#mandy goes to rest her hands now while humming Girl On Fire
smolfangirl · 6 years
We’re so in love, fighting against all odds, I know we’ll be alright
A sound so sweet, of you and me - 16 - First coming home
Kudos to my ice pack and tissues to myself, because this is the last chapter and I’m emo. It’s been a pleasure to share this story with you and I hope you’ll enjoy this final part and that maybe, one day, you’ll read it all over again with a smile. Thank you, for every like and comment, it warms my heart ♥
Word count: 3.4k
“Gastón, please, could you stop writing my boyfriend full novels, so he can answer me too?” Luna couldn’t help but add a hint of annoyance to her tone. Five long days without any contact to Matteo thinned her nerves too much to let Gastón’s spam in the second Matteo was back online uncommented.
“It’s not my fault he likes me better.” Said boy grinned, not even glancing up from his screen for a single moment.
“That’s what he wants you to think”, she mumbled.
Gastón chuckled. The gaze he threw in her direction suddenly looked so smug – so much like the one her chico fresa usually wore – that she wanted to cry.
It’d been too long since she last saw it in person.
Her phone beeped.
Novio fresa: Gastón’s puns will be my end one day… or the reason I go to prison
How is my favorite moon?
A smile hushed on her lips, wider than the ones he elicited before he even knew how much he made her feel. But before she could begin to type an answer, Gastón called for her attention.
“Did he tell you yet if he’ll come back this summer? Before they left for whatever that town was called, he promised me he’d ask his parents but right now, he’s avoiding that question.”
“How could he when he’s mostly answering you? I haven’t even replied to his first message yet because you keep spamming him.”
At that, he remained silent in defeat.
Luna shook her head, not at him, at herself. She wasn’t this grumpy, she didn’t lash out at her friends, and most definitely not at Gastón who showed so much support for her since Matteo had left for Italy.
Or usually, she didn’t.
But now, with the weight of the past days, the weight of the future in front of her wearing her down, she discovered she wasn’t all sunshine. She was rain, too. And lots of it.
“I’ll ask him, okay?” she offered as she smiled at him. Or tried to. Too much anxiety jolted through her body at the thought of Matteo leaving her alone here, leaving her behind when she needed him by her side so much, more than she had told him.
More than she wanted to tell him while he stayed too many miles away.
To novio fresa: I’m okay, just miss you
How was the trip? Got rid of the snow yet? And did you ask your parents?
Was Luna surprised he didn’t have an answer to the last, and most important question? No.
Did it still hurt? Like hell.
He sent pictures of his trip to distract her. Gastón hovered over her phone too, mostly so Matteo could save some of his data. Stunning landscapes filled the photographs. Endless mountains against a clear blue sky, forests bedazzled in soft white powder and a few snaps of ocean waves lingering on a beach.
Surprisingly few included Matteo, though.
It worried Luna, more so when his smile barely resembled the radiant, blinding ones he used to wear, when nothing above the horizon could shine as bright as he did.
But when she asked, he insisted he was fine. Just tired, or he couldn’t see himself on the screen while taking the selfies, or another lame excuse. How much she’d give to hug him until he grinned again…
“Luna, Gastón, can you look up from your phones for just one second? Juliana will be here any minute now.”
Ramiro appeared out of nowhere. He simple was there suddenly, or perhaps she’d been too focused on the opened chat with Matteo.
Luna blinked at him. “Huh?”
“Please tell me you remember that she wanted to talk about the next Open. I have this awesome idea for a performance, but I can’t tell her when she’s too busy getting your attention.”
Now Gastón and her exchanged a confused look. “It’s not our fault, Matteo’s been on a trip the past days and we just miss him”, Gastón explained.
As Ramiro sat down next to them, he shook his head. “Just don’t piss Juliana off by being too attached to that thing, is all I’m saying.”
Out of choices, Luna put her phone away. But during Juliana’s speech, her mind stayed far, far away.
The next time she unlocked her screen, she found two messages from Matteo which caused her heart to crumble into the smallest corner of her chest once more.
Novio fresa: I have to go again, we’re leaving for another trip
Just two days this time tho
To novio fresa: Send me pics when you’re back, I love you
She wanted to tell him she missed him, that this lack of opportunities to talk to him broke her heart and that she needed him, she needed him so so much.
In the end, though, she never wrote that.  
Matteo replied a few minutes later.
Novio fresa: Love you more! And don’t worry I will, you’ll feel like you’re right by my side
If only.
His heart refused to calm down. Beat after beat, it violently raced in his ribcage, unable to stop, unable to rest. None of the deep breaths Matteo took, none of the scolding looks from his parents had brought him any relaxation. Ever since the last morning, he drowned in excitement.
Now he stood outside, staring at the place connected to so many happy memories, connected to the people he called his home. He took the view in, thought of who he’d find inside, clueless and waiting and soon in his arms again. Despite the long trip, not a single ounce of exhaustion was to be found in his body.
Another deep breath. He needed to chill, at least a little, at least until he found her.
Could you be too ready for something?
In hindsight, planning their reunion easily amounted to one of the most naïve things Matteo had ever done. He really, really should’ve known better, given their history and how Luna always was good for a surprise herself.
He barely made it five steps into the Roller.
Then, there was the sound of skates on the ground, a voice humming an all too familiar song that made his heart skip a beat and suddenly, she stumbled into him.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t…”
Matteo looked at her. Felt his heart sighing, felt peace flooding his veins, felt a smile unfolding on his lips. She stared back at him, disbelief painted all over her face. He could see her brain trying to catch up.
“Hi, solare.”
“You – but – trip – how – you’re here!”
He nodded, not trusting his voice to carry him before he turned into a puddle of emotions.
The first teardrops began to roll over her cheek, though they were caught by the smile that broke free and put the sun along with every other star in the sky to shame.
“I am”, he echoed. Her lips numbed the last part as she fiercely pressed them against his mouth and then they were kissing, and his brain shut down while their faces soon became the playground of their tears, and he felt happy, happier than he’d been in a long time.
I missed you so much.
Breaking apart, Luna’s face was still close while she clung to him as if he’d disappeared the minute she eased her grip on him. “I can’t believe you’re really back.”
Something about her tone caught his attention. Something about the ever-flowing stream of tears, about the sadness he found in her eyes that he never had seen before.
She opened her mouth, whispering, “I need to tell you…”, only for her voice to break.
However, behind them someone yelled his name and whatever just clouded his little moon was gone. Smiling once more, she kissed him again.
“Matteo!” Gastón, undeniably, and Matteo barely turned around before his best friend began running towards him, arms extended until he looked like he escaped from a telenovela, lips pursed.
“Do I get a kiss too?” he asked as he threw himself at Matteo. Luna, who managed to step back just in time, sent her boyfriend an amused look.
She seemed fine again, so he decided not to worry and enjoy being back.
Back home.
“I knew you were attracted to me”, he snickered, “But I’m afraid I can’t give you a kiss.”
“Don’t be so afraid of loving me.” Gastón still clung to him, while Matteo patted his back and grinned at Luna, who raised an eyebrow at them.
“Oh, I do love you. You both.”
“I can’t believe you didn’t say a single word!” Luna exclaimed later when they sat down in the cafeteria. With milkshakes (strawberry, she wouldn’t let them get anything else) in front of them and Luna on his lap, the smile stuck to Matteo’s face all by itself.
Her eyes glistened at him and he simply had to steal a peck from her lips.
“You have no idea how much I wanted to, little moon. I wanted to tell you so, so much.”
“Then why didn’t you?”
He chuckled, thinking of the disbelief and utter happiness in her eyes, of the enthusiasm carrying her kisses. “Tell you? And ruin the perfect opportunity to surprise you? No, I couldn’t.”
“Awww”, she mouthed. Another kiss. Her thumb caressed her cheek, sent impulses of warmth through his core, like the first sun rays of spring after a long and harsh winter.
“Guys, I’m here too”, Gastón complained. “And the others should be done with training soon as well. Actually, they’ll see you in a…”
With a sigh, they broke apart. Stroking through Luna’s hair one last time, he turned to his friends, who seemed as flabbergasted as Luna had been. “Hey everyone”, he said, “Haven’t seen you all in a while.”
They had so. Many. Questions.
Matteo drowned in them, words rushing over him from every direction and in the hectic attempt of answering, he barely noticed how Luna turned more and more silent. She leaned against his chest, face buried in his shirt. Eyes closed as far as he could see.
Only after the initial excitement calmed down did he begin to wonder what happened. If there was more to it than sleepiness, than exhaustion.
“Hey, Luna”, he whispered into her hair.
“Do you wanna go? So we can be a bit alone?”
A nod.
Matteo grinned, then called for his friends’ attention. “Guys, I just got my girlfriend back, so could you excuse us for a while?” Silence, followed by wiggling eyebrows and knowing smirks, but at least they let them go. As he threw one last glance in their friends’ direction, Simón made kissing noises.
He only stopped when Matteo winked.
To be honest, though, he already guessed making out wasn’t what they were about to do.
They found the wardrobe empty. A “Do not disturb”-sign laid on the table, so Matteo put it on the doorknob before he faced Luna and pulled her into a hug.
The tears followed immediately. Heavy sobs, accompanied by thick streams of tears, each one echoing through his bones, torturing his heart.
“It’s okay, little moon, I’m here.”
Wet spots spread over his shirt. Matteo pulled her closer. Rubbed her back. Whispered a soft melody of comfort into her ear. Told her all the things he hoped would ease her pain.
Slowly, she stopped shaking.
Stains of her mascara underlined her eyes, so he handed her a tissue. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Her gaze hurried through the room, searching yet not finding whatever they intended to discover. She sighed.
“I’m…” another deep breath, “I’m Sol Benson.”
“Sol… Benson?” The name sounded weirdly familiar, like a story hid behind it, one he had heard before but couldn’t remember. “Wait. Isn’t Sharon’s last name…”
“Benson. She’s my aunt.”
Like that, she cried again, buried her face deeper into his chest as a waterfall rushed out of her eyes. Memories popped up in his head, of the time she told him how badly she wanted to know her birth parents, how she planned to ask them why they gave her away, how she imagined seeing them again for the first time. How ambitious and curious she’d been, and how right now, she was a crumbled shadow of her past self in his arms.
“Didn’t you want to know about your past?”
“Yes”, she sniffed into the fabric. “But this… it’s horrible! They’re”, she hesitated, voice frayed in every single letter and accentuated by her tears, “dead. They died in a fire in the mansion and Miss Ben… Sharon hates me. She hates me, and, and…” Her sentence ended in a hiccup.
More tears. Always more, they found no end in her misery.
He opened his mouth to reply – the words a tangled mess in his throat – but Luna kept going. Like a waterfall breaking free from a breach in a dam. “She’s awful and she scares me, but I couldn’t tell anyone because I don’t know how, and you weren’t here, and I really, really don’t want to go back to the mansion, I… Iwanttostaywithyoupleasedonteverleavemeagain.”
She collapsed into him, all strength gone. All the weight that surely sat on her shoulders after keeping this secret in for heaven knew how long vanished.
With his arms around her waist, Matteo supported her, carried her to one of the chairs while she kept crying.  
Everything about her screamed misery.
It broke his heart to see her like that. Where did all the rain from her eyes come from? Where did the storm in her sky steam from when she usually was so vibrant, so luminous? How did her body carry it all?
“Hey, little moon, please, it’s okay, I’m here. I’m here.” He put his hand on her cheek, stroke her skin. She leaned into his touch. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry you have to go through this, you don’t deserve this, you deserve better than this. I wish it would’ve worked out differently. And I’m really, really sorry I wasn’t there for you when you needed me.”
Her eyes still drowned in sorrow as she half smiled at him. (Or tried to.) “It’s not your fault.”
“Look, I can’t change your aunt. But we can ask your parents if you can stay over tonight, if you want”, Matteo added.
“Yes, please. I don’t want to go back.”
“But you know, eventually you’ll have to”, Matteo added carefully, his fingers not leaving her for a single minute. She seemed to fade at his words, floating away, and he wondered if perhaps he was the only thing that tied her to earth right now.
“But I don’t want to. I want to run away.”
His heart skipped a beat.
“You’re not one to run from your problems.”
Luna sighed. It sounded heavy, like the whole world crouched on her small shoulders. “What if I want to be?”
“That’s okay, and I get it, I do”, he answered, sighing. Suddenly, the exhaustion from the flights kicked in.
All he wanted was to go to bed, he wanted to hold her in his arms until he woke up and found her right by this side. He didn’t feel ready to give her a pep talk; the tiredness left his mind too numb to comfort her the way she always comforted him.
But then again, were people ever truly ready to give pep talks?
“You know, before we left for Italy, I thought about running away with you too”, he confessed.
“You did?” Surprise echoed in her voice, a pleasant change from the sadness and despair.
“Yes. Too many times, it felt. But in the end, what would it solve? Nothing. And we got through this, didn’t we?” He laced their hands, followed her eyes as they studied the embrace of their fingers. “Just like we’ll get through this too. Together.”
“You promise?”
“I do.”
“I love you”, she whispered that night when they laid in his bed, with her completely wrapped in his arms. After hours of talking and embracing her and pressing gentle kisses all over her, her tears had dried, and she finally reminded him much more of his little moon who refused to give up on anyone and anything.
“I love you too.”
Luna snuggled closer to join their lips. Featherlight kisses, nothing compared to the restless ones from this afternoon. He had missed them, had missed this – simply cuddling with her in bed – had missed her so much. The memory of being robbed of her presence, of his mind being enchanted with her while his body craved her, still lingered in his stomach, although he reckoned it would soon disappear.
A hummed laugh left her mouth as they broke apart just enough to share the same breaths. Yet, when he met her gaze, she looked all serious.
“What is it?”, he wanted to know.
“I’m sorry I ruined your surprise. But I’m really glad you’re back.”
“You didn’t ruin it”, he assured her. “You couldn’t have.”
He woke up in the darkness, confused and dizzy from the sudden exit his dream had taken. For a moment, he blinked into the darkness. Listened to the silence. Breathed in the familiarity of his room.
The mattress moved, sinking in under hasty movements next to him. “Luna?” he whispered.
“Yes?” She sounded out of breath.
“Are you okay?”
No answer. Just a sob.
A second one. Soon, she began shaking again.
“What if… what if it’ll always feel like this? If I never figure out how to deal with all this? She calls me Sol all the time, but I hate it, I don’t want to be her, I just want to be Luna again.”
More tears, like her eyes owned an unlimited supply of them recently.
“You are, munchkin, you are. Sol and you, you are the same person.”
“No, Sol has a family that’s either dead or crazy. That’s not me, that’s not who I want to be. And she has more money.” Bitterness leaked into her tone, and Matteo wished he could take the pain away from her, could give her a new birth family that loved and supported her and didn’t make her cry in the middle of the night.
“Really?” he said, hoping the joke he was about to make brought out at least the tiniest smile. “Well, then I guess drinks are on you next time.”
She laughed.
Shortly, and it ended before it ever truly began, but it counted as a laugh nonetheless and warmed his heart.
“No, seriously, Luna. It’s gonna be alright. Remember how I was afraid of your name once too? I had a choice back then, and so do you today. And whatever choice you’ll make, I won’t love you any less. We won’t love you any less. You have amazing parents who love you so much, and I’m sure your birth parents would love you just as much if they could see you now.”
Luna fell silent during his little speech, head rested on his chest. Her fingers hovered right over his heart, they’d been mindlessly wandering over his skin but came to a halt when he paused.
“It won’t always feel like this, I promise”, Matteo concluded, smiling down on her.
“I know”, she mumbled. “It’s just that… ugh, I don’t know. I feel so helpless. I never thought I’d say this, but this is harder than when I had to let you go at the airport.”
“No way”, he huffed, although the smirk slipped into his voice, betraying him, “I can’t believe this isn’t the single hardest thing you ever had to endure anymore. Do I mean nothing to you?”
His comment earned him a single slap on his chest, but a laugh accompanied it, so he didn’t mind as much. “Gosh, you’re so full of yourself.”
“I beg to differ. I am full of extra fresa.”
Luna giggled, a blessed sound in his ears. If he could save a copy of it and play it over and over again, he’d do it in a heartbeat.  
No more tears ran over her cheeks, and her body felt more relaxed in his arms.
“You are so strong, there’s nothing in this world you couldn’t do. And I’ll be right by your side, I promise. I love you.” He almost added solare, but ultimately stopped, too afraid to make her cry. Maybe, one day, that word wouldn’t remind her of her past, maybe one day, her past wouldn’t hurt her anymore.
Until then, he’d be using his favorite name.
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svltburn · 3 years
Contact Buzz
Summary: Fiona and Iggy get buzzed at the neighborhood bonfire.
Ship: Fiona Gallagher/Iggy Milkovich
Warnings: Drug use, alcohol, depictions of foreplay, not sfw
Word Count: 2.7k
Read on AO3
The noise should be the first thing that draws Iggy’s attention since it sounds like an end-of-the-world party is taking place a few blocks away from where he’s walking home after his beer run.
It’s not the noise though, it’s the smell. Whoever it is has to have the strongest weed imaginable, and Iggy wants in on that. He only notices the noise once he gets closer, dozens of people whooping and hollering, the dark sky illuminated by the giant plume of flames in the center of them all.
Mickey's boyfriend - the first redheaded Gallagher kid, Iggy can’t remember his name. Evan, Aaron, something monosyllabic like that - is carrying one of his little brothers on his back near the flames. One of their neighbors is waving his shirt into the smoke above the flames then pulling it back to inhale. It looks like the whole of Wallace Street is here, dancing around and shouting along to the song that’s playing loudly over someone’s speakers.
It’s chaotic, and where there’s chaos, there should be Milkoviches. Though he has to admit he doesn’t look very hard, in the quick glance he does give, Iggy notices a distinct lack of anyone from his family.
When he gets close enough, he wades into the crowd. He sets his pack of beer down on the first tailgate he comes to, and a joint appears in his hand as if by magic. He doesn’t know who it was that gave it to him, and they’ve already disappeared by the time he looks up to watch the fire after taking his first hit.
If he could smell it from three blocks away, Iggy’s surprised the cops aren’t here already. Then again, he heard that Fiona Gallagher maybe had a thing with one, so maybe she pulled some strings or some dick that allowed the whole neighborhood to come out and get a contact buzz together.
Iggy’s lived in the Southside his whole life, but he can’t spot a whole lot of people he thinks he knows. Even less he would consider friends.
He takes his magic joint with him and goes to hop up to sit next to his beer in the bed of whoever’s pick-up. He rips the box open and tugs a can out to pop the top on, drinks about half of it before the other side of the truck is dipping down under the weight of someone hopping up to join him on the other side. Iggy looks up, curious, around his beer, lowering it and belching as he makes eye contact with Fiona Gallagher.
The action makes her laugh for some reason, and then before Iggy can process, she’s leaning over and snagging the half-empty can out of his hand to down the rest of it. Iggy isn’t sure what to do with that, but he smirks at her as he goes for another one, asks, “Why you guys burning a giant pile of weed?”
Fiona helps herself to one of his beers, taking several swallows before shrugging. “Had too much. Needed to get rid of it.”
That answer makes Iggy roll his eyes, the gesture almost exaggerated in its obviousness. “Well shit, could have just brought it over to our house. Could have gotten rid of it for you no problem. And would have wasted a lot less.”
Fiona makes a face that Iggy thinks is half disbelief, half amusement. “Meaning what? That you and your brothers would have smoked it all?” And well… yeah, okay, that’s exactly what Iggy meant. But he can’t let her have the last word.
“No, my sister too, don’t be sexist. You should know her. Mandy, about 5’8”, totally banging your brother. Ringing a bell?” Iggy may know a little more than he’d like about Ian and Mickey’s indiscretions, but he isn’t about to make it public knowledge. Too many ears around that might remember overhearing it in the morning. Besides, he didn’t know if Fiona knew. Not his business.
For a second, Fiona looks like she’s about to say something, but after a moment of introspection, she instead finishes her beer and makes a grab for the joint Iggy’s still holding between his fingers. He’s already got a nice buzz going, and his reaction time’s a little slow, so she’s already got in her grip by the time he tries to grab it back. The world tilts off its axis a little bit when he tries to lean over for it, so he gives up and just lets her have it. “Grabby bitch, aren’t you?” he asks, though there’s not any heat behind the words. He sounds as happy and fuzzy as he feels.
Fiona coughs out a smokey laugh around the joint between her lips. “Not sure a Milkovich has any room to talk about ‘grabby’.”
Iggy hums at the dig, but well it’s true. Iggy wonders if he’s really obvious, or if Fiona has mind-reading superpowers. Both seem equally likely.
“Whatever. You may got a yuppie boyfriend buying you whatever you want now, but seems like you’ve got a little southside klepto left in you.”
Fiona takes another hit, nodding to him along with the beat of the music as she blows the smoke away from him - like it would make any difference if she blew smoke in his face at this point. The action makes him laugh. - “Don’t got a boyfriend. Not that it’s your business, fuck you very much.”
Iggy raises an eyebrow at that but leaves it to her to elaborate as he holds out his fingers, making a lazy gesture for the joint. He doesn’t care that much, but he’s pretty sure that girls love to talk, and he doesn’t have anywhere better to be than here - beer, free weed, hot girl as company, and all. Fiona doesn’t elaborate though, just watches him finish off the joint as she’s working on another beer he didn’t notice her stealing.
Once the joint burns down enough that it’s burning his fingers, Iggy squashes it out on the tailgate next to his thigh. There’s a hand around his wrist. Iggy blinks, trying to push through the weed haze settling over his brain, and he realizes that the hand belongs to Fiona, who has hopped down off their shared seat. “Come on, come dance with me.”
Fiona tugs Iggy up close to the blaze that’s going strong, stinking up the empty lot and all the surrounding neighborhoods. There's a lot of bodies thrumming to the beat of the radio around them, but it’s unreasonably hard to focus on more than one thing at once.
Whoever grew this weed knew what the fuck they were doing.
And right in front of everyone, Fiona presses her back against Iggy’s chest and starts rolling her hips against his. Iggy chooses that sensation as his one thing to focus on, resting one hand against her left hip and trying to roll along with her. It takes a moment, but he thinks he gets the hang of it. At least Fiona is laughing, twisting around to wrap an arm around his neck and continuing to grind against him, belly to belly.
Iggy thinks they must spend the entire night dancing pressed against each other like that, but when Fiona pulls away, pulls on his wrist, and tugs him through the fog, he’s surprised to find it’s still dark around them. They’re further away from the fire now, the noise and the heat fading into the distance, the memory of them already faded under the buzzing in his brain.
Fuck, whoever grew this - Kevin, someone said Kevin - really did know what he was doing.
Fiona drags Iggy back to the truck, grabs another beer for each of them, and then again grabs his wrist and tugs him further away from the party, and starts down the block.
Iggy is pretty sure that the house she pulls him into isn’t hers, but he’s never been to hers either, so he can’t exactly swear to it. Fiona kicks her shoes off and flops down on the couch comfortably, grinning up at the ceiling.
He must look confused because, after a moment, she tugs herself into a sitting position and turns to face him. “Are you just gonna stand there all night?”
Iggy blinks. Takes a moment to collect his balance, then makes his way around the couch to sit down next to her. “This your house?” he asks because he’s thinking about it.
“Kev and V’s. too many people at mine.”
Too many people for what, Iggy isn’t sure. He fidgets with the tab on his can of beer and relaxes back into the couch. The two of them sit in fuzzy silence for long enough that it startles Iggy when Fiona is back in his field of vision, up off the couch to turn up a stereo across the room. He’d forgotten he wasn’t alone. “You were more fun when we were dancing,” She declares as she crosses the room and snags his beer, only to set it on the end table and pull him to his feet again.
There's no hesitation from Fiona, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing up against him again, swaying to the end of the slow song playing on the radio. There are fewer things to be distracted by in the pitch black of a stranger’s house than there is at a weed bonfire block party, so while dancing with Fiona is still what he focuses on, Iggy can pause for a moment and think Holy shit.
Fiona Gallagher is dancing with him.
A few hours ago, a few minutes ago, he's not sure, but not long ago, she’d been grinding on him.
The memory of it is hot, and Iggy finds that he’s sliding his hands up under her shirt now. Fiona leans into it, a carefree smile on her face. When the song ends, she pulls away from him and tugs the shirt off. Iggy’s brain short circuits and Fiona has the nerve to press back against him, asking, “This cool with you?” with a smirk on her face.
He manages to stop staring at her chest and pick his eyes up to meet hers long enough to confirm, “Yeah.” It makes her laugh for some reason, and that sound excites him, as does the tone of her following demand of, “Okay, then take yours off, too.”
Having happily gone back to his staring, he doesn’t quite pick up on the actual words, so Fiona decides to help him out, hands coming to either of his hips and tugging upwards on his shirt until all Iggy has to do is lift his arms. He doesn’t see where it is that Fiona throws his shirt too, but he’s not sure that he cares anyway.
He had been expecting her to press into him and start dancing to the beat again, but instead, she’s standing in front of him, undoing her shorts. She struggles a little, buzzed and uncoordinated, but looks up at him once she’s freed of the button, the zipper falling open so that he can see her panties. “You really are just gonna stand there and stare all night, aren’t you?” she asks, laughing when it takes him an inappropriate amount of time to drag his gaze back up to hers.
“No.” He decides, though he still makes no move to do anything but stare.
It's becoming increasingly obvious to Fiona that she’s going to have to guide him through every step she wants to take here, and though the thought makes her roll her eyes, she’s not entirely opposed to it. “Right,” she answers, playful sarcasm dripping from her tone as she steps over to him, repeating the unbuttoning and unzipping with his jeans. Again, she grabs his wrist, this time guiding his hand to her waist and finally resuming their grinding to the middle of a new song playing on the radio.
She thinks he’s starting to get the hint by the time the song ends, so she steps back and shimmies out of her shorts. She stays quiet, looks contemplative at something behind Iggy for a moment.
Kev and V have a ridiculous spiral staircase, and Fiona is not a hundred percent sure that Iggy wouldn’t lose his balance and break his neck on it if she tried to lure him up it. Hell, She’s not a hundred percent sure that she wouldn’t break her neck if she tried to go up it. But after a moment of consideration, she looks back at Iggy and decides she likes the idea of being chased. Kev and Veronica do have a really comfortable bed…
She taps Iggy's chest to get his attention, a suggestive look spreading across her face when his eyes meet hers. “I’m gonna go upstairs. Last door on the right at the end of the hall.” Fiona doesn’t wait for a response, but she does reach up behind herself to unclasp her bra and shrug out of it so she can drop it on the floor at the bottom of the stairs. It takes more willpower than she would be happy to admit to force herself not to look back to see if Iggy has caught on that he’s supposed to follow her. When she’s halfway up, she hears the staircase creek behind her and grins.
Iggy still feels remarkably fuzzy when he wakes up. Not high, but not exactly not high. It’s mixing wonderfully with the hangover from his beers - Where exactly had he left those? - and making his mouth taste like his head feels, like cotton and fuzz and pressure.
There’s sunlight streaming into the room he’s in, and it smells like flowers, leaving him a little unsure of where he is. He pries his eyes open and looks around, but from where he lays on the bed, he still can’t distinguish where he is. All he can see is an unfamiliar wall, with an unfamiliar window and an unfamiliar dresser pushed against it.
Downstairs, there’s yelling, but there’s also the scent of food, the promise of which is enough to get Iggy to drag his ass out of the comfortable bed. He looks around helplessly for a minute, but unable to locate his boxers, he decides to dig in the dresser for a pair instead.
“In my bed? In my fucking bed, Fiona? Actually,” the yelling gets louder as Iggy approaches the stairs and starts to make his very slow way down them. “Actually, in my house at all? You couldn’t have picked anywhere else in Chicago to take your dirty white boy to hook up?”
Fiona is sitting at the counter with her head in her hands and her back to him, while a very animated woman moves around the kitchen. The woman - Victoria? Has to be something with a V, since everyone calls her that. - hip bumps the great weed curator out of the way of the stove so she can plate a couple of eggs and some toast to bring over to Fiona. “We’re gonna have to burn the sheets now, you know that, right? And for fuck’s sake, Iggy Milkovich-”
Whatever secondary rant she’d been preparing to launch into is cut off momentarily by the question her husband asks after turning around and catching sight of Iggy. “Are those my boxers?”
Iggy looks down at them, shrugs, then looks back up with a dopey grin. “Yeah. Sorry, man. Eggs?” He comes to join Fiona on her side of the little breakfast nook, grinning and digging in when a confused, hesitant-looking Kev sets a plate of eggs down in front of him.
Beside him, Fiona and V have started up again, so he looks up to Kev and asks through his mouthful of eggs, “Are they always this loud when they gossip?”
Neither one of the offending gossips quiet. Either they didn’t hear him, or they just didn’t care.
Kev looks exasperated. “You have no idea, man.” He sets his spatula down next to the stove and reaches behind his ear as he comes to lean across from Iggy. “Joint?”
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elliotthezubat · 4 years
[[cont from part 122]]
 *somewhere, in a vacant field, is a mud pile...that starts bubbling up*
*a straw pops up through the mud, sucking in air...*
*then a...bear's head pops up*
mimeca: *pokes head out*
ManBearFix: "WEE! We're free!" ^w^ *shifts--then grimaces* "I'm stuck...This sun-baked mud is as hard as rock..."
*it sounds like something clip-clopping up to them...*
mimeca: *yanks him out*
ManBearFix: *gasps* "Ah...My new lungs just ain't what they used to be--" *looks up*
Dr. Sasaki: *riding a horse, staring at the two of them*
mimeca: OwO;;;;;;
ManBearFix: "..." *gulps* "What's up, Doc?"
Dr. Sasaki: "..." *tosses two bundles of rope to Mimeca*
mimeca: ??
Dr. Sasaki: "Tie yourselves up."
ManBearFix: "..." *looks at the ropes* "Look, I'm all for some fun, but how are we to tie ourselves up? If I tie her up, she can't tie me up, and if she ties me up--"
Dr. Sasaki: *aims four guns at ManBearFix*
ManBearFix: OwO; "But I've been eager to learn!"
Danro: "Try the scones--Madoka's new recipe."
honda: delicious as always! haha! now, onto business...i take it you've heard the recent news?
Danro: "There's been so much of it as to lose track. Shall we begin with that Asakusa business, or Arg?"
honda: both quite shocking but i was thinking of the events in the nether...
Danro: "..." *sets down his tea* "How did they know where to corner us?"
honda: i cant say for certain, but i suspect there may be a splinter cell within the fire force...
Danro: "That's a surprising accusation. Any evidence?"
honda: sadly, no. perhaps im just rambling...
Danro: "It's definitely a conspiracy theory--literally, a theory about a conspiracy...We already know of the reports about the founding of the Church of the Sun, and there was work some with Haijima have done with enemies against the state."
honda: hmm...and with arg's assassination....
Danro: *nods* "Arg was losing his mind from whatever happened to him in that fire. But even he wasn't talented enough to kill himself like that, or that unlucky to do it by accident. And given how good a fighter he was...whoever killed him wants us to know their power."
"Zack": *brushing his teeth* *muffled* "Mornin'."
hachi: haaa~ that shower is AWFUL! =w=
Random Sheep: "Your face betrays you."
riko: how goes storing everything?
"Zack": *brushing his teeth* *muffled* "Mornin'."
hachi: haaa~ that shower is AWFUL! =w=
Random Sheep: "Your face betrays you."
riko: how goes storing everything?
"Zack": *spits into the sink* "It's not fun. The storehouses are dusty, and I think I saw a possum."
riko: *sigh* we're going to need to do a lot of maintenance...
Random Sheep: "Well, I got the water heater to work, so now I can try fiddling with the circuit breakers..."
*in the woods, along a muddy path, a horse is tied to a post outside a cabin*
ManBearFix: *tied to a chair* "H-Hey! I thought we were going back to prison!"
Dr. Sasaki: *humming while she sets a plate of food in front of Mimeca at a table*
mimeca: *looks around*
*there are photos hanging on the walls, degrees, a bookshelf...stairs look to go upstairs and into the cellar*
Dr. Sasaki: *sets a plate of grits in front of ManBearFix*
ManBearFix: -n- "They look mushy..."
Dr. Sasaki: "Do you know why I didn't return you two to prison?"
mimeca: *shakes head*
ManBearFix: "...Aw, fuck, I read 'Misery.' You're going to dissect us and kill us!"
Dr. Sasaki: "One cannot dissect _then_ kill someone. Dissection suggests the specimen is already dead. You're thinking of _vivi_section. And no, I am not going to kill you." *looks at Mimeca*
mimeca: *head tilt*
Dr. Sasaki: "I realized I could not have the prison reviewing every bit of my work and how far I must go in order to diagnose your conditions--and your abilities..." *shovels a spoon of grits, bringing them to Mimeca's mouth* "Who's ready for the relief plane to bring its food rations to the hungry villagers? VROOM." *brings the spoon to Mimeca's mouth*
mimeca: >n<# *takes the spoon and eats, pouting*
ManBearFix: "Well, that's all kinds of fun, but I'm bored now." *vibrates, fraying the ropes as he rips them off, wipes the dust off his shirt's shoulders, and stands* "Thank you for this lovely meal, but we're leaving." *picks up Mimeca's chair* "Let's go, girl." *walks to the door--*
Dr. Sasaki: *sighs, presses a button on her remote*
*multiple red scope laser beams point at ManBearFix and Mimeca*
mimeca: OxO;;;;;;
ManBearFix: OnO;
Dr. Sasaki: "Sit. Down. And eat."
ManBearFix: >n>; "Mimeca? I'm kind of missing prison..."
Mandy: *reading a file* " 'Mitsy Gainor. Sign: Zodiac. Hobbies: Dancing--"
Yoh: "Pole dancing, amirite?"
katy: *elbows him*
Yoh: "Oh!"
Dr. Summer: *dope slap*
Yoh: >n<#
Mandy: "Chief, I think if we follow Miss Gainor, we'll be able to find the kids!"
katy: sounds good. do we know where she lives?
Dr. Summer: "I had to drop her off once--an apartment complex on South Pacific Avenue."
Axel: "Dude, look at all the snails and worms on the sidewalk!"
zeke: is that kid actually helping them across the road?
kenji: there there little buddies. you'll be safe soon. ^^
Axel: "Yeah, and is that kid hiding behind bushes?"
Koda: Q_Q;
Kepuri: *walks into work* "Hello, gophers."
Yohei: *waves at coworkers* "Yo."
Employee: *looking at what seems to be a Quirk support item*
employee 2: osu! *waves while upside down*
Kepuri: "Oh, you finally got the stabilizers working?" *examines Employee 2's wristbands*
employee 2: yus ma'am!
Kepuri: "Hmm..." *holds an ear up to a wristband* "That hum is worrisome--it's wasting power. That's an aluminum wire--switch to copper and check the weight distribution."
employee 2: huh, hadnt thought 'bout that. thanks.
Yohei: "??? Hei, is that a new flux capacitor?" *moves a hand up to the device--*
hei: dont touch that! i just finished cleaning it!!
Yohei: *pulls back his hand* "Wow, sorry. Just was curious how you corrected the bi-directional static interference."
Haumea: "Please tell me he's still not moping about Orochi."
kagu-tsuchi: i tried speaking with him, but he isnt listening...
Haumea: " 'Speaking with him'? With what, fists? Kicks? 'Cause that's the only way that little baby will respond to anything."
kagu-tsuchi: lady haumea.....
Haumea: -_-# "God, you can be so useless--I'll talk to him. Yo! Ritsu--bring him out!"
tamaki: *wrapped up in a blanket*
Arthur: *walks in*
tamaki: hey....*small smile*
Arthur: "..." *looks away*
Arthur: "..."
tamaki:.....would you read me a story?
Arthur: "...Which one?"
tamaki: any one. i just...need to hear someone talk right now, i guess...
Arthur: "..." *picks a book from the shelf...sits next to her, but not exactly close to her* "..." *flips to a page* "...'"On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays it was Court Hand and Summulae Logicales, while the rest of the week it was the Oraganon, Repetition and Astrology...'"
tamaki: *listening*
Arthur: " 'The governess was always getting muddled with her astrolabe, and when she got specially muddled she would take it out of the Wart by rapping his knuckles.'"
Mitsy: *fiddling with keys in her pocket* =_=# "Just need four hours, then I'll be ready to go..." *yawns...sniffs* "Ugh--and a bath..." *opens the apartment door*
dog: *whines, wanting food*
Mitsy: "..." *picks up doggie* "Hello, sweetie muffins--did you miss mommy?"
dog: 8D
Mitsy: "Let's get baby some num-nums!" *walks to the cabinet, pulling out the dog food*
-across the street-
Summer: "What's she doing in there?"
mandy: awww puppy!
katy:...cats are way better.
Yoh: "??? From that psychological profile thingie you wrote up, I didn't think she'd be so...giddy around her puppy."
katy: they're rough estimates...
Summer: "I've worked with her for a year, and I didn't even think she'd do something like this..." *clenches her fists, shaking with fury*
katy: doc?
Summer: "I want to bring her down, and the rest of these child kidnappers."
katy: we will.
Yoh: "Wait--she's doing something..."
katy: *looks*
Mitsy: *has set her doggie on the table with a doggie dish with food in it...she seems to be on the phone...*
katy: *listening in*
Mitsy: "Uh huh...Right, 11 o'clock. I'll be there. What? What?! No, I'm not buying those brats more food! Fuck 'em--they can starve! No, I--wait, hang on--" *to her doggie* "D'aw, aren't you hungry, sweetie?" *scratches behind the dog's ear*
katy: unbelievable!
Summer: *growls, starting to step out of the van--*
katy: doctor, summer, wait!
Summer: *has one foot out--*
Yoh: *grabs Summer by the waist--and supplexes her back inside*
Mitsy: "???" *looks out the window--and sees nothing* "...Yeah, no, I'm listening." *takes off her shoes* "Fine! Jeez! I'll get you eyedrops too for your idiot sister! Fuck!"
mandy: ._.
Summer: *pulled back in, lying with her back on Yoh's chest* "... ... ..." *clenches her fist, as mud outside the van starts to condense into hard spheres...*
Yoh: "Now, Doc, you know we have to be incognito--"
Summer: *smashes a mud sphere into his face*
In: *eyes bandaged, lying in bed* "..."
out: kylie? you ok girl?
In: "Cam?" *tries to sit up--then pauses--* "!!! Watch your step!"
out: ??
*Out fails to notice a broken floorboard before she steps onto it--*
out: WOAH!
*Out's foot falls through the floorboard--before the top of the board smacks her in the face*
In: "I tried to warn you! Didn't you see it?!"
out: what the hell?!
In: "Yeah, it was-- ..." *touches her bandages* "...What the hell..."
out: sis you're freaking me the eff out.
In: "..." *shaking* "What he did to my eyes..." *starts tugging on the bandages*
mina: it's time my dudes, for the mother-heckin gallon joust!
Eijiro: *seated--and pulls on goggles*
sero: may the best player win.
mina: sato, get the camera ready!
Sato: *holding the camera, thumbs up*
mina: ready and....GO!
Eijiro: "WOOOOO!"
sero: YAAAAAAGH!!!
Sato: *aiming back and forth--*
Hyde: "..." *picks up a mop* "Dang kids..."
Kyoka: "Thank you for taking us out, Doctor."
yosano: of course, girls. ^^
Kyoka: "What would you like, Sylvia?" *looking at the menu*
sylvia: i-i dunno...
Kyoka: "Split a parfait?"
sylvia: a-are you alright with that?
Kyoka: *nods* "I would like that."
sylvia: o-o-ok. .////.;;;
Kyoka: "Great...You aren't allergic to strawberries, are you?"
sylvia: i-i dont think so, no...
Kyoka: "Good. Although I'm sure Dr. Yosano could help if you had an allergic reaction..."
Axel: "You know what I miss? Professional sporting events. What kinds of teams are there in Death City?"
zeke: well they got baseball, football, basketball, hockey, rugby, swimming, track, soccer-
Jonas: TT~TT
Axel: "...Dude, I think we need to take him to a game, or he's going to leave ghost tear stains everywhere. Again."
zeke: good call...
Axel: "Jonas? Would you like to take in a game--"
Jonas: *grabs Zeke by the face with ghost hands* "Which sport?"
zeke: i think there's a baseball game later this evening.
Jonas: "WOOT!' *lifts up Zeke* "Baseball!"
zeke: *CRASHES INTO THE CEILING* ......lil help?
Axel: "..." *texts NOTers* [baseball game tonight. also bro needs first aid kit]
Pumpkin: "Have a seat..."
overhaul: ....
Pumpkin: "Got to say, you're here earlier than I expected..."
overhaul: yeah no kidding. so...how's progress?
Pumpkin: "Not too shabby...Children are much more pliant for this kind of Quirk cultivation, are they not?"
overhaul: really....no hiccups to speak of?
Pumpkin: "I'll be honest with you--I had assigned someone to kidnap a parent to see the effects on an adult, but she fouled that up."
overhaul:....let's see them then.
Pumpkin: "Of course..." *nods to a door*
overhaul: *walks over*
*the door slides open on its own, revealing a stairway*
Pumpkin: "Careful--it's still a bit damp..."
Mitsy: *pets her doggie* "Be good while Mommy's out, 'kay?"
doggie: *WOOF*
Mitsy: *blows a kiss before locking the door and heading down the stairs*
Yoh: *asleep in the van*
doggie: *waits for her to leave before opening the back door, letting a bunch of other dogs in as they start partying*
Yoh: *snores/snorts himself awake* "Huh? What? Was that a party horn?" *looks--and spots Mitsy leaving* "?!!"
katy: alright, lets go.
Duncan: -^- "--and then there's the 'Fancy Dan,' where the player adds some flourish on their ball throw..."
girl: uh-huh.
Duncan: "I used to play baseball--I was quite good at it!"
girl: really now...
Duncan: "Really! I could show you my stuff at a game some time--"
girl: oh, my dad's here! *walks over to her dad*
Duncan: "??? Dad?"
Coach Dad: "Hey, sweetie! How did it go?"
girl: good up until some loser started talking to me.
Duncan: Q_Q;
Coach Dad: "Now, sweetie, that's not nice to say--" *spots Duncan* "...Nevermind. I get it now."
Duncan: Q____________Q
Asher: *grabs a hoodie* "...Why are we doing this?"
izumi: it'll be fun.
Asher: *grunts* "It still sounds like work, or babysitting...People don't like being coddled."
izumi: ....
Asher: "This better not be embarrassing-- ... ... ..."
Spirit: *decked out in baseball fan attire*
Spirit: "...Yay, go team!" ^^;;;
Asher: "...Pfft."
Mitsy: *walks through Santa Monica Pier, past a roller coaster* "..."
-some seagulls perched on a bench just watch her go by-
Mitsy: *grumbles* "F'ing winged rats..."
-one of them takes off and poops on her shoulder-
Mitsy: ono# "..." *reaching into her purse--...then thinks better of it and pulls out a tissue* "Fucking crap..." *heads through the carnival game booths*
Yoh: *looking through binoculars* "A carnival?"
mandy: spoopy.
Yoh: *looks* "??? I don't understand."
Mitsy: *disappears amidst the booths*
katy: let's go.
Summer: "Hang on..." *lowers her tote bag, scooping up a ton of sand off the beach* "Okay..."
Yoh: "Think you can handle this, Doc?" *still bandaged up*
Summer: -_-# "Don't talk to me. Ever."
Yoh: >_>;
Xavier: *literally biting on the prison bars*
Timmy: *looking up scared from the cell at Overhaul and Pumpkin*
overhaul: well? say something, brat.
Timmy: "I-I want to go home...Please, sir..."
Timmy: "We want to go home...We're tired, they aren't feeding us!"
overhaul: do you think that's _my_ problem?
Timmy: "?!"
Xavier: *growling* "WE'RE HERE BECAUSE OF ADULTS LIKE YOU! LET US OUT, YOU BASTARD!" *shaking the bars*
overhaul: what? do you want your mommy?
Timmy: *stunned*
Pumpkin: *looks at Overhaul* "We found newly developed Quirks in these children...I'm keen to see what your technology could do to enhance some of our prime candidates."
Ragnarok: -_-# "I hate these late shifts..."
*a customer walks into the store...*
Customer: "..." *picking up items, shoving them into his pockets*
kyouko: oi!
Customer: *rips open a candy bar, shoving it into his mouth*
kyouko: *bodychucks him*
Customer: *falls to the floor, with a loud hiss--as something flies off of him...something crawling and tiny and red...*
kyouko: oh shit- hyde!
*a toilet is heard flushing, before Hyde steps out*
Hyde: "Okay, okay, I brought the key back--"
*ants are all over the floor*
Hyde: "...What the hell?"
kyouko: D8<
Customer: *writhing on the floor, more ants crawling out of him...as his body deflates...*
Hyde: "...Ragnarok, Kyouko already took out the trash--you can clean up the ants."
Jonas: *"sitting" in the baseball stands* =n=
lei-lei: *eating popcorn*
Axel: "Hey, cheer up, man--we got cotton candy!"
Jonas: "..." *reaches hand--and it passes through the candy*
Axel: OwO;
Spirit: *rambling--* "--and you can see the star players and their numbers dotting the back of the field--"
Asher: "Zzzz..."
zeke: *looking around*
Spirit: *points* "That's the number of Orlando Abreu--pitched five no-hitters in one season! And that's Rusney "Boots" Black's number--"
Jonas: "?! BOOTS?!"
zeke: you know them?
Jonas: "They were on my team! What the hell?! They got to be players?!"
Spirit: "...Actually, Boots is the coach and manager now--" *pointing to the field*
Boots: *waving to the stands, to loud applause*
Jonas: OnO##### "...I'm going to the bathroom. To haunt people." *floats away*
zeke: jonas-...*sigh* i'll go follow him...
Axel: "Same--we're out of soda. And I need the potty." *follows*
Duncan: TTnTT "Then she said, 'He's a loser, Dad'..."
hibiki: ....
Duncan: "...This is where you say, 'No, Duncan, you have many wonderful qualities'..."
hibiki: like what?
Duncan: "I'm persistent!"
Mitsy: "Hey, girl--where's the boss?"
may: downstairs.
Mitsy: "Entertaining our gracious benefactor?" *tosses a tissue into the trash* "Showing off the brats?"
may: .....
Mitsy: "Entertaining our gracious benefactor?" *tosses a tissue into the trash* "Showing off the brats?"
may: .....
Mitsy: "...Oh, still think you're too good to respond? Like you're any better..."
Summer: "Damn it..." *looking through the carnival* "Where is it..."
katy: creepy...
mandy: i think my brother went exploring here once…
Summer: "Are you freaking kidding me?!" *grabs Yoh by the collar* "We're trying to find missing children, and you're playing games?!"
Booth Operator: "?!! M-Missing kids?" >_>;;;;;
katy: yes, *shows them a photo of mitsy* this woman is belived to be involved with the case, have you seen her?
Booth Operator: "N-No?"
Summer: "..."
Yoh: "..." *grabs the tiger plushie--*
Operator: "H-Hey! Give that back--"
Yoh: *rips the head off*
katy: ._.
Yoh: *reaches in--* "OW!" *pulls out his hand--with a syringe stuck in his finger*
katy: !!!!
Operator: "... ... ..." *his arm stretches--as he swings it at the cops*
katy: *ducks*
Yoh: *rips the syringe out* "Damn it!"
Summer: *takes the syringe* "...What the hell is this..." *rips the syringe out, tapes the top, pockets it*
Operator: *swinging noodle limbs at Katy and Mandy* "Can't let you leave now!" *slams fists down*
mandy: *aims her tazer gun*
Operator: *swings his fist to the left of Katy's head*
katy: GNH-
Operator: "You're not getting out of here!" *swings the arm around--Katy's neck*
mandy: *shoots the taser gun*
*the Operator vibrates--loosening his grip on Katy*
katy: *gasps for air* t-thanks.
Operator: *falls down*
Summer: "What is this thing supposed to be?" *pulls the vial out of her pocket* "It had a syringe with it--likely a doping mechanism for, I assume, his Quirk?"
katy: hinoki, you feeling alright?
Yoh: "Fine, I guess? I don't have a Quirk, so it wouldn't have affected me..."
Operator: "..." *reaching into his jacket...*
mandy: *stomps on his hand*
Operator: "GAH!" *drops another vial*
Yoh: "Why would someone be passing around some Quirk drug in a carnival?"
mandy: alright bub, start talkin!
Operator: "You're getting nothin' out of me!" *swings the other arm--*
Summer: *rock-hand catch--and crushes*
Operator: Q___Q "The boss won't like this!"
katy: and where is this boss of yours?
Yoh: *jumps into the booth*
Summer: "Oh, for crying out loud--You're still obsessing about the stupid game?!"
Yoh: *pulls a lever--*
Yoh: "...Ow."
Guard 1: *checking a monitor* "??? Stretch opened the door at the bottle booth. His shift isn't over for another two hours..."
guard 2: zzzz...
Guard 1: "...Please, don't get up, I'll take a look." *attaches a gauntlet, gets up to leave--then smacks Guard 2 on the back of the head*
guard 2: GNRK- whu? waz goin on?
Guard 1: "Get up--something weird's happening at Stretch's booth."
Pumpkin: *measuring out a substance in a syringe* "I have to thank you for this new supply...It's been quite instructive."
overhaul: dont mention it.
Pumpkin: "I've been quite fascinated with all your Quirks can accomplish...Nothing like what I've seen where I'm from."
overhaul: oh?
Pumpkin: "...Oh, didn't I mention? Yeah, I'm not from here."
overhaul: yeah, you do have kind of an accent. you from Britain or something?
Pumpkin: "...Think further. Much further."
overhaul: laos?
Pumpkin: "Another world..."
overhaul: you're bullshitting me.
Pumpkin: "I assure you, this is not some rubbish. I am what you might call an out-realmer, from outside of this realm."
overhaul: prove it.
Pumpkin: "...A talking pumpkin isn't enough proof? What, do you have herds of jack o'lantern scarecrows, grazing on the wide open fields of the Great Plains?"
overhaul: ...there's been weirder, honestly.
Pumpkin: "Well, I would open a portal to show you another dimension, but that'd sap much power...I already know your world has magic, so..." *twirls some magical dust in the air* "...this probably doesn't impress you either, huh?"
overhaul: ??
Pumpkin: "??? One of your enforcers?"
overhaul: *takes out his pistol*
*the door opens, showing...Guard 1, standing in sunglasses*
Pumpkin: "Well? What's going on?"
Guard 1: "..." *unconscious, gets kicked into the room, towards Overhaul*
overhaul: ?!?! *aims his gun*
Yoh: *battle roar, as he pushes Guard 1 into the room like a human shield*
*a sand trail follows Yoh...*
Xavier: *growls* "Come on--don't wimp out on this. It's all or nothing!"
girl: so what's the plan?
Timmy: "I-I guess we need to get out of the cell first? Can anyone teleport?"
boy: i can make my hair move on its own.
Xavier: "Brilliant! You ever steal keys out of someone's pocket?"
Jonas: *'pacing' in the men's restroom*
zeke: he's not coming out from there...
Axel: "Well, I already did my business, so I'm out of ideas..." *looking around the hall, seeing the 'Manager's VIP Lounge'* "..." *a hallway light flickers over his head* "Wait...I'm getting an idea..."
zeke: ??
Axel: "Jonas has unfinished business, right?"
zeke: i guess?
Axel: "And we can't find his family anywhere, because he's kind of a dick, right?"
zeke: well-
Axel: "But this manager guy went to school with him, so he may know how he got offed. We find out who really killed Jonas, and bam, Jonas's soul does...whatever happens when souls pass on!"
zeke: hmm.
Axel: "Come on--what have we got to lose?" *knocks on the VIP door*
Asher: *yawns, stretches*
hibiki: hey...
Asher: "..." *grunts, looks away*
hibiki:....you still mad?
Asher: "...Yeah, I'm still pretty mad. Who asked you..."
hibiki: are you mad because i told spirit?
Asher: "...Yeah. I didn't ask you to get involved. I didn't ask any of you to butt in. You don't know what could have happened."
hibiki: would you want to stay in that situation?
Asher: "No, but I didn't want to drag someone else into that mess."
hibiki: then what were you planning to do then, huh?
Asher: "We had a plan--Cassidy was going to get enough money for us to move out."
hibiki: how long would that have taken?
Asher: "...I don't know--I left it to Cassidy to figure out the costs..."
hibiki: .....
Asher: "...What if that crazy bitch did something to Izumi? You think I'd want that on my conscience, too?"
hibiki: well she didnt...
Asher: "She could've--we're not all some powerhouses like your family."
hibiki: being a powerhouse has nothing to do with doing the right thing....look, you cant keep carrying this burden on your own or you'll just get crushed by it. i've seen it happen...
Asher: "...I thought weapons are designed just to carry the burden for their meister."
hibiki: being a weapon doesnt mean you're a slave.
Asher: "..." *holds their head* "I don't know what a weapon is for...I was just born like this, and when I found my ability..."
hibiki: would you like to speak with a councilor?
Asher: "...Might as well."
hibiki: it's a start....you dont have to go through this alone.
Asher: "...If I ended up getting Izumi hurt, or you, or another classmate, that's not something I want on my head. Those black blood whatever walker things..."
Los Angeles Police Dispatcher: "Unit 42, what's your emergency?"
officer: THAT.
Dispatcher: "...Sending emergency teams now. You're on the phone, so I need a visual or a description."
Quirk-Enhanced Guard: *claws extended, slicing*
katy: *shooting*
Claws: *slices the gun apart*
katy: !!!
*A Laser-Eye Quirk Guard chases Mandy*
mandy: shit shit shit! >~<;;
*families are fleeing the carnival--rides are on fire...*
Beach Bodybuilder: "Okay, people--you know what to do." *flexes* "Get those bad guys!"
Beach Bodybuilder 2: *rushes at Claws--and tackles them*
mandy: thank you!
Beach Bodyguilder 2: *chokehold* "You're welcome, officer!"
Lasers: "Like that'll be enough!" *blasts towards Mandy*
mandy: WAH!
*something blows up under Laser's feet, knocking them back*
Laser: "?!! What're they doing down there?!"
may: !!!!
Mitsy: *grabbing a rifle* "I knew we should've killed the Doc earlier." *aims at the door*
may: *picks up a chair and smacks her with it*
Mitsy: *stumbles...then looks back with a glare* "Oh, you fucking cunt!" *aims the rifle*
may: *kicks the rifle*
Mitsy: "?!" *the kick blasts a shot into the wall, before the rifle falls out of her hands* "..." *swings at May*
may: *ducks and punches her in the stomach*
Mitsy: *air knocked out of her, doubles over*
may: *takes the keys and heads toward the cells*
Mitsy: "No, you don't..." *crawling after her*
may: *KICK*
Mitsy: "FUCK--" *and rolls down the stairs, one at a time*
Summer: *in Rock Giant form, creating rock shields*
overhaul: *shooting*
*rock shields chip away but hold up*
Yoh: *sweeps his leg at Pumpkin's head*
Pumpkin: *bends back--in an unnatural pose*
Yoh: "??? That's some yoga..."
Pumpkin: *snaps back--swinging a blade* "Indeed."
Yoh: *dodging, but his shirt gets sliced*
summer: shit!
Yoh: "Don't worry, Doc--this guy is a stringbean!" *swings his foot at Pumpkin's hand--and it snaps off*
Pumpkin: "..." *looks at his stump*
Yoh: "...Wow, I've gotten stronger--"
Pumpkin: *fires a magic shield at Yoh, slamming him through the ceiling and three stories above the ground*
Yoh: *air knocked out of him, just hanging above the ground* <Wh-Wh-What?!>
Pumpkin: "..." *releases*
Yoh: *starts falling* "Wow, wow, wow!" *flinging his arms, his descent increasing*
summer: !!! *rushes to catch him*
Pumpkin: *slings balls of fire at Summer's feet*
Yoh: "AAAAAAAH!!!"
summer: *creating a rock ramp and slides up it*
Yoh: *spots her* *holds out his hand*
-nice catch!-
Yoh: QwQ "My hero..."
summer: you're welcome.
*a firework shoots up at them*
summer: !!!
Yoh: "!!! Dodge!"
summer: *looks*
*seems to be a giant slide below...*
summer: oh boy.
Yoh: "..." *shifts* "Hang on!"
summer: ?!
Yoh: *crawls over her until she's grasping his legs* "Narrow your body as much as you can--we're sliding down!"
summer: *doing so*
Yoh: *holds out his arms like a bird swooping down--then folds them in like a penguin diving into the ocean and--perfect land on the slide--and going all the way down...*
overhaul: the fuck...
Yoh: "WOOOO!!!"
Pumpkin: "...This world is bizarre." *looks up at the ferris wheel* "...You may want to move back a bit."
overhaul: ??
*Yoh and Summer come to a stop at the base of the slide*
Yoh: "Phew! Glad that training paid off..." *his wounds look like they opened, bleeding in his bandages*
summer: !!!
Yoh: "??? What?"
summer: your wounds are opened again, idiot!
Yoh: "...Ha! You haven't seen anything! That's remedial lessons in Hinoki martial arts training!" *battle pose*
summer: -___-;
Yoh: "You weren't bad yourself either, Doc! That Quirk is rock solid! ...Ha."
overhaul: *aims his gun*
Yoh: "!!! Duck!"
overhaul: ?!?!?
Xavier: *chomping on Claws' legs*
summer: !!!
Yoh: ._.; "Man, they just don't raise kids well nowadays."
Timmy: *offers a hand to Leah* "Come on!"
leah: *following*
may: come on, let's go!
*a gunshot goes off*
may: GRK- *clutching her arm*
Timmy: "?!! Ma'am! Are you okay--GRRK!"
Mitsy: *clutching Timmy by the neck, choking, aiming her rifle at May*
may: !!!!
Mitsy: "I spent too much work getting these brats for the boss!" *holding the rifle awkwardly, and Timmy by the neck, she reaches for a syringe*
may: let go of him!
Mitsy: "Shut up! You creep in on my turf, try to take my spot--and now, I'm going to use this to turn this stupid fucking brat into my new attack dog!" *jams the syringe into Timmy's neck*
may: NO!!
Timmy: *SCREAMS*
Mitsy: "Yes! Bet you didn't know this Trigger has mind control properties!" *pushes Timmy down* "Now attack that bitch, brat!"
Timmy: "... ... ..." *his eyes glow*
may: !!!!
leah: *shaking*
Mitsy: "Okay, kid, I want you to kill that bitch--"
Timmy: *just stands there*
Mitsy: "...Today? Come on! What are you waiting for--" *grabs Timmy by the shoulder*
Timmy: *turns, death glare*
Mitsy: "?!"
*Mitsy is flung back, smashing into a light pole*
may: !!!
Mitsy: *groans...* "Stupid brat! I'm not done--" *moves her hand to reach into her pocket--when something slams down on her hand* "OW!!"
Xavier: "Nah-uh! Not again, you bastard!"
Mitsy: "Let go!"
Timmy: *he looks like he's in a daze*
may: *picks him up and runs*
Mitsy: "I said let go--" *finally grabs a syringe--and stabs it into Xavier's foot*
Xavier: *yelps...then starts panting*
Mitsy: "..." *sneers*
leah: *trembling and screaming*
Xavier: *his back starts contorting...*
summer: !!!
Xavier: *starts howling, as he takes on an animalistic form*
Mitsy: *chuckles* "Good doggy..."
Xavier: *slobbering, looking at Leah*
leah: *trembling*
Mitsy: "That's right, doggy! Get them! Get them all--"
Mitsy: "..."
Xavier: *biting into her shoulder, muffled* "You may try controlling me--BUT I HATE YOU MORE!"
Mitsy: "..." *SCREAMS, punching at Xavier's snout*
Xavier: *lets go--and bites into her again, tackling her*
Mitsy: *screaming bloody murder*
Axel: *knocks on the VIP lounge door*
zeke: i think he's still on the field.
Axel: "Yeah, probably--but maybe if we say we're friends of Jonas they'll let us wait here?" *keeps knocking*
guard: hey! you two!
Axel: *looks around* "..." *points at himself" "???"
zeke: oh fuzz.
Axel: "W-We just wanted to meet the manager!" OwO;
guard: well he's on the field.
Axel: "But it's real important--it's a matter of life and death!"
guard: yeah yeah, right...
Axel: "No, seriously, we got a dead man in the bathroom--"
guard: ?!?! this better not be a prank...
Axel: "No, really! He's pacing back and forth right now!"
guard: *opens the door*
*there's no one inside...*
guard: you two think this is funny?
Axel: "...I mean, kinda? We told you we had a dead man here, then he floated away somewhere 'cause he's kind of pissy--"
guard: ok, im going to ask you two to come with me-
Axel: "To see the manager?"
guard: to the security office.
Axel: Q_Q; "Whoops..."
Yoh: *runs up a wall, then leaps off to dodge some creature*
bat monster: *shrieks as it charges at him*
Yoh: *jumps--onto its back*
bat monster: *SKREEEEEEE*
Yoh: <Onward, Tianma!> *kicks its sides*
summer: *attacking the weird creatures*
Goblin: *punching through a rock wall, dissolving it into sand, reaching for Summer's neck*
summer: get back!!
Goblin: *growls--before scratching her arm*
boy: *hair whipping at some monsters*
Spider Beast: *retracts, struggling to crawl up its own web*
leah: w-what are these things?!
Timmy: *holding his head* "Not...from here..."
may: come on, we need to get out of here!
Xavier: *slobbering* "Why? This is fun!" *chewing into a dead bat creature*
leah: !!!! look out!
*a giant rat crashes into Xavier, heading towards Timmy*
Timmy: "..." *holds up a hand, forming an invisible barrier*
Rat: *CLUNK* *collapses*
???: "Should've seen this coming..."
???: ....
???: "..." *pulls the bandages off her eyes*
out: how are you holding up, sis?
In: *blinks* "Ugh, everything's too bright..." *rubbing her eyes...they are now yellow-orange with green sclerae...*
out: sis....
In: "...What? Something in my nose?"
out: *holds up her compact mirror*
In: "... ... ..." *SCREAMS*
overhaul: tch- this is getting to be too chaotic for my liking...im getting out of here...
*a car pulls up*
chronostasis: get in.
Rikiya: "...This looks awful outside."
overhaul: yeah, no shit.
Rikiya: "...I didn't touch the mini-fridge, if you want your bottled water..."
Yoh: *sitting on the bat creature, petting its head* "It's just like taming horses--only with wings."
bat creature: *SKREEEEEEE*
Yoh: *punches it in the eye* "Be quiet!"
*The Ferris Wheel's lights have gone out...The only light in the decimated carnival is fire...*
summer: this is getting to be too much....
Yoh: "??? Really? The way my sister tells it, this is kind of typical for the States. What's wrong, the rock-hard doctor can't handle it?"
summer: your sister, huh?
Yoh: *nods* "She's definitely not at my power level, but she helped knock down a space station. And the Fear Factory."
summer: wait then....that girl, mana hinoki is your sister?
Yoh: "Oh, you read about her?"
summer: in the news, yeah-
Yoh: "?!"
*a loud creaking sound is heard...like a tether has snapped...*
Yoh: "...Is that wheel getting...larger?"
*The Ferris Wheel is tipping...*
summer: shit! *creating a rock shield around them*
*The Ferris Wheel slams down, its power generator exploding in flames*
Yoh: *coughs*
katy: !!!! shit!
*a figure stands amidst the flames...the flames start turning green*
mandy: *aims her gun*
*the figure starts cackling, an orange light shining from his mouth...the orange light gets brighter...
katy: .....
*the light grows...then fires towards them*
katy: !!!!
mandy: GET DOWN!
mandy: EEK!
*the green fire explodes around Katy and Mandy*
Pumpkin: *emerges from the fire, his glowing mouth curled into a sardonic grin*
mandy: Q~Q permission to pee myself?
katy: not on top of me!
Pumpkin: *chuckles* "There's nothing better than seeing a weak, powerless human where they belong: groveling at my feet."
mandy: Q~Q;;;
{????: please....dont kill me.... please! i didnt mean to...}
Pumpkin: *stares* "..." *shakes his head slightly, before the fire in his mouth charges up again, as he faces Mandy...*
Yoh: "Low bridge!" *sweeps a leg, snapping Pumpkin's femur in two*
Pumpkin: "?!" *stumbles, vomiting fire just in front of Mandy's feet*
mandy: EEEK!
Yoh: "Ha! For some weird demonic magic thing, you're pretty scrawny and feeble--"
Yoh: *held by his limbs in fiery rings*
katy: !!
Pumpkin: "You are insufferable."
Yoh: "I get that. A lot."
Pumpkin: "And now you'll get to have your limbs torn off. Goodbye."
*the fire is extinguished by a blade of sand*
Pumpkin: *along with his hand* "?!!! OH, COME ON!"
summer: ...
Pumpkin: "You know, I just regrew that one..."
Yoh: *falls to the ground* "UMPH! Hey, doc, could you have let me down more gently? I'm still bleeding."
summer: give it up before you get squashed.
Pumpkin: "Hmm..." *keeping some distance, walking around her* "Hmm, a terramancer? I didn't think they had you here."
summer: *keeping an eye on him*
Pumpkin: "They keep calling you 'doctor.' Why does someone created to heal engage in such violence? Anger problems, perhaps?"
summer: i never asked to be born with these abilities, but regardless, im just trying to do the right thing.
Pumpkin: "Is that why you keep letting dumb mistakes happen?" *sneers* "You couldn't even protect a child."
summer: *shaking*
Pumpkin: *chuckles* "That's what makes this world so fun, you know? Getting to see those brats get what they deserve..."
summer: shut up...
Pumpkin: "If you don't stop them before they learn obedience, they are unchecked little urchins, spreading harm. What they need is someone to guide them..." *holds out his good hand* "It's what they need, isn't it?"
summer: *trembling*
Pumpkin: "Come on. Join my team. I could use someone to patch up the young ones."
summer: how about you go to hell?
Pumpkin: *aims fire-breath* "Been there..." *exhales*
summer: *rock shield and charges at him*
Pumpkin: *twirls a hand, opening a portal*
-something steps out....a dark, mangled creature with a skull like face*
creature: *SCREAMING OUT*
Yoh: *staring frozen*
summer: what...what the hell is that?
Pumpkin: *smiles* "My child."
creature: *screams and charges*
-the scream is distorted and sounds almost like a young girl crying out in pain*
Yoh: "Shit! Look out!" *runs at the Creature*
Pumpkin: *smiles*
summer: *attacking the creature*
Yoh: *aims a kick at the creature's face*
creature: *SKREE*
Yoh: *tries to reach around the creature*
creature: *thrashing yoh*
Yoh: *sliced into his fresh wounds* *screams in pain before the Creature smashes his face into the ground*
creature: *clawing at him*
Yoh: *he's not moving...*
summer: *attacking the monster*
*Summer knocks the monster away from Yoh, but he's still not moving...*
creature: *lunges at summer*
Summer: "!!!" *forms rock gauntlets, shielding her face*
creature: *screeching*
Summer: *pushed back--until the gauntlets break, knocking her back* "UGH!" *crashes onto the ground*
creature: *growls*
Summer: "..." *lets out something between a cough and a laugh* "You don't back done, huh?" *climbs up again...*
mandy: *holding up her gun at the creature*
Pumpkin: *waits...*
creature: *flies up*
Summer: "?!!!" *forms a rock wall--then kicks it to knock it up to the sky*
-the creature is knocked into a castle display-
Summer: *glares at the spot where the Creature fell...turns to look at Pumpkin and the cops*
katy: ok, time to arrest this freak-
Pumpkin: *twirling a finger*
katy: ??
creature: *looks up at a princess doll* ..... *it starts screeching again, as if in pain*
Pumpkin: "I'm afraid I'm outside of your jurisdiction...We'll be departing."
-the creature flies out of the rubble and grabs lord pumpkin before flying off-
Pumpkin: *salutes...*
mandy: *fires a few more shots*
Summer: "!!! Oh, no, you don't--" *runs--then trips, collapsing* "Get back..."
Yoh: *still not moving...*
katy: shit! requesting back up!
*a glass jar falls in the kitchen*
Yohei: "??? Mana? What're you doing up?"
mana: !!! just...uneasy.
Yohei: "Sorry to hear...Better clean this up--GET, grab the big glass pieces first."
Duncan: *loud obnoxious sneezes*
genny: -_-#
Kanin: "Wow, that's quite a sternutation."
Duncan: =n= *sniff* "It's not my fault--it's allergies. I'm allergic to gluten, shellfish, hairy caterpillars, hops--in fact, anything from the Cannabaeae family..."
hibiki: that's....weirdly specific.
genny: im allergic to gluten too, actually.
Kanin: "Ah--then you'd probably avoid Cannabaeae, since it includes hops as well as hemp, marijuana--"
hibiki: wait...
{Jonas: "??? Nah, still don't know any 'Sour Diesel.' I was straight edge in school--that's why I even avoided pain medicine."}
hibiki: 'sour diesel...'
Kanin: "..." *looks around* "No beer near us, so no hops--"
Duncan: "AH-CHOO!"
Kanin: "..." *picks up Duncan* "Hibiki, Genny, let's go."
genny: kanin?
hibiki:....axel and zeke still arent back yet...
Kanin: "We find them, I think we'll find out what really killed Jonas. And Duncan will lead us..." *holds Duncan by the shoulders, rotating...*
Duncan: *sneezes more in one direction, less in another*
Axel: Q_Q "Mom and Dad are going to kill us."
zeke: hey! come on let us out!
Guard: "Shut up! Just wait for the police to get here..."
zeke: =~=;
Axel: "We didn't do nothing wrong! And we're DWMA, so that makes us deputized or something!"
zeke: he's not listening...
Axel: "I know." TT~TT "Let's figure out an escape plan..." *sits on top of a box labeled 'SOUR'*
zeke: *sniffs* ugh, dude! at least say excuse me if you're gonna do that!
Axel: "??? That wasn't me--you did it!"
zeke: i would have heard it!
Axel: "Then you would've heard me doing it!" *shoves Zeke*
zeke: ack!
*Zeke knocks down a stack of boxes, their contents spilling out*
zeke: *coughing*
Axel: *sniffs* "Ugh...What is this stuff?" *picks up a wrapped package*
zeke: ugh, it smells awful!
Axel: "Yeah, like Asher's clothes used to...That was mean, sorry."
zeke: wait......*looks at the box*
*The box says "SOUL DIESEL"*
Axel: "Big time...Why are they keeping marijuana here?"
zeke: didnt that gravure model mention sour diesel?
Axel: "Yeah...Like the kind she smelled in the boys' locker room...Someone else had this stuff, someone maybe at this baseball game!"
zeke: dude!
Axel: "The manager went to school with Jonas!"
zeke: DUDE!
Axel: "Dude!" *bro hug*
zeke: DUUUUUDE!!
zeke: owo;;
Boots: *aiming a gun at the two*
zeke: OwO *gulp*....c-can we get an autograph? ^^;;;;
Boots: "I heard you two know a dead man..."
zeke:......Pablo 'Deadman' Rivera?
Boots: "Jonas. A certain model spilled the means at a party."
zeke: oh no....
Boots: "Oh, yes..." *nods to security, who brings in Marilyn, tied and gagged*
Axel: "How is this a good plan?! Everyone will know we went missing and find our corpses here!"
Boots: "Let's see--two brats talking about finding a dead body, which would be Marilyn here..."
marilyn: ?!?!?
Axel: "And what about us?! Why would we report finding a dead body?!"
Boots: *holds up a paper* "You killed her, and left behind a suicide note confessing your crime...All it needs is your writing." *hands it to Zeke*
zeke: NO WAY!
Boots: "I don't think you have much of a choice...Not if you want your classmates to live."
Axel: "Well, we're not alone! We got...um...Bro, who we got left?"
zeke: uhhh.... *looking up*
*humming is heard...*
guard: ???
*it sounds like...a school's fight song?*
???: ♪ Brave and bold, black and gold, we fight 'til we're old, 'cause we are the DWMA--hey! ♪
Boots: "?!!"
*Ghosts of athletes descend into the room*
marilyn: ?!?!?!
Boots: "WHAT THE HELL?!"
Athlete 1: "Hey, Jonas was right--it is Bootsy!"
Athlete 2: "You murderous son of a bitch..."
Athlete 3: "YOU OWE ME TWO BUCKS!"
cheerleader: go! fight! kill!
Axel: O_O; "Bro...Did you light up the diesel?"
zeke: where would i even get a lighter? -_-;
Axel: "I don't know--where did Jonas get ghosts?!"
Jonas: *pops up behind Zeke* "You would not believe the number of pissed off washed up athletes attracted to baseball stadiums..."
marilyn: <jonas?!>
Jonas: "Marilyn, hey! What brings you here? ...Why are you tied up?"
marilyn: -__- *stomps on the guard's foot*
Guard: "OW!" *lets go, bumping into Boots--*
Boots: *caught by a ghost* O_O;;; "Now, people, let's not do anything reckless..."
marilyn: *HEADBUTT*
Boots: "UMPH!"
Jonas: "Wait, is this what teamwork is like?"
Axel: "Kinda? Only it doesn't usually involve ghosts. Or pot?"
zeke:....if this is one of those 'moral of the day' stories. it's hella weird.
*the door is knocked down, revealing Kanin in werewolf form, holding up Duncan*
Duncan: *sneezing uncontrollably*
hibiki: axel, zeke!
zeke:.........i just remembered we're kunais. we could have gotten out of this cage easy.
Axel: "... ... Yeah, but...we were investigating. And not trying to escalate or something. Like...finding clues." *holds up the box at Duncan* "See? This was a clue!"
Duncan: *SNEEZES--blowing away the ghosts, freeing Boots*
Boots: "..." *grabs the gun, aims--*
lei-lei: *KICKS THE GUN*
Boots: "AH! Damn you!" *swings his fist--*
hibiki: *cutting marilyn's ropes*
Jonas: "Marilyn!" *floats over to her*
Ghosts: *still plastered against the wall...glaring at Duncan*
Boots: DX *collapses*
Jonas: "..."
Jonas: .\\\\.
Kanin: "...Ma'am? He's unconscious."
marilyn: im sure he'll hear me in his nightmares.
Jonas: "Marilyn...Um...I'm sorry that this happened..."
Asher: *walking* "..."
izumi: the ballgame yesterday was fun, wasnt it?
Asher: "What I remember of it...I couldn't follow what the others were saying."
izumi: ....i think that's the same stadium where that robot tournament was....
Asher: "???"
izumi: did i tell you how my mom and dad met? well, i kind of met him first. do you remember whe-
Asher: "Wait, what? Robots, meeting your dad first..."
-izumi explains what all happened-
Asher: "...That was fucking dangerous."
izumi: yeah...but im glad it happened....
Asher: "...Okay. I think I get it now."
izumi: if it werent for him, i probably wouldnt have met you...
Asher: >_>; "Yeah...About that..."
izumi: ???
Asher: "...You both have a nasty habit of trying to save people..."
izumi: ????
Asher: "...It really pissed me off a lot. And I don't think I thanked either of you for that."
izumi: asher.....
Asher: "I held a lot of animosity at you and Spirit, and Hibiki...and at myself, because I didn't ask you to get involved. So, I'm sorry for that."
izumi:.....apology accepted.
Asher: "..." *nods* "Just be more careful, Mother Theresa--a weapon's supposed to pull some of their weight around in this partnership."
lei-lei: hey guys~! *waving to them*
Asher: "Um...Hey?"
Axel: *rambling to nearby students--* "And then we were like, 'Oh, no, we're gonna die!'"
zeke: *waves*
Asher: "Hey...So, what happened to the ghost?"
zeke: axel, marilyn and i saw him off...
Axel: "..." *nods*
izumi: im glad he found peace...
Axel: "And that evil manager's under arrest, so bonus."
genny: so, now what?
hibiki: back to the usual i guess.
Duncan: "Thank goodness--if I saw one more ghost, I'd scream--" *opens a door*
Jonas: *seated in the classroom--with the other athlete ghosts*
izumi: um.... ._.
Kanin: "..." *hands Duncan a pillow*
Duncan: "Thank you." *SCREAMS*
Axel: "What the H are y'all doing back?!"
zeke: there was a heartfelt goodbye and everything!
Jonas: "I know, but then we all remembered something..."
All Ghosts: "We never finished our make-up exam!"
Asher: "... ... ..." *takes their phone* "I'm calling a fucking exorcist."
-mass face fault-
Sid: "Back in my day, when people died, they just stayed dead..."
cheerleader: WHAT'S YOUR EXCUSE?
nygus: *sweatdrop*
Sid: "A witch stabbed me with the Statue of Liberty. I think that deserves a do-over."
marilyn: unbelievable...*packing some stuff*
Office Manager: "For someone who just survived a murder scheme, you seem extra moody."
marilyn: well my stupid bitch of a cousin just got herself arrested _and_ in the hospital so now i have to take care of her dog. -_-#
Manager: "What about that photoshoot for DC Sporting Apparel?"
marilyn: just tell tiffani to do it!
Tiffani: *small gasp* "I get to be in a big city photo shoot?!"
marilyn: yes, yes, now get to it!
Tiffani: >w< "THANK YOU!" *hug*
Mitsy: *eye bandaged, arms in casts, foot in a sling...and can't reach the TV remote* "..." *grunts, trying to reach*
summer: you should be grateful i even went back for you.
Mitsy: "...Yes, I'm sooooooooo grateful that you pulled me away from that CRAZY INSANE IMBRED MONGREL! Did you see what he did to me?!"
leah: mommy! *hugs her mom*
Leah's Mother: TT~TT *hug* "My baby...Thank God!"
old woman: Michael, sweetie, you cant go givin your nana a scare like that!
michael: *hair quirk boy* ^^;
Timmy: *sitting by himself* "..."
timmy's mother: timmy! you're ok, i thought i would never see you again!
mandy: *to the nurse* any luck finding xavier's family?
Timmy: "..." *shaking* "I-I-I can see it..."
timmy's mom: it's ok...*hugging him* mommy's here now.
Nurse: "I'm afraid not. And honestly, given how he's acting, not sure his family would want him back..."
Timmy: "...Mom...You shouldn't have yelled at Dad last night."
timmy's mother:....i know...i was just....i was scared....we both were...
Timmy: "...No, I don't want to get ice cream."
timmy's mother: ??
Timmy: "You were thinking 'Let's get him ice cream, maybe that'll cheer him up.' ..."
timmy's mother: !!
Xavier: *sniffing Timmy's Mother* "I want ice cream."
timmy's mother: oh my!
Xavier: "..." *nudges for a head pet*
nurse: aha! found it! he's in the foster care system!
Timmy: "This is Xavier. He's now a beast."
sonia: *sitting on the couch, watching TV*
Chuuya: "Sonia, which fruit would you like?"
sonia: banana.
Chuuya: "You got it..." *sets down waffles, peels a banana* "Miyuri, which fruit?"
miyuri: watermelon! ^w^
Chuuya: "Okay..." *pulls some slices out of the fridge...* "Could you grab the spoons?"
-news seems to be on showing LA-
Chuuya: "Sonia, you'll need to turn that off soon..." *walks into the living room--then looks at the TV*
-seems they are interviewing.....may?-
Chuuya: *was drying a plate--and, upon looking at the TV, drops it*
sonia: !! papa?
Chuuya: *gets up to the TV, looking for more information on the screen*
miyuri: ~??
Chuuya: *takes the remote, turning up the volume*
Interviewer: "Why are you coming forward now?"
may: well, with the pump MIA, and the kids out of harm, i may as well make up for past sins now...
Interviewer: "Are you worried about this 'Pump' seeking retribution?"
may:...i'd be lying if i said i wasnt.
Interviewer: "This all sounds a bit unbelievable. What do you say to viewers who doubt what you're saying about Quirk biochemistry and magic creatures?"
may: they're not as uncommon as you'd think, honestly.
Interviewer: "What will you do now?"
may: im not sure....it's likely i'll serve a prison sentence.
Chuuya: *staring*
sonia: ....
Chuuya: "...Goddamn it..."
sonia: papa?
Chuuya: "...Sorry. Go...have breakfast."
tamaki: *playing nekoatsume in her box fort*
Takehisa: *outside the fort* "Tamaki, breakfast." *sets out a plate*
Takehisa: "At least your appetite has returned somewhat."
tamaki: *nod*
Takehisa: "Care for anything to drink?"
summer:....*sigh* what a night....
*inside looks to be a pretty officious person--whose Quirk is a silkie chicken's head*
summer: officer...
Officer: "Why don't you have a seat, Doctor Smith. That is your name, right--" *reads a file* " 'Summer Cassandra Smith. Quirk: Earth.' Or do you go by 'Rock Giant'?"
summer: depends. though earth titan does sound cool, not going to lie.
Officer: "Maybe you should've updated your QR [Quirk Registration]--seems you had quite a power boost. You doping on that Trigger drug that's been around?"
summer: of course not!
Officer: "I'm no biochemist--but a Quirk mutation like yours just ain't natural. Why did you keep that a secret from us, Doctor?"
-two years ago...-
{*sand is all over the bed...*}
{summer: gnnnh...huh? what....where....was i?}
{summer: ?!?!?}
{*the bed collapses under her weight*}
{???: *knocking at the door* "Yo, roomie--we got hospital rounds in 20. What're you doing in there?"}
{summer: o-ow...wha...what the hell...?}
{Roommate: *hits Summer* "MONSTER! WHAT'D YOU DO WITH SUMMER?!" >~< ))
{*a mirror knocks over*}
{summer: OW! i _AM_ summer, asshat!}
{Roommate: "How the hell can you be Summer?! She doesn't look like this!" *picks up the mirror*}
{summer: !?!?!? *SCREAMS*}
Officer: "A second-stage mutation...Fascinating." *tosses a newspaper in front of her, showing her chasing In and Out at the boardwalk* "And so you become a vigilante."
summer:.... <-<;;
Officer: "How does it feel being a lawbreaker?" *reaches into their jacket...*
summer: am i going to prison, now?
Officer: *holds up a form, labeled 'Pro Hero Registration'*
summer: ??
Officer: "If you want to avoid jail time, you try out for your license. The next test is in a few months."
Pumpkin: *watching the sun rise* "..."
-seems he's hiding in an abandoned church?-
Pumpkin: "..." *looks up at the church bells* "I suppose it's time to wake her up..."
Pumpkin: *climbs up the stairs*
-the creature is asleep in the belltower-
{???: please! i didnt mean to! please....please dont kill me, please! i'll do whatever you want, just spare my life!}
{Pumpkin: "Kill? Whoever said I intended to kill..."}
{-the princess looks up at him, tears of dread in her eyes-}
{Pumpkin: "I want to keep an eye on you forever...so I can see you beg for something as peaceful as death..." *rests a hand on the Princess's cheek*}
{princess: ah-.... !!!! *recoils in pain*}
{Pumpkin: *steps back* "If it's any consolation...I take no pleasure in my retribution."}
{-the girl screams out in agony as her body contorts, her feet twisting into cloven hooves. black, matted fur forming along her skin. her face stretching out as the skin tears away, revealing a horned deer's skull with blood red pupils and torn bat wings-}
???: "Get up."
creature: *growls as it rises up, weakly*
Pumpkin: "...Let's see..." *passes a hand along the creature's fur, looking for injuries*
creature: *snaps at him, snarling*
Pumpkin: *pulls back a hand* "You think you have problems? I just lost my syndicate because of those twits."
creature: .......
Pumpkin: "This is only a setback, of course. I have time. After all, all avenues lead to overcoming Death."
"Zack": *flipping through channels* "Pretty good antenna you set up..."
Tech: "Naturally."
riko: ...
*one channel has an interview...*
riko: ?? !!!!
Interviewer: "And so, a collaborator with a criminal awaits her court date."
hachi: is...is that may?!
Zack": "Holy shit--did she burn down that carnival back there?"
girl: she doesnt seem to be the kind to do something like that, but you never know...
Tech: *looking through social media* "Pumpkin monster, Quirk monsters...Jeez."
Yoh: *passed out in a hospital bed...then lets out a snort* ("Ugh...I feel like a boulder is on my lungs...") *struggles to open his eyes*
omar: i think he's waking up...
Yoh: "... ... ...Hi. Who are you?"
omar: my name's omar, and this is molly, and-
Timmy: *staring*
Xavier: *sitting on all fours on top of Yoh's chest*
Yoh: ._.; "Um...Were you all at the carnival?"
molly: most of them were.
Yoh: "Great. Well, I--OUCH!" >~< "My ribs..."
nurse: please dont sit on him, his ribs are injured enough!
Nurse 2: *picks up Xavier like a puppy*
Xavier: >3<
Yoh: *sighs* "Th-thanks, nurse--you're a beautiful savior."
nurse: ^^;;
Timmy: "..." *smacks Yoh in the head with the tissue box*
In: *looking at a road map*
out: where to?
In: "Anywhere but here--probably outside of the state to avoid local charges...How you feeling about Oregon?"
out: sounds good.
In: "...We got enough cash for one tank of gas...You know what we'll have to do." *looks at a diner*
out: *takes out a pistol*
In: *pulls on a mouth mask...then a pair of sunglasses* "Let's do this."
Saria: "Well, now that the ghost murder case is behind us, we have our next assignment..." *hands out...cookbooks*
lei-lei: oooh!
Asher: "...What?"
Axel: "Oh, no, please tell us we're not having to hunt some demon chefs or something."
Rin: *walking by--and sneezes*
Saria: "Hibiki didn't tell you? There's a summer festival, and the first years have to make some of the dishes!"
izumi: oh wow! that sounds like fun!
Kanin: *nods* "We can design a variety of recipes--"
Saria: "--with cute little Lord Death cupcakes--"
genny: is there a theme?
Saria: "... ... ..." *deflated* "No, we're supposed to think of one--and my brain is empty." TT~TT
lukas: why dont we do a raffle for it? we each write down a theme and then pick it from a hat.
Duncan: "That's stupid. What we should do is write down a theme and pick them out of a hat."
Monica: "... ... ..."
yolanda: im beginning to wonder if he's hard of hearing...
Anya: "Zzz..."
tsugumi: anya....*nudge*
Anya: "Nngh...Missing my flight..."
ao: on the contrary, we're landing now.
Anya: *eyes open* "Wh-What?" *looks out the window* "..." *gets quiet*
mio: zzzzz.....
Meme: "Oh, wow--it looks so old-fashion!"
Anya: -___-# "It's called 'scenic.'"
Flight Attendant: *to Tsugumi* <Ma'am, are you finished with your beverage?>
tsugumi: um.... *looks at her phrasebook* <yes ham>
Anya: "PFFT!" *covers her mouth*
Flight Attendant: OwO; <Hee hee...Um, you're welcome?>
tsugumi: ???
Anya: "Y-You--ha ha--said 'Yes, ham'!"
tsugumi: um i-i meant <the bee's royal bonnet is fresh and mysterious>!
Anya: "HA HA HA HA!"
tsugumi: D8> ?????
Flight Attendant: O_O; ("Is this a threat? A code? Should I alert the pilot?")
Meme: <Please forgive my friend--she hasn't picked up the language yet while we're traveling with the Princess as her entourage.> *smiles*
tsugumi: TTwTT;;
Flight Attendant: <Oh, okay then--PRINCESS?!>
Anya: <Since when did _you_ pick up the language?!>
Meme: *shrugs*
mio: zzz....
Anya: "And ix-nay on the incess-pray!"
Meme: "What language is that?"
Anya: "GRRRR!"
Denki: "Man, I am getting anxious--the summer camp is going to be lit!"
ochako: heck yeah! nature walks, ghost stories and SMORES!!
Iida: "...'Some mores'?"
Todoroki: "...Is it a bug bite infection?"
jirou: you never heard of s'mores?
Todoroki: "...They are an emergency food supply while camping?"
momo: well, a 'smore' typically consists of two graham crackers, a bit of chocolate and a toasted marshmallow.
Iida: "Hmm...Sounds rather fatty...And gooey."
mina: it's also super tasty!
Todoroki: "Huh...No, never had one."
Todoroki: "?!!!! It-It just never came up..."
ochako: well we'll just have to fix that then, wont we?
Todoroki: "...Okay?"
Iida: *already updating the shopping list*
Meme: "Oooooo! Such a pretty building!"
tsugumi: this is your _house_?!
Anya: >_>; "...Yes?"
Meme: "Maybe 'castle' would be more accurate?"
mio: big....
*the large doors begin to open*
*there's an entire battalion of maids, chauffeurs, cooks, and butlers*
mio: ._.;;
maid: <WELCOME HOME!!>
Anya: <H-Hello, Bentina. You're looking well...>
maid 2: <are these your friends?>
Anya: <Um...Classmates and weapon?>
maid 3: <so good to meet you all!>
Meme: <Likewise, ma'am!>
Dazai: *looking around the corner* "Okay, target spotted. Now, remember the plan?"
atsushi: *nods*
Dazai: "Good...There! He's walking up to that apartment..."
atsushi: *following*
Dazai: *looks up the stairs--then holds an arm out, stopping Atsushi* "Ah...So that's how it is." *smirks*
*a woman steps out of the apartment with a child*
atsushi: ?? isnt that-
Kunikida: *nods to the woman* "Ready?"
???: *nods*
child: *stares at the ground*
Kunikida: "???" *looking at the child* "I think you'll like it--it has chicken fingers."
Dazai: "Hohoho~ How scandalous...No wonder he's been keeping this a secret."
atsushi: dont they look kind of similar, though?
Dazai: "Atsushi, for someone with tiger eyes, you're missing key details--"
Kunikida: O_O#
atsushi: O-O;;
child: !!!
Dazai: "Right, see? If you just opened your eyes more widely, you'd be able to see--" *looks behind him* OwO; "Oh, shit."
woman: doppo, do you know these people?
Kunikida: -_-# "Unfortunately. These are--"
Dazai: *takes the woman's hand* "Hello~ I am the most valuable person in Doppo's life."
woman: e-eh? ._.;
child: ...hah?
Kunikida: O________O#
Dazai: "You see, he is my fiance."
atsushi: ^-^;; w-we're his coworkers! f-from the- WHAT?!
Kunikida: *--then lifts Dazai up--and slams him into the sidewalk*
atsushi: D8
Kunikida: -_-# "This flatten troll is my coworker. The timid child behind him is one of my proteges at work."
atsushi: im 19, but yeah. ^^; nice to meet you, ma'am.
child:....*kicks dazai in the crotch*
Dazai: "OUCH-WOO-HOO-HOO..." X~X
woman: sweetie, that's not very polite.
child: he seems sketchy...
Kunikida: "Good instincts, Saila." *sighs* "Atsushi, this is my sister, Yoko."
atsushi: oh! that makes sense.
saila: *staaaaaaaaaare*
Kunikida: "Yes, they are."
Dazai: *already back on his feet, leaning towards Yoko* "So, I bet you have a lot of embarrassing stories about your big bro~"
yoko: ^^; actually, he's my _little_ brother.
Dazai: "No! Really? But you look so young. I guess that's to be expected--Doppo is such a hard worker and carries himself in such a mature fashion. He really is the glue that holds our workplace together."
Kunikida: -______-
yoko: well im glad you hold him in such high regard. *smiles*
Dazai: "We all do. He's being groomed to lead our organization in the future. Let's talk about it further over dinner--"
Kunikida: "You're not invited."
yoko: now doppo, dont you think you're being a bit unfair?
Kunikida: "You don't know him like I--"
Dazai: "No, no, I understand--" *grabs Atsushi, holding him up* "After all, it's not like this poor boy hasn't been starving for a meal while working so hard to finish Doppo's research for him while he's been out of the office all day."
atsushi: -___-;; please dont drag me into whatever you're doing here.
Dazai: *whispers* "Don't you want a free meal?"
Anya: *being dressed by maids* "..."
Meme: <Is it really okay to borrow these clothes?> *in a fancy dress*
mio: *having her hair done up* =~=;;
maid: *struggling with mio's hair*
Maid: "Oh, the collar on this one is lovely on you." *adjusts Ao's collar*
ao: fufu, <why thank you~> ^^
tsugumi: ow! >~< t-tight!
Anya: >_>; <Is all of this really necessary...>
Maid: <You do not wish to disappoint your parents, do you?>
Anya: "..."
tsugumi: (i had no idea being a princess was so exhausting!)
maid: *has ajusted mio's hair into a bun....but the tie breaks and her hair just gets loose* grrrr! that's it! *her fingers turn into scissors and she cut's mio hair short*
mio: 0_o ?!?! HEY!
Meme: D8>
maid 2: calpurnia!!
calpurnia: s-sorry... i just got frustrated.
Anya: <At least ask someone before you just cut their hair!>
Meme: "Mio..."
mio: *looks in the mirror* actually, it doesnt look all that bad.
Meme: ^^; "Y-Yes, it does..."
calpurnia: *snipsnipsnip*
mio: wow! i barely recognize myself! thanks!
maid 2: *sweatdrop*
tsugumi: wow, so you're a weapon too?
maid 3: oh yes. we have lots of weapons employed here. why, before the princess was born, we had a maid who was a guillotine!
Meme: "Huh. That's not very common--although, we have one of those in Death City."
maid 3: the death scythe, justin law, yes?
Meme: *nods*
ao: i wonder if perhaps there is a relation of sorts?
Anya: *swallows*
maid 3: perhaps, but sadly she isnt around to ask. she left shortly around the time the king married anya's mother after the previous queen passed away.
Meme: "??? Previous?"
maid 3: oh yes. she was quite ill and died. oh the poor king was so devastated by it. but soon the new queen came and they have been quite happy, and soon our little anastasia was born~ ^^
Anya: -~-;
mio: ...... *lightbulb* dude. DUUUUUUUUUUUUDE.
Meme: "Eh?"
tsugumi: mio?
mio: um.....can we get a moment to ourselves, please?
Maid: *looks around* "Okay, but dinner will be served soon." *exits with the others*
tsugumi: you ok?
mio: anya...what do you think of justin law?
Anya: "??? Huh? Well, initial interactions with him were...disturbing."
{Anya: "I can't believe you got us lost down here!"}
{Meme: Q_Q; "It's not my fault--I just couldn't remember which way to go! Tsugumi, let's go left."}
{*it sounds like a quiet thumping sound behind them...*}
{tsugumi: wait....do you guys hear that?}
{Anya: "..." *gulps*}
{Meme: *looks behind*}
{???: *grin* "Are you girls lost?"}
tsugumi: turns out, he actually wasnt all that bad. ^^;
mio: yeah yeah, but im asking anya her opinion here. -A-;
Anya: -_-# "Well, despite that unsettling early encounter, I suppose he is friendly enough, maybe a little too serious for his own good, but the girl he's been watching over seems to find him tolerable..." >_>;
mio: ok....not, i dont want you to freak out too much, but....im thinking...maybe..just maybe....you two might be brother and sister.
Meme: "..." O_O
Anya: "...Ha. Ha ha. Ha ha ha. No, no, that's just...ridiculous."
tsugumi: now that you mention it, they do look similar...
Meme: "Especially when they're both frowning."
Anya: *puffed out cheeks, looking irritated*
Meme: *points* "Yeah, like that."
ao: ohoho~ how scandalous~
tsugumi: aochi!
Anya: *growls* "Why did you have to bring up something like this before dinner with my parents?!"
mio:... s-sorry. i just put two and two together, and....nevermind...
Anya: >\\\\< *storms out*
Meme: "..." *pats Mio's back*
mio:....dammit! i fucked up, didnt i?
Meme: "I wouldn't say that...But what's done is done now."
mio:...*sigh* she probably hates me now...
tsugumi: to be fair, what you said was a pretty intense accusation. she probably needs some time to think things through.
Meme: *nods* "And she tends to get easily riled up--just give her time."
mio: *sigh* ok. and if she wants, she can punch me right in the face.
Meme: ^^; "Maybe in a duel back at the Academy--I don't think her majesty would try that in her kingdom."
*in a therapist's office*
Receptionist: "Tamaki Kotatsu?"
tamaki: *awkwardly raises her hand*
nozomi: here!
Receptionist: "Ah, will you be accompanying Miss Kotatsu, ma'am?" *leads them to the doctor's room*
nozomi: *nods*
tamaki: nozomi, you dont have to do this if you dont want-
nozomi: it's ok, tamaki. we're friends, arent we?
tamaki:....*small smile*
*the door opens*
Xinyi: "??? Tamaki? Hello, I'm Xinyi."
tamaki: *nods*
Xinyi: *shakes Nozomi's hand* "And you are?"
nozomi: nozomi harada, tamaki's friend.
Xinyi: "Ah. Are you also in the 8th?"
nozomi: *nods*
Xinyi: "Well, this is an initial meeting, so let's take things easily. I'd like to get to know a bit about you. How does that sound?'
tamaki: ok...
Xinyi: *nods* "How has today been? What have you been up to?"
Kunikida: -_-; "At least chew quietly, Atsushi..."
atsushi: sorry.
Dazai: "You aren't criticizing your niece, though."
saila: *GROWLS*
Dazai: O_O; "Jeez, I can see the resemblance."
Kunikida: *making the same expression as Saila*
yoko: ^^; so, you say you're detectives?
Dazai: "Indeed. We take all kinds of cases--theft, kidnapping, missing persons, blackmail, murder--"
atsushi: um, is this really something to ask in front of a little kid?
Kunikida: "While I'm inclined to agree, Saila has heard about some of this just from the news."
yoko: i've tried to shield her from the worst of it, but you know how kids can be sometimes…
Dazai: "Always getting into trouble, little missy?"
saila: dont talk to me, evil bandage man.
Dazai: OwO; "...Jeez, what is it with kids calling me that?"
Kunikida: "Children do not like you and refer to the numerous bandages over your suicidal corpse-like body that continues shambling around like a zombie that refuses to die."
atsushi:.....*clap* so! who wants dessert? ^^;;;
Dazai: TTwTT "I do. Something with chocolate, please."
King Yngling: *led into the dining hall*
queen yngling: are you nervous?
King: "..." *nods*
queen yngling: im sure everything will be fine.
King: "Let us hope..." *looks through the doors--and stops mid-step*
queen yngling: ??
*The young women have lined up*
mio: <-<;
ao: it's a pleasure to finally meet you. *bows*
Meme: "!!!" *bows as well*
Anya: *wringing her hands, even as she tries to look calm*
tsugumi: *nods*
King: "...Anastasia."
Anya: *gulp*
queen: welcome home, dear.
Anya: "Th-Thank you." *slight nod* "Y-You're looking...well."
Hyde: *at the counter* "Yeah, cat ears on a motorcycle helmet. Wild, right?"
kyouko: hey, im here.
Ragnarok: *groans* "Kill me now, I was waiting forever--this guy is sooooooooo boring." *long sip on a Slurpree next to a sign: "No free food for employees"*
kyouko: *growls*
Hyde: -_-# "I already filed a report with the boss to deduct it from his paycheck."
Ragnarok: "OH YEAH! THEN I MIGHT AS WELL RETURN IT!" *moves to throw the Slurpee at Hyde's head--*
kyouko: *grabs ragnarok by the neck and pours the slurpee into his mouth* you may as well FINISH IT!
Ragnarok: @o@ "GLUB GLUB GLUUUUUU!"
Hyde: "..." *snaps a pic*
Ragnarok: *groaning with his tongue numb* "BWAYHN FWEEZE!"
kyouko: well you should have thought of that earlier. -_-#
Hyde: "So, I was saying that I heard the soda and juice delivery was disrupted by a motorcycle on the road."
kyouko: oh?
Hyde: "Left a real mess, too--we lost a crate of that new All 'Might'-amin C sports drink." *pats a case on the counter* "I saved it for those two weirdos that pass by here."
kyouko: jeez. and the driver?
Hyde: "...What do I care? For once, it wasn't a part-time job I was doing that got screwed up by shenanigans."
kyouko: well what if they got seriously hurt, huh?
Hyde: "They're probably fine. I saw some driver pull over and drag them in. Granted, that driver was kind of erratic. And almost hit the cat-ear motorcyclist. And went over the bypass."
Kunikida: "That was a good establishment for a meal. Would have been better if some people paid their share of the meal..."
Dazai: >w>;
atsushi: *carrying saila* it was nice meeting you, ma'am.
saila: zzz....
yoko: likewise. *smiles*
Kunikida: "...I'm sorry again that this did not turn out as expected."
yoko: it's fine.
Dazai: "We'll be sure to make it up to you next time~" *shakes her hand*
atsushi: *hands saila back over to yoko*
saila: =~= mmn...
Kunikida: *whispers* "We'll head out so she can get to bed..." *nods*
Xinyi: "It was good to speak with you, and I'll see you next week. Be well to yourself, okay?"
tamaki: yes, thank you.
nozomi: ^^ say, why dont we get some ice cream?
tamaki: yeah, i am pretty hungry.
Waiters: *bringing out the food*
tsugumi: *shiny eyes* wooow! fancy!
Meme: "...How many sauces are there? Is this IHOP? This is IHOP, right?"
Anya: =~=;
King: "It's quite a selection, isn't it? Frederic put in effort to make Anastasia's favorite meal..."
mio: .~.
Anya: "!!! Y-You m-m-mean..."
*a dish is set out: Iberico ham with white truffles--price tag: $333,700*
tsugumi: holy......moly.....
mio: *JAWDROP*
Meme: "??? Your favorite dish is ham and grits?"
Anya: *frowns* "It's Iberico ham with white truff--"
King: "Ha!"
queen: ^^;
Anya: .\\\\. *gulps* "Th-Thank you for the meal." *nom*
King: *looks at Tsugumi* "Thank you for keeping an eye on our daughter, especially during that witch affair."
tsugumi: o-of course sir- I MEAN YOUR HIGHNESS! ^^;;;;
King: " 'Charles' is fine, um...Sue-goo-mee, yes?"
tsugumi: a-are you sure, sir? and yes, it's Tsugumi. ^^;
King: "I insist--it would be an awkward discussion to keep hearing 'King' this, 'Queen' that, 'Princess' over there."
Anya: =_=; "Father."
ao: i must say, the food is quite exquisite.
Meme: "This is the most flavorful food I have ever eaten..." *cutting into quail*
sonia: papa...are you sure you're alright?
Chuuya: "S-Sure, yeah..."
Chuuya: "I'm sorry, just a lot on my mind."
sonia:....would you like to talk about it?
Chuuya: "Oh, um...Just thinking about your mother."
Chuuya: *pat pat*
sonia:.....that's not the only thing bothering you right now, is it?
Chuuya: "...Do you remember that woman we saw on the news?"
Chuuya: "I think she was someone we knew long ago."
Chuuya: "I lost track of her after leaving the Sheep...and now she's suddenly on TV."
*it sounds like something clicking in the girls' dormitory*
EF: ??
*something runs on all fours in the shadows of the hall*
EF: ??? *follows*
Karl: "EEP!"
rowena: *opens the door*
Karl: *hides behind Rowena*
rowena: oh! karl! what are you doing here? is edgar with you?
Karl: *shakes his head*
rowena: do you know where he might be?
-a shrill scream is heard from the foyer-
EF: !!! *runs to see*
misery: *smacking poe with a broom*
Poe: "OW! WHERE AM--OW!"
misery: WHO SENT YOU?!
rowena: miss misery stop! that's my brother!!
misery: oh, is he now?
Poe: "Rowena?! What is going on?! Why am I not in bed?!!"
rowena: are you alright??
Poe: Q__Q "I don't know--What is happening?! How did I get here?!" *his feet look to be covered in mud*
nozomi: how is it?
tamaki: delicious....*nom*
*the city square is getting a bit busier as the evening starts...there are families with kids running around*
tamaki: *watches out the window*
*one kid cups her hands together--and produces a blue light, showing it to the others*
-some of the other kids gather in awe-
Girl: "Mama isn't sure what's causing it."
girl 2: it's so pretty!
Girl: ^^; "Auntie nearly fainted, though."
tamaki: ....
Boy: *picking his nose, looking up at Tamaki and Nozomi in the window* "...They're staring."
tamaki: *looks back down at her food, sheepishly*
nozomi: ^^;
Asher: *sitting on the porch* "..."
sachiko: you coming in? we're making paella tonight.
Asher: *looking at the sky* "Wh-What? Oh, sorry--was...just looking."
sachiko:...anything on your mind?
Asher: "S-Sorry, everything's fine..." *inches back*
sachiko: well, dinner's just about ready.
Asher: "...Sorry." *gets up to walk inside*
sachiko: hey, you dont have to apologize for anything. *smiles*
Asher: "O-Okay..." *looks down, walks--and hits the glass door*
sachiko: woah, careful there!
Asher: "S-Sorry--not used to glass doors...Um..." *walks around it, pulling their hoodie over their face*
cassidy: *helping spirit cook*
Spirit: "Now, stir in the broth...Slowly."
Kazue: "..." *looks down from a rooftop at people congregating in a park*
*looks like a couple strolling by*
girl: ^^
Couple 2: *smiles* "I had a really good time..."
*it looks like someone is following through the bushes*
girl: me too. im so glad we met. ^///^
Couple 2: "Same...It's like destiny..." *leans in*
Person Hiding: *watching...reaches into their pocket*
girl: it's the will of our lord....*reaching into her bag*
Person Hiding: ("Oh, God, it's fundies--this is going to be even better...") *pulls out a gun--*
Couple 2: "Indeed." *turns to look at the bushes--and points*
Person Hiding: "?!"
Kazue: "..."
girl: for our lord's sake....*takes out a knife* we'll end your life!!
Person Hiding: "Shit!" *aims, pulls the trigger--*
girl: *lunges*
Person Hiding: *SCREAMING*
*a ninja star lands*
girl: *screams as she holds her injured hand, dropping the knife* ?!
*an arrow with a rope attached lodges into a tree--before Kazue slides down on a bow, landing near the couple*
Kazue: *stares*
girl: who are you?!
Kazue: *pulls out a katana and wakizashi--and swings at the girl*
girl: *lunges at them*
Kazue: *dodges--*
*something long, fleshy, and stretchy smacks Kazue in the face*
Kazue: "URK!" *knocked into the tree with a loud CRUNCH*
Couple 2: *pulls back their stretched-out flesh* "Hmph."
Person Hiding: "SHIT!" *tries to run*
girl: hehehe... *throws the knife at their ankle*
*direct hit*
Person Hiding: *screams, the knife pinning their leg into the ground*
*underneath Death City is a dusty room...Old ofuda is tattered...There are sliced chains along the ground...The ceiling looks like it was patched, as if something had launched out of this room...*
???: *inhales* "So...This is where Lord was sealed."
lena: ......
Gas Mask Doctor: "This should prove nicely for our uses..." *strokes one of the pillars, shuddering*
-he seems to have a brief memory of a young woman dressed as a witch?-
{Gas Doc: *stares*}
lena: doctor?
Gas Doc: *pulls back his hand* "Onto the next phase..." *pulls out a drill*
Kid: *shudders under bedsheets* "N-No..."
stocking: hnn? kid?
Kid: *shaking, whimpering*
stocking:...*holds him*
Kid: *sniffle*
stocking: *kiss*
Kid: "St-Stocking..." *holds onto her*
stocking: im here....
Kid: "I-I felt it again...The madness."
stocking:.....should we tell your dad?
Kid: *nods* "I think we sh--"
*a baby crying is heard*
stocking: *gets up*
Shiori: *crying*
lord death: there there, sweetie. daddy's here...
Kid: "F-Father..."
lord death: kid, you're up as well?
Kid: "There's something wrong...Madness."
lord death: ....
Kid: "Something is here again...After Tombstone, it may be the same group."
Anya: *grumbling* "So embarrassing--the spy stories, the baby photos, even the 'baby Anya' doll. Father, why are you like this..."
mio: *ahem*
Anya: "EEP!" *turns around* "I-I wasn't monologuing!" >_<#
mio: so.....how are things?
Anya: -_-# "Annoying." *crosses her arms* "You enjoy hearing Mother bring up 'The Toothy Song'?"
mio: i didnt hear.....listen, i-
Anya: "Haven't you said enough?"
mio: IM SORRY, OK?!
mio: i know! i said something stupid and probably hurt your feelings a-and i have no excuse for what i did.
Anya: "You're right, you had no excuse!" >3<
mio: you probably hate me now, dont you? well you have every right to, after what i said. i wasnt thinking and im just a complete dumbass...*wipes her eyes*
Anya: "... ... ..." *groans--hug*
mio: ?!?!
Anya: "You're not a complete dumbass..." >_>;
mio: .....
Anya: "...Look, there have been all sorts of nasty rumors circulating around this family for generations."
Anya: "I-I don't know what I'd do if this was something Father did."
???: if what was something your father did?
Anya: O_O "EEP!" *turns*
kathleen: *she seems concerned*
Anya: "...Mother...I am scared to ask."
kathleen:.....come inside girls. anastasia, im sure your father will want to discuss this with you in private.
Anya: "I don't know as much as I should about Father's previous wife."
kathleen: *sad smile* so you've figured that out, have you?
Anya: "I'm not sure what I have figured out--especially as it was Mio--...my friends, who had made certain inferences."
kathleen: i see....i dont know her as well as charles did, but i do know that she was rather scholary.
Anya: "I see...Did she write or teach or...?"
kathleen: her biggest passion was giving the people of yngling good education, and she was especially fond of mathmatics.
Anya: *wrings her hands* "How did she pass?"
kathleen: she was very ill. apperantly, she had always had poor health and often stayed indoors as a result. eventually, she lost all her strength and just withered away.....
Anya: "Oh...I can't imagine how Father must have felt."
kathleen: .....honestly, i feel a bit jealous of her sometimes. i know, it's petty of me...
Anya: *swallows* "O-Oh? S-Sorry, I didn't mean to..."
kathleen: it's quite alright. your father and i may be king and queen, but at the end of the day, we're still only human...
Anya: "...That's why I'm afraid of what Mio said about Father and...the..."
kathleen: ....if anything did happen between them, it happened before i married your father.
Anya: "But if he did, how can you trust him to honor his vows?"
*the doors open*
kathleen: !!
Charles: *enters*
kathleen: i'll just take my leave then.
Anya: D8
Black Star: *snoring...as he is somehow in the basement...with a hole in the basement ceiling above him*
otogiri: .....
*it looks like a hole in the kitchen--with the fridge door ripped off, too*
Black Star: *curled up with the fridge door*
tsubaki: .............WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!
Black Star: *yawns, smacks his lips, looks up* "...Oh, hey, when did we get a sky window?"
mami: *yaaawn*
*it sounds like knocking...*
mami: ?? yes?
*it's not coming from the front door...it's coming from the closet*
mami: ??? chrona?
Crona: *standing in the midst of items in the closet, holding their head* "Wh-What is wrong--Who--I--" *they're crying...*
mami:........*hugs them* it's ok. im here now...
Crona: *whimpers* "I could feel it...The blood is still..."
mami: we'll talk to stein later today if you want.
Crona: "I-I think we need to..."
*there's now a knock on the front door*
mami: *looks out the peephole*
*...there's a hedgehog, dragging a twitching Ragnarok, who is sprawled on the floor*
mami: ._.;
licht: -_-;
Ragnarok: "WWAAAAAAAAH!" *holding his head* "WORSE THAN THE BRAIN FREEZE! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!" *...he's crying black blood*
mami: oh.....oh dear...
Damon: *has the TV on--and there's a news report about a stabbing in the park* "..."
soul: =~= *making coffee....or at least trying to*
Damon: "...Dad, do you need help?" *mutes the TV*
soul: *grunt*
Damon: *grabs the coffee grinder, plugs it in, pours in the beans, and--*
becky: ._.;
Spirit: *parks at the DWMA* "Sorry to run, but Lord Death called an emergency meeting. You two get to class, okay?"
Asher: "..." *nods*
izumi: ok, we will.
Saria: *walking up the stairs* "--and I found a really good ceviche recipe!"
Axel: T~T "Mom was major upset at missing that call..."
Kanin: "Amelia, you okay?"                                                            
*it looks like someone lands on top of the spire at DWMA...*
amelia: just a bit uneasy....
lukas: sorry we're lat- *TRIPS...right out of his clothes somehow* EEP! >///<;;
preston: good mornin, y'all. ^^
Saria: "..." *passes out, starting to topple back down the stairs*
Kazue: *on top of the spire...* *pants...* *lets go of the spire, starting to fall...*
Yafue: "JEEZ, LUKAS, COVER UP!" *takes off his jacket, draping it over him*
Asher: "?!" *catches Saria*
izumi: !!!
hibiki: oh shit!
lei-lei: hyup! *jumps up to catch them*
Kazue: *unconscious...they are bloodied*
amelia: !!!!
izumi: come on! let's get them to nygus!
Kanin: "Right! Clear the way! We got injured!"
yuma: *walking up a hill following mifune*
Mifune: *he's quiet as he marches ahead*
-wind rustles through the tree on top of the hill-
Mifune: *approaches a marker on the hill* "..." "Takane...I am here..." *gets onto his knees* *rests his hand on the tree...a slight wheeze is heard*
yuma: mifune?
Mifune: *wiping his eyes* "Hmm?"
yuma: will you be ok?
Mifune: "...You never are fully okay with this."
yuma:......should i head back, or..?
Mifune: "No. Please, stay..." *shivering*
yuma:......miss takane? i hope you're well, wherever you are.
Mifune: *nods*
yuma: i really owe mr mifune a lot. he saved my life back then, and i hope that im able to repay him somehow. he's a very kind person.
Mifune: *clenches his jaw*
Tezca: *transmitting on a mirror, a jungle behind him* "Hold up--Kishin worshippers? Huh?"
marie: *over her own mirror on a plane* great, just as im off on a mission, too.
Spirit: *quiet* "..."
Yumi: "It's actually good for you to be near your jurisdiction, though: we are proceeding with emergency rules for each sector."
soul: *over mirror while eating breakfast* meaning...?
Yumi: "Increased security around embassies, local law enforcement in major cities will be supplemented by DWMA staff, anti-madness medicines--"
soul: ah..
Tokoyami: "I at least appreciated the bright lights, but it was all too...gaudy."
ochako: hey guys! happy tanabata!
Izuku: "Same! Are you going to the town center for the wishes this afternoon?"
ochako: you bet!
Hagakure: "We should go as a class! What do you say, Bak--"
Bakugo: *FROWN*
sero: so how's the new job? ^^
sero: it's all over social media. *pulls up his twitter account* see?
ochako: oh my gosh! *stiffled laughter*
eijiro: no way, you're working at scoops ahoy?!
jirou: but... but _how_?
Bakugo: *grabbing for Sero's phone* "GIVE ME THAT!"
satou: they made it a real place?! SWEET!
Monoma: *hiding in the bushes, chuckling to himself*
jirou: monoma, you know we can see you, right?
Monoma: "..." *pulls back a bit* "Can you still see me?"
jirou: we still know you're there, idiot.
Monoma: "I asked can you see me, not whether you knew I was still here!"
Izuku: "That outfit is rather flattering though, Kacchan--"
Bakugo: *grabs Izuku by the face*
aizawa: alright, settle it down, kids. we can discuss bakugou's ridiculous looking uniform later.
Izuku: *muffled* "Please let go of my face..."
Mineta: *staring at tweets of Pony in the outfit* "..."
Monoma: "..." *shifts back from the trash can, still carrying the bushes with him*
Hagakure: "Is the food any good there, or do people go for the cute outfits?"
Kazue: "Zzzz..." *grunts, tries to sit up--then grimaces in pain*
amelia: .....
Asher: "Yo. You look like crap."
Kazue: *grunts, reaching around for a sign to communicate--and can't find one* "?!! ..." *touches their face and--* O\\\\\\O;
izumi: how do you feel?
Kazue: "..." *points to their throat* *coughs*
izumi: *takes out a notebook and pen* here.
Kazue: -_-# *writes* "Water!"
izumi: *goes to get some*
Axel: "So...Why the mask?"
Kanin: "How did you get so beaten up?!"
Duncan: "You just act like this to pretend you're cool, don't you?"
lei-lei: *chop*
Kazue: *sips* "...Ninja aesthetic, Kishin worshippers, and fuck you, you pretentious clod."
amelia: !!
Kazue: *cough* "Of course I can talk--I'm just exhausted with having prolonged conversations over nothing."
Asher: "...Mood."
hibiki: so what happened?
Kazue: "I was attacked by some couple."
Duncan: "...You walked in on them?"
lei-lei: *chop x2*
Kazue: "They were Kishin worshippers--with stretchy skin, like the original Kishin. Then they killed some mugger and went after me."
izumi: !!
Asher: *looks at Izumi*
Axel: "How did you escape without them killing you?"
Kazue: "Fought like hell..." *looks at scrapes and cuts all over their arms* "..."
*the nurse's office door opens*
izumi: did you tell lord death abou-
Lord Death: "Tell Lord Death what?"
-one explanation later-
Lord Death: "No, I heard about that--but that's being taken care of."
Lord Death: "For now, we're increasing security, including escorting students home. Oh, and there will be a curfew."
*the nurse's door opens again*
Zarya: "Nurse Naigus, could you look at Monica? She is sick and being obstinate--" *looks around--then stares at Kazue*
Kazue: "..."
Zarya: "..."
Monica: =_=# "I'm not sick! I'm..." *yawns* "...just exhausted."
nygus: well i'll be the judge of that...
Monica: "Man, I don't have time for this! I got classes and-- ... Albarn, why is everyone crowded into this room? And who's that in the bed with the sour disposition?"
Kazue: -_-#
-one explanation later. again-
Monica: "..." *shaking a bit* "N-No."
*she starts scratching*
yolanda: monica....
Monica: "Last night...I think I saw that?"
izumi: really?
Monica: "Y-Yeah? I don't know? It was all kind of a mess and--"
Zarya: "She puked all over her bed."
Monica: "?!!!" *GLARES*
stephanie: it was, like, suuuuper gross.
Zarya: "Black. Like when you eat too many Oreos--"
Axel: "--and it makes your stool all black?"
Zarya: "Yes, exactly what the less annoying twin said."
zeke: ^^;; erm....
Lord Death: "Hmm. That's funny. Kiddo and baby Shiori also did not react well. And Soul called in sick for today's Death Scythe meeting. ... I guess you all need more vitamin C and some rest!" ^w^
nygus: sir, are you really going to ignore the elephant in the room? -_-;
Lord Death: "Oh? We have one of those as a student now?"
nygus: SIR.
Lord Death: "Hmm? Oh--yes. Well, given the presence of Kishinites, we likely have an increase in the Madness Wavelength, thereby affecting individuals more keenly attuned to it, whether shinigami, powerful meisters, or those who were in contact with the Black Blood. And we may be able to use the heightened sensitivity of those individuals--"
Monica: "Who you calling 'sensitive'?"
Lord Death: "--to suss out these no-good-niks!"
*drip drip drip*
Skinwalker: *pants...wiping its maw*
lena: *making a doll?*
Skinwalker: *rattling noise in the back of its throat*
lena: would you like some more food?
Skinwalker: "..." *bows*
lena: *takes a machete and goes into a room*
*sobs are heard inside*
man: *chained to the wall, missing a leg* you crazy fuck! when i get out of here, im going to rip your little head off!
lena: is that so?.......*swings at the man's arm*
man: *screaming in agony* SHIT!
Skinwalker: *dog-like confused grunt*
lena: *hacking at the arm until it's severed*
man: *screaming and gasping in pain, almost vomiting*
lena: *takes the arm and gives it to skinwalker*
Skinwalker: *salivating--before chomping into it*
Yoh: "I'll get you!" *imitating a giant kaiju, chasing the kids* "RAWR!"
girl: eek! >w<
child: hahaha!
Xavier: *leaping off of walls, trying to land on Yoh*
Nurse: -_-# "Patient Zero is still not resting...And the cops told us to keep him in bed."
miyuri: *writing on her wish paper* ^^
-the letters float up and circle her before returning to the paper-
Chuuya: "Okay, kiddos, time to offer your wishes."
sonia: *looks at her paper*
-she's only written 'a new book'-
Chuuya: "Care to share what you put down?"
miyuri: miyuri wants to make lots of friends! ^^
Chuuya: "That's nice...Sonia?"
sonia: just a new book...
Chuuya: "I see...Anything in particular, like a novel or something else?"
sonia: im not too picky on the genre.....
Chuuya: "..." *nods, pats her shoulder* "It's a fine wish."
sonia: thank you....what about you?
Chuuya: "Hmm...I hadn't thought about that...There's nothing I was wanting personally..."
sonia: ......*glances at his paper*
*it does seem to have a few words, namely 'I wish my girls...'*
Meme: "Too bad Anya couldn't join us--she's really missing out! Mio, want to pose for selfies?"
*someone seated on a bench is watching them from behind a newspaper...*
mio: um s-sure...
Newspaper Man: *into his collar* <I see them--the Princesses's entourage. Get the van ready...>
ao: is everything alright, sir? ^^
Meme: "Say 'ostur!'" *posing*
Newspaper Man: "?!!! Um...'I do not speak English.'"
ao: <then what _do_ you speak, sir?>
Newspaper Man: O_O; "Um..." *speaking Icelandic* "Ég þekki þig ekki, farðu burt, skrýtin stelpa!"
Newspaper Man: "Oh, the hell with this!" *presses a button--*
*a mini-van crashes into the town center*
mio: OH SHIT! *hammer fist PUNCH*
*the mini-van is smashed in its hood--knocking the driver into the steering wheel...then the airbag goes off*
Meme: *pap pap*
Newspaper Man: D8 "..." *grabs Tsugumi, holding a knife to her neck* "BACK OFF! YOU'RE OUR HOSTAGES!"
tsugumi: !! *spearblade foot and STOMP*
*someone falls out of the mini-van doors--crashes on the floor...trying to get up, holding a gun*
Gunman: "H-Hang on, cuz--" *aims at Ao...*
ao: it's simple really...*stomps on the gunman's hand* we're DWMA students~ ^^
Gunman: Q_Q; *slaps his hand down on the ground* <I yield, I yield!>
*downstairs in the DWMA, in their Central Intelligence office, are gathered some familiar and new faces*
Sid: "Okay, that just leaves Naigus--she'll be here shortly."
Clay: *looking around*
*there's a nervous shorter person with bright orange hair, and...someone who looks like they have burns on their skin?*
Orange Hair: Q_Q;;;
akane: you new around here?
Orange Hair: "EEEP!" *bows* "Sorry! Yes, I'm--" *and knocks their head into the coffee table* "OW!"
Burned Agent: "..."
akane: nice to meet you 'ow'.
Clay: -_-; "Don't tease the newbie."
Orange Hair: "It-It's Youta?"
*the door opens*
nygus: my apologies on being late.
Sid: "I can see why--you brought in a stray..."
*someone was following Naigus*
nygus: ??
Lorenzo: *enters* "Hey, what's up, Akane?!"
akane: long time no see! *offers fist bump*
Lorenzo: "No kidding!" *frowns at Clay* "Seizemore."
Clay: "Ramirez."
Burned Agent: -______-#
nygus: i see we have two new recruits.
Sid: "Two? That's--"
Youta: "HAPPY TO MEET YOU, SIR!" *salutes Naigus*
Burned Agent: *groans, pulling out maps and various items, laying them on the table*
nygus: it's ma'am but likewise.
Youta: D8 "I meant it as gender-neutral!"
nygus: it's fine.
Sid: "And that one is...Well, remember when we lost some agents during the 'scorpion' incident thanks to Shaula and Hibana?"
nygus: dont remind me...
Burned Agent: "Well, reports my demise were fabricated." *salutes* "Cho."
nygus: goodness, you've certainly changed a bit.
Cho: "Yeah, well, getting lit on fire does that to a person."
Anya: *looking out the window* "..."
*everything looks so empty around the castle*
maid: princess? i brought you some cold water.
Anya: *fakes a cough* "Th-Thank you..."
maid:....if there's anything that's bothering you-
Anya: "I'm fine. ...Which is not to say that there is anything on mind from last night. No. Definitely not. Not anything Mio brought up. Or Mother. Or..."
maid: princess.....
Anya: "Did he really carry on with some--some--some commoner?!"
maid: ......
Anya: "...Not that I would know of such a thing." >_>;;; "Just hypothetically, though...What do you know about Father's behavior?"
maid: well, he's a good man, from what i can tell.
Anya: "A good man who was already married and..."
Anya: "...and had a child he didn't even know."
maid:....do you wish to speak with him-
Anya: "I have nothing to say to him!" >3<
Kid: *curled up in bed* "..."
stocking: *knocks on the door* kiddo?
Kid: *weak grunt*
stocking: mind if i come in?
Kid: "...Please do."
stocking: *takes a seat on the bed*
Kid: "...I'm really pathetic."
stocking: kid...
Kid: "Father's not affected by this--he's strong. What am I? I'm weak."
stocking: *holds his hand*
Kid: "..." *small squeeze*
stocking: *small kiss to his hand*
Kid: *small whimper*
stocking:.....*snuggles up to him*
Kid: *crying softly*
stocking: *strokes his head and hums*
Kid: *closes his eyes, gasping a bit between sobs*
stocking: *forehead kisses*
Kid: *yawns...starts to drift off...*
stocking: *holding him close to her chest*
Kid: "Mmmm..." *rests against her* "Zzz..."
Crona: *takes the tea* "Thank you for visiting..." *looks down*
valentine: *nods*
Stein: "It's not too surprising--enough of us felt that energy swirling around the city late last night."
mami: ....
Crona: "I thought after being separated from Ragnarok that this would stop...What is causing it?"
Stein: "Residual after-effects that will lessen with time. But you are also a meister with a strong soul perception."
Crona: "..." *gulps*
valentine: not to mention a witch.
Crona: "I-I don't need to be reminded..."
mami: *holds their hand*
Stein: "All you can do is acclimate yourself. I suggest slowly introducing yourself to small stimuli to help you..." *pulls a jar out of his bag--it has a few drops of Black Blood in it*
mami: doctor... is this really such a good idea?
Stein: "Don't misunderstand--I didn't say we're administering it to Crona. Just keep it in the jar and think of it as a new friend."
Crona: "..."
Stein: "...Maybe naming it would help."
Crona: "...Um...'Bob'?"
Ragnarok: O_O# "...You keep parts of me in your purse?!"
'bob': ac-chully, i wanna be 'wakaba'!
mami: oh!
Crona: "... ... ...EEEEEEEK!" *falls out of their chair*
wakaba: did i do a bad?
Ragnarok: OWO; "What?"
wakaba: dada! dada!
mami: ._.;
Ragnarok: "I can't be your daddy! I haven't gotten laaaaaaaaaaaaaa--...legal parameters permitting me to take responsibility for small lifeforms. (Phew! Saved.)"
mami: -.-;
Crona: "..." *taps the jar*
wakaba: *poke poke* hiya cona! ^o^
Crona: "H-Hi? Um...You're...tiny?"
Asher: "..." *poking at their food*
Kanin: "...That was a troubling start to this morning."
hibiki: yeah, no kidding.
lukas: well, maybe our project will take our minds off things...
Saria: "Y-Yes, it just seems trivial compared to all that's happened--"
Axel: "Dessert turducken."
Saria: "...What?"
Axel: "I want to make a dessert inside another dessert inside another dessert."
zeke: *blink*
Duncan: "Philistine! You can't just shove your desserts together! The typical palette needs to be coaxed! The tongue needs each flavor stimulated by the most delicate of--"
Kanin: *covering Amelia's ears*
izumi: c-come one, guys, let's not fight!
Asher: "No, let them fight--this gets us back to normal."
Saria: "..." *covers her mouth, starts laughing*
lukas: saria?
Saria: "S-Sorry! Asher was right--I just needed a laugh..." TwT;
hibiki:...well, let's get started, ok?
lei-lei: yeah!
Saria: "O-Okay..." *sets out cookbooks* "Let's narrow down some options..."
*grumbling is heard behind them*
lei-lei: ??
Monica: "Can you freaking believe him?! I don't need any security!"
hibiki: security?
Monica: "WAS ANYONE TALKIN' TO YA?! Oh, hey, Albarn."
izumi: what's this about security, monica?
Monica: "Freakin' Lorenzo said they are assigning security to escort students home! Can you believe that shit?!"
*a short orange-hair person is carrying a tray of food*
hibiki: well, i guess it makes sense, given last night...
Monica: "Oh, come on! That was one isolated incident!"
Youta: "E-Excuse me? Is this seat taken?"
Akitaru: *trying to button up his uniform* "..." *tug* "Ugh." *tug* "GRR." *TUG* O__________O "GRRRRRRRRR--"
Akitaru: "..." *sighs* "Third one this year..." *tosses the jacket*
shinra: everything ok in there?
Akitaru: "Yeah, just having wardrobe problems. I think I went up a jacket size again--stupid big muscles."
shinra: ....want us to order a new one?
Akitaru: "Could you? I'm already loaded with paperwork this week."
shinra: sure thing.
0 notes