igrofox · 1 year
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Фелиция сидит с Майли и Арси на верхнем этаже спортзала. Пока девочки бурно обсуждают в чём пойдут на первую вечеринку последнего учебного года, Фел задумчиво листает галерею в телефоне, разглядывая фото то Лиама, то Коула.
Так она листала фотографии туда-сюда, пока Арси не выхватила телефон из её руки. – Что ты так увлечённо разглядываешь? – блондинка вальяжно откинулась на спинку диванчика и начала разглядывать фото Коула.
-Эй! Верни телефон! – разъяренно хлопнув ладонью по кофейному столику, Стэнфилд вырвала свой мобильник из рук подруг.
-Это разве не Коул Монро? –Удивлённый взгляд Арси попросту впился в Фелицию, она понимала это даже не смотря на подругу. Молчание повисшие после вопроса само сказало за себя. –Я, конечно, знала, что у тебя известная семья, но разве вы не в сфере бизнеса крутитесь?
-Наши семьи давние друзья. А так с ним больше общается Брэд… -Фел пыталась не смотреть на подруг, в надежде, что одна из них не вспомнит их первую вылазку в клуб. Рыжику не хотелось обсуждать свои мысли по поводу отношений с Коулом. –И вообще сколько раз я говорила не выхватывать мой телефон?! Вы знаете, что меня это бесит!
-А как ещё вернуть твоё внимание? –Арси сердито посмотрела на подругу из подлобья. Фел также посмотрела в ответ.
Майли тут же попыталась предотвратить ссору –Ну Вы чего? Ничего такого не случилось же. Давайте лучше вернёмся в класс, скоро звонок будет.
Фел окатила злобным взглядом Майл –Не хочу. Возвращайтесь вдвоём. –Оставив подруг на диванчике, Фел спустилась в тренерскую в надежде на то что она будет пуста и открыта.
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speyerboot · 1 year
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Finished commission for @brohaddori ! 
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spoopers-bloopers · 2 years
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Another!!! commission for @brohaddori of their oc Maily and her dog, Lucas!
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twisting-roads · 2 years
Oc + rpg shit + unfinished asinine poster design
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brohaddori · 2 years
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My OC Maily!!!
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newcodesociety · 4 months
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dailyedgeworth · 11 months
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today, a post-it portrait profile study of my favourite little p boy
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soraya-snape · 2 months
There was this HP creator on TikTok that I was starting to really like. But then she said that “Snape is not a good guy (OK kinda agree but the way she said it sounded more like “he is a bad or even really bad guy” which is obviously not true) and that he only tried to save Harry which was the least he could do” and this is the part where I was like?!?!?!
He might have started off only trying to save Harry (actually Lily at first) but then he actually tries to save the whole wizarding world. Like remember that time he told Dumbledore “Lately only those I couldn't save.” or when he tried to save Lupin at the beginning of DHp1 or told Phineas Niggelus Black to not call Hermione a mud blood. And let's not forget how he spied for Dumbledore during the first and second war, which is definitely more than the least he could do. I could go on but I think people with enough braincells get that he was not just trying to save that one boy but actively going against Voldemort's values and also kinda his own (or at least the once he was taught as a kid/teen). And like the example with Lupin shows also protecting those who, from his perspective might not deserve his help (considering Remus was a bystander at his bullying who actually had the power and the duty to stop it and also while mostly being civil towards Snape in later years still made his life extremely hard [I still love Remus but let's not ignore his flaws]).
Yes maybe he was a cruel teacher even bully to some of his students (we actually canonically only know of the trio and Neville) but at the same time also beloved and admired by some (mainly Slytherin but considering how badly they were treated by almost everyone else I actually think it's good of Snape to favour them especially considering what he went through during school simply because he was Slytherin. If you have a problem with that, perhaps you should complain first about everyone mistreating the Slytherins before complaining about someone treating them nicely, even if it is unfair). 
But besides that his position in the second war (and also the end of the first one) on the good side is clear and not only to save Harry but also everyone he simply could save. And if you don't see it, maybe you should get your eyes checked, or I don't know...
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itemprograms · 4 months
Is YinYang fond of Paper Charm?
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I’d like to think so :]!!!
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squidbulborb · 1 month
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@elliottbee95 asked how would magolor be in my Kirby Vigilante AU, so here's my concept. They are a shady antique shop owner who has dubious information on all that happens in the city of Dream Land, most of his wares come from stolen origins...
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spoopers-bloopers · 2 years
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Gift, request, request, emote commission
@brohaddori @small-leviathan @oofmilk @/FloppyEarsXIV on twt
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rychle-sipy-brainrot · 4 months
Drahý Čumblre,
Zítra je mezinárodní den proti homofobii a Prague Pride bude v Praze prodávat duhové stužky, kdyby jste náhodou někdo šel kolem a měl zájem.
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yahoo201027 · 9 months
What's your favorite Bob's Burgers Christmas episode?
With Christmas being a week away, might as well do these polls once more, mostly because the Tumblr polls go up to 12 choices than the 10 when it first came out, though they should expand that to...I dunno, 20? 30 maybe? Might as well take a poll on which of these Christmas episodes are y'all's favorite for Bob's Burgers.
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velvetredskies · 11 months
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fnaf sketchdump while i figure out what i want to do with this accsince .. ultk hyperfix is probably gone now. :/
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