#male pegnancy
xenocomputerism · 1 year
the deep slumber that occurs (waking up at 11:30) when one discovers arcane knowledge (finally understands ffmpeg)
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inkis-cupcake · 4 years
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Here we have it! Mpreg art of Benny from Who Framed Roger Rabbit!
Before you ask, Yes, I did humanise him and yes, Miu told me she would experiment on him. He's be expecting twins. A boy and a girl. Miu wants to name the unborn daughter Sylvia while I'm naming the unborn son Mikaki.
That's all folks
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hooman4ever · 3 years
‘Rivalry Gone Wrong Pt.2′ !SFW! Stu & Billy x FTM Reader
Old One-shot 
Requested by Anonymous on Wattpad
Contains: Fluff, Pregnancy, Cannon-Typical Violence
It's been a while since Casey Becker's murder and everything seemed to have died down and for most people, the event has become nothing more than a scary story. The news seemed insignificant to those who didn't know the girl personally, slowly but surely everyone seemed to be forgetting about the night Casey was murdered. Except for you, however- no you had a constant reminder in the form of a baby bump that you kept hidden under your oversize sweater to remind you of that night.
Your hands worked on the lock that kept your locker closed before you swung open the metal door. The door shuddered on its hinges making an obnoxious noise before it settled. Just as you reached for your backpack zipping it open to discard your books in it a pair of arms wrapped around your waist the person's palms resting on the baby bump. The hands pushed your sweater against your front exposing the bump and pushing the fabric of the sweater against your skin. You scoffed as a head rested on your shoulder their front pressed against your back "Hey [Y/n], long time no see." Stu said his mouth next to your ear. "You just saw me this morning, and last period," you said rolling your eyes "Fuck off idiot, people are probably watching." you had muttered once you noticed the eyes resting on the both of you. Stu scoffed frowning dramatically before pulling away knowing just as well as you did the damage your relationship would bring. The sweater you wore moved back into place shielding your stomach and granting you a small comfort. Your eyes darted around taking note of the multitude of people who took notice of the strange almost too friendly interaction.
Stu leaned against the nearby locker sending a glare at who you could only assume was the owner of said locker. He was standing close, too close in fact but knowing Stu it was the best you would get from the man. With everything in your bag you went to pull it from your locker only to be stopped as it got stuck angrily you pulled the bag grumbling when it refused to free itself. Stu was laughing beside you amused by your plight you raise a hand and flip him off before continuing the task at hand. Finally, the back pops free tearing slightly but that wasn't the biggest problem as you found yourself tumbling backward. Thankfully you don't get far as you were quickly caught arms wrapped around your shoulders and your back pressed into someone.
You looked up and were greeted by Billy who was looking down at you his eyes narrowed slightly and concern and anger on his face. His head shot up and he looked at Stu who was now standing upright. Without wasting another moment to hear Billy scold Stu you held your bag and walked away face red. You weren't alone in the halls for long though as Billy and Stu match your pace keeping up on either side almost like they were escorting you out of the school. Your own personal serial killer bodyguards you thought as you walked the hallways clearing to let Stu and Billy through.
"You look pale." Stu acknowledged as he swung an arm around your shoulders possessively, Billy seemed to perk up at Stu's statement looking you over "Did you eat enough today?" he asked staring at you awaiting your answer "Yes." you responded "What about PE, Stu didn't let you do anything-" you rolled your eyes "No don't worry Stu didn't let me do anything. Mom." you shot at Billy just as the three of you exited the school the crowds of kids now more separated as they either mingled or waited for their rides.
You pushed Stu's arm from your shoulder and made the move to walk away from the duo when both your arms were grabbed and you were pulled back "And where do you think you're going." Billy asked as he began pulling you towards Stu's car "We went over this yesterday [Y/n] it's too far of a walk and ill be damned if either of you gets hurt on the way home." if anyone passing by heard they would have assumed Billy was talking about you and Stu but you knew better. You didn't even know the gender of the baby yet and Billy was already acting like a doting father. It came as a strange security to you knowing that Billy would stick around and care for the child regardless if it was his or Stu's biologically.
After some forceful persuasion, Stu handed Billy the keys to his car as he sulked jumping into the backseat of his car. You sat in the passenger seat bucking yourself in while Stu stuck his head forward-leaning on the palms of his hands as his elbows rested on the center console separating you and Billy. The car started the engine roaring to life when Billy reached fetching something from his bag before tossing them to you.
You scoffed as you held the snack and water bottle in your hands, "You do look a little pale." he commented as he began driving to what you assumed would be Stu's home. It seemed you were correct as Billy pulled the expensive vehicle into Stu's driveway. Your seat buckle clicked when your door was flung open Stu reached down picking you up before you could scurry away "Saw you limping in the halls. Don't think I'm gonna let you walk anywhere for the rest of the night!" he proudly exclaimed as he carried you up to his home, you tried not to fuss much since Stu was after all right your feet had been killing you for the majority of the day and being carried every now and then didn't sound so bad to you.
Billy tailed closely behind bags in hand.
As soon as you both were inside and the front door was closed Stu made a beeline for the living room setting you on the sofa just in time for Billy to walk in, now bag free. "Stu, go get them a shirt its too hot to be wearing a sweater." Stu did a little mock salute to Billy making the brunette roll his eyes before dashing off to find you something less warm to wear. Billy plopped down next to you on the couch pulling you close to him and sighing. "I missed you," he said his thumb rubbing circles to where it lay by your hip. "What's up with you and Stu being so sappy all of a sudden." you mocked jokingly "Jus' worried that's all. Stu might not show it but every time you leave his sight he's in a panic. Killing ain't even fun anymore w-he's always too busy caught up thinking about you and the baby."
You placed a kiss on Billy's cheek it was rare that you got to see Billy being vulnerable but you understood, you were the same way. After the initial jealousy of seeing them go off all dressed up in their Ghostface personal all you could do was worry about your boys.
"Got the shirt!" Stu exclaimed proudly holding up a t-shirt with Michael Myers on the front the words Halloween printed above his silhouette in various shades of black and white. The shirt was handed to you and you stood up making quick work of changing pulling off the sweater and replacing it with the thin fabric that tented out over your baby bump. Billy and Stu couldn't help but ogle you as you changed in front of them. Stu was leaning over the back of the sofa by Billy when he suddenly jumped over it yelling "Okay, baby time!" you barely had time to sit down before Stu was wrapping arms around you pulling you into him as his hands rested against your stomach rubbing over the area slowly absolutely fascinated by the life growing inside of you. "Can't believe we really knocked ya up," he said earning a slap to the back of the head from Billy.
"Hey, Stu." Billy said making the other whip his head around in the direction of the shorter man "What's up Billy?" he asked his hands still on you "Did you get them the gifts I sent you out for yesterday?"
That was right Stu was strangely absent yesterday as soon as school got out Stu had walked past you and Billy shooting a simple bye on his way past the both of you along with a flirtatious wink. "You guys didn't do anything stupid did you?" you asked glaring at the two as you tried to pick apart whatever scheme they were pulling. "No- trust me [Y/n]! Your gonna love this!" Stu pumped his fists to accentuate his point before he stood running off and yelling playful gibberish as always. Billy stayed with you and lead you through the home his arm around you, the both of you came to the basement door where Stu stood holding the door wide open for you. His usual toothy smile was on display as he waved his hand saying "After you, My Liege." the both of you passed by Stu before he quickly trailed behind practically bouncing on the tips of his toes in excitement.
"Trust me [Y/n] this was the best idea Billy has had in days," Stu said hyping up the mystery surprise. "Just shut up Stu." Billy barked his voice holding no malice or real conviction.
The basement was dark and the wooden stairs creaked underfoot. Finally, your feet touched the bottom step before the floor. You looked up and felt overwhelmed with joy as hormonal tears of happiness sprung to your eyes. "You guys," you said walking in front of Billy who let his arm fall to his side "I can't believe you would do this for me."
"Well, Stu and I have been noticing how you've been a lot more- stressed recently," Billy placed something in your hand it was cool against your palm "and we thought this would be just what you needed to destress a little." Billy paused pointing a finger at you "Now don't think this means you can start going out again it's still too dangerous." you smiled at your lover's adoration in your eyes "Thank you Billy- Stu, It's exactly what I needed and I know I won't be going out any time soon."
Muffled pleases could be heard in the basement as one of the school's jocks sat duck tapped to a chair face red and cheeks tear-streaked.
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trekkie-in-space · 3 years
So @firechildslytherin5 asked me how Andorian/Human hybrid could be made so here are my theories, based as close to canon as I can.
First let’s dive back on how Andorian reproduction function :
Andorian have 4 sexes (Thaan, Chan, Shen and Zhen)
Note : “female group” and “male group” is to make it easier for binary species otherwise Andorian do not consider themselves placed into ‘male’ and ‘female’ group
Thaan and Chan are regrouped in the ‘Male’ group. Thaan are considered male with a more ‘male leaning’ in feature while Chan are considered male with a more ‘female leaning’. for example Shran is a thaan.
Both have retractable penis (and internal teste) and bring 1/4 of the chromosones during reproduction, they cannot reproduce if there’s one lacking (a thaan cannot replace the chan and a chan cannot replace the thaan, like two thaan 1/4 of genetic won’t work) you need the genetic material of both sexe
Shen and Zhen are regrouped in the ‘Female’ group. Shen are considered female with a more ‘female leaning’ in feature while Zhen are considered female with a more ‘male leaning’.
Shen have a retractable ovipositor, vagina, ovaries, uterus. and bring 1/2 of the genetic material necessary in the reproduction
Zhen have a vagina, 4 teats and a pouch to receive the embryo
How reproduction work : both Chan and Thaan need to fertilize the Shen, it produce an embryo and during the early state of the pregnancy the embryo is passed to the Zhen (via the ovipositor of the Shen) and the Zhen carry the pregnancy to term. Zhen don’t pass genetic material but pass mithochondrial chart, immune system...
Note : All of this above is canon
So how would a reproduction with human would work ?
First, it’s important to note that Andorian are only partially mammal they are insectoid/mammal. It’s important to point out because the genetic layout can be very different of human. Technically I don’t think a natural pregnancy could occurs in any case, geneticist and doctor would have to intervene and the embryo would pretty much always be created in tube. it would have to be that way because outside of chromosones numbers (like for example some species of ants can have up to 94 chromosones (47 pairs) so of course andorian are not ants but you can get an idea of how different the genetic layout between andorian and human can be.) so, outside of chromosone number it’s how those chromosone are laid out that is important and nothing say they would match enough (with human) to make something viable (technically it’s not possible, but since it’s possible in the trek universe, we can argue it could EVENTUALLY be possible) but let’s remembers some species are not able to reproduce together in the trek verse, and that overall it wouldn’t be an easy thing. And chromosone wouldn’t even be the first problem to face.
So let’s see, in the best case of scenario, how it could go. (I’ve overly simplified the whole thing, but you can ask for more precision)
• Human Female + Andorian Thaan and/or Chan
Wouldn’t be possible without medical help. The Thaan or the Chan would probably not carry enough chromosome to fertilize a human ovule, and even if they did, nothing says they would carry the right information to create a viable embryo, if it even managed to pass any other kind of barrier that could forbid non human sperm to enter the human ovule. (this is valid for any scenario and any species actually)
Since a human ovule cannot let pass more than one sperm (it’s extremely rare) only a Chan or a Thaan genetic material could get in.
So geneticist and doc would have to intervene. they would have to take the right amount of genetic material from the andorian. Actually I think they would have to take the genetic material of a Chan and a Thaan and fuse it together to make 1/2 instead of two 1/4 and then this 1/2  would be implanted into the ovule in hope to create an embryo, then this embryo would be placed in the human female in hope the pregnancy take.
Complexity Level : Highest
Hybrid : 1/2 Human, 1/2 Andorian (3 parents)
• Human Male + Andorian Shen + Andorian Zhen
Probably the easiest scenario, let’s says the human sperm can fertilize the Andorian ovule and create a viable embryo directly in the Shen uterus, the embryo is then passed to the Zhen until the pregnancy come to a term
Complexity Level : Easiest in theory (probably not possible without medical intervention)
Hybrid : 1/2 Human, 1/2 Andorian (3 parents, 2 by genetic)
• Human Male + Andorian Thaan or Chan + Human Female
You will have to take the sperm of a Thaan or Chan and the one of a human and rework the genetic to fuse them and make a sperm that is 1/2 human and 1/2 Andorian. Then fertilize the human ovule with it. implant it in the uterus, and hope the pregnancy take.
Complexity Level : High
Hybrid : 3/4 Human, 1/4 Andorian (3 parents)
• Human Male + Andorian Thaan or Chan + Shen + Zhen
You will have to take the sperm of a Thaan or Chan and the one of a human and rework the genetic to fuse them and make a sperm that is 1/2 human and 1/2 Andorian. Then fertilize the Shen ovule with it. implant it in the uterus, wait for the embryo to take then pass it to the Zhen to finish the pegnancy
Complexity Level : High
Hybrid : 1/4 Human, 3/4 Andorian (4 parents, 3 by genetic, like a normal andorian familly)
• Human Female + Shen (Zhen Optional)
You take the genetic material of one the ovule, and fid a way to fertilize the other ovule with it, creating an embryo. if the embryo is placed in the human the pregnancy continue, if the embryo is placed in the Shen, a Zhen would have to be part of it to carry the pregnancy to term.
Complexity Level : Ok
Hybrid : 2/4 Human, 2/4 Andorian (2 to 3 parents, 2 by genetic)
Hope it help ! If anybody need more precision, go on and ask.
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Why Should My Little One Need Phase 1 Very Early Orthodontic Treatment?
Being appealing to men relies partly on the personal preference of the guy as well as partially on means the woman seeks to earn herself desirable. Nonetheless, bad kids possess extraordinary sexual assurance. I do not only offer ladies money like some individuals presume. Certainly not embodying just what most males are actually enticed to. Ladies have typically effective developed lowerbody to assist pegnancy as well as lug child, and also guys are actually enticed to what is womens qualities.
Individuals want to converse along with females on the phone during the night opportunity. This has to do with a lady that was actually birthed in England that wishes to play football like David Beckham, however her household performs not recognize why she desires to. Learn exactly what she carries out to create her aspiration happen. Despite having actually been courting for a very long time, that's rare to find Ricky Martin captured along with his boyfriend and also the ultra quick holiday season in Porto Cervo, Sardinia on Friday marked the excellent moments of the Livin la Vida Loca performer and also longtime fanatic. Remember that your youngster may be thought about certainly not arriving at a washroom over time and also having a collision, or even having to leave course during the course of institution opportunity and being teased. They might also possess troubles with instructors who think that they are missing out on a lot of college. And also, if you include the accountability from children, of the average ups as well as downs as well as turnaround of everyday lifestyle a lot less any kind of unpredicted disasters or even health problems, marital relationship ends up being a much bigger challenge than merely finding out how to get on; there is actually also the problem from coping with life with each other. WITHOUT FEMALES No Person WOULD BE ALIVE WITHOUT BOYS NO ONE WOULD LIVE i think ladies are simply mad that WE DELIVER as well as young boys don't they merely relaxe and also yell when the little one visits WELL I Carry OutN'T THINK THAT A CHILD COULD TAKE THAT MUCH PAIN WE GO THROUGH GALS! Africa - Commencement Services are kept in a variety of African nations for groups of little ones rather than birthday celebrations. In contrast to the stereotype that good individuals finish last, it was actually the nice contestant that was actually selected most frequently for each Susan as well as for participants on their own. Toss a baseball or even regulation football trading memory card birthday celebration party. Program a significant celebration to reveal you comprehend this is a spots birthday. Ande is actually enjoying a well-thought-out life handling her developing company while rearing pair of splendid kids with her other half. At its very best, this is only a penitentiary nest for mentally Http://Onlinesportblog2018.Info/ impeded folks; nonetheless, the instant you begin to cultivate your God provided intellect, it comes to be an institution from understanding for immortals; after that you begin to mock the antiques of the planet due to the fact that you start to comprehend just what is really happening. After Jonas delicately margin ups as to life in Elsewhere, the Giver enlightens him by revealing the child hidden-camera video clip from Jonas's father performing his project: as 2 exact same area members can certainly not be actually permitted, Jonas's daddy discharges the much smaller from twin infants by administering the infant along with toxin before placing the body in a rubbish slide. . In Philippine conventional culture, Philippine females could certainly not make their personal relationships, yet the majority of their marriages are arranged by elders or even the family from the children. There are actually sets that may be create from age 5 up to much more sophisticated collections that will definitely attract more mature youngsters.The Baniszewski family members stayed in squalidness Their clapboard house at 3850 East New York was drab, review, and also desperately looking for regular maintenance Fundamental housekeeping was actually a principle evidently rude by Gertrude and was conformed by her kids through example.
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Being actually desirable to males relies somewhat on the personal inclination from the man and also somewhat on means the lady attempts making herself appealing. Having said that, bad children possess unbelievable sexual peace of mind. I don't simply offer ladies loan like some folks think. Not exemplifying what many males are actually brought in to. Girls have typically effective developed lowerbody to assist pegnancy and hold infant, and guys are actually enticed to just what is womens attributes.
Sometime folks drop their relatived due to small error. Presently 5 year old ladies usually like Icy as well as 5 years of age kids tend to love superheros. Kids tease with desirable women and also, that is actually a typical feature in both the younger and the old. In spite of having actually been actually dating for a long time, that is actually rare to view Ricky Martin captured on film along with his sweetheart and also the ultra simple vacation in Porto Cervo, Sardinia on Friday marked the great instants from the Livin los angeles Vida Loca performer and also longtime aficionado. The brightly colored Melissa & Doug bugs are good for more youthful little ones while much older children will certainly take pleasure in the even more reasonable pests in the Trip Insects Toob. We instruct youngs women what to accomplish when a boy makes a http://sporty-web2018.info/it-is-actually-difficult-to-discover sexual development toward her and when he will not have "no" for a response. This shockingly highly effective 13-minute movie is actually a gem that snatches the viewers by the neck and also pushes that to view, via a youngster's innocent eyes, how crucial friendship may be. The film ends with a beautiful chance overlooking at a piano as 2 sets from wrinkled, liver-spotted hands once more play the tune from the Hebrew song" Hine Ma Tov" (whose lyric translates to: "Exactly how good and also pleasant that is when bros live with each other in oneness") that is actually used throughout the film. You'll also must understand the day on which your ovulation happens (and this is actually superior that you may anticipate this in advance.) The cause that this is crucial is actually that the time on which you would like to conceive is various depending on whether you wish a girl or even a kid. If she was actually brought up as the key carer, she will definitely try to find a person that she may deal with. If she has actually been brought up as a young girl with fierce or bad effects and has craved treatment and also protection, after that she will be actually enticed to poor boys. Considering that they really want a partner for whole lifestyle and not for quick opportunity duration, they make use of these organizations. This journal really isn't certain to a First birthday party however it could be begun at this time and included in as the kid grows. Anytime you are educating your animal basic orders including sit down, come as well as keep, a family pet pen could be a remarkable location for offering new instruction to your household pet. It is not a necessity, there are lots of individuals that carry out certainly not have or wish little ones. After Jonas delicately margin ups concerning lifestyle in Elsewhere, the Provider informs him by revealing the kid hidden-camera video of Jonas's daddy performing his work: as pair of identical neighborhood members could not be actually enabled, Jonas's papa launches the smaller sized of twin newborn babies through administering the child along with toxin before putting the body in a junk chute. Destination is actually the factor very most bad kids receive the lovely women - not the fact that they're automatically poor. Know the realities concerning hefty breathing in little ones, including typical reasons and also symptoms, so you can more quickly pinpoint the amount of times when your kid's breathing concerns call for medical interest.
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I did handle to take both my children plus all their gear around the zoo for TWENTY mins at the end from a long day when they were 3 as well as almost 5. However to be fair, my 4 year old had actually taken the wagon as well as equipment around the zoo for most of the time due to the fact that he believes this's enjoyable.
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