#makor: setting information
makorchronicles · 7 years
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The Continent of Makor, located in the northern hemisphere of the world. 
The continent is called Makor. The grid is about 200 miles square. The southern reaches straddle the equator while the northern most mountains quickly give way to tundra and eventually arctic ice caps. The countries of Makor are listed below:
The Ranfus Sea: The countries around the inland sea were once united under the Osheth Empire until a great betrayal gave way to civil war and fracture the Empire into many different countries. The countries are a plurality human, with sizeable numbers of elves, dwarves, halflings, and gnomes.
The Osten Empire: The last remains of the Osheth Empire, now called the Osten Empire, they are the richest and most powerful country. They have a great deal of very fertile farmland in the lowlands and massive forests to the north. The capitol is Osheth, and major cities include Frington, Stington, and Treflund to the North. The ancient city of Cheadal is the center of Osheth faith. Stington is at the southern end of the Bleir Bore. It is bordered to the north by the Mhara Mountains: cold, monster-filled, almost impassable.
The Frelands: The Freland Forest is the name for the expansive, ancient forest across the straight from the Osten Empire. It is claimed by Osten, but in reality that claim only extends for about 50 miles from the coast, just enough for New City and it’s surrounding villages. Osten has also cut and burned a mile wide track along the cliff coast of the Frelands to link New City with Athye Harbor on the lowlands, creating the High Road. Outside of that area, the depths of the forest are impenetrable, unmappable, and unscryable. Adventurers tell the tale of ancient ruins, mysterious fey, talking trees, and intelligent beasts. The Frelands are bordered by a snow capped mountain range. Upstream from Athye Harbor lies Nanwei City, an ancient, isolationist city that is frequented by religious pilgrims of the Cult of the Maker.
Droiland, Achland, and Schauland have a long lasting and close allegiance, culturally and politically. Between Droiland and Osten lies the Druoi Drain, a land of lakes and rivers, the largest of which is called the Bleir Bore. Droiland’s capital is Guthaus, Achland’s is Khestaad, and Schauland’s is Lostrait. Schauland and Achland share stewardship of the only trade route to the western coast of the continent. The city of Dusmen lies in the mountains between Droiland and Achland and is the largest surface city of dwarves in the region.
Nonsu: This is a country of endless, rolling grasslands bordered by Schauland to the west, the Tomeri Desert and empire of the same name to the south west, the Shabok drylands to the south, and Freland and the great impenetrable mountain range to the east. The people of Nonsu are a mixed bunch of nearly every humanoid race, all tribal, clanfolk, or other roaming people. The one city is called Tenghar, the city that has never been conquered. The great Taivi river rests in the western region of the country and has rich farmland and the only real settlements in the country. The current clan that holds Tenghar is the Sun clan, lead by Chiakonee the bugbear.
Other Countries:
Mythashara: The country of elves rests in an expansive forest spanning hundreds and hundreds of miles. There is an even more ancient forest on the Shrenl’on Island, where most races are forbidden to set foot unless explicitly invited by a resident of Mythashara. The city of Elyhil on the northern coast is the most welcoming to visitors and is a bustling trade port, though they are in constant conflict with the Kaspians across the bay. The capital city is Illidell, and there is also a southern city of Motothalas.
Ebrea: Within this mysterious jungle filled peninsula lives the deadly and xenophobic yuan ti. The snake people use the more violent lizardfolk as the lower class, soldiers, servants, and slaves. The ruling yuan ti have little need to trade with any of the northern countries, though some trade of magical items and luxury items exists. The capital city is Kespa.
Ichtaca: Little contact is had with this region. It is inhabited by tribes who worship strange animal gods. Strangely, for the last five hundred years, a small diplomatic contingency of Ichtacans reside in the Nonsu capital of Tenghar, though little of trade or treaties is ever discussed and the Tenghar Lord is always tightlipped about anything that may be discussed.  
Thessana Island: The homeland of the tabaxi cat people is a jungle filled island dominated by a long dormant volcano. Though tabaxi live in many other places on the continent, Thessana is their cultural homeland and the place where their legends say the Cat Lord created them. The capital is R’lasso.
The Tomeri Empire: The empire might compare to Osten in political and economic power, if it wasn’t mostly desert. They have compensated for a lack of economic power by becoming the most magically powerful country, second only to Mythashara, or maybe the dragonborn of Xaelryss. Often struck by droughts and internal strife, they used to adhere to a strict castes system until about thirty years ago when an uprising of the lower classes overthrew the ruling regime. The Empire opened its borders and diplomatic relations only within the last twenty years. They have a tense relationship with Schauland after generations of border raids. Cities known include Gostri, Triele, and Askel.
The Land of Xaelryss. The large island is topped by three active volcanos, each supposedly housing an ancient golden dragon. The dragonborn of all colors live on this island (some small communities live elsewhere, usually in large cities). Chromatic and Metallic dragonborn usually belong to different families and have quite a bit of tension between them.
Kaspian: This swampy, forested country is bordered by the Frelands and impenetrable mountains. They have little in the ways of tradeable goods, but they hold themselves to be the best sailors (and pirates) in the world, and they just might be right. The capital city of Jashea is a lawless wreck of a town filled with pirates funded by the corrupt ‘Pirate’ King.
The 100 Tribes of Asmund are the denizens of the frozen northwestern coast. There are at least a hundred tribes of goliaths, dwarves, orcs, and humans, each claiming their own territory. They follow shamanistic religions, and are famous for their berserkers.
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trashcanfanfics · 3 years
May I get a fanfic in Val’s POV where Valentino is in one of the worst moods he’s ever been in since nothing has been going his way correctly and he ends up lashing out in reader?(Im a sucker for angst) 🥲
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There were a few more asks that I felt could fit into this so thats what I did! Also, friendly reminder, I write gender neutral! Hope you enjoy!
Valentino was pissed. Nothing was going right. Three actors were maimed, five more killed, and to top it off, Y/n wasn't at work or answering his texts. He had half a mind to march down there and demand why they didn't come to work. He missed them more than anything, really. Val thought that seeing them would definitely would change the whole day. That was before he remembered that he confessed while drunk. He decided to let them be, but he was irritated to say the least. He was losing money, afterall!
He gave up on trying to be the bigger person. Valentino was their boss, fisrt and foremost. He pulled out his phone and pulled up their contact. He'd call them.
The phone rang twice before a groggy "hello" answered. Val's anger raised. They ditched work to sleep in? Absolutely not. It doesn't matter how much he loves them, this was unacceptable.
"Y/n where the FUCK are you?" He was seeing red. Val was also slightly hurt. It seemed like they were avoiding him the last few days. Whenever he tried to talk to them, it seemed something else was in the way. Their breath caught in their throat. Fear. That was fear. They were scared of him. That didn't sit right in his mind and made his anger worsen, but this time, at himself.
"I'm sorry, Boss, I-" there was vicious coughing fit, "-I'm a lil' under the weather." There was more coughing. Guilt bubbled up in his chest. Of course they're sick. They've been looking awful for at least two days now. He can't believe he didn't notice sooner.
"It's alright, it's just been a stressful day today." They hummed back in tired underestanding. "Get some rest, babycakes." He hung up the phone and turned to the closest office person. Val informed them he would be out for the rest of the day and to contact his second in command to take care of whatever else was needed today. With that, he left.
Y/n's place was that little house Val murdered their stalker in. They appreciated not living in a run down apartment now, but was slightly confused as to how he got the house. He told them not to worry about it and enjoy their new space.
Upon entering the house, he took off his coat and hat, hanging them on the rack by the door. The furniture was replaced with lovely red and black walnut instead of that tacky white and bright makore it was before. He had let Y/n take over with his interior designer and decorators. They certainly had taste, just as he knew they did. The ceilings, he was pleased to notice, were now high enough that he could stand properly.
Val made it to the kitchen and opened up some cabinets, looking for some type of soup he could make for them. That's what people eat when they're sick, right? It's what Vox always made him when he wasn't feeling his best. When they weren't fighting or on a break. He found it weird that he didn't feel empty the way he used to when he broke up with Vox before. Maybe it's because he didn't have anything past platonic feelings for him now? Hm.
He found the soup and then went searching for a pot. The pot he pulled out was...very well used, to put it nicely. Val made a mental note to get them a new pots and pans set. Heating up the soup, he added a few extra seasonings to it to make it less bland. the next thing he found that needed replacing were their dish and silverware. How did they live like this? Their bowls and plates had chips in them, silverware with dents and scratches. Plastic cups from the second hand store? No wonder they got sick! He immediately went online and bought them new dishes.
He grabbed the bowl of soup in his bottom hands while grabbing a chipped mug (more replacements needed) and pouring some juice from the fridge into it. Putting the juice back, he handled both items in both sets of hands. He carefully made his way down the hall to the room.
Inside, he was greeted by Y/n's sleeping form. Their peaceful face made his heart melt. He gently placed the soup and drink down on the nightstand before gently shaking them awake. They snorted and sat up, immediately groaning, then held their head. A headache probably. Their eyes met his and widened.
"Bo-" They started coughing harshly. Val placed a hand on their back, rubbing up and down to help. His lower hands reached for the mug and brought it up to them. They looked at it when their coughing calmed down and then took it, taking a drink.
"How're you feeling, Y/n?" The question took them off guard. Had they expected him to be angry? The thought made the guilt from before rise up again.
"I'm...not the best." They looked down at the mug in their hands, gently rubbing the rim with their thumb. Val rubbed their back some more before grabbing the soup in his upper hands and sitting on the edge of the bed.
"I heard soup can help with that." He smiled as he dipped the spoon into the soup. Val offered the filled spoon to them. They stared at it amoment before looking him in the eyes and taking the bite. Val's face erupted with a blush. Why did they have to do it like that? He looked away as his lower hands smoothed out the bedsheets near them. The thumping in his chest reminded him that he had drunkenly confessed just a few days ago and hasn't said anything about it to them since.
"...Val?" His breath hitched wheen he heard them say his name. He looked back at them. "Can I have more?" He just about died again. He quickly dipped the spoon back into the bowl and raised it back to their lips. Their...very soft looking lips. The way they wrapped around the spoon and took the soup with it. He was getting very hot and bothered. Oh no.
"How about I take that cup and you take the bowl, precious. I'll get you more juice." He stood, holding out the bowl with his upper arms while the lower ones reached for the mug. They let out a soft laugh and handed him the cup before grabbing the bowl. Both of their hands touched and Val swore it felt like fire raced across his skin. He squinted, awkwardness forgotten for a moment, and leaned down to place an unoccupied hand on their forehead. They had a fever!
"Uh...Boss?" Their face was red, probably from the fever. He removed his hand and hummed. Val left the room without a word and headed for the kitchen. He opened the fridge and picked up the jug of juice in his upper right hand, twisting the cap off with the upper left. As he was pouring the juice into the cup, he wondered what he wwould do about the confession thing. He capped the juice and put it away.
Back in the hallway right outside the bedroom door, he knew he had to tell them again. But sober this time. He entered the room and walked over to place down the mug. Y/n watched him, the bowl, empty, had been placed on the nightstand.
"Y/n, there's something I'd like to discuss with you." He sat down on the edge of the bed again as they went ridged. There's that fear again. He hated the way his chest hurt at the thought of them being afraid of him. "About a few days ago. When I was drunk." He wasn't looking at them, but heard their sigh as they relaxed. The ache in his chest eased a bit when he saw that from the corner of his eye.
"Yes...That." Their reply almost made the moth laugh. They felt just as awkward as he did over this. That made this easier somewhat.
"Yes, well, I meant what I said." He took a breath. "I love you, and that's the reason that Vox and I aren't together anymore. He called me out on my infatuation with you a while ago but I said it was just a passing thing and that I wanted to make things work between him an' me."
"So...You two are back together now, I'm confused by the continuity, here." Y/n's voice was hoarse. They cleared their throat as Val reached over to hand them their mug. They thanked him and took a swig.
"No. This time it's for good because I want to pursue you." He grabbed one of his antenae and scratched where the base and his head meet. A tic he'd picked up from Y/n. Though, they have hair that they run their fingers through instead. "I would like to become your lover." He finally met their eyes. They were staring blankly at him. His heart sank to the bottom of his stomach. They didn't feel the same.
"...You do know how...inappropriate this is right?" They ran their hand through their hair, undoing knots as they came across them. Val itched to help them with that. Even when their hair looks like a rat's nest, he imagined it'd feel soft. "If we were to be together, how would that look? I'm your employee, a porn actor. everyone'll see this as you taking advantage of me. How would that be for your reputation?"
"To hell with my reputation! I couldn't give less of a fuck. All I want is you! If it makes you feel better, I'll fire you, I'll make you co owner of the studios! Anything to have you beside me and share your existance with me."
"To allow me to kiss you! To let me hold you! To let me wake up to you every morning and fall asleep with you every night!" He was waving all four hands and his lower ones reached out to hold them by the upper arms.
"Boss!" He didn't hear them, too caught up in his feelings.
"To share meals and experiences! To live with you and laugh with you!"
"Valentino!" This snapped him out of it. His upper hands were now gently holding their face. He enjoyed the warmth and how close they were. They let out a breath. "Calm down, I still have a headache." He immediately let go of them and scooted as far as he could from them.
"I-I'm sorry, precious, I don't know what came over me." He looked down at all four of his hands folded on his lap. They sighed and reached over to hold the bundle of hands.
"I do. You've got it bad." They huffed out in amusement, but their attempt at a joke made his heart sink further. "But, uh, I kinda got it bad too." These words made him whip his head back up to look at them.
"What...?" He could have slapped himself if he wasn't so focused on the next words to come out of their mouth.
"I love you, too, Valentino. I would love to be your partner." Those words made him grab them into his embrace and snuggle his head into the crook of their neck.
"That's wonderful, precious! I'll make you so happy, I promise!" He squeezed them tighter. They wheezed slightly.
"That's great and all, but," they wheezed again, "I'm still sick." Oops. He let go and stood up to take care of them thoughout the rest of their sickness.
The word after may have changed, but they wwill always be his favorite.
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ryosukekiyasu · 3 years
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Date: April 22nd, 2022
Venue: Flying Teapot
Open 17:00 / Start 17:30
Door 2000yen + 1 drink
PPV Live Stream: US$8.00
1st set 17:30 - 18:10
  14"x6.5" Makore shell snare drum, Stand and Brush 
2nd set 18:20 - 19:10
 14"x6.5" Makore shell snare drum, Stand and Sticks
3rd set 19:20 - 20:20
 15"x6.0" Ambrosia maple shell snare drum, Stand and Sticks
4th set 20:20 - 21:00
 14"x6.5" Brass shell snare drum, Table and Sticks
Advanced Ticket : 1500yen + 1 drink
Buy advance ticket (English) 
Book advance ticket (Japanese) 
Live Stream Ticket : $8.00
To view all past live videos, please visit Membership Content
More information 
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badsithnocookie · 7 years
so, charles boyd has made a post on the official swtor forums (link) spelling out the viitiate/valkorian link and backstory. much of it is what i and others have puzzled out/inferred/filled in but there’s a few points i want to address
As years go by, he becomes more and more dissatisfied with the Sith Empire he's created. He finds himself increasingly distanced from the Sith philosophy that first brought him to power and sees it as a dead end (as he expresses several times in KOTFE/KOTET) and, with the immense power at his disposal, begins striking out in search of something better.
okay, but why would he do that, instead of moulding the Sith into ‘something better’? like. he has set himself up as the malevolent-protector-father-god of the entireity of Sith society. right from the word go, in nathema and its immediate aftermath, he is manipulating and moulding the Sith into the instruments of warfare and vengeance. he pits the most powerful Sith against each other right from the womb in order that none of them will be able to stand against him the way that the first Dark Council did, because none of them will be able to so much as conceptualise standing against him. even where heretical and rebellious Sith exist, they do so within the Sith status quo, and do so in entirely predictable, manageable manners, because between the tight control of information and philosophical training and the Sith’s isolation from the galaxy at large, it is laughably easy for him for create a situation where even rebellion against him does so in accordance with prescribed manners.
it would, equally, be incredibly easy for him to change things. if we take boyd’s statement/retcon at face value, the same Vitiate that is so bored of the Empire that he’s created its polar opposite in a different but equally isolated civilisation is micro’ing that same Empire along the same goals that he always had for it in exactly the same manner (remember, the Empire’s entire raison d’etre is war and revenge on the Republic - and it’s not a coincidence that things suddenly fall apart and go to shit on the Empire’s side when V is, thanks to the machinations of both Revan and Baras, put out of commission) with no indication whatsoever that his long term plan or goals have changed.
if Vitiate did not care for the Sith orthodoxy, and/or the Imperial culture that serves it, he could very easily have changed both over the ~1,300 years that he was leading the Empire. yes, the Sith orthodoxy is highly resistant to change, because Vitiate made it that way. the Empire did what he wanted, went where he wanted, breathed how he wanted. his word was quite literally law. he could at any point have relaxed things or changed things. he chose not to.
before anyone says it: yeah, Zakuul wasn’t starting from the same point as the Sith, but that’s the point. in Zakuul, he had nothing and no reason for people to follow him, other than any rep Valkorian may have had before Vitiate hollowed him out - which wouldn’t have been anywhere near as total or dominant as the benevolent-parent-leader-god that he became. he had to start from nothing and then mould Zakuul into his ‘perfect society’. the Sith, by contrast, already worshipped him, already hung on his every word, already would and did do anything, believe anything, sacrifice anything, on his whim. he could have made the Sith into his perfect society, far more easily - and without the added challenge of having to parent them through industrial, technological, and scientific revolutions as well as cultural and philosophical ones. he didn’t, and we are never given any reason that he didn’t even try other than ‘bored :(’.
which. okay. so Vitiate likes to be worshipped, likes the attention, likes the total control. maybe he even wants to be the central focus of several civilisations instead of just one. it fits his personality! but that’s not the reasoning or justification we’re given here. Boyd’s retcon has him desiring to create a ‘perfect society’ in which he can experience ‘anything’ (protip, fucker, you’re not going to experience everything in a perfect society because the imperfections are what lead to the differences in experiences. your plan is inherently stupid. i mean, so is the original stated plan of ‘consume all life in the galaxy to be immortal’ because what’s the point of being king of an empty pond. but i digress.) and instead of focusing his efforts on the one society that already worships him, spreading himself thin between two societies for no gain whatsoever.
like. Vitiate would have been creating his Children around the time that he’s doing the horizontal tango with Senya (I’m ignoring Boyd’s implied timeline on the birth of Arcann/Thexan and Vaylin, as it’d put them as teenagers when kotfetet kicks off, and... lolwat), which I have to admit has an unpleasantly hilarious symmetry, but then why did he bother? if he already wears Valkorian’s body so comfortably, if he already has potential replacements coming into being in Zakuul, why did he need Exal Kresh? if he can slip in and out of bodies so easily, why do the Hand need a ritual to bind him to a new one after the encounter on Dromund Kaas? why was Sel-Makor able to trap him so easily - why was Baras able to outplay him at all? (why didn’t he save us all some time and hollow out Baras? now there’s an AU: the warrior finding out they are literally apprenticed to the Emperor himself). what happened to his original body? is it one of the ones kept in carbonite in the Throne that Malgus stole, and if so, what happened to it?
indeed, why hasn’t he abandoned the Sith altogether, if he cares for them that little? he can recruit just as zealous followers from Zakuul, and ones who are unburdened by any ridiculous attachments to either the Empire or the Republic - ones who would be ever more willing to purge the galaxy of Outlanders in the name of protecting their glorious Zakuul. The Sith have shown that they are more than willing to swipe at the Republic, if stunningly incompetently, and he can quite cheerfully let them get on with killing each other with 0 loss. the Sith have also shown that they objectively cannot be trusted to actually do what he tells them (Kira, Scourge, Revan, Baras) and even prior to the Treaty of Coruscant he’d be (or, well. should be, assuming that he’s actually smart enough to examine Scourge closely) well aware that there are plenty even within his own inner circle that were willing to nope the fuck out of there in the name of saving their own asses.
...man you know what i’m just going to leave it there. this is already an epic long post and there are still points i want to pick apart. but tl;dr the kotfetet story sucks i have legit read coffee shop aus that had more compelling and better structured plotlines
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rakghoul-legacy · 6 years
Diampres Barall's Backstory Part 4: Going after Xodu
This is the next part of Diampres Barall's Backstory. In it, He first heads to Dromund Kaas to get theMacrobinoculars. He then uses them on Korriban at the Sith Academy, Wilds Laboratory, and Tomb of Marka Ragnos to find Xodu. He eventually runs into Xodu at The Academy after scanning the Tomb Of Marka Ragnos. They Then prepare to fight in front of the academy but Xodu commands they do it at the Guild Stronghold of His guild aka ??. That fight will happen next part. Background song is "Gohan Awakens (Hidden Power Unleashed)" by HalusaTwin. Now on with the story.
Diampres Barall's Backstory Part 4: Going after Xodu
"The Imperial Agent Phase, eh?" Diampres thinks on the captain's chair of his ship. He then says "Devesea, direct us to Dromund Kaas."
Devesea drives the ship to The Imperial Capital Planet. At that planet, he goes to see the one who betrayed the shroud and asks for the Macrobinoculars which she gladly gives him. He then goes back to his ship.
"Now head to Korriban. I need to scan the MCR-99 Droids there." Diampres tells Devesea.
Devesea Drives The Ship to Korriban and he gets off and onto the space station. He starts by heading to the sith academy and finds one of the MCR-99 Droids above the academy. He then Heads to the wilds Laboratory and gets The MCR-99 Droid above the stone bridge. He then heads to the Tomb Of Marka Ragnos and gets the MCR-99 Droid above that tomb.
Suddenly his Macrobinoculars beep.
Evie Bo says "This is Evie Bo. I know you are using the Macrobinoculars for your own purposes so I programmed a feature so I could help you. The MCR-99 Droids detect who you are looking for. None other than a Rakghoul Sith Pureblood Sith Maurauder named Xodu. Did she do something to you?"
"She set a trap for me when I came to her for information on the Emperor but then Sentient Rakghouls appeared and helped me survive the trap. I owe them my life and one of their concerns is Xodu because she is loyal to the Emperor and is the body of Sel-Makor." Diampres says.
"Well then, An Ally to the Emperor who eats planets?" Evie Bo says and she gets a yes from Diampres, making her say "Well that means I'll give you her location. She is in front of the Sith Academy right now with no back-up."
Diampres says "Thank You Evie. I promise when the Sentient Rakghouls get to the Shroud Seeking I will seek at that point as well."
He then runs back to the Sith Academy. He sees Xodu and Evie Bo was right. She is alone.
Diampres shouts "I challenge you, Xodu, To A Battle."
Xodu says "Please. I have to fight you. Well then, Meet Me In Imperial Consortium Guild Flagship in the Dueling area."
"Agreed. I will come." Diampres Shouts.
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templified · 6 years
Best WordPress Minimalist Themes for Clean, Modern Websites
New Post has been published on https://www.templified.com/best-wordpress-minimalist-themes/
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Suarez Simple WordPress Personal Blog Theme
Suarez is a personal blog theme with a very distinctive minimalist style  Created by one of my favorite theme makers, Tesla Themes, Suarez has everything you need to craft a winning website quickly and easily.  It’s very beginner friendly.  Built for personal and lifestyle bloggers, Siarez has pristine code, clean and highly legible post layouts and more.  This is a very modern theme and it’s loaded with features to help you create an amazing website, even if you happen to be relatively new to WordPress.  You shouldn’t have to be a programmer to run your blog, that’s what Tesla Themes had in mind when they created Suarez.  This theme can be easily edited and customized to work for all kinds of content.  With the built-in drag and drop page builder, you’ll be able to make the layout you have in mind.  Or, you can simply choose one of the pre-designed layouts to get started even faster.  Either way, it’s important that your blog can be read easily by visitors of all kinds, even Google’s spiders.  That’s covered with Suarez, this theme is totally SEO friendly too.  If you run into trouble, Tesla Themes is fantastic in terms of support too, so you can always ask them to lend a hand dealing with any issues that arise.
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Tabor Clean, Simple Blog Theme for WordPress
Tabor is a WordPress theme that pushes the envelope of minimalism with it’s design.  This theme is absolutely stripped of anything that isn’t completely essential to running a blog.  You’ll find absolutely no fat in this theme and the typography and images really pop because of that.  Tabor is a theme built for content marketers, for professional writers and bloggers.  This theme supports all the makor plugins you might want to use to help drive traffic to your site, plugins like Yoast, Schema, OptinMonster and lots more.  Tabor is a Gutenberg friendly theme too, so you can make use of the latest tools for editing your posts, making sure the layout and content is exactly as you want it to be.  Rich Tabor, the designer behind this theme, decided to get ahead of the curve and make this theme perfectly, 100% ready to support the WordPress block editor.  It’s the wave of the future.  As Rich Tabor says in the description, with Tabor and Gutenberg, WordPress is finally fun again.
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Arnold Minimalist WooCommerce WordPress Theme
Arnold offers a bold, imaginative design, tons of features and a user-friendly experience that makes it wonderful for a wide variety of creative websites.  Arnold offers a custom portfolio builder to let you drag and drop your way to an infinite number of portfolio layouts.  It’s pretty fun to use too.  I mentioned the page builder, but Arnold is also Retina ready, totally responsive, Arnold supports WooCommerce and you can translate this theme into any language, even right to left languages.  With integrated social network buttons, you’ll never have to struggle to keep in contact with your friends and followers.  This theme is very lightweight in terms of it’s code and it’s totally responsive, helping showcase your work to potential clients or customers.  Your SEO efforts can get a big boost with social media and fast page load speeds, so Arnold could be precisely what you need to help drive traffic to your blog.
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Incanto Clean, Modern WordPress Minimalist Theme
This is Incanto, a very simple WordPress theme that’s stylish and useful for many types of websites.  I’ve included Incanto in our collection of minimalist themes for a few reasons.  First and foremost, this theme has a really strong rating on ThemeForest, it clocks in with a 4.84 rating at the time of this writing with nearly 500 downloads.  That means it’s popular, of course, and the people who have downloaded it trust that it’s an outstanding theme that helps them achieve their goals.  Incanto is a Bootstrap theme that’s easy to customize, it’s very user friendly and I think another great aspect of it is that Incanto works perfectly with WooCommerce, so setting up a nice looking minimalist shop is very simple to do.  There are multiple portfolio pages with packery style, masonry grid style and more.  You can use one to display your images the way you like, you’re not going to be constrained by a pre-made design you don’t enjoy.
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Zarja, Simple, Feminine WordPress Blog Theme
Zarja comes packed with the kind of features that make it easy to set up your new website effortlessly and with basically no coding skills required.  Great for beginners who love the look and style of a professional, premium blog theme, but who don’t want a theme that’s overly complicated to learn.  Zarja contains five distinct home page variants in addition to seven custom post templates, an Instagram web feed, SEO optimization and enhanced readability thanks to Google Fonts, an astonishing eye for detail, integrating subtle transitional animations all over Zarja’s many elements.  That’s a wonderful Material Design philosophy. Zarja is minimalistic in design, clean, crisp, fun and infinitely easy to customize.  The custom headers, the Revolution Slider premium plugin and a natively reactive cross platform design perfectly easy and clear navigation on every browser and every device.
Zarja is a creative, fun, whimsical, classy, simple, feminine WordPress blog and portfolio website theme.  If you’re a female webmaster, or you’re marketing products aimed at women, this theme is a real attention getter that will make it easy to get your products and other content online.   Zarja is flexible and super accommodating to your needs, while it’s feminine, soft, elegant, visually cozy.  That makes your audience comfortable, like they’re at home on your site.   The bottom line is, Zarja is a feminine WordPress blog theme for a modern woman.
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Zeen, Popular and Premium Minimal Style WordPress Theme
Zeen is a really nice looking theme that’s been hailed as the ‘Next Generation’ of Magazine theme.  I think that maybe that’s true, there’s really never been a WordPress theme quite like this one.  It’s easy enough for beginners to get a lot out of it, but supple and adaptable enough for experts to really get the most out of it.  Zeen was built from the ground up, allowing for the use of absolutely cutting edge technologies.  One of these, the Tipi builder, a fast loading and straightforward page builder that’s only available with the Zeen WordPress theme.  This clean looking theme scores a perfect 100 on GTMetrix, it offers impressive flexibility, it’s intuitive to use and ultimately customizable.  With Zeen, you get a theme that’s perfectly designed, perfectly coded and perfectly supported too.  It’s a comforting feeling to know that help is just a few clicks away, if you should happen to have an issue that needs addressing.
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Eris Minimalist WordPress Photography Portfolio
For a minimalist blog and portfolio theme, Eris does have a few big stylistic differences that made me include it in this collection.  sure, it’s got tons of white space (or dark space in the design above) that are the hallmark of a minimalist WordPress theme, but it’s also got some unique attributes.  The vertical menu, for example.  Eris helps deliver a wonderful first impression, it offers a wonderful user experience on all devices and it’s optimized for excellent SEO performance.  I really like the split portfolio layout with text to the left and images to the right, or vice versa.  That’s very useful for helping to tell your visitors a narrative story and can help them visualize what you’re talking about without having to scroll up and down or zoom in and out.
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Soledad Premium, Highly Rated Minimalist Blog Theme
Soledad is a clean, minimalist theme with tons of different demo sites to help show you what this theme has to offer.  Whether you’re looking to set up a travel blog, a food blog, craft shop or beauty salon site, for posting videos or images, magazines too, this theme has something for everybody.  One thing that really stands out for me, the rating.  This theme has a stunning 4.86 overall rating on ThemeForest.  Considering the popularity, over 13,000 sales and counting, that’s really impressive.  Soledad is fast, it’s got over 2,000 pre-made home page in internal page styles, so you’re almost guaranteed to find something you like.  You’ll find well over 400 options for customizing Soledad in the theme options panel, but don’t get overwhelmed, the theme is still really simple to use.  If you should happen to run into issues, just get in contact with the developer, they offer fast and friendly support any time of day or night.  Soledad is very much an SEO optimized theme, it works with AMP for fast mobile loading, it has Schema markup and it’s compatible with Yoast SEO, among others.  Multiple sidebar layouts, multiple post layouts, the list of features and options just keeps going and going.
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Kleanity Minimalist WordPress Blog Template
Built by Goodlayers, Kleanity is a very impressive minimalist WordPress theme that can be perfect for your site if you’re looking for plenty of white space and a really strong set of features.  I’ve personally used GoodLayers themes before and I find them to be very straightforward to use, the feature list is impressive and they’ve always been good about support in their forums.  GoodLayers really is one of the most consistent developers out their, they’ve sold over 100,000 copies of all their themes and Kleanity itself has been downloaded nearly 2,000 times with a solid 4.83 rating overall.  That’s a quality theme.  Quality websites start with quality code and Kleanity delivers on that.  This theme loads fast, looks great on all browsers, there are over a dozen header styles to choose from, demo data importer, a thoughtful and well-appointed admin panel, full support for WooCommerce and there’s even a built in coming soon page to let folks know what’s happening with your website.  All in all, one of the better minimalist themes out there.
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Aperitive Clean, Minimalist Food Blog Theme
Designed primarily as a food blog theme, Aperitive works just as well as a personal or lifestyle blog too.  Thanks to the minimalist style that’s heavy on image presentation and typography, it’s just that flexible.  With Aperitive, you really have the ability to juxtapose bold images with striking text.  It’s a really neat website and there’s nothing quite like it, which is why we’ve included it in this collection.  Aperitive has a cool layout of two fixed blocks that was inspired by print magazines, it’s a highly modern and contemporary way to present all your information.
As you’d expect, Aperitive allows for the creation of food menu pages, recipe pages and it supports a reservation plugin to let customers set up a table online from either mobile or desktop computers.  You can adjust the color scheme with ease, typography too.  All Themes Kingdom themes are completely mobile friendly and responsive and have plenty of widgetized areas for extending functionality.  This theme doesn’t just have to be for food and beverage though, I think it’s a solid all around template for any kind of business.
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Shutter Minimalist WordPress Photo Portfolio Theme
Shutter is a portfolio with five great minimal style layouts that you can select from.  I’ve shown the ‘Edward Weston’ style, which I think is particularly nice.  Shutter is completely responsive and mobile friendly, so photographers, photobloggers, designers or creative studios can attract traffic on mobile devices and desktops just as easily.  There are tons of features and options available to create a completely custom look for your website.  Stylish and versatile, that’s what Shutter is all about.  I mentioned that there are five pre-designed layouts, but you can also change up colors, fonts and more with Shutter.  Shutter works with any language too, the visual page builder allows for an infinite amount of variety to your posts and pages.  One click demo data import helps get you up and running quickly and don’t worry if you don’t know how to code, everything is easily accomplished in the user-friendly admin panel.
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Eames Minimalist WordPress WooCommerce Theme
Recently updated, Eames is still a stylish minimalist WordPress theme but now, it’s got even more features than ever before.  Eames combines an attractive, simple and clean style with all the modern amenities you could want in a WordPress theme.  Eames is WooCommerce compatible for setting up an eCommerce site.  You’ve got perfect integration with all your social media networks, the sidebar is fully widgetized for adding features and functionality. The amount of features in this minimalist WordPress theme is pretty incredible.
Google fonts powers the typography of Eames and Google are constantly adding new font choices, so your typography is going to look fantastic.  Eames allows you to upload HiDPI logos, the images are retina display ready.  If you want a truly minimalist theme with slim and trim style, yet all the features you would see in a bigger theme, this one might be right for you.
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Inverto WordPress Minimal Theme for Bloggers
Inverto is a clean and modern WordPress portfolio theme that boasts of a very high rating on ThemeForest, 4.86 stars out of 5 so far. This simple, modern and minimalist theme uses a limited color palette of Black and White to present your creations in a very attractive frame. This responsive and well-documented theme can highlight just about any sort of project that you may have created. The same is great for designers, freelancers, agencies and photographers. If you want fully responsive WordPress theme that has multiple animation styles, advanced color options, plenty of side bars and widgets then the same might be the one you’ve been looking for. With outstanding support and theme documentation, Inverto is a very high-quality theme that almost anyone will find simple-to-use.  Again, I think this theme is a real winner.
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Noemi, Minimalist Lifestyle Blog Theme
This Noemi WordPress theme is one incredibly clean example of what a modern lifestyle blog or magazine can do to elevate your content. Noemi also works as a personal blog, a travel blog or perhaps even a recipe blog. No matter what you’re into, the clean style of this eCommerce ready WordPress theme lends itself to any sort of purpose.
This template offers 10 separate blog layouts, so if you’re a connoisseur of gorgeous design and flexible functionality, this theme offers a lot.
There are multiple post layouts that are all clean and a little different. You get plenty of header options to get all the important information up top where it belongs. There are featured posts that concentrate your readers attention on the post that you think are most important, the ones that get the most traffic. You get featured categories, a pair of different footer options and access to hundreds of Google fonts with this template. Noemi has a perfect five star rating on themeforest, which is a testament to just how high a quality a WordPress this is.  Sure, there are other 5 star themes, but ones this clean?  That’s hard to come by.
There are Advanced theme options, this template is easy to set up and use, there is a ton of documentation that goes along with the Noemi WordPress theme and the fast and reliable support is always helpful if you happen to run into troubles. 4 beautiful blogs, a pure and clean experience and a flexible, user-friendly design, Noemi is one of the best options I’ve seen yet.
If you’d like to see some more beautiful fashion blogs, we’ve just released a big collection with whole bunch of amazing looking stuff. We only select the absolute best WordPress themes, so if you see it in that collection, it’s a high quality and highly functional theme.  These WordPress fashion blogs are great for any sort of apparel.
If you’d like to see some more cool looking magazine themes for WordPress, we’ve got a collection of amazing stuff there too. These WordPress magazine themes can be good for travel magazines, lifestyle magazines, fashion or trend magazines and a whole lot more. Some more very sleek and minimalist like the Naomi theme, and some have a lot more features and bells and whistles. Let us know what you think about that collection and will try to keep finding more amazing themes and Future.
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Roua is an incredibly simple looking theme, but looks can be deceiving.  While this theme does have a real classic, minimal style, it’s still filled to the top with amazing features.  So, the tools you have to work with are anything but plain.  This theme was made from the ground up to work perfectly on mobile devices, which is something that all theme developers really ought to do, but some choose to ignore that design choice.  I think that’s a mistake, personally.  Roua was also coded to perfection with the latest Bootstrap code, it’s WooCommerce ready with several lovely shopping cart options, you can include Revolution Slider on every page of the site, the theme supports auto updates with the official Envato plugin, which is a nice feature.  That can help your site’s security measures, ensuring any bug fixes are automatically uploaded to your website.  Roua’s recent updates also mean this theme loads up faster than ever, which provides a nice amount of SEO benefits.  So, if you’re looking for a simple, modern and minimal theme, Roua is one to consider.
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Amio Clean WordPress Theme for Blogs and Portfolios
Amio is a clean and simple, multi-purpose WordPress theme that works for all kinds of online organizations. Developed with a gorgeous minimalist style, this precise and meet theme is so versatile, there’s nothing you can’t do with it. For artists and creative groups or individuals, agencies and portfolios, for personal or professional blogs, this minimal theme has a simple design that is practically eye candy. Your readers will be able to focus on what is most important on your website, your content. This theme provides a premium experience and it’s very user-friendly as well. Built on the Redux framework, and Amio is fast loading and efficient in terms of its code, that’s going to allow you to rank better in the search engines and provide a user experience that is Second To None of for all of your visitors.
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Revoke2, Clean, Simple, Powerful WordPress Theme
The Revoke2 WordPress theme is specifically designed for businesses of all types. Its clean coding allows it to be easily customized for your specific business purposes so that you will quickly have your site up and running. It comes with demo data, which lets you easily insert content onto the site by simply replacing the sample with your real content. It features a full-width grid layout that has been extended to 1170 px to increase your layout options. The “Tesla Framework” that comes with this theme easily allows you to customize layouts so you can easily display items such as services provided, portfolios of projects and so on as well as customizing other details such as colors, headers and other sections of the site. Since the theme is designed to be fully responsive, the site will display on tablets, smartphones and other mobile devices.
Revoke2 comes with six custom post types, including portfolio, services, features, team & partners and testimonials, thus, you can easily add these sections to your site as you need them, and quickly insert new content such as team member profiles, client details with no hard work. The Portfolio page comes with options that allow you to display different types of content including videos. You are also provided with various short codes so you can easily add items to your home page such as sliders, recent blog posts and portfolio images. It is WooCommerce ready, so you can add an online store using this plugin, allowing you to sell anything on your site. It also comes with a free Slider Revolution plugin, which provides a host of slider management options and styling to help improve your content presentation. Other notable features include header widgets that let you display contact information on the header and support for a blog with a featured display page so you can easily add new posts.
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Awesome Minimalist WordPress Themes
Awesome is the name of this symbol portfolio theme and I think it could be a good choice for some of you who want one of the simplest, most mobile friendly and responsive photo portfolio themes available. That’s not to say that this template doesn’t offer plenty of features and customization options, you can easily change background images, upload your logo, add a Favicon, swap around text blocks and widgets to create a unique design. There are slideshows with drag and drop image ordering and you can add just as many images as you want. Designed for multiple post formats, quotes and links along with all of The Usual Suspects like audio, image galleries, single images and videos, awesome is a WordPress theme that delivers big results with a relatively simple and lightweight package.
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Underwood Minimal Style Modern WordPress Theme
Underwood is a modern and masculine, minimal and well made blogging theme from Adella / called theme shift. This is a template for folks who have something to say, and want to say it in a very impactful way. It’s chock-full of bold elements and modern code, it perfectly sets the stage for your written and visual content to be Center Stage. There are plenty of impressive features to really make a statement, despite the fact that the theme has a generally minimalist style. This template was Bill on the bootstrap framework, it is mobile friendly and fully responsive. That means that folks who access your site from laptops or tablets, even mobile devices, are going to get the same great experience. Underwood support WP Super Cache, yoast SEO, contact form 7 and even WooCommerce, allowing you to set up flexible and Powerful online store. There are nine post formats, unlimited color options and you’ll get to choose from hundreds of different Google fonts for typography.
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Collecto Minimalist WordPress Magazine Themes
Collecto is a minimal WordPress theme that was inspired by modern magazines.  This theme is like holding a magazine in your hands.  Well, practically anyway!  This template has a crisp style that really speaks to readers and in terms of it’s ease of use, it’s among the best.  Collecto was created by Themes Kingdom, among the best theme developers around.  Their support is fast and friendly, the documentation is complete and easy to understand.  For basic edits to the look of your site, the admin panel is comprehensive and delivers a wonderful user experience.  For more advanced users, the code is clean and well commented for more adaptability.  This theme works hand in hand with all the most popular plugins from stuff Contact Form 7 to keep you in contact with your audience, to SEO plugins like Yoast that can help readers find you in the first place.  This is definitely one of the better minimalist WordPress themes around.
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Eero Simple WordPress Themes
This theme, Eero, is a minimal masterpiece that has plenty of white space and all the features you need to create a solid portfolio or blog website.  Want to sell some products?  That’s well within the scope of what Eero does well too, it’s compatible with WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads and all the other popular eCommerce plugins for WordPress.  This theme has support for Vimeo, it’s got a handful of different layouts to develop a nice looking website with a clean, simple style.  There’s a masonry gallery with column control, multiple gallery types, custom logo and tagline support, advanced integration of Google fonts and even social icon integration.  For fans of Adobe Typekit, that’s an option as well.  There’s a lot to like with the Eero theme, so check it out and let us know if it works for you in the comments below.
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Moment Funky and Clean WordPress Magazine Themes
Moment is a really unique looking WordPress blog theme that will keep your readers engaged with a fun and innovative look and layout, bold images and fantastic typography are really eye-catching with this theme.  Moment uses a unique layout, that’s for sure, and your audience will notice the difference between your site and others in your niche.  The masonry layout smartly adapts to the surrounding images, perfectly fitting together like a puzzle.  Pretty cool.  There are more than one article layouts in Moment too, four of them to be exact.  Put your content on either side of your gorgeous featured image, center it with a rock-solid fixed image or even set it up to be centered with a bold full-width image.  No matter what, your content will look stunning.  Jetpack support, incredibly detailed documentation and dedicated support all help this responsive theme to be one of the best blog themes you can find.
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Brittany Minimalist WordPress Blogger Theme
Brittany is an appealing minimalist site WordPress theme. Brittany lets you make a layout and look for your web site which is unique, and that’s just what the Zoom Framework’s drag and drop homepage builder provides.  You’ll get hyper fast access to everything you want your visitors, clients and customers to pay particular attention to, all without having to even look at a single line of code.
You’ve got to ask yourself a few questions before you get started with a theme like Brittany.  First, what size should this site be?  Big?  Small?  Teeny-tiny!  Ultimately, that choice is up to you.  Brittany provides flexibility, power and the aggressive features to handle it. Brittany possesses an option to highlight it to maximum advantage.  There’s absolutely nothing to it, whatever you decide to add to this theme, take away from it, multiply or divide it too, the Brittany theme ends up looking great.
The stunning Portfolio Module should allow Brittany to be well suited for all kinds of consumers. With a dependable Visual Customizer ,in addition to the popular and well coded ‘Zoom Framework’, Brittany here instantly gives you an infinite amount of potential layouts.  Considering this theme is anything but ornate, the level of sophistication in terms of customization is certainly no abomination.  (Guh, readability is going to be poor for this post!  Don’t hate me Google!)  Toss in some widgets, create multiple menus, do the things it takes to craft a winning website. Do it with Brittany!  (tee-hee)
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Beatrix Hand Crafted Minimalist Style Shop
Tesla Themes created Beatrix for creative folks who want a simple, yet full featured web template for promoting and selling handmade products.  I think this theme has a certain DIY style that makes it perfect for that purpose.  It’s great for hand crafted goods, jewelry or handbags, clothing and accessories.  It even works great for selling digital products like WordPress themes!  This theme is fully responsive from the ground up, it looks perfect on all screen sizes and there are a wide range of features that you can add to your site to help make it as good as you want it to be.  Modern and clean, simple and straightforward, this is a beginner friendly WordPress theme that’s great for simple shops.  I also really like the Typography, it’s not overused and trite, the combination of Aleo and Fira Sans isn’t one that you see on every theme that comes on the market.  There’s a lot to like, so Beatrix is well worth taking a look at.
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Amadeus Minimal WordPress Theme for Blogs
If you’re scouting for a slick, modern, minimalist theme for your WordPress blog, Amadeus Pro is a very good choice for a wide variety of purposes. The theme sports a clean, elegant and minimalist style similar to intimate journals and notebooks, so you know it’s going to be a wonderful minimalist personal blog theme. It’s a good companion for passionate writers and artists who want to feel inspired and refreshed. Amadeus Pro is currently priced at a very reasonable $99.00.
In the digital age where almost everybody has access to the internet, it is difficult to stand out as a blogger. Everyone in the world has an opinion and a story; why should people listen to you specifically? Your blog’s theme will set you apart from the sea of other bloggers in the world. Your website must be clean, light on the eyes, easy to use, and most importantly, fully functional. Amadeus Pro provides all of these benefits and makes blogging fun and easy. When using it, all you have to worry about is your writing. The layout and design are all figured out.
Theme Isle’s Amadeus Pro WP theme allows your blog to be compatible with all major internet browsers, be it on desktop or mobile. This is important so that your readers can access your work from anywhere and from any time they wish. This also makes it easy for you to make your own posts since you do not have to worry about formatting.
The other main features of Amadeus Pro are simplicity and style. For the former, you can edit the theme’s code easily and with no problem since it was written neatly and efficiently. You also don’t have to worry about widgets and other add-ins. The relevant sliders are already incorporated into the theme. For the latter, you can customize the theme depending on your taste. There is an unlimited amount of possible colors, or you can pick out ready-made color schemes. The theme makes sure that your blog always looks at its best according to the owner’s discretion.
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Cre8or Creative Agency Minimalist WordPress Theme
Cre8or is a simple, clean, fast loading theme with a beautiful grid layout style.  Create amazing stuff with style, energy and fun.  That’s what Cre8or is all about.
Tesla Themes has crafted another awesome theme for WordPress, this one is called Cre8or.  This minimalist portfolio template is full of white space.  (Is that actually possible?)  Cre8or is a portfolio theme that’s got tons of features and allows display of your products and projects in a professional grid layout that’s as impressive to look at as it is easy to use.  Tesla Themes is rightly proud of this template and this is what they have to say about what Cre8or has to offer creatives of all kinds.
Creative and fun, Cre8or has five different post styles to choose from, each one highlighting your content in a slightly different way.  Cre8or makes sure whatever you want, you can have it.  Within reason, of course.  Cre8or makes it very simple to adjust colors and fonts, providing the fabric of a website that you can really adapt and mold to what you envision.
Are you currently in the outsourcing business? Cre8or is a portfolio WordPress theme, which allows users to show their work at a gorgeous layout online. By building a site with Cre8or, you’ll have a private space which you can design based on your intended customers’ tastes. It’s perfect for businesses that have visually appealing products like bakeries, photography studios and site design. Because it is 100% responsive, you can easily show it to customers using your telephone or your tablet computer during encounters. Prospective customers looking at your site will not have any trouble viewing your page since it’s intended to operate with any browser. The theme designers out of Tesla Themes also made certain that the theme is optimized to load quickly even with slow connection speed.
Upon activation, the theme produces a theme options part in your WordPress sidebar so you just have to go to one place for all of the theme attributes. You can begin by selecting from the five available portfolio layouts. In these layouts, your clients will instantly find the images and videos that you share in your website. The attention to detail inside this theme can be seen in the innovative but fast loading animation features. Every page transition, by way of example, is revived to create your site more memorable. Clients looking for creative forms will certainly enjoy their experience in the website. All of the customization you want are accessible from the themes choices. The theme designers also included an visual composer for those that don’t want to get HTML codes. Whatever you share in your portfolio could be shared to your various social media accounts since the theme is incorporated with social networking sharing.
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Milo Minimalist Multi Purpose WordPress Theme
This is Milo, a simple minimalist WordPress theme for blogs and portfolios, it’s a professional grade theme with clean code, a beautiful left hand menu and great typography.  I think you’ll find it has enough features to keep you happily blogging for years, since the code is crystal clear, bug-free and it helps your site to load quickly, even if you have sizable images.  If you’d like to see more minimalist themes, check out our big collection.  You’re nearly guaranteed to find something you really like.
The Milo WordPress portfolio theme gives you a convenient, minimalist and simple WordPress framework, as well as an elegant layout, for either people or companies who want to create a simple, mdoern and easily accessible website to build a business.  This theme most definitely powerful for people that want to showcase a graphic work portfolio of their photographic work to shoppers or individuals, because the simple and minimal style doesn’t get in the way of the content.  That’s exactly as it should be.  No matter how sizable or little the completed website is, Milo gives the flexibility, utility and versatility to manage it.  Easily adjust any setting you can imagine, from colors to typography.  The flexibility is there to create the site you have in mind.
All aspects of this amazing, responsive theme concentrates on displaying skills and your outstanding skills and if you’re curious about starting a website that has the ability to sell products on-line, the WooCommerce integration gives you a massive headstart to doing just that.  WooCommerce is simple to set up and it’s practically infinitely extendable with a ton of add-on modules to help make it even more powerful.  Digital products, brick and mortal style products, it doesn’t matter.  Either will fly off the shelves with Milo.
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No Sidebar Pro Clean, Ultra Minimal Theme
If you want to remove everything possible to help keep your website slim and trim, who not consider removing the sidebar entirely?  I mean, that’s one option for sure.  This theme, creatively named ‘No Sidebar Pro’ has done just that and I think it results in an incredibly clean, simple and easy to manage website.  It doesn’t hurt that this theme is a Genesis Framework child theme, which makes it one of the fastest loading themes around.  This theme has removed everything that wasn’t absolutely essential to the success of the theme and this is the result, a professional and minimalist design that’s got plenty of features left to make it a great choice for all kinds of bloggers and businesses alike.
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Monochrome Pro Minimal Style Blog Theme
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Simply Pro WordPress Minimalist Themes
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Dorsey Minimalist Blog, eCommerce and Portfolio
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Create Minimalist WordPress Business Theme
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CoupShop Minimalist WordPress eCommerce Theme
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Weston Minimalist Style WordPress Theme
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Pond Creative, Simple Digital Agency Theme
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Nouveau Multipurpose Minimalist WordPress Theme
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Meltony, WordPress Modern, Minimal Portfolio Theme
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Mella, Clean, Modern WooCommerce WordPress Theme
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If you didn’t see what you wanted to see here in this collection of WordPress minimalist themes, we hope maybe you find what you need in our collection of WordPress portfolio themes.  We’ve tried very hard to craft the absolute best collections of themes anywhere, but sometimes we miss a good one, so if there’s a theme you particularly like, let us know in the comments.  Happy (WordPress) hunting!
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makorchronicles · 7 years
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Varwick is about 6 days walk from Craydon’s Ferry on a muddy, wagon-rutted road that follows the shore very, very closely. 
The Blier Bore is a large lake that is so deep, not even merpeople have reached the bottom of it. The dark, cold waters are said to hold ancient monsters and deadly secrets. Storms rush down from the Mhara Mountains and gain strength over the lake to batter the few towns that border it.
The Lumbering Lamprey is a large, slow vessel that brings supplies and merchants to Varwick from Craydon’s Ferry every fortnight. All other travelers go by foot or by horse along the dangerous road. 
Varwick numbers in the few hundreds, Craydon’s Ferry in the few thousands, and several hundred or so transient or tribal members roam the Svatzvald Forest, only occasionally wandering into town for resupply. 
Trivia: The name Svatzvald comes from a word in the old tongue of the north west once spoken by the countries that existed in the territory that is now Droiland, Schauland, and Achland before the Ostesh Empire. It means Black Forest, so the Svatzvald Forest is really the Black Forest Forest. 
Created with Inkarnate.
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templified · 6 years
Best WordPress Minimalist Themes for Clean, Modern Websites
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Best WordPress Minimalist Themes for Clean, Modern Websites
When it comes to creating an engaging and successful website, simple can be a really great way to go.  With that in mind, we’ve created this comprehensive collection of minimalist WordPress themes for you to take a look at.  Some of these themes are for blogs, some for portfolios and some are eCommerce templates.  Most, however, fit all the above categories and more, making them true premium quality multi-purpose WordPress themes.  I love the way WordPress minimalist themes work, the way they look and the way they help create a great first impression.
With one of these themes you can create a bold, engaging and dynamic website, one that doesn’t have a lot of extra information on the screen, making your posts, images or video clips the star of the show.  For many websites, a minimalist design is the way to go.
With these themes, typography is always a key component, allowing your website to be modern, straightforward and engaging, no matter what type of content it is that you’re creating.  If you’re a creative, you own a business, if you’re simply blogging about your life and things you’ve experienced, one of these minimalist themes might perfectly suit your website.  Each theme we choose is of the highest quality, with great documentation, support and the cleanest, most modern code.  Okay, that’s enough of an introduction, here are the very best WordPress minimalist themes we could find.
You could spend hours searching through woebegone themes, trying to find one gleaming gem of a theme that’s almost magical in it’s number of features, or you could purchase the Divi WordPress theme.  There’s nothing frightening about a page builder theme like Divi, it’s like a valuable, cooperative partner in helping you craft a clever, precious website.  Divi has a massive amount of features and you’ll never go hungry when looking for something outstanding to add to your website.  With features and addons that are both common and uncommon, this understands that your time is money, which  is why the Divi theme offers over 20 pre-made demo styles that are all innocent and sweet looking, simple and true to Elegant Themes’ goal of making your website the very best it can be.  If you’ve felt helpless because you couldn’t make a certain change or edit to your website, Divi can help rescue your day and your website.
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Oregon, Free, Simple and Minimal Blog and WooCommerce Theme
This is Oregon, our first freemium theme.  Free + premium, I made it up.  Anyway, if you want a very simple but elegant WordPress theme that looks great on all devices, is simple to use and gives you a wonderful, clean and minimal look for your website, this could be a theme you want to have a look at.  We’ve done everything possible to make Oregon a simple to use theme, but one that’s flexible enough to adapt to a wide range of uses.  It’s WooCommerce ready, it’s responsive, has a cool looking, modern and clean blog and it’s ready for just about anything.  Take a look at the demo or just grab a download below to see if it works for your needs.
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Pheromone, Simple Home Page for a Creative Company
Pheromone is a minimalist WordPress theme that boasts of one of the highest ratings so far on theme of forest. This Dynamic template has a perfect 5-star rating on over 50 reviews. This is a well-documented and responsive WordPress theme that uses bootstrap code to create a lightweight and minimal one page or multi page website. If you’re building a landing page, this theme has you covered and then some. If you’d like to improve your conversion rates, maintain the interest of your readers and uncover tangible ways to improve your website, pheromone has everything required to get the job done. The themes developer even offers free installation and demo content upload. That’s right, without even lifting a finger, you can have your sights set up to look exactly like any of the demo Styles included below. There are 70 different pre-made Pages, 22 front home page Styles and multiple portfolio Styles as well. Honestly, that seems like a really good deal to me.
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Elegance Pro Minimalist WordPress Themes
Elegance Pro is a stunningly simple WordPress theme, yet it’s got all the features you could want in any web template.  Elegance Pro is a Genesis Framework Child Theme and as such, it’s a really fast loading, rock solid platform for blogging.  I think the typography and images are a perfect blend of simple and sophisticated.  It’s simple but not too simple.  Elegance Pro was made for personal blogs, lifestyle blogs and it’s got all that you need in terms of SEO, plugin compatibility and ease of use to make this a really strong theme to start building your blogging empire.  With Elegance Pro, you also get strong support from the developer, Stephanie Hellwig, and there’s plenty of documentation to go along with it.  This theme is ready to go within minutes with demo data import too.  Even though it’s not cheap at $129, which includes a license for Genesis Framework too, I think this is one of the better themes in this collection.   We’ve also built a collection of WordPress personal blog themes that might be of interest to you.
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Suarez Simple WordPress Personal Blog Theme
Suarez is a personal blog theme with a very distinctive minimalist style  Created by one of my favorite theme makers, Tesla Themes, Suarez has everything you need to craft a winning website quickly and easily.  It’s very beginner friendly.  Built for personal and lifestyle bloggers, Siarez has pristine code, clean and highly legible post layouts and more.  This is a very modern theme and it’s loaded with features to help you create an amazing website, even if you happen to be relatively new to WordPress.  You shouldn’t have to be a programmer to run your blog, that’s what Tesla Themes had in mind when they created Suarez.  This theme can be easily edited and customized to work for all kinds of content.  With the built-in drag and drop page builder, you’ll be able to make the layout you have in mind.  Or, you can simply choose one of the pre-designed layouts to get started even faster.  Either way, it’s important that your blog can be read easily by visitors of all kinds, even Google’s spiders.  That’s covered with Suarez, this theme is totally SEO friendly too.  If you run into trouble, Tesla Themes is fantastic in terms of support too, so you can always ask them to lend a hand dealing with any issues that arise.
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Tabor Clean, Simple Blog Theme for WordPress
Tabor is a WordPress theme that pushes the envelope of minimalism with it’s design.  This theme is absolutely stripped of anything that isn’t completely essential to running a blog.  You’ll find absolutely no fat in this theme and the typography and images really pop because of that.  Tabor is a theme built for content marketers, for professional writers and bloggers.  This theme supports all the makor plugins you might want to use to help drive traffic to your site, plugins like Yoast, Schema, OptinMonster and lots more.  Tabor is a Gutenberg friendly theme too, so you can make use of the latest tools for editing your posts, making sure the layout and content is exactly as you want it to be.  Rich Tabor, the designer behind this theme, decided to get ahead of the curve and make this theme perfectly, 100% ready to support the WordPress block editor.  It’s the wave of the future.  As Rich Tabor says in the description, with Tabor and Gutenberg, WordPress is finally fun again.
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Arnold Minimalist WooCommerce WordPress Theme
Arnold offers a bold, imaginative design, tons of features and a user-friendly experience that makes it wonderful for a wide variety of creative websites.  Arnold offers a custom portfolio builder to let you drag and drop your way to an infinite number of portfolio layouts.  It’s pretty fun to use too.  I mentioned the page builder, but Arnold is also Retina ready, totally responsive, Arnold supports WooCommerce and you can translate this theme into any language, even right to left languages.  With integrated social network buttons, you’ll never have to struggle to keep in contact with your friends and followers.  This theme is very lightweight in terms of it’s code and it’s totally responsive, helping showcase your work to potential clients or customers.  Your SEO efforts can get a big boost with social media and fast page load speeds, so Arnold could be precisely what you need to help drive traffic to your blog.
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Incanto Clean, Modern WordPress Minimalist Theme
This is Incanto, a very simple WordPress theme that’s stylish and useful for many types of websites.  I’ve included Incanto in our collection of minimalist themes for a few reasons.  First and foremost, this theme has a really strong rating on ThemeForest, it clocks in with a 4.84 rating at the time of this writing with nearly 500 downloads.  That means it’s popular, of course, and the people who have downloaded it trust that it’s an outstanding theme that helps them achieve their goals.  Incanto is a Bootstrap theme that’s easy to customize, it’s very user friendly and I think another great aspect of it is that Incanto works perfectly with WooCommerce, so setting up a nice looking minimalist shop is very simple to do.  There are multiple portfolio pages with packery style, masonry grid style and more.  You can use one to display your images the way you like, you’re not going to be constrained by a pre-made design you don’t enjoy.
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Zarja, Simple, Feminine WordPress Blog Theme
Zarja comes packed with the kind of features that make it easy to set up your new website effortlessly and with basically no coding skills required.  Great for beginners who love the look and style of a professional, premium blog theme, but who don’t want a theme that’s overly complicated to learn.  Zarja contains five distinct home page variants in addition to seven custom post templates, an Instagram web feed, SEO optimization and enhanced readability thanks to Google Fonts, an astonishing eye for detail, integrating subtle transitional animations all over Zarja’s many elements.  That’s a wonderful Material Design philosophy. Zarja is minimalistic in design, clean, crisp, fun and infinitely easy to customize.  The custom headers, the Revolution Slider premium plugin and a natively reactive cross platform design perfectly easy and clear navigation on every browser and every device.
Zarja is a creative, fun, whimsical, classy, simple, feminine WordPress blog and portfolio website theme.  If you’re a female webmaster, or you’re marketing products aimed at women, this theme is a real attention getter that will make it easy to get your products and other content online.   Zarja is flexible and super accommodating to your needs, while it’s feminine, soft, elegant, visually cozy.  That makes your audience comfortable, like they’re at home on your site.   The bottom line is, Zarja is a feminine WordPress blog theme for a modern woman.
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Zeen, Popular and Premium Minimal Style WordPress Theme
Zeen is a really nice looking theme that’s been hailed as the ‘Next Generation’ of Magazine theme.  I think that maybe that’s true, there’s really never been a WordPress theme quite like this one.  It’s easy enough for beginners to get a lot out of it, but supple and adaptable enough for experts to really get the most out of it.  Zeen was built from the ground up, allowing for the use of absolutely cutting edge technologies.  One of these, the Tipi builder, a fast loading and straightforward page builder that’s only available with the Zeen WordPress theme.  This clean looking theme scores a perfect 100 on GTMetrix, it offers impressive flexibility, it’s intuitive to use and ultimately customizable.  With Zeen, you get a theme that’s perfectly designed, perfectly coded and perfectly supported too.  It’s a comforting feeling to know that help is just a few clicks away, if you should happen to have an issue that needs addressing.
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Eris Minimalist WordPress Photography Portfolio
For a minimalist blog and portfolio theme, Eris does have a few big stylistic differences that made me include it in this collection.  sure, it’s got tons of white space (or dark space in the design above) that are the hallmark of a minimalist WordPress theme, but it’s also got some unique attributes.  The vertical menu, for example.  Eris helps deliver a wonderful first impression, it offers a wonderful user experience on all devices and it’s optimized for excellent SEO performance.  I really like the split portfolio layout with text to the left and images to the right, or vice versa.  That’s very useful for helping to tell your visitors a narrative story and can help them visualize what you’re talking about without having to scroll up and down or zoom in and out.
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Soledad Premium, Highly Rated Minimalist Blog Theme
Soledad is a clean, minimalist theme with tons of different demo sites to help show you what this theme has to offer.  Whether you’re looking to set up a travel blog, a food blog, craft shop or beauty salon site, for posting videos or images, magazines too, this theme has something for everybody.  One thing that really stands out for me, the rating.  This theme has a stunning 4.86 overall rating on ThemeForest.  Considering the popularity, over 13,000 sales and counting, that’s really impressive.  Soledad is fast, it’s got over 2,000 pre-made home page in internal page styles, so you’re almost guaranteed to find something you like.  You’ll find well over 400 options for customizing Soledad in the theme options panel, but don’t get overwhelmed, the theme is still really simple to use.  If you should happen to run into issues, just get in contact with the developer, they offer fast and friendly support any time of day or night.  Soledad is very much an SEO optimized theme, it works with AMP for fast mobile loading, it has Schema markup and it’s compatible with Yoast SEO, among others.  Multiple sidebar layouts, multiple post layouts, the list of features and options just keeps going and going.
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Kleanity Minimalist WordPress Blog Template
Built by Goodlayers, Kleanity is a very impressive minimalist WordPress theme that can be perfect for your site if you’re looking for plenty of white space and a really strong set of features.  I’ve personally used GoodLayers themes before and I find them to be very straightforward to use, the feature list is impressive and they’ve always been good about support in their forums.  GoodLayers really is one of the most consistent developers out their, they’ve sold over 100,000 copies of all their themes and Kleanity itself has been downloaded nearly 2,000 times with a solid 4.83 rating overall.  That’s a quality theme.  Quality websites start with quality code and Kleanity delivers on that.  This theme loads fast, looks great on all browsers, there are over a dozen header styles to choose from, demo data importer, a thoughtful and well-appointed admin panel, full support for WooCommerce and there’s even a built in coming soon page to let folks know what’s happening with your website.  All in all, one of the better minimalist themes out there.
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Aperitive Clean, Minimalist Food Blog Theme
Designed primarily as a food blog theme, Aperitive works just as well as a personal or lifestyle blog too.  Thanks to the minimalist style that’s heavy on image presentation and typography, it’s just that flexible.  With Aperitive, you really have the ability to juxtapose bold images with striking text.  It’s a really neat website and there’s nothing quite like it, which is why we’ve included it in this collection.  Aperitive has a cool layout of two fixed blocks that was inspired by print magazines, it’s a highly modern and contemporary way to present all your information.
As you’d expect, Aperitive allows for the creation of food menu pages, recipe pages and it supports a reservation plugin to let customers set up a table online from either mobile or desktop computers.  You can adjust the color scheme with ease, typography too.  All Themes Kingdom themes are completely mobile friendly and responsive and have plenty of widgetized areas for extending functionality.  This theme doesn’t just have to be for food and beverage though, I think it’s a solid all around template for any kind of business.
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Shutter Minimalist WordPress Photo Portfolio Theme
Shutter is a portfolio with five great minimal style layouts that you can select from.  I’ve shown the ‘Edward Weston’ style, which I think is particularly nice.  Shutter is completely responsive and mobile friendly, so photographers, photobloggers, designers or creative studios can attract traffic on mobile devices and desktops just as easily.  There are tons of features and options available to create a completely custom look for your website.  Stylish and versatile, that’s what Shutter is all about.  I mentioned that there are five pre-designed layouts, but you can also change up colors, fonts and more with Shutter.  Shutter works with any language too, the visual page builder allows for an infinite amount of variety to your posts and pages.  One click demo data import helps get you up and running quickly and don’t worry if you don’t know how to code, everything is easily accomplished in the user-friendly admin panel.
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Eames Minimalist WordPress WooCommerce Theme
Recently updated, Eames is still a stylish minimalist WordPress theme but now, it’s got even more features than ever before.  Eames combines an attractive, simple and clean style with all the modern amenities you could want in a WordPress theme.  Eames is WooCommerce compatible for setting up an eCommerce site.  You’ve got perfect integration with all your social media networks, the sidebar is fully widgetized for adding features and functionality. The amount of features in this minimalist WordPress theme is pretty incredible.
Google fonts powers the typography of Eames and Google are constantly adding new font choices, so your typography is going to look fantastic.  Eames allows you to upload HiDPI logos, the images are retina display ready.  If you want a truly minimalist theme with slim and trim style, yet all the features you would see in a bigger theme, this one might be right for you.
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Inverto WordPress Minimal Theme for Bloggers
Inverto is a clean and modern WordPress portfolio theme that boasts of a very high rating on ThemeForest, 4.86 stars out of 5 so far. This simple, modern and minimalist theme uses a limited color palette of Black and White to present your creations in a very attractive frame. This responsive and well-documented theme can highlight just about any sort of project that you may have created. The same is great for designers, freelancers, agencies and photographers. If you want fully responsive WordPress theme that has multiple animation styles, advanced color options, plenty of side bars and widgets then the same might be the one you’ve been looking for. With outstanding support and theme documentation, Inverto is a very high-quality theme that almost anyone will find simple-to-use.  Again, I think this theme is a real winner.
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Noemi, Minimalist Lifestyle Blog Theme
This Noemi WordPress theme is one incredibly clean example of what a modern lifestyle blog or magazine can do to elevate your content. Noemi also works as a personal blog, a travel blog or perhaps even a recipe blog. No matter what you’re into, the clean style of this eCommerce ready WordPress theme lends itself to any sort of purpose.
This template offers 10 separate blog layouts, so if you’re a connoisseur of gorgeous design and flexible functionality, this theme offers a lot.
There are multiple post layouts that are all clean and a little different. You get plenty of header options to get all the important information up top where it belongs. There are featured posts that concentrate your readers attention on the post that you think are most important, the ones that get the most traffic. You get featured categories, a pair of different footer options and access to hundreds of Google fonts with this template. Noemi has a perfect five star rating on themeforest, which is a testament to just how high a quality a WordPress this is.  Sure, there are other 5 star themes, but ones this clean?  That’s hard to come by.
There are Advanced theme options, this template is easy to set up and use, there is a ton of documentation that goes along with the Noemi WordPress theme and the fast and reliable support is always helpful if you happen to run into troubles. 4 beautiful blogs, a pure and clean experience and a flexible, user-friendly design, Noemi is one of the best options I’ve seen yet.
If you’d like to see some more beautiful fashion blogs, we’ve just released a big collection with whole bunch of amazing looking stuff. We only select the absolute best WordPress themes, so if you see it in that collection, it’s a high quality and highly functional theme.  These WordPress fashion blogs are great for any sort of apparel.
If you’d like to see some more cool looking magazine themes for WordPress, we’ve got a collection of amazing stuff there too. These WordPress magazine themes can be good for travel magazines, lifestyle magazines, fashion or trend magazines and a whole lot more. Some more very sleek and minimalist like the Naomi theme, and some have a lot more features and bells and whistles. Let us know what you think about that collection and will try to keep finding more amazing themes and Future.
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Roua is an incredibly simple looking theme, but looks can be deceiving.  While this theme does have a real classic, minimal style, it’s still filled to the top with amazing features.  So, the tools you have to work with are anything but plain.  This theme was made from the ground up to work perfectly on mobile devices, which is something that all theme developers really ought to do, but some choose to ignore that design choice.  I think that’s a mistake, personally.  Roua was also coded to perfection with the latest Bootstrap code, it’s WooCommerce ready with several lovely shopping cart options, you can include Revolution Slider on every page of the site, the theme supports auto updates with the official Envato plugin, which is a nice feature.  That can help your site’s security measures, ensuring any bug fixes are automatically uploaded to your website.  Roua’s recent updates also mean this theme loads up faster than ever, which provides a nice amount of SEO benefits.  So, if you’re looking for a simple, modern and minimal theme, Roua is one to consider.
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Amio Clean WordPress Theme for Blogs and Portfolios
Amio is a clean and simple, multi-purpose WordPress theme that works for all kinds of online organizations. Developed with a gorgeous minimalist style, this precise and meet theme is so versatile, there’s nothing you can’t do with it. For artists and creative groups or individuals, agencies and portfolios, for personal or professional blogs, this minimal theme has a simple design that is practically eye candy. Your readers will be able to focus on what is most important on your website, your content. This theme provides a premium experience and it’s very user-friendly as well. Built on the Redux framework, and Amio is fast loading and efficient in terms of its code, that’s going to allow you to rank better in the search engines and provide a user experience that is Second To None of for all of your visitors.
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Revoke2, Clean, Simple, Powerful WordPress Theme
The Revoke2 WordPress theme is specifically designed for businesses of all types. Its clean coding allows it to be easily customized for your specific business purposes so that you will quickly have your site up and running. It comes with demo data, which lets you easily insert content onto the site by simply replacing the sample with your real content. It features a full-width grid layout that has been extended to 1170 px to increase your layout options. The “Tesla Framework” that comes with this theme easily allows you to customize layouts so you can easily display items such as services provided, portfolios of projects and so on as well as customizing other details such as colors, headers and other sections of the site. Since the theme is designed to be fully responsive, the site will display on tablets, smartphones and other mobile devices.
Revoke2 comes with six custom post types, including portfolio, services, features, team & partners and testimonials, thus, you can easily add these sections to your site as you need them, and quickly insert new content such as team member profiles, client details with no hard work. The Portfolio page comes with options that allow you to display different types of content including videos. You are also provided with various short codes so you can easily add items to your home page such as sliders, recent blog posts and portfolio images. It is WooCommerce ready, so you can add an online store using this plugin, allowing you to sell anything on your site. It also comes with a free Slider Revolution plugin, which provides a host of slider management options and styling to help improve your content presentation. Other notable features include header widgets that let you display contact information on the header and support for a blog with a featured display page so you can easily add new posts.
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Awesome Minimalist WordPress Themes
Awesome is the name of this symbol portfolio theme and I think it could be a good choice for some of you who want one of the simplest, most mobile friendly and responsive photo portfolio themes available. That’s not to say that this template doesn’t offer plenty of features and customization options, you can easily change background images, upload your logo, add a Favicon, swap around text blocks and widgets to create a unique design. There are slideshows with drag and drop image ordering and you can add just as many images as you want. Designed for multiple post formats, quotes and links along with all of The Usual Suspects like audio, image galleries, single images and videos, awesome is a WordPress theme that delivers big results with a relatively simple and lightweight package.
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Underwood Minimal Style Modern WordPress Theme
Underwood is a modern and masculine, minimal and well made blogging theme from Adella / called theme shift. This is a template for folks who have something to say, and want to say it in a very impactful way. It’s chock-full of bold elements and modern code, it perfectly sets the stage for your written and visual content to be Center Stage. There are plenty of impressive features to really make a statement, despite the fact that the theme has a generally minimalist style. This template was Bill on the bootstrap framework, it is mobile friendly and fully responsive. That means that folks who access your site from laptops or tablets, even mobile devices, are going to get the same great experience. Underwood support WP Super Cache, yoast SEO, contact form 7 and even WooCommerce, allowing you to set up flexible and Powerful online store. There are nine post formats, unlimited color options and you’ll get to choose from hundreds of different Google fonts for typography.
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Collecto Minimalist WordPress Magazine Themes
Collecto is a minimal WordPress theme that was inspired by modern magazines.  This theme is like holding a magazine in your hands.  Well, practically anyway!  This template has a crisp style that really speaks to readers and in terms of it’s ease of use, it’s among the best.  Collecto was created by Themes Kingdom, among the best theme developers around.  Their support is fast and friendly, the documentation is complete and easy to understand.  For basic edits to the look of your site, the admin panel is comprehensive and delivers a wonderful user experience.  For more advanced users, the code is clean and well commented for more adaptability.  This theme works hand in hand with all the most popular plugins from stuff Contact Form 7 to keep you in contact with your audience, to SEO plugins like Yoast that can help readers find you in the first place.  This is definitely one of the better minimalist WordPress themes around.
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Eero Simple WordPress Themes
This theme, Eero, is a minimal masterpiece that has plenty of white space and all the features you need to create a solid portfolio or blog website.  Want to sell some products?  That’s well within the scope of what Eero does well too, it’s compatible with WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads and all the other popular eCommerce plugins for WordPress.  This theme has support for Vimeo, it’s got a handful of different layouts to develop a nice looking website with a clean, simple style.  There’s a masonry gallery with column control, multiple gallery types, custom logo and tagline support, advanced integration of Google fonts and even social icon integration.  For fans of Adobe Typekit, that’s an option as well.  There’s a lot to like with the Eero theme, so check it out and let us know if it works for you in the comments below.
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Moment Funky and Clean WordPress Magazine Themes
Moment is a really unique looking WordPress blog theme that will keep your readers engaged with a fun and innovative look and layout, bold images and fantastic typography are really eye-catching with this theme.  Moment uses a unique layout, that’s for sure, and your audience will notice the difference between your site and others in your niche.  The masonry layout smartly adapts to the surrounding images, perfectly fitting together like a puzzle.  Pretty cool.  There are more than one article layouts in Moment too, four of them to be exact.  Put your content on either side of your gorgeous featured image, center it with a rock-solid fixed image or even set it up to be centered with a bold full-width image.  No matter what, your content will look stunning.  Jetpack support, incredibly detailed documentation and dedicated support all help this responsive theme to be one of the best blog themes you can find.
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Brittany Minimalist WordPress Blogger Theme
Brittany is an appealing minimalist site WordPress theme. Brittany lets you make a layout and look for your web site which is unique, and that’s just what the Zoom Framework’s drag and drop homepage builder provides.  You’ll get hyper fast access to everything you want your visitors, clients and customers to pay particular attention to, all without having to even look at a single line of code.
You’ve got to ask yourself a few questions before you get started with a theme like Brittany.  First, what size should this site be?  Big?  Small?  Teeny-tiny!  Ultimately, that choice is up to you.  Brittany provides flexibility, power and the aggressive features to handle it. Brittany possesses an option to highlight it to maximum advantage.  There’s absolutely nothing to it, whatever you decide to add to this theme, take away from it, multiply or divide it too, the Brittany theme ends up looking great.
The stunning Portfolio Module should allow Brittany to be well suited for all kinds of consumers. With a dependable Visual Customizer ,in addition to the popular and well coded ‘Zoom Framework’, Brittany here instantly gives you an infinite amount of potential layouts.  Considering this theme is anything but ornate, the level of sophistication in terms of customization is certainly no abomination.  (Guh, readability is going to be poor for this post!  Don’t hate me Google!)  Toss in some widgets, create multiple menus, do the things it takes to craft a winning website. Do it with Brittany!  (tee-hee)
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Beatrix Hand Crafted Minimalist Style Shop
Tesla Themes created Beatrix for creative folks who want a simple, yet full featured web template for promoting and selling handmade products.  I think this theme has a certain DIY style that makes it perfect for that purpose.  It’s great for hand crafted goods, jewelry or handbags, clothing and accessories.  It even works great for selling digital products like WordPress themes!  This theme is fully responsive from the ground up, it looks perfect on all screen sizes and there are a wide range of features that you can add to your site to help make it as good as you want it to be.  Modern and clean, simple and straightforward, this is a beginner friendly WordPress theme that’s great for simple shops.  I also really like the Typography, it’s not overused and trite, the combination of Aleo and Fira Sans isn’t one that you see on every theme that comes on the market.  There’s a lot to like, so Beatrix is well worth taking a look at.
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Amadeus Minimal WordPress Theme for Blogs
If you’re scouting for a slick, modern, minimalist theme for your WordPress blog, Amadeus Pro is a very good choice for a wide variety of purposes. The theme sports a clean, elegant and minimalist style similar to intimate journals and notebooks, so you know it’s going to be a wonderful minimalist personal blog theme. It’s a good companion for passionate writers and artists who want to feel inspired and refreshed. Amadeus Pro is currently priced at a very reasonable $99.00.
In the digital age where almost everybody has access to the internet, it is difficult to stand out as a blogger. Everyone in the world has an opinion and a story; why should people listen to you specifically? Your blog’s theme will set you apart from the sea of other bloggers in the world. Your website must be clean, light on the eyes, easy to use, and most importantly, fully functional. Amadeus Pro provides all of these benefits and makes blogging fun and easy. When using it, all you have to worry about is your writing. The layout and design are all figured out.
Theme Isle’s Amadeus Pro WP theme allows your blog to be compatible with all major internet browsers, be it on desktop or mobile. This is important so that your readers can access your work from anywhere and from any time they wish. This also makes it easy for you to make your own posts since you do not have to worry about formatting.
The other main features of Amadeus Pro are simplicity and style. For the former, you can edit the theme’s code easily and with no problem since it was written neatly and efficiently. You also don’t have to worry about widgets and other add-ins. The relevant sliders are already incorporated into the theme. For the latter, you can customize the theme depending on your taste. There is an unlimited amount of possible colors, or you can pick out ready-made color schemes. The theme makes sure that your blog always looks at its best according to the owner’s discretion.
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Cre8or Creative Agency Minimalist WordPress Theme
Cre8or is a simple, clean, fast loading theme with a beautiful grid layout style.  Create amazing stuff with style, energy and fun.  That’s what Cre8or is all about.
Tesla Themes has crafted another awesome theme for WordPress, this one is called Cre8or.  This minimalist portfolio template is full of white space.  (Is that actually possible?)  Cre8or is a portfolio theme that’s got tons of features and allows display of your products and projects in a professional grid layout that’s as impressive to look at as it is easy to use.  Tesla Themes is rightly proud of this template and this is what they have to say about what Cre8or has to offer creatives of all kinds.
Creative and fun, Cre8or has five different post styles to choose from, each one highlighting your content in a slightly different way.  Cre8or makes sure whatever you want, you can have it.  Within reason, of course.  Cre8or makes it very simple to adjust colors and fonts, providing the fabric of a website that you can really adapt and mold to what you envision.
Are you currently in the outsourcing business? Cre8or is a portfolio WordPress theme, which allows users to show their work at a gorgeous layout online. By building a site with Cre8or, you’ll have a private space which you can design based on your intended customers’ tastes. It’s perfect for businesses that have visually appealing products like bakeries, photography studios and site design. Because it is 100% responsive, you can easily show it to customers using your telephone or your tablet computer during encounters. Prospective customers looking at your site will not have any trouble viewing your page since it’s intended to operate with any browser. The theme designers out of Tesla Themes also made certain that the theme is optimized to load quickly even with slow connection speed.
Upon activation, the theme produces a theme options part in your WordPress sidebar so you just have to go to one place for all of the theme attributes. You can begin by selecting from the five available portfolio layouts. In these layouts, your clients will instantly find the images and videos that you share in your website. The attention to detail inside this theme can be seen in the innovative but fast loading animation features. Every page transition, by way of example, is revived to create your site more memorable. Clients looking for creative forms will certainly enjoy their experience in the website. All of the customization you want are accessible from the themes choices. The theme designers also included an visual composer for those that don’t want to get HTML codes. Whatever you share in your portfolio could be shared to your various social media accounts since the theme is incorporated with social networking sharing.
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Milo Minimalist Multi Purpose WordPress Theme
This is Milo, a simple minimalist WordPress theme for blogs and portfolios, it’s a professional grade theme with clean code, a beautiful left hand menu and great typography.  I think you’ll find it has enough features to keep you happily blogging for years, since the code is crystal clear, bug-free and it helps your site to load quickly, even if you have sizable images.  If you’d like to see more minimalist themes, check out our big collection.  You’re nearly guaranteed to find something you really like.
The Milo WordPress portfolio theme gives you a convenient, minimalist and simple WordPress framework, as well as an elegant layout, for either people or companies who want to create a simple, mdoern and easily accessible website to build a business.  This theme most definitely powerful for people that want to showcase a graphic work portfolio of their photographic work to shoppers or individuals, because the simple and minimal style doesn’t get in the way of the content.  That’s exactly as it should be.  No matter how sizable or little the completed website is, Milo gives the flexibility, utility and versatility to manage it.  Easily adjust any setting you can imagine, from colors to typography.  The flexibility is there to create the site you have in mind.
All aspects of this amazing, responsive theme concentrates on displaying skills and your outstanding skills and if you’re curious about starting a website that has the ability to sell products on-line, the WooCommerce integration gives you a massive headstart to doing just that.  WooCommerce is simple to set up and it’s practically infinitely extendable with a ton of add-on modules to help make it even more powerful.  Digital products, brick and mortal style products, it doesn’t matter.  Either will fly off the shelves with Milo.
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No Sidebar Pro Clean, Ultra Minimal Theme
If you want to remove everything possible to help keep your website slim and trim, who not consider removing the sidebar entirely?  I mean, that’s one option for sure.  This theme, creatively named ‘No Sidebar Pro’ has done just that and I think it results in an incredibly clean, simple and easy to manage website.  It doesn’t hurt that this theme is a Genesis Framework child theme, which makes it one of the fastest loading themes around.  This theme has removed everything that wasn’t absolutely essential to the success of the theme and this is the result, a professional and minimalist design that’s got plenty of features left to make it a great choice for all kinds of bloggers and businesses alike.
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Monochrome Pro Minimal Style Blog Theme
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Simply Pro WordPress Minimalist Themes
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Dorsey Minimalist Blog, eCommerce and Portfolio
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Create Minimalist WordPress Business Theme
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CoupShop Minimalist WordPress eCommerce Theme
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Weston Minimalist Style WordPress Theme
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Pond Creative, Simple Digital Agency Theme
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Nouveau Multipurpose Minimalist WordPress Theme
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Meltony, WordPress Modern, Minimal Portfolio Theme
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Mella, Clean, Modern WooCommerce WordPress Theme
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If you didn’t see what you wanted to see here in this collection of WordPress minimalist themes, we hope maybe you find what you need in our collection of WordPress portfolio themes.  We’ve tried very hard to craft the absolute best collections of themes anywhere, but sometimes we miss a good one, so if there’s a theme you particularly like, let us know in the comments.  Happy (WordPress) hunting!
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