a fraud and we have to go!”, John waved him goodbye and I followed. Maharishi pulled me back.
“Mr. Harrison, don’t listen to him!”, he told me, “He is a deviant, a snake, presenting himself as he isn’t!”
“And why would I not? He is one the lads! And you are the snake here.”
“No, no, that’s not a “lad” as you say, not a traditional lad, that’s a hijra.”
“A what now?”
“A… neither male nor female.”
I looked at him blankly. So he figured out the twin tale?
“You cannot trust someone who doesn’t know what they are. And this person, this “John Lennon” as they call itself, is absolutely not trustworthy. Always joking around, always monitoring you, always making inappropriate and underhanded comments. You want freedom and expression right?”
Lord, this slimy motherfucker.
“John is still one of my best friends and pals. You can’t make me stay here any longer. You just made me more angry and volatile. And you accuse John of such heinous acts with no evidence to support it.”
I began walking away towards John, who was packing with Cynthia and Pattie.
“Oh, I understand now. You know of Lennon’s decadency even before I even tell you! Both of you are flawed, go then! I don’t need a place for rude and deviant people like you!”
“Oh, where’s the “we welcome everyone to our family!” or “we are happy to accept any LOST soul”.”, John argued.
Maharishi smiled and walked up to John. He said something to him that made him shiver. Still John behaved cocky and said,
“Oh, I promise I’ll do that. For the chance to piss you off, I’ll continue doing that for as long as I want to!”
We boarded the boat. I looked at John perplexed. 
“What happened for us to go earlier?”, Pattie wondered.
“John, what did you do?”, Cyn asked.
“Absolutely nothing that deserved that kind of send off! Accusing me of deviancy just because George and I handed in some damning evidence that Maharishi scams people!”
“That’s… Fun.”, Cynthia sighed, “Well, at least we’re in one piece and haven’t been held up by that con artist in any other way.”
“You are so smart, Cyn.”, John chuckled, “Yer right as ever.”
John proceeded to kiss her. Before that he gave her a small, not really noticeable sign. He always warned Cyn before kissing her. But I never really noticed Cyn tensing up before the act.
I kissed Pattie as well and whispered in her ear:
“I’m glad this hellish discussion is over and you have absolutely nothing to do with it!”
“I’m glad you’re okay, George.”
Pattie looked at Cynthia and John, “Let’s go inside, it’s getting a bit chilly in here.”
“Wait for us two inside then, I have to talk to John about this shit in private.”
The wives giggled.
“Alright then, George, we’ll be inside. If you need any advice or a shoulder to cry on, you know where to find us!”
“Pattie, sometimes you could be so funny!”, my sweet Pattie.
“And not always? The insolence of this young man! We are going inside, pronto!”, Cynthia pulled Pattie with her.
John rolled his eyes while chuckling.
“No wonder Cyn is my best female friend.”
“Well, a wife is a best friend too.”, I joked.
There was a small pause. We looked at the ocean and the waves splashing in the sun. 
“John, what did that son of a bitch tell you?”
“There is something called a hijra in Indian or Southeastern culture. It is a person in drag, a person who identifies as the opposite gender… He told me that he figured out I was in drag. He told me I can’t keep it together and remain normal if I ever was. He told me I corrupted you… He told me I will drag the entire band into ruin. And even if I told everyone the truth that I would make everything the Beatles did worthless and meaningless.”
“What a freak!”, I couldn’t believe it. Maharishi was today very awful towards us, especially towards John. Was he always a bit more awful to women? Now that I think about it, he didn’t talk that much with our wives. He focused on us four. What a scammer.
“I know that, but it does send shivers down my spine, y’know.”
“I’m just happy we had fun and we’re going home, Jules.”, ahh, fuck this man.
“Yeah, I’m happy too. Let’s go inside, Geo.”
“Yeah. Thanks for looking out for me… But please don’t do it as much anymore, Julia.”
“I’ll try not to. And… Perhaps, baby George is right about some things.”
I think some things are going to change in the Beatles and I hope for the better. The most important thing is that I have proven that I’m not a child anymore - I’m an adult who speaks his mind and deserves to be listened to. Perhaps, they will put more songs on the next album… Can’t wait to work with Ritch again…
Rest of Sacrifame
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dateinthelife · 1 year
26 August 1967
After meeting Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in Wales, the Beatles give a press conference in which they renounce drugs.* Forever.°
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* "I don’t remember that we specifically said that we’d given up drugs – but at the time I think we probably had, anyway." [Paul McCartney]
° Well...
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perfectquote · 2 years
Don't fight darkness. Bring the light, and darkness will disappear.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
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harrisonarchive · 9 months
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George Harrison: “I feel this is something we’ve been trying to do all the time — keep that identification with people. It gets harder and harder the more famous you get. People see you, they put you on that pedestal, and they really believe you’re different from them. […] [I]n actual fact, they’re us, too, really. But at the same time, we’re all responsible in a way because we’re influencing a lot of people, so really, it’s to influence them in the right way.” Q: “A lot of people, though, never realize what you’re giving them.” GH: “Well, lots of people do, but then there’s always the other ones who write in saying, ‘Why the f*** do you think you’re doing that?’ The maharishi says this level that we’re on is like the surface of the ocean, which is always changing, chopping and changing, and we’re living on the surface with these waves crashing about. But unless we’re anchored on the bottom we’re at the mercy of whatever goes on on the surface. So you go into meditation and your thoughts get smaller all the time, finer and finer, until you get right down there, until that’s just pure consciousness, and you anchor yourself to that — and once you’ve established that anchor then it doesn’t matter what goes on up on the surface.” - interview conducted by Nick Jones, Rolling Stone, February 1968 (x)
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nightlyquotes · 1 year
Don't fight darkness. Bring the light, and darkness will disappear.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
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Via Something About the Beatles’ Girls FB🎍🪷🍃
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Jai Guru Dev
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