#mandi is underrated
tecdiscord · 6 months
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gelphiegifs · 7 months
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Gelphie Femslash February Day 15: Favorite Gelphie Scene
At this point in the story Glinda has spent years cultivating this public persona of Glinda the Good, despite missing Elphaba terribly she doesn't let those feelings get in the way of how she's trying to live her life. We know Glinda is unhappy as hell but she's still willing to put herself in the spotlight as this carefully curated figure and has spent a significant amount of time and effort doing so.
And yet the second she sees Elphaba again, all of that crumbles.
The Wizard is there! The man who could order her imprisonment if he wanted to is right there and Glinda knows this and she does. not. care.
Glinda didn't even know if Elphaba was alive, she's been dealing with these rumors about her for YEARS and she's so incredibly relieved to see her again she just has to hug her and she throws caution out the window to do so. (And this is GLINDA we're talking about. Her whole character relies on NEVER throwing caution out the window---except when Elphaba is involved. Elphaba is the only reason Glinda ever goes against the status quo but that's a whole other post.)
The scene plays a little differently with each performer, of course, but I love when Elphaba is portrayed as an active participant instead of just waiting for Glinda to approach.
Elphaba absolutely knows she's in danger, and yet she reaches towards Glinda and even shakes her arm a little impatiently while Glinda is frozen (sometimes Elphaba even walks up to her, too.) She's in danger and she doesn't care at all, she wants to allow herself this moment of reunion. Even while she's behind enemy lines. Because this is Glinda!! This is her Glinda who is right there!!
I could go on and on and on about this tbh but it's so precious how they haven't seen each other in years and they're on opposite sides and they're in this very dangerous place and through all the shock and disbelief of seeing each other again they still hold each other even for a moment.
Then it's back to business. "Only you shouldn't have come, if anyone discoverates you---" because Glinda is Glinda after all and there is work to do, but for a few seconds nothing but Elphaba mattered. It was like they were alone in that room.
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behindthescreamz · 9 months
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promotional portraits of amber heard as mandy lane for “all the boys love mandy lane” (2006)
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callivich · 11 months
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I’m back with another underrated author rec!
verily_i_say has written five stories. While I think they were probably known at the time, since it’s been quite a few years I think there might be a lot of people out there who haven’t read their fics.
All their fics are set around s3 and do a great job of capturing the drama and heartbreak of this time. Their stories are a mix of canon divergent, character studies and missing scenes. I’d recommend all five as the writing really captures the characters well as they navigate such a difficult time. Especially the very interesting take on what the relationship between Svetlana and Mickey could have been like in a canon divergent world.
In general, I think it’s always really interesting to read work written as the show was airing and seeing how writers interpreted things without knowing what was coming next.
The Interrupters -
To her surprise, Mickey Milkovich is standing on their porch, looking significantly less filthy than the last time she saw him, pants down and bleeding in her kitchen. He seems vaguely nervous, shifting backwards and forwards slightly on the balls of his feet.
Even before he says anything, Fiona has the sudden notion that he’s trying to be polite, make a good impression. For some reason she’s reminded of the boys in middle school who came to pick her up before a date, terrified they might be interrogated by Frank. 
If he’s here for Debbie, she’s going to fucking kill him.
The Honeymooners -
He hears the keys in the door and a second later she walks in carrying a tray of food. She’s still wearing the white dress, her hair is down, make up smudged a little around the eyes. She smiles a little when she sees him, says good morning. Her accent is thicker than he remembers.
Here she is, the new Mrs Milkovich. Fuck.
War Wounds -
Mandy finds her brother in the hallway, smoking and leaning up against the discoloured, pockmarked wall. Mickey gestures his head back into the reception, the opening notes of La Bamba echoing and distorted out of ancient speakers. “So. You finally got that sister you always bitched about wanting.”
Mandy punches him. Hard.
Remember, if you enjoyed a fic, please leave a comment! 💖
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lesser-mook · 2 years
Mandy (2018) favorite scene
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Favorite scene is just the titular couple talking about Planets. 
Mandy dropping these sick facts about Jupiter and Saturn, smart as shit.
Then Cage’s character “Red” makes a joke about Galactus from Marvel.
The colors during the scene, the music is so ambient, slight panning in as they’re talking to emphasis intimacy, closeness; Basic but effective filmmaking techniques. 
I could just watch 2 hours of their boring daily routine, with the music being so serene, and be satisfied the entire time.
Makes for excellent background noise.
This movie is awesome.
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mylancap1 · 5 months
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Sudah lama aku tak bersiaran review modal lancap favourite. Ramai yang tanya bila nak review lagi. Aku perasan, semakin lama journey aku dalam dunia fapping ni, aku jadi makin selective. Bukan hari-hari aku lenjan, bukan semua girls akan automatic masuk list. Makin lama, aku lagi bernafsu dengan girl yang bijak, smart, pandai express herself, beauty with brain gitu. Dekat sini, aku bina satu konsep sex itu kuasa dan untuk girls macam ni memerlukan skills dan cara yang complex untuk patahkan nafsu dia. Sama ada kau dominate atau girl yang akan patahkan sexual ego kau. Tu la konsep kuasa dalam sex. Antara girls yang akan masuk list aku mesti la Youtuber yang boleh bercakap dan sampaikan pendapat. Dulu tak banyak channel macam ni. Boleh kira dengan jari. Sekarang dah terlalu banyak pulak sampai susah nak pilih. So dalam semua tu, aku berpatah balik kepada zaman kegemilangan *L Studio. Batch fappers masa tu memang tertunggu-tunggu speaker baru muncul. Sekarang semua dah lupakan dorang sejak Tiktok jadi kuasa era moden.
Maka… aku akan layan balik antara speaker paling aku favorite. List bersusun sebenarnya tapi salah sorang yang aku letak top mesti la Kila. Girl yang sangat underrated. Aku pun tak tau kenapa tak ramai fappers yang bernafsu dengan dia. Sedangkan bagi aku, bila dia buka mulut, aku dah mencanak.
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Dengan wajah typical girl yang nampak educated, specky… damn, aku rasa idea ni pun buatkan dick aku dah tegang. Sapa yang faham akan faham macam mana girl yang bijak mcm Kila ni ada tempat tersendiri dalam sexual taste. Kila aku letak dia di tengah-tengah antara conservative minded dengan liberal minded. Dia masih lagi pakai tudung walaupun majority dia akan tayangkan boobs dia yang segar, besar dan ranum tahap maksimum. Dia akan show off aset dia kaw kaw. Dia tak kisah kalau pakai skirt yang senteng sikit untuk tayang betis dia. Dalam masa yang sama, dia kadang-kadang acah Muslimah gitu. So called hijabista style. Bila aku tengok muka dia bercakap, aku memang rasa dia selayaknya terima pancutan sperm yang pekat likat dekat muka.
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Sebab dia jenis yang suka outdoor, banyak la waktu dia akan pakai Tshirt yang menyebabkan sideboobs dia tertayang sepenuhnya. Kalau Kila tayang masa mandi dan lepas kena air, memang shape keseluruhan akan nampak. Tetek yang bagi aku kategori busty. Lebih besar dari size sederhana.
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Kila yang aku kenal sangat menjaga tetek dan bontot dia. Dia akan shopping bra yang branded. Selalunya koleksi bra dia dari La Senza. Memang premium habis dia cari. Dengan warna bra yang boleh buatkan batang aku mencanak 100%. Bila dia married, aku lagi bernafsu. Wifey orang yang lebih subur dan kenyal. Aura sex dia memang nampak terus dari muka dia. Dia memang skillful dalam oral sex. Blowjob yang padu sampai tahap deepthroat. Kila suka dominate partner. Akan edging batang sampai nak terpancut. Tapi dia tahan jangan bagi pancut. Sampai la mani dah tak sanggup nak bertahan. Bila sperm dah keluar, Kila akan torture lagi, akan handjob, blowjob, deepthroat sampai la partner terpaksa cum berkali-kali. Sampai kering. Lepas tu rest kejap dan terus dengan fucking. Damnnn sapa yang jenis kejap dah pancut tu memang kena reject awal-awal dengan Kila.
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Walaupun ada yang cakap muka Kila tak lawa, aku akan tepis pendapat ni. Sebab bagi aku Kila ni bukan la flawless macam founder produk putih tetapi muka dia tunjukkan taste dia dalam sexual sangat tinggi. Bila dia pakai baju yang dressing ketat, fuck… dekat situ la batang lelaki mana pun takkan boleh control. Dengan tetek bengkak, pinggang slim, bontot membulat.. fuckkk pakej yang perfect bagi aku. Apa lagi Kila ni kategori tinggi bagi girl. So kalau position Kila memang suka kalau lelaki tolak dia rapat ke dinding. Kiss lama-lama, jilat dia 1 badan dekat dinding, lepas tu angkat kaki dan fuck sambil berdiri. Kalau dah tahap gila, bawak Kila sampai tangga dan fuck terus dekat situ. Orang macam Kila ni tak suka fucking dekat bilik sepanjang masa. Dia akan pilih tempat yang pelbagai. Atas sofa, atas meja, atas tangga, baring dekat lantai, dalam kereta… memang Kila dari remaja ada impian nak make love tempat-tempat berbeza. Paling thrill, Kila nak kena lenjan dekat public. Ahhhh, sapa yang boleh langsaikan idaman dia ni. Kalau paling ideal bagi aku, fucking dekat balkoni condo, bagi terbukak sampai jiran nampak. Tu pun dah cukup wow.
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Kila memang sangat tinggi sexual taste dia. Takkan layan dick kecik. Dia suka batang yang gemuk, berurat dan besar panjang. European pun dia perlekehkan. Level Kila nak yang black guy. Kalau dia layan porn pun, dia akan layan blacked yang 12-13 inch. Kila memang mengidam nak kena fuck dengan lelaki hitam. Dirty talk sampai batang panjang hentak gspot dia sampai squirt. Kila akan squirt bila batang panjang dari bawah menggerudi dia nonstop. Fuckkkk.
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Kawan kawan Kila kenal dia sebagai open minded girl. Dari Form 1 dia dah addicted dengan porn. Masa Form 1 lagi Kila dah boleh bercakap depan public. So kalau bercakap depan Utube ni tak ada apa sangat la bagi dia. Ikutkan Kila suka sembang sexual topic, deep talk pasal sexual tapi sebab benda tu taboo gila, dia terpaksa buat benda tu dengan kawan kawan je. Dorang ada private group untuk confess sexual taste masing-masing. Kila akan guide kawan kawan dia A-Z. Memang superb dan ada knowledge yang mendalam Kila ni.
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Jujur aku cakap, kalau aku tak tau nak lenjan sapa, memang Kila jadi pilihan aku. Aku suka hijabista yang open minded dan ada sexual drive yang tinggi. Lepas tu boleh express keinginan sexual dia. Ahhhh sumpah sedap sial.
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Fuckkkkk. I wanna fuck you Kila. Shit. Horny gila tengok Kila dressing raya dengan ketat, dengan kain licin. Ahhhhh damn. Muka, badan, gaya bercakap, gaya berjalan. Semua meminta-minta. Memang Kila show off habis-habisan untuk kena fuck. Batang bengkok aku dah ready nak fuck kau Kila. Level Kila ni dah macam porn star bagi aku. Aku akan fuck dia sambil jilat 1 badan, dari rambut, muka, tetek, ketiak, perut, pussy, sampai kaki pun aku jilat. Aku layan kau macam sex slave. Tak puas dengan pussy, dengan anal sekali aku lenjan. Sampai Kila lunyai. Tu je boleh puaskan Kila. Ahhhhh fuck.
Shitttt, aku kalah dengan boobs bengkak kau Kila. Besar nak mampus. Lagi bengkak, lagi show off. Memang gaya mcm ni la yang aku suka. Open minded dan biarkan fappers layan habis habisan. Arghhhhhhh…. fapppppp.
Face 8/10
Muka Kila bagi aku antara kekuatan dia. Dia ada something dekat muka. Ada aura sex yang cukup kuat. Aku bukan jenis cepat turn on tengok muka tapi untuk Kila ada pengecualian. Dengan specky, ahhhh memang Kila stok pancut sperm dekat muka. Sperm banyak, likat, meleleh. Tu je yang layak untuk Kila. Muka yang wild, notty habis.
Boobs 10/10
Boobs yang perfect, melebihi markah normal. Aku follow dia dari sekolah menengah lagi, so aku boleh nampak peningkatan boobs dia yang sangat perfect ni. Tetek macam Kila la contoh natural boobs yang sangat padu. Memang level porn star. Body yang tak chubby sangat tapi boobs busty & solid. Lagi padu, bila dia suka tayangkan aset dia yang satu ni. Memang dia bangga ada boobs besar. Kalau titsfuck, aku tak tau berapa minit aku boleh bertahan. Damn.
Butt 7/10
Kila jarang show off aset kedua dia ni. Memang bontot bukan la kelebihan dia no 1 tapi sesekali bila ada candid dan nampak butt dia, ahhhh aku tetap rasa butt dia bukan kategori biasa-biasa jgk. Lebih tahap normal, cuma jarang dia belanja. Sebab aset no 1 dia dah cover semua. Tapiiii, aku rasa anal sex antara yg aku nak buat bila lenjan Kila. Sebab aku rasa butt Kila ni memang terbaik utk position yang ada kaitan dengan butt macam doggy. Slapping kuat-kuat bontot Kila. Ahhh.
Body Cutting 9/10
Hampir perfect. Kalau sekali sekala dia belanja pakai kebaya, kurung modern atau baju yang ketat, dekat situ aku kalah teruk. Aku rasa dia agak tinggi, tak skinny sangat tak chubby sangat. Tapi dua aset memainkan peranan. Terutamanya boobs. Menyebabkan markah body dia memang sukar nak dinafikan, hampir sempurna. Sebab tu utk oral sex aku tak teragak-agak nak layan dia dari rambut sampai kaki.
Sexual Attractiveness 10/10
Aku rasa Kila sangat bernafsu tinggi. Cuma Kila ni type yang memilih. Dia akan reject bodoh mcm tu je partner yang tak menepati taste dia. Kalau sekali menepati, dia akan guna cukup-cukup. Dengan round berkali-kali. Sexual yang sangat-sangat padu. Dan Kila jgk into kinky, bondage. BDSM dia suka explore dan antara kegemaran dia suka torture partner. Dia akan lenjan dick sampai betul-betul kering. Paling gila dia boleh cari P-spot. Yang korek bontot lelaki dan cari spot sampai sperm meleleh dengan sendiri. Ahhhh crazyyyy.
Kila suka bite. Dia suka menggigit. Suka buat love bite. Memang power habis. Dia suka benda-benda rare senang cakap. Sampai jilat dan cium ketiak partner. Rimming ass. Tu menyebabkan Kila berada dalam level tersendiri bagi aku. Kalau porn tak taboo dekat Malaysia, Kila antara salah sorang calon paling layak. Paling ditunggu tentu la gangbang edition. Fuck.
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36C? Or 36D? Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh Kila, fuck youuuu. 5th round aku cum. Shit… tewas teruk aku hari ni.
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catboymoses · 2 months
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willowmosby · 4 months
I have over the last 5 months watched all 15 seasons and the immortality special of the original CSI. I have no plans to watch the reboot anytime soon so I thought I would info dump my thoughts, and if love to know how others feel. I will now present a very very long post with breakdown some quick thoughts on the seasons, more thoughts on most of the characters and a few ships.
Tldr: I really enjoyed CSI as a whole and I'm sad to say goodbye to a formula and some characters I've really grown attached to. ( And If there is a good Nick Stokes written into immortality fic please lmk)
I do think the early seasons the most fun/ light hearted, which feels weird to say when it literally opens with Sara investigating Warrick for negligence. I kinda wish I had blogged along or something so I could be more detailed in my response about them.
Like a lot of shows I think it really hit its stride in the middle seasons. If I had to pick a few seasons to watch it be 5-7. It also helps that I had finally gotten used to the lighting.
I think the 9- 11 stretch is too serious, don't get me wrong there were some bangers but overall not great
12-15 they were better and back to a little more fun, and I think the series kept its footing pretty well in its final innings. It was no golden era and I felt really bad that Catherine got demoted but I really enjoyed it. ( Well ok I really wasn' a gig harbor arc fan)
Immortality was a fine special, although I don't really feel like it stuck the landing. Part of that will probably become obvious when I talk about my character and ship takes but I also just felt the case could have been better. It's the freshest in mind, obviously, so I will say I really loved having Catherine and Grissom back and if anything I felt like it gave good closure for them and to a lesser extent Sara.
Characters( kinda in the order of their exit):
The lab rats: Bobby, Mandy, Archie icons every one of them. There is a world where Wendy, Hodges and Henry get their own sections but I feel like they would appreciate being in this group. Never pushed into too much melodrama their characterization, always great at their jobs. I would love to grab drinks with any of them
The cops: Brass will get his own sections but to summarize my feelings on all the others. They did their job and I love that for them. They almost never overstayed their welcome but they also aren't the reason I'm watching this show. The only two I would want to get drinks with are the should have been lesbian Sofia Curtis ( she almost got her own section but then i got lazy) and the best uniform in the business, the man, the myth, my man officer Mitchell.
Warrick Brown: My smooth talking gambling king. He was definitely missed after his death. While I didn't love his characterization in the greda Arc, I usually really enjoyed his dynamic with the team and his drive to the job. His death was the closest I came to stopping my watching. His skills with kids are underrated ( probably cause Nick and Catherine are so good) and I do have a say on top of all his intelligence and skills at the job he is so handsome. I think he might go a little too hard for me to enjoy getting drinks with him but I would still do it.
Gill Grissom: My second favorite Dr. Bug ( sorry no one can beat Jack Hodgins) he really is the smartest person on the show. You can always feel his passion for science which is lovely. While sometimes out of touch or oblivious he is usually incredibly kind. I liked his tie to the deaf community. You can pull the fact that he is Demi from my cold dead hands. In a lot of the ways he was the heart of the show and it definitely shows when he left. His relationships with Catherine, Warick, Nick and of course Sara were well developed. I would kill to get a drink with him just to listen to him talk science.
Riley Adams: she gets a section as it is rude for me to not mention a character who was in the credits but she's fucking white bread milk toast. Would not bother getting drinks.
Raymond Langston: I love his relationship with Robbins and I think he's incredibly smart. But I just think the show gave him way way too much too quickly. I mean just compare it to the fucking effort Greg put in to reach CSI or that as new CSI 3 there was a long stretch where Nick didn't get his own cases. I appreciated his complex background but he brought with him the Haskell arc which was just too fucking long and serious. I would get a singular glass of wine with him.
Catherine Willows: What a girl boss. And I mean that is all the best and worst ways. I really love her at her best but man some of her lows are just.. no fun. She is absolutely vital to the show's success and 9/10 times she is out there taking no prisoners and careing for her team. Just you know wish she hadn't shown her daughter a dead body or faked a crime scene with a new guy to name some examples. She could drink me under the table no doubt.
Jim Brass: While never my favorite character I always appreciate seeing him on my screen. Competent enough to hang with the scientist and still be a good cop. I appreciated how dedicated he was to his daughter but Just not personally my vibes. I would get a drink with him but uhh maybe make it non alcoholic cause it's unclear if he needs sobriety help.
Julie Finlay: She's sweet and very very good at her job. If she had come earlier on she might be one of my favorites just my top 3 was already filled. She brings a good balance back to the team, and she has a weird level of breaking and respecting the rules that I enjoyed. She very quickly had such a good dynamic with all the returning favs that there are moments I forgot she was so new. She's got big Bi & Poly energy. I know the actress wasn't coming back but I would've paid to see her interact with Grissom. Sad that she died off screen but also kinda glad they didn't end 15 with her completely dead. I would absolutely get drinks with her, probably mimosas despite my dislike for them.
Morgan Brody: eh shes fine. I feel like despite everything she still comes off as naive. I love her relationship with Eklie and Hodges but overall she left something to be desired. Nothing that I super disliked but I do kinda wish some of her screen time went to Sara or someone else.
D.B Russell: he was honestly a breath of fresh air, well until he wasn't. I think I just love Ted Dansion for one but also I felt like Russell was a beautiful balance between caring and professional. It was nice to have a supervisor who was actually kinda good at politics. I love that he actually cares for his kids and loves his wife ( although I was informed by my mother that he is divorced in Cyber). I do kinda wish the kept the bit where he laid on the ground as a body but mostly cause I found it way funnier than it is. I really hated the gig harbor killer arc and I felt like a large reason is it made him too serious. I would get a drink with him, but honestly I'd love to have a full meal with his family
Super Dave: what a lovable but weird dude. Genuinely a great example of how you can blend strange comments with kindness and consistency to create a great character. I would love to grab a drink with him.
Doc Robbins: What an honest man and in the running for the best M.E ( up there with Ducky and Cam). I'm glad he mostly stayed out of the drama and appreciated that he was always thorough, even when people were occasionally questioning his own work. Not kind to a fault but definitely empathetic. I would 100% grab a drink with him.
Now to the top 3, the best of the best, the ones who were in for the long haul.
Nick Stokes: Whether it's the sweet Texas accent and big bown eyes or the fact that he's the longest running main cast member I do think he is my favorite. Empathetic and kind, almost to a fault, he is also a man's man who can hold his own against the worst criminals. The show put him through the absolute fucking ringer but he still leaves with a smile on his face. Even when he clashes with other characters I feel like he resolves the problems better than other people. He definitely could have benefited from good therapy but I still love him anyway. His skills with kids are so nice and grounded in his backstory. Loved that he became the new big guy. Occasionally they try and paint him as a bit of a player but given he sleeps with like 2 women over 15 seasons it doesn't super add up. This is definitely the queer in me talking but he gives huge repressed Gay energy. Like a lot of his early arc is about graining confidence in himself. Not to mention,his relationship with Warrick and Greg are so filled with undertones and honestly let that man get fucked and some of his problems might go away. Anyway. So I guess more power to the actor for not coming back for even a cameo but I really really felt the lack of him in immortality. So If anyone knows a fanfic where he's there lmk I would read that shit in a heartbeat. Would get drinks with him, would die for him.
Greg Sanders: I love rave going lab rat Greg. I love the new CSI trying to prove himself to Greg. I love mob history author Greg. I mean he's got to be one of the most intelligent characters on the show- he's good at science and history- and it never makes him come off as rude or entitled. I think his shift from lab rat to CSI, whether intentional or accidental, is well built. He is criminally oh I mean so so so criminally underutilized in immortality. I dislike when he's angry and there are certainly episodes where he feels off but overall he's just so lovable. Disgusting hair choices but hey at least that was a consistent trait. His relationship with Nick and Sara throughout the whole show are really great and after 15 seasons they really do feel like they've been a team for 15 years. He gives Huge Bi energy so I would take him to a gay club for drinks and dancing.
Sara Sidle: You can call her a problematic fav all you want but she's a bad bitch and everyone should love her. She is so great at her job and she never lacks humanity. The show kinda lost track of her exact backstory at some point but I don't care too too much as she stays strong willed and passionate the whole show. Her will to never quit and iconic smirks will stay winning forever. I have thoughts on her relationship with Grissom but bottom line she knew what she wanted and got it. Her friendship with all the main cast, particularly Greg and Nick, is really lovely and shows how she has grown and changed over 15 seasons. Because I actually care about continuity I would not get an actual alcoholic drink with her but non alcoholic drinks aplenty would be had if I could meet her.
Listen I don't have a real finger on the pulse of what ships are popular as this show finished airing 10 years ago and I was trying to not be super spoiled.
That being said
GSR: I'm not super into Grissom/ Sara ( side note I know the Internet was a different place 20 years ago but who picked GSR as their ship tag), but I'm also not against it. I think they have a big "match my freak" energy which is nice but. I don't know I just feel like by the end of it Sara could do better. Like she gave up the lab director for the guy who asked her for a divorce. I still think it's better than some other options just you know not like my otp. 8/10
Catherine/ Warrick: I think that the flirting was all fun and games and then if became too much. Let's be honest neither of them are built for committed relationships. Probably would have been better then whatever the fuck was happening with Warrick and Tina. 5/10
Catherine/ Vartann: its canonical and like they were fine I didn't hate it didn't love it. Probably better for Catherine in the long term than any other of her potential ships 6/10
Nick/ Greg: idk if this is super popular but it's my otp for the show. They seem like they bring out the best in each other. Nicks more clean cut natural could balance out the more chaotic ature of greg. Obviously with the era the show was made in I don't think that there tension was intentional but it's still there. From the name that chemical compound game to working together until the end of really think they would be great. 11/10
Nick/ Warrick: I had to mention for the just two dudes who have homoerotic tension energy but ehh Warrick dose really read straight to me in every other context. 3/10
Wendy/ Hodges: ehh they give straight white couple who should have just talked about their feelings. 4/10
Hodges/ Henry: is this a real ship? idk man, But it's an friends to enemies to lovers I would love to read. 6/10
Morgan/ Greg: ok part of this is the my ship bias( see above) but I did not like them together. Their flirting is not good, his anger at her kidnapping too extreme, idk I Just really feels like they operate in different levels. 0/10
Morgan/ Hodges: I actually thought this was really sweet and was super said they went with the parents dating thing. I think they understood each other on a really fun level and that they brought out the best in each other. I loved how supportive they were of each other even in seemingly poor decisions. 8/10
Finn/ D.B: I would assume that this is the popular het ship for the them but uhh D.B is so happily married and Finn ( much like Warrick and Catherine) doesn't really give monogamous relationship. 0/10
Finn/ Sara: 100% queer women projection but uhh just imagine post divorce Sara figuring out her identity with Finn and they try friends with benefits but then need more. 6/10
If you made it this far thanks so much for reading and id love to hear others thoughts as I do a deep dive into this show. I Will be reading plenty of fanfiction and may start CSI: NY to appease the new hole in my heart.
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synergysilhouette · 5 months
Disney's revival era: an Alternate Timeline
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A bit of a weird idea; I wanted to write an alternate universe where the Disney revival era made different choices with their films, and whether or not it paid off for them. I'm starting with "The Princess and the Frog" since I consider it the start of the era more than "Bolt."
(Edit: I've since made posts about remaking the renaissance and post-renaissance eras, but since those came out before the revival era, they don't exist in the same AU. Maybe I'll tweak this post so they do.)
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The Princess and the Frog--In this timeline, Disney catches onto the "If we put 'princess' in the title, it'll reduce our box office" thing faster and changes the title to "Frogs." This outrages the black community, who also criticizes Disney for making the two leads frogs for most of the film. This results in a story overhaul, with the story being renamed "Cursed," and Tiana no longer turns into a frog when kissing Naveen, but she does gain the ability to speak to animals. This version of the film doesn't reveal his identity until the end, with Naveen going by Lawrence and the human "Naveen" we see is actually Lawrence working with Dr. Facilier to scam Lottie as well as woo Tiana to give them back Naveen. Naveen himself cannot discuss the curse, and must promise to help Tiana when he becomes human again by kissing a princess. Naveen's treatment as a frog also draws parallels to the treatment of people of color at the time, since Naveen is depowered here.The film ends up making about $400 million and still getting Disney out of their creative slump, as well as Ne-Yo's "Never Knew I Needed" being an actual song in the film (because it's so good and so underrated). "Tiana" becomes a Disney+ series that helps to promote the platform when it first debuts. It also got a Broadway adaptation in 2013, with Anika Noni Rose reprising her role when it debuted.
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Tangled--In this timeline, Glen Keane's seminar on the benefits of 2D and 3D tilts favor in 2D's way, and he persuades Disney executives David Stainton and Dick Cook to make it by making the art style fuller akin to the Rococo paintings the film was inspired by (check out Lisa Keane's concept art for it). Kristen Chenoweth is kept on as Rapunzel, making some discourse on the internet later on when it was revealed Idina Menzel also auditioned for the role. The movie also finalizes Bastion instead of making Flynn Rider, due to concern that he'd be too similar to Naveen, and Beneditch Cumberbatch is cast as him (apparently he was supposed to be British, so I kinda jumped on this opportunity). "You are my Forever" and it's reprise are never cut here, and the movie also utilizes the darker original concept (no idea what it was; I heard about it and it sounds intriguing), with fans and critics likening it to "Mulan," "The Hunchback of Notre Dame," and "Pocahontas" for it's tone. The film makes about the same amount of money the original did, and makes Disney reconsider retiring 2D. The success inspires a Broadway production MUCH earlier, which makes many report that it's at home with Disney's renaissance adaptations on Broadway (with Mandy Moore making her stage debut as Rapunzel), and a TV series (with tighter writing) on Disney+ in 2019, which also helps bring in subscribers with "Tiana."
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Winnie the Pooh--I wouldn't change much, other than the fact that it got promoted more and made about $200 or $300 million at the box office, prompting Disney to make "Goodbye Christopher Robin" a bit earlier.
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Wreck It Ralph--Similar to "Tangled," WIR goes through the "2D or 3D" discussion, with 2D winning out in order to give it a retro vibe and appeal to a wider audience, taking inspiration from 90s video games and TV series. Critical response likens it to Pixar, and praises Disney for a particularly successful original film, making Disney open to more original stories in the future.
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Frozen--Disney can't hold back the 3D desire any longer, and believes that the winter atmosphere makes "Frozen" the ideal film to showcase it. The Norwegian influence is more obvious and accurate here (versus a more vague Scandinavian influence like in the OG timeline) and they keep Elsa and Anna as sisters while still making Elsa the villain, though redeeming her at the end by using the mirror from the original fairy tale to explain her villainy. Here, Anna accidentally ruins Elsa's coronation (as originally stated in the wiki during the film's development), and when Elsa flees, she returns, more powerful than ever, to ruin Anna's coronation, making an ice palace out of the Kingdom of Arendelle and trapping Anna, just as Elsa felt trapped. Elsa also has two looks: her blue skin and dark hair when she uses her powers, and white skin/hair when she doesn't, though by the end, it's shown that the hair/skin color can mix and match (black hair with white skin and blue skin with white hair being fan-favorites, I'm sure). Hans isn't a twist villain, and Kristoff's design draws comparisons to Bastion, and the producers lean into the theory that they're long-lost brothers. Hans has much less brothers, instead it just being five, and his journey in the story is essentially the opposite of Anna's, where he wants to be distant from his family. By the end, Elsa does let Anna keep the throne--and the citizens understandably agree. The film still becomes the phenomenon it did IRL, and it POSSIBLY leads to Disney discussing a sequel much sooner.
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Big Hero 6--The film has some significant changes: Fred and Wasabi are of partial Japanese heritage, (with the film attracting attention for having a predominately Asian cast, and Honey Lemon might have some Chinese ancestry mixed with her Latin roots; plus "My Hero Academia" debuting the same year in Japan helps boost both in popularity), Gogo is a convicted felon on parole to mirror her comic counterpart, head of story Paul Briggs and co-writer Robert L. Baird reading the entire run of the series, and inspiration is taken from X-Men and Teen Titans for the show, with Wasabi, Fred, and Gogo being superpowered individuals (Fred's draconic powers, Wasasbi's qi manipulation, Gogo's superspeed) while Hiro and Honey Lemon are human nerds. Yokai is also more present, with the plot twist of his identity being revealed earlier. It's also noted that Yokai took inspiration from Amon from season 1 of "The Legend of Korra," which has earned both praise and criticism for what some consider copycating. Baymax is Hiro's creation like in the comics, and Tadashi dies a little later in the film for more dramatic effect (the longer you know someone, the more it hurts). It's production goes smoothly, and it's moved up to a Spring release to better coincide with "Frozen" and it's success with it's message of sisterly love. The directors also advocate for it to be 2D, but Disney making $1 billion with "Frozen" makes them hesitant to do so, so they reach a compromise, making the film a hybrid style (somehow developing the tech earlier). This art style, combined with the superhero craze and positive reviews, pushes the film to make $1 billion, or something close to it.
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Zootopia--The decision to make the film about a dystopian future where predators are oppressed ends up being the final cut. The film ends up being a bigger sleeper hit than the OG version, since it received controversy in certain countries for the USA making what was perceived to be a propaganda film about human rights and a jab at those specific nations. Of course, the controversy only heightens interest in the film, though Disney tries to smooth this over by clarifying that it wasn't meant to be a propaganda film, though some criticize them for not speaking up for oppressed people in said countries. The 3D art style is kept the same.
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Moana--This version makes a few changes: "Moana" takes place in a specific land, (though I personally haven't decided if it's set in Samoa or Tahiti), Moana is a grown adult by this point and has a couple brothers, but not as many as in the concept art, and Maui isn't portrayed as obese and is more athletic, with Dwayne Johnson and Jason Mamoa's figures being a primary inspiration. Moana also practices wayfinding and navigating the seas under Tala's supervision before she goes to find Maui. Moana also isn't as headstrong about seafaring; she still wants to do it, but her mother tells her the story of her father much earlier in order to quell her, and her own accident makes her more hesitant. Maui also isn't a catalyst for all the bad events of the film; Te Fiti's heart is instead taken by selfish seafarers, with the overall message of the film mirroring a love for nature and others. There is also a bit of flirting between Moana and Maui, but the crew wants Moana to focus on her self-finding journey (plus Auli'i is still 14 while Dwayne is 44, so they wanted to avoid controversy), so nothing is concrete. Originally it had the "2D or 3D" crisis, but reached a reverse-"Tangled" situation, now being made as predominantly 3D with 2D watercolor elements. Dinah Jane (who auditioned for Moana IRL) sings the commercial version of "How Far I'll Go" instead of Alessia Cara. It meets the same financial success, with some saying that Moana took all the positive qualities of Ariel and Pocahontas without being held back by her predecessors' flaws. The film also gets a Broadway adaptation, being seen as a standout for it's diversity on the stage, as well as postponing news of a remake and resulting in the sequel being greenlit earlier rather than a show being considered in the interim.
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Ralph Breaks the Internet--No major notes, but the references do heighten the Disney princess films and ignite conversations about whether or not critics have treated them unfairly. The film was also argued to be hybrid or 3D animation, but the concern of disconnect made them keep it 2D. It makes about the same in box office.
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Frozen II--POSSIBLY released earlier if Disney didn't wait 3 years to greenlight a sequel (I'd put it at 2017 if they decided IMMEDIATELY to make a sequel), but Disney didn't make the mistake of using super young kids for test audiences, and production is MUCH smoother. As such, the more serious aspects of the film are kept, and Hans joins the gang here. The Northuldra are more characters than plot devices, and are diverse in terms of phenotype and genotypes; originally Disney had them mirror Indigenous Americans, but in my version, their Sami influence made some members of the tribe also have European features. Queen Iduna comes from these European members (I feel like that's easier to believe than her coming from the members who appear more Native American), and Elsa doesn't stop living in Arendelle, traveling instead. Agnar and Iduna get their flashbacks to show their relationship, as well as reducing Agnar's criticism as a terrible father. Plus there are FOUR songs marketed: "Lost in the Woods" is made more theatrical than rock-influenced (not that I hated it; it just wasn't right for this film), while edited versions of "Show Yourself" and "The Next Right Thing" (ie an Anna and Elsa duet of "Show Yourself" and lyrics that suggest Anna has been separated from the group in TNRT rather than suggesting the loss of certain characters) are exhibited to be the award contenders. Of course, "Into the Unknown" is still an exec favorite, with "Show Yourself" being a last-minute submission to awards. The film earns significant praise and is still a phenomenon, albeit less of an underrated one. The success of this film leads to the Broadway show being retooled in order to include some elements of the plot and the Northuldra, as well as making about $1.5 billion at the box office thanks to more positive reviews than the OG timeline "Frozen 2" and COVID not being a factor if it was released in 2017.
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Raya and the Last Dragon--Right off the bat, the film again goes through the "2D or 3D" question, with 2D winning out, particularly thanks to Scott Watanabe's concept art (not shown here; this is Ryan Lang's). Rather than an amalgamation of Southeast Asia, Kumandra is a land made of five lands inspired by distinct cultures. Raya is the daughter of an emperor influenced by the Vietnamese empire, and the guardian of the dragon gem. Raya originally seeks to restore her land and the others as one nation of unity when the gem is broken and stolen, but recognizes the new nations as independent after realizing that her land (nicknamed "Heart" mockingly by the other regions) may have been too oblivious to the suffering of other people. This film is a musical, and while Kelly Marie Tran still plays Raya's speaking voice, the film takes inspiration from "Tarzan" and "The Lion King: The Gift" by having songs placed over the scenes rather than the characters singing themselves, representing their thoughts. Sisu also comes off a lot more serious and wise, being a mother-like figure to Raya rather than a sister. The voice cast better reflects the SEA culture, and a tighter world/message allows for better word of mouth--plus it's amazing music makes it an instant classic. The diversity and positive reception actually puts it's box office at similar figures to "Demon Slayer: Mugen Train."
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Encanto--Mostly the same, except tighter in story. Antonio, Isabella and Luisa spend more time with Mirabel throughout the film to emphasize the family bonds (rather than just Mirabel with Alma and rushing through her relationships with everyone else), and we see more insight into Pepa and Julieta's dynamic. The film makes a bit more money given that it's a phenomenon, but COVID keeps it from doing anything too record-breaking, sadly. "Raya" and "Encanto" being released in the same year to massive success is marked as a legendary year for diversity in Hollywood. It still remains a 3D film.
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Strange World--Overhaul, overhaul, overhaul. The story and visuals are more ambitious, and is more science-fantasy than sci-fi. Firstly, the film goes for the hybrid style of animation, since it fits sci-fi genre (or sci-fan in this take) so well, and Ethan is older and is almost the main character instead of his dad (I wanted to make him the main character, but a Disney protagonist in their 40s is pretty rare). The main cast are humanoid aliens that take influence from comic books and anime, mainly the Kree, Tamaraneans, and the Saiyans, with the main theme being rejuvenation and family, essentially a cross between "Moana" "Atlantis," and "Encanto," (with a touch of Fox's "Avatar") with Avalonia's culture being influenced from lesser-known European and Afro-Asiatic cultures. The Clade family works as mercenaries hired by a mysterious benefactor to destroy a rebel group that seeks to threaten Avalonia--but when the truth comes out, they may find themselves rogues in order to save their world. Disney actually promotes this movie like CRAZY due to COVID, and it makes around $300 million, with praise going for it's plot being unique among Disney films. Disney's sequel fever is a bit altered due to this (ie Zootopia 2 being released in spring of 2025 instead of fall, mirroring the first film's release date).
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Wish--Disney utilizes MANY original concepts, such as human Star (who's the son of Magnifico and Amaya here), while Amaya is the evil queen from the get-go, and Magnifico struggles between good and evil due to his trauma. Asha's friend group is more prominent, and she's a much more shy and reserved protagonist. Asha's design is influenced by the Mowry sisters, who both have their own past with Disney. Disney uses the Anderson-Lopez team for the music since they already were working on a Spain-inspired film for Disney (not sure if Julia is entirely to blame for the music, though, and should their use in "Wish" affect their work with the "Frozen" franchise? Julia still sings the end credits song, though). The filmmakers EXTENSIVELY watch classic and modern Disney films, as well as "Enchanted" (because duh), and try to use abandoned concepts from other Disney films to use for "Wish." They opt to make the film 2D with 3D elements (ie magic and effects) to acknowledge Disney's history. The film achieves over $600 in box office, and Asha is inducted into the Disney princess line, as well as the movie earning praise for it's depth and tackling of complex themes such as wishes, dreams, and loss, including how what you want and what you need aren't synonymous. Currently undergoing a stage adaptation, something Disney wanted to keep under wraps but was eager to announce to carry over the 100 years celebration.
I know this is a bit of an odd post, and I'm sure others would have more creative ideas on an alternate timeline, but I wanted to utilize what we had. Perhaps I'll come back and edit this to include scrapped Disney movies.
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barblaz-arts · 2 months
hi, first of all, I just wanna say that I am a HUGE fan of your work. Your art style and the way you section your drawings feel like I'm reading a slice-of-life manga. (I don't know how to explain it, but yeah) I decided to create a Tumblr account just to follow you. After so many years, you inspired me to pick up the pencil again! ^""^ Uhm seeing your works on Vega makes me want to make a Chaggie fan child too. (I was hungry for Chaggie/your contents, now I have Dani)
and also also I am so excited to see what you have in mind for Victor. Idk but in my mind she will be the kind of older sister that seems harsh and distant because of her position? (As the heir and as the older sister) but is secretly doting on their younger siblings.
Thank you! Slice of life is my favorite genre of manga. It's a really underrated genre, especially the ones targeted more toward adults(seinen is what they were called i believe? Or maybe josei? Man idk) I used to read a lot of em, especially if it's yuri/shoujo ai ehehe so it's probably influenced the way I make comics.
Thank you for putting in the effort to do all that tho! Crazy to think that my art could be worth the trouble. And I'm happy to have helped you love making art again. It's such a fun thing to draw and just create.
You're not wrong tho! Yunno how Charlie is reminiscent of Disney princesses, with the actual show's version of Charlie baring a lot of resemblance to Rapunzel with her hair, personality, and even singing? Istg Erika Henningsen sounds different when she isn't singing/talking as Charlie. It's like they purposely asked her to voice act like Mandy Moore. Or maybe I'm just overthinking because I love Rapunzel and Charlie and Ms. Henningsen is just hella talented...
Anyways. "Victor" is also inspired by a Disney character, namely Elsa. Especially the version of her from their scrapped plotline where Elsa was supposed to live up to a prophecy and Anna was just "a spare". So.... You're actually really close!
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 8 months
season 3 is the BEST shameless season idc it’s not appreciated enough
season 1 is is nostalgic and funny
season 2 has immaculate summer vibes
season 4 is depressing and cinematic
season 5 is depressing but also funny
season 6 is chaotic and has a storyline where frank is terrible to debbie
season 7 is underrated and gallavich is there but it’s secretive
season 8 has someone becoming a gay icon and cutting off a toe
season 9 has cps and a lot of drama as well as prison
season 10 has a major gallavich storyline where mickey gets married
season 11 the house almost gets lost and debbie has to do wild shit to try to get it back
and what does season 3 have?? ALL OF THAT. ALL AT ONCE. in my opinion, it’s the best gallavich storyline, it’s the perfect amount of drama and comedy (shameless usually struggles with that balance), we get so many iconic storylines like svetlana and mickey’s wedding, the start of ian showing symptoms of bipolar, hymie, karen vs mandy (or karen x mandy LMAO), lip’s alcoholism, frank’s arrest and liver failure, the kids getting taken away, the sleepover, frank ruining debbie’s project, cousin patrick, kev and carol, kev and his ex wife, molly milkovich, and literally so much more
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michellemisfit · 10 months
Shameless Fandom Questionnaire
Thanks for the tag my love @darlingian 💚
What’s a fic you’ve read more than once?
What haven’t I read more than once? I have 350+ open tabs and yet, here I am, re-reading @loftec’s None The Wiser. AGAIN. Because it makes me happy, and what is fandom about, if not making you happy? Other things that make me happy: Two of Your Earth Minutes by @the-rat-wins, The Menagerie & Twenty Strangers & On Top by @crossmydna, Cooperative Gameplay & Like Real People Do by Gray, An Exception to the Rule by @gallawitchxx, Weaver of Fate by Ravenheart, Life or Something by @palepinkgoat, The Garden Song duology by @gardenerian, Ristretto by @howlinchickhowl, let the bodies do the talking by @captainjowl, basically anything that @sam-loves-seb has ever written!!! Also anything by @crestfallercanyon who has been completely blowing me away. And like, a million more!!!
I also still merrily re-read stuff from the Merlin fandom and the Shadowhunters fandom, so if that’s of interest to you, hit me up and I will link you to several excessively long rec lists on the @f-f-podcast website, complete with accompanying podcasts!
All I’m saying is: RE-READING IS LOVE!!!
(Also I formatted this on my phone so hopes and prayers that all of these links are correct!!)
What’s a gifset you always have to reblog?
‘Kiss me and I’ll cut your fucking tongue out’ into Club Kiss. It is genuinely one of the cleverest things I’ve ever seen!!
What’s a headcanon you can’t stop thinking about?
Mickey going along to Ian’s therapy session, on Ian’s request, and eventually deciding that he’s going to give this therapy thing a go himself.
What’s a fanart you love looking at?
I am utterly in love with @deedala’s style and Smokey Mickey and Gardening Joy always make me smile. I also absolutely adore @gallawitchxx’s style and wish I could be that bold and succinct in my own art.
What’s an idea you’d love to create if you had the time/inspiration?
I’ve been thinking about Ian & Mickey shot gunning for like… a year now 🤦
What’s something you’ve discovered since entering this fandom? A new trope you love? A different analysis of the show? Something else?
Currently discussing every episode of Shameless over on @f-f-podcast so basically discovering new things every week! Check it out if podcasts are your jam <3
What’s an underrated trope or concept you’d like to see more of?
There can never be too many coffee shop AUs, right? Not an underrated trope, but surprisingly underrepresented in this fandom 😭
What’s your favourite season?
Autumn! haha
Honestly, I’ll tell you when we’re done with South Side Rules, as we’re rating every episode, but we’re also rating each season overall so… watch this space in 2025!
What’s a plot hole you wish had been answered or resolved?
Urgh. Don’t. Yikes… Yevgeny. Mandy. Fiona. Everyone else on Shameless who disappeared and then was never spoken of again. Like… what the heck? You don’t need to get the actors back. Just get the other characters to mention them, so I don’t feel like the writers forgot they existed! Also don’t give me Dichen Lichman and then just take her away!!! 😭
What scene or moment do you feel isn’t discussed enough?
Every time Mickey has to say the end of his sentence directly into Ian’s mouth because Ian can’t wait the extra 3 seconds to let him finish, he needs his lips on that boy’s mouth NOW! They’re so precious and horny and I love that for them!
What line/dialogue/description from something else do you feel describes Ian and Mickey’s relationship?
90% of Richard Siken’s poems
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What do you think is next for Ian and Mickey post-finale?
They’ll be deliriously happy forever and ever and nothing bad is ever going to happen to them. It’s terribly simple. The good guys are always stalwart and true, the bad guys are easily distinguished by their pointy horns or black hats, and we always defeat them and save the day.
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sageandred · 8 months
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tangledbea · 6 months
I feel like the reason Cassandra, Varian, and Lance are viewed as the characters immediately second to Rapunzel and Eugene could be because they are all new characters introduced for the series who have Broadway voice actors. Even if Lance didn't really get a lot of big songs the way Varian and Cass did, he still had the buddy duet and that one kinda underrated song in S3.
Eden Espinosa, James Monroe Iglehart, and Jeremy Jordan were given top billing after Mandy and Zac in all announcements past S1:
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Those three are considered the rest of the main cast because they literally are.
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such-a-barbarian · 3 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday
(one that I actually finished and isn’t just sitting as a half completed draft!)
Thanks you for the tags @mybrainismelted and @iansw0rld!
Name: Kell
Age: 30-something or other
Location (globally): 🇨🇦
Location (physically): In my car driving north to visit my in-laws.
Favourite food to eat: Windsor pizza. Cadbury Mini eggs. a good poutine. butter tarts (no raisins thank you very much).
Favourite food to cook: Cookies or meatballs or ribs.
Will you be attending @too-schoolforcool’s ☀️ Kitchen Shenanigans🍴with Cherry on the 6th July? I won’t - we will be camping with the kiddos!
What’s Your Zodiac: Aries
Will you be attending @heymacy’s ☀️ Astrology 101: More Than Just Your Sun Sign ☀️ lecture on the 13th July? Again nope. My cousin is getting married that day!
Now let predictive text complete each sentence for you after the 💭
My age is 💭 not good (I mean…)
My favourite animal is 💭 the one that has the best hair (ha!)
I love to cook 💭 for myself but it’s not my job (correct)
I love to eat 💭 it with you guys (eat what?! EAT WHAT?!)
My dream career is 💭 now in the hands of the people
I have a lot of ideas about 💭 how we should make the best use of the money (oh boy do I!)
I have no clue 💭 what you mean but you are correct (…)
My favourite character on Shameless 💭 is the guy who has the best voice (yup yup - in mickey’s voice)
Debbie Gallagher is 💭 the most underrated rapper (hahahaha)
Carl Gallagher is 💭 a great example of how to make money (I guess?)
Mandy Milkovich is 💭 the only one who can make it happen (probably)
Mickey Milkovich is 💭 the best (absolutely!)
Ian Gallagher is 💭 an idiot (hahaha - sorry Ian. I love you)
To me Ian and Mickey are 💭 both in my life and I’m just trying to figure things out (it’s all of us)
Gallavich means 💭 that you can get a free ride
I wish anyone who reads this to 💭 understand that I am not a woman (except that I most definitely am a woman…)
tagging some folks if ya wanna play/you haven’t already. if not, here’s a mer-person 🧜🏻
@zutaralesbian @bawlbrayker @francesrose3 @jrooc @krysmiss @lupeloto @ryantryinx @tanktopgallavich @transmickey @iansfreckles
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softmick · 3 months
Tag Game Wednesday
Name: my parents call me boo
Age: very close to 35
Location (globally): tampa bay
Location (physically): corner of the couch
Favourite Food to Eat: popcorn
Favourite Food to Cook: eggs on toast
Will you be attending @too-schoolforcool’s ☀️ Kitchen Shenanigans🍴with Cherry on the 6th July? unsure, i’m trying to go to the beach! 🏖️
What’s Your Zodiac: ♌️
Will you be attending @heymacy’s ☀️ Astrology 101: More Than Just Your Sun Sign ☀️ lecture on the 13th July? i would like to!
(Check @gallavich-fic-club’s lesson plan for details here)
Now let predictive text complete each sentence for you after the 💭
My age is 💭 a little bit older but i’m still young enough (wise)
My favourite animal is 💭 the one that i have (top five for sure)
I love to cook 💭 and eat but it’s not like i’m going to (fr fr)
I love to eat 💭 it all up (👅)
I have a lot of ideas about 💭 the future but i’m afraid (😱)
I have no clue 💭 why i am so tired and my brain just keeps going (honestly)
My dream career is 💭 to become a professional footballer (HA)
My favourite character on Shameless 💭 is the one who gets a bad rap and gets mad at the other guy (you’ll never guess)
Debbie Gallagher is 💭 the only person who can make a good point 📣
Carl Gallagher is 💭 the most underrated person on the show
Mandy Milkovich is 💭 the only person i know who can get away with this kind of behavior 😇
Mickey Milkovich is 💭 the most important man in the world to me 🤴🏻
Ian Gallagher is 💭 a little too good for this 👨🏻‍🦰
To me Ian and Mickey are 💭 the most beautiful people in america 🇺🇸
Gallavich means 💭 a man who is a good friend to the other man 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 (besties!!)
I wish anyone who reads this to💭 be able to tell me how much they hate this show and why they love it
thank you @michellemisfit for tagging me! this was fun!! i’m tagging @cantgobackto-sd @mickeym4ndy @ange1sang @sgtmickeyslaughter @jessieoneday @swiftfootedachilles @rereadanon if you wanna or just 👋
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