#malagasy leaf nosed snakes
Who is this guy? They look like a pipefish!
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That is a female Malagasy leaf-nosed snake! Males have straight, pointy "noses," but females have these spiky protrusions. They help them mimic sticks - they'll even sit very still and straight in the trees to hide themselves!
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Check it out, it's really cool! They'll often either stick straight up or let themselves dangle.
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sundere1181 · 2 years
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antiqueanimals · 2 years
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Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia. Volume 6: Reptiles. Written by Bernard Grzimek. 1984.
1.) European cat snake (Telescopus fallax)
2.) Boomslang (Dispholidus typus)
3.) Parrot snake (Leptophis ahaetulla)
4.) Twig snake (Thelotornis kirtlandii)
5.) Malagasy leaf-nosed snake (Langaha madagascariensis)
6.) Banded cat-eyed snake (Leptodeira annulata)
7.) African house snake (Boaedon fuliginosus)
8.) Southern brown egg eater (Dasypeltis inornata)
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swordlikessnakes · 3 years
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malagasy leaf-nosed snake <3
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vampir3kitten · 3 years
top 5 animals??
marabou stork, dumbo octopus, african serval, bison and malagasy leaf-nosed snake!!
thank u ❤️
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typhlonectes · 5 years
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Malagasy Leaf-nose Snake (Langaha madagascariensis)
Male - top. Female - bttm.
Endemic to Madagascar. These slender arboreal snakes grow up to a meter long. They feed mostly on lizards. They are mildly venomous, and not considered dangerous to humans (though their venom is reputed to be quite painful). They are oviparous (egg-laying).
photograph by Dick Bartlett (used with permission)
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drdrdrreid · 4 years
(Hey, you open for another rp right now?) Spencer, what’s your top 3 favourite reptiles?
((I am! You can DM me if you want to plan at all. It may take me a bit longer to reply sometimes though))
That is such a good question, there are so many choices.
The blue banded water snake is so fascinating! I've spoken about them before here and they're great.
But when it comes to pets I'd need to go for the ball python I think. They can be very personable, curious creatures. And no two patterns are alike.
And for fun, I'm going to throw in an odd one, the malagasy leaf nosed snake. We don't know exactly what purpose it's oddly shaped nose serves but it's really interesting.
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ophiology101 · 5 years
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Langaha madagascariensis
This bizarre-looking snake, also known as the Malagasy leaf-nosed snake, is an arboreal (living in trees) species endemic to Madagascar. Their strange nasal appendage (pointy in the male, leaf-shaped in the female) may help them blend in with vines and branches or sight their prey, which they ambush. No one knows for sure. They are poisonous but not aggressive. Their bites are extremely painful but not life-threatening to humans. 
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eelbunny · 8 years
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some snoiks
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mantasalyresort · 3 years
Top Three Wildlife Experience To Never Miss In Madagascar
The entire African continent has been the first love of animal lovers and those wishing to experience raw nature and wildlife to its best. This is something that we can associate with Madagascar, a country located on the eastern coast of the African Continent because this land too has been blessed by a huge variety of wild life. To experience it to its best, two things are required and one of them is an accommodation in Diego Suarez or Madagascar itself and second is information on the kind of wildlife found in this country. Here in this blog post, we will focus on the second one and make an attempt to familiarise you with some of the most unique animals found on this land.
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After an accommodation in Madagascar, if you will witness this animal, the first thing you will notice is its car like appearance. However, the face is that this is the largest of the mongoose family present on this land and they are very sleek predators. They can weigh up to 26 pounds and grow up to six feet. They dominate the forests of this country with their retractable claws and sharp teeth and lemur is the favourite prey.
Malagasy Leaf-Nosed Snakes
Experts of hotel accommodation Madagascar say that these snakes can be easily identified by their flat, leaf-shaped heads and their maximum length is 3 feet. They are not harmful for humans, but yes, they are intimidating and they are mostly found consuming lizards and other similar animals in their prey.
Tomato Frogs
According to those offering an accommodation in Diego Suarez, these frogs are either of red colour or very dark orange that look very similar to red. Female tomato frogs have brighter colourcast as compared to males and they are also not harmful for humans at all. These tomato frogs fend off predators by secreting poisonous mucus through its pores.
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what is the least snakey snake? a snake that you just look at like, well, what are you doing here
Malagasy leaf-nosed snakes always strike me as uncanny, especially the females. They have long noses to mimic sticks or leaves, and they evolved specifically to hold still and straight in the trees like sticks.
It's like, excuse me this is literally just a twig
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And their faces are super uncanny.
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They're good snakes! Just weird as all get-out.
Also, horned sea snakes look like muppets (affectionate).
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sundere1181 · 2 years
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sundere1181 · 2 years
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Can you do a post on Malagasy leaf-nosed snakes if you haven't already done one? I've never heard of them before and they look amazing 😍 specifically why their noses look like that (or our best guess)
I absolutely can! They're very unique little snakes.
- We think those weird nose scales are for camouflage! It helps them pretend to be sticks in the trees. Beyond the obvious camouflage reason, though, we're not quite sure why they have those.
- Malagasy leaf-nosed snakes are found exclusively on the island of Madagascar. They live in forests, and are very hard to find because they almost exclusively stick high up in the trees.
- Presumably to help the whole "I'm a branch" illusion, they have a very unique behavior where they'll stick their necks straight up or down off the branch they're resting on and hold still like that.
- Another theory is they might do this to resemble pointed seed pods, which could be another reason for the pointy/leaf-shaped noses.
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- They're venomous, with venom so strong that it kills their prey instantly, but their venom isn't lethal to humans. It does cause extreme pain, though.
- While hunting, they'll sway slowly from side to side, like a branch swaying in the wind! They eat mostly lizards.
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What are some of the most common or most interesting snakes in Madagascar, especially around the Tsiribihina River?
Madagascar is one of the coolest places in the world for reptiles! Most reptiles native to Madagascar are only found on Madagascar. There aren't any snakes with venom that is medically significant to humans, and, in a very unique twist on the norm, Madagascar doesn't have any colubrids! Colubrids are the most populous snake family, but most snakes on Madagascar are actually pseudoxyhrhophiids, more closely related to elapids than to colubrids. It's very unique for a snake family outside of the big five (vipers, boas, pythons, elapids, and colubrids) to fill so many niches.
Malagasy cat-eyed snakes (Madagascarophis sp.) are some of the most common snakes across Madagascar! These guys are little arboreal snakes with huge eyes, and they can vary in color across species from a mottled brown to bright orange!
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The Malagasy ground boa (Acrantophis madagascariensis) is the largest snake you can find on Madagascar, reaching about 10 feet long. They're native mostly to central/western Madagascar, so can definitely be found around the Tsiribihina river!
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The common big-eyed snake (Mimophis mahfalensis) is one of the most common snakes you'll se in central/southern Madagascar. These little dudes almost exclusively eat amphibians and other reptiles.
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Big-headed snakes (Compsophis laphystius) are tiny little frog eaters, and just as cute as little buttons!
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Malagasy leaf-nosed snakes (Langaha madagascariensis) have long snouts to mimic plant life, and you can tell the sex based on the snouts! Males will have long, straight snouts, and females will have a leafy-looking snout! They'll hold their bodies straight up or down in trees to mimic sticks.
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Malagasy hognose snakes (Leioheterodon sp.) include three species, and they're not related to the hognoses of North America except superficially. They have cute little upturned noses to aid with burrowing and get much bigger (4-6 feet depending on species).
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There isn't a lot known about yellow and black tree snakes (Lycodryas citrinus), but gosh aren't they beautiful? These reclusive little snakes are arboreal nighttime hunters.
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Madagascar is home to two different families of blindsnakes and wormsnakes, and the most common is probably the Madagascar blindsnake (Madatyphlops madagascariensis). These guys are tiny, fossorial snakes with smooth scales and vestigial eyes, and to laymen they really look just like worms.
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Three-striped ground snakes (Pseudoxyrhopus tritaeniatus) are beautiful, and are one of the few snakes native to Madagascar to eat eggs, at least on an opportunistic basis!
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Are there any breeds of snake that have very obvious sexual dimorphism
Great question - usually, sexual dimorphism in snakes is extremely subtle. Female snakes overwhelmingly tend to be longer and heavier (there are a few exceptions, but that's the rule). There are a few species, though, that break the mold!
In Wagler's palm pit vipers, the size difference is truly staggering, as is typical coloration. Males are tiny in comparison and are typically green, whereas females are usually large snakes with a pattern of contrasting bands.
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Another color differerence occurs in banded rock rattlesnakes! Males (left) are a paler blue-ish sort of color, while females are more grey. They're also one of the few snakes where the males are larger!
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Malagasy leaf-nosed snakes are probably the best known example! Males have long, pointy noses:
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But on females, the noses look spikey like leaves:
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