#malcolm goodwyn
pumpkin-simblr · 8 months
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The Gauthier household is very chaotic at the moment, and things at Goodwyn House aren't much better--early in the morning on the final day of 1307, Avice goes into labour. The birth is her most difficult labour yet, and takes several hours, but eventually she delivers a robust and healthy baby boy, later named Malcolm Goodwyn once she has the chance to rest and recover a bit.
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The Three Lovers
It’s me, back at you with another short story for characters that I haven’t explained yet ;) (I’m sorry, I promise I’ll get to it...at some point...). I think I said I would post this one 2 weeks ago so. Sorry about that. But here we go! Reminder that this is just a first draft, so I’m really sorry if the quality isn’t very good. I hope you enjoy! (Lmk if you want to be on a taglist when I post things and all that.) 
Bex shivered, ice-cold fear running its nails down his neck. He stood motionless, despite the blood that was pooling at his feet and seeping into his through the soles of his shoes. The man he had been dueling moments before lay bleeding out just feet away on the frozen ground, sliced open by the supposedly dull weapon that hung limp in Bex’s left hand.
The man on the ground, his dark curls splayed out in a dark halo, groaned and rolled weakly onto his side, coughing up globs of dark phlegm. The noise was sharp against the shocked silence that permeated the air, until the tension snapped and the small crowd that encircled the two fighters roared to life.
A small mouse-like man toting a bag almost overflowing with pill bottles and bandages scurried between the crowd and Bex, going to the bleeding man on the ground. Bex watched the man apply pressure to the section of the gash that lay across the stomach of the wounded man.
Bex jumped as a hand connected with his shoulder, jolting him out of the numb haze he had entered. He blinked as he turned around, confused as to why the world around him was a watery blur. He put his hands to his eyes and only when they came away wet did he realize he was crying. He was shaking too, shaking so hard as the adrenaline worked its way through his body, endless energy screaming at him to move, run, fight, anything.
“What are your crying about, Bex? Buck up, he’s just another one of the guards. They’re easy to replace. You were going to win anyways, and now he gets some time off.” Matthew Blest Goodwyn smiled winningly, and already Bex could feel some of his panic abating. But nevertheless..”I might have killed him! These were supposed to be dull swords, we weren’t fighting to kill.”
Matthew nodded sagely, golden curls bobbing. “Well, it was more interesting this way, wasn’t it? And he’ll be alright, the wound doesn’t look fatal.” He looked over to where the man on the ground was weakly sitting up with the help of the doctor and curled his lip in distaste. “I didn’t quite expect the wound to be that bad. We’ll have to have the field cleaned up and a replacement found for him.” He nodded absentmindedly, his attention already on something else.
Bex was about to ask what Matthew meant by “didn’t expect”, but he was distracted by a call from off to his right. From the other side of the crowd, and bobbing black head of curls could be seen, standing out against the sea of blonde hair and white skin. Matthew was already smiling widely and moving towards his chief adviser, the group parting around him. Bex shook himself again, trying to get rid of the horror that was wrapped around him like a dog ridding itself of water. He plastered on a shaky smile and followed Matthew before the crowd could close around him.
★ ★ ★
Bex closed the door quietly behind him, not wanting to disturb the discussion going on in the room. He turned and walked down a hallway paneled with dark wood to a lavish sitting room filled with black furniture trimmed in metallics. Matthew and Malcolm were sitting opposite each other around a square, glass table with a map (presumably of the city) spread out on it. Their blonde and black curls fell across their faces as their heads almost touched, hunched over as they were. Bex allowed himself a soft smile before clearing his throat quietly, not wanting to startle either of the men. They both looked up, startled but not scared. Matthew’s face broke out into an easy smile, his body immediately relaxing. Bex walked over and sat down on the black leather couch that Matthew reclined on, shooting a smile at Malcolm, who sat on the edge of a black leather armchair. Malcolm smiled sweetly back, quiet and shy.
Matthew put his arm around Bex’s waist and pulled him close as he sat down beside Matthew, touching him with an easy confidence shared by no one else, not even Malcolm. Bex leaned into the touch, turning towards him like a flower towards the sun. He lightly rested his hand on Matthew’s leg, turning to look at the map on the table, which turned out to be displaying one of the various precincts of Chromeckothaun. “What’s this for?”
Malcolm leaned over the table, onyx curls falling in front of his face. He placed his finger in the middle of the circular city, tracing a line through the streets. “Some soldiers have gotten a bit farther into the city than anyone likes, so we’re just making sure they can be contained.” He looked up, catching both Matthew and Bex’s gaze and blushed. Bex smiled slightly while Matthew huffed in amusement and reclined further back into the couch, once again pulling Bex closer. Bex finally relented and relaxed into Matthew, arm around his neck, heads leaning together.
Bex was still stiff, still not used to the soft touches and romantic closeness that he shared with the other two. It had only been a few months since the start of their relationship. It was all in secret of course, the sovereign of Chromeckothaun was of a very strict mindset: men and women belonged together, one of each, and nothing else. Much of the country followed his example, either out of fear or actual opinion. Needless to say, three men in love and sharing a bed on many occasions did not fall under the things the sovereign approved of.  
Bex shifted and sat up straighter, moving out of Matthew’s arms and directing Malcolm and Matthew’s gazes to him. He stiffened, anxiety prickling through his system as his thoughts picked up speed. “We shouldn’t let our guards down like that. What if your father finds us, Matthew?” Bex shifted towards the door, his guard up as he searched for any kind of sound.
Matthew got up from the couch, his movements slow as he approached, his hands up and outstretched slightly like Bex was an animal he didn’t want to frighten into attacking. His smile was gentle but weary; he knew how vicious Bex could be when he got it into his head that someone was in danger.
“Sorry about the fight, doll. I know you’re still all shaken up by it. We didn’t mean for it to end like that, just wanted a bit of fun. But don’t worry, no one is in danger, we’re not getting found out.” Matthew’s voice was soft and reassuring, confident and strong. Bex tensed further, resisting the call he felt to press into Matthew’s warm safety and let himself be enclosed in his muscled arms.
Bex barely suppressed a yelp when he felt a warm presence lean into his back. He twisted and reared back, coiled and poised to strike. His agitated gaze met Malcolm’s fathoms-of-shadows eyes, soft and concerned. Bex slowly lowered his fist, still clenched hard enough to dig his nails into his palm, to his side. Malcolm wrapped his arms around Bex’s waist, and after a few seconds Bex relaxed and hugged him back, even though anxiety still thrummed through his veins. He let himself be led back to the couch and settled onto the cushions, his back against Matthew’s chest and Malcolm’s head in his lap.
Slowly, his heartbeat slowed and his pulse returned to normal, but over and over in his head his anxieties paced and nagged at him. When would they be caught, and what would happen?
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pumpkin-simblr · 8 months
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On the first day of 1308, little Malcolm Goodwyn ages up into an Infant--and a Wiggly one at that. It finally happened, though. Avice successfully passed on her red hair, a task she's had a lot less success with compared to Lucan and his legion of ginger babies.
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