#mal watches gilmore girls
luke danes and lorelai gilmore are my parents and they are so in love
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maliagf · 2 years
logan recognizing that being in a relationship doesn’t mean you just stop being attracted to other people and that that isn’t a big deal!!! dude you just went from b to a tier
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snowisflesh · 2 years
rating whether or not rami malek characters would listen to insane clown posse
Ahkmenrah - Night at the Museum
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No, he doesnt even know what a clown is, one song would kill him almost instantly
Josh Washington - Until Dawn
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Yes, this man is a closeted juggalo (and homosexual but that’s beside the point). literally the only thing stopping him from wearing the face paint is supermassives cowardice
Jim Baxter- The Little Things
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No, willingly works for the american legal system and commits police brutality just because he was tired from digging some holes, juggalophobic and a pussy
Elliot Anderson - Mr Robot
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No, listens exclusively to the cure and radiohead, the actual reason he a tyrell never explored each others bodies is because tyrell was a die hard juggalo which was a deal breaker for elliot
Freddie Mercury - Bohemian Rhapsody
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No? of course not this is freddie mercury baby
Lyutsifer Safin - No Time To Die
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Yeah sure why not, his character is already such a mess that being a juggalo actually helps explain some things
Kenny Al-Bahir - The War At Home
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No, awkward gay teen who enjoys kelly clarkson and musicals and is scared of weed, could not listen to it if he tried
Merriel "Snafu" Shelton - The Pacific
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Yes, if it weren’t the 40s. he’s a bitch and a whore and does weird shit with corpses that’s standard juggalo behaviour
Whoever the fuck this guy was, Andy? - Gilmore Girls
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No, while he only has three lines so we don’t really know whats going on with him he’s at a church group and very much seems to be into it so i seriously doubt he’s chop chop sliding in his spare time
Chee Chee - Dolittle
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i am not watching this movie because if i have to look at robert downey jrs face for more than two minutes my liver shuts down but because he’s a monkey i’m gonna say: No, although i 100% all monkey juggalos out there
Browning - Oldboy
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Yes, hes only there for two seconds and then he dies but he looks cools and does dodgy shit so yeah.juggalo, whatever
Jonás "Jonah" Cueyatl / Buster - Buster’s Mal Heart
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No, while the guys enough of a weirdo he takes himself way too seriously to kick back with some icp, and hes doing a lot of shit id where hed find the time. besides hes more the eat bugs end of the world weirdo than a clown weirdo
Louis Dega / Papillon
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Maybe, at the start of this mopvie i was deadset on no because i really wanted to shove him in a locker, and while i still think he wouldnt activly listen to it i think after the 5 years on a french torture island i could probably convince him to sit down and listen to a couple songs, but the mime hallucinations are about as close to juggalo as hes ever going to get
Tahno / Legend of Korra
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No, while he is a bitch he is also an emo loser and he plays the trombone. no further questions i havent watched legend of korra
Flip McVicker / Bojack Horseman
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No, cringe bastard man who is far too pathetic and pretentious for icp
Benjamin / Twilight Saga
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Probably not, in all liklihood the Volturi have banned the listening of icp because theyre losers but I bet if I got him to listen to it hed enjoy it
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ratsoh-writes · 1 year
Ohhh gotcha. We love mal
Mal is bestie material. He’s painting lords claws as they watch Gilmore girls. Mal and lord are swapping dark stories from their old AUs
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first thing on to do list see how mal's watching of the gilmore girls is going
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hazelmcnellis · 3 years
Monatsrückblick: Goodbye Mai 2021
Leute, Leute, Leute... was ist das für ein Monat bitteschön?! Aprilwetter ohne Ende und schleppende Fortschritte im Autorenleben. Heute gibt's den allmonatlichen Rückblick von mir, los geht's!
Schreibprozess - gibt's was Neues?
Leseliste - was ich gelesen hab!
Watchlist - was mich begeistert hat!
Playlist - musikalische Highlights
Ausblick - was kommt ab Juni?
Schreibprozess - gibt's was Neues?
Die Frage ist berechtigt! Nachdem ich im April die Rohfassung zum Projekt #Hexenjagd abgeschlossen habe, wollte ich im Mai ursprünglich mehr schaffen. Tatsache ist, ich musste die Prioritäten verschieben und habe deswegen kaum Neues zu berichten, oje. *buhuuu* T.T
Das einzige Nennenswerte ist wohl der Ausdruck der Rohfassung, damit ich die Überarbeitung in Angriff nehmen kann. Daran arbeite ich derzeit also neben dem üblichen Gedöns. ^.^
Leseliste - was ich gelesen hab!
Auch diese Liste dürfte relativ kurz ausfallen, da auch das Lesen im Mai zu kurz kam. Wie ich im April-Rückblick aber verkündet habe, habe ich mit "Menschenwerk" von Han Kang angefangen. Hier höre ich das Hörbuch auf Spotify und bin bei knapp der Hälfte angelangt - spannende Lektüre ist es auf jeden Fall!
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Watchlist - was mich begeistert hat!
Die Rubrik Filme und Serien ist in diesem Monat deutlich länger ausgefallen. Während ich in puncto Serien lediglich einen Rewatch der "Gilmore Girls" gestartet habe und die koreanische Produktion "My Sassy Girl" sowie "The Devil Punisher" (beides sehr gute Produktionen mit deutschem Untertitel) angefangen habe, habe ich deutlich mehr Filme gesehen:
Love & Monsters (USA, Netflix) - Dylan O'Brian ist seit seiner Rolle als "Stiles" in der Serie "Teen Wolf" einer meiner liebsten Schauspieler aus den USA. In dem amüsanten wie spannenden Film "Love & Monsters" hat er mich erneut von seinem Können überzeugen können. Hier spielt er einen jungen, etwas ängstlichen/zauderhaften Erwachsenen, der 7 Jahre in einem Bunker zugebracht hat und sich dann auf die Suche nach seiner Freundin machen will - in einer Welt, die von Monstern bewohnt wird, von denen er noch nie eines aktiv selbst bekämpft hat. Mir hat sein Charakter sehr gefallen und auch die Monster und all die Nebenrollen konnten gut unterhalten - definitiv ein Tipp!
Rewatches: "Indiana Jones - und der letzte Kreuzzug" (Teil 3), "Indiana Jones - und der Kristallschädel" (Teil 4), "Ghostbusters - die Geisterjäger" (Teil 1, mit Dan Akroyd und Sigourney Weaver), "The Blair Witch Project" (1998) - alle sehenswert, meiner Meinung nach.
"Die Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Erde" (USA, Amazon Prime) - Brendan Fraser mochte ich schon sehr in "Die Mumie" (plus Fortsetzungen). In diesem Film spielt er einen Wissenschaftler und Onkel, der sich mit seinem Neffen auf das Abenteuer nach Jules Verne einlässt, um seinen Bruder (den Vater des Neffen) ausfindig zu machen. Mir hat dieser Film sehr gefallen - ich würde ihn mir sogar auf DVD anschaffen! ^.^
"Die Reise zur geheimnisvollen Insel" (USA, Netflix) - In der Fortsetzung der Jules-Verne-Adaptionen spielt Dwayne Johnson den Stiefvater des Jungen aus "Die Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Erde". Hier erhalten die Protagonisten Hinweise per Funk vom Großvater, der die Insel bereits gefunden hat und seitdem verschollen ist. Zusammen mit einem wagemutigen, etwas blauäugigen Helikopter-Piloten/Touristenführer und dessen Tochter machen sie sich auf den Weg, um die geheimnisvolle Insel ausfindig zu machen. Auch dieser Teil hat mir unheimlich gut gefallen!
"Night of the Living Dead" (USA, Amazon Prime) - die Nacht der lebenden Toten von George Romero aus dem Jahr 1958 ist ein echter Klassiker, meiner Ansicht nach. Auch wenn die Handlung zum großen Teil recht simpel erscheint und die Schauspielleistung aus heutiger Perspektive eher mau rüberkommt (Ausnahme: die des schwarzen Protagonisten!), ist der Film einfach super. Vor allem sind mir einige Parallelen aufgefallen, aufgrund derer ich glaube, dass sich die Schöpfer von "The Walking Dead" eindeutig von diesem Zombieklassiker inspirieren und beeinflussen ließen. Definitiv ein "must-watch"!
Fortsetzungen: "MIB International" und "Ghostbusters" (2016) - beides sind Filme mit Chris Hemsworth, platten Witzen und mäßig spannend. Wer seichte, actionhaltige Unterhaltung in eher bekannten Terrains sucht, ist hier gut aufgehoben. Aber an die Originale bzw. Vorgänger kommen diese Filme eindeutig nicht heran. Ich fand sie letztlich ok, aber nicht überragend.
"Moon" (UK, Amazon Prime) - der Science-Fiction-Film (halb Krimi, halb Drama) handelt von dem Astronauten Sam Bell, der auf der dunklen Seite des Mondes allein arbeitet, Frau und Tochter auf der Erde zurückgelassen hat und nur eine künstliche Intelligenz zur Gesellschaft hat. Die Handlung ist mit wenig Action versehen, dafür gibt es viel psychologischen Tiefgang. Mir hat die Entwicklung gut gefallen und das ganze Thema erschien mir sehr tiefgründig/spannend. Ich empfehle ihn euch gern weiter! ^.^
Dokumentationen: "Too Young to Die" (Amazon Prime) ist eine sehr interessante Doku über die Karriere, das Leben und den Tod von Heath Ledger (noch einer meiner liebsten Schauspieler); "Framing Britney Spears" (Amazon Prime) ist eine weitere interessante Star-Dokumentation über die Popsängerin, ihre Karriere und die Tatsache, dass sie sogar als erwachsene Frau und Mutter noch unter der gesetzlichen Obhut ihres Vaters steht. Beide Dokus haben mir sehr gefallen, wenngleich die Britney-Doku etwas mehr das reißerische Boulevard-Zeitungsniveau bedient - ich kann sie letztlich aber empfehlen.
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Playlist - musikalische Highlights
Monsta X: "Flavors of Love" (Album, japanische Tracks)
Taemin: "Advice" (Album, das letzte, ehe er seine obligatorische Zeit beim Militär antreten muss)
BTS: "Butter" (englischsprachige Single, toppte nach dem Erscheinen bereits den Erfolg von "Dynamite" auf YouTube und die Band erhielt mehrere Auszeichnungen bei den Billboard Music Awards)
Wonho (feat. Kiiara): "Ain't about you" (mehrere Remixes der Single - unbedingt hörenswert!)
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Ausblick - was kommt ab Juni?
Privat geht es bei mir derzeit ein bisschen "drunter und drüber", wie es so schön heißt. Das bedeutet, ich weiß nicht, was der Juni für meine Buchprojekte bereithält. Aber ich erwarte, dass ich deutlich mehr schaffen werde als im Mai. *toi,toi,toi - klopft auf Holz*
Ich will auch versuchen, wieder mehr Printbücher in meinen Alltag zu integrieren, da ich den Eindruck habe, Netflix und das Internet allgemein stören meine Konzentration und Leistungsfähigkeit. Das Lesen von greifbaren, haptischen Büchern soll mir helfen, zurück zur "alten Form" zu finden - mal sehen, wie ich das hinbekomme. ^.^
Sportlich habe ich seit ca. Februar meine tägliche Schrittzahl und den Anteil an Bewegung/Aktivität im Alltag konstant erhöht. Aktuell habe ich die Gewohnheit etabliert, täglich wenigstens 5k Schritte zu gehen - ein guter Anfang für die neuen gesunden Gewohnheiten. Das will ich im Juni weiter ausbauen.
Etwas schade ist außerdem die Tatsache, dass mir seit geraumer Zeit ebendiese fehlt, um die koreanische Sprache weiter zu lernen. Ich habe anfangs (das ganze 2. Halbjahr 2020) mit dem Comic-Sprachkurs von Pons gelernt. Aber ungefähr ab Mitte des Buches haben die Lektionen einen deutlichen Sprung bei den Anforderungen gemacht (meinem Empfinden nach), was meiner Motivation einen kleinen, aber spürbaren Dämpfer verpasst hat. Da hoffe ich aktuell, dass ich zurück zur alten Routine finde bzw. eine neue entwickeln und ausbauen kann.
Ach ja! Ab dem 3. Juni zeigt Netflix 2 Filme von Sailor Moon - darauf freue ich mich immer noch sehr! ^-^ Nicht zuletzt veröffentlicht Monsta X am 1. Juni ein neues Album: "One of a kind" - auch in dem Punkt steigen die Spannung und Vorfreude. ^.^
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yiangchen · 2 years
Thanks for tagging me @legendofnora
Three ships - I have a million, so I’m just gonna go with the ones from shows still airing. Mal and Alina, JJ and Kiara, also really liking Meredith and Hayes atm.
First ever ship - Zuko and Katara
Last song - Everything Has Changed Taylor’s Version
Last film - Napoleon Dynamite 
Currently reading - Nothing actually
Currently watching - Grey’s Anatomy s16. Was also rewatching Gilmore Girls, but I’ve stopped for the time being. 
Next book I’m planning to read - uhhhhhhh idk
Currently consuming - Soup
Currently craving - Ice Cream
Tagging @talistheintrovert @captainmmarvel and anyone else that wants to do it!
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Tag me
rules: answer these 30 questions and then tag 20 people you'd like to get to know better.
tagged by: @souncivilized17​ and @unadulteratedcolorkid thank you so much for the tag, that made my day! :D
name/nickname: david, i don’t really have any nicknames but i’m open for suggestions B)
gender: male
star sign: aquarius (and that’s abt all i know abt star signs)
height: ~170 cm, so 5.6?
time: 12:57
birthday: january 31st
favorite bands: Against Me!, Mother Mother, Alt-J, Fleetwood Mac
favorite solo artists: Ezra Furman, Harley Poe, Mitski, Mal Blum, Bob Dylan
song stuck in my head: Electric Love by BØRNS, and Maybe by half•alive (but that might change within the next 15 seconds)
last movie i watched: Moxie
last show: rewatching She-Ra i think
when did i create this blog: a embarrassingly long time ago
what i post: all the stuff i like with no system or thoughts behind it whatsoever
other blogs: @fieldsofdusk where i reblog pretty stuff
last thing i googled: a spotify analysis website to answer the above questions because my mind goes blank every time someone aks me what bands or artists i like even though i never shut up about music
do i get asks: not really, but i would love to, send them in <3
why i chose my url: it was the random name generator on tumblr and then it kinda stuck
following: 288
followers: 237 (whOA i didn’t know there were so many of you, hi!!!)
average hours of sleep: 7,5-8
lucky number: no numbers, math is the enemy
instruments: geetar, drums, ukulele, very very bad beatboxing B)
what am i wearing: jeans, t-shirt, pelican socks
dream trip: walking the Jakobsweg, taking a roadtrip to the sea, camping somewhere in the woods
favourite food: lasagna, made by my mom
nationality: austrian
last book i read: We Unleash The Merciless Storm by Tehlor Kay Mejia
top 3 fictional worlds I'd like to live in: ahh hmm Adventure Time, the town the Gilmore Girls live in, and Atlantis (i panicked at this question don’t overanalyze it)
favorite color: love me some purple, yellow, green, and the sky always
If you are comfortable doing this that would be awesome! If you're not that's rad as well. i would like to tag @silentsockfeet, @wrestled-with-angels, @spookyscaryczerny, @hecheng, and anyone else who would like to do it since a lot of people have already done it :)
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glossedchaos · 4 years
Rules: tag 9 people who you want to know better/catch up with and also answer theses questions
tagged by @mothalaalee 🌻🌼✨
3 ships: peraltiago (b99), cat and robbie (victorious), jess and rory (gilmore girls)
Last song: 18 - anarbor
Last movie: barbie fairytopia
Currently reading: nil
Currently watching: the get down
Currently craving: iced water
tagging: @todocambio @elysiandoll @bbyspiceofficial @luckysdaye @champagne1221 @mal-evolent101 @velezsglitch
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Rachel watches Descendants, pt 3
not gonna lie I forgot I was doing this 😅
this movie has no right to get as deep as it just did
I thought he was holding a couple of volleyballs
so what’s her last name?
I feel the same way about strawberries
wait, why wouldn’t his middle name be Adam?
it’d be hilarious if Ben just looked over at her and was like, “uh, you okay over there?”
maybe I just thought Mal cut her hair because the cowl of her jacket was always covering the back of her neck and I assumed it was longer...?
that was a weird moment of tension
Mal is just wearing all the worst clothes to get soaking wet in
“do you love me?” hey, back off, Dean from Gilmore Girls
I love that she just jumped into a lake and her makeup is still perfect
“magic wa-” good save
seems kinda pointless to shorten a one-syllable name
oh my god. oh my god. oh my god.
they’re...they’re boyfriend and girlfriend now? damn, that was quick
I feel like this movie can’t decide what it wants to be
“let it go”? really?
so the good guys’ kids make fun of the villain kids for being villain kids, and then they’re shocked when they act villainous...? make it make sense
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hitchell-mope · 4 years
Mal: remind me again why you’re watching New York Minute for the fifth time?
Jay: it’s the full house baby in a schlocky comedy
Mal: the full house baby terrifies me. It’s like an animatronic of my brother except they’re both real. It’s the night demon at the end of my bed. Why would I watch it with you?
Jay: Dean Forester from Gilmore girls has a scene in a towel
Mal: who?
Jay: Sam Winchester
Mal: oooh. Get Ben in here. He’ll wanna see this
Jay: already called him
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maliagf · 2 years
i don’t even dislike logan but i really wanted jess to roast the crap out of him way more than he did
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forgenotes-archived · 4 years
lily !! 
june 20th 
gemini ( cancer cusp , though )
5′7″ ! 
doin this stupid writing thing lol , but also writing music , singing / acting ( counts as a hobby when i do it for free lmao ) , drawing really badly , dice making , general witchery
i’ve been vibing with red lately tbh ! but it changes 
i have trouble reading sometimes , bc my brain can’t really focus on reading sometimes ? but the abarat series , the graveyard book , house of leaves , the melancholy death of oyster boy . along with all my witchcraft books ( i have . . . so fuckin many , dude ) .  OH ! AND HOW TO SERVE FOOD ATTRACTIVELY THAT BOOK IS H I L A R I O U S IT’S LITERALLY JUST A BOOK FROM THE 50S THAT TELLS YOU HOW TO SERVE FOOD THAT LOOKS NICE BUT IT’S GROSS AS F U C K 
reptile by militia vox .
knives out - and i fuckin LOVED that shit oh my GOD -
OH G O D . . . okay it takes a lot honestly . i don’t know if i can choose one specific inspiration for her ? i don’t even swear by the film as aggressively as i used to , but i’ve definitely harvested as much from canon as i can to set her foundation . i take a lot of inspiration from my own life , too ; i’m very much unlike her as a person lmao but i’ve been through similar circumstances , at least when it comes to her foundational years . also , strangely enough , i take a lot of inspo from ancient historic figures for her ; clytemnestra specifically , but also helen and cassandra . she’s tough and ruthless but very empty inside in a lot of ways . final girls , teen dramas , both lorelei and rory gilmore , audrey hepburn , all those sorts of people . i do find a lot of inspirations from aesthetics , too , so my pinterest is the main thing keeping my muse going lol ! 
i had a lot of trouble with it ? but eventually i tried to use something from the actual canon itself , a symbol or something - the croquet mallet seemed like a cool place to land ? it’s a hobby , it’s how she connects to her friends sometimes , it’s a symbol of her own home life since the lawn is at her place , and it’s also , ultimately ( in the musical at least - which is the only musical influence i take lmao ) , a fuckin’ weapon . then adding that - ette on the end to make it feminine , i thought that made it a little more dynamic . that also accidentally separated mal and ette , and mal typically means bad or evil or low in terms of mood in french so like . FITTING . . . 
tagged by : @joneshead bless you !!!
tagging : @delinquentborn | @indignaticnarchive | @diedunbound | @damnjuliet | @screamsfate | @savejeanie | @divainity | @nolessreal ( i know u got tagged on jason but U KNO.... ) | or steal it ! 
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moreluthor · 4 years
@rottedwork​ sent in a meme:  " dear diary... " to my inbox for my muse to describe your muse in their diary!
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Diary, it’s me again.
I’ve made a new friend on the Isle.... I think. She’s intriguing, to say the least. Daughter of Maleficent, and some other guy. Who knows who? She doesn’t say much, but that’s okay. She also tends to steer clear of Uma and the others of that pirate crew--- which I definitely enjoy. Lex hangs out with the pirates way too much, they’re ridiculous.
Her name is Mal after her mother, I guess. It’s always amusing to me when mothers name their kids after themselves. The one exception to this rule is Lorelai and Rory Gilmore, naturally. God, I miss watching Gilmore Girls. They don’t get that channel here on the Isle. It’s not fair at all. But then again, none of this is.... being locked on an island without magic or power? And all because of who you were born to.....
Now that is ridiculous.
But another thing about Mal, she doesn’t seem too afraid of my brother and Lillian. Or at least, not afraid of befriending me. I can hardly believe my luck, diary.
Till next time,
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Nobody tagged me, but I’m going to do this anyway:
rules: pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. don’t cheat. tag some people.
Gilmore Girls
who is your favourite character in 2? Olivia 💗!!
who is your least favourite character in 1? Grayza
what is your favourite episode of 4? The Puppet Master!
what is your favourite season of 5? I haven’t watched Gilmore Girls in a while, but I think season 4 was my favorite.
who is your favourite couple in 3? I don’t have one. lol. A lot of people shipped Mal/Inara, but I thought that relationship was toxic, and I don’t like Simon/Kaylee- mostly because I don’t like Simon.
who is your favourite couple in 2? Hmmm... I liked Alt!Livia and Lincoln in season 3. DEFFO NOT PETER/OLIVIA
what is your favourite episode of 1? Soooo many. If I were to pick a random one right now to watch, it would probably be 1x04 Throne For a Loss
what is your favourite episode of 5? Hmm... It’s been a while but the one that comes to mind is the one where Luke and Lorelai kissed in season 4... I just looked it up and it’s the season 4 finale- “Raincoats and Recipes”. It has a 9.3 on IMDB wow ok.
what is your favourite season of 2? Season 4!
how long have you watched 1? Since 2001. I started watching during season 3.
how did you become interested in 3? It had looked sort if interesting when I saw previews for it before it started, but FOX effed up and I saw like one ep and then couldn’t find it again. In 2005 I had an ovarian cyst which made my ovary twist around itself and it was a weekend and I didn’t think it was an emergency (even tho i was in so much pain i could barely move), so I didn’t go to the ER and instead I spent all weekend in bed or on the couch, and the Scifi channel had a Firefly marathon and I watched the whole thing in a day.
who is your favourite actor in 4? Tim Daly
which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5? 1! Farscape is my favorite show of all time!
which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3? 1 because Farscape has 80-something eps and Firefly has 14.
if you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? Helen bc she got to be with Joe 😍
would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? lmao not at all
pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple? Nobody that I can think of, tbh
overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5? oooohhh... that’s a tough one. I guess overall storyline... Gilmore Girls
which has better theme music, 2 or 4? 2! Fringe!
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addictsitter · 5 years
F, G, Q, and T
F: What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? consistently? god, uh. i think probably kingdom hearts? but that was years back. maybe stranger things since i did get into it like, a month after s2 aired but it was a backburner fandom. wait no nm it’s descendants. cause i’ve been more or less YES DESCENDANTS GOOD a lot for the last three and a half years. so. also kind of tortall bc i get sporadically bitter about neal/kel every month or so and have since about 2007.
G: Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it? ooh okay so the first otp i remember is john sheppard/teyla emmagan from stargate atlantis and i just. never really got over them. (they’re my forever otp)
Q: A ship you’ve abandoned and why: oh okay this one is kinda tough but i guess the best example is probably jay/carlos and mal/evie from descendants? like, i have nothing against the ships themselves and there’s plenty of material there. BUT. the fandom, rachel. i hate. the descendants fandom. so goddamn much. because they’re really obnoxious (never 4get the j*ylos stans who called d3 the straightest of the movies despite jay/gil being as close to canon as we were gonna get for a descendants movie just bc carlos was still with jane. also all the j*ylos stans who complained about them ~no homo’ing~ j*ylos in d2 because carlos liked jane and jay and carlos’s friendship got less focus while completely ignoring the harry/gil kiss that was scripted, filmed and then cut!!!)
(”alec are you still bitter about d2″ I AM ALWAYS BITTER ABOUT D2)
T: Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)
ahem. excuse me. [retrieves stack of paper] we’re going to go alphabetically by fandom. and by alphabetically by fandom, i mean you’re getting some highlights.
under a cut for length
battlestar galactica: hello yes have i talked about kara thrace being a lesbian yet? no? so kara thrace is a lesbian and lee adama is a trans lesbian and they are happy and in love. thank you, have a nice day.
being human: s3 established that annie feels things that people feel when she touches them which leads me to the headcanon that mitchell, nina and george made all her old favorite foods for, like, an entire week and ate them so she could enjoy them again, along with other things. (we do not discuss the plot that involved that part i don’t acknowledge 98% of s3 for a reason.)
descendants: uma’s mother is ursula, this is canon, but i fully headcanon that her father is a deity of some flavor and she, like mal, is a full on demigoddess. aside from that, i also will live and die by the idea that ben can go beast without audrey’s magic being involved. also carlos is non-binary, evie’s a trans girl, harry is the definition of chaotic bi and non-binary and gil’s a trans boy.
elementary: i. i have so many. where do i start. um. easiest is this: during the time skip in the finale while joan underwent chemo, kitty came back to new york and archie and arthur spent, like, all their time together while sherlock and kitty traded off watching the kids. also: joanlockbell ot3 or bust.
the get down: shao got the fuck away from annie and got a happy ending and met zeke again at some point and they lived happily ever after. also DIZZEE IS TOTALLY FINE.
gilmore girls: finale what finale. revival what revival. logan and rory are happily married and working on their careers and EVERYONE IS GOOD AND NOBODY IS PREGNANT.
gossip girl: dan’s not gossip girl what the fuck show. trans girl jenny or bust. also trans girl blair.
harry potter: [insert requisite dean/seamus and sirius/remus comment here] also harry became a goddamn teacher fuck that auror shit that boy needs to get away from more fighting goddamn. also someone please get him into therapy. please.
high school musical: listen chad danforth is a trans girl and people can come fight me. also requisite chad/ryan comment here.
izombie: post-s3 did not happen, ravi is either immune or a zombie and he and liv are happily together and clive is regularly grossed out by them as a couple. major goes back to being a social worker, as he fucking should have.
i had a kingdom hearts thing here but tbh i just. have so many emotions that i can’t even touch it 
leverage: listen. listen. eliot absolutely worked for the stargate program and nobody can ever convince me otherwise. it was supposed to happen and they couldn’t manage it so i’m declaring it my canon. also hardison may or may not have learned his hacking skills from his nana.
i. had magicians headcanons and i still have magicians headcanons and one of them is genderfluid quentin and that is literally the only one i can think of without crying right now.
one piece: aro/ace lawlu or bust. genderfluid sanji or bust. lesbian nami or bust. also. my asshole babes aka cp9 aka now at least partially in cp0 are not, in fact, back working for the government inexplicably but are instead working undercover in cp0 for the revolutionary army. also mishanks was a thing bye
pacific rim: gender gets really fucking weird in the drift. nobody’s cis.
shadowhunters: hi yes do you have a moment to hear about jacemaia and how they are actually friends and spend time together and help each other with trauma and like each other
stranger things: BI STEVE BI STEVE BI STEVE BI STEVE BI STEVE steve and robin are bi/lesbian solidarity and any job they have in a non-80s small town setting involves robin roasting the fuck out of steve for failing with people of every gender. also elmax.
tortall. TORTALL. okay so. alanna is non-binary of some flavor idk what. alanna is with george and they both might also be with jon who’s publicly married to thayet who’s really married to buri who’s publicly married to raoul for ~appearances~ who’s actually w/ gary and maybe jon if he’s not being a dick that day. also. kel is married to neal and yuki and they all live together at new hope and all absolutely suck at hiding that fact and everyone at new hope just, like, conveniently ignores it. also i have A Lot of neal/kel feelings and headcanons but those would take me twelve hours, three powerpoints, a fifth of whiskey and yelling directly at tamora pierce to get through.
uhhh i think that’s it? maybe? possibly? i can’t think of anything else that i want to talk about at this point? i’ll stop now, at least.
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