#make the dark impulse a result of KARMA.
haitanisbug · 2 years
Mikey’s dark impulse just being…karma…LMFOOABAHABWBWJABAHSHAHHA I hate this manga
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hinasho · 1 year
Kazutora + Mikey’s Dark Impulses
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I’m probably being delusional but like, hear me out.
I don’t think what Mikey is saying here is correct. I don’t think his Dark Impulses are actually the karmic result of Shinichiro’s murder. Or at least, if they are, I don’t think Mikey is regarding them in the correct way.
✰ Wakasa.
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For starters, Wakui does unreliable narrator a FUCK ton in the series. Like an absolutely insane amount. It helps the world feel more lived in and natural, but it also leads to confusion for fans.
Mikey finds out about Shinichiro’s time leaping from Wakasa. Who does have a lot of information, but it is limited to what Shinichiro told him.
This is speculation, but it would not surprise me if Shinichiro told Wakasa that he believed the “curse” he reaped from killing the previous time leaper was Mikey’s Dark Impulses. And I don’t blame him for this belief! Life was good, everyone was happy, nothing else was off but Mikey’s DI. It makes sense Shinichiro would reach this assumption and pass it onto Wakasa.
He and Shinichiro’s talk had to have taken place in the few days from when he passed on the ability to Takemichi, to his death in the bike shop. So everything after Shin passed on the ability are Wakasa and Mikey’s assumptions. Their breadcrumbs of a theory based on Shinichiro’s own breadcrumbs of a theory.
✰ Split POVs.
What I’m trying to say is that the Shinichiro flashbacks between Chapter 269 - 273 are a mixture of Shinichiro’s POV and Wakasa/Mikey’s retelling. They are one and the same as those are the events Shinichiro told Wakasa.
They stop being one and the same after Takemichi is passed the ability to time leap in Chapter 273. Because that is ALL Shinichiro told Wakasa before his death. And there is no way Wakasa would be able to find out what was going through Shinichiro’s head at the time of his own death.
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“The same was probably true for Kazutora back then.”
As said, before baby!Takemichi gains the ability to time leap, the Shinichiro flashbacks and Wakasa’s information are one single thread. All of that is what Shinichiro told him.
But the two become separate threads once baby!Takemichi happens. “That’s about as much as Shin told me.” Wakasa does NOT have Shinichiro’s account of what he experienced after he passed down the ability. Their POVs are split into two after Chapter 273.
We know Wakasa/Mikey’s interpretation of his death — that the curse was people around Shinichiro would be infected with “Dark Impulses” — but we do NOT know Shinichiro’s own thoughts about his death because there is no way Wakasa would be able to know that.
So Mikey’s “probably” is exactly what it is, a guess.
✰ Kazutora.
Mikey and Wakasa were guessing that the curse was Dark Impulses and that it manipulated Kazutora’s mind, not that Kazutora had a very real and natural psychological deterioration.
Mikey is especially known to misunderstand Kazutora’s thought process behind murdering Shinichiro. At first, he simply couldn’t figure it out. Then, he took Kazutora at his word that Shinichiro was his “enemy” during Bloody Halloween. After that whole fiasco, Mikey eventually forgave Kazutora, but it was not stated what Mikey’s new theory was as to why that event happened.
So it does not surprise me that, again, Mikey is searching for a “why” behind Kazutora’s role in Shinichiro’s death, and coming to the conclusion that it must be the same assumption Wakasa recalled Shinichiro reaching. That it was because of what Shinichiro told Wakasa the “curse” was — the Dark Impulses. He and Mikey do not know for certain what the curse actually is.
✰ The actual curse.
Dark Impulses being “the curse” is (possibly) a guess Shinichiro made before his death, and said guess is what Wakasa and Mikey banked the rest of their knowledge on. It is not guaranteed 100% fact.
I believe the actual result of karma was Shinichiro’s death. That he was cursed to die in the same way he killed the previous time leaper, and that he would never live out the future he created. He would achieve it, but never be able to experience it. That is the true “curse.”
✰ Devil’s Advocate.
For a moment, let’s say Mikey and Wakasa are right — that the curse is Dark Impulses and Kazutora was also cursed with it. Let’s say their guess is spot on.
They are still missing a VERY important piece of information, one that Takemichi himself has been privy to.
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Whether he’s working with Chifuyu to fix a corrupted Toman, or he’s working in a pet shop, after Kazutora gets out of prison, he ends up on a good, positive path. Why? Because that’s what he chose for himself.
You already see signs of his growth when he apologizes to Mikey during Bloody Halloween, and promises to repent when he’s talking to Draken and Takemichi in juvie. Kazutora chooses to take the long, arduous steps to improving himself, for the better of those around him, for those he’s lost, and for who he wants to be.
Even if Kazutora was infected with a Dark Impulses “curse”, he is living proof that it does not have to become all that you are. That you are capable of growing beyond it with hard work, responsibility, and a willingness to change.
If the curse is Dark Impulses, then Kazutora himself proves that it can be overcome.
✰ My overall point.
I don’t believe Dark Impulses was the actual “curse.” I believe that was an uninformed guess Shinichiro made before his death and is what Wakasa & Mikey clung to. But I don’t believe it’s fully accurate, I think the ACTUAL karmic consequence was Shinichiro being denied the chance to live through the future he wanted.
Even if I’m wrong and Dark Impulses is the curse, Mikey, Sanzu, and Takemichi’s belief that it is incurable is wrong. It is possible to naturally overcome DI because Kazutora, who Mikey believed to have also been its victim, overcame it in TWO timelines! Sanzu doesn’t have a clue about any of the futures so I don’t blame him. But Mikey has knowledge of one future where Kazutora ends up alright, and Takemichi knows about TWO!!
Before realizing all this, I had a theory that Takemichi and Mikey caused a massive reset when Takemichi died, ultimately “erasing” all that happened (including Mikey’s DI) and sending them back to before the time of Mikey’s original death.
While I don’t think my new understanding of the chapters has totally debunked that theory, it has made me come to a new one. A sortve mix between a theory and headcanon. That after the final time leap, Mikey does still have Dark Impulses.
Theory portion
If it is not the “curse”, then that means it is truly smthg psychological. That, unless stemming from a specific event (ex: murdering your friend’s brother), then it is not smthg time travel can simply shove away. This is the theory portion.
Headcanon portion
The headcanon portion is if it is the “curse,” then that is still not smthg a timeline reset would be able to erase away because it is part of a person’s being. The same way time travel couldn’t wash away Takemichi’s fear and and trauma regarding Kiyomasa because that was something he had to overcome on his own. Based on Kazutora’s arc(s), Dark Impulses is smthg that can be overcome. It is smthg you can and must work to improve upon.
So with my headcanon that Mikey does still have DI after the finale reset, him still having them would not be bad. The reset would just further allow him the time and knowledge to work on himself to become who he actually wants to be.
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fantasyinvader · 10 months
Here's one.
Edelgard's poison is attachment via ego aka her arrogance. When it comes to the ego, Buddhism teaches it can be dangerous to cling to. It limits our ability to adapt as we hold things as being unable to change. Some things are just permanent. Edelgard treats her war as necessary, and will always pursue it. She can't let it go.
Dimitri calls out Edelgard's path as the path of the beast in Safflower, a hint towards how her path would lead to her turning into the Hegemon Husk, a beast unit. It's spiritual regression, as people are reborn as animals when they kill or harm innocent beings through obliviousness or ignorance. When it comes to karma, a running theme is people being wilfully ignorant.
According to Hubert, Edelgard knows her father was a puppet for Thales yet she still clings to the version of history Ionius passed onto her. She will still treat Nemesis as a hero despite Thales himself calling him a thief, while demonizing Rhea despite knowing Thales and the Agarthans hate the Church. Her own ancestor was supposedly tricked into betraying humanity, putting mankind under the control of Rhea and her family but she ignores how much influence the Agarthans have had in the Empire. She claims that she had nothing to do with Duscur despite knowing it was done for her benefit, how she keeps the Agarthans hidden and is willing to work with the kingdom lords who eliminated Lambert and subjugated the country. She claims she had no knowledge of what TWSITD were planning with her experiments, but Jeralt calls her out on her empty words, Hopes makes it clear she knew about the experiments to turn people into monsters and she lends aid to Flayn's kidnapping.
Edelgard is either lying or simply ignoring the truths she doesn't want to hear.
The animal world is one governed not by reason, morality or thought, but instinct and impulse. Those in this world fear the strong but also prey upon the weak. To go down the animal path is considered one of the four evil paths, diametrically opposed to Nirvana, the path of liberation.
A world for humanity leads to people becoming animals.
But on the other hand, this could just be the path Byleth and the Black Eagles follow, but not Edelgard herself. Again, while she might be wilfully ignorant she could just be lying and keeping others in the dark. Just look at Arianrhod. Another one of the evil paths leads to a world of animosity and anger. A world dominated by egotistical pride, compelled by the need to feel superior in all things, putting value on themselves while devaluing others. It would fit with the whole arrogant thing.
This world is the Asura world. Asura being Shez's second unique class, and the Asuras were being banished by the Bodhisattva to an underground place called... Agartha.
The Japanese endings for Caspar state that an often “out of control” Imperial army conducts military expeditions, they conduct missions in other countries. We also know from the Constance/Byleth ending in Safflower that Edelgard takes Agarthan technologies in order to maintain peace within her empire, but think about all the weapons they have at their disposal to conduct those expeditions with. Or how Edelgard is said to retire and disappear after she chooses a successor, while the Agarthans are implied to bodyhop. Edelgard was the Flame Emperor who bared her fangs at the Goddess, while the Agarthans attacked Sothis and the resulting war left the Earth scorched to the point Sothis needed to flood it to heal the world. They both believe they are making a world for humanity, both refer to Nabateans as “beasts” with the Agarthans extending that to non-Agarthans while Edelgard looks down on other nations. The Agarthans spilling the blood of others was what earned them Sothis's anger, while at the end of Safflower her Crest Stone (read: Heart) disappears from Byleth's chest and she says it's been “shattered” in the S support. It's implied by the Agarthan records that she's returned before, while Hopes makes mention of her getting revenge when she gets a new body. Thales mentions the Empire ruling the world at the end of Safflower, with Edelgard saying she'll do what she can to that end (again, military expeditions are considered a form of invasion) while she specifically mentions ruling the world when she assumes the Hegemon Husk form. Agarthans viewed themselves as gods, while Edelgard is shown in both Safflower's endings and in Hopes to control her own Church, making her own ideals out to be the teachings of the Goddess. Edelgard is even accused of wanting to replace Sothis with herself.
Part of Nirvana is supposed to be breaking out of the cycle of Samsara, the cycle of birth, life and death repeating through reincarnations. Flower is suggesting your actions warrant being kicked down to the level of an animal in your next life, with Byleth losing their powers associated with Nirvana as a result of Sothis, the real Bodhisattva, unfusing with them. But from a story perspective, it's what Dimitri says in Azure Moon. The world Edelgard in her arrogance wants to create isn't going to break the cycle of the weak being oppressed by the strong, all she's doing is becoming a successor not to the empire as intended by it's founder, but one for the Agarthans she takes out.
The Agarthans are implied to actually be weak in spite of their tech advantage, hence why they can be taken out despite Edelgard marching her army to other countries (plus, you know, keeping their existence a secret). This “world for humanity” is Agartha 2.0.
Safflower is... pretty much calling you an idiot if you finish it. It's almost like Spec Ops The Line, the only way to really win Safflower is to not play it, otherwise you become the monster with Edelgard's final boss theme playing in it's last map. And if you pick Edelgard for your S support, she mentions her path has been hadou, the path of supremacy/military rule/hegemony up until this point but swears it's over now that she has you/Byleth and you'll be the light to guide Fodlan to a better age, but that only works... if you remain ignorant of what character endings specific to her route say. Your romance with her ends with one last lie.
But hey, you know what they say. Ignorance is bliss. Don't look behind the curtain and ruin Safflower's magic. Maybe even make up your own lies to justify what you did, because obviously you're the hero. It's not like the whole animal path thing would mean you've been going after innocent beings after all, they had it coming.
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revengesworn · 1 year
so i know i asked you all if i should post about the ending but in the end I COULDN'T HELP MYSELF, I'M SORRY, tr ending discussion under the cut
as a summary of my previous thoughts on the ending... my number one problem with it has always been the lack of an explanation for how mikey/takemichi managed to leap back in time together. to me, this makes it seem like they just got lucky that the leap worked at all, which ruins the theme of "you shouldn't take on your burdens alone/rely on your friends a little."
the reason it ruins it is because it comes across as like... mikey was right to push everyone away, because when he finally gave into his impulses and trusted takemichi like he told him to, he LITERALLY KILLED TAKEMICHI. and it was seemingly just luck that they both managed to go back??
i have, however, had thoughts since then which make the ending work a bit more for me personally. mostly, that the reason the curse was broken/they were able to go back was still ultimately a direct result of mikey deciding to trust takemichi/breaking the mindset of "i have to take everything on alone." specifically, in part because he trusted takemichi to save him and "gave into" the dark impulses, but mostly because in the moment takemichi was dying, he begged him to come back. basically he was asking takemichi for help; asking him to prove his beliefs right - that mikey should and can rely on others, and that it's okay to do so. basically i'm trying to help the ending to make thematic sense (to me), is the idea.
now... that's interpretation of the final leap is kind of a stretch. and not really stated or implied in canon, unfortunately. BUT i do think there's some symbolism to support it, like the heavy emphasis placed on mikey's tears that are implied to play a reason in why the leap worked (at least that's what it looked like to me??). mikey has been set up as a character who believes that crying is weakness, so seeing him openly cry represents the shedding of that belief/being willing to ask for help.
but anyway i've said all this before, so what are my new thoughts? well, not much tbh WHOOPS but in the past, i interpreted the dark impulses as being a result of not the curse on shinichiro/karma directly - the punishment for THAT was shinichiro's death at kazutora's hands. instead, mikey's DI are more a circumstantial result of him having been dead in the previous timeline.
and also in the past, i said that the DI appear due to his desire to not rely on others, and are therefore broken when he admits he needs help. i still hold to that, but now i also really like the idea of like... they also come about as a result of him believing he doesn't deserve to be saved, & that he can't be saved?? and therefore it's not just him admitting he needs help that breaks the curse - but also him admitting that he wants to be saved at all. maybe even coming to believe that he deserves it, or at least that he wants a future with everyone.
after all, he DID technically manage to save everyone (but himself) in the bonten timeline. it's not just that he needs help because he can't save everyone by himself. it's also that he needs help so that he can save himself, too, and that he deserves to be a part of that happy future he created for everyone as well.
does that... make sense?? at all?? lmao i feel like it's a meaningful distinction a bit, but idk if i phrased it in a way that makes that clear or that is indeed coherent at all. regardless though. those are my ending headcanons. but god i wish wakui implied all this a little more than what we got KSJFHDSKF
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miss-allsundays · 2 years
also as much as I like tokyorev, I feel like there are some inconsistencies that make this last arc feel less... impactful??? in a way???
before you read: I couldn't be bothered to use proper punctuation and orthography + me being critical of tr + I might use ""ship"" names sometimes to avoid writing everyone's name each time, it doesnt mean I ship them
the biggest problem for me is how fickle the "power system" is: both the time-leaping power and the dark impulses are not that consistent when it comes to how they were created and what are their limits/the ""rules"" that they might have. especially the DI.
like, we learn the DI are a curse which is the result of..... karma?? from shinichiro's actions ig??? but to even reach that solution we have to guess/follow the implications. and that still does not answer all the other questions: why do others have DI impulses then??? what is the "quota" you have to meet to get them and why were the others (see: kazutora) able to get rid of them so easily (compared to mikey).
furthermore, I feel like a lot of the deaths did not add to the story in terms of narration and were almost... mere shock-factor??? like, did draken REALLY have to die??? in the previous arcs, every death had some sort of purpose, whether it was to make mikey fall victim to his impulses or to move the story in a coherent way (am I making sense??? feel free to disagree lol); from the three deities arc on a lot of the casualties seem to be put there to simply add more angst/gore (see:south being beaten to death).
lastly, more and more characters are given their five minutes of fame to then just... simply fall into the background?? as if wakui was trying to hype the kanto vs toman fight by adding as many people in it as possible. a prime example is senju, and her conflict with sanzu: why go through all the effort of creating a detailed backstory for her, connecting her to most of the main cast, just to then end her arc with.... her laying unconscious on the ground?? are we readers meant to accept the fact that her and sanzu's fight is gonna stay unfinished? (I also have some problems with sanzu's seemingly 180° during the last chapter but I dont feel like going into that lol). the same can be said abt the battle between the og black dragons and kokonui.
all these conflicts that are introduced in the last arc become not only "fodder" for the main fight (maitake fight), but their endings also make you think that these plot points were introduced in the first place just to add chapters to the story.
tldr: as much as I love tr, the last arc could have been handled better
[EDIT: to clarify, I LOVE mikey and takemichi's development throughout the story and I think it was really well executed (even THEIR specific ending, as I said in another post), what I have a problem with is the confusing power system and how the characters around maitake are handled (as if they are there just to enhance their story instead of being actual well-rounded characters with their own motives and backgrounds)]
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vcnusians · 9 months
ripcreel asked: ❝ don't add more pain to the world, there's enough already. ❞ / deana
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deana could feel herself heating up with a quick, passionate impulse to retaliate. she was never one to go around looking for fights, not the type to choose violence. but that doesn't mean she won't be fiercely protective of her friends, especially when the injustice is right in front of her. black painted fingertips twitch with an almost electric urge to lash out at the pack of popular girls in their little circle, snickering and casting the occasional smirk their way.
someone she cares about is in pain, pink manicured fingertips sweeping away the tears beneath wet eyes with an already violet-mottled contusion, roughly about the size of a homemade pancake on the side of her thigh after being 'accidentally' shoved into a table. it's painful to even look at. anyone who messes with cindy is begging to get their ass kicked.
it's henry's voice that calls her back, seemingly echoing through her emotional spell. the familiar sound causes her mind to stop, grounds her, has a calming effect. he's right. she's better than that, and her stiletto heels stay planted on the ground as opposed to power walking over and causing a scene. would channeling karma herself and attacking really be for the highest good, or would that make her just as much a monster as those who get their sick pleasure from causing others pain? it hurts deana when someone she loves is in pain, but acting in revenge would result in exactly that. more pain. more chaos. more bad, and she can be dark but it's not a line she wants to cross.
henry's almost poetic way of getting her to rethink this gets through to her on another level; speaking her language. he's one of the only people who knows how her mind works, the way she sees the world. she listens to him, body relaxing. she just doesn't like seeing people she cares about mistreated. "they hurt cindy," she uttered in a low and dangerous tone, eyes narrowed moodily like a provoked cat. i'll put the claws away, she thought to herself, breathing slowly and letting anything else sway her attention. her voice softens. what henry said makes sense, and it's the better way. "but you're right. i don't wanna be worse than that."
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ilariyalavorowrites · 2 years
Good enough (9-1-1) Part three
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Imagine leaving LA after feeling like an outsider in your relationship with Bobby and Athena as they seem to pull away and distance themselves from you. Only to find that it is almost impossible to actually walk away.
Warnings: Angst with happy ending, AU, Bisexual Athena, (Eventually) BDSM
Pairings: Bobby Nash x Reader x Athena Grant
Word count: 1,124 words
Universe: 9-1-1
Reader gender: Female
Author: Ilariya_Lavoro writes
Previous/ Next
Part 3/10
Regret had flooded your senses from the moment that you re-opened your eyes a few days prior. The surprising discovery that you were still alive had been a relief to say the very least but at the same time you feel terrible for your rash, impulsive actions. You were bound to a bed on a ward in an unfamiliar hospital. 
Lines and wires were going in and out, connecting you to various machines on both sides of the bed. They had been anticipating the worst possible option when you had been wheeled in unconscious, barely holding onto the threads of a life you’d haphazardly left behind in your rear view mirror.
Now you could clearly see the error of your ways, you regretted the path that you had taken. Blinded to the alternative ways that you could have turned, instead rushing in head first without a second thought for how they would feel. This was karma for your choices. You were completely and utterly alone.
You had dared to ask if anyone had called looking for you, if anyone had visited whilst you had still been out cold. The answer to both had been the same, no. No-one was out there looking for you. This was your new future, far from how you dared to envision it. You had left and this was your new tomorrow.
You should feel free but that was not the case. You were drowning in a harsh sea of regret, grief and sorrow. This was of your own making, the bed you had made. One you would lie in night after night. There was no way back, not one you see in this particular moment in time.
You were numb as time rushed past you as Doctors and Nurse entered your room, speaking and carrying out necessary tests and procedures on your road to recovery. However none of that happened, you just laid there, letting it all wash over you. Where would you go? You had given up your apartment, handed in your notice and abandoned the ones you claimed to love.
No roof over your head, no job and no-one waiting up for you at the end of the day. When you had been truly left with your thoughts in that small room. Your raw, untapped emotions bled back through breaking down your walls. Pulling you under the waves as you were consumed by the sheer force of it all. You had been flung out of the calm into the raging heart of the storm.
You cried out in the dark, this was self inflicted. You were wrong. Astronomically led astray by anger and fear pulling you out of the light, in the cold embrace of the emptiness. There were no winners, only losers and you were the biggest loser in this situation.
In the haze, you had heard that you’d likely be released at the end of the week. Pending the results of the various swabs and tests showed.  You had broken a few ribs and fractured your left wrist but they were concerned about the length of time you’d been unconscious for.
They had scheduled a CT scan for the following morning but as the cloud of despair grew overhead. You cared very little for what lay ahead in the days that followed. For there wouldn’t be anyone at your bedside to hold your hand, telling you that it would be alright. Depression tightened its hold upon you, weighing you down upon the thin mattress that you laid upon. Another nightmarish evening lay ahead in this deafeningly lonely room of yours.
This was your life now
Forty Eight Hours Earlier
There had been many times that Athena had found herself standing outside your apartment. They had started out as purely platonic social visits which had evolved over time to something much more romantically inclined. Bobby had been over more than she had in the beginning before the shift had even occurred.
Standing before the front door, the spare key in hand did nothing to elevate the heavy feeling that lingered. Something wasn’t right because it was far too quiet. For there, no noise emanating from within the abode. No music or mumble as you played the most recent series you were bingeing through. No footsteps walking from room to room. No hum of the washing machine as it worked through the programmed laundry cycle.
It was rarely this silent, it was almost as if you were simply not there but you won’t just leave your car parked outside. There were simply too many questions and too few answers for her taste. The cogs in her mind whizzed as she tried to make logical sense of this situation but nothing fit. 
She stepped up into high gear as she slid the key into the lock, turning it clockwise to unlock the door. Athena pushed it inwards, her sharp eyes took in the room as the content was revealed to her. She narrowed her eyes at the now spaciously decorated interior. 
The word echoed in her mind as she stepped into the apartment, closing the door behind her. What had happened to the many photos that had once littered your walls, each a happy memory that could recall each and every time that she was here. Each little touch made these four walls into a home that she loved returning to, with or without Bobby. Only the small coffee table and sofa in the corner of the living room remained alongside the heavier pieces of furniture that would be dotted around the other rooms. One thing did stand out in the spartan room. A singular envelope laying flat upon the table. This was a start. She dared to hope that what she could see before her eyes.
At the same time, her years on the force gave her the skills to read a room. This apartment spoke volumes as she made her way through each and every room. Until her feet found their way back to the living room. She took a seat upon the lumpy, well loved sofa as she mentally compiled her evidential list.
The lack of personal belongings/clothes
The sudden radio silence
Your abandoned car
The keys that she had kicked on her way in
No, this couldn’t be the case. There had to be more to this than this surface-level detail. Athena whipped out her phone and dialled a familiar number. She placed it to her ear and waited for it to be answered. “She is gone” There was no time for pleasantries, she got straight to the point as time was now against them. However, one mystery remained that could be easily solved. The contents of the envelope.
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raamitsu · 2 years
also (yo wth all these freaking thoughts coming?) so maybe we can safely say that Shin has succeeded to save Mikey, so for now I genuinely wonder if Shin was fully aware of Mikey’s dark impulses that ‘came along’ with him (like a package of karma lol idk whatever) cuz the incident in ch 241 was a crystal clear of the conflicts between Mikey and Sanzu.
like i think i get why my moot yesterday was against the idea of making Mikey’s damage brain as a way to explain the birth of dark impulses cuz brain damage is a physical disability, not some persona development (sorry idk how to say it but i hope yall understand)
at first, I don’t think both Senju and Mikey’s POV are unreliable, but again, if Mikey’s POV was a result of a third alteration of timeline, then how do we explain the missing bloods on his hands, even when at the time Sanzu was wounded the same way? i saw someone said Mikey used the broken wings of his toy airplane to scratch Sanzu’s mouth but AGAIN, if that’s true then we still could’ve been able to see it in his POV, yet it’s as if it didn’t happen or at least happened in the same way.
idk how to say it but I just feel like Shin altered the timeline in Senju’s POV and created a timeline that ended up in the same outcome but the process of how the incident happened might have possibly changed, thus Mikey’s POV.
anyways i know this is such a crazy thoughts i had and i might have been an eyesore to yall so you are allowed to ignore me. i’m a confused dumb onion anyway ~ 🥸
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brother-hermes · 3 years
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I read somewhere that a righteous person is one who submits to the will of God. Some Christian theologians paint this picture of religious people being servants who blindly follow their prescribed paths. My soul stirs at this notion.
“Free choice!” Screamed from the mountaintop of my inner sanctum. What of my own faculties and ideas? Am I not capable of making rational decisions based on my humanity? God I will fight you. Why were we given free will and the minds to make complex decisions if we aren’t supposed to use them?
For me the answer to these questions are found in the Kybalion. The Hermetic Principle of Causation states simply:
“Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation but nothing escapes the Law.”
We humans may feel like self stylized masters of the Universe nestled safely in the mineral kingdom but nothing escapes karma, ourselves included. We pay for our misgivings throughout the course of our lives here. Sometimes we’re just in the mix of it all wondering what our part in it is.
Here’s where it gets tricky. Science teaches us that we take in about 400 billion bits of information per second and register around 4,000 bits. That means there is a lot going on around us that we cannot see physically. Hermetics teaches that each corresponding plain acts in accordance to the law of rhythms and causation. Just because we can’t see the cause doesn’t mean that we won’t feel the effects.
In walks my Christian upbringing and the story of Jacob. This man went toe to toe with God and refused to take no for an answer. He wanted his family rescued from his past treachery. So he did a very human thing and fought. (The angel is a symbolic representation of Jacob fighting his own dark impulses and self reliance) He refused to let go until his prayer was answered. In doing so he was blessed. It was sheer determination to live and conquer the evil within himself that won out. Adonai was with him and within him as a result. We see this echoed in the fact that God faced him. In the Christian belief system it is when God turns away from us and leaves us to our own devices that we are in trouble.
Contemplation runs deep within the mind of a mystic. We meditate. We pray. We study. When things seem shaky we look within ourselves and ask the difficult questions. How much of our chaos is by choice? Are we ignoring our own truths and turning away from the path? Are we genuinely adding to the stream of life or are we self serving?
Gods laws are immutable. Cause and effect. Correspondence. Karma. The titles aren’t nearly as important as the underlying truth; when the turmoil starts we have a choice to respond according to the values we know to be right and true or react as if tossed about in an angry storm. If Jacob teaches us anything it’s that we can’t enter into a meaningful relationship with the Divine until we are willing to admit our own weaknesses. Sometimes this means accepting our shortcomings of being bound to this plane of existence. We are not gods even if God is within us.
So fight with God. Just realize that you are more than likely fighting with yourself. That’s all I got.
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jamestrmtx · 3 years
Wish Upon a Night Sky - [Beastars | Various x Reader]
[Female, Sheep Reader | Slow Burn]
Act Twelve, Scene Two | The Storm
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Juno's sleeping by the time you make it back, even if she doesn't appear to be getting much rest from it. Not only does it seem like she dozed off without really planning to, based on how the bedsheets are kept underneath her, but the look on her face is composed of a frown and a glare. Her tosses and turns are constant, and her body tenses more and more with each one. You decide it's best not to wake her with the hour it is, though you still pick up the nearest blanket and throw it over her. Her shifting lessens and she takes a moment to cuddle up against the new source of softness and warmth.
".../N)," she mutters, furrowed gaze deepening as she stops moving.
You assume her bad dream is connected to you, so you take a step back and avoid her for the time being. Getting any closer wouldn't be such a good idea if it would only worsen her sleep. You make up for that by turning off the lights and making sure you're quiet as you walk off to your bed.
Lightning strikes from nearby; the thunder following it gains a flinch from you in response and a startled wake from your roommate, who -- seemingly still in her dazed state -- growls aimlessly at the darkness. You can't see much now that the room is pitch dark, though you can still make out her shadow from the distance you're at. She's now out of bed and standing up straight, head moving left and right as she tries to find the cause of her shock. You take that moment of distraction and seek for the closest source of light you can get: a small flashlight you retrieve from your bag. It's strong enough for you to have a better look at her and weak enough not to make her growl at you.
Juno's shoulders are tense and -- coupled with the lost expression on her face -- she seems to be more frightened than ready to attack. Her confused state fades the more the thunderstorm lasts; awareness over the reality of the situation finally appears to dawn on her. Slowly, her shoulders go back to a less rigid state and she blinks a few times, regaining a bit more consciousness over her surroundings.
She turns in an instant and readies herself to attack. Her eyes land on you despite the poor lighting of the room, your voice helping her track you down. Recognition of who you are is just as quick as her reaction and helps her calm down further. Still, she doesn't approach you and holds a guilty look on her face all the while.
"I'm- I'm sorry," she mutters, voice raspy. "Did I hurt you?" she then asks, frown returning.
You shake your head, stand up, and take a few steps closer, flashlight working better the more you move forward. Truthfully, there's a part of you that's scared over the 'what ifs', hadn't she snapped out of it, and it doesn't help much knowing your name was muttered during her nightmare. Regardless of you now being back with her in the same dorm, there were still some wounds left to heal, both from the incident and how you'd dealt with its aftermaths. It isn't unlikely to assume her source of discomfort is in some way linked to you.
"I'm fine, Juno," you reassure her, voice muffled by the rain and the ongoing thunder. You take a step closer with each passing moment, until you're only three feet of distance away from her. "You, um… gr- growled at me a little, but that's about it." You shift in place and try not to let your fear show any more than it has. "More importantly, are you okay? You looked like you dozed off, so... So I threw that blanket on you." A frown forms on your face when you see she takes a step back each time you take one forward. "But then you woke up because of the thunder." It's as if she's the one slipping away from you now; you fear karma's here to bite back at you, yet you refuse to let another miscommunication stand between you and her. You gain more wits and continue to walk forward, until Juno's back bumps against the wall.
"Juno, it's really no-"
"Stay back."
It's hard not to feel cold at the sound and the meaning of that sentence; not even the pained look on her face makes it less heart-wrenching. Your chest feels about as tight as your throat, and words fail to leave your mouth regardless of you being the one to corner her. She keeps her back pressed against the wall while you continue to stand in front of her, eager to help her out. "Just let me help y-"
"N- No."
She breaks with that sole word and pushes you away to create space for herself to run off. 
You grab the doorknob first, preventing her from cutting matters short with you.
"I understand if you're still angry with me, b- but please don't leave yet." Your grip on the doorknob is tight enough to make your hand ache, urging you to let it go for a second to recover. "It's dark, and there's a thunderstorm right now. You- You'll only get hurt if you leave now."
"And what about you?" she snaps, tears contrasting with the impatience in her voice. "You- You said I growled at you!"
"Yeah, but only because you were having a nightmare!"
"A nightmare that could be real if I don't leave right now!"
Silence arrives despite how rough the weather is. Juno's gaze is as cold as the wind the storm brings into the room; in contrast, her touch is gentle and warm when her hand falls on yours. "Let me take you somewhere safe, then," she says, facing your eyes. "Haru's your friend, isn't she? I can sneak you to her dorm so you can stay the night with her -- for today, or at least... At least until I stop having these awful dreams."
Curiosity brings forth the impulse to ask her more on that subject. "...Am I your enemy in those dreams?"
Her ears fall and her gaze falters from yours.
"Sometimes you are; sometimes you aren't." You can see her hesitate and feel how her hand tenses over yours. "But when you are, it's…" She shudders and blinks a few tears away. "It's…" Her breaths are now both audibly and visibly shaky, though she tenses further when you try to comfort her by squeezing her hand tight.
"It's okay," you intervene, managing a smile. "You don't have to force yourself right now -- I understand."
For what feels like an eternity since, Juno smiles.
"Thank you, (Y/N)," she mutters, stopping to catch her breath. "Would it… Would it be alright if I hugged you now?"
You nod and stretch your arms out. "Knock yourself out," you reply, giggling.
Juno grins and a blush soon spreads on her face, hidden when she takes a small step forward. Then, she leans in and hugs you tight, lasting for what feels like only a second before the storm's relentless thunder separates you by making you flinch. Still, your smile remains intact, as does hers now that you've found better closure between you.
"Ready to sneak me out now?" you ask, offering your hand out to her.
She takes it.
"Ready," she says, words hushed as she opens the door and steps out with you by her side.
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I was down with the sickness (again!) for one whole week, then I had to move out the week after, and then the week after that one I took two missing vaccines and got sick again as a result of the symptoms, which created a sudden and huge delay in my update schedule, buuut I'm finally back now. (Phew!)
I'm still very, very, very tired, lol. But I found out one of the main reasons for getting sick again was due to lots of stress and little rest, sooo I'll be focusing more on my hobbies (like this one!) in order to avoid and prevent anything like that from happening again.
As a result, story updates might be a lil' wonky in their schedule (until I get enough rest) but more frequent from here on out!!
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readingsbylibramc · 3 years
birth chart reading for @myirlfa1ry
hello! welcome to your reading. I’m gonna give you a quick overview of what I’m going to analyze about your natal chart. feel free to ask me anything if something isn’t clear, of course. you’ll find out your dominants’ influence on your persona, your physical appearance, impression on others and the way you approach the world; your ego, identity, the real you; your reactions, your desires, inner emotions; your way of expressing your feelings, your mind and ideas; your desires and approach to love; your energy tank, instincts and temperament; in-depth analysis of each house with their rulers and analysis of heavy aspects; love life + soulmates/karmic partners interpretation; your relationship with your friends; your family life; your approach to career and work in general + possible jobs suggestion; your style, fashion sense analysis; life purpose and past life description; basic transits’ analysis to describe your current mood and, last but not least, your secret skills, how to make the most out of your soul and manifest what you desire based on your birth chart.
🦋 chart shape, dominants
your chart is a bucket shape, with jupiter as the handle of the bucket. your jupiter is in the 9th house, hence matters regarding foreign cultures and languages, education and experiences will be your priorities in this lifetime. you also have clear ideas about your future and who you want to be. even though you may have different passions and talents you’re capable of only sticking to one and mastering it, giving your all.
your dominant planets are mercury, venus and pluto. you are a very smart person, you can be quite astute and you have great problem-solving skills. you're also quite creative, or at least you have an eye for aesthetics. you may experience some karma throughout your life, meaning that if people hurt you, they'll eventually get hurt too and vice versa.
your dominant sign is aries. you may have a reputation for being impulsive and straight-forward. you don't like beating around the bush, especially when people purposely get on your nerves. on the other hand, you're very loyal and generous when it comes to your loved ones. you're very opinionated, and you always wanna make sure that your voice is heard. you're proud of yourself.
your dominant element is air. in your life, you adore seeking for knowledge of any kind. you may be interested in studying different subjects, from those you study at school like science, maths, literature etc. to more unconventional ones, such as astrology, psychology, criminology and so on. you enjoy interacting with people; even if you’re not that sociable, you’ll still be interested in their point of view and their ideals, as you see it as a way to expand your own mind. you’re also interested in vintage, and you may have a retro aesthetic or just like history in general.
🌎 ascendant in scorpio, 29° / 3rd decan ruled by pluto and the moon
your scorpio rising makes you quite pessimistic; you see the world as a place full of dangers and malice, hence it’s hard for you to trust people. this may be translated to fear; you’re either scared of other people, and hence you look more vulnerable, or maybe you’re the one who prefers to look intimidating to avoid problems. I don’t think you look unapproachable, though. there are other placements in your chart that say the opposite, so I imagine you project an image of yourself that makes you look quite naive. you can sense others’ emotions very well, so they have no secrets for you. you can perceive any single emotion in people just by looking in their eyes. while this is good, as you understand who’s best for you and you’re aware of the dangers you may face, scorpio risings tend to take advantage of this and be a little manipulative. this awareness of the world makes you look mysterious and secretive, as if you always know something more than others (and you probably do). pluto is also the planet of transformation, and you might experience a lot of rebirths throughout your life, both physically and emotionally. you might lose/have lost a big amount of weight, for example, which makes you look like a different person. or maybe, you like dying your hair of a different colour, giving you a different vibe. you wish you could be softer and show your inner emotions more easily, as scorpio is a water sign. the thing is, since it’s a fixed sign, it’s hard for you to be flexible and adapt to changes. when they happen, they’re usually out of your control as they’re literally life-changing. physically, I see you having a square face with high cheekbones. overall, your bones are very prominent and you’re naturally skinny. your eyes are extremely magnetic, and they could also be quite big and/or round. you might have either very pale skin, or just an olive skintone. sometimes, even a mix of both. your hair, eyebrows and lashes are very thick and dark too. you're at least of average height, and you could have something smaller on your face, like a small button nose, eyes, lips etc. you may also have very thick, naturally healthy and straight hair, as well as nice lips with a defined cupid's bow.
scorpio ascendant opposite taurus sun: this placement indicates that, when you’re in public, you tend to act in a different way from who you truly are. perhaps you’re shy, so you tend to hide your bubbly, charismatic scorpio rising with your modest, reserved taurus sun. this can obviously interfer in your relationships and bonds with others; some may expect you to be different, so you may often lose friends because you turned out to be more astute than what they were expecting. in fact, you may often attract people that try to take advantage of you. I wouldn’t worry too much, though, as I find this placement beneficial in your case, exactly because of this reason. but just in case it bothers you, now that you’re aware of this tendency of yours you can try to understand your real self more thanks to this reading, and start acting like who you truly are to get out of your shell.
scorpio ascendant square virgo jupiter: you probably learn a lot from people around you. you're most likely surrounded by wise, spiritual and possibly foreign individuals in your life. they help you to grow up, both spiritually and mentally. this placement also softens your rough scorpio image, making you look more outgoing and approachable. you're also very open-minded, and you rarely have prejudices. the downside to this placement is that you may be depend too much from your friends or lovers, especially when it comes to your beliefs. you're easy to influence, and you may change your mind often if others disagree with you. you could possibly have high expectations from others, creating a false idea of those who surround you. at least, you're aware of your abilities and you have the potential to make the most out of them, but you're modest about it. you don't come off as bossy, as other jupiter - asc aspects would.
🌞 sun in taurus, 19° / 2nd decan ruled by venus and mercury
you’re more sharp-witted and pragmatic than the typical taurus. you value stability in both romance and in your day-to-day life, like at work. you take care of your body and style in any sort of way, as your 1st house venus confirms. after all, the 2nd decan of taurus is a great balance of beauty and brain. I imagine that you're not very extroverted, you prefer staying in, but I repeat that you still probably have nice social skills. or at least, they're your secret skills. you like keeping your mind active everyday, especially by following your passions. if you’re the logical type, you might enjoy playing sudoku or things like that. on the other hand, if you’re more phylosophical you might enjoy reading, writing etc. you have a great sense of duty, that makes you want to excel in whatever you do. in addition to this, you’re also very stubborn. you probably get in arguments with others because you don’t accept their advices/criticism and prefer going your own way. you may also tend to overindulge a bit, and become a bit lazy. you're also very attached to food, but you still keep a healthy diet. you enjoy the finer things in life, but might struggle with jealousy because of that. you have the tendency to look at other people’s achievements and get disappointed about yours.
🌙 moon in aquarius, 2° / 1st decan ruled by uranus
with the moon in aquarius, you must be very unpredictable. you’re the type to change your mind often, probably because you’re constantly coming up with new thoughts and theories since you’re so intellectually active. you seem emotionally cold, and you may actually be like that. in your case though, I see that with your heavy water energy, you feel so much all at once that at one point you need to detach from reality to calm down. even though you have troubles showing this side of you, you’re deeply quite sensitive. you’re very creative and intelligent, even though you may risk to waste this potential of yours; in fact, I’ve noticed that most aquarius moons tend to put their intelligence aside because they’re way too rebel to keep up with it. it’s such a shame. perhaps, in school you didn’t really push yourself to the max, or overall you don’t give all of yourself to things that are not of your interest. you’re only a perfectionist with things you care about, and this could make you waste some of your potential. this placement makes you extremely spiritual as well. you may have some sort of psychic talent, or at least you’re just very intuitive. you’re interested in finding out the truth in the world, and you’re willing to dive deep to uncover it.
aquarius moon square aries mercury: your thoughts and feelings are constantly in contrast with each other. your aquarius moon is rational and logical, while your aries moon is more blunt and impulsive. this results in indecisiveness, you change your mind pretty often, and that can cause you conflicts due to communication problems. you're also pretty opinionated, you don't hide your feelings when you act by impulse. at least, the positive side of this placement is that you're probably very intellectual, capable of taking in consideration both the subjective and objective side of an argument.
🗣 mercury in aries, 24° / 3rd decan ruled by mars and venus
you are a fast-thinker, even though that doesn't mean you always take the right choices. in fact, you can change your mind very often. you probably have a beautiful, melodic voice, even though it's likely very loud. you also speak as fast as you think, making it hard sometimes to keep up with you in a speech. you could also switch from a topic to another casually. you don't really enjoy thinking about the past nor the future, you only care about the present and you live it they way you feel; hence, you're not really the type to care about learning from your mistakes. you always see the positive side of them, which can be both good and bad actually. that's because you're quite stubborn, it's hard to make you change your mind. you're very straight-forward, and that could lead you to conflicts as you don't understand the impact your words have on others.
❤️ venus in gemini, 25° / 3rd decan ruled by mercury and uranus
this is the flirtiest, most romantic gemini decan, but also the flakiest and most indecisive. your flirting style most probably includes jokes, teasing… things like that. even though you may seem flaky, as you like experiencing romance with different types of people, you’re actually quite picky. in fact, in order to fall for someone, you need to feel mentally attracted to them, not just physically. someone ignorant and stubborn that doesn’t care about learning something most definitely isn’t for you. you’re not the type to be super romantic and sweet with your partner or just people in general. you show your affection for example by sending them memes, making ironic jokes about them etc. also, when you’re into someone, you probably get very talkative! you start asking them simple questions about their life, even things like 'did you have lunch?’. also, you talk about them with all of your friends, and you find yourself thinking costantly about them. you’re very curious of nature, but you’re only interested in getting to know what catches your eye.
gemini venus conjunct cancer mars: you are very serious when it comes to love. you seek intense, long-lasting relationships, filled with both romance and passion. ironically, you tend to attract people that are the opposite, who are only looking for fun and casual romance. that could afflict your self-worth significantly, as you feel unlucky in love. this is also another placement that indicates that one of your parents, probably your father, or still anyone of the opposite sex probably influenced your approach to romance and sex. there are different scenarios I have in mind, but I'll talk about it later in the family life section.
gemini venus opposite sagittarius pluto: you find yourself having crushes on random people often, love at first sight is common for you. but when you seriously fall for someone, they’re your only thought. you start searching for info about them online, and you wanna become part of their life too. you love intensely, but not everyone may enjoy that. there are people that could feel overwhelmed by your love, others that would vibe with you and offer you the same kind of affection. ironically, you tend to attract detached, free-spirited people that most of the times don’t want anything serious. you’re prone to get jealous and possessive very easily, and this makes you suffer, as you may think there’s something wrong with you. maybe, it may even remind you of something that happened during your childhood, perhaps your parents were also very protective of you. love for you is a constant grow; your relationships will be hard, but there’ll always be something to learn to improve yourself and your confidence. little side-note, you may often date karmic partners, aka partners from your past lives, so you may often experience this 'I’ve already seen you before’-vibe in your new encounters and relationships, and you’ll always learn something from all your relationships.
☄️ mars in cancer, 1° / 1st decan ruled by the moon
in life, you have the need of feeling grounded and stable. you want to feel secure, and that makes you think deeply about your decisions, you don’t rush them. you’re not much impulsive, you think deeply about what to do and / or say, you are very cautious. this sense of being careful makes you quite indecisive, especially since you also have your sun in the sign of taurus, this energy is even stronger. you may change your mind often, or perhaps it takes you a lot to finally make a decision because you kept changing your mind. you tend to try and be collected whenever someone is getting on your nerves, but your feelings are extremely intense to totally bottle them up. you either get slightly passive-aggressive, and hence you could get very sarcastic and call them out indirectly, or perhaps you just lose your temper and face them angrily. possibly, you could even be the type to bottle up all of your feelings, until you explode all of a sudden. that can also make you more furious than normal, as you have all these repressed, strong feelings inside of you that were screaming to get out. you’re also extremely protective of your loved ones, especially of your family.
cancer mars conjunct cancer saturn: you're a serious competitor, as your mind is very strategic. your ambition makes you want to be the best wherever you are, and you may actually overwork yourself to achieve your goals. establishing your status is important for you. you may not be the type to act instantly, you prefer taking your time to follow a plan. in fact, you probably write down what you have to do in an agenda, or even in your phone's notes app. you have this strong sense of duty, as you feel 100% responsible of your fate. you're sure that, if you don't work hard, you don't deserve success and recognition. in fact, you don't take orders from others, you are your own boss. you could have materialistic tendencies, as wealth is what motivates you the most to work or just take action in general.
🏡 houses
your 1st house is in scorpio, with also pluto in this house making this energy even stronger. you fulfill your ego when you deal with intense situations that satify your needs. that is, you find strenght in getting out of your comfort-zone. even though you may be afraid of it. you’re an enigma: you know everything about others, but others know nothing about you. it’s your way to protect yourself from eventual enemies, as you’re prone to have a few of them throughout your life. your existence revolves around discovering your value, worth and purpose in general. your self-esteem is based on your physical appearance and on your achievements. you may have this mentality that you can’t take care of yourself if you don’t have enough money. you could also earn money through your appearance, or at least achieving confident is going to be a huge theme for you in this lifetime.
your 2nd house is in capricorn, with also the moon sitting in this house. you may have an artistic hobby, such as acting, drawing, etc. that could earn you compliments and praise, and hence it increases your sense of worth. you could also increase your self-esteem by taking pictures or videos of yourself, for instance. you love challenging your mind, but you're kind of lazy. you'd rather stimulate yourself through your hobbies and interests rather than using school / work, which are quite stressful for you. you need to find something material and concrete to motivate you and make you assertive. you could study just because you need a good grade, or maybe work just to get paid. you don't really do it with interest, as you care more about nurturing your passions than responsibilities. you're not really into conflicts; you'd rather be peaceful with everyone, as you find it a waste time to argue with someone. you're very peaceful, you try to avoid conflicts when you can. this placement makes you crave stability, whether it's financial, in love etc. you must be very stubborn, as taurus, the sign associated to the second house, is a fixed sign. this placement, paired with your imaginative moon energy, makes you settle on making your ideas concrete, and it's very beneficial. it makes you capable of achieving any goals in your life. you're also very artsy, and you may fancy particular art styles. you have a good eye for aesthetics, and you care a lot about the looks of your house, body, clothes etc. you have excellent concentration, and that is another thing that helps you achieve your goals and make your ideas concrete.
your 3rd house is in the sign of aquarius, with also neptune and uranus placed there. when it comes to speech, you’re most likely more introspective. you may not be much talkative, and most of the time you keep your ideas and thoughts to yourself, but actually it's hard for you to hide them. you may be secretive, but you're easy to read. you learn the best when you’re close to creativity or imagination, you’re very intuitive and hence it's easier for you to learn new topics. while you're very empathetic and you're able to properly convey your thoughts and feelings in your speech, you may also come off as sensitive or even insecure. you may have a quiet voice, and hence you could come off as shy. you have a very distinctive way of thinking and speaking. you don't like being like others, you don't follow trends. you're probably the trendsetter, and you may find confidence and pride in your ideas and opinions. some may even define you weird, but you have very strong beliefs that could actually be helpful for the world. you're quite 'ahead' of others from this point of view, you're able to find beauty in things without being influenced by others. for example, you may follow a fashion trend before it gets viral. you are able to come up with very innovative ways of solving problems, you're extremely creative. you may even be the type to invent your own words, or perhaps you love learning and reading new words, you have a wide vocabulary. you're also probably interested in science and any darker or logical topic, you want to use your words and theories to change something in the world. you want to leave an impact, maybe even help others through your mind. you have a very witty sense of humor, you most likely speak fluent sarcasm and you're also very astute. I would say that the only problem with this placement is that you may come off as a know-it-all, especially with your taurus sun.
your 4th house is in pisces. when you were young, you probably didn’t feel at ease with yourself. you might have been the outcast, that one kid that stood out in the daycare. you probably didn’t have many friends either, but you weren’t that sad about it. you enjoyed playing, drawing and watching your favorite cartoons alone. you find emotional comfort and security in your home, in your parents and in just family in general. you used to be very attracted to arts when you were a kid, and you kept this love with you while growing up. maybe, you were the type of child to lie to your parents. you have a good relationship with your parents, even though you may argue often as you're all quite impulsive and unpredictable. you may even be an absent parent, maybe your parents are divorced or one of them died.
your 5th house is ruled by aries, with also mercury sitting there. you find confidence in your creativity, and you have the desire to express it to the world. I think you’re probably the type to organize and arrange all the meetings and parties with your friends, you're practically the leader of your friend group. you may have aries hobbies, therefore you may be into sports and challenges of any kind. you could also enjoy working out and taking care of your physical appearance in general, you always try to look good. with mercury here, you may also be very creative. you are probably a good writer, and you could even gain money from these skills of yours. you have a spectacular way of speaking, almost dramatic, that could make you come off as a know-it-all. when telling stories, you may exaggerate a bit, but at least you’re entertaining to listen. you could also gesticulate a lot while speaking, and maybe you like mimicking voices as well. you aim to express your feelings through creativity, it’s very important for you to write poetry, songs, drawings etc., it’s also a way to relieve stress and worries.
your 6th house is in taurus, with also your sun sitting there. you may find yourself dating people at your work place, or maybe at school you go out with people from your class/school. romance is a part of your daily life for you. you like surrounding yourself with venusian aesthetic, so you probably take care of your body, your fashion, your home and so on. you may also be very fond of animals and money. basically, this placement makes your 2nd house even more prominent in your chart. this placement usually makes someone procrastinate a bit, you may have the habit of dedicating yourself too much to your passions without finishing your work, but I don't think it's your case. there are other placements in your chart that make you more hard-working than you look. you are in fact very dedicated to your job and routine. you probably don't like changes, you'd rather follow a schedule in your day-to-day life. your job and skills could be the key to make you gain more confidence in yourself, as they would give you the independency that you crave due to your sagittarius rising. you may have a job that allows you to earn a great income, and perhaps you could heal people with it. hence, you could be some sort of therapist, counselor, nurse or even something more artistic, like a writer. anything that allows you to heal people with your words would be suitable for you. you could also work in a place where you have to handle others' money or possessions in general. you're also a very practical individual, and you may have good health.
your 7th house is in taurus, and venus is also placed there. in marriage you seek security, both emotional and financial. you want a loyal partner that would never do anything to hurt you, and that has a wealthy job as well. intimacy and trust also matter a lot for you in a long-term relationship. your future partner will surely be like that, but you may unluckily attract possessive, jealous people, so beware of that. it may be a problem, especially considering your heavy sagittarius energy that wants to be free. you may date someone that looks good on your side. they may be someone important with great presence, and they could help you increase your self-esteem. they may actually resemble you, you could have similiar physical features. in addition, this is a huge indicator of a nice, peaceful marriage, I don't see you having to go through divorce or anything stressful for your love life, even though it may take you a while to finally find someone that you truly love, as you don't want to be tied down.
your 8th house is in cancer, saturn and mars are also sitting there. you are a very private individual, you have trust issues and you only share your concerns with people you're sure you can trust. you tend to preserve yourself, even though it’s hard for you to repress your emotions, as they’re too to intense to bottle them up. you absorb people’s feelings like a sponge, there’s no way that you won’t instantly understand their real emotions. overall, you tend to overreact a lot; you have cancer's sensitive energy on one side and 8th house’s mysterious, almost scary vibe. dealing with these emotional burnouts may be stressing to you, as you totally get caught up in them. even if it looks like you get to know other people often, you actually don’t let others know you. you’re the type of person to talk and socialize, especially after your saturn return, but you never reveal your deepest fears and thoughts to strangers. you only open up to people you’re sure you can trust. when you’re angry, you can literally go as far as using violence; you need to let out your emotions by screaming, swearing… anything that can make you feel better. when you don’t get rid of all your negative vibes when angry, you may tend to get physically sick; you could get stomachaches, or maybe even headaches. there’s a secret, sensitive side in you that needs passionate and romantic partners in love. yet, you can’t help but feel more attracted to the ones that may hurt you badly. you’re possibly quite sensitive to entities too, like ghosts, spirits...
your 9th house is in leo, and jupiter is also placed there. you’re able to grasp a lot of information that makes you think more about your identity. you’re probably interested in philosophy, poetry, literature... you are a perfectionist at school, and you probably have amazing grades. you are very justice-driven, you like learning new things and being the #1 at pretty much everything you care about. yet, you could be quite bossy at times, as you could come off as a bit too arrogant but you're just very dedicated. on the other hand, you're also very intelligent and open-minded above all, you could feel particularly drawn to foreign cultures and languages and you could be naturally skilled. you may also get to travel a lot or even move abroad at a certain point in your life, you're definitely a citizen of the world and you hardly ever have prejudices.
your 10th house is in virgo. you might be seen by strangers as a caretaker, someone extremely organized who has their life together, but that also doesn’t hesitate to take care of their physical appearance. your ultimate job would have to be some sort of healing career, you want to give and teach something through your work. in addition, your career is where you put most of your energy. you're driven by a strong sense of duty, and your career is also able to increase your confidence. you want to be a leader and create a name for yourself. jupiter is also conjunct the midheaven, therefore I definitely see you travelling around the world for your job. you may have to interact with people from all over the world, therefore you may have to speak a different language or deal with other cultures. you also have strong writing abilities, you are very philosophical and you could become known for your messages. you don't have to necessarily communicate through words, you could even become an artist, a designer, a singer who tries to communicate through their art.
your 11th house is in libra. you enjoy getting to know new people, maybe you have to do it because your job requires that. but just because you need to communicate with other people, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re your friends. basically, you're the type to know a lot of persons, but you may always feel lonely. that's because your bond with them is kind of shallow, they're not someone too intimate with you. hence, you feel as if you can never share your feelings with anyone. your friends may also be very good looking, perhaps even a bit more extroverted than you. since venus, the ruler of the 11th house, is in the 7th house, the house of marriage, I feel like you may befriend your future spouse first before marrying them. it may start as a simple friendship, or perhaps you're going to be introduced to each other by your friends. you could also meet online or in a very crowded place, such as a concert for example.
your 12th house is in scorpio. this is another placement that indicates that you crave intense, life-changing bonds, but that you also tame them. you're afraid of being betrayed, and hence you just end up repressing your feelings. on the other hand, this placement makes you extremely spiritual. you may be attracted to the occult or any spiritual topic: astrology, tarots, even spirits. and, since the ruler of the 12th house, pluto, is in the 1st house, you may use these tools to get to know yourself more. you can become aware of your karmic issues thanks to astrology for example, and use it to finally solve and break free from your limitations. it's important for you to get closer to your spiritual, higher self in this lifetime. it will probablt make your life much easier.
❤️ love life, soulmates
in love, you attract aries, taurus, libra, gemini, capricorn and virgo. your future spouse is probably going to be very magnetic and mature, but also very caring, playful and affectionate with you. with your soulmate, it may be love at first sight. you're also most likely going to meet someone very spiritual, and your future spouse could actually be your soulmate. in addition, I feel that you're going to marry someone foreign, they may have a different cultural background from yours or at least you'll have to travel to meet. your children will probably have aries, virgo, gemini placements in their chart. they're going to be very active and fiery, possibly also naughty. yet, they'll also be very fond of their parents, hard-working and intelligent too.
👶🏻 family life
your mother is probably a very caring person that knows how to stand up for herself when she has to, but she may struggle to do that. she's very smart and optimistic, and she could come from a different country from yours. maybe she's of another religion, or she can speak other languages. she also has very strong beliefs that you inherited from her. yet, she coule be a bit moody and impulsive. she may have aquarius, sagittarius, pisces and / or virgo placements in her chart. your father is a bit more serious and focused on work, but he always made sure you always had what you needed. he also has a more playful side to him, that he may not show often. he could be a pisces or virgo. if you have siblings, they probably have prominent capricorn / aquarius / pisces placements in their chart. you may fight a lot with them, and you may be quite possessive of each other. yet, this relationships gets naturally better as you grow up, you are going to get along more in the future.
📊 career
I imagine that you would do best at a career that involves healing, teaching... I can see you doing well in the medical field, for example. especially as a nurse, where you mostly interact with patients. you may also work for associations like the onu, where you're surrounded by people from all over the world. hence, you get in touch with different cultures that can help you opening your mind. you want a wealthy job, where you can be your own leader and use your imagination. I can also picture you doing some sort of online job, you could become an influencer for example or you may be known online for your talents. as I've already said before, you have probably a creative talent to you that could make you quite successful. overall, you want a job where you don't really have to depend on others. actually, you probably strive to be your own boss.
👚 fashion sense, style analysis
I imagine you put a lot of effort into your outifts, yet you don’t show it. you want to look effortlessly good, you don’t want to give the impression that you tried. your style may be quite minimalistic and simple, with lots of jeans, sweatshirts, plain t-shirts… I see you being more into natural shades, like white, grey, beige etc. you’re also not very fond of using too many accessories, you’re stylish but still very simple. you have this natural charm to you, hence you still look good even though your outfits may not be too complex.
👁 past life, life purpose
in your past life, you were a very spiritual individual. you were close to your higher self, and you probably were able to talk to ghosts, you used to interpret your dreams and you most likely were also interested in astrology and other occult matters. in this lifetime, you need to put your spirituality aside for a while, and focus on finding out your identity here on the earth. you can still use spirituality to find out, but your priority is learning your karmic lessons regarding your self-esteem and work. you’ll finally be able to reach happiness and fulfill your soul when you start having an organized schedule, which allows you to balance both your hobbies and work.
🤔 major transits analysis / june 26th
this month could have been a bit rough for you; you probably felt a bit down, you don't feel much sociable, you just want to stay by yourself and think about your life. you could be feeling the urge to improve yourself, maybe something about school or even about your physical appearance, and as a result you could be a bit anxious to be perfect. you could be quite insecure in these days, and you could also be struggling with finances lately. yet, you don't have to despair: this is caused by the planets transiting your 8th house, making conjunctions to your saturn. in a couple of weeks, you should be feeling much more active and motivated to achieve your goals in a healthy way.
🧿 manifest what you want, secret skills
your secret skills revolve around finances and just security in general. with a positive attitude, you may attract material luck: money, clothes, houses… everything that you desire. since you’re a logical person, I assume the most efficient way for you to manifest through the LOA is writing! take a notebook and just write down positive affirmations, such as 'I have the car of my dreams’ etc. you may also write them on post-its and glue them around your house, so that you can accelerate the progress. you can also try to idealize your wish before trying to manifest it. for example, if you want a new sweatshirt, try to imagine yourself wearing it. you could also go into a shop and actually try that sweatshirt it on; being in contact with it will boost the law of attraction even more.
and this is the end! thank you again for booking a reading :) let me know if it resonated!
- libramc xx
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inhalyak · 4 years
Tarot Suits & Meanings
0 – The Fool: beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, free spirit
1 – The Magician: inspired action, manifestation, power, resourcefulness
2 – High Priestess: sacred awareness, intuition, divine feminine, subconscious
3 – The Empress: femininity, abundance, beauty, nature, nurture
4 – The Emperor: authority, establishment, structure, father figure
5 – The Hierophant: education, wisdom, conformity, tradition, religious beliefs, institutions
6 – The Lovers: relationship, love, harmony, alignment, values, choices
7 – The Chariot: victory, control, willpower, success, action, determination
8 – Strength: patience, courage, persuasion, influence, compassion
9 – The Hermit: introspection, soul-searching, being alone, inner guidance
10 – Wheel of Fortune: destiny, good luck, karma, turning point
11 – Justice: fairness, truth, cause and effect, law, karma
12 – The Hanged Man: pause, surrender, letting go, new perspectives
13 – Death: transitions, endings, change, transformation
14 – Temperance: balance, moderation, patience, purpose
15 – The Devil: shadow self, attachment, addiction, restriction, sexuality
16 – The Tower: rude awakening, sudden change, upheaval, chaos, revelation
17 – The Star: hope, faith, purpose, renewal, spirituality
18 – The Moon: illusion, fear, anxiety, subconscious, intuition
19 – The Sun: positivity, fun, warmth, success, vitality
20 – Judgement: rebirth, inner calling, absolution
21 – The World: completion, accomplishment, integration, travel
0R – The Fool Reversed: holding back, recklessness, risk-taking
1R – The Magician Reversed: manipulation, poor planning, untapped talents
2R – High Priestess Reversed: secrets, withdrawal, silence, disconnected from intuition
3R – The Empress Reversed: creative block, co-dependence
4R – The Emperor Reversed: domination, excessive control, lack of discipline, inflexibility
5R – The Hierophant Reversed: personal beliefs, freedom, challenging the status quo
6R – The Lovers Reversed: self-love, disharmony, imbalance, misalignment of values
7R – The Chariot Reversed: self-discipline, opposition, lack of direction
8R – Strength Reversed: inner strength, self-doubt, low energy, raw emotion
9R – The Hermit Reversed: isolation, loneliness, withdrawal
10R – Wheel of Fortune Reversed: bad luck, resistance to change, breaking cycles
11R – Justice Reversed: unfairness, lack of accountability, dishonesty
12R – The Hanged Man Reversed: delays, resistance, stalling, indecision
13R – Death Reversed:  resistance to change, personal transformation, inner purging
14R – Temperance Reversed: imbalance, excess, self-healing, re-alignment
15R – The Devil Reversed: releasing limiting beliefs, exploring dark thoughts, detachment
16R – The Tower Reversed: personal transformation, fear of change, averting disaster
17R – The Star Reversed: lack of faith, despair, self-trust, disconnection
18R – The Moon Reversed: release of fear, repressed emotion, inner confusion
19R – The Sun Reversed: inner child, feeling down, overly optimistic
20R – Judgement Reversed: self-doubt, inner critic, ignoring the call
21R – The World Reversed: seeking personal closure, short cuts, delay
CUPS – love, intuition, relationships, emotions (water)
Ace of Cups: new beginnings, love, new relationships, compassion, creativity
R: self-love, intuition, repressed emotions
Two of Cups: unified love, partnership mutual attraction, 
R: self-love, breakups, disharmony, distrust
Three of Cups: celebration, friendship, creativity, collaborations
R: independence, alone time, partying, third-party
Four of Cups: meditation, contemplation, apathy, reevaluation
R: retreat, withdrawal, checking in for alignment
Five of Cups: regret, failure, disappointment, pessimism
R: personal setbacks, self-forgiveness, moving on
Six of Cups: revisiting the past, reminiscing, childhood memories, innocence, joy
R: living in the past, forgiveness, lacking playfulness
Seven of Cups: opportunities, options, wishful thinking, illusion
R: alignment, personal values, overwhelmed by choices
Eight of Cups: disappointment, abandonment, withdrawal, escapism
R: trying one more time, indecision, aimless drifting, walking away
Nine of Cups: contentment, satisfaction, gratitude, wish fulfillment
R: inner happiness, materialism, dissatisfaction, indulgence
Ten of Cups: divine love, blissful relationships, harmony, alignment
R: disconnection, misaligned values, struggling relationships
Page of Cups: creative opportunities, intuitive messages, curiosity, possibility
R: new ideas, doubting intuition, creative blocks, emotional immaturity
Knight of Cups: creativity, romance, charm, imagination, beauty
R: overactive imagination, unrealistic, jealous, moody
Queen of Cups: compassionate, caring, emotional stability, intuition, in flow
R: inner feelings, self-care, self-love, co-dependency
King of Cups: emotionally balanced, compassionate, diplomatic
R: self-compassion, inner feelings, moodiness, emotional manipulation
SWORDS –  conflict, communication, force, intellect (air)
Ace of Swords: breakthroughs, new ideas, mental clarity, success
R: inner clarity, re-thinking an idea, clouded judgement
Two of Swords: decisions, weighing options, avoidance
R: indecision, confusion, information overload, stalemate
Three of Swords: heartbreak, emotional pain, sorrow, grief, hurt
R: negative self-talk, releasing pain, optimism, forgiveness
Four of Swords: rest, relaxation, meditation, contemplation, recuperation
R: exhaustion, burnout, stagnation, deep contemplation
Five of Swords: conflict, disagreements, competition, defeat, winning at all costs
R: reconciliation, making amends, past resentment
Six of Swords: transition, change, rite of passage, releasing baggage
R: personal transition, resistance to change, unfinished business
Seven of Swords: betrayal, deception, getting away with something, acting strategically
R: imposter syndrome, self-deceit, keeping secrets
Eight of Swords: negative thoughts, self imposed restriction, imprisonment, victim mentality
R: self-limiting beliefs, inner critic, releasing negative thoughts, open to new perspectives
Nine of Swords: anxiety, worry, fear, depression, nightmares, regret
R: inner turmoil, deep-seated fears, secrets, releasing worry
Ten of Swords: painful endings, deep wounds, betrayal, loss, crisis
R: recovery, regeneration, resisting an inevitable end
Page of Swords: new ideas, curiosity, thirst for knowledge, new ways of communicating
R: self-expression, all talk and no walk, haphazard action, haste
Knight of Swords: ambition, action, fast-thinking, driven to succeed
R: restless, unfocused, impulsive, burnout
Queen of Swords: independent, unbiased judgement, clear boundaries, direct communication
R: overly-emotional, easily influenced
King of Swords: mental clarity, intellectual power, authority, truth
R: quiet power, inner truth, misuse of power, manipulation
PENTACLES – finances, health, building, education (earth)
Ace of Pentacles: new financial opportunity, manifestation, abundance
R: lost opportunity, lack of planning/foresight
Two of Pentacles: multiple priorities, time management, prioritization, adaptability
R: over-committed, disorganization, reprioritization
Three of Pentacles: teamwork, collaboration, learning, implementation
R: disharmony, misalignment, working alone
Four of Pentacles: saving money, security, scarcity, control
R: over-spending, greed, self-protection
Five of Pentacles: financial loss, lack mindset, isolation, worry
R: recovery from financial loss, spiritual poverty
Six of Pentacles: giving, receiving, sharing wealth, generosity, charity
R: self-care, unpaid debts, one-sided charity
Seven of Pentacles: reflection, long-term view, sustainable results, perseverance, investment
R: lack of long-term vision, limited success or reward
Eight of Pentacles: apprenticeship, repetitive tasks, mastery, skill development
R: self-development, perfectionism, misdirected activity
Nine of Pentacles: abundance, luxury, self-sufficiency, financial independence
R: self-worth, over-investment in work, hustling
Ten of Pentacles: wealth, financial security, family, long-term success, contribution
R: dark side of wealth, financial failure or loss
Page of Pentacles: manifestation, financial opportunity, skill development
R: lack of progress, procrastination, learn from failure
Knight of Pentacles: hard work, productivity, routine
R: self-discipline, boredom, feeling stuck, perfectionism
Queen of Pentacles: nurturing, practical, providing financially
R: financial independence, self-care, work-home conflict
King of Pentacles: wealth, business, leadership, security, discipline, abundance
R: financially inept, obsessed with wealth and status, stubborn
WANDS – creation, ambition, spirit, love, action (fire)
Ace of Wands: inspiration, new opportunities, growth, potential
R: emerging idea, lack of direction, distractions, delays
Two of Wands: future planning, progress, decisions, discovery
R: personal goals, fear of unknown, inner alignment, lack of planning
Three of Wands: progress, expansion, foresight, overseas opportunities
R: playing small, lack of foresight, unexpected delays
Four of Wands: celebration, joy, harmony, relaxation, homecoming
R: personal celebration, inner harmony, conflict with others, transition
Five of Wands: conflict, disagreements, competition, tension, diversity
R: inner conflict, conflict avoidance, tension release
Six of Wands: success, public recognition, progress, self-confidence
R: private achievement, personal definition of success, fall from grace, egoism
Seven of Wands: challenge, competition, protection, perseverance
R: exhaustion, giving up, overwhelmed
Eight of Wands: movement, fast paced change, action, alignment, air travel
R: delays, frustration, resisting change, internal alignment
Nine of Wands: resilience, courage, persistence, test of faith, boundaries
R: inner resources, struggles, overwhelmed, defensive, paranoia
Ten of Wands: burdens, extra responsibility, hard work, completion
R: doing it all, carrying the burden, delegation, release
Page of Wands: inspiration, ideas, discovery, limitless potential, free spirit
R: newly-formed ideas, redirecting energy, self-limiting beliefs, spiritual path
Knight of Wands: energy, passion, inspired action, adventure, impulsiveness
R: passion project, haste, scattered energy, delays, frustration
Queen of Wands: courage, confidence, independence, social butterfly, determination
R: self-respect, self-confidence, introverted, re-established sense of self
King of Wands: natural-born leader, visions, entrepreneur, honor
R: impulsiveness, haste, ruthless, high expectations
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hinasho · 2 years
🚨 Manga finale spoilers 🚨
Honestly my only gripe with the finale, besides the obvious pacing issues, is that I just wish Mikey’s DI was naturally psychological, and not impersonally scifi.
Like I don’t wanna be all “man I wish that kid had issues” lmao, and, to be fair, Dark Impulses being the result of a time leap murder absolutely makes sense. It’s a bleeding effect, a consequence of karma.
But it being that way just feels like such a missed opportunity to highlight mental health!
Before the canon explanation was revealed, many of us theorized that “Dark Impulses” was a combination of severe grief and loneliness that expressed itself through a form of disassociation. And if this had been true, Mikey’s resolution could’ve highlighted the importance of vulnerability and not being afraid to seek help. That it doesn’t matter what you’ve done or what actions you’re capable of doing, anyone is deserving of support and care especially if you allow yourself to openly ask for it.
And Mikey being a legitimately troubled character would’ve done wonders to emphasize this. Because it’s such a GOOD message that talks about how even the most flawed people still deserve help. While this does fit within the canon explanation, it gets diluted under the “oh all the bad stuff Mikey did? Well none of it was actually his fault bc he was under a curse” excuse.
Like, his DI being a mere curse/karma is okay and with the way Wakui explained it, it does make sense in the narrative. But it just feels thematically lesser than what it could’ve been.
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astroseri · 4 years
“Harvest” Moon 🌾 in Aries (Full Moon)
on Oct. 1st 2020, 9:05pm UT
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What is a harvest full moon?
The harvest moon is the name given to the full Moon that takes place closest to the autumn equinox.
It is called a harvest moon because the Moon is particularly bright and rises early. In the past, this allowed farmers to extend their working day and work by the light of the extra-bright Moon, gathering crops to prepare for the winter months - hence 'harvest'.
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Numerology of this Full Moon: 6
Takes Place In Aries 🐏
Part 1. What you will manifest during this time...
☉ Sun - In full moon charts, it opposes the moon. It shows the seeds we planted at some point in the past, that are now bearing fruit (indicated by position of moon). The sun is in its own house (5), so rewards and karma from all previous actions now manifest. Leo—the Sun’s sign—being in the fourth house asks if you have been living, speaking and acting out of integrity rather than others’ values. How have you spoken or acted? If it has been out of integrity rather than ego, or fitting in out of fear then you will be particularly blessed during this period. Do you perform or make entertainment? Influencers with personal integrity and unconventional messages will receive increased fame, influence and recognition.
Any acts of service to others will also be rewarded. 5th in virgo. And... Have you been critical of society and others, instead of always blindly following along (virgo)? You will be rewarded for being discerning and living in alignment with your truth.
☽ Moon in Aries - We are reaping physical gains, status and achievement—11th house. Those acting out of integrity shine in the eyes of others now. Achievements will be public and material in nature—significator in 2nd from 11. They will involve individuality and breaking free from structure—saturn in 11th from 11. Major achievement and gains are possible. The results of our previous actions and public expressions will now manifest. There will be acts of individuality and breaking free from the system of accepted reality. Values not ever before publicly expressed will now be expressed. it Will seem offensive and distasteful to some who are stuck in old paradigms, but admirable to others. Nonetheless this full moon will trigger many people’s insecurities, because the moon is conjunct chiron. Ultimately, public expressions of change, innovation and individuality will be therapeutic to others.
This is a good time for creativity and putting into the physical, your dreams and ideals. On the other hand, Anger and frustration are high and if you don’t find an outlet they will escape negatively. Unfortunately, This will be the expression for most people.
Now... I wrote specific insights into what energies will happen in society if you’d like read on..
Part 2.
—————The State of Society ————
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Ok. Now the State of Society...
♅ Rx in the 12th: A need to break Away - Rebellion and structural disruption will be an unconscious expression of material needs and values. Since uranus is retrograde, a need for rebellion and individuality will be magnified and will be expressed impulsively rather than consciously. These disruptive expressions will be subconsciously motivated, possibly by fear. On the positive spectrum this energy will be used for unconventional creations, individuality and forms of self-expression.
♄ in the 9th: The Nature of our Gains & Achievements - Achievements and gains for those living in integrity will be—9th—large. There will be gains in status and influence. New faces of change will be born (influencers, innovators, advocates). Despite this, traditional structures and reality will remain firm... More firm than ever. Saturn will be stationary and very strong... Though structure stands strong and begins to assert itself more than ever, this transit will make many aware of how reliant we are on structures and belief systems that can ultimately fail us. And that ultimately we become trapped in them when the time comes to rely on ourselves. This period is a (final) warning to break free from structural ordinance and dependence.
♂Rx in the 11th: Inability to Act. Causes Hoarding of Resources - the desire will be to achieve material aspirations and goals, especially independent of the current structure. This will feel restricted if the world seems to stagnate and the economy falters. There may be a sense of inaction or helplessness because we are too dependent on current structures, our economy and governments.
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The manifestation of this blocked desire to break free will be to impulsively hoard material things and resources out of fear. There will be some hoarding of goods and food (Ascendant at 29° Taurus). And a sensed urgency to acquire resources. This will likely be out of fear.
Authorities become very helpful - Since both saturn and capricorn are in the 9th (benefic). The authorities become very auspicious. Government will start relief programs to distribute food, money and resources to individuals in need. There will even be government subsidized food provisions.
These efforts by authority will be very effective at treating the symptoms of broken society. Unfortunately this will not fix the underlying causes of dysfunction and many people will become dependent on the relief; this further limits their self-sufficiency and ability to act autonomously in the future. (Saturn square Mars!!!)
This phenomenon is intentional. This is pretty dark but the motivation behind these “helpful” efforts by authorities will be to exert more control and power over the population. (8th in sagittarius + jupiter in 8th). There are strings attached and insidious motives behind these apparent “reliefs” and “stimulus”. Quality of life does not improve. Later, dependency on relief will happen and authorities exert more control over their dependents (through the form of regulations). Remember these wise words: Nothing comes free.
Asc. @ 29° Taurus: Desperate State of Affairs (Resources and Money) - Major upsets and instability in values and resources are indicated. 29 degree placements indicate urgency, extremities, impending conclusions and culminations of energy, perhaps even an inabilty to have foresight or to settle. Taurus is the sign of money, values and resources. I expect the stock market will peak off around October 1st and suffer large dips and instability. The government will maintain a sense of structure but there will generally be huge falls economically.. This harvest moon’s climate says now is a final time to Harvest any and all forms of gains and resources that you will need for the coming winter.
♀Venus, the Chart Ruler: Our Money, Food Supply and Resources - individuals will accumulate food, wealth, resources and value in the home—venus in the 4th. Also this manifests to putting more focus and value into the family and securing stability rather than increasing the career, reputation and work ambitions which become more of an afterthought. venus is ALSO at the anaretic degree—29° of leo (in addition to being square to the 29° ascendant!!!) There absolutely will be HOARDING, and SHORTAGES. An Extreme cumulation of energy on resources and an inability to settle. Venus In Leo is showing the shortages will be a result of impulsive action, conflict, anger, competition. self-centerdness and perhaps battle. (it is 5th from ARIES). The outcome will be expressed as structural and business shortages. (5th from leo is capricorn). This will only spiral, as venus is trine the retrograde mars which indicates accumulation of resources as well. There is a grand trine between venus, mars and the south node (each of which are indicating a need to secure oneself). I am convinced there will be shortages starting around Oct. 1st. Stock up now.
☊ In gemini + 1st house: The Key to Thriving these Times - North Node is telling us to be self-reliant in our thinking. To be independent thinkers. And to be absolutely discerning especially when it comes to values.. Ask yourself “What matters to me?” It is not a time to look at what everyone else values (or is potentially buying in hoards) because you will only feed into confusion. It is not a time to try to control things and people, or to feel lack. You have to be discerning and analyze what is psychologically driving everyone’s values. It will give you insight into your own subconscious reactions and thus get a grasp on the reality that values are whatever YOU choose.
Collectively, there are indications of confusion around values, and of an inability for people to discern the significances of material things. Perhaps the dollar will lose it strength. Perhaps resources will become more critical than currencies. This will exacerbate desperation, but ultimately it emphasizes a need for spiritual detachment and to become more self-conscious rather than competing like rats. That is the intended lesson and cure.
☊ is traditionally known as Rahu, the “dragon’s head”. People become all-consuming in the area it occupies in their charts. One can never get enough of that particular thing. With it being in the 1st house and close to the 2nd cusp, there will be extreme selfish, indulgent energy in some people... Perhaps to the point of theft and trickery (gemini). People will never feel like they’ve accumulated enough materials in accordance to their self-interest.
Rahu, The “Dragon’s head” is ideally a guide for the soul but must be approached from an awareness of intrinsic wholeness. Then it stops consuming and manifesting negatively. In general, people are not that conscious. so There will be a seemingly all-consuming material lack in the collective and this will manifest very intensely and destructively —> Ketu is near the 8th house ♏️👿🏃🏾
Ironically, it is a good time to give instead of take, especially in one’s community. Exchange is favored. Good karma will come. It is a good time to discuss material values, to create art and music, and even to share resources within one’s community.
Summary 📝
Those who have been living in integrity around others will thrive during this period. They will make gains in influence and status. Speaking unconventional thoughts. New influencers, musicians, creators and advocates will gain popularity and relevance. Food Shortages and Material Turbulence are guaranteed. Government structures step in to provide sustenance, but there are strings attached (Dependency, Control & Submission).
Dependency to fallen structures/governments will be the outcome for those who are not living out of integrity or who haven’t been critical of others and society.
☋ in sagittarius - Time to “Let Go” instead of Seeking More: - Ketu here shows There is a need for spiritual detachment and instead focusing on giving. Ketu is exalted here. It signifies letting go and achieving what some call “moksha”. People born with this aspect usually have achieved some form of spiritual satisfaction and enlightenment in past lives. They no longer “seek” in current lives but rather give, and their focus is on experiencing their immediate surroundings.
It is in the 7th: it is time to focus on oneself rather than the actions of others.
It is time to let go of any “lack” mindset, of external desires and of a need to take things through power struggles. Instead time to create value of your own (creations and planting seeds), and indulge in your own possessions and creations.
Lastly, Ketu is trine to venus, the chart’s ruler... Trine is an auspicious aspect. Spiritually letting go, and focusing on the immediate experience around you (gemini) and your own value, especially your personal integrity and your family will bring fantastic results despite the extreme climate around resources.
Thanks for Reading!
- @astroseri
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meditativeyoga · 5 years
The evolution of consciousness
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Manoj: There's a Zen quote, "Prior to knowledge: Chop timber, carry water. After enlightenment: Cut timber, carry water." In this context, just what has actually been your personal experience of enlightenment?
Andrew: In my experience, the context changed totally. Prior to, every little thing that occurred happened in a very small individual globe that was about the worries and also needs of my mental self. That has actually altered completely.
Now, it's always evident to me that my body, mind, as well as personality are just lorries whereby the energy and also intelligence that developed, and also is producing, deep space can involve with it. While earlier, "Chopping timber as well as bring water" used to be all for and also about me, now it's about everybody else.
Manoj: Generally, knowledge has been thought to be an abrupt phenomenon, like a person switched on the lights in a dark area and also every little thing is unexpectedly clear? Is enlightenment constantly sudden like that or can it be a progressive process?
Andrew: It all depends after the individual. There are several ways to get to the top of the mountain. One could take a long as well as winding path or one can, specifically these days, arrive very quickly by helicopter. In my situation, as a result of the transformative poise of my last instructor, the terrific HWL Poonja, my experience was the helicopter range. Meeting the Master resembled going through a looking glass. My life has actually never been the exact same and also I have never recalled. That being stated, I was an extremely earnest candidate for 8 years prior to I met him. I was figured out that one means or the various other, a profound and also irrevocable change needed to occur and was going to occur. So from this viewpoint, it was only an issue of time prior to it did.
Manoj: What does it cost? of a person's life in the world, inning accordance with you, is free choice and just how much is karma or destiny? Is knowledge totally a human endeavour, or does one need divine poise for it?
Andrew: All of the above! The options you make identify your destiny. Favorable as well as adverse experiences from the past, including [I believe] former lives and the method we replied to them, determine our fate. Finally, what I call the 'evolutionary impulse,' the spiritual impulse that forces us to look for out knowledge is the significance of grace itself. Unmanifest spirit offered surge to time as well as area and all of indication. The wish to exist at all is a spiritual one for sure. So by doing this, grace and greater human goals are one as well as the exact same thing.
Manoj: What's the significance of knowledge in one's everyday life? Why should any individual desire or look after knowledge? If existence has no purpose, what objective does knowledge serve?
Andrew: Enlightenment has no importance to the life of the different mental self, which is the 'daily self.' In fact, if you have the good luck to genuinely awaken for yourself, you'll realise that the concerns as well as needs of the mental self, from the viewpoint of informed recognition are, believe it or otherwise, entirely irrelevant. That claimed presence has no function? It is my firm sentence that Spirit as the Uncreated, Unborn, Unmanifest, timeless Ground of Being 'selected' to develop the universe. Exactly how do I recognize this? Due to the fact that, from our viewpoint in the 21st century, we could recall and see where we originated from-- nothing whatsoever.
God or outright Spirit need to have wished to do something after doing absolutely nothing whatsoever for endless time. That's why, when we experience the imaginative impulse in deep space vibrating as well as vibrating in our bodies and also minds, we experience an effective sense of purposefulness. When you awaken to advancement, you awaken to a profound sense of directionality that is integral in the life force, inherent in presence itself. At the reduced degrees, the objective of presence is to endure. At the highest degree, the purpose of presence is to produce. God, or Spirit, as indication is the felt desire to develop and also provide surge to that which has never existed before.
Manoj: Is the phenomenon of enlightenment beyond the 5 detects and the intelligence? Usually, enlightenment seems something that requires a high level of intelligence-- if this is real, does that mean that enlightenment is accessible only to those with a high IQ?
Andrew: Undoubtedly not. Two of Mother India's greatest realisers in contemporary history, Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Ramana Maharshi, were both ignorant men. Ramakrishna was completely uneducated as well as Ramana Maharshi didn't even complete secondary school. And yet their realisations are taken into consideration to be peerless and also beyond comparison.
Manoj: Just how does one recognize that the principle enlightenment isn't just an intellectual exercise, an indulgence of very smart minds? Long as we discuss it, the mind is engaged-- whereas the real phenomenon seems to be experiential as well as for that reason beyond exactly what words could explain ...
Andrew: Unless you have the direct experience of transcending the mind for yourself, it's tough to know the answer! Always remember, the trip to knowledge is a jump from the recognized to the unidentified. After returning to see my very own Teacher after a number of months, the first thing he claimed when I went through the door was "I'm so pleased you discovered a friend you'll never ever be able to see."
Manoj: You make a distinction between conventional knowledge and transformative knowledge. Could you explain the difference?
Andrew: Evolutionary Knowledge has to do with stiring up directly to the power as well as intelligence that created deep space as well as is developing the cosmos. The Big Bang, the development of deep space was the unimaginably effective expression of that power as well as intelligence-- and still is. The nature of just what I call the 'evolutionary impulse' is a thrilled necessity that is always only thinking about one thing: to develop the future-- to generate that which is new ... tirelessly. What I call 'Standard Enlightenment' is around awakening to the ageless, formless Being-- that prehistoric vacuum from which the entire innovative procedure arised 14 billion years earlier. Before the world was developed, there was no time as well as there was no space. That's why when you participate in a really deep state of meditation you experience such deep peace. That's since there you stir up to that deepest measurement of truth as well as of your very own self that is constantly totally free from time as well as background. The new Evolutionary Enlightenment is concerning developing the future unendingly. Typical Knowledge has to do with being devoid of background altogether.
Manoj: Isn't knowledge simply just what it is-- by labelling it as evolutionary, are you not differentiating it from the traditional enlightenment? How does it then harmonize the principle of advaita or non-duality?
Andrew: It doesn't suit the concept of advaita in all. Advaita is about transcending time and also experiencing/knowing/seeing/ being timelessness itself. And also indeed, I am really purposely distinguishing Evolutionary Enlightenment from Traditional Knowledge. Evolutionary Knowledge is a various pet altogether, because it happens in and via the moment procedure as well as is constantly just about creativity-- countless and unceasing creativity for eternity.
Manoj: If enlightenment is the peak of our consciousness, can there be anything even more than that? On reading your publication, it appears that enlightenment alone, in the typical feeling is not nearly enough, and also after traditional knowledge, [the kind which was achieved by the Buddha or Mahavira or Jesus Christ] one needs to go in advance and do more. Is this truly feasible for the typical human being?
Andrew: Thinking about that the ordinary human is not thinking about greater issues, obviously such lofty goals and also attainments are not within their reach. However the point is that in a transformative context, advancement has no end. That indicates we can always develop more, better, higher, and much deeper. In Traditional Knowledge, it's feasible to come to be 'fully enlightened.' In Buddhism, they call it 'cessation' or 'completion of ending up being.' Evolutionary Enlightenment has to do with infinite becoming for eternity.
Manoj: In your book, Evolutionary Enlightenment, you describe the Five Basic Tenets that those who walk the course should comply with, namely Quality of Purpose, The Power of Volition, Face Every little thing and also Avoid Nothing, The Process Perspective as well as Planetary Conscience. Does it imply that unless these are adhered to-- like guidelines-- evolutionary enlightenment is not possible?
Andrew: Yes.
Manoj: Just what is the influence of the recent exploration of the so called 'God Particle' by scientists on the idea enlightenment?
Andrew: No effect. The 'God Particle,' or the Higgs-Boson, regarding I recognize, is that strange subatomic bit that imbues other bits with mass and substance. The 'God Bit,' in this context, is really attempting to comprehend how matter as well as energy interact to provide kind and also framework to our universes. There's no straight relationship in between this discovery as well as higher human capacities for consciousness.
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eyesaremosaics · 6 years
I've followed you for many years. After all the times I've deleted and remade, I still somehow come back to your blog. I dont like or reblog from you much, or at all, in fact. But your energy is so calming. I'm a medium and sometimes it can be draining, but you have such a calm energy. It's like novacane. A pool of black water I can silently float in. Thank you, for sharing a piece of yourself with us on here.
I’m sorry that you find my energy draining, yet I understand that you are most likely referring to my old identity--as a victim/martyr/sacrifice. I have changed much in the last year alone, yet...it is not evident here because I spent much of this year ”living” as opposed to analyzing or philosophizing. I spent this year meditating, exercising, making art, and being present with children. I taught them how to be who they are without presenting themselves as entitled, self serving, need seeking conduits. I teach children how to express their needs in an open direct way, without shame, where they feel free to explore their conscious and subconscious mind without restriction. They channel their curiosity into self exploration that is fair and impartial to others needs and desires.
Children are just small people, if you treat them with a condescending or patronizing tone, and they will respond with rebellion. Children are innocent, but resilient. They recover quickly and process later. Children are the unadulterated impulse to be oneself, they do not judge, they just are, they just do. When a child judges themselves or others, that is an indication of an unhealthy home environment in which they are demonized for their behavior. They judge to take back power, and feel good about themselves, because their core sense of self is fractured.
         “When another person makes you suffer, it is because he suffers deeply within himself, and his suffering is spilling over. He does not need punishment; he needs help. That's the message he is sending.”        ―    Thich Nhat Hanh 
This goes back to the idea, that....a person who has dark energy (as I did when you read those posts, and many others struggle with identity, love, purpose etc.) they do not need punishment, shame, rejection...they need help. They need guidance, they need encouragement, inspiration, and above all--love. Love of oneself so you do not doubt everything you say and do, love of others as they are...and not what we wish them to be. Love of animals, children, the elderly, the mentally ill or infirm, to bring in the gentle choice to listen, understand and to love without condition.
My calming energy can be attributed to being an old soul, but more than that, it is my virgo/libra cusp, wanting everything to appear beautiful, ethereal,otherworldly, yet... true, but also poetic and melancholic. My Pisces moon leaves me a dreamer, yet a fatalist at the same time. I both believe in magic, and question its legitimacy. The occult (by definition)--means hidden knowledge. The early alchemists, numerologists, and astronomers, were all searching for universal truth, in a Christian time where intellect was considered “witchcraft”. Isaac Newton’s theory of gravity: Newton's law of universal gravitation states that every mass attracts every other mass in the universe, and the gravitational force between two bodies is proportional to the product of their masses, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. 
So what goes up, must come down. This was contradictory to the Christian ideology of the time, that god conveniently created all that is. The philosopher reaches the same ontological argument, that we expanded from nothingness, by coincidence for no reason, or we have a divine purpose determined by past lives, bad/good deeds, karma that exploded from nothingness and simply IS etc. No one knows.
Psychology taught me that we project what we either “wish to see”, or “wish to avoid” in our perception of others. That person who gets on your last nerve... is your teacher. They have qualities that you either have (hidden) or had, and their appearance is unacceptable. People do not like to see the ugly truth, they prefer illusions. People take refuge in imagination, or the idea that they have reformed. Being faced with a quality from their past, makes it real, and intolerable. My formerly: dark, energy was a choice in the past. a comfortable result of much suffering, It validated my pain but also gave me more...in a different way. It is hard, and painful to face who you rally are...its just like in the Neverending story...the second mirror reveals your true self. “kind men find that they are cruel, brave men discover they are really cowards. Most run from the mirror--screaming.”
Most people cannot face criticism or failure, valuable tools in life, for resilience and strength. “most people have given up their hopes and dreams. Those without hope, are easy to control, and whoever has the control has the power.”
This rant basically means: i am no longer dark in my emotional interior. I healed that broken part of myself, but I do fear the future, and the state of our world--unrelated to myself. Although I know the individual alone cannot change it, i do know enough people believing in something...gives it meaning. I do believe that there is hope for us as human beings, but it will take radical changes. My energy in spite of my world views, is actually very positive. I delight in simple joys and pleasures, and carry no bitterness, or hatred in my heart.. To me, I love all things. I forgive, and I learn. I am peaceful. Though I understand the aversion to darkness....it comes from the fear of that quality in oneself. we condemn what is in us.
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