the-innefable-idiot · 4 years
welcome home
Hello yall!!!
This is my 3k fic based on the fic "another part of me could be you" by @spaceskam. I honestly don't know how to classify this, but you can consider a homage (?) to her work.
This pretty much a fanfic of a fanfic... yeah. I know.
Every feedback is welcome, both for plot/characterization and grammar/ponctuation. English is not my first language, so I usually right phrases that only make perfect sense to me. I want your reading to be as enjoyable as possible! :D
Please, enjoy!
Also on AO3.
Oh, I hope someday I'll make it out of here
Even if it takes all night or a hundred years
Need a place to hide, but I can't find one near
Wanna feel alive, outside I can fight my fear
(Lovely, Billie Eilish feat. Khalid)
Michael almost looses Alex for the second time, and now je realises it's time for him to get his act together. He just wasn't expecting all the love and support he got.
Home is a concept that Michael never quite understood. Sure, he lived in many houses, but the goodbyes were never emotional. He knows that home is not the structure, but the feelings attached to some place, something or someone. Whenever he thought of home, blurred memories from outer space came to mind. The feeling of belonging was strong, even if he couldn’t attach an image to it. 
Michael used to spend hours fantasizing on how to turn a house into a home. A collection of mugs nicely displayed in the dining room. Vinyls and cds on one shelf and books on another, with a nice record player nearby. Some musical instruments considered weird by western standards. The walls covered with pictures of people and places he loved alongside posters of movies and bands he enjoyed. Had he grown up in a nice home, he would probably have been those kids with a camera in hand at all times, capturing moments around him.
Once he knew he was so, but so close to understand the meaning of home. He was thinking about buying a camera literally moments before his hand was shattered by a psychopath. Since then he swore to never raise his hopes. The day drinking and the bar fighting were the ways he made sure to never expect anything from anyone. Alex symbolized everything he wanted to have, but couldn’t, so he was determined to go for a simpler route. 
With Maria things were nice. A little bit more complicated than he expected, but still nice. Sure, she wouldn't be moving to the airstream anytime soon, but the relationship was nice. Her place has a few of his things: a toothbrush, a few pieces of clothing neatly folded in one corner of a drawer, a few bottles of beer and whiskey, a handful of books and even some mechanical tools he forgot to take back to his place. Michael never enjoyed making Maria to spend the night at the airstream, first because the overall place was tiny and uncomfortable, and second because her house had the whole atmosphere he dreamt about.
It was clear the effort they were putting into the relationship. Maybe a bit too much of an effort, some might say. As the time passed, everyone close to them noticed how the smiles between them stopped reaching their eyes. Michael would never admit it, but Alex being kidnapped only sped up the inevitable.
Michael knew something bad happened before Forrest came to him in the middle of a panic attack. He had this prickling feeling on his neck that something was just not right since he opened his eyes that morning. Now he was gripping the steering wheel of his truck and focusing on not letting his powers break something. The adrenalin rush being the only thing keeping him from having a mental breakdown. Actually, filling in Forrest with the whole alien thing was a great distraction because of the many details and intricate history he had to cover. Maybe Forrest noticed it and kept asking questions to ground Michael to the task at hand. Maybe Michael will find a way to subtly thank him later for that. Just maybe.
After finding a path of bodies that lead to a bleeding Alex on the floor, Michael felt like breathing for the first time that day. The relief was short, however, and the moment he saw the deadly wound (gun? Knife? Oh God it was bad) he knew what he should do. Forrest was holding an unconscious Alex on his arms. Somehow he managed to tear apart the bloodied shirt to ease the access to the wound (thanks Forrest, again). Michael's healing powers were shit, and he knew he wouldn't be able to heal Alex completely, but damn him if he weren't going to die trying.
The last thing he clearly remembers is the glow on his hands. He has flashes of walking to the car and drinking acetone. He was 75% sure he didn't hallucinate Kyle being there to check up on Alex. Did Alex really ask to sleep by his side? Was Forrest still there? Who knew? Definitely not him.
The next day Michael woke up at noon, still not sure if he was indeed in bed with those two guys or if it was just his brain revenging him after almost melting it the night before. Alex was still too drugged up for Michael to feel anything concrete from the handprint, but only the fact everyone was breathing was enough to calm him down.
This moment of silence between the three of them only gave Michael the reassurance to set things right with Maria. He couldn't keep marinating her in a below-average relationship just so he could prove a point. Maria deserved more than he could give her.
The break-up was... complex. He could see jealousy and suspicion in her body language, and nothing Michael said changed that. Deep down she always new the possibility of Michael going back to Alex, but she was willing to try anyway. She was making an effort not to be too angry, after all she knew her friend had a past with the cowboy but still wanted to try a relationship. She avoided Alex for a while, scared for his reaction, but when the confrontation happened, she was met with nothing but understanding. She’ll never know how Alex could be so calm back then, because right now this fucking hurt and she wanted to punch something.
Moments before he left, Maria stopped him, asking him the one thing he didn't want to answer.
"Why are you choosing him now, Michael?" She asked while putting too much force on drying a cup of glass. "The other day he was stabbed, and you stayed for me. So, what changed? Definitely not Alex almost dying"
"I don't... know." He hesitated. Who was he kidding, this was their break-up and she deserved the truth, even if it meant not crossing her path ever again. "I think that nothing changed, actually. I really believed we had a chance at being happy together, you and I, and I was willing to try. I was so focused on choosing you over him every time that in that morning it was more of an autopilot choice. I didn't follow my heart because I’ve programmed myself to choose you." He could feel his voice cracking. The words were too painful even to him, but once he started he couldn't stop.
"God, Michael" she put the glass down hard, the only reason for not breaking being its thickness. "I am angry, and sad, and I don't want to see you for a while, but..." she looked at him, her voice going a bit soft for her next words "what we had was exhausting. I've been trying to pinpoint the moment where we turned the relationship into an obligation. Now I see it’s been like this since the beginning, but we couldn’t keep the act for too long." 
"I'm sorry, Deluca."
"I'm sorry too." She turned her back on him to organize the bottles on the shelf. "Just... stay away for a while, yes? I need to clear my head."
Michael tipped his cowboy hat and left without saying a word. Mixed with the sadness was a sense of relief. Now Deluca was free from him, free to search for someone who will wholeheartedly love her the way she deserved. He didn’t regret being with her, they took a shot and failed, but that’s life. At least they know they tried. His regret was on his actions. Maybe if he’d been more honest since the beginning, the end would’ve been different. 
Alex was still asleep when Michael came back to the cabin. The handprint feeling was still fuzzy, so good thing Alex didn't feel all the whirlwind of emotions from the conversation with Maria. Michael had to drive around for a few hours after leaving the Wild Pony just to clear his head. The first thing he noticed when entering the cabin was Forrest in the kitchen, probably cooking something for Alex.
"Alex said, and I quote, you like your coffee like you like your men and women: strong and sweet. Is that right?" Forrest asked without taking his eyes from the stove. "I’m cooking everyone’s favourite because... well... because I can, but also because we deserve it. Alex and I ate half an hour ago, but gimme five minutes and your food will be ready."
Michal was shocked. One thing was Alex telling Forrest what Michael liked to eat and drink, another thing was for Forrest to get out of his way to just cook it. Why would he do that, specially considering he was the ex in the equation? 
"Michael, I barely know you and I can almost feel you overthinking this. Before Alex went back to take a nap he told me you were getting near the cabin and that I should start cooking. Which reminded me, later you both must explain the whole handprint thing for me. I’m still digesting the whole alien superpower thing, but I want to know more" Michael could hear Forrest's smile in his voice. Forrest was relieved and comfortable so his entire body acted like it. 
"Michael. Sit."
And he sat on the table without thinking twice. Sure, the warmth he was feeling towards Forrest was 100% from Alex because of the handprint, but damn this pocket-size historian for making it way too easy to like him.
Forrest put the meal on the table and sat near him. Michael only realised he was starving the moment he took the first bite, and in less than 10 minutes all the food was gone. The coffee was in a nice mug with the Slipknot logo on it, probably Forrest’s, because he knew Alex inclined towards the more emo bands.
As he rinsed the dishes and put them in the dishwasher, Forrest sat on the couch. Michael knew he should leave and let Forrest take care of Alex, but he ended up sitting by the historian's side. He simply didn't want to go.
"Michael..." Forrest started, with his voice soft and his eyes even softer. "You are probably confused by your feelings because of the handprint. Right now you are feeling what Alex feels, so we can only have this full conversation once you are out of Alex's system."
Michael had to take a sip of his coffee just to do something with his hands. In his mind he was bracing himself for the final blow that would destroy him. Forrest was going to order him to leave them alone and never go back.
"Alex told me about your history, and I am so sorry for all the trauma you went through, and I am not saying only your hand.”
Oh, so Forrest knew about that.
“The three of us... we grew up thinking that love and pain are intertwined, you can only love something if you suffer for it." Forrest grabbed Michael's hands, forcing Michael to keep eye contact. "It took me and Alex years and a literal war to understand that love is not painful. It’s hard to believe, both at home or in a battlefield, and even to this day I wake up with doubts.” He paused, taking a deep breath. Michael could see Forrest tensing up, an indication that the next words were hard for him to say out loud. 
“Maybe my family is right and being gay is a punishment, and I deserve to be loveless and miserable for the rest of my life. When you hear you’re not worthy enough times, you start believing in it. Some days nothing, and I mean nothing, can change my mind."
Forrest noticed Michael was getting uncomfortable, and let go of his hands. Both took a sip of their drinks before Forrest sighed, and Michael could see the sadness behind his eyes. A sadness he knew all too well, one that everyone carries but few could hide well. It was a sadness that put doubt in people's heart and turned their self-worth into smoke. Michael wanted to hold Forrest and tell him that everything was going to be alright, but it was probably Alex' influence.
"Alex told me you grew up in the system, the next family worse than the last. I’ve worked with endangered youth, kids with similar stories, and I know how ugly it can get.”
Michael tensed up even more, a reflex that Forrest mistook for annoyance or anger. Michael tried his best to relax, to show Forrest it wasn’t him. It was an unconscious reaction from years of abuse. The historian hesitated for a moment, but then continued.
“What I’m saying is that... it was hard for me to learn that suffering for love ain't romantic or cute. Alex and I want to help you get out of this destructive path you are going through, but we need to start things right. No lies, no secrets, and specially no shame." Forrest grabbed Michael's hand again, but this time Michael was more comfortable. "I want you both to be happy, even if it means me getting out of the picture eventually." As a reflex, Michael tightened his hand, a silent 'no' for the possibility. Forrest smiled and let his thumb caressed the back of Michael's hand.
"I know you can't make any decision right now. First because you just broke up with a long-term friend, and second because of the handprint. Much of your feelings are from Alex, so you are biased. But..." He stopped to bring Michael hands to his lips, and Forrest kissed them lightly with a hint of a smile "once we settle down, we can try something different.”
Michael was taken by surprise. He ran many scenarios in his head, and none of them came close to <i>that.
“I mean, what's the point of being a gay historian if I keep my mind closed towards contemporary interpersonal relations? Monogamy is a recent construct to better control nuclear households and… and... I am going to stop because I am losing the focus here.”
Michael laughed. He understood more and more Forrest's appeal. After a few hours of almost losing Alex and breaking up with Maria, Forrest managed to make Michael laugh.
“Alex says I get a bit too passionate about this matters and..."
"Can I kiss you?" Michael blurted, surprising even himself. "I know, I know, the handprint and all, but Alex's feelings are still fuzzy from the drugs and I am pretty sure he doesn't control every single emotion I have." Now it was time for Forrest to be taken aback. He pondered for two heartbeats and nodded, still processing what just happened. 
Michael caressed Forrest face, mimicking what the historian did few moments ago on the back of his hand. Michael’s calloused fingers brushed the other man’s face, bringing him closer. It started as a brush of lips, and then escalated to a slow and tender kiss. It was one of those that meant comfort, not sex. It made Michael feel warm and safe. Forrest was saying "I accept you and you can stay", and Michael almost felt like crying.
The kiss was broken when they felt the weight shift in the sofa. Michael didn't know for how long they’ve been kissing. The only thing he processed was Forrest on his lap by the time Alex showed up. Michael was starting to panic when Forrest just let a little laugh, going back to the couch to give Alex a kiss on his forehead.
Michael's heart only came back to normal because he could feel how calm and peaceful Alex was. If not for the handprint, he’d definitely be running away right now. After the initial shock, Michael started to process how easy it felt to kiss Forrest while actively ignoring how he was the current boyfriend of his ex.
"You're overthinking again, Michael." Surprisingly (or maybe not), this phrase came out of Forrest, again. He didn't need a handprint to understand what was going on inside the alien's head, and that scared Michael. If only by knowing the stories he understood Michael better than his siblings, what would Forrest be able to do with a little more intimacy?
"War taught us that we can't take tomorrow for granted." Alex said, with a hint of tiredness in his voice that only existed after a drug-induced sleep. "That doesn't mean I'll feel sorry for you and let you go away with all the shit you put me through, Guerin." Alright, back to the last name basis then. "But I will, actually we will, offer you a chance of redemption, but it will all depend on you."
"Own your mistakes and learn from them. Don't project your faults onto others." Forrest said while standing up from the couch. "That means no more bullshit, Guerin."
Michael felt oddly comforted by both men being so straightforward. Yeah, he could get used to this bluntness. Maybe this is the first change he has to make from now on.
"Once this handprint fades and we’re in fully control of our emotions, we’ll talk about possibilities. Right now I just need to focus on not dying from an infected wound which an alien helped to heal." Alex said, finishing Forrest's tea to the last drop.
“Now, let’s give ourselves some time to digest everything. God knows I still need to process that I made coffee for an alien”. Which, by the way, would you like some more tea, captain?” Forrest stood up and grabbing the mug from Alex' hands. He didn't have to look at Alex to know the answer. "More coffee for you, Michael?" He motioned to the mug on the table.
Michael nodded, still mesmerized by what was happening. They had a long path ahead of them, but he knew how easy could it be to fall into a routine with them. Maybe the Slpiknot mug would slowly turn into his mug, and this realisation terrified him.
Michael slowly gave the object to the historian. He felt like if he moved a bit too abrupt, everything would dissolve and he would wake up in the airstream. Instead, the only thing that happened was Forrest going back to the kitchen and Alex completely relaxed on the couch. 
“Did he give you the whole speech about monogamy and nuclear households? I mean, the whole speech?” Michael shook his head no, and Alex let out a soft laugh. “Then get ready for at least a two-hour lecture from him. I’m not exaggerating. He has a powerpoint presentation about it.” 
Michael could feel more of Alex as the seconds passed, and he has never been so sure that he wanted to change. Forrest and Alex started talking about nothing in particular and Michael closed his eyes, letting himself be surrounded by the tenderness and warmth radiating from that place.
the end
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oosteven-universe · 4 years
Canto & The Clockwork Fairies
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Canto & The Clockwork Fairies IDW Publishing 2020 Written by David M. Booher Illustrated by Drew Zucker Coloured by Vittorio Astone Lettered by Deron Bennett    CANTO’S SAGA CONTINUES…..   Freed from the Shrouded Man’s captivity, Canto leads his people on an exodus away from Arcana and toward their lost homeland. On the way, Canto and his Malorex enjoy a day of fun. When their games take them into the clutches of a dangerous new threat, can they liberate a gentle race of fairies without losing their new freedom in the process?    There really is a reason that this is so beloved.  Canto is one of those rare beings who comes along at just the right time who’s message of love, hope and compassion is needed more than anyone realises.  He is David and the world around him is his Goliath but as The Beatles sang, I get by with a little help from my friends & friends are all you need.  So I adore that we have this one shot that bridges the gap between the first and second arc.  The way that the boys and IDW are doing this is phenomenal in that they are allowing for this kind of freedom in the way it is being told.  Arc runs are a great way to put out a book that isn’t monthly and yet has all these plans for adventure with the character.    I adore the way that this is being told.  The story & plot development that we see through how the sequence of events unfold as well as how the reader learns information is not only presented perfectly but I am loving how it all moves everything forward.  The character development is phenomenal to see.  Canto keeps growing and changing into such a fine leader among his people and that he still seems to somehow retain that innocence and naivete while facing the circumstances and situations he finds himself in is beyond anything we have the right to expect.  The pacing here is superb and as it takes us through the pages revealing the twists and turns along the way we see how everything works together to create the books ebb & flow.    Aside from the fact they have created this character, this world and those who inhabit it with such perfection the way the book has been layered within the story is sensational.  That we find ourselves connecting with and finding a place in our hearts for Canto remains to be one of the most exceptional things happening.  I’d like to see a homage to that Robin cover with the Sensational Character Find of…  and yes Reading With a Flight Ring will support/fund the creation of that variant cover.    The interiors here are phenomenal as well.  The creativity and imagination we see within these pages is mindbogglingly well rendered.  The linework is exquisite and how the varying weights are being utilised alongside some really nice techniques really showcases the lovely detail work we see.  How backgrounds are being utilised to not only enhance the moments but to bring us some wonderful depth perception, this sense of scale and that overall sense of size and scope to the book.  The utilisation of the page layouts and how we see the angles and perspective in the panels show such a marvellously talented eye for storytelling.  I think the colour work here is divine. How we see various techniques in application to show this really creative utilisation of the hues and tones within any given colour to create the shading, highlights and shadow work show more than some impressive talent. ​    That this is a one-shot to fill in some blanks between arcs 1 & 2 is something that I wouldn’t have expected to see.  So that fact alone is something to pay attention to.  Also that fans cannot get enough of Canto doesn’t hurt either.  This is perfect for those of you who haven’t read the first arc yet as it works as much as a stand alone story as it does keeping older fans in the loop.  Smartly written with intelligent characterisation and a real showcase of talent all around this is what everyone should be reading.
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graphicpolicy · 5 years
Preview: Canto #2 (of 6)
Canto #2 preview. Lions and tigers and… Malorex, oh my! Canto slips out of captivity only to find a herd of vicious Malorex ready to eat him. #comics #comicbooks
Canto #2 (of 6)
David M. Booher • Drew Zucker (a & c)
Lions and tigers and… Malorex, oh my! Canto slips out of captivity only to find a herd of vicious Malorex ready to eat him. Can an unlikely friend help Canto survive long enough to see what lies beyond Arcana’s borders?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
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geekcavepodcast · 5 years
IDW Publishing Announces Three New Series and the Return of “Canto” for May 2020
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IDW Publishing has announced the return of 2019′s Canto in addition to three new series for May 2020.
Canto and the Clockwork Fairies, a one-shot from writer David M. Booher and artit Drew Zucker, finds Canto and Malorex facing a mechanical witch who has captured a race of fairies. Canto and the Clockwork Fairies features Cover A by Zucker in addition to two retailer incentive variant editions by Nick Robles and Mateus Santolouco.
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Chained to the Grave, a five-issue story by writers Brian Level and Andy Eschenbach and artist Kate Sherron, takes place in a supernatural Wild West. Roy Mason, a deceased outlaw come back for the dead chained to his headstone. The undead Roy set s out in search of treasure and to try to do right by his still-living wife and children. Chained to the Grave #1 features Cover A by Sherron and a retailer incentive variant edition by Level.
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Sea of Sorrows, a five-issue series from writer Rich Douek and artist Alex Cormack, is a deep sea adventure / horror. After the Great War salvage crews search the North Atlantic for sunken treasure. A former naval officer hires the SS Vagabond and finds a fortune in gold in the wreckage of a sunken U-boat. The crew makes plans to double cross each other, but maybe they should be more wary of what lies on the ocean floor. Sea of Sorrows #1 features a Cover A by Cormack and a retailer incentive variant edition by Katie Sawatsky.
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Bermuda, from writer John Layman and artist Nick Bradshaw, takes place on an island in the mysterious and uncharted region of the Atlantic Ocean where planes and ships disappear. For sixteen-year-old Bermuda this island is the only home she’s ever known. All that may change when she finds something that will either open a doorway between our world and hers or destroy them both. Bermuda #1 features a Cover A band a retailer incentive variant edition both by Bradshaw.
(Covers via IDW Publishing)
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thecomicon · 4 years
Advance Review: Never Underestimate The Power Of Hope In 'Canto & The Clockwork Fairies'
Advance Review: Never Underestimate The Power Of Hope In ‘Canto & The Clockwork Fairies’
Canto, the little clockwork knight with a big heart, has freed his people from imprisonment and now leads them across the countryside seeking a new home. It seems that even when he’s trying to have a little fun with his pet Malorex, adventure still finds the noble hero. When Canto hears a voice crying for help, he leaps into action, facing off against an evil witch.
I was a big fan of the…
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the-innefable-idiot · 4 years
laser - a sneek peak for a malorex (michael/alex/forrest) fic absolutely no one asked for
hey guys!
tumblr is hell and completely buried my latest fic , so I'm posting a sneek peak on my main blog to see if it can reach more people 🤦🏻‍♀️
read the full story here on tumblr and on ao3.
hope you enjoy!
“And that concludes my thesis on sexual identity and interpersonal relationships through eastern and western history. As my sources point out, monogamy and nuclear families are recent behaviors in humankind, thus connecting directly to queer culture and our surveillance culture within the artificial construct that is a Nation-State. Any questions?”
The past few hours were dedicated to Forrest Long’s powerpoint presentation about sexuality in history. Michel actually thought Alex was joking, but now he was just… speechless. He could hear Alex laughing at his surprised face, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. Who was this guy?
Michael snapped out of his haze, getting into the roleplay and raising his hand. 
“Yes, Mr. Guerin?”
“You were great and all, but can I leave the real questions after I read the bibliography?” Yes. Bibliography. 
Forrest laughed softly and nodded. Michael continued.
“The only thing in my mind right is what the hell dude? Who casually has a full lecture on sexuality through the ages like this? We actually had to take a snack break because this lasted almost” Michael grabbed his phone to check the time four hours. "You have notes and used a laser pointer.”
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the-innefable-idiot · 4 years
I was really bummed out my last fic flopped to the find out IT IS NOT SHOWING UP IN THE TAGS????????????????
I really wanted to keep one sideblog only to post my fanfics, but tumblr sucks for content creators
If yall see this, go to @loveliuess and check out the last fic 'Laser' I wrote for Michael/Alex/Forrest
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graphicpolicy · 3 years
Preview: Canto III: Lionhearted #5 (of 6)
Canto III: Lionhearted #5 preview. Canto; his bestial friend, the Malorex; and Aulaura, the warrior, stand between an army on one side and Canto's oldest enemies on the other #Comics #ComicBooks
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oosteven-universe · 5 years
Canto #5
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Canto #5 IDW Publishing 2019 Written by David M. Booher Illustrated by Drew Zucker Coloured by Vittorio Astone Lettered by Deron Bennett     Canto's journey to find his love's heart has been long and filled with danger, but with his old friend, the Malorex, and his new friend, the mysterious warrior, at his side, he has entered the city of Dis. He now stands before the Emerald Tower and the lair of the Shrouded Man. Canto faces only one more test, the Shrouded Man's fearsome guardians, the Furies, as the descend upon him and his friends.....     I love this story I mean it has so many aspects to it that we can relate to and understand, sometimes it's through the writing and at others it's just instinctual. Canto's journey and that of the Knight in his story are one and the same and if I am completely honest the whole journey feels a little Tin Woodsman and I absolutely adore that about this. That includes the fact that Canto's heart is as big and beautiful as can be whether he knows it or not and this journey he's undertaken for the woman he loves just proves that. This is just damn good and so damn emotional and the feelings that David makes you feel or guides into your soul and stains it in a way.     We have seen stories in the past that showcase a lone individual travelling and meeting others along the way. Through adversity comes friendship and the bonds formed are strong. Here we see that but the bonds are unbreakable as each of Canto's friends is willing to go to this place and die with him or him if need be. This isn't what you see everyday this connection they have forged is unique (without like, equal or parallel) and just the fact that we see through David's writing how special it really is blows mind. The story & plot development as we learn information and see through the course of action can be mesmerising. The character development that we see constantly grows, evolves and highlights each of them in these interesting ways. The pacing that comes with this and how it is able to show the twists and turns and the revelations is inspiring.     There were moments throughout this issue that I wanted to cry, not figuratively I mean literally cry because of what and how we see the characters act and behave. Never before have I been this kind of an emotional wreck after reading a comic book. When the elf, slave or just friend tells him “you are brave, braver than you believe” that was it, if I had real emotions I would've been a blubbering idiot but as it stands every last word that is said feel so natural in that moment.     Oh sweet child o' mine the interiors here are magnificent to behold. The whole book is a testament to talent but to see all this action and fighting in these two-page layouts with few words as more aren't necessary yeah that's simply divine work. All we really see of Canto are his eyes, the rest is wrapped up in that armour and yet without changing the helmets shape at all those eyes convey more than I ever thought possible. Truly one of the most astounding features in this book. The linework is gorgeous and how we see the varying weights being utilised to create this attention to detail show us this stupendous eye for storytelling. Backgrounds were put where Drew thought they were needed or could fit though I would've like to see more of them the yellow brick road was a cute touch. The colour work is gorgeous as well. I love the way we see light sources and the chosen colour with its hues and tones creating shading and shadows. ​     Next issue is the last chapter in this tale and I can only hope that after all he's been through and yet to go through that we'll see what happens when David and Co. decide what his adventure will entail. After all once the genie is out of the bottle you can't put it back in....
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thecomicon · 5 years
The Secret History Of Arcana Is Revealed In Canto #3
The Secret History Of Arcana Is Revealed In Canto #3
Canto’s quest to find the lost heart of his love has hit a snag as he and his Malorex companion have been swallowed up by a monster. All is not what it seems as they meet the Hermit deep within the belly of the beast who reveals more about Arcana and its history. Canto learns of the context of his people’s slavery. Will that be enough to accomplish his goal? Or will the Shrouded Man consume him…
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thecomicon · 5 years
Out Of The Frying Pan: Take A Look At Canto #2
Out Of The Frying Pan: Take A Look At Canto #2
Sell out sensation Canto has its second issue out this week from IDW and the creative team of David M Booher, Drew Zucker, Vittorio Astone and Deron Bennett as our diminutive hero escapes is captivity only to face even more threats. Check out our preview of this week’s issue:
Lions and tigers and… Malorex, oh my! Canto slips out of captivity only to find a herd of vicious Malorex ready to eat…
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