#malon is the best
skyward-floored · 5 months
Malon and the glasses
A little addition to the Incredibles au glasses fic (found here!) I posted the other day, it takes place during that one, so I suggest reading that first (though you don’t have to to understand this).
This is also in honor of Mother’s Day, cause Malon is the best :)
Nobody saw much of Twilight the day he got his glasses, the teenager keeping pointedly to himself.
He barely ate any dinner that night, and quickly asked to be excused, shutting himself up in his room without waiting for dessert. His brothers watched him go, but soon went back to eating, the fight over who got the last slice of bread much more exciting than Twilight’s mood.
Malon exchanged looks with Time after Twilight left though, and once dinner was over and done with, she headed up to the room Twilight and Wild shared, joined by a slice of the cake Wild had made.
Here goes, she thought, bracing herself as she walked down the hallway. Twilight didn’t often get moody, but when he did, he really did.
“Hey honey, can I come in?” Malon asked, knocking softly on Twilight’s door.
A noise of confirmation came from inside, and Malon pushed the door open, greeted by the sight of Twilight sitting grumpily on his bed as a wolf. She set the slice of cake on his bedside table, then sat on the bed beside him, his ears twitching softly at her arrival.
“All right, come here,” she said gently, and Twilight scooted himself over, sadly flopping his head in Malon’s lap. Malon adjusted herself so they’d both be more comfortable, and Twilight let out a breathy sigh, not looking at her.
Malon looked at him a moment, then let out a sigh of her own.
“Oh hon, I’m sorry. I know you didn’t want glasses,” she said gently, and Twilight let out a morose sound.
“Does anyone ever want glasses?” he woofed grumpily, and Malon hummed.
“Well... at least you just need them for long distances, you’ll pretty much only have to wear them while you’re driving,” Malon said encouragingly, but Twilight didn’t look cheered up.
“Yeah. I can pull up to school and have everyone see how dorky I look.”
“Hey, I’m sure you don’t look dorky,” Malon said, and scratched a soft hand over his fur. Twilight leaned into the touch. “I’d bet they make you look nice. Sophisticated.”
“Silly,” Twilight added glumly, leaning against her arm. “Like some kind of smart alec. Glasses are just asking for trouble.”
“Now why do you say that?” she asked, and Twilight gave a small shrug.
Malon waited for him to speak further, switching from scratching behind his ears to running her hand along his head, more like how she used to do when he was smaller. Twilight relaxed, and a moment or two went by before he spoke again.
“...I’m already weird,” he mumbled finally. “Glasses are just going to add to that.”
“Twilight, you’re not weird,” Malon said firmly. “Unusual maybe, but that’s just how things are with superpowers. We’re all a bit unusual.”
Twilight gave her a flat look. “Mom, I have five brothers with the same name as me. Not to mention Dad. And Warriors. And Sky. Powers aside, that’s not normal.”
“Okay, okay, you got me there. You know half of the names were accidents though,” she said with a pointed scratch, and Twilight softly huffed.
“I know. I just... don’t want glasses.”
Malon sighed, patting him by the thick fur at his neck. “At least give them a bit of a try, hon. It’s this or no learner’s permit, so you’re gonna have to decide which you dislike more; not being able to drive, or wearing some frames while you do.”
Twilight sighed, and his mother scratched him behind the ears in silence.
“Can I see them?” she asked after a minute.
Twilight hesitated, then slipped back into his hylian form, leaning over and grabbing the glasses case she’d seen Time bring in earlier. He handed it to her and Malon opened it, picking up the glasses and inspecting them.
“Well they don’t seem so bad to me,” she said kindly, peering through them. “The frames you chose are nice.”
“It was those or the ones with these giant rims,” Twilight said with a small smile, and Malon chuckled. “...I guess they could be worse.”
“Can you model them for me?” Malon asked, and Twilight hesitated, looking at them. Then he slowly took the frames from her, and put them on.
Malon studied the way they sat on her son’s nose, how they made his eyes look, and how they looked with the shape of his face. Twilight’s ears flattened in embarrassment the longer Malon silently studied him, and he looked at the floor again, until she gently cupped his cheek and tilted his head back up.
“Look at that. I was right. They do make you look nice,” she said with a smile.
“...You sure?” he asked quietly, and she nodded.
“I’m sure. And I’m not just saying that because I’m your mother,” she said as she gave him a squeeze. “You look fine, hon. I promise. And if I’m being completely honest... they make you look more grown-up. Mature.”
A hesitant smile formed on Twilight’s face, and Malon reached over and grabbed the plate she’d brought up.
“Wild mixed up another cake, I brought you a slice,” she offered, and Twilight’s ears pricked. He took the plate from her, and leaned on her shoulder as he began to poke at it, his smile growing just a little as he ate.
“Thanks Mom,” he said quietly as he nibbled at it, and Malon nodded, rubbing his shoulder.
“Sure thing, honey,”
Twilight set his head on her shoulder, and they sat there together as he quietly ate the cake, Malon smiling at the sight of the glasses still on his nose.
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luna-loveboop · 6 months
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Their child:
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Art comic by Jojo @linkeduniverse au
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aidenelsa · 5 months
and i won't confess that i waited but i let the lamp burn as the men masqueraded i hoped you'd return with your feet on the ground tell me all that you'd learned cause love's never lost when perspective is earned and you said you'd come and get me but you were 25 and the shelf life of those fantasies has expired lost to the lost boys chapter of your life forgive me peter, please know that i tried to hold onto the days when you were mine but the woman who sits by the window has turned out the light
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knight-of-aether · 2 months
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Been on a bit of a creative streak recently, and wanted to draw something wholesome, so here's my design for Malon and the Hero of Time's kid, years after the events of Linked Universe. The concept was originally for their biological daughter (Twilight's great-grandma), but feel free to interpret them however you like - bio kid or adopted, girl or boy, or anything else, what matters is just that they're family.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 5 months
Wild looked up, bewildered, when music started to gently serenade him. He glanced at Twilight, who clearly had turned it on with his phone, as his friend stared intently at the screen.
“What are you doing?” Wild asked.
“I gotta learn the lyrics to this song,” Twilight said seriously.
Wild scrunched his nose as he listened to the lyrics. “That’s Zoran. You can hardly speak Hylian with your accent sometimes.”
Twilight threw him an exasperated look. “It can’t be that hard. Since when did you know Zoran?”
“Since I just heard it,” Wild huffed with a smirk, though hearing the language brought a twinge of pain to his heart. Whatever memories were locked away… they…
“Oh, is that Life in Pink?” Malon called from upstairs as she came into the living room, a smile on her face. “Ah, I remember hearing this in my honeymoon.”
“Twi wants to sing it,” Wild said, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Got yourself a date?” Malon asked with a smirk, hands in her hips.
Twilight rolled his eyes. “No. It’s for a patient. She’s a Zora girl, she’s far from home, and she said it’s her favorite song.”
“Aw honey,” Malon said gently, putting a hand to her heart. “That’s so sweet of you.”
“Twi… you can’t sing,” Wild noted, staring at his friend with his eyebrows scrunched together.
“I know that song,” Time hummed as he entered from the kitchen.
“Yes, it’s from our honeymoon!” Malon confirmed cheerily. “Twi’s learning it for a patient.”
Time blinked a few times, mouth moving as if he were about to speak, and then he thought better of it.
“He was gonna say it too!” Wild noted, pointing at him.
“I can sing just fine!” Twilight grumbled.
“I’m trying to figure out if you’re gonna make her laugh or cry,” Wild cackled.
Twilight crossed his arms, growing steadily grumpier. “Ilia’s gonna be singing with me. She’s learning it too.”
“Oh good,” Wild sighed in relief. “That’ll make it better.”
“You’ve never even met Ilia!”
“Her singing has to be better than yours.”
Twilight huffed, turning to ask for Time and Malon’s input, when he caught sight of the couple slow dancing in the background. Wild paused and turned, and the two men smiled at the pair, who were lost in each other’s eyes and living in a time past as the music floated in the air.
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have you done your daily click
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smilesrobotlover · 6 months
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The dads need to go to Gerudo desert for information and it’s making Talon miss everything about his wife
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gutiuniverse · 5 months
Wind, during any game: Are you upset you don't get to be on the same team as Malon? Time: Have you ever played a game with Malon? Wind: No. Time: Have you ever gone into a unbreakable cage with a gleeok? Malon, yelling at Sky: FASTER FASTER FASTER FASTER!! DO YOU NOT KNOW THAT WORD!? IT MEANS MORE FAST!!
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errorwarblesrr · 1 year
Yeah, I felt like making this its own post rather than a reblog, so here's the context:
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Thinking about this.
Honestly, I get why some people are a little upset that Link was sent back in time because he didn't get a say and it led to disaster in the Adult timeline but like,,,
This is straight-up proof that he was still mentally 9 at the end of oot. I know when he's older, he grows up having regrets like not being remembered as the Hero of Time, but I think either way, he was kinda doomed.
If he had stayed, he really would have missed out on growing up. Everyone would have perceived him as an adult and treated him as such. Yet, he would still have the mental and emotional maturity of a small child. He'd have the innocence as one, and that can just lead down to just so many bad situations. He'd be expected to function as an adult, but he wouldn't be able to. He can't. He's just 9. He's just a little kid.
In oot whenever someone made weird comments on him, those most likely flew right over his head. Hell, in Majora's Mask, he barely understands basic romance, viewing it as adult matters. We know later on in the child timeline he starts a family. I don't even want to think about any possibilities of him starting relationships if he stayed in the adult timeline because anyone his physical age he is actually 7 years younger than them. Those kids who were his age grew up, but he did not.
And so thinking about it from Zelda's perspective, who knew Link was time traveling and his true nature, it makes sense why she sent him back. He can properly grow up. Either way, the events of oot will affect him. But from her perspective, how could you possibly subject a child to that? If he did have a say, would he actually know better? He doesn't understand the adult world he wouldn't be prepared for it all. He may feel out of place in either timeline, but which one would be best for him? The one where he will be remembered as a hero or the one where he can actually be around people his age and grow up?
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allmyandroids · 3 months
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big, big hugs for the lil' kitty 💕
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enigmaxcx · 5 months
THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT AND THE ANTHOLOGY are both good albums and even her best works dare i say. you all are just exaggerating and the hate is so forced.
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Angela I think so. Well, the next scene might be the final straw for Kevin. Angela gets off the phone with the senator and says, Ugh, the senator's exhausted from the campaign. He's up against a man who's so dirty, and the senator keeps pushing back as hard as he can. Kevin's like, you have to stop. And then Angela says, last night he was so tired, he just wanted a little Mexican brought in. Kevin is hysterical. It's too much for him. He leaves. 
Jenna I thought this scene was very funny, but I was a little bit distracted. Angela, we have a new local mug report. 
Angela Oh. 
Jenna Kevin has a mug on his desk from Acker Drill Company. It was founded in 1916, and they're one of North America's largest manufacturers of drilling equipment worldwide. New local mug report. 
Angela There you go. 
Jenna I had my eyes open for the mugs on this episode. 
Angela Clearly, they were speaking to you. 
Jenna Yep. 
Angela Well, right after Kevin rushes off, Oscar has a talking head where he says, I'm in big trouble. And then Kevin has a talking head where he says, Oscar's in big trouble. 
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lesmiserabelles · 1 year
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operation mincemeat / west end live 2023
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I'm doing a series of "Best Character Named X" polls where all the characters have the same first name but are from completely different media, feel free to send in name/charcacter suggestions, I'm posting one poll a day, check my pinned post for active polls
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bestmusicalworldcup · 7 months
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saisons-en-enfer · 3 months
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