#mana ouma
monochrome-energy · 3 years
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“At this rate... I will become something that isn’t me!”  -  Shion Mizuki, Guilty Crown Graphic Novel
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anime-end-cards · 4 years
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Guilty Crown
Episode 22 end card by Araki Tetsuro
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tsukkicons · 5 years
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⇢   inori yuzuriha - mana ouma /  guilty crown ♡  
⇢  like or reblog if saving.
× © on twitter @haikkyiu ×  
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mintaiey · 6 years
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Improvement meME
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jumbostickyrice · 7 years
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桜満マナ Ouma Mana
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grocketart · 4 years
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I once joined a Contest before when I was in High school  I Suck at water color and coloring hahaha
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chibi-datenshi-blog · 7 years
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Late saturday, I made a photoshoot at la Défense in Paris with my friends from Mutuality and Lyne Cosplay ! As you can see, theme was Guilty Crown. I cosplay Inori, Yorutsu (Mutuality) was Shu Ouma and Lyne Cosplay was Mana Ouma !
This is just a preview and the backstages, but Mihou Photo realize such a beautiful pics *^*
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kawaiimoonlight · 7 years
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i sound like such a noob i’m sorry BUT IT IS even tho i literally haven’t watched any in so long woopsie :/
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gemfu · 5 years
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chiesaki · 7 years
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So everything that makes me whole, I will dedicate them all to you now. I’m yours.
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thelemoncoffee · 3 years
i have an obsession with making Aus where Kokichi is seen by the public ad some great tyranical evil, but is really just a lonely boi- so here we go again
Medieval fantasy Au, they're all adults because it makes more sense;
In this world magic is a very common thing, something just about anyone can pick up with enough practice. Magic comes in many different types, ranging from healing to defensive, fire based to ice based, and just about everything in between, but one type is forbiddin; Dark magic. Just about everyone has been scared out of using dark magic by stories passed down generations, speaking of how dangerous it is, and how it corrupts it's users and such; but this did not deter one boy.
The rumors about him tell a tale of a young boy who was hard to change the mind of; when he wanted something done his way, he would stop at nothing to get it done, and that was his downfall. When he heard the stories about how dangerous Dark magic was, he wanted to prove the world wrong, and against his mentor and family's wishes, he began to study it; with each new spell he perfected he became more unstable, and deception became his best friend.
The king himself ordered his death after catching wind of the boy's horrid act, but was quick to find he had become much too powerful to try and kill. The boy was ordered to a hearing with the King, who told him he wasn't allowed to be in the kingdom so long as he practiced Dark magic, and was to be exiled.
Shokingly, the boy complied without much of a fight, rather, he was quite snarky about his exile; he used it to mock the kingdom as he paraded away, making a show for them to see as he cackled and cheered his freedom from a society that didn't accept something that was hated for no other reason than tradition. the Kingdom saw him as a once sweet boy turned madman, no older than 15 at the time, courrpted and taken over by a power he knew not the danger of
Now, years later, the name Kokichi Ouma rings through the Kingdom and many beyond it as grim reminder to those who even think about taking a small glimps at the art of Dark magic; a recent story to detur the usage. Many of the residence of the Kingdom believe that the king should have just pushed till he killed him; they fear in the nearly 10 years of his exile, he could have studied and mastered the dark art undetured, and could come back to take over if he hasn't lost his mind completly and gone feral or something from the mind altering affects yet
Backstory aside: the main plot for this Au is that Shuichi is a magic student from another kingdom who's heard the tale but doesn't quite believe it, and he was sent by his mentor to go to the very Kingdom the story originated from for a task. On his way, he got attacked by a group of Rogues and was almost beat out, but got saved by a small cloaked boy. Shuichi ended up passing out from a mix of overusing his mana trying to defend himself and blood loss, and woke up in a small cottage in the middle of a nowhere forest. the boy who saved him comes in to check on him and finds he's awake. Conversation happens and he finds out the boy is not a boy, but a 24 year old man that goes by Tiny, is the leader of a small band of people who have been exiled from various kingdoms for various crimes (all in which have thrown out their birth names in favor of various jester names), and helps out people who get lost or attacked out in the lawless bounds of the forest. Tiny tells Shuichi that he's going to help him get all healed up so he can go back to his task, and over the time it takes him to heal, they get closer to one another and form a bond neither had ever had before. Once Shuichi is well enough to leave, he promises to return once in awhile to check up on Tiny. Little did he know that Tiny was in fact the very same dark magic user from the stories he never quite believed.
Some extra lore about Dark magic:
The reason why dark magic is so hated is because it's like a magic speed run. It's a simplified form of magic but it's a lot more powerful, meaning you can become stronger quicker, you can do things a lot easier- it's basically more efficient. People of the past believed it was an easy way out of learning magic, so they started to spread rumors about it, giving people a negative mentality against it.
It's actually called dark magic is because uses energy from the Moon and Spirits, and other night related stuff. The reason why it's associated with corruption and people going insane is because there are some spells that can only be done with dark magic that have the ability to change your physical appearance, and those can actually permanently damage you both mentally and physically if you don't know how to perform them correctly. They're the most dangerous part of dark magic, and are strongly not advised for anyone but people who have been practicing safely for years.
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melachonyof-lilies · 3 years
5 years later, after graduating in hopes peak academy. they meet each other once more but in a peculiar situations.
Himiko: Tell me why are hanging from steel chain above a pool of hungry alligators?
Ouma: Cause magic and sh*t right?
Himiko: I came here to get paid not to be alligator feed!
Kokichi: I mean, you came here for the supreme leader birthday party celebration, a thing like this trick would be easy, right???!
Himiko: Its magic. But your presences made me sick and i couldn't expose you to my mana anyway. Plus you questioning my skills are a pain.
Kokichi: I want to eat my cake, can you get us out of here quicker? I can't pick lock this one cause my arms are tied, Immobilizing the birthday boy is such a terrible magic trick!!!
Himiko: Wait! Didn't you locked the chains? Wheres the emergency key?!
Kokichi: i dropped in the water, but the super ultimate magician you are, have an extra don't you?
Kokichi: ...
Himiko: We're going to die.
Tenko: Why?! Why are you here in the sacred land of the women??!!!
Rantaro: Well its about this map...
Tenko: Ugh, you degenerate and your stupid adventure. Here i thought i would be here teaching these girls neo akido peaceful without men but nope, you have to show up.
Rantaro: Well peaceful is not the right word for this situation. Being captured by these hunters are not the ideal peace we are looking for.
Tenko: Its your fault anyways! Yoy brought them here!
Rantaro: Correction they used me to get here.
Tenko: ... Why did you even need those guys anyway?
Rantaro: Well, i do want to mixed somethings up for a change. Sometimes its quite lonely to have a 3 month adventure alone in the wilderness.
Tenko: Well you could ask one of your friemds or something! How about Kiyo?
Rantaro: Well he's been busy too.
Kiyo X Angie
Kiyo: Hmm, its quite disgusting to see these robber here in the museum.
Angie: Atua said that we need to stop the robbers.
Kiyo: I'd rather sit here for a moment Angie i don't want either our life be taken from them. And i want to see how people in this region respond to danger, with their unusual daily regime and morals what could happen in this situation threatened by foreigners.
Angie: I think the latter was your real intetion. Though atua said that we need to or the 2000 year old stone where, history of the people here is going to be destroy-
Kiyo: Angie i want you to cover me.
Angie: :3 ?
Kiyo: These despicable people dare to ruin these people's history. Im going in.
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Hey I've had this idea floating around in my head for awhile, could you possibly do kokichi with a male reader who is the ultimate chaos? Like they will instantly pick up kokichi's lies in the trial and roll with it to create more chaos. And maybe you could add how the others react to this?
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This is a bit bad because my definition of chaos is just scaring Kaito then screaming in the classroom so if you’re dissatisfied with that just shoot another ask.
- Mod Monaca
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Kokichi Ouma x Male! Reader who’s the Ultimate Chaos
• Kokichi was immediately intrigued to hear his s/o’s talent and saw it as a personal challenge
• He lied to s/o when the teacher wasn’t coming that they died and they needed to reassure them
• Kaito didn’t like the idea but s/o already had chalk and even cloak with Kiyo like “Ohhhhhhh we need to resurrect our fallen teacher!”
• Maki is not amused especially with the somewhat mocking way s/o said it very clearly seeing the lie but said he was lying anyway so he’d stop
• Que him just going “Well what are we supposed to do riot?” “RIOT! RIOT!”
• Shuichi questions why he’s even alive anymore as Kokichi and s/o started jumping on tables and screaming that the younger generation must assert their dominance to the teachers who won’t even visit them
• Kirumi just tells them to be careful with their pranks not to destroy too much as she pats Shuichi on the back and they both just go “Yes Mother!”
• Kaito is trying to get s/o back on their side as he screams for riots with Kokichi only to get him to put on the curtain and spook him about ghosts
• Kaede is happy that Kokichi found someone to bond with but she would be lying if she said it wasn’t a bit irritating
• Korekiyo is intrigued to see that someone could actually match up to Kokichi in terms of chaos energy enough to imitate him without actually appearing offended at getting him wrong
• Rantaro is used to chaos with his traveling life so he’s honestly fine with it as long as he doesn’t caught up on it
• Ryoma didn’t really care. It’s Kokichi’s life he’s not gonna judge him especially since his record is clean and he’s actually pretty happy for him that he found someone like him.
• Tenko is very annoyed of the degenerate males’ shenanigans especially now that there’s TWO. Though she can’t deny that Kokichi seems happier with s/o so she can tolerate it.
• Angie doesn’t mind as long as they don’t wake Atua. (I love her but writing her is a bit difficult outside of Atua)
• Gonta’s not sure what’s happening but his friends are happy so Gonta is happy too. What Kokichi and s/o need him to do something? Okay! Gonta will help!
(Oh Atua Gonta no)
• (I cant fucking write Miu she confuses me don’t ask how she just does)
• K1-B0 wants mercy what did he do to deserve this. Kokichi and his s/o both began bugging him about his robot features. (They’re just messing around but he can’t tell poor socially unaware boi)
• Himiko would cast her silencing magic on them but sadly they’re shenanigans drained her mana and they’ll all have to deal with it.
• Tsumugi is definitely reminded of some anime and cartoons. She might make a reference when she sees them just being gremlins.
• As for what Kokichi thinks, he’s actually happy to see that someone in Hope’s peak can match up to his energy and chaos levels which evolved into dating where they usually pull pranks and scare Kaito.
• Why do I keep bullying Kaito? Because I see he’s actually pretty easy to scare and you can’t convince me that Kokichi wouldn’t take advantage of that especially now that he has backup.
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mythgirlimagines · 4 years
Danganronpa v3 characters reacting to their so or friend making them breakfast in bed?
Rantaro Amami:
S/O was nice for doing this.
It smelled so good…
Hopefully it tasted as good.
Kaede Akamatsu:
Aw, S/O was a sweetheart!
She’d share some of what they made with them.
It was so good!
Ryoma Hoshi:
He briefly wondered what the occasion was.
But this was really nice of them.
He would enjoy it.
Kirumi Tojo:
They really didn’t have to do this.
She wasn’t one for relaxing in bed.
But she would enjoy S/O’s surprise.
Angie Yonaga:
Oh, S/O!
She bet the idea came from Atua.
They were so kind to act on it!
Tenko Chabashira:
She nearly melted.
Nobody had done this for her before!
She would cherish the moment.
Korekiyo Shinguji:
He was flattered.
This was something reserved for special occasions.
S/O was very kind indeed.
Miu Iruma:
That was sweet of S/O.
She didn’t know they cared that much.
That was good to know.
Gonta Gokuhara:
S/O was so nice!
He’d have to return the favor.
They deserved it.
Kokichi Ouma:
Too bad he hated breakfast foods…
Just kidding!
He wouldn’t say it, but he appreciated it.
Kaito Momota:
Hey, S/O was a great cook!
That was pretty cool of them.
He’d have to do this for them sometime.
He’d never been happier Miu installed an eating function for him.
S/O made him a breakfast he’d never tried before!
He loved all of it.
Tsumugi Shirogane:
What a great way to start the day!
She’d definitely do the same for them.
Their cooking was amazing.
Shuichi Saihara:
He definitely wasn’t expecting this.
But it was a nice gesture.
S/O was very thoughtful.
Maki Harukawa:
She almost didn’t know how to react.
Nobody had done anything like this for her before.
That was...really sweet.
Himiko Yumeno:
Perfect, she could replenish her mana.
S/O knew her well.
She’d have to do something for them.
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ask-postgame-v3 · 3 years
Himiko, Angie, Tenko, what do you have?
"Nyeh... Here you go, Ouma..."
Himiko hands Kokichi her own box, wrapped in shiny red wrapping paper. When it's peeled away, it reveals a magic hat just like Himiko.
"Wooooow, this is one of those fancy trick hats just like yours, right? The ones with the secret compartment that lets magicians do their magic tricks?"
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"Nyeh... Yeah... I'd never give you real magic, but this hat can let you give it a shot... I actually used 36% of my mana for this present, so you better appreciate it."
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"Nyahahahaha! And Angie comes bearing this!"
Angie's box is noticeably thinner, wrapped in shimmery gold wrapping paper, which is almost instantly on the floor. Inside was a large painting of Kokichi in his Supreme Leader cape and hat.
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"It's... Oh my God, how did you did you get it to look so lifelike? Aaaaaand is that supposed to be Atua in the background?"
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"Nyahahahaha~! Yes! Angie knew you would notice it! It represents how He is always with you in all you do! You need a god in your life, and Angie's wishes you the happiest of birthdays!"
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"Say, Tenko, what's that behind your back? Are you trying to hide the fact that you actually got something for little ole me~?"
"Eh?! No! I just... okay, fine! Have it!"
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He chuckles and rips away the glittery blue and green wrapping paper, and when torn away, it reveals a custom Neo Aikido practice sword. It's got his name carved into it, and was obviously hand-crafted, which means Tenko had carved it herself weeks in advance.
"Awwww, it's so cuuuuuuuuuute! I love it lots! Thank you, Chaba-Chan! I'd give you a hug, too, but you'd punt me into the sun, so I hope just a thank you is enough for this cute gift!"
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"It's not like I put my time and effort into this or anything! And stop calling it cute, you male!"
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After 2years waiting and trying to make a shoot here we are ! Since we living for away from each other it was hard to make this photoshoot hapen ! HOPE you will LOVE as much as we liked making it ! Mana is Lyne cosplay Photographer @minhou_sama Thank you for supporting us that day ! XD #guiltycrown #manaouma #shuouma #ouma #shu #mana #GC #shucosplay #manacosplay #redjuice #oumashucosplay #oumamanacosplay #frenchcosplay #mutualitycosplay #guiltycrowncosplay #kingvoid
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