#manhunt wardogs
prayantis · 2 years
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On my cash and Ramirez being besties in the military shit and bonus, reuniting pals 💖
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deadpuppetboi · 8 months
So you think manhunt gangs would come together for movie marathon, Which movies do you think would be each gang's favorite?
I've tried hard to have to make this as accurate as possible, knowing their erratic personalities and such.
The Hoodz - Heat (1995)
Various movies encapsulate not only a bank robbery but how intense a shootout is such as Heat.
The Hoodz have had their fair share of bank robberies (even the ones with a badge) and have had times where they didn't know if they were going to make it. They take notes but share a good beer while at it, reminiscing on the ‘good old times.’
The Innocentz - Scarface (1983)
This movie has it all.
Drugs, gang wars, corruption, death, murder, and the disillusionment of The American Dream. Coming from immigrant parents or being immigrants themselves, The Innocentz (or some of them) found themselves in Tony Montana’s shoes. They want to hit it big and become the next drug lord like that one guy in Liberty City. Then again, they all love to reference ‘Say hello to my little friend’ whenever they watch the movie and laugh about it like the coked-up druggies they are.
The Smileys - The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland (1999)
The image of them SCREAMING at the screen in complete despair over Elmo losing his blanket is something I can see them doing.
It's what I did when I was younger so I can see every member doing the same and cursing any other character who bothered Elmo in the slightest. They take their valuables very seriously, especially Barry who holds his ‘daughters’ close to his heart, threatening anyone who dares to even touch them.
The Wardogs - All Quiet On The Western Front (1930)
There's a scene where the main character Paul is asked by his Professor to tell young men about his heroism and patriotism when he served in the war. At first Paul is hesitant as he has so words to say before he finally tells them the truth. The real truth. There is death. There is murder. There is no mercy. That is all.
“It’s dirty and painful to die for your country.”
And everyone calls him a traitor, a coward, an embarrassment of a soldier who should be proud to serve his country.
It's an anti-war movie, sure, but it stays with The Wardogs constantly even when they remember walking back to their hometowns after serving their time overseas.
Cerberus - Se7en (1995)
Let's be honest, these guys have faced the worst of the worst in their line of work.
They may work with Starkweather but they work with all sorts of stupid rich assholes who cause even the worst of crimes to each other. All because of the dumbest feuds, the mishandling of expensive products, and the greed of collecting the greens. Se7en displays a world they've seen countless times whether it be in their ‘normal’ job or the job they take shooting down who is against their boss. They’ve seen detectives look too far into their work, serial killers who tore into men/women/children for their sick desires, innocent people in the wrong place and time, and watch as the life in their lives fades away.
So a serial killer who bases his killings on the seven deadly sins is not far from what Cerberus has faced by far.
CCPD - Maniac Cop (1988)
Sometimes these guys watch even the most ridiculous films centered around cops just for the hell of it.
Whether it be for fun, to live through a power fantasy, or even just to watch countless people (innocent or not) die in horrific ways, it's still a classic for the whole precinct to watch this movie or watch the series in general. Watching a dead cop go on a killing spree across New York City while simultaneously setting fear into the hearts of men and women alike just brings absolute joy to the gang as a whole.
It's a classic, classics never die.
SWAT - Falling Down (1993)
All it takes is one bad day.
I’m sure that rigorous training, having to support a family with blood money, having to work with a very disgusting man who runs a snuff film industry, and having to kill people whether they were innocent or not will demonstrate some problems.
You get frustrated.
You want to be able to have things go your way but you can't and everyone looks at you like you’re selfish for it. You want to have a normal life and have a normal family outing but you’re plagued with images of corpses being rigorously shot at a far or close distance, their insides painting the walls. You feel like you’re going to lose it by your wife asking for more money, your kids wanting a new toy, or even the traffic blocking your way to your ‘regular’ job. You're going to lose your mind and you’re one bad thing away from grabbing that gun and letting lose on everyone who ever put their doubt into you.
But give the SWAT some credit, at least they have each other to vent out their frustrations when the pressure becomes too much.
The Skinz - None
No one asked them. No one likes them. They weren't even invited. If they rode up they’d be met with a rain of bullets.
The Camheadz - 8mm (1999)
This movie is about a snuff film.
I mean, I feel like this gang in particular plays a huge part in Mr. Nasty’s snuff films not because their heads are cameras but because I feel like each one of them has a distinct style in general.
Like, one wants to go after women, another goes after men, another the homeless, and so on. They all have their tapes, each inserted into their camera heads to record their best moments and to either save for themselves or to sell for a few more bucks. But let's be honest, they keep the tapes for themselves, just for personal reasons.
So to have a film perfectly demonstrates their lifestyle, even if it doesn't get everything right, it does play well into how deprived human beings can be just to get what they want.
The Clownz - It (1990)
I mean, duh, what else would they watch?
They saw the miniseries and studied the book like it was the Bible just to increase their obsession like the white-painted fiends that they are. Speaking out lines from the alien creature clown itself to either scare children or grown men alike.
We all float down here, Cash.
The Jury - Punishment Park (1971)
Imagine a world during the Vietnam War when President Nixon decreed that those who were ‘anti-war’ would be detained and forced to either spend time in jail or spend three days out in the desert being hunted down by police so that they may reclaim their so-called ‘freedom.’
That is Punishment Park.
A pseudo-documentary film that was highly controversial for its political views but is now highly regarded for taking a stance against the government. It seems like the kind of movie for The Jury knowing how they seem to take the law into their hands, display their political views, and see the movie like the manhunts they frequently did.
The Lost - Dark Days (2000)
Numerous movies depict the harsh and despairing reality of homelessness for those who are homeless.
It's a cold reality that millions of people face from the most remote or even the most popular of places. Always forgotten, always left behind, and always left in the dark. The Lost can heavily relate to this scenario not only because of the various reasons why and how they became the way they are and how. It's a normal day and night for Carcer City, just as bland and bleak as it has always been.
They can only dream of becoming as rich as Starkweather is but they’ll accept what they’re given, they don't have a choice.
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valiantvideo · 1 year
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manhuntingbonanza · 1 year
Even though a majority voted that there couldn’t be any surviving gang members post-Manhunt 1, but I love to make up connections between the two games as I go, so here are my headcanons of the supposed sole survivors!!
- In addition to working alongside Starkweather, Mr Nasty was doing business with Dr. Pickman and the Project. Pickman would buy all the equipment that were used by the Pervs in their dungeon from Mr Nasty and Valiant Enterprises.
- Mr Nasty also used to occasionally host “morgue parties” as side business. Donald Love used to be one of his finest guests.
- After the Wapona Hills incident, Mr Nasty fled the scene and temporarily moved his business to Cottonmouth. After Daniel was caught, the turmoil emerging in Cottonmouth lead to increased sales in the black market overall. It turned out to be good for business, as far as Mr Nasty was concerned.
- The surviving Wardogs members sought refuge in Cottonmouth. Luckily, they bonded rather quickly with the Bloodhounds for being gung-go and gun-loving!
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jimothy-hopkins · 2 years
Nah cause, y’all know the hobo we learn fight moves from?
Well, what if perhaps, in a manhunt/bully crossover, he helps the boys fend off the Wardogs despite also being a veteran? I don’t know this had just been dwelling in my brain for a hot minute.
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trashyslashers · 2 years
If you don't mind me asking; who are your least favorite characters from Manhunt 1 and 2? For me, it's:
Manhunt 1: Skinz (naturally), Ramirez (annoying boss battle), the cops, the SWAT team and Starweather
Manhunt 2: Pickman
We have similar opinions!
The Skinz are without a doubt my most disliked characters (honestly, I'm not sure if anyone really likes them lmao), followed by the Babyfaces (I don't mind the Skullz one bit, but I cannot stand the Babyfaces), the Wardogs (mostly Ramirez; he's such a dick), and.... Starkweather. I have a love-hate relationship with him; I love him as an antagonist and much of his overall character, but I hate his betrayal to Cash. But also, without him, Cash probably would've actually been executed, and never got his second chance. Very mixed feelings on him!
And from 2, I actually really dislike most of the Dixmor orderlies - it's been awhile since I've played 2 but I remember some of their lines were just downright awful about patients, and as the wiki states, many were physically abusive towards them. Also the Bloodhouds as they're, uh, a bit too similar to the Skinz for my liking lmao.
And, yes, Pickman as well. I'm happy Danny had at least one doctor (Whyte) who tried to actually help him, because Pickman sure as hell didn't.
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hauntopia · 5 years
Use it wisely, u only got one spank
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xundeadqueenx · 2 years
I love the different brutality degrees in the Manhunt executions as well!
Though I almost always go for the quickest one (white) because I don't trust myself to not get spotted 😭
What's your favorite group of hunters?
None of them, Im too busy killing them XD
Though if I HAD to pick it would be Wardogs, and only because their leaders name is Ramirez, and every time I here that name I just get flashbacks to Modern Warfare XD
You try getting the red executions as they are usually the most brutal
Now, whats YOUR favorite group of hunters
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less-bumbling · 2 years
Since this blog is about Manhunt at the moment; What do you think is the most messed up gang in both games? (Manhunt 1 & 2)
Like, which ones are the ones that get under your skin? Or what makes them different from the rest that makes them messed up? And so on.
Asking the big questions here...
I love it! 😄😄 Keep 'em coming!
There are plenty to go around, so it's under the cut.
These are the gangs that stick out to me the most, for different reasons.
Manhunt 1:
The Innocents The Babyfaces in particular. Half of them are fucking pedos.
The Smileys I can't help but to feel for those guys. They might be vicious killers, but they represent some of the most vulnerable groups of people in society. And scumbags like Starkweather are taking advantage of them.
The Carcer City Police Department As fas as I know, they believed Gary Schaffer's lie about Cash being a homeless drug addict. And they are hunting him down because of it?! It's terrifyingly realistic-
Manhunt 2:
The Pervs This has got to be one of the sickest, most twisted and out of pocket group I've ever come across in the Manhuntverse! 😆😆
The Watchdogs I dunno why, but they feel similar to the Cerberus team. Which I find really enjoyable.
The Bloodhounds Their getups are mainly for shock value, I think. They're so unintentionally funny that I can't help but to love them. I think they're a mix of the Skinz and Wardogs (mainly the latter).
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bumblingbee1 · 2 years
I know no one asked, but Manhunt brainrot go brr.
Blorbo rating below the cut
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most):
Daniel Lamb, hands down. That’s my guy! I just think he’s neat ☺️
--------------------- scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped):
None whatsoever. Jokes aside, there is no such thing as scrunkly in the Manhunt universe.
---------------------------------- scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave):
Manhunt 1: The reporter.
Manhunt 2: Dr Laura Whyte and Dr Judy Sender.
----------------------------------- glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week):
Manhunt 1: The reporter. The moment I first saw her, I was impressed by her determination.
Manhunt 2: Dr Laura Whyte and Dr Judy Sender. They seemed to know much more than they let on, especially Judy.
------------------------------------ poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): 
Daniel. While he’s my only blorbo in the entire Manhunt duology, he’s still pathetic (and problematic) enough to qualify.
James Earl Cash. Slippery bastard. I can’t even imagine what landed him on death row in the first place. Given how he’s good at what he does in the game, I’m not sure if I even want to imagine.
I guess Leo could qualify too. He’s between this area and “horse plinko”. Closest to the latter, though.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): 
LEO!! I’d give anything to mess with that bastard just for the fun of it. I wanna study him and do research on him!
As for hunters: The Bloodhounds, the Watchdogs, the Hoods, the Wardogs and the Cerberus team. They’re all too funny for me to hate, despite them all being a huge pain in my ass.
-------------------------------------- eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell):
Starkweather and Pickman. They’re literally to blame for everything. I despise the former and I don’t trust the latter.
Also, the rest of the hunters. I don’t find them funny enough for the horse plinko.
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elizapdushku · 3 years
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Manhunt, 2003 #manhunt #rockstargames #jamesearlcash #lionelstarkweather #ramirez #wardogs #hoods #joe #mike #zed #vince #duke #carl #themonkeys #cerberus #skinz #smileys #fug #barry #ccpd #garyschaffer #theinnocentz #adam #jules #rico #skull #craigconner #fridaygaming #gamesilove #favouritegames https://www.instagram.com/p/CPtvXV3Miir/?utm_medium=tumblr
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prayantis · 2 years
Hey How you doing Hope that you are okay^^,i thinked what you think that is cash opinion's about the gangs since he is almost mute lol
Thank you!! I’m fine, just recovering from being sick lol!!
The hoods
Kidding kidding, but Cash doesn’t think much of them
Literally just some guys who are all bark and no bite
(Off topic but even the fandom has widely forgotten them)
The Skinz
With Cash being the Hispanic king he is, he doesn’t like them
Let’s be honest we don’t like them either
The Skullyz
Literally just Mexican guys with weapons
The drugs are cool n all but Cash did enough drugs in college
Thinks the Satan worshipping is weird but at least they believe in something
The babyfaces
Most of them could do with a visit to darkwoods penitentiary asylum section
Except for that ONE pedo guy
Cash would kill him again
The wardogs
Crazy fuckers
Just weirdos who need a better hobby than just militarism and American propaganda
“When Ramírez said he’d built a team one day this is NOT what I had this mind!”
Secretly judges them for listening to Ramírez’s crazy ass
The Smileys
Knew some of them during his stay in darkwood
Thinks they could’ve changed if they had gotten the help they needed
But Jesus are do they love violence-
S. W. A. T. / Carer City Police
Knew there was a good reason not to like cops
Yk besides them locking him in a cage-
Cash could’ve told you they were corrupted years ago
Spits on a dead one for his revenge on cops
“You know cops are the biggest gang allowed.”
Fucking dicks
Been hating on them from the moment they beat him up
AND for not letting the man leave to freedom
They did NOT have to gang up on Cash every damn time
Got what they deserved
*Cerberus members screaming* “that’s the sound of motherfucking justice.”
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deadpuppetboi · 8 months
How do you think manhunt 1 gangs celebrate their member's birthday? (Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!)
Wrote a lot about this specific topic, pretty proud of myself for this one.
The Hoodz - Late Night Bar
There are plenty of bars within Carcer City that are relatively bland as they are decent.
Plenty of times The Hoodz have had their chance to visit and usually mark their territory. But there were plenty of other bars far from Carcer’s cold and decrepit claws without the sign of a gang in sight. Bars they only go to at a member’s birthday, late into the night, drinking cold beers and watching the game to pass the time. Forget their lives, forget their secret lives, and forget Starkweather’s hellish demands for another film.
They have a game to catch up on.
The Innocentz - CARNE ASADAS BABYYY‼️‼️‼️
Stay up till dawn, drink until they pass out, music blasting, drugs galore, and that one member sleeping on top of five chairs.
To Hell with what the neighbors have to say, they were all going to party until they die. Singing their favorite songs in their drunken haze while they grill and eat to their heart’s content. They broke property, they screamed until their voices gave out, they danced until they dropped, and they laughed about the good times and bad. It shouldn't be a surprise that a huge mess would come by morning, but no one cared, they had the time of their lives.
Hangovers aside, they slept well throughout the day.
The Smileys - Makeshift birthday party
If there are two things a Smiley knows best, it would be screaming about what’s in their mind and knowing the very day they were born.
Everyone the most deranged Smiley knew their birthday and did everything in their power to make sure everyone knew that. With their handmade party decorations, their haphazard table arrangements, and their shockingly decent cooking skills; A birthday party is made. Besides the constant harassment of every other member BEGGING to have a slice of the cake or to tear open a present, they all anxiously stood around for the birthday kid to show up and finally indulge. And while their rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’ could make The Hill Sisters themselves turn in their graves, it was pleasing enough for the birthday kid to blow out their candles and celebrate another year of madness and chaos alike.
And while they might as well have given themselves food poisoning, they enjoyed the gesture.
The Wardogs - Campfire
Far from the constant bustling crime-ridden Carcer City lay the woods.
There's a specific spot neither empty nor filled with trees, the ground dug out with use with one spot in particular surrounded by large rocks. Chopped wood is thrown in, and carefully lit, a fire burns, chairs are set up, whiskey is shared around, and they start to talk. Birthday Boy talks of good and bad times spent during his service, same with the gang, explaining how beforehand he didn't have much of a purpose until Ramírez came over to put him in the right direction. Put him out of the constant cycle of regret, give him a real reason to get up in the morning, and show him there's more to life than sticking a needle up his arm for a quick high.
He wouldn't have anyone to talk to if it weren't for The Wardogs, but he prefers it that way.
Cerberus - The Big Game
Away from Carcer City, stood a stadium that hoisted a big game that stood the test of time.
He wouldn't know how they did it, but they did, they managed to get the tickets themselves. Whether they bribed or killed the men who paid for those tickets, it didn't matter, they had front-row seats to watch everything go down. The screams from fans alike, the consumption of cheap greasy junk food, and the cheers of announcers brought the gang to their feet as they cried out for their team to win and the other to go home. Birthday boy is the loudest as he sees his favorite player run and dodge each of the opposing team’s players and quickly make it to the goal.
Away from the stress of their job, the men cheered once more as they finally saw their team win.
CCPD - Good Cop Bad Cop
Usually, the men in blue of Carcer City would get away with everything.
And it's true, they do get away with everything, most of the time that is. But there are specific days that are special and held dear to the hearts of the men in blue. A birthday party is held within the precinct, cheers are said and cold drinks are shared amongst everyone. A cake is cut and pieces are shared all around, talking about the individual’s past achievements and future goals.
And the criminal is set up, likely a gang member of whatever variety, sitting in the room for however long to bore them. The door is open, the man of the hour walks in and locks the door behind him.
There's a tense silence.
“I don't think you’re telling me the truth.”
Whether or not the accused is telling the truth or not doesn't matter, the man in blue takes out his baton and demonstrates it to the accuser. The ‘guilty’ looks on with worry, unsure of what's to be done and before they can speak, the baton swings and connects to their face.
They fall over their chair, still handcuffed and without warning another swing is made and hits them hard and fast. The other men in blue watch on through the camera, laughing as the accuser puts up their hands to try to protect themselves. No matter if they confess or not, the man of the hour keeps on beating, screaming out with authority, and demanding for any kind of evidence to be presented to him.
It's a good day to be a good cop, but it's a great day to be a bad one.
SWAT - Grilling
A nice old grill can take the ease off of anything for these guys.
Cool beers being shared, wives inside talking gossip, kids running inside and out playing games, and just overall a good time.
Families joined together, sharing a pleasant and normal day in celebration of one of the member’s birthdays. Cheesy singing, classic talks about their past endeavors, bragging about their kid’s accomplishments, and a loving kiss from their wives. Just one day to forget the troubles of their jobs and enjoy a day out with their families like a typical American outing.
That's all they ever wanted.
The Skinz - Hunting
A weekend off into the woods does great things for a man, especially for a hunter.
Guns of various types, deep talks about the political climate and how this generation has become ‘soft,’ alcohol bought and shared, and laughs all around. The beauty of hunting is that the targets don't know what's coming to them. To have to wait hours on end, dressed in full camouflage, guns drawn, eye through the scope, and finger on the trigger.
Eye right on target.
They could be stalking, sleeping, speaking, or having the time of their lives, but they would never expect a bullet to get shot right through them.
They scatter, of course, screaming out in fear over the sudden burst of blood and innards from their friend. Their body falls, hitting the campfire and scorching their corpse upon impact, and the birthday boy yelps in joy as do the other members.
What a hunt this’ll be!
The Camheadz - Movies
Each member has a movie.
They have a specific routine when it's a member’s special day. The birthday boy gets the message that his gift is ready, and he prepares himself, saying his excuses to his loved ones before he makes his way to his car to drive off. His once pleasant smile slowly turned down and blank, his mind running with many possibilities as he drove from the once bustling city into the damp and cold city that was Carcer.
It was a run-down building where they parked behind, stepped out, and looked at the broken sign of what used to be. He walks over toward the rusty door, carrying a large bag, and nonchalantly knocks on the door at a certain pace.
It took a few seconds before another round of knocks came through.
The man knocks back once again and the door opens, letting him inside. He walks without much of a problem, keeping his face calm as he sets everything together within a blank room with nothing but a table in the middle. He set his bag on top of the table and took out his things, changing his regular clothes for the black suit within. Once done, he dawns on the one important thing that will guarantee his entrance and see his gift.
The mask is simple yet extravagant in a way that differs from all the other gangs.
Wires accompany the black box inside and out, the lenses capturing the front view as the screws kept the mask altogether.Putting it on was a difficult but pleasing task, not only covering his face but his identity as a whole. No one will see who he is as he wouldn't see the others for who they are.
It was simple, it was perfect, and as soon as he became his true self the door from afar opened.
A familiar figure stood within the doorway, his head being of another camera similar to his own. He walked back to let the birthday boy inside, their steps cold and calculated as the sounds of a film being played were overheard. At the end of the hallway stood a single steel door that upon opening showcased everyone else.
The room was like a makeshift theatre, fold-up chairs held up and many members sitting down upon them, every one of them looked upon the wall where a movie was played on a projector upon a white sheet of fabric. Walking over towards the projector, the birthday boy looks on as the ‘movie’ played.
It was beautiful.
A story played out by a normal citizen minding their business, likely living their mundane life without noticing that they were being followed. The film goes on without much change other than the fact that the individual’s behavior seems to change over time. At the start, they seemed normal (almost boring) before it continued with them getting worried, their anxieties getting to them as their movements become rushed and erratic.
Before long their heads snap from one corner to the next before they eventually match up to the viewer, their conflicted looks then turned horrified. And without warning, the viewer (or the cameraman actually) runs straight towards them, the scene changing to a sudden chase. There are rushed footsteps, screaming, items thrown and broken, and even distorted images of the individual raising their hands for protection.
The film stops, another figure comes up and takes out the tape, and gives it to the birthday boy.
The birthday boy takes it and inserts it into their mask, pressing the correct buttons known by pure reflex and allowing the tape to be connected to him. He was then led to another room, a door opening to showcase a particular situation, one all too familiar but all too pleasurable.
The same individual in the film was in the room, tied up and screaming to be let go and that they swear to God Himself they wouldn't tell anyone. They were oddly dressed properly with bandages wrapped around their wounds then messed up with their constant moving around. Tears streamed down their face as they kept begging, their screams echoing throughout the room as they watched the birthday boy come close, brandishing their weapon.
A nailed bat.
The others watch the screen, looking on with eagerness as they watch in real-time as the birthday boy lands one of many beatings upon the individual. Their screams add to the film, the blood contrasts with the white of the room, and the camerawork is a phenomenon.
It's such a beautiful film, a classic in the making, truly.
The Jury - Racing
There are plenty of members who have interests that differentiate them, but a large majority of them love cars.
They brag about them, clean them, update them, and even treat them like they are an actual person. Pure beauty and love are poured into the large metal boxes as well as racing down the empty and tattered roads that were Carcer City. And as ‘law-abiding’ as they are they can see how much fun it can be to bend or even break the rules ever now and then.
They zoom past, screaming and yelling out cheers as the birthday boy calls out in excitement. Cheering out as they step on the gas and go way past the speed limit, feeling the car buckle harshly in contact with someone. The body breaking apart and crumbles under the pressure, bones snapping and skin tearing as they lie in a complete heap. They moan, groan, and hiss in agony, their adrenaline on overdrive as their mind struggled to get themselves off the ground.
They were in pain but at the same time, they weren't.
The birthday boy turns their car over, yelling out with joy as the others cheer him on to keep going. ‘The bastard is still breathing, get him, dammit, you're almost there!’ The car rumbled in response to the cheers, the engine jumping and revving up before the wheels churned and rushed over in a rage.
The figure, the criminal, the bastard cried out as the front of the car zoomed in and got closer by each second.
Despite the blood and guts, this birthday couldn't have been any better for the birthday boy because of the durability and beauty of their car.
The Lost - Feast
They don't have enough money.
They wear tattered overlayered clothes, brush back their oily hair, build uneven shelters, and eat uneaten food thrown in the garbage. It wasn't a proper lifestyle, a disgusting one in fact, but it was enough for them to survive. And even with those disgusting films, The Director sets them up with they just trudge on and get some sense of normality by being paid.
So when it's one of the members’ birthdays, one they kept track of through an overused calendar, they try their best to make due.
They set up a comfy setting, bring out a wine bottle, take out a bit of their money to spend on a great present, and have a good time. It's not perfect, even their boss BinBag complains about it before he takes a swing at his bottle and laughs at how cheap it tastes. Nonetheless, he makes a toast, not just for their need to survive but the fact that they’re one more year closer to death.
He was always strange but the others accepted it, just for the sake of taking in their drink to get through the cold night.
They don't have that much at all but they have enough.
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prayantis · 2 years
So hey lol,Sorry to bother you but i remember cash basically kill all Hunter from all gangs but in divided they fall you can still hear gunshots when cash is running away so can you do a hcs for why cash didn't killed all the wardogs? And i love your content❤️ made me play manhunt and Bully again
First off, THANK YOU FOR UR KIND WORDS I TRY secondly, this is my time being requested hcs so bare with me!!
Cash isn’t a outwardly violent man unless you come at him first
Cash by this point is just so over this game that they’re playing
Cash had also killed THEIR LEADER which they wouldn’t be too happy about
The Wardogs as well to Cash are just kinda, weirdos with too much free time, not very scrumbaggy compared to the other gangs
Cash was also exhausted from all the killing he had to do beforehand since this whole game takes place in one night guys-
AKA Cash says fuck it, and just bails
By this time it’s either, take on 15 rage filled military men or run away
Considering Cash was also part of the military he just has a little bit of a bias to NOT fuck them up if they’re not fucking Jim up
Plus with Ramírez and Cash’s shared past and the fact that Cash shot him-
He feels like it’s the least he could really do since Ramirez was his friend at one point
Then Robin rolls up and Cash is like “damn okay”
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prayantis · 2 years
Okay new Manhunt lore idea
Cash and Ramírez when they were younger used to be in the army together and were besties. Then Cash is dishonorably discharged (dramatic ripping of the name tag ensues) due to a misunderstanding or something like that, Ramírez is doing that “I’m disappointed” and leaves while Cash is scrambling to explain the situation. Cash has to turn to other ways to make money causing his criminal record, and Ramírez hates his guts for “betraying” America (hawk sounds)
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prayantis · 2 years
Realized that cash and Ramirez First interaction was Ramirez kicking the shit out of cash,must been a suprise seing your old army friend and the First he does is choking you LOL
Cash: Ramírez??
Ramírez: *starts choking him out*
Cash, through chokes: is this cause I said I didn’t like Thomas Jefferson-
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