#making him 24 when he started working at Target
popcorn-plots · 4 months
Very long Doctor Strange ramblings below the cut. You have been warned. If you read all of it, feel free to give me your opinion, I am way too invested in this help
In She-Hulk, we see that Wong worked as a librarian at Kamar-Taj for 11 years. In the beginning of Doctor Strange, the first few scenes show Kaecilius and his Zealots stealing pages from the Book of Cagliostro and beheading the current librarian.
When Strange first meets Wong, Wong claims that the former librarian was relieved of his head, and he implemented the rules he now enforces (no portals inside the library, etc.). However, we do not know how long Wong has held the librarian position. If we consider that there is not much Kamar-Taj life shown in the movie, it suggests that no one has forgotten the rules or made mistakes regarding them. This implies that Wong's rules have been around long enough for people to understand and remember them (or at least Wong has been enforcing them consistently). The rules have been in place for a while, and people are not surprised by the missing pages.
Additionally, Kaecilius' betrayal does not seem to be a major issue during Stephen's training, as if it had happened a while ago and Kamar-Taj was biding its time, attempting to hunt him down or waiting for him to make a move. Of course, a rogue sorcerer with that much power is a concern for the Ancient One and Mordo --as seen in the movie-- but Stephen, being a novice/apprentice, is probably not told much.
So, how long has Wong been running the library by himself? It doesn't seem plausible that the gap between Kaecilius' betrayal and Stephen's arrival is 11 years. The entire movie happens over a period of at least a year and a half, maybe even two years. The movie is set from 2015-16, so Wong would have had to take up the position somewhere between 2004-5. If we take Benedict Wong's age and assume that is how old Wong is (as we do with Stephen's age), then he would be 44 in 2016 (Stephen would be 39), making him 33 in 2005. So, was Wong working with the previous librarian for 11 years, and Kaecilius betrayed the Order within a year of Stephen's arrival? Or did Kaecilius steal the pages 11 years prior to Stephen's arrival, right at the beginning of Wong's career?
Not to mention the amount of time it would take for Stephen to recover from the initial accident and the numerous subsequent surgeries, plus the physical therapy and the time it took Stephen to find Kamar-Taj.
The recovery time for hand surgeries is 6 weeks on average. With Stephen having a total of 8 surgeries, his recovery time would be, on average, 48 weeks of the 52 weeks in a year. That's 11 months of recovery, plus a month of travel and logistics. So, if Wong has been working at the library for 11 years, then Kaecilius would have stolen the pages somewhere between 11 years to 1 year before Stephen arrived at Kamar-Taj.
@invye what's your expert opinion? (I'm going way too far into this rabbit hole HELP)
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reasonsforhope · 5 months
Federal regulators on Tuesday [April 23, 2024] enacted a nationwide ban on new noncompete agreements, which keep millions of Americans — from minimum-wage earners to CEOs — from switching jobs within their industries.
The Federal Trade Commission on Tuesday afternoon voted 3-to-2 to approve the new rule, which will ban noncompetes for all workers when the regulations take effect in 120 days [So, the ban starts in early September, 2024!]. For senior executives, existing noncompetes can remain in force. For all other employees, existing noncompetes are not enforceable.
[That's right: if you're currently under a noncompete agreement, it's completely invalid as of September 2024! You're free!!]
The antitrust and consumer protection agency heard from thousands of people who said they had been harmed by noncompetes, illustrating how the agreements are "robbing people of their economic liberty," FTC Chair Lina Khan said. 
The FTC commissioners voted along party lines, with its two Republicans arguing the agency lacked the jurisdiction to enact the rule and that such moves should be made in Congress...
Why it matters
The new rule could impact tens of millions of workers, said Heidi Shierholz, a labor economist and president of the Economic Policy Institute, a left-leaning think tank. 
"For nonunion workers, the only leverage they have is their ability to quit their job," Shierholz told CBS MoneyWatch. "Noncompetes don't just stop you from taking a job — they stop you from starting your own business."
Since proposing the new rule, the FTC has received more than 26,000 public comments on the regulations. The final rule adopted "would generally prevent most employers from using noncompete clauses," the FTC said in a statement.
The agency's action comes more than two years after President Biden directed the agency to "curtail the unfair use" of noncompetes, under which employees effectively sign away future work opportunities in their industry as a condition of keeping their current job. The president's executive order urged the FTC to target such labor restrictions and others that improperly constrain employees from seeking work.
"The freedom to change jobs is core to economic liberty and to a competitive, thriving economy," Khan said in a statement making the case for axing noncompetes. "Noncompetes block workers from freely switching jobs, depriving them of higher wages and better working conditions, and depriving businesses of a talent pool that they need to build and expand."
Real-life consequences
In laying out its rationale for banishing noncompetes from the labor landscape, the FTC offered real-life examples of how the agreements can hurt workers.
In one case, a single father earned about $11 an hour as a security guard for a Florida firm, but resigned a few weeks after taking the job when his child care fell through. Months later, he took a job as a security guard at a bank, making nearly $15 an hour. But the bank terminated his employment after receiving a letter from the man's prior employer stating he had signed a two-year noncompete.
In another example, a factory manager at a textile company saw his paycheck dry up after the 2008 financial crisis. A rival textile company offered him a better job and a big raise, but his noncompete blocked him from taking it, according to the FTC. A subsequent legal battle took three years, wiping out his savings. 
-via CBS Moneywatch, April 24, 2024
A lot of people think that noncompete agreements are only a white-collar issue, but they absolutely affect blue-collar workers too, as you can see from the security guard anecdote.
In fact, one in six food and service workers are bound by noncompete agreements. That's right - one in six food workers can't leave Burger King to work for Wendy's [hypothetical example], in the name of "trade secrets." (x, x, x)
Noncompete agreements also restrict workers in industries from tech and video games to neighborhood yoga studios. "The White House estimates that tens of millions of workers are subject to noncompete agreements, even in states like California where they're banned." (x, x, x)
The FTC estimates that the ban will lead to "the creation of 8,500 new businesses annually, an average annual pay increase of $524 for workers, lower health care costs, and as many as 29,000 more patents each year for the next decade." (x)
Clearer explanation of noncompete agreements below the cut.
Noncompete agreements can restrict workers from leaving for a better job or starting their own business.
Noncompetes often effectively coerce workers into staying in jobs they want to leave, and even force them to leave a profession or relocate.
Noncompetes can prevent workers from accepting higher-paying jobs, and even curtail the pay of workers not subject to them directly.
Of the more than 26,000 comments received by the FTC, more than 25,000 supported banning noncompetes. 
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buryustogether · 8 months
yandere alastor x fem!reader hcs
sfw + nsfw below
i have this idea that, when you were both still human, alastor married you for a marriage of convenience (probably tax purposes). he's not one for love, but he does quite like to make things easier for himself, as well as a bit of reliable companionship from someone he can trust. he found it rather cute that you were head over heels in love with him.
he insists upon keeping you at his side almost 24/7. you accompany him everywhere; to his station while he's broadcasting, about town as he runs his errands, even to his overlord meetings, though you are forced to wait outside. he knows you won't up and disappear; even if you weren't such a good little pet, there isn't anywhere you could run that he couldn't find you.
the other overlords tease alastor about his little 'pet' he keeps on such a tight leash. he doesn't ever object to this title.
gives you dancing lessons and doesn't allow you to rest until you can copy his movements exactly. if you collapse from exhaustion before that, he'll coo and brush your hair out of the way, then haul you to your feet and start again from the beginning.
he won't have you doing much other than keeping your shared home clean and occasionally cooking a meal or two. you're his darling, he can't have you wearing yourself out taking care of him. he'll do most everything - he just wants you to sit there and look pretty for him.
won't allow you to leave the table until you finish the meals he makes for you.
loves to have you hanging on his arm. you're like a precious little trophy for him to show off - only his, and no one else's.
being alastor's beloved companion makes you a prime target for blackmail and kidnappers, but he doesn't want you to fret, dear - he has it covered. his shadows are on your trail in the extremely rare occasion he's not with you, and he's killed demons for less than even looking your way.
doesn't allow any kind of modern technology inside his home or upon your person, even if you died long after him. he considers cellphones to be the property of his enemies, and you wouldn't want him to catch you wearing the symbol of the v's, now, would you?
he picks out your outfits for each day, even has them custom made at the tailor's just for you. he knows best, darling, so don't fight him on this. he doesn't want you going out looking like some common harlot, not when you belong to the radio demon.
often takes out his frustrations of the day on you at night when you're alone in his bedroom. he bites and scratches and thrashes like a beast trapped in a snare, and he relishes in having you wear the marks when he's done.
his favorite position to have you in is plain old missionary; not only is it traditional, but he enjoys having complete control over you while he bucks up into your heat.
like most animal-based demons in hell, he enters a rut once a month and rarely emerges from his quarters; which means you don't, either. at least three times a day, and he only stops to give you rest and to whisper the filthiest things you've ever heard in your ear.
enjoys bondage to an extent, but only on you. he's not opposed to pretty little collars wrapped around your neck, either.
now, when you're in the mood and he's not, he's not totally cruel. while he won't fuck you when and wherever, he'll allow you to straddle his thigh and hump his leg like an animal while he continues whatever work he was doing before.
he may often be brutal, he knows aftercare is extremely important. he can't leave his darling bruised and broken for next time, can he? licks up any blood he may have drawn and ensures you drink when you're done, even if he has to hold your back against his chest and tip your chin up to force the water down your throat. he'll usually run you a bath and, surprisingly, will gently bathe you before dressing you in the finest bedroom silks in hell and putting you to bed.
he doesn't sleep much, but since meeting you, he's replaced many of his nighttime activities with sitting at the side of your bed and watching you sleep.
alastor doesn't love; but he knows he would tear hell apart at the seams if you were ever taken from him.
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impyssadobsessions · 8 months
My Sister's Imposter (DPXDC PROMPT)
Danny owed Jazz, big time. And to make it up to her, he now has to pretend to be her at this big event that could pivot her whole career!
Well.. Jazz didn't ASK him too. Not that she could seeing she's stuck in confinement by her parents from a weapon they had built to stick Phantom solid. It had misfired, aimed towards Danny, when Jazz pushed him out of the way.. only for her face to be covered by the goo.
Danny took Jazz's flailing and signing as a yes, that it be a good idea. (News flash… she said no in all the sign language she knew. that this was a terrible plan.)
Sam said same thing- but she also didn't want to pretend to be Jazz. Tucker is helping out.
All signs point of this not working- but turns out it does. like… really well. Bruce Wayne was very interested in Danny's speech that he had to mid-way improvise.
Now anyone who doesn't want Arkham to change is after "Jazz" and Danny realizes he didn't think about AFTER the speech what to do. He only knows what psychology terms Jazz been preaching around him.
He prays it be enough until Jazz gets better or maybe not because these "Talons" are starting to worry him and the heroes are way too insistent.
Sam and Tucker helping Jazz get the gunk off her face when the parents aren't there. And feeding her through a straw while not telling her what Danny is doing.
OBVIOUSLY Bruce knows this isn't Jazz. He even deduced its her brother posing as her.. and the more they uncover the more he assumes the reason Danny is filling in for Jazz is because they would KNOW she was going to be targeted. And from what little they seen of Danny avoiding these hits done by the Talons, they think he's a meta. Thus starts them trying to keep Danny safe, figure out what happen to Jazz, and whose targeting them. They also think Danny is on to them so they have to play it extra careful, because they can't get him to spill information. Danny just thinks the Waynes are nice, and the heroes are annoyingly always there. >:T He doesn't want to wear a wig 24/7. Give a guy a break. Also imagine like it keeps cutting back to different ways Tucker and Sam are trying to get the gunk off Jazz's face. From chiseling it, to using acetone, to drawing on it from being bored.... until they accidentally spill the beans of Danny being in Gotham in her place... and he's being targeted. Thus Jazz with face full of gunk drives them to Gotham. Tucker crying in the backseat not wanting to die, and Sam screaming directions holding on for dear life but someone has to give directions to blind JAzz... Jazz definitely has her father's driving skills in this. PFFT then imagine it cutting back to like big reveal- and then boom. JAzz's car busts in, hitting whoever about to hurt her brother. Talons probably having realized Danny is meta, and one that they can use to get eternal life.. so imagine the shift in plans on their part. Bats just watched a purple sedan run-over the talons like they were traffic cones.
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ladykailitha · 4 months
Slipping on my evil author gloves and cracking my knuckles before diving in!
It's post-season 4 (with the canon divergence of Eddie living) and Steve and Eddie are falling in love while they figure out how to destroy Vecna for good.
But there are moments when it's quiet at night Steve will hear someone shouting his name.
But it's always garbled like static over the walkie or shouts underwater. And every time Eddie pulls him close and whispers that it's just a nightmare. No one is calling him, everyone is safe.
They defeat Vecna and Eddie and Steve make plans to leave Hawkins together.
But when Steve arrives a little early at the trailer, he finds that Eddie was just going to slip away without telling him.
Eddie laughs. Tells him that no one wants him around. The kids will get driver's licenses and won't need rides anymore. Robin will run off with Nancy to Emerson and he'll be left all alone. Like he deserves to be.
But as Eddie starts laughing, Steve can hear the yelling again.
"Get the tape out his tape deck in his car!"
Steve is frowning. Who's tape deck?
Eddie notices the little confused frown and mockingly tells him that he was just too dim to notice that everyone secretly hated him.
Suddenly the air is filled with music.
Soldier boy, made of clay Now an empty shell Twenty one, only son But he served us well Bred to kill, not to care Do just as we say Finished here, greetings death He's yours to take away
Eddie's face transforms from mocking to enraged. His body starts shaking and convulsing. There is a strange after image and Steve takes a step back.
Vecna appears and Steve turns around. In the doorway of the trailer is the real Eddie and behind him is Steve's bedroom. He doesn't even look back, he starts running.
His back erupts in pain multiple lines burning all the way down.
Eddie walks into the Harrington mansion cautiously. He's never just strolled right in without Steve calling out to him.
But his car is here and none of the kids have heard from in 24 hours and even Robin is freaking out. Steve was supposed to work that morning, but never showed.
Two things that Steve would never do.
He starts searching the house but comes up empty. He's standing in the main hallway rubbing his chin when he hears it. Whimpering.
Eddie storms up the stairs and throws open the bedroom door. Steve is on the bed, complete asleep but clutching the sheets as he tosses and turns.
Eddie grabs the walkie and screams code red! And tells everyone to get their asses to Steve's ASAP.
Everyone who could get there arrives within minutes.
"I can't wake him!" Eddie screams as everyone stumbles into the bedroom.
Everyone tries what they can to wake him, but nothing.
Then El comes bursting through the door. "It's Vecna!"
"Why would Vecna target Steve?" Dustin asks and everyone glares at him. "What? I'm not saying he's not important or whatever, but..." he waves at El, Nancy, and Will. "Like."
Eddie growls and screams. "Get the tape out his tape deck in his car!" He turns to Robin. "Where does he keep his Walkman?"
Robin ran for his top drawer and handed it to him.
Dustin wasn't back yet.
"Dustin!" Robin screams as everyone else watches in silent vigil.
Dustin comes scrambling up the stairs and hands it to Eddie.
"Why is it a Metallica tape?" he says softly.
Eddie jams it into the Walkman and hits play. He places the headphones over Steve's ears and holds his hand as he waits. He was about to say he didn't care what the tape was when the song starts playing. The volume up as loud as it could be.
"Eddie?" El asks, tilting her head to the side.
Eddie and Dustin share a glance of just shattered emotions.
"It's called Disposable Heroes, El," Mike whispers.
Suddenly the air is still and growing stale with each passing moment as they all take in the meaning of that.
Then Steve comes to, gasping and crying. Suddenly he's covered in bodies as they all desperately try to hug him all at once.
Eddie gets close and whispers, "You are loved, Steve Harrington and tell Vecna he made a mistake targeting you. We will come for him with a fierceness like the of a fire storm."
El grins. "Done."
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cultpastorkevin · 9 months
Cult Tips for AFTG writers
notes from the resident ex-cult pastor
If you’re in the cult, there is nothing bizarre abt what’s happening and in fact the normal stuff that happens outside of it is what’s bizarre to you. Target? Weird. McDonald’s? Even weirder. I can like guarantee Jean and Kevin never had McDonald’s until they left the Nest.
When you leave, you’re gonna be paranoid as fuck. All the time. Ngl at least for weeks but sometimes for years. Nightmares and insomnia 24/7. Hallucinations too lmao Riko is in every corner of empty rooms and you can hear his voice echo in the confines of the lockers.
I see a lot of Jean wanting to go back to the Nest, but not a lot of Kevin wanting to go back. He definitely struggled, 100%. In fact when he was in the pits of agony from his broken hand, was when he probably wanted to go back the most. Cult is home, cult is safe. Four walls you’ve always known and while it’s a cage at least it’s dependable. They hurt you but by god it always works out and the reward of pushing through this tragic incident is greater than the terror it caused in the first place. It’s a gift, actually. A gift from Riko. He saved Kevin. Cults save you. Cults make you wanna return to them like damn homing pigeons bruh. Give me more shattered hand Kevin screaming at Wymack to let him go back home and having a breakdown when he’s denied fics thanks
Piggybacking off the last one: cults are saviors; you’re nothing without them and they make sure you truly believe that; that everything that is done to you is for you and you’re blessed for it to be happening. You’re lucky even, to be allowed in it. Everything is as it’s supposed to be and order must never be challenged, because it works, and you’re the Edgar Allan Ravens, and this is the most honorable place you could be. All the pain you go through is you earning the right to be saved and to prove your worth every day on court. Only the worthy are honored.
You justify everything that happened and you will start fights and get angry with people who try to correct you and tell you it was wrong what went on.
On the other hand, you blame yourself for everything ever that happened there whether you were at fault or not. Hurting others, hurting yourself, gaslighting the fuck out of yourself over things maybe you could’ve prevented and over things you never could’ve stopped. The guilt is crippling and it eats you alive and haunts you.
There’s a lot of shame too. I see more guilt written than shame but shame is a huge portion of emotions that cult survivors have. Shits embarassing dude like “god how did I end up thinking this wack ass shit was normal” 😐 Shame comes later in the healing process usually, it’s after you have come to terms with shit that’s happened and you understand it. Looking back, you go “Jesus fucking Christ that was a red flag what the hell. Should’ve left then, or then, or then, or then” and then you’re just plain fuckin embarrassed.
Please look up how hive minds and brainwashing are created and work; also Stockholm Syndrome; understanding these would be incredibly helpful tbfh.
Diets are big; everyone eats the same thing; food is used as a reward and a punishment.
Hype hype hype. They whip up a frenzy of one singular emotion and use that to push you into a blind hysteria because you’re more suspectible to their influence when you’re out of your mind.
Drugs. Depends on the cult. But yeah these little bitches can be a huge factor for shit and can help with the brainwashing and hysteria and stockholm. Sometimes you don’t even know you’re being drugged or poisoned until you leave.
OH I ALMOST FORGOT. Dehumanization and then being treated like a person again can be traumatic as fuck yall!! Holy shit! Sometimes it feels worse than being dehumanized!
EDIT AGAIN: you don’t know what mental illness is !! Cults don’t fucking tell you these things lmao. if you show symptoms it’s your fault. Kevin being depressed his mom died was gonna get blamed on him and he was never going to be told grief is normal and it’s okay to be insanely sad. Jean also never got told his anger was correct or his trauma responses to being raped were realistic! They just got blamed for any reactions ever that weren’t neurotypical !! that is all; do with that what you will.
Idk if I think of anything else I’ll write another one but that’s all for now; I haven’t slept much lmao 🫡
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alyakthedorklord · 2 years
Welcome to Danny’s Part 2
People have been asking for more of this ^^ so here you go, have a really long word vomit of stuff i think is funny
Danny’s restaurant is ALSO manned by-
Tucker, who will fix your tech for free, has tattoos of hieroglyphics and lines of code that shift around when he gets busy.
Sam, who makes an express line for veggie orders. If you try to order meat from sam all the potted plants start trembling.
Jazz, who has a special booth in the back and Magically makes people dump their deepest secrets to her in streamlined Liminal Powers Therapy. (It’s a bit weird but hey the people she targets feel better so whatevs.)
Dani, who shares pictures from tourist traps she's visited, though there’s also some REALLY WEIRD pics of alternate realities and cult shenanigans mixed in. Some of the older patrons are concerned. She’s a little too young to do all this alone- actually, how old is she? Her father looks like he’s in his early twenties…
Dan, who is working here while “on parole” and often loudly argues with Danny about it.
“I don’t want to work in your stupid shop, Dad!”
Dan is two whole feet taller than danny and three times as wide i will not be taking constructive criticism. He’s a whole silver fox. There are some ladies who have a crush on him and they’re really concerned if he’s legal bc danny is younger than them how is Dan his child-
“Dan, how old are you?”
“I don’t know, like, a hundred sixty something?”
(Lady turns to look at Danny, who shrugs and smiles.) “time dilation. What a world we live in. Dan, kiddo, can you get some more napkins from the back?”
“Ugh, fine, dad.”
The first villain Danny ACTUALLY fights isn’t the Joker. It’s Condiment King. Dan runs away from him, which is already weird bc guy is MASSIVE, and the condiment king chases him bc YES SOMEONE FINALLY FEARS HIM PROPERLY.
Danny bursts out of the shop in righteous fatherly fury and beats the snot out of him. Everyones is confused bc… what? Dan is massive? Why is he scared? Why is the twink beating the snot out of condiment king?
“Dan had a traumatic experience with Burger Sauce.” Danny explains, glaring down at the rouge at his feet. He kicks him, growls, “Don’t mess with my kid.” And walks back inside.
No one asks, bc this is gotham. Asking is rude, and also it lessens the Mystery that is Danny’s. No one knows how the kids came into existence. No one knows, before someone from out of town (metropolis, ugh) asks about the sign.
The sign outside the shop says:
Welcome to Danny’s!
Do no harm and no harm shall befall you.
Start nothing and nothing will be ended.
We have baseball bats and fists and a mean swing.
This establishment does not serve- guys in white (suits), Vlad, Transphobes, Vlad, Clowns, VLAD.
Do not ask for the secret menu. If you can get it, Danny will offer it.
(Don’t scare the other customers, please.)
When asked who Vlad is, bc he’s banned three times, Danny just kind of sighs.
“He’s my kid's other parent. He’s an obsessive creep who completely ignores Danielle because she’s a girl, rolling in money but won’t pay his child support. You know how it is.”
Several goons ask what he looks like so they can keep an eye out. Dani happily tells them “look at Dan, take away Dad’s features, then convert 30% of his height and weight into smarminess.”
It's an effective description. Vlad gets full body tackled the moment he enters the neighborhood. Danny gives the goons free fudge (family recipe, one of the restaurants signatures)
One of the reasons Danny’s is so popular is bc its open 24/7. (Unless its one of those weird times where all the doors are locked and if you look through the window blinds theres nothing but a starry void.) One of the reasons Danny’s is so weird is bc Danny is ALWAYS behind the counter. Always. Round the clock. He doesn’t sleep, eat, anything. Some people swear he has a twin he swaps out with (clones).
Sometimes, after a really difficult customer, Danny will let out a really long sigh and mutter “time out” before glitching into a new position, with a new shirt and combed hair. No one mentions it.
Theres a deal that’s just, “beat danny in a fight you eat for free.”
The deal extends to both Dan and Dani as well. Even if you lose you get fudge as a reward for courage.
No one ever wins.
One time, a couple brought their kid, recently discharged from the hospital. Danny comes over to them and grins. “Hey, kiddo! Bet you gave your parents a scare, huh? Pulled through in the end. That means you get the secret menu!”
Parents: hey wtf?
Danny, handing over a perfectly normal menu: 😀
Kid: “ooh mommy look at the glowy stars!”
Parents: !?!?!?
Danny: 😁
Old man Dave, whose heart has stopped like three times now: “Oh don’t worry about that, prices are the same and it will help your kid feel much better. Danny’s just a little weird.”
After all, it’s not just full ghosts that get the menu. If you’ve been dead, heart stopped, soul out of body before being popped back into place, then you get it. There’s actually a pretty high number of people who get it, bc this is Gotham. People get resuscitated after rogue attacks. The ecto actually helps stabilize their soul after getting jerked between life and death so rudely.
The secret menu that they’re given is just a normal menu, scribbled over top with an ecto pen, invisible to non-secret menu havers. Different “ecto-levels” to choose from, and three extra dishes. There’s also instructions to get into the “back room” for those who can’t go intangible, though it comes with a disclaimer “not for the faint of heart.”
There’s also a small note at the bottom- “do not share food.”
Anyways, as per original post. Tim herds Joker into Danny’s radar bc he Cannot Deal Right Now. He salutes Danny, who waves back, grinning like he didn’t just come at the Clown Prince of Crime like a feral badger on crack cocaine. “Heya, Red Robin! You want a coffee?”
“Please.” Tim sighs. “You’re the best, Danny.”
Jason looks between tim and the shop danny just vanished into. “Uh, what?”
“Danny doesn’t like clowns.” Tim explains. “Or condiment king. They get close, Danny takes them out.”
Jason is incredibly confused, bc he just came back from an out of town mission, but this place is right on the edge of his territory and he should definitely know about it. He asks tim, who just shrugs.
“That shop is weird. It’s like a grocery store at 3am. I stumbled in there after a rough night and Danny just whipped me up the best coffee i've ever had. Still can’t find their website. I swear it’s bigger on the inside and the door keeps swapping from one side of that fire hydrant to the other.”
Danny comes out and passes Tim a massive coffee cup. “Come back and talk shop with tucker, okay? You’re welcome any time. Both of you, actually.”
He gives Jason a weird look and then goes back inside.
Jason, who is a little concerned that the reverence tim has is more than his average weird worship of coffee (it's just that good) goes back the next day in civvies.
He gets offered the secret menu, danny does the eye thing, Jason retreats to look at the secret menu. Unsure of what just happened, he texts tim.
Jason: Why was i given a “secret menu”
Jason: the secret menu apparently (image)
Tim: …thats just the normal menu???
Jason: no? It looks like a kid went ham with a neon green marker tf?
Duke: you know this is the family chat right?
Steph: order the waffles
Jason: you order the waffles. Wtf is an ecto-level.
Jason asks for what danny recommends, Danny immediately gives him a milkshake and tells him it's on the house bc he “looks rough.”
Jason is kind if offended, bc he actually got a decent sleep- but then he tries it and its like.
Now. Between the stink Tim is making, and the sudden worship that Jason has of this shops milkshakes, the BatFamily is now Curious and will Investigate.
Are the milkshakes really that good?
The full force of the Wayne Family™ isn’t exactly subtle, so they go in twos and threes over the course of a week.
Damian gets offered the secret menu, and is also directed towards Sam’s express vegetarian line. Danny just Knew. Damian accuses Tim and/or Jason of pulling a prank on him, but they both swear up and down they didn’t say anything.
Both Steph (i think? Did she fake her death or actually die idk) and Cass get the secret menu, and they keep trying to ask Tim what certain things on the menu mean. Tim Cannot See what they’re talking about. He’s starting to get frustrated. Is it some sort of magic spell?
Tim takes Kon to Danny’s. (Is it a date? A test date on a low-stakes investigation? Maybe.) Danny, who is really starting to enjoy messing with Tim, gleefully offers Kon the secret menu, and Tim the normal one. Tim bangs his head on the table.
Dick doesn’t get a secret menu, but he does notice a couple disappear through the wall. He’s almost certain he’s seen them before, but it will be a while before he remembers Kitty and Johnny from his early Robin Days.
Duke is also not offered a secret menu, but he can see the writing anyways. He can also see that some of the patrons have weird auras, and what on EARTH is up with Danny himself? He tries to ignore it, up until Steph gets him to order one of the specials off Cass’s (secret) menu. And Danny just kind of sharpens, the air going cold.
“I didn’t give you that menu. Just because you can read it, doesn’t mean you want it. Order off the right menu, please.”
Duke, freaked the hell out by the Biblically Accurate Horror that Danny is shifting into, orders off the right menu and apologizes.
“Oh, it’s alright!” Danny flips back to cheerful in seconds. “It’s just that it wouldn’t be completely healthy for you to eat it, even if you are part immortal.”
Duke bluescreens.
Alright, somethings definitely going on.
Tim and Jason both order the same thing- an oreo milkshake, one off the secret menu, one off the normal menu. Jason confirms the one from the normal menu does not taste the same and isn’t as good. Tim cannot confirm the other way around, because Jason nearly punches him when he attempts to taste it.
They take samples home, analyze them, and go over anecdotes from other patrons, trying to figure out what makes Danny’s so weird. What makes Kon, Cass, Jason, and Damian different?
Wait a second. Kon, Cass, Jason, Damian. The ones that died and came back to life.
It’s around this time that Dick remembers where he’s seen Kitty and Johnny before. Lovers from two houses, both alike in (in)dignity, had a romeo-and-juliet-esque escapade across Gotham, ending in high speed chase with Kitty’s gangster father and a fatal motorcycle accident. Both are dead. Both are in Danny’s.
Danny’s has something to do with death.
Having heard a couple stories about food of the dead, they notify Bruce (who is very concerned as to what exactly his children have been putting in their mouths) and then call in the magic users of the justice league.
It’s a mess. Dan calls Constantine a whore. Deadman and Secret (i think thats Tim’s ghost friend?) get abducted to the backroom. Dani clocks Capt. Marvel as another kid who looks older than he actually is, with magic powers, and his showing him her REALLY interesting travel photos. Zatanna is like “this place needs an exorcism” and danny just goes “ma’am please don’t exorcize my customers.”
Tag list (if you saw me attempt this before no you didn’t)
@nappinginhell @apointlessbox @thegatorsgoose @chaos-n-kindness @mimilikey @phoenixdemonqueen @treepainting @sjrose1216 @akikkobara @malice-of-the-sunrise @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @randomkiddoscrewingaround @call-me-strega @blankliferain @somera-rubina @wordsgohere95 @rukiaai @mirellacoco @stargazing-bookwyrm @bathildaburp @littlefeather345
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shellem15 · 3 months
This has been commented on many times in this fandom, but I'm using it as a springboard for my own brainrot Raphael really is just like his daddy. There's the obvious stuff—the narcissism, the dramatics, the convoluted plots and just the general messy bitchery—but there's also the stuff under the surface. Both have massive inferiority complexes, both are extremely envious and power-hungry (Mephistopheles in particular for the envy part, but we'll touch on that later), and both act extremely obsessive towards certain tools, goals, and—most relevant to this post—people.
Now Raphael is definitely weird towards Tav/Durge, but it's a bit more ambiguous as to whether he's obsessed with them in particular or just sees them as a means to an end. The situation with Hope, on the other hand, is quite explicit. Raphael is obsessed with her, even naming his home after her, but there's not really anything material he gets out of her. Him imprisoning and torturing her is not a means to an end, he just does it because he's a sadist. He wants her attention, he is entertained by her defiance, he wants to break her—he both loves and loathes her.
And what do you know! Raphael's thing towards Hope is kinda similar to how Mephistopheles acts with his object of obsession—Asmodeus. Now, if you need to know anything about Mephisto's character, it's that he's envious. Envious towards his peers, envious towards his betters, even envious towards his inferiors—he resents that others' have what he does not. Even Martinet, Asmodeus' unflappable constable, thinks so: "Were Mephistopheles to become the King of Hell, it would take him less than an hour to start wondering why he wasn’t also ruler of Mount Celestia." (Guide to Hell, p. 45)
The #1 target of Mephisto's envy is Asmodeus. The man is capital-o Obsessed with him, ya'll.  Asmo is on his mind 24/7, haunting his every thought. He lives rent-free in Mephisto's head.
Mephisto is the silver medal to Asmo's golden 1st place. Eternally living in his shadow, the Starscream to Asmo's Megatron. He is always one step behind him—like, Mephistopheles has been trying to become a god for a while now, and just when he was about to succeed, the spellplague happened and Asmodeus ate the god Azuth like an energy bar, snatching up godhood by sheer luck. And then, of course, Mephisto's godhood plan fell through so now the power divide between them is even greater than it was before.
Bro tries so hard and it just doesn't work. Like, when Mephisto was going through his rebrand phase as the Lord of Hellfire, he changed his appearance to that of the "quintessential devil". But all that ended up doing is making mortals confused about who exactly he is—a lot of mortals straight up think he is Asmodeus. Like, to the point that Asmo just went "you're the manager of my cults now lol", so now the distinction between the two is even more blurry. Also, Mephisto's wife is straight up closer to Asmo than she is to him (see my Baalphegor post), which is just another spit in the face. Bro cannot win. (This ties into another similarity between him and his son; Raphael clearly got the loser gene from him.)
Now, obviously the situation between Raphael and Hope is very different than Mephisto's relationship towards Asmo—Hope is Raphael's captive, while Asmo is Mephisto's boss; Hope's life has been upended and tormented by Raphael, while Mephisto is at most an annoyance towards Asmo (bro has repeatedly told Asmo to his face that he would usurp him and Asmo is just like "whatever, dude")—but the level of obsession is similar. Raphael hates hope but is also desperate for her affection, Mephistopheles loathes and envies Asmodeus but is also his greatest ally. Both are desperate to fu—*ahem* both are psycho-sexually obsessed with them.
So, yeah. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
TLDR: Raphael inherited his psycho-sexually obsessive tendencies from his daddy lol. Also you should really read the lore about Asmodeus and Mephistopheles' relationship because it's actually insane y'all. Like this shit was made for the gays people.
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seokjinsonlyone · 6 months
How do you think each of the members are like as a best friend? I'm curious as to your take. You always somehow get them spot on.
a/n: first of all,,, thank you!!! second idk if this is what you was looking for but it turned out to be a luh calm mini headcanon,,, lemme know what u think 🫢
wants to hang out 24/7; always tries to make you be friends with his other friends so he can have one huge super group of friends to hang out with all the time
lowkey your biggest opp; like you’ll be having a heart to heart ranting about your life and what’s going on and “why is it always me? 😩” and then he’ll read you for filth detailing exactly why whatever’s happening is happening and what you need to do to fix it; and you sitting there like 🤥 because you was just tryna complain
perpetually busy but will literally drop whatever he’s doing the second you say you need him
people wonder if y’all are even friends because all you do is bicker because neither of you can fight the urge to play devil’s advocate on every single subject
the type to be the brother you never wanted; always tryna scare your boo things away; loves either going to your family home or having you at his; randomly puts you in headlocks to assert dominance; posts awful 0.5 pics of you on his close friends story
he may play with you but he don’t play about you; he can be mean to you because he loves you but it’s a no for everyone else; 100% not afraid to check someone who say something slick about you
likes to buy you random gifts in lieu of actually expressing affection
takes pride in being your bestie; if anyone else claims to be your best friend he’s gonna look at them funny and give them some push back; goes to you later on to confirm that He is in fact your best friend as if you’re not allowed to have more than one
regardless of whether it’s his cup of tea or not when you want to do something with him he always goes along with it
sends or tags you in every single video he finds even slightly amusing and expects you to react to them all; (bonus) you’d definitely make one of those muni long made for me videos
the one you call when you’re bored at work and y’all stay on the phone yapping for the rest of your shift
your shopping buddy!; sometimes you’ll both order a stuff online or maybe you’ll go thrifting or to target or something and then go back to his place and do a lil fashion show with all the stuff you bought
would have the type of relationship with you that makes prospective partners suspicious because y’all are too close; it’s not your fault that people don’t understand y’all soul ties!!
the devil on your shoulder at all times; he’s the one you go to when you want validation to do something you know you shouldn’t do
whatever someone tells jimin they sign up to telling you too; you’re a package deal <3; there’s an actual tea party that takes place once a month that’s dedicated to spilling tea
the type to stick beside you no matter what; doesn’t matter how wrong you are no one gon ever catch him on anyone else’s side
has an uncanny ability to talk you into his harebrained schemes so you’re always getting into escapades and shenanigans
follows you on spotify to monitor and critique what you’re listening to; you’ll get random screenshots of what you’re listening to and what he thinks you should be listening to; never admits when you put him on to an artist or song
a fellow dnd warrior; may not have your back immediately but he will always have it eventually
you speak in terms of tiktok audios and obscure references of things that happen in your day to day life that were unreal
y’all will agree to go on a diet together and then proceed to watch mukbang/cooking videos for 3 hours and end up breaking the diet within a day of starting it
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slut4thebroken · 1 year
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Pairing | Jackson Rippner x assassin!reader
Summary | You and Jackson are paired together on an assignment. The job in question? Pose as a couple in a bdsm club and lure your target somewhere more private.
Warnings | Sexual content, 18+, smut, humiliation, public humiliation, voyerism, exhibitionism, praise, degradation, objectification, face fucking, deep throating, girl on girl kissing💅🏻, grinding, fingering, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, breeding, choking, spitting, ?, lol.
Words | 7k
Notes | Somehow I wrote this in like one day lol but I kinda love it.
Ao3 link | <3
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If there’s one thing you hate, it’s working with a partner. You’re perfectly capable doing a job on your own, but your employer said you could either work with someone or be fired. Fired means dead— he can’t have people who know what you know, not working for him— so obviously you chose the former. 
Your assignment this time was simple; retrieve his phone, leave him alive. What made it difficult were the amount of guards he had on him 24/7 and his major trust issues. You couldn’t just walk up to him and start flirting— he’d get too suspicious. Which is where your partner came in. 
The target regularly attends a bdsm club and you don't know how your employer knows this, but when he’s there, he only goes to one of the private rooms if it’s with a pair, not just one person. Which unfortunately meant that you have to play submissive with a man you met only a few hours ago— and not just any man. After your brief amount of time together, it didn’t take long for you to completely hate him. He was cocky and unnervingly charming, but had an undertone of misogyny to him— that much was obvious in the way that he undermined your work. But it was this, or death. So you had to put up with him. 
“What should I call you?” He asked, standing in front of the mirror as he adjusted his tie. You were sitting on the bed, buckling the straps of your outrageously high heels. 
“My name?” You said, as if you were talking to a child who just asked a stupid question. He paused and turned to you.  
“No sub goes to a bdsm club with a dom and is called by their real name. Should I choose for you?” He condescended, making you clench your jaw. Should you just come up with a name you don’t actually use or like? You probably won’t be able to get in character as easily though. 
“Princess I guess.”  
“Great.” He said dryly, making you roll your eyes. “You can just call me sir.”  
“Great.” You repeated, in the same tone as him. 
The drive was awkward. Neither if you talked unless it was about the mission, but both of you already knew what to do. You arrived before the target, so you took the time to get a feel for the place and get into character. While this isn’t your first time in a place like this, you haven’t been often and it still makes you blush. He led you over to a quiet corner, then sat down. When you started doing the same, he stopped you. 
“Kneel on the ground.” He explained, making you clench your jaw, but obey. You know what kind of partnership the target prefers. You have to just swallow your pride and do this with a stranger who already infuriates you after only a few hours together. You dropped to your knees next to him, trying to adjust your skirt so it wouldn’t show anything, but it was useless. It didn’t even cover your ass when you were standing, let alone sitting. You were just glad you were wearing underwear. The top wasn’t much better— your breasts were spilling out of it and it was short enough to barely be classified as a crop top. It was basically just a skimpy bra. The collar weighed heavy around your neck and while this wasn’t your first time wearing one, you’re usually in a deeper headspace and with someone you actually like while wearing it. Right now it was just a constant reminder of the demeaning position your boss put you in. You turned over your shoulder to look at the door, but he stopped you. 
“Look at me or your lap. I’ll tell you when he’s here.” 
“We’re just going to sit here until then?” That would be even more suspicious. 
“No. We have to already be doing something when he walks in.” 
“No shit. Like what, genius?” You spat, growing nervous when his lips twisted up into a smirk. 
“Grind on my foot.” He said, extending his leg. You gaped at him, too caught off guard to figure out what to say. 
“What? I'm not— No!” 
“Princess,” he warned, leaning forward to grab your cheeks in his hand, “if you want to live through this and not be killed by the target or your boss, you’ll do what I say.” He said lowly, making you swallow down a moan.  
“Fuck— fuck, fine.” You hissed and he let go of your face, letting you position yourself over his shoe. You let out a heavy breath through your nose and clenched your jaw, not able to look at him as you lowered yourself down until your clothed heat met the smooth leather. 
You started out slow, tentative, your arms moving around awkwardly, not sure where to put them. 
“Hands behind your back.” He said, making you look up at him. Your hands moved behind your back without hesitation and you internally groaned at the fact that you’re already slipping into that headspace. 
“Good girl, just like that.” He cooed mockingly, making you glare at him. 
“Shut the fuck up.” You spat, even though his words added to your unwanted arousal. 
“Careful, princess. Anyone could be listening.” He smirked, flexing his foot up, making you gasp as your hips bucked toward the pressure. He didn’t keep his eyes on you for long, wanting to instead scan the crowd and keep an eye out for the target. 
“I don’t like this, Jackson,”
“Try again.” You just gritted your teeth and rolled your eyes, not wanting to call him that unless you absolutely have to. 
“I don’t trust you, I want to be able to see.” You finished. 
“Your options are this or sitting on my lap, but I’ll have to touch you another way to keep up appearances.” Fuck. Is being able to see the room really worth him touching you like that? He’s probably going to need to do so eventually, though…
“Fine.” You said, standing up. “Over my clothes.” You turned around and sat on his lap, feeling slightly less tense now. 
“Clothes?” He scoffed, making your cheeks flush. 
“Shut up.” You hissed. His hands suddenly settled on your thighs and your breath caught in your throat. He teased you, dragging them up and down, barely brushing the bottom of your skirt. He placed a hand on your chest— your cleavage— and you were about to say something, but he just pulled you back so you were leaning against his chest. 
“Open your legs.” He whispered against your ear, making your shiver. 
“I don’t exactly want to give the entire room a view up my skirt.” 
“Sweetheart.. they’re going to get much more than that soon enough. Might as well just rip the bandaid off.” You gritted your teeth at the pet name, but still did what he said. “Good girl.” One of his hands started drifting higher, pushing under your skirt until he brushed your core, making you bite down on your lip to contain any sounds. 
“You think I want this too? I didn’t exactly picture my next job being spent feeling up a whore assassin in the middle of a bdsm club.” 
“Fuck you, Jackson.” You spat and he reeled his hand back then brought it down just as fast, making you jolt as a quiet whimper escaped you. 
“What did I fucking say?” He growled, roughly cupping your cunt over the lace. 
“Fuck you, sir.” You said viciously, but the breathiness in your voice took away some of the bite. “You think I wanted to spend my next job getting felt up by some ammatuer?” His other hand shot up to grab your neck and roughly pull your head back against his shoulder as he squeezed. 
“If I were in your position, I wouldn’t speak like that.” He hissed. You grabbed the arm of the hand on your neck, clawing at it to get him to let go. “Now, how about you shut the fuck up and be a good little girl, like your employer told you to be, and stop drawing attention to us, hm?” You were suddenly hyper aware of the few pairs of eyes that were now watching you. Your hands went lax and dropped to your sides, making his grip loosen slightly. The hand on your cunt was moving more purposefully now, rubbing your clit slowly as your eyes fell shut and you squirmed, trying to ignore the fact that you were being watched and this was a stranger rubbing your clit right now. 
“I have to know your secret. What did you say to her?” A man suddenly asked and you opened your eyes to find him and a woman standing in front of you. “My girl likes being a brat but it usually takes longer to get her to submit, isn’t that right, pet?” 
“Just helping you practice your authority, sir.” She said sweetly and if you weren’t in your current predicament, you would’ve laughed. 
“Oh you know, the usual threats.” Jackson chuckled with a shrug. 
“C’mon, you gotta help me out— look at her! Only seconds ago she was acting out.” Jackson laughed quietly behind you and you wondered how he was going to play this. 
“I got lucky— she’s a cock hungry little whore. All I gotta do is just threaten to not give it to her and she fixes her attitude almost instantly.” He said proudly, making you blush as you whined and turned your head. “She gets a little shy. This is our first time here and she’s not used to so many people.” He explained and the man hummed in understanding. 
“Well, welcome. I’m Nick.” 
“Jackson. I hope it works out for you.” You could tell he was smiling through the obvious dismissal. 
“Thanks. I’ll give it a try next time.” They both walked away and you let out a heavy breath as his hand slowed to a stop. 
“Screw you.” You muttered, making him chuckle under his breath. 
“Yeah I thought you might like that.” You took deep breaths, trying to calm down and not let your nerves consume you. “We need to do more. We stick out too much like this.” Looking around the room, you knew he was right. Everyone was either engaging in some kind of nudity and/or intense sexual act, or they were watching one. 
“I know.” You sighed. “Like what?” 
“You can suck me off, or if you want to keep watching the room, I can finger you.” He suggested, making your blush deepen. His hands rubbed up and down your legs as he waited for you to decide. 
“Fine. You can finger me, just leave my underwear on please.” You said quietly. It was almost as if he could sense your nervousness about the situation because he didn’t respond with a mean retort or a jab at you. 
“Okay.” Was all he said. One of his hands snaked up, then wasted no time slipping in your underwear and brushing through your folds. “Jesus.” He said through a breathy laugh. 
“Don’t act like I’m not sitting on your fucking hard on right now.” You hissed, making him go quiet. 
“Fair enough.” He pushed a finger in and your hand gripped his leg as you stiffened. He started curling it slowly and you bit your lip hard enough to draw blood. “Feel good?” He rasped and you couldn’t tell if he was making fun of you or not. You cursed under your breath and squeezed your eyes shut, trying not to completely give in to the pleasure. When he started kissing your neck, you couldn’t hold down the moan anymore. 
“Fuck,” You whimpered, hips grinding against his hand. 
“You like having your neck kissed?” God— it’s one of your favorite things. For some reason, the simple act never fails to get you hot and bothered and turn you into a pliant, needy mess. 
“Yes, sir.” You whispered, gasping when he pushed another finger in. 
“Look at that…” He cooed. “Just a few fingers and you’re already slipping. I can’t wait to see how dumb you get on my cock.” You whined, hips moving incessantly. Even though you knew he wouldn’t actually fuck you, the thought still made you dizzy. When he lightly nipped at the skin, you let out a low moan and squeezed his leg harder. 
“No marks.” You whispered, despite the fact that your body was begging for the opposite. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it, princess.” He mumbled sarcastically. You let your eyes fall shut and rested the full weight of your head on his shoulder as he kept kissing the sensitive skin. He was grinding the heel of his hand against your clit as his fingers curled inside you relentlessly and you could feel your orgasm rapidly approaching. 
“He’s here.” He whispered, making your eyes snap open. Sure enough, he and about five men were walking in. He walked over to a booth and waited as one of the guards spoke to the people sitting there, making them instantly scramble out of their seats for the man. 
“How should we play this?” You whispered and his fingers slowed to a stop, but didn’t leave you. 
“We can’t come on too strong, but we also need to do something to get his attention.” 
“He won’t want it if it’s too easy though.” You added, groaning internally at what that meant you had to do. “We have to be the most desirable people here.” 
“Draw a crowd.” He confirmed, removing his fingers, making you swallow down a whine.  
“How do we do that?” You don’t know why you were asking him and not just deciding. Actually, that’s not true— it’s because you were already so close to entering a head space that you should not be in while working. 
“Get on your knees again. I’ll be right back.” You stood up and watched him walk over to Nick who was watching someone getting spanked while his.. “pet” was working his cock over in her mouth. You kneeled, but kept your eyes on him as you waited. They both looked at you, then back at each other, now with smiles as Jackson patted the man’s shoulder. He made his way back to you as Nick started talking to a few other people. 
“I’m getting a crowd.” He explained. “Just play along. I’ll keep watching our guy and tell you when he’s coming over, okay?” You nodded and he cupped your cheek, brushing his thumb over your bottom lip. “Ready to put that mouth to good use?” He smirked and you swallowed thickly. His attention was drawn away from you when Nick approached, followed by a few other people, some of them crawling and being led by leashes. 
“I was telling our friend here how you want to work on your “stage fright.’” He explained, putting on a show for them. “What do you think, princess? This a big enough crowd for you?” You stared up at them with wide eyes, trying not to shrink under all of their gazes. 
“Yes, sir.” You said meekly. 
“Atta girl. Now how about you get to it? We don’t want to keep them waiting.” You nodded and reached for his belt with shaky hands. When you finally freed his cock, you choked on a gasp at the sheer size of it. You tentatively took him in your hand and stroked slowly, getting a feel for it. 
You’re no virgin, but you’ve been so busy with work for the past few months that you’ve been relying on your vibrator. So you’re a little out of practice and his size isn’t helping much. He placed a hand on your head to pet your hair. 
“You know what I want. Don’t be a tease.” He warned, making you look up at him. 
“Sorry, sir. Just got distracted.” You heard the group behind you chuckle. 
“What’d I say, huh, Nick? Cock hungry whore— she’s practically obsessed with it. Can’t even go a day without it.” He took in a sharp breath when you suddenly enveloped the tip in your mouth, still stroking the base. “Fuck, there you go. Give our friends a show, yeah?” You whined at the reminder that you were being watched, making his hips flinch forward. Despite his request, you kept your mouth on the head of his cock, not going much further. He suddenly grabbed your hair and yanked your head back, making you gasp and choke on a moan. He leaned down close to you and you grew nervous because of his expression. 
“I didn’t invite them over to watch you do a half assed job. Either do it right, or I’ll get someone else to do it and you’ll go the rest of the night without it.” He growled, making you press your thighs together. “Do you understand?” 
“Yes, sir. I’m sorry.” You whimpered and he loosened his grip as he leaned back up. You kept your hand at the base, but started bobbing your head more now, taking most of his cock in your mouth. 
“Wow she really is cock hungry.” Nick said, making you whine. 
“It’s a blessing and a curse.” Jackson said through a breath, starting to guide your head. “Can’t get anything done if she’s around.” He chuckled, making the rest of them laugh along with him. 
“Mind if I take her for a spin?” Your stomach dropped at that. Sucking off a stranger who you’ve known for a few hours is different than sucking off one you just met barely ten minutes ago. 
“Maybe next time. Like I told you, this is our first time and she’s already pretty nervous.” He said and you could’ve cried in relief. 
“No worries, man. My girl was the same for our first time.” Jackson was about to respond before you accidentally went down too far and gagged around him, making him moan. 
“Shit— Let’s show ‘em what you can really do, yeah? Attract some more people.” You were pretty sure that meant the target wasn’t watching you yet. You hummed around him in acknowledgment and he adjusted his grip on your head, then started moving you up and down. “Hands behind your back.” You immediately released his cock and put your arms back. He sped up slightly, but was still going slow enough to let you get a feel for it. When he pulled you down, then held you there, your cunt pulsed when you realized what he wanted. 
“Relax your throat, princess. Let me in.” He said through a breath. You tried to obey, but you started gagging, making it almost impossible. “She just needs a little help sometimes.” He said before roughly pulling you down until he breached your throat barrier, making you choke and sputter as he groaned. He yanked you off, then slapped you across the cheek, the suddenness of it all making you dizzy. 
“If I feel your teeth again, you’re done for the night.” 
“I’m sorry- I’m sorry, sir.” You rasped, then opened your mouth, waiting. 
“Fuck- she really is eager.” Someone commented with a snicker. 
“Oh you have no idea.” Jackson said before pushing you back down, then extending his leg so his foot was between your legs. “Go ahead, bitch. Show everyone how much you love my cock.” You whined, but had no control over your body when you started grinding on his shoe. You moaned around his length as you desperately bucked your hips, missing the stimulation you were getting from his fingers before. The tip of his cock was punching the back of your mouth with each thrust, making you gag and writhe. 
Eventually he gave you a break. He pulled you off his cock then immediately forced your head between his legs, pushing your face against his balls. 
“Suck.” He growled, making you obey instantly. As you worked him over in your mouth, he was letting out breathy moans and grunts that had you whining against him, wanting more. “I don’t know what you were so nervous about, baby. You seem to be fine with all the people watching you.” At first, you whined at the reminder, but then you realized that he might’ve said that to let you know the target was watching now. 
“She like rimming?” Someone asked, making you panic because no, you absolutely do not like rimming. You almost pulled away to speak, but he beat you to it. 
“She has to be pretty deep into subspace to get that filthy.” He said, making you relax a little. With his balls in your mouth and his cock resting on your face, you already felt pretty filthy. But it was just the right amount to make your hips move more eagerly against his shoe. He suddenly pulled you back and you looked up at him with an open mouth, waiting. 
“Spit on it.” Your eyes widened at the request but you quickly gathered the saliva in your mouth and spit it on his cock. The second you finished, he was rubbing his length over your face, smearing your saliva, making you grimace. He slapped your cheek with his cock a few times before letting out a quiet chuckle. 
“This filthy enough for you?” He asked, turning your head to face the audience, giving you confirmation that the target's eyes were indeed on you. 
“Can I make a request?” The same man from before asked and you prayed he wouldn’t request anything that required you to get anywhere near an asshole. 
“Depends on what it is.” Jackson said, playing along as he turned you back around to keep rubbing his spit soaked cock on your face. 
“Let some of us spit on her too, yeah? Really get her nice and filthy.” Jackson looked down at you and you were trying to come up with a response. It wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. Sure, you’d have to take a very thorough shower later, but at least if it was interactive, it might entice your target to join. He seemed to be thinking the same thing. 
“What do you say, princess? Wanna be a good girl and let them do this?” You nodded with pink cheeks and he yanked your head back. “Use your words.” 
“Yes, sir. I- I want it.” You whimpered, making him grin. 
“You heard her.” He said, releasing your hair and taking a step back as he slowly stroked his cock. You turned around and the man moved forward, then looked at Jackson before doing anything. 
“Can I grab her face?” 
“If she agrees.” 
“You can touch my face, sir.” You said quietly, staring up at him through your lashes. He looked down at you and cursed under his breath before grabbing your cheeks and leaning down a bit. You flinched when the spit hit your face, then whined when he rubbed it in. 
“Fuckin’ disgusting. She likes it too, huh?” He chuckled, looking at Jackson again as he stepped back. 
“Oh she loves it. I’m sure she’s making a mess all over the floor.” He replied, making your whole face turn red because it sure felt like you were making a mess all over the floor. But from Jackson, not from these other people. 
Someone else stepped forward and carded his fingers through your hair before grabbing it and gently pulling your head back. His cock was out of his pants, fully erect, right in front of your face and you watched it jump when you whimpered after the man spat on you. 
Nick walked forward this time, having the woman kneeling at his feet crawl forward with him. 
“You have a safe word?” He asked and you nodded. 
“Good.” He leaned down and spat on your face, this one feeling more forceful than the others, making you flinch again when it hit your face. “Now, pet, after she tells us her color, I want you to lick it off her face, understand?”
“Yes, sir.” They both turned to you expectantly and your eyes flicked over to the target for half a second before going back to them. 
“Green.” You said quietly, making him beam. The woman shuffled forward and placed a hand on your thigh to steady herself as she leaned closer and slowly licked up your cheek. 
“Clean it all unless she says her safe word.” He commanded and you let her lap up the spit on your face, including over your lips. Your entire face was on fire when she pulled back slightly, her breath fanning your lips. 
“Ever kissed a girl before?” She asked sweetly, making your eyes widened as you choked on your spit. You shook your head, making her grin. “Do you want to?” 
“I- I have to ask first.” You said through a breath, almost forgetting where you were for a moment. Your whole focus was on her— the hand on your thigh, breath on your lips, even her words were intoxicating enough to make your brain go blank. 
“Go ahead then.” She smirked, pulling back a bit, making you finally feel like you could breathe. You cleared your throat, then turned around, looking up at him. 
“She asked if I want to kiss her.” You said meekly. 
“And do you?” 
“I want what you want, sir.” It was hard to tell if you were still pretending. 
“I think it’ll be a good way for you to practice feeling more comfortable in front of a crowd— might even attract some more people.” You knew that by “more people” he meant the target, so you nodded and bit your lip as you turned back around. Her smirk was still intact and she moved back toward you, placing one hand on your cheek and the other on your thigh. When she started moving forward, you closed your eyes and waited. 
The kiss started out slow and tentative, but quickly grew hungrier. Her hand snaked around your neck to hold you against her as she practically devoured your mouth. You could faintly hear whistles and more talking, but it was all hard to focus on. Hands were suddenly on your shoulders and you jumped, but quickly relaxed when you heard Jackson’s voice. 
“Spit on her face.” He rasped, grabbing your chin and tilting your head up once she pulled back. Her eyes flickered between you and Jackson for only another moment before she did what he said. You gasped and he gripped your cheeks tightly to keep your jaw open. “Now in her mouth.” You couldn’t hold down the moan when you felt her spit land on your tongue. 
“Be a good girl and lick it up again.” Nick added and she leaned forward to lick her spit from your face, then kissed you again, forcing her tongue in your mouth, making you whimper. 
“Fuck— that’s it. You’re getting quite the crowd, baby.” He said quietly, then placed a hand on your waist and squeezed to really make sure you understood that wasn’t just a normal statement. When the woman pulled back, a string of saliva connected your lips and you panted, trying to catch your breath and clear your head enough to have a coherent thought. 
“Who else wants to spit on her?” Jackson asked, somewhat loudly. A few people started to agree, but quickly stopped once your target stepped forward. “I think we have another volunteer, princess.” He smirked and the woman in front of you crawled back to Nick. You looked up at him through your lashes, trying not to do anything that would accidentally blow your cover. 
“She’s a pretty thing.” He said, stepping even more into your space, making you crane your head back to look at him. 
“Oh yeah. Pretty, but stupid— the perfect toy.” Jackson said proudly as he stood up from where he was crouched behind you. 
“I bet.” He chuckled, making you flush and avert your gaze. “I saw how eager she was with a cock in her mouth. Is she just like that with you? Or is she like that with any cock.” 
“Any cock. But we weren’t going to do much more than this. It’s our first time here and she’s pretty nervous.” 
“I see. That’s disappointing.” He sighed and you craned your neck around to look at Jackson. 
“Permission to speak, sir?” You were really trying to play it up in front of the target. 
“I don’t mind. I’d just prefer going to a private room than staying out here.” You said meekly and he gave you a small smile as he pet your hair. 
“You sure, princess?” 
“Yes, sir. If he’s okay with going to a room.” Jackson looked at the man expectantly and he stared down at you, thinking. 
“I don’t mind.” He finally said, glancing at a guard and giving him a curt nod. “Shall we?” He motioned to the hallway where the rooms are and you started to stand, but Jackson stopped you as he tucked his erection back in his pants.  
“You can crawl.” He said and you flushed but dropped down to your hands and knees, following along behind them.  
The door shut softly and you waited on your knees expectantly. 
“How about I test that mouth, huh? See how eager she really is.” He smirked and you prayed Jackson would make a move sooner rather than later. He took his cock out of his pants, then roughly grabbed your hair, making you whimper. When he suddenly forced you all the way down, you choked and your hands shot out to push at his thighs. He suddenly released your hair and you pulled off with a cough, finding Jackson’s arm wrapped around the man’s neck, strangling him. After another minute he finally went limp and Jackson let him fall to the ground in front of you. 
“You couldn’t have done that before he fucking punched my throat with his dick? That hurt.” You complained, grabbing his phone from his pocket, then standing up on sore legs. 
“I needed to wait until his guard was down.” He explained and all you did was roll your eyes and start walking toward the door, but he grabbed your wrist to stop you. 
“We can’t leave yet. His guards will be right outside the door and they’ll know something’s up if we leave now.” You paused, then let out a groan at the fact that he’s right. 
“Fuck— fine. But I’m laying down.” You said, snatching your wrist from his hand and walked to the bed. You grabbed one of the small towels from the side table and wiped your face with a grimace as he rounded the bed and sat on the other side. 
“You did a surprisingly good job.” He admitted, making you turn to him with narrowed eyes. 
“Thanks.” You said, in place of ‘fuck you.’
“I just meant that I didn’t think you’d take it that far.” He defended and you calmed down a bit. 
“Neither did I.” You muttered. 
“You make a pretty good sub when you’re not being a stuck up bitch.” He snickered. You threw the towel at his face, then laid down, deciding to ignore him… as well as the arousal still making your cunt ache. 
“If we’re going to be here a while, the least you could do is let me sleep.” 
“Good.” You turned away from him and closed your eyes, feeling the bed dip and clothes rustle as he laid down. When he let out a low groan, you stiffened and strained your ear. The second time, you turned over, ready to yell at him, but it died in your throat when you saw his head thrown back as he rapidly fisted his cock. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” You hissed, making his lips curl up into a smirk. 
“Denial isn't one of my kinks, sweetheart. At least, not for me.” 
“Well— You could at least have the decency to not do it in the bed I’m trying to sleep in.” Your tone was not nearly as stern as you wanted it to be.
“My cock was literally down your throat, but you have a problem with this?” He scoffed a laugh, making your cheeks heat up. “Besides, it won’t be believable if I walk out of here rock hard.” He said, like it was obvious. “You could always help me and speed it up.” He suggested, making your mouth fall open. 
“I’m good.” You spat, making him chuckle. 
“Sure, princess. You keep acting like your pussy isn’t dripping down your thighs and maybe you’ll even start to believe it.” You flushed with anger, embarrassment, and arousal this time. 
“Maybe it is. But if I’m gonna get someone’s help, then I’ll ask the girl who caused it.” You smirked, making him freeze.  
“That’s cute.” He said sarcastically and your smirk widened. 
“Maybe I’ll go get her— tell the guards he wants a foursome instead.” You moved to get up, but he roughly grabbed your hair and yanked your head back until you were laying down again, then got on top of you.  
“Keep testing me. You’re not going to like where it gets you.” He warned, making your cunt throb. 
“I’m not your sub, Jackson. Get that through your thick skull.” He placed a hand on your neck and squeezed, making your breath hitch. 
“Maybe not. That doesn’t change the fact that you want me to fuck you.” That made you scoff. 
“Please get your head out of your ass, it’s not a good look for you.” 
“Sure, baby. Keep pretending I’m wrong.” He smirked. “You have a safe word. Use it.” He dared and you narrowed your eyes as you clenched your jaw. 
“Fuck you.” You spat, pushing at his chest, making his grip tighten on your neck. 
“Use it.” 
Your gaze hardened as you stared up at him, gritting your teeth. You couldn’t make yourself say it though. You’re too curious— too eager to know where this is going. 
“That’s what I fucking thought.” He spat, making you roll your eyes. He removed his hand from your neck to slap you, then immediately put it back. This slap was so much harder than the one he gave you out there and you almost whimpered at the sting on your cheek. 
“Go fuck yourself.” You said lowly, watching his cheeks tense as he clenched his jaw and let out a heavy breath through his nose. 
“I’m sick of your fucking attitude.” He was turning you on your stomach before you even knew what was happening. When you tried to lift yourself up, he pushed you down and held you there with a hand on the back of your head. It was harder to breathe like this, but you couldn’t even slightly  care about that when he roughly pushed your skirt up over your ass, then pulled your panties down just enough to free your cunt. 
The blunt tip of his cock brushed your entrance and he didn’t bother teasing you before forcing it inside, making you let out a strangled whimper at the suddenness of it all. He only stopped once his hips were flush with your ass and you gripped the sheets as you did your best to adjust to the intrusion. 
“Fuck— I can’t believe such an annoying little bitch has such a good cunt.” He said through a breath. When you tried to push yourself up to curse him out, he just pushed down harder on your head, making you whimper. 
He slowly dragged out until only the tip was inside, then snapped his hips forward, making you scream and try to move up the bed away from the intense feeling. 
“Ah ah ah— You’re not going anywhere, bitch. I’ve waited all fucking night for this.” He continued the same pace of slowly dragging out, then roughly slamming back in and you wished he’d do something that felt better for you— not that this felt bad… there are just other things that’ll actually feel good. 
He moved his hand to the back of your neck and you were able to turn your head to the side so you could actually breathe again. At a particularly rough thrust, you let out a choked moan and cried out. 
“I can’t believe you think people could ever see you as a respectable assassin after this. Not when you played your part a little too well.” You squeezed your eyes shut with a whimper, trying not to let yourself believe his words. “This is probably the only kind of job you’ll get from now on. No dignity, no self respect, just a wannabe assassin being used as a whore.” You let out a choked sob, his words going straight to your cunt. 
“And I’ll bet you’ll like it too. You’ll fuck anyone he tells you to, not just because it’s your job… but because you want to.” 
“Jackson,” You cried and he shushed you softly. 
“It’s okay, princess. You can’t help it— you were born to be a whore.” 
“Fuck,” You sobbed out, “oh god, please make me come.” 
“Of course you fucking like that shit.” He scoffed, making you whine. 
“Please, Jackson!” He pushed down harder on your neck, making your breath catch in your throat. 
“Last chance.” He said lowly. 
“Please, sir! Please make me come!” 
“Good girl… No.” You let out an anguished cry at the denial. 
“Please!” He was fucking you brutally now, his hips smacking your ass with each thrust and his cock punching the breath out of you everytime it was forced deeper inside. 
“You can fucking wait.” He hissed, voice getting more and more breathless. “Don’t you wanna be a good girl for me? Come when I tell you to?” He cooed, his tone significantly gentler now. You whined, torn between wanting your long awaited pleasure and wanting to be good for him. “I know, baby. I’m so close though, can’t you just wait a little longer?” You nodded with a whimper, watching him smile through your peripheral vision. “Atta girl.” He said proudly, making your walls flutter around his length. He let out a choked moan at the feeling, then leaned up and removed his hand from your neck to spread your ass apart for a better view of his cock stretching you. You whined loudly when he spat on your hole, adding more lubrication even though you were already doing a good enough job of that on your own. 
“God- you’re so fucking easy.” He groaned. “Praise is what does it for you, huh? Just need to be told you’re a good girl and you get all dumb and pliant?” You whined loudly, burying your face in the sheets to hide your blush. 
“Pathetic.” He spat, letting go of your ass to grab your hips and thrust even faster. 
“Fuck— sir, please.. I don’t think I can hold it.” You whimpered, fisting the sheets and trying to will your orgasm away. 
“I know, princess, it’s okay. You get a cock in that sloppy little cunt and you go all brain dead and come hungry… You poor thing.” He cooed mockingly, bringing you closer to your orgasm. “Go ahead and come, baby. You can let go now.” He said softly— a harsh contrast to his rough thrusts. When you didn’t come immediately though, he got impatient. 
“Go on, needy fucking slut. Come on my cock- prove that you’re nothing more than a brainless little whore.” The knot of arousal in your stomach snapped almost violently and you sobbed out a moan when your orgasm finally crashed over you. His thrusts barely even slowed, not deterred by your walls spasming around his length. 
“Jesus— fucking…” He hissed. That was the only indication you got that he was affected by this. As your orgasm finally started to fade, it was quickly replaced by a more painful pleasure when he continued. 
“Sir- sir, wait,” You choked out, trying to move up the bed to get away from him. He fell over you, completely flush with your back, and kept rutting into your sore hole desperately as he chased his own orgasm. “Fuck— oh fuck, it hurts.” You whimpered, squeezing your eyes shut to try and focus on something other than the overstimulation. 
“Shut the fuck up already.” He spat, moving his arm in front of your body to place a hand on your neck, squeezing hard enough to cut off any kind of sounds you tried to make. You clawed at his arm, your head starting to feel swollen and your eyes falling shut from a lack of oxygen and blood flow. “You can breathe after I fucking come.” He growled, ignoring your choking and your gasps for air. 
“God- you’re so much hotter when you can’t fucking talk.” He groaned, resting his forehead on your shoulder as he focused on his impending orgasm. You were genuinely starting to worry that you’d pass out before he came, but just as your eyes grew too heavy to keep open and your hearing muffled, you could faintly hear him groaning as his hips stilled, occasionally bucking into you. He released your neck and you gasped and wheezed, heaving in large gulps of air as your head rushed with the sudden blood flow. Now that you could actually focus on other sensations, you noticed how hot your walls felt with his come inside you. 
“Fuck— you didn’t use a condom.” You rasped, letting your head fall onto the bed, too tired to hold it up. 
“I don’t fucking care.” He said, almost amused. 
“…Me neither.” He chuckled breathlessly and rolled off of you, laying on his back. You turned your head so you were laying on your other cheek, wanting to face him. His eyes were closed and he was lightly panting, and you couldn’t help but notice how pretty he is. 
“Stop staring.” He mumbled, making you smile. 
“Because it’s creepy.” Despite his words, the corners of his lips just barely turned up into a smile. 
“Do you think it’s been long enough yet?” You asked, turning on your side so your neck wasn’t bent uncomfortably anymore. 
“Not even close. I’m just catching my breath before round two.” He glanced at you with a small smirk, making you roll your eyes with a blush. 
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Has Austin ever accidentally hurt readers feelings? How did they work through it?
hi anon!
thank you for the ask!
to answer your question, yes!
austin has unfortunately hurt reader's feelings, and reader has accidentally hurt his at times too. though usually their main way to work things through is to take some time apart to cool down and then come together after to talk out a resolution.
here is an example of a time austin accidentally hurt reader's feelings during the time they'd just moved into their first place together:
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“ Hey.” You knocked on the door seal of Austin’s office where he was head deep into a book surrounding the WWII history of pilots. He was doing major background work for his role of Major Gale Clevens and you were excited to see him diving back into work after both Elvis wrapping, and the scare he gave you during his hospital stay.
You could see the papers littered everywhere and the empty coffee pot on a nearby table. “ I know you said to let you know when dinner was finished, and I’m done. I made that lasagna soup recipe I was telling you about from tik-tok. Why don’t you take a break and come have a bite, babe.” 
He didn’t bother looking up from the pages, “ In a minute honey.” He muttered. 
Frowning you couldn’t help but feel worried since he’d told you the same thing at lunch and then later when you’d offered him a snack. He hadn’t been out of this room all day and you knew his body  needed something more to run off of than hours old coffee.
You stepped inside closer, “ You know you said that earlier, baby. And I just think a little break to re-fuel would be good.” 
Again he didn’t look up, “ I said in a minute sweetheart, now please.” He attempted to dismiss you.
Still you weren’t satisfied, “ Aus I know but-
“ Dammit, Y/N!  I said in a minute! I am a grown ass man and I’ll eat something when I’m ready.  ” He snapped, looking up at you.
A lump quickly formed in your throat and you quickly exited the room, slamming the door behind you and ignoring his calls after you. You could feel tears threatening to spill out your eyes. In a split decision you decided to get some air, grabbing your bag and picking up a disoriented Magnus fast to go out the door.
For a while you’d just driven around, let the windows down to take in the breeze of the setting sky, and just allowed your mind to blank for awhile.
You then stopped and impulsively got a honey matcha for you and pup-cup for Mags at a little coffee place you'd come to like , went into Target and walked out with an undisclosable amount of body products, and then had a good cry in said Target parking lot.
You and Austin has only been living together officially for six weeks, but the last two had proven to be a bit rougher on your relationship. It was evident that the two of you were still getting use to learning how to share a space 24/7 and find balance in togetherness and your respective solitudes.
By the time you’d pulled back into the garage of the loft, you’d walked into the door and found Austin sitting with his hands in his lap in the chair facing the doorway with a grave look on his face. “ Where’d you go? Without this.” He held up your phone.
In your haze you must have left it, “ Nowhere in particular. Just ran a few errands, is all. Needed some time to myself.” 
He nodded, “ Do you have a minute? “
You walked past him, “ For you to yell or snap at me. No, not really. I’m heading up to shower and then I’m going to bed.” 
He sighed, “ I’m not going to snap or yell at you, baby. I just need a minute to apologize.” He followed you toward the stairs.
Still you didn’t stop your ascent, “ Y/N..please don’t walk away. Just give me a minute.” He pleaded.
Stopping halfway up, you turn around and drop the bags on the stairs to stop and sit, “ Here you go. Here’s your minute.” 
Running a hand through his hair he started, “ First off, I wanna say that I apologize for snapping at you, honey. I didn’t mean it and I surely didn’t mean to make you cry.  It’s not an excuse but I think I’m still getting used to having someone around all the time that calls me out on my bad habits and wants to take care of me. Been awhile since I’ve lived with someone else and I'm used to obsessing over my work alone.” 
You nodded, “ I understand.” 
“ Good. Now, second, I’m gonna ask that if the next time we unfortunately have a moment, which we will have more tough moments together since we’re stuck with each other forever, I need you to take your phone. Not so you can pick up my twenty phone calls trying to apologize, but because the world is crazy and in case of an emergency, honey. You need your phone, okay.” You could hear a slight strain to his voice. 
You felt a tad bad knowing he probably got a bit nervous when you’d left it, he was a big stickler on you being safe. 
“ Okay.” You whispered, wiping tears from your eyes.
Austin then made his way to meet you on the steps and pull you up into his arms, “ I’m sorry, honey. Daddy’s sorry. You were just trying to take care of me and I snapped. I apologize. You’re so considerate always. And it doesn’t go unappreciated.” He kissed your forehead and comforted you as you let out little sniffles. 
" You hurt my feelings, babe." You whispered.
He sighed, " I know, mama. I'm sorry. Don't want anyone making my best girl cry. Even me."
“ I’ve been a mean Baboo.” He joked in an attempt to get you to laugh.
And you did, “ Yeah you have. “ You giggled. “ Don’t let it happen again, buddy. Or I’ll have to stick my ferocious guard dog on you.” You referenced Magnus who was passed out in the living room corner from his treat, knowing full well all he was capable of was licking someone to death.
“ Noted.” Austin laughed, holding you tighter. " Now, come on so I can warm up this delicious soup I keep hearing about. I'm excited."
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sorrowsofsilence · 9 months
Burning Out • III
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Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Fem!Reader
I was lost, but now I'm found Under the lights and in the sounds So let us sing and sing it loud That we're not perfect, but we're proud of who we are.
Noah Sebastian is lost. His crime-filled lifestyle is anything but perfect; but everything changes once he meets you.
Words: 5.4k
General fanfic Warnings: 18+, explicit language, smut, alcohol, drugs, violence, mentions murder/suicide, panic attacks/anxiety, nightmares
Authors note: Chapter Three - One of Us is Broken Glass (EDITED 09-03-24)
new? start from chapter one here
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“What the fuck are you doing?” I whispered-yelled, furrowing my brows at him in distaste.
“Kiss me,” he pleaded, kneeling in front of me again with an expression filled with fear and distress.
“Excuse me?” I now yelled a bit too loudly as the door below us rattled once more.
“LAPD! Open up!”
“I need you to kiss me, please,” Noah's intense gaze locked onto mine as he begged, “Just this once Y/N.”
I hesitated for a moment but ultimately gave in to Noah's desperate request. His hands gripped the back of my head, fingers threading through my hair as he pulled me towards him. With complete desperation, Noah kissed me intensely.
My earbuds blasted music as I strolled along the sidewalk, glancing at the houses Y/N and I had passed by earlier. A few of them still had lights on despite the late hour, so I kept walking until I reached a cul de sac lined with townhouses. Putting on a ski mask and pulling up the hood of my sweatshirt, I adjusted my backpack straps and began scoping out each house, searching for a potential target. My eyes eventually landed on one with a dimly lit living room and the sound of a cat meowing at the door. Normally, I would avoid houses with lights on, but something about this one drew me in. Was it the cat? I've always been a sucker for felines.
As I approached the front door, I scanned for any security cameras while listening to the cat's cries from inside. When I confirmed that no one was home, and it was just the cat waiting for its owner, I knew I hit the jackpot.
Sighing to myself, I accepted that this was the house I had chosen for tonight's target. Maybe I could take a few minutes to pet the cat before the guilt sets in. Unzipping my backpack, I retrieved my metal tools and got to work on picking the lock. With my phone in hand, I timed myself to see how quickly I could do it; it was the only way to make this mundane task somewhat enjoyable.
Using a tension wrench and pick, I twisted and turned, feeling for the springs and listening for the pins to drop into place. It took some trial and error, but after twenty-eight seconds, the lock clicked open and I stepped inside.
The cat greeted me immediately with loud purring and winding itself between my legs. Kneeling down, I scratched behind its ears as I flipped through its collar with my covered fingers. The cat was large, with an orange-gray coat and white markings that swirled around its
As I stroked the orange cat, I couldn't help but smile at the name - Juice. The cat purred loudly, enjoying the attention. I stood up, knowing I had to get to work quickly. Grabbing my flashlight from my bag, I made my way into the living room. As I went to turn off the lamp to avoid drawing attention, my eyes wandered over the walls adorned with various band posters against the light green paint. My gaze stopped on the sleep token poster above the couch, bringing memories of Y/N's smiling face flooding back into my mind.
Well, I believe Somewhere in the past Something was between You and I, my dear
Shaking the lyrics out of my head, I took it for a coincidence, before looking through various drawers. Nothing, nothing, nothing.
I made my way through the first floor of the house, scanning each room for a bathroom, and searching for valuable medications that I could sell for a profit. The guest bathroom offered no luck, so I decided to head upstairs.
The stairs creaked under my weight as I ascended to the second floor, and once I reached the landing, I spotted another bathroom and eagerly opened its medicine cabinet. My heart raced with excitement as I saw various prescription bottles inside: Diazepam, Adderall, Zolpidem, and even cough syrup containing Dextromethorphan. This was my lucky day, but I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt.
Stuffing the bottles into my bag, I moved through the hallway towards the nearest bedroom. Juice followed me, meowing loudly at my every step. I tried to shush him, but he remained persistent in his demands for attention.
Pushing open the bedroom door, I was hit with a familiar scent of perfume. It took me a moment to place where I had smelled it before.
My eyebrows furrowed as I looked around, trying to figure out where to start searching; until my eyes landed on a collection of polaroids taped above the oak wooden bed. I walked closer, and my heart sank at the sight of a woman's smiling face in each photo.
It was her house - Y/N's house.
I couldn't believe it. Out of all the houses I could have broken into, it had to be hers. Whatever sick strings fate was trying to pull, it’s turned the one good thing that’s happened to me, into a twisted game.
Feeling guilty and scared of being caught, I quickly scanned her room for any valuables before turning to leave. But just as I was about to make my escape, I heard someone opening the front door. Panic surged through me as I fought to think of an escape plan, and my hand instinctively covered my mouth, my heart pounding in my chest.
It was her. Fuck.
Looking around the room frantic, I debated where I was going to hide. Closet? Bathroom? Under the bed?
“Juju baby? Where are you?”
I heard Y/N's footsteps fade towards the kitchen and took this as my cue to make a move. Every step I took across the room was accompanied by a loud creaking sound, and I cursed myself for not being more stealthy. She must have heard me; there's no way I could make it to the bathroom now.
Juice watched me with curious eyes from the corner of the room, but it was too quiet downstairs, and I knew Y/N was listening. Suddenly, Juice's head snapped towards the door at the sound of Y/N's muffled footsteps coming up the stairs. My heart raced as he ran out of the room, leaving me alone and anxious. I quickly slid behind the closet door, peering between the cracks.
The hallway light flickered on and my breath caught in my throat. Y/N screamed before her laughter echoed through the house.
"Jesus Christ, cat! You scared the shit out of me!" she exclaimed.
Oh god, what am I going to do?
Juice came back into the room and landed on the bed, staring at the closet with wide eyes. As soon as Y/N entered, I knew I had to get out of there.
"What? Are you hungry? Your bowl is full," she said, shaking her head as she pulled off her sweater. This was my chance to escape.
I carefully slid out from behind the closet door while her back was turned. But just as I was about to pass by her, she threw her sweater into the hamper and turned around. In a moment of panic, I grabbed her from behind and covered her mouth with my hand to stop any screams.
She struggled against me but I held onto her tightly.
Why didn't I just run? Why did I think this was a good idea?
With a racing heart, I turned her around to face the mirror, hoping she would see that I meant no harm.
But tears fell from her eyes as she whimpered, looking back and forth between my masked face and the gun in my waistband.
Of course, she would be afraid.
I was a masked vigilante with a gun.
"I'm not going to hurt you," I said softly, my voice trembling. I knew I had to run as soon as I let go of her. She would never know it was me, and everything would be okay because I could just delete her number and never see her again...right?
Y/N's body trembled in my arms as I held her tightly. Even though I squeezed her for comfort, I knew she was far from being soothed.
"I'm going to leave, and you're going to let me. Got it?" I stated firmly, taking a deep breath before closing my eyes and preparing myself to leave this house forever.
"Please don't make a scene," I added, releasing my grip on her body slightly. As I began to step away, Y/N turned around and kicked me with all the strength she had.
"Fuck!" I cried out, doubling over in pain and protecting myself with my hands. As I tried to recover, Y/N fled the room. I knew I had to follow her; there was no way I could escape without her knowing what happened.
"You fucking creep! You followed me!" Y/N yelled, her voice dripping with anger as she pointed a knife at me when I finally exited the room. ""You're a lowlife piece of shit! Get out of my house or I'll call the cops on your sorry ass…Noah."
I locked eyes with her, feeling a wave of shame wash over me as she spoke my name with complete disdain. How did she know it was me? My clothes were different and none of my tattoos were visible.
My body shook with pain and I hunched over, leaning on her door for support.
"Please, Y/N, don't call the cops," I begged desperately.
"Why shouldn't I call the cops?" she screamed back at me, tears streaming down her face. She reached for her phone and began to dial 9-1-1, causing my stomach to drop even further in fear. I couldn't get caught - I had too much at stake.
I pleaded once more, but Y/N pressed the button and I could hear the faint ringing of the operator on the other end. Panic set in and my hand instinctively reached for the gun tucked into my waistband. Y/N's face went pale as she noticed the weapon, her lips trembling in terror. I had never seen anyone so afraid before - not even the woman from our job weeks ago.
"Hang up," I managed to whisper through dry lips. "Y/N, hang up please."
But it was too late - Y/N had already spiralled into a panic attack, gasping for air. We sat there in silence until we heard loud knocks on the front door.
"This is LAPD!"
"Shit," I muttered under my breath, frantically thinking of a plan. Usually, if you call 9-1-1 and then don't answer their call back, they send someone to check on your location to make sure you're okay. But I didn't expect them to come this quickly.
Y/N looked between me and the door, wiping away smeared lipstick from her face. Do I hide? Do I surrender?
My gaze landed on her lips and the smeared lipstick. If only we had been making out... Wait a minute. If we were passionately kissing and she accidentally called 9-1-1, it would explain everything. I quickly removed my sweater and tank top to make it look like we had been getting intimate.
Please play along Y/N, please.
I pulled away from Noah, trying to catch my breath as I noticed the lipstick smudged on his lips. His request was so outrageous that I couldn't help but scoff at him.
"Come answer the door with me and pretend we were just making out," he pleaded, his doe-like eyes pleading with mine. "I'll tell you everything about myself if you do this for me."
I hesitated for a moment, before nodding quickly and allowing Noah to take my hand and lead me down the stairs. He held onto my belt loop as we approached the door, opening it to reveal a uniformed man standing there.
"Hi officer?" Noah said in a confused tone, panting heavily as if we had just been in the middle of a passionate make-out session.
"Evening," the man replied, his eyes darting between us in concern.
Noah pulled me closer and wrapped his arm around me, while I played along by giving the officer a puzzled look and placing my hand on Noah's chest with false admiration.
"We received a call from this location and wanted to check in to make sure everything is alright," the officer explained, eyeing us both suspiciously. Noah must have sensed it, because he pulled me even closer and I rested my head against his chest, listening to his rapid heartbeat. Despite everything that had happened between us, our bodies seemed to fit together perfectly, an undeniable chemistry between us.
The officer scanned my lips before turning to study Noah's face, analyzing our deception.
"Oh really? That's odd," Noah furrowed his brows and looked down at me. I chimed in, reaching into my pockets for my phone.
"I didn't call anyone," I said,"I must have butt-dialled while you were...pushing me against the wall," I whispered through gritted teeth, loud enough for the officer to hear.
Noah's lips curled into a sly smile and he even winked at the officer. "I was away on a trip for two weeks, you know how it is."
The officer coughed awkwardly and began to look away, clearly uncomfortable with the situation. "Alright well, stay safe you two. Have a good night."
"We will," Noah gave him a breathy laugh.
I apologized to the officer as I pulled Noah away from the door and closed it behind us. Noah let out a breath of relief, his tense muscles relaxing.
I took a few steps back, still wary of him.
"Okay, now get your shit and go," I demanded, glaring at him. "I never want to see you again." I wiped my lips, trying to forget the feeling of his hands on me just minutes ago, his mark staining my body.
"Please, let me explain," Noah pleaded, holding out his hands and taking a step closer to me. I could see the genuine concern in his eyes and it made my walls start to crumble. But I couldn't let myself trust him again so easily, so I took another step back.
"Fine," I conceded with a sigh. "You have five minutes. And put your shirt on, it's weird that you're standing here half-naked."
I led the way into the living room and plopped down on the couch, motioning for him to join me when he came back down the stairs.
Noah sat as far away from me as possible, closing his eyes and taking in a deep breath. We sat in silence, both feeling a sense of deja vu after our earlier encounter in the park; this time was different though.
"So," Noah began, looking at the carpet.
"So," I echoed, watching him cautiously, "you didn’t strike me as a professional criminal."
"That's what makes me good at it, I suppose." A small laugh escaped Noah's lips before he stifled it. I rolled my eyes at him.
"I know you don't believe me, but I didn't follow you," Noah said, covering his face with his hands. "The odds are astronomical, Y/N. I genuinely have no idea how I ended up at your house instead of any other one in the neighbourhood."
"Then why did you choose this house?" I asked, raising an accusative eyebrow.
Noah shrugged, "I don't know. There's no method to it. I saw your light on and heard your cat, and chose it. That's all."
"Sure," I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest, "maybe one day you'll admit that you're actually a stalker."
"No," Noah shook his head, "are you even listening to me?"
He sat up straight and leaned over his knees, staring intensely at me. "I swear on anything- God, Satan, whoever you want- that I had no idea this was your house.
“Even over the dead bodies of my parents."
His eyes bore into mine as he spoke and I felt a lump form in my throat. The pain in his expression made my heart ache.
"You have dead parents too?" I asked quietly, the tension in the room dissipated, filling with a sense of knowing.
Noah licked his lips and furrowed his eyebrows. He snapped his gaze away from me and slumped back over his knees, staring at the floor.
"My mom died of cancer," he began, "and my dad couldn't handle it so he killed himself. I was only twelve years old, but luckily my best friends took me in. They're like brothers to me."
My mouth felt dry as I listened to him. It suddenly made sense why he didn't say sorry when I told him about my own parents' death in the park. He knew that apologies wouldn't change anything and sympathy would just feel like pity, especially in this situation.
"So why were you in my house in the first place?"
Noah avoided my gaze, clearly ashamed of his actions. "Stealing, larceny, thievery - whatever you want to call it. It's one of the easiest ways to make money on the streets besides dealing drugs."
"So you're a burglar," I said, nodding and forcing a smile. "You really know how to pick 'em, Y/N," I mumbled under my breath, finding some humour in the situation.
"I wouldn't be doing this if we didn't have to," Noah replied, sinking back into the couch with his tattooed neck on display. "We owe a lot of money to a dangerous man, and this is our only way to keep up with his demands."
"Who?" I asked, my curiosity piqued despite my attempt not to stare at the intricate snake design on his neck.
Noah closed his eyes. "I can't tell you for your safety."
I let out a dry laugh. "My safety was gone as soon as I offered you to sit on my couch."
"Touché," Noah chuckled. "But that's one thing I won't disclose."
"How long have you been...doing this?" I watched him closely as he turned his head.
"Long enough," he answered cryptically.
"How long, Noah? If that's even your real name."
He raised an eyebrow. "It is. Noah Sebastian, if you want to be specific. My friend Jolly always referred to it as "the grand fuck up," and it all started when I was fourteen. Since then, we've been paying off our debt every month.”
"And what exactly is 'the grand fuck up'?" I asked, noticing the letters on Noah's knuckles for the first time as he ran his thumb over them.
"It was my first job, and Jolly said I needed to do it to become a man and join the pact," Noah explained, his eyes fixated on the letters. "I stole an expensive car without knowing it had something valuable in it. The car belonged to a notorious criminal who caught us, giving us two choices: death or working for him. We chose to work off our debt and be free once it's paid off."
"Who is included in 'we'?" I inquired.
"My three friends and me," Noah replied with guilt evident in his voice. "I screwed us all over, and it's been seven years of nothing changing."
Noah closed his eyes, trying to hold back tears and the guilt that consumed him. My heart softened, wanting to comfort him and take away his pain.
"What does your tattoo say?" I asked, shifting the topic.
Noah looked at his fingers again, blinking rapidly. "Bad omens."
"Bad omens?" I repeated.
He moved closer to me and held out his hands for me to see. Without thinking, I took his hands in mine and studied the words etched onto his skin.
"An omen is a sign of things to come," Noah explained, watching my fingers trace over the letters. "But everything that comes our way seems to be bad."
"That's no way to live," I shook my head, turning sideways on the couch to face him.
"I've always lived that way," Noah shrugged, giving a small smile.
My heart ached at his words, reminding me of my former self stuck in a cycle of hopelessness and despair. A year ago, I would have said the same thing if someone had talked to me about possibilities and starting fresh. But I had worked hard to leave that behind and create a new life for myself. It was possible, but Noah was still trapped in his never-ending cycle, unable to see any glimmer of hope or change.
“I don’t even feel real anymore unless I’m in pain,” He confided, the agony evident in his voice catching me off guard. “It's not like I enjoy this cycle of suffering, but it's become my norm. I don't know how to function without it.”
Noah scoffed and looked away, trying to distract from his words. “Sometimes I wish I could just give up. Maybe then I'll see my dad again.”
My chest clenched at his words and I sat up on the couch, pulling my knees to my chest. “What keeps you going?” I prodded, intrigued by this mysterious man.
“My brothers. I have to fix things for them and make up for what I've done.”
“And after that? What then?” I pressed, completely invested in his enigmatic words.
Noah fell silent, his gaze fixed on the ground, lost in his thoughts. I wanted to know what was going through his mind, but we sat in silence once again, the only sound coming from the soft ticking of the living room clock. Juice had emerged from hiding and cautiously made his way into the living room. He let out a small meow and jumped onto the couch next to Noah. After sniffing him, he rubbed his head against Noah's sleeve.
“I don't know,” he finally whispered in a despondent tone, raising his hand to gently pet Juice's fur. The hair on my arms stood up as I watched Juice melt into Noah's touch - immediately accepting him and showing him love.
“You look like you could use a hug,” I surprised myself with the offer, standing up and opening my arms to invite Noah into my personal space.
He looked at me with surprise, asking "Huh?"
"Come here," I motioned for him to stand up, and after a moment of hesitation, he did.
Noah’s lanky figure approached me, and I wrapped my arms around him, pulling his body towards mine in a protective embrace. I stood on my tiptoes to place my head in the crook of his neck, squeezing his body against my chest. Noah’s breath hitched in his throat as he held himself stiffly before easing his body into our entwined limbs. His arms held me close, his head resting against my own. As his chest shook through his complacency, I breathed deeply, sighing into our hug. Noah joined me in a deep exhale, listening to our breaths as we held onto each other, exchanging memories through our hold.
I’m sorry you lost your parents. I’m sorry you’re stuck. I’m listening.
“You don’t have to carry it all yourself. Humans aren’t made to be solitary creatures.” Boldly, I held my hand against Noah’s head, capturing him and all of his wounds. As I ran my fingers through his hair, Noah’s shoulders began to shake.
Can one of us be saved?
I can't forgive you, but I can't look away I have to tell myself it's better, better this way It's killing me
Soft sobs left his lips, his body vibrating through his tears.
Don't wait for the light Just fall asleep, embrace the night
The man crumbling before me was not a terrible person. He was merely a lost soul, fastened to routine and never-ending affliction.
Perhaps, I can be another step to helping him find himself. He reminded me so much of my past; I couldn’t leave him.
Even if I got hurt in the process.
Y/N's arms were a haven, comforting me with her gentle embrace. Her fingers ran through my hair, unearthing deep-seated memories as she held onto me.
It was hard to believe that just an hour ago, everything had been a chaotic mess. Yet here I was, crying in this woman's arms. I didn't deserve such kindness, especially after invading her privacy and trust like I did.
I hadn't opened up to anyone in a long time. My only family were Ruffilo, Folio, and Jolly; they were the only ones who saw my pain. But Y/N's touch had broken down all of my walls, causing me to completely shatter. It was baffling how someone I had only met less than 24 hours ago could have such power over me. Yet here I was, vulnerable and exposed in her embrace.
How could she be so kind and selfless? She listened and understood. Her parents were gone too. She knew the feelings of abandonment.
Keep telling myself that I was the victim You were the one that pulled away I've got a cold heart, this is the sad part I don't think I can change
But the difference was that I was corrupt. I was not the good guy; my presence was tainting her.
Can one of us be saved? I feel like I'm better, better in a grave Better in a grave Better in a grave
“What’s the next step from acquaintances?” she tried to lighten the mood, giving me a small laugh.
I pulled away, my body already infected with the remembrance of her touch against my limbs. I wiped my eyes, face reddening at the embarrassment. I can’t believe I just cried on some girl’s shoulder. She was no longer just some girl.
“I mean, I don’t know if we should even be considered friends. I broke into your house.” I scoffed, wiping my nose with my hoodie sleeve as I sniffed.
“What about acquaintance-squared?” Y/N said, “I think now that I know you’re not just Noah, we’ve upgraded.”
I laughed, “Level two friendly strangers?”
Y/N joined me, the sound that left her body angelic. Part of me wanted to listen to her melody forever.
I knew then that I was fucked. Her hooks snagged me this morning, but now they were embedded, scars bound to be permanent. There was no way I could just leave her as a forgotten memory as I had thought earlier.
She knew too much.
“Sit down. I’m going to make you something to eat.” Y/N said, smiling kindly. My phone began buzzing in my pocket; I knew it had to be one of the boys.
I immediately shook my head in protest, “No Y/N, I should go.”
“I don’t mind.”
“I don’t deserve your hospitality.” I pulled my phone out and checked the caller ID. It was Ruffilo. 32 missed texts.
Jolly: You alright?
Jolly: Almost done?
Jolly: It’s been almost two hours since I’ve heard anything.
Jolly: You should’ve been done within the first hour.
Jolly: Your location says you’re still there; where are you?
Jolly: Noah answer your fucking phone.
My anxiety must have been visible on my face when I saw the messages because Y/N noticed and asked, "Where do you live? Can I at least give you a ride home?"
I shook my head, "It's fine, I can walk."
But when Y/N checked the time and saw that it was three in the morning, she insisted, "Noah, it's not safe for you to walk alone at this hour."
I almost scoffed at her concern, but instead placed a hand on her shoulder and reassured her, "Y/N, I'll be okay."
She made a frustrated face and pouted her lips, which for some reason sent my heart racing.
"Noah," she marched towards the front door and grabbed her keys while slipping on cow-shaped slippers. I couldn't help but laugh at the sight.
"Let's go pretty boy."
"I'll walk," I said firmly, putting my phone back in my pocket.
Y/N furrowed her brows again and glared at me, causing butterflies to stir in my stomach. What is happening to me?
"You look cute when you're angry."
Y/N opened the door and pointed outside. "You think I'm cute when I'm angry? Then I'll be fucking gorgeous if you're not in my car in two seconds," she seethed.
I raised my hands in surrender and chuckled, "Okay, okay, I'm coming."
We squeezed into her small silver Chevy Spark and I joked about its size. "Could you have gotten a smaller car?"
She turned up the heat before fiddling with the music, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Well, I must say I didn't expect to have an over 6-foot-tall thief in my passenger seat."
I rolled my eyes, knowing she had a valid point. The guilt gnawed at me once again. Y/N pressed play and the song blared through the small speakers. She turned to me and asked for the address.
"If you know where the Marlborough Motel is, that's where we're headed."
Y/N's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she looked at me. "Wait, you actually live near there?" Her expression crumpled in sympathy when I nodded. But I refused to accept her pity. We lived in that rundown motel, but it was still better than nothing.
She drove out of the driveway and towards our destination while one of us listened to the song blasting through the car speakers, its lyrics piercing my ears.
You played the cards, you know I wanted to see Behind the curtain, always pulling the strings in my head
But now I think it's time to cut the ends I won't make the same mistake again
Once she dropped me off, I would leave her behind forever. I had to, for my sanity, and hers.
“I mean, housekeeping must be a blessing?” Y/N said gently, giving me a quaint smile.
“Yes, I enjoy the smell of cheap laundry detergent and a stranger filtering through my stuff.”
A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I gazed out the car window, taking in the rows of illuminated houses and streetlights as they passed by. Exhaustion weighed down my body, but I couldn't bring myself to close my eyes. Jolly was going to have a fit when I got home - especially now that I had dragged someone else into this mess and failed a job. Just another checkmark on the list of my screw-ups. And to top it off, I had nothing to show for all the trouble I went through.
But then my mind snapped back to reality as I remembered my backpack - the one with the gun inside. The one I had carelessly left behind at Y/N's house. Panic set in as I realized she would find it, along with all her prescription medications neatly stored inside. My heart raced at the thought of her finding those bottles.
My throat felt tight at the realization, but I swallowed the nerves, reminding myself that I’d never see her again after today. I’ll forget about her, and this. I won’t need to see her disappointment.
You got what you deserved And that was me You saw me at my worst You saw the worst in me
We arrived at the motel and I sighed, realizing the light was still on. No doubt the boys were still up waiting for me. Y/N and I sat quietly for a moment before she turned to look at me.
“Well, level two friendly stranger.” Y/N coughed, breaking the awkward silence in the cramped vehicle. I looked at her and forced a smile. She smiled back, but my heart ached with the realization that this would be our goodbye. I studied every inch of her face, trying to imprint her features into my memory. I knew I couldn't face her again after this.
"Thanks for this wild adventure," she chuckled. "It was definitely a confusing situation, but I'm glad you were my first criminal experience."
Unsure of how to respond, I attempted to make a joke. "And thank you for being my favourite victim."
My own words stung as they reminded me of my past felonies, but I supposed she truly was my favourite victim. If it wasn't too messed up to say something like that.
"Will I see you for your usual coffee?" She asked, hope seeping through her eyes. How could she want to see me again?
"Yeah," I replied with a forced laugh, lying through each breath. "See you then."
I stepped out of the car and turned to wave before opening the door to the motel room. My heart ached as Y/N drove away.
Tell me that I'm wrong Tell me that I'm wrong
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Chapter four
Tags:@crimson-calligraphyx @lma1986 @spicywhenspeaking @sammyjoeee @shilohrosechicken
@princessmarshmallowx @laurpartyprogram @cookiesupplier @nojoyontheburn @lacktoesandtoddlerant
@veronicaphoenix @er3nslovergirl @cncohshit @scrumptiousfestivalpost @melcchs
@flowery-mess @mentallynot-here @judging-from-afar @darkmxgician @badomensls
@hoe-for-daddywise @philomenie @xxkittenkissesxx @venturethroughtheveil @thefallennightmare
@blend-in-with-the-madness @reyadawn @deathblacksmoke @Anameunmusical @sitkowski
@anything-more-than-human @into-the-grey @amelia-acero @rumoured-whispers @artificialbreezy
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ghxstyfae · 6 months
Rafe Cameron x Puppygirl ♡ Headcanons
Warnings: Nsfw, 24/7 power exchange, dom/sub dynamics, rafe may be seen as toxique, consenual somnophilia, breeding kink, pet play, puppy play, fluff, drug use, Puppy has adhd
Taglist: @sunflowerleii @itzdarling
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Rafe absolutely adores his puppy
Shes the sweetest, most energetic little ball of sunshine.
Puppy could probably have anyone on the planet with her magnetic personality, but she loves no one but him ♡
He never thought he'd be interested in a very clingy gf but he LOVES how shes always sitting on his lap or attached to him like a koala
He definitely keeps a cage like this or this in his bedroom just for her ♡
Of course Puppy bites him all the time, but consider this: he also bites her. His teeth dig into the back of her neck and she just goes limp in his arms <3 he does this whenver hes misbehaving but also when shes anxious or jittery
Leaving puppy alone when he goes to work is criminal negligence (in her eyes) so *IF POSSIBLE* if hes working at a desk, she'll sit underneath it, or even just in his car for a couple hours💀
He keeps her favourite candies in his pocket and literally gives them to her like treats (scooby snacks and lindt chocolates)
Clicker training!!!! Everytime he makes her cum, or does something that he knows makes her stimmy happy, he'll start pressing his lil clicker😣
"You're too dumb to do that today, silly puppy" as he bends down to tie her shoes for her
Of course he doesnt let her keep a job (not that she really wants one!) Being his good puppy is perfect enough
Collars<3 if shes comfortable having an actual pet collar then he'd 100% want one, but would prob only let her wear it at home or going to safe places.
If shes not into those, then something more discrete, like this.
Head rubs/pats, back rubs, belly rubs
Of course puppy girl is always horny, he once found her *desperately* humping a pillow while he was sleeping right beside him, since then hes told her the only things shes allowed to grind against w/o permission is his leg
And Puppy highkey takes full advantage of that. While hes working, sleeping, etc
They also both have breeding kinks and its so unsafe🤭 its actually a wonder she doesnt have pups yet tbh
Back to biting, Puppy has a huge oral fixation, and Rafe is her perfect target ♡ he's constantly covered in bite marks (literally him) basically a chewtoy for her
Of course Puppy gets zoomies once in awhile, but Rafe'll usually just fuck the extra energy out of her <3
Puppy is veryy curious about everything
She always wants to be involved in Rafes business, and at first he thought he'd bring her along once just to scare her out of begging again. She now wont let him leave the house without her
It didnt scare her, quite the opposite in fact it intrigued her. Shes loyal to him, regardless of weather hes in the wrong or not
When she first asked to try a bump he laughed his ass off. Not because he thought she couldn't handle it, but she was already a ball of energy without it, no way in hell was he getting her high and adding to that
She did however pout enough to make him agree for her to atleast try pot
If she enjoys it, itll become a very common thing, especially because of all her extra energy all the time
Puppy Loves how casually dominant Rafe is.
He orders for her when she cant decide what she wants (choosing what she wants!) There was probably even a time where some waitstaff commented on how she could make her own choices that made Puppy litterally LOL
He also helps to remind her to do things that slip her mind sometimes like wating breakfast, taking any medications, doing her skincare, finishing homework, etc
He wont lie, shes definitely strange (she once asked to hold his weiner while he pissed💀) but he loves it.
Its almost toxic because he knows thats she will always see him in the best light no matter what he does. He would never knowingly lead her astray, but she doesnt know that and still blindly follow his every word.
Thats not to say shes not bratty once in awhile
Her periods become an incredibly prickly time, full of many moodswings and "i dont want anyone to touch me" (followed by crying over the fact that hes not cuddling her)
One time he made a joke saying he wouldn't go buy her snacks because "puppies cant have chocolate" 🙄 hes an idiot.
He adores teasing her because shes just so reactive, she squirms and blushes or yells at him and cries. He'll never stop obsessing over her tears
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faeble-drabbles · 2 months
Alright I’ll bite. Tell me about frieza with a god of destruction reader
Also if anyone is wondering "Why a god reader tho", its because I feel like only a god or angel will be able to get away with the shit that I planned...or someone who is just super powerful that he knows he can't just kill out of anger xD
•°• FRIEZA x God!Reader •°•
+ SO. Imagine you are a bored as hell destruction god. You happened to spot Frieza at the Tournament of Power and were immediately like--"That. That one is my new play toy"
+ You bribed your Angel with some well deserved time off to get you to Universe 7 and aboard Frieza's ship. Disguising yourself as a member of the ship, you make your way to your target.
+ When you came in, unannounced and acting like you owned the place, BOY did he try to kill you. But after being unsuccessful, he knew something was up. "...Who exactly are you? And what do you want with me??" Little did he know that was a loaded question.
+ You reveal yourself as a destruction god from another universe and declare that he will be your new play thing. You would keep your identity secret from the others on the ship and in return would give him some training. Also...you would not be taking no for an answer.
+ Frieza begrudgingly agrees, seeing as he had no choice. They just wanted to stay on his ship to keep themselves amused and he got free training out of it. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad.
+ HE WAS WRONG. You were an absolute menace. You ordered him around like a servant, teased him 24/7, was ruthless during training and asked lewd personal questions about the location of his reproductive organs.
+ But weirdly enough, after a few months of this torture, Frieza was starting to get used to your presence. It wasn't until you had to return back to your own universe for a brief time that he realized something strange.
+ Frieza was nearly jumping for joy when he found out you were finally leaving for a while. But then after a day or two...it was almost too quiet? Did he actually miss you?? ABSOLUTELY PERPOSTEROUS.
+ That's what he told himself until the day he asked one of his crew to insult and make fun of him. Because they wouldn't and due to Frieza realizing what he had asked--the poor guy got vaporized (Gotta get rid of the evidence oops)
+ When you finally returned, you noticed something off about him. Although he had his usual scowl and was complaining about how things were so nice and quiet while you were gone...you felt something lightly wrap around your leg. It was his tail...almost like he missed you?? ...This was going to be more fun than you thought.
[NSFW Below -- I must.]
+ When you caught on that the all powerful Lord Frieza was catching feelings for you?? That was too cute. And you bet you were going to tease the ever living shit out of him.
+ It all came to a point when you were having a conversation with him and starting teasing him about whether or not he was a virgin. His lack of direct response told you all you needed to know. You crawled into his lap and began to wiggle around before whispering in his ear "...How about some extra training, hm??" He looked away in disgust, but the tail around your leg tightened. That's all you needed.
+ Once comfy in his chambers, you discovered a nice little slit opening up between his legs and what looked to be something poking out. You nearly pounced him after seeing that.
+ The sweet whimpers and noises Frieza made as you worked your fingers and tongue into him, easing his member out completely. Your praises of how beautiful he looked while you were making a mess of him edging him on even further.
+ Once he's good and ready, you begin to slowly lower yourself onto him before taking him all in one go, making him nearly choke on his breath. You ride him so hard that this man is seeing stars and turns into a babbling mess. Seeing him so undone for you feel absolutely amazing.
+ Overstimulation?? Of course. After he cums, you want him shuddering as you continue with your ministrations. You want to see those pretty red eyes rolling back into his head as he bites back his moans.
+ You best believe there will be a round two. Whether you have your own dick or your attaching one, you will be putting Friezas face into the bed and destroying that ass. Your only complaint was that all his sweet noises getting muffled by the bed. Regardless it was quite the show.
+ Even though you are usually mean to him, you would try to give him the best aftercare you could. He would be bitching the entire time on how you roughly manhandled him, but you knew he enjoyed himself. Needless to say, it would not be your last encounter like this...
[I'm so sorry this was so long--I've had this with me for a while okay xD]
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brbsoulnomming · 11 months
Tell Me Sweet Little Lies Part 25
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | AO3
The silence that echoes through Forest Hills is deafening. It's never been this quiet, not in the whole time that Eddie'd lived here, and if that doesn't drive home how alone they are out here, nothing will.
For a long moment, the only thing he can hear is the sound of his own heart beating.
"Put all that stuff on the ground," Jason orders. "Slowly."
It's not like Eddie's in a position to argue with the guy pointing a gun at them. And yet -
"Don't you read the news?" he bitches as he slowly crouches down to put his boxes on the ground. "I was cleared of all charges."
Jason scoffs. "You may have the police and the news fooled, but you can't trick me. I know what you did to Chrissy and Patrick. I know it was you, I saw you at the lake."
"Whatever you thought you saw-" Eddie starts.
"Don't!" Jason shouts. "You think I haven't already heard it? My own family and friends telling me I'm crazy, that I'm just grieving? I know what I saw, you freak!"
"Hey, hey," Steve says. "No one's saying you didn't see anything, okay, just that it wasn't what it looked like."
Eddie can hear the crunch of gravel again, and he risks darting his eyes away from Jason towards Steve. There's a flash of hurt when he sees that Steve is moving away from Eddie's side - until he sees that Steve may have put his box down, but he's still holding his bat.
It's not over his shoulder anymore. Now it's held like a weapon, and he twirls it like a fucking maniac who's just screaming to draw attention from the guy pointing a gun at them.
Eddie's hindbrain notes that it's extremely attractive, just like it did when he saw Steve ripping a demobat in two, and he firmly tells it to shut the fuck up.
Jason shifts the gun so it's pointed entirely at Steve, instead of just hovering between the two of them, and even in the light of the sunset Eddie can see the hint of satisfaction in Steve's eyes, and -
Of fucking course his stupid soulmate is trying to make himself a bigger target to Jason.
Fuck that.
Eddie opens his mouth to try to get Jason's attention back, but Steve beats him to it.
"I don't want to fight you, Jason, even if you didn't have a gun," Steve says.
The prickle of a lie springs up on the back of Eddie's calf, and he briefly wonders what the hell Steve's doing before it hits him - Robin.
This could work, all they have to do is stall long enough for Robin to get help sent over here.
"This isn't about what anyone wants," Jason snaps. "This is about justice for Chrissy and Patrick, I'm just the only one willing to step up and do anything about it."
Steve snorts, spreading his arms and swinging the bat in a low motion. "Look around, man. You're sitting in Forest Hills, after it got wrecked, with a gun pointed at me. That's what you're calling justice?"
"You can still leave, Harrington," Jason says. "I don't have any beef with you. You're one of us, you know? You were one of the greats. You can leave right now, and it won't matter that this freak got you under his spell."
Steve's grip on the bat tightens. "I'm not going anywhere, Carver. You think you can shoot me enough times to bring me down before I get close enough to use this?"
Jason's determined expression falters, the gun lowering just the tiniest bit, and for a moment Eddie thinks they might have him.
Then the gun swings around and points straight at Eddie, and the look in Jason's eyes goes dark with hate.
"No," Jason says. "But I can shoot him before you get to me. You don't want that, do you Harrington?"
"Come on, man, I-" Eddie starts, then immediately clamps his mouth shut when he sees Jason's finger slide over the trigger.
"One more word from either of you and I shoot you right here," Jason says.
Eddie can't see anything but the barrel of Jason's gun right now, so he has no idea what Steve's doing, but he's just as silent as Eddie.
"Here's what we're going to do." Jason pulls something out of his pocket, tosses it at Steve. It hits the gravel with a faintly metallic clink. "You're going to toss that bat away. Then you're going to put those on, handcuff yourself to the railing right there. The Freak and I are going to take a little walk, and you're going to tell me everything you did to them. If the police won't make you confess, I will."
Fuck fuck fuck fuck.
"No, man, come on, leave Steve out of this, I'll go with you, just don't-"
"You want to die right now, Munson?" Jason asks. "I told you to shut up."
"All right, Jason, all right," Steve says. "I'll do it, okay? I'm going to toss the bat away."
Eddie risks a look over at Steve, sees him toss the bat aside somewhere and slowly pick up the handcuffs Jason threw at him.
"It's okay, Eddie," Steve says when he catches him looking. "It's going to be okay."
It isn't a lie, but at the moment, Eddie's not entirely sure how the fuck anything about this is going to be okay.
Steve cinches one cuff around his wrist, then takes a few steps back towards the trailer. He has to twist at a little bit of an awkward angle, but he manages to hook the chain of the handcuffs through one of the slightly warped rails of the front porch. Then he snaps the other cuff shut over his other wrist.
"Let's go, Munson," Jason says.
Eddie looks back over to him, and Jason makes a motion out towards the woods.
Jesus Christ, the woods again.
Eddie swallows, trying to tell himself that one pissed off jock with a gun is a lot better odds than a dozen of them, or a swarm of demobats, but with said gun pointed right at him he's not sure how convinced he is of that.
"Hey, Munson?" Steve calls.
Eddie doesn't look at him, but he hears Jason's footsteps slow a little, like he's waiting to see what parting words Steve has to say.
"I'm not going to be able to get out of this," Steve says. His voice sounds genuine, like he's admitting to something he doesn't want to, but Eddie feels the prickle of words being written on the side of his knee. "I can't come after you."
More words, along the back of his shoulder.
"Just do what he says, okay?" Steve asks.
No words this time, but Eddie gets the message loud and clear. He's not sure how Steve's decided he can get himself out of the handcuffs, and he wants to tell him not to hurt himself, but Jason's footsteps have picked up again.
"You heard him," Jason says, triumphant and vicious. "Get moving."
Eddie does, and even though there's still a pit of dread at the bottom of his stomach, and his heart is racing, and his hands are clammy with fear - there's still hope there.
He's not an NPC anymore.
He has Steve, and he has Robin, and he knows there's people on his side coming for him. He's part of the party now, and he realizes that not only does he trust them completely - but he believes without a doubt that they won't leave him behind.
Eddie's not going to die, not today.
All he has to do is stall Jason long enough for them to come find him.
"Do I get an idea about where we're going?" Eddie asks.
"Lover's Lake," Jason replies.
"Didn't know you had that kind of outing planned for us." The words are out of Eddie's mouth before he's even finished thinking them.
He regrets them immediately, even before he gets a hard push between his shoulder blades.
Eddie stumbles, his footing slipping over the slick forest floor, and he barely manages to avoid ending up on the ground. There's a flare of pain in his side from the quick, jerking motions he'd had to do, and his left leg twinges a little, but nothing too bad.
Still, it's a reminder that he needs to be careful.
"You shut your disgusting mouth," Jason spits at him. "We're going to the last site where you cast your Satanic spell. You're going to tell me everything you did, and then you're going to undo the curse you put on Hawkins."
Jesus Christ, Jason's completely lost it.
He guesses it's not surprising, considering what Jason saw with Patrick, but any amount of empathy Eddie might have had for the guy was completely gone the moment Jason pulled a gun on them and made Steve handcuff himself to that railing.
Eddie saw terrible things, too, and somehow he managed not to start waving guns around and threatening to kill people.
He remembers what Steve said, about experiencing something like this making you see yourself in a different light, finding things out about yourself that you might not like. Despite what Steve'd told him, he's still struggling with how instinctive it was for him to run and how much of a coward it makes him feel like, but you know what? He'd rather be a coward than end up like Jason.
If he wasn't concerned Jason might actually shoot him for saying something again, he might point out the irony of it all - that the scary Freak saw Vecna's attack and went into hiding, while the golden boy went on a murderous warpath.
Instead, he focuses on trying to move as slowly as possible, dragging his feet through the dirt and leaves and kicking up rocks and pinecones.
For one - he doesn't actually want to get to Lover's Lake. Sure, the trek there is long enough that it'd give Steve plenty of time to get loose and Robin time to bring in the calvary, but then they'd all have to get out to the lake, too, and that's way too far for Eddie's comfort. For another - he needs to leave some kind of trail for Steve to be able to follow.
It pisses Jason off eventually, because the next thing he knows he's getting another hard shove against his back.
"Pick your feet up," Jason snarls.
Eddie hadn't been expecting this push, though, and this time he's not quick enough to keep himself standing upright. He stumbles, twists a little to avoid falling face first, and ends up on his ass in the leaves and dirt.
The pain in his side flares again, and fuck, he's going to be so pissed if he reopened one of his bite wounds just after he got the stitches out.
"Get up," Jason orders.
"Give me a minute, come on," Eddie says. "I'm not used to this."
Jason snorts in disbelief. "Should've thought of that before you picked this place to do all your Satanic rituals."
Eddie groans, pushing himself up into a crouch. He looks up - and realizes Jason's gotten cocky. The gun isn't pointed directly at him anymore, it's just held loosely in Jason's hand, pointed more at the ground than anything else.
His heart rate picks up as Eddie decides - fuck, okay, yeah, he's doing this.
He hangs his head down, making his breathing harsh and ragged like he's panting for air, and hears Jason give a mean little laugh.
"Sorry you skipped out on so much P.E. now, aren't you, Freak?" Jason taunts.
Eddie's hands dig into the ground under him, picking up a double handful of dirt and pine needles.
Then he surges up, throwing it all in Jason's face.
"Fuck!" Jason shouts, dropping the gun as he instinctively throws his hands up to try to protect his face.
Eddie doubts he has time to bend down and scramble for it, so he kicks it instead, sending it skittering away before he books it to hide behind a grove of trees.
"Get back out here, you freak!" Jason shouts. "You think I can't take you even without a gun?"
Part of Eddie wants to retort that Jason's ability to take him even without a gun is a) kind of in question, considering Eddie's both stronger than he looks and pretty fucking scrappy, when he isn't recovering from nearly dying; and b) exactly why he won't be coming back out, but, well.
Eddie's smart enough to know that saying anything will just draw attention to where he is, so for once, he shuts the hell up.
"Don't think you can get away from me," Jason says. "I won't stop until you've been brought to real justice. You killed Chrissy! She was beautiful, and perfect, and she should be alive right now, not you!"
Eddie bites the inside of his mouth, hard enough that he tastes copper, to avoid making any kind of sound. Part of him still thinks that's true, but he won't give Jason the satisfaction of admitting it to him.
"She was my soulmate!" Jason yells. "She never once told a lie, and neither did I! Neither of us had any words on our skin, we were perfect together, and you took her from me!"
All right, maybe Jason was a little delusional even before all of this.
"You took her from me, and I won't let you-"
Jason cuts off with a choked sounding noise. It's enough like the sounds Chrissy and Patrick had made choking on their own blood that Eddie feels a surge of panic, and he risks peeking out from his hiding spot to see if he's just gotten even more fucked.
But Jason isn't floating above the ground.
Or at least, not more than an inch or so, as his feet scrabble on the slippery pine needles.
Steve is right behind him, and the metal chain of the handcuffs still around Steve's wrists is pressed tight to Jason's neck. Steve's got him pinned back against him, using the few inches of height he's got on Jason to prevent him from getting his feet solidly on the ground.
"Next time you tell someone to handcuff themselves to something," Steve says conversationally. "You should make sure they can't rip it free."
Jesus fucking Christ, Steve needs to stop doing things like this, or Eddie's not going to survive it.
Literally, he's very grateful for Steve continuing to do things like this to ensure Eddie's continued survival.
"You okay, Eddie?" Steve calls.
"Yeah," Eddie replies, finally coming out from his hiding spot. "I'm, uh, a little banged up, but otherwise good."
Seeing him seems to spur Jason on, though, because instead of scrambling at the chain around his neck, he tries to knock his head back into Steve's.
Steve seems ready for that, because he's got his body angled so Jason's head falls back against his shoulder. Still, the motion sets both of them rocking back, and though Steve keeps his balance, Eddie hurries over to help.
He's almost there when Jason balls up his fist and slams it back into Steve's face. Steve doesn't let go, so he does it again, and again, and again, and by the time Eddie's there, the last hit must have been enough for Steve's grip to loosen.
Jason slips from Steve's grasp, pushing both of them as he scrambles away. He's choking and sputtering, stumbling over himself, and he makes it only a few paces away before he's on his hands and knees on the ground, sucking in ragged gasps of air.
"You can't take both of us, Jason," Steve says.
Jason scrambles back more, then manages to get himself to his feet.
It's only when Eddie sees the gun again that he realizes Jason wasn't trying to scramble away from them, he was trying to scramble to something.
"I'll go with you," Eddie says. "Same plan, okay? You want me to go to Lover's Lake, tell you everything and undo the curse? Just leave Steve out of this."
Steve glares at him, but Eddie doesn't care. Jason looks even more unstable than before, and Eddie's not letting Steve get shot because of him.
Jason shakes his head. Eddie's not sure if it's in response to him, or if he's just trying to clear it after getting choked, but he guesses it doesn't really matter.
Jason's got the gun pointed right at him, and doesn't seem to be inclined to start moving again.
"You said you wanted justice, but that's not really what this is about, is it? It's revenge. You're in pain, and you want Eddie to suffer, too," Steve says.
"What's wrong with that?" Jason demands. His voice sounds absolutely wrecked, like every word is hurting as it's pulled from his throat, and yet he keeps talking anyway. "He deserves it! He deserves to be punished for what he did to Chrissy and Patrick, for what he's done to me!"
"This isn't how you punish him," Steve says. "You think he's in league with Satan, right? So you kill him, and then what happens?"
"He goes to Hell!" Jason shouts. "He goes to Hell where someone like him belongs, where-"
Jason cuts off, and Steve smiles.
"Yeah," he says. "He goes to Hell where he belongs. What kind of nice welcome you think someone in league with Satan's gonna get? Maybe a throne, maybe a new army to command?"
"Maybe I'll get to be a duke," Eddie adds. "A Lord of Hell, that sounds pretty damn good."
"Shut up!" Jason hisses at him.
Still, he falters, and Eddie can practically see the cogs working behind his brain. "It's worth the risk," Jason says, but he doesn't sound as sure as before. "I can't just let him stay here and do it again. He won't confess, the police won't do anything, so this is the only option."
The gun is still pointed right at Eddie, and he contemplates the merits of moving to hide behind a tree again. Jason's barely standing, he's pretty sure the guy's aim is going to be shit right now.
He's pretty confident both he and Steve can get under cover quicker than Jason can shoot.
"You can teach him a real lesson. He took your soulmate from you, you take his from him," Steve says.
Jesus Christ, Eddie's going to kill him.
Jason laughs, harsh and mean. "A freak like this doesn't have a soulmate."
"Steve, don't you fucking dare," Eddie says, too terrified by what he knows Steve is doing to worry about keeping his mouth shut like Jason demanded.
"Yeah, he does," Steve says, completely ignoring Eddie.
The fucker.
Steve taps his chest with his still cuffed together hands. "You're looking at him."
Jason turns his focus entirely on Steve, and Steve gives a significant look to Eddie.
Eddie knows exactly what he wants. He wants Eddie to make a break for it while Steve has Jason's attention. Eddie assumes that Steve's noticed Jason's physical state the same as Eddie has, and drawn the same damn conclusion - only he wanted to make sure that Jason's gun was pointed at him before they both ran for it.
Never mind that Eddie'd just had the same plan when the gun was on him. He's not willing to risk it when it's pointed at Steve, and fuck, when they get out of this, that's probably something they're going to have to talk about.
Right now, he stubbornly stays right where he is.
"You? No way," Jason says.
"Why do you think Eddie kept asking you to leave me alone? You think he'd give himself up for someone if he wasn't soul bonded to them?" Steve asks.
"Don't listen to him," Eddie says. "I'm the one you want."
"He's not denying it, is he?" Steve says. "Because he knows if he does, I can show you the lie and prove it."
"Come on, Carver," Steve goads. "You said he took your soulmate from you. Don't you want to make him feel the same pain? I'm right here, all you gotta do is come get me."
No, nope, this isn't happening.
"Steve, stop, please," Eddie begs.
Shockingly - it works. Steve looks at him, and whatever he sees in Eddie's eyes must make him realize exactly how much Eddie does not want 'Steve throws himself in front of danger and takes the hits so no one else has to' to be Plan A here.
Jason's head keeps snapping back and forth between the two of them, but this time Steve stays quiet, not trying to get Jason's attention on him.
Instead, Steve tilts his head at him, and Eddie nods.
They both book it, in opposite directions, and sure enough, Jason must be too scrambled to act quickly enough to shoot either of them. For several long, terrifying moments, Eddie expects to hear the sound of gunshots, but all he hears is Jason's labored breathing and the sound of him stumbling a little as if trying to chase after one of them.
Eddie has no idea how much time passes as he stays hidden, listening to the those halting footsteps come closer, then veer away, then come close again. Jason's silent this time - either realizing that nothing he says is going to get them to come out, or in too much pain to keep talking.
Then, finally, there's the thundering sound of more footsteps approaching.
Before all of this, Eddie's first thought probably would have been oh fuck, Jason's buddies are here.
Now he has a soulmate - two soulmates, really - and a whole Party that he knows will always have his back.
Now he feels a giddy rush of relief even before he hears Hopper shouting, "Jason Carver, put your gun down," and Chief Powell echoing, "On your knees, now!"
They're okay, they're going to be okay.
Reaching the end now! I think I'm looking at one more part and potentially an epilogue.
Part 26
Tag list (always happy to add more!): @vampireinthesun @koibug @estrellami-1 @mentalcyborg @allbimyself26 @questionablequeeries @the-s-is-silent @whimsicalwitchm @a-gae-af-racoon @tinyplanet95 @n0-1-important @velocitytimes2 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @newtstabber @jcmadgirl @roblingoblin285 @lexyvey @paperbackribs @goodolefashionedloverboi @evix-syne666 @raisedbylibrarians @stxrcrossed186 @nightmareglitter @greekgeek24 @starman-jpg @crazyhatlady86 @imfinereallyy @manda-panda-monium @deleataecount @prideandsensibility @chaoticvictorianspirit @maydillydally @disrespectedgoatman @scarlet-malfoy @i-less-than-three-you @hbyrde36 @hallucinatedjosten @dragonsandgayships @arepaconchocolate @g4ys0n @novelnovella @bisexualdisastersworld @ghostofyourvampiregf @scarletyeager @pettrichore @nerd-and-nervous @hiimlevi @queenie-ofthe-void @cinnamon-mushroomabomination
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hyatoro · 1 year
Hwang Minsu
NightShift!Yandere (Omegaverse)
Last, First: Hwang Minsu (Minsu Hwang)
Appearance: 5’9, Medium-long black hair with thin bangs that go past his eyes but can still see through, black eyes, pale as hell cause he’s only active at night, baggy clothes, scrawny build. (Picrew Image at bottom)
Setting: South Korea convenience store
He looks like someone that doesn’t see the light of day and that’s because he doesn’t. He’s not greasy but he looks like he would be. 
He's an omega but he's generally considered undesirable cause his scent is weak to the majority of people. His heat is when it's the strongest of course. Most people assume he's a beta because of this. 
It wasn't like he was directly bullied for this back in school. His presence was faint in general so he tended to be left out of things. His quiet demeanor and lack of drive meant he kept to himself. 
He was raised by a single mother who loved him dearly, but she died when he was 17, leaving him scrambling to support himself when he had nothing prepared. 
He found his job at the convenience store and working the night shift got him more money than the day job. He didn't have any reason not to, so he changed his schedule to become almost nocturnal. His apartment is small and cramped, having saved whatever he could of what his mom left him. 
He's just cruising on autopilot, like a soulless husk. 
Being left alone is nice because he doesn't deal with bullying, or getting targeted by alphas. Even when he's on his heat, if he uses suppressants and scent patches he's good to go. He uses the patches regularly though as it's still safer to do so when working late shifts. 
But it's lonely. He is so achingly lonely. 
Even though the night shift is worth it financially, it's awful for his mental health. But because he's stuck in this gutter he can't find the drive to look for anything else. 
Then you move into the area. You're a night owl with a weird schedule and you find yourself going to this convenience store more often than not. You become a regular and that's not really a weird thing. The night shift is pretty much mostly frequented by regulars. 
It's the fact that you hang out in the place sometimes. Making conversation with him. Bringing up your hobbies and other entertainment to fend off the boredom. 
And you smell amazing. 
It's cliche, but he genuinely did not give a shit about how other people smelled, because no one cared about how he smelled (aside from initial confusion when they realize he's not a beta). 
When you enter the store and your scent wafts by suddenly it's all he wants in his lungs. He finds it an odd thought and behaves, brushing it off as him finally going insane from the lack of sunlight. It wasn't like he's never met great smelling people before. It wasn't uncommon for a nice scent to be a pleasant surprise.
What was weird was how he could feel his heart thumping in his chest. 
You come pay for your things and you give him a pleasant smile, grateful that you live nearby a 24/7 convenience store. You tell him as much and thank him for working here so you were able to buy things. 
He drinks in your every word like water and gives you every ounce of his attention. It isn't till you leave that he starts to breathe "normally" again. Which was when he realized just how gray his world was compared to those fleeting moments with you. 
Eternally grateful when he figures out you're a regular, and he takes note when you explain what days you'd show up. Then you throw off his schedule by coming in on an off day, where he was prepared for it to be bland. 
It's the first time you see him smile, albeit through a mask, and you tell him how cute his eyes are when they crinkle like that. He replays those words constantly. 
You also notice how he's wearing a scent patch that day. You ask him why since he's not usually wearing one. He makes up the excuse that his heat was coming up, signaling to you that he was an omega if you hadn't already noticed. It's actually because he purposely doesn't use them on days you show up in hopes that you might find his own scent pleasant. 
You reveal to him that you'd actually been getting over a cold and that you couldn't smell anything until today when it finally cleared up a decent chunk. You ask politely if you could smell him, telling him you'd understand if he refused since his heat was allegedly coming up. 
He rips the thing off instantly. 
You wince at how fast it happened and lightly tap the spot that the patch was ripped off of with two fingers. His hand grips the counter so hard as he tries to stay still. 
When you lean in and get a whiff of him he is bombarded with you and it's the most emotion he's felt in years. Shaken to the core, he is stockstill. 
When you finally pull back you thank him for indulging your curiosity (no, thank you) and note how pleasant his smell was. Grateful he's wearing his mask to hide his red blush (though mad because he didn't get to inhale your scent directly). You explain to him how before your cold you have an amazing sense of smell, and that most people are too overpowering. You tell him how he's refreshing compared to the rest and that it's a shame he had to cover it up today. 
When you go back to shopping and come back to pay, he scrambles to go get you a bunch of freebies, piling them into your shopping bag. 
Can't stand not being around you anymore so he figures out where you live and bumps into you on "accident" many times. 
Hides the fact that he didn't have his heat that time so you don't figure out he lied to you, which isn't hard considering that you weren't paying as much attention to him as he was you.
When he finally hits his next heat it's the most intense one he's ever felt. He didn't think it was possible and he's a crumpled mess in the walls of his home, furiously getting off at the thought of you claiming him. 
The next time he sees you is after this heat and it's like when a thirsty man sees an oasis. 
Makes it his goal to spend his next heat with you. However that works out. 
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