#making new dorm so realized I need to find a better way to cram all my bbys in
revivemyreverie · 2 years
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Toytoriya (DATABASE)
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Marcoritas (DATABASE)
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Yuukei Kurisuma
Yumeno Myskova
Graham von Tonic
Rin Igarashi
Minerva Ratte
Angeline Yurena
Allegra Mahalath
Vegas Castilla
Aldrich Edelweiss
Lucero Symphomia
Coppelia Waltz
Durante Astrope
Saga Levoriol
Charles Brennen (Stagrove)
Caelestis Luna (Toontasma)
Bartholomew Lehtonen
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mygalfriday · 3 years
i’ve never been a natural, all i do is try (River/11)
Prompt #1: Freedom
She keeps the book on the bedside table in her dorm. Every now and then, she looks up from studying and catches a glimpse of it out of the corner of her eye – sitting there all shiny and brand new, the bluest blue ever. And every time, her stomach will turn over and she has to catch her breath.
It’s still blank. Every time she goes to press her pen to the page, she falters. The Doctor had given it to her after she tried to kill him and ended up saving him instead. It’s… special. And nothing Melody comes up with seems worthy of forever staining its crisp white pages. Whenever she opens the soft cover, she becomes frozen with indecision until she snaps the book shut again and puts it away.
Occasionally, the Doctor drops by the university under the guise of checking in but it never takes Melody long to convince him to linger. Secretly, she thinks he probably doesn’t need any convincing at all. He always folds so quickly and so easily, grinning as he tugs at his bowtie and relents with a flustered well, I suppose an hour can’t hurt. Of course, the Doctor can fit lifetimes into an hour.
He takes her off-planet and though she never lets on, she can tell he’s trying to impress her. They watch the birth of a new star and skip ahead to watch the day it flickers out; they splash in an ocean made of milk and dance on earth when it’s still new, making the very first footprints in the dust as they waltz. The Doctor seems to enjoy taking her on adventures related to her studies. He’d once helped her cram for an exam about the 32nd century French Revolution by taking her there and letting her storm the Bastille.
Sometimes they don’t leave Luna at all and Melody amuses herself by dragging her 1,000-year-old beau to frat parties and dive bars. Tonight, the Doctor had convinced her to try a quiet dinner. Melody has her doubts about either of them being capable of something so mundane but the oysters here are to die for so she isn’t complaining. Yet.
The Doctor looks up from drowning his salmon in banana custard and his gaze drifts idly over the table as though he’s looking for something. His brow furrows when he doesn’t find it and he asks, “Where’s your book?”
Melody pauses mid-reach for her wine. “It’s back in my room. Why?”
“Nothing.” He offers her a quick grin. Whatever it is, it’s definitely something, but she can already tell it’s one of those dreadful spoilers he refuses to tell her. He forges ahead quickly, like she might forget he asked in the first place. “How’re the oysters? Remind me to take you to Rome in the first century. You’ll never eat them anywhere else ever again.”
She stares at her plate. “I can’t decide what to write in it.”
The Doctor goes still and quiet, watching her from across the table with an unreadable expression on his deceptively young face. After a moment, he smiles and says, “I’m sure you’ll come up with something.”
With a noncommittal hum, she picks up her oyster knife and begins to pry at the shell.
“River?” She barely muscles down the urge to flinch but the Doctor sees it anyway, judging by his pained grimace. “Sorry, Melody… what’s the matter?”
“Nothing.” She frowns, grip tightening around her knife. “It’s silly.”
“Even better. Love silly, me.” The Doctor beams at her and there’s a smear of custard at the corner of his mouth she suddenly wants to clean up with her tongue. She wonders if he would mind. She wonders if she cares if he does.
He seems to notice the focus of her gaze because he licks his lips and suddenly the custard is gone. She holds in a disappointed sigh and averts her eyes. “Have you ever had so many choices you just… couldn’t make one at all?”
His eyes widen and he sits up a little straighter in his chair, as though she’s brought up a particular favorite subject of his. “Yes, as a matter of fact. There’s this ice cream shop on Penhaxico Two with 500,000 ice cream flavors – including steak, by the way. I can never make up my mind and I always end up-” He stops mid-sentence, his cheeks flushing pink when Melody simply stares at him. “But that’s not the sort of choice you’re talking about, is it?”
She can’t quite stifle a smile. “Not quite, sweetie.” He brightens at the name, like he always does when she calls him that. Usually, she relishes seeing it but that spark of joy isn’t there tonight. “I’ve spent my entire life under someone else’s control. And now there are so many possibilities I can’t seem to decide on anything.”
The Doctor watches her with quiet understanding in his eyes. “Bit overwhelming, eh?”
She bites her lip, nodding.
He leans in, his bowtie narrowly avoiding the custard. “Want me to let you in on a secret?”
Drawn into his gaze, Melody finds herself leaning in too. “What is it?”
“You’re a rebel, Melody Pond.” He grins proudly. “Always have been. You’ve been making your own choices since the day you were born and not even Kovarian was ever able to stop you.”
Melody shakes her head, leaning back in her chair. “I haven’t-”
“You chose to escape that spacesuit and call for help in 1969,” he points out, arching his brows. “You ran away to New York and decided to find your parents. You decided to save my life that day in Berlin. You decided which university to attend and what to study when you got there. And right now, you’re deciding not to plunge that knife into one of my hearts.”
She glances down, following his pointed gaze, and inhales sharply when she realizes how tight her grip on the oyster knife has become. She forces her hand to open and it clatters to the table. Shaken, she drops her trembling hands to her lap and curls them into fists. Squeezing her eyes shut to the Doctor’s patient, forgiving face, she breathes out, “I’m… scared.”
“Course you are,” he murmurs, and the fondness in his voice makes her eyes sting. “You should be scared. Anything worth doing is always a bit scary at first.”
“Is that how you felt?” She opens her eyes, curious. “At your beginning?”
“What did you do?”
The Doctor sighs, tugging a hand through his hair. “Well, I ran. But to be fair to myself, I hadn’t made up Rule 7 yet.” He reaches across the table and taps her on the nose, smiling softly. “I can’t tell you what to do now, Melody. No one can. And I promise you, no one will ever again.”
She swallows tightly. “Isn’t that a spoiler?”
“Just a teensy one.” He winks, stealing an oyster from her plate. As he tries to pry open the shell with his fingers, he leans back in his chair and eyes her meaningfully. “You should probably write it down somewhere in case you ever forget.”
The rest of the night is spent sharing food and flirting – and then Melody laughing herself sick when the Doctor tries to pay for dinner with a handful of Roman coins and they’re forced to run out on the bill. They’ll never be able to eat there again but she doesn’t even care, too busy running with the Doctor’s hand in hers and her high heels in the other.
When they arrive back at her dorm, he kisses her goodnight. It’s soft and sweet and adorably eager, his shy fingertips drifting over her hips before he gathers the courage to grip her close. He swaggers back to his TARDIS with lipstick on his collar. Melody slips into her dorm wearing a wide, smitten grin. When she sees the blue book waiting on her bedside table, the sight of it doesn’t fill her with apprehension.
She knows just what to write.
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adorerdraco · 4 years
Distractions and O.W.L.S ✧ Draco x Reader
Summary: You start neglecting yourself and Draco when you begin stressing for O.W.L.S. The studying finally took its toll on you that landed you in the hospital wing but Draco helps you end the night on a good note. 
Warnings and Perks: being stressed, over studying, fainting ! and corniness
Words: 2K (sorry for any mistakes its 3 AM !!!!!)
A/N: omg i am currently working on some requests and on Healing Heart 4, but i’ve had this scenario stuck in my head all night bc i was listening to a slowed down version of stuff we did from UP and so i thought id share it with everyone since i havent posted in like 2 days <3 do not own gif but pretend that you and Dracoooo <3
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It was the beginning of June, weeks away from O.W.L.S, which meant weeks away from another ending of a school year at Hogwarts. What bothered you the most wasn’t the fact that you had homework piled up to the ceilings, or that Snape has been snapping at you all week and took away 5 house points from you, or that you were drowning in a sea of textbooks and notes that you kept studying for your upcoming exams; it was the fact that you had barely seen Draco in nearly two weeks. You were so busy with schoolwork and focused on getting outstanding marks, you hadn’t even realized you were neglecting your own boyfriend. 
Of course, the two of you would find each other in the Great Hall during breakfast and you’d give him a quick hello and goodbye kiss faster than he could even register what was happening and by the time he did, you were already out the door and rushing towards your first class. At this point, you were acting like the white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland, always frantic and in a rush. Your hair was wild and untamed, you had dark bags under your eyes from the all-nighters you were pulling, your robes and clothes underneath were in disarray and wrinkled.
To make it worse, you never let Draco study with you. He constantly asked and you always gave him the same answer.
“If I study with you, I’ll never get anything done.”
Which was true. He was very distracting with his quiet jokes in the library, or when he would look up at you with his sparkling gray eyes when you would try to ask him a question that just flew from your mind at the sight, or smile at you with a wide toothy grin that lit up the room when you got sidetracked and talked to him, or the way he rested his hand on your thigh when he would sit beside you while you quietly read or wrote but the only thing you could focus on was his fiery touch. Really, it wasn’t him who would distract you; it was you who distracted yourself with him. And that was evident when you tried to remember everything you’ve learned in the past school term and came up blank because for some reason your brain only retained information and memories that contained Draco throughout the past year. 
So you figured a little time away from him wouldn’t hurt. Because if you didn’t pass these O.W.L.S, you felt like everyone would be disappointed in you, especially yourself. So you locked yourself away in your dorm and crammed and jam-packed your brain with information until you eventually passed out hunched over a book with drool blurring the ink on your pages. You avoided the library for studying, knowing Draco would go looking for you or Madam Pince would distract you halfway through your note taking to kick you out for the night.
Mornings always came the same, you waking up randomly over your desk a few minutes before breakfast and changing into a new pair of robes as quickly as you could while trying your best to smooth your hair down with your hands. This morning was different, however. You woke up to one of your roommates shaking you violently while she spoke your name loudly above you, but it sounded distant. You shot up in a hot flash, wiping your mouth of any saliva and groaning when you started to feel the pounding in your head that seemed to shake up your whole brain. “Thank Merlin, you’re awake!” Your roommate exclaimed in relief. “You looked dead, honestly. But class is starting in twenty and you’ve missed breakfast.”
“Twenty?” you frown, letting your swelling head fall into your hands. “I don’t want to deal with Snape right now, I feel awful.”
“I’m going to try to say this as nice as possible,” she sighs, placing a hand on your shoulder, “but it shows.”
“Thanks,” you scowl. You try to get up from your chair but gasp in pain as your muscles cramp at the movement like a rickety old man. 
“Maybe you should go to Madam Pomfrey,” she suggests, trying to help you up but you shoo her. 
“No, I’m fine,” you rush to interject. “I will not be missing Potions, no.”
She gave you a shrug, backing away in defeat as she let you rush to change into new robes and attempt to brush down the matted mess that’s supposed to be your hair but gave up halfway through and threw it into an updo. The headache was not a good combination with the scalp pain from combing out knots. Your roommate waited for you with pitied eyes, following closely behind you as you hurried out of the room and towards the exit. 
You sped walked out with her but didn’t see the mop of platinum blond that was waiting for you outside the entrance of the common room. You had zero awareness of his presence until his hand had reached out to hold onto your wrist, stopping your near sprint towards the class. Your roommate stopped too, eyeing the two of you and the look on the Slytherin’s face before she continued walking. 
“What? Draco, let go,” you move away from him and he quickly drops your arm. “I’m going to be late.”
You began to walk away from him, but he stepped in front of you, stopping you again.
“Why weren’t you at breakfast?”
“I overslept,” you answered gruffly. “Now, move! If I’m late, Snape will have my head on a stick.”
“Y/N, you need to slow down,” he frowns, “all this studying and rushing around everywhere is going to land you in the hospital wing. You look sick already, I’m worried.”
“I’m not sick!” You huff, throwing your head back in irritation. “If you really cared about me, you’d let me go to class instead of insulting me.”
“I’m not insulting you. Am I so terrible to tell you that you look like you’re about to pass out any second?”
“Yes, you are terrible,” you sneer, the pounding in your head was getting stronger each passing second. “Instead of-”
Your train of thought was violently stopped in its angry tracks, you stumble back and begin blinking hard at the spots that quickly started to dot your vision. Your hand instinctively reached out towards Draco, which he grabbed and hurriedly darted forward towards you, gripping onto you before you could meet the ground, your vision going black and your consciousness out the door.
Draco felt himself begin to panic. He promptly began to feel guilty, feeling like it was his fault that you even fainted in the first place because of the argument he had accidentally started.
He gathered you up in his arms, one arm sliding under your knees and the other under your neck as he swiftly picked you up and began his frantic journey towards the hospital wing.
When he got you to Madam Pomfrey, she instructed him to set you down on one of the beds and kicked him out of the room while she started her treatment. His heart was beating so fast, he wanted nothing more than to stay by your side so he halfheartedly threatened her with his father and she ended up letting him stay with a deep sigh while he stood idly by your bed. When Madam Pomfrey was done, she left the two of you alone. Draco wasted no time in sitting at the foot of your bed, his hand finding its way into your cold one that laid limply beside you. He watched your sleeping figure with a relief as he noticed that whatever Pomfrey gave you had speedily began to affect you. Your skin no longer looked ghastly and dull, but healthy again and tinged with pink. The dark circles underneath your eyes had faded just a little bit, leaving only slight bags as you finally slept. 
He waited maybe 12 hours for you to wake up. After missing his first class, he had decided to go to the rest of his classes as Madam Pomfrey swore to him up and down that you would not wake up any earlier. He begrudgingly obliged and skipped all his meals instead to spend his short free time with you. When his final class ended, he almost ran back to the hospital wing. He occupied the rest of his time with a book he had found thrown somewhere around the room. The book was long forgotten the second he felt your hand twitch and your body begin to stir, your tired e/c’s looking around the room in confusion before landing on him. He scooted himself closer to you, brushing a loose strand of hair out of your face as he looked at you with pure concern. It was the same look he had when he confronted you earlier and with that one look, you were able to recall everything that had happened before your collapse.
“I’m sorry I said you’re terrible,” you croak out sadly, your hand wrapping around his wrist and squeezing it gently.
“I’m sorry I made you faint,” he says. “How are you feeling?”
“That was my own fault,” you chortle, “but I feel really good. I know I fainted and all, but I feel much better with whatever Madam Pomfrey gave me.”
“I can tell,” he smiles, moving himself a little back as you sat up with a newfound strength. “She said you can leave when you wake up.”
“Good, now help me out of this bed.”
Draco took your hand and you hopped out of bed excitedly, turning towards him and giving him a tight hug that he returned twice as hard.
“If you’re not too tired, can I show you something?” He asks from above you, his arms still wrapped strongly around you.
“Yes, please,” you answer with a nod against his chest.
Draco steps away from you before taking your hand and walking the two of you out of the hospital wing and towards the stairs that led to the astronomy tower. When you reached the top, huffing, and puffing, he asked you again if you were okay to which you answered with an eager nod.
"Tonight is a blood moon,” he smiles, pointing up towards the very large orange and reddish moon in the starry night sky. It shone brightly but still gave off little light in its wake, the astronomy tower was almost dark, but you still managed to see the blond perfectly, he was watching you with a happy and loving glint in his eyes that you were able to notice. “I was planning on asking you to see it with me tonight, but we kind of ended up elsewhere.”
You threw yourself into his arms, your face buried deep in his robes and the heat radiating off his chest warmed you up in the comfiest way.
“You’re the best, Dray,” you mumble into the cloth of his robes, the clothing vibrating underneath you as he chuckled. You pulled away and gazed up at him, smiling when he placed a kiss on your forehead.
The two of you unknowingly began to sway back in forth in each other’s arms, his hands resting on your lower back while yours were looped loosely around the back of his neck.
“You scared me today,” he begins quietly, “and every day since you’ve started your studying.”
“I know,” you frown, “I’m sorry.”
“Promise me you’ll stop overworking yourself,” he says softly. “I know you’re scared you’ll fail, but I promise you won’t. You’re one of the smartest people I know and I know you’ll get outstanding marks on everything.”
“You think so?” you ask hopefully, your eyes trained on the burnt orange moon as you took in his words.
“I know so.”
A few more minutes of silence pass by, your head now leaning against his chest as the two of you still danced silently. And as if he read your mind, Draco began humming a soft and off-pitch rendition of Claire de Lune. You would laugh every time he forgot a note and would go silent for a moment before backtracking and humming it correctly.
You don’t know how long the two of you stayed up there dancing slowly in each other’s arms with Draco trying his best to hum the top classics of the classical’s, his lips finding yours every now and then to kiss you longingly and tenderly, but one thing was for sure; it was bliss. 
Maybe distracting yourself with Draco wasn’t such a bad thing.
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ruzek-halstead · 4 years
all i want for christmas is you 🎄
part one
pairing: luke patterson x julie molina
when julie finds herself in a situation where she needs luke to come home with her to celebrate christmas with her family, he is more than happy to oblige. too bad julie's already in love with him, and not sure when she stopped pretending.
holiday university au
series masterlist || masterlist || ao3
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ps. i'm sorry but not sorry for choosing the cheesiest title ever for this fic
"I need you." Luke choked on his iced coffee. He had just walked into Julie's dorm room, iced coffees in hand when she nearly attacked him in the doorway. "What?" With a small smirk, she backed up, pulling him inside and closing her door. "I need you. I need your help, actually." Luke furrowed his eyebrows, but pounced onto her bed anyway like he usually did. He reached out to hand her the iced coffee. Julie met Luke on her first day of university. She was struggling to find her classroom to Composition 101, when she ran smack into a hard body. The hard body happened to be Luke and he also happened to be carrying an iced coffee. It got all over the two of them, and instead of yelling at him or apologizing, she started crying. He was more freaked out than anyone she had ever seen in her life, and to comfort her, he awkwardly patted her arm and dug out a packet of tissues from his backpack. When she calmed down and realized what happened, she nearly died of mortification. But then she stopped crying and Luke's eyes softened; he asked her what was wrong and once she started talking, she couldn't stop. It just so happened that Luke was also in Composition 101 and the classroom was just to their right. She was mortified, but he was cute and understanding, and they've been inseparable ever since. Sure, maybe at one point she thought something more would happen between them. But school kept them busy, and their friendship came first; so, she never made a move, and neither did he. Instead, they continued to hang out (they ended up having more classes together since they were both in the music program) and once Julie met his friends, and they met her best friend Flynn, the five of them became inseparable. Julie discovered Luke and his friends were in a band; they were trying to build a following and since Flynn was amazing with public relations and social media, she took over as their part-time manager. And Julie started writing songs with the band and she occasionally joined them on stage. They were all thinking it; that Julie should join the band, but it was a big step and no one wanted to bring it up first. "What do you need me for?" Luke asked. If he weren't so focused on his iced coffee (it was so delicious), he would have noticed she was pacing the small floor of her dorm and chewing nervously on her fingernails. When she didn't immediately reply, he looked up. "Jules, talk to me. What's up?" She stopped her pacing and moved to stand in front of him. He was gazing at her with soft brown eyes and she just wanted to melt because of how utterly adorable he looked. "I did a thing," she admitted, but didn't elaborate any further. "I do a lot of things every day, Jules. You'll need to give me a bit more than that," he replied with a smirk. Julie still appeared uneasy so Luke reached out and tapped her fingers with his in a comforting gesture. "Come on. Did you kill someone? Are we getting rid of a body? I don't care what it is, but you'll have to tell me if I'm going to become an accessory." His goal was to elicit some type of reaction and he was graced with a small smile. "My Tia has been on my back about not having a boyfriend for a while now, so a while back I told her I had a boyfriend because it's not like she would ever meet him and I could just say we broke up or something," she gushed out in one large breath. Luke blinked, hiding a smirk so she didn't slap him and crawl back into her shell. "But the entire family is getting together for Christmas and she just assumed I was bringing my boyfriend and then when I tried to explain, she mentioned you by name and I just kind of blanked and basically, my whole family thinks you're my boyfriend and you're coming to spend Christmas with me." Julie expected him to look surprised, or even angry, but definitely horrified. So, she was shocked when he merely took another sip of his iced coffee and smiled at her. "Cool. When do we leave?" "Wait — what?" "I'm assuming we're leaving after exams, right?" He continued on speaking as if she wasn't gaping in his direction. He proceeded to pull out his phone from his front pocket and open his calendar. "My last exam is on the 22nd. Does that work for you?" Julie blinked. What the hell was happening? "But — aren't you — Luke, did you hear what I said?" He looked up at her with teasing eyes. "Yeah, Jules, I did. What about it?" "And you're okay with that?" Luke shrugged. "Well, let's weigh it out. Pros: I get to eat delicious food, hang out with my best friend and avoid the Patterson household. Cons: I can't really think of any, can you?" "Well — I — God, I am so confused right now." "Don't sweat it, Jules," Luke smiled charmingly and if Julie wasn't at a loss for words already, she definitely was now. "I'm excited. Plus, you know I love spending time with you," he added in a flirty tone. One problem with Luke? He was unbelievably flirtatious. Julie doesn't even think he's aware; it's mostly because he's incredibly kind and such a people's person, that his friendly approach comes off flirty. And it normally would be fine. Except he's basically the man of her dreams, and even when he merely smiled at her, her brain short-circuited. So, handling his flirty behaviour when it's directed at her? Honestly, she feels like she needs a crash cart with her at all times. "But like, they think we're dating, Luke," she clarified because she honestly didn't think he understood what he was getting himself into. She loved her family with all her heart, but they could be incredibly invasive and nosy. It's why she loved them, but also why she despised bringing anyone around. “You’re going to have to act as if you like me.” His smirk returned; he seemed to be enjoying this way too much. “I do like you, Jules.” She ignored the butterflies battling to the death under her ribcage. “Don’t be cute,” she admonished with a huff, “You’ll have to act like you’re in love with me.” “Okay,” he shrugged. Sometimes he was the most carefree, loveable dumbass in the world and it infuriated her to no end. “That doesn’t sound that hard. What’s not to love?” Julie was starting to get flustered and he was seemingly going along with everything she said, so she didn’t see much of a point to this conversation anymore. “Okay,” she agreed, nodding. “Then we’ll leave the day after exams. We’ll probably need to set some rules or something, but we have time for that. Deal?” She held out her hand in between them. Luke glanced at it and then back at her with an amused smile on his lips. He waited a moment before grasping her hand in his, chuckling. “Yeah, deal.” When he let go of her hand, he proceeded to flop back on her bed, while she headed straight for the iced coffee she hadn’t gotten a chance to drink yet. “Hey, Luke?” She called out and he hummed in response. “Thank you for this. It means a lot and I appreciate it. And you. I appreciate you.”
Luke pushed himself up on his elbows, shooting her a wickedly bright smile. “Anything for you, Jules. Or should I say muffin?” “Hell no. Never repeat that again.” “Yes, ma’am.” It was very clear who would be wearing the pants during their relationship. 
The flight from New York City to Los Angeles was approximately six hours, which gave Julie and Luke ample time to hammer out the details of their newfound relationship. It also helped to distract Julie from the fact that she was essentially flying a metal death trap; it’s not that she hated flying, it just always made her uneasy. And because it was Christmas time, the flight was crammed. Luke had humbly offered her the window seat while he took the middle; his neighbour ended up being a sweet old man who slept for most of the flight. “If you squeeze the armrest any harder, you’re going to break your nails. Or a finger.” Julie relaxed her grip; it was a force of habit. “Sorry,” she replied sheepishly. “You can squeeze my hand instead if you want,” he offered, turning his palm to face up. It was a tempting offer, but things were already about to get complicated enough, so she needed to keep her head clear. So, she politely shook her head and spoke instead. “Okay, I need to be distracted. Let’s talk rules.” “Just the words every man wants to hear,” he quipped sarcastically. Luke had opted for a very casual airport look. He had his signature orange beanie pulled over his head, with a black hoodie and matching sweatpants; he completed the look with a pair of runners and his backpack. Even though he was dressed as casual as possible, Julie thought he never looked better. She had opted for a casual look too; an NYU hoodie with black leggings and her favourite white converse. Comfort was key on airplanes. “What, let me guess. You think we should go rogue and forget rules.” Luke laughed, shooting her a quick look from her left. “Yeah, pretty much.” “And you think that’s a good idea?” “Yeah,” he added, turning slightly to face her. “Listen, we don’t need to make this difficult. We should just act normally around each other, maybe a bit more touching here and there, but just keep it overall simple. You just let me know anything you’re uncomfortable with and it’s completely off the table.” Julie nodded, biting her lip. “Okay, that makes sense. What about our story though? We need a good story." The smirk returned to his lips. “But we already have the best story. You dumping coffee all over the both of us is really a way to make a first impression.” “It was your coffee!” “You ran into me!” He laughed, gently poking her ribs. “And then you started crying, which I will admit, freaked me the hell out. But hey, it all worked out.” Julie rolled her eyes. “Fine. So, what’s the story? You fell in love with me because I just looked so fabulous crying?” “Definitely not,” he shot back in a teasing tone. “Keep it simple, Jules. We were friends and things just happened from there. When did you tell your Tia you got a boyfriend?” “Like four months ago maybe?” “Perfect,” he agreed. “But seriously Jules, you’ll tell me if you’re uncomfortable, right? I don’t want to do anything you’re not okay with.” Julie nodded, her heart warming at his wide, worried brown eyes. “Yeah, I’ll tell you. But you have to tell me too. This goes both ways.” “Please, Julie,” he scoffed, “You could push me in front of a bus and I’d be okay with it.” She punched at his bicep. “Shut up, you weirdo. I’m serious though. If my family is too much or you’re just not into it anymore, let me know. We’ll shut it down and leave.” “You worry too much,” he brushed her off, straightening in his seat and putting in an airpod. “It’s cute but don’t worry, I’m going to be the greatest fake boyfriend you’ve ever seen.” Julie didn’t doubt that for even a second. x When Julie called her dad to tell him she was bringing her boyfriend home for the holidays this year, he was absolutely ecstatic. He was just so incredibly happy for his daughter and unbelievably excited to meet the man Julie chose. He wasn’t like those dads who were overprotective and tried to scare the boyfriends off; he just genuinely wanted everyone to be happy. And he trusted Julie, and he trusted her to make smart decisions and surround herself with the best of people. She had been at university for three years now after all; if he didn’t trust her now, he never would. “Your dad’s picking us up?” Luke asked as he and Julie walked through customs. They had picked up their suitcases and were heading out into arrivals. Julie nodded. “Yeah. He’s excited to meet you. Are you nervous?” “Not really,” Luke shrugged. “We’ve technically spoken before on FaceTime. And I’m a people person; fathers love me.” Julie laughed, passing through the doors and maneuvering through the crowd waiting for their arrivals. “Mine definitely will. You two are both dorks.” “Hey!” Luke called out, genuinely offended. But Julie was too busy hurrying off to the side in the direction of a tall man. Luke assumed it was Julie’s father because she jumped on his unsuspecting back and when he whirled around to see her, there were unshed tears in his eyes. Julie wrapped her arms around her father’s neck. It always amazed Luke just how tiny she really was. But seeing her bury herself in her father’s chest reminded him all over again. After a moment, she pulled back and swiped at her face. Luke could only assume she teared up a little bit too. Julie whirled around to face Luke; her nose was red and she looked adorable. She held out a hand for him to take. “Dad, I want you to meet Luke.” “It’s so nice to officially meet you, Mr. Molina,” Luke greeted him politely. He reached out a hand for him to shake. “Call me Ray, we’re basically family!” Ray gushed, grabbing Luke’s hand and pulling him in for a hug instead. Something inside Julie started heating up. “I knew I recognized you. We’ve spoken before, haven’t we?” Luke nodded, a bright smile in his face because he couldn’t hold it back. “Yes, sir.” At Ray’s disapproving look, he stammered on. “I mean Ray, sorry. Force of habit.” “That’s good,” Ray winked, “You have good manners.” Looking between his daughter and Luke, Ray had never felt happier. “I’m so glad you’re both here. Are you ready to meet the family, Luke? We’re a tad bit wild.” Julie hopped into the conversation once again. “Don’t worry, I’ve briefed him.” Luke shared an amused look with Julie. “Yeah, I’m very ready. My family is quite the opposite, so I’m looking forward to some excitement.” “I’m glad to hear that. Should we get on the road? It’s getting late and you both are probably tired.” “Exhausted,” Julie huffed, reaching for her suitcase. Ray smacked her hand away and took it upon himself to roll it for her instead. With both hands now suddenly free, she happily slid one into Luke’s and together they followed Ray to the underground parking garage. She thought it might feel weird, pretending with Luke. But holding his hand felt natural and introducing him to her dad felt easy, almost as if it was meant to be. She knew the dangers of the comfort she was feeling, but she really couldn’t be bothered as she cuddled into Luke’s side when the cold air hit them. Julie climbed into the backseat with Luke, and it wasn’t long before her head started to feel heavy and she was having trouble keeping her eyelids open. Luke crept a hand along the seat, tapping on her thigh. With a start, she turned to him with tired eyes. He nodded his head in his direction and Julie took that as an invitation for her to slide over and lay her head on his shoulder. They’d taken naps together before, so this wasn’t unusual for them. They’ve always relied on touch to show their affection; their whole friend group did. It came with the territory of being so comfortable with a person that certain boundaries cease to exist. And her boundaries with Luke were blurred, and it was only getting worse as time passed by. Julie cuddled into Luke’s side once again. Her head rested on his shoulder and his hand moved to her leg. His touch seemed hesitant as he hovered above her knee but close to her thigh; he obviously wasn’t sure if this would make her uncomfortable and he didn’t want to risk it. Julie grabbed his wrist and set his hand down on her thigh, murmuring a quiet, “It’s okay.” That’s all the assurance he needed.
Luke met Ray’s eyes through the rearview mirror, and Ray smiled fondly.
When they arrived at Julie’s childhood home, Luke gently nudged Julie awake. “Hey, look where we are.” It took her a moment, but she finally pulled herself away from Luke. The sight of the house in which she grew up in was a sight to behold. She hadn't been back in quite a while (flights weren't cheap and school was killer). But seeing all the lights and decorations littering the house made her heart swell, and for the first time since she arrived, she was genuinely excited for the next few days. Luke and Ray took care of their suitcases while Julie rushed into the house, revelling in the warmth feeling of home. Everything looked exactly the same, save for the extravagant Christmas tree and decorations; Julie loved it. "Carlos is sleeping, but you can see him in the morning. I'll make breakfast," Ray told her, as he followed Luke into the house. "I'm sure you're both tired too. Julie, your room is all set up. I'll see you both in the morning, okay? Goodnight." When Ray was out of sight, Luke took a moment to look around the house. There were a number of decorations, but what really caught his eye were the multiple photo frames scattered around the room. He approached one on a side table; it was a young Julie encased in an older woman's arms. Their resemblance was uncanny, and Julie didn't talk much about her mom, but he knew. "Is this your mom?" He asked quietly when she came to stand next to him. Julie nodded. "She's beautiful." "Isn't she?" Julie murmured back. "Come on, let's go to bed." They grabbed their luggage and made their way upstairs. Julie's room looked exactly like Luke expected it to; it was a larger version of her dorm room, complete with soft colours and flower print. "I'm going to take a shower. Make yourself comfortable." With a sleepy smirk, he dropped his suitcase off to the side and collapsed face first onto her bed. "You know I will," he mumbled into the mattress.
Julie laughed with a roll of her eyes. She quickly dug through her suitcase to pull out the essentials and went across the hall to hope in the shower. There was nothing better than a nice, hot shower after a long and grimy plane ride, and Julie savoured every second. She changed into a pair of pj shorts and a NYU crew neck (she had a lot of NYU clothes). When she returned to her room, Luke had dozed off. “Get up,” she ordered as she walked over to his lifeless body. “Go take a shower. You stink.”
She poked at his cheek and he groaned. “You love it,” he mumbled into the pillow. “Debatable.” With another loud groan, he went over to his suitcase to grab his essentials. While she waited, she turned on her television and continued her New Girl rewatch (one of the best shows in existence). It was also a bad habit of hers to fall asleep watching Netflix on her laptop, but since she had her TV once again, that would do. When Luke returned, his hair was all wet and messy and so adorable. He was wearing an old band t-shirt and a pair of plaid pj bottoms, and he loudly dropped down beside Julie. He was so exhausted after travelling all day (not to mention the incessant studying/cramming he'd been doing the entire week for exams). All he wanted was to pass out and wake up the next morning feeling well rested and prepared to spend Christmas Eve with the Molina clan. "This okay?" He mumbled to Julie, but he was nearly clocked out. While he was laying down on his back, Julie was sitting up with her back rested against the headboard. She was mindlessly scrolling through her Instagram feed, but her eyelids were starting to droop. "Yeah, of course," Julie replied, reaching over to set her phone down on her bedside table. “How do you think this is going so far?” Luke had his eyes closed, but he wasn’t quite asleep yet. “Good,” he muttered, “Your dad is amazing.” “Yeah, he is,” Julie smiled proudly. She shimmied down in her bed after turning off the lamp and kept a respectable distance between her and Luke. They'd taken naps together before, but they'd never officially shared a bed for an entire night. If he or any of the boys stayed over, they always built a fort of blankets on the floor. She just wanted to make sure he was comfortable. "Are you okay? Is this weird?" He let out a sleepy chuckle. "It's not weird for me, Jules." After a moment, he turned to face her with a serious expression. "Is it weird for you? Want me to move to floor?" "No!" She objected, louder and quicker than she expected. Luke seemed to relax. "No, I'm fine. I just want to make sure you're comfortable with this." Luke's sleepy smile returned to his lips. "I'm always comfortable with you; you don't have to worry about me." "But I do," she added, a knowing lilt in her tone. He rolled his eyes lightly before settling back down comfortably. "We should sleep. Big day tomorrow." "Yeah," Julie sighed. She wasn't sure what the protocol here was; does she face him to sleep or does she turn away? Admittedly, it may be a bit challenging to sleep when staring at his serene, adorable face, but she decided to face him anyway. Luke popped open an eye, and a warm smile appeared on his lips. "Goodnight, Jules." He reached out a hand between them. It was a small, comforting gesture but that was Luke. He would do anything for the people he loved and it warmed Julie's heart to know she was one of those people. Her fingers met his and she intertwined their fingers gently. "Goodnight, Luke."
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connordavidscamera · 3 years
Living, Learning, and Filming Ch. 5 | Connor Brashier
A/n: Not totally sure if this is the way I want it to be, but I think I like it better than I did previously.
Summary: they’re together, but they’re not together?
Warnings: little dash of smut
Word count: 1.6k
Week 4
My mind won’t let me focus on anything other than the gentle touch of her lips and the way she holds onto me like I’ll slip through her fingers. I can still feel the intoxicating touch of her fingertips on my lower abdomen, the soft tug of her hands in my hair. I want to keep going. I really do. 
But we can’t. Not yet.
“Honey, we have to stop,” I say when she goes to reach for the bottom of the shirt I’ve given her to sleep in. It looks better on her than it ever will on me and honestly, I won’t even mind if she chooses to keep it on while I made her feel good. Over and over again. It’d be quite a sight, watching her move up and down on top of me with nothing but the - “I’m sorry. I want to, but we can’t.”
She nods, but kisses me again anyway. “I know. Just let me keep kissing you a little bit longer.”
I groan when she nibbles on my bottom lip. “Fuck… I can’t.” I pull away, push myself off her. I don’t even really know how or when I ended up hovering over her, but holy fuck, she looks like an angel beneath me. I want nothing more in this moment than to have her completely mine.
“What’s wrong?” she asks quietly.
I sigh and shake my head, “I know myself and I’ll want so much more - I do want more - but we can’t do this yet. I want you totally sober, completely sure of this. I want this to be something that you don’t have to think about. And after what happened earlier tonight, I don’t want you thinking I’m taking advantage of you.”
“But I want you,” she whines and I can feel myself losing all self-control, ready to give in to whatever she wants from me. Because I don’t know how she did it in such a short amount of time, but she has me completely enamored with her. She has me royally fucked.
“God, I want you, too. But… let’s take it slow, yeah?” I suggest. 
“Slow,” she repeats and nods as she thinks about it. “Okay. Slow works.”
We lay there for a minute, both still trying to catch our breath. “Well maybe one more kiss wouldn’t hurt,” I say, glancing over her face to gauge her reaction. 
“Yeah?” she bites her bottom lip and I hum reaching out, pulling it from beneath her teeth that were just sunk into my lip only moments ago. 
“Mhm… we’ll make it a long one,” I mutter, already pulling her on top of me.
Week 5
We've been hanging out much more now, staying the night at each other’s places. If we're not at my apartment, we're crammed in her bed at her dorm. Either way, we're stealing kisses like there’s no tomorrow. It's a wager now. "You finish editing your clips and you can have as many kisses as you want." "I think you need a kissing break; you work too hard." "You've been studying for hours. Come on, your lips look lonely." Does it sound like I'm complaining? Because I'm not. 
I've hardly seen Brian since last week, and he makes it a point to tell me that when he finally gets me by myself.
“Alright, bud. What’s going on?”
“I’m sorry?” I turn to face him from my closet.
“With y/n. What’s going on?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. We’re just hanging out,” I shrug.
“Yeah, right. Don’t give me that shit. There’s something going on with you guys. Are you dating? Fooling around? What?”
I roll my eyes, “Brian, are you serious?” 
“What? I think it’s a valid question. She’s hanging out here a lot more often, staying the night. And don’t act like you haven’t been AWOL too. If you’re not here editing, you’re out with her. So… what is it?”
I’m not avoiding the question because I don’t want to answer, it’s just that I don’t have one. “I don’t know.”
“How do you not know?”
“We haven’t talked about it.”
“Have you slept with her?”
“Beside her.”
“So no. Have you kissed her?”
I scratch the back of my neck, “Yeah.”
“Been on dates?”
“I mean, I don’t know if they really count as dates. It was just coffee or lunch.”
“Did you pay?”
“Well obviously.”
“Then it was a date.”
“I don’t really think that’s how it works.”
“You’re dating.”
“We’re not,” I argue.
“You are. And I mean, it’s not my business, sure, but like maybe you should talk to her about it.”
“It’s been a week, man.”
“No. It’s been five. She’s had you whipped since the minute you saw her.” He shrugs one shoulder, “Maybe that isn’t a bad thing.”
I groan, running a hand over my face. “It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. I thought she was going to fall first.”
“Is that what’s keeping you from telling her? That stupid bet? Because if it is then you are a grade A idiot.”
“You’re still playing this girl and she’s falling hard for you.”
“I’m not playing her, Brian! I like her! A lot,” I mumble the last part. 
“Then for your own sake, you need to tell her that because this whole ‘I can’t tell her because it wasn’t supposed to be me' is shit, and you know it.”
So… maybe slow isn't our forte. I don't think either of us expected it to get this far, both of us on her bed, tired limbs tangled together, breathing heavily.
"Your leg is twitching," I mumble, eyes closed.
She caresses my bare chest and kisses my sternum. "Well whose fault is that?" 
We both laugh, but it's short lived because we're both tired - exhausted, really. "If you're good maybe I can make it happen again later," I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to my side. 
"I don't think it has anything to do with me being good, mister."
I pinch her hip with a breathy laugh, "Don't be a smartass, sweetheart." She groans into my chest and I look down at her. "What?"
I smirk, "You like when I call you sweetheart," I muse and she hits my side.
"Stop it. Go to sleep."
"We need to film," I remind her. "That's why I came here."
"Hey I'm not the one that came in and pushed you up against the desk," y/n teases.
"Keep talking shit and see what happens," I say only half-heartedly because I'm already drifting to sleep, with visions of us just minutes ago dancing behind my eyelids.
She opened the door in leggings and a big t-shirt. It only takes me a second to realize that the shirt is mine and I actually I think I groan a little. "Fuck," I mutter before she can even let me in fully. And when she does, I set my camera down on her desk and quickly set her there right after. She squeals, holding onto my shoulders. 
"Connor, what are you doing?"
"So you're the reason I couldn't find that shirt this morning," I say huskily in her ear, nibbling at it. She moans and I know I'm fucked. I’d kill just to hear that sound again.
"Well if you want it back," she reaches for the hem of it and pulls it off her chest, revealing her lacy black bra. She's ruining me. Absolutely destroying me and she's getting off on it. Well I'll be damned if I don't get off too. “Take it.”
I lick my lips and shake my head, “Uh-uh. Put it back on. I’ll take something else.”
“That’s suggestive. What are you thinking, Brashier?” She asks, slipping the shirt back over her frame.
I hold her hips loosely, tracing her skin from under the shirt. “How far do you want to go?”
And that’s all she needed to press her lips against mine and for her legs to wrap around my waist. Oh, and her answer, by the way: fingers. And tongue. But she had me under the covers while I worked on her body, memorizing every curve, moaning at every sharp intake of breath. The sounds coming from both of us are borderline pornographic, but neither of us care as I bring her to her second orgasm. And neither of us care when she’s on her knees for me, still in my shirt - in nothing but my shirt, I should say - giving me what could very possibly be the best head I have ever or will ever receive in my life. She works her mouth so well, I think I see stars when I do finally release. I want to be like this with her forever.  It’s euphoric. It’s perfect. It’s… over.
“Hey, y/n. Nice shirt,” I say, filming her as she slips on yet another one of my shirts that she’s stolen without my knowing.
She smirks, stuffing her computer in her bag. “Thanks, it’s new.”
“Where’d you get it?” I ask, walking closer to her, reaching out for her hand. 
“Eh, this new place. You wouldn’t have heard of it,” she says matter of factly, allowing me to take her hand.
“Is it not called Connor’s closet?”
She scrunches up her face and then a pout settles on her lips. “Maybe.”
I hum, “Thought so.”
“Hey Connor?”
“Can I kiss you again?” she plays with the hem of the shirt that, once again, looks better on her than me. My pretty girl.
“You can kiss me as many times as you want.” I answer, setting the camera down so I can hold and kiss her properly. Which I do. And that’s how we end up in our same position as just moments ago, tangled limbs and heavy breathing. I hope we can stay this way forever.
I hope you enjoyed! Please like, reblog, and leave feedback!!
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summonerscenarios · 4 years
May be old school, but may I ask for 7 minutes in heaven with Wakan Tanka?
ASDFGHJKLKJH Aw man I didn’t think I’d ever get the chance to write one of these BUT HERE WE ARE! This was way spicier than intended but hey that’s the aim of the game lmao.
Also let’s take a moment of silence for Kyuma whose poor room will never be the same.
The door clicks shut behind you and already your face feels hot. This game had started off as a joke, something brought up to pass the time because the Yoyogi students were too antsy to sleep, everyone buzzing with unspent energy from the school day. There were only a couple basic rules being tossed around for you to get a grasp on what you were all getting into, enough to convince you to join in on the fun, but you didn’t actually think about getting picked until you watched the empty soda can you guys were using as an impromptu spinner slowly come to a stop pointing directly at you. And who’d it land on next? Of course it had to be Wakan.
You at least feel better about not being crammed into a closet or cupboard for the duration- with it being too risky to find a storage room to play this game, the group had decided that emptying out one of the dorm rooms was easier than sneaking back and forth through the dorm halls. Given that Kyuma’s room was the cleanest (or wasn’t actively covered in dirty uniforms at least) Ashigara had been more than happy to volunteer it for the game - this got more than a little protest from the baseball player once he realized everyone had just mutually agreed on his behalf, but after some convincing he relented and gave you guys the go ahead to carry on, already nervously eyeing the state of his bedroom before the door even closed. 
There’s not much light in the room, only a small table lamp on a dresser providing enough light that you don’t need to bother with finding the light switch, but it definitely sets the mood. You’ve never actually been in the other’s rooms before - you’d just assumed that they all looked the same, but he’s got some cool looking posters on the wall, a couple of baseball caps and some memorabilia littered across his desk. It’s easy to get distracted taking it all in, which is when you feel a hand on your shoulder you just about scream and shoot around, looking up into Wakan’s apologetic face.
Oh yeah, you weren’t alone.
There’s faint snickering coming from outside the door, followed by a swift whack and hushed ‘Oi, shut it!’before things go quiet again. You give the door a suspicious squint before you look back at Wakan, who, all things considered, looks genuinely happy to be in the room with you. 
“So, uhhhh-” you trail off, trying to find the right words “-you have any idea where you wanna start?”
Wakan cocks his head at you, expression warm making you feel a little less awkward about the whole situation. Don’t get it wrong, you love being around him, but knowing that the rest of your friends are right outside of the door within earshot is making you more than a little nervous. The hand that’s still on your shoulder gives an affirming squeeze and you brush your fingers over it as he offers a bright smile.
“Want me to start? Here” Wakan pulls you into his arms and you don’t protest - the second you press up against him you can feel yourself relaxing. He’s the affectionate type, so you’re more than used to being pulled into impromptu hugs, but this time it feels a bit different.
Wakan’s notorious for giving good hugs, with beefy arms and his tendency to always be the last one to let go, it's hard not to feel at ease with his arms wrapped around you. One hand rubs absentmindedly at your back as you bury your face into his chest. His body’s warm to the touch feeling almost like you’re cuddling up against a heat pad, and you can't help the sigh that escapes your lips as you nuzzle against his bare chest, hands coming up to hold onto the sides of his jacket. 
You wouldn’t complain in the slightest if you ended up spending the entirety of you seven minutes like this - it would be easier to explain once the door opened back up anyways- but a part of you wants a little more.It’s been a while since you’ve been alone together (well, as alone as you can be), so, feeling emboldened, you tug at his jacket until Wakan gets the hint and leans back enough to face you. 
Taking the chance you yank him down to claim his lips, the pleasantly surprised noise he makes swallowed up as you minimize the distance between the two of you. He’s more than happy to return the gesture, kissing back and tightening his hold on you to press you further into his embrace and you mewl appreciatively at the warmth that spreads through you even hotter this time. For a brief while, you focus on the feeling of his lips pressed against yours, relishing the way he feels against you, but it’s not long before you begin to wander, grip releasing his jacket to travel up along his chest, taking care to dance your fingers across his bare skin in your journey up his body. He bristles a little when you brush along his neck, head tilting mid-kiss wondering what you’re doing when your hands reach their target.
You move up to his ears, taking them into your hands and rubbing circles into them with your thumbs and that’s what gets a reaction out of him. Wakan moans against your mouth, ears twitching in your grip and a shiver running through his body - using this advantage you run your tongue along his bottom lip before pulling him into a deeper kiss, a hum of satisfaction only eliciting further moans in response. The arms wrapped around you shift from keeping you pressed against his chest to running along your sides, broad hands lay flat against your back with no obvious destination - it’s like he’s getting a feel for your body beneath his hands despite the layers of clothes in the way, taking his time to move slowly, which from Wakan comes as a surprise. Then he does it.
Wakan Tanka scoops you up in one swift motion and you squeak in shock, your hands dropping down to brace against his arms as he holds you up with no effort at all. His arms move to rest under the crook of your knees, hands coming to cradle your ass to keep you upright and effectively pin your body to his. The two of you break apart and you gasp for air, a string of saliva still connecting you until you swallow, heat flooding through you and pooling in the pit of your stomach at the new position. Wakan’s still smiling, expression bright and warm even though you can make out his ruddy cheeks in the lamp light, and can feel the way his chest heaves with heavy pants.
The next kiss is deep, and just as passionate; even pressed flush against his body it feels like you’re not close enough, your hands coaxing him to press forward until you’re just about back to back with the wall. Like this, you can feel your blood pumping in your ears, your body growing even hotter. You’re getting worked up - you both are, if the way that his hips twitch when you arch into him is any indication - and at this rate things are going to escalate to way more than just kissing if you don’t calm down. But even with this thought in mind you want to keep kissing him; keep holding him; keep pulling and pushing until there’s nothing left between you.
Your hands dart down to the waistband of his sweatpants, fingers hooking into the fabric tugging experimentally as you pull away from the kiss, lips still hovering over his, and you look up to meet his gaze, pupils blown and eyes lidded.
“Can I?” 
“Please” he tilts his head to nuzzle into the crook of your neck, breath fanning over your. 
You need no other hint and make a move to pull his sweats over his hips, hand dipping in to squeeze his hip in an attempt to get another moan out of him.
Then, the door swings open. 
It’s like something out of a comedy skit - the door flies open and suddenly there’s a pile of your friends all tumbling over each other as they hit the floor. There’s a chorus of complaints, each of them fighting over one another to get up and you’re torn between being mortified at being caught and baffled at what’s happening.
“Gah-Ashigaraaaa, get off of me-!”
“Oi! Who opened the door?!”
“I thought you locked it!”
“Dammit, Gunzo!”
Over the group of students you can see back to where you were sitting earlier, where Kyuma, the only one not pressed right up against the door, gives you a sheepish wave, watching the whole thing unfold with secondhand embarrassment. Not knowing what else to do you wave back before you catch yourself, suddenly remembering your current position and you yank your hands back up to your chest with a jolt of panic, nudging anxiously at Wakan until you’re free enough to shift yourself into a less compromising spot.
By the time everyone’s back onto their feet you’re still being held up by Wakan, but he’s released your legs so that they hang loosely around his waist and now it just looks like he’s carrying you. You know that you’re blushing - your face feels like it’s on fire and you’re about ready for the wall to swallow you up so you can conveniently forget the past few seconds. Apparently Wakan doesn’t share your embarrassment, instead he perks up at the sight of the other Yoyogi students and smiles. 
“Oh! Has it been seven minutes already?”
“Uhh, yeah! It’s up!” Seeing the opportunity to avoid addressing the situation Durga jumps up and none too gently shoos the others out of the doorway with the heel of her foot, flashing the two of you a nervous smile before retreating back to the ring of seats you were all sat at before. 
You expect Wakan to lower you back to the floor so that you can leave the dorm room; instead, he secures his grip on you and proceeds to carry you back over to the group, practically beaming as he drops down into one of the seats and shifts about until you’re perched in his lap. His arms come to wrap around your waist, hands rubbing your stomach in a way that has you leaning into the gesture, your own hands resting on his knees as you try to turn your focus back onto the game, watching the rest of your friends as their attention turns back to the task at hand spinning the can for the next player.
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goth-girlfriend · 4 years
hi! can i ask for a matchup with a male character pls? i’m a soft 🥺🥺 girl and the baby in my friend groups, kinda shy at first & may look like a snob because i’m not sure if they’re saying hi to me or the person behind me 👉👈 but i open up really quickly if u decide u want to be friends, i’m chill and relaxed but i’m also down to do anything, i usually match my vibe with the people i’m with, quiet night in? i’m down! wanna impulsively do something at 3 am? i’m in! i’m naturally clingy and
(2/2) affectionate since my love languages are physical touch and quality time, which can lead to many people mistaking my platonic actions (hugs, handholding, head on your shoulder) as flirting when i’m just expressing my love for my friends 🥺🥺, i’m a procrastinator but i also plan my day in an organized manner so idk how i’m still cramming my deadlines, i love doing yoga, reading, painting and calligraphy, i’m a horrible cook oops but it somehow ends up good and edible in the end :))
(( I used the name Patricia, since it’s your username 😅))
💜💜💜 💜💜💜💜 💜💜💜💜 💜💜💜
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(Sorry,I couldn’t find a great picture, but much love ❤️ for our good octo-boi)
Shoji, does not see you as a snob or anything....mostly because he didn’t look down the first time he ‘met’ you, didn’t even see you in fact.
The second time he meets you, he realizes he likes the soft shy nature. So he tries to strike up a conversation, apparently this man knows no fear, at least when it comes to talk to new people.
Mezo, loves how you can match his mode at almost any given instant, but, he loves it even more when you tell him, what you really want.
Not everyone agrees but, I feel like this boy is lacking in the physical affection area due to insecurities.... SO! It’s the moment you start to snuggle into his side under his arms, hugging his arm/s (True lovers will take the challenge to hug all three), hugging his waist and pressing your cheek into his chest. He will hold you in the tightest embrace and make sure no one will ever hurt the thing he holds closest to him.
Ever felt self conscious? He will crush those insecurities the way he crushes weight lifting. No body makes his girl cry, and if they do, he’s not going to hurt them...bad.
So how did you go from friends to dating? Well, it was the moment your platonic actions made him realize. “......This, it’s nice being the one who’s held, and not holding someone else.” Struck a heart string for him.
Alone it wasn’t just the soft and intimate touches, it was the small things, when you sat by his side, dropped your head against his shoulder, took a hand between both of yours and talked about your day, all the good, bad, lunch, anything, he loved your voice and hearing you be open. He loved how you complained sometimes that you did everything by the schedule, but still, somehow somewhere time slipped away form you. But he realized he loved it more when you cared enough to ask him about his day, and his feelings.
Admires the works of art you create, loves watching you sketch and paint creating something beautiful out of nothing. Cooking? He worries a bit when he sees you struggling, and wants to help, but doesn’t want you to feel insecure. So he sits back and encumourgaes you with words, praying to whoever is listening that it’ll be good. When things get a bit serious, he’ll try to slyly help you, and you’ll accept it because what’s more romantic then cooking with your boyfriend?
Shoji, loves you deeply, seeks out your soft touches and hushed whispers, will gladly hold you on his chest while he lays back on his bed, even though he knows he should approve of your procrastination.
“Hey! Shoji!” Patricia whispered screamed while knocking his door.
The sound of shuffling was heard and soon she came face to chest with the white haired male that had come to be her friend.
“I need help,” she entered his room as he stepped aside letting her in, “Momo wants me to study more but I can’t! I’m tired.” She plopped down on a cushion she had left in his room the other night when she brought tea.
He simply nodded and closed the door, “I won’t hide you for long, just a break.”
It was a lie, the afternoon turned late, followed by early night, and here they were talking in whispers about something that happened in Patricia’s past.
“It was embarrassing! I literally blew snot on my crush, he didn’t even talk to me or look at me! Luckily my crush didn’t last more than two weeks so I got over it quick.”
Patricia turned onto her left side to face Shoji, he was laying on his back, head turned to look at her. His left arms supporting his head and tight arms stretch out. Patricia lowered her head to rest on his shoulder and sighed, content and smiled. “Shoji, you probably know this already but you are the best.”
Her left arm stayed tucked by her side as her right arm hugged his broad chest, his free arms coming to hold her waist and shoulders pulling her closer.
“You’re the only one to tell me.” He said still looking down at her.
“Well, I’ll just have to say it more then.” She tried to squeeze him failing due to his hardened muscular structure.
“Maybe I should work out.” She mumbled looking down at her tummy, it wasn’t a models body, but to Shoji? It belonged to the most beautiful lady he’s met so far in his life, (mom excluded for survival reasons.)
“I think you’re beautiful,” the mouth moved before he realized what he was going to say out loud.
Patricia felt the heat in her cheeks, sure she’d been complimented before but this felt, different, she closed her eyes and smiled, “Thank you Shoji, I think you’re quite handsome.”
He quickly turned his face the other way glad his mask covered majority of his face.
You laid there, wiggling your way closer to his side taking his warmth, but truth be told, without you, he’d feel just as cold as he did before. Maybe now would be the time to tell you, how madly I love he thinks he is in with you. To tell you how he loves watching you mumble into his chest when you sleep on him when he’s at your dorm watching a movie up at three in the morning when you have early classes the next day. The way he ties your hair back when your painting your best or writing your finest print. The way your brows furrow as you mix ingredients, and then how your eyes widen and you blush’s heepishky realizing you may have messed up. How even when your booked all day, you procrastinate and use that time to busy up his free time.
“Let’s get you to your dorm before you fall asleep.” Was all he said as he lifted you and himself.
Carrying anyone bridal style was a simple task, the man could carry the hero endeavor on one side and all might on the other, people often forget with one side he can life a thousand pounds easy. But, you always felt a bit self conscious, but when would your weight ever compare to 1000 pounds? Even if you did, he’d do everything he could to make sure you love yourself.
Making it to your room, he took your kept and opened the door. Once inside he was hit with the wave of a familiar scent. It was the smell of faint sweets and mint. It wasn’t strong, just noticeable. He walked in you yawned in his arms. You gave his neck a tight hug and thanked him for what did. He simply nodded, not liking the reaction you grabbed his neck and pulled him down into you.
He quickly readjusted so his weight wouldn’t crush you, here he was, laying on his back having forced you into his chest, he held you safe with all his arms, you yawned resting your head on his cheek. “Don’t go Mezo.”
He sighed and squeezed you, “I shouldn’t spend the night.”
“Please?” You yawned again.
He tried to fight but he couldn’t, “once.”
Fell asleep on his chest, but woke up in panic when he turned to his side, you almost fell of the bed, but he caught you. He pulled you into his chest now chest to chest on your sides you held him, your eyes held lidded as you wanted to stay awake but sleep was much better.
“I should tell you something.” His voice was low and smooth.
“Mhmm,” you hummed enjoying his voice.
“I think, I’ve grown emotionally attracted to you.”
You didn’t process it to easy, emotionally attached? Oooo big words, big guy makes sense. The problem with being half weak, was that you didn’t process it. But your lips moved on their own as you pushed you self up to get level with him, kissing his cheek you nuzzled his clothed cheek, “Shoji I have confession.”
“I think I love you.” Patricia mumbled and continued to try and get closer to the boy.
He let out a single laughed and squeezed her closer, “Well talk when your awake.”
“Mkay, Good night Shoji, love you.” You yawned, and let your eyes close still catching his faint whispered into the darkness as his chin rested on your head, “Good night, I..... love you.”
Your heart warmed up at his soft whispered and you smield feeling yourself finally sleep, so soft, so sweet.
I hope you like it 🖤
Thank you for the request and being patient with me lol.
My ask box is open, and Anon is on. Remember to stay hydrated, and stay caught up with work!
Love to everyone 💛 Stay safe!
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1kook · 5 years
Jeon Jeongguk x (F) Reader
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summary⥗“Lose the top, or lose the right to present yourself in any low back gown for the next three months.” He truly knew the way to your heart. tags⥗richboy!jk, -3 knowledge of how vacations work, domestic love!!!, outdoor sex, unprotected sex, fingering, jk’s white ass cheeks mention wc⥗5.9k u ever randomly get inspired for the first time in 2 months and write a whole fic in one night anyway enjoy
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There were many perks to dating the heir of your city’s top conglomerate, the endless showering of gifts being one of them, but your favorite thing about your boyfriend wasn’t his overflowing pockets or his secure future, but the lovesick look in his eyes when you told him how much you loved him.
Jeongguk was an enigma.
He was born to be the stereotypical rich boy that authors of teen fiction could only dream of, his looks suitable for magazine covers and his brains destined for top-notch universities. His bloodline was carefully crafted by generations before him, every marriage carefully planned and executed with the ultimate goal to preserve their place in society as apex predators. In fact, Jeongguk’s entire life had been one big script his family had carefully pushed him along, from the fencing classes he took to the hiring of the nation’s best nannies to care for him, all subtle enough for him to not complain but demanding enough that he knew what was going on.
The only thing they hadn’t planned in Jeongguk’s life was him meeting you.
They had never planned for him to meet some middle-class girl, who was definitely not an heiress to any particular company or celebrity of any level, just some random girl he had accidentally bumped into leaving a charity event at the local community park. They hadn’t planned for his long, gangly arms to knock your phone out of your hand, or send it tumbling into the lake as you both watched on in horror. It was only after the quiet plop of water registered in both your ears that you had whirled on him, half of you in shock and the other in fury.
Jeongguk was, as previously stated, handed everything on a silver platter. His parents hardly bothered with teaching him how to do things. He barely understood how to work a washing machine, because all of that was done for him by other people. At the moment, he didn’t have to bother with taking an entrance exam to the best university this side of the country because he knew his parents would pay for the entire thing out of pocket. He especially didn’t ever have to worry about what to do when random girls scolded him in public sight, because frankly, it would never happen.
Yet here he was, completely startled as you told him to watch where he was going, and to learn how to apologize to people when you’ve done something wrong. He’d never had someone of a lower status than him treat him so aggressively before, and when you pause to catch your breath all he can stumble out is that he’ll replace your phone, he’ll even buy you the best model, what was your number so his people could reach out to you again?
The last sentence has you groaning in frustration, as you pointed furiously towards the lake, because how on earth was he supposed to contact you when your phone was 20 feet below surface level?!
After another fifteen minutes of you continuing your verbal rampage against him, the entirety of it which he’d spent fending off his security guard and his assistant (both who’d been appalled that he’d willingly let this peasant swear and curse at him) as he stared at you in awe.
When you finally calmed down and he’d offered to take you to the Starbucks across the street to figure out the details of your phone replacement, he’s surprised to find out your normal disposition is nothing like the one you’d first shown him. In fact, you’re rather sheepish and embarrassed at the coffee shop, albeit still a little upset with him for trashing your phone.
After you’ve finished nailing out the little details of your phone replacement, which included you hesitantly giving him your address, he leaves right away. He’s sad to leave so soon, having become completely enthralled with your entire being in the thirty minutes he’s come to know you, that he finds himself hopelessly staring out of the backseat of the Benz as he travels back to his upscale apartment in the heart of the city. He hopes you don’t forget him so soon.
To say you’re surprised to see a package on your doorstep the next morning is an understatement. You remember every online purchase you make, and if memory serves you right, you hadn’t made one in the past month to warrant its arrival today. After glancing down both ends of your hall, you tug the mystery package inside.
In hindsight you probably should have been more cautious of the entire situation, but part of you was extremely curious to see what brought this surprise on. After tugging the tape off and shuffling through the packing peanuts you’re met with a sleek box for the hottest and most expensive phone right now, a pink bow carefully tied around to secure a note.
One of our guard’s fished around the lake for the phone I misplaced and managed to retrieve the memory card. I hope you won’t mind the new contact I added.
Jeon Jeongguk
And thus was the start of your love story.
You’re wondering if Jeongguk’s sudden idea was truly a spur of the moment epiphany or another ploy for him to get out of going to the ball his father had planned at the end of this month. You’ve come to learn in the last two years that despite his perfect boy aura, he was quite the impulsive shithead. Eitherway, you know he would have invited you to wherever he was going, and if he hadn’t, his mother would have shipped you a gown from her favorite designer and asked you to drag him there.
As it stands, it’s not a fancy ball you’re preparing for this time around, but a luxurious spring break in the Bahamas, away from school and family and anything to ruin your mood for the next week. You’d just finished your midterms when he bursts into your dorm room, demanding you pack your bags, baby, we’re going to the beach! Evidently, it was not the local beach you were going to. No, the ‘beach’ Jeongguk had referred to was one he conveniently forgot to mention was an entire plane ride away. It wasn’t until he returned later that same day to usher you off to the airport that he realizes how sorely under packed you are.
So now here you were, frantically cramming a week’s worth of cute, summer-y clothes into the only suitcase you own, running back and forth from your closet to the suitcase to the desk where you kept all your beauty products and shower essentials, while your boyfriend ate one of your granola bars on your bed.
“You better not get any crumbs on the bed, you know I hate finding them later,” you scold, not even bothering to look at him as you stuff all your makeup into a small bag.
Jeongguk snorts. “You won’t even be sleeping here for a week, babe,” he says, voice calm and relaxed in the way only someone who’s already done packing can be. The only consolation to your current state was that Jeongguk had booked his family’s private jet, so you really couldn’t be late to a flight only the two of you would be on.
You turn around with a hand on your hip, giving him the same unimpressed look you always do when he’s being unreasonable. “I’m sure the mice you’re attracting will keep it warm for me.” He rolls his eyes, finishing off his snack and then making a big show of patting down your creaky mattress to rid it of any granola crumbs.
He’s settled back into the bed when he speaks again. “Take the orange crop top you bought from Forever 21 last month, it makes your boobs looks amazing.”
You tuck your socks and undergarments against the suitcase’s inner pocket. “Oh right, ‘cause that’s a priority right now.” You don’t wanna tell him it’s already folded against your other clothes because you, too, think it makes your boobs look amazing.
You hear the rustling of the bed sheets once more, before you see his long legs come to a rest around you, arms wrapping around your waist to watch you ruffle through the clothing you already have. “Not my fault my girl’s got a nice set on her.”
“Oh my god, shut up,” you beg, reaching over to your pile of haphazardly thrown shorts and skirts to fold some more into your luggage. You’re careful of not moving far enough away that his arms would dislodge from their embrace. “We could have been halfway to the Bahamas right now if someone bothered to plan things ahead of time and not last minute as a means to get out of a charity ball.”
Jeongguk groans, letting his head fall forward to rest against your back, his soft breath leaving your back warm through your t-shirt. “Can’t a guy just steal his girlfriend away to the Bahamas for a week to avoid the overwhelming stress of life, and maybe choke on some exotic shrimp while she chokes on his di—”
“Get off of me, you pervert!”
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The second you step foot on the archipelago that is the gem of the resort world, it’s about seven thousand degrees hotter than it was back home, and the sweat on the back of your neck can attest to that. The jet ride here had been pretty fun, it being your first experience flying private, but also flying in general. Jeongguk had kept you entertained both on the take off and landing, lips kissing down every inch of your neck with a promise for more later.
Well, it was later now, and the need to be sated was still present, something you’re not quite sure your boyfriend was aware of. Jeongguk was like that. Forgetful as fuck. The only reason he ever got anything done was because he had that assistant of his practically glued to his hip at every moment of the day, breathing down his neck every task he needed to complete. If it was up to Jeongguk, and Jeongguk alone, things would get done at a very slow pace.
But you were nothing like your boyfriend, and you suppose it’s why you two go together so well. While he put things to the side, you needed everything to be done right away and fast. Which is why you find yourself pulling him away from the scuba diving kiosk in an effort to check into your high-end cottage away from all the tourist hub.
“Babeee,” he whines, almost forgetting his luggage for the nth time, not used to actually having to haul his things by himself. “We could have seen the reef! You know, where all the fish are at? Where Nemo lives.”
“Uh huh, that’s nice,” you say, finding the driver Jeongguk’s assistant (bless his uptight, perfectionist ass) had booked for your arrival. “But we need to check in first and make sure our rental is all good.”
He seems miffed about the fact people actually have to do that, and had it not been his status as a trust-fund baby funding this entire trip, you would have liked to sock him right in the nose. But he’s your boyfriend and you’re used to his somewhat clueless ways by now, so you let it go.
You don’t know what you expected his assistant to rent out for you guys, but it certainly wasn’t the swanky beach house your driver pulls up to. It’s carefully secluded from the other houses around it, a high hedge-turned-fence surrounding the private yard. It hides a decent sized pool, a few lawn-chairs, and a hot tub from the public beach down below. The house itself is marvelous, complete with multiple bedrooms, two baths, and the most luxurious kitchen you’ve ever seen in a beach house.
“Oh,” you say upon stepping out of the car, mouth agape as you take in the sight of your accommodation for the next few days.
A pair of hands snake around your waist before carefully coming to rest above your navel. Jeongguk presses a gentle kiss to your temple, murmuring, “all for you, princess.” The waves crashing against the beach below are miniscule compared to the sudden blossoming of warmth in your chest.
“Shut up,” you shyly whine, turning around to envelope him in your arms. Your need for him and his body fades at the breathtaking sight behind you, and you find yourself forgetting about it completely as you venture around the house.
It’s the same day when you decide to go out into the yard and tan for a bit. Jeongguk had went in for a nap, a little tired from keeping you entertained on the long flight, because he’d stayed awake even when you fell asleep just in case you woke up scared. You don’t try to discourage him, watching him snuggle into the king mattress as you shuffle around for your bikini.
You’re absentmindedly applying another layer of sunscreen to your face, sunglasses pushed onto the top of your head. You’re completely enveloped by thoughts of your boyfriend, of how he could have easily ran off to the Bahamas alone (he went to Moscow last November on a trip to ‘find himself’), but he’d elected to whisk you off with him.
You tuck your AirPods—another gift from him—into your ears before finally settling into the comfort of a lounge chair, the sun’s rays beating down on you full force. It feels wonderful being away from everything you know with the comfort of returning. You’d always dreamt of visiting such places as a teenager, the presence of a lover or not, but now you truly got to live out those fantasies with Jeongguk.
He was a dream.
It’s about thirty minutes into your session when you register the sound of the sliding door, and you crack one eye open to see your refreshed boyfriend wandering into the backyard in a pair of swimming trunks and a goofy look on his face. “Oh, pardon me, I didn’t know such women came to the public pool,” he smirks.
You roll your eyes, not that he sees through the shades protecting you. “Don’t you dare try to roleplay with me, weirdo.”
He cackles, before somersaulting into the pool, and you find yourself squealing at the splash he makes. He disappears for a second under the water, but then pops back up at the ledge closest to you. “Come on, don’t be a pussy. Play along and maybe we’ll go to the spa tomorrow morning,” he offers.
“Fine.” You decide to join him, but not because the spa.
Jeongguk laughs at your petulant tone of voice, before sprawling out to float across the surface of the pool. “Great, so here’s what I was thinking. Me, the rich middle-aged husband coming here strictly for business. And you, the shy darling relaxing by the pool with her girlfriends who are all pushing her to go talk to me.”
“Sounds perfect, except for the part where I’m actually the sly minx coming here to scam a rich college boy out of his money, luring him into the most pleasurable sex he’s ever had, before ghosting him for all eternity and leaving him forever waiting for someone like me to come into his life again,” you propose.
Jeongguk blinks. “Wow, that sounded so realistic. You’re either really good at this, or… I should be worried,” he playfully accuses, before throwing over a gesture that says im watching you. You laugh.
“Just keep swimming, rich boy.”
He does as you tell him, playing in the water as you tune back into the music drifting into your ears. You’re about done tanning the front side of your body, and flip over to make sure your backside catches the rays as well. You set your sunglasses off to the side, and when you look back for them they’re adorning Jeongguk’s silly face as he doggy paddles around the donut floaty he found.
“Untie your top, dumby. Unless you want those ugly tan lines,” Jeongguk calls out in that brash tone of his. You flip him the bird, before sitting up in a very Ariel-esque pose to glance around your private yard.
As if sensing your hesitation, Jeongguk paddles over to your side, leveling you with an unimpressed look. “These bushes are as tall as a door, and there’s no one around for the next half mile, babe. Lose the top, or lose the right to present yourself in any low back gown for the next three months.”
He truly knew the way to your heart.
You untie the knots at your back and your neck, carefully laying back down to get that perfect tan Jeongguk was talking about. Admittedly, you do feel a bit better knowing you won’t return home with noticeable tan lines, and that much is enough to have your topless self blissfully relaxing.
Your soundtrack is the playlist you had collected on the plane ride, occasionally joined by the splashing Jeongguk makes as he moves around the pool, and before you know it, your timer is ringing to let you know it’s time to flip over again. This time, you’re less hesitant about shedding your top, breasts bare to the sky as you throw the top over your eyes (guess where your sunglasses still where).
You hear a wolf whistle from the other side of the yard, and catch sight of Jeongguk sitting at the edge of the pool. His skin is glistening from the water, the sun enveloping him in its warmth. He’d been outside for a shorter time than you but somehow he’d accumulated a darker color faster. The sun loved him like no other. He’s pushing himself to his feet when he catches your gaze, mischievous smirk twisting his features as he rounds the pool.
“Didn’t know this was a nude beach,” he says, and you curse your body for the way it reacts to the sight of his messy hair and tone abdomen. Your nipples harden embarrassingly and you can’t even hide them.
“Tired already?” You muse instead, hoping he doesn’t comment on the state of your breasts. “Tired after a plane ride, tired after swimming. Didn’t know I was dating an old man.”
“Har har,” he says in a monotone voice, and you can’t help the curl of a smile at beating him at his own playful ways. He stops in front of you, and your expression is knocked clean off when the water droplets clinging to his body fall onto your warm skin.
“Jeongguk!” You whine, pushing him away with your foot in a valiant effort to save yourself from the cold water. If anything, your actions end up bringing your demise as he catches your ankle in his hand.
“Ah ah, princess,” he tuts, bending your leg upward only to place his knee where it once was. He ducks down to tower over you, your continuous squealing only bringing an evil smile to his face. “What did we say about tan lines?”
You push him away, groaning in defeat as his hair drips even more water onto your skin. “I took the top off, what now?”
He glances down, and for a moment, you’re confused as to what he sees that you don’t. You're only met with the sight of your yellow bikini bottom preserving the last of your dignity.
You scoff. “You’re kidding.”
Much to your chagrin, he’s not.
“You’re on one of the nicest islands in the world, staying in a private home with fences tall enough to stop Bigfoot from looking in, and you’re gonna tan with your bikini bottoms on? You’re ridiculous.”
You shove his shoulder, before resigning yourself to getting soaked by him as he shuffles around to squish you under his weight. “You’re ridiculous for thinking I’d be outside without any clothes on!”
He snorts against your shoulder, long arms moving around until he has one somewhat curled beneath you. “Nah. You are.”
“Don’t start with me, Jeon.”
He shifts again to look you in the eye. “Come on, ___. You’re really gonna get tan lines when you could avoid them?”
You roll yours eyes. “You couldn’t get me to go outside completely naked for a million bucks, baby.” The beginning of a grin curls around his lips. “Don’t even think about it.”
This brings a laugh out of him, before he’s laying back down to kiss your neck. “You’re silly.” All you can really hope for now is that him laying on top of you won’t give you an even worse tan line.
Just when you think he’s given up on his quest to have you completely naked outside, you feel the slightest tug on the tie holding your bikini in place, slapping your hand down on his as if he were a pesky fly. “Fine!” He huffs, rolling off you to jump back into the water. “I hope everyone sees your uneven tan.”
“No one would see a tan line on my coochie, Jeon,” you remind him, flinching when he decides to cannonball into the water right beside you, sprinkling you in another round of water pellets.
He emerges from the clear water a moment later, paddling to the ledge beside you to flick more water your way. “I will,” he retorts. “When I got you bent over tomorrow morning.”
You don’t hesitate to fling your bikini top his way, the yellow fabric smacking him across the face. “In that case, you should take those shorts off, because I certainly don’t wanna have to look at your pasty thighs.”
“You love my milky thighs,” he hums, traversing the length of the pool for his donut floaty again.
Your tiny quarrel ends there, Jeongguk soon becoming too immersed in competing against himself in a breath-holding contest to bother you any longer. He’s adorable like this, cheeks puffed out like Mrs. Puff every time his head pops out of the water, that you almost forget to flip over when your timer rings again.
It’s in the midst of your repositioning that you dare take a peak beneath your bottoms. Much to your disdain, there is a growing disparity between the skin beneath your swimsuit and the skin around it. Nothing too bad, but if you were to lay out as long as you planned, it’d become embarrassingly noticeable. Your breasts had been saved from any differences thanks to Jeongguk’s early warning, and you begin wondering if shedding your bottoms would inflate his already huge ego.
No matter, you discreetly unknot the ties securing your bottoms, hoping he won’t notice from across the yard as you carefully slip them off.
You make quick work of laying on your stomach again, your ass finally catching some rays after being covered for so long. You won’t lie, there’s an unexpected wave of comfort that comes with being bare outside, your entire body wonderfully enveloped by the sun’s beaming rays. You snuggle into the lounge chair’s cushions as you nearly reach nirvana.
Your blissful state is ruined not even ten minutes later when the sound of Jeongguk’s heavy splashing comes closer and closer. It’s not until you hear the splat of his wet feet against the pavement that you realize you’re in trouble.
There’s a playful smack against your ass, and you yelp in surprise. “Jeon!” You whine, instantly sitting up on your forearms to narrow your eyes at him. He’s flashing you that playful grin of his as he plops down beside you, not even having to ask you to move over because you do so subconsciously
“Knew you’d give in eventually,” he sighs, leaning back on his palms as he tries to catch his breath. You decide to give up on your dreams of having a peaceful tanning session, turning around to face your glistening boyfriend.
“What do you want for lunch?” You ask instead, running a hand through the hair at the nape of your neck, rolling your shoulders around to get some movement back into them. He shrugs, slithering his way up the cushions to squish himself beside you. It’s a tight fit, but he makes it easier by throwing your leg over his middle.
“Probably some good food in the little village a mile from here. Could probably walk there too.” You hum in agreement, snuggling into his side. You’ve long since gotten over the coldness of his skin, cheek pressed against his chest. He’s got a hand on your lower back, partially to hold you close but also to stop you from rolling off the chair.
Right as your snoozing off, so wonderfully warm beneath the sun and comfortable in your birthday suit, you feel a pair of fingers brush against the backside of your thigh, and then ghost over your exposed pussy.
“You’re despicable,” you murmur, tweaking his nipple between your fingers. Jeongguk snickers, shifting you around so you’re mostly on top of him now, your awakened core pressed against his thigh.
“C’mon, princess,” he goads, running a pair of moist fingers along your thigh again, trying to carefully coax you into doing what he wants. Most things, you now realize, tend to go Jeongguk’s way regardless of other factors. “No one’ll hear us out here.”
“But what if someone does,” you point out, always the voice of reason when it comes to Jeongguk’s ideas. “We could get in trouble, Guk. I don’t know…”
“In trouble for what?” Is his smart rebuttal, shuffling beneath you so you can finally feel the swollen cock hiding beneath his swimming trunks. “Enjoying ourselves in our own home? Oh, the terror.” Upon seeing the uncertainty that still clings to your features, he drops the somewhat cocky attitude to press a kiss to your nose. “It’s all good, princess,” he soothes, ducking down to caress the side of your face with his cherried lips. “If anything, I’ll just bribe our way out of any trouble.”
“Ugh,” you groan, melting into him as you finally give in. “I hate when you say that.”
Jeongguk snuffles a laugh against your jaw, maneuvering the two of you around until you’re laid flat against the cushion with him hovering over you. “When I say what?” He teases. “That my wallet is as fat as my cock?”
You roll your eyes, untying the knot he’d done at the front of his shorts. “Get that fat cock of yours out before I change my mind.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he complies, setting one foot on the floor to push his shorts down, until you’re met with the sight of his stark thighs. You cackle, and his arrogant smirk is wiped off as he glances down at his two-toned legs.
“What happened to getting the perfect tan?” You sneer, tapping a finger against his muscled thighs. “Don’t tell me your ass is this white, too.”
He huffs in annoyance, before reclaiming his spot between your legs again, tugging you down until your cores are pressed together. “Shut up.” You do as he says, words catching in your throat at the feeling of his engorged cock brushing against your wet folds.
His slips a hand down to languidly toy with your folds, his fingers slightly pruny from all the time he spent in the water. It feels a little weird, but any complaints you may have had are wiped away when he nudges your bud with the tip of his pointer finger. You gasp, fingers digging into his shoulders at the sudden stimulation against your core. “Ohh,” you sigh, eyes rolling backwards.
“Feel good?” He checks, eyes trained on your expressions, lips unconsciously puckering to kiss you, even with your writhing beneath him. You let out a high-pitched mewl, much to your embarrassment, cheeks flushed warm from the sun and his ministrations. You nod belatedly.
He lets his wandering hands carry on, carefully travelling across the entirety of your folds. He knows your body like no other, so familiar with the dips and curves, that it’s impossible for him to not immediately locate your g-spot upon plunging his fingers inside you. “G-Guk!” you cry out, hands falling to grip at his biceps.
He presses a kiss to your throat. “That’s it, baby, lemme hear you,” he murmurs, and subtly presses his cock to the inside of your thigh. “Looked so delicious out here,” he sighs, and it’s as if he’s talking to himself. “Wanted to fuck your pretty little pussy from the second I stepped outside.”
Your back arches beneath him at a particular scissor of his fingers, another whine caught in your throat. “Want you so bad,” you whimper, reaching a hand up to tangle in his dark locks. You use the leverage to pull his lips towards yours, meeting in a frantic crash that has you whining against him even more.
His tongue slips past your lips, subduing yours when you try the same on him, and you almost choke on the excess saliva pooling in your mouth. Right before you can, he pulls back in favor of trapping your lower lip between his teeth. Your eyes flutter open, and you meet his own dark gaze.
“Ready?” He huffs, pulling his fingers out from within you. They’re shiny with your slick, almost as wet as they’d been when he was swimming earlier. You nod, dazed from all the pleasure he was giving you, that you can’t do more but spread your legs for him. He leans back on his knees, lining himself up with your hole.
You’d long since eliminated condoms from your relationship with Jeongguk, your trust in each other overwhelmingly so. Besides, you were still on the pill, and Plan B existed, so you never really worried about slipping up and accidentally getting yourself pregnant. Although there were times when he’d go overboard, stuffing you with his cum until you feel bloated, you’d never gotten pregnant before, so you wouldn’t begin to worry now.
Just the idea of feeling him in his entirety has you salivating, needy hands reaching out to grasp any part of him you can reach. Jeongguk snickers at your desperate ways, knotting his fingers with yours before pressing them to the cushion beneath you, the other gripping onto your thigh to keep your legs spread.
The second his tip pushes through the initial tightness, your mouth drops open, indecipherable noises escaping you. “J-Jeon,” you cry, chest heaving at the sudden intrusion.
“Relax for me, princess,” he huffs, just as out of it as you. Your body feels like it’s ascended, Jeongguk’s cock slowly pushing in further with each breath you take. It doesn’t take much longer for him to completely bottom out, the warm skin of his thighs pressing against you.
You’re like a fish out of water, mouth opening and closing as your body slowly assimilates to the feeling of being so absolutely full. It’s not until Jeongguk subtly shifts his weight onto his other leg that you give him the green light to start fucking you.
You moan, the first few thrusts hitting against every sweet spot inside you. “God, you’re so fucking big,” you heave, clenching around him just to feel the drag of his cock against your walls.
Jeongguk chuckles through his own pants, the fingers entwined with yours becoming impossibly tighter. “You’re too good for me,” he sighs, hauling your thigh further up his forearm until its resting in the crease of his elbow. The positioning allows his strokes to go deeper. You cry out, squirming beneath him with each thrust he gives.
“Oh fuck,” you cry wantonly when he plunges deeper into you, the water that decorated his skin long having been replaced by the sweat clinging to him. Your eyes flutter shut and you’re left only listening to the sounds of you, Jeongguk, and the ocean waves beneath you. “I love you,” you whimper.
Jeongguk grunts, ducking down to kiss you again, his hips not once slowing down. “Love you too, princess,” he murmurs. “Fuck, I don’t deserve you,” he groans, puncuating his statement with a brutal thrust of his cock into you. “Gonna buy you that pretty Valentino bag when we get back, I promise,” he adds, picking up his pace.
You whine, “You don’t have to, Jeon, I—”
He cuts you off, “and that silver Audi you liked at the car show last winter,” he rambles on, seemingly clueless to your protest. “A-And maybe that Louis Vuttion coat that brings out the color in your eyes—”
“I saw the same one at H&M,” you interrupt, swiveling your hips upwards to meet his thrusts. He chokes out a laugh.
“Shut up and just let me spoil you,” he groans, and then seemingly forgets what else he was planning on buying you as he focuses his complete attention on helping you reach your orgasm.
With his focus solely on that, you find the burning feeling in your lower abdomen grow tenfold, voice becoming more annoying with each moan and whine you give. “That’s it, baby,” he encourages, his thrusts sending tingles up and down your spine. He peppers kisses down your chest, each touch leaving your skin scorching.
Time seems to slow when the coil in your stomach finally snaps, an embarrassingly loud moan leaving your lips as your body spasms beneath him. “Oh, Jeongguk,” you sigh, falling limp on the lounge chair as he continues chasing his high.
He pulls out soon enough, giving his cock a few tugs before he’s spurting his come across your lower abdomen, leaning back to admire his masterpiece. He’s panting afterwards, and the backyard feels eerily quiet as you both just gaze at each other with goofy smiles on your faces.
The romantic aura is ruined when he feels the need to say, “hey, maybe now my ass won’t be so white.”
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“Fuck, you look sexy,” he murmurs when the instructor finally turns around, leaving Jeongguk to gawk at your body in the tight wetsuit provided. “Gonna fuck you so good tonight.”
“Shut up,” you blush, trying to stop your eyes from violating your boyfriend’s disgustingly gorgeous body in the matching wetsuit he wears. “We’ll get kicked out of the group, Guk.”
He rolls his eyes. “I could have rented the whole place out for us, but someone thought scuba diving with the other corny tourists would be fun.”
You flick his forehead. “You don’t have to buy out every building we go to,” you remind him, memories of this morning’s completely empty breakfast bar flickering to attention. “Besides, I wouldn’t have let you fuck me tonight anyway.”
He scoffs at your claim. “Please, you would have begged me, ___.”
You hit him with the wide end of your swimming fin, then have to apologize to the instructor for your horseplay, much to Jeongguk’s amusement. You narrow your eyes at him, following the rest of the group out onto the boardwalk leading to the boat. “Find me a Nemo, and we’ll do it in the beach cabana.”
Jeongguk’s lips twists into the most devious smirk you’ve ever seen, and he smacks your ass as he runs ahead of you. You yelp, just as he turns to face you just as he nears the group. “Has anyone seen my son?”
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liljungie · 5 years
Pawn To Rescue | 1
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Science Student Jungkook
Word count: 1.7k
*Italic is jungkook's thoughts*
Summery: Jungkook discovers a secret that the town's lab is hiding...or will he?
A/N: Idk I wasn't going to post this but I Highkey like it and I'm like eef it imma post it so tell me whatcha think of this...part 2 is almost done so I just want to see if yall like it or I'll scrap everything.
Jungkook throws his head back letting out a frustrated sigh. It's taking him a while to finish his assignment which was a rare occurrence. Since he's the top of his class. Straight A's. Perfect assignments. Never late. It frustrated him that human anatomy is taking effort of him to search and write about. Stepping away from his crammed desk he decides it's better that he takes a break or else he'll miss it up.
'It's a mess already' he thinks to himself as he takes a water bottle from his fridge making his way to the couch plopping down on it before turning on the TV. Breaking news was all over the channel. Jungkook with furrowed eyebrows changes the satiation only to find the one he changed to also has breaking news flash on the screen. He flipped through the stations only to be met with the same luck as the last. he leans back into the couch turning the volume up. 'Let's hear what's going on'
'Attention citizens...umbrella laboratory reported a breakdown early this morning causing patients to have ran away. Mark burnett the CEO of umbrella cooperation warns that if you encounter any patients that you turn them in without question. For your safety. That is all.'
Great. Just what this morning needed. Psychopaths running loose. Jungkook snorted. he glances outside to see people running inside. Hiding. He shakes his head before closing the curtains. His classmates sure are weird as hell. This is a college ground no one would break in. the building was gated all around it's impossible to walk through without ID.
They love to be dramatic. Without thinking much of it jungkook laid down on his double bed. Feeling restless. He drifted off to sleep.
A few hours passed and the sun had set. Jungkook was done with his assignment and now he was looking at the night sky. The stars were twinkling. It was so quiet that if a pin dropped you could hear it. A few minutes passed then he heard what sounded like twigs being broken in half. He didn't think much of it. Probably stray cats. But he heard it again so he stood up and looked outside then saw the Bush that is facing his window move again. His eyebrows furrow questionly. The wheels in his head were turning trying to make logic out of this. As the figure that was moving in the Bush size's is bigger than a cat but smaller than a bear...could it be a human?...no no..it can't be..
Until his eyes met the figure's eyes, it's eyes widen in fear and shock tgeir pupils dilated. then it moved further inside trying to hide itself from jungkook's eyes. His curiosity got the best of him he quickly jogged towards the nearest shoes he slid them on and opened the door and ran outside. Once he reached the Bush he stopped running and walked towards it slowly. The Bush branches moved suddenly which made jungkook's heart stop for a second. He glanced around but to his luck everyone was inside. No students were wandering around like the usual. Probably because of the news. He took a deep breath and approached the Bush again. his steps were hesitant but he needed to know what was hiding in the Bush.
He sqauted down glencing around again before he cleared his throat. He felt ridiculous but it wouldn't hurt to try. "You can come out...I won't hurt you" he softly spoke to the figure. their eyes stared at his. Then they looked at his hands. Jungkook raised them up quickly. Way to quickly which made the figure flinch and move further back inside. "Hey hey... look! I have nothing in my hands" he raise them up but moved them closer to the Bush so the figure can see them. "See..." he softly says the figure moved a little bit towards him but not enough. He still couldn't see them.
Anyone would be terrified if they were in jungkook's place but for some reason he didn't feel that way. The figure was far more afraid than he was. Obviously. They're hiding in a Bush if all places. Besides jungkook won a championship for being the fastest runner if anything he'd run away if the figure tried to lung themselves at him. "It's okay...I won't hurt you" he says again 'unless you try to hurt me' but the figure only stares at him. He sighs. This is so dreadful.
Was it even understanding him? By the looks of it..probably not. He knew he was being ridiculous but why not go all the way? he decides to ask a few questions to see if it understood him. "Blink if you can understand me.." the figure stared for what felt like a minute then it blinked. Jungkook let out a hearty laugh feeling relieved but soon that feeling went away. Humans need to blink! He felt so stupid. "That's not going to work..." he sighs. He needs more than a blink to know for sure if it understood him. Then his brain sparked with an idea. He smiles "Okay let's try again...shake the branches twice if you can understand me" the figure continues to stare at him but then the Bush started to shake twice.
At that he started laughing. Feeling like he accomplished something huge. "So you can understand me?" The bush shakes twice again and jungkook smiles with relief "I'm going to ask you a few questions if the answer is yes shake the Bush twice if no shake it once...got it?" The bush shakes twice. "are you afraid?" He asked. He wanted to facepalm himself of course they're scared. The Bush shakes twice once again. "I'm not going to hurt you..so..can you come out?" The Bush shaked once. His head fell with disappointment. He wanted to know what was hiding behind the Bush so bad. Or did he lose his mind and now he's imagining all of this? Frustrated he rubbed his face. "Aren't you hungry?" The bush shakes twice. The hope ignited within jungkook. "I have food...look...that window is my room" the figure's eyes moved to where jungkook pointed "...if you come out I'll give you lots of food wouldn't you like that?" It was silent for awhile. Seems like the figure was thinking it through. Jungkook stayed put afraid of scaring it away again. The Bush shakes twice again and jungkook smiles. "I'm gonna step away so you can come out yeah?" He stood up and took a few steps back before he crouched down again. Waiting."you can come out now...see I'm far away from you..I can't hurt you.." he reassures. He hears the figure let out a sigh before they started to crawl out of the Bush. Then Jungkook's eyes widen with shock.
The figure is a girl. She looks younger than him but only by a few years. She had a small cut under her left eye. It looked fresh so he figured it was from the Bush branches. Because the same cut was all over her arms and legs.What made jungkook's blood pressure go down was seeing the torn apart gown. It was the lab's gown and he knew that because Umbrella's logo was on the collar of it. She is one of the runaway patients.
Jungkook fell backwards at the realization. He was speechless he only stared at her as she sniffled and stared back at him. She sat on her knees not knowing what to do. She started to look around her and up at the dormitory building. She looked lost and so..out of place. Seems like she never saw anything because she had this look in her eyes. She was very amused by all of this.
"Holy shit" was the only words that came out of his lips. "You're umbrella's patient" her eyes snapped towards him when he mentioned the lab. she stepped back into the Bush. Not caring that the branches were cutting her skin again. jungkook moved towards her holding her by her arms to stop her from moving further. His fingers were digging in her skin "no no...don't be scared!" She tried to shake his hands off but he was much stronger. He pulled her back out. Panicking he said "we can't stay here we have to go inside...I'm not going to hurt you I promise!" He tells her. Praying to whoever was listening that she complies.
Jungkook hated doing this. But the only way she would comply is if he scares her into going inside. "If we stay here umbrella is going to catch you! or one of the students are going to turn you in...you have to come with me" jungkook tells the poor girl who only stared at him with a horrified expression. "You can't stay here the Bush makes too much noise you'll get caught...come with me it's safer inside" he tells her again. His heart was beating uncontrollably. What he was doing is extremely dangerous. But he wasn't going to let this opportunity pass him by.
What kind of understudy scientist would let this slip?! Jungkook needed this for his application. He can't get caught. If he kept her. to study her. and figured out why umbrella hid her and many others and demands for them back so desperately they must possess something strong. Where they have to keep them in a laboratory he could be one of Umbrellas scientists. Which was his dream. His life goal. And Umbrella would do anything to keep the information Jungkook is going to find out hidden.
The poor girl stands up hestaily. Jungkook smiles and takes off his jacket helping her put it on then zipping it up for her. She stares at him questionly. She is his golden ticket to work with umbrella the least he could do is give her some answers. "You can't be seen like this, you're wearing a hospital gown they'll take you away" he tells her she looks down at herself then looks up at him. He can see and sense the fear in her eyes. But he vowed not to give her up. Not yet. Not until he was done with her.
"You'll be okay" he tells her placing his arm around her guiding her towards his dorm room.
He crossed his fingers that no one catches him. And just hopes that hiding this stray human being in his dorm is worth it.
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dear--charlie · 3 years
Dear Charlie,
I'm in total crisis mode, and I guess you need some context for it to make sense. It's my sister's birthday, and I got our friends to come over for a day or two of hanging out. Normally, this is hard to do because Jack works all the time (and his mother is still very controlling) and Nikki can't find someone to watch her puppy. But, the stars aligned for this. Jack managed to swing sleeping over last night and tonight, and Nikki can come over tonight too.
The other bit of context is that I have a girlfriend now. I have a lot of feelings about it, and I can’t even begin to explain them, but just know that it’s not serious and the newness of it all is freaking me out to the point that I kind of feel like calling the whole thing off so I don’t have to get hurt. That’s a lot to throw at you, and maybe I’ll write a letter about her in the future, but not right now. Right now, I have a bigger problem.
The last bit of context that you need, that you kind of already know, is that I used to have feelings for Jack. I wrote to you years ago, when I was a freshman in college and using a different pen name, about how I loved him, how it broke my heart that he didn’t feel the same. My problem — the crisis — is that I don’t know if those feelings ever went away.
I need to start from the beginning.
I don’t remember exactly how it started. One day, Jack and I were in class together, and something made us laugh. Who knows what it was anymore? It’s not important. The point is that I knew, right then, that I loved him. We were laughing and I was looking at him, and I fell totally, completely silent while the sound still bloomed around me. I just looked at him and felt so scared, because I realized how I felt about him and didn’t know what to do.
I sat with that feeling for months, maybe more than a year if the dates of my old letters are anything to go off of. I didn’t want to ruin our friendship by confessing anything, and he had his own shit to deal with, so I refused to complicate things any further. The problem came when I went to a Halloween party on campus. It was something small, just five or six of us crammed into someone’s dorm, but I’d downed a good seven shots of blue raspberry vodka in the span of a few hours. I didn’t feel drunk, or even tipsy, but I guess it’d given me the courage (or impaired my thinking enough) to tell him how I felt. He was two hours away, and it was two in the morning. I was walking back to my building and the sky was so dark, the air so crisp. I can remember the blue light of my screen illuminating my face while I poured my heart out to him. Then, once I was back in my bed, I shut my phone off so I couldn’t see his reaction.
He was nice about it — he’s always nice — and said that he didn’t feel the same way, but that a possible relationship in the future wasn’t off the table. I remember being mad at him for that. I mean, not at first. Because, at first, all I could focus on was the fact that he said he could see us being together in the future. That giddiness lasted for a day or two, maybe longer, and then the frustration set in. The letters are still up, they’re really melodramatic to me, but I still think the emotions ring true. I was mad because he made me feel like there was hope, and I was mad because it would’ve been easier to move on if he’d just said it was never gonna happen. I wanted to move on, Charlie. Loving him hurt so bad, because I knew it’d never be requited, and I wished that I could’ve loved someone else. So, I was mad.
We kept talking, of course. It didn’t really make things awkward. At least, he never acted like it. Who’s to say how he actually felt? Maybe being around me was like pulling teeth. I don’t know. I won't ask. I sent more letters about him, what I wanted to say and why I could never bring myself to do it. After months of wildly swinging back and forth between pessimism and hope, Nikki’d had enough. She knew about the whole thing, and she was upset that Jack led me on about a potential future relationship (even though he hadn’t meant to). She made him settle things, and I wish I could remember exactly what he said. I want to say that he drew a line in the sand and told me that it wasn’t gonna happen, but I know I’m wrong. Regardless, he made it clear that I needed to move on. So, I did. It took a while, but, eventually, I was so far removed from any romantic feelings towards him that looking back on my old letters made me feel ridiculous, that I was wondering if it was actually love at all. I think it was. I look back on it and I still think it was. In some ways, it was the only time I ever truly loved someone like that.
The problem came last night. We were talking about a new show that I’ve been watching with him. It felt similar to the time I realized I loved him. There was this moment of silence — comfortable, easy silence — and I wanted him to lean in and kiss me. It felt like I got suckerpunched in the chest. I haven’t felt like that in years. It’s been two fucking years, Charlie, and I thought those feelings were gone.
I think the thing that scares me most is the thought that came after. I realized the thing that’d come to mind in the moment, that I wanted him to close the space between us and kiss me, that I wanted him to crawl into my bed and hold me while we slept. I realized it, and nothing about it felt wrong. It should feel wrong. I just wanted it so desperately, so much, that I entertained the idea and wondered what would happen if he actually did those things.
Then, I was scared. I was just absolutely horrified, and I still am. What if these feelings never went away? What if I just fooled myself into thinking I was over him? What if these feelings never disappear? What if I’ll always love him in some latent, repressed way? I wanted to text Nikki and ask for her help, but it was late and I felt embarrassed about telling her how something she thinks — I thought — we settled years ago. I’m glad I didn’t text her, because I think I would’ve rambled and made no sense, but I still want her advice. Maybe I’ll ask her for it once these next few days have passed.
I don’t know what to do, okay? I’m overwhelmed and I can’t stop thinking about it. I feel guilty, because I shouldn’t even be having thoughts like that. He’s my best friend, he has feelings for someone else, and I have a fucking girlfriend for fuck’s sake. I know that the fact I might still have feelings for him says enough about my relationship and where it’s headed. I think I’ll talk to my therapist before making any huge decisions like breaking up with her. What if this is just some weird, freak thing and I never think about Jack in that way again? What if I was just delirious and excited?
Sometimes, I’m scared I can’t tell the difference between platonic and romantic love. I know that I can tell the difference, but I still worry about it. I’ve fallen for a lot of my friends. I know you know that already. You’ve heard about Reise and Gabe, you haven’t heard about Maggie but I don’t even consider that a real relationship (not that I ever had a relationship with Reise or Gabe, nor would I say I actually loved them so much as had a crush on them). On some level, I think a lot of people fall for their best friends. I’ve heard tons of stories like that, of people who were childhood or college best friends that ended up getting married. On another level, I’m not sure if it’s normal. Maybe I’m overthinking it, but it feels like there might be a pattern. Maybe I like the appeal of already knowing someone and them knowing me before I fall in love with them. Though, I have to say, I definitely don’t think I’m in the minority on that one.
My biggest problem, among the many I have with this situation, is regarding my girlfriend. It’s really not fair to compare her to Jack, because they’re wildly different, but I can’t really help thinking about it. Lani is amazing. We matched on Bumble in December, spent months talking with a few breaks dispersed between, and officially got together a little more than two weeks ago. It’s not in any way serious, either. We’ve only managed to meet up in person the one time, and it was really awkward because we were both nervous. Lately, we haven’t been talking much because she’s been really depressed. I get it, because that’s why some of the months we were talking had breaks, because one of us was struggling with our mental health and couldn’t manage to communicate with anybody. I really like her. The group chat likes her too, she fits in well with my friends. She has so much in common with me too, sometimes it’s kind of hilarious.
I feel horrible about this next part.
A few days after we made things official, I started getting the urge to bail. It’s not because I don’t like her, because I do. It’s not because I don’t want a relationship, because (I think) I do. I’ve been trying to figure it out with my therapist. When I explain it to her, it usually goes like this: we don’t know each other super well yet, I’m still not sure if we have chemistry, and it’d be so much easier to not be in a relationship with anybody. It sounds really awful when I say it, I just mean that taking care of myself is something that I’m finally getting better at, and I don’t know if I’m capable of adding responsibility for another person’s feelings to the mix. Not that I’d even be responsible for her feelings. On some level, yeah, I would be, but not entirely.
There’s been this little voice in the back of my head that tells me to ruin everything and tell her I just want to be friends. I’ve gotten good at ignoring it, because I’m pretty sure it’s just my urge to self-sabotage any good thing that happens to me. And, maybe, that’s what this whole thing with Jack is about. Maybe my brain wants a reason to call things off with Lani, so it recycled old feelings with Jack to throw me off. I don’t think that’s it, but it’s a potential theory.
My therapist says that I don’t like change and I don’t want to get hurt. I know she’s right. I really fucking hate change, that’s not new for me. I don’t even like buying new clothes because it’d disturb the rotation of outfits I already wear (that being the same three t-shirts and five pairs of jeans). This is a really big change, alright? I admit that. I haven’t dated anyone in seven fucking years and the last time I had sex...well, I already told you the situation surrounding that in my last letter. As for getting hurt, I don’t want that either. Nobody wants that. I think the bigger issue is not wanting to be vulnerable. I don’t know if I like the idea of letting Lani get to know me in the ways my friends know me already.  It took years to get to that point and I don’t like opening up about myself. That’s funny to me, because I’m so open with them now, but it’s also a little sad.
The problem is, I think I have to compare Jack and Lani. They’re so different, and it still isn’t fair, but it kind of puts a lot into perspective. Just to get it out of the way: gender doesn’t matter to me, it never mattered to me, and I don’t know if I ever mentioned that to you, but I’m saying it now (surprise!). This isn’t some thing about my sexuality being repressed and me feeling like I have to engage in compulsory heterosexuality by being with a woman, because I truly couldn’t give less of a shit about that. I think this might be about potential.
Right now, my relationship with Lani is new and uncharted territory. Things are awkward and I sometimes feel like I’m walking on eggshells to avoid screwing things up. It’s like that phase of a high school relationship where you’re both still trying to impress each other out of fear they’ll lose interest in you for being yourself. It’s fucking exhausting, and I don’t know how long we’ll be in that phase. She’s also beautiful. She’s really beautiful, and I’m attracted to her, but not in that way yet. The thing is, I don’t know if there will even be a yet, because I can’t picture it. What if I just never end up feeling that way about her? I worry about that a lot, and I’m not sure how much of that is from a lack of truly knowing each other or from what happened to me. I told her, pretty quickly after we made things official, that it was possible I’d never be able to have sex with someone again. She doesn’t care, of course. It’s not some dealbreaker for her. She understood my reasoning behind it after I explained and she wants to take things slow anyway, so sex wouldn’t even be on our horizon for a while regardless of my complicated relationship with it.
I keep circling back, but the issue — the crisis again — comes up when I compare her to Jack. We know each other so well. I’d dare to say, right now, that he probably knows me better than anybody (besides my sister or my cousin, Bella). I never have to worry about him not liking me when I act like myself and I never have to worry about not liking him when he acts like himself. We’ve been friends for so long that we’re never anything but ourselves, and that’s a really freeing feeling. I know it’s just because I’ve known him longer, so it isn’t fair to her to give him that credit, but it makes me feel less anxious, less tired, and I never felt like I had to censor myself with him, even when we just started talking.
Jack is beautiful too. I know he doesn’t feel that way, but everyone thinks it, especially now. He grew his hair out, and it kind of surprised everyone that he has curls. It really suits him, but I’m getting distracted. It makes me embarrassed to say this, but I have felt that way about him before. When I was in the full swing of it, when I used to write you letters, I actually had thoughts like that about him. Those thoughts weren’t all it was, but they came to be a part of it.
He knows what happened to me. He knows all of it. I’d broken down one night and started crying, telling him that I thought I’d been sexually assaulted and couldn’t remember all of the details. He was one of the main people, besides Reise or Bella, who helped me come to terms with it. It’s not a subject that comes up a lot, obviously, but it makes me feel better that I never have to explain. Something horrible happened and now my mind is stained because of it, and he understands.
So, what I’m about to say is really big, and it makes me feel like I’m rotten from the inside out — like I’m a stupid, heinous piece of shit. It makes me feel guilty and horrible and disgusting. I know that I’m disgusting, okay? You can think less of me for it, if you want.
If it ever got to that point, if we ever found ourselves in that situation, I think I could sleep with him. And I don’t mean that I fantasize about us having sex, or that I’m even at a place where I’d want to right now. I just mean that, if it happened, I know it wouldn’t send me spiraling.
Most of the time, when I think about the first time I’ll sleep with someone since my assault, I anticipate it ending in a total and complete disaster. I mean, for fuck’s sake, sometimes I can’t even touch myself without having a panic attack or feeling like his hands are around my throat again. I can’t even begin to imagine what would happen if I had sex again. There are times that I think I could do it, that I want to do it, and other times where I’m sure I would have a meltdown so bad that it would send me back to the hospital. I am a pendulum, and I swing wildly, back and forth, between those two feelings. So, please try to understand me when I say that this is no small admission.
He’d be careful with me. He’d make sure I was okay. He’d probably even be hesitant to do anything until he knew I was going to be one hundred percent okay. None of this is to say that Lani wouldn’t do those things either. I’m not saying I couldn’t grow to trust her like that, it’s just really difficult to grasp. I say that about him because I know, truly, that the last thing he’d ever want to do is hurt me (and, again, not saying that she would want to hurt me). Sometimes, and I hate myself for saying this, I think that he might be the only person I could sleep with after what happened to me. Sometimes, I want him to be that person. I wouldn’t trust anyone else to do it, and it’d mean that much more to me if my feelings toward sex would start to improve because of it. I know that’s horrible. You don’t need to tell me.
All of this makes me feel like I’m poisonous, like I’m a fucked up person who only ever hurts people. I don’t want to feel like this. I feel guilty thinking about Jack in any way more than a friend and then hanging out with him like things are normal. I feel even worse entertaining or acknowledging those thoughts when I have Lani. That’s why this scares me. And maybe it is just some weird, intensive thought. Maybe my brain just decided to throw that shit at me and see what I’d do. I don’t know, and it’s killing me. I don’t even want to know what will happen if those feelings keep up. I don’t want them to. It’ll just ruin everything.
I went out a few minutes ago to see if he was awake yet, and to ask if he wanted anything from the coffee shop my mom is headed to on her way home from getting my sister some balloons. He’s asleep on the couch. It’s 9:17 in the morning and the sun is peeking through the spaces between the slats of the blinds. Light dances, it rains down upon his face in warped lines. He’s smiling, albeit softly, even in his sleep, and he’s the most rested as I’ve ever seen him since he started his newest job (so, eight months). I was quiet when I walked into the living room, just in case he wasn’t up, and I felt seasick at the sight of him.
I read this book last week, the first one I’ve managed to sit through and finish in months. There was this line that really stuck out to me and, right then, it’s all my mind would give me. You know that feeling, when you're watching someone sleep and you feel overwhelmed with joy that they exist? It was all I could think of and it hit me like a freight train, so I turned around and walked straight back into my room without double checking to see if he was awake.
I can’t silently pine over him and act like things are fine. I can’t do that. I won’t. It was so fucking painful the last time and I don’t know if I can handle it again. The worst part about it was that I couldn’t talk to him about it! How was I supposed to vent about loving him and not being loved back without being totally obvious that I was talking about him? It really hurt to keep that secret from him and it ate me alive. It’d only feel worse the second time around.
I hope it’s a fluke. I hope I look back at this letter and chastise my past self for being ridiculous or overdramatic. I hope, even if it isn’t a fluke, that I can force those feelings out of me. I know it didn’t work before, that it took almost a year to get over him, if I did at all, but I hope it would this time. I don’t think my heart could take it otherwise.
I need advice, Charlie. I don’t know what to do. Please, please tell me what to do.
Love Always, Just Nick 06 | 15 | 21
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 4 years
Dazed and Confused (Part 2)
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Summary: Dean Winchester grew up wanting to be a cop. When he gets kicked out of the police academy on a fluke though, he turns to a life of crime. After breaking up with Dean and seeing him committing a crime in the act, the reader becomes an officer herself and eventually a detective. Four years after that day, the reader is sent undercover to figure out what Dean is up to. Only she has no idea how far Dean is willing to go to keep her from finding out the truth…
Pairing: AU!Dean x reader
Word Count: 3,500ish
Warnings: language, scary situations, violence, murder, etc.
A/N: This series has been on Ao3 only for awhile now and I am finally reposting here as well. It’s not new but it may be new to you. Please enjoy!...
It didn’t take long in a town as small as Elk Ridge, Washington to figure out where Dean was staying. There were parts of the place that were laid out as you expected. Suburbia was near the one school. The main street housed almost all of the businesses. The lumber mill where probably most people worked was nestled near the east outskirts of town. There wasn’t a whole lot else there. If you wanted some peace and quiet, it was probably a quaint little place to stay.
Some homes were spread out far and wide though. The feds had set you up in place that made your college dorm room seem like a mansion, located on the west side of town. You had a few neighbors but they were nearly a mile down the road. It had plenty of privacy which was great for investigating but you weren’t a huge fan of the isolation personally.
Dean was to the north, in some old hunting cabin that he was slowly fixing up. At least that’s what Kat, the town gossip, told you. She’d always say hello to Dean when she saw him around and he was cordial back but he kept to himself for the most part. He worked at the mill and frequented the one garage that would special order car parts for him. For the most part though, you had no leads.
“Well,” you said, sitting in your car shortly after lunch, the sound of an Impala driving back towards the mill giving you an idea. “I don’t think you’ll mind if I do a little poking around, Dean.”
You drove to his place in less than ten minutes, seeing nothing in terms of security around the property. You parked your car a ways down the road and doubled back through the tree line and to the home. You went to the backdoor first and found it unlocked, opening straight into a laundry room that smelled of sweaty clothes.
“You really better not be some psychopath, Dean,” you mumbled, walking into his kitchen, finding it sparse but Dean had always liked to keep his spaces clean. You opened a cupboard, finding it crammed full, a smile on your face. “That’s more like it.”
“I told you to stay away,” said Dean, the hairs on the back of your neck standing up. You turned your head over your shoulder, Dean right behind you, arms crossed. You stood up, spinning around and finding his hand in your jacket, shoving you through the backdoor.
“Dean, I-”
“I told you to leave me alone,” he said, clenching his one hand, twisting his body back like…
You dodged most of the punch but Dean had some weight behind it, knocking you to the ground regardless as he grazed your cheek. You stared up at him, moving to hit him in the groin when he dodged, getting his feet under your legs and flipping you onto your stomach. His hand caught your jacket collar and started dragging you on the ground, pulling your hood over your face.
“Be quiet,” he grunted, moving one hand away for you in time to see him open a shed door and push you inside.
“Dean!” you shouted, throwing your shoulder against the door the second it shut, the metal not budging. You were barely there more than a minute before you heard the Impala in the background tearing out of there.
Lawrence, Kansas
Two Days Later
“You’re off the case in case no one’s told you yet,” said John in the conference room at the station, sliding a cup of coffee over to you.
“I fucked up. I get it,” you said, staring at your statement for the hundredth time that morning. “I should resign.”
“You should take a leave of absence,” said John, taking the file away. “And go find Dean on your own.”
“Excuse me?” you said, John’s face hard set. “What-”
“He knew you were there. He had to. You checked in before you went to Dean’s place and somehow he randomly went home in the middle of his shift? I think he got tipped off. I don’t think we were ever supposed to catch Dean, kid. Just help give him a bigger rap sheet,” said John, leaning back in his seat. “Assaulted a detective. That’s not something people ignore. It gives him credibility for something bigger.”
“Yeah, and I’m the zodiac killer,” you said, John rolling his eyes. “Why would the feds-”
“Because we’re small town cops and they think we’re dumbasses,” said John. “Maybe we were but think about it. He saw you first on the street you said. An anonymous call came in saying where you were in that shed. He could have hurt you, killed you, but I think he’s the one that made sure you were found.”
“It’s too early in the day for a conspiracy theory, John,” you said, running your hands over your face, reaching for your coffee.
“Did Dean seem like the guy in his file?” asked John.
“Sorry, I didn’t think about it too much after he punched me in the face ,” you growled.
“He could have killed you Y/N,” said John.
“You know what? I’m calling in sick today,” you said, standing up and storming out.
“Y/N,” he said, grabbing your arm in the hall.
“I am done with the Winchester family. Leave me the hell alone.”
“Hey, open up,” Sam said for the tenth time that night, banging on your apartment door relentlessly. You growled as you got up from the couch and flung it open. “Good. You’re home.”
“Go away Sam,” you said, trying to shut the door, Sam simply pushing it back open. You groaned and walked back inside, Sam shutting the door behind him, dropping a bag on your table.
“I got you some of those Italian dessert things you like,” said Sam, leaning over the back of your couch, rubbing your shoulders. “I heard Dad gave you shit at the station today.”
“Dean didn’t kill me so he must be a good guy,” you said, glancing up at Sam, your swollen and bruised cheek on full display. “Isn’t it obvious?”
“You sarcasm is duly noted,” said Sam, moving around and taking a seat next to you. “You got scared again, didn’t you, with dad saying that stuff.”
“Fuck, Sam, is that why you’re here? You think I need a babysitter?” you spat back at him, Sam keeping his face soft.
“Not every Winchester is trying to be an asshole to you this week,” said Sam, rubbing his hand up and down your back. “I’m sorry Dean scared you. I’m sorry my dad doesn’t understand that. He wants to believe that Dean is good so badly, he didn’t realize he was willing to let you get hurt along the way.”
“It doesn’t matter. I’m taking his advice and taking a leave of absence while I figure out what to do with my life because I sure as shit suck at this job,” you said, grabbing a pillow but Sam ripping it away.
“Don’t hide. And don’t quit either. You like helping people, Y/N,” said Sam.
“I’m scared again, Sam. I can’t be scared and do my job. It doesn’t work that way. All thanks to your stupid jackass of a brother,” you said.
“Get pissed then. Shove it to Dean,” said Sam, your head cocking. “You heard me right. Catch him. He’s wanted now for an actual crime, right? Bring him in.”
“He’s your brother Sam,” you said.
“My brother who hurt us both badly, who did that to your face. You’re like my sister, Y/N. He doesn’t get to push us around and make us feel like crap anymore. We aren’t a pair of little kids,” said Sam.
“Alright,” you said with a sigh, Sam ruffling your hair. “You want to order a pizza and have one of our Dean bitch fests?”
“You read my mind.”
It wasn’t until Sam was passed out on your couch and you were crawling into bed hours later that no matter which way this thing turned out, you knew you had to find Dean. You grabbed your phone, typing out an email to John, requesting your leave of absence while you got your head on straight.
A text popped up as you put the phone down, your eyes glued to it.
Meet me at the place I told you I loved you. 15 minutes.
You swallowed hard, knowing it could be from anyone, could be meant for anyone.
The place you said it back.
“Fuck, Dean,” you said, running your hand through your hair, climbing out of bed. You tossed on jeans and a tee, pulling your jacket and sneakers on, staring at your bedside drawer. “Dammit.”
You opened it up, pulling out your gun and shoving it in the back of your pants, grabbing your phone and walking into your living room quietly. Sam was snoring heavily as you thought about waking him up. The thought quickly disappeared as you went past, slipping out of the apartment and out of the building.
It was cool, the streets quiet at nearly 3 in the morning. You were on edge the whole way down the few blocks to the park, walking as fast as possible towards the only playground in Lawrence. You didn’t spot him which was troubling. There was barely any cover there apart from the enclosed tower by the slide. He was either up there or you were early enough that you could use it for yourself.
A quiet whistle punched a gasp from you, your gun in your hands in the next second. You took a wide sweep, approaching over the bridge you remember falling off of and scraping up your knee as you laughed, climbing up the steps you’d sat on for hours talking with him…
You paused and took a deep breath, raising your gun up as you spun up the last step, staring into the dark tower top.
“I wasn’t sure you’d show,” said Dean, flicking a lighter on, a small light filling the space, showing his hard face, body sat in the corner all in black. “I’m not-”
“Turn around. Hands on your head. Cross your ankles,” you said, Dean staring blankly at you. “Now.”
“Am I being arrested?” he asked with a chuckle, setting the lighter down, crossing his arms.
“Yes. You have the right to remain-”
“I’ve been silent for four years. I’m getting tired of it to be honest,” he said, glancing at the empty spot across from him. “I figured this would be a safe place to meet up...considering you’re on leave now and everything, I don’t have to worry about keeping you up too late for work.”
“How do you-”
“We need to talk,” said Dean, nodding again. “If you want to cuff me to do that-”
“Turn around, hands behind your back,” you said, Dean glaring up but nodding his head. He did as told, his body more muscular than you remembered. You slid a pair of thick zip ties around his wrists, Dean turning back around as you backed up, sliding down into the spot nearby.
“You don’t need to keep pointing that gun at me,” said Dean. “I am cuffed.”
“Considering what happened last time I was with you, I’ll keep the gun out,” you said, Dean’s eyes flickering to your healing cheek, scrunching up his nose.
“Sorry for that,” said Dean. “I can’t be too careful nowadays.”
“Poor you,” you said, Dean straightening his shoulders. “Start talking.”
“How’s Sammy doing? He’s in his third year of law school, right?” asked Dean, your eyes blinking fast. “He’s okay?”
“Why do you give a shit about him?” you asked. “After what you said. It took him two years to tell me what you-”
“He’s my little brother. Of course I give a shit about him. You too. I never stopped,” said Dean, staring at your cheek. “You really don’t know how awful I feel about hitting you.”
“You got two minutes before I drag you down to the station,” you said, Dean leaning his head back against the plastic wall, wearing a sad smile.
“You became a cop. Junior Detective. Top of your class. Perfect scores on your exams. Your arrest record is flawless and you bring in bagels on Fridays from the shop on fourth with the little-”
“Are you a fucking stalker or what, Dean?” you asked, Dean shaking his head.
“It’s how I knew you sent that email to dad,” said Dean, glancing down. “I...I didn’t get kicked out of the academy, Y/N. I...transferred if you want to think of it like that.”
“Transferred to what,” you growled, Dean scrunching up his face.
“Agent Winchester. FBI. Special Undercover Unit. It’s not really common knowledge it exists. We don’t go through the normal training academy. You work undercover so they keep you separate from almost everything. It’s why the FBI, the people I work for, sent you after me,” said Dean. “Well, they needed to build up my credibility but that’s not the point.”
“You’re saying you’re a federal agent,” you said, Dean nodding. “I’m Mary fucking Poppins while we’re at it.”
“How do you think I know shit I shouldn’t Y/N? I can hack into your computer, accounts. Your credit score is 740 by the way,” said Dean, cocking his head.
“You work for the government,” you said.
“I’ve been working one job for four years now, Y/N. I’ve done bad things but I’ve never hurt anyone. But I got a bit of a promotion recently and...somebody on my team is dirty. They’re working with the guy we’re trying to catch and I’m about to throw years of my life away to catch the dirtball. I need help. From someone I can trust,” said Dean.
“They teach officers to know when people are lying you know,” you said, Dean laughing.
“Then you know I’m telling you the truth,” said Dean. “I had to cut myself off from my life and hurting you and Sammy was the one sure fire way to stop you two from coming after me. I’m not asking for forgiveness, Y/N. I just need to bring down this guy and then I’ll leave you alone for the rest of your life.”
“Sam gets fucking nightmares over the shit you said to him about your mom, Dean. You fucked him up. Both of us up,” you said. “Everyone you ever cared about over what? A job?”
“I agreed to do this on one condition and only one fucking condition so you can back the fuck off,” spat back Dean, trying his best to relax. “The guy I’m trying to stop, the guy I’ve been trying to stop for four years? He’s the one that killed our mother. I know I have done a lot of things but she deserves that the guy who killed her goes down. That is why I am doing this.”
“How can I believe any of this, Dean? How?” you asked. “What proof do you have?”
“If you don’t believe me, feel free to shoot me right here and now. Say whatever story you want, no one will care. Hell, dump my body if you want. I threw away everything to try and do the right thing for her, to stop this guy from doing it to someone else. If you think I’m nuts or making it up, go ahead and pull the trigger. I can’t do this on my own. Not when I can’t trust my team. I don’t deserve your help. But I’m begging for it, Y/N,” said Dean. “Just help me catch the son of a bitch.”
“Was it you at the bank four years ago?” you asked, Dean nodding his head. “Why’d you say you’d kill me?”
“I thought you’d understand,” he said quietly, shaking his head. “It wasn’t a threat, Y/N. I knew once I saw you looking at me you’d figure out it was me. I was...don’t you remember that movie? We watched it a million times. The bank heist one. The undercover cop says it to his girlfriend at the bank...it was code that he’d make sure nothing happened to her, she’d be okay.”
“You expected me to remember a stupid movie scene during one of the most frightening moments of my life?” you barked, Dean shrugging. “I didn’t get that message, Dean.”
“I know. I know,” he said. “I couldn’t say, ‘hi honey, long time no see. I’m working this super secret undercover job and I gotta do some bad stuff for a little while but I love you and I’m not going to hurt you and I’m not the bad guy. Bye!’ It’s not how this works.”
“What were you doing in Washington,” you said.
“Testing a theory. I was trying to figure out who on my team is responsible. Nobody showed any tells though so nothing came of it,” he said. “I didn’t know they’d put you on it. Hoped but couldn’t know for sure. You just went through your secondary undercover training so I played the odds on that one.”
You lowered your gun, letting it rest by your side, tucking your knees into your chest.
“It wasn’t your fault either,” he said, your chin resting on your knees, eyes darting over to meet his. “Telling you and Sam those things...that was one of the worst days of my life.”
“Why did we meet here Dean,” you said quietly, Dean smiling.
“This was stop number four on the best date ever. I told you I loved you for the first time over by those swings. You said it back when you remembered how to speak,” he said, staring at his lap. “Figured this place is lucky for me. Less odds of you shooting me on sight.”
“There are so many things I should do right now,” you said, grabbing your gun in one hand, his arm in the other.
“Y/N,” said Dean, a crack in his voice as you pulled him down the stairs and onto the wood chip covered ground below. “Please don’t turn me in. I have to…”
You snipped his zip ties, grabbed them and walked over to a nearby trash can, tossing them inside. Dean was staring slack jawed at you, stuck in place while you wandered over to the swings, taking a seat on one.
“Y/N,” said Dean, standing in front of you while you kicked at the ground.
“You know, Sam and I have this sort of vent session about you sometimes. We basically bitch about everything we hate about you,” you said, Dean gulping. “Every single time, just like the one we had tonight, we always end up talking about good memories and how we hope we’re both so wrong and that you’re still good and something crazy is going on. Now that’s it happening, I can’t believe it’s real.”
“Y/N, I’m-” said Dean, letting out a oomph before he hit the ground, your gaze moving from the ground upwards, Sam panting over Dean’s unconscious body.
“Sam what-”
“He’s a dumbass,” said Sam, bending down, tossing Dean over his shoulder. “We got to move to a secure location.”
“Sam! What is going on?” you asked, Sam nodding for you to follow. “Sam!”
“Dean’s a good guy, Y/N. Loyal to a fault. To a fault, Y/N . He’s getting setup,” said Sam, walking away from the playground, you hot on his tail.
“Sam,” you said, tugging on his arm.
“Dean’s got his facts wrong. He never should have dragged you into this,” said Sam. “But you’re in it now so you better come with us.”
“He had nowhere to turn he said. He-”
“The guy at the FBI Dean is investigating? It’s the guy who killed our mom. He works for them. He’s on the team Dean works on. He’s setting Dean up to take the fall for everything he’s ever done,” said Sam.
“How do you even know that?” you asked, a million more questions flooding your mind.
“Y/N. You weren’t the only one that went into law enforcement when Dean went off the rails,” said Sam, your head cocking, Sam breaking into a soft smile for a brief moment. “Agent Winchester. FBI. Internal Investigations.”
A/N: Read Part 3 here!
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twisted-monarch · 4 years
Golden Lily.
So... I made a little Teacher!Gender neutral!Reader x Adrien, my own nurse OC. Why? Because I´ve never written so much in English (and never a self insert), and because I want to write things in the Twisted Wonderland fandom.
As for warnings... I guess shameless flirting doesn't need a warning. But yeah. There's that. Enjoy!
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You just arrived at your new job a week ago, and the fact still seemed so… Strange. Too good to be true, even. Becoming a teacher in the Night Raven College… A prestigious position, fitting for a mage as powerful as yourself, but still surprising because of your youth. The work you put in your own education finally paid off, earning the black and gold letter that still decorated the desk of your elegant bedroom, in the teacher dorm. Now you were the new Astrology teacher, and you were about to impart your first practical class. At midnight, in one of the pristine gardens that decorated the grounds of the college. You were glad to find that some of your students were specially enthusiastic about it, and between them, you found most of the Octavinelle dorm. -It shouldn't be surprising that we enjoy Astronomy, teacher. When you live deep underwater, you don't usually see it… But we use the stars a lot to travel from place to place.-Explained Jade, taking a seat in the grass in front of you. Not everyone was so agreeable, unluckily. Vil raised his voice, visibly annoyed. -Tsk. Why does it have to be so late? I need my beauty sleep, all of the ten hours it takes. Teacher, please. Can't I skip this class?
-No.-You answered, both serene and firm. -I´m trying to not only teach you this lesson well, but also provide a bit of relaxing time. I know you had a very important Alchemy exam today, and many of you crammed for days in order to pass it. So… Here we are.-Some whispers followed that statement, noticing how aware you were of the school life already. You were making the effort to fit in for sure, and the principal seemed happy with that… And honestly, you too. You shook Silver´s shoulder in your way to the front of the garden, near the telescope, and the grey-haired boy woke up with a yawn. Giggles were heard from Ace´s direction, quickly quieted when you cleared your throat in order to start the lesson.
Things were going well, as usual. You only had a few classes with them, but you could already feel that the NRC students were taking a liking to you, and that night wasn't an exception. You weaved your words without much of an interruption but the occasional question, when… A deep roar was heard in the distance, and a shadow appeared tumbling from behind a building. Your mind raced as that monster, undoubtedly the product of a overbloated person who was left unchecked, ran towards you and your pupils. How did it break in the NRC? Who was it? Why nobody sounded the alarm before? A lot of questions that needed a lot of answers, but most importantly… -Get behind me!-You shouted, your usual calm voice breaking into an order as you weaved the shield spell. It was too late. The monster, that resembled a giant snake, pounded towards you as you changed your spell into an attack…
… And everything turned black.
The next thing you knew… There was nothing around you. Only the dark, and the warm softness of… Blankets? Were you again in your bed? Was all of that a dream? Maybe… Because only a dream could make a voice as sweet as the one you started hearing then, hushed like it was coming from far, far away… -Are you with me?-Somehow you knew. It was you that he was talking with, you the one that mattered right now. Why? -The antidote should be taken effect right now… Can you hear me?-Memories returned slowly, everything seemed distorted. The lesson. Your students. The sudden attack. That enormous snake launching itself at you, ravenous and angry because a slight long forgotten into his madness. It bited you, at some point… But you were alive. 
-... Where am I…?-You managed to whisper, opening your eyes as fast as you could. The world was blurry, but you managed to figure out a male silhouette, and a golden light over your chest that promptly dissapeared. -Ah… You are finally awake. I was starting to get worried… How are you feeling?-Suddenly, the realization hits you: You are in the infirmary, and the lanky, black-haired man that is smiling softly at you is the school nurse, Adrien. -Not too well… But I´ll survive.-You haven't even stopped talking, when you try to get out of the bed. Try… And fail spectacularly, because you lose your force the moment you put your feet on the ground. But your body doesn't reach the floor. Before you know it, your fall is broken by a pair of arms that hold you firmly. -Be careful, your body is still weak from the venom. I know you don't like it… But you need to rest.-Adrien tells you, leading you back to the bed, still holding you against himself. His hands feel warm over your clothes, as if the sun was radiating from him. It's strangely calming, and it relieves the pain that has taken hold in all your body. Little by little, your mind becomes clearer, allowing you to feel slightly embarrassed at the same time you noticed you were alone with the doctor. -My students… Are they safe?-A quick look at the window and the clock tells you that you have been unconscious for about four hours. Soon the sun will rise… And you can't help but to notice the slight dark circles that shadow Adrien's eyes. -Yes, thanks to you. Luckily you reacted soon enough… But fending off a monster like that alone isn't a good idea. You were poisoned, and got a couple broken bones. I don't like seeing you hurt like this…
You can feel your heart fluttering when you hear that. It´s true that you have known him only for some days, but… These kind of things just make you blush, even if you want to think he's only joking. It's no secret that Schloss can be really flirty, but… The fact that he's making you sit in the bed, his waist between your open legs, doesn't help at all. You cast away your glance, making him chuckle a little. -Anyways, it would be better if you sleep for a while. You´ll have to deal with a lot tomorrow, and you won't be recovered until a couple days pass, at least. I'll take care of you until then. -His hands press against your shoulders, forcing you to lie down with him hovering above you. For an instant, his cologne overpowers the sterile odor of medicine and clean surfaces. Lilies. The scent is almost as sweet, as addictive, as his voice breaking through the veil of your sleep. For a second, you have to stop yourself from closing your eyes and letting out a sigh. -If you need anything else or it starts hurting again, call me. I will be working in the next room, but you can call me anytime. I can't let the heroine of the day go unattended her first night here. -The raven-haired doctor signals an open door, and the lab that lies beyond it. You knew that he sometimes worked overnight… But also, you knew that he didn't like being interrupted by anybody. Or so it seemed. 
-Good night, dear. Sleep well.-This time, the wink and the tone of his voice clearly tells you it's a joke. But there is no way to hide the red that dusts your cheeks while he´s placing the sheets above your body, right before scurrying to his lab with a mischievous grin plastered in his face. Oh, if you knew how much did he love making you flustered, making you weak in that sense. But, at the same time… He enjoyed taking care of you, making you feel safe in that big, dark school. 
As he said, you slept well. The combination of medicines, exhaustion, a comfy bed and a pleasant dream are much more than what is needed for a restful night, and you had it all. All… But Adrien. The windows were open, spring breeze warming the room, and a golden light forming a protective aura around you, like the one you saw while waking up. But this time, it didn't go off immediately. You rubbed your eyes. It was… A flower. A golden iris shining like the sun, right next to you. Put with care in a glass vase, filled with some kind of potion. Healing you, keeping you company and scaring away anything, anyone who would harm you. Just like the man who created it.
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narilgc · 4 years
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ok round two !! i got all the talking out the way with the first post on max so let’s jump straight into it ! nari needs so many threads, and i’m also dropping all her threads except for the very recent ones !! but she also has less developed connections so she definitely needs some love !! so below the cut you’ll find a plot call for her ! <3
note: if you could either message me, comment, or like this post to let me know you’re interested in one of these or just plotting in general that’d be great !! but please like if you want to plot because sometimes people like and i can’t tell if they want to plot or not lol !!
* with musical actors also eligible for the stunt mission !
okay so first - stunt stuff !! since nari is a lead in cram school she won’t be apart of the september schedule, but that doesn’t mean she can’t do stunt training !! honestly nari has “ i’m a bad b you can’t kill me ” energy so she probably is going into it thinking she’ll do perfect - boy is she wrong !!
we can take the more antagonistic approach and have someone teasing her about having such high confidence but not doing well, or her trying to compete to perform the stunts they learn better than each other !!
or the more wholesome route where they both encourage / help each other out and use their training to reenact movie fights lmao, or both accept the fact that they’re just not good but decide to have fun with it anyways !!
this doesn’t have to do with any of the missions but i’d love for nari to get closer to the other acting trainees in general !! she doesn’t dorm with them and feels kinda bad about it so really wants a relationship w them !! so acting trainees pls hit her up she will literally bake you pies in return for friendship :)
my face realizing how unproductive i’ve been regarding this: 👁👄👁 I KNOW I KNOW ok but that’s why we are here now i’m here to fill the gap in activity i’ve had !! so let’s go get these threads because i love cram school and so does nari !!
okay so i’m looking for literally anything regarding cram school ! and for reference, she plays the dramatic queen herself miss mijoo !  preparation, rehearsal, actual filming, anything !! all of it helps with character development so i’m not picky at all ! but i will put some ideas:
nari really has a hard time when it comes to memorizing lines, though it’s not something she’d easily admit, mainly because a lot of it has to do with her struggles with her adhd. but she would be very, and i mean very grateful for someone to confide in about it and help each other memorize lines !!
maybe they’ve made it a routine to go out and get coffee and rehearse in the morning before shooting, it started because they both happened to be tired at the same time but now it’s a near everyday thing and they’ve gotten closer because of it ??
nari tends to take acting very seriously, sometimes too seriously, and can act out of character because of it. maybe she snapped on your muse one day without warning because she didn’t think they were taking it seriously / not doing well ? i live for the tea ! on the other hand, they may not have liked how energetic she tends to be off-camera and snapped at her for not staying focused on shooting.
when nari gets in character she really gets into character, so maybe one day on set they thought she really was glaring at them and being rude when really she was just unleashing her inner mijoo lol !! so mayhaps they can end up bonding over the misunderstanding !
someone who might be new or nervous to act that nari always makes sure to encourage, plus throwing in some food encouragement when she feels like it !
okay so at first at i was like - no i won’t have nari do the farm day - it’s too predictable !! but come on - you mix older people with farming and that is SO nari !! plus she’s so homesick so somewhere like this will do it’s job of soothing her homesickness at least a little, so she’ll definitely enjoy it !!
if anyone  going to the farmer village has no farming experience / is totally out of their element, let nari help !! while it’s not her village, she’d be as enthusiastic as ever to tell them all about the countryside and lend a helping hand - pls she will literally pay you
someone to sneak off with to take a break and play with some animals, bonus points for feeding them too !! be warned if baby goats are present nari them both take a million selfies with them !!
please someone sing a trot song with her !! they can either not want to do it and have nari drag them into doing it or be equally as theatre kid as her and go all out ! i, personally think both are great options
okay i am getting very sleepy lol so here are some ideas outside of the categories mentioned !!
so i lowkey forgot about nari’s birthday, it’s SO embarrassing but anyways we are gonna blame the lack of nari birthday content on her being so busy with cram school that she hasn’t had the chance to really focus on herself !! so any backdated birthday threads or even belated birthday celebration threads would be great !
nari’s been incredibly attached to the idea of pets in general lately so someone who would go and volunteer with her playing with the animals at the animal shelter would forever have her heart !!
more long-term connections !! people’s she’s known for a while, or at least since she’s joined legacy, who she’s really close with !
actor / musical actor connections pls & ty !
project origin people who she’s already started to stan like full-fledged idols, like at this point she probably has a banner and everything ??
pls give her a girl to be whipped over she’s a simple woman, it doesn’t take much give her a pretty girl and she’s content lmao !
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Windfall 1
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Pairing(s): Poly!BTS X OC, Sugar Daddy! BTS X OC
Warnings: Implied sexual situations
Note: In this fic, Zara can’t speak very much Korean. Until the language barrier is closed, Bold Text indicates that a person or an app is speaking in Korean.
The way Seokjin tells the story, the day he and the boys met Zara was foretold for centuries. He distinctly remembers the clouds parting to reveal the shining sun, and a choir of angels singing praises to the heavens. The moment her green eyes met Namjoon’s dark ones, the world stopped spinning for a noticeable moment, then her eyes swept over the rest of them, and their fates were sealed forever.
Jin’s full of shit.
The truth of the matter is this; the sky was downpouring, the clouds inky grey above pedestrians, locals and tourists as they ran for cover into stores and under awnings. It seemed to Zara like they’d never see the sun again.
The small coffee shop she was sitting in was overcrowded, but the wifi was free, and the Chai Tea was cheap, a blessing to Zara’s depressingly thin wallet. On the laptop in front of her was the essay that was due at midnight, the half-edited blog post scheduled to go up in two days, and the raw footage for her latest youtube video. When you were a content creator in college, multitasking was key.
Jin’s “chorus of angels” was actually the squealing of a group of prepubescent girls that had caught sight of the Boys as they moved through the shop with their coffee orders. Polite as they were, they were taking photos with the fans as they passed, though Big Hit would surely yell at them when they find out.
Zara was paying no attention to the commotion, eyes on her computer screen, listening to the audio of her video through the chunky headphones she wore. Had she been paying attention, Zara might have been able to prevent the disaster that occurred right at that moment.
Namjoon, still smiling at the young fan he’d just taken a selfie with, made to take another step towards the door. His foot caught on a table leg, his long, clumsy limbs pinwheeling in an attempt to recover his balance. The coffee was released in favor of the edge of Zara’s table, his eyes widening in horror as they followed the downward trajectory of the beverage, straight onto the keys of Zara’s computer. The screen flickered once, twice, then blinked out completely.
The world did go still when Zara’s eyes met Namjoon’s for the first time, but that’s because of the fury that surrounded the small young woman.
“Holy fuck,” Yoongi’s words were carried with a nervous exhale. Zara’s angry gaze swept over him briefly before going over the other five young men, before finally settling back on Namjoon.
“What,” she reached up to pull her headphones off her head, “the fuck?!”
“Oh, shit!” Namjoon straightened to his full height, grabbing for napkins to sop up the coffee before it began to drip into her lap. “Fuck, I am so sorry!”
Zara stood quickly, and despite being half a foot shorter than he was, the look on her face made him take a step back. He watched as she began to fiddle with her laptop, trying to get it to turn back on, to no avail.
“Oh, no,” she whined softly when she realized how screwed she actually was. “Oh, no, no, no!” She hung her head and brought her hands up to her face, thinking over her options. Her essay and her blog post weren’t an issue; anything she had to type, she did in Google Docs before submitting or posting. She didn’t need to worry about the unedited video footage either; her personal channel was nowhere near as popular as her family’s, so there was no uproar if supply didn’t meet demand, and her “fans” would understand. But the memories, and the photos she’d saved on her computer couldn’t be replaced, and to be honest, neither could the computer. At least, not for a long time. She quite simply couldn’t afford it on her meager part-time retail salary.
Namjoon reached out to gently brush her shoulder with his fingertips. “I’m so, so sorry. Are you okay?”
Becoming aware of the whispers and the many eyes on her as she had a quiet meltdown, Zara stepped away from him, shoving her ruined laptop into her bag. Namjoon watched her with guilty eyes, casting a pleading look at his brothers over his shoulder. Taehyung, the epitome of ‘no help’ shrugged his shoulders. Namjoon turned back to see Zara had shoved the rest of her stuff into her bag, leaving her half-finished tea on the table.
“I can make it up to you,” he said, as she hoisted her bag onto her shoulder and made for the door.
“Look man, don’t worry about it, okay?” Zara’s voice shook as she called over her shoulder. “I gotta go, I gotta get out of here.”
Namjoon was quick to follow her out the door, his long legs carrying him over the distance between them in record time.
“Hey, hey!” he looked down as he matched her stride. Zara’s eyes stayed on the sidewalk, her hand tightening on the strap of her bag. “Come on, let me make it up to you.”
Zara’s cheeks burned, and she glared up at him.
“Oh my gosh, you’re not going to use this as an opportunity to hit on me, are you?”
To her surprise, Namjoon laughed, bringing out the most adorable dimples Zara had ever seen. “No, I’m going to use it as an opportunity to get you a new laptop.”
That stopped her in her tracks, and Namjoon grinned at her wide green eyes. “That’s better, Speedy. Hi. I’m Kim Namjoon.”
“How about this one?”
It had taken Namjoon the better part of an hour to convince Zara to agree to letting him buy her a computer and to come out to lunch with him and the boys, swearing up and down that they weren’t going to kidnap and murder her. Now she sat in a huddle of attractive young men, Namjoon’s phone in her hand, scrolling through the laptops Amazon offered with a frown on her face.
Namjoon looked up from the book in his hand at the price of the laptop on the phone screen and shook his head.
“No way, pick a more expensive one.”
“A more expensive one?!”
Namjoon just shushed her, a small smirk on his face.
Zara gave the boys a few more options, none of them going over $200. Finally, Jimin sighed and snatched Namjoon’s phone out of her hand.
“If you’re going to be unreasonable, I’ll have to do it myself.” He scrolled back up to the top of the page, clicking on a Macbook. Though Zara didn’t understand his words, his actions spoke loudly enough for her to understand.
“No, hey, that’s way too much!” she cried, as he clicked, ‘Buy now.’ “I’m never going to be able to pay you back!”
He completely ignored her protests, completing his order. When he had confirmation that the deed was done, he spun around to face her. His eyes darted over her face, taking in the blush, the slackened jaw, the frustrated tears.
“I can’t afford-”
“We can afford,” Taehyung assured in broken English, taking up her hands and shaking her gently. 
Namjoon closed his book, accepting his phone back from Jimin, before fixing Zara with a smile. “Look, I messed up. You don’t owe me anything. Come on, Zara, don’t cry. I hate it when girls cry.”
“I’ll find a way to pay you back,” she promised, wiping her eyes. “It’s not right to let you spend so much money on me when you could certainly be using it on something more important.” Over Zara’s shoulder, Namjoon connected eyes with each of his bandmates, his brow arched high. Jin’s shoulders lifted in a shrug. It wasn’t every day that they met someone that didn’t know who they were. It was certainly refreshing.
“You don’t have to.”
“I’ll pay you back!”
Taehyung rubbed her arms again, and seeing that she wasn’t going to cry anymore, he let her go.
“Yeah, you can try, Speedy.” Namjoon said, “Come write your number down so we can let you know when your laptop arrives,” he paused, and his grin widened a little more. “By the way, this will be the opportunity we’ll take to hit on you, Pretty Girl.”
“You’re incorrigible,” she scoffed, but now she was smiling too.
“Oh, you haven’t met incorrigible.”
PJM: What are you doing right now?
Zara looked away from the paper notes in front of her, a tiny smile appearing when she saw Jimin’s initials pop up. Over the past week, the boys had stayed in contact, painstakingly Google-Translating every text to ask her questions about herself, telling her stories about themselves. Jin admitted they’d googled her when she told him about her family’s Youtube channel AHillofaRide, and she admitted she’d googled them too, as soon as she’d gotten home that first day. She’d been more than shocked to discover how famous they actually were, but it got a lot of the awkward stuff out of the way and she found herself grinning like a fool every time her phone buzzed with a message from one (or all) of them.
Zara: I’m cramming for my WWII History Midterm.
PJM: I thought you were in Art School, Z?
Zara: I am, but I’m double majoring in History.
PJM: That’s amazing, Zara, you’re amazing. Art and P.E. were always my favorites in school, but I guess History was okay too.
Zara: You’re a monster, History is the best. Stop lying to yourself.
PJM: Yes, Ma’am.
PJM: So, Speedy...
All the boys had taken to calling Zara by Namjoon’s initial nickname for her, and it had begun to make her heart flutter.
Zara: So, Jimin...
PJM: Your laptop’s here. Did you want to come pick it up from the arena, or did you want me to drop it off with you? I can come by now?
Zara glanced up from her phone screen to look at the messy floor of her dorm room. She and her roommates had had a study party the night before, and the floor was covered in pizza boxes, candy wrappers, soda cans and a mixture of dirty and clean clothes. She imagined much of their suite looked the same.
Zara: I don’t want to be a bother.
PJM: It's no bother. I’m just hanging around doing nothing right now, anyway.
PJM: You’d be doing me a favor, really.
PJM: I’m getting stir crazy.
Zara: Well, we wouldn’t want that. Can you give me 20 minutes before you leave?
PJM: Sure thing. See you soon, Speedy.
Zara slammed her notebook shut, bolting to her feet. She shot a quick message to her roommate, Ji-yoo (who, conveniently was originally from South Korea), and their suitemates Jane and Clara, letting them know she was having a guest over, that she was purging the disaster, getting only positivity in reply. Apparently it was about time she had a boy over.
She started with the pizza boxes, breaking them down and putting them aside to be recycled. She moved on to the garbage in the floor, gathering the wrappers and shoving them into the overflowing garbage can that she and Ji-yoo shared. She let out a grunt and scoured the top shelf of their closet for any garbage bags, letting out a victory screech when she found the roll of bags wedged between the shelf and the wall. The garbage was dumped and she moved on to the soda cans.
The clothes were a lost cause, so she tossed them all into the hamper to be dealt with later. She made the beds, folding blankets and fluffing pillows and tucking in the sheets, before moving on to their desks. Ji-yoo’s desk wasn’t awful, just a little cluttered with her notebooks and textbooks. Her makeup sat in an overflowing basket on the corner of her desk, but other than that, all Zara had to do was put some papers in the drawers. 
Her own desk was covered in pallets of paint and sketchbooks and pencils, the drawers of the organization caddy she’d bought for her supplies were open, their contents scattered across the desk and the top of the caddy. With a huff, she cursed her disorganized tendencies. By the time she had everything back in the right drawers, and the desktop cleared, she knew her 20 minute head start was over, leaving her only another 15 to clean the common area.
The dorm suite was a simple set-up, consisting of a small common area; no more than a long hallway with a counter top spanning the length of it. There was a toilet room at one end, a shower room at the other, and the two dorms between them. The door to the suite had an electronic lock on it, as did each of the dorm doors, but the girls usually left the doors open during the day.
Sharing such a small space between four girls wasn’t difficult for Zara; she had younger siblings, so she was used to lots of people living their lives around her. Living in the dorm actually helped her with a bit of her home sickness. Having three people there to talk to made living on the complete opposite end of the country from her home, made living in a strange, huge city bearable and for that she would always be thankful.
Due to the common area being the most shared space, it was the cleanest. Jane had gone out and bought the recycling and garbage bins and Clara had brought a shoe rack from home that she let all of them share. Command hooks held various jackets, hats, and accessories, and Ellie’s art had been proudly sticky-tacked to the wall by Ji-yoo. 
There was a microwave on the counter and a mini-fridge on the ground beneath it. A TV sat haphazardly next to the microwave, with Zara’s blu-Ray player and Jane’s Xbox next to it, cables a tangled mess around it. There was a lone circle chair between the two dorms, upon which a large Scooby-Doo plush sat standing guard, courtesy of Zara’s younger sister Scarlet. 
She’d just finished tying off the top of the garbage bag when her phone vibrated on the counter.
PJM: They won’t let me into the building without you here with me.
Zara: That’s because you’re a random 4 foot tall stranger.
PJM: Ouch.
Zara snorted and lifted the bag, grabbing her key card and student ID from her jacket pocket on her way out the door. She dropped the trash in the bin at the end of the hall and started down the stairs at a light jog, her slippers echoing quietly in the silence.
It was easy to see Jimin standing at the security desk, an easy-going smile on his face as he made large hand gestures to the security guard, one hand holding the Amazon box. He looked nice in his plain white t-shirt and black skinny jeans, his hair tousled from the wind. His eyes lifted to meet hers and his smile turned into a full on grin.
“There she is!” He exclaimed in Korean. He quickly set the Amazon box on the counter and, to Zara’s surprise, wrapped his arms around her, sliding between her tank top and the flannel shirt she wore. The next sentence was spoken in slow, careful English, clearly something he’d practiced. “It’s nice to see you, Pretty Girl.”
Zara could feel her face heat up against Jimin’s t-shirt.
“Zara Underhill,” the security officer said, causing Jimin to break away from her. “You’ve never had visitors before.”
“There’s a first time for everything,” Zara sighed, reaching for the sign-in sheet and signing her name. She slid the clipboard in front of Jimin and held out the pen to him. He filled out his information and signed his name with a flourish.
“Okay, Miss Underhill, he’s all yours.”
“Thanks, Phil,” Zara smiled and started back up the stairs. Over her shoulder she called, “This way, Jimin. Follow me.”
Jimin wasn’t the only one who had been practicing. Zara had enlisted Ji-yoo to teach her some Korean, sensing that her interactions with these boys would last longer than the short time they’d be in California. Although, Zara was far from fluent.
Jimin grabbed the Amazon box and followed after her up the stairs. On the third landing, he gave a little whistle. “You live so far up. Which floor do you live on?” When he saw Zara turn to blink back at him stupidly, he searched his brain for his limited English vocabulary. “What Floor?”
Zara shook her head and pulled out her phone, the Google Translate already open and at the ready. “It’s always crowded. I get enough crowding at home, you know, so the stairs are easier.”
Jimin nodded, smiling. He pulled out his own phone, “I guess it’s good exercise!”
When they reached her suite, she let them in and he lingered awkwardly in the doorway, looking at the art in the small common area.
“Yours?” He looked at the perfect colored pencil rendition of Rapunzel, a grin working its way onto his lips.
“Yep,” Zara replied, quickly tapping on her phone. “My sister, Scarlet, really loves fairy tales, and she was on a real Rapunzel kick. She’s got a picture of Flynn Rider I drew framed next to her bed.”
“That’s the cutest thing I’ve ever heard.” Jimin mumbled to himself. Zara grinned at him, and nodded to her dorm room.
“Come on, Legs.”
Obediently, Jimin followed her in, setting about opening the computer box as Zara settled herself at the head of her bed. She watched him quietly as he plugged it in and began the setup, letting her type in all her information, jokingly looking away from her passwords.
“There you go, Miss Zara,” his phone droned as he scooted back so that he reclined against her headboard next to her. He watched her fingers moving lightly against the keyboard as she scrolled through her Twitter. She placed her hand on the top of the screen and paused, before closing the laptop and setting it gently to the side.
“Jimin,” She said, sitting up on her knees. In response to the slightly serious edge to her voice, Jimin straightened his back a little. “Tell me what you want in return for the computer.” This is the phrase Zara had practiced.
They were back to this again, were they? Jimin’s lips twisted into a pout, and his fingers tapped across his phone screen.
“Zara, I’m serious, you don’t have to pay us back.”
“No, Jimin, I’m serious. Why won’t you let me pay you back?! It’s not like it’s a sex thing...”
Jimin, who had already been shaking his head and typing before Zara’s phone had even stopped translating, froze abruptly, lifting his eyes slowly, and Zara’s own eyes widened as realization took root.
“Oh my gosh, it is a sex thing! Jimin, you’re a total Sugar Daddy! Or would it be Sugar Daddies? Is it all of you?”
Jimin winced at her tone of voice, not needing her to translate the words, ‘Sugar Daddy,’ at all. His fingers finally typed out a response, “That’s not exactly the situation, but I guess that’s one way to put it.”
Zara stared at him a little longer, before coming to a decision. She reached for her flannel and ripped it off. Jimin started, dropping his phone onto her bed.
“Zara, what are you doing?”
She didn’t answer, reaching next for her black tank top. This action is what spurred Jimin into action.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!” He grabbed her wrists gently, forcing her down onto her back. She gazed up at him as he hovered over her, stress showing in his eyes. “What are you doing?”
This, Zara understood.
“I’m paying you back.”
“Jesus Christ, Zara,” it was a long suffering sigh that left him, as he moved himself off of her. He sat on the edge of the bed and put his head in his hands. “You’re not going to let this go, are you?”
Silence, and then Zara joined him on the side of her bed. She stayed quiet for a few more seconds before typing out, “We could do it, you know? All of us... that would be okay.” He glanced at her and nudged her with his shoulder, reaching back for his own phone.
“The laptop really was just a gift. Hyung killed your first one, we don’t want you feeling obligated to sleep with us just because we replaced it. And it really would be all of us, Zara. All seven. I can’t explain why right now, but I promise if you decide you’re okay with it, we’ll explain right away.”
“Okay,” Zara agreed, but Jimin shook his head and stood up.
“No, we want you to seriously think about it. I want you to think long and hard about if this is really what you want. It doesn’t matter what the guys and I want.” He looked down at her and smiled, “I’ll see you around, Pretty Girl.”
And he left, leaving Zara to think.
@snowythellama​ @stskpop​
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vin-taege · 6 years
decaf (m)
summary: taehyung was the cute barista who hated caffeine, yet worked at a coffee shop. you’re a semi-organized college student who’s always late to lectures.
genre: smut, fluff, pwp
pairing: barista!Taehyung x reader
words: 8k+
warnings: baby boy!Taehyung, femdom, accidental nudes, mentioned masturbation, pain kink, grinding, dry humping, oral sex, thigh-riding, fingering, dirty talk, overstimulation, degradation, newly discovered mommy kink
note: now freshly edited
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Mr. Min’s history class was supposed to be five minutes ago, and the twenty-six year old with the mindset of an eighty-year old hated tardy students. However, you figured you were already late, so why not stop over at the café to pick up your breakfast (which you would also serve as your lunch)? Late nights of completing last minute essays and studying for exams due in two weeks’ time brought you closer to the staff. They’d fix you a small sandwich and a cup of coffee with just one text from you the night before.
Usually, the person in-charge of “VIP” breakfast duty was Kim Taehyung, not that he complained.
It wasn’t like the staff assigned him the task on purpose. There was no way the whole staff knew of his huge, in-depth crush on you and used this as an opportunity to bring you close together.
The bell rang lightly, alerting the arrival of a new customer. Taehyung looked up from behind the counter, almost dropping the sugar packets Jimin had asked him to find. Half of your hair was tossed up in a messy bun, the other half in tangles around your face. One backpack strap was slung over your shoulder, your fluffy hoodie underneath.
Jungkook almost groaned at the heart-eyes his co-worker made for you if it wasn’t for the long line of business men and office workers getting more impatient by the second. Jimin rushed over to Taehyung, visibly distressed with his lack of sugar packets, when he saw who the younger boy was looking at. With a sigh, he grabbed the brown paper back containing your food for the day, and shoved it against the blue-haired boy.
You have been doing this exact routine for almost two years, steadily building up your relationship with the barista. It was so refreshing seeing a friendly face outside of your usual college peers. You friends are deeply loved and appreciated, but seeing them also reminds you of the copious amount of essays all due within the same week. 
“Good morning!” You have Taehyung a close-lipped smile, still a bit groggy from your late-night study session.
“H-hey, beautiful! I just re-heated your food five minutes ago, so it should still be warm. Thought you would’ve been absent today,” he handed you the paper bag, boxy smile not leaving his face. “Overslept?”
You hummed, taking in the scent of toasted bread, gouda cheese, and bacon. “Unfortunately. Mr. Min would have to endure the catastrophe of my presence being unable to grace his lecture hall,” You threw a hand dramatically over your forehead, ignoring the looks you got from the other customers. After all, you didn’t have to wait in line.
A chuckle rumbled from his throat. “Don’t forget your coffee. I have a feeling you’re gonna need it.”
“That feeling is correct, my good friend. I wouldn’t hold you any longer- don’t want Namjoon scolding you about professionalism again,” you waved him goodbye, exiting the café with the same light bell ring behind you.
You debated running to catch up to at least the last bits of the lecture, but your rough morning rendered your body sluggish, and you ended up walking anyway. Even when you knocked on the door, your professor gave you a pointed glare, to which you returned a sheepish smile to. Fortunately, there was still a free seat near the middle.
Half of the lecture already passed by, but you knew Seulgi would be more than happy to lend you notes. Not that she could say no to you or avoid you, since you dormed with her.
Taking the sandwich out of the paper bag, you realized Taehyung must’ve mistakenly packed two. It was risky to spend excess money on an extra sandwich, especially with rent day coming up, but looking closely into the bag, you were relieved you didn’t have to.
“On me :)” was written on a yellow post-it note, neatly placed on top of the second sandwich. Subconsciously, you smiled, taking a mental note to thank Taehyung later. Min didn’t really mind students eating in class - he did it himself. So, unabashedly, you tucked into the bacon and gouda cheese, while taking notes.
Halfway through, you caught a glimpse of a string of black ink scrawled onto the side of your coffee cup. You put your pen down and turned the cup over, revealing a phone number and a small message under it. “Text me when you’re free, beautiful.”
“___, I would appreciate it if you found my class more interesting than your coffee cup. I already took marks off you for being tardy, don’t make me do it again,” you looked up to see Min staring straight at you. Blushing, you mumbled out a small apology, though it wasn’t your professor that got you flustered, but a certain blue-haired barista.
 “You gave her what?!” Taehyung was ready to rip his hair out, or even fight Jimin at the café parking lot right there, right now, maybe even both. The older barista looked at him over his phone, lollipop still in-between his lips.
“I did you a favour,” he took the candy out with a pop. “I swear, if you silently pine over her for even one more minute, Jungkook will leap over that counter and punch the glass,” he punctuated, jabbing the lollipop at the wide, glass panes of the café.
“Oh my God, she’s going to think I’m some freaky weirdo,” Taehyung muttered, head still in his hands. “Even worse, a stalker.”
Jimin was drowning out the younger one’s ramblings, opting to check his watch instead. Fifteen minutes until break was over. He looked over to Taehyung again, sighing when he still heard his panicked mumbling.
“Tae, nothing bad’s going to happen. You could just tell her I was the one who wrote it, if you want to,” he rolled his tongue over the hardened sugar, artificial coffee flavour washing over his taste buds. “I don’t think you need to though. She definitely likes you back.”
Taehyung’s eyes lit up. He immediately stopped, standing straight. “You think so? I mean, I always knew she was nice to me, but I thought she was nice to everyone, so I didn’t assume-“
“Literally everyone in the café knows about your unspoken mutual pining for each other,” He offered the lollipop to Taehyung. The younger one grimaced at the spit-covered candy and shook his head. “Funny for a person who dislikes coffee to be working in a coffee shop.”
“It has your saliva on it.”
“If it had her saliva on it, you’d bite the whole thing off in a heartbeat,” Taehyung sputtered, making the older boy smirk. “Wow, you’re into that? Kinky boy.”
Before Taehyung could further protest, he felt his phone buzz. He shot Jimin a glare before holding a finger up. Confusion, excitement, then an arrow to the heart; Taehyung jolted up, even surprising Jimin himself. “What? What is it?” he moved to glance at the younger barista’s phone, lips curling into a pleased smirk when he saw what was on the screen.
[unknown]: hi it’s ___ :)
[unknown]: thanks for the extra sandwich btw, I really appreciate it
Jimin patted him on the back, words of congratulations flowing through one ear straight out the other. He couldn’t focus on anything else aside from the two texts – both of them already making his day better.
 [cutie barista dude]: hey
[cutie barista dude]: it’s Tae from the café
[cutie barista dude]: u could call me café Tae lol
[cutie barista dude]: or not
[cutie barista dude]: are u busy?
Seulgi puckered her lips, smacking them before squinting harder at the lit screen. “Oh no, honey. He’s a multi-texter. Seems like the clingy type. And ‘café Tae’, really?”
Letting out a sigh, you rolled your eyes at her. “He’s nice. He makes me breakfast almost every day, and he’s actually pretty cute.” Stunning. Awe-striking. Breath-taking. Ethereal. ‘Cute’ was an understatement for this boy’s beauty.
“Just because a man makes you scrambled eggs, doesn’t mean you automatically jump on that dick and ride it into the sunset,” you almost spit your food out, hand thumping your chest to ease the chewed lump down. Seulgi didn’t even bat an eyelash.
“I don’t even like my eggs scrambled.”
“Oh, right. You like them fertilized,” In a blink of an eye, a notebook smacked her straight in the face. A scream of frustration left her, along with whines of how long it took her to do her makeup. Before she had a chance to pry your phone of your hands, you quickly replied.
To [cute barista dude]: nope. We’re on break :)
If you could only see Taehyung now, you’d realize how much of an impact you had on him. It was the café’s dead hours, or the short time frame where there were only one or two customers in the shop, giving the staff a breather. It was during this time almost the entirety of the staff were crammed inside the cleaning closet, circling around Taehyung, and egging him on to ask you out.
And if he only saw you right now, he’d realize how much of an impact he had on you.
It was Hyuna’s threat that got him to pressed send, “Kim Taehyung, if you won’t make a move on her, I will!”
[cute barista dude]: oh, in that case, do you want to maybe hang out tonight?
This time, Seulgi raised an eyebrow, her lips curling into a smirk. She hummed, drumming her fingers on the social science notebook you threw on her. “I don’t know about you, but if this boy’s as pretty as you say he is, I wouldn’t pass the opportunity up.”
It was rare whenever you listened to Seulgi, since she’s the personification of bad advice. However, she had a point; you were in dire need of a break, maybe even a boyfriend.
You typed in a small text confirming you were available, before standing up to go to your next lecture. Though you were roommates, you only shared one lecture hall with Seulgi – history. She walked next you in the hallways, still gushing about your “mini impromptu date” tonight.
“Just know that I’ll be holed up in my room all night. We have a thesis defense in three days, so if you want to take him out for a ride, don’t do it in our dorm.” she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, making you laugh.
 Taehyung was a nervous wreck. Maybe Jimin was right about him turning into a walking nervous system whenever he was with you. He didn’t even know what got into him, or where he got the sudden burst of confidence from.
All he knew was that it worked; because somehow, you were in his house, pressed against him, eating pizza while some surprisingly well-produced horror movie played in the background. You munched contentedly on your slice, snuggling into the warmth radiating from the lean boy.
“You know, when you said ‘hang out’, I expected like a park, or a restaurant. What I got was way better,” you smiled up at him.
Taehyung had to pretend his heart didn’t just sink, then explode back to life in a matter of milliseconds. “I was a little stumped with what movie to pick. Couldn’t choose between,” he took a glance at the DVD cover. “- El Orfanato and Your Name.”
“Your Name? Didn’t take you for a romance-anime type of guy.”
“My co-worker is. I saw it once with him, and it was really good though,” He shuffled closer to you, pulling the blanket over your bodies. You shifted in your seat, turning your body so you laid on top of him.
It was silent for a while. The only sound was the occasional Spanish from the film and your soft breathing. The fact that it wasn’t the usual rom-com or shallow-plotted movie – the usual picks for Netflix and Chill – really shed a light on how Taehyung genuinely wanted you to unwind with him, and not just get into your pants.
The movie itself was actually interesting. Knowing Taehyung was someone who had a passion for arts and photography, you didn’t expect any less from his taste.
“How did you find this film?” you murmured into his t-shirt. He shrugged, trembling fingers tapping rhythmically on your back.
“Watch Mojo list,” you threw your head back in laughter, him giggling with you.
“Heathen,” you managed to say in between breaths. “And I thought you were a man of class.”
“God forbid I actually take you out based on a Watch Mojo video. I like underrated films, the type that isn’t easy to find. I thought you might’ve wanted to take a break from cheap jumpscares and slasher gore.”
You hummed, “This is a nice change. I could get used to you taking me out.”
Red blossomed from his cheeks, heart soaring at the implication. “Oh, how convenient. I could get used to that too.” He cleared his throat, trying to meet your sparkling eyes. “Maybe I should start making you lunch too, aside from breakfast.”
“Like a date?”
The cola burned his nasal cavities, some of it spewing out his nose and mouth when he quite literally choked on it. Hurriedly, you thumped his back, voicing out your concern as he coughed his lungs out. Taehyung wished the ground would just swallow him whole. There was cola over his shirt and hands. Not to mention, half of his face was a sticky mess. He groaned, covering his face in shame.
“I’m sorry. That was very disgusting, I’m so sorry,” he sounded like he was about to cry.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, really. Are you okay now?”
He gave a half-hearted nod. “Can we just pretend that never happened?”
You took some tissue from your bag and started wiping his face. Although it was pretty funny, you gave into him – you will never speak of the incident.
“Were you serious about going on a date with me?” he asked bashfully after an awkward period of silence.
“Why not? You’re a great guy, and I’d love to know more about the cute barista making me breakfast each morning. You know, outside your pre-established, in-depth nerd persona,” His mood was quickly lifted, though his smile still didn’t reach his eyes. “I need you to smile for me though.”
“But I am,” he whined. Admittedly, he was still embarrassed by the previous stunt he pulled. Fortunately, you could see right through him. You pounced at his sides, fingers scrambling all over his tummy. Taehyung yelped, wriggling away from you. Even though he was half your size, and can easily push you off, he decided to let you have your fun.
In the midst of trying to tickle him, you pressed your palm into his crotch, the action going unnoticed as you straddled him. Taehyung however, noticed it all too well. His eyes widened, and he begged himself not to pop a boner with you sitting right on top of him.
He couldn’t forget it, even after you’ve gone home and it was just a black screen on the TV. He couldn’t forget it even as he was cleaning up, finding himself with warm water running down his back, phone placed by the sink, the echo of a slow saxophone beat filling the room.
The heat and thoughts of your hand wrapped around him, mouth taking in his length, sent blood rushing to his head. Your scent still lingered at the back of his mind, pretty eyes looking up at him through your lashes. Jimin would tease him for jacking off just after the first date. Was it even considered a date? After all, he said ‘hang out.’
Nevertheless, he grunted as he wrapped his hand around himself. Placing a steady hand on the shower wall, he shuddered, teasing himself with slow strokes before getting faster and faster. He closed his eyes and leaned into the wall, drowning himself in the thought of you.
Taehyung let out a groan, bucking into his hand. The warm water poured heavily on him as he slowly got closer to release. Chasing his high was an easy task; his mind was filled with thoughts of you moaning as he buried himself deep in you, the way you’d whimper under him, your breathy whines. Pre-cum was steadily flowing out his dick, his fingers getting sticky from it before the water would wash it away.
He let out low grunts, breaths getting heavier. Almost there. Just as he was about to release, the buzzing of his phone cut through the music. Huffing, he thought twice whether to continue or not, but decided against it. The text might’ve been important, especially since Namjoon hinted towards a promotion last week.
Head still reeling from his self-denied orgasm, he clumsily wiped his hands on the towel, hands still slightly wet. He trudged over to the sink, fumbling with his phone. The water dripping off his hands made it difficult to press the right buttons, and after two times of accidentally exiting to the home screen, he heard a camera snap, accompanied by a flash bouncing off the mirror.
Taehyung put his phone down, thoroughly wiping his hands off this time. As soon as he deemed them dry enough, he checked his messages – only to come close to fainting.
To [Goddess]: photo sent
The picture was slightly blurry, but clear enough to make out what was going on in it. It was a mirror selfie. The flash did a good job of covering his face and most of his shoulders, but not too much of his lower body. His dick, still hard and even redder then before, stood against his stomach, water still dripping off his body.
To [Goddess]: I’m sorry I didn’t mean to do that I swear im not a creep please don’t hate me I fully understand if you don’t want to talk to me anymore or if you want to break up with me im so sorry oh my god
To [Goddess]: I mean I assume we’re already together-together?? I don’t know, then again, im so sorry please ignore that picture forever
[Goddess]: seen
He really was the unluckiest guy in the world. The relationship started quickly and ended quickly, all because of a nude. He didn’t even know if he could face you tomorrow when you pick your breakfast up. Fuck indeed.
 On your end, it was definitely a surprise. Shocking? Yes. Unexpected? Definitely – you never would’ve anticipated it from Taehyung. However, unwanted? No. Hard no. As hard as his dick.
He was mouth-watering, a true monster by the sheer size and girth. Your cheeks heated up, tongue flicking over your lips. You clenched your thighs together, trying to seek friction under your flimsy shorts.
You had been snuggled up in bed, a good night text just sent to your possible future boyfriend when he had sent you this gem. You would’ve felt bad for him, the frenzied texts sent immediately after making your heart melt, but you were way too turned on to reply.
The thoughts of his large hands roaming your body, cupping your breasts, distracted you. The thought of him being the dominant one was worth contemplating - if he was, then you’d have no problem switching from time to time. You wanted to ride him, slide down that enormous length. If it looked that big in picture, you couldn’t even imagine its size in the flesh.  
You went to sleep that night tired from the pillow humping, but extremely satisfied with your orgasm. If you only knew Taehyung didn’t get to reach his own, you would’ve laughed; all good things are worth waiting for. You couldn’t wait to have your way with him – he was a strong baby boy, you could tell just from how pliant he was when it came to you.
The reply you typed out was forgotten and left unsent.
 There was no trace of Taehyung the next day. Jungkook was the one to hand over your breakfast, much to your disappointment. No offense to him – you had a soft spot for the kid – but you really wnted to see your starry-eyed boy today.
“Hey where’s Tae?”
Jungkook gave you an uneasy look. Nervously, he glanced towards the back of the room, where the kitchen was. Through the large connecting window, you could see a mop of blue hair weaving in between the metal stands.
“He’s on kitchen duty,” he blurted out, snapping your attention back to him. “I mean, he’s not here. He’s sick. Ask Jimin!”
With that, he chucked the coffee stirrers under the counter and scrambled off. Just as he stepped foot into the kitchen, Jimin went out, mid-yawn in a flour-smeared apron. You smashed the service bell repeatedly. Thank God the café had less people in the morning on Saturdays.
Jimin shot you an exasperated look, begrudgingly trudging over to you. He gave you his best “Employee of the Month” smile. “How may I help you?”
“May I speak to one of your employees at the back?”
“Taehyung is on kitchen duty.”
“Jimin, we both know Taehyung can’t even boil an egg,” you hissed, leaning farther on the counter, your nose almost touching his. Jimin bit his lip – you were right. Why did they even come up with that stupid excuse?
“Okay, fine. As far as I know, he’s beyond humiliated. He thinks you hate him. Ever since this morning, the only thing he’s been talking about is how much he hates his dick.”
You didn’t know whether your heart melted or ached for him. Men, in one way or another, can be adorably stupid and naïve. You tongued your cheek, considering your options. There was the choice of storming in the kitchen right there, right now, to confront Taehyung personally; but you didn’t want that going down your student record, especially since vacation’s just a month away. You muttered a quick thank you, turning to walk back to your dorm.
To [baby boy]: Meet me after your shift. I’ll be staying at my usual spot. Don’t even think of avoiding me.
 Five minutes until the end of his shift, and here Taehyung was; in the bathroom, washing his hands for what will be the fourth time. He was practicing what he was going to say to you, apart from giving himself a tiny pep talk in an attempt to boost his confidence.
Your last text glared at him from the screen. An overwhelming feeling of déjà vu hit him when he found himself in front of the bathroom sink, staring at the mirror again. Three loud knocks on the door made him flinch.
“Lover boy, your girl’s been waiting for you for about two hours now,” Jimin’s voice rang through the other side of the door.
“Just a minute,” The mere thought of him seeing you again just after he sent an unsolicited dick pic made him shiver. Lost in his cluttered thoughts, he didn’t even notice he left the door unlocked.
Jimin pushed open the door, letting out an exasperated sigh when he saw Taehyung looking blankly into the mirror. “For God’s sake, man up and just get it over with.”
When he saw the younger boy’s shoulders slump further, his gaze softened. He didn’t really take Taehyung’s situation seriously, not until he saw how much it upset him.
“Hey,” he walked closer, nudging the tan boy’s elbow. “If she really hated you, she would’ve left an hour ago.”
Taehyung scoffed, though a small smile played on his lips, encouraging Jimin to continue. “We both know ___. If anything, she might’ve thought it was a bit funny. Hell, she might’ve liked it.”
“Hyung!” he was flustered beyond relief, delivering hit upon hit to the older boy. “Don’t say that about her!”
“Just go out there, okay? Sort things out with her.”
He came out in a white undershirt he wore under the cafe’s light beige, long-sleeved uniform. You were down to your third croissant and fourth coffee when he spotted you. The nearer he got, the more he saw cluttered papers spread on he desk, the one you’re working on decorated with different highlighters. Blue for people, yellow for terms, green for dates - you had told him your color legends back then. 
The chair was dragged back, making you flinch in surprise. Taehyung, despite his height, seemed to shrink in his seat. His hands were folded neatly on his lap; you didn’t have to peek under the table to know his legs were spread wide, thick things just barely fitting on the chair space. 
You slid the pastry over to him, capped the highlighter, and melted back into your seat. Your bones let out a satisfying crack when you stretched; Taehyung was right about taking breaks in between study sessions. 
“Hey,” he offered, picking up a fork to lightly stab at the croissant. 
“Are you avoiding me?” His wide eyes met yours, eyebrows knit together. He resorted to lightly scraping at the side of the plate instead. 
“Don’t you find it weird?”
“Find what weird?”
“I don’t know. Maybe how you saw my... thing just hours ago, and now we’re here, pretending everything’s perfectly normal. Don’t you hate me? I literally acted like a fuckboy.”
You snorted, throwing your head back in laughter. He just stared at you in confusion. “No, what the hell? You are the opposite of a fuck boy. And you sent about ten apology texts right after. I know you didn’t do it on purpose.”
“So you’re not mad?” He leaned forward, mouth brought into a pout. Pinching his cheek lovingly, you chuckled. 
“No. We can just pretend it never happened,” You winked, quoting his words from the cola incident. He quickly recognized them, groaning from more embarrassment. 
“Why do you do this to me?” he moaned, but didn’t pull away from your touch. “Is this the karma I get because of that WatchMojo list?”
“You did get it from a WatchMojo list!” you gasped, chucking him a highlighter - which he caught with no problem. “Talk about top ten anime betrayals.”
The atmosphere seemed to relax after that. Taehyung finally began eating the croissant, much to your doting. He sat up straight in his chair, compelled by the need to impress you, while also giving out a “no big deal” attitude. 
The conversation shifted to your current situation at university. You couldn’t resist telling him about your history professor - Mr. Min and his seemingly endless collection of ties, plus rumors of his friends-with-benefits relationship with Mr. Jung, the biology teacher in the next building. 
“Wait but, oh my God, I think he’s actually cool? We were going to watch a film for the whole period, and he accidentally clicked on the wrong thing. And guess what?”
“What?” Taehyung’s eyes were wide like a kid’s in a toy shop.
“It was his mixtape! I swear it was! The guy rapping sounded exactly like him.”
“No way! Isn’t this guy, what, thirty?” He crinkled his nose in disbelief. You waved him to move closer. getting your phone out to show him the video evidence you secretly took. Even if you filmed the whole thing in plain sight, Mr. Min would’ve been too busy frantically pulling every extension cord to notice.
Scrolling through your gallery with Taehyung by your side, you froze, spotting a fresh, all too familiar picture just before the video. You skipped a beat, before swiftly tapping on the video, careful not to tap the nude you saved. Hopefully, Taehyung didn’t see it, the singular picture sitting among other pictures of lectures and notes. 
You pretended to concentrate hard on the video, as if it was the most interesting thing you’ve ever watched. Taehyung leaned closer, his broad chest pressing against a part of your back. You could feel his breath fanning over your neck, the feeling doubling each time he laughed. In a way, it assured you he didn’t see anything. You sunk back into him, trying to get more comfortable.
“He isn’t bad,” he murmured. From the black spaces on the screen, you met his brown eyes, a sultry look hiding behind the mischievous crinkles. You gulped, nervousness starting to crawl its way back in. 
As soon as the video stopped, you locked your phone and shoved it back in your bag. “I just remembered, we actually have a test tomorrow so I better go-”
“Can I come with you?” You stared at Taehyung, mouth hung open. He had a serious expression on, emotions unreadable behind his piercing gaze. “I could help you review.”
“That... wouldn’t be necessary. I could really do it myself. Plus, you look tired and I think you should re-”
“No. I insist,” His lips curled into a smile, almost daring. He leaned closer, lips just centimeters away from your ear. “I think we need to talk some more.”
The ding of the elevator signaled you it was already your floor. Thank God Seulgi was out for a group project tonight. The history test was partly a lie; you definitely remembered, but had already reviewed. Miraculously, you managed to get your sleep schedule under control, while also studying everything you needed to study. Taehyung would be proud.
Speaking of, he has now claimed his spot on your couch, less than gracefully plopping down. At least he had the decency to leave his shoes neatly by the coat rack. 
“So, what’s your topic?” You laid your notebooks down on the table, the post-it notes wedged between the pages almost falling out. You set the table up first, Taehyung’s question dissolving into thin air. Instead, he resorted to flipping through some of the pages, gnawing on his lips with each bit of information he took in. 
“That’s a lot,” His whisper didn’t leave unnoticed. You perked up, flashing him a mocking grin. “I thought you said you insisted?”
Immediately, his face burned red, resembling that of a child whenever he throws a tantrum. “I did! It’s just a lot, okay? Even I don’t take this much notes. How many pens do you go through in a day?”
You rolled your eyes, picked up your self-made flashcards - which really were just small, index cards scrawled on with gel pen - and handed them to Taehyung. “Quiz me with dates first, then we’ll work our way through important people and events.”
He fumbled with the cards for a while, taking a brief glance on each of them, before straightening them out and facing the “answer” sides of the cards away from you. “Great Depression?”
Your pace in answering was pretty quick, so in order to trick him into thinking you’ve just memorized it, you had to slow down, throw a few “uhm’s” and “hm’s”. There were times you’d get a question wrong on purpose to make the act more believable. 
Slowing down the pace wasn’t too difficult too. He was so distracting, in a way. He couldn’t be doing anything and he’d still be the most attractive person in the room. His hair fell lightly by his brows, cheeks full and glowing like his sun-kissed skin. The shirt he wore was a size too large for him, the neckline dipping just above his chest, showing his parts of his collarbones. 
The mass of index cards was thinning out when a particular question snapped you out of your daze.
“What was that picture in your gallery?” Taehyung’s eyes were trained on you, the flashcards still in his hand. You prayed you weren’t blushing right now.
“What picture?”
“The picture. You know what I’m talking about,” His serious expression slowly cracked, a smile coming through, along with a darkening gaze in his eyes. “You saved the picture I sent, didn’t you?”
Before you could think twice about it, you had chucked him a pillow, Taehyung effortlessly dodging it. “No! No, I didn’t! What the hell, Tae?”
Instead, his grin grew wider. He threw the cards on the table, and began crawling near you. You shuffled farther back into the couch, one of the armrests eventually hitting your back. He had you pinned down. 
“I saw it, ___. Don’t even deny it,” He licked his lips, the stupid smirk still on his face. “You liked the picture, didn’t you, ___?”
His voice was low, eyes piercing into your very soul. Instead of replying, you slipped a hand around his nape, bringing him closer then smashing your lips together. His lips felt like cotton on yours, and you treated them as such, licking the soft flesh to ask for permission. 
He parted his lips, granting you access. You let yourself explore the cavern of his mouth, engaging his tongue in a battle of dominance. Naturally, he let you win. You drew back for a split second, only to say, “Little brat.”
You heard him snicker, before connecting your lips once more. You wrapped a leg around his waist, bringing him closer to you. Your hands busied themselves by tangling them in his hair. In all the haze of the steamy kiss, you felt him growing under his pants. 
You pressed your foot more forcefully against him, making his crotch press into yours. The uncomfortableness of his jeans could be felt by how hard his cock was straining against it. You wrapped your other leg around him, then brought your lower half up, grinding straight into his erection. 
He groaned into the kiss, pulling away only to focus on your neck. He left a trail of love bites, hues of purple and blue, coming from your jawline to the base of your neck. You continued grinding into him, with slow, hard rolls of your hips. His head lolled downwards, slotting into the curve of your neck. His increasingly heavy pants could be heard, no matter how hard he tried to conceal them under the guise of nipping on your neck.
A light sheen of sweat was starting to cover you. The leather of the couch felt sticky on your skin, but it felt too good to pull away from. You allowed yourself to let out only a few long, groans, careful not to show him how much you’re loving this.
Your panties already felt soaked. The button of his jeans would get caught in the thin material of your shorts, rubbing against your clit. You jerked into him, borderline humping his boner. 
Somehow, you still had your presence of mind, and you had to remind yourself to calm down. Shakily planting your feet on any flat surface you could feel, you pulled your hips away from him, eliciting a whine from the boy. 
“You look uncomfortable there, sweetheart,” you said, hands working to unbuckle his belt. You took it off, unbuttoning his jeans too. Instead of releasing him already, you slid your hand in his boxers, squeezing the rock-hard length lightly. He screwed his eyes shut, a sigh of relief escaping his lips. 
Your other hand pushed at his chest, steering him into a new position. He sat on the couch, feet planted on the ground while your straddled him. You brought your hips down again, his boxers being the only material separating you from his cock. 
“Help me get this off, baby,” You murmured, about to shrug your shirt off. He shed you off the material at once, flinging it to the side. Then, he started grabbing at your shorts, running his hands around your ass too. With two, swift tugs, your shorts were pooling at you knees. 
As soon as he got them off, he grabbed at your hips, forcing you to grind on his clothed cock again. You slid one of your hands from his hair, touching the broad expanse of his chest, his toned stomach, until you reached his boxers. You slipped your hand, fingers wrapping around his cock, making him gasp into your mouth.
You gave him a couple light strokes, before pressing your hand flat against the head of his cock, then digging your palm into him. He threw his head back in a groan, grip getting looser on your hips until he was back in his original position, head buried in your neck. 
The room felt hotter, more humid even. Taehyung’s hair began to stick to his forehead the more he leaned into your touch. The picture wasn’t lying to - even without seeing him yet, you already knew he was big. His girth alone made it difficult for you to wrap your fingers around the entirety of him. 
Each jerk of his hips into your palm sent more pre-cum dripping out his cock. You angled your hand a little so that you could thumb lightly at his slit, spreading the pre-cum over the head. He was leaking so much that a wet patch started to form on his boxers. You knew the wet fabric sticking to his skin might make him uncomfortable, but you waited before making him take it off. You wanted him to suffer for a bit.
After letting him grind himself into your palm, you switched tactics and instead, gripped the base of his cock, jerking him off rapidly. His whines sent shivers down your spine, made you gush more into your already ruined panties. 
More pre-cum dripped down his cock, coating his entire length. It was easy for you to tug on his cock, but you didn’t want to make him come yet. You retracted your hand, wiping off the slick on his sweat-covered chest. “Take it off.”
He almost fell off the couch in his eagerness to get the fabric off. By the time he did, the mess in his pants was on full display. His cock sprung into his stomach, twitching when air hit it. There was pre-cum reaching until the top of his thighs, smeared all over the area surrounding his dick. 
“Do you want me to clean that up for you?” You purred into his ear. A choked sob made its way out of his abused lips while he profusely nodded. “Sit properly, my messy baby.”
Taehyung got off you, sitting on the couch with his legs spread wide. You placed yourself on the floor, kneeling before him. With one hand, you grasped his leaking cock, licking a strip from his balls up to the tip. He sighed out in relief when you licked the tip, before taking in the head of his cock. 
You sucked hard on his cock, the bitter taste of pre-cum filling your taste buds. He shuddered at the feeling of your warm mouth around him, tongue pressing firmly against his cock. A sudden jerk of his hips sent his cock hitting the back of your throat. 
Gagging, you slapped the inside of his thigh harshly. He whined, murmuring a quick apology. You rolled your eyes at him, sinking farther down his cock, until your nose nestled between his fine hairs.
You trailed your nails down his thighs, trying your best to relax your throat. Taehyung was taking in big gulps of breath, arousal flooding him when he saw you innocently looking back at him. “Baby, can I fuck your mouth?”
You hummed in approval, guiding his hands to your hair. With a tight grip, he pushed your head firmly against his pubic bone, before holding you in place and thrusting deep into your mouth. 
He hit the back of your throat each time he bucked his hips towards you. His head was thrown back, swimming in pleasure. A wanton of moans filled the room, along with your lewd gagging. His fingertips burned at your scalp, grip so tight his knuckles turned white. 
Desire coursed through your veins. You could faintly feel your essence dripping down your thighs, your fingers itching to insert themselves into your throbbing pussy. However, you wanted to focus on the writhing boy in front of you for now. 
He felt so big - was so big.  You could feel him down your throat, cock squeezing through the tight confines. Saliva trailed down your mouth as you dig your nails into the soft flesh of his thighs.
“Ah! A-ah fuck! You feel so good,” His thrusts were turning sloppy, the need to come burning at the pit of his stomach. He gritted his teeth in an attempt to hold his release, chest heaving slowly, a pleading look in his eyes once he stared down at you. “Can I, please?”
In response, you swallowed around him, sending him headfirst into his orgasm. Hot spurts of his cum shot down your throat, the rest falling on your lips when he pulled out. You coughed a little, before licking your lips and swallowing the remaining drops of his cum. Finally, you released your grip from his thighs, admiring the red marks left on the tan skin.
His thighs were still quivering, breath shaky. Taehyung was still reeling from his orgasm, giving you an opportunity to sit yourself on his thighs, hands placed on his chest. “Hm, this looks like a nice spot.”
Taehyung didn’t have time to respond before he felt your hot mouth on his chest, sucking and nibbling on the skin. He whined, but placed his hands on your ass nonetheless. Once you were satisfied, you pulled away to admire your work - a purplish mark sitting nicely above his collarbone.
“You didn’t get to cum,” He pouted almost cutely at you. Chuckling, you re-positioned yourself so you were sitting with his thigh between your legs. You brought your hips down, clit brushing against his thigh. “Don’t worry, I will.”
With his strength gradually coming back, he flexed his thigh, providing you a firmer surface to grind on. Your arousal coated his thigh, making it easier to buck your hips into him. His hands were still on your ass, helping you ride his thighs. 
You brought your lips against his again, puling him in for an open-mouthed kiss. You moaned into his mouth, his tongue finding its way into yours. 
Suddenly, you gasped; Taehyung slipped two fingers into your wet pussy, arching the long digits to rub against your g-spot. You groaned, increasing your pace and begun bouncing up and down his thigh. 
He thrust his fingers in, reaching spots so deep inside you, shooting sparks through you. One of your legs brushed his already hardening cock, making him flinch in overstimulation. The action caused him to draw his thigh away, cutting you off from your pleasure.
Abruptly, you stopped. You tugged his head back and forced his jaw open, spitting inside his mouth. He swallowed it immediately, big eyes looking back at you in arousal and slight fear. “Stay still or else I’ll grind my foot into your pathetic little cocklet.”
The movement was fast, just from the corner of your eye, but you caught it. His dick had twitched. The moment you put two-on-two together, you smirked down at him. He bit hard down his bottom lip, relishing your words. 
Of course you didn’t mean it. Obviously, he was nowhere near having a cocklet, but his reaction pushed you to kept going. If he wanted to feel small, you’ll make him feel small. “Dumb baby. The only thing you know is to fuck, right? Can’t even control your fucking cock. Much less stay still for me. You’re just such a needy bitch, huh?”
This time, he let out a long groan. Tears threatened to fall from the corners of his eyes. He was babbling, didn’t have enough presence of mind to form a coherent sentence. “Mouth... My mouth- baby- pl-please. C-Cum.”
“You have to use your big boy words, honey.”
He took a deep breath, mouth slack for a few moments. A strained moan made its way through his lips. “P-Please cum on my face?”
“You have to try better than that,” You sighed, feigning indifference. With another whine, he said, “Please, mommy, please cum on my face. I want mommy to feel good. I want to taste mommy please.”
“Lie on the floor.”
He scrambled on his feet, in a rush to lie down on the cold, hard surface. He grimaced at first when the cool marble hit his skin, but all discomfort he had melted off when you settled both knees on either side of his head. You knelt facing his cock. “Use your mouth.”
You lowered your hips, letting your pussy meet his lips. He lapped at your wetness, licking in between your labia, underneath your clit. He latched his lips onto the sensitive nub, sucking hard on it. His hands were wrapped around your thighs, bringing you closer to him. 
Your hands clutched at his hair. You could feel the coil in your stomach about to snap, with only one strong lick from his skillful mouth pushing you over the edge. 
You cried out, thighs spasming, clenching his head against your pussy. You leaned over, grasping his cock and tugging on it harshly. He jerked away from your touch, but your grip was strong. He choked on his sobs as you milked his cock, a smaller amount of cum spurting out his dick. 
You slumped down next to him, both of you panting hard. Taehyung’s tears were freely flowing, every part of him a mess. Some of your cum was still scattered over his face, his cum equally a mess on his thighs and on your hand. His hair was in tangles, lips red from how much you abused them.
“You’re very scary and mean during sex,” He said in a small voice, though his tone was teasing. You looked at him, a small smile on his face. “I liked it.”
You chuckled, gaining your breath back. “Hey,” you touched his forearm. “Let’s go to my room, okay? There’s a proper bed there you can lie down on.”
After you got him a glass of water, you ran a bath in the small tub you had. The bathroom that came with the dorm was small, but one of the only ones that had a tub in it. It was easy to say it was one of your most prized possessions. You mixed the last of your bubble bath formula in, and went back to fetch Taehyung. 
When you got to him, he was huddled under the blankets. Light snores came from his still figure. You nudged him lightly, shaking him awake. “Baby? The bath’s ready.” 
He looked groggily up you before nodding. You held his arm, supporting some of his weight. 
He sighed in relief once the warm water touched his skin. You placed yourself in front of him, leaning onto his chest. You both closed your eyes, feeling yourself relax more in the bath, with each other. You were pressed closely to him, his arms around you. 
“I didn’t go too far, or anything?” You murmured. You were honestly worried you did because he was in such a haze when you were walking him towards the bathroom. 
He hummed, sending vibrations at the top of your head. “It was amazing, promise. You were amazing. And it felt really good.”
“Thank God. I thought I might’ve scared away my potential boyfriend,” He let out  deep chuckle, chest rumbling. 
“I’m not that easy to get rid off, baby. Wait- I’m your boyfriend now? Am I?” His face lit up, mouth in his signature boxy smile. You nodded your head, sporting a wide grin of your own. He did a little fist pump before taking your cheeks in his hands and peppering them with kisses. “I love you so much.”
The morning after, Jimin noticed an unusual glow emqanating from Taehyung. He had the same love-dovey look on his face, only amped up by a hundred. He left his things at the locker room, humming a small song as he smoothed out his uniform. 
“You look especially... dreamy today,” Jimin said to him, two macchiatos in his hand. He shrugged, continuing to work the coffee machines. “I guess you worked things out with ___?”
“Things worked out very well for us,” He set the coffee cups on the tray, along with a some pasta and a sandwich. He picked the tray up, smiling back at Jimin. “You could say did she liked the picture.”
It was one of the rare days you didn’t wake up late. Taehyung had prepared you breakfast while you got ready, and you left for university and work together. Seulgi was, thankfully, still not at home, but she sent you text saying she spent the night over at her group mate’s house. 
If Taehyung remembered it correctly, you were supposed to have History by now. He smiled, knowing you’ll effortlessly ace the exam - thanks to his help of course. 
He finished drying the rest of the plates when his phone buzzed. He excused himself to the employee’s washroom before unlocking it to see a message from you. 
It looked like you were in a bathroom stall. You were wearing your shirt, but your nipples were visibly peeking through the material, stretched ridiculously tight over your boobs. “Thinking of you. Finished the test early.” Your next messaged read.
He gulped. He may not be getting the Employee of the Month award after all, not with how much time he is about to spend in the washroom. 
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sav-grey · 4 years
TAGGING: Savannah Grey & Sam Kyle @samuelkyle
DATE: Sunday, September 6th
LOCATION: Savannah’s Luxor NY Dorm Room
TOPIC:  Sam finds Sav’s pregnancy test
NOTES: This is slightly backdated, it occurred right before everyone left for France! 
Sav was a bit of a wreck. At least, as much of a wreck as she ever became. The trip to NYC, Luxor France, not feeling well had all combined to make the past few weeks insane. Plus the positive pregnancy test sitting on her desk didn’t....exactly help. When Sam reached out, offering to come over because she hadn’t been feeling well, her first instinct had been to say no, but then...she decided maybe some company, company that wasn’t Maddie, would like calm her down a little. Make her feel more normal. So Sav unceremoniously tossed the test into the trash when she heard a knock at her door, swinging it open to let Sam in. “Hey,” she said softly, giving him a smile. “You know, if you didn’t want me to think you were sweet, you shouldn’t offer to check on me when I’m not feeling well,” Sav pointed out, echoing back to their conversation at the Met.
Sam tried not to blush at the compliment of sweet although his face still got slightly pink. "Considering you're one of the few people I enjoy talking to call it self interest." He set down a bag on the table. Sure bringing soup and other meds might have been a bit overkill but that was what people did when others were sick. At least that's what he'd experienced. "Are you feeling any better?" Sam asked not sure what to actually do. "I brought soup, and other things to hopefully help." He mumbled softly looking away his eyes landing on the trash before quickly looking somewhere else not letting his emotions flare up on his face.
"Can't fault you for that," Sav replied, forcing a small laugh in response to Sam's answer, motioning for him to follow into her room as she turned back to plop herself onto her bed. "Sure," she answered, shrugging up her shoulders. "I mean, a little bit, but not really. You didn't actually have to bring me anything, though. I've just been sleeping it off," Sav explained, blowing out a huff of air after her sentence. She actually hadn't really registered if her symptoms had gotten better in the past few days or not, because not thinking about it was definitely the better way to go about this. "I haven't actually hung out with anyone in forever, so thanks for coming over."
"Amanda used to make me soup when I wasn't feeling well. I figured it might make you feel better." Sam shrugged following her into the room. He sat next to her not positive what to do. "I should have brought something fun then." He grumbled realizing his idiocy. Sam had only brought the stuff to make her feel better. "Do you know why you're sick?" Sam asked curiously he wanted to hear that the thing he'd seen in the trash wasn't hers. That it might have been her roommates, at this point he'd even accept a lie as the truth. "How you got sick?" He clarified feeling a bit nervous.
"Soup is always everyone's catch solution. No matter how you're not feeling well," Sav mused, her nose wrinkling up a little bit. So many people had suggested soup when she mentioned she hadn't been feeling well, she was starting to get annoyed just hearing the word. "Fun like what? More proof of aliens?" she teased, giving Sam a little smirk, glad that talking to him was making her feel a little bit more normal at the very least. "Nah, just the company is fun enough. I think I just went a bit too hard in the city. Wore myself out."
"Well I got actual meds too, and there's a few other things to hopefully make you feel better." Sam shrugged realizing soup might have been a bad decision. "I was thinking more puzzles, video games, or chess." His face felt hot as he looked away rubbbing his shoulders. "I do have a switch but I'm not sure if you'd be interested? Oh? What else did you do?"
"I'm not a big video game person. And I don't know how to play chess," Sav admitted, watching Sam as he fidgeted, her eyebrows furrowing a little. She knew she was in a weird mood, but she wasn't sure why he seemed to be too. "I just went out a lot. Tried to cram all of my favorite places in," she said, tipping her head to one side before reaching out and poking Sam in the side. "Thanks again for bringing all that, Sam. If you don't mind just being lazy and not doing much I wouldn't hate it if you hung out with me for a bit," Sav said, a slight smile on her face as she attempted the joke.
“I could teach you if you’re interested.” Sam shrugged offering to teach.  Playing chess was something he’d done a lot with people at Luxor. Even going as far to teach a few people as well. He gave a small nod, “I only went to a few places. You might have had a better time it seems.” She caught him off guard and nodded. “We can hang out,” he nodded at her. “Sav,” Sam started before shaking his head. “Never mind. I have my switch so we could play Mario kart if you’d like?” It was one of the few games he always kept with him.
"Sure," she agreed, lifting one shoulder in a shrug in return. Sitting still and playing chess didn't seem like something she'd be good at, or have the attention to do for long, but she was always down for new challenges. At least for a brief amount of time. "I don't know about that. Wasn't all that fun," she said with a sigh. She didn't want to get into the drama with her ex-boyfriend with Sam, let alone the fact that she had been feeling sick for most of the trip too. "I'm a New Yorker, I don't know how to drive. I guarantee I'm terrible at that game," she said with a laugh.
"Why wasn't it fun?" Sam asked. from what he understood most people liked being in the city and even he had gotten somethings he'd enjoyed. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. Maverick my brother got another tattoo. I went with him it was interesting." He felt the need to change the conversation to anything except how she was. "I can't drive either it's pretty easy to learn though." Sam shrugged and then looked a bit frustrated. He couldn't stop thinking about what he saw. He needed to ask about it despite what could happen. "Sav, I. I, saw the thing in your trash... is it your roommates?" He asked not positive if he wanted to actually know the answer despite his brain not letting him stop thinking about it.
Sav flinched away from Sam at his question, her eyes darting towards her trash can before looking back at him. Fuck. How had she been so stupid? She could tell that her face had visibly paled, and as completely unprepared for that question that she was, she paused for a few seconds too long to make any denial believable. "I don't know what you're talking about," she said automatically, as she pushed herself off the bed, grabbing the soup Sam had brought out of the bag and stepping towards the door, dropping the now empty bag into the trashcan, if only so Sam couldn't get a better look at the test. Maybe he would be willing to be completely gullible, if only for her sake.
Sam Sam watched her move feeling more nervous than than when he had actually asked his question. He'd obviously been right based on her reaction. "It's okay." He shrugged rubbing his head nervously feeling like he had to get up and actively start walking or at least move his body. "It costs 500k to raise a child from the day they are born to 18 in New York. It costs even less in France and they are ranked 11th in the world to have a kid. Hypothetically whatever was decided it would be fine. And I'd help you. Regardless of whatever it is."
Sav crossed her arms across her chest, listening to Sam's words with a rising sense of annoyance. And panic, if she was being honest. She watched his fidgeting, the expression on her face hardening, no clear emotion visible on it. "Maybe you should go, Sam," she finally replied, her voice soft. His offer was kinder than anything she would've suspected, but Sav wasn't about to get into any sort of details with him. She wanted the least amount of people to know the least amount of information. About most things, really, but particularly this.
Sam stood up from the bed and pulled out his switch. He turned it on and held out one joycon. “If you really want me to go I’ll go. If not. You should at least be able to say you can play Mario kart.” Sam shrugged letting the conversation change to something easier. If Sav didn’t want to talk about that was fine with Sam. He really didn’t want to talk about it either.
Sav raised one hand, rubbing at the corner of her eye as Sam spoke, a small sigh leaving her lips. "It's fine. You don't have to stay," she said softly, her face still extremely neutral. She wasn't going to actively confirm anything to him, or even acknowledge what he had asked. That's about as close as she would get. "I'm pretty sure I would horrify you with my video playing skills anyways. Or lack thereof."
Sam paused, usually this is where he took every opportunity to leave. But now, he didn’t actually want to leave. “If you want me to leave I will.” He offered still holding out the joycon to play. Most people weren’t that good at video games. It didn’t mean that they didn’t play. “It doesn’t matter as long as you enjoy playing.”
A small sigh left Sav's lips before she reached out, taking the controller from Sam slowly. She didn't typically use video games as entertainment for herself, though she was known to get insanely competitive about them when the opportunity arose, but she figured it would at least be a nice distraction for a bit. "See what I mean? You're always nice to me," she said quietly, her eyes blinking up to meet Sam's. "Okay, teach me how to use this thing, I really only play like retro arcade games ever. And swear you won't laugh at how bad I am."
Sam shrugged starting up the game getting things ready. “I think most people I know would call it self interest. You’re interesting, and because I’m usually an asshole -or so I’m told- I recognize somewhere in my brain that if I am not nice you won’t want to hang out with me.” He then pointed to different buttons explaining the controls. It’d been a while since he’d played Mario kart with anyone since usually he and Mave played more violent video games. “Not gonna laugh. The last time I laughed because something was funny was at the bonfire.” Sam paused for a moment realizing that wasn’t actually the last time. “Last Luxor party the pool one. That was the last time.” He started up the game not wanting to go into how much of a disaster that whole party was. Let alone why it was supposed to be the good one.
Sav raised an eyebrow up at Sam, one corner of her mouth turning up slightly. "Can't fault you for doing something out of self interest. Though maybe that's my own self interest encouraging you in that," she said with a shrug, moving back to sit onto her bed again, motioning for Sam to join her. She leaned in slightly as he explained to her, nodding along. "I didn't go to the bonfire party," she admitted. Normally she was always down for a party, but Sav had skipped that one. "Do you only ever laugh at parties? Remind me to spend time with you at the next one."
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