#makes it easier for flowey to grab them too
martlet-my-beloved · 6 months
If martlet was in the ruins....
Couldnt she just fly through the hole in the ceiling(?) and go fetch 7 human souls or something?
Maybe rob a graveyard i dunno
I always imagined that the barrier looks less like, well, a barrier and more like a giant piss-off force field around the area
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So even though monsters lived in the ruins for so long, no one bothered to climb/dig their way out the other end. Or if they did, they found out the barrier was still there the hard way
So yeah, martlet never bothered to try flying out from that way. You'd need a monster and human soul to get out after all.
After frisk fell though....
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Barrier's made of anti-monster magic. Y'know, to stop monsters from like trying to bash their way out through brute force I guess. Most monsters begin to feel physically weak as they near the barrier, which makes flying out with a human child on your back just that much harder
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UnderSwitch Ch1 p1
The shortest, quietest, youngest, and smartest kid in my class. That's me. I'm only five years old, but I have the intelligence level of a seventh grader. But, there's no room in the middle school's roster, so I'm in the most advanced fifth grade class. There's this one group of boys who aren't doing too good grade- and behavior-wise and constantly bully me for being so smart and well-behaved. They're just jealous. They probably do it because the teachers let me wear an astronaut helmet in class, too. They think I wear it just to spite everyone, but I really do it because of some medical problems.
Anyway, during a field trip to Mount Ebott, they gang up on me and push me down a really deep hole. Since I'm so quiet, my teachers won't really notice I'm gone, so I won't be missed at school. My parents might not care, either. They didn't really like me very much. If my older brother were still alive, I know he'd look for me.
Anyway, I fall for about three hours, and somehow just barely survive the fall. I lie unconscious in the middle of a bed of orange flowers for about five minutes before coming to.
I sit up and take in my surroundings before panicking because my helmet's missing. I eventually find it after crawling around on my hands and knees looking for it. It's got a really big crack in the visor, but at least the built-in air filter still works.
I put it on and try to stand, but I'm really hurt, so I just sit in the flowers.
And then one of the flowers says, "Howdy! I'm–"
I interrupt it by screaming and scooting backwards, trying to get away from it. It knocks the helmet off with a vine and says, "Hey! Shut up and listen to me."
I just sit there with extra wide eyes and a quivering lip.
The flower says, "I'm sorry, little human. Please don't cry. *sigh* Look, I just wanna help you, but I can't if you're screaming your lungs out."
I crawl closer to the flower and give it a hug.
"Eh? What are you doing?" It asks.
"I think you need a hug," I whisper.
After a few seconds, the flower says that it's had enough and gently pushes me away.
"Alright," it says. "Let's try this again. Howdy! I'm Flowey. Flowey the flower. You're new to the Underground, aren'cha? Golly, you must be so confused. Someone ought to teach you the ropes! Heh. I guess little old me will have to do."
I get a sinking feeling, and I try to stand up and run away before anything bad happens. I manage to get on my feet, but before I can take even one step, a red heart shoots out of my chest.
"Hey, thanks for standing up," Flowey continues. "It'll make this next part a lot easier. Anyway, you see that heart? That's your SOUL, the culmination of your entire being. Right now it's weak, but you can make it stronger with Lv."
I take one step forward and lose my balance. I land on my butt with a soft thud. Flowey laughs and mocks me.
"Boy, you sure are good at falling, aren't you? Hahaha! Ah, anyway, what's Lv, you ask? Why LOVE, of course!"
I see some words floating near my feet.
Asriel Lv 1 HP ████████ 1/20
I begin crying softly, which startles Flowey.
"Hey! Why the waterworks? Was it something I said?"
"K-kinda. It's just that... nobody has really cared about me. The only person who actually loved me died last month."
Flowey is taken aback and notices that I am a bit thin.
"Really? Your parents didn't take care of you very much?" He asks.
"No, not really," I mutter.
Flowey looks nervous and concerned. "Well," he says, "how about I share some LOVE with you?"
I sniff and wipe my nose on my sleeve, then look up at Flowey. "R-really? I'd really like that," I say with a faint smile.
"Alright. Down here, LOVE is shared through little white... 'friendliness pellets'," he says as five white seed-looking-things begin spinning above his head.  "Go on, catch as many as you can!"
I watch as the friendliness pellets get closer and closer. I wait until at least one of them is within arms reach before grabbing at them.
Frisk's Ask box is now open!
Flowey's Ask Box is now open!
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viky2318 · 1 year
killing cool guys without regret (maybe) :D
The fire man felt the impellent need to take everybody and teleport as far as he could. What was supposed to be a simple "let’s find Muffet and bring her back home safe" was becoming a "let's kill someone we don't even know if we can kill". Yeah, Sam was killable, Grillby knew it, but maybe they didn't have the ability to do it. He didn't forget what happened to Maddy back in Underswap. And what if that was just the tip of the iceberg? A power such as code editing wasn't something to underestimate… He knew that (sadly) he couldn’t change the others’ mind, so he had to make sure they didn’t get too hurt. He was going to keep an eye on everyone (Flowey included) and the moment things take a bad turn he was going to grab them and bring them away. Where though? Their “house”, as they used to call it, was Sam one. He was not gonna bring them back there. The underground of some True Pacifist timeline was an option, at least for a quick safe place. They had been in some-
Maddy flinched before suddenly disappearing into thin air, as if she never had been there. Before Grillby could say or do anything, the floor split apart and he fell into a deep blackness. The last thing he saw were their friends, still like statues, apparently not noticing his sudden disappearance.
Grillby kept falling for a while. He tried to teleport, but it simply didn’t work. He looked for a floor, but there was nothing on sight. It seemed like he was stuck in an endless dark pit. If we ignored the fact that he had no idea of what was happening, where the others were, if there was actually an end to the falling and where Sam was (because surely they had something to do with this) he could have almost considered the situation relaxing. There wasn’t acceleration while falling, as if there was no gravity and he was moving only due to his own initial speed. There was air friction, but it somehow didn't slow him down. Truly an interesting situation, but Grillby right now didn't have the will nor the mind to focus on that and notice how unnatural the situation was. What was he supposed to do to get out? Could he actually get out? Where were the others? Were they in his same situation? 
A hand poked him on the arm. The fire man turned his gaze to whoever was there, only to find no one. A chuckle from the opposite side made him turn around once again, finally spotting Sam next to him. “Sorry man, I just- you seemed really in deep thought, I kinda had to”, they commented, smiling. “Can you stop all this?” Grillby asked, taking mental note of Sam’s particularly good mood. He never saw them so cheerful. The human raised a brow, then explained: “well, technically I could, but… why should I? We’re floating in space, but there is air blowing against you as if you were falling! If I have to be honest, it’s the first time I made such a big change on a whole dimension…”. Grillby sighed quietly, then made another few of the many questions he had in mind at the moment. “Where are we? Where are the others?”. Sam moved to a more sitting-like position, crossing their legs. “This is the Void of a specific Undertale timeline. Being unstable and partially undefined, this place is way easier to shape at will than a normal timeline. I’ll fix it back when we finish this little chat of ours. And the others are in the Anti-void. They’re fine, don’t worry. They probably won’t even notice your absence”. “What about Maddy? I saw her disappearing, but she didn’t teleport”. They placed an elbow on their leg, resting their chin on the back of their hand and making a less joyful expression, almost an awkward one. “Eeehhh… she didn’t want to help me, so I sent her to a safe place. There’s no one there so she won’t risk making bad meetings while she's there, and she'll be able to leave when I finish this round of meetings I’m doing”, they explained. “So she's trapped in an empty timeline until you decide to free her” the fire man replied in a more cold tone. “What- no! Well, technically yes but- like this you make it sound as if she's my prisoner or something! She's just safe, in a single timeline. After all the mess I did to have you all in the same place again, I’m not going to let her get lost in the multiverse. She would end up in a really bad mess”. Grillby frowned. “What do you mean?” he asked. Was Sam saying they made Maddy and Grillby find Muffet? The human smiled again, raising a brow. “Grillby, my man… you know perfectly that searching someone in the multiverse without knowing anything about where they are is nearly impossible. When I noticed Muffet got out of the house searching for me I decided to give you a little hand. By the timeline she went to I originally thought she was gonna come accompanied by… another person. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t survive a fight against her… I thought I needed to buy some time, so I handed Maddy the right bucket. I had one hellish time synchronizing the appearance of the paint bucket with Maddy’s quick movements! She was in such a bad mood… and she still is… Anyway, that person isn’t here, so everything’s fine!”. The fire man couldn’t help notice that Sam was different somehow. They normally were quiet, not as Grillby but still pretty chill. The only time he saw them so cheerful was when they first met the guys. Something big must have happened. “What’s going on? Why did you bring me here?” he asked.
The human’s face lit up. “Oh yeah, I almost forgot! While I was around, I did a little research about you and the others. To understand you all better, and not make the same mistakes twice”. Sam moved a hand in the air, and the two softly landed on a floor. “You see, your timeline was particular. IS particular, it still exists. When I originally went around searching for someone who would help me with all the killing-thing, I noticed something different in your timeline. I couldn’t figure out what at the beginning, ‘cause I didn’t search too deep, and I ended up taking you all from there because if something went wrong and I decided to send you back, it was easier to remember a weird-looking timeline than a normal one. Aaaaand no, you’re not from Dusttale. I wouldn’t take anything from there. It is an Undertale timeline. At least, it once was. When I took a more careful look at the timeline… man, you have no idea what I discovered!”. Sam opened a portal. On the other side, there was visible the bridge that brought to the MTT resort in any Undertale timeline. Sam got in the portal, and Grillby hesitantly followed them. He noticed that even now that he was in another place he couldn’t teleport. “This timeline probably is a discarded idea for an alternative universe, but the creator didn’t make many important changes. They just gave some characters a background and played a bit with a few personalities. Nothing that would influence the course of events when the human fell down- the universe was probably supposed to focus on some things that happened before the came of Frisk or way later, when the human got out of the Underground. I discovered that here Muffet had an incredible mother, dead when she was 37, and 9 loving siblings that helped her through her worst days. That Maddy has always been shy and their anger isn’t just a feeling they used to fuse with their body. That you had a brother that died when you two were around 40. But not only that! You lived in Hotland. You knew Papyrus and Sans when they were children and lived in New Home! And your father had a restaurant!”. Sam was rambling about the fire man’s life as if they were talking about the plot of a book. And he didn’t like that. “But wait, there’s more! Let me just… bring the timeline a few decades back…” Sam added, laying a hand on Grillby’s shoulder in a friendly way. He then did something with their hand, a slow movement with the wrist as if he was turning something around. Grillby saw things starting to go backwards, always more and more quickly. People walking, lava flowing, the MTT resort being built in place of a square, again people walking, hanging out in the old square, then rocks going up the bridge again from the lava, people running and getting up from under those as the rocks moved up again and blocked against the ceiling, then again people walking, and then…
Time stopped moving backwards. Now there was a small group of monsters walking on the bridge. They were around 35 years old, which are more or less the equivalent of 17-18 human years in age. Two of them were skeletons, a pretty short one and a taller one, and the other two were fire guys of practically the same height, slightly shorter than the taller skeleton, distinguishable only by the fact that one of them wore a pair of rectangular glasses. And in the middle of all these monsters… A human. They looked around the same age as the monsters, or at least the human correspondent of it. They were next to the taller skeleton, listening to him with a shine of marvel in their eyes. The two fire guys were on the human’s other side, the one wearing glasses more external and a bit behind the other, holding his hand tightly. He didn’t look shy or insecure. He was more… untrustful. The shorter skeleton was walking behind the group, a more mature- almost adult look in his eye sockets as he listened to the taller skeleton. “That human… you see them? That’s me! A few years younger, but still me! It was really hard to bring the timeline back like this, you know? I fell in the CORE with an earthquake, so I got erased from this timeline. From what I discovered, I hit my head hard in the rush of searching for a shelter before falling in. That’s why I found myself in the Void with no past memories! Absurd, right? This creator probably had no idea of how memory loss works” the human commented. Grillby had hard times believing what he was seeing, yet it wasn’t wrong. He remembered this moment, but it was different. The human was missing from his memories. But the more he looked at the scene, the more what he remembered felt like an odd version of the facts. What he was looking at wasn't what he remembered, yet it was correct. And the simple fact that the version with Sam in it felt more realistic than his own memories was making Grillby… unsettled, to say at least. There was no way this was his real past, yet it was perfectly fitting. “And you know what else I discovered?” Sam then asked. They almost sounded like a child in a dinosaur museum. Before the fire man could react, the two of them were again in the Void, but this time they were in front of some sort of text box.
*Title: [NONE];
*Owner: [REDACTED];
*BaseSource: Undertale;
*tLines: 234;
-21 Pacifist;
-186 Neutral;
-27 Genocide;
*Created: [ERROR.404:DATA_NOT_FOUND]
*Last_edited: 1/3/202X (tLine.1)
Grillby read the content a few times, recognizing it as some sort of description of a universe. In a moment, he realized what he was looking at. Sam spoke again. “This is the base data of the timeline. It apparently became officially a universe apart when I took you and your friends out of it. In fact, after a certain while you disappear from the timeline and the whole universe, and a bit of mess starts. Sans takes hold of your bar, Muffet’s siblings administer the spiders of her clan while searching for her, and Maddy’s cousin in the Ruin dummy gets worried and leaves the ruins to search for them. It started ramificating into different timelines, as the Flowey and the Frisk of this timeline made different choices. And all of this because of something I did! This is practically my universe! I can do anything I want in this universe! I can decide who dies and who lives, how everyone acts, thinks, anything! The only thing I can't change is what the old creator already did, which is almost nothing. They just wrote until my arrival, a few details here and there, and then left. Everything that happened later can be changed at my will! the only thing I can't change are you, Muffet and Maddy, but because you became outcodes and so you aren't part of the timeline anymore”. Grillby thought about it for a while. “What are you gonna do about it?” he then asked, a bit skeptical. Sam raised a brow, looking at him in confusion. “Uh… what do you mean?” they asked back. Grillby gave them a cold look, then explained: “you apparently have the power of a creator over a universe. What are you gonna do now? Create something new? Fix it? Or just… break it more, as every creator does?”. Sam’s smile faded a bit, concern appearing on his face. “... You really think I would do such a thing? Grillby… after all I did- or tried to do- to avoid those kinds of stories, you really think I would try creating one? That would make me a hypocrite, don’t you think? I want to make everything better. Starting from here and going ahead, fixing this universe first and then trying to do the same with the others. I’ll find a way to surpass the creators’ powers and erase all those stories filled with pain, giving them a better ending! Let’s just say- _Tale! Ink could have a happy family and a world for himself! Or- Dreamtale! Gosh, Nightmare and Dream could have a happy life and friends, or maybe I could even stop the murder of the original Guardian of the Tree! I could make everyone happy!”. Grillby couldn’t help feeling more and more concerned. “... This isn’t right. You’re talking about something you don’t even know if it’s possible. And if it was… Even if those stories are painful, many characters grew up from their struggles. You would end up with many people not being what they are now. Not only that, but by doing this you’re taking control of the whole multiverse, limiting the creators to your own rules. That’s not what we wanted to do. We wanted them to create happiness again. By doing what you want to do they will end up losing motivation due to the fact that they are limited and the multiverse will die, forgotten”. Sam frowned. Their smile quickly faded, replaced by a more serious look. “... you can’t know how good or bad it will be until you feel it on your skin".
"… let me help you understand”. 
They were again on the bridge. That horrible feeling of dread you feel when something real bad is about to happen filled Grillby’s head in an instant. He knew in which moment they were. He couldn’t move a muscle, not even if he tried hard.
Now on the bridge there were only the human and the two fire guys. 
“It’ll be fine, I swear! I’ll make sure we don’t get hurt. We’ll avoid the oldest buildings, so that we won’t risk too much!” the human was saying. The younger version of Grillby shook his head. “Not even thinking about it. Buddy, I understand you’re curious, but… the older areas of New Home are dangerous! Too dangerous! We’ll kill ourselves! And you have way more chances to die because of your lack of magic”. Sam looked away, a bit sad. “... are you refusing just because I’m a human?” they commented, a bit of coldness in their tone. Grillby made a surprised look. “What- no! How would you ever think of such a dumb thing?! I would refuse even if it was Ezra to ask me to” he stated. Ezra, the other fire guy, shrugged. “Well… I don’t see the problem as long as we don’t get in any building”. Grillby looked at the brother in surprise, furrowing a bit. “What? Not also you, brother… It’s dangerous! And what dad will do if he finds out we sneaked around in a place where we shouldn’t be, risking our lives for nothing?”. Ezra smiled quietly at the younger brother, then patted him on the shoulder. “Hey, don’t worry! We always do that, right? Remember the time we went looking around in Waterfall? We risked getting wet several times” he commented reassuringly. Grillby gave him a severe glare. Even if he was the younger, he felt like he had to be the responsible one sometimes. “It’s different. In Waterfall we had tracks to follow so we didn’t end up in the water. There we won’t have safe streets to walk on to make sure a piece of concrete doesn’t fall on our heads!”. Ezra rolled his eyes in annoyance. “Oh c’mon! Now you’re making it overdramatic. It’s not that old. And we’ll take only a quick look, ok?”. Grillby took a step away from him, glaring at the two severely. “If no one goes there in ten years and the Dreemurr family blocked the access to the area, there must be a good reason! Why won’t you listen to me…”. Ezra huffed in annoyance, then said: “If you’re too scared to come, you can always stay home. It’s not a problem, you know?”. Grillby remained silent for a while, his expression changing into a more concerned one. It was the first time his brother told him so directly to not go around with them. He wasn’t sounding like a jerk, he was simply serious, but it still hurt. Sam, who remained silent until then, spoke. “Uh- I’ll go in the meanwhile. If you want I'll stay around the entrance for a while to wait for you. Ok?” they said, a bit unsure for the moment. Ezra shook his head. “No no, don’t worry. I’ll come. If Grillby wants to join us later, he can always call me” he said, smiling quietly at Grillby. He then started walking towards New Home, Sam quickly reaching him and walking next to him, leaving Grillby alone.
“You remember what happened next, right?”, the present Sam asked. Grillby remained silent, watching his past self slowly turning around and starting to walk home. “The earthquake. Ezra and I were still on our way when it started. He died under a rock, and I disappeared. Right?”. The fire man didn’t answer, so Sam kept going. “You could have changed it. You know it. You and Ezra always stay together for a good reason. He is the sword, and you are the shield. Without you he’s vulnerable, and without him you stop acting. But not only that! He physically can’t summon a shield, and you physically can’t summon a weapon. Your attacks are precise, but we all know they aren’t all that powerful. And he cannot protect himself from a 300 kilogram rock with a blade. He needed you. And you weren’t there".
"But you can be now”.
Suddenly, Grillby was able to move. Completely not caring about anything in the world, he started running towards New Home. At the time there wasn’t an elevator, so he had to take a longer road. He still was in time, he knew that. He remembered a lot of time passed before the earthquake started… or maybe it just felt like a long time? He kept going, hoping for the best. Grillby soon reached the old part of New City. Where were Ezra and Sam? They weren’t supposed to go too far from there…
Everything started shaking. Rocks started falling from the ceiling and pieces of the bridge started breaking. Grillby spotted Ezra after some time, helping Sans and Papyrus to get away. What were they doing here? Oh right, they lived in New Home. Probably they came with Sam and Ezra when they discovered they were around. The wall of a building started cracking, and a big chunk of it fell apart. Grillby sprinted as fast as his legs could afford, grabbed the young monsters and summoned a fire shield on their heads. The rock slammed against the shield, shattering into melting shards. After some time, the earthquake finished. The little group stood there for a moment, petrified by the fear and the sudden adrenaline. Grillby looked at the three monsters. "You ok there?" he asked worriedly before releasing them. "Sure thing sir-..." Papyrus started, but then looked at him. "... Oh man, you look exactly like our friend, but older! Hey Ezra, is he an uncle of yours?" he asked the fire guy next to him. Ezra remained silent for a moment, confused at the sight of an older version of his brother, but before he could say anything Grillby spoke. "Not now, kid. I have to bring you all safe". Grillby decided to act as if he didn't know them. He had to. There was another Grillby waiting for his brother and friends. And the younger him will surely be filled with concern and guilt. It wasn't wise to give them all another weird thing. The fire man got up, and told the younger monsters to follow him. "What were you all doing here? This area is under maintenance. Imagine what would have happened if I didn't see you in time…". Grillby kept them near, quickly getting out of the city and heading towards Hotland. Then he remembered something. When his brother died, the letter that was sent to him said that his dust wasn't found in New Home… it was on a bridge in Hotland.
Almost the same moment the realization hit him, a second, stronger earthquake hit. Grillby didn't remember a second wave… or maybe was too scared to notice the interruption at the time. Grillby grabbed them all and runned as fast as he could to reach a safe place. In the blink of an eye rocks started falling from the ceiling, and almost killed them several times. Suddenly an enormous rock blocked the path, trapping them… on a bridge in Hotland. Grillby was about to turn around and try from another way, when Papyrus had an idea. "Let's move the rock! We can do this together!" He exclaimed, freeing himself from the fire man's grasp. Grillby had no time to try to stop him as the other two reached the young skeleton guy. Those young men… Papyrus summoned some attacks and Ezra held in hand a fire sword. They planted them under the rock using them as levers while Sans tried to move it with his blue magic. The rock moved by an inch, but it wasn't enough and they didn't have all that time. Grillby spotted a crack in the rock, but before he could stop the young monsters, it broke. Grillby instinctively went to his brother and pushed him away, taking the hit for him.
Ezra looked horrified at the man, half his body completely stuck under the rock as he slowly started dusting. “Oh shoot- no no no no no, please sir don’t die, I-I’ll help you! I-” he started, crouching and trying to pull him out. The fire man though gently laid a hand on his shoulder and looked at him, a small smile on his face. “It’s fine, Ezra. You’re fine, and that’s enough” he murmured before turning completely into dust. Ezra was terrified. He never saw someone dying, and this man resembled his brother too much. He looked at his friends and saw Papyrus stuck under the rock as well. Differently from the man though, he was still alive. He had to focus on who he could still save. He got up, the earthquake finally coming to an end, and helped Sans freeing his brother.
... I can't believe you really did this just because he made you face reality.
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This isn’t even my final form! *laughs in angst*
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32206135/chapters/83214115
Chapter below cut for non-Ao3 readers: 
“It’s not that bad…” Reginald said softly, gripping his right arm to cover up the fresh cut. Right frowned more before sighing. 
“It is, ya have to put an end to this before he aims to kill ya!” Right practically shouted. He grabbed a bandage wrap and a small bottle of rubbing alcohol out of the medkit. "Now give me your arm." 
"Righty, I'm fine, this isn't the worst pain I've felt, you know that." The brunette extended his cut arm to his friend. Right poured some of the rubbing alcohol on a rag, then ran it against the fresh wound. Reginald let out a quiet hiss at the stinging and gripped his right arm with his left. 
"Y'know, kind of tempted to teach ya self defense since this keeps happenin'" The Aussie chuckled as he set down the rag and started to wrap the bandage around the disinfected cut. 
"I know self defense! You were there!" Reginald said, defending himself. 
"Sure, then how come you got this cut in the first place?" Right teased. Reginald puffed his cheeks and shoved the ginger with about the force of a teddy bear. "Okay kitten, I got your point now." 
Right laughed a bit while Reginald sat there, cheeks puffed and red and crossing his arms. "Y'know Reg, you're cute when you're mad." With this comment Reginald turned bright red and shot his hands up to cover his face. Right laughed more and closed the kit, standing up to set it on the wooden desk next to the bed. Reginald grabbed his gloves from beside him and put them back on, avoiding any and all eye contact with his companion. “Reg, y’know that just because I gave you a compliment that doesn’t mean ya get to hide from me now.” Right said, calming his tone. He sat back on the bed next to the brunette, placing a hand on the other's back and rubbing it thoughtfully. Reginald nodded and smiled, before yawning and stretching his arms. “Actually I really want to tell you that-”
“Oh goodness! It’s so late, I hadn’t realised! I’m so sorry Right but you’re going to have to hold that thought! I have some more paperwork to do before tomorrow and it’s already 10:30, oh dear.” Reginald interrupted, letting his anxiety build up the more he rambled on. 
“No, no, it’s fine, it wasn’t that important anyways. I’ll just head off and leave you to work then.” Right responded with a bit of despair in his voice. He got up and walked over to Reginald’s bedroom door, turning back to look at his friend. “Don’t burn yourself out again.”
Right regretted that day so much. It had been 14 years and he could never let that day go, and now all that regret he felt came right back at him, much harder than ever. The one thing he regretted about that day was not being able to say what he wanted to. But he couldn’t focus on that right now, right now, he had to panic over the fact that a stupid fucking flower tried to kill Reginald for the second time. 
He had collapsed on the ground grabbing the broken soul from the glass shards and holding it close to his chest. 
“Oh lord! I am so sorry! Shit, shit, shit, I’ll think of something.” Flowey spoke in a panic. He flipped through the book, trying to find an alternative to save the soul. Right just sat there paralyzed with despair. Tears started forming at the corners of his cyan eyes. He couldn’t say a single word, he knew Reginald would fade soon, there was nothing he could say. 
Flowey continued looking through the book when he spotted something he didn’t recognise. 
“Hey big guy, do you know what a soul bond is? It says here it’s the two human equivalent of monsters absorbing human souls.” The flower asked. Right had only a vague idea of soul bonds from hearing Henry talking to himself about them. But, there was one thing he knew for sure, it would be Reginald’s last resort.
“Tell me what to do.” Flowey glanced over the pages before clearing his throat.
“Ok, apparently this is going to be easier if you’re a DETERMINATION soul. What you need to do is channel your DETERMINATION to his soul, get the soul rebooted with that, then you’re going to try and get his soul bound to you in some way, it’s not very descriptive at this part.” He instructed. Right didn’t fully understand, but he knew he would still have to try his best. 
Cradling his best friend’s soul in his hands, he focused on it, he felt as though he would be able to fix it. He didn’t pay attention to anything else, not even to his own soul that had been drawn out. He needed to fix Reginald. He was DETERMINED.
Right felt his soul grow heavier and saw out of the corner of his sight, it glowing brighter. He felt a tear roll down his cheek, then he was hit with a wave of pain that made him feel like his skin was being torn off. 
“Oi flower boy! Get the doc!” The man shouted as he bent over more in pain. Flowey managed to tilt his pot enough to fall over, he pulled himself out of the pot with the table ledge as a stable support then proceeding to fall onto the ground before sinking in. 
The Right Hand Man gripped his chest with his left hand, still using his right to hold his chief’s soul. His own soul was glowing bright, blindingly so. Right had to close his eyes from how bright his soul got.
“Reg! You have to work with me here! I need you to be strong right now! Please! I…” He paused, letting more tears fall down his face. “I love you!” 
 And then…
He opened his eyes again, the bright glow stopped, the shards that had chipped off of Reginald’s soul stayed in place. A stream of red DETERMINATION flowed from Right’s soul to the other, filling the break like it was glue. The shards reversed, attaching themselves to the soul once more. 
Tumblr media
He was fixed.
Flowey re-emerged from the ground in a panic, looking around for anyone, to only see Frisk, the white-haired human, and their once sibling. He sighed and burrowed down again to get closer. 
“Listen Frisk I’m just saying…..what are you doing here?” Chara started before addressing the appearance of the flower. Flowey couldn’t choke this time, he knew what he had to do.
“Where’s the doctor?!” He shouted. The two humans and the ghost were a bit startled at this.
“Why? Is something wrong?” Henry asked. 
“Um...god, what was his name again? Why can’t I remember it?! I only remember how stupid it was!” Flowey panicked to himself. Henry immediately knew what was going on.
“Right Hand Man! Is he in danger?!” Flowey nodded in response.
“He’s in the medical tent! And the souls in trouble too!” With the mention of something having gone wrong with Reginald’s soul, Henry shot up. 
“I’ll go get the doctor, you kids stay here!” He explained, focusing attention to Frisk and Chara. He ran off in the direction of where everyone else was, leaving Flowey, Frisk and Chara alone.
“So, um, how are you doing Flowey?” Frisk asked nervously. Chara glared at the Flower.
“It was your fault wasn’t it? That’s all you do.” They said. 
“No, I was just helping.” Flowey argued. 
“And you helped the underground by stealing all of our souls?”
“Chara! He did manage to break the barrier, cut him some slack.” Frisk stated. “Plus, he’s really trying to make amends.”
“your friend is right, y'know kiddo, that flower’s done some awful stuff.” Frisk turned around to see the voice coming from Sans.
“Hello smiley trashbag, when’d you get here?” Flowey asked.
“just now, thought i should poppy in.” He laughed. Flowey rolled his eyes. “anywho, i came here to inform you kiddo that your new friends seem, not so great.”
“What do you mean Sans? They’re really nice.” Frisk asked.
“niceness can only get a soul so far, especially for level 13 soul.” Frisk was shocked at this comment. “judging by your expression, you never even CHECKED them, kid, that’s like asking for a fight. i only got to check henry as he was searching for alph, so who knows about the others.”
“Sans, you’re being paranoid! If they haven't hurt us yet then, then won’t hurt us soon.” Sans sighed at what Frisk said.
“just be careful kid. You should not trust people who came from another world.” His tone had shifted from his usual one, to a serious tone. “anyways, i’m off to check in on pap.” 
Before Frisk could even speak again, he was gone.
Alphys had been in one of the tents nearest to the medical tent, talking with Undyne about some anime they hoped to watch since on the surface, it’d be much easier to access new anime. As they were discussing, Henry ran in, taking a moment to catch his breath.
“Woah there punk! What’s got you all riled up?” The tall fish lady asked. 
“Emergency...in the medical tent...danger!” Henry spoke between pants. Alphys jumped in surprise. The three of them rushed to the medical tent, throwing open the fabric entrance to see Right Hand Man trying to get up off the floor using the nearby chair as support.
“Oh my goodness! A-are you ok?!” The doctor asked in a panic, rushing over to help them man up.
“M’fine, jus’ a little after shock. Nothin’ I ‘aven’t ‘andled before.” Right answered in his usual thick accent while rubbing the left side of his head.
“Then why’d...your eye!” Henry started before cutting himself off as he noticed that Right’s left eye had gone from it’s normal turquoise color to a light blue shade, with even the red ring around the iris having changed to a teal color. Alphys looked up at the aussie before noticing the same change. 
“I-It’s true! Whatever you did must’ve changed your soul!” She explained, pressing a hand against Right’s chest and retracting it to let his soul be drawn out. 
His normal soul did pop out, but it had faint teal orbits circulating it. Along with his soul, a familiar light blue one also appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, it’s break had been sealed with solid DETERMINATION and even had more pumping through newly visible veins.
“Is that?! No it can’t be...unless…” The other human started before trailing off into his thoughts. Then he noticed the discarded leather book on the table, opened to the page with a familiar process. “You binded your soul with the chief’s, didn’t you?” Right looked away for a moment while raising a hand to the teal soul and stroking it lovingly. 
The soul glowed brighter.
“It was the only option, Reg’s jar got knocked over and it broke, he was goin’ to fade if ah didn’t do something.” He looked back. “Granted, the flower didn’t give me warnin’ that the process would hurt like a stab to the chest.”
“Yeah, the pain of the other’s death is reflected onto the bonder.” Henry receipted. The other three in the tent just stared at him. Even the way Reginald’s soul was facing and glowing felt like judgement. “Hey, I just read it somewhere.” 
“Well now what?” Undyne asked in a monotone way. 
“Now, we let Reginald soak up enough determination from Right’s soul until he’s ready to show himself, then he’s got to get used to being a ghost for a bit and if he understands what to do, he’ll fix himself.” Henry answered. He left the tent after finishing his sentence, wandering into the woods for a bit. 
“Well he was helpful, I mean, he didn’t even explain half the things I would have to do!” Spoke a disembodied voice in a British accent. Right looked around for a moment, Reg wasn’t there.
“Course not Righty, I’m dead remember? But now since you binded our souls, you can hear me! And I can hear you!”
Right was losing his mind wasn’t he? Maybe he needed more sleep? Well, if you can hear me, then did you hear what I said to bind our souls? Also, what can you see since you can only hear me? He thought.
“Nope! Didn’t hear a thing until your DETERMINATION powered me! And, well, I don’t know where I am, it’s just pitch black and I’m all tangled up in something, not sure what it is, I think that since it’s coming from my wound, it’s blood. Y’know it’s so nice to talk to you, I missed you a lot, I’m actually glad you were the last thing I saw before I ended up in this hellhole.”
Right laughed internally, tied up in your own blood? Yikes. He smiled, now knowing that his darling friend was at least somewhat happy.
“Hey Heny~ what’s wrong? Missed me?”
“God no, it’s just that...now Right Hand Man is caught up in this whole soul bond business. I don’t want him to know that you exist.” Henry responded, leaning against a tree.
“Well I know what can help that doesn't involve killing all your friends~” Player cheerfully said while reaching into their cloak pocket, only to pull out a-
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variantia · 3 years
BELLUM.   other weird things the Dreemurrs do
Chara isn’t a HUGE fan of milk, so in the morning they eat their chocolatey cereal and once it’s all gone, they give the bowl with the vaguely chocolate-flavored milk to Kris, who happily drinks it.   sometimes the two of them repeat the process if Chara’s extra hungry ; they miss doing this when Kris is at college, and neither Frisk nor Asriel will drink the plain almost-chocolate-milk, so they use less than usual and force themself to drink it
Frisk will straight up just eat hot peppers plain.   fresh from the supermarket, not jarred and pickled.   especially if they’re dared into it.   you have not lived till you have seen this kid eat a whole chipotle pepper, wail because their mouth is on fire, and EAT ANOTHER ONE.   (once in a while they get desperate enough to drink Chara’s cereal milk because the heat is burning their little baby eyebrows off, but...)
Asriel labels everybody’s favorite drinking cup using rainbow stickers to spell out their name !   there’s one for him, each of his siblings, Mom and Dad, and Lo.   whenever anybody wants a drink he runs to the kitchen to grab them “their” cup.   he also puts stickers on people and says he’s tattooing them, usually with a sticker of something they like or reminds him of them.
Flowey steals the electric blanket.   nobody can ever find the damn thing, and after so many times, everyone figures out it’s him.   so they look in his room.   and find him curled up in the corner, wrapped in the stupid thing, snoring his stupid little baby flower snores.   many pictures are taken.   Flowey screeches and tries to delete them all-
Toriel always sends Lo home with a slice of pie ??   like.   ALWAYS.   unless Lo is sleeping over, she gets pie to take home.   (or sometimes cookies.   a piece of cake.   a donut.   whatever Toriel made as dessert that night, but let’s be honest, half the time it’s pie. and sometimes she even gets leftovers from the actual meal, which means Toriel made too much in anticipation of having leftovers to send with Lo because she’s mom to everyone)
Asgore has Lo’s favorite flowers in the front garden, right next to all the others’ favorite flowers.   he’s got them labeled.   Chara’s buttercups, Frisk’s asters, Lo’s [insert flower here].   it’s quirky ! he wants to show off that this little patch of flowers is in her honor, because she’s part of their family.   often he cuts some and gives them to her to take home along with Toriel’s pie.
also they all send Lo random texts throughout the day.   just because they’re thinking of her, or maybe because Asgore wanted to tell her about this teacup he found that reminds him of her, or because Frisk is showing off the good grade they got on their test thanks to her help, or because sometimes it’s easier for Chara to say honest things over text.
aaaaaand once Lo makes friends with Kris’ group, they all text her too ... etc.   one time Ralsei CALLED while she was babysitting and asked if he could come over because this was very important and he needed her help because the LIGHT word is confusing !!
... only for it to turn out that he was distracting her for long enough that the kids could set up a “Happy Family-versary” party in the playroom because it had been a whole year since Lo had started babysitting and stayed with them !   Kris sneaked the rest of their friends through the back door (and in Susie’s case the window) along with a cake that Ralsei made and Chara decorated.   everyone is here and talking about how HAPPY they all are that she’s in their lives
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malindamay · 4 years
Ian POV: Hi uh, I’m Ian and I-I’m going to you a story about time that. I saved Disneyland and how me and Barley become the 26th characters so, uh, I’ll try my best I never tell anyone story’s except my movie story, of course. Uh, *clears throat* so here’s my NOBLE story. *chuckles* Mickey Mouse will you please be the narrator, please?😅
Mickey/ normal POV oh boy! Yes! So *clears* one day In a beautiful place, where all mystical creatures live in peace and harmony mostly, called, New Mushroomtin. The Lightfoot family was starting a new day. Ian, a 16-year-old elf, is shy and sometimes unconfident, but he wanna make his family proud especially his dad and his beloved brother, Barley. “Dear Brother we have a buffet awaits us!” Said Barley with enthusiasm-
Ian POV if you don’t know barley, he’s my older brother, and he’s very joyful and kind-hearted for me and the only thing that fears him the most is A, staying in hospital long time, B, he sees someone who has medical problems or has tubes, ventilator ETC, and C, seeing me hurt
Sorry, Mickey, gotta tell our Disney/fans about my brother if they don’t know who he is.😅
Mickey POV ok, so Ian replies with a chuckle, “*chuckle* its dinner Barley not a fancy buffet lol” Blazey pounces on Ian making Ian almost dropping the food “ *yelps* laughs * Blazey *ack!* okx3!🤣 😅 love you too.” Till Ian saw a letter tape on their door it’s from me(Mickey Mouse)
“ Hey Ian
this is Mickey Mouse and I was wondering if you and your brother can come to Disney world for the DVC Celebration plus you and your brother will be debating on the Disney team I know you’re shy,but you’ll be fine I’m sure my pals love ya, and even there’ll be fans who love your movie! Please accept this invitation.
Love, Mickey Mouse.❤️”
Ian reads it twice and his face turns from 😕 —>🙂😀 “Barley, will you love to go on a majestic quest with me?!😀”
Barley suddenly answer” *laughs* My dear brother, of course!” Ian nods he grabs his staff and he goes pack up their luggage’s! Laurel( their mom) looks at them a little nervous.” Are you sure you boys will be fine?” Ian nods “don’t worry I’ll call ya if something happens wrong,ok?” Laurel says “but-“ Ian cuts her off with a smile “I’m wizard well, 1st stage *chuckles* we”ll be fine, I’ll try to protect barley and he’ll protect me!”
Laurel had a tear in her eyes “ *sniffs* you two always have your father’s spirit. *sobs* 😢” Ian hugs his mom “before you go I have something for you,Ian. *grabs a flowey (lavender with gold,swirly glittered design in the edges) scarf(same style like elsa’s mom’s but different) it’s from your dad’s when he’s about almost your age.”
Ian clenched it suddenly a guset of wind swirls around him ounce as Ian closes his eyes. “Thx mom.”
Barley smiles at Ian till Blazey comes up to Ian and hugs him likes they’re gonna be leave her with their mom alone for few months, Ian says in his sweet tone “sorry girl wish we could take you with mom but, I think Mickey just wants me and Barley,ok? Who’s a good girl,come on who’s a good dragon?” Blazey barks at Ian as a “I am.” Ian gets up grabs their luggages “we’ll miss you mom,Blazey. We’ll be fine I’ll text call or FaceTime you when we want to.” Barley comes and puts his shoulder around ians’s softly “ it’s ok mom.🙂” Lauarel sheds a tear “*sniffs* you’ll always have your dad’s spirit.”
Ian goes and about to close the door “see ya in a few months,mom. *blows a kiss*”
In New Mushroomtin Airport:
Ian was a little nervous and excited to go,but he knew he always have his brother by his side and his spiritual dad beside them. Barley smiles at Ian “ready,Ian?🙂” Ian takes a deep breath and grabs his luggage’s as Barley grabs his, as Ian says” *sighs* yes!🙂”
After few days they had landed and as they saw the beauty of the Disneyland hotel Ian slowly twirls as he admires around “woah, this place is gorgeous!”😀” they’re about to unpack their luggage’s till they heard a knock on their hotel room(room 24) Ian opens the door and saw the big cheese himself,the one that started it all, Mickey Mouse! “Hi pals, hope you’re enjoying your room so far *ha ha* oh boy!” Ian shakes Mickey’s hand, *gasps* it’s a really honor to meet you Mickey can’t wait to make our 1st debut in DCA!😅” Barley comes up “hi, names Barley nice to meet you,bro*laughs* “ barley gives Mickey a bro hug. Mickey asks in his kind voice “is anything that my cast members can do for you, or-“ Ian says “no,but we’re a little hungry.” Mickey says in his cheerful tone” oh boy! I know just the place! I’ll wait till you 2 are done with your unpacking.” Ian nods and says “ I’ll knock after we’re done unpacking
Mickey closes the door as the 2 brotherly elves unpacking their luggage’s Ian took his staff out of his long suitcase. Barley asks “need help dear brother?😀” little help,please!”Ian replie. As Ian saw something in his satual shiny is a locket that has the Lightfoot gain including Blazey in the inside! replies, He puts it around his neck and looks at his reflection in the mirror Ian sheds a tear in his eyes. Barley looks at him and coax him “hey,you ok?” Ian couldn’t control his tears, so he let his tears out Barley gently puts down his stuff and hugs Ian to conforts his beloved brother. “I know you miss mom and Blazey, I miss them too,but hey, we get to make our 1st apperience in DCA,Disneyland! They’ll be tons of human fans will love us,and ETC, it’s ok.” Ian sobs softly as he hugs barley back. “ I love you and *sobs* I’m not letting anyone or anything hurt me or you. *sobs softly*😢😭“
Chapter 2
After they unpacked their luggage’s, Ian wears his shawl/scarf and grabs his staff, and knocks on the door, “ready pals?” Mickey asks. Ian grabs Barley’s hand, “*sighs* yes!🙂”
“ wow this place is majestic!” Ian said
Mickey replying “yes it’s a fun place where all ages to have fun and ETC.
Mickey: Yes, the wind blows a little bit cooler
And we're all happy
And the clouds are moving on with every pixie dusts
Our flowers just became gorgeous
Goofy:And my leaf's a little sadder and wiser
Mickey: That's why I rely on certain certainties
Yes, some things never change
Like the feel of your hand in ours
Some things stay the same
Like how we get along just fine
Like an old stone wall that will never fall
Some things are always true
Some things never change
*to Ian and Barley* Guys, did your dreams come true?
Minnie: The flowers are already blooming
Pluto, it feels like the debut is coming
*talks for pluto* tAre you telling me tonight he’s gonna get down on one knee?
Yep, but I'm really nervous at planning these things out
Like greeting them the 1st time!
*talks for pluto* Maybe you should leave all the exciting stuff to the characters
Yeah, some things never change
Like the joy that I feel for them
Some things stay the same
Like how dogs are easier
But if I commit and I go for it
I'll know what to say and do, right?
*talks for pluto* Some things never change
Pluto, the pressure is all on you
Ian: is this really true , could that be this day of our debut?
Dad, wish you could see us now? I'm not sure I want things to be perfect
These days are precious, can't let the magic fade
I can't stop this moment, but I can still go out and see this day!!
Other Disney characters: The wind blows a little bit cooler
Goofy: : And if you believe in yourself
The elf brothers: It's time to count our blessings beneath an heaven sky
Disney characters: We'll always live in the kingdom of plenty
That stands for the good of the many
Ian: And I promise you the flag of Disneyland will always fly BOOMBASTIA! *staff swishes*
Disney characters:Our flag will always fly
Our flag will always fly
Our flag will always fly
Some things never change
Turn around in the time that's flown
Some things stay the same
Though the future remains unknown
May our good luck rest, may our past be past
Time's moving fast, it's true
Some things never change
Barley: And I'm holding on tight to you
Ian: Holding on tight to you
Mickey:Holding on tight to you
Ian and barley: Holding on tight to you
Chapter 3
A trolly appears and a tourist comes would you both like a tour of the park?”
The elves replied “ yes of course. *laughs at each other*” Ian goes inside the horse trolley Barley sat beside his brother after he grabs few snacks from one of the shops in Main Street USA.
After 2 hours of touring around and. Behind the castle. “Thank you so much for giving us a tour!” Ian shakes the tourist and hugs him and Barley asks, “if you don’t mind can I take a selfie with you Ian and your trolley with your horse?” “Oh absolutely!” Ian poses with his staff and helds his shawl/scarf. “SELFIE!😀” Barley calls out with delight! “Thank you so much!” “Hey no problem, have a magical time on your 1st day!” Calls out the tourist as the 2 elves goes out and have fun. They’d arrive to the AMC in Disney Hollywood studio. “Ready Ian?” Ian takes a deep breath and he holds his staff in his right arm and the other holds his brother’s hand, and said “ Yes, Yes! I’m- we’re so proud of our hard work with our movie. *sigh* I’m ready to meet our fans!”
They enters the entrance and they stop at their meet and greet spot and Ian is ready.
Chapter 4
The crowds was in line and a little girl, a 2 year old dressed as Ian, got her own Ian’s staff. It was her and her family’s turn. She hides behind her mom’s leg. Ian kneels and holds out his hands “hey little girl, it’s ok I won’t use my staff on you to hurt you, it’s ok, awww. *hugs* it’s that your staff?” The mom says ��� wanna show Ian your 19 inch Ian plush?”
Ian holds his doll and make it wave at her and covers its eyes “peekaboo.”
“Aww, hey, name’s Barley it’s ok. Wanna take photos? Huh?” The girl turns towards the photographer. Ian holds his doll in his left hand and his right, hugs the girl. “ok say bye.” Says the mom. Ian blows a kiss to the girl and make his doll waves bye to the girl and says in his little high pitch voice “bye, love you * makes his doll blows a kiss and make his doll hugs her* *normal pitch* bye love you, one more hug? aww. *hugs* bye.we Love you.”
Chapter 5
Suddenly blast of wind burst the door open! Malificeint appears, smoke appears from her. “Well well well.” The wind from her power makes Ian’s hair,flannel,scarf/shawl, Barley’s vest flows. “Who are you?” Ian asks as he holds his staff and points it towards the dark souceror . “I’m Malificent. The powerful villain in all the land!” Thunder boomed as she evil laughs. “ there’s something I want. Something that’s magical and more powerful. I need your magic.😈” Ian looks at her puzzled “what?” Barley looks little upset “ why,why do you want his magic?!😨😠 Ian nobley says “wait so-“ Malificient cuts him off “let you something to you all! I want his magic to becomepowerful and become the queen of DISNEYLAND!!” Ian emotion turns from 😠 —>😨 “wait. NO!! *grunts* VOLLTEr ThUNDE-“ Malificent used her power to push Ian! “*yelps in fear* NO you YOU MONSTER!!” “YOU’LL SEE YOU’LL ALL SEE!!!! *evil laughs out loud*😈” a huge gust of wind blows ounce hard across the room. Ian’s flannel opened from the wind! Ian looks at his hand and the staff “NO! *sobs*” Ian grabs his shawl/scarf and flieds through the park the trolley horse stops and yelps out the tourist tried to calm the horse down and saw Ian ran to the hotel room(room 24). Ian shuts the bedroom door and sinks to his knees and cries as he hugs his dad’s staff. “Dad! *sobs* please help me! *sobs*” suddenly the window opens and a swirl of wind created a spirit of his dad his voice echos. “Ian,my son. Why does she wants your magic?” “*sniffs* *breaking voice* I-I don’t know.” His dad puts his hand on his young son’s cheeck.
Ian holds his scarf close to him as he looks up at his spiritual dad. His dad holds his staff and gives it to Ian, but Ian slowly grabs the staff. Suddenly he saw darkness pulls into Disneyland. Ian looks out the window, he gasps in horror his iPhone rings. “I-Ian it’s me B-barley please he-“ Ian got scared his dad told him “listen you can do this you defeated the curse dragon last time.” Ian looks at the staff and looks noble! “ I’m going to give Malificent what she wants!😠” Wilden cries out “What?! No Ian I can’t let you be powerless I can’t let my son be powerless and weak!” Ian clenched his staff and runs off to Malificent!”
Chapter 6
Inside Disneyland castle all the Disney/Pixar characters inside Malificent is waiting for her power gift,Ian! Doors slam open with a blast of Ian’s staff from Ian. “Oh Ian *hugs* I thought you-“ Ian cuts Barley off. “I’m here to give you the gift. My MAGIC!” Barley gasps in horror so does all the other characters! Malificent approaches to Ian and she stabs him in the heart Ian yells in pain.
“IAN!!!😱 NO!!!”Malificent froze Barley in place. Ian lies there shouting out pain! “No *moans* please.” “Your magic will make me more powerful! *evil laugh*
Malificent: I'm not the villain in distress.
I'm not your girlfriend or the frightened sourccer .
I'm not a little bird who needs your help to fly.
Nope..... I'm the bad guy.
All these former villains that you see...
Each of them with shaking knees has knelt before me.
So I'm not your teammate or your partner in crime.
What am I, boys?!
-She's the bad guy..-
Oh, it's magic
To watch a planet
Shrivel up and die...
Oh, it's thrillin'
To be a villain.
I take over their homes and then I watch them suffer...
Ian tries to stands up but the pain in his heart hurts so bad Malificent dissapears Barley unfroze as she dissapearss.
Chapter 7
Barley brought Ian to their hotel room and laid Ian on the couch, along with the other characters “Runpunzel use your heal power.” Flyn says. Runpunzel sings a special song as she wraps her hair around Ian’s torso.
✨💫flower gleam and glow,
Let your power shine.
Make the clock reverse,
Bring back as mine.
Heal will help the pain.
Change the faith desires.
Say what’s has be loved bring back ounce was mine.
When ounce was mine.💫✨
His heart was healed Ian breaths as Barley holding his hands while he sobs sofyly and saying prayers.
Chapter 8
Elsa and Anna rush yo check on Ian withe the other Disney characters
“Elsa! *moans*” barley coax Ian @shh Ian lie down.” “ I’m so sorry it’s not our fault.”
Ian: Barley, 🎶 you’re the soul who I understand. The love that show me of who I am! through the darkness to the light. You got my back and I believe you. If It weren’t for you. I’ll be the wheels and you’ll be the road.
Barley: Ian,what you’re trying to say? Can you please let me know.
Ian: cause you carried me with you
From the quest of the gem to the battle of the dragon. I was so brave cause of you. Like a moonlight with the stars you’ll guiding me, yeah it’s true. You carried me with you!
Barley: Ian, 🎶from the day that Youall begun. But, I was there to protect you. But when I see you being hurt. I tried to help, you’re a fighter. And when my heart filled with worried. found a way to comfort me. You always found a bright side, and make me feel better.
Both: cause you carried me with you
From the quest of the gem to the battle of the dragon. I was trying to protect you, like a moonlight with the stars, you’ll be guiding me, yeah it’s true, yeah carried me with you.
Ian: oh we’ll be always be together no matter what.
Barley: watching out the days turns into night
Ian: we know to brave the stormy weathers.
Both: well never give so without a fiiiihhhhhhttt!!
Ian: and if it weren’t for you from the battle
I’ll would’ve die without you.
Barley: I’ll see us through thick and thin
For love and lost till the end.
Both: yeah you carried me with you
From the quest of the gem to the battle of the dragon I was just to secard to see
Like a moonlight with the stars you’ll always protect me
Yeah it’s true
You carried me with you
Ian: oh you carried me with you.🎶
Chapter 9
Judy and nick rushes to Ian and barley with other characters in the hotel. “We heard the news! oh sweet cheese and crackers, are you ok,Ian? *holds Ian hands*” “*sighs* he’s fine,except he has no magic left Malificent had his power!” Barley told Judy. “I’m-we’re sorry we-“
“How do we stop this darkness?!” Ian asks. Barley puts their dad’s shawl/scarf around Ian’s shoulders. Barley ordered all the characters, except Ian, to go and try to stop Malificent with him, but Ian won’t let him. “What?! No” “Ian I can’t let you die!” “No I’m coming too! If dad was here, he would go a-and go to be noble to fight and never give up. I may not have dad actually being here, but if I swear to God, he’ll be with us spiritually,I love you!” Barley looks at him little sceard. Ian holds his shawl/scarf and shouts “Come on, stay together! STAY STRONG!!” Barley can’t believe that his brother is gonna sacrifice his love for his family and old/new friends!
Chapter 10
Malificent : 🎶Believe me I know
I've sunk pretty low
But whatever I've done you deserved
I'm the bad guy, that's fine
It's no fault of mine
And some justice at last will be served
Now it's time to step up
Or it's time to back down
And there's only one answer for me
And I'll stand up and fight
Cause I know that I'm right
And I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready
Ready as I'll ever be
Ian: Now it's time to rise up
Or it's time to stand down
And the answer is easy to see
And I swear by the staff
If you're in, get on board
Are you ready?
Judy: I'm ready
Mickey Minnie : We're ready
Crowd: We're ready
Ian: Ready as I'll ever be
Barley : Are you quite sure we can do this?
Ian: Together we will guarantee
Malificent : I'll make them hear me
Crowd: Now it's time to redeem
Or it's time to resolve
Ian : Prove they can trust me
Crowd: And the outcome will hardly come free
Ian: I'll save or land and family
Crowd: Now the line's in the sand
And our moment's at hand
Mérida : And I'm ready
Barley : I'm ready
Ian & Judy: I'm ready
Malificent : Ready as I'll ever be!🎶
Chapter 11
Ian got on a horse(which it almost reminds him Guenivere (their stead)
Barley looks confident but scared for his brother. “Ian, are you sure? I don’t want you to get hurt. “ Ian says “I may not have magic, but I still have little magic inside if me.” Ian fleds through Main Street USA to the Castle. As Ian gets off alone with the horse, the horse neighs meaning: be careful, ” it's ok I’ll be fine.
Chapter 12
In Disneyland caatle area the sky covers with darkness, The wind blows across the land. Ian gasps in horror along with the Disney characters. Ian stood noble to try to control his tears. “Come on, Barley you Judy with me the others splits together.” The characters nods as they splits up. They go inside the castle until army of guards surrounded them Ian reaches out his staff,Barley grabs his sword and Judy grabs a spare sword and they start batting! “Boombastia! Guys I’ll go and and find Malificent!” They agree as the others continue battling withe guards. Ian goes and find Malificent with his staff till *whoosh* smoke appears and she appears in front of him! Ian grabs his staff, “you’ll never NEVER take away my magic😡!” Malificent and Ian starts their battle as she knocks him out the bouncony and top of the castle’s roof the wind was strong. Ian shivers from the wind. Malificent uses her magic. Ian uses his staff “Volltar Thundersir!” Till Malificent shoot her magic and Ian hit hers created a huge gusts of wind till *whoosh* Ian was shot a little thank god he’s still alive. Barley saw the action “Ian? NO!!!!!” And the final act of the magic Malificent and Ian magic hits Barley and knocks him down,dead. Ian cries out “BARLEY,NO,no, please, YOU MONSTER!!! VOLLTAR THUBDERSIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” *BOOM!!” His staff explodes and kills Malificent, for good Chapter 13 sadly, Ian rushes toward his brother crying, “*voice break* Barley no please don’t leave me. I-I love you *sniffs*” Ian tries his very best to use his staff to try to heal Barley. Ian grabs his staff,still crying, and says”I-insta r-Repairo!(please work please😢😭)” suddenly swirls of wind swirls around Barley from his staff his vest,hair,shirt,Ian’s hair,flannel flows in the wind. Ian’s eyes squinted from the wind and bright swirls. Few moments later with a soft swish, Barley slowly opens his eyes. Ian cried out tears of joy! Then suddenly his staff swishes around Ian the TRANSFORMATION of a WIZARD! The cape,kimono flows in the wind as his staff rose Ian in the air and twirls him majestically . Few moments later Ian opens his eyes still full of tears of joy. “Wow,Ian you look majestic!” Barley amazed “thanks *sniffs* “Chapter 14. At the castle where they do spectacular front of the stage the crowd is waiting for a special ceremony debut. Loud speaker booms over the speaker.”laddies and gentlemen,boys and girls, please welcome,Tennesha and Alex!” The crowd cheered as they appeared to the stage “Welcome everyone we’re so delighted to have this majestic debut coming for this day before we meet our special surprise guests, we wanna bring our Disney / Pixar friends on stage!” The crowd cheered as the Disney/Pixar characters come on stage and greeted the audience. “Hello everybody!” Minnie says, “Hey pals oh boy how everybody’s doing today?!” Mickey asks the crowd shouted yes out loud! “So Mickey we are so excited to see our special characters on their debut,right everyone?!!” Tenneshia says as the crowd screams with excitement! Woody says “can’t wait to meet them *giggles*” “Ok everybody I want everybody to say Onward really loud,ok? Ready? “ the crowd stood up and shouted withe the characters “1 2 3, ONWARD!!!!” Suddenly Ian voice boomed over the speaker BOOMBASTIA!!!” Fireworks and with a flash of a firework with smoke shooting and appeared, Ian and Barley are on stage and the speaker played “Carried me with you in instrumental. “It’s Ian and Barley Lightfoot say hi Guys, come on Ian don’t be shy!” The crowd went wild with excitement till they settle down. @bluezey @itsme-starmunch
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mahou-war · 4 years
MagiTale - Chapter 1
“So, how’s it gonna be?” – the voice rose up, surging from the darkness. A white weasel cat like creature.
“Go away!” – another voice, female now, hissed back. The figure of this voice was hidden by the shadows of the collapsed walls around her – “I don’t want to have anything to do with you. You tricked all of them! Their innocent minds, into becoming something they’d rather not!”
“I really don’t understand.” – the cat spoke – “You might as well be labeled as a Human, your ideals and concepts are roughly the same. But I digress.” – it stopped momentarily – “My offer is still on the table. You know where to find me.”
The cat turned away, seamingly wanting to distance itself from the other individual. It felt as if its time was wasted, but that didn’t exactly matter at the moment, as it knew what the next actions would turn out to be.
“Wait!” – the other voice jumped from the darkness – “Can you.. Can you really make anything come true?” – she questioned.
“Yes. Of course, as you already know, the true effects and consequences depend from your Karmic Weight, but you shouldn’t have any kind of problem with that.”
The other being made a pause. Her voice was calm, motherly, but sprinkled with a dash of urgency. As if her worst nightmares could finally end. Now her dreams, her ideal life, her past, it would all come back to her.
“Okay then. I’ve decided.” – she replied.
“Very well. Then what is the wish you’re willing to sacrifice your Soul for, your highness?”
╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗
Chapter 1: Fallen Down
╚═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝
Dark. Darker. Yet darker. I don’t even know if my eyes are open or not, but all I can see is darkness. Well, that and a distant voice echoes, as if I was deep underwater. A cold shiver envelops my whole body. But within that darkness, the voice gets louder. It’s lifting me up. With that, the darkness gets a bit more clearer. I open my eyes, slowly, and everything starts coming to me, bit by bit.
“Frisk! Oh, please tell me that you’re okay!”
I avert my gaze to the point of origin of the voice. A girl sitting on the same bed of flowers as I am looks at me, worried. Her hair is dark brown, just like me, and her eyes are a striking, vibrant red, just like my own. Except mine are usually closed. The girl is slightly see through. I can look at her and see the wall behind her at the same time. I know this girl. Yes, she’s important to me.
I was roughly 5 when I started noticing her presence. Everyone treated her as an imaginary friend, but I knew more. She was real. She IS real. She has a real story, and a real life. But now she’s a ghost that got stuck me. I don’t exactly know why though. She told me about Humans and Monsters. About Souls and Soul Gems. About Magical Girls and Witches. She told me everything. Even her name.
“Chara. Yes, yes, I’m okay.” – I managed to reply back at her.
“Oh, thank God! That fall was sure to put in you in a coma for at least half a year! I’m so sorry I’ve put you through this…” – she replied back at me, a clear worry in her voice.
“Don’t worry Chara. I signed up for this. I want to do this.” – it’s funny. My brain knows what to say, but it can’t remember why it’s saying what it is. I look around myself. I’m now sitting on a bed of flowers, golden buttercups. Giant walls of stone surround us, with vines covering them. The light above shines on us, warming our bodies. And just like that, more pieces of the puzzle fall back into my mind.
“Now that everything’s cleared up, what is your wish?”
“Frisk, you don’t have to do this, for real.”
“No, I have to. You’re stuck to me. You can’t exactly walk around and go back to the Underground. I’m going to help you. We’re gonna save them Chara.” – my voice fills my brain, alongside Chara’s and… his.
“Incubator. I wish for the power of salvation.”
“Can you specify that please?”
Yes, that’s it. I remember now. I get up, and see a small corridor, leading to a huge gateway entrance. Sparkles of light come out from it. There’s some kind of light source coming from it. We decide to move towards it.
As we reach it, we look inwards and find a single golden flower, similar to those earlier. We step into the wide area, and suddenly, the flower jumps to life.
“Howdy there! I’m Flowey – Flowey the Flower!” – it said happily. Chara warned me about how sudden Monsters could be, but I wasn’t expecting something like this.
“Say, you’re new around here, aren’t ya? You need someone to guide you through the Underground!” – it said happily.
“Well, actually--” – I tried to object, as I had Chara right next to me, but the flower just interrupted me.
“I guess little ol’ me will have to do it!” – it winked.
Suddenly, I felt a huge wave crushing my chest, as my surroundings lose its color. It becomes a mash-up of black and white. And just as it came, it left.
“Huh?” – the happy flower looked at me with very confused eyes – “Let’s try that again!” – he said cheerfully, as the feeling came back, pushing me downwards once more, but suddenly stopping. I wasn’t hurt, nor exhausted. It’s as if I just sneezed, for no apparent reason.
“Heh, hehe.. Okay…” – it continued, clearly starting to get annoyed – “Let’s try that one more time!” – I felt that energy again, but it no longer phased me. It’s now a very uninteresting movie for me.
“Hey, hey.. What’s going on, huh?!” – the tone of Flowey changed drastically. From a very friendly one to a tone filled with a thousand year anger – “You’re a Human, aren’t you? Where the hell is your Soul?!” – it hissed.
“Oh!” – I was taken by surprise, with such a direct approach, but I tried my best to befriend the friendly monster – “That’s right…” – I extend my hand, as the ring in my left middle finger glows and morphs into an egg shaped Gem, resting on my palm – “Here!”
There was a small pause. The flower starred in disbelief at my Soul Gem. It was a vibrant red, the same color as my eyes. Right at the top of it, was a heart symbol, and at the bottom, surrounded by a small circle, a four pointed star. The flower suddenly smirked, and was emitting an uneasy light cackle.
“Frisk, I don’t really trust this guy… he’s giving me really weird vibes….” – Chara spoke to me. Good thing only I can see and hear her, makes some of her comments easier to bear with. But still, now I’m worried. Chara lived quite some time with Monsters. For even her to be set back.. This “flower” must be something she has never seen.
Flowey’s laughter grew louder and louder, as vines erupt from the ground below him into the air, keen to claws of a starving wolf. He sprung his head upwards and looked straight into my eyes. His face was contorted. He no longer had his friendly smile, it was a monstrous look. His eyes void of life.
“WELL, THEN YOU’RE COMPLETELY USELESS TO ME, AREN’T YOU?! THIS WILL BE FAR TOO EASY FOR ME.” – a wall of bullets surround me in a perfect sphere – “D I E.”
I can see his vines lunging towards me, and the bullets dashing into me. I have my Soul Gem in my hand. Transforming takes only a second, I can protect myself from this. But I can’t. I froze in place, clinging to my own life, as the last bits of my life flash through my mind.
“I wish to have the power to save the Monsters. To save them from the Barrier and their thousand year prison. That’s what I want. The power of salvation.”
“I see. I don’t know why, but your Karmic Weight is quite heavy on you. Frisk, your wish will most certainly come true, but in order for it to come into fruition, you must go break the Barrier yourself.”
“That’s something I’m willing to do unconditionally. Nothing will stop me.”
‘Nothing’. Yet here I am, praying for someone to come help me. Please, anyone.
But… Someone did come.
As I waited for the impact of Flowey’s bullets and thorned vines, I suddenly hear a scorching sound and warmth, followed by Flowey’s screams. I open my eyes to find the unscrupulous flower burning in flames, and the bullets are now cinders slowly dancing and falling to the ground, as the flower retreats to whatever hellish hole it came from. From the other side of the room, a figure approaches.
She’s tall, and covered in white fur. She has small horns on her head and floppy ears at the side of her head. She’s wearing a dressing gown, purple with a crest on her chest – a circle with wings, and three triangles right under it. I can feel Chara’s intense gaze at her as she whispers – “Mom..”
“Oh, what a horrible creature torturing such a poor and innocent youth.” – she spoke to me, her voice calm, motherly, tender. Happy – “My name is Toriel, caretaker of the Ruins. Come my darling, let me guide you through them.”
She quickly grabbed my hand. I can feel her warmth warming me up from the inside out. Her aura, her presence. I enjoy being next to her. I feel like wanting to be with her forever. I can see Chara crying. This must be a hard moment for her. We make haste for the next room, where I can see red rose petals scattered around the floor. I catch a glimpse of a yellow shine, but it quickly disappeared.
Hey there! Author here, you may call me Mahou! :)
This is the very first Chapter of MagiTale, a Crossover AU/Fanfic that puts the characters and events of Undertale into the World and Lore of the Madoka Magica series. This is also the very first time I temper with Tumblr, so do offer some tips pls :')
Anyways, this is only a "preview" Chapter, a Demo almost, as the full story is currently in progression. I intend to post the entire thing once it's completed, so please do look forward to it! I'll also keep updating this page with content, related (or not) to MagiTale.
Well, I'll be going now, really hope you enjoyed it! :D
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Chapter 5: Was there any point in trying?
In which you wonder if this was a good idea. 
*Toriel's POV*
I put on the best dress I could find and perfumed myself with a gift that Lauren gave me. She has been too nice since we arrived on the Surface. I think I should give her a present!
...once all of this is over.
(Y/N) said yesterday that everything was fine and that the president only wanted to discuss the terms of our freedom. Let's just hope that is true.
Therefore, Asgore and I will attend a meeting with the president and, of course, (Y/N). She's been such a sweetheart with us, always supportive and encouraging. I would love to have her as a friend; she is just wonderful!
I was about to leave the house when I felt my daughter's hand tugging my sleeve.
"Mom, why can't we go?"
I felt how my heart slowly sank, knowing that my child wants to know everything about this. Such a caring, loving girl. She'll be a great woman.
"Oh, my dear, (Y/N) said that only Asgore and I should go. But worry not! You have your friends here to entertain yourself!"
"But, mom... they're as worried as I am"
I looked into the living room and realized that Frisk was right. Sans's smile was fading slowly, Arial's expression was as concerned as her first day on her new job, Undyne was probably waiting for an explanation, and so on. Even Papyrus seemed a little bit shaky for all of this.
"I promise that everything is going to be ok, my child. Now be a good girl, and behave yourself in front of Richard and Lauren"
"Yes, mom..." She pouted, seeing there was no point in complaining with her mother. I sighed and left the house, Asgore nervously waiting for me. Oh dear...
"Sha-shall we go, To-tori?"
"Don't 'Tori' me, Asgore"
"M-my apologies..."
And then we started our uncomfortable way to our meeting, trying our best to not break down.
*Your POV*
Suit? Yep.
Makeup? Yep.
Tie? Yep.
Perfume? Please don't put more of that thing.
I nervously sighed and looked at my watch, then at myself. Did I put little effort or too much on my outfit? Do I have enough makeup? Is it exaggerated? Should I have put my hair up in a bun instead of keeping it down? Should I have left my glasses at home?
My mind's been teasing me way too much ever since Mailey left the café, minutes after I ended my call with Asgore. I'm probably going to fuck up all my effort.
Why am I even tryi-
"Hello, Miss (L/N)" a tall and recognized man greeted, a neutral look on his face. I snapped immediately back to reality and extended my hand.
"Good morning, Mr. President" I answered, keeping my cool "Please take a seat. The rulers of the Underground should be here in a few minutes"
"Wonderful. Do you have tea, by any chance?"
"...sure! Which type do you like?"
"Goldenflower tea would be excellent- if you have, of course"
Oh, so now his questioning me?! What a jerk!
"Uh, yes I do, sir. It's one of the King's favorites, actually"
"Really? Hmm. Now I want to meet him more..."
I put the teapot over a small table I had and started to make the tea. I don't think I'm that bad making it, so maybe I have a chance. And just when I was serving him a cup in silence, a knock was heard on the door.
Good thing I have more teacups.
"Come in!"
Mr. and Mrs. Dreemurr entered softly in the room, immediately greeting the man. Of course he goes first, right? Eh, I shouldn't be thinking this way. 'Cause, after all, they indeed greeted me with a bigger smile.
I smiled to myself and grabbed two cups of tea on the main desk, then I returned for the other two.
And just like that, we started.
This is going to be a long day.
*Sans's POV* (oh boy)
This is gonna be a long day
The kid's been way more annoying than ever, poking everyone with desperation and trying to find the perfect game to entertain us. What a wimp.
Everyone's nervous, yes, but we have to hold on. Honestly, though, I already gave up hope. We are definitely going back to the Underground. It was just a matter of time. Oh well, the Surface was... something while it lasted.
I should text (Y/N) a message and thank her for giving us a slight spark of hope. Besides, from one of the few kind humans that tried to help us. She really shouldn't have wasted her time on us. We were a lost cause since the very beginning.
And now, it will hurt more. Because we had a chance to feel the sun and to see the stars, but that will be just a memory from now on. It hurts. It really does.
I just wished I could have really enjoyed my time here so far. Because I probably didn't. Mostly because I got to be with my parents way more than I did before in my whole life.
Paps has tried his best to keep me happy, but it's just not that easy, y' know? We have our history together, and it's not the best. Especially with my father, Gaster, and how perfect he wants me to be.
But I'm Sans. A fucked-up young skeleton that feels old. A comedian for everyone, an asshole for myself.
Arial, my mother, was washing dishes over and over, hoping nobody noticed. But I bet everyone did. I guess that's her way to deal with anxiety, huh? She's probably inexperienced with this feeling. How... fortunate.
I, myself, have dealt with this since I was a kid. Therefore, while everyone was trying to distract themselves, I was just laying on the couch with a lazy grin. I'm just that experienced.
I must admit I'm not that relaxed, though. Ever since Toriel and Asgore explained what was going on, I wasn't able to focus on my reading. And it's a science fiction book, so it's really weird. It's eating me up 'cause, well,  the kid could reset again.
And I'm not letting it happen...
I groaned, feeling useless than usual. I've been promising myself that I won't let it happen again; ever since Flowey, even, 'cause he had that ability before the kid came.
Those two little freaks have ruined my life. Well, them and my parents. But that's another story.
Alphys started to think negatively, just like me. The difference was that she did it out loud.
"Alphys! Don't think that way!" Frisk exclaimed, visibly angry.
"Hey! You just don't shout at MY girlfriend!" Undyne roared, angrier than Frisk "If you want to discuss something, THEN SAY IT TO ME FIRST!"
Aaaaaaand the fight began... shit.
Paps, being the kind monster he is, intervened in the fight between his friends. Alphys tried to calm Undyne, while Frisk just kept being a sassy prick.
Oh kid, if only Tori knew.
Flowey groaned at first but ended up supporting Frisk, just because she was about to punch Alphys. Arial grew worried and tried her best to keep Papyrus out of it.
But she couldn't. It doesn't surprise me one bit.
Gaster just silently watched. I bet he is mentally smirking at this point.
That fucking jerk.
Mettaton walked away from it some two good miles, avoiding any bruise that would affect his disgusting reputation. Napstablook... he just cried in silence. He is such a huge mood. I wonder if he knows that.
Then Undyne pushed Paps hard. Like, REALLY hard.
And no one, and I mean no one, touches my FUCKING BROTHER.
"hey! watch your goddamn moves!" I shouted, losing my cool completely. Way to go, Sans.
"Make me" She dared, with a stupid smile on her face. Oh, it's on.
I ended up having a fistfight with Undyne, throwing her on the floor and punching her face like if my life depended on it.
I just couldn't think straight. My mind went blank, and my left eye switched between blue and yellow. Again.
Arial tried to pull me away, and again, she failed. I glanced at Gaster briefly and saw a hint of hate on his face. Disappointment, anger, and shame. Ashamed of his own son. Oh, I hate this guy so much, I could do the same to him as I did to Undyne...
And I did.
I balanced towards him, shouting things like "stop looking at me like that!" or "what's your fucking problem?!". Undyne wasn't unconscious nor near to being, and that just made me angrier. I wanted to grab Papyrus, burn the house, then continue with my life.
Then I saw something I didn't want to- or well, someone...
Emily. Emily was still there, watching in horror.
I suddenly stopped, realizing my mistake. Everyone had a hint of surprise and horror on their faces. Everyone, except Frisk and Flowey.
They have seen me like this before.
And now, everyone has.
Now they know something I didn't want them to know.
I fucked up.
"emily, kid... i'm sorry" I muttered, feeling like a mess. "thank you for everything, by the way. it was great while it lasted".
Then, before I could hear her response, I teleported to my room, which wasn't even my own.
And I broke down.
I just fucked up way more than I thought.
No one will think of me as the same.
Not even Paps.
My life is ruined.
I would beg for a reset, but the kid and the weed would remember anyway.
They're gonna make my life fucking hell.
I continued crying and laughing, knowing that now no one out there would help me.
That, after all, I hadn't had any hope left.
And it hurts.
It really does.
*Your POV*
We ended up with a shake of hands, and when the president left the room, we three hugged happily.
We did it.
It was actually quite easier than I thought. I must thank all those people who fought racism and discrimination back in the past. Without them, this wouldn't have happened.
We reasoned peacefully with him, and he promised he would let all the country know the news: Monsters have now legal rights.
Maybe people won't accept them easily, but hey, they're legal citizens now! I was so happy I could have cried.
And I did.
And they did, too.
We were just that happy we could finally get rid of this.
However, they needed an ambassador: someone who could represent them.
"(Y/N), dear, I think you should be our ambassador!" Mrs. Dreemurr happily exclaimed between sobs, and I just froze.
Ambassador? C'mon (Y/N), you know you can't do it! Besid-
"Yes, young one! You deserve it!" Asgore added, letting more tears down his fluffy fur.
Wait, do they really want me to be the one? To have this honor? ME?!?!
"I, uh..."
I couldn't think straightly. My mind went blank, my vision blurrier, and my heart sank. And, without thinking, I finally agreed.
"I'll be your ambassador. I, (Y/N) (L/N), will represent you all!"
And with that, we hugged again, making me the happiest girl on the Earth.
It feels good...
It really does.
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for-a-flower · 5 years
Asking for a Fight
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           The Golden Flower left the throne room immediately this time, popping up further from the castle near a capital city street.  Surely there were other ways to accomplish the same end he had reached during his last run.  Maybe if he intentionally left one or two monsters alive, he’d find it even more entertaining.  Sans though, that useless lazy person hadn’t even tried to fight for his life.  At least Papyrus had given his best effort.  So why did Sans give up without as much as a single attack?  Flowey glanced down at the dirt along the sidewalk as a couple monsters casually walked by.
           “Go ahead.  I’ve got no reason to live in a world like this,” Sans had said.  As Flowey remembered that, he realized the skeleton had been holding something, Papyrus’ red cape.  A disturbing grin stretched across Flowey’s face.  So that was why.  Sans knew his brother was dead.  But what would happen if Flowey killed off everyone else first and then went after Papyrus?  The flower burrowed.  This would prove even easier than before.  Now that he knew the attacks of nearly every monster in the underground, he felt smart and unstoppable.  It fueled his determination further.
           In under a couple hours of time with only a few saves and deaths, Flowey had managed to destroy almost every monster he intended.  But since he hadn’t triggered an explosion in the Core, Alphys and several monsters from Hotland and the capital managed to lock themselves away in the True Lab.  Flowey had to search a few hours before he figured out where they had gone.  After discovering them hiding in the lab, Flowey hunted them down as well.  Alphys had been the easiest of the bunch, simply freezing in place at first sight of Flowey.  Still no sign of Sans though.  Flowey’s determination and will to keep these results so far, allowed him to mark the current point in time if he wanted to return.
           A door flew open and snowflakes blew in from outside.  “Sans?!” called Papyrus.  “There’s a flower killing everyone!  I came back to warn you!”  Leaving the door open behind him, the skeleton walked through the living room of his home then bolted up stairs to the left.  He came to a closed door and threw it open.  “Sans!”  The room was dark and empty.
           Quiet laughing came from the front door.  “Hee hee hee . . .”  Papyrus spun around to peer down from the second floor balcony.  A flower blocked the doorway with a happy smile on his face.  “So concerned for your brother . . . when you should be the one running,” said Flowey.
           Papyrus looked concerned and alarmed.  “Why are you killing everyone?” he asked.
           “Because it’s entertaining,” the flower said.
           The skeleton went back downstairs and approached the Golden Flower.  “Well, then maybe I can interest you in another hobby?  Maybe cooking!  Or drawing!  And Sans has an instrument, so maybe he could teach you how to play one too!”  A vine came up behind Papyrus and grabbed his neck.
           Flowey glared.  “You stupid skeleton.  Do I look like I can do any of those things?!”
           “I’m sure we can still teach you!  Your vines are strong enough.  All you need is a little help,” added Papyrus.  He was sweating now.
           “I don’t WANT your help!”
           “SHUT UP!”  With the swift stab of a vine, Flowey pierced through the skeleton’s battle armor and rib cage.  Papyrus’ body scattered to dust and spread over the carpet of his home.  Flowey’s vines returned to the ground.  He left the open doorway.
           It wasn’t until he started back in the direction of the Ruins, that Flowey finally found Sans.  He was leaning on the locked door that blocked the Ruins from everything else in the underground.  His eyes were closed and hands in the pockets of his blue, hooded jacket.  As Flowey inched closer along the snow covered path, Sans opened an eye.
           “Sup, Flowey?” he said with a casual tone of voice.
           The flower stopped to narrow his eyes with a suspicious stare.  “How do you know my name?”
           Sans opened his other eye and shrugged.  “What if I didn’t?  Maybe I just assumed you weren’t good at comin’ up with names.”
           “Where were you earlier?  There’s no way you didn’t know what was happening to everyone in the underground.  Why didn’t you show up and try to stop me from killing your brother?!” Flowey shouted.
           Sans didn’t answer directly.  He closed his eyes again where he still leaned his back against the heavy door.  “I came by earlier to warn the lady behind the door.  I knocked and waited for a response.  No one ever came.  It’s because she was already dead . . . wasn’t she?”  The skeleton opened his eyes with a sort of passive glare that somehow went right through Flowey.  “Finish your business here and next time don’t expect to be so lucky,” said Sans.
           Flowey tilted his petalled head and raised one eyebrow.  “Next time?”
           “I saw some of your fights.  You know too much for doin’ this only once.”
           Flowey scowled.  “Agh!  What kind of moron are you?!”  He closed his eyes and mumbled to himself.  “This isn’t what I wanted.  I’m going back . . . now.”
           Flowey opened his eyes where he had last marked the timeline near Snowdin Town, his save point.  He had a few minutes until Papyrus showed up at his house.  This time he’d meet him inside.
           Two minutes later, the door flew open and Papyrus stepped in.  “Sans?!”  He noticed the flower and glanced down.  Papyrus gasped, eyes somehow almost bulging from his head.  Flowey’s roots were spread out on the floor beneath him to keep himself upright.  “Oh!  How did you get in here?” Papyrus asked.  Flowey’s eyes glanced to his left.  There was a hole on the floor where he had used vines to punch through the wood only a minute ago.
           Papyrus laughed to himself with a nervous look on his face.  “Oh, yes!  I see you are very strong!” he said.
           Flowey summoned several pellets, which spun around the skeleton for a moment.  He giggled.  “Very strong indeed,” he said.  “See for yourself!”  The magic bullets struck Papyrus who winced then fell to the floor as a spread of dust.  Flowey smirked then moved toward the open door.  Chilly air blew by his six petals as he exited the home.
           Sans stood on the path only a few yards away.  “Sup, Flowey,” he said.
           Flowey grinned.  “Howdy, Sans!  You’re still too LATE!  You could’ve shown up just two seconds earlier and Papyrus wouldn’t be DEAD!”
           Sans stepped closer to the flower, smiling as he usually did.  “Doubt it,” he said.  After this his eyes went completely dark.  He continued speaking with a low, threatening sort of tone.  “In either case, you’ve done too much.”
           Flowey snickered.  “Oh?  Are you finally gonna try to fight me?  It’s about t-”  Sans lifted his left hand from his pocket.  In doing so, he somehow grabbed a hold of Flowey and uprooted him from the snow.  Flowey gasped, glancing down at his twisted stem and little roots.  He was covered with deep blue magic.  A feeling of dread suddenly came over the flower and he wasn’t sure why.  Sans was just a pun making idiot.  Why did he feel as if something bad was about to happen?
           “Looks like I’ve already given you a warning,” said Sans.  He winked.  “Should’ve heeded it.”
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icedinsomnia · 5 years
UnderMoon Part 7
The castle sat on the top of a cliff, its walls made of stone so ancient it looked like it would fall apart any second. The trees were tall pines, which made it easier to hide from any patrolling guard.
‘Man, I’d say that stone is as ancient as the mountain. Worth more than any of us that’s for sure.’ Muffet exclaimed as Nick maneuvered them past the guards and up to the castle.
‘Wow! That castle is so huuuugggeeeee!’ MK said in awe, his childish voice becoming the most annoying sound in their head.
‘Monster Kid, we must be quiet. Who knows when the battle will erupt.’ Asgore explained to the child, he immediately quieted down.
“Papyrus, you’ve been quiet… is everything ok?” Nick whispered, hiding in the shadows.
‘Oh yes I am fine, just… preparing for the battle…’ he was scared to face the king, they all were… even Chara.
“Look… I have faith in us. I know we will be able to defeat the king. You just have to have faith.” Nick smiled, confident in their abilities.
“Please, everyone, believe in me. I will get us through this.” Nick mumbled. They were at the doors of the castle.
‘I believe in you Nick.’ Frisk chimed in.
‘So do I!’ MK said excitedly.
‘Same here.’ Flowey added.
‘We all believe in you Nick. Now go and kick your father’s ass!’ Undyne laughed, everyone agreeing and supporting Nick as they pushed open the door to the castle.
 Surprisingly there were no guards patrolling the castle. It was too easy.
‘Be cautious Nick.’ Asgore said quietly. Nick nodded and crept along the wall, staying in the shadows.
‘Up ahead is the throne room. He should be there…’ Frisk whispered, even though he didn’t have to. Nick took a deep breath and opened the door to the throne room. Inside sat a monster the size of them, his cloak covering his face. His armor that of the medieval times, skeletal and ghostly flesh and bone jutting out of the armors openings. His crown made from human bones.
“So, you’ve come at last my son.” The king roared, his voice making the windows tremble.
“I’ve come to stop your tyranny! You are not fit to rule this kingdom!” Nick yelled back, his voice matching the intensity of his father’s. His father broke out in hysterical laughter that seemed to shake the whole castle.
“YOU THINK YOU CAN STAND A CHANCE AGAINST ME?!” the king laughed, standing upright.
“Hell yeah! We will beat you and bring peace to the kingdoms!” Everyone seemed to yell at once.
“SO BE IT…” The king hissed. And the battle began. Nick automatically recognized the fighting style his father was using. It was a mixture of his, Maddie’s and Mark’s style of fighting.
“This will be a piece of cake!” Nick said, summoning his weapons and entrapping the whole room in Muffet’s webs.
“Is that so?” The king jeered, sending rustic weapons their way for his first attack, which they avoided easily.
‘Nick, those were physical attacks wrapped in magic!’ Flowey exclaimed.
“Yeah and?” Nick said back using his turn to attack back, he missed.
‘What he means is that he can use physical attacks against you since it’s also a magic attack.’ Chara added.
“Well can’t we do that?” Nick asked, sweat pouring down his face at seeing what seemed like millions of swords and knives aimed right at him, all of them cloaked in magic.
‘We don’t know how!’ Papyrus said worried.
‘Nick dodge that!’ Sans yelled, everyone’s screams bouncing around in his head. Nick tried to concentrate on teleporting to the ceiling, but was to slow and was dealt a minor blow to the shoulder of his upper left arm. Nick held onto the webs with his right arms.
“Damn…” Nick mumbled, looking down at the king.
‘Nick you have never been one for fights, let one of us take over.’ Undyne added, pumped up.
“No… no we have to work together. Everyone, we can beat him if we work together!” Nick yelled to them, the king smiling wickedly.
‘Alright!’ Frisk said, the others following suite. Together the ten of them controlled the boss, its stats seeming to increase just by their willpower. With their left arms they summoned their weapon while also using blue magic to keep the king to the ground, the webs working to grab at his soul.
“Blue means stop.” Papyrus said in their voice. The king tried to move, only to get hit by almost all the weapons aimed at him, dropping his health by a fourth.
“Huh, how about that.” The king seemed impressed with their efforts.
“But now it’s my turn.” The king broke free of Muffet’s webs and the blue attack to charge straight at them at high speeds.
“Dodge!” Sans yelled in their voice. The teleported safely to the ground but…
“Hello there!” The king laughed as he seemingly appeared beside them, using shear force throwing them against the far wall, breaking it into pieces. The webs untangling slowly.
“We can’t let the webs untangle!” Muffet said in their voice.
“Why?” Nick asked, looking at their health. They were down by a half.
“The webs are the only leverage we have, we have teleportation but I can feel his movements threw the webs. It would be easier if he couldn’t see us though…” Muffet sighed, they thought for a moment. The king awaiting their attack.
“I have an idea.” MK said excitedly.
“What is it?” Asgore asked. They all listened intently, but never taking their eyes off the king.
“We can use our physical attack this round to kill the light in the room to get an advantage. Then we use blue magic on the king, the only problem is he can cloak physical attacks in magic, we have magic from Nick, Sans, Papyrus and Flowey but dodging attacks like that would fall to-“MK was cut off by the two humans.
“That would fall to us.” Frisk and Chara said simultaneously.
“Ok, then lets put this plan to action!” Nick said, the ten of them putting their plan into action. They started by summoning an exact number of weapons and aiming them at the lights around the room, encasing them in darkness.
“What are you up to?” The king muttered, listening to the sounds of their movements. The webs went silent, the spider like stealth that Muffet contributed serving its purpose.
“Come out, come out where ever you are.” The king sang in an unpleasant tone. He sent rustic arrows upward with the speed and accuracy of a thousand trained assassins. But luckily for them, they were nowhere near the top of the room. It was their turn. They used blue magic to grab the king’s soul, but instead of Papyrus calling the shots, it was Sans.
“This trick again. Seriously. Go ahead and throw more useless weapons at me! They won’t do a thing.” The king taunted. Standing unusually still. They waited for the king to attack, moving very quietly around the base of the room.
“What is he waiting for?” Nick whispered. The third eye they have was from Muffet apparently, because without it they wouldn’t have been able to see in the dark.
“Something’s not right…” Undyne whispered back. The king muttered under his breath, chanting.
“He’s using his dark magic!” Fisk said in a hushed tone, the king’s gaze landing directly on them. In a matter of heartbeats the king shot a bold of dark magic at them, trapping them in burning restraints. They screamed, Nick taking the blow for them.
‘NICK!’ Frisk cried, trying to hold his soul together.
‘DO SOMETHING!’ Frisk wailed, Sans using his magic to hold Nick’s soul together, the cracks getting deeper.
‘Fuck it! I’m taking over!’ Chara, the genocidal, took full control of the body, COURAGE reigning supreme.
“I WILL KILL YOU FOR HURTING OUR LITTLE PASIFIST!” Chara roared, breaking free of the restraints with little effort and charging full speed into enemy fire, avoiding all attacks with ease.
‘Nick! Hang in there!’ Flowey teared up, trying to remain calm. Muffet used her webs to try and stabilize the pieces, but to no avail. The cracks kept getting deeper.
‘Does anyone have healing magic?! Or health items?!’ MK cried, trembling like a leaf. Everyone looked from one to the other.
‘Papyrus, can’t you heal?’ Undyne asked, looking at him with sincere eyes.
‘Y…yes, I do know how to use healing magic… but…’ Everyone looked at Papyrus, either with the expression of sadness or fury.
‘I… since I got this new soul my magic hasn’t been the same… I’m not sure my healing magic will be the same either…’ Papyrus rubbed his arms.
‘P…Pap… I…its ok… don’t…push…yourself…’ Nick muttered, trying to sit up. Frisk pushed him back down.
‘At least try, what’s the worst that can happen?’ Muffet hissed, avoiding Sans’s glare. Papyrus nodded.
‘O…ok…’ Papyrus sat next to Nick, doing his best to heal with the alterations of his new soul.
‘How are things going out there Chara?’ Asgore asked.
“OH JUST DANDY!” Chara reflected the attacks with their weapon, a fresh coat of blood on the blade.
‘You landed a hit on him?!’ Undyne exclaimed, astonished at the human girl.
‘At least she’s on our side…’ Sans mumbled under his breath. Chara didn’t respond to that.
“Yeah I hit him… looks like the blue attack is still in effect, hey Sans, try throwing this guy around like you did with me that one time.” Chara tested her luck against Sans patience. There was a moment of silence.
‘Fine…’ Sans co controlled the body with Chara, together they lifted the king up by his soul and hit him against every pole and wall in the room with all their might.
“I wonder if the blasters still work.” Chara teased, Sans getting more irritated with her. Using their combined magic they summoned spiked bones that jutted out of every corner of the floor and ceiling, blasters surrounding every inch of the walls.
“Let’s end this!” Sans roared, firing all the blasters at once and sending the bones threw their target with precision and clout. The light from all the blasters blinding to them.
‘Did we win?!’ Undyne yelled, everyone else hoping for the same result as her. The bones crumbled away, the blasters disarmed, and standing in the middle of the floor was the king. His health had taken a decent hit, but it wasn’t as affective as everyone had hoped.
‘DAMN IT!’ Undyne yelled.
‘G…guys… we have… to work together… use… all our souls… together…’ Nick coughed, using Frisk to sit up.
‘But… Nick… your soul can’t take another hit like that… you could…’ Papyrus started. They all knew that Nick could turn to dust any second under the right condition.
‘I’ll… be fine… we need to use… all the souls… all our power… at the same time… he has… a fourth health left… we can do it…!’ Nick smiled, determined. Everyone hesitated, but agreed none the less.
“So, what other tricks do you have up your sleeve, Fasgpyrnethk?” The king taunted. They all were so confused at the name the king had called them, like what even was that jumble of letters?!
“What?” Chara asked, weapon at the ready.
“Fasgpyrnethk, the combination of all ten of your names. It took me ages to think of something as complicated as that but what else is there to do other than wage war against inferior species?” The king shrugged in a childlike way.
‘Does something seem different about him?’ Sans asked, the body nodded.
‘Yeah totally, he has never been this relaxed and childish in all the years I’ve known him.’ Frisk responded.
“Yeah same here…” Chara added, glaring at the robed king.
“Hey king Lunic, take of your robe.” Chara challenged. The king became flustered.
“W…why?!” he covered his face like a child, embarrassed.
“That’s… not him…”Nick spoke in a weak voice.
‘What do you mean?’ Flowey inquired, Nick stood, Frisk holding him up.
‘His… personality… is different’ Nick coughed, Frisk trying to get him to sit back down.
‘I… haven’t known… him long, but there… is a clear difference… in… the one we were fighting… and the one… we are facing right now.’ Everyone paused, they looked at the embarrassed figure. Something was off.
“You aren’t the king… are you?” Frisk took over, trying to be kind instead of threatening. The king didn’t say anything for a bit, he was shaking.
“N…no… I’m not the king…” the skeletal hands with rotten flesh on them pulled the hood back to reveal what could only be described as horrific. It was like a skeleton’s face and a little girls face were melted together in a painful experiment, one could only wonder what the rest of them looks like…
“I…I’m Eliza… I was taken from my home and brought here… the king said if I was good… if I helped him… I could see my family again… but it’s been so long… so, so long… and I’m always in pain… the king said that if I stayed out of his way… and only was useful in supplying my  WISDOM… that I wouldn’t be hurt anymore… but… I… just want to go home… I want to see my family again… I WANT TO BE MYSELF AGAIN!” the child half of the face was crying, the skeleton like half… was leaking an ominous black substance…
“Please… please help me… I want this pain to stop… I want this to stop!” the child cried, pleading.
‘I’ll handle this… Asgore announced, no one protested. They all knew they had to end this child’s suffering… one way or another.
“Just… hold still…” Asgore mumbled, summoning a weapon and holding it in their lowest right hand.
“The pain will end soon…” But before Asgore could finish them, they changed.
“NO! I WILL NOT DIE BECAUSE OF YOUR WEAKNESS!” the Litch king shouted, his consciousness resurfacing. He summoned a rustic sword laced in magic.
“I don’t want to kill anymore!” the child shouted back, their consciousness’s fighting each other for control.
“Eliza?!” Asgore had shouted through their voice, but before he could help the suffering child…
“Tell my family…I love them…” Eliza took the sword and broke their own combined soul with it, the sound of it shattering and finally breaking staring a full five minutes of silence. The dust of the Litch king littered the floor, no trace left of Eliza. They, Fasgpyrnethk, left the castle without speaking. The armies of monsters that had surrounded the castle broke away at seeing them. It must have been Sans who took over because before they knew it they were beside the lake again.
“Hey… guys…” Nick said, seeming to have recovered slightly from Papyrus’s healing magic.
“Yeah?” MK responded.
“That girl…Eliza…”Nick started.
“There was nothing we could do for her…” Undyne sighed.
“Yeah, don’t beat yourself up about it…” Chara muttered.
“I knew her…” Nick rejoined, everyone caught off guard.
“I remember… we use to play together as children in an orphanage… one by one the king would take a child… trying to use them for his evil deeds we thought… but when it was my turn… I guess… my soul was given to the son of the king, who was deathly ill… that’s why my memories were so jumbled… because I was remembering my memories… and his…” Nick exhaled, the cold air brushing against their skin.
“Nick… I’m… so sorry…” Papyrus soothed, trying to comfort Nick in these times of distress.
“It’s alright Pap… I’m more upset about Eliza…” A tear rolled down their face.
“What was she to you?” Muffet asked, seeming to be generally curious. There was a pause, a light breeze the only noise that the twilight had to offer.
“She was my sister…” was all Nick could say before grief overtook him.
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motherlyra · 7 years
Life update since it’s been a fucking ride though these past 50 chapters and it is officially Twenty-Validateen.  
When I started writing this fic, I was starting college and living with a manipulative boyfriend who drove me to homelessness for 3 months. Now, I have graduated college with a 3.8 GPA and am married to someone who I once vague blogged my crushing on by calling him “Real Sans.” Life is a fucking ride, and I really appreciate all of you reading this. Those who first read my story back when I was one of the only five fic writers for Undertale, those of you who helped support me when I was homeless, those of you who are just picking this up now… Thank you so much.
This obviously isn’t the end of my fics with Sans, but I wanted to be able to officially say I completed this story. The rest of the Sans Days will likely just be simple chapters about living life with the monsters, like how this story originally started. I don’t know how the plot got so wild so quickly, literally nothing in this fic was planned other than the first chapter that Sans turned into a massive monster, but I hoped all of you enjoyed it.
Thank you all for being here, even if you are just curled up in your bed reading a fic at 2am on a school day. I appreciate every Kudo, every comment, and every one of you. Yall are the best.
Even if all of you are skeleton fuckers.
[Sans Days/Nights]
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You looked confused at the two skeletons standing close to the doorway, wondering if your hiccup was really the cause of them giving you such looks
“Sans? Gast-HIC!” The hiccup caught you off guard, as they tend to do, and interrupted your sentence. You cleared your throat and tried again. “What's that look for? Weren’t we going to the club-?” You barely finished your question when a loud groan came from the side of the room.
“How many fucking times am I going to hear that question tonight?!” Flowey shouted, absolutely furious. “Trash bag! I know you have a breaking point somewhere! You can't let them-”
“Shut up.” Sans cut flowy off, taking a single step towards the potted plant, effectively shutting up whatever the flower was about to say. Gaster placed a hand on Sans shoulder, bringing a hand to his suddenly very tired looking cracked face.
“Brother… I am growing weary. Perhaps it is time to fill in their memories before we leave the premises this time.” Gaster suggested, keeping his voice low. Sans took a deep breath, hands flexing into fists as he thought. You were confused at how quickly their moods changed, and that confusion changed to anxiety when both of them turned to you, wearing the same tired look.
“Did… did I miss something just now?” You asked, cautious. The three of you had a solid plan just moments ago, why did they look so defeated already?
“Yeah... Gaster will fill you in.” Sans sighed, bringing a hand to his temples and motioning with his other one in your direction. Gaster took that as permission to do… whatever he suggested, and moved towards you. Sans grabbed Gaster’s arm for a second, face contorting in a slight grimace. “Just… make sure to just give them the shortened version… I think too much of the memories is what fucked us up that one time...” Gaster nodded, seeming to already had planned on doing that. You noticed your hiccups must have been scared away by now.
“Memories?” You asked, watching as Sans released his grip on his brother. Gaster stepped in your direction as you felt the world tighten up slightly around you. Transparent purple strings started appearing around the room, just touching the edges of your vision. “What happened?” You asked, voice having a slight shake to it all of a sudden.
“Please, give me your Soul. I will show you.” Gaster stood in front of you with his holed hand held out, waiting. You glanced at his hand before looking at his face, seeing the glowing haloes watching your eyes carefully. Your concern only rose, and the purple threads around the room darkened. Something bad happened, but you trusted them.
You swallowed thickly, bringing a hand to your chest and pulling out your Soul for him. The colors seemed to glow brighter as you held the floating broken heart out to Gaster, but you could tell just how much Determination you had lost in the past few weeks. The blue from the band around the Soul seemed to be bleeding into the rest of the color, making a majority of the heart a deep purple, just the top and bottom edges kept their original redness. As you passed the Soul to him, you could feel Gaster make all of his movements clear and slow, as if he was being cautious of you at the moment.
“Relax your mind. Everything I am about to show you has already happened, but did not happen here yet. Do… try to keep calm.” He instructed, carefully grabbing your Soul. He placed his thumb and middle finger on the far sides of it, just below the bumps, and slowly tightened his grip. You instinctively lifted your chin, feeling the pressure on the sides of your neck.
“Gas-?” You opened your mouth to speak, only to find that you were having trouble finding the air. You saw his eye haloes turn to a burning orange, and something held you tight as you tried taking a step back.
“Stay calm. Please, it will be but a moment.” His voice flowed around you, trying to reassure you, but your panic only rose when you saw the world losing focus. You saw Sans standing with his arms crossed, looking away and tapping his foot, as if just waiting for Gaster to be done. Your senses started to fade as your head grew heavy, and you felt like you were sinking.
Then, there was silence.
The world around you, however, was very much alive.
You were in a massive club, surrounded by dozens of people without faces dancing to flashing lights. The feeling of bass was vibrating in your chest. A key was in your hand, and you were moving upstairs. Bodies fell to the floor as the hallway was painted red. You were stuck in a door, and you saw a faceless person you could identify as Leader Prick suddenly kill himself. You were back in the car as you saw Gaster and Sans argue in the silence, then you were climbing the fire escape. You found Mettaton on the floor in a puddle of oil, and Leader Prick walked in. You saw Leader Prick kill himself. Sans and Gaster were arguing with the police, you were watching the news from a small tv in the corner. The camera on the helicopter zoomed in on the window of the club, Leader Prick gave a stage bow to his audience. You saw Leader Prick kill himself.
Countless silent memories flashed around, dragging you through all sorts of different situations, yet somehow, they all ended the same way. A few of the memories were incredibly short, jumping to you guys still in the apartment, stalling, before you felt as if that memory was already complete and moving to the next one. Despite the silence and the sheer number of memories you were reliving, you understood what was happening perfectly.
You guys failed.
Over and over.
Leader Prick knew he had the power to reset, so whenever you guys took too long to show up, or if you got close, or if you had others involved... he’d just kill himself. No matter how close to success you got, he’d just reset and take away all of that progress you made, only to keep that new knowledge to himself.
It was also clear in a majority of the resets, the brothers didn’t bother giving these memories to you. They simply led you to do something different, and hoped for the best. You could tell there were lots of holes in the memories as well, and a few Gaster probably completely left out, but in all honesty you felt thankful for that.
You gasped in air as if waking up from a nightmare, and stood in the middle of Alphys’ apartment with your eyes wide. Gaster and Sans watched you carefully, but your thoughts were too busy to pay too much attention to them. Your brain was trying to organize all of the new memories, something that seemed to be easier than your first reset, strangely enough. Sans cautiously spoke your name, but you quickly lifted a hand to shush him.
“Hold on.” You muttered, brain still filtering the events. Somehow your breath kept steady, probably Gaster’s doing, now that you thought about it, but it was helping. The purple in the room drew your attention, and you saw more than a two dozen purple threads hanging around the room, and grew brighter as you focused on them. “I think I understand.” You quietly said, blinking slowly and bringing you gaze up to Sans, and then Gaster. You blinked, slowly tilting your head. “How did you do that?” You asked, wondering since when Gaster could do things with memories. You noticed your voice felt far away, almost like you were hearing the echo of it rather than hearing yourself speak. Gaster seemed to notice it was off as well.
“I can manipulate the subconscious, thus why I had to… restrain your airflow, and partially knock you out.” He explained with a stall, eyes still filled with caution. “Since our Determination is connected I could refabricate your memories by-” Sans coughed, stopping Gaster from going too much further with his explanation.
“That’s not important. But you get it now, right? We are at a standstill.” Sans said with a sigh, tired eyes staring at the floor.
“We can’t win as long as he can reset.” You started. “So… Either we have to get him on our side-” Gaster and Sans immediately looked at you as if you grew a second head. “Or,” you quickly added. “We keep him from resetting.” That thought made the purple threads pulse, causing your eyes to follow them around the room. You could see Gaster watching you closely from the corner of your eye, but you continued to trace the thread to the base of Flowey. That’s it.
“How did Frisk do it with you?” You quickly walked up to Flowey and knelt in front of him, bringing yourself eye level to the plant. He looked rather uncomfortable at the sudden attention, and his eyes kept looking at your own and looking away rapidly.
“Do what with me? Stop my resetting? They just… existed.” He continued avoiding prolonged eye contact. “They had more determination than I did, so when it came down to it, the power went to them. So when Chara started helping them as well...” He drifted off again, as he tended to do when it came down to his step-sibling and cause of death.
You stood up, trying to think a plan out loud. “So we just have to get the kid and-”
“Ah, yes… That will not work.” Gaster cut your thought short, knowing your train of thought already. “They have more Determination than all of monsterkind, sure, but that is not saying a lot when comparing humans. You originally had more Determination than Frisk and… the HP leader, but obviously some things have changed since then.”
“...Then you just have to give me back my Determination, and I can take some of that artificial Determination Alphys made, and that should be enough.” You bounced back. Maybe all you needed to do is make previous mistakes again.
“It might be, or it might just send him to the Void, and on the next reset Gaster won’t exist again.” Sans added. “We can’t rule out that the leader of HP might have gained even more natural Determination from all of this. In his eyes, he probably just became God.”
“If this situation persists for too much longer and we grow desperate, we could always overload my form with Determination.” Gaster offered, face growing grim with the thought. “It would send me to the Void, but I could attempt to alter things from there. At the very least I should be able to use our linked Determination to Reset to some previous major life-changing event for the human-”
The purple threads around the room grew more solid at that, and you felt almost angry at that suggestion. “What kind of Bad-End bullshit is that suggestion?” You frowned at Gaster, and he startled at your outburst. “‘Some major life-changing event’? That could be anything from the past month! That could just be me bumping into Sans! Not to mention you’d be lost in the Void again, after all of our effort, and we’d be further behind than square one.” If he managed to reset things from beyond the Void, who’s to say anyone would even remember anything? What if then, even Sans would forget? The three of you, along with everyone in existence, would be stuck in the same loop for the rest of eternity. That would be a terrible ending for this arc.
You shook your head. “No. While I appreciate you being so willing to throw yourself back into the Void for us, I’m not so down for it.” You looked around the room again for more ideas, but your attention got brought back to the thread that was tied around Flowey.
That thread stood out from all of the others. There were some that tied to the brothers, or just hung in the air, but nearly all of them lead out. The one that was tied around Flowey lead further into the room. You walked over to it and grabbed it before you could think about what you were doing.
Visions of a goat-like monster flooded though you head, but it was different than any of your other visions. It wasn’t a memory or something that happened in a different universe. It was fuzzy, and undefined. Every time you managed to focus on a detail it shifted to something else. The goat monster was a child, but then it was a god. He was small, then it warped into something monstrous. It was something you’ve never seen before.
It was something that you guys haven’t tried yet.
You shook yourself out of the vision and found yourself back in Alphys’ apartment, and you quickly started following the thread across the room. You heard Sans say your name.
“Where are you going? Did you think of something?” He asked, and he followed you into the kitchen. You went to your knees and opened one of the cabinets, catching yourself in the glass reflection. You stopped, and looked at your wrongly colored eyes. They seemed to be purple? You shook your head and decided to cross that bridge later. You turned your attention back to the thread and following it up and behind a stack of pots in the cabinet. You moved them out of the way, and your hand brushed against the back. You felt your eyebrows lower in confusion. The thread was phased right through the bottom of the wall, as if it wasn’t there at all. You rapped your knuckles against the wood paneling, and you heard it sound hollow. Alphys watched too much anime.
“What are you doing?” Sans asked, seeming even more confused at your silent actions. You ignored him and carefully used your nails to wedge against where the walls met, and you felt your nail catch a lip. You gently pulled the thin wood to the side, and a secret panel behind the cabinet revealed itself.
You heard Sans inhale behind you as you looked at the various test tubes and small machines, but you doubted that’s what got his attention. You reached in, and pulled out a small glass beaker that had glowing red dirt at the bottom, and a bright white plant growing in it. It was still young and partially curled in on itself, but it looked like it was close to blooming.
Your Soul throbbed in your chest as you looked at the illuminated plant, and you had the overwhelming feeling that it was the same plant that caused you to die the first time.
It was Flowey’s seed.
“She lied to me.” Sans’ voice grew dark as he stared at the plant with hollow eyes, and you do vaguely remember Alphys saying she was planning on burning the seed after she was done studying it.
“Looks like it, but she might have just solved our problem.” You said, standing up and holding the beaker carefully in front of you. Gaster’s eyes went wide when he saw the beaker, but he stepped to the side as you passed him and placed it by Flowey.
“Is that… Determination? Being used as a dirt?” Gaster asked, following you closely behind. Flowey seemed anxious as the plant approached, unsure and unnerved by all of the attention and the silent acquisitions.
“Why are you placing… that, by me?” Flowey moved his body to give himself extra distance from the beaker. “Just because it’s a plant, doesn’t mean it has anything to do with me!” He quickly said, but you ignored him, and slowly brought a hand up to the glass. You felt the magic radiating from the plant and humming at your fingertips. You turned towards Sans.
“Call Toriel. We don’t have a lot of time.”
It was a mad rush after that. You, the skeleton brothers, and Flowey all got into Metatton’s car and drove to the grocery store parking lot, as it was a good mid-way meeting place. You were the one responsible for holding Flowey and the plant, which he still did not like being close to. Gaster was busy making calls to the police, telling them of Mettaton’s location. Sans was charged with being the one to drive and explain to Toriel everything she needed to know over the phone.
“I really don’t think this is a good idea! I don’t think Cha- er... Frisk, will be happy to see me.” Flowey looked up at you, but you shook your head.
“Maybe not… But I have a gut feeling.” You adjust your grip on the two plants.
“We are betting everything on your gut feeling?” Flowey asked, growing more irritated.
“If this doesn’t work then everything will reset again and none of this would have happened. No stress.” You shrugged, and Flowey frowned even more at that.
“No stress?! Lots of stress!” His stem wiggled in frustration, but you kept your eyes to the window as the car pulled into the empty parking lot. The lights were dim, and one of them was flickering with a bad bulb. This definitely wasn’t a place you would go to in the night under any other circumstances.
A soccer-mom van pulled in as well, and you could only assume that was Toriel’s car. Sans parked the car and all of you got out and you quickly placed the plants onto the hood of the car as you heard the other doors slam shut. You saw a very tired Frisk and Toriel walk up to Sans and Gaster beside the car, leaving you to do your thing.
“Sans, who is this?” Toriel kept her paws on Frisk’s shoulders as she looked at Gaster, who gave a royal bow.
“This is Gaster, my other brother.” Sans quickly introduced. “I know everything I’ve been saying sounds crazy, but you need to trust me.” They continued to talk as you brought your hand to the glowing plant, feeling the magic surge under your palm.
“This is crazy! Whatever you think that is, it won’t-!” Flowey was yelling at you, but his yells cut short as your hand turned into a fist and pulled towards your chest, and a small, white glowing heart popped out of the other plant. The plant immediately stopped glowing and wilted, but Flowey’s attention stayed on the small Soul floating in front of you.
He stared at it for a moment, shaking, before looking at you. “I d-don’t know what you think you are doing! But don’t do it!” Flowey was leaning away from the Soul, very much afraid of it.
“Wait… that voice.” Toriel spoke up, turning to the two of you. She looked confused at Flowey, a hidden wound in her eyes. “Human, what are you doing to that monster?” How she addresses her own son hit home just how alone Flowey had been all this time. You turned to Flowey and saw that his face was afraid, more in his three dimensional face that vaguely looked similar to Toriel’s.
“Giving his Soul back.” You said, pushing the white heart into Flowey.
Flowey immediately started glowing, and his features turned to horror as he looked at his leaves. “No! You can’t! This is a mistake!” He cried as his light brightened so much that you had to turn your head. When the light started to dull you looked back at him, and saw a small goat monster sitting on the hood of the car, bawling. “I don’t deserve this!”
“Asriel!” Toriel immediately ran over and picked her crying son off of the car and embraced him. You glanced at Sans and saw that he was slack jawed, apparently never thinking that it would have actually had worked. If you were being honest yourself, you based this off of a gut feeling, so you were rather shocked as well. In your mind if it didn’t work then the reset would have cleared up everything anyway. Not that this was going to stop it, now you realize. Now Flowey was just a normal monster with a Soul. Not the powerful being that you saw in that fuzzy vision, or even someone with more Determination to override Leader Prick’s resets.
You turned to see what Gaster thought about everything, but he had his attention to the grocery store. You followed his gaze and saw a tv had been left on, and showing the late night news. You could see a helicopter heading towards downtown, and you felt your heart sink a little. Leader Prick is going to end this happy reunion real soon, but at least you guys did something different this cycle. Maybe it will help with moral during the next one, you would be okay with that.
“How did- where- how?” Toriel stumbled over her questions, crying freely while running her hands over her son’s fur and seeming to not believe that he was really there, right in front of her after all of this time being ‘dead.’
“Asriel.” Frisk spoke up, and when you looked down you could see Frisk staring at Asriel with their red eyes wide open.
“Frisk, darling, did you just speak?” Toriel asked, shocked at that development as well. Frisk ignored her and continued to stare at Asriel, who cried even harder.
“I’m so sorry, so so so sorry! I never meant to let you down, and I did so, so many times. I’m so sorry Chara!” Asriel wiggled out of his mother’s arms and rushed up to Frisk, giving them a big hug. Frisk hugged back, and you could see Toriel growing confused at Asriel calling them Chara.
You glanced back to the tv, seeing that the helicopter was close to Man-Made now… it wouldn’t be long before this heartwarming reunion would be ripped away, and leaving you guys to start all over again.
“It’s okay, you didn’t. We got there in the end, and that’s what matters.” Frisk said, holding tighter. “I asked too much of you, we were just kids.” The way they talked, you could assume they were much older than how Frisk appeared. They quietly broke the hug, taking a step back. “Asriel, will you forgive me? I know I don’t deserve it, but it’s my fault you died.”
“Of course I forgive you, I want nothing but to be with you forever! Best friends, right?” He offered a paw to them.
“Right.” Frisk grabbed the paw, and both of their Souls suddenly appeared in front of them. A smaller red Soul separated itself from Frisk’s, and merged with Asriel’s white Soul. Asriel’s body started glowing brighter again, causing everyone to turn away for a moment once more. This time, Asriel was almost the same height as Toriel, looking much more mature with dark marks under his eyes and more developed horns.
Frisk still stood where they originally were, though this time their eyes were relaxed, and you didn’t see the red that they had before. Asriel started laughing, looking at his paws and giving himself a big hug as he started crying. “I’m so happy!” He fell to his knees, sniffing.
Toriel didn’t seem to know what to make of everything that just happened, but she quickly ran up and hugged her son… well, children? You weren’t entirely sure yourself, but you found yourself looking towards the tv again, seeing that the cameras were zooming in on the large windows. You could see Mettatton sitting in the corner of the room, and Leader Prick giving a golfers clap and blowing some kisses towards the helicopter before pulling out a gun and shooting himself in the head.
Everything continued on.
You and Sans met eyes, and the two of you ran at each other, wrapping arms around each other quickly in an excited hug. You apparently threw him off just enough, and the two of you tumbled to pavement of the parking lot, laughing.
“So, would you look at that. We got out of the cycle, and Leader Prick is gone now too! Maybe now we will be able to live halfway-normal lives!” You cheered, squishing the sides of Sans’ face.
“I would not get your hopes up.” Gaster walked over, looking down at the two of you. “Do you recall anything from the past couple months? There is no redeeming any amount of normality to cover up all of that.” He said with a smile, to let you know he was making an attempt of a joke.
You laughed and shrugged. “Well, I think I’d actually be fine with that. Being normal is too boring for me anyway. Besides, this will make a great story! Not that anyone will believe us. Far as the rest of the world knows, the HP Leader just off-ed himself for no reason.”
“Good riddance to bad trash.” Sans held his hand up as if it was for a toast.
“Hear hear!” You fake cheered and toasted, Gaster gave the laziest of hand motions to agree.
Gaster chuckled and helped the two of you up. One challenge down, the rest of your life to go. Maybe you should start with trying to explain what happened to Toriel, or you could just leave that up to her child(ren?) and focus on getting a new place big enough for the skeleton family. You’d love to be able to get Samus back, at the very least. Ooph, too many things to do now that the big bad was taken care of. With everything that happened, you doubt humanity will be able to ignore HP any longer, especially with what happened to Metatton. Change was coming, and you were ready for it.
Sans talked to Toriel for a while, eventually agreeing to meet up tomorrow and to talk more then. He and Gaster led you to the car, letting you take the back seat to rest for the drive to Alphys’ place. As you were leaving the parking lot you could see Mettaton being rescued on the tv, immediately surrounded by people you could recognize as his fans. You smiled, wondering what adventures you would get into tomorrow.
Monsters, apparently, were going to be a thing in your life forever now. Sure, you heard the stories of monsters influencing others with their wonder and magic, but you didn’t believe it until a couple months ago. Now you couldn’t imagine life without them.
It sure would have had made a boring story, wouldn’t it?
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spectroamer · 7 years
SERVERTALE Chapter 19: Training
Frisk got a letter from Undyne and the task to deliver it to Alphys. Since, she didn’t want to walk all the way to Alphys’ lab, Frisk decided to ask the Riverperson to help her. She finds them with their boat, waiting. Frisk greets them. Riverperson: Tra la la. Care for a ride? Frisk: Yes, that would be helpful. Riverperson: Where will we go? Frisk: Hotland. Riverperson: Then we’re off... The boat suddenly rises, revealing its... legs. It starts running along the river. After some time of silence, the Riverperson speaks. Riverperson: Tra la la. A second chance at life. Last two times, it ended in tragedy. Let us hope it shall not happen again. Frisk is more surprised than Chara, since Chara already knew that the Riverperson has many secrets. Frisk: I don’t know what you are talking about? Riverperson: There is a big difference between not knowing and not wanting to. You will find your difference when your soul lets you to. Frisk: How do you even know about that? Without turning around, Riverperson responds, as two small yellow flames exit their hood. Riverperson: How would I not know. After all... I was there. The remaining part of the travel is quiet, since Riverperson said everything they wanted to and Frisk doesn’t feel like asking any more questions. The boat reaches the destination and it lowers down to the water level. Frisk exits the boat. Riverperson calls Frisk in a calm voice. Riverperson: Come again some time. Tra la la. Frisk walks up the stairs, before looking back once again to the Riverperson. They are standing still on their boat like a statue. Frisk continues and reaches the same save point from the time she first met Alphys. She overwrites the save, before reaching the door of the lab. After a closer look, Frisk notices that there isn’t a mail slot anywhere. Chara: Just slide it in so we can be done with this. Frisk listens to Chara and slides the letter under the door and slightly knocks. After a few seconds, she hears footsteps from inside, and then, Alphys’ voice. Alphys: O-oh n-no, is that another letter...? I don’t want to open it... C-can’t I just slide it back out...? N... no... I can’t keep doing this. I’ll read this one. ...Um... I-it’s shut k-kind of strongly, isn’t it? Chara: Who is she talking to? Alphys: Wait a second... Alphys opens the door, with the letter in her hands. Alphys: Oh My God? Did you write this letter? Frisk: Actually, Undyne gave it to me and told me to deliver it to you. Alphys: WHAT? S-s-she wrote it? Are you joking? Frisk: No, it’s her letter. Why wouldn’t it be? Alphys: Oh no. I’m not ready for this. I can’t do it. Frisk: I don’t even know what’s in the letter. Alphys: Oh... y-yeah, I forgot to say... She said she likes me. Frisk: Well that’s nice. Alphys: IT’S GREAT. But it’s not. Uh... I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. Frisk: Well, do you like her? Alphys: Yeah, but... I’m gonna mess it up. I’m not good at talking with people. I-I don’t e-even know why she likes me. I d-don’t know w-w-what am I supposed to say. Frisk: I could help. Alphys: What? Chara: Frisk, our work here is done. Don’t waste more time on her. Frisk ignores Chara and goes on. Frisk: You’re gonna have to talk with her sooner or later, right? I could pretend that I’m Undyne and you will pretend that you are confessing your feelings. Alphys: That... That could work. Frisk: Great, get dressed. You’re gonna have to look good. Alphys: Okay. just give me a minute. Alphys closes the door and goes to change her clothes.  Chara: Why did you do that? Frisk: Sans said that we need everyone’s full support, didn’t he? Chara: He did, but that doesn’t mean that we need to help everyone out of their daily problems just to get that help. We don’t know when will Flowey decide to attack again. Frisk: You’re just being paranoid. Chara: BECAUSE WE DIED. Frisk: But we’re not dead. Calm down, everything will work out fine, just stay focused. Chara: There’s nothing I can do to change your mind? Frisk: Nope. Chara sighs, defeated. Chara: As you wish. I can’t do anything on my own anyways. Alphys comes back, wearing a spotty dress.  Alphys: H-how do I look? My friend helped me pick out this dress. She’s got a great sense of... Um, anyway! Let’s do this thing! Alphys gets ready to act like she is talking to Undyne. She still isn’t confident, but it is easier to talk with Frisk. Alphys: H-hi Undyne... H-how are you doing today? Frisk: I’m fine. Alphys: Ha! Ha! Glad to hear it!! Uhhh, so I’d like to, um, talk to you about something. Frisk: What is it? Alphys: Umm, you see... I... I... I... I h-haven’t been exactly truthful w-w-with you... Y... you see, I... I... Oh, forget it! Undyne!!! I... I want to tell you how I feel! Y-you’re so brave, a-and s-strong...  A-and nice... Y-you always listen t-to me   when I talk about n-n-nerdy stuff... Y-you always d-d-do your best to m-make me f-f-feel special... L-like t-telling me that y-you’ll b-beat up anyone that g-gets in my way... Chara: Well, doesn’t that sound familiar. Alphys: UNDYNE!!! I CAN’T TAKE THIS ANY LONGER!!! I’M MADLY IN LOVE WITH YOU!!! Chara: Should we stop her? Alphys: HOLD ME, UNDYNE!! HOLD ME!!! Just as Alphys says that, Undyne walks in, equally surprising everyone. Undyne: What did you just say? Alphys takes a step back. Alphys: U... Undyne! I... was... just... Undyne: Hey, woah, wait a second! Your outfit’s really cute! What’s the occasion? Alphys tries to think of a good excuse, but Frisk interrupts her. Frisk: We were roleplaying. Undyne: What? Alphys: Undyne... I... I’ve been lying to you! Undyne: About what? Alphys: About... well... Everything! Alphys walks closer to Undyne. Alphys: I told you that seaweed was like... scientifically important... Really, I just... I just use it to make ice cream! And those human history books i keep reading... Those are just dorky comic books! And the history movies... those... Those are just, uh, anime! They aren’t real! Alphys gets even closer to Undyne. Alphys: And that time I told you I was busy with work on the phone... Was just eating frozen yogurt in my pajamas! That time I- Undyne interrupts her. Undyne: Alphys... Alphys: I... I just wanted to impress you! I just wanted you to think I was smart and cool. That I wasn’t some... nerdy loser. Undyne puts her hand on Alphys’ head. Alphys: Undyne, I... I really think you’re neat, ok... Undyne crouches down and hugs Alphys, calming her down, before she suddenly picks her up and throws her into a nearby trash can. Chara laughs uncontrollably.  Undyne: Alphys! I... think you’re neat, too, I guess. But, you’ve gotta realize... Most of what you said really doesn’t matter to me. I don’t care if you’re watching kid cartoons or reading history books. To me, all of that stuff is just nerdy crap! What I like about you is that you’re passionate! You’re analytical!! It doesn’t matter what it is! You care about it!! 100-percent!! At maximum power!!! ...so, you don’t have to lie to me. I don’t want you  to have to lie to anyone anymore. Alphys... I want to help you become happy with who you are! And I know just the training you need to do that! Alphys slightly raises the top of the trash can and looks through. Alphys; Undyne... you... Y-you’re gonna train me...? Undyne: Pffft, what? ME?  Papyrus suddenly poops out, wearing his training clothes. Undyne: Nah, I’m gonna get Papyrus to do it. Papyrus: GET THOSE BONES SHAKIN!!! IT’S TIME TO JOG 100 LAPS, HOOTING ABOUT HOW GREAT WE ARE!!! Undyne: Ready? I’m about to start the timer! Alphys: U-undyne... I’ll do my best...! Papyrus and Alphys start running. Undyne: OH MY GOD!!! She was kidding, right!? Those cartoons... those comics... those are still real, right!? ANIME’S REAL, RIGHT?!?! Frisk: Yeah... about that... Slasher wrote a list of all of the weapons he will be using when they will be defending the portal, while Amy checked all of the cameras and Ne set up the training room. He invited Slasher to train with him. Slasher gladly accepted. Both of them went into the training room and Slasher replaced his normal gear with the non lethal one. so that he wouldn’t damage the training room. They both got into their positions, ready to fight. Ne: Don’t hold back. Slasher: I never do. Slasher takes his airsoft pistols and starts firing. Ne doesn’t have a problem with dodging all of them, since they are noticeably slower than the real ones. Slasher grapples to the ceiling and swings closer to Ne. Using the close range, Slasher activates his gauntlet blade and swings towards Ne. Predicting the attack, Ne phase shifts behind Slasher, but before he has a chance to hit him, Slasher already moved out of the way. Ne switches to offense and starts attempting to punch him. Slasher has gotten pretty skilled at hand to hand combat, so he was able to block all of the attacks, and even counter them. Using the opening, Slasher sweep kicks Ne, making him fall down. Before he has time to point his gun, Ne jumps back up and phase shifts above slasher, before kicking him down. Slasher quickly recovers and starts firing at Ne again, forcing him to move back. Ne: You’re gonna have to try better than that. Slasher: Your wish is my command. Slasher fires his grapple, hitting Ne and pulling him closer, before kicking him. While he is stunned, Slasher swipes the grapple like a chain a few times, before Ne catches it and pulls slasher closer. Slasher attempts to hit Ne with his blade, But Ne doges the attacks, before grabbing his arm and flipping him to the ground. Ne creates a neon bullet, while Slasher takes out his pistols and aims them at Ne. Ne: A draw? Slasher: Good enough for me. Ne absorbs back his bullet before helping Slasher up. They head back up to the living room. Amy: Done already? Ne: You know how it is. Ne goes into the kitchen. Amy looks at Slasher. Amy: He’s still giving you that free draw huh? Slasher: Yup. Prologue Chapter 18 Chapter 20
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perhetale · 7 years
PerheTale - Keep Going
Takes Place After: Prologue Takes Place Before: The Stereo Incident
Callie loved living in the Underground. For the first time in years, she was feeling like she was alive again, and not just fighting to survive. Even the kids looked happier. They were making friends along the monsters and they just loved Sans and Papyrus (especially Papyrus). He spent all his free time playing with them. They were happy. They were… happy…
And still. Callie had never felt so desperate. Everything seemed to be doing fine, but she couldn’t help it. And that flower. That damn flower was always on her back to make things worse. Each time she managed to feel better, that freaking flower would always be around to make her lost every single piece of confidence she had gathered. And now was not an exception. The second Callie had gotten away from everybody to get a bit of calm while the kids were playing with Papyrus, he was there, laughing behind her back.
“Aren’t they cute, laughing and playing without you. What a nice little family.”
“Fuck you Flowey”
“Oooh would you believe it, Miss Mommy of the year is swearing!”
“I should rip you out of the floor and make a tea out of you.”
“Such a delicate person. You’re obviously fitted to be a mother. No wonder why they’d rather spend their time with big dummy Papyrus and the Smiley Trashbag”
“They need me.”
“Who are you trying to convince?” Flowey laughed “Me, or you?”
“I… Don’t need to convince myself. Neither do I need to convince you actually, who care what you think?”
“Oh, obviously you care about it. You’re so desperate to do the things right, aren’t you? You so afraid of failing, so afraid to not be enough.”
“Stop it Flowey” she said, putting her hands on her hears to try to muffle his voice
“Come on, who could possibly blame you? Of course you’re afraid, because you know you’re not enough. You will never be their mother. Not really. They stay now because it’s convenient”
Despite how hard she was trying to not hear the flower, she couldn’t muffle the sound enough. She could still hear everything clearly, and it was so painful. She did not want to believe him. She wanted to keep faith in her kids, so, so much. But there was that part of her that could not help but believe him. That part of her filled with doubt and fear.
What if… What if he was right? What if they decided to leave? What if she ended up alone again? She couldn’t keep them with her for eternity of course, but they were still so young… They needed her, right? Yeah, obviously they needed her… But… Did they love her…?
She jumped in surprise when Flowey vines started crawling on her. She tried to remove them, but the more she was pulling and pushing, the more Flowey crawled on her.
“You know, this could be so much easier. So, so much easier…”
Callie started to panic, unable to remove Flowey from her body. She couldn’t even stand up and try to run, as he was keeping her maintained on the floor. She was about to scream, but there again, Flowey prevented it by silencing her with his vines.
“We could do so much together, with- Oh shit!”
Flowey vines suddenly released their grip, and the flower was gone as fast as he appeared. Callie stood where she was in surprise for a few seconds, and then screamed in fear when she felt something on her shoulder. She tried to push away whatever was there with her arms, struggling to get away, but the thing refused to let her go.
“Callie, calm down!”
She froze at the sound of Sans voice and turned to face him. Her whole body soothed at the sight of the skeleton, and she shoved her head in his arms, crying. He holds her against him in silence for a while, patting her back. When she finally stopped crying, Sans gently pushed her away to face her.
“What the hell was that Cal?”
“I… I…” Callie looked away “I don’t really know… I think… It’s a monster?”
“I’m not sure…” Sans said with a concerned face “He looks like one, I guess? But… I don’t know, there’s something off with that guy. I couldn’t see any soul with him. It’s weird, he didn’t really looked like he was going to kill you either, somehow… Do you have any idea what he wants?”
“No… He’s… That stuff… His name is Flowey. He’s the first monster, or whatever the hell he is, that we’ve met in the Underground. That time he tried to killed us, but he seemed to have change his mind, I guess? I don’t know… He’s been following me ever since…”
“But why? What is he doing when he come to you?” Sans asked
Callie bit her lips. She didn’t know why Flowey was acting like that. And she wasn’t really feeling like talking about the stuff he said to her, or about how she was feeling lately, about her fears…
“It’s… Not important…”
“Damn it Callie, of course it is. How can I protect you if I don’t even know what I’m fighting against?”
“P… Protect me?” She asked, blushing
What was he thinking? Why would he protect her? Was he crazy or something? Why would he do that? She had been in the Underground for barely two months, and they had met Sans only a month and a half ago. So why would he care? Sure, she liked him a lot, he was a funny guy, and they had a lot in common, but...
“Yes, protect you. And the kids. Cal, that thing could come for the kids too, do you realize it?”
She froze. The kids. She had never thought… Flowey was after her, right? There was no reason for him to go after the kid…? Though… She didn’t knew what Flowey was after. He might as well be doing the same things he was doing to her. Since the very beginning. She put her hands on her mouth when the terrible realization came.
“Oh my god…” tears started to run on her face again “Oh my god. He’s right. He’s right! I’m a terrible mom! Oh my god…”
“What? No, Callie, that’s not what I meant!”
“But that’s the truth! Flowey’s right! Of course they’re going to leave me, I can’t even take care of them! Why would they stay? They’re going to leave. Oh my god they’re going to leave because I’m a terrible mom, and they’re going to hate me, and-”
Sans grabbed her face in his hand, forcing her to look at him.
“Callie, stop.” He said, giving her a soft smile “You’re not a bad mom. We all make mistakes. Come on, have you seen me with Paps? Like I’m the perfect brother! Don’t listen to that stupid flower. I’m going to take care of that, but you have to focus on your kids. They love you. They’d be devastated if they had to lose you. Believe me. They talk about you so much, and with such kind words. Never doubt them. And never doubt me either young lady, because from now on I’m going to take care of you!”
He winked at her, smiling, and she blushed. She still did not understand why he would do that, but right now, she didn’t care. Sans took her in his arms and hugged her, and she shoved her head against him. She closed her eyes, her cheeks burning. She hadn’t realized it sooner, but Sans was not as cold as she would have thought. He was not as warm as her of course, but still… He was not cold. She smiled. Sans smelled like firewood and snowy weather, but there was also a slight smell of ketchup in it. She didn’t really knew if it was because of all the ketchup he was drinking, but she liked the whole smell anyway. Her cheeks started burning more when she realized she was literally sniffing Sans, and she back up, as red as a tomato, hoping he hadn’t realize it. She laughed nervously.
“Thanks, Sans. I really needed to hear that. I’m sorry, I just… I think I kinda let my emotions get the worse of me.”
“Don’t worry, I know how it’s like. It happened to me too with Paps. But I was alone. You don’t have to be. So. How ‘bout we go back now?”
“Yeah. Just… Sans, could you not talk to the kids about Flowey…? I don’t want them to be scared.”
“I’m going to try, for now. But if I see that the flower try to reach them, we’ll have to explain what’s going on, to avoid them falling for any trick he could use”
Callie nodded. Sans helping her to get back on her feet and they went back to the skeleton’s home.
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sharada-n · 7 years
Connection -fluffy Nyehctar
Once again I’ve been commissioned by @audaciousanonj. Like honestly, every little bit helps, so thank you so much from the bottom of my heart!
Summary: 5 times Papyrus and Flowey didn't quite kiss and the one time that they did.
(read on AO3)
It has been another week since they told the rest about their little... situation, that Papyrus notices.
It's something small, just a pinprick of hurt. So subtle he thinks he's imagining it at first. Things are great, everything is going great, so he must be, right?
Initially, it's something easy to push away too, preoccupied by all the possibilities that being 'official' datemates grants them.
Like holding hands, having stay-in dates, annoying Sans in public,...
(Still no nicknames yet but Papyrus is working on it)
Then he watches Alphys and Undyne kiss and he knows. Knows what he's missing.
They kind of did a cheek-touching thing on their first ever date, but nothing after that night and that's it, Papyrus realizes.
He wants to kiss Flowey, plain and simple.
He tries, that evening, bends forwards with all the purpose in the world, then falling horribly short out of sheer nervousness.
Flowey looks at him weirdly and Papyrus quickly reaches and grabs a book on the table behind him.
Ever so smooth, the Great Papyrus is.
Flowey frowns but doesn't say anything.
Often, Flowey watches Papyrus sleep.
He doesn't slumber himself, just kinda rests. But it feels empty and uncomfortable and is ultimately unnecessary.
So he instead spends hours each night simply watching his skeleton date and feeling weird and wondering if he's maybe going a bit crazy.
He leans forward and Papyrus looks so peaceful, happy. The way Flowey always wants him to look because it makes him complete as well. So close they're almost touching.
Then Papyrus moves and it's as if it physically burns him, pulling back so fast it might cause whiplash.
He's not sure why it feels so hollow.
It's a fine day if Papyrus can convince Flowey to cook with him.
He'll usually act like a grump the entire way through, but Papyrus doesn't mind.
He loves cooking and he loves Flowey so no wonder he loves this too, the two of them in their small kitchen. And while he has definitely become less of a disaster since coming to the surface, Papyrus plus spaghetti, never not leaves a mess.
They laugh though, since it doesn't matter at all. Then Papyrus stops because there's a splatter of sauce on Flowey's face and he hasn't noticed.
It's an impulse, a second without sanity and all Papyrus can think is of how cute his datemate looks right now and how much he wants to kiss that spot of tomato from his cheek.
Then it passes and he laughs stiffly, hardly convincing himself.
"You have a bit of-" He says, trailing off awkwardly and pointing at his own face.
Flowey frowns, bringing up a vine to wipe away the stain and Papyrus finds himself almost wishing he hadn't said anything.
The surface is great and all, but there are times that Flowey misses their old world.
Where he and Papyrus would sit together for hours, just talking about stuff.
Then there's a night just like that. The air is cold and misty, stars just dull enough to be mistaken for a cavern ceiling and they don't care that it's freezing.
They don't care about anything but each other at that exact moment.
Papyrus makes a joke and as he does so Flowey thinks he must be perfect.
And smart and funny and brave and just-
He wants to kiss him. He wants to kiss him so bad that for a moment he thinks he might, just breach the minuscule distance between them and go for it.
Then it's gone, Papyrus cranes his head up to look at the midnight blue sky and the moment is gone.
Flowey thinks even he could die from frustration.
At a certain time, everybody needs to make a decision and set their foot down. For Papyrus, that time has come now, and that decision is that he will kiss his datemate.
Something easier set than done, but planning is half the effort, they tell him.
Never mind who they might be.
They're sitting on the couch again, just like back then when Papyrus initially got this idea.
He keeps waiting for the right moment. The book provided for specific instructions on that, but there is no perfectly timed burst of fireworks or a blazing sunset to serve as decor. Nor is there any slow-motion involved.
As a whole, it pretty much falls short on all his expectations.
And Papyrus is nervous, fidgety, so much so that no wonder Flowey notices, stops to stare at him and the skeleton knows that this is it. This is that moment the book described.
Or it better be, because he's already leaning in and Flowey doesn't move at all, which is a good enough sign to proceed with things as far as he's concerned.
Then the door flings open with such force it will surely leave a dent in their plaster work, Undyne barges in like she owns the place, the way she barges in everywhere in fact.
The perfect moment couldn't be more ruined.
Papyrus sits back with something like regret on his mind. If he hadn't waited so long they would surely have already done the smoochies. As it was, they spend the rest of the night in idle chatter and irritated glances.
Not that Undyne is deterred by any of that.
Flowey is no idiot.
Obviously he isn't, but he certainly isn't an idiot when it comes to Papyrus, quite the opposite in fact, and clearly things are getting ridiculous now.
It's plain to even the most brain-dead Moldsmall that both of them want that blasted first kiss.
They got pretty close the other night, but then that dumb fish had come by to ruin everything, and seemingly it had spooked Papyrus so much, another attempt wasn't forthcoming.
So as much as Flowey hates it, he'll have to resort to initiating this himself.
It's hard though, trying to wait for the right mood to strike. Oh yeah, Flowey can read books too. He knows all about that idiotic dating manual Papyrus is so fond of.
But if it's important for him then it's important for Flowey too so he tries, so freaking hard, but the timing isn't quite right at breakfast.
The moment isn't really there at lunch.
It doesn't feel perfect enough at diner.
Before he knows it, they're turning off the tv and Papyrus sets him on the nightstand of his bed, not quite letting go and Flowey knows it's now or never.
They both bend forwards at the exact same time somehow, meeting in the middle and there's no spark or explosion or anything.
But it's flawless.
"Goodnight." Papyrus says softly, already half-way in bed and he's hiding his face beneath the blankets, embarrassed, but Flowey doesn't need to see his expression to know how hard his datemate is smiling right now.
"Goodnight." He mutters back.
He's already looking forward to his goodmorning kiss.
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Riskie blinks.
[ CHILDREN? ] they sign a bit hesitantly. [ DO NOT KNOW. IT IS JUST ME HERE. ]
The monster shifts. I wonder, briefly, how come we can understand him. I also wonder why I feel so strongly that he is a he.
“✌☟📪 💣✡ ✌🏱⚐☹⚐☝✋☜💧📬 ✋ 👎✋👎 ☠⚐❄ 🕈✌☠❄ ❄⚐ ✌🏱🏱☜✌☼ ☼🕆👎☜📬 ✋ 💧☟⚐🕆☹👎 ☟✌✞☜ ✌💧😐☜👎 ✋☞ ✡⚐🕆☼ 👍⚐💣🏱✌☠✋⚐☠ 🕈✌☠❄☜👎 ❄⚐ 👌☜ ☼☜✞☜✌☹☜👎📬“, he says. I cross my arms and try not to think that I am trying to shield myself. "✋ 💣☜✌☠ ☠⚐ ☟✌☼💣📪 👍☟✋☹👎☼☜☠📬 ❄⚐ ☜✋❄☟☜☼ ⚐☞ ✡⚐🕆📬 ✋☠ ☞✌👍❄📬📬📬 ✋ 🕈✌☠❄ ❄⚐ ☟☜☹🏱📬”a
There is a blink of light in his dark sockets. He looks at us. His broken mouth widens in a feeble smile, and he lowers himself a bit - maybe trying to seem less huge and intimidating. His hands shiver, grabbing his sides, and - suddenly he is trembling. Suddenly he is not so scary anymore, because it is hard to be scared of messy, shaking shapeless monsters who are probably on verge of crying.
“🏱☹☜✌💧☜📪 ☹☜❄ 💣☜ ☟☜☹🏱📬“, he says in a distorted, unearthly voice. “🏱☹☜✌💧☜📪“
Riskie looks at me. I shrug.
Don’t look at me like that, you know what I will say.
Okay, just do not hug him, please. You’ll never wash it off.
[ ...KILL JOY. ]
Riskie tentatively approaches the monster, and I follow them because I cannot do anything else. They reach out. The monster jerks away and stares at them, bewildered.
Riskie keeps holding their hand out.
The monster - or, well, W.D. Gaster, if that really is his name - pauses, then carefully takes Riskie’s hand into his. It cannot be too bad, because he makes another weak half-smile at them. The kid just grins back. It smells like static and broken batteries.
Then Riskie remembers that apparently, they cannot sign with one hand busy,  and they certainly do not feel like talking today, so they look at me.
I sigh. Okay. Do not make your puppy eyes at me. They do not work.
Oh, they really do! Riskie thinks triumphantly, handing me the reigns and readily fading into the background. I snort. Whatever.
“Um”, I say aloud, because I have to say something. Gaster waits, watching my face. “Greetings. I... did not expect to find you here. It is a strange place.”
Gaster nods solemnly. “✡☜💧📬 ✋❄ ✋💧📬 ❄☼🕆💧❄ 💣☜📪 ✡⚐🕆☠☝ ⚐☠☜📬📬📬 ✋❄ ✋💧 ☠⚐❄ ✌ 🏱☹✌👍☜ ✡⚐🕆🕯👎 🕈✌☠❄ ❄⚐ 💧❄✌✡ ✋☠📬“ He shakes his head, humming. His voice sounds vaguely like a tape being re-winded. “❄☟✌❄ ✋💧 🕈☟✡ ✋ ✌💣 ✌☞☼✌✋👎 ✋ 👍✌☠☠⚐❄ ✈🕆✋❄☜ 💣☜☜❄ ❄☟☜ ☠☜☜👎💧 ⚐☞ ✌ 💣☜💣👌☜☼ ⚐☞ ❄☟☜ ☼⚐✡✌☹ ☞✌💣✋☹✡📪 👌🕆❄ ✋ ☟⚐🏱☜ ✡⚐🕆 🕈✋☹☹ 🕆☠👎☜☼💧❄✌☠👎📬“
I breathe in, out. “So you have seen me. Figures. Can you sign? My ears are hurting already.”
Gaster averts his eyes and pulls his hand away from mine. [ MY APOLOGIES ], his hands sign carefully and slowly. He is much easier to understand than Riskie - they go two times faster than this on a good day. [ I DID NOT REALISE. I AM NOT USED TO COMPANY. UNFORTUNATELY, THAT COMES WITH BEING STUCK LIKE I AM. ]
I linger on that thought. “But the door is - right there. You can go out, and there’s Waterfall at the other side. Unless it does not open this way...”
Poor dude, Riskie mumbles in the back of my head. Most of the time they are riding shotgun they just sleep. Maybe we can help him out?
“You said you could help us”, I say, ignoring them. Not now. “What did you mean?”
Gaster sighs - like an engine shutting down.
I don’t know who is the one flinching right now, me or Riskie, but the flinch is violent anyway. “You know about Resets?”
The monster in front of us appears deep in thought. There is an air of melancholy about him.
He puts up his palms, and... in between them, a golden light sparkles to life. I gawk. A perfect Save star, suspended in midair and glistening. Somehow it makes even that bleak room brighter.
“How?” I ask. Do you see that, Frisk? They do not answer. They must be sleeping already.
I reach out to the star. I think I can see images shifting in its light. Smirking Toriel, laughing Asgore, Flowey with a content face, Undyne, Alphys, sunbathing - Riskie in clothes that fit them, with a family that loves them, happy and healthy and not thinking about death and guilt for once.
Then I stop.
“What is the price?” I ask.
“This is actually a lot to ask for”, I say.
I shrug. “Let’s pretend I believed you. After all... I am trapped in here, too. It is not like I am in the right place to argue.”
Something rustles behind me. I turn around. The door is open, now.
[ YOU CAN LEAVE ANYTIME ], Gaster signs with a calm face. [ IT IS YOUR CHOICE, AND ONLY YOURS. ]
I hesitate. “Feels like a deal with the devil, but...” I could leave. The door is right there. Gaster makes no move to stop me as I slowly retreat to it. He looks forlorn but obedient.
I push the door open. He nods sadly. I set one foot forward.
Then I come back to his side, groaning.
“Fine. I... I think I cannot pass on this. But promise me you will wipe the memories of Frisk... and Flowey. He should forget what happened, too.” Forgive me, Frisk. But this is for the better. You will be happier, this way. Everyone will be. I am doing this for your own good. “What should I do?”
“Oh. I get it now. You have a thing for holding hands. How convenient”, I muse. Gaster laughs, and it is not a sound I like, but he is a monster, he has my leniency. “Okay. Here.”
We shake hands. Nothing happens. His hand feels weird. There is the sensation of a touch, but I cannot determine if it’s cold or warm, hard or soft. The abstract notion of a touch rather than the touch itself.
“I hope I do. Now, what shall I...”
[ NOTHING MORE ], he signs again. [ NOW IT IS MY TURN. ]
Suddenly, his hands rush towards me-
... ...
... ... ...
Stay Determined.
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thetravelersjournal · 7 years
Day 2
I had decided to reset again. Meeting my friends and family… it always fills me with a warm sensation. I feel that they are the reason I keep going, the reasoning behind my DETERMINATION. I woke again in the small field of flowers so familiar to me. I slowly got up and made my way to where Asr Flowey always waited.
Except he wasn’t there.
This didn't really bother me, though. He’s never showed his face half of the many times that I’ve reset. What disturbed me was that he wasn’t there even though I performed a true reset.
I continued to make my way through the Ruins, rather upset that Toriel hadn’t found me yet. Usually she appeared first thing.
I had made it all the way to the rock puzzle before I realized that not one monster had attacked me. I hadn’t seen any monsters whatsoever, not even the Mad Dummy’s friend. The only reason I forced myself to come to this conclusion was that Miss. Rock was no longer there either. Not only that, but the puzzle itself was broken, the spikes stuck in the ground. I was scared. I ran to Toriel’s house, a little frantically.
No Napstablook.
No spider bake-sale.
No Toriel.
I didn't know what to do. I got somewhat panicky. I started yelling Toriel’s name. Napstablook’s. Even Flowey’s. “Someone! Anyone! Is anyone there?” I shouted until my throat was hoarse. I shouted for anyone to say hi, give a hug, even fight me.
… … …
But nobody came.
By then I was really tired. I went to my room, turned off the light, and collapsed onto my bed. I fell asleep wondering what I had gotten myself into.
I woke up this morning, hoping it was all a bad dream, that maybe it had been my imagination, but after searching the whole house I found no one.
I’ve decided to set out through the Underground in hopes of finding anyone. I found this diary on Toriel’s desk and figured that I could record my thoughts on it.
...All the previous pages are blank.
Day 3
I arrived in Snowdin a little later than I had hoped. All the puzzles were still activated, and to keep myself sane for a little while longer, I played the crossword puzzle that Sans had left.
Still no sign of anyone.
I had left the house without any food, but thankfully there was a cart full of Nice-Cream bars lying next to the snowball challenge. I felt a little bad about just taking them, so I left some money I had found in Toriel’s desk on the counter, before continuing on to Snowdin. No one was there to announce my arrival.
I looked through all the shops, buildings, and houses. No one was home.
I continued through Waterfall, passing Temmie village, Gerson’s shop, the mountain where Undyne usually waited for me. I got the same results as before. At this point I decided to take the River person’s boat back to Snowdin, and crash at Sans and Papyrus’s. But- surprise, surprise-they weren’t there, and neither was the boat. My only choice was to continue onward to Mettaton’s resort.
On a whim I looked through Alphy’s lab to see if I could find anything useful. I was sadly mistaken. All the lights were off. I didn't want to set foot anywhere near her secret lab when it was pitch black. It gave me goosebumps every time I went through there.
I finally arrived at MTT’s resort, still without having seen anyone. Not even so much as a bug. How could they all have disappeared? All their food was still here. It doesn't make sense.
I’ll try to make some more sense of it in the morning. Right now, I’m tired.
Day… 4?
It’s occurred to me that I have no actual way of telling the time down here. Monsters had never bothered to make clocks, and I didn’t have one on me when I fell down. I was only assuming how much time had passed based on when I went to sleep and when I woke up. I suppose there's no more accurate way to tell.
I continued through the Core, meeting no one. I arrived at Asgore’s castle, filled with dread. Why was everyone gone? Did something happen when I had reset? These thoughts swirled through my mind before being replaced with a more important one; could I leave the Underground? I started running now, my heart pounding. I ran through New Home, past the long hallway, into the throne room, and reached the barrier.
Except it wasn't there.
In its place was a tall dark stone wall. There wasn't an exit. It was like there had never been one in the first place. I slowly sank to my knees. Nothing was here. There was nothing for me to do here.
I consider my options. I could continue, or I could reset. This place is creepy. Maybe if I reset, everything will go back to normal…?
Ok. Here goes…
Day… 4.1, I guess.
I reset, but nothing changed. Not only that, but all my previous journal entries are still inscrebed inscribed on these pages. It was right where I had left it when I reset. As if I had only left the room for a minute.
I cried. For a long time, I cried. I sank to the floor, put my head on my knees, and wailed.
After a while, I slowly got up, and left the castle. I traveled back to the MTT resort to rest. No one greeted me on my way there.
I checked the room to the right of the throne room before I left the castle.
… … …
… No. I don't need a reminder of what I saw in there.
Day 5
I decided to explore a little further today. I went down into Alphy’s secret lab. I wasn’t scared of it now.
Not after what I saw in the castle.
It was empty, as I expected. All of Alphy’s logs of her experements experiments were missing too. Only one monitor lit up when I approached it. I remember the log. It was supposed to say ‘The flower’s gone’.
But now all it says is ‘Gone’.
Day 6
It took a while to backtrack to Snowdin (the river person is still nowhere to be seen), but I finally made it back. I’ve decided to make my base in Papyrus and San’s house, for the time being. The shop seems to have an unlimited number of Bisicles and Cinnamon Bunnies, so I don't think I’ll starve anytime soon. Right now, I have to figure out why I’m here, and how to get out.
I busted into San’s room and took his backdoor key. I went to the back of the house and turned the key in the lock. I opened the door…
But it didn't lead anywhere. A solid wooden wall was where a room should have been. I sat in the snow. That had been my last idea on getting out of here. I was stuck, for the time being. Out of sheer frustration, I yelled out again, hoping that someone would hear me.
… … …
But, nobody came.
Day 7
I decided to try and run an inventory of basically everything edible in the Underground. So far, I have 4 Monster Candies, a dozen Spider Donuts, 5 Spider Jugs, 15 Nice-Creams, 22 Cinnamon Bunnies, 18 Bisicles (about 36 Unisicles), and 50 packages of noodles (from Papyrus’s house). Which I guess means that food isn’t as unlimited as I had thought.
When I went back to the Ruins to make inventory, I stopped at the entrance. Gears spun in my mind. I might be able to use a rope to climb up through the hole to the Underground.
But no light was shining through the entrance. Either it was night, or the entrance was sealed as well. What stumped me was how I didn’t notice this before.
What was also weird was that the small field of flowers I usually landed on had grown significantly larger. I watched it for a little while, and saw a few flowers pop out of the ground and bloom after a few minutes. Strange.
I could worry about it later, though. I still need to find the rest of the food in the Underground.
Day 8
A total now of 90 Nice-Creams (45 of which are slightly melted), 32 Sea Teas, 45 Crab Apples, 2 Astronaut packages, 1 Ghost sandwich, more than 500 Temmie Flakes (which aren’t very appetizing), a package of Instant Noodles, 4 bags of Popato Chisps, 30 Hot dogs, 1 Hot Cat, 30 doggy bags of Junk Food, 134 Starfaits, 121 Glamburgers, 24 Legendary Heroes, 1 Steak in the shape of Mettaton’s face, and 1 Abandoned Quiche.
The food that I’ve found should last me a long while, as long as I ration. I won’t need to worry about starving right now, at any rate.
Day 10
I’m reading my way through the library’s books. Not much has happened otherwise.
Day 15
I’ve been walking around a lot, trying to keep my strength up. Or maybe I’m still looking for an exit. Who knows.
A part of me still wants to go back up to the castle, but… I can always explore there later.
After all, I have plenty of time on my hands.
Day 21
Still not much to write about. I’ve already gotten halfway through the library’s books. Food supplies are ok.
Day 34
I had completely forgotten up till now that Alphys had a bunch of anime in her lab. I’ve never really been interested in it before, but it can’t be all that bad, right?
Day 35
...I… think I’ll skip the anime for now.
Day 45
Ok. I think I’ve finally gained the courage to go back into the castle. Into that room. I grabbed the last Cinnamon Bunnie and I’ve started to head up there. Hopefully it won’t take too long.
Day 46
I need to write this before I forget.
The first time I entered the room with coffins, I was shocked. The walls of the room were covered in… well, what looked like blood. The coffins were all gone, except for one that was standing up at the end of the room. Lit candles adorned the top of the casket. A large star with a circle surouding surrounding it was drawn on the floor. I didn’t understand why the symbol was there, but that wasn’t my main focus. In large letters above the coffin, there were written the words “every reset brings you closer to death. soon this coffin will be home to your corpse”.
It was too much to take in, so I had fled from the room. I didn’t know what it meant, but… It was frightening, to say the least. So when I went back to get a better look at the room, I was surprised to see that some things had changed.
All sorts of methods of torture were now hanging in the chamber. Stakes were thrust into the wall, ropes with loops hung from the ceiling, and I think there was even a guillotine in the corner.
The words above the coffin had changed, too. They now read “CHOOSE A METHOD OF DEATH, HUMAN. IT MAKES IT EASIER ON THE REST OF US”.
It took me a good while to realize I was shaking. Why was this happening? What did I do?
I eventually left the room. While a part of me wanted to be nowhere near that room, I decided to sleep in New Home for tonight. Maybe the room will change again in the morning?
I hope it doesn't.
...But another part of me hopes it will.
Day 47
I’m writing this after a forced reset. I had woken up a little miserably, and had decided to check on the coffin room again. Just as I entered the room, however, spears came from out of nowhere and impaled me.
I made my way back to the morgue from my last save point. The writing on the wall had changed yet again, along with the room. Black goop slowly ran along the walls and ceiling, puddling on the floor. The stench was enough to make me vomit what little was in my stomach. The dark pudding absorbed the contents of my belly, creating an even more intoxec intoxicating smell. The goo was leaking from the coffin, and didn’t show any point of stopping. The words now read “If you don’t kill yourself, Punk, we will gladly do it for you”.
I quickly left the room once again. I ran as far away as I could. I ran, and ran, and ran, and…
Now I’m back in the Snowdin. I think I might rest here for a while. Or…
I could try resetting again. It’s worth a shot, right?
Here’s hoping.
Day 48
I need to calm down.
When I woke up in the bed of flowers again, my first realization was that there were a LOT more of them. My second observation was that vines from the flowers were trying to grab my ankle.
I ran away from the plant life, not wanting to find out what it was going to do to me. I barely made it to the first save point before the vines came up from behind and strangled me. As I reloaded, I dodged the vines and continued through the Ruins. The flowers had grown at an incredible rate, and were growing even faster in their attempt to reach me. I made it to Toriel’s house, jumping down the stairs as plant life burst through the front door. I reached the door to Snowdin, managing to shut it as more flowers tried to force their way through.
I sat in the snow for a while, listening to loud bangs coming from the door. After some time, I finally made my way back to Snowdin. I cried for a little while, before I remembered my journal.
...Why is this happening to me?
Day 49
I haven't done much of anything lately. I still tired from running so much.
Day 60
Flowers have started to spread at the outskirts of Snowdin. I’ve relocated to MTT resort for now.
Food supplies are running low, not sure what to do about that. I know I had more food than this. Where did it all go?
Day 73
Watching some anime to keep me from losing my mind.
Day ?
I’ve lost all track of time now. I haven’t slept for a while. I can’t.
I checked the morgue again. A big dentist chair laid in the middle of the room, attached to a rope that lead to a slightly opened coffin. Sharp dentistry tools sat on the table next to it, as well as unconvi unconventional tools, like a chainsaw and a hammer. The words had changed once again, this time to “Think of it like taking a trip to the dentist”.
Day ?
The flowers are growing rapidly. They’ve almost made their way to Hotland now. Food supplies gone. So hungry.
I’m so hungry
Day ?
hungry so hungry so hungry so hungry so hungry
[Incoherent scribbling]
No food no cinnamonBUnniesnoTemmieflakesNOBisiclesimsOalonetheresnoboDYatallCAnsoMEbodypleasefindmeidontwanttobealone
[Incoherent scribbling]
[Incoherent scribbling. The next paragraph is barely legible]
[The rest of the journal is blank, except for the inside back cover. Small words at the bottom are burned into it]
Greetings, Diary!
I was quite surprised to find a human child laying in the flower bed this morning. I tried to lead them home, but the fall must have hurt them somehow. They seem… well, empty, almost, and they don’t respond to anything I say. Their eyes appear hollow, and they keep muttering about flowers. It’s very disturbing, and I do hope they are alright.
While checking their HP to see if they were injured, I noticed the oddest thing. The human appears to have no soul. How are they alive? It is most troubling indeed.
Nevertheless, as caretaker of the Ruins, it is my responsibility to watch over them. I will make sure they are comfortable living down here in the Underground.
Frisk and Toriel belong to Toby Fox
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