#manhunt Ramírez
prayantis · 2 years
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Gary gets kidnapped cause they’re gonna use him as bait or something but Ramírez has to babysit him-
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deadpuppetboi · 1 year
Goretober Day 14: Graft
War is a fool’s game.
No one wins.
It doesn't matter who ‘won’ in the end, both sides suffer greatly, sometimes more than the other.
Money is burned, bullets are lodged, bodies scatter the ground, and families are doomed to stay back and wait with hopeless prayers that some piece of their loved ones would come back. And sometimes they do get a piece of them back, whether they liked it or not.
Ramírez is one of those men.
He fought for his country, faced the worst of humanity, killed many in his line of battle, and came back both mentally and physically scarred from it all. The honor, the metals, and even the praise weren't enough for him. He wanted more than that and many others felt the same way, unfortunately, not many other people agreed.
War taught Ramírez that the world was a cold and unforgivable place where only the strongest and even the smartest would survive than the rest.
So he took refuge in unconventional places to represent his ideals. His mindset of a ‘cold and unforgiving world’ is brought onto the film scene by his teaching and leading various groups to do unspeakable acts. Innocent or not, no one was safe, and despite what many would think, he rather liked his job.
One less criminal in the world earned him the pride that he did something more for his country. That and with the injuries he sustained, he felt much better to bear them for all the world to see.
Yet, despite all that, he found himself staring at the mirror, wrapped in various bandages of all kinds. His face, although stoic, had a look of fury written across it. The events played out in his head like a film; twists and turns he should have seen coming but failed to notice beforehand before it was too late.
The victim of Starkweather’s new film had tried to escape although being the fool that he was, tried a path that only Ramírez’s men, The Wardogs, knew best. He was shoved down by Ramírez as everyone began to circle him, like a pack of wolves, eager to have to take the first bite. The man had been shot in his shoulder, his wound bled as he tried to move further only to have met Ramírez’s boot to his back.
And that would be it.
The target would be slashed and shot to death, all captured by the camera, edited by the producer and made into various physical copies for buyers to buy.
That was it. . .until the man twisted himself and stabbed Ramírez in his leg, digging the makeshift blade deep into his skin to the point that it poked its way out from the other side.
Ramírez hadn't even begun to properly react as his men had already dove and began attacking the man. Slicing and beating him within every inch, no amount of pleas or prayers would have stopped them even if Ramírez himself told him otherwise. The man had been on the ground, clutching his wound as his earpiece was assaulted by Starkweather complaining that his cameras weren't catching all the action.
Ramírez had half the mind to curse him out but the other half was too focused on stopping the bleeding.
Immediately, he tore a piece of his clothing, wrapped it over the wound, and tied it up, trying to slow down the bleeding. His training had come in handy as he stopped himself from taking out the knife as he didn't want to make the injury even worse. His men asked if he was alright but a single glance was enough to tell them otherwise and to get him proper help.
Now, as much as some men in the group had a medical license (taken or not) they were adamant that they needed better medical tools. A simple first aid box wasn't enough and as much as Ramírez hated to admit it, he had to get himself to a doctor quickly. The bleeding sure as Hell wasn't going to stop anytime soon and as much as he wanted to tear out that knife and walk away like it was nothing, he couldn't.
Starkweather had enough connections as there was and somewhere in that sick and depraved mind, he had a soft spot for the veteran. So he allowed for the surgery to take place, free of charge, but with a catch as with many other ones in the past.
The surgery would have to be recorded.
Ramírez knew better than to say no, the damn word didn't exist in Starkweather’s dictionary, so he went along with it.
Although, he refused to be put down.
Even with the watchful eyes of his men, he knew better than to sleep knowing what Starkweather catered to with his films. And knowing those were the same people who previously eyed the man when they came to greet him, he knew what they were all thinking.
So the one-eyed veteran had only three things with him before the medical procedure should be done.
A bottle of liquor, a bottle of prescribed painkillers, and the will not to punch or kick down the cameras that zoomed in on his still-bleeding wound. The cameramen hadn't made it any better, the veteran watching carefully as they focused on the smallest of details to show to the sick and the deprived.
Or even save themselves a copy for future use.
Nonetheless, the procedure had to be done.
Ramirez sat himself up as the team of ‘medical’ professionals worked on his wound. He slammed his fist onto the wall beside him as they took out the knife. He didn't mind the fact he could have injured his fist as he took a long swing from the bottle and spat at the team to continue.
He didn't have time for them to stand around and look stupid and neither did Starkweather.
Hours were spent on the wound.
Examining it, digging into it, stitching it, and cleaning it up. Yet, in between the acts, the veteran would struggle to keep his composure, his vision blurring as waves of pain traveled from his leg up to his upper torso. He was done by the bottle just twenty minutes into the procedure, opting to get through the painkillers to keep him from moving too damn much.
He eyed the cameras as they looked into the team’s skillful hands, how they gathered the tools and ever so carefully fixed the issue. Yet, that wasn't what Ramírez would consider to be the worst, it was the grafting that brought him excruciating pain.
He chewed through the rest of the painkillers as the team cut through the skin from his upper thigh to his other leg. Cutting two layers deeper, making each incision as careful as possible, and transporting it over to the wound itself. Watching his skin bleed through the cuts, down his thigh, and onto the table below made Ramírez sick but he kept his face still and his teeth grinding each other to keep himself from screaming.
He had done this before.
Years ago when he was younger, naive, and not capable of understanding the trauma and tribulations he would face on the battlefield. Before he would cry fresh tears would coat his face as his fellow soldiers would hold him down and keep him still. Now, his grip on the table had become so tight that he might as well break it with the strength he had.
But at the end of it (more was to come but after the healing stages had settled), Ramírez was a mess. His nostrils flared as he breathed deeply, his eye stern as he eyed the medical team and his men to leave him as the final bandage was strapped. Daylight had broken out and by then the man had not been in the mood to have to hear anyone’s pity.
He made the mistake of getting too close to the target that night and he paid dearly for it. Not only did Starkweather benefit from his suffering but also treated it like it was a freak show for all to see. He’ll have to see how much damage that’ll have on his reputation later, but now, he needs to rest for good this time.
Alone, in his home, where no one could bother him.
Lay his troubled head and sleep but before the man could think about the peace of slumber, his eye caught onto the sight of something yellow. Quickly turning his head to get a better look, the man noticed a folded card set next to the table he was sitting on. He grabbed onto the card with a harsh swipe, never minding the cutesy drawings of a golden bunny and a bear in the front and back.
He opened it and read the note.
‘Wish I could have been there with you!
Although you would have killed me if I brought my camcorder. I would’ve held your hand too!!!
Hope you get better though, can't edit the films without you in them~
Love-Mr. Nasty
I'm keeping the knife;)’
Ramírez took a moment to examine the dirtier room, finally noticing that the knife that had plunged into his leg was nowhere to be found. The veteran scoffed before he crumbled the card in his hands, throwing it off into the side near the trashcan.
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soranatus · 2 years
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Martian Manhunter & Lobo By Juanan Ramírez
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drabbles-mc · 2 years
Miles of Red String
An OG Narcos & Narcos MX Crossover fic (ft. OC Diego Ramírez)
For @ashlingnarcos as part of the Candy Hearts Exchange
Warnings: 18+, language, smoking, alcohol, angst, the typical Narcos Universe Things
Word Count: 6.8k
A/N: Taking all of my OG Narcos S3 faves and giving them my beloved mess of an NMX man Walt Breslin. Pobrecito Expressway making its first stop at this fic. I have so many feelings about all of this and idk how to articulate any of them. I love all of these messy, messy men so much. Catching me adding yet another layer to the Diegoverse for none other than one of Diego's other parents.
Narcos/NMX/Diegoverse Taglist: @garbinge @narcolini @hausofmamadas @mysun-n-stars @nessamc @thesandbeneathmytoes @anditsmywholeheart @winchestershiresauce @sizzlingcloudmentality @alm0501 @panagiasikelia @616wilsons @hauntedforsst @mirabee @buckybarneshairpullingkink @boomclapxox @southotheborder @supersanelyromantic @padbrookcottage @raincoffeeandfandoms @justreblogginfics @marrianena @passionatewrites @artemiseamoon (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, please let me know!)
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The death of Escobar didn’t mean that the work in Colombia was over. Far from it, actually. All the death of Escobar meant was that Escobar was dead. The other cartel leaders, the Cali Godfathers, had been operating almost completely unchecked in the meantime because the country, the world, was so obsessed with catching and stopping Escobar.
However, even though there was still a seemingly endless amount of work to be done, it was very evident that the previous years, the chase, all of the loss, had taken a toll on everyone. While in some cases people would assume, “Well, you’re already in Colombia, you might as well stay here and start working on the next thing,” that wasn’t the case when the shift from taking down Pablo changed to taking down the Cali cartel.
Everyone met with their superiors when it came time to discuss options and make decisions for the next move. A lot of people left, too exhausted to go right from one brutal manhunt to the next. A lot of agents, a lot of officers, transferred or went back home shadows of their former selves. No one was the same after all of that.
Steve went home. He had a wife, a family, and still managed to keep a few shreds of his humanity. He cut his losses and went back to the states. No one could blame him for that. Peña, despite his less than desirable slap on the wrist and suspension over Los Pepes, was asked to return to help with the Gentlemen of Cali. The ask was surprising, as was his agreeing to do it.
Search Bloc wasn’t what it had been. The rules of engagement for tackling the Cali cartel were different than for Escobar. Having a massive, police-based hit squad on deck at all times wasn’t going to be necessary the way it had been in the years prior. That being the case, Colonel Martinez was still around, and still very much involved with the police and the plan going forward to continue dismantling the next cartel that was on the chopping block, but it wasn’t the same as it had been before. In truth, he was probably beyond thankful for that, because it wasn’t something that he had ever really wanted or asked for.
Then, there was one person who, through no choice or real fault of his own, existed in a very strange limbo between the CNP and the DEA. Again, something that he hadn’t ever planned on or asked for. Diego Ramírez had spent the better part of the last few years pinballing back and forth between Search Bloc and the DEA. No longer a true part of the Bloque de Buscada, not an actual member of the DEA, he had been on an island between the two. All of the danger with almost none of the camaraderie.
Diego met with Martinez to discuss next moves. The two were professional—after all, Martinez was always professional. But the advice and insight that Martinez could try to provide was coming from a more distant place than when he advised his other men. It wasn’t the Colonel’s fault. It wasn’t Diego’s either. Colonel Carrillo, for better or worse, was probably one of the only people who could’ve given Diego real advice on what his next move should be. But, even if the man had still been alive, he probably wouldn’t have offered up much. The man never did learn how to let go of a grudge.
But now Diego was sitting across from Messina. He hadn’t expected to be pulled aside by her. He assumed that whatever they were about to talk about, it was going to be about what his plans were. He wished that he had a concrete answer to give her.
“Officer Ramírez,” she finally addressed him as she looked up from the folders in front of her.
“Yes, ma’am?” He looked more confused than anything else. “What can I do for you?”
“I was talking with Colonel Martinez, with Agent Murphy before he left. The word around town is that you haven’t decided what you’re doing next.”
He shook his head. “No, I haven’t.”
“Any particular reason for that?”
He took a deep breath, trying to figure out if he knew how to articulate exactly what he was thinking. He had a hard enough time sorting out his thoughts for himself, let alone getting them in order enough to explain them to someone else and have them get it.
“I don’t have any intentions of leaving the force…or Colombia,” he told her with certainty. Of all the things he was unsure about these days, he had that. “This is my home—I don’t want to leave it if I don’t have to.”
He leaned forward slightly. “We all lost a lot because of Escobar,” he said honestly, allowing a small fraction of the pain from the last years to shine through for a moment, “and I don’t…I don’t know if I want to put myself right back into that position again. I was lucky last time, but no one gets lucky every time.”
She nodded. “I’m not here to strong-arm you into making one decision over the other. Hell,” she laughed dryly, “I’m not long for Colombia at this point. But,” she paused, her tone sobering back up, “you’re right—this is your home. You’ve done a lot of good so far, and I think that you could keep doing a lot of good.”
There was a long stretch of silence between them. Messina was watching Diego, and Diego’s eyes were glued to the top of Messina’s desk even though he wasn’t really looking at anything in particular. All of the papers and folders blurred together as he tried to think about the ramifications of whatever he ended up deciding to do. Messina studied his face, seeing the slight shifts in his expression as he thought it all over. She didn’t rush or prompt him to say anything. He’d come to his own conclusions eventually.
Finally, Diego let out a deep sigh, his eyes refocusing as he looked directly at Messina. “Who should I talk to about Cali?”
She smiled, feeling a small sense of triumph over the whole thing. She gave a small wave, an almost dismissive gesture without it being rude. “I’ll take care of it. I have all of the paperwork here.”
“Is that what you were filling out when I came in?” he asked, a bit of a grin tugging at his lips.
She shrugged but there was a knowing look on her face. “I had a feeling.”
He stood up, and she did the same, Reaching across her desk, he held his hand out for her to shake. “Thank you, ma’am. I know it hasn’t been easy, but I appreciate everything that you’ve done.”
She nodded, giving his hand a firm shake. The only person in the entire office that could call her ma'am and it didn't make her skin crawl. “You’re a good kid, Ramírez. Truthfully, I wish more of my guys could be a little more like you.”
He laughed and shook his head. “I have some people who would beg to differ.”
They both chuckled for a moment before she nodded to him as she sat back down in her chair. “I’ll make sure all of your paperwork gets put through. They’ll be reaching out to you about Cali ASAP, I’m sure.”
He nodded. “Thank you.”
“Stay safe.”
The small laugh he let out was mostly genuine, but a little heavy. “I’ll do my best.”
He was reaching out for the handle of Messina’s office door when she said, “I’m sure that Peña will be glad to see at least one familiar face when he comes back.”
Diego’s eyes popped a little wider as he froze for a moment. Half-turning, he looked back. “Peña?”
She looked up from the paperwork that she’d already begun filling out for him. “Yea. Stechner pushed it through himself.”
“Huh.” He didn’t know what else to say. Messina gave him a short nod, and Diego finally got himself back on task and pulled the office door open so that he could let himself out.
Diego wished that she was right about Javier being glad to see him. He knew that that wasn’t going to be the case, but he still hoped. New case, new location, mostly new team—Diego hoped that maybe the two of them could have something resembling a fresh start. It was a pipe dream if ever there was one.
The only saving grace of it all was that Javier wasn’t overly chummy with anyone upon his return. It made his coldness towards Diego less noticeable. Javi didn’t dislike the two new agents that he had on his team, but change was hard. He understood why Steve didn’t stick around, but as he sat in his glass-walled office, he really wished that he had.
Diego liked the two new agents well enough. They were eager, a little green in some respects, but they were good men. He could work with that. The dynamics were completely different now than they had been in Medellín. The job itself was also very different. The stakes were still high, but the feeling of immediate danger wasn’t as intense as before. It created a false sense of security that none of them could afford to fall into.
It was early in the morning—everyone was just getting settled. Diego, Feistl, and Van Ness were all in their own little area. Not the same cramped quarters that Steve and Javier had been given back in Medellín, something that still made Diego chuckle to himself when he thought about it sometimes. It was still close quarters, but it wasn’t bad.
As the day went on, Diego found himself listening to the two of them talk about all sorts of things between actual work tasks. He always listened to the banter—every now and then one of them would try and rope him in to break some sort of tie, end whatever debate they were locked in. Not that it ever really mattered because they would always just pick something new to bicker about.
He was shaking his head at the two of them when Javi’s office door slid open. All of them stopped and looked over to see him leaning out the doorway, bracing himself against the frame of it. He gave a small nod in greeting before locking his eyes on Diego.
“Ramírez, a minute.” He nodded in a gesture to beckon him over.
Diego didn’t hesitate, standing up and heading over to Javi’s office. By the time he reached the doorway, Javier was already back in his seat behind the desk.
Javi waved him in. “Shut the door.”
Diego did as he was asked before walking and sitting down in one of the two chairs on the opposite side of Javi’s desk. “What’s going on?”
“I need you to do a pick-up for me.”
He couldn’t hide his confusion. “A pick-up?”
Javi was looking at the paperwork that had been dropped off on his desk earlier. He was talking to Diego without really looking at him, something outsiders might see as a bad habit but the two of them knew was a calculated move. “Got a guy flying in from México.”
That only made his confusion intensify. “Who?”
He looked up only to hand Diego the folder with the man’s file in it. “DEA Agent Walt Breslin.”
Diego opened the folder, giving it a brief glance. “Is he transferring here?”
Diego looked up from the pages in front of him and over at Javi. He waited for the man to elaborate on his own, but when he didn’t, he asked, “So…why is he here?”
“He thinks that his guys in Juárez and our guys in Cali are keeping each other in business.”
Diego frowned in thought as he mulled over what Javi had just said, what he was seeing on the pages in front of him. He looked back over at the agent behind the desk even though he knew Javi wasn’t going to look back at him. “Just him coming in?”
Javi shrugged. “Last I heard.” He looked at the time on his watch. “Better get going—plane gets in soon.”
Diego knew he was going to regret asking the question but he did it anyway. “Why can’t Feistl or Van—”
“I got them doing other shit today,” Javi said before Diego could even finish the question.
Moments like that gave Diego little flashbacks to their hunt for Escobar. Reminded Diego that Javi and Carrillo had more similarities than differences, some of those similarities being how they felt about and spoke to him. He’d love to say that it wasn’t personal, but it was. Still, he didn’t let it bother him. Not anymore.
“Alright,” he said as he flipped the folder shut. “Anything else?”
Javi shook his head. “Nope.”
“Okay.” He got up and stepped towards the door. “I’ll be back with Agent Breslin, then.”
Javi nodded but didn’t say anything else. Diego shook his head as he slid the door open and slipped out of the man’s office, the folder with Breslin’s information tucked underneath his arm. When he looked back at the area where their desks were, he saw that Feistl and Van Ness were looking at him, trying not to look too eager or curious and failing miserably at it.
“Everything okay?” Feistl broke the silence when Diego walked back over.
The officer nodded, grabbing his jacket and searching for the keys to one of the government-issued vehicles, not really wanting to pick up a visiting agent in his own beat-up car. “All good. Peña said we got another agent flying in—gotta go pick them up.”
“Who?” they both asked in unison.
Diego chuckled, setting the folder on Feistl’s desk. “He’s been working on cartels in Mexico. Started off in Texas first, El Paso. Then moved across the border.”
“Now he’s moving down the continent?” Feistl said as he read the pages in front of him.
Diego nodded. “Seems like it.”
The airport was busy the same way that it always was. It struck Diego that this guy wasn’t even going to know who he was looking for. The risk level was lower now than it had been in years past for agents coming and going. Even still, Diego kept a close eye and his head on a swivel. Just in case.
Then, right on time, Diego saw him. He was smaller than Diego had imagined based off the tiny headshot photo in the man’s file, a little shorter, too. He had the same haggard look that everyone who was chasing down cartel leaders and sicarios and massive amounts of drugs seemed to have. That, at least, was exactly what Diego had been expecting. He watched as the man scanned the area, giant duffle bag hanging off his shoulder.
“Walt?” he spoke up, flashing a smile and waving him down.
His head snapped in the direction of someone saying his name. His expression got a little less intense when he saw the Colombian police uniform, when he saw the bright look on Diego’s face. Walking, over, Diego held out his hand for Walt to shake. A little bit of the tension disappeared from Walt’s body—at least this guy was safe.
“Agent Breslin,” Diego said as he shook his hand. “Beinvenido a Colombia.”
He let out a dry chuckle as he nodded, giving Diego’s hand a firm shake. “Gracias.” He paused for a moment. “Lo siento, pero, quién eres?”
Diego laughed, shaking his head at himself. “Diego Ramírez. Lo siento.” There was a split-second pause and when Diego saw that Walt was looking for a little elaboration, he said, “Trabajo un poco con la policia aquí, un poco con la DEA.”
Walt nodded, taking it all in. “Busy guy.”
Diego shrugged, a smile still on his face. “Most times.” He waved for Walt to follow him. “C’mon, I’ll take you to the base to meet everyone.”
Despite how exhausted Walt was as he sat in the passenger seat of the car that Diego was driving, he was still sitting up, looking out the window and windshield as the officer drove them through Cali. Colombia had never really been on Walt’s list of places to visit, but now that he was here, he figured he might as well try to take as much of it in as possible with what little time he had there.
“Your Spanish,” Diego commented as he turned off one road and onto the next, “it sounds good.”
Walt chuckled. “You sound surprised.”
Diego laughed and shrugged, sparing a glance at the agent sitting next to him. “Last gringo with a drawl that transferred down here didn’t know any Spanish. I don’t get my hopes up anymore.”
Given what the kid must’ve been through over the last years, Walt was surprised that he was still able to be as light-hearted as he was. He tried to match the energy, a tinge of humor to his voice as he said, “All us white guys are the same, huh?”
Diego’s grin grew a little wider as he laughed again. “Más o menos, sí?”
Walk shook his head, a smirk on his face as he pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket. “Yea, more or less.” He held the pack out to Diego. “Want one?”
He shook his head. “I’m good, thanks.”
Walt shrugged, tucking the pack back into his pocket before flicking his lighter. Neither of them said much more for the rest of the ride, Walt assuming that most of the questions that he had for Diego would be answered by him or someone else when they got to the base. He bided his time by smoking his cigarette and flipping through stations on the radio.
When they got to the floor where Javi and the other agents were, everyone turned to look as the elevator doors opened. By that point, everyone around knew that another agent from Mexico was being brought in. No one really knew the full scope of why except Walt—even Javi still had some pressing questions. Even so, the layers of unknown to it all made it an even bigger piece of news to everyone else who knew next to nothing.
For a floor full of agents, one would think that they’d be better at subtlety, but they weren’t. Walt felt himself getting defensive before anyone had even said anything. He tried to hope that those stares didn’t mean the same thing in Colombia as they did in Mexico, or back home, but he didn’t get his hopes up too high.
Javi walked up to them once they got closer, instantly extending out a hand to Walt. “Agent Breslin,” he shook his hand, “I’m Javier Peña.” He turned and motioned to the two other men standing by. “This is Chris Feistl, and Daniel Van Ness.” He waited for them to exchange their handshakes and “Nice to meet you’s”. Then he nodded towards Diego. “I’m assuming Officer Ramírez already introduced himself.”
Walt nodded. “He did.” He looked around at all of them for a moment. “Appreciate you guys making the time for this. I know collaborating to actually get shit done isn’t the government’s strong suit, so…” his voice trailed off.
The comment got a few knowing smiles and chuckles out of the group. When they all fell quiet, Javi spoke up, nodding towards his office. “C’mon, let’s get some stuff straightened out. Then we can all start trying to string all this shit together.”
Walt nodded as he followed in Javi’s footsteps. He gave another nod and said, “Nice meeting you,” to the rest of them as he walked off.
Once the office door was shut, both agents immediately turned and looked at Diego for answers to questions that they hadn’t even asked yet. It was in all of their natures to be curious, nosey even, but their obviousness and eagerness still got a laugh out of Diego as he dropped the keys onto the surface of his desk and sat down.
“So?” Feistl asked, leaning so that his palms were flat against the top of Diego’s desk.
Diego was trying to tone down the smile fighting its way onto his face. “So?”
“What’d he say? What’s going on? What’s he here for?”
Diego shook his head as he opened his desk drawer and pulled a few of the files out. “You think we got into all of that on the drive from the airport to here?” He leaned back in his seat. “It’s not like he’s going to get into that with me before talking to Peña anyway.”
“Yea, but you’re, you know,” he tried to say it like it was so obvious, “you’re Colombian Police. That ranks.”
Diego chuckled, but the repeated shake of his head spoke volumes. He was an optimist still, sure, because that’s just who he always was and who he’d always be. But the naivety that he’d been plagued with when he joined the CNP, joined Search Bloc, got beaten out of him over the years. “Yea, because it’s a well-known fact that all the police officers in Colombia are upstanding individuals. None of them would ever—”
“You wouldn’t, though,” Feistl argued.
Diego shrugged. “I know that. You know that.” He nodded towards the office. “Agent Breslin does not know that.” He saw the way that both the men were shaking their heads. “If the two of you flew into Mexico, would you tell the cop who picked you up everything about why you were there?” He sat silently, waiting for the answer. When neither of them said anything, he nodded. “Exactly.”
Feistl knew that he’d lost the argument, but it didn’t stop him from wanting the last word. Being wrong didn’t mean that he didn’t still want to be right anyway. “Still, though,” he said flippantly as he sat back down at his desk.
Meanwhile, Javi gestured for Walt to take a seat in his office. Refocusing once again, he said, “What can I do for you, Agent Breslin?”
Walt didn’t want to get into all of it. He knew that he was going to have to be some kind of honest if he wanted to get answers and information, but he wasn’t ready to start poking and picking at the wounds that were still incredibly fresh. He wondered how little he could divulge and still get what he needed.
“I know that your cartel here in Cali is connected to my cartels in Mexico through at least one guy.”
“The pilot,” Javi said with a nod.
“Yea,” Walt tried not to sound as hollow and bitter as he felt, “Amado Carrillo Fuentes.”
“Like I told you on the phone, we’ve been more focused on the godfathers than anyone else. I’m not sure if any of the information that we have would be of any use to you. We know that our guys make layover stops in Mexico before getting their shit across the border into the states. But anything going on on the ground there is your area of expertise, not ours.”
“Help me paint a bigger picture, then. Whatever you’ve got. Hell,” he shrugged, the action looking much less desperate than he felt, “maybe what I’ve got could help you guys out too.”
Javi knew that there was more to it than that. He could tell by the look on Walt’s face that there was plenty that he wasn’t privy to. Javi knew better than to take the secrecy personally—he’d spent years doing the same thing. Most other people in Javi’s position would’ve pressed until they got all the details they wanted, or would’ve sent Walt on their way. But there was something in his apparent exhaustion that made Javi trust him.
“My guys are gonna have a lot of questions for you,” he said as he nodded towards the glass. And, sure enough, two of the three men sitting out there were blatantly staring at Javi’s office, trying to read lips, trying to figure out what was going on.
“You don’t?” was all Walt said in return.
He sighed, shaking his head once. “You’re the one who flew all the way down here for answers—not me.” He gave a few seconds for Walt to say something else. When he didn’t, Javi stood back up. “Come on.”
Javi got up and walked to the door, Walt following close behind. When the two of them stepped out, they had three sets of curious eyes on them. Javi hardly looked at the men on his team as he waved for them to all get up and follow. “Let’s go.”
Notebooks, folders, and pens in hand, the three men all but jumped up and strode quickly to play catchup with the two agents in the lead. Feistl and Van Ness kept looking back and forth at each other, Diego trailing just a half-step behind them watching all of the men in front of him, wondering what was going to happen next.
The room they all walked into, making sure to shut the door behind them, had been a conference room at some point. Now, though, it was a hub for any and everything about Cartel Cali. Photos were arranged into hierarchies, some with x’s through them, others with notes written off to the sides of them. There were maps hung up, folders and photographs and transcriptions scattered all over the table.
Walt looked around, a little bewildered by it all. It made the shitty abandoned warehouse he and his team had been meeting up in look like…well…a shitty abandoned warehouse.
“Shit,” Walt said as he walked up to the wall that housed the web of photos.
“Yea,” Javi said nonchalantly as he leaned back against the desk and stared at the row of photos at the top of the godfathers. “Welcome to Cali.”
Walt turned around to look at the other men in the room. He saw the way that even though they must’ve been looking at the pictures and information in that room nonstop for weeks, or months, they still looked at it with just as much scrutiny and determination as if they’d just walked into the room for the first time. He knew that feeling.
Walt walked up and tapped the photo of Amado that was taped to the wall. The pilot and his fucking shades. “This is the guy that my team and I had started focusing on.”
“The pilot?” Diego asked, clearly curious.
Walt nodded. “He’s not just working for your guys here in Colombia. He’s making deals with the guys in Mexico too. He’s knee-deep with a lot of shit going down in Juárez.”
“Makes sense,” Diego said with a nod. “He’s just transportation, right? Why not get paid by two cartels to do the same shit that he’s been doing? He’ll be able to retire and disappear across the globe somewhere with his best plane while the rest of these guys rot.”
“Yea,” Walt said bitterly, “not if I can do anything about it.” He folded his arms across his chest as he started to explain, with a little more detail, how Amado was their link to the guy that his team was really after. He knew that the men in the room weren’t going to give him Felix Gallardo. But they could still help him get Amado. “I’ve got it on good authority that the last shipment he moved was seventy tons.”
All the eyes in the room widened. Feistl shook his head, “That’s a shitton of coke.”
“I know.” Walt nodded slowly, anger still etched into his features. “And now it’s lost in the fucking wind. Thanks to some fucking,” he shook his head, almost shaking with anger, “some fucking cop playing both sides.”
Javi shook his head, sadness crossing his face for a moment. “Same shit everywhere.”
The group of them all gathered around the table as they dove into their discussion. Walt outlined what he and his team had been doing and looking into, got into the details of what he thought the extent of the Cali cartel’s involvement was with his targets in Mexico. They were two different spots on the same map, two different levels of the same game. There were a few connecting threads, but a lot of the chaos in Mexico was happening with or without the help of the men in Colombia.
“How long are you in Colombia for?” Van Ness asked when they all hit a lull in the conversation.
Walt shrugged and shook his head, tucking his chin down for a moment. “Through the weekend, at least. If we get somewhere with this I might be able to stretch it a little longer, but…” his voice trailed off.
Javi’s brows knit together at that. It was the first real inkling he got that maybe Walt was operating outside of the DEA’s knowledge. Javi wasn’t one to judge, but it would be something that was good to know.
“Why don’t we get back to this tomorrow then?” Javi asked, looking around at all of them.
Everyone was nodding in agreement, but Diego was the first one to speak up as he looked at Walt. “We’ll get you a car you can use for now. Let you get to your hotel, unpack, sleep, whatever. Come back tomorrow with everything you have and we’ll see what we can do.” He gestured vaguely to the wall of photos. “Red-string it.”
Walt couldn’t hide the relief at the thought of being able to lay down for a couple hours after being on the go for as long as he had been. “Alright, yea. That works.”
“We should grab drinks,” Feistl suggested as everyone was getting ready to leave the room. He saw the looks everyone shot his way. “Tonight, I mean,” he clarified.
Everyone exchanged looks and shrugs, no one necessarily looked opposed to the idea. Some of them were expecting Javi to shoot the idea down, but apparently he was trying to extend some hospitality, and he agreed. They picked a time, and a place. It was the same place as always, but Walt didn’t know that.
Walt also didn’t know what to expect when he showed up at the bar that evening. He knew how he’d been with his team, the dynamics there, but he didn’t know these guys. Nothing that had happened made him think that he was going to have any kind of problem with them, but he still didn’t feel certain.
When he walked in, he saw the four of them already sitting at a table together. Javi had been sitting facing the door, so he saw Walt the second that he walked in. Javi held his hand up slightly to get his attention, nodding slightly for him to come over once they made eye contact.
He pulled out the seat at the end of the table, feeling the creeping sense of awkwardness coming over him. He’d hardly sat down all the way when the waitress appeared asking for his drink order. He rattled it off, one of the things in life that he had committed to memory. When she walked away, he finally took a second to breathe and take in the scene in front of him.
They instantly pulled him right into the conversation. They talked a bit about work, but most of it was just them bullshitting around. It was a less-intensive way for Walt to get to know them, and vice-versa, than doing the whole twenty questions routine. It also allowed Walt to do more listening than talking, which was something that he would always be grateful for no matter where he was or who he was with.
Walt was shaking his head at something the other DEA agents had said when he reached to pull his pack of cigarettes out of the pocket of his shirt. He went to grab his lighter from his jeans pocket when he realized that he didn’t have it. He frowned for a moment before looking at the men sitting around him.
“Anyone got a lighter?”
He was 0 for 3 by the time he got to Javi, but luckily he was the one person who always had one on him. He handed it over, nodding in response to Walt’s quick Thanks before turning back to Van Ness and asking, “What happened to your fanny pack? Thought you kept everything in there?”
It wasn’t as though anyone in present company really had any right to be criticizing the others’ fashion choices, but the fact that both Feistl and Van Ness played so heavily into the tourist shtick because it made the most sense for them definitely made them the easiest targets. The comment from Javi also ensured that the conversation wasn’t going to get too heavy for the time being.
None of them had been keeping track of the time until Diego looked down to check his watch. When he saw the hour, a smile crept across his face. He wasted no time in standing up from his chair at the table. “I gotta run.”
Despite the more than pleased look on his face, the sudden change still prompted Javi to ask, “All good?”
Diego opened his mouth to respond but Feistl beat him to the punch. “He’s fine. Ramírez is just high-tailing out of here because his girl is coming to Cali for the weekend.”
Even though Javi didn’t give much of a reaction one way or another to the information, it got laughs out of Walt and Van Ness, and Diego too. It wasn’t the first time that either one of the new DEA agents gave him grief about it, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. It was all in jest, and Diego didn’t mind it—it was a welcome change.
Diego walked around the table, clapping his hand onto Walt’s shoulder as he leaned down, almost like he was telling him a secret even though he was purposely talking loud enough for the whole table to hear, “Ellos solo están enojados porque yo tengo una novia que me visita.” They laughed as Feistl and Van Ness waved him off. Diego spoke to the two of them as he turned to walk away, “Try not to need me.”
Diego’s early departure didn’t mean that the night was over for the rest of them. Feistl and Van Ness were happy to have someone new around to talk to. And, for as closed off as Javi tended to keep himself these days, he had to admit that he was enjoying himself much more than he thought he would. Most of his late-night drinks were solo now, but having their company and being able to listen to the banter that was apparently an all-day, everyday affair, was amusing. He also took the opportunity to try and piece apart what he thought the deal with Walt really was. He didn’t think that the agent was lying when they spoke earlier, but he also didn’t think that he was telling the full truth, either. Javi understood it—he would’ve played it the same way if the roles were reversed.
Eventually, both Feistl and Van Ness took off as well, leaving just Javi and Walt sitting at the table together. Neither of them was in much of a rush to leave. Javi didn’t want to go back to his empty apartment, and even though Walt was still exhausted he wasn’t that eager to head back to his small and very empty hotel room. Usually he had his team in the rooms on either side of him, but now it was just him. He didn’t want to think about that.
Things were quiet between the two of them for a moment—all the chatterboxes had left the building. Walt sipped on the scotch that was still in his glass while Javi worked his way through another whiskey. Both were watching everyone around them now more than they were watching each other.
“Can I ask you something, Breslin?” Javi asked, still not looking at him.
Walt looked at him from across the table. “Shoot.”
Javi finally locked eyes with him. “Why are you here?”
His face scrunched in confusion for a moment. “What?” He shook his head, setting his glass down on the table. “I told you, Amado—”
“I know, I know,” he took a sip of his drink, “you’re connecting the dots. But that could’ve been a phone call. A few phone calls. We could’a faxed you some of our intel and that would’ve been the end of it. You didn’t have to come all the way down here.” He paused. “No one comes to Colombia when they don’t have to. No way you ran out of shit to do in Mexico.”
Walt tried to keep his expression as neutral as possible. “I’m just looking for answers, man.”
He was waiting for Javi to come back with something, another question or a comment about how he was full of shit, but he didn’t. Javi just sat and stared at him. Javi knew how to play the waiting game. Hell, he was more than content to sit there for another hour in silence and order another whiskey while he waited. He wasn’t the one on a time crunch—Walt was.
Walt swirled what little was still left inside his glass around once, twice, before bringing it to his lips and finishing off the entire thing. “I lost,” he exhaled sharply as he set the glass back down, letting it clatter against the top of the table, “about ninety-nine percent of my fuckin' team trying to get this guy. And I’m no closer to—” he stopped himself short, shaking his head. “I need the fuckin' win.”
Javi nodded. If there was anyone on the Cali team who understood that type of loss, that type of desperation, it was him. However, if the hunt for Escobar, if all the political hoops and bullshit with the Cali Godfathers had taught him anything, it’s that no one ever really gets a win. Judging by the look in Walt’s eyes, Javi had a feeling the man might’ve had an inkling about that already.
He waited for Walt to look at him, but when he didn’t, Javi spoke up, his tone not gentle but not as harsh as it could’ve been either. “Hey.” He sighed. “I can’t promise you the win that you’re looking for. Wish I could. Hell, wish that any fucking one of us could get a win these days. But,” he shook his head, “I can’t.”
“I just need enough to hurt these guys.”
Javi could feel how personal this all was for the man sitting across from him. He knew that feeling. He remembered the feeling of futility as the number of dead officers kept going up and up and up. He remembered what it felt like after Carrillo was killed. Losing your partner, your team, that was something that you never really shook off. It put a different tint on everything. All the steps you took after that had a new depth to them. Everything felt personal. Everything felt painful.
Javi knew what Walt was feeling. He also knew that whatever warpath the man was set on, wasn’t going to work out the way he thought it was going to. Javi had been there, done that, gotten the suspension paperwork to prove it. Still, he didn’t listen when people tried to warn him. He had the feeling that Walt wasn’t in the mood to be heeding any warnings either.
“Me and my guys will tell you what we know, whatever you wanna hear,” Javier told him, “but we don’t really know shit about Mexico.”
Walt shook his head. “Leave that to me. I’ll take whatever you’ve got.”
There were a few beats of silence before Walt said, “Your guys…they’re good?”
Javi chuckled dryly. “Pfft. Yea,” he shook his head with a tired smile, “annoying and eager as all hell. But they’re good.”
Walt laughed quietly. “Eager is good.”
“Don’t tell them that. Can’t afford to give them any more leash than they’ve got.”
“Your boss say the same about you?” Walt asked, the knowing smirk on his face said that he already had the answer.
“Probably. Begs the question, though, of how you got enough leash to get all the way down here to Cali.”
“Oh,” Walt laughed, “that’s because I don’t ask anymore. They want me? They can fuckin' fly down here and get me.”
Javi smiled a little at that. It wasn’t so long ago that he was doing and saying the same kinds of things. Part of him missed that. The other part of him vividly remembered the fallout of it all—bureaucratic bullshit pouring salt into the wounds left by things that actually mattered. He had a feeling that Walt probably knew about that, too.
“Think they will?” he asked.
Walt shrugged, toying idly with his glass on the table. “Keep me down here long enough and I guess we’ll see.”
Javi nodded, feeling more amused by the notion than he should’ve. “We’ll see.”
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tv-moments · 7 years
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The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story
Season 2, “Manhunt“
Director: Nelson Cragg
DoP: Nelson Cragg
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d-criss-news · 5 years
FX’s American Crime Story: Versace is unquestionably producer-director Ryan Murphy at his very best. The unflinching and truly devastating mini-series is the story of serial killer Andrew Cunanan’s descent into madness and murder, told backwards.
Doubling as a fascinating examination of influence, homophobia, and gay culture in the 90s, American Crime Story: Versace’s most unsettling moments have nothing to do with the murders. If you somehow missed this masterpiece, we’re here to tell you why it needs to be your next Netflix binge.
The structure
Ryan Murphy wastes no time captivating his audience, throwing a hook immediately by beginning the miniseries with the killing of Gianni Versace (Édgar Ramírez).  Slowly working backward from Versace’s death, the audience’s tension builds as Murphy takes us through the horror-filled path to the origin of Andrew Cunanan’s (Darren Criss) killing spree.
American Crime Story: Versace is loosely based on Maureen Orth’s book Vulgar Favors: Andrew Cunanan, Gianni Versace and the Largest Failed Manhunt in U.S. History. After his murder in episode one, Versace becomes more of a supporting character in the story of his death, where 90s gay culture and Cunanan’s murder spree take center stage.
The casting
There are so many ridiculously amazing performances in American Crime Story: Versace, it’s hard to pick a favorite (don’t worry, we did anyway, but that’s later). Édgar Ramírez and Ricky Martin’s portrayal of a genuine and believable Gianni Versace and his partner Antonio D’Amico have us heartbroken within minutes of the series’ beginning. Ricky Martin portrays Antonio D’Amico’s grief with agonizing conviction.
Penelope Cruz initially feels overdramatic as Donatella Versace. However, upon closer examination of the fashion icon’s character, the portrayal is close to faultless, unsurprising as the two are friends.
Two of the most surprising performances are short, two-episode character arcs, with Max Greenfield (New Girl), barely recognizable as an HIV-positive Ronnie, and Judith Light (Who’s the Boss?) as high-profile cosmetics mogul, Marilyn Miglin.
Ronnie and Andrew Cunanan meet in Miami after Cunanan has already killed four people. In 1997, the shadow of HIV as a death sentence is slowly starting to lift, but Greenfield’s Ronnie perfectly portrays the overwhelming melancholy those who have been affected by the disease are still crippled with.
Judith Light’s role is especially complex. Marilyn Miglin’s husband Lee (Mike Farrell), was a prominent architect and philanthropist, brutally murdered by Andrew Cunanan. Well known in the Chicago social scene, by all reports the Miglins were a happy partnership. Light’s performance of Marilyn is deeply layered, both stoic and heartbreaking. 
The real-life Marilyn has always maintained that Lee’s death was a random murder, and American Crime Story: Versace shows Marilyn using her connections to keep the embarrassing details of Lee’s death quiet. Judith Light’s Marilyn is both outraged and overwhelmed by her grief, and she shines brighter than ever.
The only character whose role is more perfectly portrayed is Andrew Cunanan himself, as Darren Criss’s performance is nothing short of career-shaping, so amazing it needs its own category.
Darren Criss
If Darren Criss still has you thinking of Glee, you need to stop what you’re doing and turn on American Crime Story: Versace. He is absolutely everything in this role, fully transforming himself from scene to scene as takes on Andrew Cunanan’s chameleon-like maneuvering as he manipulates those around him.
Andrew Cunanan’s psychopathic nature comes with a charming and shrewd personality. Reportedly able to go days without sleeping as he taught himself everything there is to know about fashion or opera, Cunanan built entire backstories for himself on a dime. Cunanan never lacked for friends, and Criss managed to channel Cunanan’s appeal while never losing his underlying stomach-turning menace.  
Honestly, Darren Criss easily could have won an Emmy for the dance scene alone. We’ll never hear Phil Collins “Easy Lover” without visions of Criss breaking it down in a pink banana hammock ever again.
The 90s in Miami
It’s rare that anything covering true crime is marked by its bright neon backdrop. American Crime Story: Versace provides a disarming contrast between the bright background of 90s Miami and the dark content of a sadistic murder spree. 
Ryan Murphy is no stranger to 90’s Miami, he began his career working as a journalist for the Miami Herald in the 90s. American Crime Story: Versace is hauntingly authentic, filmed in the house where Versace lived in Miami, and on the actual steps where the legend was killed. 
Setting the perfectly genuine backdrop was only part of the full experience. It should come as no surprise that there is some straight-up costume porn happening in American Crime Story: Versace. While yes, there are so many men in tank tops and cutoff jorts, Costume designer Lou Eyrich also bought up hundreds of pieces of vintage Versace from all over the world, claiming that their pursuit drove up the prices for the resale market.
For ACS: Versace Eyrich clothes Donatella (Penelope Cruz) in the era’s bodycon dresses colored in pastels, while Gianni is mostly portrayed in vivid, opulent silk pajamas. Providing a visual contrast, Cunanan’s clothing is just a little off, a little drab. Eyrich describes his look as “a West coast preppy aspiring to look rich”.  It’s total perfection.
So much more than a murder story
The overwhelming theme of American Crime Story: Versace is not about death, it’s about the complicated politics and shame of being openly gay in the 90s.
Cunanan evaded police while successfully murdering five men, the last being Versace. A brilliant sociopath, Cunanan’s feelings around his sexuality range from tortured to delighted. Overwhelmed with jealousy over the successful gay men in which he interacts, Cunanan is both repelled by and obsessed with the way money, secrecy, and in Versace’s case, fame insulates them from the challenges of being gay in the 90s.
Equally fascinating in American Crime Story: Versace was the incompetence of the police and investigators pursuing Cunanan, who struggled with infiltrating the gay community and understanding its nuances. While not an outright display of homophobia, at its most benign interpretation, their ineptness is based on ignorance. It’s hard to not see that ignorance as purposeful.
The police almost reject the idea of educating themselves and the gay community enough to stop Cunanan’s spree of violence. Yet they’re seemingly helpless to restrain themselves from sharing the sordid details that enable Cunanan to stay a step ahead of capture. The most frustrating and impactful part of the entire American Crime Story: Versaceseries is how preventable it all was.
You can (and should) stream The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story on Netflix now.
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acsversace-news · 5 years
Crime is a magnet that glues us to web like no other theme ever does. But The Assassination of Gianni Versace with the tag line American Crime Story, a subtext in itself, is not just another crime story.  Based on real life incident, the murder of ace fashion designer Gianni Versace, the show is a social document which throws light on the marginalised community of gays. Indeed, the series is set in nineties of the last century.  From the blood-soaked year of 1997 when Versace was killed right in front of his mansion in Miami, it goes back and forth to build a mystery that is as intriguing as insightful.  
Why was Versace killed is the hook on which the story rests. As it unfolds bit by bit, mysterious turn of events hold your attention.
But more than that it’s the world that existed back then which has you entrapped. Versace’s haute couture is there for you to embrace. But more than fashion and glamour you see his passion for his craft. How he felt design comes first and the look of satisfaction on the client’s face mirrors more than the design in the mirror does. Actually you instantly warm up to  Édgar Ramírez as Gianni Versace and can feel the warmth between him and  his sister Donatella (Penelope Cruz is remarkable, assured and emotive all at the same time).
The pretence which gay married men and their wives carried on to keep up the charade of a happy marriage comes through other characters. But the real crux lies in the making of a criminal killer Andrew Cunanan (Darren Criss) Criss playing the intelligent and good looking glib talker for whom men fall for hook line and sinker is spot on. Varying shades ranging from vulnerability, cruelty and loneliness are writ all over him.
How Cunanan gets drawn into the vortex of crime unfolds bit by bit. Why he becomes what he has... indeed the storyline keeps going back in time. The flashbacks and flash forwards may seem a bit annoying but are the crucial dots that connect it all.  Once you are clued in to Cunanan’s childhood years you know why this style of storytelling was so important. Suddenly, your perspective on the smooth talking conman and vicious murderer changes.  
Gay community might be accepted today in the US but those were the days when they were note and the series impels us to look at them with fair degree of empathy.  Mark the refrain, “When you are rich and famous (read Versace) it doesn’t even matter if you are a gay,” is a telling commentary on what all the community had to brace at that point.  Equally telling are gestures. Versace’s male lover Antonio played by Ricky Martin  was denied all rights but also respect due to a family member as the funeral scene clearly points out.  Real life Antonio, however, stated that the series is further away from truth. Versace family too slammed the series and dubbed it as work of fiction. Makers, however, insist that taking a leaf from Maureen Orth’s book Vulgar Favors: Andrew Cunanan, Gianni Versace, and the Largest Failed Manhunt in U.S. History, it is a docudrama.
Whatever may have been the debate and dissent, yet nothing has been able to dent the series’ creative credibility. Winner of the 70th Emmy Outstanding Limited Series and Outstanding Lead Actor in a Limited Series or Movie for Criss and picking up Golden Globe Awards too, the much feted series is a must watch and binge watch for sure.
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eecmoda · 7 years
MODA Y CINE: Gianni Versace. La trágica muerte del   “padre de las supermodelos”, a la T.V.
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Gianni Versace habría cumplido este pasado 02 de diciembre 71 años, y una gran fiesta con altas celebridades del mundo estarían aun celebrando en un gran banquete. Pero no fue así, todos recuerdan ese día con nostalgia.  Su vida fue arrebatada a los 50 años por un demente que le disparó mientras éste regresaba a su hogar junto a su novio Antonio D´Amico.
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¿Quién fue Gianni?, fue un gran diseñador  italiano y fundador de la casa Versace. Su vida siempre estuvo ligada a la moda; acompañaba a su madre que era modista a trabajar y comprar sus materiales, y se cuenta que hizo su primer vestido, supervisado por su madre en 1955 cuando sólo tenía 9 años.            
Ya de adulto estudió diseño. A los 28 años creó su primera colección bajo la etiqueta “Complice”. Como el éxito de Gianni crecía, en 1977 se unió a él su hermano Santos y en 1978 aproximadamente, su hermana Donatella. Comenzando a nacer este monstro en la industria de la moda.  Y como deben imaginar, con los años estos hermanos comenzaron a tener problemas que se originaron en el trabajo y la lucha de poderes, tanto que dicen se convirtieron en “rivales”. 
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Gianni no solo vistió a grandes celebridades como Diana de Gales, Naomi Cambell, Cher, Madonna y otros, sino que también tuvo intervención en obras de teatro y películas como “SHOW GIRLS” y KIKA (1993) del Director Pedro Almodóvar, Gianni se  encargó del vestuario de Verónica Forqué, la protagonista. . Y fue conocido en el rubro como “el padre de las supermodelos”.  
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En la mañana del 15 de julio de 1997, regresando de una caminata por el paseo de Ocean Drive en Miami, Versace fue asesinado enfrente de su mansión en Miami Beach por Andrew Phillip Cunnanan.  Cuando el mundo supo la trágica noticia, cientos de fanáticos se reunieron afuera de la mansión para rendirle homenaje al diseñador con flores, velas, imágenes y globos.        
Gianni  fue sepultado en la localidad de Como, en Italia. Y el talentoso Elton John dedicó su album de 1997, The Big Picture,  a Versace.                
El modisto dejó como heredera universal de su imperio a su sobrina Allegra Beck; y a su sobrino Daniel Beck le legó una colección de arte de cuadros de Leger y Picasso. El tercer beneficiario de la herencia del famoso modista calabrés ha sido el ex modelo Antonio D Amico, su compañero sentimental, al que ha dejado un cheque mensual por valor de 50 millones de liras, así como el derecho a vivir en todas las propiedades inmobiliarias del modista.
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Luego de la trágica muerte de Gianni, la serie de televisión “American Crime Story”, quienes se basan en crímenes o hechos que han marcado un hito en la historia de EEUU, quiso basar su segunda temporada en su vida y muerte.
La primera temporada de “American Crime Story” fue estrenada el 02 de febrero de 2016 por el canal FX. Teniendo un éxito desbordante con “The People v. O. J. Simpson”.   Esta segunda temporada se estrenará el 17 de enero de 2018 y consistirá en un total de 10 episodios. Y como señalé,  girará en torno al asesinato del legendario diseñador Gianni Versace  a manos del asesino Andrew Cunanan, y se basa en el libro “Vulgar Favors: Andrew Cunanan, Gianni Versace, and the Largest Failed Manhunt in U.S. History de Maureen Orth” como fuente principal de material. 
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Te presento a los actores y actrices que conforman el elenco principal, y darán vida a estos famosos personajes:
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Édgar Ramírez como Gianni Versace y Ricky Martin como Antonio D´Amico.
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Darren Criss como Andrew Cunanan y Penélope Cruz  como Donatella Versace.
¿Qué te parece el elenco elegido?
Solo basta esperar que comience la serie, y ver si las actuaciones de estos connotados actores sea la adecuada. Los ojos de fanáticos, productores,  directores… estarán expectantes, en especial la industria de la moda para ver el despliegue de los mejores modelos adoptados en dicha época.
Nota por Jackie O, Diplomada en Estética del Cine. @jackcineyestilo
Fotografías, Fuente Google.
Recuerda, si mantienes interés en alguna película en puntual, coméntanos y la publicaremos, o respecto de esta, la cual te recomiendo veas.
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prayantis · 2 years
Hey How you doing Hope that you are okay^^,i thinked what you think that is cash opinion's about the gangs since he is almost mute lol
Thank you!! I’m fine, just recovering from being sick lol!!
The hoods
Kidding kidding, but Cash doesn’t think much of them
Literally just some guys who are all bark and no bite
(Off topic but even the fandom has widely forgotten them)
The Skinz
With Cash being the Hispanic king he is, he doesn’t like them
Let’s be honest we don’t like them either
The Skullyz
Literally just Mexican guys with weapons
The drugs are cool n all but Cash did enough drugs in college
Thinks the Satan worshipping is weird but at least they believe in something
The babyfaces
Most of them could do with a visit to darkwoods penitentiary asylum section
Except for that ONE pedo guy
Cash would kill him again
The wardogs
Crazy fuckers
Just weirdos who need a better hobby than just militarism and American propaganda
“When Ramírez said he’d built a team one day this is NOT what I had this mind!”
Secretly judges them for listening to Ramírez’s crazy ass
The Smileys
Knew some of them during his stay in darkwood
Thinks they could’ve changed if they had gotten the help they needed
But Jesus are do they love violence-
S. W. A. T. / Carer City Police
Knew there was a good reason not to like cops
Yk besides them locking him in a cage-
Cash could’ve told you they were corrupted years ago
Spits on a dead one for his revenge on cops
“You know cops are the biggest gang allowed.”
Fucking dicks
Been hating on them from the moment they beat him up
AND for not letting the man leave to freedom
They did NOT have to gang up on Cash every damn time
Got what they deserved
*Cerberus members screaming* “that’s the sound of motherfucking justice.”
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deadpuppetboi · 7 months
Yk, Smileys are surprisingly well organized for group of delusional maniacs
You've got some on the tower, the ones inside the asylum, the ones outside the asylum, and the rest just minding their own business. And even if they have a switch around or just make up their own rules (they probably do every five minutes) they at least make it work for the manhunts themselves.
I know that they’re mentally ill men who have never received proper medical care in their entire lives but at least they have a proper system to follow.
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🔸CHICO ABRIL 2019 🔸 . RONDA: 1 - VERSUS: 5 . 1) 🇵🇪 Paolo Ramírez @paoloramirez1 2) 🇵🇪 Andres Caipo @andres.caipo1 . IMPORTANTE PARA QUE SU VOTO SEA VALIDO: - Deben seguir nuestra cuenta @elmundodelabelleza_oficial para poder comentar. - Darle like ❤ ha está publicación. - Votar solo 1 vez! No cuentan votos duplicados. . LAS VOTACIONES CIERRAN MAÑANA MARTES A LAS 8PM HORA DE 🇨🇴🇪🇨🇵🇪 . EL CHICO CON MAS VOTOS PASARA A LA RONDA 2 Y QUIEN QUEDE EN ÚLTIMO LUGAR SERÁ ELIMINADO! . #ChicoAbrio #ChicoAbril2019 #ElMundoDeLaBelleza #Pageant #Mister #Male #Model #Modelo #Man #Men #Sexy #Hot #Body #Handsome #Manhunt . #like #follow #likeme #followme #liker #follower #likeit #followit #likes #liked #likeback #likemeback #likealways #likeforlike #like4likes https://www.instagram.com/p/BvuuF3NA9i0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zrlgvjubp28c
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Un nuevo Post ha sido publicado en Netflix en Español
Un nuevo Post ha sido publicado en https://netflixenespanol.com/2019/01/17/netflix-estrena-american-crime-story-el-asesinato-de-gianni-versace/
Netflix estrena "American Crime Story: El asesinato de Gianni Versace"
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“American Crime Story” llega a las pantallas de Netflix con su segunda entrega. En esta segunda temporada la serie presenta el caso del asesinato de Gianni Versace, el famoso diseñador de origen italiano.
La serie es una selección de los crímenes más sonados a nivel internacional, y es una creación de Scott Alexander y Larry Karaszewski.
La primera entrega de la producción serial, narró el caso de O.J. Simpson, el popular exjugador de fútbol americano, quien fue acusado del asesinato de su esposa y un amigo de esta.
Esta segunda temporada de “American Crime Story” consiste en un total de 9 capítulos, que narraran los acontecimientos relacionados al asesinato del legendario diseñador Gianni Versace. La serie trata en detalle los acontecimientos previos que rodearon la vida del asesino del diseñador, Andrew Cunanan, quien resultó tener un prontuario de varios asesinatos.
La producción está basada en el libro “Vulgar Favors: Andrew Cunanan, Gianni Versace, and the Largest Failed Manhunt in U.S. History“, de Maureen Orth.
“American Crime Story: el asesinato de Gianni Versace” contó con el escritor de origen inglés Tom Rob Smith como autor de varios episodios, y con Ryan Murphy como productor ejecutivo y como director del primer capítulo.
El elenco de la serie está encabezado por figuras de trayectoria en el ámbito actoral. Edgar Ramírez (Point Break, La chica del tren, Manos de piedra, Joy, Furia de Titanes 2, La noche más oscura, Líbranos del mal) interpreta a Gianni Versace, Darren Criss (recordado por su participación en Glee) en el papel de Andrew Cunanan, Ricky Martin (cantante y actor de talla internacional) dando vida a Antonio D’Amico, y Penélope Cruz en el rol de Donatella Versace.
La temporada completa de “American Crime Story: el asesinato de Gianni Versace” estará disponible para todos los usuarios de Netflix en América Latina a partir del viernes 17 de enero de 2019.
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acsversace-news · 6 years
1.'The Assassination of Gianni Versace's chilling rendition of "Gloria"
If there was an award for the best television song of the year, it should go to The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story. Right away Episode 2 places us in a weird position. Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuck, and Nina Jacobson’s series opens with the serial killer Andrew Cunanan (Darren Criss) taking the life of his final victim — the legendary designer Gianni Versace (Édgar Ramírez). But “Manhunt” moves its story back a few days, showing us exactly how this young men who had already murdered four innocent people stole the truck that would take him to Versace’s death.
It’s as Cunanan finds “Gloria” on the radio that he’s at his least stable and most sinister. Belting it out to Laura Brannigan’s 1982 mega-hit is an immediately humanizing moment. We’ve all been in Cunanan’s musical shoes. But knowing that this manic sing-along will lead to the targeted and preventable murder of one of the most iconic designers of the ’90s warps this moment, transforming it into something dark. The brilliance of The Assassination of Gianni Versace never just rested in how sympathetic the series made its victims or how provably preventable Cunanan’s many deaths could have been. It rested in making Cunanan himself painfully relatable, and that’s chilling. — Kayla Cobb
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 4 years
Orphaned Stories
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/39s1oDq
by Eva (Flurkin)
Things that just didn't get off the ground, but I hung on to anyways. Feel free to read them, and PM me if you would like to continue one! Some of them will have familiar formats, but that's just how things work. I don't have the heart to delete these, so... ta-da!
Batman Rick Riordan and Related Fandoms Marvel Cinematic Universe Marvel Comics DCEU (Ish) DC Comics Arrow Flash Star Wars
Words: 52384, Chapters: 14/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Young Justice (Cartoon), Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Arrow (TV 2012), How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), Spider-Man - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types, captain america: the winter soldier - Fandom, The Trials of Apollo - Rick Riordan, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Rick Riordan, The Kane Chronicles - Rick Riordan, The Storm Runner Series - Jennifer Cervantes
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Bruce Wayne |Batman, Damian Wayne | Robin, Stephanie Brown | Spoiler, Cassandra Cain | Orphan, Jason Todd | Red Hood, Barbara Gordon | Oracle, Barbara Gordon | Batgirl, Jerry the Turkey (DCU), Alfred Pennyworth, Clark Kent | Kal-El | Superman, Oliver Queen | Arrow, Oliver Queen | Green Arrow, Kate Kane | Batwoman, Bette Kane | Hawkfire, Bette Kane | Batgirl, Carrie Kelly | Robin, Carrie Kelly | Catgirl, Cissie King-Jones | Arrowette, Talia al Ghul, Diana Prince | Wonderwoman, Barry Allen | Flash, Artemis Crock | Artemis, Artemis Crock | Tigress, Wally West | Kid Flash, Conner Kent | Kon-El | Superboy, Dick Grayson | Robin, M'gann M'orzz | Megan Morse | Miss Martian, Hal Jordon | Green Lantern, Dick Grayson | Nightwing, Clint Barton | Hawkeye, Clint Barton | Ronin, Laura Barton, Chiron (Percy Jackson), Steve Rogers | Captain America, Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Percy Jackson, Sadie Kane, Carter Kane, Original Female Character | Minor Greek Demigod, Original Female Character | Stormtrooper, Original Male Character | Stormtrooper, Thor (Marvel), Nico di Angelo, Apollo | Lester Papadopoulos, Meg McCaffrey, Paolo Montes, Tony Stark | Iron Man, Natasha Romanov | Black Widow, Will Solace, Jason Grace, Frank Zhang, Cooper Barton, Lila Barton, Nathaniel Pietro Barton, Alex Fierro, Magnus Chase, Piper McLean, Iris (Percy Jackson), Fleecy (Percy Jackson), Hazel Levesque, Talia, Felix (Kane Chronicles), Leo Valdez, Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Calypso (Percy Jackson), Nick Fury, Zane Obispo, James "Rhodey" Rhodes | War Machine, Lupa (Percy Jackson), Thomas Jefferson Jr. (Magnus Chase), Artemis (Percy Jackson), Gaea (Percy Jackson), Gaia (Percy Jackson), Loki (Marvel), Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Sam Wilson | Falcon, Walt Stone, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Astrid Hofferson, Toothless (How to Train Your Dragon), Stormfly (How to Train Your Dragon), Barf and Belch (How to Train Your Dragon), Tuffnut Thorston, Ruffnut Thorston, Fishlegs Ingerman, Snotlout Jorgenson, Meatlug (How to Train Your Dragon), Hookfang (How to Train Your Dragon), Stoick the Vast, Gobber the Belch, Roy Harper | Arsenal, Thea Queen | Speedy, Moira Queen, John Diggle | Spartan, Ray Palmer | Atom, Ted Grant | Wildcat, Laurel Lance | Black Canary, Lyla Michaels | Harbringer, Sin (Arrow), Slade Wilson | Deathstroke, Sara Lance | Canary, Sara Lance | White Canary, Sara Lance | Black Canary, Ra's al Ghul, Felicity Smoak | Overwatch, Quentin Lance, damian darhk, Malcom Meryln, Daniel Brickwell, Original Female Character | Vigilante, Robert Queen, Tommy Merlyn, Shado Gulong, Peter Parker | Wolf Spider, Maya Parker | Spider-Girl, Conner Parker | Spider-Boy, Peter Parker | Spider-Man, Gwen Stacy | Carnage, Peni Parker, SP//dr (Marvel), Paige Parker, Garfield Logan | Beast Boy, Bart Allen | Impulse, Jamie Reyes | Blue Bettle, Cassie Sandsmark | Wondergirl, Mal Duncan | Guardian, Karen Beecher | Bumblebee, Zatanna Zatara, Raquel Ervin | Rocket, Paula Crock | Tigress, Klarion (DCU), Teekl (DCU), Tula | Aquagirl, Kaldur'ahm | Aqualad, J'onn J'onzz | John Jones | Martian Manhunter, Arthur Curry | Aquaman, Petra Parker | Spidergirl, Jessica Drew | Spider-Woman, Julia Carpenter | Arachne, Arácnido Junior, Gwen Stacy | Ghost Spider, Miles Morales | Spider Boy, Madame Web, Night-Monkey, Original Female Character | Araignée
Relationships: Artemis Crock/Wally West, Clint Barton/Laura Barton, Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson, Jason Grace/Piper McLean, Hazel Levesque/Frank Zhang, Peter Parker/Gwen Stacy
Additional Tags: Court of Owls, Demigod! Clint Barton, Clint Barton son of Apollo, Demigod! Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers Son of Mercury, Greek!Clint, Roman!Steve, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, SHIELD, Quinjet, Barton Family Farmhouse, Traitor Stormtrooper, Orphaned Stories, Demigod! Nick Fury, Hydra, Hunters of Artemis (Percy Jackson), Waystation, Waystation Chair, Demigod! Zemo, Hive, League of Assassins - Freeform, The Avengers - Freeform, Modern Berk AU, Modern Berk AU With Dragons, Robert Queen Lives, Shado Gulong Lives, Evil! Peter Parker, Carnage! Gwen Stacy, Peter Parker's Twin, Hurt! Dick Grayson
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/39s1oDq
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by Eva (Flurkin)
Things that just didn't get off the ground, but I hung on to anyways. Feel free to read them, and PM me if you would like to continue one! Some of them will have familiar formats, but that's just how things work. I don't have the heart to delete these, so... ta-da!
Batman Rick Riordan and Related Fandoms Marvel Cinematic Universe Marvel Comics DCEU (Ish) DC Comics Arrow Flash Star Wars
Words: 52384, Chapters: 14/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Young Justice (Cartoon), Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Arrow (TV 2012), How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), Spider-Man - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types, captain america: the winter soldier - Fandom, The Trials of Apollo - Rick Riordan, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Rick Riordan, The Kane Chronicles - Rick Riordan, The Storm Runner Series - Jennifer Cervantes
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Bruce Wayne |Batman, Damian Wayne | Robin, Stephanie Brown | Spoiler, Cassandra Cain | Orphan, Jason Todd | Red Hood, Barbara Gordon | Oracle, Barbara Gordon | Batgirl, Jerry the Turkey (DCU), Alfred Pennyworth, Clark Kent | Kal-El | Superman, Oliver Queen | Arrow, Oliver Queen | Green Arrow, Kate Kane | Batwoman, Bette Kane | Hawkfire, Bette Kane | Batgirl, Carrie Kelly | Robin, Carrie Kelly | Catgirl, Cissie King-Jones | Arrowette, Talia al Ghul, Diana Prince | Wonderwoman, Barry Allen | Flash, Artemis Crock | Artemis, Artemis Crock | Tigress, Wally West | Kid Flash, Conner Kent | Kon-El | Superboy, Dick Grayson | Robin, M'gann M'orzz | Megan Morse | Miss Martian, Hal Jordon | Green Lantern, Dick Grayson | Nightwing, Clint Barton | Hawkeye, Clint Barton | Ronin, Laura Barton, Chiron (Percy Jackson), Steve Rogers | Captain America, Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Percy Jackson, Sadie Kane, Carter Kane, Original Female Character | Minor Greek Demigod, Original Female Character | Stormtrooper, Original Male Character | Stormtrooper, Thor (Marvel), Nico di Angelo, Apollo | Lester Papadopoulos, Meg McCaffrey, Paolo Montes, Tony Stark | Iron Man, Natasha Romanov | Black Widow, Will Solace, Jason Grace, Frank Zhang, Cooper Barton, Lila Barton, Nathaniel Pietro Barton, Alex Fierro, Magnus Chase, Piper McLean, Iris (Percy Jackson), Fleecy (Percy Jackson), Hazel Levesque, Talia, Felix (Kane Chronicles), Leo Valdez, Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Calypso (Percy Jackson), Nick Fury, Zane Obispo, James "Rhodey" Rhodes | War Machine, Lupa (Percy Jackson), Thomas Jefferson Jr. (Magnus Chase), Artemis (Percy Jackson), Gaea (Percy Jackson), Gaia (Percy Jackson), Loki (Marvel), Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Sam Wilson | Falcon, Walt Stone, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Astrid Hofferson, Toothless (How to Train Your Dragon), Stormfly (How to Train Your Dragon), Barf and Belch (How to Train Your Dragon), Tuffnut Thorston, Ruffnut Thorston, Fishlegs Ingerman, Snotlout Jorgenson, Meatlug (How to Train Your Dragon), Hookfang (How to Train Your Dragon), Stoick the Vast, Gobber the Belch, Roy Harper | Arsenal, Thea Queen | Speedy, Moira Queen, John Diggle | Spartan, Ray Palmer | Atom, Ted Grant | Wildcat, Laurel Lance | Black Canary, Lyla Michaels | Harbringer, Sin (Arrow), Slade Wilson | Deathstroke, Sara Lance | Canary, Sara Lance | White Canary, Sara Lance | Black Canary, Ra's al Ghul, Felicity Smoak | Overwatch, Quentin Lance, damian darhk, Malcom Meryln, Daniel Brickwell, Original Female Character | Vigilante, Robert Queen, Tommy Merlyn, Shado Gulong, Peter Parker | Wolf Spider, Maya Parker | Spider-Girl, Conner Parker | Spider-Boy, Peter Parker | Spider-Man, Gwen Stacy | Carnage, Peni Parker, SP//dr (Marvel), Paige Parker, Garfield Logan | Beast Boy, Bart Allen | Impulse, Jamie Reyes | Blue Bettle, Cassie Sandsmark | Wondergirl, Mal Duncan | Guardian, Karen Beecher | Bumblebee, Zatanna Zatara, Raquel Ervin | Rocket, Paula Crock | Tigress, Klarion (DCU), Teekl (DCU), Tula | Aquagirl, Kaldur'ahm | Aqualad, J'onn J'onzz | John Jones | Martian Manhunter, Arthur Curry | Aquaman, Petra Parker | Spidergirl, Jessica Drew | Spider-Woman, Julia Carpenter | Arachne, Arácnido Junior, Gwen Stacy | Ghost Spider, Miles Morales | Spider Boy, Madame Web, Night-Monkey, Original Female Character | Araignée
Relationships: Artemis Crock/Wally West, Clint Barton/Laura Barton, Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson, Jason Grace/Piper McLean, Hazel Levesque/Frank Zhang, Peter Parker/Gwen Stacy
Additional Tags: Court of Owls, Demigod! Clint Barton, Clint Barton son of Apollo, Demigod! Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers Son of Mercury, Greek!Clint, Roman!Steve, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, SHIELD, Quinjet, Barton Family Farmhouse, Traitor Stormtrooper, Orphaned Stories, Demigod! Nick Fury, Hydra, Hunters of Artemis (Percy Jackson), Waystation, Waystation Chair, Demigod! Zemo, Hive, League of Assassins - Freeform, The Avengers - Freeform, Modern Berk AU, Modern Berk AU With Dragons, Robert Queen Lives, Shado Gulong Lives, Evil! Peter Parker, Carnage! Gwen Stacy, Peter Parker's Twin, Hurt! Dick Grayson
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 4 years
Orphaned Stories
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2xwBn8K
by Eva (Flurkin)
Things that just didn't get off the ground, but I hung on to anyways. Feel free to read them, and PM me if you would like to continue one! Some of them will have familiar formats, but that's just how things work. I don't have the heart to delete these, so... ta-da!
Batman Rick Riordan and Related Fandoms Marvel Cinematic Universe Marvel Comics DCEU (Ish) DC Comics Arrow Flash Star Wars
Words: 15969, Chapters: 6/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Young Justice (Cartoon), Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Arrow (TV 2012), How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), Spider-Man - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types, captain america: the winter soldier - Fandom, The Trials of Apollo - Rick Riordan, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Rick Riordan, The Kane Chronicles - Rick Riordan, The Storm Runner Series - Jennifer Cervantes
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Bruce Wayne |Batman, Damian Wayne | Robin, Stephanie Brown | Spoiler, Cassandra Cain | Orphan, Jason Todd | Red Hood, Barbara Gordon | Oracle, Barbara Gordon | Batgirl, Jerry the Turkey (DCU), Alfred Pennyworth, Clark Kent | Kal-El | Superman, Oliver Queen | Arrow, Oliver Queen | Green Arrow, Kate Kane | Batwoman, Bette Kane | Hawkfire, Bette Kane | Batgirl, Carrie Kelly | Robin, Carrie Kelly | Catgirl, Cissie King-Jones | Arrowette, Talia al Ghul, Diana Prince | Wonderwoman, Barry Allen | Flash, Artemis Crock | Artemis, Artemis Crock | Tigress, Wally West | Kid Flash, Conner Kent | Kon-El | Superboy, Dick Grayson | Robin, M'gann M'orzz | Megan Morse | Miss Martian, Hal Jordon | Green Lantern, Dick Grayson | Nightwing, Clint Barton | Hawkeye, Clint Barton | Ronin, Laura Barton, Chiron (Percy Jackson), Steve Rogers | Captain America, Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Percy Jackson, Sadie Kane, Carter Kane, Original Female Character | Minor Greek Demigod, Original Female Character | Stormtrooper, Original Male Character | Stormtrooper, Thor (Marvel), Nico di Angelo, Apollo | Lester Papadopoulos, Meg McCaffrey, Paolo Montes, Tony Stark | Iron Man, Natasha Romanov | Black Widow, Will Solace, Jason Grace, Frank Zhang, Cooper Barton, Lila Barton, Nathaniel Pietro Barton, Alex Fierro, Magnus Chase, Piper McLean, Iris (Percy Jackson), Fleecy (Percy Jackson), Hazel Levesque, Talia, Felix (Kane Chronicles), Leo Valdez, Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Calypso (Percy Jackson), Nick Fury, Zane Obispo, James "Rhodey" Rhodes | War Machine, Lupa (Percy Jackson), Thomas Jefferson Jr. (Magnus Chase), Artemis (Percy Jackson), Gaea (Percy Jackson), Gaia (Percy Jackson), Loki (Marvel), Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Sam Wilson | Falcon, Walt Stone, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Astrid Hofferson, Toothless (How to Train Your Dragon), Stormfly (How to Train Your Dragon), Barf and Belch (How to Train Your Dragon), Tuffnut Thorston, Ruffnut Thorston, Fishlegs Ingerman, Snotlout Jorgenson, Meatlug (How to Train Your Dragon), Hookfang (How to Train Your Dragon), Stoick the Vast, Gobber the Belch, Roy Harper | Arsenal, Thea Queen | Speedy, Moira Queen, John Diggle | Spartan, Ray Palmer | Atom, Ted Grant | Wildcat, Laurel Lance | Black Canary, Lyla Michaels | Harbringer, Sin (Arrow), Slade Wilson | Deathstroke, Sara Lance | Canary, Sara Lance | White Canary, Sara Lance | Black Canary, Ra's al Ghul, Felicity Smoak | Overwatch, Quentin Lance, damian darhk, Malcom Meryln, Daniel Brickwell, Original Female Character | Vigilante, Robert Queen, Tommy Merlyn, Shado Gulong, Peter Parker | Wolf Spider, Maya Parker | Spider-Girl, Conner Parker | Spider-Boy, Peter Parker | Spider-Man, Gwen Stacy | Carnage, Peni Parker, SP//dr (Marvel), Paige Parker, Garfield Logan | Beast Boy, Bart Allen | Impulse, Jamie Reyes | Blue Bettle, Cassie Sandsmark | Wondergirl, Mal Duncan | Guardian, Karen Beecher | Bumblebee, Zatanna Zatara, Raquel Ervin | Rocket, Paula Crock | Tigress, Klarion (DCU), Teekl (DCU), Tula | Aquagirl, Kaldur'ahm | Aqualad, J'onn J'onzz | John Jones | Martian Manhunter, Arthur Curry | Aquaman, Petra Parker | Spidergirl, Jessica Drew | Spider-Woman, Julia Carpenter | Arachne, Arácnido Junior, Gwen Stacy | Ghost Spider, Miles Morales | Spider Boy, Madame Web, Night-Monkey, Original Female Character | Araignée
Relationships: Artemis Crock/Wally West, Clint Barton/Laura Barton, Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson, Jason Grace/Piper McLean, Hazel Levesque/Frank Zhang, Peter Parker/Gwen Stacy
Additional Tags: Court of Owls, Demigod! Clint Barton, Clint Barton son of Apollo, Demigod! Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers Son of Mercury, Greek!Clint, Roman!Steve, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, SHIELD, Quinjet, Barton Family Farmhouse, Traitor Stormtrooper, Orphaned Stories, Demigod! Nick Fury, Hydra, Hunters of Artemis (Percy Jackson), Waystation, Waystation Chair, Demigod! Zemo, Hive, League of Assassins - Freeform, The Avengers - Freeform, Modern Berk AU, Modern Berk AU With Dragons, Robert Queen Lives, Shado Gulong Lives, Evil! Peter Parker, Carnage! Gwen Stacy, Peter Parker's Twin, Hurt! Dick Grayson
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2xwBn8K
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