#mammoth site
beaujuniperbooks · 3 months
Waco Mammoth Site
In Waco's earth, a secret lies,
Where giants once roamed free
Beneath the ancient Texas skies
Their bones now set to see
Mammoths tall, majestic beasts
Roamed this land so long ago
Their presence here, a grand feast
For those who wander to and fro
A prehistoric graveyard, silent and still
A glimpse into a world long past
Where time stood frozen, against its will
And memories of giants forever last
Visitors come, to walk among
the bones of creatures old
Their spirits linger, unsung
In the stories left untold
The Waco Mammoth Site, a sacred ground
Where history whispers in the breeze
And ancient echoes can still be found
Among the mammoths and the trees.
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starbramble · 11 months
Sad about the news going around about tumblr becoming abandonware.
Lets face it we dont know whats going to happen and I'm probably going to be here for a long while yet, but just incase I've made account over at pillowfort if anyone wants to follow me there (I'm also going to check out dreamwidth)
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yourfriendphoenix · 1 year
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Btw I visited a Mammoth dig site today :) Mammoth Q was nicknamed Quincy thought you should all know that
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hzdtrees · 2 years
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Hello, a soon-to-be veganuary participant here! Do you have any tips on how to communicate your veganism when you have e.g. family gatherings, sometimes with… a bit more conservative members, where there is a meal offered? I don’t want to seem too difficult😬 Also Food and easy everyday vegan food ideas would be appreciated!
Absolutely, it’ll be my pleasure! And Thank You!!!<3
So, I'll start with the last part of this ask. I think it's easier not to think of it as "vegan meals", and instead veganize whatever one usually eats. For me, I loved to have scrambled eggs in the mornings, now I have scrambled tofu (extra firm, not silken), that way I can still enjoy my comfort food but have it be animal-free.
meal suggestions:
Breakfast foods are perhaps the simplest to turn plant-based, takes mostly switching a few ingredients. Other meals are not difficult, but traditionally they might rely more on animal products, so you might have to tweak them more. These two (lunch and dinner) I'll be pairing because I eat them interchangeably at either noon or evening. If you want specific recipes, Pinterest is your best friend (my ask box will still be open though).
-Breakfast: oatmeal, toasts/bagels with either sweet or salty toppings, cereals, smoothie bowls, PB&J like Cas (still an SPN blog, sorry), hashed browns or smoothies, if you're like me and have no time in the mornings.
-Lunch/Dinner: rice&beans with a little extra something of your choosing (I like avocado or a simple green salad on the side), wraps/burritos (throw anything veggie in there, really), pasta (just had it with sautéed green beans and cashews), hearty salads (bulk up with, yes, beans - garbanzo/chickpeas are great for this!), thick soups (roast some veggies, then put in a blender and voilà. Great for low energy days and easier digestion), chili sin carne and curries.
-Snacks: i'm partial to nuts and seeds, but fruits are great too, as well as veggies/whatever with hummus, chips and the like (original Pringles, Lay's and Fritos, some pretzels and Takis too!), cookies (many options, original Oreos reign supreme), chocolate (most dark choc is vegan, sweeter options made with plant milks are also available), most popcorn, vegan ice cream (if you have access to Oatly and like chocolate, try the Fudge Brownie, so good) or vegan protein bars if you're in need of a protein-dense pick-me up (protein bars across the board aren’t the best in taste though, so, yeah).
general tips:
start increasing your fiber intake gradually, Now - this is because plant-based diets tend to be higher in fiber, and a sudden boost in it when you're not used to might lead to temporary bloating/discomfort because your digestive system is going to be doing some adjustments.
keep protein and fats in mind - DO EAT THEM! if you're filling unfulfilled after a meal, it might be because it was lacking in those. a lettuce, cucumber and tomato salad is not high in calories or satisfactory in general, it'll be disheartening and it may have you quitting or cursing vegans. if consuming salads make them hearty!
on the same line of protein - as a whole and from what i see in my own country, these days we're a bit obsessed with protein. and even if it's necessary we tend to overestimate our needs and underestimate our intake. if it's more convenient for you, there are many mock meats (depending on where you live, of course) that offer chicken/beef/fish-like products with high protein, but they can be pricier, aren't a necessity and are not really reflective of what most vegans eat for every meal every day. tofu, tempeh, beans and tvp (textured vegetable protein. super cheap and versatile) are my go-to. 
tofu - holy grail, unless you're allergic to soy. if not, it's a great base for literally anything. they key is squeezing out the water and seasoning well.
b12 supplementation/fortified foods
condiments are your best friend - this goes for any and all sorts of cooking, it's amazing what spices can do to enhance flavors.
most ingredients list on food labels will list allergens at the very end or have it in bold letters. here you'll see things that you wish to avoid, like eggs and milk, if the product contains any.
same if you have any safe foods for whatever reason, don't remove it from your diet, simply try to find a vegan alternative or tweak it a bit.
if for some reason you eat something non plant-based, don't make a big deal out of it or quit veganuary. just choose a vegan option the next time.
consider other aspects in your life that rely on animal products and, if safely possible, evaluate alternatives
it's not an all or nothing mentality, remember it's as far as is possible and practicable
As for your first question and based on my personal experience, people who judge or mock others' dietary choices mostly to do so with vegans and vegetarians only, so that's something to unpack there. In your case since it's specifically Veganuary, I'd simply say it's a challenge/activity you want to participate in to help with the environment and animals. Don't knock it til you try it sorta thing.
There are going to be questions and comments, there always are. If very conservative food-wise, relatives or friends may throw negative comments your way, but know those are a reflection of them and whatever they're dealing with rather than what you're doing or with you as an individual. It's literally their problem, not yours, cliché but true. Don't take as personal what other people might say about it because many do get defensive and touchy, even if you aren't out to "get them." In gatherings, if they offer you food, try to veganize the meal, if possible. If meat is optional, just substract it. It might not be the best or most balanced of meals, but you can make up for it later and it shows you've got nothing against their cooking because I bet you don’t. Also, if you know there won't be anything vegan, try bringing in a plate/side dish yourself to share with others, that way you won't arrive empty-handed and you'll make sure to stick to your goal.
// We are latine and my family goes heavy on the animal products consumption, there's not a single meal without them, not one. At the start you yourself might believe your eating is “difficult” but trust me, it isn’t. Past that initial hurdle, people tend to go ‘oh, this is vegan too!!’ (excitedly. very cute!, especially when they wanna share it with you. i just love it). They're used to me being vegan now though, even my grandmas and aunts are now way more receptive of alternative eating styles other than those they raised us in and are mindful of having something for me available (which is usually eaten by everybody else, anyway). The whole thing is gradual and slow, but being vegan is the best decision I've made for many reasons besides the dietary aspect of it, plus it cranked up my creativity in the kitchen, oof!
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thenewclassy · 21 days
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Just outside Bowling Green, KY is the longest known cave system in the world & UNESCO World Heritage Site: Mammoth Cave
Read our review: https://statebystatetravel.com/mammoth-cave-kentucky/
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lesoreillesouvertes · 6 months
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Un retour dans le Kentucky, intense !
Me voilà dans un ancien village Shaker, une secte du 19e siècle dans laquelle vivaient hommes et femmes, de toutes les couleurs dans l'égalité (apparemment) puisque "Dieu nous a créé à son image, tous égaux..."
Dans une une immense maison de 4 étages, vivaient une centaines de Shakers, les femmes du coté ouest, le hommes du coté est. A table, c'est pareil, chacun·e de son coté ! Je n'ai pas compris à quel moment ils arrivent à faire des enfants cela dit.
Le travail était pour eux et elles une prière, un autre moment dédié à Dieu et iels étaient vraiment doué·es pour un max de trucs. Si vous avez un meuble fabriqué par des Shaker, c'est devenu hors de prix. Ils ont aussi inventé ce balai mythique en paille.
Le village comptait 200 bâtiments avec chacun son utilité : la crèmerie, le fumoir, la fabrique à miel, etc. Le sol jaune, c'est pratique pour retrouver les aiguilles quand on coud ^^
Et puis, une balade marche/course/montée de marches dans le parc de Mammoth Cave avant d'aller dans un motel pour satisfaire mon imaginaire américain ! Je me suis retrouvée à traverser un village en carton pate des années 80 avec des maisons hantées, des monstres et des autres décors improbables qui je croyais, avaient disparus.
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kittyit · 27 days
"The suffragettes are instructive. Their tactic of choice was property destruction. Decades of patient pressure on the Parliament to give women the vote had yielded nothing, and so in 1903, under the slogan 'Deeds not words, the Women's Social and Political Union was founded. Five years later, two WSPU members undertook the first militant action: breaking windowpanes in the prime minister's residence. One of them told the police she would bring a bomb the next time. Fed up with their own fruitless deputations to Parliament, the suffragettes soon specialised in 'the argument of the broken pane', sending hundreds of well-dressed women down streets to smash every window they passed. In the most concentrated volley, in March 1912, Emmeline Pankhurst and her crews brought much of central London to a standstill by shattering the fronts of jewellers, silversmiths, Hamleys toy shop and dozens of other businesses. They also torched letterboxes around the capital. Shocked Londoners saw pillars filled with paperthrowing up flames, the work of some activist having thrown in a parcel soaked in kerosene and a lit match.
Militancy was at the core of suffragette identity: 'To be militant in some form, or other, is a moral obligation, Pankhurst lectured. 'It is a duty which every woman will owe her own conscience and self-respect, to women who are less fortunate than she is herself, and to all who are to come after her.' The latest full-body portrait of the movement, Diane Atkinson's Rise Up, Women!, gives an encyclopedic listing of militant actions: suffragettes forcing the prime minister out of his car and dousing him with pepper, hurling a stone at the fanlight above Winston Churchill's door, setting upon statues and paintings with hammers and axes, planting bombs on sites along the routes of royal visits, fighting policemen with staves, charging against hostile politicians with dogwhips, breaking the windows in prison cells. Such deeds went hand in hand with mass mobilisation. The suffragettes put up mammoth rallies, ran their own presses, went on hunger strikes: deploying the gamut of non-violent and militant action.
After the hope of attaining the vote by constitutional means was dashed once more in early 1913, the movement switched gears. In a systematic campaign of arson, the suffragettes set fire to or blew up villas, tea pavilions, boathouses, hotels, haystacks, churches, post offices, aque-ducts, theatres and a liberal range of other targets aroundthe country. Over the course of a year and a half, the WSPU claimed responsibility for 337 such attacks. Few culprits were apprehended. Not a single life was lost; only empty buildings were set ablaze. The suffragettes took great pains to avoid injuring people. But they considered the situation urgent enough to justify incendiarism - votes for women, Pankhurst explained, were of such pressing importance that we had to discredit the Government and Parliament in the eyes of the world; we had to spoil English sports, hurt businesses, destroy valuable property, demor-alise the world of society, shame the churches, upset the whole orderly conduct of life. Some attacks probably went unclaimed. One historian suspects that the suffragettes were behind one of the most spectacular blazes of the period: a fire in a Tyneside coal wharf, in which the facilities for loading coal were completely gutted. They did, however, claim responsibility for the burning of motor cars and a steam yacht."
- How to Blow Up a Pipeline, pg 40-42
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There is a growing body of physiological, anatomical, ethnographic, and archaeological evidence to suggest that not only did women hunt in our evolutionary past, but they may well have been better suited for such an endurance-dependent activity. We are both biological anthropologists. I (co-author Cara) specialize in the physiology of humans who live in extreme conditions, using my research to reconstruct how our ancestors may have adapted to different climates. And I (co-author Sarah) study Neanderthal and early modern human health. I also excavate at their archaeological sites. It’s not uncommon for scientists like us—who attempt to include the contributions of all individuals, regardless of sex and gender, in reconstructions of our evolutionary past—to be accused of rewriting the past to fulfill a politically correct, woke agenda. The actual evidence speaks for itself, though: Gendered labor roles did not exist in the Paleolithic era, which lasted from 3.3 million years ago until 12,000 years ago. The story is written in human bodies, now and in the past.
Our Neanderthal cousins, a group of humans who lived across Western and Central Eurasia approximately 250,000 to 40,000 years ago, formed small, highly nomadic bands. Fossil evidence shows females and males experienced the same bony traumas across their bodies—a signature of a hard life hunting deer, aurochs, and woolly mammoths. Tooth wear that results from using the front teeth as a third hand, likely in tasks like tanning hides, is equally evident across females and males. This nongendered picture should not be surprising when you imagine small-group living. Everyone needs to contribute to the tasks necessary for group survival—chiefly, producing food and shelter, and raising children. Individual mothers are not solely responsible for their children; in forager communities, the whole group contributes to child care. You might imagine this unified labor strategy then changed in early modern humans, but archaeological and anatomical evidence shows it did not. Upper Paleolithic modern humans leaving Africa and entering Europe and Asia show very few sexed differences in trauma and repetitive motion wear. One difference is more evidence of “thrower’s elbow” in males than females, though some females shared these pathologies. And this was also the time when people were innovating with hunting technologies like atlatls (spear throwers), fishing hooks and nets, and bow and arrows—alleviating some of the wear and tear hunting would take on their bodies. A recent archaeological experiment found that using atlatls decreased sex differences in the speed of spears thrown by contemporary men and women. Even in death, there are no sexed differences in how Neanderthals or modern humans buried their dead or the goods affiliated with their graves. These indicators of differential gendered social status do not arrive until agriculture, with its stratified economic system and monopolizable resources. All this evidence suggests Paleolithic women and men did not occupy differing roles or social realms.
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emilybeemartin · 1 year
Just to tie in my two themes this month----
Additional notes, because poll options apparently limit their characters:
Frodo finds great peace in watching the tides rise and fall throughout each day. He attends all the ranger programs on birds and seashells and fills pages with sketches and poetry.
Sam meticulously selects postcards in the gift shop for each of his friends and spends a whole morning writing and addressing them. He also buys Junior Ranger hats for his kids and a variety of Appalachian jams for Rosie.
Park rangers launch a Missing Person search for Aragorn when they realize his car's been parked at Avalanche Creek for three days. The search runs for almost a week before he comes strolling out the opposite side of the park, supporting one of the SAR techs who twisted an ankle during the search.
Legolas is first drawn to Olympic for the towering, mossy temperate rainforests, but the ground goes out from under him when he steps onto Second Beach for the first time. He spends an entire day watching the light and tides shift on the sea stacks, and he leaves feeling both full and hollow, like a bell that's just been rung.
Mammoth is only Gimli's first stop on a cavern tour, followed by Jewel and Wind Caves and Carlsbad Caverns. Wind Cave is his favorite for the unusual formations. He makes an obnoxious tween boy cry in Carlsbad for breaking off a speleothem.
Boromir is on a tour of military parks. He asks so many questions to the intern working the info station at Fort Sumter the kid has to go find the park historian. His favorite site is Vicksburg because that place was buckwild, though he silently judges one of the reenactors for his clumsy handling of a black powder rifle.
Merry also makes stops in Jurassic and Dinosaur National Monuments. He watches every park video, takes selfies in front of all the fossil exhibits, and earns his Junior Ranger badge at each one. He buys a keychain for Pippin.
Pippin actually gets four citations, mostly for trying to stick his hands in mud pots. He doesn't mean anything by it---he's just so delighted and curious about the bizarre landscape. He winds up with several thermal burns and dumps a king's ransom in the donation box on his last day.
Gandalf gets dinged by rangers for not paying the $5 fee for Trunk Bay, but he acts senile until they eventually decide to drop it. He gets postcards from everyone and responds to none of them.
Faramir and Eowyn are traveling together and do many of the same hikes and rides, but they do have some different preferences off-trail. Eowyn drags Faramir to a rodeo and the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar in Jackson Hole, and he goads her into Ranger Shelton Johnson's living history programs on the Buffalo Soldiers in Yosemite.
Eomer is bike-packing on his sport cruiser motorcycle. He goes to Roosevelt south unit for the wild horse herds but ends up spending half a day watching a prairie dog town. He takes 400 photos of them, mostly blurry, and texts them to Eowyn.
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blueiscoool · 1 month
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Mammoth Tusk Discovered in Mississippi
Scientists in Mississippi announced a major fossil discovery in the state!
According to the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ), the agency’s Mississippi State Geological Survey scientists received a message about a the discovery made by Eddie Templeton, an avid artifact and fossil collector. Templeton was exploring in rural Madison County earlier this month when he stumbled upon what appeared to be a portion of an ice-age elephant tusk exposed in a steep embankment.
Mississippi was home to three Proboscideans during the last ice age: Mastodon, Gomphothere, and the Columbian mammoth. All three possessed ivory tusks.
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Officials said Mastodons are the most common Proboscidean finds in Mississippi. Mammoths, which were related to modern elephants, are far less common finds in Mississippi.
When Templeton and the State Survey paleontological team arrived to the fossil site, they found the fossil tusk in amazing condition and was only partially exposed just above the water under a bluff in the alluvium of a small drainage. It was suspected based on the strong curvature of the massive tusk that they were dealing with a Columbian mammoth and not that of the more common mastodon. Officials said this would be the first of its kind for the area.
The team was able to carefully remove the clayey sand from around the tusk to expose the seven-foot long fossil. The tusk had been deposited entirely intact. MDEQ officials said most fossil tusk ivory found around the state are just fragments and most are likely to be attributable to the more common mastodon.
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The fossil was taken to the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science in Jackson for further curation and careful study. It was confirmed by a museum paleontologist as belonging to a mammoth.
Officials said the discovery offers a rare window into the Columbian mammoths that once roamed Madison County along the Jackson Prairie of central Mississippi. Columbian mammoths were much larger than the infamous woolly mammoth that roamed the colder, more northern regions of North America. They grew up to 15 feet at the shoulder and could weigh more than 10 tons.
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madonnamadeofasphalt · 2 months
There once was a worker at the construction site of yet another stupid, pointless pyramid, who'd always tell dirty jokes about the Pharaoh's wife over beer and baked onions, and his friends would laugh and half-seriously hush him down, because the overseer might hear it, and we all know that guy's a fucking snitch. There was a quaestor assistant who'd be dying of boredom every day, slouched over his desk, and he'd pray to all the gods for the evening to come faster, so he can go to his buddy's place and play some dice. There was a samurai who'd wake up every night, hearing the clanging of steel and the screams of the dying, and there was his wife, who'd calm him down, and repeat over and over that he's home now, he's safe, and he can go back to sleep. There was a woman in the ghetto who'd help her sons with their writing every other day, because the melamed's a drunk and he doesn't even show up to half the lessons, and her little boys are not going to be illiterate because of that man's weakness. At some remote monastery in the Tuscan countryside, there was a young nun who really loved to sing, and she wasn't very good at it, if we're being honest, but she'd still get assigned to the antiphon every lauds, because her sheer enthusiasm never failed to make her sisters' morning brighter. There was a weird old man who lived outside the walls of Marrakesh, in a hut he'd built himself back when he was younger, who'd live off of food baskets from his neighbours, and he'd feed most of it to his mean, blind, grey-haired camel, because she's the only one of his old friends who's still alive, so he's gonna take good care of her until, inshallah, they both die calm deaths in their sleep. And there once was a couple, God only knows where, who'd tuck their children in to sleep every night, not too close to the fire, and then they'd spend hours quietly carving mammoth ivory together, in order to surprise them with a new toy.
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zvaigzdelasas · 3 months
To put the sheer size of the 8 GW solar farm in perspective, the three largest solar farms in the world by capacity are China’s Ningxia Tenggeli and Golmud Wutumeiren solar farms, with a capacity of 3 MW each, and a 3.5-GW solar farm outside Urumqi, Xinjiang’s capital.
In addition to the massive solar farm, the $10.99 billion project will also consist of 4 GW of wind, 5 GWh of energy storage capacity, 200 MW of solar thermal, and [...] 4 GW of coal-fired power. It will be sited in Ordos, in northern China’s Inner Mongolia region, the Shanghai-listed company said in a stock filing.[...]
The project will break ground in September and is expected to come online by June 2027.
2 Jul 24
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So idk if y'all are aware of the Clovis people theory. Where there were these people that crossed the land bridge™ and were the first to settle north america.
Natives have said since day 1 this is incorrect and I've yet to say anyone who isn't a white supremacist even bring it up. Why? It's the "natives weren't the first people here either" gotcha. "They killed the Clovis ppl, there's proof." It's just a challenge to our indigeneity and right to exist here.
They (archeologists & paleontologists) keep finding evidence that people were here before the land bridge even existed, like tens of thousands years earlier.
But it's still just a controversial theory to say that people were here before the land bridge? To the point where the Larger scientist community is saying that even the findings themselves are controversial.
Physical, carbon-dated foot prints and mammoth bones are being challenged by the (Racist) Scientists Community who want facts that don't serve their racist agenda to not exist and not be considered.
Just in case you didn't know.
This is still on the government site under humanities. Updated in 2014.
It's the first result when I ask Google who the oldest tribe is.
In the 1970s, college students in archaeology such as myself learned that the first human beings to arrive in North America had come over a land bridge from Asia and Siberia approximately 13,000 to 13,500 years ago. These people, the first North Americans, were known collectively as Clovis people.
And if the Clovis people are in fact real (and not just a nomadic native tribe that scientists decided came from the land bridge) that would also challenge the concept that natives were aggressive and uncivil. As Clovis sites have been found in from Upper canada all the way to and across central America.
If they came from the land bridge and lived so nomadically in such numbers it means that natives weren't the territorial genocidal race purists that revisionists try to paint us as.
"controversial" indeed
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bulbanchagworl777 · 2 months
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So Prince Creek is this fossil site in Alaska and is one the most northerly places dinosaurs have been discovered to live.
There were more species than these three who would've lived in the Cretaceous habitat.
Dromeosaurus is an honorable mention (I may draw one for my next graphic)
Presented are Pachyrhinosaurus; I referenced some other conceptual designs of the species where it was drawn with wooly fur similar to a mammoth or a musk ox. Ofc since it's a dino it would've been feathers and not hair like us mammals have.
Edmontosaurus; pretty iconic chunky. Favorite T-Rex Snack. I didn't draw this one with a crest although it sometimes is depicted with one. I made sure to look up the skeletal structure of this species for the anatomy to be as true to study as possible.
Lastly there is Nanuqsaurus (about half of T-Rex's length) they would've reached around 20ft long and weighed about a ton. I imagined them functioning like wolves or a lion pride where a similar color spectrum is shared with slight differences to signify heierachry and breeding status.
I imagine that the dominant male would've been white feathered while the subordinate adult males would retain blue-grey plumage until they potentially became an alpha. A signifying mark of an alpha male would also be the bright orange spots on the tail; important for attaining the approval of females.
The females would be less intricately patterned than the males, and the dominant female would also be characterized by a black stripe down the back.
As presented on the 2nd season of prehistoric planet on apple TV, the nanuqsaurus is imagined here as a pack hunter of pachyrhinosaurus and perhaps juvenile edmontosaurus.
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kfkr1ze · 3 months
[18TRIP Translation] Chapter 002 - Bitter Sweet Sixteen Masterlist
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✈︎ Summary: In order to find the candidates for next Ward Mayors, Kaede comes to Hama’s largest mammoth school…
✈︎ Characters: Akuta, Nanaki, Kiroku, Ushio, Muneuji, Kafka, Yukikaze, Renga, Ten, Netaro, Sakujiro, Hiroshi, Nayuki, Yachiyo
✈︎ Translation: Sunni (kfkr1ze)
Side A
A01 ・A02・A03・A04・A05・A06・A07・A08・A09・A10・A11・A12・A13・A14・A15・A16・A17・A18・A19・A20・A21・ A22・A23・A24・A25・A26・A27・A28
Side B
B01・B02・B03・B04・B05・B06・B07・ B08・B09・B10・B11・B12 ・B13・B14・B15・B16・B17・B18
✈︎ I am playing as the male MC and will be referring to him by his canon name, Kaede Hamasaki. I will also be using he/him pronouns. The story stays the same regardless of which protagonist you choose!
✈︎ I highly recommend reading alongside the story in the game! Everything is fully voiced, and the live 2d is awesome! The models are very expressive, and there's a lot of tone that's hard to convey in just text. So, if you can, reading along is encouraged!
✈︎ It has been said that you can read any of the chapters in any order, though Chapter 001 - Sun will R1ze! has a lot of lore and world building in it.
✈︎ Day2 is read as “Days”
✈︎ Personally, I am only translating this chapter and none of the others, sorry! I'll try to upload every 1-3 days, but this is not guaranteed! All links get updated the moment they're published, though!
✈︎ I’m not fluent in Japanese, this is not proofread, and I’ll probably make some edits here and there if I want to change anything. 
✈︎ Day2 are 16 year olds and they use phrases like GOAT, so I’m probably going to localize a little bit. Not by much though, as I’m not too confident in my ability to do this yet. Just keep in mind that they’re younger! Akuta, Ushio, and Nanaki are the ones who use slang the most.
✈︎ Sometimes, words are highlighted in green / red / pink in the game! This tends to signify important terms to remember! I’ll be doing this in purple to match my site theme!
I might update the notes too if I forgot anything!! Thank you~
HAMA nice trip !
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