#malina lavellan
sunshinemage · 8 months
Suggestion (only if you wanna!): young Malina giving Nin a kiss on the cheek! Malina is age-mates with Thalon. I could see her getting tasked with babysitting duties around camp from a young age, if she isn't helping out at her family's store. She definitely sneaks treats for the adorablest little Nin. <3
i do wanna u_u
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i think i may have made them a lil older than what you had in mind but essie aaaah i'm having EMOTIONS
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luddlestons · 2 years
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My girls vs the screenshots! I just wanted to explore the way I change the character creator designs, apparently it is mostly hair-based
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That birthday prompt! I can imagine Hanin trying to keep it low-key in the Clan but here comes ol' Malina, slapping his back and handing him the very thing he wanted, booming in her biggest voice, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HANIN, YOU SOUR CURD." Hanin scowls but thanks her. "And tankiuu for pwotecting us and keepin' the baddies and scary-scary thingsies awayy" she coos in her most sickening cute falsetto. Waits for his glare. Laughs and leaves him alone, satisfied. >XD
Hanin grunted, rolling his shoulder where Malina had enthusiastically pummeled him. Much to his displeasure, the eyes of his nearby clanmates turned towards him, surprised at the woman’s announcement. No, not even announcement. Declaration.
“Thanks Malina,” he replied through gritted teeth, unable to force a smile even for show. She always had a way of destroying his carefully crafted plans. They were like delicate pottery before a raging druffolo. Doomed.
For her part, Malina just grinned and pushed something into Hanin’s unsuspecting hands. It was a small parcel, wrapped in crisp green paper, tied off with a white ribbon. He stared at it mutely for a moment, at a loss for how to respond. Sure, he had been expecting her customary public humiliation… 
… but a gift?
No. It must be a trap. The second he pulled the ribbon and the whole thing would explode in his hands or catch fire. He just knew it.
“What’s this?” he asked shortly, first eyeing the parcel then Malina the way one carefully regards a slumbering bear. Malina met his gaze and arched her brow as if to say well what does it look like, genius? However, she scoffed quietly to herself instead, then suddenly reached out, clutching at Hanin’s arm.
“It’s a tankiuu for pwotecting us and keepin’ the baddies and scary-scary thingsies awayy!” Widening her eyes, she leaned forward, blinking exaggeratedly, pouting her lips and scuffing her foot against the ground in a somewhat disturbing caricature of childish innocence. Hanin cringed at the display which only made her break out into fierce laughter, reaching out to once again slap him on the back. “Oh, it’s just a present, all right? Take it or leave it, grumpy!”
Still lost in her own amusement, chucking with a kind of quiet satisfaction, Malina turned and left, offering Hanin an absent wave as she slipped away past the bonfire. Off to close the last of her trades already, huh? Hanin mused, then paused, surprised by the distinct fondness of the thought. He blinked, taken aback, but quickly busied himself with the package in his hands as if to trick himself into overlooking the fact. Around him, a few of his clanmates called out, wishing him a happy birthday in bright voices, before returning once more to their conversations. Hanin nodded to them in gruff thanks, but his attention remained focused on the gift. What could it be…?
Curiosity won the war against his concern. Despite knowing better, that was often the case. Carefully, he pulled the ribbon, then waited for a beat. Nothing happened. Somewhat satisfied, he continued, fingers pulling away the thin slip of silk then gently lifting the folded ends of the paper. Slowly, he unveiled what was nestled inside.
It was a jar. A salve. Frowning, Hanin picked it up, scrutinizing it, turning it about in the firelight as though he could somehow determine its use just by looking at it. He shifted, angling for more light, when something else suddenly fluttered from the parcel. A small piece of paper. Moving quickly, Hanin just managed to snatch it before the breeze carried it away.
Dear Hanin,
It’s okay to hurt. What’s not okay is to refuse to deal with the pain properly, understand? If I see you throw out that salve, I will pull every string I have (that’s a lot of strings, just so you know) and see you allocated night patrol for two months straight. 
Apply it to that old chest wound of yours once a day, no more. It will help. Or at least it’d better. Do you know how long it took to find someone selling the proper stuff, not some snake-oil ripoff? 
No, I suppose you wouldn’t. That’s okay. Just put it to good use. Use it like any other tool, all right? I’ll accept your compliance as a proper thank you, because I doubt you’ll actually give me one!
Happy Birthday, you grouch. Take care of yourself, you hear?
- Malina 
Hanin re-folded the note and sat still for a long time, salve in one hand, paper in the other. A part of him wasn’t sure what to make of it. Wasn’t sure how she just knew. He thought he’d hidden it well. He’d been so careful not to let on, especially with the colder weather leaving the old wound stiff and sore. Yet…
… he huffed out a breath and smiled to himself, tucking the note safely into his belt. Then, almost as an afterthought, he unscrewed the lid of the salve and sniffed it. Surprisingly, it smelled of rich sap, almost like that of a pine tree although not quite as strong. But there was something else, too. Frowning, he breathed in again, trying to pinpoint it. 
It was one of his favourite scents.
Hanin chuckled and shook his head in disbelief, lowering the salve and carefully replacing the lid. 
Well, he thought as he tucked it safely into one of the pouches at his side. I suppose she does always say she knows everything.
Guess it’s about time I took her word for it. 
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athena1138 · 5 years
Tagged by @thejeeperswife​ T^T thank you, sweetie. I’m such a slut for picrews lmfao 
Picrew here. 
This is Part 1. I’ve... I’ve lost all control, honestly. There’s more to come, I just hit the picture limit
Dragon Age 
Timeline 1
Missella Surana, Warden-Commander of the Grey Wardens, Hero of Ferelden (Timeline 1, Zevwarden, mage) 
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Belladonna Hawke, Champion of Kirkwall (Timeline 1, Varricmance, mage)
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Inquisitor Alena Fanelis-Lavellan (Timeline 1, Cullavellan, mage)
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Timeline 2
Her Majesty, Queen Mireena Tabris, Warden-Commander of the Grey Wardens, Hero of Ferelden (Timeline 2, Aliwarden, rogue) 
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Anna Malina Hawke, Champion of Kirkwall (Timeline 2, Fenhawke, mage, unfortunately skinny bc picrews don’t like fat women apparently) 
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Inquisitor Vikara Lavellan, (Timeline 2, Solavellan mage) 
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Timeline 3
(No HOF here because it’s my only male OC, Rastig Brosca, Morriwarden, rogue)
Genevieve “Nev” Hawke The Blind, Champion of Kirkwall (Timeline 3, Hawkabela, warrior (Isabela does her lipstick for her)) 
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Inquisitor Gemma Cadash (Timeline 3, Main Inquisitor, MultiInquisitor AU, rogue) 
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A very poor attempt at the beautiful Asena Adaar, right hand of Inquisitor Cadash (Timeline 3, secondary Inquisitor, multiInquisitor AU, warrior) 
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Timeline 4
Princess Brilla Aeducan, Hero of Ferelden, Warden-Commander of the Grey Wardens (retired,) Advisor to the Throne of Orzammar (Timeline 4, Leliwarden, warrior) 
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lorspolairepeluche · 7 years
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@verakeys tagged me to use azaleasdolls’ new elven portrait maker! click for captions!
plus a bonus benny bc half-human, quarter-vulcan, quarter-romulan totally counts as an elf, right?
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tags for @thefluffynug (i wanna see malina and ghilana) and @jubb-jubb (SHOW ME MY MINA)
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luddlestons · 6 years
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I got inspired by the da4 teaser. 
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athena1138 · 5 years
6-What would they think of each other’s tactics? In my first timeline, they’re all mages. Missella is more ice-spells, Belladonna is electricity, and Alena is a force mage with fire as a backup. Belladonna is a very accomplished healer, while Alena can cast a handful of health spells. Alena has always been jealous of Missella because magic comes very easily to her, but Missella would be jealous of Alena’s rift magic because Missella is a magical scholar above all and what’s more intriguing to a scholar than the Fade? But, neither Alena nor Belladonna can prevent their feelings from altering the environment around them, so Missella wouldn’t be too jealous. Belladonna has never had much strong interest in learning any other types of magic so she doesn’t really care either way, but she thinks Alena to be very powerful. Overall, they’re all impressed with one another. 
Timeline 2, Mireena Tabris thinks magic is dangerous and doesn’t want much to do with it, but she appreciates how strong mages have to be to stay strong against the temptations of demons. (She does not remember the fade favorably.) She would think Anna Malina Hawke is an incredible warrior with amazing intuition on the battle field because she always seems to know exactly who needs healing and when, and she does all this while setting great destruction about the battlefield, but she would think Vikara Lavellan is sloppy with how wild her attacks come. Anna would think Mireena is too stealth-based but clever, and Vikara’s wild attacks are refreshing to her. If she can’t predict what’s coming next, how can their enemies? Vikara is cocksure so she would think Mireena too timid in a fight because she frequently uses stealth to sneak about but there’s an elegance to it, she could be pressed to say. She thinks Anna is an incredible healer and is rather jealous of her abilities. 
Timeline 3, Brilla would be absolutely awestruck by Genevieve Hawke, that she can fight so skillfully even with unseeing eyes. It frankly would blow her mind how easily Genevieve can sense her enemies and how readily she strikes them down. If it weren’t for Leliana’s hand, Brilla might catch herself falling in love with Asena Adaar for how strong and skilled she is. But Gemma Cadash? Brilla thinks her a fair archer but an even better sneak. Genevieve had asked Asena to train with her while they were at Skyhold together, and she likes listening to Gemma talk about her trapmaking but mostly she’s ambiguous about her. She would think Brilla very strong to be able to wield swords taller than she. Gemma thinks warriors reckless, but she and Asena work well together. Asena is her tank. She would think Brilla is bold, maybe a little too quick to enter a fight, but she admires her, especially given that she remembers her from her childhood in Orzammar. (She always thought Brilla would grow up to be just another noble prat spoutin babies, but to become the Hero of Ferelden?) And she thought Genevieve an impressive fighter even before she realized the woman was blind. Asena likes fighting with Gemma, knows she always has a skilled archer at her back and so she can be a little crazy on the battlefield. When she met Genevieve, she insisted on learning how she became so good, and they trained together frequently when they could. She would think Brilla adorable but mighty and strong. 
Timeline 4 (I’m running out of steam lol.) Rastig Brosca is a dick. Frankly, anyone who isn’t him or Morrigan, he has no time for. So, he wouldn’t think much of either Mariana Hawke nor of Kalam Adaar, but if hard pressed he might admit he thinks a Qunari assassin would be cool to watch. Mariana would think Rastig too impetuous and easy to anger in a fight and that anger makes him sloppy and vulnerable. If it weren’t for his crew at his back, she would doubt he would’ve made it through the Tower of Ishal let alone the entire Blight. But Kalam is a good fighter, finessed and quick. She thinks her abilities as an alchemist are an amazing advantage and would like to learn a few of her recipes. Kalam would think Rastig is a tit and she’d tell him so right to his face, just to anger him into a fight. But Mariana is pretty, and watching her muscles move when she fights is a beloved pastime of both Kalam and Sera. (They like to sit on Sera’s roof and watch her train.) 
7- Are they all the same/what specializations? Since I already answered Timeline 1, I’ll just skip it. Timeline 2, Mireena is a dagger-wielding rogue with assassin and duelist classes. Anna is a spirit healer mage. Vikara is an ice mage knight-enchanter. Timeline 3, Brilla is a Champion/Reaver 2 handed warrior. Genevieve is a Templar 2 handed warrior. Gemma (the wielder of the Mark) is an archer artificer and Asena is a reaver 2-handed warrior. Timeline 4, Rastig is an assassin ranger dagger rogue. Mariana is a duelist rogue.  Kalam is a tempest dagger-wielding rogue. (I guess I really don’t like the weapon/shield class of warriors.) 
13-Do they share the same opinion on The Game? The only Warden who would have anything to do with The Game is Mireena, and she’s a far better player at it than Alistair is. She wasn’t kidding when she said she would help him through his regency. None of my Hawkes could give two shits about it, not even Anna or Genevieve who become Viscountesses of Kirkwall (though Genevieve does play it better than Anna, but that’s because she’s had to develop good inter-personal skills so people can get past her being blind.) Alena, like Cullen, openly abhors it. At the Palace, her only saving grace is that she sticks close to Dorian who helps keep her grounded, otherwise she might’ve freaked out. (She does cause quite a stir, however, by shooing the would-be suitors surrounding Cullen away by sweeping into his side and placing a delicate kiss to his cheek and then slipping off while holding his hand. (She’s quite proud of how much trouble that causes for Josephine.)) Vikara finds it entertaining to watch. Like Solas, she thinks the human nobility is absurd (she, too, enjoys the heady blend of power, intrigue, danger, and sex that permeates those kinds of events.) Gemma doesn’t care, but Asena thinks it’s exciting and is quite skilled at it (she’d have to be, to gain Josephine’s favor so quickly.) Kalam thinks it’s tits and asses and actively does her best to tear it all down. She’s the only one who gets kicked out of the Winter Palace. 
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sunshinemage · 8 years
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- Inktober day#08 -
Featuring @thefluffynug‘s lovely lovely Malina <3
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